Confessions of a Market Agnostic

Yes.  It’s true.  I play both long (going up) positions and short (going down) plays. Remarkably, I make money either way things run.

It’s kinda like being a banker:  If things go well, they make money on interest.  If things go badly, they repossess assets and sell them off – oftentimes billing for any shortfalls, so they always make money.

The way we play the markets around here is similarly “direction independent.”  Which is why our news analysis is often spot-on:  We don’t have any interest in making a “logical case” one way, or the other.

Life is what it is.

Besides a relaxing summer weekend of considering this “heads you lose, tails I win” kind of approach, we’ll sort through the usual few headlines.  But the ChartPack, will be an eye-opener for many.  We play volatility and not direction.  Partisanship has been on the skids for a long time.

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55 thoughts on “Confessions of a Market Agnostic”

  1. “Stories like ‘There’s a Recession Coming’: The Rich Rush to Offload Luxury Properties ( along with the Washington Post report on how The job market is beginning to show cracks, about seals the deal.”

    After deregulation and the abandonment of US Industry.. detroit died and became the cesspool we see today.. they started the homestead act there to repurpose the derelict abandoned mansions and other buildings…
    the boss and I watched a show that was basically them showing the homes.. there was one.. a thousand dollars for a multi million dollar what once was a beautiful house.. I said dam we should go get the thing.. but you had to put so many dollars per year in repairs to get it back to what it was..and for a bottom feeder that isn’t possible neither is it to someone working an hourly job..
    a friend that lived there dumped their home and moved to the wastelands because they couldn’t find work that would even pay the taxes.. not to mention the high crime rates in the city..

    • Taxes are usually not bad. The real killer with most of these properties, in any town in the nation, is they are either locally or nationally “historically significant.” Many of those Detroit mansions are on the National Register of Historic Places.

      Aside from bringing a house up to current code WRT gas/oil, plumbing, and electricity (the things which don’t show) you cannot replace a window sill unless you match the original material and shape (this means “ashes for ashes,” “hickory for hickory,” or my favorite, “walnut for walnut.” That southern yellow pine sill plate ain’t gonna cut it, so instead of the sill costing $20 and being replaced in an hour, it’s going to cost $300 and take several weeks to replace, because some hardwood sawmill or custom cabinet shop is going to have to make it. When you could build a 2000 sq.ft. house in my area for $20k, you could expect to pay damn’ near nothing for a rundown mansion, but $80k to make it livable, whilst enduring frequent, intrusive visits from the local historical preservationists (who were too busy to buy the house themselves, but not so busy they’d not be able to come by and check your work every 2-3 days.)

  2. Strange thoughts …

    Been watching the Gottard Tunnel Ceremony again, and wonder what the hell does all that got to do with a train tunnel ?? Then I noticed the underwear people reminded me of liberals … hmmm. So what’s up with the orange jumpsuit folks? Double, hmmm ?? Strife and conflict?

    Guy beating on metal suspended metal plates … Slavery ??

    Going through a tunnel – darkness, secrets. Train – the movement.

    While the Watcher, watches … and in other videos, the screen at the entrance shows a guy with an ax pick hacking away … at our Society ??

    Wondering if it’s not all a metaphor for the global left agenda being played out in a very abstract manner. Little present and future telling.

    Don’t mean to sound psycho, but considering who was in attendance and what played out, compared to what IS playing out in the world, seems similar to my sometimes deranged mind. Lol.

    • OMG ….

      Not just beyond “STRANGE” … but bordering on the “EVIL PORTAL” dynamic that Manfred Zimmel has talked about for years that the Gottard Tunnel was opening up.

      Zimmel is one strange dude … who in his financial projection work relies upon the work of Religious Texts of various religions including the OLD Prophets of ALL the religions, the great non-religious prophets who have lived, AND the entire historic Catholic Belief System in Demons and Angels, Possession, and Evil Places. You might dismiss his as “Crazy” … but using his very different views of the world, life, and existence he has been the most successful prognosticator of market movements for most of the last 15 years (he only markets his services to the BIG boys, NOT the general public … his lowest tier fee a few years back when a friend inquired was $50,000/yr and from there it scaled up to $500,000/yr PLUS a hefty amount if you wanted to ask questions, I think my friend told me it was $5000/hr to $10,000/hr)

      I have read Zimmel’s free stuff for years, not too many people do, it truly is strange stuff -about 500 worldwide is his “free” subscriber base he recently said – but after years of reading him, and growing older and seeing things that could NOT be explained by our understanding of the natural world, I am not as inclined as I once was to automatically dismiss him and his crazy theories as I was when I first read his work. His success at forward projecting the markets is beyond what others have accomplished for many years now so whatever he is doing, strange as it may be, has a proven track record for year after year, at least in the markets.

      Zimmel has harped on the Gottard Tunnel and the evil it will release onto the world for a long time now since he claims it will be a portal into an EVIL PLACE where EVIL SPIRITS have been trapped. This “show” for the opening of the tunnel didn’t make me feel any better about that tunnel, it was one strange show.

  3. G,

    how to prognosticate the future SPY/DOW based on un-suppressed war reporting/news/intel?
    What will USA reaction be to news divulged regards 2 US generals held prisoner in Moscow, plus some Canadian wus (nato generals).

    Same ??regards firing squad of 2 US “mercs +1 – will be publicly acknowledged(shown) shortly – same fate for generals held..public show trial and execution.. ?

    US pop. never heard about the US training base on Polish border wiped out in early days of conflict? Nato radar never saw the slow missiles – jammed they were – base, equipment & personnel gone, just a blackened hole. Google working overtime taking down live phone vids from Russkie Fighters =devastation. You know the guys supposed to be awol/quiting- they are actually rotating troops in and out – short tours/short leaves..rinse repeat..”light” brigades as it were.

    Russia is cake walking thru the nazi’s, testing out new weapons regularly, clearly demonstrating US weapons manufacturers have been outclassed in every respect regards weapons systems. Russia is pretty much done with killing fellow slavs now – the real scheisse has yet to begin, in the meantime Lithuania and Poland too be reconfigured so to speak in the very near future.
    No, the cia has not won a any kind of “war” in over 40 years..
    All those untold trillions of dollars poured into arms makers pockets – only to find out we might have one of weakest, broke dyke fighting force on the planet – opposing a very high tech, fearsome war machine the likes of which have not been seen on Earth since days of the Nazi war machine.

    fearsome ?,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

    THAT IS URE current USA Government REALITY – that is hilariously sick, so is the transportation secretary being THE expert on Getting Rear-Ended.. whatwhat!

    Based on USA and NATO/EU getting absolutely destroyed at every turn.

    All news in US is fake..until it is not ??

    * looks like the whole shebangabang bout to be retired.
    What brand of new “tire” they will be I have no clue..Zilch

    Short positions for foreseeable future I think..long Oil/ related stocks, AG, phyz metals and couple Gold stocks cause Im a sucker for pain.

    Having No Idea who is actually running the show in USA anymore – necessitates trusting my own dam self – gnothi seuton

    if & when you witness a shiny disk ufo being chased by a black “falcon” ..known to the ancient Egyptians as the “hammering falcon”(hello Horus) defending them from the diabolical viciously evil setes/enil/zeus & his annuna (annuki) warriors (dark side) – you will know “the real battle” has begun.

    ?who was Djehuti (zi-hu-ti) and where the hell are the emerald thinks the “wolf”/(satams synagogue) stole them from Humanity and I want them back – Now.

    • Here, here Lotus BTC’er we do not have a way to know future. So we trade real-time.
      I wasted years getting the future right.
      But as Martin Zweig wisely said “The Truth is the Tape.”

    • It’s a good thing that “general aesop” doesn’t read here , fellow says Ukraine is kicking Putin’s ass. All’s I see is our money and weapons going down the drain . And now Afghanistan wants to capture Pakistan, with our left behind weapons , for their nukes. FJB!!!

      • Take another look…..

        I had thought… the poison pawn trap chess move..
        I thought it would be taiwan.. or syria..they still want the leviathan fields..
        Instead look what Ukraine was all involved with..the corruption was so bad and deep I truly don’t believe anyone expected us to do the stupid crap we did… what I didn’t realize was the family business was as involved with the bio warfare labs.. now we sent the B-2 to Australia signed an agreement with Israel on iran.. ships off of China coast..while still hauling a half million a month of illegals over the borders..selling our strategic emergency reserves and handing over our backup supplies to Ukraine.. destroyed our industry and supply chain .what could go wrong right..looks good to the macarena crowd..
        My guess is after getting the ts passcodes from the kids hard drive and documents.. once in.. just how hard would it be to set up a system to gather information automatically. Chips on our guidance systems had a mini program .. someone skilled in code.. a sell out giving the ones access.
        Now since we didn’t leave any avenue to de-escalate this mess.. refused to easily stop it from happening in the beginning..we have to either drop it..if we do that we loose any credibility we still have.. or go all in.. we know if we go all in no one goes unscathed.. hell will be born world wide over some morons one wins..

    • “if & when you witness a shiny disk ufo being chased by a black “falcon” ..known to the ancient Egyptians as the “hammering falcon”(hello Horus) defending them from the diabolical viciously evil setes/enil/zeus & his annuna (annuki) warriors (dark side) – you will know “the real battle” has begun.“

      Damn interesting mention !!

      A while back I mentioned the small weapons Russia was using and spoke of the escalation to those Satan Missiles …. I know there has to be more, more powerful weapons waiting in the wings … cuz not even NATO will cross the lines.

      All the clammer in media about UFO’s, there seemed to be a (connection) – weapons/UFOS. – and that’s what I’m (was) talking about.

      Wouldn’t be surprised if a little light ball came out of a hanger somewhere, zoomed off and started destroying shit.

      Ever since I saw that video of a triangle UFO over the Kremlin, I just naturally assumed Russia had stuff like that. We’ll see … probably.

      • “cuz not even NATO will cross the lines.”

        interesting.. that is the crossroads they are presently at @Pathfinder Bob… up until now.. it has been we will go to the death of every Ukrainian.. to keep what they had in place rather than do what they could have done to stop this hideous issue before it started…. NOW.. they are at the crossroads and have to decide.. drop it all off let Ukraine go.. or go all out and commit that their own homes and families and countries will be involved in its wake.. no one wins…. the thing about the ones behind the curtain.. is it is ok if it happens there they never involve the country or area where they live.. their families stay safe…. do it there but don’t bring it home.. don’t shizt in your own neighborhood.. so do they make the plunge and decide at all costs.. even if it costs them their neighborhoods and countries their family members.. which is what it would involve.. having to commit their own families.. their own homelands.. until now.. it hasn’t.. but things have progressed to the point.. they now either have to go for it.. or just let it be.. the whole thing could have been easily avoided in the beginning.. and in my opinion should have been how many months did Putin ask and plead for Nato and the West to stop ..Xi tried to be the diplomat what happened.. we decided to do the same thing to him to.. don’t mess with Xi.. hes a smart level minded man but if you cross them watch out…. but then I have no say in what the man behind the curtain wants.. and who they can manipulate to get what they want.. now everything they have and had in place is in jeopardy of being lost.. a currency that is not worth anything at all.. nothing of value is backing it.. where china and russia and the mid east are backing theirs.. big decisions by the most powerful in the world are on the table right now.. being discussed I am sure..

  4. This is NOT a request for advice. It is a simple point of curiosity. No decisions will be made based on whatever reply (if any) that you may deign to provide. (“None of your goddam bizness,” is an acceptable reply.)

    What trading platform do you use? (If’n that’s not too personal a query.)

    …just curious.

    (Resume cruising…)

  5. “meet with UAW leaders over chip shortage.”

    .gov met with labor and not management.

    F already started laying off their ICE staff. Years of fuel injection experience do nothing in an EV design studio.

    Nobody needs the old bones. They need bailouts.

    “UAW local presidents representing Detroit Three facilities, along with workers at one supplier, said the chip shortage has led to plant layoffs and kept people from being able to purchase the vehicles they need. It’s also sent vehicle prices skyrocketing and helped accelerate inflation, which is hurting people across the economy, they said.”

    Put a bullet in F and GM. Personally I want to buy Tata cars at about 1/10 the cost of U.S.

      • “Problem is, Tata’s are small.”

        ???? seriously what difference does the size of a tata make….. like does a big schlong make any difference than the average size schlong.. or is it the motion of the ocean.. that keeps the waves moving..
        kind of like a beautiful tat of a huming bird.. when it gets old it changes and looks like a buzzard waiting for something to die..

      • “@LOOB

        OTFLMAO… I knew what was being discussed but just thought i was going to be funny about the tata comments and andies girlfriends @Ray LOL LOL LOL LOL.. its the wind in the sails and the currents of the water that take you places in a sail boat LOL LOL.. a little guidance by the tillerman.. LOL LOL
        I couldn’t find it on the site.. but seen a van once.. someone around here has one.. great mileage.. but dam it is small.. a little narrower than a regular van and shorter.. but great mileage..

  6. G, I would not call you agnostic in the market trading, ure gnostic enough to see which side of the boat the seagulls are feeding on, that is the side to go fish on, they are ‘tells’ showing you where the larger fish below are feeding. U just don’t care which side ya fish from, as long as ya catch fish. Gees I hate it, when I lose muh bait.

  7. For those in the group that are still trying to solve the COVID mystery, this might be of interest.

    I watched Dr. Campbell’s video from yesterday (July 22). It was titled Rampant BA5 and focused on the rapid spread of the BA.5 variant. Near the end of the video he mentioned the fact that Japan has a surprisingly low COVID infection rate. The only reason he could think of is that they consume a lot of seaweed which is rich in iodine. He stated that dietary iodine makes its way into the mucous membranes and saliva. Iodine is known to destroy viruses. This does not necessarily translate to levels in blood but worthy of some research. What are the iodine levels in saliva and mucous of Japanese compared to other nationalities?

    I started taking Kelp supplements 2 years ago when the Rona began. I take one a day with 650 units Iodine. I realized that this is over 3 times the recommended daily intake but my Thyroid TSH blood level has increased from low to mid-range and doctor is happy. This is in addition to my other supplements like Vitamin D, K2, etc.

    There seems to be a lot of good information on the internet about Kelp/Iodine/COVID, some yay, some nay. Here are a couple that are of interest.

    • EVERY hormone reaction in the body is dependent upon adequate iodine in the thyroid. MDs seem to be taught an aversion to iodine as a poison, but, like zinc, it is a necessary poison for the body. Most people now days are iodine deficient. It has been replaced in things like bread with Bromine now, which is even worse. I take iodine supplements daily. Japanese women who eat a lot of seaweed and have high iodine intake have the lowest breast cancer rates in the world. Go figure.

    • “I started taking Kelp supplements 2 years ago when the Rona began. I take one a day with 650 units Iodine.”

      Any recommendations?

    • I second this opinion. Been supplementing low doses of iodine 1-3 days a week for over 6 years. I am not vaxed. Been exposed from all directions. My siblings and extended family are vaxed. Everyone but me got covid after our holiday gathering.

      After spending last night in the hospital I am amazed at main stream medicine’s stance, but do see the business model in this and other positions taken by the medical industry about you maintaining your good health. I hate to think what this may cost me now. They make you sign up for medicare or penalize you, so thats my insurance….

      I have low blood pressure, 80/40 generally, pain causes a vaso-vascular response and when pain is a 10, I pass out. Housemate called the medics, they were unable to get a blood pressure reading so off to the hospital I go. A really bad muscle cramp did this… I have learned to manage pain so this has only happened a half a dozen times in my adult life. Learning about iodine, learned about whole unrefined salt. Salt is bad right? I never used it… now am trying to figure out how to stay hydrated, I’m still struggling to increase my salt intake. Hello bad muscle cramp!

      Best book I have found on this subject is The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow.

      Please do your research, then make the best informed decision for you.

      • I’ve used buffered salt tablets since I was in the Army 63 years ago. Yes, I still get leg cramps, but a salt tablet and a glass of water eliminates them pretty quickly. I’ve never had high blood pressure, but you may want to check with your doctor before using them.

  8. Hi George,
    Thanks again for sharing your methodology, that you use for your ” Lunch Money “. I do have several questions though, I hope you can help.
    What index, etf are you using to chart your OBV, Stoch’s, and MACD indicators off of? I am not quite sure what data is being used in the Long, and short Bull Golem Charts. I guess the black line is the ” Peoplenomics ” aggregate, but what are you using for data to plot the ” Golem ” 9,11 85, and 13 respectfully? What constitutes the red, and green bands, in the fore mentioned Golem charts, I speculate they depict over bought, and over sold perameters, but what are they based on? I appologize up front, because it is a lot questions for $40 a year, but maybe I can meet you at that corner gas station on HWY 79, and buy you a coffee, and an Armadillo egg my next time through!

    • Let me answer this in Wednesday’s PN – don’t want to appear to be offering financial advice.
      Peoplenomics is entertainment value (which happens to include lunch more me, lol)

  9. China’s Economy Falling Apart – Billionaires Want Out – Bankrupt Property Management Company Evergrande Replaces CEO

    China’s economy is melting down. This has been going on since President Trump stood up to the paper giant. Despite Biden’s apparent efforts to prop up China, its economy is falling apart. This morning it’s being reported that billionaires in China are ready to leave with their money.

    Evergrande “replaced their CEO” because the board knows he’s a dead man, and they’re hoping by disassociating him from themselves and the company they’ll save their own lives.

  10. Joe Biden Is Filling Up Maine Hotels to House His Illegal Migrants

    This morning a Maine reader sent this tip to The Gateway Pundit:

    I had driven by the Casco Bay Inn on Route 1 in Freeport, Maine a number of times. I noticed the “No Vacancy” sign but only a couple of cars in the parking lot. That’s odd I thought, especially in the summer in Maine.

    Hopefully they’ll migrate, en masse, to the coast…

  11. MAGA Candidate Eric Greitens Describes What It’s Like to Be Targeted by Dems, Soros, and the GOP Establishment

    Five years ago, Greitens was a rising star of the Trump era. He had a glittering academic resume: Summa cum laude from Duke, a Rhodes Scholarship (back when that wasn’t a sick joke), and an Oxford Ph.D. He was a Navy SEAL who served four overseas deployments and received a Purple Heart.

    • (Summa cum laude from Duke, a Rhodes Scholarship (back when that wasn’t a sick joke),

      I really want one of those Summa cum laude degrees hanging on my wall to.. maybe I should get a t shirt with that on it.. summa cum laude from the duke.. see if anyone gets it.. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL… some pretty paper dam this morning is going to suck.. LOL LOL LOL I did the anchovies t-shirt once.. and no one got the joke of it at all.. until one day I was getting some milk at the store and a young woman seen it smiled and said .. your my kind of man LOL LOL LOL LOL….My wife totally hates it when I do that kind of stuff.. LOL LOL LOL..

      • Confession time: The ONLY reason I suffered through as BA (3.9) and MBA (4.0) was because I was director of admissions for a series of private vocational colleges. Can’t be a department head and pull in six-figs without it. I relented.
        In the end, though, I was still the same old dumbshit I was before I started. I just had to pour on the BS in papers too long for anyone to read – and thus earned a “degree.” If you can’t razzle
        em with facts, dazzle
        ’em with bullshit. I was/am still a pretty good dazzler…

      • Earned my MBA and changed my personal financial life. Didn’t do jack for me professionally. I recommend everyone read textbooks on financials…

      • The papers don’t impress me; the “Navy SEAL” does. Also, I was half-assed following the screw-job Soros was piling onto him and am pleased that good triumphed over evil, for once.

        Now, if Missery would get rid of the Soros-owned prosecutor…

      • “I just had to pour on the BS in papers too long for anyone to read ”

        OTFLMAO….lol …. make the profs hit the books..I get it.. it’s easier to just pass em than to hit the books lol lol..
        I actually screwed myself.. I dumbed myself down to fit in.. and because of the political climate of a small town it didn’t make any difference what I did.. got a chuckle out of one prof.. went to challenge tests so I could take a class the prof took one look at my ugly mug said I was to stupid go back and study.. I aced the test my class..I was always to afraid of the English and sentence structure and having a family young I couldn’t get the money.. no papers for me.. but I do lecture the kids to not dumb themselves down for anybody.. only one ..they can’t afford the advanced education and the teachers won’t challenge them..

    • The guy has some “iffyness” about him, but since he is in another state I haven’t paid much attention except I will note that those chasing after him DID push the envelope of legality.

      Sadly for me the fact that he was a Navy Seal means that his moral values are questionable, not automatically good.

      Only people who ENJOY KILLING go into being a Seal. They go do that because something in their personality WANTS to KILL PEOPLE UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. Those are people who are very different from the typical service person who will kill, but NOT because they CRAVE KILLING.

      Been around politics all my life and a couple of things I have noticed over the decades. Some people are so determined to get ahead in politics that they will DO ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to get ahead. It is not just Democrats but also Republicans, it has to do with the person and their personal moral boundaries. Some people HAVE NONE … and politics seems to attract people from that extreme of the behavioral spectrum.

      Another thing I have noticed about those types of people who will do almost anything to get power via politics is that Lying come easily to their lips. From my observations at times they are so used to lying that they even lose the ability to tell the difference between a LIE and the TRUTH in their own brains. Seen a few of those over my years hanging out on the fringes of politics (one near local Congressman is that way … sheesh, pull away the layers of the onion and he is one total piece of shit – but LOVED by many people because of his “political” statements)

      NEVER take what a politician, or a ruthless businessman, says at face value even if they are saying something YOU want to hear. You may be supporting the next Hitler without even realizing it if you do that.

      • “NEVER take what a politician, or a ruthless businessman, says at face value even if they are saying something YOU want to hear.”

        Excellent council…

        The reason I tell people to judge politicians by their voting record and legislative sponsorships, but NEVER by what they say (or what the TV says about them) is because the majority will say anything to remain in office.

        A large majority of politicians (and a huge majority of successful business leaders) are psychopaths — they have no conscience and therefore are wholly-dependent on the moral compass of those around them for clues on how to behave. When they can’t take moral clues from others, they are utterly ruthless.

        These aren’t necessarily bad things, just things of which to be aware. Psychopaths gravitate toward legal or business careers, or the military MOS of “sniper” because based on their emotional skillset, these are the jobs at which they are naturally suited. Notice the vast majority of National politicians and television talking heads have JDs…

      • “Only people who ENJOY KILLING go into being a Seal.”

        ??? I don’t know about today’s young men @Stephen 2.. but I have known quite a few members of the seals, and Rangers.. the ones I knew were all dedicated to country home and the constitution and what it stands for, and quite nice to know.. navy divers on the other hand are a little wild lol.
        I do have to admit I wasn’t ever afraid when we went into questionable areas of the big cities that a person normally wouldn’t be able to walk in without fear of being killed walking down the sidewalk…
        I do know that NONE of those I knew wanted to take a life needlessly many refuse to go hunting at all.. some that I know are now carrying only because of what they see coming and the damage defunding police has caused in cities..

  12. A radical plan for Trump’s second term

    Former President Trump’s top allies are preparing to radically reshape the federal government if he is re-elected, purging potentially thousands of civil servants and filling career posts with loyalists to him and his “America First” ideology, people involved in the discussions tell Axios.

    Radical, but necessary if the U.S. is to continue to be a viable sociopolitical, economic entity… and not loyalists to Trump, but loyalists to the Constitution.

    • Heil Trump! We talk about history rhyming. Looks like the same playbook but with different names and dates. Time to look again for or MABUS.

      • “let’s see who goes to jail to write a book…”

        Lol… let me put my Swami hat on and peer into my crystal ball… oomsabra oomsabra.. heeby jeebies the spirits are about to speek…
        I see a blind justices and agencies scurrying to hide everything.. the real mutts will be safe from any jail time..instead there will be millions given for them to write a poor pity me book.. lol

      • Joe, nobody of significance will go to jail.

        If Trump were guilty of spitting on the sidewalk, it would have been discovered years ago, and he’d have been locked away for it. He has had 300 of the best criminal investigators in the history of the world, highly-motivated and incentivized, up his ass every day for seven years. I guarantee you, the investigatory team that’s on The Donald would’ve turned-up a felony within two days, in your background or mine. Since July of 2015, they have turned up nothing on Trump, and haven’t even been able to invent a charge and make it stick.

        Get over it. You may not like him, but the dude is clean.

        I expect whenever the Soviet show trial is over, Garland will convene a grand jury and charge Trump with fomenting an insurrection — a crime which doesn’t exist — but they’ll charge him anyway, just to keep him from winning the 2024 Election. He will beat the charge, because nothing he did was illegal, (after the Election, Garland might even drop the charges, because culpability for the riot lies squarely at Nancy Pelosi’s feet, and she will not allow herself to be grilled under oath.) The idea is to keep Trump from running until he’s too old to do so — not to lock him up on a “trumped-up” charge…

        It is the people who wish to dissolve our country into a socialist, one-world totalitarian government, who are running this show. Why do you suppose they fear Trump so much? Why do you suppose they’ve been inventing stuff about him since he announced his candidacy? If there were actual skeletons in his closet, there’d be no need for invention…

        I suggest you believe the Cubans and former Iron Curtain residents when they tell us what such a system entails, what life was like, living under communist socialism, and how we’re headed for the same fate. I do. I’ve met some.

  13. REPORT: 615 Midwestern Teachers Reveal Why They’re Really Leaving the Classroom

    Countless education advocates have spent the last few months warning of the approaching teacher shortage—myself included. Voices from the left have warned of every reason from low teacher pay to COVID-19 policy to parents at school board meetings

    Of the responders with salary as an included primary reason, 319 of the 615 responders listed student behavior as their biggest reason to leave the classroom, followed by 138 for “progressive political activity” and 134 for “salary is insufficient”.

    Nothing else was close, and with salary removed as an issue, only “classroom behavior” and “regressive politics” remained above “noise.”

    Teachers have not been allowed to dispense any manner of significant punishment for 30 years in parochial schools, and 50 years in government (public) schools. The vast majority of parents haven’t entertained actual punishment for nearly 50 years, and have acted as “loyal advocates” for their children’s misbehavior for that time. Additionally, many shithead kids can no longer be kept after school or compelled to go to Saturday school, and those who can are bused home afterward — such “teaching tools” have been abridged because it might inconvenience their parents.

    That’s the frickin’ purpose of “after school” and Saturday school. The teacher can’t paddle the crap out of a deserving, incorrigible twerp any more, regardless of how badly Junior would find such discipline beneficial, so by sufficiently inconveniencing mommy and daddy, maybe, just maybe, Junior would receive the discipline at home he’s no longer allowed to receive at school, and would straighten his act up.

  14. Probably a giant wheelbarrow full of manure to the elite paying vegetables. Ahh you can insert it . Just buy gold gold gold . Asx Regis and Newcrest . You’ll be right . See Newcrest numbers !!!!! Hava nagila

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