Yeah – we’ll get to the Producer Prices in a minute. But first a general survey of how well things are not going for America right now.
Phony Money and Weather Drive
We might as well start with the overnights elsewhere and the future’s pricing here because – as you know – the whole premise of this site is that periodic long wave economic collapse is a repeating theme of history.
Where variability strikes is in the underlying method of financialization as well as timing of periodic Drought. So, let’s start there, OK?
Drought (famine, hard times, widespread hunger) is one of the major indicators of Economic Depression. Go read “The Hungry Years: A Narrative History of the Great Depression in America” T.H. Watkins’ fine (OK, maybe a little depressing if you scan headlines!) read.
If you find this a little too depressing, though, several things predictably happen when a great country runs into hard times. First is people really show their stripes. I’d recommend a read of almost anything you can find on Hobo’s on Amazon. I picked up a few such books a while back and stories told by real-life ‘Bo’s back in the day – as in Charles Fox’s book (semi-collectible hardback, sorry) – is one of the “best of class” books on a hobo’s life and times.
Thing that will likely be different this time around is how the whole Hoboing rhyme plays about. Which is on my list of look-ahead things to write over on the Peoplenomics (subscriber side) of this site.
Bit Bubbles in Mid POP!
With the White House Halfwit’s Sanctions about to blow up global food supplies, it’s not just food that is headed skyward. Most of the things you need in life – like gasoline to get to work which hit record highs this week – can be traced back to the Drooler’s Minions who are purely first-order thinkers.
Second-level blowback (no urea for fertilizer, diesel shortages in the Northeast etc.) have everything to do with the Neocon/Biden press to war (over essentially a Western-forced issue because the EU is strong-arming every country in sight to “Join their Club” to keep that financial scam layer of additional non-responsive government alive.
(Don’t get me started on these megalomaniacs! But in hint may be found in how they wanted to fine Google a while back based on worldwide revenues. See how gran mal persona works in office? Our bet is nukes by September and maybe a U.S.- Russia city exchange before summer’s out – then a couple of years of False Peace and….oh, let’s not spin out of control…we were just coming to that…)
Crypto Blows Over
We have never owned a wallet for crypto. We warned you it was a Fool’s Game. Told you it was Digital Tulips. Everyone said “Ure was wrong!” Well, until here lately.
Watch Crypto Markets Crash – Bloomberg is a good start. Or, just Google “btc” [enter] and the number I got was $25,745.20 overnight. But then the hypsters have to keep on fleecing, so Ya’ll go have fun with that.
Stock Market Suckification, Too
With 95-minutes to the open on Wall Street today, the market futures were continuing a dump that began again yesterday.
This odd view evolved out of how the financial industry mislead Mainstream following both the Internet Bubble collapse 2001-2003 and after the Housing Bubble fell apart to 2009 lows that persisted into 2011 (depending on sector).
I also rely on something I call non-mathematical analysis. Which is to say yes, you can go to school and get a degree in something math-intensive (I did, don’t laugh). But, in the end you can save $100-K in college screwing by learning to use your brain and visual cortex a bit.
See the brain has two halves to it: Logical-sequential and concrete-abstract are the axes Gregorc uses in personality style delimiter analysis. But all the experts in personality boil down to a “math brain left, art and language brain right.”
Thing is, most of us – by time we hit 50 – couldn’t remember how to solve either simultaneous equations or quadratics without a refresher course. And see? This is my point. When any craft becomes sufficiently advanced, the teachings are boiled/distilled down into template form. Which is why practitioners of witchcraft don’t remember 16,000 spells. They use a grimoire to capture spell templates.
“The pseudepigraphic Testament of Solomon is one of the oldest magical texts. It is a Greek manuscript attributed to Solomon and likely written in either Babylonia or Egypt sometime in the first five centuries AD, over 1,000 years after Solomon’s death.
The work tells of the building of The Temple and relates that construction was hampered by demons until the angel Michael gave the king a magical ring. The ring, engraved with the Seal of Solomon, had the power to bind demons from doing harm. Solomon used it to lock demons in jars and commanded others to do his bidding, although eventually, according to the Testament, he was tempted into worshiping “false gods”, such as Moloch, Baal, and Rapha. Subsequently, after losing favor with God, King Solomon wrote the work as a warning and a guide to the reader.”
If there is a single delusion rampant in modernity, it’s a Global confusion over Reality and False Idols. One of which is, of course, Money.
Like a good voodoo doll (where you poke pins in a doll to hurt the doll-object human), we see an operating method to the false guide of money, just as clear as day.
We live in a (write this down, you don’t get the deep stuff often around here) Financial Syncretism. So a syncretism is a what?
“Syncretism involves the merging or assimilation of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying unity and allowing for an inclusive approach to other faiths. Syncretism also occurs commonly in expressions of art and culture (known as eclecticism) as well as politics (syncretic politics).”
It is also how finance works. Looky here:
- You can’t eat all the grain a farmer makes.
- So paper claim chits were invented in papyrus times.
- The paper claim chits were traded for “precious metals” (don’t try to make a working Ark of the Covenant without them.)
- And soon, there were more chits than food in the granary.
- Then some wise-ass came up with interest (depreciating the value of the claim chit).
- Until today, the rosy path of the False Money idol has led the world to where we will have to go through another periodic cleansing to remember the Earth is honest (grain is grain) but not all the upright apes walking around.
Don’t mean to go off on a walkabout here, but you see now how the game works? More comes to light reading John Fraim’s book Battle of the Symbols, but you’re too busy with the RSOL (regular shit of life), right?
Whole point here is that to have money, you need to disavow attachment to money. That’s when I became a pretty good investor. I used to be too early in a trade or too late…but after a lot of (hard) self-work, I found I was not consistently detached from the implied value of money.
Succinctly: If you care too much about money, you scare it off!
Which sound like a crock of crap if money was rational and tangible. But, money is not especially tangible so a read of “Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism” by Akerlof and Shiller (the same Robert J. Shiller of the famed housing index (done with Karl Case), right?).
If you walk away from this morning’s ramble remembering “Money is a kind of spirit thing (as differentiated from actual consumable wealth) and that as a False Idol is works at the cash machine,” I’d be happy with that.
Unless your detachment causes delusion like dyslexically reversing 9 and 6 – a symptom a misfired attachment somewhere, but beyond my scope of practice since I’m retired.
How about PPI then?
Heavier food for thought just out: And this REALLY sucks…
“The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.5 percent in April, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This rise followed advances of 1.6 percent in March and 1.1 percent in February. On an unadjusted basis, final demand prices
moved up 11.0 percent for the 12 months ended in April.
Annualizes to 348 percent annualized! (Hair on fire yet?)
Of course, since the government can’t call it to report it’s own dumpster fire, we keep reading the spew:
“In April, the rise in the index for final demand is primarily attributable to a 1.3-percent advance in prices for final demand goods. The index for final demand construction increased 4.0 percent, while prices for final demand services were unchanged.
Prices for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services moved up 0.6 percent in April after increasing 0.9 percent in March. For the 12 months ended in April, the index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services rose 6.9 percent.”
Know what a 1.3 percent increase pencils out to over an entire year? Check my work here, but isn’t that 16.76 percent annualized?
Joe Blow please go.
We have economic stall warnings going off all over the cockpit. Even news tipster Linda who sends in savory findings spied “Diesel Prices Just Hit a New Record High, Here’s Why a Diesel Shortage May Be Next | AgWeb” And so far as we know, she doesn’t drive a diesel. (Unlike many, though, she knows there’s a connection between diesel and what’s on store shelves and at what price…)
We again point at Joe Slow’s blow to the economy with Sanctions for the pending diesel lines which will be along shortly. First order thinkers are a menace!
Jobs Fairytale
New unemployment data has just rolled:
Again, the actuals (not adjusted) are misleading compared to “seasonally adjusted” – which is more on political seasoning than anything.
Bye-Bye Tech?
French toast and link sausage is being delayed until I read Apple slips behind Saudi Aramco to lose spot as most valuable company. On second thought, WGAF?
Remember a decade back when Peoplenomics laid out the coming “Manufacturer’s Resource Wars”? Well, this is all part and parcel and why the long-term purchase of proven reserves wasn’t such a bad thing after all. Because in reality we are getting to Twilight in the Desert as Matt Simmons wrote about before his untimely death.
Like a certain Queen’s College Cambridge economist (Mohamed A. El-Erian (@elerianm) / Twitter) says, “Coupled with recent #inflation data there, it’s a vivid illustration of the extent to which #stagflation has moved from a risk scenario to the baseline for a growing number of advanced economies..” Check.
Sorry to be so deep into money and finance, but now off to corner the French Toast…
Write when you get rich,
Money = Slavery
BTC is what ?
That simple friends and foes..Enslaved by the “moneyfunders”. If unlimited ENERGY was Free, it Is – See brilliant Serb Nick Tesla “Black is the true color of Light”, Djed Towers. Humanities shackles would fall away – and We would be free to go about the solar system/Universe,mating and creating to our huge hearts content.
Everything is BACKWARDS or Upsidedown – everything especially “the dude” – down hear on Living Library #9 – Da power and nrg comes from the Feminine – Earth Mother “Goddess”. She is very alive and happy to work with any and all who wish to access All Information (codes) – Touch- if you can and/or Introduce Yourself, Ask for the codes..out loud or inside Ure head – or both! Processing “that” kinda Information takes a while (stages sometimes) but will grow understanding within. At least this how dk workz with the “Dudette”
In djeds world – numerology suggests 6 &9 means “Dinna 4 2 wit a hairy view” hahahahahahah or 4 the Bingo playas Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhsixtynine. hahahah
You are nuts.
Money = Slavery is not true
POWER (food, guns, money to a debtor) IS Slavery. Money doesn’t have a lock or wars would never be fought.
To quote you:
Money = Slavery
What part of $65,000 to $25,000 is not clear?
So do you ride all your losers into the dirt?
Know – I always advise to lick the ice cream and or smell the roses.. ALWAYZ. Once again you assume – “loser”.
try early adopter..
Same can be said for all other asset classes – does not matta – Your slave masters click a mouse and one barrel of oil is Worth a NEGATIVE Value – AYFKM ? Or do U not remember that lil incident?
“They” trade our Soul/Life “paper” on an exchange, but were not slaves ????
Hard to see anything outside the hole in ground,cave, when you believe Money is not Slavery.
Arguing for your shackles – Priceless!
Early adopter? When did you exit the btc burning theater??
Debt is the flip side of credit. Credit is sometimes referred to as Other People’s Money (OPM). Debt can be a form of slavery. Individuals who are hopelessly in debt with little or no prospect of financial redemption are referred to as debt slaves. Personal debt is portrayed by its’ proponents and peddlers as a kinder gentler form of slavery, and it may well be, until you default, and then it starts looking more like the olden days of indenture, servitude and leg breakers.
Buying assets with OPM is sometimes referred to as a loan. Buying financial instruments with borrowed money is called buying on margin. Buying cryptos with OPM is sometimes referred to as bankruptcy.
Individuals who cannot repay are called deadbeats, and they suffer from low credit ratings. Individuals who do make payments are called, yes, you guessed it, marks, and they have impressively high credit ratings, and lower incidence of leg fractures. And there you have it, debt slavery 101.
“BTC is what ?”
It’s only valuable to those that see it as valuable..
The choice the powers going down in ten you can have .. a BitCoin or a brat and brew..fried spuds…what do you choose…
Can’t use bc at Mickey D’s
Benjamin Franklin invented the 8 and the 16 Magic Square, for the numerology/math obsessed:
He experienced increased clarity from his vegetarian diet, discovered electricity in lightning:
GA Stewart, Jessica Adams does not charge for her insights on current events as you do, her correct predictions are all listed, including Nostradamus. While you and George busy yourselves bloviating about Democrats and Biden, she ‘gets down’ and tells the truth…a lengthy read and worth it!
Of course you’d love to discredit and ignore her, she also predicted Trump’s (your hero) downfall correctly:
Nothing happens without Energy. Nothing. As goes Diesel so goes everything else. Don’t need any more math skills than balancing your checkbook to figure that one out.
Currently, Diesel is $5.09 per gallon local.
The F350 has a 40 gal tank and a 50 gal aux tank in the bed for equipment. Budget 100 gal/month. *If I am really miserly about driving.
The AC tractor holds 32 gallons. Haying season is underway, 175 acres harvested twice/yr…..maybe. Budget 100 gals.
We work really hard to stay under budget for fuel. The 1938 John Deer mod B with a 5 gallon tank burns gas and pulls the hay trailer.
Won’t bore you with the costs of Hydraulic fluids, Oil, grease and lubricants.
Total diesel to fill the equipment once, $620.98.
Your Big Mac, and everything else, is going to get expensive.
Stay safe and pray. We’re going to OK, you’ll see.
My car ‘uses’ oil. That’s code for “burns oil” but since cars have advanced emissions that minimizes the visible smoke part, usually nobody sees.
That said I buy quarts of oil regularly @ $WMT. The product columns have been narrowed and the shelves are never full anymore. Usually certain viscosities are out of stock, sometimes they’ll have 5w-30, sometimes not as example.
I did notice Big Orange and Blue carry more electric yard maintenance tools Vs ICE. 30% gasoline. The rest take volts.
Menards has the cheapest oil around me, with Meijer a distant second. 10 years ago Wally World was best — not no mo’.
‘Might consider shopping around, just to see…
Call me whatever but I cannot stand to go inside wallyworld so I let my wife do it which means anything to purchase that is “man’s stuff” don’t get got. Much easier to get the oil and lube for our equipment at the local Ag shops and wally’s usually doesn’t carry those types of things anyway. I hope everyone is paying attention to this DIesel fuel situation. You will be paying more for everything especially food, if you can get it.
All this electric equipment is great until you try to scale it to industrial AG levels. I actually picked up a small 9 inch wide cultivator to try out mixing container and potting mix in the hoop house. It is corded though. Let’s see a battery powered tractor mow and bale a 40 acre field.
Good luck to all.
“I cannot stand to go inside wallyworld”
Me, too. I’ll venture inside 2-3 times per year, always to make a targeted purchase. It didn’t used to be like that. When the old man was alive and running the show, the stores were much different. I can feel the difference with the Meijer stores too, although not nearly as bad, and thankfully no longer have to drive to Michigan or Ohio to shop at one…
Just remember the Derivative of e^x is e^x .
A totally useless math fact that has been lodged in the dusty back area of my brain since my 1975 calculus class.
In all my years of technical work I never used it once. And we never got an explanation on why this weird beast exists in the universe of mathematics.
The “weird beasts” of mathematics, of which there are many more than the derivative of e^x, have almost always been found to be the exact answer/description to/of a conundrum appearing years after the weird beast was defined. Calculus itself had no practical purpose originally. After many years of math classes, and being philosophically bent, I consider math to be the language of creation.
I hate giving life importance lectures early in the day.. but this am I did.. grrr
Took fang out for her morning congressional and my son inlaw picks up a rock and throws it at a rabbit..the same rabbit that even the dogs don’t get upset at.. he hit it in the head..( we thought he killed it.. but it is coming to.. thank god)
Why in sam hades did you do that for..
Then it comes out….You don’t kill just to kill .. that rabbit has every right to survive like everyone else..grrr.. it’s one thing to kill for food or protection..but never for just because… grrr
Speaking of French toast, president Macron’s proposal to PM Boris of an EU-lite has been declined. “Manu”, or Mr. President of the Republic or Sir, as he prefers to be called had envisioned the UK and Ukraine sharing a secondary membership tier in the EU constellation.
Separated from the hustle and bustle of money changers in The City, some 8,000 Garden Party guests enjoyed complimentary tea and sandwiches on the lawns of Buckingham Palace yesterday. Cake was also served. The event was hosted by Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, and the Priness Royal. It rained. The “Daily Mail” pictured one guest attracting glances from the fashion police after exchanging her fascinator head covering for a paper shopping bag. The bag establishment’s name was not clear, but one imagines it would have been of bespoke provenance in keeping with the setting. To the woman’s credit, the black bag matched her purse and the polka dots on her dress. Similar garden parties are scheduled for each of the next two Tuesdays. Hopefully the Palace will suggest that future attendees bring an umbrella.
“Our bet is nukes by September and maybe a U.S.- Russia city exchange before summer’s out – then a couple of years of False Peace and…”
– If you truly believe this., if this is “your best bet”., the why are we discussing what Yellen thinks of digital currencies, or the PPI., or even the price of diesel ?
– Shouldn’t we be out ahead of the maddening crowd on how to prepare for what is about to happen., emotionally, physically and financially?
– If we are truly about to have the worst Winter in the history of this country., possibly the world – I believe our discourse could be better spent within immediate-future [ 90 & 180 days and One Year ] ideas / discussions.
– Or.., have I got this all wrong., and we are simply going to muddle through the next six months, like the rest of the unwashed masses., and then pretend to be completely surprised, and oh so horrified, when the mushroom clouds start popping-up ?
– I am sitting out at the pond as I write this – and three Navy fighter jets, probably from Whidbey Island NAS, just flew overhead, with an incredible roar, heading due east. Just another day in paradise?
Due east of you would be defending Grand Coulee dam exercise by the sound of it
.., or – on their way to Fairchild Air Force Base – home of the 92nd Air Refueling Wing, Air Mobility Command., outside of Spokane.
“or – on their way to Fairchild Air Force Base – home of the 92nd Air Refueling Wing, Air Mobility Command., outside of Spokane.”
What’s funny @ dlynn is one of my siblings called a couple days ago.. all of them have moved from that area..
I asked why.. guess there’s to much crime since BLM and Antifa..
I said I was happy because of conditions of Fukushima..
The last report I read was the guessing on when the spike in cancers in the area would begin..
They said I wouldn’t believe it if I seen it..
d’lynn, because you are close to me in proximity and shared what it is you are seeing in the world around me, that i may have not noticed. 2 times the eyes.
i saw a rainbow the other day, today i saw part of a van that said, FLOOD DUDE on its back door. I have seen l over 10 times now people at different stores walking out with entire grocery carts full of water bottles. i remember thinking, when i was younger water was free. this guy just went in the store and bought 8- 10cases of water bottles. then i noticed a day or so later a woman with a full grocery cart of water. so i started up my car and went to another store and sat there. again another person came out with nothing in their grocery cart but 6 cases of water. that is interesting to me. not normal to see people going into stores and purchasing entire shopping carts full of just water. flood, rainbow and water. lots of water purchases. tsunami warning signs all up and down Hwy 101, noticed that alot too… lots of them in seaside Oregon, been there 3 times in the last month. even the gold little confettie at the Lorde concert has a drawing on it of waves and says 22 – 23 breath in and tune in. but the word “in” has a period that is messed up and is the shape of an e. breath in and tune ine… and alot of sail boats. alot of sail boats. i went and road the ferrie to port angelus the other day. i look out my window and see that ferry from alki beach daily. then i was on the ferry and i could see the house i see the ferry every day from. interesting change in perspective to see from both.
i was thinking about polarization earlier today, where there is a positive and a negative representations, on numbers. a mobius flip to everything. predominenetly noticed in the 8, where when you physically write it you can see the mobius flip.
mega call is 6, actually it is 9, lots of grocery carts full of water, rainbow (gods promis in the bible to not flood the world), FLOOD DUDE (written in all caps), tsunami warning signs, highway 101, my office number 101, sail boats, 22-23 breath in and tune ine. golden wrapper, finger prints of God, candy, been finding lots of candy lately, power 1, let it be… and many other things.
one has to ponder if there will be a mega quake, 9.6 EQ resulting in a Tusuami and with me leaving my office, which is 101, corisponding with hwy 101, will it go to shit as well in tusunami… ….. the 22 is Sunday, Ol’Reign is playing at lumen (womens professional soccor team) my last day in the office is the 20th as it is now. the 23 is my first day at the Universe place.
monday is Victoria day. and the count on the calendar is 222 days to the new year.
well, not sure if that helps, but i hope it does.. i dont concern myself with world changing disasters much anymore, nor predicting them. my focus is on what is good now. could be nothing…… right now im just drinking coffee and writing a gratitude list.
if you are ever at a show D’lynn.. and want to move from the nose bleed section to the good seats. or need a parking pass, becasue most of the time parking is around $80. george has my permision to give you my email address. if i am working??? I will see what i can do.
sorry so long winded. and last but not least in the jedi word find, it has winter written above my name, next to that the word Thank Goodness. right below that is the word ancient word for determined, next to that it says, just in the ancient language, in enlgish below my name to the left it says sin, to the right it says aether, right accross the center of my name is says the word maidiin which in Tagalog means strong. root word is dinn meaning to press in. as in unstoppable force, to the right of that word is the star constellation is formed for constellation of Taurus using only the letter “m”. Taurus also phonetically is torus as in spiral. right next to my name is the name wish right below that the word mana, in Hebrew meaning a gift from heaven and in the ancient language means girl.
im abolutely certain that all those words placed in the word find in mulitple different languages including the ancient language is by mere happenstance.
as much as everthing is in life.. right????
ok, time to shift gears. fair thee well D’lynn.
Andy, thanks for the info on Mana! I knew a Chinese girl years ago named Mana, and she was truly a gift from heaven for someone (else)! In my life I’ve never felt a stronger sexual vibe from anyone, especially if she was dancing. She was not the most beautiful, though certainly highly attractive, but she had the strongest sexual vibe!
Unfortunately(or not), she was married, though I heard gossip of indiscretions. I’d only met her a few times, yet for some reason I still have strong feelings regarding her.
“the 22 is Sunday, Ol’Reign is playing at lumen”
Ol’Reign, or “all rain?”
Andy, do you still have your Berkey?
“I have seen l over 10 times now people at different stores walking out with entire grocery carts full of water bottles. ”
Let’s see @Andy .. even around here it’s like isn’ta secret that. the supply line is broken.. China has covid shut downs and everyone in power is talking wide spread famine and starvation. The area of the country that’s responsible for what agricultural resources we have in a serious drought. ( the old farmers are afraid of another dirty thirties)
Fuel prices are spiking so is the costs associated with planting crops..
Wheat for bread crackers etc. All going up in value from the loss of grain we use to import.
18 thousand extra illegals crossing the border daily with administration escorts..
A printing press that’s gone wild..and no one tracking the finances..
Cities that have an expansion rate going so fast that 57 acres of prime crop land is being devoured every minute.
An antiquated infrastructure that we have been ignoring since Truman.
A real good possibility that there will be a nuclear war by our involvement and unlimited support of a war against an administration that everyone knew was corrupt and that even the vast majority of the citizens of their country wanted to see it cleaned up . (Seriously it’s not the best time to vacation near Delaware)
And no one in congress is willing to comment on the idiocrats destroying what was left of our countries pride, industry or economy.
Instead you see a fifty year old dead horse issue with a blue dress and lipstick making the campaign rounds again..and the events of Jan 6th. Riot at the capital
Yet there is Not one word about the mass devastation and defunding of the police that happened from backing BLM and Antifa or who was backing it ..
I don’t know about your area of the world but around the wastelands there’s a great deal of great concerns and fear..almost everything that was held as absolutes has been flipped on its side..
An administration that almost everyone around here suspects some of its members are corrupted beyond repair and agencies sworn to uphold the law are now all working as stooges to cover over the depths of their cirrupt actions..
It’s some scary times that are ahead of us.. it isn’t unreasonable to expect multi million dollar loaves of bread.. we are seeing the events that will be the destruction of a nation’s economy on steroids IMHO .. everyone is trying to get something before the dollar crumbles and to at least insure they will have something on hand to eat..
not to mention D’lynn.. i have been placed in the “Kill zone” 3 times now. once with 9 other Andy’s. and i have been on highway 101 3 times and i did find unfired bullet outside my office. a 9mm.
and everytime i was in the kill zone, i didnt die. so there is that.
so D’lynn thank you for filling in a few things that i hadent seen in the scene. and i just found a paperclip in the most random spot. wonder what that means? lol
well, and there is much much more that i have seen, in the language around me… very interesting symbols, and other languages mixed in but not on purpose, i was assured by the jedi who didnt notice it until i pointed it out. hey my name is right there and there words written in 6 other languages presented besides the ancient language presented in your word find. they were like whooooaaa and i was like hmmmm.
i was in the kill zone… and paul had 11 written on all his crates for stage equipment. 11 space 11 with arrows the 11’s made arrows.
ok, i have to get out of here. and i have talked enough.. i prefer to listen.
I never travel to Seattle area anymore. I just stay away. Very bad vibes every time I am over there. Thank you for the invite and offers – much appreciated.
– A couple of days ago I was in my local Safeway store., and the entire bottled water section was empty. It’s a big section, for all the tourists. I never buy it – but it was rather interesting., and with what you just mentioned – now, rather fascinating.
I do not ‘worry’ about very much, not anymore. I have made as many plans as I can, for just about everything I can possibly imagine and survive. I wish others, here and people I know would/could do the same. I do believe that bad times are coming., and will occur., and once started, it’s going to be devastating.
– You take care of yourself and hopefully those along your path.
Don’t look now but your shoestring is untied.
Relax. A REAL prepping site prepares its readership for more than one possible outcome and George’s concentration area is finance so he’s going to present his opinion on where we’re going, then present alternatives in case his opinion is either wrong or mis-timed.
There is no way to prepare emotionally for nuclear war.
There is no way to prepare physically, except to either relocate to a place which won’t be bombed and which is not downwind from some place which will, or relocate to someplace that’s guaranteed to be within a couple miles of a ground-zero detonation.
There is no way to prepare financially, unless you acquire a junk yard or have, through a lifetime of experience, become a “Jack-of-all-trades.”
It should not be necessary for George to rehash these points every year or two. They haven’t changed since Urban Survival came into existence. In fact, they haven’t changed since the onset of the Cold War, back in the late 1940s.
YOU, better than most, already know all this. You also know you’re living at ground zero. If vaporization isn’t an option, then you’re the one who’s got to do something about it and no amount of commentary from George will help. I suggest a stocked redoubt out in the northern Idaho panhandle, away from prevailing Spokane winds (and a stocked vehicle that’ll get you there without stopping…)
“physically, except to either relocate to a place which won’t be bombed and which is not downwind from some place which will, or relocate to someplace that’s guaranteed to be within a couple miles of a ground-zero detonation.”
Move to Delaware and when it lights up it will only be a fraction of a second..
I’m about three hundred miles in either direction from lightning strike areas..but with the winds lately.. if it had happened already almost the whole core of the usa would be gone..
Every study done says approximately 98% not counting long term cancer deaths.. 96% if it’s an emp just from the loss of infrastructure and power..
You can’t prep for anything more than being able to produce what you eat and provide your own energy..
I was just visiting with my hard would it be to berm the outside of the house.. let’s say a two foot wide earthen planter.. about five foot up 2 ft thick.. three foot would be better..
“There is no way to prepare financially, unless you acquire a junk yard or have, through a lifetime of experience, become a “Jack-of-all-trades.””
Well Ray, I hope you’re right. For some reason I ended up there. It’s a toss-up if we get nuked since the winds are unpredictable and so is the targeting ability of “the enemy”, whoever that might be. The junkyard is helpful but the lifetime of experience is somewhat more compact and portable, albeit fragile. I’d hope that sanity prevails, but that’s not the way to bet. I have friends and family living in far riskier areas and they choose to stay where they are. Best of luck to all of us.
“if it had happened already almost the whole core of the usa would be gone..”
Not necessarily. I was studying a line of storms which were throwing tornadoes across southern Illinois and Indiana (and northern Kentucky) a couple months back, wondering if the “company front” would last long enough for it to be worth the drive [for me to] storm-spot.
When I decided it wouldn’t, I got bored and dialed up one of the nuke fallout sites for funsies, to see what was safe and what wasn’t, in that area (Paducah to Akron, plus or minus a couple hundred miles.) I plugged in a 20Mt bomb (Russia has many) and when I ran Indy, I noticed an airburst would take out the city but probably not affect Anderson (30mi NE, and one of the towns I used to scavenge for surplus.) A ground burst would not only take out Indy, but would throw a 60×300 mile cloud of a deadly-level of fallout to ~50mi NE of Detroit — into Canada, poisoning everyone from Indianapolis to Toledo with a probably-fatal case of “glow-in-the-dark.” {A ground burst in Columbus would poison both Cleveland and Buffalo…}
If one lives near a military facility or a likely-tunneled government area (which d’Lynn does), they need to consider fallout and prevailing winds. Those are the areas a nuclear enemy would bomb at (or below) ground level. (Draw a circle 100mi out from the Space Needle. One can assume a combatant Russia would drop at least 6 nukes inside that circle, and maybe twice as many. Hell, China only has a few hundred nukes and IMO they’d place at least 3 inside that circle — it’s THAT strategic a location!)
Places like Paducah, Peoria, Cincinnati? They’d still get bombed, but it’d be airbursts. If I were d’Lynn, I’d have a place so far north in Idaho that it’d be within walking distance of Canada…
“Well Ray, I hope you’re right. For some reason I ended up there.”
Think about it: “Jack-of-all-trades” is intuitively obvious, because damn’ near everyone under 55 is somewhere between maladroit and worthless.
As for “junkyard,” even if your “junk” isn’t wrecked cars you’ll have a few around. Every single car will have wheels and a battery. Once it outlives its usefulness, every single battery will make several hundred bullets. If the wheels are worthless, many of the hubs and bearings will likely retain their usefulness for hundreds of years. If you have 6 cars, you’ll have enough linkages to build almost anything.
Even “junk” upholstered furniture is built with grade “A” hardwood, which can be scavenged to build something useful. A dead, coil foundation or mattress can make an antenna reflector — it ain’t parabolic, but it’s free.
Got old radios? I’ve got five S-38s. I don’t believe I bought a one. They just got thrown in with stuff I did buy, and I’ve a mini-fridge sized box of resistors and capacitors, and roughly 3100 vacuum tubes to go with them (and the 70 other boatanchors that keep them company…)
I don’t know what George’s excuse is. I never had an Elmer, so there wasn’t a sane person around to advise me not to become a HAM, because “Amateur Radio” is a mental disorder, which requires the periodic acquisition of — more radios.
That said, I don’t just believe old stuff is better, I KNOW it is! I fix it up (which usually means: Remove 50-80 years of neglect and polish the pieces) which keeps me in practice, and lets me turn out a couple pieces of functional history every year. I’ve got two radios by my bed: An Eton (Grundig) Elite 750, and a Hallicrafters SX-25. When I listen at night, it’s usually the Halli, because tubes simply sound better.
Mental adroitness: NEVER assume something is what it looks like, or what someone else, even the manufacturer, says it is. Assume it is what YOU want it to be, then remove everything from it which keeps it from being so.
Hence: “Acquire a junk yard or become a Jack-of-all-trades…”
Sir, d’Lynn,
Since ye be hanging around dese parts with us dotterers, titterers, and preppers, we be noticing that you be not not noticing all de frenetic activity in preps?
Ye be snoozing?
Ye be watching dat tv?
Ye be spendin toooo much precious time on precious artificial electronic coins in d’air?
Ye be turnin in yer sleep?
Where is ye’s git up and go?
Cause the rest of us, Ure-beaver-bees, have been busy $paying$ attention and fix’g our preps ah G AH l o r e to put em up for de upcomin dark of light, wintah of our discotech, ta avoid de upcomen squall of gores.
So, come along and come on, git wid it!!!
Sir d’Lynn, as I be writen dis, I notice ye all readee confirmed below your prep mind ‘set’.
Good; we be resten now. Setten and waiten and watchen for it!
Cause we be the leeders of ‘be FORE’; we be needed.
It’s not about the money as much as it is the read. The Divinus Ritus language. See according to legend. Reality was spoken into existence. There for it is a language. A dynamic living language.
Don’t get me wrong. I like money. Money is my friend. It’s a mechanism for time. It’s a key to unlock a better way of living. I’ve lived in my car and I’ve lived in multi million dollar mansions. I like living in multi million dollar mansions better. I’ve ate soup a the Homeless shelter and I’ve at 22oz Ribeye and Alaskan King Crap. I like Ribeyes much better.
It’s always funny, I know alot of poor people and I have sat in the mission and heard people say, Money ain’t everything. Then bum a smoke off ya after. And I’ve sat at the table with Uber Wealthy and Big Ceo’s of world banks who make up part of the Federal Reserve at Uber posh old money golf course and I never had any of them bum a smoke off of me. But I did have one buy me a couple $10,000 custom tailored suits.
Still money won’t get you through back stage when I’m running the gate. You either got the credentials or on occasion you are as a child. And I let the mother in as well with her children.
What I’m interested is being digitally detached and still be able to read the entire world by what is presented by the entire world around me. I’m grateful that I can even comprehend the lamguage. Most importantly that THE DUDE speaks with little me. It not a language you can understand consciously. It’s an intuitive language. You can see material evidence of it. Like Kodak snapshots. You feel it. Or atleast I do.
That is the important thing. The dialog in the living language. Helping others find their way and altering their life course by divine timing and assistance. Which I have participated in more times than i can count. Money is good. But not the important thing.
Just the fact that I can read the potential that well
? That I can understand what the grid dsays around me tin seattle o that degree as it relates to a lotterry drawing
On the East coast before it happens. That the ccaller is going to make tthat call
4 days prior to it happening. Without. Being on the internet or studying the lotto or anything other than reading the world around me?
Spimply through active meditation and every day ordinary living. I’m impressed by that.
Seeing to understand the living language and that I’m understanding it to that degree.
They are going to pay on the 6 aanyway.they will.
It’s like I packed a travel bag, put shorts, tank tops and underware and flip flops in it. I placed it by the door. I don’t know why I packed it. I just did. Then I started going tanning (ya I know it’s bad for you, but so is being sunburned) I don’t know why I started going tanning. I was just by a tanning place, got out of my car and signed up. Been going every day. I forgot I packed that bag till I had to move it.
It’s there when I need it. Like in the last month. I have been on highway 101 four times drove up and down it, from the top of Washington to the California state line. And I don’t know why.
I have more important things to do. Everything is changing and fast.. We are rright on schedule.
P.s. I have countless examples of reading it correctly. Moving out of harms way and into other blessings. Simply by my understanding of the living language. I use it mostly to help others find their way.
As I often say to THE DUDE, make me an instrument of THY Great works.
So far so good. Moving forward now. Thanks again George. I appreciate you.
As we appreciate you, Andy. (Our strange brother traveling in the state of lost souls and lefty’s).
The Dude forgives. But our harder task is forgiving ourselves.
(As soon as I get there, I usually go out and do something ELSE reprehensible again, lol.)
one thing I’m most brilliant at George, is getting it wrong. haha i got that shit down to a science. hahahahha
that is why i ask all the time, Show me how. then i wait…. then say. after you DUDE, letting the solution work the problem out ahead of me. because when i lead with the problem to the problem? It only doubles the problem. When I let the solution lead to the problem??? there is no problem.
even when im reprehensible.
time for a smoke and a think about things. see what the world is telling me today. :)
See here young man: The world is going to shit and over the next two years it will be like a kind of financial hell on Earth. I wouldn’t listen to shit “the world is telling me.”
Listen to your heart and screw the rest.
Time to short for all.
Great post today George – I find the post wildly optimistic, but hey, we can use a little optimism.
By the way, I am at a much more fundamental level on this entire crash/depression thingy. You see, it takes a certain amount of ‘consciousness’ or let’s call it ‘awareness’ (close, but not quite the same) to run a society – especially a complex society of upwards to 8B ‘humans.’ When consciousness falls, basic competence falls and the ability for people to live in some type of peaceful coexistence with each other falls rapidly.
We see this ‘consciousness crash everywhere’. In the Vedic literature this period is called Kali Yuga – but the problem with the entire Yuga thingy is that Vedic scholars are at odds with where we are in this some 26,000 year cycle. If you follow Sri Yukteswar (the Guru of Yogananda), the planet is now in ‘Ascending Dwarpa Yuga’ and not the famous Kali Yuga. Of course, if we were in Ascending Dwarpa Yuga, then things should be slowly getting better. They are not. Btw, this comes from Sri Yukteswar’s book – ‘The Holy Science.’
We could discuss this all day, but I will make this short: People are getting more stupid with each passing year. It does not matter the reason – people get stupid, the economies fail, wars happen, and people massively die off.
“Supporters of this demented Ukrainian underworld are the same thoughtless patriotards who cheered America’s 20-year torture of Afghanistan, the continuing rape of Iraq, the demolition of Syria, the evisceration of Libya, the continuing abuse of Yemen and dozens of other illegal assaults on defenseless countries around the world that have darkened this young 21st century with unceasing mass murder and mayhem, all grouped under the rubric of fighting a phantom terror apparatus that is secretly manufactured by Washington and Israel.-J.Kaminsky
Virtue/Virtues are Non -Existent in Globalist/WEF/BIS/Davos blood drinkers/DoD- Military/Agencies.
Why the entire country did not STOP Everything in PROTEST at the JFK ASSINATION I will never know (conspiracy theorists?) – butt that point in our collective history was the beginning of the END.
IMHO we coming out da kali yuga cycle – no goodniks panicing – which will lead to a global catastrophe…how they always end, as kNEW nrg’s are already “pouring in”.
So, fella, I would venture that a good grouping of us on this board did NOT support all those wars for Israel’s good. We were protesting them all along, we saw right through 911.
We watched them go on and lie to us daily on the TELEVEE set.
But, we know this WAR started a long time ago; foretold through The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:
We know that hundreds of millions of White people (and others) have been killed off along with the separate race, culture, religion of (666) million Jews killed during WW2. WW1 was a white blood bath of a specialty non talked about order from kindergarten on up in the American Public School System managed by the Department of Non-Education, kinda like the Non-Federal Reserve!
We know that this funny biz INESS is still happening as we speak and taking a new form of insanity in the Ukraine/USA vs Russia WAR ramping up right now. We see who our esteemed UNELECTED leaders of the FREE world be!
Right on time, I might add.
Gotta have a GOOD WAR, to lead to a GOOD Depression, Leading to a REEL GOOD famine. Oops, did I get that sequence wrong?
Amerika is a cooked goose; yes, all that dastardly, bastardly killing of women, children, menfolk, and old folk our country did over there is coming over here cause that’s how the cookie BOOMerRANG crumbles. Those fine Neo CON folk who are NUDLING over in Ukraine do NOT care about USA; we are disposable, dispensable, and replaceable, that’s why the borders are WIDE OPEN.
Protest JFK’s ASSassination? Gimminy crickets…you think those people were educated? Mr. Fabulously wealthy turncoat bought out by the powers that be, Dan Rather, made sure ALL Americans watching that newfangled TELEVEE set Just Stay Plain Dumb. He lied about the Zapruder tape (oh why was Zapruder right there to tape THE ASSassination that day?).
He had a GREAT career until they felled him with one big stone, which was the truth about George Bushie the 2nd who lied/tripped out of his little ole thing called national guard duty. Yeah, nice ripe time to bust their insider in time for Bushie the 2nds run for the Presidency.
Ahh, we could be tired from all these goings on, but we are STRONG.
The real question is. Did I speak it so or read it so.
I asked THE DUDE about all that last night. And HE only said, Well done Andy. Well done.
I think I spoke it so. Because the shot caller spoke the number 6. If I had I only read it? He would have said 9 and read it correctly.
Now I’m not just reading it. I’m sounding it out. ;)
Speaking, listing, reading, hearing, singing. The language of creation. Aka Divuns Ritus aka The language of the God’s.
Ya know the powers that be, talk about the great symphony. The say they are the players of the music that the world dances too.
I’m running security at the show. Nobody gets back stage. As the door man. Without proper credentials. The performers come and go. Always a new show in town. The man running the gate. He remains. No matter what song is played or whoever is singing it. And after a band played its songs and shows? If the come back the next night and it’s not their show. They ain’t getting in without the proper credentials. Per the Universe policy.
And I see how the show is done. At every show. Know the song list and all that before it starts. Have to know that. So we can time things to keep everyone safe.
Well off to see what THE DUDE has planned for the day. I’m sure it’s good. Always grateful for another day of life.
Truly I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate.
Cue: ~ I have a name ~
Jim Croche
“The language of creation”
I was sitting out reading and listening to ..Clair
When it dawned on me.. the inspiration for the music comes from the lullabies nature hums to us..
Listen to it while sitting nature..
Good luck on your journey
Thank you for your time, added links, and content. Appreciate the deep and thought out perceptions. Keep on keepin on. Sending you momentum.
May 15, 2022 signs signs everywhere signs … total eclipse with blood moon signs signs everywhere signs. May 30th 2022 earth goes through large debris Field of a comet. Signs signs everywhere signs. When the Queen dies and the King becomes…signs
Saturn (Zeus) – Mars (Aries) conjunction on April 4.
Mercury retrograde, 05/10 – 06/03.
Friday, May 13 tomorrow.
Blood moon full lunar eclipse at midnight on Sunday.
Finland poking Russia in the eye on Monday.
Stock markets sinking faster than a Russian missile frigate.
And just to rub it in, “Yo, flyover country! Spare a glass of water?”
Next week’s going to be a doozy.
What’s absent from the bitcoin mine numismatic health & safety manual? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?
Following the introduction of the English bronze penny in 1860, copper pennies were demonetized in 1869. Around this time, my gg grandfather secured the working man’s family inter-generational fortune of the gilded age in the form of a 1797 George III cartwheel penny designed by a German engraver. It weighs in at one ounce to match its worth in copper of the time. Apparently design was such that 17 pennies placed side-by-side measured 2 feet according to specifications of the Royal Society (of London for Improving Natural Knowledge) whose motto “Nullius in Verba” translates as “take nobody’s word for it”. By the second round of George III penny mintage in 1806, the coins were smaller and lighter such that 24 new pennies made up the revised value of a pound of copper rather than the 16 of 1797.
More recently, history records that the data-mining software company MicroStrategy advised on March 20, 2000 that it was restating revenues. Its stock price nosedived 62% and was judged as being the popping of the dot com bubble signal.
On May 3, 2022, business intelligence software company MicroStrategy made a public earnings call that it holds $3.975 billion in Bitcoin at an average price of $30700 per coin, and would face margin calls at $21000.
Let’s rejoin DJ Ure in studio about to serve up the 1869 Captain Nemo dive sequence.
Stay short longer gold . F sheetcoin . Die fools
the old nanna from the lower east side talking bank runs !!! because of sheet coin panic !!! you !!! *&%$ and jerome replaced treasuries with sheetcoin !! you fat fool . ehhh nanna !!! gold baby gunna burn you , the FED , the USD and USSA to pieces . you had years you creeps to change .. you killed plenty great gold bulls , my mates , the ones that are left are hardened and warrior made . 25 years oinker and here we come baby . the empire gunna strike back and destroy your dark evil
this ones to the death siths . we had 25 years of wars but this is the end one .. git outta town
Oh my…..
Hundred mile an hour winds ..wall of water.. it’s 5.22 and you would swear it was midnight because of the dust..a wall of dirt.. electricity is out.. phew..
Came up fast to..
Dam I wish I had the solar battery backup lol…
Got the essentials running..
When I built our house I had had a few comments on my walls.. I had made a framing table to build them since it was just me a wall will bend..
So..I put a lot of hurricane bracing in them.. that wall of wind clocked at 102 mph.. did a lot of damage..I could hear the old walls creaking …but no damage.. taking the wife to work trees were coming down all around us..
We had very little notice.. luckily there was time for me to get my plastic porch chairs to those things..comfortable and will last the rest of my life..
So far their talking power by monday…
Lol lol had one gent ask me after I made the commentthat televisionwas down.. I wonder what our parents did..
I said.. how many siblings do you have….
Now you know…monopoly anyone..
Or my favorite phase 10 twist..
No damage to our house…
What surprises me.. is I made a roof wind turbine mount..cut the design out of cereal boxes and had a kid laser cut the steel..
It’s gone through several storms that should have ripped that thing off the roof…lol lol..still there intact..
Now you can get those mounts anywhere..others along the way had the same thoughts I did.. I only did it to show the kids that it could be done..
The federal Canada Immigration website issued a press release yesterday concerning planned upcoming federal charter flights for Ukrainian refugees flying from Poland to Canada. It states that the flights will be arranged by Momentum Solutions.
Momentum appears to be a Toronto-based company founded by an Israeli-Canadian with deep and experienced connections. The founder grew a fortune by getting in on the Canadian ground floor of what became a multi-billion dollar cannabis start-up buyout with a couple of partners resident in Gibralter. Did at least one of those partners formerly co-own a childrens Ukrainian television channel? Regrettably the channel apparently ceased operations following an allegedly illegal broadcast of adult content during prime time.
No need to adjust your remote, the next “Canadian/American Idol” series will be along shortly for your entertainment and distraction pleasure.
Everything is just ducky.
When thinking of prophetic books let’s not leave out the late Michael Ruppert and his classic “Collapse”. Wish he were still with us.
p.s. she also predicts bitcoin fall:
Told you all about the red button . But . You all know everything
Any idea why America’s private equity firm Cerberus, named for the three-headed dog guarding hades, is funding refurbs at a bankrupt Subic Bay shipyard for a Chinese-leaning PI admin? Quite the triad, isn’t it? Perhaps the Cerberus chairman of global investments, former USA vp Mr. D. (Potatoe) Quayle can shine light on matters?
Birds of a feather…
Bush41 picked Quayle up as VP because he was a Midwest Conservative and the most-knowledgeable Republican in Congress WRT foreign affairs. Outside of foreign affairs, Dandy Dan was an idiote(sic).
(Note the capital letters. A “Republican” is someone owned by the “Republican Corporation.” A “republican” is someone whose ideology lies in a republican form of government.)
I don’t know (and don’t care) but always suspected Quayle was a closet neocon. Without bothering to investigate, I’d guess Cerberus worked a deal to sell a few million tons of steel to China, which may ride on a cargo ship, or sail to the Strait of Taiwan under its own power…
Here’s a piece of trivia that I was not aware of. Dan Quayle’s maternal grandfather and newspaper publisher, Eugene C. Pulliam, was a co-founder of the Society of Professional Journalists.
Military doctors can’t trust DOD medical database after COVID vax injuries scrubbed: whistleblower
A group of military doctors alarmed by reported spikes in service members’ miscarriages, myocarditis, cancer and other serious issues in the first year of COVID-19 vaccine availability no longer trust the military’s medical database, one of them told Just the News.
Lt. Col. Peter Chambers said he was now giving potential vaccine-injury cases, from his own practice and that of colleagues, directly to Sen. Ron Johnson for the Wisconsin Republican’s ongoing pressure on the Department of Defense (DOD) to end COVID vaccine mandates.
The Threat Of Polish Involvement In Ukraine
“In economics,” wrote John Kenneth Galbraith, “the majority is always wrong.” Galbraith might have added that in military affairs, there is a mountain of historical evidence to suggest that American generals and military analysts are always wrong, too.
This is a longish read, but well worth it.