Daylight Madness Day! It’s time We the People overthrow the “tyranny of clocks.” And the “government” (such as that is) which claims unwarranted power over time.
The two “resets” of the clocks per year are ridiculous, have no useful results, and are part of the whole “Bullying Mindset” of runaway bureaucracies.
Executive Summary:
There are two kinds of time. The first is called “linear time” and it was “invented” to deal with navigating the seas. The second is “Sidereal Time” meaning (literally) “Sun Time.”
In the age of modern computing – let alone A.I. – we have more than sufficient computing horsepower to return to sidereal time. It will result – at last – in “honest time” being widely available.
This will help break up the paternalistic attitude of entrenched bureaucracies which – by claiming power over time they know nothing about – furthers the illusion the government knows what it’s doing. Do we have a surprise for you!
The early days off sailing navigation were fraught with difficulty (and shipwrecks) because it was easy to “run a latitude” – you just hold the sun angle at its daily high point in the sky, and then run that compass heading for another 24 hours.
You’d circle the globe, some known distance (which could be calculated) north or south of the equator.
The problem was, you’d never know exactly where you were East-West. That’s how you run into things. Like reefs and islands.
For this, you needed meridians of longitude (east-westness). And, because Britain was (once) Great, they imposed the Greenwich Prime Meridian on the world. The Zero Line.
You could, with a few tables of math calculations, notably HO-249 and your sight reduction tables (meaning Hydrographic Office Publication #249) determine how far east (or west) of the prime meridian with only one “insert the magic here” device. A clock.
Thus, the art of shipboard timekeeping competitions began and the whole affair is spread out over years and years. A delightful read on point is found in the book Finding Longitude: Ships, Clocks and Stars.
Linear Time Failings
The problem with linear time systems (linear clocks) is that they diverge from local observed reality on a regular basis. In the summer, for example, an “early to bed, early to riser” (like me) hates summer because that damn light in the sky won’t go off. In the winter, I can’t sleep as much as the Sun’s position would indicate.
So, in some sense, linear time “works” for getting people to and from “work.”
But specious claims are made about linear time. Like today’s exercise in society-wide bullshit, where we all reset our clocks and pretend the “days are longer” now.
The change in the length of the day depends on whether the Sun is extremely south in winter -23.5 degrees below the equator, to 23.5 degrees above at the summer solstice.
Logically, then, this clock changing charade should happen when the Sun crosses north of the equator each year. Please note, however, that it does not. This is where crooks in the bureaucracy are easily found out. A sensible astronomical rationale doesn’t happen until the Spring Equinox. Which doesn’t happen until March 19th.
Literally, this is the wrong weekend to be “dicking with time.” Congress can’t get a damn thing right, appears, huh? Maybe if they’d learn to read a bit…
Sidereal Time is “Connected”
In an age of GPS, everyone living an indoor life, and running to artificial “linear time” we are all risking our mental and physical well-being by remaining disconnected from Sidereal Time. Not just me proposing this. Came out in a BBC news piece last year:
New research suggests that humans may need more sleep during the dark, cold winter months than they do during the summer. This need seems to even occur in people living in cities, where artificial lights would be expected to interfere with the natural influence of daylight on our sleeping patterns.
To be sure, there actually are some safety concerns about kids going to school in the dark, in the depths of winter. But, with a sidereal time system, the outside brightness would always be the same when they left for school. The Sun being at the same place would mean shadows could be depended on, once again, for work timing, for example.
We also know more accidents in places like construction sites happen when lighting is poor. Therefore working 10-hour days in the summer, and only 6 in the winter might improve jobsite safety. Fewer auto accidents, I’d wager, too.
Plants aren’t going to grow any faster, or slower, no matter what happens in the form of royal-like governmental decrees about “what time it is.”
But kinda hard to screw with the “local hour angle” (LHA) and its difference from the GHA (Greenwich Hour Angle).
I’d propose that sleeping an hour longer in the winter and an hour less in the summer, with an idealized 8-hours at the equinoxes, would also help to reduce hormone disorders.
Toss in the near manic monetizations to sun protection factor products blocking even minimal amounts of natural light (which drives hormones) and it’s a sad fact that overly protective parents may be the vanguard of a new population of asexual, albino, worm-like beings. And no, we’re not kidding. Suggest you read Effect of summer daylight exposure and genetic background on growth in growth hormone-deficient children – PubMed ( for a little more science based grounding.
Practically speaking: We aren’t going to change. Until we enter a Second Depression, which arguably we have been in for some time. As a result, we do continue to champion the case for rational science as this morning’s free “How to make better sunglasses” article on our sight explains.
We have changed our clocks. Sometimes you go along with the big lies so as not to step out of line and be noticed as one of those dangerous, pro-Constitutionalist thinkers. Who question everything, including mail-in ballots and making up what time it is for corporate convenience and the furtherance of artificial “linear time” which a larger reality (the Sun) says is crap.
The Ugly Secret is that linear time is a head trip that has colored all of our thinking leading to a bovine and obese population. A tale from the Ure family roots in the Dakotas, spoken with great respect for sensible knowledge among First Peoples explained “White men are crazy: They look at their clocks to see if they are hungry.”
That’s privilege if you look at it one (erudite, academic) way. Or (more correctly) a mental defect and failure to “keep time in its place” (the skies) when looked at another.
Now, write when it gets light…
I just turned on my tablet to check Urban Survival. The time on the screen where I am is… 1:13
A subtle reminder from the universe about tomorrow?
“The next big 1-1-3 Ritual Killing Day is March 11th, 2024. This one is important and it includes nuclear symbolism. This is the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns.”
Speaking of “time”…
Time Has Come Today
The Chambers Brothers – (The Ed Sullivan Show)
It’s also on my side…verily, verily in the Book of Mic.
And another time classic that I could imagine Andy singing.
~ On my way to better things ~
~ I found myself some wings ~
I remember that one, liked it a lot in the days of my youth.
As the Indian (two feathers) said, “The white is the only person that cuts a foot off of his blanket and sews it on the bottom thinking that he has a longer blanket”.
oh that’s ^ funny!
to save day light or not,, that is the Question
lets ask King Solomon,,,
“cut the baby in half and give half to each”
On a lighter side,,, I forgot about the time , did my usual “guess what time it is” when I awoke this morn, to see I was about a hr off when I looked at the bathroom clock,,, it has an auto clock set connection, I just need to reset my mental clock,,,
it was a lot of work but someone had to do it,,,
stoners or stone age time keeping
truth social violated anti fraud laws, insider trading, nearly bankrupt, only 2 million users compared to X (450 million), Facebook (2.9 billion)
OK, I’ll play dumb: Your point?
(There’s a liberal born every minute?)
Also, did Truth Social conspire with a rogue group within government to deplatform law abiding citizens?
Because they were anti-vax or anti Big War in Ukraine?
Elon’s not taking a hard right – just being credible dude, talking trute-2-power
Your TDS is showing.
“Your post was detected by our systems and has had its visibility limited for violating the X rules. Specifically:
We have determined your post violated our rules against Hateful Conduct.”
on feb 13 2024 Twitter told me that I violated their rules for posting this comment,,, here
” but but BUT ! Dr Jan,,, Joan Rivers already told US Big Mike is a tranny”
stong is the TDS,,, can’t ‘c’ (see),,,
show me the fraud of which you speak,,
you know CNN is totally TDS and will not speak truth about Trump unless forced to,,,
X aka Twitter still censors just not as much as when the gov had full control of it
CNN stock is down, I wonder how much longer Anderson Pooper will keep his position
as CNN is owned by Warner Bros
my DWAC stock holding is still in the black ink
The Googler indicates 1918 was when daylight savings time began in the U.S.
Maybe the time change isn’t about time so much as the all-powerful .gov flexing and changing what really cannot be changed.
Ask a regular schlep why there is DST and they’ll go on…. “schools/farmers/energy”.
“Sometimes you go along with the big lies….”
Time change is a projection of control.
It starts with the immovable and before you know it the citizens think a $35,000,000,000,000 fiat debt as real and can/will be paid.
And it works!
“The Googler indicates 1918 was when daylight savings time began in the U.S.”
To cut down on electricity consumption, AFAIk.
The pitfalls in a shared reality.
daylight savings time is a joke.. it use to be worth something when kids would go to the fields.. and they used oil lamps.. for light.. but other than that.. not so much anymore.. maybe after the EMP hits.. and the world goes back to the stone age.. I personally wish they would do away with it..
“The Googler indicates 1918 was when daylight savings time began in the U.S.”
But it didn’t become mandatory in the US until 1966 with the passage of the Uniform Time Act of 1966.
Personally, I’d prefer if they’d just leave it one way or the other year-round.
Dr. Eric Berg: Avoiding The Sun Is Just As Dangerous As Cigarettes?
I turn off the alarm most weekends, unless I have some kind of morning appointment. I like getting off work while there is plenty of sunlight, so daylight savings time suits me. I tend to regard all safety and productivity issues as Others competing to manage my time and activities without my consent.
It sometimes bothers me thinking I am spending more time reading your musings than you spend writing them. But, that’s another story.
Time travels but we aren’t at the helm. It is. In Indiana we refused, never changed. Then we changed and changed. Mrs. E rolled through the digital devices this morn. I watched.
Time that matters: tomorrow will be 2 minutes and 49 seconds longer (here) than today. Gimme that daylight. It snowed here overnight, painted the scene white with an inch of fresh fallen. Spring-time is upon us.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?
Nope. E
This is a troubling quote:
“It sometimes bothers me thinking I am spending more time reading your musings than you spend writing them. ”
I’ve been pondering for a full half hour whether I need remedial writing, or you need remedial reading, or whether like the Promontory Point meeting, we sort of meet in the middle somewhere…
It’s not just reading Ure writings, it’s the comments too! Lots of interesting and valuable stuff here, but it does take time to read, think, and perhaps reply. Sometimes it’s even necessary to save the valuable stuff.
At least everyone else’s clocks are finally right for the next eight months. Mine never even needed adjusting. DST is neither sidereal nor standard, but it’s used most of the year because it just works out better.
remedial: it’s a thinking thing, not your writing or my reading. sign me up for remedial thinking. oh wait, nevermind.
Now that was fun, Egor. Double shot at the lake’s martin time today.
– Well., it’s an end of an era. When I started the private Facebook page for Vietnam Army Rangers we had 26 members in the first nine months.., from that time – seven years ago, the membership has slowly dropped to four.
Last week one of the founding members died of a heart attack while getting his garden prepped for the growing season. We exchanged ideas and tips for years.
The three remaining members have decided that the Facebook page [ like all of us.] isn’t really needed any more., and that we will keep in touch via email.
I closed the page last night.
A long time ago., in a land far, far away – this chapter of the story has come to an end. There is only one chapter left in my book and it will probably be nothing more than a passing foot note., and very few read the footnotes.
We are all just dust in the wind.
Wait, wasn’t that something that Squire S. Preston, Esq. Said in Bill & Ted’s…um, party on dudes. These senior flashbacks can be alarming.
Kansas – “Dust in the Wind”
I love that song
I wonder if the guys I know are on there.
one gentleman refused to hunt or carry a gun. retired ranger decorated for heroism.. thought he was going to kill me one night jogging lol lol i am to dam stuborn to let a youngster out do me so i was trying to keep up ..he was in the ditches over the fence lol the only reason he turned around was he knew he would have to carry my fat ass home before i would quit lol. he doesn’t have any social accounts that I know of. because of what he sees coming he has now started carrying a gun again. that in itself scares me. a battle hardened retired ranger sees what’s going on and anticipating danger at home..
Even the “Famous” slowly disappear from being known by the newer residents of this planet as the dust grows on the books where they were talked about. For those not famous they suffer the same fate, just more quickly. Only a few will be remembered for centuries, even fewer for a millennium.
Once we are gone is there anybody who will remember our stories? Our kids … maybe … but once the people we directly touched are gone, well memories of us will quickly leave too.
About 100′ from my father’s grave is the grave of a man who in his day was famous, actually ran for Vice President … alas the only flowers that ever end up on his grave now are those put there by the American Legion for Memorial Day since he was a War hero. In another couple of decades that will probably stop happening too.
My father use to say… six weeks to three months and you will be on to other things.. funny it has been years and I think of him all the time..
Changing the clocks twice a year is just another way the man uses to throw us off our game. The excuse of kids going to school in the dark is BS, they could just start school 1 hour later in the winter, much easier than throwing off the entire population.
Yeah, but then the kids would be coming home in the dark afternoons. When I lived in Wisconsin, working in a concrete cave, I didn’t see the sun for two months. It rose after I got to work at 8am, and it set about 4:30pm before I got off work at 5pm.
Happily here in tropical Hawaii we have no need for that BS. We have Hawaii Standard Time year round. Sunrise/set time vary only about a half hour from season to season. Biggest pain is to try to figure out what time it is “there” when we have to phone the mainland.
Why call? Send email and go surf! Or fish, or roast some, uh…oh, that was Maui, you say?
Each island has it’s own. :-)
During my ‘working’ years it was always apparent who had to deal with the mainland. They got to work at 6am so they could call the mainland, where the east coast was already noon. Some ‘financial’ people like brokers worked midnight to noon just to deal with Wall Street.
Hi George
Quite a few years back the state of Michigan asked the voters “Twice” did they want the time change.
Both times, overwhelming they said NO!
It did not mater the legislature voted to do it anyway.
That is when I realized the citizens “vote” does not matter.
Something is rigged, my Rep said if Michigan rescinded
the time act. the feds would reduce money coming to the state. So what gives ???
Just one more example of a out of touch dysfunctional government.
Will sunglasses and welders glass be good for
eclipse April 8th, I’m in totality.
Beware sunglasses… not enough density to view sun directly. Welders glass should work OK. Best get some metalized mylar ‘sun viewer’ shades. Once you are in totality, you can view the corona with the naked eye. Speaking from experience of the ’91 Hawaii eclipse… it is an awesome experience! But once the ‘diamond ring’ peeps over the edge, get the heavy eye protection back on.
Sunglasses, absolutely not. Per NASA, welder’s glasses only if shade 12 or darker.,solar%20eclipse%2C%20according%20to%20NASA.
The pane of welder glass I have is dark but will ask my iron worker friend if there are darker shades. Probably be able to pick up some glasses like in this article.
If you have a Linde (Praxair) store nearby, they should have lenses for most welders’ glasses from the steampunk ’50s stuff to modern TIG hoods. I’ve always watched eclipses with a pinhole box, but I know folks who ganged lenses 40 years ago and still have functional eyesight, so…
Iron worker buddy says my welder glass is shade 10, and that is darker than 12. will wear sunglasses as well should it be clear skies.
re: Green screens
feat: disjointed world
One of the subtle Barnum & Bailey treats in store for tourists to Greenwich is the Prime Meridien photo-op. The actual line is a football field length to the east in the Royal Park lands apparently first donated by a niece of King Alfred in 918 ad.
UK msm outlets are perturbed at the recent release of a photo of Princess Kate in her combat boots along with her children taken by Prince William. Princess Charlotte’s hand does not line up with her arm just beneath her mother’s cradling left hand which is bereft of wedding ring.
re: night vision
feat: green beer
“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” A “Kyiv Independent” news editor is an alumnus of a subsidiary to Washington-based IPD Group (Internet Product Development) that pushes out digital news segmented by group. It’s hq office is across the street from Farragut Square and the White House. The Kyiv rag mopped up 4 days ago after that WSJ story from a day prior about Ukraine special forces allegedly have been shooting at Black people in Sudan since last August. Was this the “white flag” that His Holiness The Pope had really meant when offering his peace sermon to the Ukraine President over the weekend?
Did Mr. Zelensky think he could counsel such doings with the Sudanese government sat upon St. Patrick’s Emerald Isle without word reaching the ears of the Holy Father?
Let’s settle down and tune in with DJ George and a Weezer hit cover from their Teal album –
“Weekend at Bernie’s” in real life?
LOL … all I could think about when I read about the doctored picture after so long with no one seeing her.
Ever notice that when you watch.. you carefully scan the back ground to see if there are strings attached LOL..
re: “Daylight Madness”
Upon lands once comprising the pagan Mercian Supremacy of 1400 years past, Black Sabbath played the National Exhibition Center in Birmingham for the last time 7 years 1 month and 6 days ago. The final song of their setlist was “Zeitgeist”. Sunday this weekend witnessed an absolute dog’s breakfast break out at the NEC. PETA protestors clashed like cats and dogs with security in the venue at the world’s largest dog show, Crufts, founded in 1891.
Despite the melee, “Zen”, a jack russell terrier from Japan placed as runner-up in the overall standings. Top dog was “Viking” an australian shepherd dog housed some 6 miles from the venue. Winner’s loot consists of a trophy replica and £200.
you see it right? you see the infuence as he grows in power. its changing the world.
i didnt even remember him at first. until he came into focus last night. then i remembered him. and when we crossed paths a long while ago. and how he looked at me, like he seen a ghost.
and the first dream i had ever remembered.
Lucius is most certainly affecting things on a world scale. and he is protected by etherial beings. most certainly.
i knew someone was making all these adjustments. i wasnt sure who. i thought it may have been Elon but Elon doesnt hold that kind of power. that kind of power is rare. its different than the power of money, tech etc. etc.
now i know who, and you do too.
but that doesnt make
Isaiah 54:17 KJV No weapon formed against you shall prosper, every tongue that rises against you, you shall condem.
any less true.
i dont like it either.
my day of good fortune..I got a whole load of good digested cow manure. filled up the raised beds .while moving the dirt there’s a couple of young girls just moved in with their parents across the bicycle . each one politely taking turns.. so I asked you both have a we have just this one to share until mom and dad can get a second one. we’ll wouldn’t you know but my bike riding days are over.. so I gave them one the kettle shaver he’s out wanting one to .
I have a clown bike. keep it just for the little ones to learn how to ride’s not as intimidating ..
I was going to give to the mail handler when they said they should ride a bike to deliver so I will dig it out of the shed …I believe it will have a good new home..
their little boy.. not kettle shaver.. LOL.. love and hate auto correct all at the same time..
I plan to dig the clown bike out today.. then till in the cow manure.. I have been thinking about growing carrots and Beets.. I love beets.. I must have went to bed hungry or something.. and I have an old hundred year old book on hydroponics that I have been going through.. and it tells how to grow potatoes.. in a hydroponic solution.. the bed they show is similar to one that they are selling at Costco.. so I am going to pick up a couple just to try it..
George …
Somebody with wherewithal in the past posted this on 13 March 2023 re the FTBP …
That FTB Program ends tomorrow. Friday for Nivida looked like a top with a initial gap higher and ending on the low of the day, lower than the preceding day high. Nvidia’s PE ratio of 72 is appropriate for a top.
For the SPX a March 2020 interpolated 38/95/76 week :: x/2.5x/2x growth fractal was completed and an Oct 2023 4/10/8 week :: x/2.5x/2x self organizing growth fractal series was completed -replete with easily discernible nonlinearly lower gaps in the 2x to 2.5x of the second fractals.
Inter institutional-supporting financial engineering- as you pointed out in March 2023, i.e., among western central banks, the large western banks, and corporations – has been since 2008(and before) and going forward is the cornerstone of all future western asset-debt macroeconomies. How will debt be rolled forward for US and western commercial real estate and for US zombie companies? The Fed will likely initiate QE on a relatively fast fashion.
For China, it is hard to imagine how their central bank will elevate economic activity in the face of a domestic overinvested tulip-like property bubble and a progressively declining younger population to support ongoing property demand. China already is experiencing consumer-lead price deflation. It is hard to see how the Chinese can escape a 1929-like deflationary depression.
(“For China, it is hard to imagine how their central bank will elevate economic activity in the face of a domestic overinvested tulip-like property bubble and a progressively declining younger population to support ongoing property demand.”)
OH SIMPLE enough.. I was playing with an old woman Rummy…. fun game… she was the only person in the facility at the time.. two of us working a shift for one person.. the facility had just opened.. anyway.. my co worker and I were playing Rummy with this old woman that couldn’t sleep… after a few hands.. my co worker called me over to the coffee pot while we were supposedly getting a fresh cup.. and he says to me.. The woman isn’t playing by the rules.. she has her own made up rules so she wins.. I looked at him and said.. well she is the one that is our boss right now.. she can use whatever rules she wants its her game..
the hardest transition will be the transition of the rules of the fiat currencies.. to the rules of the new ruling class depending on who wins this..
With the formation of the Bric’s and the expansion of it.. they are forced right now to play by the rules of the federal reserve and the European union with the Euro.. all of them are just a few digits on a screen..
We can read about it over and over and over..The politicians set their set of rules.. then the dual standards.. no I cannot be held for not paying taxes its my rules.. and I can’t be held or tried for doing the crime of selling out the US government its my rules.. you can but I cannot.. then politicians rush to change alliances in the thought that the other side is more powerful than their side.. we seen that in Iraq..
with the others like Marie Antoinette and king louis.. they thought that even if the people were struggling that they were beyond touch.. so did the Romanov family the leaders of the Roman empire etc.. each time.. the currency value changed.. see now if I was the one to say what the currency value is.. I would back it by peanuts.. nut bucks.. yup no nuts for you buddy LOL
The system that is in place now.. can be kept.. and everything would continue on.. but our political class doesn’t really give two cents on what the people want.. they are aligning themselves for the continuation politicially.. in their attemp to destroy trump.. they placed themselves in the front lines of the opinions.. by allowing illegal aliens to enter and then make the people of the country fund their living expenses.. phew.. not good.. and if those illegal aliens end up to be a hidden army within our borders.. you thought BLM and Antifa terrorist activities were hell on earth.. doing billions in infrastructure damage.. raping pillaging destruction violence.. won’t even begin to show you what is going to happen.. the three monkeys that are doing the deeds.. are by every observation being set up to be the first to take the fall.. which gets me.. they didn’t get to their positions of power by being totally stupid.. why are they acting like they are now.. they lost their credibility and respect of those that work beside them.. but then when mad mary set up the political leaders of the day to take the fall for her.. it was the same thing..they wrote a nursery rhymes over them.. the three blind mice.. then the mice that scurried up the clock to fix it and the clock rang and down they came.. nursery ryhmes were written so everyone could learn and never make the same mistakes again..
I believe that the reason they can’t see it is the same reason why politicians rarely work for the people.. they live in a bubble.. Marie antoinette she lived in a bubble.. didn’t have to deal with the real world.. Even though everyone was begging them to do something.. anything.. they refused and the saying.. that she said well if they don’t like it they can just eat cake.. didn’t go so well for her.. she should have brought pots of soup out to the people instead of being arrogant and entitled.. the same thing happened in Germany.. brought in one evil bastard to.. hated the affluent he grew up poor and beaten by an evil Jewish uncle..(one story I had read..)Each civilization has a similar path.. each civilization has their own currency.. its like the TWA stock I had.. twa was not doing so hot.. they doubled the stocks.. the wife said hun you should get rid of them.. naw.. when the new company takes over they will probably exchange their stock with twa’s.. NOPE didn’t work like that.. and I had to pay to get rid of it.. same thing with the fiat currencies.. my guess is that is why they are pushing the wars.. they had to get rid of gaza.. because the EU needed the gas.. because the Nord stream was blown up.. as countries join the bric’s.. the currencies that we run on would and will be in danger.. and new set of rules to it.. especially on a situation like this that could have been totally avoided.. the dual standards.. they just had to put jr. in one of the luxury prisons like they did the guys from Watergate.. the kid would be getting out .. if when the questioning of the vote.. if Biden had just came out and said.. oh I am so sorry.. Trump would have appeared as a poor loser.. the documents.. same thing all these court cases.. and indictment’s.. same thing.. I will not stand to see a past president being treated that way here is a presidential pardon.. case closed.. instead.. I am going to destroy him no matter what it costs..
The Ukraine war.. HE BEGGED the NATO from expanding.. came right out and said.. what do you think is going to happen.. phew big words right there.. instead we sent more in.. all of it could have been averted.. millions of dead would still be wondering should we have chicken or beef for dinner..
I am frankly amazed that those in politics can’t see this.. or maybe they forgot what they were taught in high school and should go back and reread those chapters..
TDS and hebephrenic schizophrenia don’t mix:
No Borders? No America
There is a simple solution… for ‘We the People’ to declare WAR on ILLEGAL FOREIGN INVADERS. Declare ‘Open Season’ on them… and make it known far and wide beyond the border, too, that after a certain date, they will be HUNTED. Watch how many turn around and head for the border again… going the OTHER way… when faced with open warfare and hunting of them.
I know… totally unacceptable for lefty wimps. But at some point we have to defend our own… especially if the gubmint won’t do it.
Would need to incentivize the Josh Randalls of America, maybe bounty $1000 dead, $100 if still alive and total asset forfeiture for anyone employing or harboring illegals.
And that certain date was yesterday.
SAD thoughts on that one I don’t condone anyone hurting another or going Adolph on them…. just put up the wall and expel the illegals to their home countries.. hold those responsible for weakening the national security and send them to prison where they belong.. I worked on the floor above a chief.. met him a couple of times in passing.. then I heard that he was guilty of selling out the USA.. I about fell over I couldn’t believe i it was like the clinton sex scandal.. I had a tough time believing that happened to.. that place had at that time so much security then that if you left a stinky fart everyone knew it heard it and seen the results of it..and would come down on you about it.I didn’t know that they had one small area where no cameras or microphones were allowed….. but they put the chief and his family in prison..
and by all accounts he didn’t do half of the damage that has been done by others in their business dealings.
Finishing the wall is worth doing, but walls without guards and instant response units are worthless. Given time and solitude, an individual can cut through virtually any barrier. A cartel team can do the same much faster. Tunnels are another avenue, but have limited capacity and are getting easier to detect with today’s tech.
The bottom line is that without political will, there will be no defense of the border and technical means is just inadequate to counter the threat. I do think that having open official border crossings is mandatory, but that includes guards and some level of inspection. Open borders other than at actual official crossings are simply not acceptable under current conditions.
they have the staff.. they need to get them to work.. not make sandwiches
Don’t tease me with a good time.