Chair Change Monday, CPI and Retail Week

Another Monday dawns over “Wrong Way America.” 

And a bonus with it, too: The wrong time.

Because we all enter the week gypped out of an hour of sleep by the fraud of “Daylight Savings Time.”  Which, in keeping with how such governmental false decrees work, is not based on “daylight” (which government has no sway over), nor is there any “savings”.  This is just another one of those “mind control” deals to remind you who’s in charge.

Not Us.

In fact, as one of our weekend Commenters noted, his state (Michigan, I think, but it’s early) voted several times to overthrow the “tyranny of clocks” and not perp the Big Time Lie any longer.  Yet, because the FedGov has strings attached to those recycled tax dollars, it was fear of losing FedBux that ultimately caused the “local will of the people” to be shitcanned for money. Our money, which is the laughable part.

Until “falling back” we do not condone the civil disobedience act of showing up an hour late today, however.

We live in a dangerous asylum.  Best to walk quietly among the inmates; who are already disconnected from reality. They are known by their deeds…and these are less than confidence inspiring.

Wrong Way Views

Having wrote my first “major market” news in 1969 – which means I’ve been reporting longer than most of the “cub reporters” today have been alive, allow me to explain how “news around UrbanSurvival” is different from the panther piss passed off as “news” during prime time.

We look forward – because that’s where we’re going.  Most of the rest of media not only look back, buy like a person “stuck in high school” memories in the retirement home, it gives great insight into their deficient brain capacity.

We can use today as an example; Monday news headlines being convenient and me being lazy. (Because I too had to write an hour earlier than “normal.”)

Backward Facing Stories

Most of news lacks usefulness because they deal with “settled events.”

We pay the Oscars no mind. In our reckoning, it doesn’t change Jack S. Such pap won’t  change the future history of Gaza since Netanyahu vows to begin Rafah offensive despite Biden’s ‘red line’ warning. But that won’t slow the Panderer-in-Chief, either In Ramadan message, Biden says suffering of Palestinian people is ‘front of mind’.

Besides, when you get to be an old sot (Ure bows slightly), there are these things called “books.”  Richard Rhodes’s The Making of the Atomic Bomb will teach you a lot more than the Oppenmovie and reduced red carpet histrionics to their proper place. The book’s 25th anniversary edition is out – so its durability of research is noted.

Backward Looking?

Not to belabor the point about America’s (deranged) media backwardization, but here’s another butt load of useless review psychophoria:

To line you in, the Big Newsroom Secret is you aren’t going to get “out of the pool” by swimming in circles. Swimming in straight lines – like thinking in straight lines, might get you somewhere.

To the Future, shall we?

Compass Headings

Here’s a sampling of what we think will drive us forward this week.

  • The News Calendar:  Also called the “news budget” by assignment editors, who are by their nature more concerned with Future than their respective publications let on, this is about the 90 percent of news that is “manufactured.”  The rest is AOGs (Acts of God) and SI’s (statistical indicators).  Which we value because – like when we were still flying – the moving map GPS would assure you the altitude of that mountain up ahead is right there in your face if you choose the FIKT (flight into known terrain) option.  We were always partial to more altitude, thanks.

The week ahead looks like something of a “sleeper” today.  Except for the upside breakout of the Hang Seng, which we will get to in a second.

  • While you are watching your “big scream” tonight, Japan will get its Producer Prices report.  This matters why? First, because the Bank of Japan has been loaning money out at under 2 percent to their biggest and best customers.  When there is inflation in the world, all the Big Boys need to do is borrow oodles in Yen, park it in vertical stock or crypto markets, and take the vig.  Easy-peasy.  But, if the JA-PPI sucks…well, that musical chairs game hears the needle scratch.  In fact, overnight, we noticed that Japan was down 868 points (more than 2 percent down).  Whether that’s foreplay and there will be a rally tomorrow on a good PPI number there remains to be seen.  But that’s the kind of Future event – small to begin with – than can set off RED (rolling economic disaster) this week.  Seeing how the Future really works?
  • Three numbers will hit the US Market tomorrow – biggest of which is CPI.  Like Japan, we may have a minor (sell the news) event today (early US Futures are down ahead of today’s open). But, whether the inflation news will be horrific is another matter, though we lean super-bearish on it.  The reason is – and we explained this dynamic in a column several months back – the Fed is getting into a position where persistently high rates will get us (‘Merica) to the brink of economic collapse because Inflation won’t Break.  Gold, BTC, strong prices for Housing and Energy – we just don’t see the Fed’s much vaunted core coming down and – if anything – we think prices could go higher, not lower.  Strong jobs (and stupid open borders) will all conspire to keep demand high – and with it, prices, in our view. The other potential pins in the balloon (other than Rafah lighting up) include the NFIB report early (ahead of CPI tomorrow) and the afternoon API energy stocks report.

Whichever way the market breaks on CPI could be a two-day affair from the Tuesday announcement. Since the news budget is light Wednesday.

Thursday is another matter.  The 800-pound gorilla in the room is Retail Sales. Next to it is a 500-pound gorilla (US Producer Prices) which will offer lookahead insights into “inflation in the pipeline.”  In case you’ve “lost your lock on the Future” this is Options Week and next week is Fed Week. Friday holds the Empire State Manufacturing and the Fed’s Industrial Production and Cap Utilization report, which are also meaningful.

Calculus of the Week

Other than the Pope and Zelensky going back and forth on white flags (as in Angry Kyiv slams Pope’s ‘white flag’ call while Russia says Pope’s appeal on Ukraine war is to the West) we don’t see much else looming except to pencil out some forward-looking market dynamics.

First is our Elliott wave and trend channel view of life.  Here’s how things were looking in the early slog just as the extended hours session was opening.

A Perfect Future?  What we’d really like to see would be a rally today. Because that could set up a picture-perfect “buy the rumor, sell the news” going into the CPI report tomorrow.

More usefully, our Aggregate Index has been far too strong for too long, so a sell-off into Friday would be “useful” to the Commercials.

We didn’t carry a short position into this weekend, and a close at highs today (or near it) could set up a “devil’s storm” of “bad everything” for tomorrow.  Like a bad Gaza development (Rafah?) and then bad CPI data.  And let’s not forget that the Aggregate index Friday closed up at 43,668.93.  At the previous options expiration it was down at 43,007.63.  What matters to us is that last October, our work recorded 36,011.46.

So the judgement questions to be asking yourself frame like this:

  • “In the past month, using last Friday’s close, is the economic condition and prospects for America really 1.537 percent better than it was a month ago.”  (Nervously, you grab the compounding  calculator and notice this is a market rise at the 20.09 percent annual rate…)
  • “Well, what’s the rate since October options?”  (You notice the market is up 21.26 percent in this period…which is less than half a year – 5 months!)

For the early going today, we notice that BTC is up to $71,000 and change.  The price of gold and silver has been firming, too.

Could it be that we will roll through a period of “soft hyperinflation” over the Summer and then collapse in a heap this fall? “Hot dates and wars aside, is anyone in the international community rolling their economy around to count America out?”

At last you spy the two little “future tips” that the mainstream underplays.

The first: Elon Musk worried? Chinese told not to use Western products from Tesla, Apple.

Then, closely related: Key takeaways from 2024 China parliamentary meeting: economy, environment.

Then you begin to wonder.  While US State Media offers reports like China Concludes Annual Parliamentary Meetings as Xi Consolidates Power is there an economic storm forming in China out of the public spotlight?  Xi Jinping’s Minister Says Developers That Are ‘Seriously Insolvent…Must Go Bankrupt’ Amid Real Estate Crisis In China.

Are we on the verge of the “financial music stopping?”

ATR: Mercury Retrograde Breaks Stuff

Seems like this is a “period of things breaking” and somehow, we’re not surprised. I have told you many times that I have a (roughly) three-week lead (before the start of Mercury going retrograde) where all kinds of things just “up and break” around me.

What is even more interesting is the nature of the breaks seems to hint at the future.  In my alchemical work (like time machine experiments are weird enough?) there are the four major elements of the Great Work. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

When Mercury goes retrograde (April 1-25) you may notice an uptick in all kinds of bad juju in your life.  When you live long enough, the patterns will become more clear.

For me, this is a “fire breaks” Retrograde.  Your birthday will influence (set) your personal offset from the celestial events.


  • Elaine had cleaned up the lean-to greenhouse floor. Leaned a rolled up carpet against the wall.  It fell. I didn’t notice.  So, when I fired the diesel heater up to keep the greenhouse warm enough for the tomatoes, the rubber-backed rug had fallen onto the hot diesel heater exhaust.  I’d gone back in the house to make tea, but when I came back out 10-minutes later, the heater was coming up to temp and the smell of light smoke was noticed.  Disaster averted.  Hint #1 that Retrograde was coming.
  • Middle of last week, I had gone out to run a few prints off on the 3D printer.  As I was watching the first layer print, there was a small shower of arks from the printhead (!!!).  Machine, smelling like smoke, was instantly shut down. New printhead ordered. It arrived Sunday. And it didn’t fit.  The product was supposed to fit my Creality 10 V2, but nope, would only fit the 10S series.  So waiting for another print head.
  • Sunday, working on why the back role of solar panels was offline. Noted we were only selling at the 1.3 KWhr rate back to the grid.
    • Turned on new “on sale” clamp on ammeter.  Defective out of the box, but was able to fix said meter.
    • With Ammeter fixed, isolated a bad switched ground for Aisle 3 of panels.  Just at the switch had overheated letting out (yep) more smoke.  Temporary repairs made, new switch enroute.  BTW, that one row of panels puts out 80 amps at 40 volts in good sunlight, which is more than enough to do stick welding with on 3/16ths steel.  Even so a “275 amp rated switch” shouldn’t have let loose.  But it did…arced all to hell and gone!
  • Friday of last week, went to the throne room of the guest room. Flipped on light.  Flickers only.  New unit ordered…

It’s a bitch to get any forward progress done in Life when the Retrograde Opposition Forces have the upper hand. Hoping it will all pass before our contractor for some of the other (major) stuff around here shows up this week.  Last thing I need is more “retrograde” presents in my life.

The good news?  All minor, workable, but commanding of respect kinds of things.  And yes, we do nod and appreciate that this is a fire/lightning cycle this time around.  The other elements, hopefully, will wait their turns.

Upcoming, we have more retrogrades: August 5–28 and November 25–December 15.  My “risk windows” run ahead of the start by 3+ weeks, so we will plan life accordingly.

Is that woo-woo, or what?

Write when you get rich,

73 thoughts on “Chair Change Monday, CPI and Retail Week”

  1. Mon, 3/11 @ 0930 EDST in NC, 10 miles from Forst Bragg (Now known as Fort Liberty and the Giant Pope AFB)

    Like the Millerites (and numerous suchlike).
    Like Y2K.
    Like 2012.
    Like several large wars here & there.

    So far, so good.

  2. I personally LIKE Daylight Savings Time … like it so much I wish it was our time year round.

    DST was initiated reportedly to save electricity when it first came about, during WW1, since electricity was needed by industry. Later it became a friend of the factory workers since it allowed them to have an extra hour of daylight during the 6 days a week that they worked (remember … in it’s early days the norm was 12 hour workdays, the lucky few were 10 hours. the 8 hour work day did not come until later).

    For those of us who have to work by the clock of industry sun time in the morning BEFORE you go to work is useless since you can’t go out and use it. It is only sun time AFTER you get home from work that is usable time for recreation or relaxation.

    Farmers, small town people, or people doing non-industrial work generally have disliked DST, but their work schedules are NOT dictated by the demands of industry. By the time clock. By the need to be at a desk during set times. Been that way my entire life. Those farmers, small town people, or people doing non-industrial work have personal flexibility in their schedules so in reality they are not as restricted with regards to THEIR relaxing or recreational time as those who’s life is dictated by the rigid demands of industry’s time clocks.

    With the switch this weekend suddenly I actually have an hour of daylight in the evening. Before the switch our sunset had finally creeped up to 6:20 PM, but since I generally can’t leave my work until 6 PM and it takes about 25 minutes to drive home I had NO DAYLIGHT TIME to do anything outside after work during the week unless I wanted to be out in the dark … been that way since last November.

    Suddenly I now have an HOUR that I can use to be outside doing something that IN SUNLIGHT during the week! What a lifestyle enhancement!!

    My lifelong comments to farmers and those types about their hatred of DST for may entire life is “Why does it bother you? YOU set your own schedule anyway so it shouldn’t change the time YOU do ANYTHING! You are just complaining to Complain.” (started saying that regularly when I was about 11-12) That always seemed to end the discussion … or rather the “complaining about DST” whenever I was around (fwiw the kids of the farmers agreed with me about their dads … THEY got an extra hour of sunlight too for doing some fun things after their chores were done … they just didn’t want to say anything to their Dads whereas I was).

    I like DST, REALLY LIKE IT, … wish it was year round in fact.

    • I totally agree! I live on DST year round unless I’m visiting somewhere or meeting someone, even though the “official” time flips back and forth. That’s one of the benefits of being “retired”.

      There’s some kind of idiot federal law about losing fed money given back to a state if you change to DST year round, though that doesn’t matter if you go to standard time year round. God only knows why they passed that law or how to get congress to ever repeal it. If we mandated that 10% of all federal laws get repealed every year, that might begin to have some useful effect.

  3. Switch current rating is different on DC than AC. Ever notice how huge DC contactors are? A voltage drop test across a switch can give a good indication of whether or not it’s turning into a resistor. If you know the current you can calculate the loss. I’d install contactors on something providing 3+ Kw of DC; then you could even remote switch it.

    • As I have slowly been putting together a backup Solar System that issue of using AC components for DC current cropped up early … NOT SAFE TO DO from all the discussions I read …. so I have purchased the MUCH beefier DC rated switches and DC rated circuit breakers and am using the heavier wiring that DC vs AC apparently requires.

      ALL electrical components CAN fail … which is why it is imo important to “wire to code” since the codes are written so as to “contain” failures and not allow them to cause catastrophic secondary events.

      Keeping the high power stuff on the outside of a critical structure is imo something that everyone should consider when getting into the power generation business (ie: an outbuilding?), in other words I would NOT WANT a Tesla Power Wall inside my garage!! I would put it in a shed outside!! (of course that shed may need to be heated in some fashion if using LiFe batteries)

      • DC is pushing the electricity through the lines.. so it takes a heavier wire to deal with the heat and stress caused by the push..
        AC.. floats it along the wire using a pulsed frequency of electrical energy so it floats along the wire like a wave.. See frequency is the number of cycles per second in an ac sine wave. Frequency is the rate at which current changes direction per second. It is measured in hertz (Hz), an international unit of measure where 1 hertz is equal to 1 cycle per second. DC power on the other hand strictly flows in one direction. That means the electrons get pushed in from the power generator, and keep going forward through the wire until it gets to your device, does its work, then continues through the outlet to complete its circuit resulting in a lot of heat and vibration of shoving the electrons through the wire.. that is what makes a tens unit so good.. it is the frequency modulation.. everything is comprised of atoms.. and atoms are in constant motion.. change the frequency and the atoms change.. the old stories of the philosopher stone..
        Here is a fair article on modern philosopher stone theory.. LOL what is funny is you rarely see anything good documented coming from this college .. so this is a rare but very refreshing article coming from a college that is pretty well known as a yuppy daddies boy school.. enjoy.. I actually would have thought an article like this of this quality would come from CalTech or MIT BYU or Harvard.. to see it coming from here is pretty rare..

    • AC arcs will extinguish on the zero crossing, but DC arcs are forever until the path becomes unsustainably large. That’s the problem DC switches have to deal with. AC switches/breakers could be used on DC as long as they were never switched under load and just used for isolation. Whether or not that meets code(if any) is another question.

    • Kunstler has a good, rational response to non-physical assets that only exist in computer memory:
      “Imagine: Bitcoin shoots up to a million dollars. You’re a zillionaire! Uh Oh. . . somewhere outside Zanseville, Ohio, a squirrel takes a final chaw through some old insulation on a wire coming out of a transformer. His head blows up in a blue arc flash, and in a few seconds all the electricity goes out from Chicago to Boston. It turns out that seventeen substations in ten states have blown relays, transformers, and switchgear. Some of those components were forty years old and are now manufactured twelve thousand miles away in a country that doesn’t like us anymore. The replacement parts get held up in a Chinese port. The power doesn’t come back on for weeks. Nobody who lives in the eastern USA can get to his Bitcoin wallet, which is just a virtual entity made of computer code residing in a digital “cloud,” i.e., nowhere real.”

      • If that happened you wouldn’t be able to get money out of your bank or use your credit card either.

        Most so called “MONEY” is electronic today (and has been for decades). Very very little money is physical. Bits of positive or negative charges in some big machine somewhere is what makes up 99.9999% of the “Money” out there today. Only the illegal drug industry still relies on PHYSICAL money, everybody else is dealing in the transfer of electrons.

  4. fwiw:
    Dick Allgire of the “Future Forecasting Group”, one of the early PUBLIC remote viewers, put out on the public side of the group (YouTube) an interesting “Remote Viewing” event that HE saw for “March” (what year?), but NOT confirmed by any of the others in his group or elsewhere that I could determine.

    If you remember the public joint discussion of Dick Allgire with Cliff High last year they both said that several months out from when they had their discussion something HUGE would occur that would change life as we (in the US?) know it. The discussion was that it could be in the time frame opening in Marchish and continuing through this fall, most likely being fall.

    Anyway … fwiw, a “rupture of the earth’s crust”:

    • If it doesn’t happen during that time don’t worry with predictions you can just move the time frame out and keep the folks hooked in. Thats how they grab ya and keep ya.

      • “period of “soft hyperinflation””

        Sure. The other day I indicated Biden made all our houses go up in value by $9,600 but was wrong.

        Let’s review –

        “Biden’s plan would create a $10,000 tax credit, spread out over two years and credited in the form of $400 monthly payments for first-time homebuyers and those who sell their starter homes.”

        – 3 days ago

        I’m using the Googler mortgage calculator 30 y/o fixed w/ the default rate of 7.447%.

        Monthly P&I on a 200k loan is $1,391.
        Monthly P&I on a 257K loan is $1,789.
        Subtract the $400 credit from the $1,789 P&I and P&I is $1,389.

        This means over the next two years 1st time home buyer and starter homes have the potential to go up in value 28.5% +/-. But the math could be wrong.

        The figures may be adjusted slightly for taxes and insurance.

    • Review Ure history of BAMFQ’s in USA. Specifically the new Madrid one..rang church bells in Boston.

      ? What was seen/ passing overhead that year/month? What was its path ?

      Wanna wager on this Apr and same path ?


      • There were actually FIVE New Madrid EQ’s spread over nearly 90 days (from Dec 16, 1811 to March 15, 2012 the final two large ones on the same day thus in history generally being counted as one.

        During the course of those three months by modern estimates there were:
        5 of MS about 7.7 (or larger, some estimates go to 8.8) (2 on final big day);
        10 of MS about 6.7;
        35 of MS about 5.9;
        65 of MS about 5.3;
        89 of MS about 4.3 by modern estimates.

        Largest quakes
        *The First Earthquake … Tiptonville Dome in Northeast Arkansas .. 1811, December 16, 14:15 UTC,
        *Northeast Arkansas .. 1812, January 23, 15:00 UTC, *New Madrid, Missouri .. Magnitude ~7.0 – 7.8. 1812, February 7, 09:45 UTC (final two large quakes)

        The Quake on Feb 7th was actually believed to be the largest … location was possibly 15 km from the first one.

        During the course of the quakes the Mississippi River was moved sideways by up to about 40 miles to 50 miles and former river bank locations were left high and dry. In addition the uplifting (estimated at 30′ extending for miles in some places caused the creation of a number of small lakes and one large one as drainage patterns throughout the region were totally changed.

        Will the New Madrid Fault, or it’s extension (which goes across Illinois into Indiana, and some say then across Ohio eventually joining up with the St. Lawrence Rift Zone under Lake Ontario) rock and roll again some day? Scientists say YEP … but it could be 2000 years or even longer, or it could be next week! They are clueless as to any guess as to timing since it is a deep fault in the North American plate with no surface features.

  5. Interesting how Biden was all for what Netanyahu was doing after Oct. 7. without care about innocent Palestinians. But as information came out as to how far to the extreme Netanyahu was going, the PEOPLE began shouting for it to stop. If not for that, Biden would be completely on the crazy train of genocide. Like he couldn’t see for himself what was going down in Gaza. He had to be told. So, he call for a ceasefire. – But continues to arm Israel, which doesn’t make sense.

    Ahh, election year. If Biden wins, I’m sure he’ll find some excuse to go full Monty with genocide. – He’ll, he said about the Chinese genocide of the Uyghur People, “Oh, it’s just a different norm.” And if he wins, we’ll be back to making sure we have adequate camping gear and toilet paper.

    Then we got Trump, who is suppose to save us from all the evils shit on the left and bring America to its glory and peace on earth. (Yeah, ok.) BUT, Trump says “Israel needs to finish the problem.” As if just (stopping) it is not an option. Which means, more genocide. That, will be a problem. – If not, the people of this country are (or will become) very heartless.

    I’m sure some people will forget, what goes around can and often does, come around.

    I hear Trump is also pro vaccine, which is his right but, I hope he doesn’t plan on stepping on my rights about it. That, could also be a problem.

    One Bird, two wings. Couldn’t really be much clearer.

    Yes George, we look to the future here. That’s why I’m here. Too many people living in the NOW and are brainwashed to just accept what ever is within this brief moment in time, but we look ahead and it gives us time to ponder, think, ascertain our goals and objectives.

    Thanks George.

    • YOU DO KNOW WHY… the switch from being pro destroying GAZA and the Palestinians.. the con destroying.. lets bring aid in..
      build the port.. one gain of control over the port.. a new military stronghold.. and protect the oil and gas flow..
      the second.. the thing I suspected with and EMP destroy the grid.. send us back ten thousand years.. since we no longer construct we purchase.. the orders are backlogged what ten years right now.. I forget what the head of the power company said.. ten or twenty years replacement parts.. from a country that biden just called a two bit thug..
      that is like telling the fire department what horrible fire men they are than needing to depend on them to put out a fire.. sure you betcha we will get right on it.. LOL..
      this one hit the rounds at work.. everyone was bringing up what happened to a night shift ER nurse.. for calling to make sure her kids were up and ready for school LOL I sure wouldn’t want to be an officer working the streets and getting shot.. put him in exam room one thousand we will be right in.. LOL gotta take a proper temp roll his ass over ..
      take out the grid.. let nature do its damage.. then come in as the hero with ship loads of meals food clothing etc.. the survivors will see them as hero’s.. welcome them ..
      the old dog and girlfriend joke..
      “lock your girlfriend and your dog in the trunk of your car for an hour, and when you open it, which one do you think will be happy to see you?”

  6. Retrograde incoming indeed!
    Ice maker in the 3 year old fridge just died. So water for me.
    Although, last Thursday night I went downstairs to strong smell of natural gas. One of the burners on the stove got bumped earlier and set it to High! That’s never happened before. Glad I caught it in time and got windows opened.

    • When the icemaker died in my just out warranty Samsung refer, I was quoted $300+ to replace it. I ordered a countertop icemaker from Amazon for $100, and it has beem making ice for 2 years now with no problems. I make a batch every other day, and dump it in the refer ice basket.
      Just an option that worked for me.

  7. “Be Ure own light, act, become wise, pure, and you will enter into the Devine country of Aryans!” -Lucifer’s Court, p97

    Evil ? You made him evil…only mentioned twice inold testament.
    Music is frequency, and the right band , right frequency, the right music, will set you free from the shackles of misery on this plane..Pineal gland can’t receive music if she is not ready to receive it..don’t think if you can drive a car, you can automatically drive a bus full of people, it’s not the same thing.

    Time machines.. German project called “ light bearer” aka Chronos…the goal was to change the timeline…this was ultimate weapon of war..this here is a fabricated timeline (read that again). The Soul must be attached to the timeline only then she will think all this is real. Soul creates space it fills the missing gaps, this is why have mandella effects…it’s a byproduct of fusing reality.

    LUC(light) I(EYE) FER(travel) light travels through the eyes of the observer.

    All images, ever posted, of die glocke/the bell are artist interpretations. Never found by the allies. Not a craft.

    Projects “lantern bearer” and “Chronos” lead to new techniques and technologies for manipulating time. First group of scientist involved with “the bell”developed illnesses , the same type said to develop if you come into close contact with outside of a UFO.
    See Wilhelm Landig (1909-1997), main claim extracted from Gilbert Sternoffs book, online translation of it – so does not read perfectly.

    ILU..Iluvibration, ILU forces/ILU force, omnipotence, ILUHE, Vril forces…= Divine Light or power of God. There is a female and male ILU force from which everything that exists ultimately emerged. Together also called the ILUHE, they form absolute omnipotence.
    It is said that within the cosmos of this world, the magical sun ILUM is the source of this Divine light. As soon as this source in the constellation Crater(pitcher) often referred to as the black sun, directs the Ilu vibration back to the Earth, the new age begin(hence also the water jug age).

    AI has no Soul, it will always mimic the infinite potency of Soul expression. That’s about can not go beyond the Songularity..we can. After the peak, in this case, singularity, there is only degradation and self cannibalism of artificial structure that operates or tries to think as a living host.
    So what you do with a parasite, you can coexist or you starve him to death.-HP

    See today on X -Clif high- JB Slear -conspiracy dad – check out pictures taken on mountainside/shear rock cliff in Utah.
    Looks like the cosmic chicken bunny been standing on top of some very nasty Scheisse. Begging the questions “ how low down( into Earth) do they go?”

    Keep in mind Apollo lifts the Golden Lyre/ Crown above the pinecone- palais garner/ Paris opera house.

    ? Is the pegger in charge now ?

    Who f-ing cares?

    Stay calm and party on. If worried alien mind control…learn some Sanskrit hymns-they can help keep Ure mental Scheisse Tight. Whatever ya do, look askance..peripheral like, never in eyes, perhaps best to aim at their hoverboards..

    • I once thought that the Bermuda triangle was nothing more than a magnetic wormhole bridge.. all the recounted experiences of those that went through stated an electrical fog storm.. and the triangle is well known as a magnetic vortex.. most of those times happened during a burst of energy from the sun to..
      thinking about that.. is it a time travel.. magnetic wormhole.. or a bug zapper..

    • BCN,
      As you may be aware, Princess Catherine has taken responsibility for the Mother’s Day digitally altered amateur photograph taken outside the family home of Adelaide Cottage in the 655 acre Windsor Home Park.

      Adelaide Cottage was purpose-built in 1831 for Queen Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, wife of King William IV and a great-aunt of Queen Victoria. The most recent occupants prior the Wales were the Rhodes family. The late Mrs. Rhodes was a first cousin of QE2 through the Queen Mother and a former MI6 secretary. Her late husband was first married to the actress who played Lady Bellamy on the fictional “Upstairs, Downstairs” television program and whose character was last heard from at the boarding of RMS Titanic in April, 1912. Mrs. Rhodes’ husband was a grandson of the 5th Baron Plunket, Grand Master of New Zealand’s Grand Lodge of Freemasons. Mr. Rhodes authored “The Syndicate” in 1960 which became a 1968 movie. Apparently strange things happen during a search for uranium in Kenya. Ready? Eins, zwei, drei, vier:

    • woooooooooo


      well according to George today, I’m going to start a small fire in the hot lady at the banks panties soon. sweet!

      we both keep finding old penny’s. like hundred years old money.

      tried to trade her my 1918 for her 1903, but she wasn’t having it as she batted her eyelashes at me.

      them penny’s be real copper. real copper conducts.

      it’s electric!

      according to the com diagram, there is no black.

      Blue—————White / blue
      Orange————Blue / white
      Green————-White/ orange
      Brown————-Orange /white

      shhhhhh I’m listening.


  8. Back in 2014, my daughter gave me a copy of Physicist Max Tegmark’s then latest book, “Our Mathematical Universe.”

    The theories proposed within helped me to stitch together odd topics such as deja vu, spiritualism, astrology, dreaming, and physics without many of those topics being directly covered in the book. The glue that binds all of this together? Tegmark proposes that our universe’s creation process occurred simultaneously in one or more parallel universes, and he uses math to back up his proposition.

    The book is not an easy nor quick read, but an average layman with basic scientific knowledge can enjoy Tegmark’s content. He even breaks to book down into two sections, one catering to the hard core scientist/mathematician, with plenty of equations and formulas and the other simplified for the average Joe/Jane psuedo-scientist. I suggest getting a used copy or borrowing one thru a friend or from the local library.

    Tegmark’s scientific premise seems aligned with Jacques Vallee – who advised Spielberg on “Close Encounters” – that aliens are not interplanetary, they are inter-dimensional. The latter is an easier scientific problem to tackle than using warp drive, hyperspace and wormholes for intergalactic travel, plus inter-dimensional beings more easily mapped to various Jungian psychological archetypes and numerous reported supernatural occurrences. Check out: right about the 8 minute onward. His TedX Brussels is another talk worth watching.


      I haven’t read that one..I believe that time perception is the veil of frequency..Everything is in motion I believe our perception of now ,tomorrow and yesterday is our perceptive abilities ..
      take the earth we are standing still on the earth but only because the earth is in motion..
      the sun is in motion moving away..
      I believe that altered states of chemistry of the brain in shamans France’s changes the perception of frequency and is how they see or view the future or past.
      is it a lack of oxygen as in lucid dreams ..
      use of chemical through the use of herbal substances and seeing an image as in scrying..
      one look in a mirror you are seeing an image of the past..

  9. The purchasing power, the real value of the typical American family’s weekly paycheck fell $85 since Biden ‘took’ the reigns, despite the average wage growing $270.
    Excessive government inflation fueling, debt-spending over the last four years has created nothing short of a cost-of-living crisis, which has left families mired in debt., and we just set a new record for consumer credit card debt: $1.13 trillion dollars.
    MicroStrategy over the weekend purchased ‘another’ $821 million dollars of Bitcoin. Their second multimillion dollar buy this month. At last I peeked, Bitcoin was up over $72,000.

  10. More thoughts on Crypto.

    Even with the price gains in Crypto it STILL is not nearly as big as some assume.

    Nvidia, the chip manufacturer, alone is worth $2.2 Trillion USD Market Cap. ALL of crypto, even with the recent run up of the most valuable “coins” is only up to about $2.1 Trillion (as of close on Friday) in value.

    Can Crypto collapse …. yep
    Can Nvidia collapse … yep

    Can Crypto’s value be cut by 3/4 … yep
    Can Nvidia’s stock value be cut by 3/4 … yep

    Do NOT overestimate the value of ALL of the Crypto out there … and think that it is ANY MORE BUBBLY than Nvidia is!

    • fwiw:
      Nvidia pays out $.114 cents per year in dividend per share of stock (yep 11.4 Cents per year … 3.9 Cents per quarter) … and currently 1 share costs $868.00+ to buy.

      Talk about BUBBLY!! (at least on any sort of current sales/income basis)

        • In Stocks.. Is it the dividend that one buys the stock.. or the growth of the stock by it splitting and doubling..
          similar to BC stocks work to me what seems like the same way.. Pieces of Eight.. got a stock it grows to a high value.. then they split it let it grow to a value than split it again.

      • 60 billion plus in revenue, qtrly rev growth rate over 200%, cash flow rocking, cash on hand 26 billion. Forward PE like 27%
        There is reason NVDA is or should be a cornerstone position in any portfolio. Not going say how well my household has done owning the Stock. More analyst around the world are slicing and dicing this bad boy, and they almost always get their socks blown off at earning announcement time.

        For instance, I posted info regards the BTC ETFs being a Trojan horse for SEC..and lookeyloo, word now coming about meetings tween SEC and Coinbase regards ETH. That’s right front runners, now might a good time to pickup a couple eth’s.

        Not advice, just musings of a crazed, red eyed, chronic skirt chaser –

        • And when the power goes out so your Bitcoins are now worthless … how many IC’s will Nvidia be selling since without electricity they can’t make any (and nobody can run them)?

          AND …. how will Nvidia get access to their bank accounts which hold all their money … electronically?

        • (“how will Nvidia get access to their bank accounts which hold all their money … electronically?”)

          Exactly….You may have a sheet of paper that says I have this much.. but you don’t have that much.. the richest man in town… doesn’t keep his wealth.. in days of old..the temples of worship were where they would take their wealth to store it..they didn’t pay interest they charged interest to keep your money safe.. the poor hid theres.. in jars etc.
          During the depression people that had a lot of money lost it overnight.. when the banks were run upon.. a sheet of paper is only as good if it is in four inch squares and soft..

        • @Stephen 2

          I’m pretty sure a power outage in Eastern CONUS won’t affect chip fabs on Formosa.
          If nVidia needs liquid buckage they will get the funds out of their accounts at the Taipei Exchange…

  11. Apropos of nothing in particular:

    In 1967, I was in Nha Trang, Vietnam, working as a Spec4 radio guy, in the Army. There was a very small incident that had a very long shadow for me, as it extended until just a few months ago. (Beautiful spot, Nha Trang, by-the-way. Beautiful, ultra-clear ocean water — South China Sea — right off an 11 mile long white sand beach in a huge arc.)

    The Radio Research group I was working for got a request through channels for help for a ship working just off the coast, having trouble with their RTTY (radioteletype) system. I was a Known Handy Guy with “The Knack,” so, they sent me. It was one of those off-the-beaten-path mutual assistance guys-helping-guys oddball sorta off-the-books thing. We were glad to do whatever we could — “best effort.”

    This ship was a deep-sea oil exploration ship, owned by the Chevron group. They were exploring for undersea-bottom”domes” using dyamite charges set off underwater, and anayzing the seismic return echos. But I was there for a help with the radio stuff. Couple of hours, and it was all fixed. (Dirty rotors, and a bad solder joint.)

    It was 1967, please remember. While on board awaiting a ride back to my hot-ass and very dusty radio shack, they told me they had found indications of a huge field of reachable oil and gas. Huge, they said. Really, really, very, very big. Gi-Gan-Tic…

    This adventure wangled me into a part-time job fixing odd-ball things in far-flung (and also very close) places. 99% of the time, these were quick and easy fixes, but I was the guy with The Knack, and they weren’t. I was one of a small unofficial group for years, suggested by reputation and word-of mouth from former clients who kept my number in their Rolodexes. That job ended only a few months ago in a reorganization — they tell me. Us.

    Far as I know, it’s stil unexploited.

    It was a Fun Job, and I miss it. Got to see some Very Kool Stuff over the years.

    No… Never met Bob Lazar…

      • Yeah. We tended the T-195 (MIL XMTR) in Nha Trang used for AFVN broadcasts. The real Adrian Kronauer was a bit of a dork. Not nearly as fun and rebellious as Robin Williams. (Sorry) A decent movie, but nothing close to Reality. (Surprise!)

    • LOL.. years ago.. years and years and years ago.. I had the pleasure of having lunch with Johnathan winters I worked on the sound stage as he was doing a Christmas special. we had spaghetti.. he went into his granny routine and I almost choked on the spaghetti.. the guy was hilarious.. in getting that clip of good morning Vietnam there was one with both johnathan winters and robin Williams was so dam funny.. Winters was nutz in real life.. he could flip into comedian role in a second..It was a hoot and a lifetime experience.. just like robert redford.. he is who he is all the time no fake there..

  12. I accidentally didn’t click “Cancel Reply” when I accidentally clicked “Reply” so am reposting this but the accidental should be removed but probably won’t be so many apologies for the clutter. :)

    “period of “soft hyperinflation””

    Sure. The other day I indicated Biden made all our houses go up in value by $9,600 but was wrong.

    Let’s review –

    “Biden’s plan would create a $10,000 tax credit, spread out over two years and credited in the form of $400 monthly payments for first-time homebuyers and those who sell their starter homes.”

    – 3 days ago

    I’m using the Googler mortgage calculator 30 y/o fixed w/ the default rate of 7.447%.

    Monthly P&I on a 200k loan is $1,391.
    Monthly P&I on a 257K loan is $1,789.
    Subtract the $400 credit from the $1,789 P&I and P&I is $1,389.

    This means over the next two years 1st time home buyer and starter homes have the potential to go up in value 28.5% +/-. But the math could be wrong.

    The figures may be adjusted slightly for taxes and insurance.

    • “period of “soft hyperinflation” – ??
      That sounds an awful lot like being “a little pregnant..”

        • see and I am a little plump..not FAT just a little plump..that’s security padding to protect my rock hard atlas muscles..muscle bruises easier so keep the pad to protect

  13. Nvidia invests huge sums of money into their elite partners – however if you’ve seen their partners places of business they look like hole in the wall establishments – a guy on X tracked them down – it’s basically a circle jerk of cash …..

  14. Thanks for the ‘heads up’ on Mercury retrograde. Glad you are far enough ahead of that curve to warn us. I have my major projects nailed down… primarily doing all the used car analysis and fix on the ‘new to me’ Titan truck. Should be in great shape to take it over the mile-high saddle road to Kona for the next Costco run. April fools day, eh? That’s an appropriate start for retrograde. Hmm the power factor capacitors arrived yesterday. I better get them installed, stat!

  15. My opinion for the construction of the gaza bridge is to have a way to load 2 million refugees on boats to bring them to the u.s. Get ready to welcome the newcomers.

    • Pat McAfee, former Colts punter who’s now a sports-talk guy commented when he heard the SOTU, he thought the University of Southern California’s football coach, Lincoln Riley, had died…

      Naturally, I did NOT watch the SOTU, but seeing contiguous clips afterward, I notice the MSM carefully edited out every place the bumbler in-chief face-planted hisself in lala land. Jill shoulda had a nubile 9yo girl in the front row to help him keep his focus…

    • First I am not going to try to sell you the sun glasses.. but from personal experience.. Those are actually very nice.. when I use to drive truck.. I had to back it down into a dark pit to link up.. it had four inches on each side… with those.. ( they use to call them shooters glasses) I could actually see the sides and the pit.. when you went in.. you walked under the side of the trailer.. got to the hookup latch and snapped it shut.. without the glasses.. you could not see crap.. I had several pairs of those.. there is an orange pair to that is pretty nice as well.. if that is the real deal that is actually a good price to.. I paid a whole lot more for the pair I have.. the pair of orange ones I have was more than that to..

  16. Instead of following the calendar, Mercury may be warming up to go retrograde: my partner drove up to Denver for a meeting Friday afternoon. She checked into a hotel, and got all her bags into the room, then left for her meeting, and socializing afterwards. When she returned to the room she found a small pond in the bathroom and a toilet filled to the top. The front desk message said no one was available. The night hotel emergency number rang for minutes without an answer. She placed the bath towels on the floor to try to keep the water in the bathroom. There were no extra towels so she went down to her truck and got out two emergency kit towels to keep the flood at bay. The next morning she was up at 6am and headed out to a local store to use the restroom and get some food — she had planned on breakfast in the room. Hours later she finally got front desk staff to come up to the room. She told them she was leaving and demanded a complete refund. They told her that she had spent the night, so no refund even for the prepaid next night. No apology. National chain. Bizarre.
    She canceled her next meeting and came back to the farm where we both feel safe.

  17. Kind of long.,

    ” – that aliens are not interplanetary, they are inter-dimensional.”
    Every single example for the explanation of extraterrestrials are inter dimensional travelers, starts with an assumption., that there are other dimensions. It is an assumed fact. “There must be., because., well, because I said so ! ”
    And therein, Mr Spock, lies the problem. There is no fact. There is no proof. There is not even a relatively decent working mathematical theory that other dimensions exist. It just sounds like a really cool idea – that covers all the bases for our other really cool ideas [theories].., all wrapped-up in an easily digestible catch phrase – inter dimensional.
    “The Beast From the 10th Dimension ” – [ .,or was the 14th Dimension., I forget.] 1950’s schlock space horror movie. You can devise just about anything – as long as you maintain ‘some’ adherence, some grounding to the laws of physics.., it’s a free-for-all. It can cover anything your mind can dream-up to explain what you don’t really understand., because, well.., because nothing else seems to work. Therefore, other dimensions must exist.
    When you can turn sideways and slip through that crack into another dimension – please, let me know.., I’d love to go on that adventure..,[ let me get my 45, my combat knife and a couple of pounds of beef jerky – and I’ll meet you there.] in the mean time:
    Prove it.
    [ I have a degree in math., feel free to throw a few working formulas my way in support of your ‘proof’. If it hasn’t already been debunked., I have a few math-buddies that would love to shred your math., as much as a few of them would love to travel to another dimension, or time travel., Flux Capacitor required.]
    I am not trying to ruffle anyone’s feathers, here. Interplanetary travel- via Warp drive, or even a Star Gate is nothing more than ‘world building’ within a science fiction dream. You simply can’t get there from here. Even at the speed of light it would take 54 years to reach the closest exo-planet that has the “possibility” of supporting life as we know it. [ where we could colonize and survive.] That’s 108 years.., add two years to revive the crew [ assuming we can come up with a working suspended animation ‘deep freeze’ for the crew] and explore the chosen planet – that’s 110 years – there and back again. Everyone you know will be dead.., everything you knew will be gone. Hell., the chances of Earth still being here in one piece would be huge gamble.
    We could have a base on the Moon. Even a small colony on Mars [ we will never terra-form Mars., it has no magnetosphere and will never have / hold a viable, livable atmosphere. Dome-Life forever.] That is the extent of our reach.
    It’s a math problem. One that I doubt we will ever solve.
    ., and you will ask: “Then how did the aliens solve it?” Tell ya what.., when I actually meet one., I’ll be sure to ask.

    • Appreciate your thoughts. So much of what I hear, see and read is so untethered from reality. We all need anchors. You are an anchor.

      • LOL LOL that is what we called the Nurses at the nurses station LOL LOL desk anchors.. the only reason they were there was to do the charting and to have their license.. LOL LOL.. the hospital found that having techs do it under the supervision of a licensed nurse.. was more beneficial.. get thirteen techs.. working under one RN if the tech makes a mistake.. ( I have seen it happen..) the RN is the one with the responsibility that is punished..
        One RN I worked with her.. she and another RN was in charge of a youth health at a govt. institution.. on a run.. a young person started to complain about how they felt.. since it was a juvinile facility and the run was punishment.. in 100 degree weather.. the RN knew that by her training that the child should be sent into a hospital.. she called the director of the juvinile facility.. ( a pencil pusher.. clerk typist LOL without any medical background other than putting a band aid on ) said NO do that that young person is FAKING IT to get out of work.. so the child was sent to run.. she did not send them in.. ( her responsibility under the STP rule.. Stabilize and Transport Patient.. let the man with the money make the million dollar decisions not a clerk typist that went to business school)
        The kid fell over and eventually died.. the RN worked under the hospital.. didn’t carry personal malpractice insurance.. she worked under the malpractice insurance of the hospital.. ( the hospitals insurance ) when they went after her and the other nurse.. the hospital said to protect themselves.. she didn’t follow medical protocol … ( STP) she tried the the administrator said no.. ( what a clerk typist file fetcher give me a brake) and they nailed her and the other nurse with seven million dollars.. loss of their license.. she had to go to prison.. and will never be able to get a decent job ever again…
        the hospital saves money by having the techs.. and they get the licensing in the RN’s anchors..

    • How you going to mathamatically solve for Tachyon Tube travel (intergalactic) when Ure Maths is Tribal based/sourced?

      By that I mean Einsteinian physics does NOT allow/aknowledge Ki/Qi/Aether/NaturalSource/Niama.

      Gone nowhere in 80 years. Coral Castle ring a bell ?

      Oh well , as long you going to continue playing Cleopatra, no worries’s all made up numbers ! DNE..bwahahahah.

      Maybe more info once you can solve TheMir, the Great Pryamid in Egypt. Til then, just scrawling on the cave walls.

    • Damned Well Said!
      I write hard science fiction (no fairies, magic, or time travel). Faster Than Light (FTL) travel can’t be proven today, but I use FTL travel in my stories as artistic license.
      Until quantifiable proof is available, aliens, FTL travel, and multidimensional worlds must remain in fiction.

  18. Dream last night… walking down the road on Maui when I notice flames around the sides of the big old canary, lots of businesses inside now. Went towards the little fire and soon saw it was growing into many small fires that were erupting from the ground, little columns of flame. I yelled for help and got some water but the fires were soon all around so the people who came to help went inside with me and we carried lots of stuff outside. Seemed to wake up, but maybe not.
    Then i found myself back in the big old building but now it was a factory scene like I had been involved in working in China, lots of tables and sewing machines and busy women working. No more fires or threat.
    Flames up from the ground didn’t seem to nice for a future thought. Wonder what is coming.

  19. How important is the vote in Washington state?
    In the latest poll – 56% said it was important and they will vote. [ 18% said that their vote won’t be counted.]
    of the 4.6 million registered voters – 26% voted.
    No one really cares., they are simply looking for a reason to complain.

    • I sent my vote in by mail as allowed by the state of WA in the last presidential election. 4 hours later the state told us how we were voting. My vote and many others did not count. I will vote the final, but did not do the primary. Think we care, but don’t like being ignored.

      Interesting stat was posted in comments, my apologies to the original poster, I do not recall who you are. It amounts to less than a 5% voter turn.

      Washington D.C. had 536,768 registered voters on November 3, 2021, 95.2% (or about 510,000) of whom are registered as Democrats. Every newspaper in the Western world is touting this as a huge victory by Haley. Every one is giving the percentage, and none are reporting the actual vote count (which I had to snag from a local D.C.-area newspaper — took me more than a half-hour to find…)

      Nikki Haley 1,274 votes 62.8%
      Donald Trump 676 votes 33.3%

      IMHO We need a viable 3rd party that is acknowledged and included in the mainstream.

    • My guess is 03/31 Easter Sunday for the next potential 1-1-3 Ritual Day.

      There’s a Nostradamus Quatrain about “the egg cracked open during Easter.”

    • 1/2 of that will be BORROWED MONEY if the last year’s rate of borrowing continues.

      Welcome to Weimar DC …
      What was Old will be NEW again!!

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