When Money Stops Working

There we go, again, thinking the unthinkable,  Which is what Peoplenomics is about.

While we don’t think it will happen Tuesday, and might not even happen this year, it is increasing  “non-zero risk” to be taken into account.

A very short discussion to tweak some refinement of future plans, our morning review of the “creepy crawlers” but most important, perhaps, is the ChartPack.  Which, as you’ll see, is in the “waiting for end of Trend” to be our Bearish Friend.

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/

44 thoughts on “When Money Stops Working”

  1. sometimes the future has her own way,,, BAMM
    Friday morn I awoke to 18 inches of white cold stuff. all hands on deck for snow moving ,,, except the cats, they don’t like the snow, but the neighbors dog loves the stuff
    ,,,each to their own I guess
    the highways are now re-opened, but the Union Pacific kept on rollin,,,
    we got more than predicked, seems the storm had to stop and dance for a ‘spell’
    beware of predictors, they can’t read a woman’s mind, can only sense her moods
    we normally get one or two snow falls after the Sandhill cranes arrive for their annual pairing ritual, the cranes are normally gone by Easter
    but the little male Goldfinches are starting to show their Golden hue
    Life goes on , inspite of the evil baby fuckers running the show in DC
    Life is better without the God Damn pedophiles and those who support the pedos

    I find that you have to focus on the problem in order to fix it

  2. (“With no phone, and no one to call 9-1-1, and no gas for the patrol cars, you’re on your own.”)

    fuel can be made.. easy enough.. IF… the academic studies that have been done on this are correct.. there would only be a few left..would you really want them to know you survived..
    During the speech the other day.. the rise and fall of the Vikings and the rise and fall of the Mayan empire was on.. great shows.. and an eye opener to things we all here already knew….
    wouldn’t life revert back to that again.. small communities that would become a tribe.. each person with their talents would be utilized for their position.. I believe it would be similar to that of early settlers..
    what I find interesting.. is.. it was just a couple of weeks ago that a high member of one of the indian tribes called me.. a professor in a college.. the prof.. asked me about my roof mount for wind.. here for a year or so.. they have been setting out solar to their tribal members that wanted one.. now they want to put up small wind.. the tribes realize that in an event how fragile our grid truly is.. so they are expanding and using.. since they put up so much solar and still expanding to each of the tribes to do so. they are now wanting to put in a secondary power supply source in the event that there is an emp or hard grid down.. I was asked about my solar tower idea and how did I see that.. and this summers huge goal of moving to other tribes to secure their power sources..
    I did mention that he doesn’t have to have the mounts made for small wind…. they are now made and sold all over almost exactly like the one I cut out of captain crunch boxes so many years ago..
    think about that though.. consider this quote..
    ((““Now they come to gather for the coming disaster and destruction of the white man by his own hands, with his own progressive, advanced, technological devices, that only the American Indian can avert. Now the time is near. And it is only the Indian who knows the cure. It is only the Indian who can stop this plague. And this time the invisible will be visible. And the unheard will be heard. And we will be seen and we will be remembered.”
    —Doria Melliadis, Iroquois “)
    they are preparing for hard grid down and the rise of the native americans..out of sight out of mind..
    Where the USA should be working toward a better protected grid we are pushing for more wars destroying our economy and our currency. then with Monkeys comment yesterday.. wow.. expat may have comapany if monkey is right.. when the crumbling begins.. they will travel away

    • Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise’” 

      “And this time the invisible will be visible. And the unheard will be heard. And we will be seen and we will be remembered.”

      There is no right or wrong way to pray. The Whirling Dervish spin in elaborate dress to find center. The Muslims cast themselves prostate at certain hours. Some Christians kneel over and over while crying out, “Hail, Mary, full of grace,
      the Lord is with thee.
      Blessed art thou amongst women
      and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God,
      pray for us sinners,
      now and at the hour of our death.

      and Some look to the stars and find the fates among the big dipper. There is no right or wrong way to pray. The point is to pray.

      i need not spin to find center, For Me, THE DUDE abides.

      The thief on the right cross, didn’t repent, didn’t grovel, didn’t shout, didn’t cry out for mercy and pity, he didnt beg, he didn’t pay tithe and offering, he didnt take communion, he didn’t vote Republican or Democrat, he didn’t make a vision board, he didn’t chant mantras, he didnt he didn’t even say please or thank you.

      What he said was, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”


      Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise’” 

      This morning a man came to me and was very angry, it wasn’t about me. He wanted to fight me.

      as you know. I am physically I’m a very Big Man compaired to most men. I used to run back stage security for Paul McCartney, Elton John, Tool, The Chili peppers, and The Eagles to name a few. My name in German means Stone Mountain.

      I was just trying to get my coffee, and go spend time with God, whome I call THE DUDE. I am the little Mountain Dude. I turned to him as he pointed his finger at me, spit flying from his mouth and said I will knock you out!

      And said, I speak peace. Then I went and sat and waited for my coffee.

      Less than a minute later, he came to me and said clearly you are man of God. I’m sorry, I having a hard morning, my wife and kids, my bills etc etc.

      I said, I am a Man of God and I speak peace into your life.

      He walked away.

      Then I left and went and sat with God in my car and meditated. Reading a few books. Writing a few things in a journal. An hour later I saw the fella and he said everything has changed. I feel so good, when i got home my family is happy, I looked in the mail box and there was a check that paid all my bills. Thank you.

      I smiled and said. I speak peace into your life.

      It is time for me to listen. Thanks again for all you taught me George and The Wisdom found with in the comment section.

      I will leave you with a line from a prayer I have prayed,

      ~ permeate the very fabric of my presence with Your living energy so that the world around me will flourish with eternal vitality. ~

      As it is in Heaven so it is on Earth.

      And Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise’” 

      • I respectfully submit, BOTH thieves may have been with Him that very day, as He said to and of the one.

        I believe that Jesus died for everybody’s sins and shortfalls. Even mine, and even for thief number two. I do not understand the mechanism or the whys and the how-tos of it; but it is not given or required of me to understand it. I just need to gives thanks, and accept the gift. And I do.

        One of my favorite songs is “There’s a Train A-Comin.”

        My favorite two lyrics in that song are:
        “You don’t need no ticket,
        you just climb on board.”
        “You don’t need no baggage,
        you just thank The Lord.”

        Eva Cassidy did a wonderful version of this song on the Blues Alley stage in WASHDC. It’s on YooToob.


        • think about why was JESUS Crucified… what was his crime…
          He went against the biblical laws of the day..By the old testament laws.. he should have been killed at birth..Mary should have been stoned..she was what.. twelve when jesus was conceived and thirteen when he was born by all estimated accounts…She was one of the temple virgins..
          I was thinking I had read that is the book the wisdom of joshua but it isn’t in there.. the reason she was expelled.. instead it says she stayed there..till fourteen..
          But by the other story I had read in ancient manuscripts.. she became pregnant at twelve was expelled from the duty of a temple virgin and by biblical law of the day the child to an unwed mother would have to be killed then she would have to be stoned after watching the child killed.. she got married and bore the child and they were nomads moving from one place to another..
          Danged if I can find it.. I thought it might be in the book of christs early childhood.. or the gospel of mary.. or the temple virgin records.. grrr.. can’t find it.. its been a few years since I read the books..it might be in the bizentine scrolls or the dead sea scrolls.. but we are talking a long time to read through all of them AGAIN.. phew makes me tired just thinking about it LOL…

  3. “If the Monkey is right, ExPat may have a new neighbor.”
    For all of those considering such a move – have you ever seen a Third World country ignite? One day a perceived paradise and the next, a rampaging hell on earth? It is a sight to behold.
    The last thing you want to be is a gringo caught-up in the fire-storm of all that suppressed hate and poverty being unleased.
    Think long and hard before taking that big step.

    • Been there, seen that d’L.

      On my way back to, Kampala, Uganda in September 2009, I saw an army of angry young men walking up the road towards my vehicle and I asked the driver if he knew another route to town. He did. I arrived back at my hotel which had been peaceful when I left only to find burned out vehicles and army trucks in the streets.

      I phoned back to my experienced travel buddy in Canada and asked him what to do. He said “Get a room in the centre of the hotel and stay away from windows.” I was holed up for 5 days.

      I had a similar event in Nairobi, Kenya a couple of years later and of course can’t forget my adventures in Haiti.

      I came to the conclusion that peace and stability in these countries may be a mile wide but is often only an inch deep.

      • Stability is very transient in third world countries.., once a pothole has been hit, or the President disappears with the hundreds of millions in aid money – it all goes south and in a loud and painful way.
        I remember going into Grenada to extract a college student at the Veterinarian school there – when we landing., it was very quiet and peaceful.., no one around.., we got her and drove back to airport – there were dozens of Cuba soldiers walking around with rifles slung.
        A couple of days later U.S. paratroopers dropped into that very airport.
        [ Presidential Palace in Haiti has been under assault from armed gangs for about a day now. ]

        • that is why.. I plan to stay right here at home in the wastelands.. I know all the neighbors.. I can sit out have my coffee.. enjoy the evening air.. my guess is when the big flip is.. it will be mostly in the bigger cities.. just talked to someone in Arizona.. they were telling me the amount of homeless illegals that they have been seeing everywhere.
          Today I was in our local big meeting center.. and dam the cars and the people thousands of them I asked what is going on there.. oh big gun show and sale.. wow.. everyone.. one guy had a box of ammunition he was carting out.. thing must have weighted a couple hundred pounds.. It really shocked me at how many were there.. normally at one of those things there aren’t nearly as many people as there were today.. they must have watched that big show the other night.. or read how congress is telling the administration they have to cease flying in illegal aliens.. Do you think they will listen… probably not..

  4. Gdude,

    Most excellent ponder..if you had raised Ure head up off of the “noise floor”..ya know the basic human bullshit we have come to worship..material wealth. Raised it up and wondered how we all could have fallen for the LIE (s) regards the missing TRILLIONs from Pentagon . Really think they aren’t sophisticated enough to Account and hire platoons of accountants to Track every single penny Spent?

    Are you and readership really that naive ? That dense, moronic, retarded and plain Stooopid ? Brainwashing Elohim worship aside, really think all those trillions were or are LOST..again I ask, REALLY ?
    Consider then uap retrieval program and secret space program..
    Extraterrestrials have advanced tech that enables their “craft” to circumnavigate the galaxy, but they break down mechanically and crash on our Planet????????????? Again I ask you, Really?
    .mil types have been testifying before congress about these programs..as compartementalized as they are, this past year..

    So Ure question is powerful if encompass ALL facets of the petro dollar/notfederal reserve note based economy. One facet, the Table, is Secret Space Program. It overhangs all of Humanity.

    Facts as I Know em regards SSP; the ssp is subordinated to the “bad et’s”, who CONTROL this prison planet. The weapons used (dew “canons”) hidden in heavy foliage mountainous area (s), are used to shoot down Good ET’s to Humanity, but considered bad by entities running this place. Complicating this scenarios are the et’s who have business interests on Earth and have contracts to do business here, Trafficking being the biggest. UFO recovery program is all about recovering and trying to reverse engineer the recovered tech. Yeah – Invasive as it gets procedures to Extract info from those recovered beings.

    * if the “bad ET’s were to do the dew canon thing, it would start a shooting war in our atmospheres,The opposite is true as well. A delicate dance indeed..

    So back to original ponder-what happens to SSP and all the compartmentalized defense industry contractor types -once the proverbial world Fan becomes inundated in Fecal Matter ?

    * who owns/owned majority of all Platin mines in world. Why ask this particular question ? This noble white metal is a coin of the realm once you have been “invested” into “the program, side note you also start Growing again..like physically..weird huh ?
    ** breeding program associated with SSP..anyone hear an Adopted Child ? Hello, anybody in there? I know you can hear/“feel” me.. : D

    • (“the missing TRILLIONs from Pentagon . Really think they aren’t sophisticated enough to Account and hire platoons of accountants to Track every single penny Spent?”)

      they know.. you don’t really believe they spend ten thousand dollars for a hammer or a hundred thousand for a screw driver..
      the big guy and the brand they sell.. tens of millions of dollars through seventy shell companies.. Billions of dollars being distributed to anyone and everyone except the american people or our own safety and infrastructure..
      we are no longer the Petro dollar.. they pulled that what over a year ago.. there is absolutely nothing backing the buck now..our current existence is the US Dollar and Pound, Euro that we use for buying, selling and hoarding on a daily basis. It is, to put it simply, in the air, backed up by nothing and reliant on nothing, yet at the same time highly delicate and sensitive to geopolitical and monetary shifts.The currencies we all use are reliant on the strength and performance of the US dollar, and that dollar is backed up by debt and the global trust in itself and its delicate monetary system. There was a time, half a decade ago, when the dollar and other prominent currencies were backed by gold, that secure and stable asset largely immune to the wild swings and falls of today’s debt-based system. As we hand over money and spend wildly and borrow against our failing industrial complex to keep the system going.. the dollar loses ground on its value.. even though it isn’t backed by anything more than our promise.
      fiat money consists of little more than digits on a screen, based on a system of automated calculations and manual interventions. Businesses procure money and employees are paid it, yes. Consumers spend it and it is essential to survival and attaining basic necessities, true. Yet the fact remains that at any time, the amount can be seized, altered, or removed from an account with little immediate impact on an economy, as it is not backed by any material or tangible assets subject to limitations. During the State of the Union address.. a comment was made to give everyone four hundred more dollars a month.. or was that a week.. the whole theory I have on that is.. those that need it spend it.. and the more digits hitting the screens gives the appearance of a stable economic environment.. On the same token.. printing it up and giving it to millions that have stormed our borders.. been hidden and flown in by our own government.. weakens the system.
      Some say bitcoin is the answer.. there to it is nothing more than a digit on a screen.. our whole system depends on our position of military might.. the moment that is altered.. the dollar will collapse..
      I remember when I thought I would be a RICH man if I ever made four dollars an hour.. today.. a simple two cheese burger meal is one third of what it cost me to buy food for a family of four for a month..The more we send someplace else.. the more we deny our own people and infrastructure brings us closer to collapse.. we cannot be the worlds police force.. we should not be the worlds police force.. we cannot defent the world a guy working at a fast food shop cannot afford to protect a country dependent on his taxes paid in.. In civilizations of the past that have died some of the main causes were Persistent trade deficits, wars, revolutions, famines, depletion of important resources, and government-induced hyperinflation have been listed as causes. I believe and so do others that with the influx of millions of illegals crossing our borders.. being flown in by an administration that is clueless as to what the effects of such actions all lead to the loss of our cultural identity and In a land of social complexity as an adaptive system, all results in the downfall of government, and the rise of violence. It has happened over and over throughout history..legends of civilizations that were and are now gone. what they valued now only valued for its historical significance. the collapse of a civilization is not a pleasant one to see.. all civilizations have suffered such a fate, regardless of their size or complexity, but some of them later revived and transformed, such as China, India, and Egypt. However, others never recovered, such as the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, the Maya civilization, and the Easter Island civilization. that never was able to recover from the devastating results of their arrogance. sociologists have proposed a variety of explanations for the collapse of civilizations involving causative factors such as environmental change, depletion of resources, greed unsustainable complexity, invasion, disease, decay of social cohesion, rising inequality, long-term decline of cognitive abilities, loss of creativity, and misfortune loss of industry etc. complete extinction of a culture is not inevitable, and in some cases, the new societies that arise from the ashes of the old one are evidently its offspring, despite a dramatic reduction in sophistication. for many centuries the influence of a collapsed society, such as the Western Roman Empire, may linger on long after its death through the people that survived.. New countries emerge and rebuild from the ashes of the failed civilization..My question is.. will the USA emerge again.. we seen what happened to the politicians of other civilizations that made cultural changes.. such as Iraq.. when Saddam Husein went into power.. or with the romanov family.. marie antoinette.. and king louis.. what will emerge over their arrogance and inability to govern is beyond me.. we seen what Isis did in the middle east.. we know what happened when the people took matters into their own hands in other civilizations..Beginning around 1100 BCE, Egypt fell into decline. There were several reasons for this, including a loss of military power, lack of natural resources, and political conflicts.The reigns of the last great pharaohs, Ramses II and Ramses III (1189-1077 BCE), are characterized by their strength and ability to defend Egypt against invaders.to ward off these continual attacks on their borders and these defenses left the empire’s economy struggling in many areas.. economically and manpower.
      SunTzu says this.. (“if he does not know where I intend to give battle he must prepare in a great many places,. And when he prepares in a great many places, those I have to fight in any one place will be few.”)
      you cannot be a war all the time.. the old divide and conquer.. We seen the affects of Isis in the middle east..
      what will our country be like once the great flip.. we know what history tells us about fallen civilizations.. the preliminary actions of those leading and the people.. history has shown over and over and over.. that the people that are the citizens of a country are patient and wait for those that lead them to actually lead them.. the moral and ethical decline in the political arena.. the people start asking then demanding.. its all a cycle that has played out for thousands of years.. each time those that lead a country all try to align themselves in the thought that political alliances was enough when actually being a good politician and leader was all that the people wanted.. the sad part about this is it opens the door for tyrannical leaders.. that come in and take matters into their own hands.. Here I am babbling about what stupid crap in history.. no one really cares what a MORON in the wastelands thinks about things.. it will happen when it happens and there isn’t a dam thing anyone of us can go.. it is up to our politicians to finally decide what needs to be done and then do it to bring things back in control.. who cares if the brand and the big guy gets away with millions and doesn’t pay taxes or flaunts their activities in front of the world.. what is the world thinking about what they are doing is more important..

  5. Given that cryptos, the federal banking system, fuel production and distribution are all heavily dependent on the grid and electronic comms, the “when money fails” meme is quite valid as a potentially survivable worst case scenario. It distills the EMP, major war, and host of more esoteric economic crisis & prep scenarios down to the most key element- abrupt collapse of the national economic engine, and resulting chaos. And it usually is economics that does you in. That is a good source of material to mine for Ure spring columns. Meanwhile, I continue a slow uptick in preps along those lines. Change is in the air.
    Question for Ure resident site solar hobby expert – How well do solar panels store on their side leaned up against a wall? I am seeing some lighter weight REC panels at a reasonable price (below). These will be easier for me to handle . I am not ready to install, and my storage space is limited; however, I have a place I could store them up against a wall in the garage. Is that plausible, or am I missing something ?


    Worst case, I could deploy temporarily laid flat p on pavers, next to the house. Code enforcement is not likely to be an issue in that scenario, nor will wind loading. I have the battery and inverter being used as a UPS; having the panels banked gives me time to implement my code work-arounds for a permanent install with all the key technology supplies already in hand.

      • The free shipping is over; $200 flat rate. While I am still waffling on the panel choice a bit, I am going to suspend the over-analysis for the rest of the weekend and buy a dozen panels.
        Most of the sub 30 cent per watt panels are IP68; the REC is IP67. The bifacial Hyundai panel is heavy; the bifacial Talesun has good specs , a good review and medium weight. I’ll sort it out today.

        • I am trying to talk the boss into letting me get another set.. with the off grid emphase inverter.. and battery backup.. great price and after rebates and free shipping the after cost would be manageable.. I want the battery backup.. we produce way more than what we need now.. but still pay for power after dark and the line connection fee.. in the event of an emp or two.. and no grid.. I want to be able to use what we get… now I could go string.. I have backup string inverters.. totally love the individual panel inverters.. one goes down.. you have the rest..

  6. We are as prepared as any. Some of my kit is “if needed just in time” where I store “stuff” to survive that can be repurposed at need or … if we avoid the coming dark.

    Truly it’s not been much of a concern, post plague, until the sheer number of got-a-ways became (sorta) known. Shirley 1-10% of these are unsavory types. Be afraid.

    A new concern is the “wasting” sickness in native white tails. I planned to harvest venison at need. Guess we will eat more fish :0/ just bought a new filet knife!

    Got game?
    We do,

    ps – we have migrating flocks of Sand Hill cranes on the air

  7. “When Money Stops Working”
    I have always assumed that paper currency would be of little value if the entire system – the society in general – goes down the tubes. If it is short-lived, then the greenback will make a come back – but at what value? Probably not the face value it currently holds/proclaims. A ten spot may be worth only a couple of bucks.
    If it does not make a come back then ‘money’ will stop working for you.., but you should have recognized that possibility already.
    What will constitute ‘money’ in a broken – it ain’t gonna get fixed anytime soon – economy?
    I have a reloading trade buddy. Just fixed his 1911 double stack and received two ammo cans of 250 rounds each of 9mm and 45acp.., and a small black bear roast. Well worth my time to sit at a workdesk and play around with a quality pistol. [ It was the new trigger that he installed.]
    This trade partner has a couple of tons of one pound lead bricks stashed in his back yard. He bought them from a small foundry in Ohio that made them on a special order from another foundry that didn’t have the time to produce them – why they were made is of question., and the larger foundry cancelled the order after nearly 90% were made – so they just sold them as a large lot on the open market. He outbid everyone as he saw the potential of having ‘money’ on hand. Money that will be needed, never decay and easily transportable. I think he was ‘dead-right’. I bought a couple – just to have.
    Your idea on ‘money’ may come down to what you think may be a great bartering item. [ I know a guy that has bought thousands of ZigZag rolling papers booklets – pot heads are going to need/want them – as will tabaco smokers. Kind of odd, but – not a bad idea.]
    It comes down to what you see/imagine as a possible replacement for ‘money’.., even a dentist needs ‘stuff’.


    • Can’t remember where I read it but it was a few years back – claimed with the coming devaluation of the greenback you would need as a bare minimum $20,000,000.

    • Multi-use products that are cheap, easy to store, and last forever will be good barter items, such as borax, baking soda, food-grade diatomaceous earth, and white vinegar. All of these can be safely ingested for food and/or health purposes. Most can be mixed with other things to make cleaning/laundry products and insecticides. They can easily be put into small containers for bartering. I have a bucket of each and intend to acquire the many other such items that are on my to-buy list.

  8. Some say the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) ceasing to make new loans on March 11, 2024, may have a large impact on markets..

  9. U.S. military spokes-person stated yesterday that it could take up to 60 days before the dock and pier in Gaza could be finished.
    – 60 days in one hell of long time when you are starving, and the medical supplies have run-out.
    – I will place a bet., that a WW2 Navy CPO SeaBee could have it up and running by tomorrow., around noon.

  10. I posted this yesterday but am reposting it here to keep current. This is important for everyone to understand what is happening. Ure especially, as this may affect your writing even on your own site. Longish, in-depth interview.

    Say Good-Bye to ‘Free Speech’… it’s gone. We live in a mil rule system now. Free speech is now treated as a terrorist attack on critical infrastructure. Tucker interviews Mike Benz in this mind-boggling expose’ of how our system just got inverted on itself… When Military Rule Supplants Democracy


      • Election?! What election?
        Took Diana to the range behind the barn for some practice this morning. 39 deg and breezy.
        D – It’s cold.
        Me – Yes but we should train in all types of temps.
        D – After she empties her 9mm Shield effortlessly into the 10 ring 15 yards away. Can I try yours? It’s bigger and longer.
        Me – Sure, but shouldn’t we go back to the house first.
        D – Sicko. I want to hold it, it has more thingys in it too. Immediately realizing her words she shot me “the look” before I had a chance.
        Me – Yes my love but this is a bigger, heavier piece (Glock 21 .45) and it has a hard recoil.
        D – With her “you will do anything I want” side glance, I know how hard it is.
        Me – Ahem OK. But first I want you to just hold it and see how much heavier it is. After that I swapped out the full mag for one with 5 rounds in it. Then stood behind her.
        D – The first round went a little high so the target will not be singing anymore. Wow. It does kick. After correcting her grip she put 4 rounds center mass.
        Me – Nice shooting. I loaded a full mag and was about to hand it back to her.
        D – With that side glance, Let’s go back to the house now.

        Stay safe. 73

        • Humbling, ain’t it? Know the feeling and experience well… usually happens in the kitchen for me, not the shop or range, but the same vibe…

  11. Your ‘dumbed down & whitewashed’ Federalist article on Fuchs can’t hold a candle to this one, ‘little man ego will always have issues with female ledership’, Watson also recorded Trump’s phone call with her (‘The next evening, around 9:30 p.m., Watson was at home in bed when her phone rang. It was the White House switchboard asking her to hold. The president wanted to talk to her. Instinctively, Watson, an ex-cop, taped the call.’):

    Luke 12.2.3, ‘what’s done in the dark shall come to the light’ (Fuch’s & Watson’s recorded phone call):


    • re: dial d for dismissed


      Whoa. Your link states Ms. Fuchs (translating as “cunning devil” in the Collins German English dictionary) committed a crime for taping the President’s call in Florida without permission of all parties to the call.

      Apparently the Florida Security of Communications Act 934.03 allows for civil damages as well as third-degree felony charges incurring up to a five year prison term?

      Speaking of Florida State Prisons, “Newsnation” has noted that the appeal of convict Ms. Ghislaine Maxwell’s sentence will be heard this Tuesday. The cable company’s New York studio on E. 42nd St. shares the same building as Clark Kent’s “Daily Planet” of the 1978 movie.

    • Trump needed back the f-ing votes that were stolen from him. Anybody who doesn’t think the election was stolen from Trump is not willing to look at what happened election night.

      • BUT … it was NOT the Voting Machines.

        Trump’s supporters got bamboozled, misled, and went off half cocked wrt thinking it was about Voting Machines … they got PLAYED. Distracted from what REALLY was done.

        It was classic PHYSICAL ballot box stuffing which the Dems have been doing since Tammany Hall days and have down to a fine art form, particularly in the old industrial states that were critical for the 2020 election.

        Since so many top people around Trump led the charge claiming Voting Machines! Voting Machines! Voting Machines! I have to think some of them were in on the scam (since some of them were pols of the old school and KNEW all about Ballot Box Stuffing and how it worked and how it had been used multiple times over the decades by Democrats).

        Sure the election was stolen … but by MISDIRECTING people’s attention to go down a blind alley, the Voting Machine alley, the people SCREAMING “Voting Machines!” actually PROTECTED THE STEAL.

        Term Limits in State Legislatures worked against the Republicans in many states. So many Republican legislators in key states are SO NEW that they don’t know about the old style ways of stealing elections, in fact were/still are clueless about them. They were so full of themselves that they didn’t want to even talk to the old timers about elections, they KNEW BETTER since they were younger and better educated!!

        There were several obvious things those REPUBLICAN State Legislators could have done up front, and would have been done up front 50 years ago, when they were changing the voting laws because of Covid. I looked at what the REPUBLICAN Legislators were passing wrt elections after Covid hit and just scratched my head at the supididdy of what they were doing. It was obvious to someone like me who has personally been around politics for my entire life and who’s family background has a history of being in politics for 170 years (meaning LOTS of talk I listened to growing up – plus my own time in the arena later) that those new laws were creating a perfect climate for old style classic VOTE STEALING.

        The people who LOST the election for Trump were of 2 types: 1) Idiot Republican Legislators who when they expanded mail in voting because of Covid did NOT ensure it would be secure and 2) Republicans who INTENTIONALLY MISLED the crowd into thinking the voting problems were the Voting Machines when they knew perfectly well the ol “Boiler Rooms” were operating to physically fill out ballots that would later be counted.

        LOTS of Republican Party types were in on the steal … by letting the crazies talk only about Voting Machines and NOT correcting them. They HATED TRUMP and this was a way to let Trump lose and with his mercurial temper and inattention to detail SELF DESTRUCT (or so they thought).

        The election was stolen from Nixon in 1960 too … but unlike Trump he didn’t whine about it and scream scream scream. He came back later and ran again … and WON. Trump should have done that too … and if he had done that he would be a Shoo In for 2024, it wouldn’t even be close. (in many respects Trump is as dumb as a rock, besides being way to stubborn, and he does NOT care to educate himself to boot)

  12. The collapse scenario in the cities here may be a lot like that in third world countries. I’m betting it will be a little slower here in the hinterlands, but maybe not much.

    How long will it be before people’s food runs out and then how long before “nice” and “peaceful” neighbors start pounding on doors demanding food from those who have it, or maybe have it? After that how long before those “nice” neighbors are ready to shoot someone to acquire food for their kids?

    I’m betting somewhere in the ballpark of two to four weeks, depending on the time of the year. Maybe I’m also being a bit optimistic on that one.

    In this county, we have sheriff deputies who have lots of practice sneaking in through the trees to surround a home. How long before they use that training and their taxpayer funded weapons to raid homes to feed their families? Or perhaps to get someone’s solar panels and batteries? Maybe just to take a prepared person’s home?

    I probably shouldn’t get started on the hordes of hunters who show up every Fall.

    • The Cops already have food stocks and will protect their own. I will do the same though helping fellow man is part of the plan. Everyone has something to offer. Me? I’ll be tossing flies (poppers) and working a filet knife. Open a fish ‘n chips perhaps?

      We are remote. Their are no hungry crowds in walking distance. At the moment my worry is more for We The People. Intel truth tellers would put a chill on open borders if allowed to speak. We are more at risk.

      Buy stuff to barter. Dry goods. Lots of beer, wine and spirits. Worst case? You eat / drink your mistakes. We can get through this.


  13. It’ll be like Haiti is right now. Street Court.

    The media tells us ‘gangs’ are in charge of Haiti. ‘Gang’ has negative connotations like J6 ‘rioters’.

    .gov stealing 25% of our purchasing power over four years is ‘rescue’. Biden & Company rescued America and everyone took the money. Since .gov rescued we think about Newton’s 3rd law and conclude .gov can un-rescue America.

    Love or hate Trump .gov is taking his stuff.

  14. re: Bunker Debunkering
    feat: money working


    Just in time for the Ultra-Make deadline, the CBC published a report this morning under “Climate” on how some of the elites are hunkering down to the latest in bunker design and associated toys. What’s the point of them fleecing the sheep if they can’t enjoy honey and nectar after come-what-may?


    Let’s turn now to DJ George for a constructive melody from the underground. How about a recent number from Catherine Chalon –


  15. re: money working


    I think that George may have mentioned the additional £125 million funding to be sent from the UK to Ukraine this past Thursday. The same day, 4 weeks since his firing from leading the Ukraine counter-offensive, 4 star General Valerii Zaluzhny was appointed Ambassador to the UK. One trusts he will take a liking to the embassy on Millionaire’s Row in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Nearby neighbors include Mrs. and Mr. Posh Spice, Rocketman, and Sir Richard Branson.

  16. Ham … seasonably CHEAP

    Since George mentioned it wrt his Consigliere I will note I have posted here before that AFTER the key “Ham” holidays the prices drop LOWER than even the “come on prices” from before the holidays.

    AFTER this past New Years I picked up a Boneless Ham for $.99/lb and 2 Spiral Sliced Hams for $.69/lb (two weeks later one of the Spiral Sliced Ham brands was back up to it’s normal price of $4.59/lb)

    How low the prices go AFTER the holiday I think is dependent upon how overstocked they got BEFORE the holiday but almost always there is a HUGE additional price drop AFTER the holiday as they clean out their excess stock. (I love pork products … which makes it easy for me to stock up when they are almost giving it away, sadly they don’t have equivalent sales of bacon and GOOD sausage)

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