The idea of a “lost spiritual technology” that may slow (or halt) the Aging Process is up this morning. Wide-ranging discussion, too. Everything from latest results in transcranial low level laser work, which we described in our “Light Crown” project here in 2016, to some interesting results using “earthing” as a strategy to augment Covid-19 treatment.
But all these (cool and brain-candy though they are) are only the “warm-up” act to some interesting concepts that arise from looking at human Death as an industrial process. One of those “Crazy George” ideas that seems to be supported in the data.
First, however, some (routine) Trade numbers and 14-charts as the ChartPack finds us still waiting to resolve if this will be Wave 3 down, or whether a truncated Wave (5) or the larger wave 2 is yet to come?
Ready to be tantalized into using your wetware processor?
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“And for this gem, as well: “Hillary Clinton hits back against comparisons to Trump’s handling of classified docs” where she claims none of the emails on her (illegal) private server were secret.”
I wonder if Julian Assange could ask for a retrial because none of it was secret or classified documents..
LOOTB??? you seem to have a better view of what’s going on than many of us ;-) who live there, thank you!
Perhaps you share your idea what motivated this clown to keep (really unimportant, IMHO gov. documents) in his private residence? Was the so called secrets to the atom bomb not also “classified gov. documents?” What a joke.
It was a trap :-) evidence from previous presidents crimes
Iran-obummer deal. Nuclear stuff. Q once asked,
“how do you get evidence into court?”
Trump is getting them to do-it.
Trump had the US Constitutional power to de-class any and all info,,,, THAT is fact and do not forget that fact. The deep/creep state wanted the evidence back! Now, some judge just appointed a master over the evidence. We will see what that master releases. The FBI over stepped,, boomerang.
Hilldog had NO such authority! to de-class.
The better question is why does OUR government keep secrets from US and but shares those secrets with foreign governments? Five Eyes is a secret sharing conspiracy. Both Putin and Xi have more knowledge of our gov secrets than you or I do. It is because the government is control by multi-national corporations that control the FREE WORLD,,,, you just think u are free. The simple fact is they have secrets and you are NOT allowed to know, but here is your cricket burger.
Hmm I sure don’t know..and seriously why someone would even want them at all personally.
Most of the presidential records end up in a presidential library and open for everyone to read if they so choose.. why they would want to read that crap is another question that would keep me questioning just how bored they are that they would want to read it.. the president sat down.. he stood up.. he flushed.. LOL.. then again.. keeping secure documents on an illegal server at their private residence. or having passcodes to all the DOD and secret documents available.. on several laptops open to anyone in the room or near their car or just left at a computer shop and then forgotten about.. while dealing with questionable people from countries all while being in a drug and alcohol induced state and then loosing two of them one by not going back to pick it up.. and the other to who knows who.. it just walked out of the room while in a drugged state of mind…. who knows what gets these people to do such things and who in the heck thought it a good idea to give a drug addict that had suspicions and allegations of being involved in or possibly committing several legally questionable business activities while traveling all around the globe.. access to those secure codes in the first place that person should be questioned as well.. its their choice…. but.. if you go after one..In my opinion then you need to address all of the issues equally in my honest opinion .Not praise one and tell everyone how wonderful they are and the things they did had no meaning.. the other chastise that they had documents that had supposedly been declassified prior to their leaving office and kept in a safe with heavy security all around.. and how many ex presidents have documents that they have kept..I sure don’t know….
and if the documents on an illegal server had no value and were not secret.. then why is someone in prison for a non crime.
It just all suspiciously looks like a grand public witch hunt. We had four years of non stop crap.. now we have another two years of non stop crap trying to get it so that he won’t run again.. and keep us focused not on what is presently happening but focused on someone that is no longer in govt. service… Now I don’t think DJT should run for office again.. he did a lot while in office.. for the people.. but I still remember the twenty four seven horror show.. I still can’t stomach turning on a Main stream network station.. for fear they will start again.. OH hey they have.. at least they aren’t yelling collusion.. or that he patted a grown woman on the butt..that didn’t complain about him doing it.. or overpaying for sex with a sex worker of legal age.. I am just tired of hearing it all the time.. non stop..
other brother – if trump did declassify, which he didn’t, then please explain how you feel about the US’s most sensitive secrets concerning nukes, humintel and sources and methods being declassified for the world to see. when a president declassifies it gets declassified for everyone, not just one person.
Your premise as to contents – beyond ipso lorem pages – is immense! Totally spoonfed assertions which strikes thinking people in these parts as pabulum…
“if trump did declassify, which he didn’t,”
Since all he had to do was say: “That stuff is declassified,” why would you, or the people feeding you your opinion, believe they were not declassified?
“then please explain how you feel about the US’s most sensitive secrets concerning nukes, humintel and sources and methods being declassified for the world to see.”
Why would you, or anyone else believe Trump would have any of this stuff.
Could you, just try to not listen to the MSNBC scare porn for a day or two…?
The President never handles classified documents of this nature. He handles reports which condense this incredibly long-winded and boring shit into a digest, then present it to him in a manner in which it can be read and assimilated within minutes as part of his “daily briefing.”
The President doesn’t know, and never sees documents regarding “nukes, humintel” because it is never important for him to know how nukes work or where they’re stationed, nor would he ever want or need to know anything about “humintel” (BTW, the abbreviation is HUMINT”). The President is The Executive. He can’t be bothered with minutia and only need know THAT something works or is, not HOW it works, or is.
“and sources and methods” Of WHAT, pray tell?
The Brits, French, Germans, Russians, Chinese, and probably Iranians, know more about all this stuff than our President ever has, with the possible exception of George HW Bush.
Please, just turn the tube off and back away…
I was flipping through the channels last night and who did I see on late night? Hillary along with the daughter.
Trump had a chance to prosecute her. Trump supporters did not question the leader’s decision making skills at the time. They let him go from, “Lock her up!”. For the rest of our lives, “She got away”. Like when the abused spouse states to the COP, “I fell down the stairs”. The COP doesn’t come back the next day. The abuser gets away.
In current hullabaloo…. when Trump was asked about attending the Saudi-funded LIV Golf venture, Trump said, ““Nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately,””
What, what? Laughable. Are we expected to believe Trump is going to strike-up a 911 convo @ the ball washer? “911” was always a catch phrase.
Steve , come on and think about this a bit. Trump was surrounded by a corrupt FBI and DOJ, Sessions was pushed into stepping aside by the deepstate unelected DOJ and Barr has been seen recently bad mouthing Trump all over the place. How the heck do you think he was going to get justice for hillary and slo joe and the traitor and hater of America, Obama? He had to set traps. When a hunter sets a traps he leaves and comes back later to retrieve the trapped predators. Trump is now out of office. He IS COMING BACK, see the rallies? see the MASSIVE crowds he draws? see his ENERGY? there is a reason we call joe slow, no energy. You fail to realize the game is not over and those you support are in deep doo doo. Here is another clue, Chief Justice John Robert’s, chief of staff has resigned, no reason given, no better job, not to spend quality time with family,, just going out while the going is good, like a rat leaving a sinking ship. It is a good bet that Roberts will not make it another year. The corruption is deep in both republican/RINO and democrat parties, pedos everywhere in government. Roberts has two illegally adopted Irish children, what kind of standard is that for THE CHIEF JUSTICE? is he being blackmailed for this? and there is that John Roberts on the Epstein flight logs, cant say that is this John, but logs are full of high level type of people including ole Hillary’s Bill. Bill Gates is another frequent flyer that has cause much death and sickness with his so called vaccines to the poor African people of Africa, that cause disease and death. Sacrifices
If you have enough voc tech training , you could see how the towers were built with an exo-skeleton and an internal backbone of steel beams, and the thin’ess of an aluminum tube,, no way an airplane brought those towers down. They were designed and built to with stand. The 911 conspirators were more than some arabs with box cutters, that could not fly those aircrafts to save Allah. and don’t forget the Arab’s passport somehow managed to be found on the street in all of that debris at ground level,,, really,, no shit,,,doh
And the demolition charges that were pre-planted in Blg 7,, pull-it!
And how the fuck did little bushy have the Patriot Act already written and in hand to shove more restrictions on to the American public.
a little story , my ex was at a motel on a family reunion, she was in the pool, she is not a swimmer, when she lost her footing and slipped under the surface, she was thrashing around and screaming for help, when she heard them all yell at her,,,, STAND UP!!!
Steve, I truly hope you gain vision
The deep/creep state has been ruling for multiple generations, it is a family business and has always used false flag sacrifices to keep the masses hypnotized into believing the lies they tell. They seem to start every war with one.
Satanism is real and they believe in blood sacrifice,,
I dis-connected my TV, food for the masses, I really forget that I used to watch it all the time, I do not miss it at all.
Hillary is not in the clear, DURHAM is still at work, next up, Danchenko, in OCT. The Sussman trial got Hill’s campaign guy to admit, on the stand under oath, Hill knew that RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA was a falsehood and she OKed it. Yes Sussman got off for lying to the FBI, but only for the lie, no more than that, by a tainted DC jury, he is not off the hook.
Personally I think the Trump/Barr feud is a head fake, after all Barr did appoint Durham and gave him POWER. But what do I know, I AM just an observer, moves and counter moves,
WE ARE WITNESSING, the greatest history in the last 5000 years
when in the course of human events
In what court was Trump ever a prosecutor?
I didn’t even realize he was an attorney.
You are doing pioneer work here George and I find it fascinating. There are some lines from the Christian Bible in Matthew 10:26 about the end times that seem appropriate.
“So do not be afraid of them. For there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.”
Happy to be part of this journey with you and many of your readers.
I will treasure that BIC – thank you.
(I wonder how many people – even among the trained psychologists, and religionists, realize that when it was written “What I tell you in the dark,” was a reference to solid dream work and that the continuation (indeed injunction to) “…speak in the daylight” is the waking-state? Not that PN is often about proclaiming, but I wonder deeply about being “landed spirits” roosting in our trees (bodies) seeking to learn from our ventures to share back to Source?
Yo BIC – gotz just the thing/book for youse.
“The Valediction Resurrection – is a must read for every Christian with a 3 digit IQ”-jh
Real deal scheisse here – this one is for the personal library.
Thanks db. Just checked it out and ordered “Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond.” to read first. LOOB would love this one or anyone else interested in a history and failures of both Russia and USA in Afghanistan.
“Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond.”
Both on the reader.. thanks for the suggestion Bob..there is nothing like a good book..I use to get razzed because most of the people I hung around with had no faith.. but from the things I have seen and experienced I do have a strong faith… I can’t understand it and I won’t question it.. .. but when I read the old texts.. I see the same things pop up over and over.. and then the old sayings.. like dejavu.. or.. Karma…. the yin and the yang.. the meek shall inherit the world.. and all those years that NOAH build a big boat in the high plains you know that people would question.. just what are you doing NOAH.. make fun of him.. YOU KNOW IT LOOKS LIKE RAIN… and put him down.. Christ that should have been put to death on his birth.. and then Mary’s stoning.. by the laws of the day .. she was to watch the stoning first before death.. christs crucifixion because he was both born and wasn’t religious enough.. all foretold..
Ditto here “still waiting to resolve if this will be Wave 3 down, or whether a truncated Wave (5)” it’s one or the other but not both. If the latter large(r) wave 2 to the upside could be _special_ but if this is Wave 3 down hard cheese. I look forward to surfing your chart pack (on the paid side) when time allows.
Today it’s hard to stay inside due to the airshow out front. Two crop dusters are overflying the lake spraying fields to East. Possibly “instant frost” to begin harvest? Dunno.
Thanks Mister, Intriguing posting today……
(never knew about the grounding sheets)
Well, guess I’ve got that “earthing” thing down pat………..
63 yrs old and have spent 3/4’s of my life barefoot. Gramps always said I had a foot “Just like an Army mule”.
Probably been as many miles barefoot, as most people have drove their entire lives too, as I’ve spent the better part of 44 years in a truck.
Never go to the Dr., Strong as a bull, (the sign I was born under) “almost”, never get sick but when I do its gone in a matter of days.
Guess there is something to be said for leaving (bare) foot prints in the snow.
Thanks again, for All You Do.
Even the bulls of Taurus need a veterinarian now and then.
Life is like flowers – when picked carefully and wisely.
I must admit (“Matthew 10:26 about the end times that seem appropriate.”) it’s way above my head, sorry!
In view of the COSMOS that dribble seems entertainment.
No offense, just try to enjoy present as difficult as it may get.
A Bible thing right now is “fallen angels heard from the caves under the River Euphrates”
The gist, the River Euphrates has dried up and revealed hidden caves. Some cave folk have gone into the caves. The cave folk heard noises that sound like chained-up fallen angles. Since you are quoting I’m sure you know the verses I’m typing about. Any who…
I don’t know who this guy is. Go to 1:58 if you buy-in.
Fallen Angels Chained Under The Euphrates River! Hear Them!!
No offence taken choices. It was way above my head until a few years ago. Certain life experiences can change your view of the world here and beyond. Part of my change has come from looking at galaxies 500 million light years away (James Webb telescope). The COSMOS you speak of is defined as an “orderly harmonious whole.”
I too, am trying to enjoy the present as difficult as it may (will) get but have become convinced there is more beyond this existence. I think George is trying to tap into it in innovative ways.
…with the thinking being that tapping in directly is probably a lost art. Since tariffing the stairway to Heaven would make some religion, or other, a buttload of money! Which may be why the discussion of dreams – from Old Testament of 90+ mentioned to New Testament 6-9 is a clue. Changes in word use may point to the rewrite of spiritual concepts for (what else?) money and power…
“have become convinced there is more beyond this existence.”
working in healthcare.. and seeing what I have seen.. I am convinced..I don’t care what anyone else believes.. I have seen enough through the years that convinces me..and I believe we have a guardian angel as well..
I know I told the story but here it is again.. my one thing that truly convinced me was a hundred year old patient.. (woman) she was so fussy about her bed.. it had to be military tight corners and perfect.. her normal habit was get up at four.. have coffee toast turn on the television and watch the morning news.. sit in her chair.. it was her normal routine..
one day I was busy on a different wing and the tech for that wing came over.. that they wanted to see me in that room.. I went.. they had just pronounced the hundred year old dead.. and could I take care of the final prep before the funeral home came to pick up the body. at that time.. the normal prep was bathing the body laying the clothes out and having the patient gowned. so I gathered up the bath blankets the towels the warm water got the clothes lined up.. etc.. this takes time about fifteen minutes itself.. I laid it all out.. then picked up the patient and laid them on the bed.. at which point the woman jumps up and says what do you think your doing.. You messed up my bed.. I seen you do it.. where I was about to have a heart attack myself.. and I asked.. were were you.. at which point she said up in the corner with the angel watching.. now make my bed and get my coffee.. which I promptly did.. then went to get her coffee..and toast.. as I was coming back there was the morticians checking out the body.. the nurse and they looked at me funny and said.. what in the world are you doing.. at which point I said.. well she says she is not going anywhere before she has her morning coffee and toast.. everyone had to go look.. she lived another three years.. My wifes favorite story is pancakes.. LOL LOL.. similar thing.. but one of the family members sitting vigile mentioned pancakes.
the exercise bike.. LOL LOL LOL that was a favorite especially with new kids that don’t believe LOL LOL Or on night during report a woman walked by with a walker..
“the stairway to Heaven”
I believe that they are with us.. spirits.. multi deminsional beings.. angels.. call them what you will.. I have a deep faith.. each time at my lowest.. as I pray for guidance.. I put my whole faith in my prayer.. leave the decisions up to god.. If you may.. and when you put your faith in god.. he does answer.. so the arguement or debate comes.. what about asking for a specific object.. and it never transpires.. YET years later.. you clearly see why the thing you had wanted wasn’t a very good idea and would have given you more grief if you had it than not.. yet every time.. there has been some pretty dramatic results.. that cannot be explained.. like a dream of a building then walk in and you know where everything is in the building.. what is in drawers and behind doors.. DeJav.
I would not change the road I have been on.. I probably wouldn’t have made the mistakes I have made.. but then I wouldn’t have met the people I have met or learned how to do the things I have done.. I probably wouldn’t be the avid reader that I am.. and or expanded my mind opened it up for new information..
Grounding, bare footing it, I like going bare foot in the summer around my place. The gravel street makes me walk real gingerly, but the yard and concrete drive are no problem. In the evening I like a gummy, you know , not for the children. When I take my evening gummie and go out on the concrete I feel an electric like flow through my soles of my feet, It stiffens up my whole body, sort of a chill like. I do not notice this during the day when I am not medicated. Tuning? to frequency?, can’t receive a signal if you don’t tune for it, turn that dial. I do not know if works with 100% cds, but the 50/50 thc/cbd ratio does, as does 100% thc. no alcohol no nicotine.
I have an red/infared light pad on my shoulder as I type this for an injured shoulder
Grounding and light therapy, not what the doctors order.
and I even have some old cassettes from Robert Monroe,, hemi sync
Yes, life is very interesting,, when one loses energy or interest, the light fades and the cycle , recycles.
I often wonder? what am I and where is that road map so I can sense what lies around the corner after I shed this carbon based vehicle?
Back to the Days of our Lives drama as I watch the Trumpets Herald the turning of a cycle,,, Dark to Light,, we all need some soap in our lives to wash the filth away.
Everyone have a glorious day, year and whole life.
Write when you feel rich.
This seems appropriate:
“railroad volume ”
Earlier in the year people were speculating/conspiracizing .gov was commanding RRs to slow/halt fertilizer shipments? If there was a command to slow/halt ferts how do we know today’s RR volume numbers are factual and not more commands?
4/19 – not even 5 months ago.
“”Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all,” Will said. “By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.” ”
“Russia knows full-well that it could lead to the implosion not just of the “European Union, but the NATO Alliance, as well.””
One of Trump’s 2016 campaign promises was to stop defending NATO deadbeats who weren’t paying dues.
Putin is doing what Trump stated needed to be done. Implode NATO. Now that’s 4d.
Some Astrology and Psychic predictions out there that make it look like NATO starts to IMPLODE at the end of the year, and by the end of February the alliance, or what remains of it, is in chaos.
Could it be the upcoming winter Energy Chaos that is quickly enveloping Europe (and don’t forget the agricultural chaos that will then appear in the spring as farmers don’t have enough fertilizer) that causes it?
OR … could it be an actual physical War type conflict that escalates badly for Europeans?
I used to dismiss such “visions” UNTIL I saw how accurate some of them that came out before 9/11 were about that actual event. Now I read them and say “umm … is there something out there that is coming that could cause that to be accurate?”
NATO imploding? … it is something we would not even thought possible just a year ago, but it now looking like it might be possible.
Excluding actual War if THE PEOPLE rebel against the EU Bureacrats AND their individual countries’ Leadership which is bringing this Energy Crunch right down on their heads this winter then it could happen. Unlikely but possible particularly if people start to get VERY cold and business after business closes and goes bankrupt.
Good stuff this AM from the Palestine Palooka.
One line of reasoning regards Prana – is that the subtle breathing action acts as a massage for Ure internal organs. Done on the regular over the course of several years/lifetime will surely result in improved Organ functioning.
The other side of Prana is where the REAL “magic” work can be found – Niama. In my world it is simply external qi (a form of bio energy)..the super refined qi of a qigong master.
The combined whole – the “natural source” – the ALL is in U, and U are in it, indestructible & eternal.
..although as we all are experiencing here and now – Soul can be trapped,zapped and imprisoned..hence the advice from the book of the dead regards the bardo – black & blue – path of kings, light – path of joke the death traps with life review (reporting Ure trangressions?)hahahah “you have areas to work on” bwahahahahaahahahahahaaaahahahaahahhaahahahah
I got Ure areas to work right tween my legs! Not one single Soul on this rock did anything wrong, you didnt sin -whatever that is. You got insomebodies way, U creative SOB”s.
* with -external qi – the “master’ can change their appearance -Ure perception thereof..
** please be advised the Sun – yesterdaze FDlare event on farside was historical in its strengh and power – the spot that nrg emanated from is slowly turning back around towards Us. Count on some kind of muthathumpa event soonly. EMP EMP EMP EMP -savy?
Pearls like this garner me a label of a stupid, clumsy, or uncouth person. or second place prize fighter?
(You somehow remain married with this tude?)
With respect – my bad- I m pleading lazy ignorance – had difficulty rhyming on a P for Palestine – 1st thought was Stevie guitar Millers’ Pompatus, as in the “the Pomatus of luv. -the Joker
Yes -32 years and counting.. truly fortunate
Here’s a better link
Are the fallen angels returning to fulfill the prophecies of the scriptures? Revelation 16:12 says, “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”
Has anyone heard about plans for a Trump Presidential Library? I mean besides Melania’s lingerie drawer.
Don’t know AG but I was wondering what they found in son Barron’s bedroom. When I was 16, I had Playboy magazines tucked between my mattress and bed springs. Discovery in my day would have got me a licking. Now, it would probably get my father charged for raising a straight hormonal driven male.
When you were 16 BIC had bunnies even been invented, yet?
“When I was 16, I had Playboy magazines tucked between my mattress and bed springs. ”
Sounds familiar to most sixteen year old’s.. LOL…. that is where I Hid mine to LOL LOL LOL…
Get yourselves comfortably grounded and plug into to The Euro 22 Tour feat. Duke & Duchess. Move over Mr. & Mrs. Obama!
It seems a crowning moment of yesterday’s pseudo-royal visit by a Kaiser’s descendant to Dusseldorf was the transportation. A German Luftwaffe Canadian-built 19 passenger Bombardier Global 5000 ferried the eco-conscious couple from RAF Northolt to their waiting-at-destination Porsche Cayenne. I don’t know if it was the eHybrid Turbo variant. Their charitable foundation tag-alongs followed behind in an Audi.
Hardly had the new UK PM Mrs. Truss received Her Majesty’s blessing to form a new government than news broke on AirBnb concerning cost of living assistance to the commoners. The Palace is already in receipt of accommodation bookings for next year. The Gardener’s Cottage is available at Sandringham from £354 per week. Cottages at Balmoral Castle commence at a mere £555 per week. Mind you, the latter does sleep 5 for those on a budget – works out to only £15 per person per night! Maybe this is something you Americans should think about for stays in centrally located and convenient DC and De locales.
Okay. No more whinging about the President’s media conference gaffes. The WH Press Secretary herself has noted the EU energy crisis is in response to the “Nordstrom” situation. You might be on Target to isolate a teleprompter problem?
Uh oh. Are we seeing some weird harmonics emanating across the ether timelines with the announced turndown of CERN for energy conservation? Canada’s ethnic Ukranian Deputy PM Mrs. Freeland has stated her dedication to her present “really big job” but has not denied rumors she could be in line for selection as secretary general of NATO. Seriously, Canada could be running the western world?
God particle turning off world for trying to find it?
George–Phenomenal column today. Unlike most columns which are once-and-done, I will print and reread the aging-relevant information. I usually jump on anti-aging protocols about 5 years after they surface (no point on being on the bleeding edge for what mostly doesn’t pan out) but at 79.8 years the attraction of n=1 experimentation increases!
Acts 2:17
“And in the last days it shall be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams;”
I believe you’re on the right track George.
Btw, there’s a documentary on Amazon titled, “Heal” which talks about how the body is capable of healing its self. Very interesting and enlightening for those who are unaware of the fact.
There is also Qigong, which deals with flowing life-energy to afflicted to areas where there is dis-ease.
I’ve been practicing these, and feeling and doing better than any Rx has been able to accomplish. No side effects either. I’ve seen lots of healing, others as well as myself.
There is also a book I read on Spontaneous Healing – when I get time, a summary of concepts and application notes on the PN side will be along…
Then there’s ‘The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Challenging Consructs of Mind and Reality’ and ‘Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg’ – Joseph Chilton Pearce.
And Lyall Watson’s ‘Gifts of Unknown Things: A True Story of Nature, Healing, and Iniation from Indonesia’s Dancing Island’ and ‘Super Nature’, ‘Beyond Super Nature’
Especially “Gifts…’
“Serrapeptase and lumbrokinase I figured might help clean up arterial plaques since serrapeptase breaks down the bonds of fibrin. “
Serrapeptase is a ‘mucolytic’ enzyme I have experimented with for several years. Allergy sufferer and when my sinuses are overloaded, I take SP overnight to ease the clogging. Now I am experimenting with my arthritic hip joint. Daily doses of SP and attention to staying very hydrated… drink water often throughout the day… have loosened up my grinding hip and seemingly getting some of the excess crap out of that joint. Much less pain and more mobility!
Dam Hank.. I had never heard of it.. I will get some and give it a try.. thanks for sharing..
The EU citizens are devolving back into cold, angry peasants. Fortunately for their leadership, most threw out their pitchforks in decades past. The US will become their goat after first frost. It is difficult to burn good intentions and propaganda in the woodstove.
Putin is offering warm homes and perhaps an end to the wokie social engineering madness, in return for cessation of the economic cold war. There is obviously a major downside in accepting King Vlad as protector, along with the Orthodox version of utopia, but Putin is offering normalcy to the serfs over the prospect of a long and very cold war. Guess which direction the EU winds will be biased this winter?
Stay as far away from Chicago as possible after January 1 –
An Illinois law taking effect in the new year will release those charged with second-degree murder, aggravated battery and arson without bail.
The so-called SAFE-T Act would end cash bail and includes 12 non-detainable offences, second-degree murder, aggravated battery and arson without bail, as well as drug-induced homicide, kidnapping, burglary, robbery, intimidation, aggravated DUI, aggravated fleeing and eluding, drug offences and threatening a public official.
All these crimes will become non-detainable offences after the act takes effect on January 1, meaning criminals will be charged with and released for these crimes without bail.
Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow said it will be the “end of days” once the law takes effect. Will County is the second largest county of the 6-county Chicago metro region.
The bill “will destroy the city and the state of Illinois,” Glasgow said on July 16. “I don’t even understand (how) the people who support it can’t realize that.”
The law also restricts those who can be arrested. For example, those accused of trespassing can be ticket but not arrested once the law takes effect.
Glasgow said he, police, and judges will all have their “hands tied” once the law takes effect.
He said that all 640 people currently being held in the Will County jail would have their bonds extinguished after January 1 — including 60 people charged with murder. Glasgow said he won’t be able to hold anyone in jail for longer than 90 days if they demand a trial, and after the 90th day, they’ll get out “no matter what crime they committed.”
“What you see in Chicago, we’ll have here,” he warned.
He said the electorate must demand those running for election in November to repeal the bill.
Glasgow also said legislators didn’t understand the bill and only had two days to digest its 800-pages.
“You’ve got legislators who aren’t lawyers, you’ve got legislators who weren’t criminal lawyers,” he said. “Trying to read all that in two days. It was impossible.”
Every legislator can and should vote “NO” on any bill they haven’t personally read and researched! It’s a simple enough action – bills will always get re-introduced anyway. Those legislators who vote to pass any bill without intimate knowledge of it can and should be impeached.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving metro area in the entire US, after San Francisco, NYC, and LA of course.
Those elected legislators are just reflecting the WILL of those who elected them since normal people in normal places would have SCREAMED NO to such nonsense. Though it may sound cruel I have no sympathies for those local people who now will be impacted since they voted those legislators in and by all indications will continue to vote them in.
(From where I sit one of the most basic foundations of a functioning society is dealing with those who commit basic crimes, bible type crimes not all the made up shit that now clutters the law books, and commit them without remorse. Without controlling those destructive people society can NOT be a stable place. Illinois clearly does NOT want to control the destructive people that are in it’s midst. Every place has them, it is how the local society deals with them that creates much of the character of each and every place)
I think the ‘stay away from cities’ portion of all the prepper guides needs to be written again, what with the volume of crazy and stoopid currently emanating from cities. Likely best to do the rewrite with CAPS LOCK on too…
If you are in the city (I am due to health issues), make sure you know the neighbors and if they will resist or comply with governmental edicts. If they are wearing masks outdoors at this juncture of the vaxx mess, you can probably conclude they would also march into a railroad boxcar at the urging of anyone in any type of uniform.
Also helpful to have a chainsaw – dropping a tree across any street makes the city scramble – during hurricanes, it literally took my small city 2 days to determine exactly which department was responsible for clearing streets. When they did, we homeowners had already cut and drug the trees into the city hall parking lot so we could get in and out of our homes. And it was illuminating to notice that EVERY city council member had a city supplied and fueled genset…
Fairly soon it may be advantageous to throw sand in the gears of government, as they grab for more taxes and fees…
Perhaps some good news is on order for the day?
On ‘Source’, etc…
Some books, if you haven’t already discovered.
Lyall Watson – ‘Gifts of Unknown Things: A True Story of Nature, Healing, and Initiation from Indonesia’s Dancing Island’, ‘Super Nature’ and ‘Beyond Supernature’.
Joseph Chilton Pearce – ‘The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality’, and his other books.
Especially ‘Gifts…’. Time for a re-read.