War, Market Fears, Andy of the Future, CFNAI

The Stock Market put on a pretty good show Monday.  Likely, figures my consigliere, it’s because when there are obvious bubbles in play (AI, NVidia) it is about the only “safe” thing left for a Fund Manager to do. Buy the Dow.

And that probably is why the Dow put on another great performance Monday. But we will emphasize the word performance (as in act, play-at, pretend) because when you look outside the Bubbleator Stocks, the financial underpinnings are pure Exter.

If Exter doesn’t ring a bell, you should stop reading trashy economic-porn sites and get thee to a (liberal) open source like Wikipedia and read up on the man.  Because his “Inverted Pyramid” of how economics operates, is nearly a clone of how reporters (ahem) are schooled to write news reports.  The One Big Story Sentence…and everything is then built down into the details from there.

Of course, Ure’s blockhead approach to economics doesn’t end inverted.  No, there’s a platform that Exter sits on and that would be the Foundational work on one each Henry George who figured out long ago that the entire wealth of the world springs from?  The Land.

You see, without Land, there is nowhere to grow food, build a home, put in some crops, or live that Life on the Mississippi that Sam Clemmons wrote about in his books.

Keep in mind at all times that under it all there is land (which is why our 30-acres in the woods is so near and dear to us).  We were paying attention of Henry George:

“The Henry George theorem states that under certain conditions, aggregate spending by government on public goods will increase aggregate rent based on land value (land rent) more than that amount, with the benefit of the last marginal investment equaling its cost. “

Base of George and Exter’s Pyramid atop it is now in closing moments before a massive “all fall down, go boom.” And we know this because Aggregate spending on Public Goods doesn’t include funding a soon-to-be nuclear war.  It used to mean crop support, farm-to-market roads – railroad rights of way.  You can see the genius of Buffett grabbing the BNSF now?

Judging Tippy

Our Houston Bureau has sighted an early indicator of the Exter Collapse which will land all over George’s work.  The Retail Food business is falling on its ass.  Houston has been collecting such appetizers as…

The Houston Bureau cover note was very insightful, as well:

“I suspect what’s starting in TX is actually part of a nationwide trend. I’m thinking of the workers who are now unemployed, the empty buildings that will remain empty for the foreseeable future, the loss of tax revenues (local, county & state). Remember when a person could always get a job flipping burgers at the local McDonald’s or Burger King? Not anymore.

So… bills & taxes still have to be paid. Same for tuition. The commercial trucking industry is going to be hit hard as contracts are canceled and refrigerated trucks are now idled. What happens when those drivers are now furloughed, and their commercial licenses are not renewed? Will the demand for diesel fuel drop? Will the “Oil Patch” start feeling the pinch? Which industry is next on the chopping block?

Stay tuned, folks. We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”

Yeah – Depression is coming.

All this coming in shortly after Elaine and I at breakfast Monday were listening to WOAI’s morning crew (San Antonio via iHeart) going on about all the restaurant closures there (and in the strip megalopolis east to the displaced liberal enclave at Austin. They actually had a call-in number where people could leave feedback on which now closed eateries they would love to see come back.

I hope this explains why – for more than two years – I have been yammering about growing your own food?

What About Andy?

I know – you’re thinking “So what does all this have to do with reader Andy?”

Nothing…and everything.

First, he had a premonition post in Nov. 2023.  But he also had another route into future and that was described in a Comment here. Gotta tell you, I see this kind of “duality of Future” all the time. Because of Observer States, looking at it changes the future sure as any double-slit experiment does.

My consigliere has been tracking a group that has married up some of Clif High’s outlooks with a team of highly skilled remote viewers.  They seem to have some real angst going about what happens around the hot dates in July.  15th is Trump sentencing and the 26th is the Paris Olympics.

Now, if you read the Comments section of this site (arguably the best part), you’ll remember a long time ago (many, many months) Andy (who spends more time in prayer than anyone I know) wrote that he had a vision about being in California in July and escaping just ahead of a nuclear event there driving a Dodge Demon, I think it was for saving (another) damsel in distress.

So, this morning, I wanted to mention in the column that we are fast approaching the A date and we are edge of chair waiting for any word of a “surprise” Andy visit to California (generally) and Santa Anna specifically.

Has the Fed Been Hacked?

I don’t know what your thoughts are, but this story seems a little bigger to us than how many people played Airport Roulette Monday: Lockbit Ransomware Group Claims Hack Of Federal Reserve (dailydot.com).

We don’t know if it’s true, but if so, it is another brick in the wall to end crypto currencies.

The reason is simple:  If there were only U.S. dollars circulating for U.S. citizens, then there would be no way to effect settlement of a shakedown scheme.  See it? With Crypto, though, there is – and that’s why we refer to crypto as the World’s #1 Dirty Money and will have nothing to do with it. If you can by sex trafficked children and drugs, plus pay extortion and weasel out of paying any portion of your lawful income tax, that’s not the kind of thing we have any interest participating in.  Ya’ll have fun.  Pedo and Fent money ain’t our cuppa tea.

These, I think are the key points to experience while Bumping toward Bombs…so let’s do a…

Front Check of Wars

We’re getting really close to WW3:  Russia announced US guilt at UN: It will bomb Poland’s railway network linking Ukraine to NATO! And if that’s not enough to worry about, how about WSJ: Russian sabotage the fire that burned down the factory of the German defense industry Diehl! Well, the Russians did say there would be reprisals and we imagine this is what those look like.

For starters.

Trump gets another gold star for getting policy right. Trump advisers plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless Kyiv sues for peace with Moscow.  If you didn’t get the memo (or read predictive boards closely like our consigliere does), you might have missed Trump is (predictively) going to pick Vivek for VP and post Trump he will have eight years on his own.  Which might be a dandy thing…

Unfortunately, Ukraine has not been able to hear any voices of reason because their government is making a killing (so to speak) on the war. Ukraine fires US missiles on Crimea; Russia vows retaliation against US (voanews.com)

We think there is a case to be made for a single Russian nuke on Paris ahead of the Olympics.  Putin wouldn’t want all the bad press (and more foreign nationals) killed, but he does want to send a powerful (hard to deny nukes) message to the West: “This ends now…

Then, when the neocons (turned neolibs) keep going, then Russia, China, North Korea (et al) turn on the U.S. this fall ahead of the election in a snap global war. Backed with a 100 percent embargo by all the BRICS countries which means we will be on the ropes and into Depression 2 by winter.  Which then leads to a strong conservative government over an 8 year Depression which then culminates in a Worldwide calamity.

Or not.

More War at the Door

With elections in Iran just a few days ahead, we see the Foreign Policy types giving comfort to the first-strike mongers. Iran’s New Nuclear Threat | Foreign Affairs.

For now, we sense Israel is holding itself in check until the fate of Iran’s leadership is decided between two conservatives and a reformer. Iran presidential election: Who are the frontrunners? (aa.com.tr)

One of these stories may be a lie. Your job is to choose between Israel to work on resolving Hezbollah conflict in coming weeks, official says and Israeli airstrike kills family members of Hamas political chief.

The Financial Page

CFNAI (Chicago Fed National Activity Indicator) is out:

Index Suggests Economic Growth Increased in May

“The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) increased to +0.18 in May from –0.26 in April. Three of the four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index increased from April, and two categories made positive contributions in May. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, decreased to –0.09 in May from –0.05 in April.

The CFNAI Diffusion Index, which is also a three-month moving average, decreased to –0.16 in May from –0.13 in April. Forty-eight of the 85 individual indicators made positive contributions to the CFNAI in May, while 37 made negative contributions. Fifty-four indicators improved from April to May, while 29 indicators deteriorated and two were unchanged. Of the indicators that improved, 14 made negative contributions.”

Back with Housing about 8:15 Central but between you, me, and the fencepost, this doesn’t augur well for the inflation outlook. Amnd if homer prices zoom up more….

Creepy Crawler Cringes

Assange to go free? Julian Assange leaves jail on his way to enter plea deal with the U.S. (nbcnews.com)  Not sure how trustworthy the government is, lately…

Speaking of gov creds: ‘The Five’: White House promotes official who compared police to ‘lynch mobs’  Swoosh! Another dumper for Slo!

Think Voting matters, still? Mario Nawfal on X: “???BREAKING: POLL WATCHERS UNCOVER ELECTION FRAUD IN VIRGINIA Poll watchers in Lynchburg, VA, released proof of fraud in Tuesday’s election. They were blocked from observing mail-in ballot processing, found ballot box seals broken, and ballots counted without oversight. 

Another Biden prosecution’s still in trouble (again): Judge Cannon Admonishes Jack Smith’s Prosecutor, Almost Tosses Him From Courtroom During Hearing Over Proposed Trump Gag Order.

Forced gender mutilation to continue? Supreme Court To Decide On So-Called ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care For Minors.

And let’s all blame the Geezers, shall we? $2 Trillion Deficits Show Washington Has A Spending Problem (thefederalist.com) As we would expect, Social Security and Medicare are hit hard in the headlines. But has anyone tallied up the cost of DEI and makework schemes to see what all those cost? Um…

Around the Ranch: 3-Items per Day

Just a “personal management tool” update:  Been using WeekToDo | Free and Open Source Minimalist Weekly Planner and To Do list App for a month now. I love it.

Son G2 has been telling me I need to do less than 10-things a day.  “Do just 3 dad. But when you’re done with the three, make sure you have picked up, put everything back and everything strack again…”

His office (on a MS server farm build) is spotless, never anything but one item at a time and everything is mopped, dusted…I mean you can eat off his surfaces in the place. Or do emergency medicine…

Me? Well, I’m working on it.

Y0u know you’re on the right path as a parent when you learn as much from your children as they learn from you.  The idea isn’t to be a parent of a bunch of mini-me’s.  It’s to make fully functional replacement humans who are smarter than you are.

At least that item is off the list now…

Write when you get rich,


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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/

36 thoughts on “War, Market Fears, Andy of the Future, CFNAI”

  1. Andy’s apocalyptic vision involved a medium scale false flag attack against large population urban centers. probably designed to set off an even larger exchange (my spin). Putin’s constant threats opens the door for such a scenario to succeed, as retaliatory forces ratchet up readiness states.
    I am always skeptical of these sorts of predictions (and Andy was too at last discussion), but a couple of days off at the end of July sounds fun.

    • Definitely false flag especially if its just one.
      No way Russia attacks conus with just one, it will be a massive salvo from every direction.
      Use it or lose it will be the name of the game.

      • Exactly… what I see is the poison pawn chess move..
        while we have put all our military away on fronts around The globe..keeping all our military generals that have been screaming be careful busy.
        the fact that everyone says pish posh on Russian FSB accidental disclosure in an article that posted a year or so after the big huge port deal nd more recently a slip from one of the generals mentioned ing the seeding of the USA of strategically located ordinances around the USA.. now with all the threat analysts predictions that there’s a half a million to a million elite military that has entered our country via Biden open border policy.. that foreign countries now own more farmland than ever close to military bases.. I see this ignited everywhere at once once the balloon goes up..
        we have only strived to make those pulling the strings richer..instead of securing our own borders. I believe that was one of the things Ron Paul ran on

  2. Do Hooters closures come in pairs? Good one.

    On our 20th wedding anniversary Diana and I went to pre shit hole San Francisco. While there, we wanted to watch the Chiefs football game and the closest place we could find that had the game on was a Hooters on Fisherman’s Wharf by our hotel. What a day. First, a couple of the ladies tried to recruit Diana. She declined politely. Then before we left another couple stopped by our table and asked Diana for her autograph. They thought she was Phoebe Cates. She grabbed my hand and led me out of there.
    Stay safe. 73

    • Oh da Hooters memories..flashback to early 2000’s-2010 thereabouts when my Son was in 6th grade. We got called in for an academic intervention (meeting with ALL of his teachers) after school. Needless to say as I walk into meeting room, I can immediately Smell 80% of room is hostile Lib types.
      I of course came into meeting “locked&loaded” and ready for battle with these spineless losers. First teacher to go was Biology guy (good friend & co Coach on youth Lacrosse team is Veteran – Danger Ranger in Vietnam, who came within inches of cold cocking this POS 2 years previous..same reasons as Mine).
      Anyway guy goes on to tell us everyday he comes into classroom , there is a Girl sitting on Sons lap, (he Father of 2 Girls), I laughed in his face, told him I was proud of the young man. Clown raised snakes in back of class room – it Stank everyday in there, stinkstankSTUNK.
      Next up was hippie chick English teacher, she complained about Son being disruptive, and shared how he made up a story to share for class, about dancing(Robot) on tabletop at Hooters for 12th Birthday w/ dangerRangers’ Son(2 Peas in pod those 2).
      I said and I quote – Yeah Im the bad parent here, I took the 2 boys to Hooters for 12th Birthday celebration, and the Hooters girls were dancing with the boys- it was great time had by all. Needless to say – hippie chick was at a loss for words. One teacher in whole group supported my Son -he ran the gifted program, and suggested the Boy was not being challenged and given enough to do…duh – oooh! yeah underestimated the libetards in room..90%

      * Fought that Middel School and High School for 7 years..all the way to Main Campus PSU…We Are…PENNSTATE!
      That Boy is now a Pediatrician at big teaching hospital : D
      and that HighSchool now has #2 ranked HS-STEM Academy in whole state of Pennsyltucky.

      • re: “Princess Caraboo”, 1994
        feat: flight to America


        The House always wins. Msm has duly reported upon the departure by Mr. Assange from the UK. A Gulfstream private jet of Maltese registration appears on public flight radar tracks from Stansted to Saipan via Bangkok. The aircraft charter company owner is a Swiss businessman and former billionaire. His daughter, Nina Nastassja, became Princess of Greece and Denmark in 2020 via marriage into the House of Glücksburg to a godson of the late Lady Diana.

        Princess Nina established the world’s first 3-D printed resort within a five island national park archipelago off the coast of Mozambique, Africa. The islands’ Portuguese colonial name was the Patron Saint of lost things recovered. Apparently nearby Paradise Island of the island group was once a penal colony. The House of Glücksburg (tr. “Luck’s Castle”) formed the northern border of the Holy Roman Empire negotiated with Charlemagne in 811 ad. Royal watchers may recall that the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was born into the Greek line of the House of Glücksburg.

        “CNN” quotes the Australian PM saying that Australia’s High Commissioner to the UK accompanied Mr. Assange on the flight leaving London. UK msm describe this same fact as “odd”. According to Wikipedia, the High Commissioner has at various times been past Minister of Defence, or Trade, or Foreign Affairs of Australia. His publicly entered private employment of recent years appears as ceo of an Australian headquartered military grade encryption software firm for Microsoft products. The company lists satellite offices in Boston and London.

        Before we break away to DJ George bringing us a diamond – “Sweet Caroline” , Neil Diamond’s tribute to a President’s daughter – here’s what that same daughter of JFK had to say 10 months ago about today’s events:

        • Hmm.. everyone that exposed or was to give testimony or investigated information on the beast.. either killed themselves or was imprisoned..
          it will be interesting to see what happens..

  3. That warning from Andy has me a little worried. Worried in general, but also worried because we’re supposed to be in the PNW in late July and from there head north. That’s a long way from home if some thing big happens.

  4. “If I hurry I can still make” it the F outta of NORAD/Mtn .


    So youses still think no nukes have been used in the last 30 years……….Still think some towel heads flew thru NORAD&US Air Farce and took out Pentagon (AbleDangerTeam) and twin towers and bld7 – bright group of “believers” you be – feast Ure lying eyes on the attached and see if you can DEBUNK anything.
    * Notice where they catch AI (MS) lying !?


    Whats amatta ? been Hammered with lies/propaganda/pure bullscheise from the biggest piles of Scheisse on the planet ?

    Tell the BCN again about the port explosion in Beirut and more melted Granite was fertilizer..bwahahahah G-eniuses!

    * “The reason is simple:” what followed was some of the stupidest scheisse Ure has ever scribed – so no comment as wont be nice..

  5. “My consigliere has been tracking a group that has married up some of Clif High’s outlooks with a team of highly skilled remote viewers. They seem to have some real angst going about what happens around the hot dates in July. 15th is Trump sentencing and the 26th is the Paris Olympics.”

    Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page xiii
    I have written on my website that an indicator of an approaching NATO war with Russia will be the arrest and imprisonment of Donald J. Trump. The time to be concerned is when he will be denied bail, and leashed on a gag order with imposed house arrest.

    French President Emmanuel Macron has been quite clear that France, Germany, and Poland are ready to engage in a war with Russia. That is extremely coincidental with the Paris Summer Olympics.


    • For the last decade or so, Kenya has been on a steady diet to find something stupid. They succeed about every two years.
      – Always wanted to go there – but now I know I never will.

  6. I don’t blame the geezers except to blame them when they were younger to agree by vote to keep increasing the generational wealth transfers. We have our entire working lives ~50 years to prepare for the times our work is not as valuable or we choose not to work. But many people choose to vote for the government to steal from their children to provide for their needs. You don’t have to guess where the money goes, it is spelled out in .gov web sites. 35% of all spending SS & medicare. That doesn’t even count health at 13% and income security at 11%. None of those categories is any power or authority spelled out as Federal responsibilities in our constitution.


    Given we have these monsters of spending, it should have always been limited to a common worker per retiree ratio, in 1960 this was 5.1 today 2.8 and dropping.

    But keep telling yourself somehow you deserve your fellow citizen’s productivity be taken and provided you to and morally justify the transfer because you “need” it. Same way shoplifters justify their actions.

    • Sorry Joe. I paid into this system. Now I simply want my deposit back when I’m ready to. It ought to be good for gas money and some bottled water by then. The giveaways to persons who never paid in , is what is dilluting your per cpaita ratio.

      “In addition, the deportation cases for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are being dismissed before getting to court because Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials are failing to file the requisite paperwork, a recent report reveals.”

      Perhaps if we were less enthralled with prosecuting political enemies [ctizens with the same constituional rights being smothered as the rights afforded to you, citizen]. there would be more resources to address the crisis on the Rio Grande IMHO.


      Looks like lots of home gamers would like a new free fone too LOL.

      • Exactly social security. is the wage laborers retirement system.. if the wage earners had been allowed a secure account that wasn’t available to the legislators spending it. or allowed to invest half or more into funds..
        my father always talked of the poor mans way toriches..savings bonds.. his argument was if you invested exactly what your portion of social security deductions in savings guaranteed seven year doubling.. you would retire secure financially.
        from what I personally paid in ..starting at the very first paycheck.. I would amassed a very large amount of money. bush senior tried to get this plan UT in place as well.
        those crying foul the demise of the country only need to ask legislators that handed these funds over to to large to fail industries that needed massive bailouts to pay back these bailouts with interest..

    • Yeah, sorry, Joe, I don’t see it like that any more.

      What I see is a SET UP to take away the hard working American citizens benefits including Social Security and Medicare. I guess you haven’t read the fine print on all the money this government gives away to NON-citizens….it’s to the tune of BILLIONS AND BILLIONS each and every year and for many past decades.

      ALSO, the government has definitely REJECTED all ways to bring the ILLEGALS into the fold and pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems; ALL OF THESE YEARS SINCE REAGAN….OOPS, was that the Demoncraps who promised they’d change their ways? They will NEVER change their ways as long as they have a ‘slave class’ to wield against the once Whitey nation.

      Those mostly Black fine folks in Chicago, and across the country, are figuring out they have been “upmoted” or demoted, which is it?

      As they certainly DO NOT MATTER ANYMORE!!!

      Oh, so you don’t think I am THAT NAIVE, it’s the left and right hands taking down the government.

      BUT….the mostly BABY BOOMERS entering retirement and in retirement DESERVE their Social Security and Medicare coverage.


      It is OUR own government that has disabled and is working on destroying that platform.

      They constantly project a reduction in benefits in the next X years but WELFARE keeps getting its funding.

      They constantly bring in MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS FROM EVERYWHERE (except Europe) and pay 100% of their bills.

      Bush the 2nd, lied about taking our Men and Women into War, and then he set us up for 20 years of it, to the TUNE OF TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS.

      IF there is money for WARS, and there is money for ILLEGALS, THERE IS MONEY FOR THE AMERICAN CITIZEN.

      But, watch it, better watch it, cause it’s on the HIT list.

      Targeted to be Gone With The Wind II; another game played on the United States Citizens.



      Read that; should take you about 2 days.

  7. We don’t know the extent of the plea deal – but Julian plead guilty., was sentenced to “time served” and released. On his way home.
    Been so long that I actually forgot about him.

    • How long will he be free before he commits suicide or is in a horrible accident or is mugged and killed..
      everyone that investigated, was to give testimony, or exposed the beasts true activities.. has been eliminated or imprisoned..

    • Julian insisted he would never set foot on US soil again as part of the deal… seemingly afraid of being arrested again. But his plea and sentence need to be entered ‘in person’ in a federal court. As part of the deal, his plane will stop over in the farthest US Territory… Saipan… where the paperwork will be handled in a Federal court there.

    • I hadn’t forgotten about him and thought Trump might arrange this when and if he became our next President, however, ole O’Biden TRUMPED him….couldn’t let ole Trumpy get that win!!!

      What else does ole O’Biden have up his dictator sleeves before election day?

      What other gifts can he give the proletariats in the USA?

      Ole is being TRANSFORMED, like the twinkling of the eye, into: Olé!!!

  8. ” hot dates in July. 15th is Trump sentencing”

    Donald Trump’s sentencing date has been scheduled for July 11 by Judge Juan Merchan.

  9. “Assange to go free? Julian Assange leaves jail on his way to enter plea deal with the U.S. (nbcnews.com) Not sure how trustworthy the government is, lately…”

    It’s trustworthy, on this.

    Trump announced the other day that he would pardon Assange and free him from any other government action. This plea deal is proffered by the Biden Administration as a means of ameliorating one of Trump’s planks and talking points.

    One of the things I hate most about politics is when someone has actual answers, and enters the “political arena,” the person or persons opposing them will steal their ideas and apply them in a disingenuous manner, often reversing the application, should they be elected (or re-elected…)

  10. I worked with a warped, creative advertising type who once proposed opening a place to compete with Hooters. He wanted to name the place ‘Peckers’ with an image of a woodpecker on a tree trunk… shaped like a…(you guessed it).
    The fake menu was hilarious… especially the swedish meatballs.

  11. Trump could have pardoned Assange – But for all practical purposes Biden has, Biden will now end the war in the Ukraine – Election miracle ………???????

    • He might, since Trump told him how to do it (although Putin knows he’s a coward and a liar, so might not take him at his word, even with a binding treaty in-hand.)

    • Nope no miracle there.now consider this..
      he knows the secrets of the beast…. so far anyone and everyone that knew the secrets and was willing to expose them have died horrifically.. suicide and being mugged are the most common.. even members of their own pryitorian guard have mysteriously met with tragedy..
      So will the same end happen to Assange?
      now that he’s free he’s easily accessible. time will tell..

  12. “the hot dates in July. 15th is Trump sentencing and the 26th is the Paris Olympics.” I do believe the sentencing is the 11th of July. Look at it as 4 less days to sweat it out!

    • I’d love to see Tulsi Gabbard as VP. All the ‘right stuff’, veteran, woman ‘of color’, military critic. And to line her up as the next president would give Hildebeast apoplexy.

    • Vivek should be his comms director. Could you imagine some weenie like Acosta trying to pull any crap with Rammy?


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