The “Get Home” Plan

Nuclear war was – for a couple of decades – back in the “unthinkable pile. Something that you’d heard about, maybe, but certainly not something a person in their right mind would actually plan on.

Yet here we are.  The television shows are starting.  Amazon’s series Fallout is rolling and doing OK in the ratings.

This concerns us greatly. Because we have seen too many times where “media leads Reality.”

Take, for example, the series of Robin Cook novels.  In 1996, there was “Contagion.”  Cook, who’s an exceptional “medical thriller” author was still going strong with many books including “Pandemic” which came out in 2018 – two years before lockdowns.

The “launchpad” for Cook was his 1988 book “Outbreak.” It should go without saying that anyone concerned with the Future might be well-advised to look up now and then, survey the media landscape around them and ask “Have we passed One Point Safe? Will the next minute bring us to “One Second After“? Or, are we just expressing the Sum of all Fears?

This is a particularly worrying construction – one we would normally hold behind our subscriber pay wall. But there’s a pattern to be seen here. In the 2030 aftermess, will people look back on the Prime video Fallout, as well?

The two pattern elements are the arrival of the Cook series of medical thrillers and the whole genre of bio-pics that followed.  Ultimately was expressed by the GMV (global mass consciousness) as COVID.  The other is to consider the media evolution (and inculcation of the GMC by the nuclear genre. Do we write our fears and then live them?

Answer that and you’d be in a great position to time your “Snagglepuss the Cat” moment when it’s time to “Exit, Stage Left…

Which leads us to this morning’s report.  How do responsible adults (go ahead, pretend, anyway!) tell our Big City children “It’s time to get the hell out of Dodge and head for the hills?”

Ure family internal planning docs for breakfast, it is.

This is also Bank Settlement Day – of which there are two per month. It would be a dandy time for a financial turn, as you will see in this morning’s ChartPack.

Revved and ready, then?

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71 thoughts on “The “Get Home” Plan”

  1. George,

    Excellent and necessary post today. I will add this:

    Everybody in your travel group knows the final destination of where they are traveling to, such as the family home. What is also needed are checkpoints on the route.

    Checkpoints on the route to the final destination could be anything such as a gas station or store. The people in-transit need to carry a can of black spray paint.

    At those checkpoints, they spray on the outside of the building their arrival and departure times and the direction that they were traveling in when they departed. This way, if a search party is sent out after them, they have a general idea of where they were headed.

    Develop a coding system that is not apparent. Perhaps a circle with a slash through it in the given direction 90 degrees, 45 degrees etc. Maybe give the time in UTS to throw people off… Everyone should develop their own system.

    Be prepared to hunker down somewhere within the first hour after you see mushroom clouds. Large sewer pipes for water drainage areas off of interstates are one possibility. The wind changes all the time. In the first days after an attack, the wind only has to change direction for a few minutes to an hour to receive a lethal dose.

    Know the 7 10 Rule:
    Fallout decays rapidly 7-10 Rule: For every sevenfold increase in time after detonation, there is a tenfold decrease in the radiation rate. So, after seven hours the radiation rate is only 10% of the original and after 49 hours (7 x 7 = 49) it is 1%

    Use NukeMap to make your plan. Play with the wind pointer to see where the lethal ranges are. The typical yield of a Russian warhead is 800 kt. That is in the database.

    God bless us all in the days to come.

      • Dear Choices,

        I hate to stereotype, but I read your responses to the comments today, and I will state categorically, that I was once a New Ager and a Progressive Liberal; and so, I sense a familiarity.

        And In My Honest Opinion, your comments suggest my former view of the world.

        I certainly think that personal visualization and believing in probable realities can help, but if you seriously believe that you can change WORLD EVENTS. That is a naïve belief that I once held.

        There are a few others that comment on this site that I sense share similar feelings as your own.

        What I write here is all opinion, but I have done the homework. When I started my first book in 2001, I made it a point to research the world’s major religions.

        Most of the major New Age stuff, I had already been through. Jane Roberts/Seth, Tony Robbins, Edgar Cayce; that is the good stuff. YES, visualization is the key, FOR THE IMMEDIATE FIELD THAT YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF and that is “YOU.”

        My belief is that we are all fish who have decided to swim in a very big river. Your FREE WILL does help you find the spot in the river that is just right for you. But you are not going to change the course of that river unless you convince that multitude of individual drops to get on the same page as you.

        This is just an opinion, but George Ure and I have been trying to work out the physics for more than a few years.

        I once explained my view in the form of electric charge.

        Why? Russian experiments in the 20th century suggested that objects that psychics were trying to influence with their telepathic powers were seen to have a buildup of electrostatic charge.

        Being electronics guys, my analogy to George was a lightning bolt.

        So, consider a lightning bolt; it strikes the ground as one big bolt. On its way to the ground, it branches into countless little branches that just evaporate. That lightning bolt striking the ground is the collapse of the electron-wave-function; a decision has been made. But that is just one lightning bolt.

        The countless others around planet Earth create the Schumann Resonance, 7.83 Hz. Humans can’t live without it. That is where the river is flowing.

        And so, all of these ancient religious texts basically have this same ending and the name for these times. This is species coding; maybe later, we can discuss Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Fields.

        And then after that we can discuss Christianity and getting that multitude of individual drops on the same page. Good luck!!!

        • Just to amplify Stu’s electronic points I spent a couple of years working on “other electricity” because it seems to be (and this will sound odd) mentally malleable.
          Conventional electricity, as you know has a plus and a minus. Even alternating current goes through it. Biut there is a thing (dare I call it the “hypercharge” – and while it has many of the properties of electricity, it also has differences. It’s a kind of “static charge of objects in the Dirac Sea.
          As such, it is connected (not sure of the mechanics) to ground. But not necessarily Earthing, as we know it.

          Did you know, for example, that sleeping on grounded pillowcases (as we do) actually changes the way your blood platelets organize and “clump” in vivo. Not clot, just their “travel togetherness” – I wrote the beginnings of a rambling discourse on this zone “Statitronics” back in 2005, or so. Conducted a ton of experiments, too. Like recortding the role of the Sun in the change of hypercharge and how the “spread of it” changed as radio bands opened up and the conductive nature of the atmosphere changed….

          To Stu’s point, yes, there MAY be something to it. Important knowledge that can levitate huge pyramid blocks and the sort (with the right complex sounds) is a “natural science” that once seized and incorporated under the stewardship of a religion becomes an almost invincible force.

          But such a force seems to have one other oddity to it: It won’t “fight itself.” Or at least there is a higher human input to controlling it, Because when we look at the (broad hints) in the religion traditions while some remnant of Egyptian politic may have had access to “the power” so too did Moses and early Jews coming out of Israel. The Ark – the light showing the way at night, clouds and peels of thunder.
          This is also the likely stuff of portals nd time slips – the series on Skinwalker Ranch is important, as well. As are the pyramids and more.

          To Stu’s comments on Sheldrake, this is what drove me to begin the evidence organization in my book Dimensions Next Door. Because of a deeply held belief that like if ‘like an escape room” and we really ought to be focusing on finding of the keys. Sheldrake, Kozyrev, Tesla – bigger minds than ours. But it doesn’t stop us from l0ok and asking questions and it makes for a massive motivational framework for so many things in nominal “life” that people seem mostly to get overwhelmed and go back two sitcoms.
          But don’t mind us, we’re just trying to help.

        • (“have a buildup of electrostatic charge.”)

          so now I know why I keep zapping the door knobs.. I use to not be able to own a battery operated watch or camera.. I would blow up the board with the static electric.. because I seem to always have that static electricity is also one of the reasons why I will never have carpet..area rugs yes carpet.. no way.. to many germs in it and the door knob zapp

        • Thanks for your timely mention of the Seth books. I recently began re-reading “The Nature of Personal Reality” in hopes of finding a loophole in my mass consciousness/reality vs. personal consciousness/reality understanding that would enable me to magic carpet my way out of this messy world without actually checking out. Your swimming-in-a-river analogy may eliminate that loophole search, leaving me to just hang on tighter to the “I’m always safe” life raft that’s carried me to safety thus far.

  2. Jeeze Louise Gman,

    that is some harsh ass planning you got there Chief. Keeping in mind what one of the best fighters/tacticians ever, said regards Plans..”everyone has plan, until they get punched in the face” – MT
    Says hear this current generation has never been punched in face.
    So did the hard work for youse all – and gave you a Date everything changes. Only to be accused of being drugged up. Genius once again getting all ego’ed up – not the messenger, its the Message. I splained how I share birthday with USA, and how May18th is beginning of emerald year..think diff Frequencies..
    Always a another side to visions/V-dreams.. Duality is EVERYTHING .
    So vision was statue of liberty, her head was toppled and her Torch replaced by a Sword = lost our head, all about war, no more liberty?..but whats the other side? hmmm

    We be on new “timeline” having jumped frm Jonah to Noah timeline…40 days – of “Stormy” storms ? How many storms Ure received so far ??

    Hel – even Jonah was known to have given Ninveh- Iraq a 40 day warning. We be in it again..40days/nights

    Sons of Darkness operational plans..latest leaky is EBT cards all the criminals-illegals have via Ure & Loobs’ generosity & largess will be turned off in select cities/areas to force the Mail -In steal attempt..AGAIN.

    Pedo joe the shuffler in chief being the best president mail in ballots can buy!
    As far as War and dirty ass electrical bombs (nukes) are concerned – the vision has changed recently. Was Pooterz in boxing ring knocking the fuck out of nato/kraine. The vision has changed to Pooterz as a big nasty Bear with a F16 in his mouth with 3 different kindz missiles, he is pissed. We could summarize that once the F16s enters the “sick bastards” theater of war and attacks the crimean bridge, that the response will be UNPRECEDENTED in modern nuclear age.

    All that while Sudden & Catostrophic Disclosure is upon us.
    Advised they (GOOD ET’s) are stepping out of the way, not interfering/protecting any more, in fact advised they are helping to ACCELERATE everything now. They intend to bring it ON.

    Its Global – WE are a Global Community, The Human Collective .

    Wanna Survive and thrive ?
    Then its time Peeps 2 -

    * Good to have a Plan..any Plan is better than No plan.

    Caesar advised his Generals the same – you cant know if shit is going wrong without a plan.

    That oncomming light at end of “tunnel” is not weapons carrying freight train, it is the Cat’s “meow” -

    • “Good to have a Plan..any Plan is better
      than No plan.”
      However, be very selective what you carry
      in your own mind ;-). My final advice.
      The way YOU think is what YOU will get.

      • Amen… that is why our television programming is the way it is.. seen enough of the ugly stuff in my life I can’t envision it as entertainment.. won’t allow slash and jab.. rape and pillage anything.. your toddler can come watch what we watch at home.. its g rated.. well ok maybe PG..Since moms were forced to enter the job fields in the early eighties eliminating the adult presence in the home.. television and games and the local gangs are the ones that influence the youth of today.. desensitizing them towards … crime , violence, crimes against women and crimes against men.. young women if they can’t afford to wear the latest fashion is referred to as sub human .. young boys if they don’t drive the latest car the same thing.. if they aren’t part of the local gangs that run the neighborhood.. they are the enemy.. big city gradeschools appear almost as if they are prisons.. and bullying is no longer stopped in the schools resulting in crimes of violence.. school shootings are up.. my thought is every teacher every principle should be fired on the spot for not stopping the bullying in the halls..

    • Spot on with the quantum duality mode there BCN. I’ll see you in crypto soon %r circles soon enough. I choose my own path, there will be version of you all there too. I will write when George Ure. God speed to you all.

      PS if you want a glimpse of what the future of the American Work for a living watch the movie: Ready player one. Those who know how to decipher the hidden messages will be rewarded with the following epiphany.

      Get blockchain.

    • I believe that is why they are using the poison pawn trap. one we did have enough fuel to get us through a storm..we did have enough arms in storage .
      they bought the business plan. you know if a billion dollars buys a hundred in exchange what did the brand get, in trade for selling out the usa and opening the borders.

  3. Just crossed my mind …

    We’re at a time of population control. Control by global population reduction.

    I have to wonder, are the illegals being located into high risk areas, areas that are at high risk of being bombed to shit?

    Maybe that’s a stupid thought but, maybe it’s not.

  4. “This plan is based on the following:

    · Two persons, good health, one male, one female. About 40 years of age.”

    Thank you for your excellent column today. I am going to pass it along to my 40 and 50 year old kids.

    As you know, you have many readers here in their 70s, 80s and yes at least one in the 90s. Some may be couples with one in good health and the other not, not many with both in good health or a combination of single seniors in good and poor health, most unable to pick up and move any great distance quickly.

    For them, most of these recommendations are not workable so all I can think of as preparation of those of us in one of these senior boats is probably to take advice from LOOB.

    – Get right with your Creator .
    – Have a good supply of food, water and medications for extended periods to come (how extended no one knows).
    – Help as many people in your community as you can to prepare. Don’t be the only one who is prepared. The knock on the door will come.
    – Try hard to convince your kids and grandkids what they need to be ready for but don’t lose sleep when they won’t listen.
    – Pray

    Feel free to add to the list.

    • “at least one in the 90s” Thank you BIC.
      (You all offer worthy advice, IMHO)

  5. I understand… and shudder… the plans necessary for those on the mainland. I am also eternally grateful that the almighty has delivered me to my ‘ark’ where I am, and where I will stay. I have a mountainous blast wall between me and major military targets, and the area here is nearly self-sufficient. And there is nowhere to travel to. Prepped and hunkered down is my plan. God help us all.

    • I’m as hunkered as I can get in my personal “ark.” Nothing is perfect, however.

      After the obvious danger from humans going feral, I will still, at some point be at the mercy of wildfires and Winter.

      When my firewood is gone, -20 F will be a “mutha F—–.”

      My best estimate is that after the feces enters the air circulation device, I may have 3 to 4 years left. Tops.

      • Five feet down it’s 50° year-round. There is no law which says you can’t dig a root cellar with a room or two…

    • Ah … but you will be on the early Chinese “visit list” if they decide to go on a “Walkabout” !!

      Obviously if they do that they will visit Oahu first because of it’s beautiful harbor, a nice staging area for further “Walkabouts”, but after that they will want to visit all the islands with airports that have long and well built runways, and your island qualifies.

      Remember … the Japanese bombed the airfields in the Phillipines 17 hours after Pearl on Dec 8th and began their invasion of Luzon on the 12th. (invaded some small outlying islands on the 8th). Time may NOT be on your side once events break into the open. Have a friend with an ocean going sailboat to use to head back to the mainland?

  6. “Another Trump Trial Derailed:” (Fat Ass) “Fani-Donating Judge’s Decision To Keep Her On RICO Trial Under Scrutiny By Appeals Court”
    Trumps seems to be winning this battle

    and from Julie Kelly we get news that Jack Smith’s attempts to be a crooked asswipe is gettin a review to see evidence of the prosecutors collusion with the White House, DOJ, & NARA hidden from Trump’s lawyers.
    the hunters become the hunted, if this goes according to Julie’s outline of Judge Cannon’s coming courts
    take 1 min and 40 sec to view her video explaining what is coming
    Q post May 4 2018 , 6 yrs ago has a photo of an old war cannon being fired
    I am sure it is just a coincidence

    as Stormy Daniels was a bad witness for Fat Albert and had nothing to do with what ever the crime was that Fat Albert still has not brought up, a phony case to start with.

    WW3 is on the horizon because the global “free world” politicians want it. They are the problem,,, as they see an awaken population as a problem, “here take a vax that we scared u into taking” as the skies get sprayed and the food supply gets gmo and corn fucktoes polluted

    why don’t the illegals get vaxed the day they meet the border patrol?

    Gaza,,, follow the money to be made,,, more than just oil and gas deposits
    “Although it was not the original idea, according to the wishes of some Israeli politicians, the last port of the canal could be in Gaza. If Gaza were to be razed to the ground and the Palestinians displaced, a scenario that is happening this fall, it would help planners cut costs and shorten the route of the canal by diverting it into the Gaza Strip.”
    I have not seen a road that does not lead to Rothchild controlled MOSSAD

    • A key point in the Fani deal most people miss. It is the duty of the courts to rule on evidence and follow procedures. My read of this witch trial was the judge offered a Hobson’s choice: I can relieve you all (mistrial) or just relieve one of you – which will it be?
      That is extremely incompetent jurisprudence in my humble view. You don’t give prosecutors (especially in a high profile political witch hunt case – latitude to make calls like that.
      Relieving one is not the same as relieving all and bringing new – untainted – charges (if that can be claimed).
      the convition in NYC will be overturned on appeal, as well because it’s a made-up felony – at best a misdemeanor and even that is a stretch. Isn’t hooking a crime in the rotten apple? Yet no charges for the “victyim” who has more money now than ever in her lifetime, if we read accounts correctly?>
      No, America is awash – up to our gunwales in political bullshit. It’s a dandy time to foment rebellion and end a dandy experiment.
      And right on cue, the ultra libs with a fresh “antisemitic” law that will make free speech illegal (and under FISA if I understand right) above Court review.
      It was a dandy country while it lasted – someone should have called the game after Korea…but old legends die hard. i

      • The Judge is running for ELECTION this year … and needs the support of the Democratic Machine in Fulton County in order to retain his job. (and remember he worked WITH and FOR Fani in the past … how he became a Judge to begin with)

        The Judge had to do a personal balancing act … if he really threw the book at Fani, which the evidence showed he should do, his hopes for a Judicial Career in Georgia would be over with FOR LIFE. In fact his hopes to work at a good law firm in Georgia anytime in the next decades that would probably have been over with too.

        I see the balancing acts the judges in my state have to go through when it comes to high profile cases. Outside influences wrt politics and their future careers DO affect how they rule … yep even at the State Supreme Court level.

      • When my wife was alive (gone almost 6 years now) we had several discussions about how this was no longer the country we grew up in.

        More recently I have had to admit that the country I grew up in, was taught to believe in and spent 6 years of my live serving in defense of, is dead. It is no more than a zombie stumbling along feeding on whatever, or whomever, it finds in its path.

      • it’s the business model..
        with volumes of evidence you don’t see Hunter or Jim in jail.. nothing .. the political members have all been dragging this crap around to look as if they are doing anything..a good all it is.. I contemplated why Ai gave november.. I believe it’s the election.. everyone is waiting to see if someone that can think further than the end of their pecker will get in.
        why did the foreign countries buy the brand. buying into their deviant greedy lifestyles was all they needed to get their men in place.. how much did the brand get for the port deal with the manufacturer and distributer of the club-k systems.. was that to have access to our ports and flip if supplies..possibly sneak a club k system in once in a while?
        now on nuclear war.. the financial power of the planet..
        for years we have been the global police force..this reminds me of a gentleman I knew ..every woman he walked up to.. he asked for a blowjob or was imbarassing … he got turned down a lot but got lucky about ten ladies out of every hundred.. I in turn followed behind him and apologized for his crude behaviors. that’s what china and Russia are doing..we march in destroy their countries take what the puppeteers want and then leave.. they come in behind us and apologize for our destructive behaviors
        those financing riots and demonstrations doing exactly the same thing to get control ..a controlled havoc and destruction.. if .. IF.. it is the poison pawn trap then they are using the same tactics back that the puppeteers are using in controlled destruction of us infrastructure to gain more control.
        getting the brand to open the fates for the shiny golden horse.. only allows for an army to stroll in uninterrupted..even get financial assistance..set up shop in the inner part of the usa. then if it turns ugly take out the worthless overpopulated and under protected bigger cities leaving the heart of the country still usefull.. get our military running around similar to BLM and Antfa hitting every major city had the usa running around pre- ocupied.. then shock and awe and the military takes the king.. they head to the bunkers and since I’m pretty sure they know these places seal their entrances..
        in turn those left alive have to learn the new laws any politicians left alive would be subject to being treated just like we treated their political leaders

    • Gateway Pundit files for bankruptcy due to defamation lawsuits:

      A key point the Conspiracy Crap Crowd misses;
      Fani Willis already got a guilty plea and agreement to testify against others (including Trump) from Sidney Powell, who won’t be the only domino to go down (can’t change Powell’s conviction – doesn’t matter who the judge or DA is/will be), trial stalled but not stopped!!:,was%20due%20to%20stand%20trial

      The other dominoes (including Giuliani and Meadows) are on the hook in Arizona too:

      7 States with voter fraud lawsuits against Trump (AZ, GA, MI, NV, N Mex, PA & WI:

  7. Too many people for a plan. There is no plan. Survival will be luck of the draw like the folks in Rafah or Gaza.

    In America one set of folks will say, “Stay off the main roads” walking to where they;re walk too. Where do so-called survival types live – off the main roads presumably waiting for the walkers.

    Like I mentioned yesterday, the walking off the main road family walking up to the house off the main road with no water and no jugs to carry water begging for water. You have to plug them or there they go with your jugs and they’ll tell whomever asks where they got the water.

  8. I’m back……….,
    Did I miss anything?
    – It was a long night., but I was mentally ready for that. The last hand was dealt at 3:30 this morning., which was a good thing – as my dented, old Vietnam flask was empty. I played the last hour bourbon-less. [Virtually unheard of…, my engraved, collapsible German silver cup went bone dry.]
    – The game ended up – as it seemingly, always does – with the best three players., and for the last three hours we each did our best to send the other guys home broke.
    – The last two hours it was down to me and a man named Antonio. He reminded me of Ricardo Montalban [ remember that actor?] Suave, smooth – great voice. One of those guys who gets a three hundred dollar haircut and manicure every two weeks. I decided that I didn’t like him very much. Besides., he sipped ice water all night – yuk ! .., don’t fish swim in that !?
    – The last hand was anti-climatic.., I won a small pot. Beating his pair of jacks [ showing ] with three, threes. [ pair showing ]. When it was over, we shook hands, pretended we were pals -he invited me down to Nashville [ where he lives – I believe he was serious.] and my first real “power game with the pros” – was in the bag.
    – I didn’t win ‘big’.., but I did get my buy-in back [ $10k ]., and enough to cover most of next years’ house expenses. Taxes, utilities, internet., fire wood.., etc. So yeah.., it was worth it. [ The misses is very pleased. That matters most.]
    – Our Mexican chef, who caters our Third Thursday games, really out-did himself. Incredible layout. Virtually nothing left by the time it was over. [ He received a lot of tip-money – well deserved. He will probably get offers.]
    – All-in-All.., very good game.., good players.., [ except for one.] didn’t learn anything new – except that, yes.., I can play with the big-boys and walk away a winner., which actually was the main reason I decided to play. “OK, Bubba., Let’s see what you’ve got..,”
    – Money was not the “motivating-factor”.
    – .
    – Hope all is well with everyone – I will go back a do some reading on posts – when I get the time.
    – “Stay Frosty !”

    • Knowing (roughly) where you live, the “next year’s taxes” alone part means it was a double over the buy in – more likely with utility bills, al triple

      Hell of a fine job – hats off.

      • Nope, on the taxes – there are a couple of programs that discount property taxes for us old folks and vets. Got that covered. Currently paying roughly 20% of the issued tax bill. Doing well in that arena. I did come close to a double though – proud of that.
        Thanks. Wore my Stetson all night – even caught myself talking like Doc Holliday once, or twice. Snide remarks and quips. Pretty funny. Made the player laugh.

        • Saddly they don’t have that here.. well they do but you have to take in less than what Social Security pays out..

      • I bluffed a really good player. {I rarelt bluff – but he set it all up for me.] He was a bit miffed about it and slapped his cards down..,
        I smiled and said, “Does this mean.., we can’t be friends anymore?” In my best Val Kilmer “Doc” voice.
        He burst out laughing…,

    • Congratulations!!

      As a person who couldn’t win a poker game if I was dealt a straight right off the bat I admire your skill!!

      • For my twelfth birthday present my day took me to a poker game., paid my buy-in and I was then on my own. Three others at the table – all jazz musicians.
        Been playing every since.
        – Yeah.., my Dad was bit “unusual”.

        • He wasn’t the only one. Senior year of High School Pappy came down go the “radio room” (my br in the basement with a ton of ham gear all over) and handed me a bottle of Passport scotch and a box of White Owl Optimo tips. “Don’t go out drinking and drinking and doing stupid things and getting yourself killed. Too many ki9ds in high school are stupid. Let me know when you want more.”

          I still like scotch, cigars, and ham radio…and judging by demonstrations on college campuses and HS test scores, Pappy’s assessment remains unchanged for coming up what will be sixty years in 2025 with no improvement in sight.

  9. Mr. Ure, you are dead nuts on target with media being used to globally shape peoples perceptions into reality from the quantum foam.

    Watch wisely, and don’t visualize yourself in the situation being played out on tee vee, but rather rising above it. For entertainment sci fi purposes only.

    Focus on detente and $1M BTC.

    I’d posit that this entity (perhaps the one purchasing 100BTC daily without regard to price for the past several years) will be one or more members of the “22” member Arab league.

    Got blockchain?

    Not advice, do your on homework.

    • Wait – hold the boat..whats about XRP/Gold and bullion Banks ??
      Speaking of Bullion Banks, heard one gotz in some serious trouble last week..what a shame that, guess their AI/CTA programmers arent so smart after all…duh-oooh!

      Just attempting once again 2 put some Cashish into urbans’ life, while putting a Smile on my face.. : )

      So one more time – YES the music IS the message –

      Gotta ask Ureselves, Well do I have any Ripple ? At $0.52 per, that is a cheap lottery ticket..just in case Im not as crazy as I sound…

  10. Kids? One is in Australia., the other a corporate VP in Atlanta., the third – drop-out artist living-the-life in Portugal. None are getting here., shy of a miracle, or teleportation.
    Can’t say I think very much of a Kia Soul as a boot-n-scoot cross country escape vehicle. A small four cylinder pickup would be much better. Partial loaded, sitting in the garage – ready to boogie.
    A cross country escape in times of collapse.., that 40 hours will be worthy of a novel.

    • If a car can tow 1500 lbs, you put a covered 4′ × 6′ trailer behind it with enough gasoline cans to make it to your destination, and white-knuckle it down the two lane roads. I would do the same with a small pick-up.
      Done it quite a few times ahead of hurricanes, in rather small vehicles with a trailer hitch, so this is not a theoretical discussion. You can have the trailer mostly loaded, and top off with gasoline and supplies at the last moment, unless you get caught flat-footed, then you just hitch and fr@cking go.
      I need to clean out the trailer and restock it this weekend, but it is ready to roll, always.
      In the city, a trailer that small will fit in a rather small rental unit. When you hit town on a road trip, the first thing to do is rent that storage unit, and ditch the trailer.

    • I sure don’t want to burst anyones bubble but ….IF……the balloon goes up……
      One we won’t know ahead of time..depending on where you are in relationship to the balloon..
      1. Did they do emp first.. five emp’s would take down the whole grid and infra structure..
      If your in a city.. a larger city.. I believe that you would be toast.. infrastructure would be gone.. and if you had a vehicle that still ran.. and you weren’t to close to the epicenter.. you wouldn’t be able to drive it out.. I guess that or assume that after seeing what I have seen….
      that all roads would be untravellable..
      Now if your in the city and survived the blast.. the GAZA strip would appear as paradise.. if you are further out.. did they do one ,two, or three blasts… what is it.. three would take out the state of california.. you would be to sick and die from radiation poisoning or did you happen to glance at it and blind…. ok so you bought some pills.. they won’t protect you.. NOW if they put biologicals in the air as well.. the double whammy.. I believe that is why the analysts have all said that only a couple of million in the country would survive at MAX..
      the USA tried telling the people of Bikini Islands that it was ok.. safe.. like taking a walk on a sunny beach..
      It would be HELL…. and those that survived it.. would suffer and die a miserable death.. IF.. they are doing the same thing that the puppeteers have done.. get everyone preoccupied with other crap going on.. and splitting our military all over the planet.. then getting our administration to allow the trojan horse into the country.. I believe that they will settle in the middle.. take out the coastal regions first.. then our military institutions within the middle and the hidden army within from my way of thinking would take the heartland of the USA.. footage on youtube shows our border guards and homeland security bringing them into the cities within the middle of the USA. Our administration having secret flights bringing in thousands to big cities all over the country.
      NOW I am no war games analyst and I sure don’t have any information other than what is shared to everyone from what is being released if you look at it the pattern is they are setting up the leaders of our country for a poison pawn trap .. take the country if they can without damaging the important parts of the country.. the farmland…. totally looks like they are using the same game plan that the USA has used over and over on other countries.. and that is scary and with their hatred and resilience this could be really ugly..a couple months ago.. a van load of men military age obviously from another country came in as sales representitives.. my wife let one in the house.. it totally looked like they were casing the smaller cities.. and where did the vanload of foreigners come from.. one of the cities that has been welcoming in illegals..Now he could have been a real salesperson.. but.. was he.. he didn’t offer the wife any identification and just gave her a good sales line…. did the political class sell out our country for their greed and deviant lifestyles stock deals and just a sandwhich and sex with whomever they wanted vacations and airplane rides who knows.. to get this control and laws that they can manipulate ..
      Obviously our politicians are not even considering the events of what if.. what if the balloon went up and the people we have wronged in past history did take the USA and do exactly what they have threatened since I was a little boy…. what happens to them.. where they should be reading this crap that they keep voting in instead of worrying more about the end of their pecker and having the next day off.. they should be doing the job they were voted in to do..
      the truly sad part of this is there is very little we can do at this point.. enough damage has been done in the past three years that our currency and the other fiat currencies are all in jeopardy.. we have lost our position as leader of the pact.. whether or not they like it .. this is now a multi polar world.. with more than one country calling the shots.. we can continue down this road we are on.. pull back show the world that we have been defeated.. and accept the mulit polar world.. the best that I can see that we can expect is from the damage that has already been done.. and the millions of people that have crossed into the USA and on federal assistance.. we can go through the worst depression in the history of modern civilization.. we can take this to the next level and hope that they have not positioned enemy soldiers within the border of the USA.. and hope we win..
      they control the supply lines.. our industry..this is one ugly mess if you ask me.. Horrific on multiple levels.. heck even the network stations are starting to admit that we have the dumb and blind leading the country into the abyss.. IF.. this is a rigged election.. then it will stay the way it is.. I sure don’t see them letting anyone other than the democratic party winning.. they have put muzzles on the other candidates so that they cannot tell the people what it is that they see happening..
      Of course.. my kids think I am nutz and paranoid.. they totally can’t see it.

      • Unless you hit the road ahead of festivities, the fuel you have is the fuel you will get. The first report of a nuke going off anywhere should send you to top off fuel tank and cans. And it is likely that you will have a whole bunch of desperate heavily armed dumbasses gunning for your supplies, if EMP’s are put in play locally.

        • learn how to make it.. you can take the waste plastics and other spun oil products and turn it back into fuel..
          A friend that worked DARPA projects years ago.. was giving me guff about my rant.. hand out solar to anyone willing to put them up.. build solar towers starting at the furthest point and working back to the power plant.. green scaping the cities and airwells in the deserts..
          He kept telling me that solar wasn’t practical and to expensive.. at that time it was still fifteen dollars a watt and he thought I had over spent..
          He had given me a lot of reasons why he thought it was not a good thing.. the price was down to ten dollars a watt when a huge hurricane hit the NE seaboard.. he had a backup generator system.. swore it was the answer lived in a gated community in the city.. had the life of riley.. then his fuel tank ran low.. and he couldn’t get any fuel.. he called me before his phone died to tell me he was wrong.. he could cook an egg on his counter his beautiful brick home was an oven.. that I had been right all along..
          Today you can get solar as cheap as nineteen cents a watt.. and get depending on the tower costs.. up to three hundred solar towers for what one large wind turbine costs.. give everyone in the whole state of confusion a solar grid tie kit.. no grid down.. the grid would be as near bullet proof as you could get.. instead we still believe in the belief that the things we take for granted will always be there.. Luckily for me.. I have had the hard times hit.. viewing it as a learning module I was able to see and learn something from each event.. and I tried to get both types of tools so that I could continue to have and use the resources that I had noticed was missing.. most people just don’t know..
          the power at home went out.. we had a wood stove.. my father was talking to someone and said.. oh its no issue we have an electric blanket.. then it hit him.. no electricity.. just look what you take for granted.. and imagine it gone.

  11. Hi George, I live east of one of the mentioned yellow zones, in fact there are many silos within a 20 mile radius of me. I’m a cold war kid and spent almost 12 years in the USAF, most involved someway or another with what’s in those silos. I have two in-laws, one a retired USAF 1 star and an O6 in the USAF also, with whom I asked their opinion about living over the hill from silos. It still feels like ground zero to me but they said that now days the real targets are critical power generation sites and other critical to the nation infrastructure. The goal is to knock them out but if they are not knocked out then to prohibit support from getting to those sites so they’ll fail in time. In short the old cold war maps are not where the targets are now and I don’t live at ground zero. Still, I’m not terribly encouraged.
    I have no idea how that would change your kid’s get home plan but it’s something to consider. If they are right then there is not much to be worried about until Nebraska. If it were me I’d head south through the middle of Kansas and maybe stay west of KC.

  12. Highly recommend the trailer and tankering your own fuel route.

    Talk to U-Haul about hitch installation and what THEY say the vehicle can really tow once THEIR hitch is installed (forget the owner’s manual). Here at least the installation guys will tell you what they WILL RENT that you can tow with any installation (they allow Priuses to tow up to 2000#!!) .. thus they are putting U-Haul’s financial nuts on the line when they rent you a heavier than manufactures recommendations so they know what they are talking about.

    Years ago my son towed a 1500#+ trailer (total weight) across the country with a Saturn SW2 (their mini station wagon), which was only rated for 500# (as I recall). U-Haul said no problems with 1500#, and in fact if they rented a trailer for local use on that vehicle they were willing to let you go to 2000# with THEIR hitch installed.

    If you go that route spend the extra to get a super lightweight ALUMINUM trailer.

    The odds of finding gas while traveling in such a situation is close to NIL imo … so calculate how many gallons it would take at the lower MPG for a heavier load and add 50% to that (back roads, non optimum speed etc.). OH … and do NOT drive aggressively when towing heavy with a NON tow vehicle. Treat it like it was made out of egg shells, particularly when braking since the trailer is NOT going to have it’s own brakes!

  13. 800K nuc, probably within 30 miles of detonation of a ground burst and 100 miles by 30 downwind is maybe 1000 rems per hour or death in one hour…

  14. I msurrounded by nearly 200 years of mold, mildew And the big no no— lead paint. Just how many rems will at least 10 layers of lead paint filter ? thank you !!!

  15. Folks,
    Why is there virtually no coverage in Anglo-American msm about President Xi’s ongoing visit to Europe this week?

  16. You knew you were going to get an essay from me, so…

    Comments, by section:

    Section 2

    Detail: Purpose, Situation

    This plan is based on the following:

    · Two persons, etc.
    · One vehicle (Kia Soul) in good repair.


    I’m actually a Hyundai/Kia fan, but modern vehicles make no sense in a GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) plan. Even non-optimized nukes produce a sizeable electromagnetic pulse. I would not bet my life that my anti-EMP preps are sufficient to be unaffected by multiple airbursts occurring within my LOS, and I would not suggest that anyone else make that bet.

    What I would suggest, if there’s time to plan, is to acquire a purpose-built vehicle with which to make the journey, or acquire several vehicles cheaply, and hire a starving mechanic to cut/paste and build one.

    · Possible second vehicle option (for use as fuel tanker).

    If you have the right vehicle, this is unnecessary.

    · Long persistence (go to ground) survival gear.
    · Only moderate radiological gear is envisioned.
    · The plan deemphasizes comms because immediately after EMP or nuclear use, the HF radio bands will be marginal to useless at the ranges this plan spans.

    To do gtg survival after a nuclear exchange, you’d better have both rad gear and comms.
    It is much better to have and not need, than need and not have.

    Section 3

    Soviet “suitcase nukes” are worthless. The juice is gone from their noncritical masses. However, with an estimate of as many as 2 million “gotaways” since Biden opened the border, it would be prudent to assume some players have smuggled in new, smaller, lighter, and more-powerful “suitcases.”

    The upper tier of the Midwest has low population density and (thanks to the National Park Service, circa 1987) here’s how one state (South Dakota) maps out their missile fields:

    I STRONGLY suggest no-one assume they know the current location of any of our silos, or that any such map is accurate. The only silos of which I know the location are in NY (~40mi outside the Apple), Michigan (LP, not UP), and Indiana (between 3 cities and next to a high school). None of the four appear on any “missile field” map. I’d be willing to bet they appear on Russian and Chinese targeting maps, though.

    Minimally, 100-mile-wide berth should be enough, but winds aloft may change fallout patterns, so that’s an ongoing component to any ongoing training and readiness program…

    With proper routing, commencing the movement ahead of crowds, planning fuel supplies (and having a co-driver) will greatly increase the odds of making it to the chosen destination.

    Back to constructing a proper long-distance GOOD vehicle:

    Ideally, it would be a 4×4 pickup truck with at least an extended cab (crew-cab preferred), diesel-powered, and with no onboard electronics, other than a radio and a well-shielded (like in a metal box) HAM/CB transceiver (like an FT-897 with the “MARS mod”), and set-up with rail gear (like this one: ) I would also carry maps of every railway, both past and present, along with road maps (join a railroad nostalgia club. I did, and the first thing I got access to was maps showing every RRRoW in CONUS & Canada, from 1900 to now.) A traveler is limited in how they can cross a mountain, but aside from that, having track dollies and a diesel fuel & supplies carrier removes a lot of, both uncertainties and limitations…

    Section 4

    I discount Rand’s escalation pathing exercise, because nukes didn’t fly. Therefore, their premises are all built on layers-deep theory and assumption.

    Since we’re talking nukes, my best estimate is that a nuke loosed by Russia will result in a tactical nuclear retaliation by NATO within hours, and all-out nuclear war (and our annihilation) within about 48 hours. A first use by NATO instead, will result in an immediate, balls-to-the-wall response by Russia, which will start and end within an hour, and turn virtually all of North America into a cinder.

    C. Speed of Response

    State highways will be controlled, and interstate traffic likely halted. Whether justified, or not, government tends to over-react first and then, when the facts become clear make decisions based on changing knowledge.

    Since we’re talking nukes and LoS waves of multiple EMP bursts, it is entirely likely that police will not be controlling or halting traffic, because the roads will be cluttered with dead vehicles, and clogged to impassibility. This is another reason to have an off-road capable (and railroad-capable) truck.

    Section 5

    A. Evacuee Preparations

    Food and water for two people 48-hours.

    I strongly suggest at least 5-days of food in the cab, and two months in the back — super high density foods like nut-based trail mix, jerky, and pinolé.

    Toilet paper, in vehicle urine system, caffeinated drinks. Awake pills.

    In-vehicle urine system is a Big Gulp plastic (not styrofoam) cup. TP is useless unless they also have a bedpan.

    Small arms (9 mm) and long arms (AR type). (G2 is competent on one-mile shots)

    I suggest he add a (minimum 90-pound) crossbow pistol with both hunting and fishing bolts and a spinning reel attached to its rail, and a .30cal rifle (.308, 30-06, etc., that’ll kill a bighorn or shoot through the engine of a pursuing vehicle.

    Special Vehicle Considerations

    This evac plan, main planned route, covers 2,292.4 miles overall, start to local. With his vehicle, Kia Soul, 14.3 gallon tank, this will be 7 gas stops at posted speeds plus 10.

    If the skies light up, he’ll need to be driving as fast as his vehicle can go. There won’t be any speed cops. I highly-recommend fuel cans made by VP Racing ( ). These are compact, VENTED, have 4″ maws and 1/2npt unrestricted fill tubes. This can will empty 5 gallons of fluid in less than 1 minute. It can be purchased (with filler tube) from virtually any farm store for $25 or less (currently $24.99 at TSC and $19.99 at Rural King) in red, yellow, or clear, and in many stores, in blue and olive drab.

    I would also carry a fuel transfer pump and an ALUMINUM or bronze pry bar. (Transfer pump ex: ). For a transfer pump, I would want a manual pump (NO electricity, not even 12vdc) made with zero ferrous material. The most-important parameter is how far it will draw. Tapping a buried tank at a gas station may require up to a 16 foot lift to get go-juice from under the ground into your tank. I’m not going to suggest a pump, other than to say Fill-Rite is the industry standard, and when it comes to a real life-and-death situ, I would absolutely not pinch pennies. People should do their own research. Go to Fill-Rite and RTFM until a suitable pump is found, then search it out to find lowest price.

    To our way of thinking, the small trailer option is best because it removes the need for gas stops along the way, if the pee and poo handling is provided for elsewise. A good (equalizing) hitch would be best as getting an optional trailer brake would also make sense.

    If G2 is sticking with the Soul, the small trailer is absolutely the best option. He should assume he’ll get no better than 16mpg because if the fireworks start before he arrives, he’s gonna be seeing how far above triple digits he can make it go. Trailer brakes and an equalizing hitch are useless on a small trailer, and just add a couple thousand bucks and a hundred pounds to a $500 trailer. A sway-control hitch and a trailer with a significant rear bias to its axle would be much more useful. Don’t just look at Reece, Curt, Draw-Tite, etc. hitches. He should look to see what European hitch options are available. I have a frame-mounted 4200lb Class-3 hitch on my Jetta. ALL of the “American” hitches (now all made in China BTW) were Class-1, bolted to the car’s sheet metal through its trunk, floor, and spare-tire well, and IMO were both junk, and dangerous.

    Section 7

    We do not condone the creation of use of manufactured documents, but nuclear way is an abnormal condition that may require exceptional preparation and strategic family planning.

    I do, especially since it’d be absurdly easy to create compelling documentation for G2. He should want to travel unseen, but if confronted by The Law, he should have paperwork which excuses his presence, but does not make him sound so valuable that some town clown will decide to add him to the town’s population…

    • U-haul is my preferred hitch vendor and installer. The class III hitches are preferred, Small covered trailers are preferable to open trailers. I’ve managed low-twenty mpg with a covered 4′ x 6′ Pace towed behind a 4 Cyl econobox. The transmission is the big issue. If the car/SUV/truck is rated for 1500 lb or more towing capacity, it should work. If it isn’t rated, then don’t try it. Multiple spare tires and a variety of jacks should be carried. Better to hunker than get stranded in some desolate mountain pass for a neo-Donner party. Best to avoid the mountains altogether, if at all possible.
      Look at Arthur Bradley’s site for anti-EMP paraphernalia: and his EMP Doctor Youtube channel for training videos.

    • (“If the skies light up, he’ll need to be driving as fast as his vehicle can go.”)

      I won’t.. if I can see the glow in the sky I am to close.. I would sit on the veranda with a drink in my hand MAYBE some Jamaican blue coffee… why not enjoy the good stuff..
      I put with all my preps a note as to why I have it.. how to use it and how to make things that will be needed.. all my important grab and go manuals.. have red tape on the binding…color coded for the state of what event is unfolding..
      a good overall manual.. taken from the old manual of the cold war..
      Funny looking for my camera I came across my geiger counter.. ( I use to use it to check emf ratings from the wiring outlets)

      • They are, and that’s why I mentioned TSC and RK. The jugs are explicitly not for use for gasoline or diesel, except as “off-road fuels,” because they’re not flow-restricted and self-sealing (per Obama EPA overreach mandate.) I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to spend 3-4 minutes per gallon to fill a fuel tank, so before these came along, I was manufacturing my own “off-road” fuel fillers out of schedule 80 PVC. These are the 21th Century version of the old NASCAR cans…

  17. haha

    Joe Biden is in town today. i found out yesterday. you all wanna place bets on if i run into him or not. Im transit authority. He is coming to check out the light rail and speak to the protesters.

    you know i met obama in rhe chicago airport at the bar before he became a senitor. had a beer with him. (way back in the day when i used to drink)

    i have spoke to Hilary back when she was the first lady. my buddys mom (The York Family) who used to own a shit load of dennys and holiday inns on the east coast when i lived in Ft Myers florida was having Tea with her.

    i also ran into Obama again when the big mudslides happend in washington.

    now i also got off I-10 in Palm Springs (heading to the Betty Ford rehab) at the exact moment i saw Airforce 1 crossed over me to land at the Airport with Trump on board.

    not only that. i went to the Arco days rodeo. then went through the crator of the moon national park and stopped and pissed outside my car infront of the Billionares Retreat there in Sun Valley, Idaho. on the exact day they were all there. same exact place. found out a week later.

    not only that, i ended up in same exact place as the Fed meeting in Jackson Hole, stopping to get out and stretch and get some coffee.

    and i found that out 10 days after it happend.

    now, i move back here, a series of jobs fall through, i get hired as transit authority, light rail security. 3 days ago i get moved to a different station. then find out yesterday, The President joe biden flys in today to come check out the new light rail. at the exact location, and on the shift i work.

    non of these things are timed or postions i am moving intently. i am not in the loop on where fed meetings are and presidential schedules are above my pay grade.

    but it keeps happening.

    just lkle when i was back stage at the eagles, hop pn an elovator after smashing some stupid bitches phone. someone says hold the door. he gets on.

    and its just me and him riding the elivator up 5 floors and he pulls his mask down and says wearring these are stupid and im on the elivator with Forbes Richest Man, Elon Musk.

    i dont have any idea how this keeps happening or why. it is not planned by me. im not in the loop about such things.

    i didnt move back here a month ago to meet joe biden.

    i had entirely differnt job. i didnt know id be transit light rail athority.

    its fucking weird. dontcha think?

    there is me unintently beating the odd once again.

    the odds of that happening over and over, are astronomical. i dont intently move to make these chance meetings happen. i had no idea joe would even be here until yesterday. i didnt even know id be working at this job 2 months ago. i didnt even know id be living here.

    my plan was to go to Arizona. live in a studio apartment and work on a wind farm. George askrd me. i told him. and hour later, the job went away. i was pissed! i thought, George fucked that up and…. now im living in 9000 square foot mansion. in a exact replica of the City of The Gods, meeting joe biden today.

    thanks George!

    i appreciate you! i sure like living in a mansion far away from the mexican boarder more than id like living in a studio in tuscon.

    living in The City of The Gods is a way better deal. lol

    i dont know why i keep moving in these circles. its not part of my plan. at all.

    if it only happened once. it be like cool. tell all your friends and shit.

    but it happens alot. and i dont know why.

    okay i better go get squared away in my uniform and shit.

    i cant even see what im typing on here. the pop ups are horrible. so i dont even know of any of this makes sence. im coming on here verry often if i cant even read the site becaude of all tbe adds. i cant see any of the screen. its all advertisements just like facebook. its all adds and click bait. so im not on it either.

    La Dolce Vita

    Que: ~The Gold is on the Cieling ~

    The Black Keys.

    ^^Good Song!

    • (“i have spoke to Hilary back when she was the first lady.”)

      Phew.. and WOW and she allowed you to say something to her.. that is huge event and extremely rare.. her body guards are all terrified of her.. and they are forced to hide in the closet if the walks by.. when she gave a speech during a campaign trial she was horrible rude to everyone and the waitresses at the diner were miffed.. they didn’t even leave a taxpayer paid tip..

    • ” you know i met obama in rhe chicago airport at the bar before he became a senitor. had a beer with him. (way back in the day when i used to drink) ”

      NO, I didn’t know!!!!! Andy, you should have staid with drinking, imo ;-(, perhaps drinking for you is being sober to me. In some way I understand what you maybe going through, but I luckly grew out of it after reaching adulthood. How important can you be? Will it ever be enough of BRAGGING ?

  18. p.s. oh and when i spoke to Hilarry. it was before the monica dealio. long before bengazzi. she seemed nice. and i actualky voted for bill twice. i actually liked bill clinton when he was president. we had the same birthday.

    im not a fan at all of Hillary and i dont even wanna know some stuff.

    i told THE DUDE, i dont wanna know about that frazzel thing.

    the next day, i was at the Lucky Duck car wash and a empty cup rolled accross the parking lot and landed in my passenger seat while i was vaccuming it out. it was an empty frazel slushie cup.

    there was nothing in it. it was completely empty. i had never seen one before. and they dont have frazil slurpies in the state i was in.

    and what that told me was. there is absolutely nothing to the frazel story. its bullshit.

    but i dont like that rachet ass hilary now. at all. she aint the first lady i spoke to at the tea party with Mrs York. not even the same person

    and her name is the name of the hiricain that leveled and flooded cochella valley 5 hours after i last left there.

    just wanted to clarify that.

  19. Finally I finished reading this section and I grew rather tired of it. Perhaps I will follow the 5/09 postings tomorrow. My concerns are of a different nature than what I’ve been reading so far ;-)

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