Tempos & Tempi: War & Retail – Tax Day – Mower Woes

We’re going to talk about “Hearing the Music of Life” today.

Even a wordsmith (maybe, someday) learns a new word now and then.  Today it was that an acceptable plural of the (singular) tempo is “tempi.”  Arizona may complain.

We don’t talk too much about “tempi” (tempos) to the flow of news.  A useful way of sorting them, however, is to realize tempos are generally short-term, not predictably cyclical (making them stand out from cycles).  And they are easy to calculate and project into Future.  The go through rising and falling. Which is what we bang away on here, I suppose.

Tempo of Retail & War (1)

Early Futures pricing was up today.  Given that we had a nosebleed of a decline in markets last week, a bounce may carry a bit today. In fact, from the Tuesday high of last week in the Peoplenomics Aggregate Index, the collapse into mid-day Friday stumbled down about 1.5 percent.  That’s a fair chunk of change.

We like to think of “the news” as a competing set of “drumbeats.” In economics, the “drumbeats” include:

  • Kettles:  On money – US Debt debacle.  And the beat goes on.
  • High hats:  The war in the Middle East
  • Crash-ride (cymbal): Putin’s pending drive to Odessa and taking of Kharkiv when that happens.
  • Snares: This would normally be a tom, but with Biden rerunning, we hear the snares (paradiddles – look it up – no, not two pervs…). If an economic press release comes out, there’s a drum roll fade as the Administration holds it up as the latest Miracle of Joe.  A Cymbal hit elsewhere makes the beat and the herd dances to Joe’s corner of the corral.
  • Kicks:  The kick drum is the almost, but not quite regular Federal Reserve meetings.  The  next Kick comes in April 30-May 1 (the later being rate day).  Audiophiles will hear the kick coming and place bets here.
  • Cowbells:  Oh, how about RFK jr saying no to Libertarians? We don’t blame him, after all he’s a product of the UniParty system.  Why rock the boat?  We digress.

“Music of Life?”

In the cacophony that is the Music of Life, other instruments may be heard.  When we did initial experiments in assigning musical notes back in 2006.

In, oh, June of that year, the market would sound like this (playing the Dow, S&P, and NASDAQ):

If, on the other hand, you did a similar process to the closing numbers in January of 2014, and changed up instruments to focus on piano more (mixing matters!) it would sound like this:

This is actually a pretty cool way of “playing Life in your head.”  As you can probably guess, the basic “beat” (tempo) is set by the daily close.  If you “count the beats” that’s how many days of trading is reflected in pricing.

I wrote a fair bit about this “Alternate way of perceiving” the world around us.  Which is mostly based on visuals, so that’s why sexual content works so well in advertising.  But the beats matter, as well, which is when the ads with powerful bass lines hold more “impact” that the soft upwelling of strings in a concerto, for example.

All stuff you know, already, right?  But it may not have occurred to you to “norm many concepts” to numerical values and then map there to specific instruments.  You might map the Dow close from “Middle C” up or down a note for each piece of junk mail that comes in today.    Yes, there is music hidden in Life but most people are “so hooked on looking” that they exclude “other ways of norming inputs to perceptual pathways.”

Their loss, huh?

The Retail Note: Shoppers Save Joe!

(See how we set up the poor pun?)

Just “struck” this morning and will we shortly hear the WH take credit with one of their long-rolling (cigarettes at the wall) snare hits?

Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for March 2024, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $709.6 billion, up 0.7 percent (±0.5 percent) from the previous month, and up 4.0 percent (±0.5 percent) above March 2023.

Total sales for the January 2024 through March 2024 period were up 2.1 percent (±0.5 percent) from the same period a year ago. The January 2024 to February 2024 percent change was revised from up 0.6 percent (±0.5 percent) to up 0.9 percent (±0.2 percent). Retail trade sales were up 0.8 percent (±0.5 percent) from February 2024, and up 3.6 percent (±0.5 percent) above last year. Nonstore retailers were up 11.3 percent (±1.6 percent) from last year, while food
services and drinking places were up 6.5 percent (±2.1 percent) from March 2023.

We would be up even more, but see how badly the auto sector is doing?  People don’t want EVs – they want hybrids – in other words more choices….

We already figured the market would rally, at least early on, because in our world the set-up was this:

Went even higher after the strong retail numbers.

This all circles back to something that jumped out of my consigliere’s long-wave economics cycle work in the late 1970s.  “Wars – when they are not existential to the US or attacks on America directly – are generally good for the market…”

Which is one reason, if you thought the market would collapse on war news this morning, you’d maybe have been wrong.

War & Weather Forecasting

We would be damn fools to take up War forecasting, except that (like weather) the escalation phase of Wars tends to be regular.  Following how we’re into the second aspect of tempos and tempi?

We know it look more than a week for Iran to respond to Israel over the bombing that killed one of their key leaders.

The first (logical) toss of the dart as to how Israel now scales a response would be to expect the tempo to continue.  Which means, our money would be on an Israeli response next weekend.

Oh?  You didn’t get the note?  Why (in an election year and not wanting to upset the American printing press and gunsmithing business) would Israel ever do some “out of the blue” when U.S. markets are open?

This is why, when you read Israel-Gaza live updates: Israeli war cabinet to reconvene Monday – ABC News (go.com), it’s not time to get upset.

The way Ure’s World works is we recognize that Israel could have reacted in 90-seconds if Iran had done something stupid.  Like a nuke or bio attack.

To us, the fact that Israel put off until today says that they are going through a lot of motions and prepping, consultations with the (arms suppliers) US will be conducted, and the real shit will come after the close Friday to our reckoning.

For now, we wait.  Speculate.  And wonder if Israel will go “all in” and go after Iran’s now estimated three conventional uranium bombs, or whether they will do a schoolyard throw-down posturing attack.

Time will tell, but you really need to see G.A. Stewart’s piece from over the weekend. Brilliant Where he pieces together much of his Nostradamus work and proposes events are avalanching into “The Dying Time is Here.

Despite all the bad news, we would remind you that ‘When it comes next. remember the Tempo!”

We are in the Puetz Window for a market crash until at least April 23.  And since war events seem to like one week harmonics, the weekend after the coming one (around which lots of ill winds are forecast blowing) the next weekend will be just ahead of the month-end Fed meeting.

Whether the tempo of day trading (for today’s early rally in futures) will lead to an end-of-week high close ahead of next weekend, well that’s where the art comes in.


While they are still shoving climate lies around:  Climate Action Bottom of the List of Priorities in Yet Another Survey – Watts Up With That?

Democrat gun laws keep blowing up. At least 41 people shót and 7 killed this weekend thus far in Chicago. This includes the killing of a 9-year-old. Some of these shoótings were gang-related and many involved minorities. This happens often in Chicago and Democrat-ran cities. But the media downplays the mayhem. Even with Lori Lightweight gone, the crime continues.  Need another busload of illegals to throw in the urban war? Call Greg…his number’s in the Austin phonebook…

Alas, not everyone in Texas is smart.  Texas mother abandoned children to go on cruise vacation.

Signs of the times: California shoppers flood 99 Cents Only shops ahead of closure: ‘I blame Newsom’. Definitely not WH material.

Around the Ranch: Damn Mower, TV in BR

Damn Craftsman T310 mower (made by MTD). At three years old and stored under cover, there is no way in hell that the mower belt idler tension spring (1.25″ x 8.5″ big sucker, should break.

Looked like metal fatigue of a cheaply made part.

Meantime, Jack’s Small Engines didn’t have the part and had to pop $60 for ther spring, a spare, and a new deck hook for the spring.  While we await rain and there went my plans for a perfect yard this year.

TV in the Bedroom?  Yeah, I know.  We were all once young enough that WE were the entertainment in the bedroom.  Times change, huh?

Moving a 50-inch UHD from in the studio to on top of the armoire. And one of those microcomputers and a Fire Stick.

Which then means building a king-sized headboard to put all the crap on. Rechargeable keyboard/mouse. FireStick remote, TV remote, LED lights to find it all.

Like we need more projects?

And while you’re a grown up – and we don’t need to remind about this being Tax Day…are your kids as smart?

Write when you get rich,


54 thoughts on “Tempos & Tempi: War & Retail – Tax Day – Mower Woes”

    • Country clipper 0 turn mower, 1 joystick to drive the thing, it is the perfect mowing machine.

  1. (“We were all once young enough that WE were the entertainment in the bedroom. “)

    when My Mother passed on.. we were sitting having a family meal at a local restaurant.. three tables had to be put together to hold everyone.. there are eight of us and our mates.. and children.. and my sister says.. when they were discussing cable television.. I WONDER WHAT MOM AND DAD DID FOR ENTERTAINMENT…. as I chocked on water I was drinking I said seriously sis.. look at this bunch at the table.. and you wonder what did mom and dad do for entertainment.. LOL LOL LOL that is like saying I wonder what adam and eve did for entertainment on a planet with seven billion of us running around..

  2. “Jack’s Small Engines didn’t have the part”

    I had an MTD snowblower.. great machine.. it still pops off one pull.. gave it to the kids.. anyway the pull cord broke .. the cord just snapped off.. took it in.. and no one made parts for it anymore.. it was over thirty years old.. well they found one and put it on it.. but the thought was.. Its time to upgrade.. went with the yellow cub cadet.. nice machine lots of power.. they use that at the bank and it cuts through some deep snow heavy snow..
    bought it on lay away at a local merchant.. in the early spring.. got it home.. and the first big snow.. got it out popped right off.. chugging through the heavy mucky snow.. and it broke halfway through the driveway.. I called.. sorry you bought that in the spring you will have to call the company.. called cub and they said.. oh you bought it in the spring so you own it.. we will give you a number for different repair … I hade to buy another snow blower.. and several hundred dollars later.. they got the new cub fixed.. not again won’t own a cub anything.. so now I have two new snow blowers.. to handle what a two hundred dollar thirty year ago snow blower use to handle with ease..

        • TV in the bedroom is not conducive to good sleeping habits. I have a neurotic friend who has his TV on all night long while he (tries) to sleep. Me? Dark and quiet room, thanks. If I’m awake enough to watch TV, it is done in the living room. When I’m tired or nodding off… the TV goes off and I go to my dark and quiet bedroom.

        • I never “watch” TV in my bedroom – I have however gotten addicted to the huge number of ‘black screen’ content on YouTube that plays as background noise for sleeping. Some of this will play for 10 to 12 hours straight which is pretty much my sleep cycle at 68.

    • I watched a few minutes of the video.


      The American cities began their decent back in the 1940’s with forced integration. (But you could say the suburbs were born in the 1920’s with street cars/automobiles that allowed the so-called rich to move away from the serfs and stinky factories.) During WW2 the suburbs were platted and the 1930’s finance programs were waiting for the returning G.I.s who used the credit.

      Any CW2 will be siding with .gov to keep the free. And free comes in many forms like pension bailout checks, banks accounts being backstopped, EBT, maybe access to medical services/pills or the alternative living in the woods.

      The current .gov is setting up for the introduction of electronic ID.

      Most recent –

      “Johnson gave a broad overview of a bill House Republicans will soon introduce that would implement new citizenship documentation requirements for people to register to vote, which experts have said would make voting harder for many eligible voters like naturalized citizens and young voters.”

      The last time I changed my address I had to show the DMV my SS card, birth certificate, a piece of mail from the last address and piece of mail/signed contract for the new address.

      Now we’ll need ‘citizenship documentation’ to vote?

      “Ron DeSantis signs bill requiring parental consent for kids under 16 to hold social media accounts.”

      How does one prove they are a parent consenting and not a person under 16? Some kind of an electronic ID would do the trick. Biometrics can’t be fooled by A.I.

      And as the topper…. there are two types of woods to live in – private or public. Is it legal for someone to setup a tent in your yard or in the mall parking lot? That leaves the ‘public’ woods. But in Florida as example it’s illegal to live in the ‘public’ woods.

      “DeSantis signs law banning homeless people from sleeping in public places. People experiencing homelessness in Florida will be banned from sleeping overnight on streets, on sidewalks and in parks under a law signed this week by Gov.”

      So…. side with .gov for the foodies or go to a prison camp or whatever they have planned for the non-conformers.

      And don’t forget when the FBI asked for help finding the J6 rioters by posting photos of the J6 rioters online there are only two types of people who can identify our mugs, friend or family. So this means everyone that was caught through the online program was turned in by a friend or family member.

      Any CW may come after a mass death event. Look out the window, more than 50% of them will be dead before the CW2.

    • Which part of “MSRP AS LOW AS From $11,399.00” did you forget to mention?

      Walk with me as I George it for you:

      At age 75 I have maybe 10 more years of good mowing left in me. Call it 30 mows a year fort 300 total.

      Now, my cost per mow (machine only, not fool blades and belts) comes out to $37 bucks a mowing. Fuel is another $8,,,so up to $45. After studying and finding my yard is in the $200 class, I have decided to wait for the parts for the Crapsman..

      See https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/lawn-care/lawn-mowing-cost/

    • Perry, George still needs work on his self-worth. I have had a similiar maybe 1995 small Kubota BX1500 for ten years or so, and the Craftsman-Kubota comparison is from eating canned cat food to Prime Rib.

      The days I’d spent lying on my back half under the Craftsman mowers was payment for my sins I guess Screwing around with the belts and the sharp edges and the puny power transfer of the belts lowered my feeling of being alive.

      In summary, George, get the shaft!

      BTW and regarding belt springs, the OEM one on the 48″ mower was so strong that it broke one of the blade shafts when I hit a stump. I took it off and got a lighter weight one so now it slips when I hit something firm.

  3. This was a given in the early 80’s when I checked out of the left coast. Took Awhile but here it is now. One big SH** STORM. California has arguabley some of the most beautiful vistas in the Union. Politically and operationally disfunctional. It’s sad to watch.

  4. “where the art comes in”.

    its has been quite the adjustment for me.
    Its totally differnt here and im doing the best i can to navigate all things becoming new. Everything in my life is all New.

    Behold, i Make all things new.

    i have a massive new home. im living Massive Mexican Mansion/ Villa. over 9000.square feet
    complete with Serpentine confetti clay roof tiles on a really big spread. 100s of acres.

    i was given 2 new beds, a new washer and dryer, new couches, new recliners, new dishes, new Tv. new silver.ware. cups, cups, new antique massive oak dining room table. new clothes. new truck. new sheets and blankets on my bed.

    and God said, Behold, I make all things new.

    and it was so.

    everything is new.

    and all of it was given to me in some form or another.

    THE DUDE working through the many hands of others.

    im in a totally different enviroment. different altitude, different humidity, differnt wild life, living on Huge Horse Ranch, with hundreds of Ariabian Horses and a few mustangs. Show Horses, mostly. aquestrian, english and some western riding.

    i think, reverse cowgirl is on the menu today.

    i am far away from the city, but close enough to drive there for sushi dinner. if i want too.

    its an adjustment for sure. Especially being around alot of people. I havent been around alot of people for a year. I been up on tbe mountain with The Creator, And Moose, Herds of 500 Elk, and deer, Bald Eagles, Red Tail Hawks, Geese, thousands of ducks, Mountain Lions, Fox’s, Fish jumping in the water and countless wild bunnies. we have those wild bunnies here too.

    what i havent been around is people. lots of people.

    as it is written, at times a Man is called to the Mountain. when he returns he has become something New.

    i said to THE DUDE last night, are you sure about all this?

    then Last night, a friend
    was going through some things and found two old letters. She looked at the stamp. She tore them off, brought them over and gave to them to me. she said as soon as i saw them, i thought of you.

    she knows i dont drink and am in the fellowship. a friend of Bill W.

    I thought, how cool! I had never seen one before. This morning I looked them up. They were released on August 19th, 1981. That is my birthday. My birthday!!!!! I was 11 years old that day.

    The stamp was issued as a commerative to AA, at the time that the stamp was issued, there were over nine million recovered alcoholics in the United States.

    THE DUDE smiles. I’m right where im supposed to be. THE DUDE is sure.

    it is quite the thing for a man to purchase two stamps, released on my birthday in 1981. Then use the stamps in 1982 them to mail a letter from new york city to another fella who became his long time friend after meeting at the woodstock fesitval in 1969.

    and there they sat in a box for 42 years until yesterday. when the fellas grand daughter would stumble upon them, think of me, and bring to me at my new house. that i had no idea id be moving into 11 days ago.

    the music of life. the language of THE DUDE.

    As you said today George, “where the art comes in.”

      • yes. my anchor is set. i now walk apon the shores of Tremedous Beauty, Serenity, Love, passionate love…. in Goodwin.

      • there is no tests.

        THE DUDE has been maping out the trajectory my life for over 42 years to intersect at this moment in time.

        The Book of Proverbs mentions a Wisdom that was present before the creation of the world and that exists long after it is gone.

        i see that wisdom working actively in my life. if you dont. it says all you need to do is simply ask for it.

        the interesting thing is, i moved into this place on the day of the eclipse.

        4 years to the day, (after traveling) i stood at the point of creation, the old dry well, as the living water and the living Monad.

        while the rest of the world sheltered in place.

        i will stay where im at for a good long while. more is sure to come.

        good to read your words George. good to read others words.

        until we meet again.

      • the white queen showed her face today.

        dontcha think its odd George, i told you i was going to arizona. an hour later the job, the place, the means werre gone. i was pissed.

        then a dark presence entered my room that night and tempted me to curse you. say the word and he will be detroyed. so i got on my knees and ask The Father of Creation to protect you, your family and your property. in the line up of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

        I’m The Good. its who i am. im just Andy.

        less than 30 days later im living on a multi, multi million dollar ranch. moved in on the day of the eclipse.

        way back in the day i had extensive conversations with Clif High and quite a few others about ->>> Intention. it used to be all about setting your intention. intention directs creativity, yada yada yada.

        what i have come to real-ize is that it doesnt matter the intention. Both the Intention of the Bad and the ugly works to the advantage of The Good.

        i was walking by an old theater today. they renovating. they had the 1950’s movie poster displays out on the side walk. replacing them with new fancy LED ones.

        i ask the fella standing there working, what are you going to do with the old ones? he said throw them away. they are going in the dumpster. i said do they still light up. he they sure do. we are just updating to LED.

        he plugged one in and it lit up. i said can i have it. he said sure….its one less trip to the dumpster i have to make. i said ok, cool. i’ll have get a movie poster for it tho.

        He paused then smiled and said put it in your car and meet me back here. i said ok. sounds good.

        he went in the theater and i put it in my car.

        when i came back he was holding a movie poster in his hand. He said, i found this old movie poster cleaning up ohhh a little more than 30 days ago. Here ya go. its perfect for you!

        he hands it to me. its a poster for the movie La dolce vita and has a stunng blonde lady on the front.

        see for yourself,

        when i got home. i put it in the case and looked it up. The Movie La dolce vita came out in 1960.

        the white queen showed her face today.

        i had to translate because my itallian is not as good as it should be. La dolce vita means in itallian, The Good Life. or The Sweet life.

        i looked it up and the starlit is breathtakingly beautiful. rivialing any of the models and playboy bunnies ive ever slept with.

        as i stood and looked at it for a while. the words of The Hopi Eldest rang through my head. “If you dont like things as they are? change the movie.”

        and that is why i call them, the Jedi.

        they truly are The Jedi.

        mayhaps a few around here as well.


        • The actress is Anita Ekberg. She was an amazingly beautiful and well-upholstered Swede who rocked Hollyweird in the 1950s and ’60s. Le Dolce Vita was her breakout movie…

      • oh as i was leaving the fella at the theater. i said this is very cool. thank you so much and i paused to get his name. He took the Que, nodded and said Dude. you can call me Dude.

        i laughed and said not what i expected. Thanks Dude! and shook his hand.

        He laughed and smiled big and you bet. have a good day then paused. and i said Dude. You can also call me Dude.

        He said I like how you think.

        i got in my truck and left.


  5. and at the time, there is 11 comments.

    after my post i opened my bible to a random paig and read,

    Mark Chapter 3, Verse 35.

    ~ For whosoever shall do The Will of God is My Brother, and My Sister and Mother. ~

    ya see, my only plan in life is to do The Will of God. i hadnt stock piled guns, bullets and beans.

    i hadnt prepared for the Great Appocilypse. at all other than participating in miracles.

    the world tells you grind, hustle, make deals, work harder, etc etc.

    THE DUDE says,

    seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    so i took The Father of Creations word over the word of the world.

    and 4 years later,

    and now im living in a 9000 square foot Mansion, on hundreds of acers, trees and mountains as far as the eye can see. with hundreds of Horses, and Hudreds and Hundreds of cattle.

    let it be said, THE DUDE is True to His word.

  6. Retail sales –

    Recall “Personal income increased $66.5 billion (0.3 percent at a monthly rate) in February.”

    The folks are spending.

    The next retail sales number (not adjusted for price changes) should be good too.

    Recall the $1.25 candy is dropping from 6 pieces to five pieces.

    Last month – 1 piece a day/30 days/5 packs = $6.25.
    This month – (5 pieces) = $7.50.

    That’s a 20% increase in retail sales.

    • You know.. I had gotten into a conversation about economics of the medical profession.. silly boy couldn’t figure it out.. why the hospitals run SHORT SHIFT… and do a yearly witch hunt to get rid of the higher paid employees.. LOL.. ok.. lets say you have one patient.. three people working.. eight hours.. one eight hour shift at ten dollars an hour.. averages out to be roughly twenty five hundred plus environmental and material costs.. in each ten dollar increment going up.. that number has to fluxuate to accomodate the end cost.. the brilliance of socialized care similar to Canada and the UK.. is the number is spread out over millions of people.. which is why it is hard for politicians to get the real picture of what is actually happening.. for them it is but a drop in the bucket.. the pyramid effect..the immage is simmilar to when I delivered newspapers.. the flow was constant.. it took me several months to realize that dam I am paying them to deliver those papers.. LOL its suttle..until it is right in front of your face look at me and pay attention then they see it.. they can say three percent.. but when everyones income is only going up two percent.. they lost one percent and that is with the figures skewed to fit their immage..instead of three it should be logically thirty.. like the employer that was in a top five hundred company.. he got excited and said.. you would be able to qualify for food stamps.. I chuckled and said you do realize that is not a benefit to be proud of and left.. needless to say I didn’t take the position.. they are having that issue with mail delivery right now here..
      Now that also is one of the positions that makes the gluver piven strategy of the illegals that is so scary about letting in millions and millions of military aged males into the country.. the reverse cost benefit .. the same thing with tossing millions and millions at wars and no gain from them.. the weight of the debt and cost ratio amplifies dramatically until you have a reset.. either way the two points could and will take down the country..We have a moron apocalypse going on in the USA…

  7. Israel is holding a strong defensive position, observing Iran’s offensive strategy and the locations from which the UAVs and surface-to-surface missiles were launched. From this very patient defense, they can (and I expect they will) eventually retaliate at a date and time of their choosing, focusing at first on nearby Hamas and Hezbollah forces and the Houthis in Yemen entrenched along the Red Sea. Israel has demonstrated past success against Syria and Iraq, not to mention Egypt during the 6 Day War. In true Clausewitzian fashion, the IDF will spring a lethal offense out of their defensive position, primarily using Mossad directed special ops, deployed via their submarine fleet and augmented by Israeli fighter jets and covert transports. Iran will be forced to come to the aid of their proxies or turn tail and hide, increasing finding themselves isolated as their proxies are taken down one-by-one.

    • Warhammer – nice to see you on here.
      Not sure if this exists but if it doesn’t I can see Teheran signing a multilateral military pact with Moscow and Beijing. The new AXIS. If one is attacked the others will come to their aid. That would keep Israel in check until they could get the West to back their play……

      • (“Teheran signing a multilateral military pact with Moscow and Beijing”)

        Silly Boy….
        Russia and Beijing have been doing that since George Jr. was in office.. they signed one in the middle nineties and just redid it.. this last year I believe it was just after we pulled out of Afghanistan… to include war supplies and strategies.. all of those countries that we pillaged for raw resources to enrich the puppeteers has signed such agreements..
        When Slo Jo flipped Cuba the bird when they asked for help.. they rushed in with an agreement .. and now has a warm water port just off the coast of the USA.
        Its to late for any of them in DC to notice this now..its done.. while we were busy planning on taking the kingdom they were positioning around us.. militarily, industrially, economically,, they own our butts and they know it.. you can’t rush to smarten everyone up and to rush into re industrializing the country .. well several years ago there was a five to ten year estimation on re-building industry in the USA.. and all the equipment to do it and the education would have to be done by other countries..

    • Thnaks for the rminder WH.

      What was the name of the Submarine George?


      Stu, I think you have a hit. Popcorn at the ready, and large cash position to re-enter the market when Zuckerberg does.



      Watch whta they do, not what they say.

      Not advice do your own homework. Got Blockchain? Mad Holiday Sales coming up with CME short interest $7T and climbing. How oversubscibed was TSLA to the short side?

      • ROCKET FUEL for a fast take off as “players” get trapped. Once shorts start to HAVE to cover things can build build built.

        Seen this happen to even near bankrupt compaines, the players get over confident and keep stacking on more shorts until there is a shortage of stock available to cover the shorts. Great times for the technical traders since at that point in time fundementals count for squat.

    • (“Israel is holding a strong defensive position, observing Iran’s offensive strategy and the locations “)

      go back ten years before the moron apocalypse began… look at who china and Russia were signing agreements with.. last summer after blowing up NordStream everyone was going to head to Niger.. instead.. there were agreements to support that had been pre formed.. then look at the middle east.. while we have been playing take it all.. they world and every country that we have butted in to take what they have has been forming Alliance’s .
      get out your RISK game lay out the world map and then put a button on every country that alliances have been formed.. Not put a different colored button on every the countries that has assumed the industrial complexes that we have outsourced..
      Its the poison pawn trap and the fears are not unfounded they are real all because we have self indulging morons running the country.. we cannot and will not win a religious war.. even in the countries that we put our puppet regimes in then took their stuff.. we are not winning friends and influencing the people of those countries.. a mental shot at lybia with Kaddafi and now Lybia without Kaddafi .. the state of the people before and now is not what is use to be.. Israel the usa and uk.. has not been paying attention all we have been doing is looking out for the puppeteers best interests.. this is an ugly situation to be in.. the economic death spiral trying to maintain a position at the top.. and a spiritual death spiral and as we spiral into needless wars.. then we are in a spiral of accepting what those few do that matters so much to each and every one of us..
      you cannot dig yourself out of a number whole by just creating more numbers.. you have to add more numbers to the negative not take away..
      that is what makes Trump good.. he has been in the economic death spiral.. he has had to budget a checkbook.. not just belly up to the trough of plenty.. and had to pull himself back up.. I have been through the economic death spiral to I wasn’t smart enough or had enough influence to pull myself above it.. but to stay the fall.. instead.. I can’t even see how Trump could turn it around at this point.. its to far gone.. we have to go through the change..those with a million numbers can already see that they only have half of that in spending ability.. another year it will be a quarter of it.. etc.. those at the bottom are going to be even more discontent because they feel it now..
      the playbook and Plan has it all laid out in adolphs second secret book..Biden said it in his campaigns.. and I believe he meant what he said..

  8. Discount Retailer – 99c – Is Closing All of Its 371 Stores Across the U.S., and liquidating.
    I have never been in one., don’t remember even seeing one – but according to “Bloomberg News” this equates to the loss of over 11,000 jobs in economically weak neighborhoods., and – “18 more national low-end retailers are on the coat tails of “99c”., they on the verge of closing up shop this year.”

    • well that answers that question I had.. LOL a store we always went to closed..
      they were having troubles stocking it.. and employees.. seems no one wants to work for minimum wages anymore.. and you have to turn a lot of one dollar things..
      I have a bet with the old town grocer over the store that opened up here.. nice store well maintained.. the boss lady is an unapprecitative bitch but she does a good job of keeping it stocked and the shelves full..

  9. It took nearly 12,000 years — from the year 10,000 BC to the mid-1800s — for the world’s human population to go from 1 million people to 1 billion people. In the 100 years from 1850 to 1950, the population increased from 1.1 billion to 2.5 billion. From 1950 to now — only 73 years — the population more than tripled from 2.5 billion to 8 billion.
    Population growth is thankfully slowing, but projections still estimate that we’ll be very near 10 billion people on Earth by 2045.
    This number does not consider biological warfare., A.I. annihilation., nuclear exchanges, Hillary as President, or alien invasion into it’s estimates.

  10. I jumped in just after noon., as the markets slowed then reversed and my M.A.’s and MACD’s crossed. Got out when the DJIA was down right at 250. Now down 238., or so.
    – .., and tomorrow shall bring..??

  11. Israel can afford to take it’s time – militarily and ponder the political blow-back.., but they can not take “too long”.
    Delaying a counter-punch for too long is a sign of weakness and doubt. And that alone could cost them dearly.
    It’s coming., but from what angle.

  12. Andy, I to am a friend of Bill W. for 40 some years. At first I asked about all the coincidences that started happening in my life and the old timers said ” just accept it ” and I gratefully do. Synchronicity is our stock in trade. Peace, Al B.

  13. ‘shootings in Democratic cities, but the Media downplays the Mayhem’

    Idaho (red state) teen stopped by FBI (oops! not supposed to say Biden’s govt doing their job right) from shooting up churches (block FISA, no thanks!):

    Sydney mall, 7 stabbed to death;

    Massive cache of ammunition, Democratic Attorney General Bonta uncovers in home search:

    50 rounds shot in Apartment complex, Marina Del Rey:

    Lowest rate of gun deaths in Democratic States:

  14. So.., they closed down O’Hara International.., the Golden Gate Bridge., SeaTac International., and few other places.., today.
    Where was Home Land Security? Where was the FBI ? Where was the NSA ?
    Where the hell where all these Alphabet agencies that have spent billions saying that they are protecting our country? What have they been doing? How is it they missed a massive, coordinated ‘attack’ at so many places ?? How did they not ‘hear’ this was going to happen? There must have an incredible amount of communication between all of these people.
    Proof positive that terrorist groups that have already crossed our southern border can and will coordinate attacks – and not be discovered by our national security measures.
    – Simply put – WTF !?

    • WTF is:

      They want it to happen, and have such a lock on, what we call “Democrats” and what we call “RINOs” that they’re close to unstoppable.

      I have no idea who that ubiquitous “they” is. Obviously, the Soros clan, but others? The Bilderburglars? Trilateralists? The folks who gather around the Rothschild boardroom? All easy answers, and probably partially correct. Soros is too new to sit at the grown-up table, so’s Gates. It’s my considered opinion that even the Rockefellers and Rothschilds may not be “old enough money” to sit at the front table, so who? The Pope? Charles? Harald? Maybe.

      The thing is, they want the U.S. to fail. They want personal property rights and freedom of speech to go away. Our “leaders” are not stupid. Indeed, they are very, very intelligent. WE are the stupid ones, because we cannot seem to accept that some people, whom many Americans call “leaders,” are deliberately destroying us, and everything which makes us Americans.

      They don’t fix stuff because they don’t want stuff fixed.

      They break more stuff, because they want more stuff broken.

      They crave power, and the ultimate power is being able to decide whether another person lives, or dies.

  15. MMA star Renato Moicano knocked out Jalin Turner in their lightweight bout at UFC 300 on Saturday, picking up his third consecutive victory. Moicano then urged Americans to read a book from an Austrian-American economist.

    “I love America. I love the Constitution. I love the First Amendment,” Moicano told the fans in Las Vegas. “I want to carry and own f—ing guns. I love private property.

    “And let me tell you something, if you care about your own f—ing country, [read] Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian economic school, motherfu—s.”

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