After an absence of several weeks, and after Goofle said (by nicely ignoring our Ultra-Make site for ads) we have elected to bring ShopTalk Sunday back home. So, um, here we is.
Just in Time for Bug Season
If you live “up north” the bugs are not out yet. But here in the Sun (and bring your own Bible) Belt the creepies are back; and we don’t mean that political party that lies at every turn.
For a decade, or so, we enjoyed the services of a Terminating Company. But over time, I tired of writing them checks. Being tighter than a tick, paying someone to make more per hour than we do just ain’t in our nature. So, pay attention now, Ure’s going to fix you up on how to kill more bugs – for less – this season.
Bugs 101
Here’s my short bug lecture, based on following “professionals” around (to make sure they didn’t get sticky fingers for a decade.
- Bugs mainly go where there is food, water, and shelter. This means if you don’t do the dishes right after eating (*rinse and put in the dishwasher if you’re just whipped), any food left out is an invite to have cockroaches wander in from outside.
- If you spill sugar or don’t wipe off your counters with Clorox, you’ll soon find ants. And, if you don’t have water outside, come the end of summer, the scorpions will come in looking for free drinks. (We kinda identify with that urge, but we don’t share!)
- Smart bugs (and mice) want to run along the perimeter of your rooms. Most “normal” bugs will keep within an inch of walls, too. Bugs also like to get under things (which is why no boxes on the floor, right?) and they like corners. If you have closet doors down to the floor, you’ll want to pay attention to the closet entrance and inside perimeters.
- The Bug Man’s main offensive tools are sticky traps and sprays. The sprays come in two sorts – outdoor and indoor, while the sticky traps are generally of the four-fold type but if you want to set out some bait for mice in crawl spaces and such, open glue boards work fine – especially with a dollop of peanut butter of some poison mouse bait will be useful.
- All that’s missing is the Big Plan consisting of a shopping list and a room-by-room checklist. Ready? (God, this is so much fun, ain’t it?)
The Shopping List
I make generally 3-4 “treatments” per year. As a result, we go through a gallon or two of the spray and about 40 sticky traps per treatment.
Do your own experiments, but we like the indoor/outdoor sprays. Among these Amazon and Wally both carry good products.
My latest liquid – and it’s inexpensive before summer, when people pay huge dollars to kill insects – is Spectracide Bug Stop Home Barrier, Kills Ants, Roaches and Spiders On Contact, Indoor and Outdoor Insect Control, 1.33 Gallon (RTU Accushot Spray), Plain. Runs about $16 on sale.
The sticky traps are their own world. My favorites are the Trapper Max Glue Traps 72 Glue Boards Trap Mouse Bugs Insects Bed Bugs Spiders Cockroaches Non-Toxic. These are more spendy – $30 bucks for 72 traps (half of 144, get it?). I ordered two packs because we go through these like crazy in the summertime.
A couple of other must haves are nitryl gloves. (Got any leftover from early Covid panic?)
And if you have fire ants outside, might toss some Spectracide Ant Shield Insect Killer Granules, 3 lb and dose this around the foundation of your home. If you’re de-bugging a cabin, or treating around posts that hold up a deck, get several bags.
If you want to mix up some leave-out ant killers, we’ve cut out the round bottoms of plastic egg crates and mix up some sugar water and boric acid – powder, very inexpensive.
And our old standby – Diatomaceous Earth. You have a choice here, because you can use the generic garden grade – which is great at general pest reduction. But there’s also a food grade version – more money, but a tablespoon in water a couple of times in a week can help manage any, um, oddities in the gut you may have picked up over the years. Anyway, five pound bag of food grade runs about $20 bucks.
Tools You Will Use
- Once you get the treatment cycle going, you will want either an empty five-gallon bucket (to put used traps in) or something like a woven wood bucket.
- Next tool is one of those “reachers” so you don’t have to bend over 80 times in an hour.
- And the rubber gloves when doing your spraying.
You’re going to make three circuits of the house.
- The first circuit is to pick up full/used traps. Dump traps in your burn barrel and play with fire. If you’ve been so far housebroken you don’t know how, a plastic bag in the g-can is fine, too. Just not as much fun as doing dangerous things with fire…
- Second circuit is around the inside and then outside of the home.
- Then you pull up a cup of coffee (from the thermos) while the spray dries on the floor and you fold the sticky traps like mad. Just inside of our home uses 30 traps or so…but we’ll get to that in the room-by-room part in a sec.
Here’s how the traps fold (before inserting the locking tab):
And with the coffee gone, here’s my wooden basket with a load of traps destined for the house.
When the traps are all in place, you’ll be done until next time. “Alexa remind me in 90 days to do another bug treatment.” Now you can forget about it for a while.
The Room-by-Room Spray Plan
Walk with me and we’ll do the first-time installation:
- We’ll enter our joint from the lean-too greenhouse. Outside, spray around the whole door, but don’t get any spray inhaled (calm days are best for bug work).
- Step inside. Spray a foot or two either side of the glass entrance door inside. Around the floor-wall joint but only an inch, or so, out from the wall. Bugs tend to run corners.
- Going into the music studio, you will again spray around the door (sides and overhead) and a good bit on the stairs leading up and inside, especially under because bugs like being under things.
- Once in the studio, a foot or two either side of both doors, and a pattern of 2 or 4 feet, skip 2 or 3, repeat around whole perimeter.
- Conversation and spa rooms: around the door/floor, and along the carpet wall area with the same 2 or 3 feet, skip, repeat until done.
- Do again in kitchen.
- Again in bedrooms. pulling bed back to do along the head of the bed.
- In bathrooms, same plan, but also put spray along whole wall where the toilet sits because bugs come for water. We want them to be sure and walk with the grim reaper in this area.
- By the way, in the kitchen, do careful spraying an inch or so out from the walls which is generally all under the overhang from your cabinets.
- In our place, the 180 (view) room gets the around the door (outside) and the whole room gets the perimeter done but again, just an inch wide spray.
You ought to get the idea. Now, since we are not big on breathing anything but clear air, open a few windows and go have coffee while folding traps and tracking markets.
Trap Placement
One trap either side (of both inside and outsides) of doors.
For example, four traps are deployed at the bedroom-bath door. Two on the bedroom side (one left, one right) and two in the bathroom side (left and right).
Put one or two behind toilets.
One on each wall. Midpoint works.
Put one or two in your pantry (minimize spraying in pantry, avoiding it unless you are finding bugs in the traps).
Put a couple under the sink and under the dishwasher (depending how easy to get to).
When you get practiced at it, you can do the whole thing in an hour or two. Our “annual service” plan was $600 bucks when I went the DIY route a few years back. For four or five visits a year? Works out to paying yourself $40 an hour to do your own labor, depending on your materials and how much property is involved.
But thought this would be a good time to get you started. Besides, this is also one of those areas that no one talks about when Prepping. I mean, when was the last time anyone talked about rodents, insects, and disease prevention…and are we the only people rotating 3 gallons of Spectracide in our prepping plans?
Light Decorating
This was fun.
If you look over the door into the music studio, there is now an LED/neon light clone sign proclaiming “live music” with an arrow. Nice visual touch.
In case you’re new around here, Elaine and I really love the “vibe” of everything Disney does. But, without the Mouse branding. In other words, building our personal spaces so that they “transport us” as Elaine puts it.
There’s a new class of LED looking like Neon and it really works – very low energy LEDs, too. Bring your own USB charging port for most of them. The migration of USB charger ports has really gone wild.
A Picture for Hank in Hawaii
Ham radio buddy Hank – KH6-something or other sent me seeds. Remember these? Well, that Chinese diesel heater in the lean-to greenhouse kept the Hawaiian Peppers going all winter and they are already setting more of the baby red peppers that are hotter than the hubs of hell.
I’m ready, though. Making up “fire water” by dropping peppers well-reddened into a bath of Everclear with a splash of white vinegar.
Solar Power Notes
Even with 3-4 kWrs a day net, we still have a $130-month power bill. Because we pay 11-cents and then net meter us back at half that rate. Which is why, for the unwary, solar is a screw-job.
But setting that (and the bi EVs will save the planet lies) aside, I thought you might get a kick out of or daily power use around here. Take a look. (Red is our sell-back off solar…)
More than anything, I wanted to see what the power costs were like for running the oven hot enough, long enough to get the 1/4-inch thick pizza steel good and hot. Looks to me like cooking a pizza runs about 50-60 cents worth of power. That bump around 8 PM last night was the heat pump coming on to cool the house off from the hot oven…
All in, it may be cheaper to do pizza on a propane fired [whatever] but the Bidenocracy seems to be down on gas cooking. Let ’em starve, we’re going to keep on doing what has the lightest footprint and doesn’t come with nuclear plants (which are obvious terrorism targets) along with cheaping out on road taxes the ICE and Hybrid owners pay… don’t get me started.
Useful Home Handybastard Notes
Ran into an absolutely delightful website which has rebuilding manuals for the same cross-section of older Hallicrafters ham radio gear that I’m focused on in my collection. Fellow named Walt put the site together here. While I have several of the radios he covers (still looking for the SR-2000 found in a barn for $30, lol) I wish he’d do similar manuals for (listening Walt?) the SX-101 receiver, the HT32 transmitter, and the HT-33 Amp. When you’re 75, doing the research Walt’s done becomes absolutely invaluable. (Thank you!)
Dr. John, another ham radio buddy who’s kicked back from the world of high end pain doctoring and is slowly working into walnut grower while trying to decide if he will keep doctoring forever.
What he has done is picked up one of those HP SB1200 DPS30 server power supplies and he’ll be (hopefully) sending us more build notes. I picked up another, too.
Come to find out (never thought about it before, being an Ancient Tube Guy) that the small 1/8th watt resistors have much thinner leads than the Big 5-and-10-watt resistors. No, don’t know how I didn’t run into that before – just don’t waste my time on small stuff. Now, though, armed with a better holder for my LED microscope, I can make another pass at converting one of these P/S units, too.
While rolling through emails this week, noticed that Titebond has a new PVA glue coming out. Not on Amazon when I looked, but it’s called “Super Set” and seems to have a gray label on it. I’ll let you know when it shows up locally.
Who Reads Manuals? God, this was another embarrassing moment. Spent five minutes trying to figure out how to load more staples into my fancy electric shop stapler. “OH, you pull it back and just drop them in?”
Guess that would explain why I couldn’t get them in from the pulled out rod area, huh?
Damn, I hate having to resort to manuals. (Confession of weakness…)
But like I said, when you get out of the longer end of the branch of Life, you don’t want to waste time which didn’t matter as much when I was younger.
Funny how that works…
Off to another day of shop adventures. More one of these first days…
Oh – write when you get rich, ac7x my wife Kathy said back in the Bagdad Days, “The War Show is on the TeeVee!”
VERY exciting….
I suspect 99% of the population have the exact same attitude until it comes to their doorstep. It is only a show when you watch from a distance. It is pure hell when you are in the middle of it.
Voices asked why I worry.. because it directly and indirectly has an effect on my families and my life..
unless your able to see it or its part of your life experiences in your black book of internal knowledge you don’t know and don’t have a clue.. the message on the t shirt ..everyone you meet is going through a set of life challenges you know nothing about.
To LOOTB & others: I’m abt. 20 YRS. older than GU ;-). I experienced WW2 where it counted. If I had worried I’d be dead long ago. Right know I’m in good health w/o any medicine of note. It can change in a split second w/o my help.
Your only enemy is in your mind, that’s my message. Worrying is your BIGGEST enemy, in my humble opinion!! That’s all I wanted to say and that is my
“nom de plume:” CHOICES.
The Zombie Apocalypse is coming to get you,, be very afraid…
I agree with that choices.. and having known people that voted for and supported Hitler to power that after he got into office was forced to escape and hide in culverts as they struggled to get to safety.. I do see the delima we are presently in..
Agencies sworn to protect us now being weaponized against the very people they swore to protect.. forcing laborers to pay for wars in evil regimes and taking us to the brink of destruction both economically or through a war..
How does one survive that.. How does an african american authority complain about past history of slavery then support and defend the very same thing that is happening now.. is beyond my comprehension. is modern slavery and child trafficking different than when conquering tribes sold those they didn’t see as fit to keep into slavery in the past.. what is the difference.. it all scares me to death.. I have been though some tough times.. seeing what I see coming is terrifying.. and what baffles me is .. it seems to be oblivious to the vast majority of those that it will affect the most.
(“The Zombie Apocalypse is coming to get you,, be very afraid…”)
Silly one.. who gives two cents over Zombies that don’t exist when There’s way more to be concerned about with the Morons we have in DC running the country….
I know and agree… Her crack was a satire, and I propagate it in that wise.
wrr, Glad somebody has enough intelligence to get the joke!
loob, you are constantly posting about your own irrational fears, ‘it all scares me to death’, you have created your own ‘monsters’ lol!
‘Sub clinical paranoia and Conspiracy Mentality’, ‘perceived Status threat’: (some White people are scared of becoming a minority)
Then there’s the non-creepy (flying) critters. I’ve seen termites swarming from rotten tree stumps out in the woods, so they’ll be looking for new homes.
I need a new bug zapper. Mine fizzled couple years ago, it was at least 30 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bug zapper, more formally called an electrical discharge insect control system, electric insect killer or (insect) electrocutor trap, is a device that attracts and kills flying insects that are attracted by light. A light source attracts insects to an electrical grid, where they are electrocuted by touching two wires with a high voltage between them. The name comes from the characteristic onomatopoeic “zap” sound produced when an insect is electrocuted.
I make the best bug trap .. hardest part is drinking the pop.. two 2? liter bottles. cut the top off of one the bottom off the other. it’s a variation of an ova trap.. but works a thousand percent better. take the top put silicone around the bottom of the funnel insert it in to the bottle you cut toe bottom off give it a quarter turn twist to spread the silicone out.
take the top of a milk jug off and put a two inch net pot on the side of the bottle. glue the milk jug top over it. this is the bait holder.. in the top drill a hole so the bulb of a 1 dollar solar path light can fit in it glue that to the top. drill a small hole in the neck of the bottle to put a wire through to form a hanging hoop. spray paint it black. I put a strip of tape to see how fill it is.
your ready. unscrew the top fill it to the top of the lid with beer. then place an octinol bait in the net pot. hang it about twenty feet from where you first you might have to empty it every day..take the top off pour out the bugs..after a week or two no bugs..
my grandsons won science fairs with that one .it’s the composite of the military hanging trap and the regular ova trap
I’d tell you how to make the attractant ..but you might get slapped or someone thinking your a smart ass…it’s a hormone trap..that’s why the contestants on naked and afraid get so bit up..the hormones attract the bugs by the billions.. then camping in a jungle or swamp..phew hell shows its fury there.. poor guys..I have told a few how to make it .. I haven’t seen one do it yet..
the same thing that attracts men to women and women to men..hormones .
From my son: “If you have to read the manual, it’s a bad design.”
That I believe is why every instruction manual is written in fifteen different languages before English and pictures.. American men were born to understand instantly how it works. the English version is for the women the pictures are there just in case the American male forgot a
Bugs, let us speak on the amazing ability of crushed red pepper flakes. Sprinkle them around the perimeter of your buildings once or twice a year. Bugs hate the stuff, and the smell chases off raccoons. Know it for a fact!
I use this for scorpions:
I have a dedicated sprayer to dispense with. Wear rubber gloves and P100 respiratory protection. This isn’t something you spray all over the inside of Ure home. I use it around the foundation, in the wall at pipe penetrations, and around the water heater. There is a competing product that claims 6 months residence that I have never tried.
This kills just about everything. I try to keep it away from my decorative seasonal banana spiders, who come down out of the pecan trees to visit midsummer.
Would be effective on giant scorpions?
I use to have a small bottle of real bug killer.. but like the small bottle of agent orange.. the wife made me get rid of them years ago.. LOL…
after I almost killed the apple tree.. it was forbidden get rid of that crap.. the ddt was wonderful.. a cotton ball with a couple of drops of ddt on it.. and you could see bugs dropping all across the house.. great stuff.. use to get it in dairy barn spray.. one squirt.. its over bugs gone..
the altered ova trap is the best.. works good and no hazardous poisons.. in the hanging military trap.. they used dry ice.. i put a little beer or sugar water.. wild yeast will start the fermentation.. to get co2
My yard usually has two in it.. one on one end one on the other.. in years past I had people bringing me two liter bottles to make them for them..
RE: DDT, Chlordane, and Lindane. They were made illegal (in the U.S. — You can still buy them overseas) not because the poisons were hazardous, but because they were persistent — and misused. A proper dosing of Ortho-Klor 74 (1/8tsp in 1gal of water, IIRC) will kill any bug or small rodent that crosses it, for at least 10 years. That is absolutely awesome! ‘Problem is, people moved the sprayer from handheld spray tanks, and spraying their foundations to prevent termites, to field-flooding with crop dusters and it began to leach into the ecosystem in vast amounts. DDT and lindane didn’t persist as long, but were still a leach concern.
You can’t fix stupid, so the gummint decided to legislate away the opportunity for people to be stupid with persistent insecticides.
Chlordane is the best insecticide — by far — against termites; DDT is the best — by far — against mosquitoes and bedbugs.
It seems that roaches are crazy for Meow Mix! Found that out by accident feeding the cat. So I started rigging some roach traps using empty peanut butter jars and a bait of Meow Mix. All you do is wash out the jar put a one inch hole in the lid and load it with 20 or so bits of the mix. The bigger the jar the better it works. Place jar where the critters are seen the most. Wait till the next morning then unload the jar into the toilet. You need to be fast on that part as the critters will try to avoid burial at sea!
I went this route as my better half cannot withstand the bug sprays. She is already fragile and I do not want to accelerate her check out time!!
So far this has worked very well. The only drawback is that you have to change out uneaten mix after a day or so as the odor diminishes. That odor draws the bugs to their doom. Surprisingly few of them figure out how to get out of the jar. Aw Too Bad.
roaches.. in the lab we would watch them as they would come out to get a drink of …formaldehyde … or acid.. dam things.. since I worked grocery.. I will not get a paper sack if they insist.. then I get rid of the bag as soon as I get home.. boxes and paper sacks the eggs are laid in the folds.. boxes.. same thing.. unfold the box and take it to the trash..
???? Does mixing diatomaceous earth with water work?
I have always used it as a bug dust..
Go along the baseboards.. then wipe up the residual..
I use food grade diatomaceous earth.. the difference isn’t much.. its kind of like getting regular flour and 00 sifted flour
just avoid pool grade diatomaceous earth, it is bad for humans, I used food grade mixed with baking soda and Borax and some peppermint oil as tooth powder
2 parts b, soda 1 part dia earth and 1 part borax, add flavor oil to suit taste, in a glass jar and shake it all up
This beats diatomaceous earth, only works if your bug crawls through it, won’t work for flying insects:
also available on amazon:
Well now that I am stepping back from taking multiple trips to doctors for those living in our spare room.. the summer projects are getting on the road.. first the lamp building is going to go full steam ahead.. we already made the emergency bright betties.. a simple wick lamp is next.. along with the new neighbor kids..
then I will have them each make a solar cooker.. DAT is a good one I like.. easy to make using cerial boxes.. I have a patern set up.. just got to get the reflective film to go over the cardboard…
the pattern is in this what is missing is the connection tabs.. of course you could use duct tape LOL.. but making each independent makes it so that it can be folded and carried..
then I will show them how to freeze water using the suns heat this time I won’t build a big roll around cooler.. I have a smaller coleman cooler that I filled with foam in the walls.. funny the only one that does that now days is the Yeti coolers.. the other use a void as the insulator.. .. and the mantle lanterns.. desk lamps will be finished.. nothing to them.. just to do it.. I got the stuff for it.. just have to set it up..
the daughter wants some pepermint oil to put out as a spray for the mice.. mice hate pepermint.. so you make a spray using perpmint oil and hot peppers and they will just ignore those areas.. so I got out the separation funnel to make the essential oils..
Hi, George,
You listed some great ideas about varmint capturing and such. There is Neem oil for bugs, also. A friend told me about having a large bowl of sudsy water with a lamp underneath to capture moths. I use those sticky tent traps for bugs all year, placing them near doors and in corners. Amazon sells them: Monitor trapper and insect glue traps by Bell Labs.
they are good for getting snakes to.. my mini me.. wanted me to make a snake trap.. so I got some shipping tubes.. floded.. and coated one side with the sticky trap glue.. then we assemble the shipping tube.. he freaked when the snake got caught in the sticky trap.. he wanted to save them not destroy them.. made him cry.. so I quit making the snake traps..
One more thing, George. An older relative used to sprinkle tobacco on his outdoor plants to keep the bugs away. He has success with that idea.
We actually save cigarette butts…. then soak them.. and use the spray.. that is whey most of the GMO plants are fused with the tobacco plant.. the sap in the plant kills the bugs..
could that make people addicted to tomatoes.. oh well I love them no matter what..
Unfortunately, the nicotinamide also kills bees. Beekeepers have gotten wise, and will not place hives where nicotinamide has been used or contained in plants. So…. bugs, or pollinate. Your choice.
solar isn’t worth it until it is…
2 powerhouses and 4 lithium pods on sale now…woohoo!
the older kids and I made this one as one of the units..
worked really good.. we made a lot of dishes in that one when they were little..
the DAT is a great one..
We did exactly what is in this youtube video using Dish Network Dishes.. they worked extremely good.. we used window film though rather than mirrors..
canadian prepper I believe sells them..–mZUc61V
Dan over at greenpower science makes all kinds can show you how to do it.. even sells the reflective material.. ( this is where i get mine)
I want to make a solar grill.. using the solar oven idea a trapazoid and a fresnel lens but the wife is concerned over how much space it will take and she is against it.. so I haven’t done it..
pattern and the construction of a DATS and a video showing one.. easy to build.. takes a day.. takes longer to put the reflective film on.. and the kids love making them.. great home project..
Iran claimed that it attacked Israel from Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq, as well as from Iran itself. And that their attack was over.
– The Middle East and the world in general is now waiting for Israel’s response.
– Does Israel step-it-up and goes full-out war? Or, a few strategic strikes, talk tough and call it even?
– “Stay Frosty !”
The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 229
Israel will not be alone in its decision to attack Iran. “The Princes of Jerusalem” will agree with the agenda set by those Princes and Lords who control the Western alliance, those countries who have sworn allegiance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Empire of Aquilon.
great glue..
my grandson knows gave me a sample of spray super glue.. you won’t get the two pieces apart..great stuff..
ya see ya…. i dont know if we are talking about being wire tapped or contact professionals called mechanics and cleaners or actual around the ranch bug repelant. could be all three, in on3.
hahaha. that is real writers write. that is how i write.
a whole cascade of thoughts and feelings passed through me, opening many doors of perception.
speaking of point of view. after spending a year on The Mountain and seeing things from that vantage point. all four seasons and now seeing (a differnt mountain but similar) from my current position its absolutely breathtaking.
having a reputation of being a smooth operator being in the buisness of mining of for year.
phosphate the main ingrediant in bug and weed killer, the bad bugs dont seem to bother me. nor the weeds. make sense if ya think about it. its the alchemy symbol of spirit and light.
the bees and butterflys still love me. the little humming birds sure do love me. have one on my knee right now.
i saw Joe Biden say, “You won. take the win! i dont think he knows who he was talking too.
so, i took it personally.
thanks Joe. its about time.
good catching up. life is good. unbelievably good. when THE DUDE makes moves, Boy howdy does make moves.
My solution to cockroaches is to do nothing. Years ago I was told that every spring you will see for about two weeks millipedes in your house. I was told to leave them alone. They eat cockroach eggs and stop the life cycle. Then the roaches go away and deprived of a food source the millipedes go away. It seems to work.
Other than that keep a clean home. Don’t eat food all over the house. Clean spilled food and drink and that’s it.
Diatomaceous earth will kill them to.. it coats their exoskeleton they dry up and die..
okay, cool. sounds good.
well, im off to play doctor, doolittle.
cherry blossoms with lime green hearts.
re: bug season
feat: underground chorus
I was googling 13 year plagues and The University of Connecticut’s “Periodical Cicada InformationPages” came up.
Apparently we are fortunate to shortly be witnessing a unique cicada chorus in 2024 not heard since 1803. Brood XIX and brood XIII will co-emerge! The academics assure us that all will work out okay though.
Yesterday’s White House photo of the National Security Council meeting in the Situation Room is perhaps worth comparison to its twin image setting of May 2, 2011 as President Obama contemplated raiding the Bin Laden cockroach nest in Pakistan. Pens and paper for note taking remain in use but the desktop phones have disappeared.
Mr. Biden was the one speaking in the 2011 image whereas CIA Director Mr. Burns was addressing the group yesterday. Mr. Blinken held the chair to the President’s right as Mr. Biden had done 13 years ago.
One wonders if VP Harris will rue not having flown back to Washington for the weekend. Instead the public reporting pool transcript notes that she and the Second Gentleman closed out the week Friday at the Beverly Hills abode of comedian Mr. Seth MacFarlane. Apparently he and his 30 or so guests chipped in about $1.5 million towards the Biden reelection campaign. Mr. Macfarlane’s late grandfather Arthur Sager once on staff at the historic Dummer Academy authored “Speak Your Way to Success” in 1968. It’s preface sagely suggested the tome would be of interest to those “who aspire to leadership”.
re: “The Sport of Kings”
feat: polo
Apparently the regal team sport of polo originated in Iran as royal guard training sometime around 600bc in supplementation to feasting, hunting, and war. Therefore it seems only natural that Miami’s Grand Champions Polo Club was graced over the weekend by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attending the Royal Salute Polo Challenge. Having experienced difficulties on the field Friday in stilettos, the Duchess appeared Saturday shod with inexpensive-to-royalty $750 French designer flip-flops accompanied by one of Argentina’s richest women. The latter’s spouse has been a brilliant friend to the Duke for going on nearly 20 years and the couple of course attended the Sussex nuptials at Windsor.
Those not keen on the $1,600 ticket price to have witnessed the polo joust live will be relieved to know that a Netflix film crew was onhand to record the spectacle for posterity. It is understood that the royal couple wish to impart the “genteel nature of polo” to a wider audience in the Niewe Worlde.
re: forming
feat: rough impressions
Tomorrow, April 15th, container vessel Dali’s twin ship Cezanne enroute from Baltimore is scheduled to arrive in port at Colombo, Sri Lanka enroute to Malaysia, Singapore and China. On that date in 1874, the first ever exhibition of 30 impressionist artists including two works by Cezanne opened on the site of a former convent in Paris next door to the start of the 1848 Revolution that ended the First French Republic. The art show was derisively covered in a sarcastic journal of the day Le Chivari (rough music?). Cezanne’s first work in the show was House of the Hanged Man followed by Modern Olympia. Musée d’Orsay has just opened a 150th anniversary retrospective. By coinkydoink the three White Star Line Olympic-class ships launched a century ago were Olympic, Titanic, and Britannic.
Full steam ahead!
Bug Heaven is year round here in the tropics. My greatest tool is BIFEN. It is the active ingredient in Ortho’s ‘Home Defense’ and is approved in Hawaii for ground termite treatment. Mixed up properly and sprayed around the foundations of the house, it leaves a film that kills bugs that walk across it. Repeat treatments 2 to 4 times a year… when I don’t see dead cockroaches on the foundation slab any more.
The BIG cockroaches live in the sewers and somehow manage to push up the drain screens in the kitchen sink. Strong buggers. I go ‘hunting’ after dark in the kitchen sink and counters with a small flashlight and squirt bottle full of 50% Dawn detergent and water. Shoot the roach directly. The soap clogs their oxygen absorption and suffocates them in real short order. They will run, they will struggle, and when they use up all of their internal energy they will die in seconds. And for cleanup all you have is dish soap residue to wipe up. For those persistent ‘hiding’ roaches in the cupboards, I use Hoy-Hoy brand sticky traps… ‘Roach Motels’. That brand seems to have the best, smelly food attractant.
The invading night cats seem to keep the rats under control, but sometimes one takes up residence in the laundry or shed. Victor rat traps with a nut and peanut butter take out the stray rat there.
And I smiled at the image of your Hawaiian pepper bush. Papa has passed away, and so has his pepper tree in his back yard, so care for those descendants well. Like you see… they grow year round here in the tropical climate. Careful not to ignite that ever clear! :-)
“When all else fails, read the manual!”
SHTF is a business model where no one profits. I read Stu’s comments from yesterday on his site; I need to go top off the gas tank. Not much else to be done for the moment.
I hear ya.. I top mine off daily.. the price will start going up again.. they just about finished using the strategic reserves to keep prices low.. now we are at the bottom and from what I read there isn’t any plans in the near future to refill it..
i will look for that Book ray. at the moment, i am adjusting to the new scene. quite a different setting than where i was i assure you.
its important to give myself permission to just take it all in. and you know, like i saw when i was driving ore train #11. i noticed i was working inside a living dynamic expression of The Chariot of God. with Eagles nest north, lions den to the east, a herd of cattle to the west (face of an ox) and a man at the stacker (face of a man) south. 11 being one by one. the throne which has two seats in the middle of the merkabah Named Appropriatly Charity and Justice.
moving spirit and light in a continouse motion along a path shaped exactly the infinity symbol.
i am now in a wide new living dynamic expression. most of which i will keep to myself. because this all an ongoing dialog with Creation and its Creator, whome i call THE DUDE.
a myriad of cascading justiposed symbols, and archtypes in living dynamic expression, dancing all around me in vibrant colors and hues.
similar in nature as the cheriot of God, i worked within on The Mountain.
i got out my old chess set, i bought in Athens many years ago, while in the navy. its beautiful set. hand carved wooden peices. hand carved board.
when i dumped the pieces out and they scattered all over the table. all laying face down. except One Piece. ~ The White Queen~ stood alone in the center of my (given to me) 8 piece Solid Oak Dining room table. probably a $10,000 table. not sure why i need an 8 piece oak dinning room table. but i have one. i didnt seak it out, it was just given to me.
as i sit here at the head of the table facing 102 degrees east, and look at the White Queen infront of me, standing alone while all the other pieces lay face down before me… i understand what it represents. to me. for me. doesnt matter what anyone else thinks or what it means to them. All of creation around me, is speaking a very deeply spiritual, emotional and affectionatly love language, Heart to Heart, with me.
new expressions and new experiances.
i am currently reading the dynamic living book around me. its facinating, i assure you. its best book i have ever read.
the language sings, plays, loves, cherishes, laughs, dances. its a living word, and so remarkably beautiful, and captivating.
most people never get a glipse of, “As it in Heaven so it is on earth. ”
just sitting here typing this i had several revelations of flowing archtypes around me.
i will keep your book in mind tho. thanks for the recomendation.
i assure you when the symbol of the White Queen makes presence know to you on a personal level, it only a matter of time for the living expression enters through the door of your life.
i decided to put the other pieces back in the box. and put the box away. i placed her alonr in the center of the chess board, in the center of the tabel, so i can full conceptualize what she represents to me. and who she is in living dynamic exprrssion.
i know a few things. she is most powerful piece on the chess board. she moves with ease any direction she chooses. she is ultimate protection for the King and is guided by and the hand that is not on the table.
and she most certainly has my attention atm.
everything else i see, i will keep to myself.
i saw israel didnt attack back. same as was written in 1995, left behind series. if hard drives were books, it seems two of the hard drives are synced.
if memory serves according to the book, a desert becomes a garden next and the christian rapture follows suit.
well, its been reall good catching up and all, but sitting here on the gondela of my new place, enjoying all that is, seems better than, being cool in the comment section.
as they say down under,
George, you met your White Queen at the Yaght club.
perhaps you seen the same symbol prior.
maybe something similar for m3. been a while since i have been down to the yaght club.
Diana was reading todays post over my shoulder and spotted “cockroaches” being mentioned. She is terrified of them. We need some of those sticky things so you can catch the roaches and take them out of the house. I haven’t seen any roaches, have you? Not yet but…… OK after church. Pit stop at the Ranch. Diana comes out in her tight jeans and a purplish tank top with her hair all fluffy (Damn!) and we are off to Wally World in town 50 miles away. She finds the traps and loads the cart with almost all of them then we need to make a stop down “aisle 12”. I don’t go down that aisle, ever. Ewww. While standing patiently waiting at the end of the aisle an attractive young long haired brunette, wearing tight jeans, and a purpleish tank top squeezes between me and the shelves. Excuse me cowboy she said. I guess I was sort of staring when Diana came up behind me and socks me in the arm. You’re being creepy. People are looking at you. Wait, what? You don’t see it. That’s you. She took another look and the young lady came towards us. The two looked at each other. She said hi as she walked by. Diana said her top is Amethyst and the other girl’s is purple. I said she has a nice rack like you too though. She slugged me again and took off with the cart with a little extra swing.
Stay safe. 73
Another fine example of ‘female colors’ versus ‘men’s colors’. Men describe colors in simple terms… “Purple”.
Females have “amethyst” or “periwinkle” or… whatever.
A lot of local Hawaiians that love local food have a pepper bush in the yard to pick from as needed. Every single adult I have talked to were introduced to Hawaii peppers as a child in the following way: Playing in the yard, the young ones were attracted by the bright red ‘berries’ on the bush. When they asked the older kids “what are these?” the older kids ALWAYS told the youngsters those are ‘candy berries’… try one. (This is a local, inter-generational conspiracy I’m convinced) Whereupon the young one chews up a pepper and runs screaming and crying into the house. Maybe just the older kids method of getting rid of the brats for a day.
Everybody did it!
But did they hook ’em a second time by telling them that the green peppers are cool, not hot ?
“Diana…come slug him.”
After reading the news today –
I started something in Vietnam that became a small tradition – whether it was for a recon, joint-ambush or rescue, when my fellow Rangers loaded into the gunship I was always the last one on [ first out and last on] I always sat on the deck with one foot jammed into the skid.., just as the gunship lifted, blades popping and nearing red line from being overloaded, I would yell-out for everyone to hear.., they would all answer-back, including the scouts and sometimes even the pilot…, I think the time is appropriate to repeat that ‘call-out’ here.
– “Lock and Load ! “
I notice California Tourism has a couple new TV commercials – trying to entice people to visit…
AND History’s newest miniseries, starting next month:
“How Disney Built America”
I shit you not…
(And YES, Disney owns a majority stake in The History Channel.)
Go woke, go broke…