Charts in Your Head

There is an interesting story to being able to “see the numbers in your head.” Not as individual data bits, but rather in a proper context.  This simple visualization tool just “comes natural” to some people; for others it’s more difficult.

The way to improve your skill to mentally process numbers gets a short overview in this morning’s report.

After we sort through the week’s news and peer ahead into the murk of next week.

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58 thoughts on “Charts in Your Head”

    • Shear coinky dink. There is no fifth column operating here. when will they officially delcare?

      • Bad thing themes come in threes, and while the initial cluster of incidents involves coincidence and happenstance, there is typically laxity in the operating environment which sets up the problem. That may be regulatory in nature, cultural, or Ure own haphazard behaviors. You can put a political, religious ,or superstition paranoia spin or matrixing delusion spin on it, or you can look for the underlying causative issues.
        In the case of waterway transport operators, it probably takes about three major incidents for the ax to fall, and the crackdown by regulators to stifle the scofflaws, and offshore pretenders. Then the bridges are safe once again. Chances are good that there were a lot of other incidents that weren’t as photogenic, had lower body counts, and didn’t go YouTube viral.
        I had a fairly vivid dream in the early morning hours. I was in some sort of an officious facility trying to do bid paperwork on abandoned or surplus property, and for some reason I had taken off my shoes. I couldn’t find my shoes, because there were empty pairs scattered everywhere, which was very puzzling. My escort wouldn’t let me leave until I had everything figured out and processed. After I woke up, I understood, empty shoes = hats on the ground. Just f’n creepy.

    • P Bob:

      Glad numbers 2 and 3 were near misses. Sadly it, and other potentials, expose how “soft” we are. Maybe we should figure out how many un-desire-ables are “in country” and focus on them fellers, hey? Just a thought.

      Yo’r Ure-ness:

      It’s my belief any rational gambler should ponder: technical set-up / fun-damentals / investor psychology. Without at least considering all 3 legs of the stool you are missing something. IMO. People think in 3s. Mkts. move on them, and waves.

      ATL: spring she’s a comin’ and with aplomb. Half the pier in, more to follow (when helper bees have time to don rubber pants and do the grunt work). I’m administrative, as always, and hand out the dosh.

      Have a fine weekend alles,

      • “ focus on them fellers, hey?”

        I completely agree. There have been other barge incidents, one near me on the Ohio …

        Folks blaming the recent flooding but I’m not buyin’ it. We’ve had much bigger floods along the Ohio River without any mishaps at all.

        I think it has a lot to do with them fellers. Too much, in too short of a time makes this, as with the train derailments, highly suspect.

        When they get tired of playing with boats, I wonder what’s next.

        • “Folks blaming the recent flooding but I’m not buyin’ it.”

          Ditto. One barge is an accident, three is carelessness. More than three is a “test run.”

      • Regading “soft”, I’d remind us all that the original Deagel report had a comment at the end regarding the fact that we’re a soft target – as in “non-resilient”. We’ve been operating as a country to be expedient with our entire supply chain liable for single point failures. For 30K or less extra they could have had tugs escort the Dali under the bridge and on its way. Instead, we’re on the hook for several billion in direct costs and untold numbers in lost economic activity in the port. With a little more attention, the hot box that caused the derailment in Palestine, Ohio could likely have been handled properly, and if they were more careful with the vinyl chloride, they could have prevented the fire and much of the toxic release. I have no idea how 26 barges got loose unless they were just hooked end to end with a total load on the first line! I’ve also got no idea how they’ll retrieve them from below the falls. Shortcuts work most of the time,but when they fail it’s really bad!

  1. Retail sales. We were told personal income increased $66.5 billion / 0.3% in February.

    Yesterday @ $WMT I noticed a pallet of vacuum cleaners that was there before Christmas still has about 40% of the inventory on top. No sale sign but no price increase. A pallet of TCL screens was full.

    I pointed out $1.25 store candy weight has been reduced by about 15% but prices remain the same. A small head lettuce non-organic is $1.99 on sale.

    If we’re guessing, retail sales minus foodies should be down.

    • Oow Steve:

      There were some incongruities, some wobble, in various data this week in our wake. Ex: CPI hot but PPI less hot though hot YOY. The convention has been PPI hands off hot to CPI. Hmm. Lower rates (and possible deflation) inbound due to diminished demand? The next recession is coming. It’s a matter of when.

      We wonders Precious,


    Sean Hannity says it like it is.. Now I do think that education should be promoted.. not sure how they should do it.. around the wastelands the teachers bitch and moan because in NYC or Chicago or some other big cities.. pay is higher.. but so are the other expenses..
    the average wage earner makes between twelve dollars an hour without medical insurance or other benefits to sixteen dollars an hour.. so to increase the wages that are now at forty grand to a half million.. comes from home taxes.. my taxes doubled.. I pay as much as a home owner in Texas does a year a month.. with an income of seventeen grand a year.. where do you get the funds.. the wage earner that is paying a couple grand a month for health benefits.. not counting the deductibles.. and day care of roughly three hundred a week per child and up.. they don’t make the kind of money.. as the country dumps more money into policing the planet rather than the country.. into opening the borders and supporting the illegals financially.. we have a deficit that is soaring and is at this point I believe beyond recovery.. so what do they do..
    do they collapse the currency in bankruptcy and start fresh.. what services do they impliment.. do away with the social Greece did.. leaving a third of the country .. collapse the military..
    all huge questions.. the only way this can continue is to see inflation soaring .. each month is should increase incrementaly .. like a bad loan.. a woman that was set took out a one thousand dollar auto loan.. payday loan.. the payments were high but she could deal with it.. but she kept gambling.. and the pay kept going higher incrementally.. pretty soon she couldn’t make the payments on the interest.. she kited it.. that is what the country is doing.. Kiting the deficit and trying to print our way out of this mess while still keeping up the money flow everywhere but where it is needed..
    to satisfy a few at the very top and cover over the corruption that is ongoing…
    you either quit spending.. and live within your means take care of self first.. or you go down the road.. NOW .. the few at the very top that are benefitting from our spendathon could easiliy take care of our deficit right now.. but they can’t do it and keep up the thrust that they want to see the kid working at burger world paying for.. We would have to restructure industry..
    someone brought up yesterday.. that china would be hurting if we quit buying.. on the other hand we would be hurting if they quit making what we need to.. a tit for tat..
    its a two way street.. we either suffer with the glover piven strategy that seems to be what the present administration and his open borders policy is dealing.. or we go down the zimbabwe highway.. or there is a poison pawn military trap being set.. either of them would be disastrous for the future of the USA in my opinion..

    • “that is what the country is doing..”

      ….the country is people!! Long story short,
      everyone wants more than they can afford.
      Btw. Who hired you to worry that much ?

      • I do get your point..if we didn’t worry an administration wouldn’t be spending billions to destroy an ex president. we wouldn’t p be spending hundreds of billions in wars supporting the genocide of a whole tribe of people just because we don’t believe that the leaders of that country being capable of dealing with a gang of thugs. thats like having another country coming in and destroying california because gangs do damage in the hood. Like everyone…
        I worry when it either directly or indirectly affects me or my family.
        concern over actions of others and self procurement has been the main reason for every war. the USA playing world police force and the inability to manage the countries check book affects my quality of life directly and indirectly. raising the teachers wages and building a multi million dollar structure takes 40 percent of my livable income. so do we survive because morons that don’t give two cents about our life spend like no tomorrow because it will never effect theirs.
        wars you don’t see the instigators sending their loved ones. its your loved ones that are sent as cannon fodder. its your grandchild out playing in a park ..
        right now its a total catastrophic mess. we have an administration that totally appears as supporting drug trafficking, child trafficking ,humans being sold into slavery and agencies weapon used to continue supporting the criminal activities that this country was sworn to reject.
        now maybe Zimbabwean economics won’t affect your quality of life. but it does mine. that’s why I worry about the future.

        • “maybe Zimbabwean economics won’t affect your quality of life. but it does mine. that’s why I worry about the future.”
          Sorry LOOTB, for rattling you to a response. None of what you’ve outlined affected MY quality of life. I’ve always (most of the time!! ;-)) had an enviable QoL except for today when this day was my walking the worst of this year, and I had dreams of dying during the night, (IAW I don’t have to start worrying at this stage of my life).
          Best to you and everyone else, and stop worrying unless it’s your own business, IMHO

  3. And a rudder thing:

    AU/AG you go girl(s)! We be chuffed.

    Really excellent: charts, fundamentals, psychology.

    3:3 makes a winner! Lucky? Nah.


    • the problem isn’t silver and gold.. its who in the hell do you sell it to..Its not a currency that is accepted.. who buys it.. is a collector and do you think he will buy it at what he sold it for.. so .. for it to have any value.. you have to wait.. just like a savings bond.. you have to hold it for over a year for it to get to the value that it sold to you for..
      Once the dollar tanks.. and it is already fifty percent less than it was worth.. so if you put lets say a million dollars in a box.. it now has a fifty percent purchasing power.. the four dollar two cheesburger meal with soda is now worth three times that much..
      The wifes company owner.. just sold his business.. why.. my guess is he split the budget to see why he wasn’t making any money.. Years ago I told her don’t ever bitch about the wages.. because he isn’t making a dime on that place.. the cost of his staffing is more than what they take in.. without benefits.. one eight hour shift at minimum wage is just about two bills a month.. now double that wage.. with ten employees two Registered nurses.. one facility manager a book keeper environmental costs.. and food.. upkeep.. landscaper gardener.. housekeeping staff.. and eighteen patients..
      Each patient pays basically one eight hour shift minimum wage.. It didn’t hit me until I visited with the fiduciary guy.. he said.. I just don’t understand why the place keeps getting sold .. then told me what the income was for the place.. excuse me.. rethink that.. I would’t tell him.. he didn’t see it because of the flow of cash.. just like when I delivered papers.. the flow made me think I was making money.. it wasn’t until I did the books and did the actual figureing of it.. to realize.. hey I am paying the paper company two cents a day to deliver their paper that they get advertising money LOL… a waste of cash a waste of time..
      My guess.. that will be made into efficiency appartments..cut the staff to one.. and one landscaper.. raise the rent.. that is what they are doing at low income apartments across the street.. the residents now pay full utilities.. they give them garbage service.. and a grand a month..
      All in an area where the average income is between ten dollars and twenty..
      the USA is in that same pickle.. we cannot afford to be going to Israel or to Ukraine or Taiwan or anywhere.. the USA can’t even afford to fix our own infrastructure right now.. we sure and hell can’t afford millions of illegals to be supported.. did you hear Al Sharpton wants another race riot.. In which neighborhood.. probably like all the other ones he has sponsored and pushed in the most vulnerable of neighborhoods.. BUT.. we have JB and company shipping illegals from countries that live by a different set of standards than we do.. that also swore vengeance on the USA.. so we are going to do another race riot another few billion dollars worth of damage.. raping pillaging and plundering destruction of infrastructure in the new Islamic neighborhoods.. that are use to war and violence.. this ought to be good.. talk about a race war.. then to target islamic people in their new neighborhoods.. ought to be interesting.. OR will he march on the neighborhoods that house the people that make the changes.. that didn’t go down well for trump to see people march to the capital.. or will he march on his neighborhood now.. he doesn’t live in an ethnic neighborhood.. he lives where the decision makers live..
      I have often wondered what the people did to him from the neighborhoods he grew up in that he would target the very same neighborhoods he swears to support..

        • Can you follow that money? How much is going to disappear, money is appropriated, but the work seems to never get done. How about a high speed rail in California?

        • Before bidenomics.. the cost was 4 trillion to bring our infrastructure to passing grade.
          rhe money was set aside for it. we used it everywhere but here.. now the estimate to repairing our infrastructure has doubled..
          trying to toss a pebble at a mountain rain to knock the mountain over is similar to raising minimum wage.. raising minimum wage is just a political ploy.
          depending on where the worker is the base rate fluctuates.

        • Wanna cookie.. to hand out one cookie to feed a thousand people won’t be sufficient. that is what the highway fund is.. A small cracker or cookie to repair something ten thousand percent worse.
          they have to repair 1200 feet of road..the cost is right at ten million to replace the road the gas and water and sewer. together the funds from federal grants they are required to increase the water and sewer bill..

        • @c, fact, cnn lies a lot,,,
          russia russia russia, pee pee tape, covid lies, 50 intel officers claim russian disinfo about Hunter’s laptop,,, do I need to go on?
          propaganda for the mentally weak,,,
          FAKE NEWS
          you believe that cnn fact check is reliable,
          is proof of your delusion,,, it is a losing station

          will be sold in the future, maybe $DJT/DWAC will scope it up, on the cheap and turn it into something truthful and useful.
          get back with me in 12 months and we will see, ok
          Digital World Acquisition Corp / DWAC

          yes @ c, definitions are usually narrow, that is why words have meanings,
          better than being shallow and kept in the kiddie pool
          expand your thinking, get your thinking out of the box
          Have you even considered,,, spent some time thinking,,, Trump might be right? well have you, as I have spent some time thinking about what if he is one of them/your side,,,, we would be double fucked if he was,,, well he is not one of your career politicians, as he was already rich before he went to run and is risking his fortune and his children’s to save America. Without Trump we are a doomed nation,,, yet you complain about the life boat.
          have another glass of vino and enjoy the view from the deck,,, of a sinking corrupted government.
          It is not just the usa government, it is all 5 eyes countries and NATO and Mossad controlled Israel. Obama controlled by CIA gave how much money to Iran? Iran supports Hamas,
          Can’t ya see? the hidden hand/deep state controls both sides, gets a war going, makes money from arms sales to both sides and harvest the orphans for human trafficking
          Mossad controls 5 eyes
          Who controls Mossad?
          the pedo Epstein was a Mossad asset that gathered intel and blackmail against our US politicians, like the Chiltons , among others

          Quit blaming countries and look at the leaders,

      • G. A. STEWART: If you have family responsibilities, you must grasp the simple fact that when Iran and Israel start shooting missiles at each other, it is GAME OVER FOR AMERICA and the world.

        Gold has reached historic prices in April of 2024. That answers one question that I asked last year. Is it March to April consecutively, or is it from April 2023 to March 2024 as written, or did Nostradamus write it that way just for the rhyme?

        This is not investment advice; I am just a Nostradamus Commentator juxtaposing what I have written with today’s current events.

        It now seems that Nostradamus meant March 2023 would see the start of the Global Economic Collapse with the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. April of 2024 would then see the default in the gold and silver markets. Presumably, this will happen when gold and silver transmute into unobtainium.
        Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
        Shortly after the default of the great luminaries [gold and silver]
        Which will occur between April and March.
        What loss! But two great debonair ones
        By land and sea bring relief [to] all parts.

    • G.A. STEWART: There are three things on my checklist that I believe we need to see occur prior to a large war. I suspect that there may be some military incidents or military close encounters before that, but these three items on my checklist seem to point to a very large war starting after these Nostradamus’ prophecies have been fulfilled.

      1) The Price of Gold and Silver Explodes.
      2) A War Between Greece and Turkey in the Spring.
      3) A May Earthquake That Destroys Hollywood.

    • not while im on it. where ever i go, is the safest place to be.

      i only leave shortly before distruction.

      and im not leaving here anytime soon.

      i got it made in the shade here. you ever seen those miniture cows? they are hilarious.

      someone asked me where i moved too as i was entering the house. there before me was large wardrobe closet.

      i said i think i moved to narnia.

      i will tell you a very interesting thing that happend recently.

      i was in the car with my daughter, listening to her favorite radio station before we went into see Godzilla X Kong movie. really good movie. its about 2 hours long. it was raining outside and grey out.

      the station was hip hop station. playing the latest hits.

      we went into the show, came out, it was sunny and got in the car to head back to my new place. started the car and the radio station changed from Hip Hops latest Hits to old school Hank and m
      Merl and David Alan Coe country music. like old school country.

      i asked her if she noticed anything. she said yeah. its like we stepped into a different world. like we passed through a door way into a differnt world. very much similar, but somethings were different. like the weather, her seat in the car was in a differernt possition than she had left it. she has 2 tens cash in her purse but when we went into the movies she held out a $20 bill and said i can buy my own popcorn and showed it to me.

      when we got in the theater i watched her put the $20 bill back in her purse. i paid for her popcorn.

      when we got out to the car she went to go pull out her $20 saying take me to the mocha stand and now she had two ten dollar bills. same amount but differnt.

      and the radio station! the radio station changed from Hip Hops latest Hits to old school Hank and m
      Merl and David Alan Coe country music. like old school country.

      and it had been a Hip Hop station for as long as both of us could remember.

      she said how weird. i said ya. hopefully im not married to your mom again. we both laughed.

      all that changed in a little more than 2 hours.

      as we drove away i looked at the movie picture of Godzilla X King Kong and it now had the image of Jesus on it. standing on the mountain in rio with his arms spread. i pointed at it. because we both looked at it before we went in the theater. Jesus wasnt on it before. that had also changed.

      everything is new here. a fresh experiance.

      did we jump time lines? did we jump into a new world. it seems so.

      in my new place there is so many large Oak doors. you can walk through one into the bathroom, walk through another into a differnt bedroom then walk out a differnt door into the kitchen and on to the up stairs balcony.

      there is a thousand differnt doors you can walk through to get to you to the same place. and take a thousand differnt doors to get you back to where ya started.

      isnt that how life is?

      when i walk through the house to go out and smoke i think of it like im traveling through multiple differnt timelines, to a desitnation i desire. each time line offers a different angular view of the same mountain ranges and miles of trees. the sun is in a somewhat other position in each room.

      this place is so big. it takes a while to get used too.

      its truly remarkably beautiful here. never seen anything like it. anywhere.

      and iran and israel can bomb themselves to oblivian. if they feel they must.

      all i have to do is choose a differnt set of doors to walk through and i find beauty waiting for me on the other side.

      every time.

  4. how about double standards on gun laws in NY?
    2 tier justice system at work
    E Jean Carrol style ???
    “Under New York law, unlicensed possession of a firearm is a serious offense, potentially leading to felony charges with penalties that can include up to four years in prison. However, no charges have been filed against Carroll in relation to the unlicensed gun.”
    WHAT, NO CHARGES when they have hard evidence against her ,,, BUT they only have her lies of being raped in her fantasies as evidence against Trump.
    “The chief of Warwick, N.Y. police personally visited Carroll’s home on February 15 to address certain “open issues.” Among these was Carroll’s own admission, made while testifying on January 17, that she kept a “high standard revolver, nine chambers” by her bed without a valid license.”
    now I personally feel that it is a bad law, but the libtards scream that NO ONE is above the law, so ,,, why is she not arrested and charged?

      • voluntary is a question, as she did not surrender it until asked,,, NOT BEFORE
        “Officer John Rader indicated in the report that he “offered to secure the weapon at the police station’s property for safekeeping.” Carroll, accompanied by a member of her security detail, complied with the officer’s request the following day. The gun is to remain in police custody until Carroll can obtain a New York pistol license.”
        If it had been me or you it would NOT have been an offer by the police, it would have been an enforcement,,, she was coddled by the demons to help get Trump,,, can’t ya see it? 2 tier justice
        it they had arrested her, like anybody else would have been, it would have killed their use of her, to get Trump. It would have finished her bull crap story, with zero evidence,, as just her word only is being used to support the attack against Trump.

        SHE BROKE THE LAW , period,,, she was not punished in any way, except for not having it in her possession until she completes the process by the communists in NY

        besides that , it was an ignorant choice for a bed side gun, as it is a .22 cal. That is not mentioned in the article, (Hi Standard 9 shot revolver) so I know it is a 22. I would like at least a 38 double action short barrel for bed side protection
        Thanks @c and have a nice day and please think about it,,, ignore the news media and think for your self, use logic and keep your emotional feelings out of the equation. The News media depends on getting your emotions worked up, like rustlers charging over the hill with guns a blazing, stampeding the herd. FEAR is a GREAT emotion that will either put you in a panic run or freeze in place,,,

        she admitted on TV that she fantasized about rape and she is a fiction writer,,,
        fool me once, shame on you,,,
        fool me twice,,, I am a slow learner!

    • Why would she ever admit to that! She could have mentioned some other weapon that was legal in greater NYS. Now she’s open to a felony gun charge by her own admission alone!

      Some people are not only dishonest, they’re idiots too.

  5. Iran is “re-calibrating” their response to Israel’s bombing run that killed a couple of Iranian officers. Mainly because, I think they took a good hard look at what the Israeli’s response would be if they did attack. They’d be turned into a parking lot. In just four to six hours of “Shock & Awe” – Do they really want to spend decade upon decade rebuilding their country ? I am pretty sure Israel would make damn sure that very little is left untouched.

    • Roughly 300 missiles and rockets., and it appears they didn’t hit a damn thing.
      They risked annihilation over this ?
      This is an “attack” !??
      Seriously ??
      They want to be the victim? Is that what they are going for?

      • This was broadcast too far in advance – I rather think this was a test by the Ruskies on the total defense capabilities of Israel/US in theater of slow, fast, very fast and hypersonic projectiles. So from what I understand – everything was shot down with the exception of 7 hypersonic missiles which weren’t touched and that most of what was shot down was by new laser weaqpons. Now Russia and China know …..

      • Theater show…

        They wanted to satisfy that part of the Muslim world which demanded retribution, without doing anything to broaden Israel’s conflicts.

        I’m guessing this “response” was orchestrated by Mr. Obama.

        I’m also guessing the Iranians are very close to going nuclear, and want nothing to interfere with their development until it bears fruit.

        Israel must retaliate, to save face. If they do so in a modest way, they put the ball in Iran’s court.

        Iran’s next retaliation will be telling.

        Also, the UK and US are in-theatre, like a pair of Jokers in the deck, and our Army and Navy are being led by, well, you know…

        • “I’m guessing this “response” was orchestrated by Mr. Obama.”

          I have received a confirmation that [Soros, using Obama] determined when Iran could fire, where they could aim, and the quantity of their response. The Obama wing of the Soros Party is trying desperately to dissuade Israel from shooting back, or at least controlling what they can target, and when they can fire.

          What I haven’t is permission to identify my source, and I don’t have independent confirmation of this. (As f’ed up as politics and news is, and with advancements in AI’s capabilities, I don’t even trust people who’ve been good to me in the past, unless I can corroborate from a different, and independent source.)

          Even though it makes logistical sense, for now, it’s still a rumor.

          One of the Fox talkers (might’ve been Jesse Watters) said we knew the source and flight path of every projectile, before they were launched – Didn’t catch the whole thing – Maybe it’ll show up on utub tomorrow…?

  6. it’s too hard to read your column with such big ads. I’m thinking it’s too stressful and skipping my daily read. I need more than an inch of readable screen.

    • re: give us an inch
      feat: take a mile


      I was having the same problem. My guess is that it suits the purposes of internet titans like Google if George would stop serving up desktop display output.

      1/ I’m finding that my phone and DuckDuckGo browser get along well displaying “Urbansurvival” pages.

      2/Alternatively you might try changing your screen display in settings from “mobile” to “desktop”.

      I like option 1 better myself.

      • I’ve found Opera to be extraordinarily bloated and slow compared to Brave on a desktop(both Windows and Linux). I’ll stick to Brave until I find something a bit more streamlined that will still display reasonably well.

        • I can’t fault your choice. US displays as cleanly in Brave as it does in Opera.

          It’s just that Opera and Firefox are easier to download when you have a choice-limited and locked-down MSIE, Chrome, or EDGE. Once a person can get one of those two installed, they can get to Brave or DDG (or Vivaldi or Tor) to download them, easily.

  7. looks like the middle east is firing off right now.we’ll see how far it goes now pedo joe.pedo cut his vacation short so you know the shit is hitting the fan.

  8. Gaza death toll hits 33,686 – GulfToday.

    “The health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said on Saturday that at least 33,686 people have been killed in the territory during more than six months of war between Israel and Palestinian militants.”

    “Hamas” is the duly-elected government in Gaza. The “health ministry” in Gaza is part of the propaganda arm of Hamas, and Iran’s Republican Guard.

  9. “The Open Border mess rolls along on the socialist narrative, too. Judge walks out of George Kelly trial, Arizona rancher accused of shooting migrants.”

    At the end of that article:

    “A federal bipartisan immigration reform bill was killed in early February without even making it to a vote on the Senate floor.

    Republicans – led by presidential candidate Donald Trump – argued the bill, which also included foreign aid to nations abroad, did not fit their agenda.”

    No, they argued the bill would legalize the invasion of CONUS through its borders, by allowing 5000 currently-illegal border-crossers, to cross our border legally and unimpeded, every day, forever.

    If that bill becomes law, there will no longer be illegal alien border-jumpers. INS status can be “adjusted” so that everybody who comes in (past, present, future) will be here legally, and eligible for citizenship.

    The commies never give up, never slow down, never take a break, and apparently now, even write for Fox News Local…

  10. “Third Skill that Matters

    This one sort of “fell out” of having massive spreadsheets. It was an ability to “see the data.”

    Unfortunately, I can’t see the data, because your spreadsheet is nonexistent…

  11. Given the “Drudgery Do” headline, I suggest folks look for the body of that dog, rather than becoming enthralled with its tail motions…

  12. set my anchor on the golden shores of Goodwin.
    started writing.
    understanding so much more now.

    thought about the old men and women of urban survival as i sat out on the second story deck, of a 9000 square foot house. watching the baby horses, both phillies and colts. prancing, dancing and play in the pasture before me. as the humming birds zip from blossom to blossom upon the cherry trees.

    i lit up a smoke and took a drink of coffee,
    came on here and saw all the negative nancy comments as relates to 3.


    plural three, is threes.
    to the power of.

    what a beautuful day. in the distance, nothing but trees and mountains as far as the eye can see.

    Three has sure been good to me.

    my mother messaged me and said Iran and Israel and rockets.

    and i laughed and thought. all is well in my world. THE DUDE is with Thee.

    Trees, Threes and Thee
    Eagles up!

    doing very well. very well indeed.

  13. George,
    I enjoy your daily writings very much. Lately though, I have been unable to read them on my iPhone. The Advertisements cover 90% of the page, and I can’t read anything….The site displays nicely on the computer using Chrome, just not on the iPhone. Thanks.

  14. hmmmmm.

    i spose there is a mobius side to all things. even threes.

    i figured out a few things. i am also careful in what i share, esp-cially on some sites. them other writers have a tendancy to take something you said and make it front page news that suits them when it wasnt in any shape or form theirs to take and make a thing out of.

    hello. hello….

    when that happpens we
    the next thing you know a big screw driver some one found on a bike ride becomes a ship full of covid waist hitting a bridge.

    that taught me alot about how to right, when i write. and stay on the fortunate side of three.

    they say,
    one door opens and another door closes. you can always go back if you want too.

    the door is never locked, when you are the master, key.

    staight aces.

  15. final consideration.

    in the original 12 book series Left Behind. authors Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins

    the first book, ‘Left Behind’ first pubished in 1995.

    In the begining of the first book, the stage is set for an Air Attack of hundreds of airplanes and missles by Iran on Israel that is completely destroyed. israel walks away relatively unscathed.

    that is the opening stage setting of the 12 book fictional series, about the 7 year tribulation.

    29 years later, this:

    a truly remarkable coincidence.

    i spose we shall see if the following Daisy-chaining Scuzzi devices synchs. uhem SCSI devices.

    i have read all of the original 12 books. quite the riviting adventure.

    i think i will ride this timeline out until its no longer useful. mindful of Jake Chambers words from The Gunslinger series, Mr. King wrote some time ago,

    “Go then, there is other worlds than these.”

    then its open and close door 1, two times, walk through, open and close door two, thrice, then open door three, walk in open door handle to the left, stop at the threshold for a count of 5, and walk into something new.

    easy peasy.

    its that juice that makes the squeeze worth it.

    scientists be scratching their bald little heads. e uhhhh equils uhhh em uhh C uhh squared.

    writers be writing. its what they do. right on Que.

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