Stee-rike! Data Drops, Real News, Rollover Preps

Four real brain buckets to fill today, maybe five.

#1 Problem: Auto Steee-Rike!~

Workers are on strike at all 3 Detroit auto makers for the first time in their union’s history. This is not the kind of problem you want with one war going, and another (OK, other’s) likely-to-possible. And with a re-election bid in trouble, too.  (Thanks, kid: Will Hunter Biden’s indictment on gun charges affect Joe Biden’s presidential campaign? – The Week)

Another version of labor events: UAW strikes begin as deadline passes with no agreement: Live updates.

BTC was pulling back a bit to the $26,475 area earlier.  Guess with no economy, no crypto?

Data Day

On the Data front, there’s Empire State manufacturing, and some import prices.  The real news is how things are evolving in WESTPAC.  And the Rolling Over of Preps?  We’ll explain as we go.

Empire State and Prices

First data item is the NY Fed manufacturing report. (As goes New York…)

The headline general business conditions index rose twenty- one points to 1.9. New orders and shipments increased. Delivery times
remained steady, and inventories continued to contract. Labor market
indicators pointed to a slight decline in employment levels and the average workweek. The pace of input price increases was similar to last month, while selling price increases picked up.

Next comes the Import/Export Prices report.

IMPORTS: The price index for U.S. imports advanced 0.5 percent in August, the largest monthly increase since May 2022. Despite the August increase, U.S. import prices fell 3.0 percent over the past year.

Fuel Imports: Import fuel prices rose 6.7 percent in August following a 2.2-percent advance in July. The August increase was the largest 1-month advance since March 2022. Higher prices for import petroleum and for natural gas in August contributed to the overall increase in fuel prices. In spite of the recent rises, prices for import fuel declined 19.0 percent over the past 12 months. The price index for import petroleum
advanced 6.5 percent in August, after increasing 1.9 percent the previous month. Import petroleum prices fell 17.6 percent for the year ended in August. Prices for import natural gas rose 19.1 percent in August following a 13.7-percent advance in July. Import natural gas prices declined 51.8 percent over the past year.

Exports: Prices for U.S. exports advanced 1.3 percent in August, after increasing 0.5 percent the previous month. The August rise was the largest 1-month advance since the index increased 2.7 percent in May 2022. Higher nonagricultural prices in August more than offset lower agricultural prices. Despite the advance in August, U.S. export prices declined 5.5 percent over the past year.

Then, just ahead of the market open, the Fed reveals industrial production numbers.

This being an options day, we might expect something of a pullback before the close to afford the commercials with their index options to settle with enough left over for dinner out.

Longer Term?

If you like contrary indicators? Buddy, you have come to the right place.  Starting with our trend-crossing work and this vexing 2 DMA (blue) versus the 13 DMA (red) when considering the S&P 500.  I have sketched in two of the possibilities ahead as dashed horizontal lines.

The top one is the Wild (red?) Bull economic outcome. This is where the market would run up to new highs for Wave 2 – and then, failing to better 2021, we would begin collapse at year’s end, or so.

The second dashed horizontal line is much closer.  That one offers the prospect of a rally – maybe even into next week – but then something hits the fan out west (as in the Pacific) and the collapse comes right after the Fed meeting next week.

There’s a topic of unknowable proportions, right? The CME Group Fed bet is 97% on the notion the Fed will hold and await further developments.

Unorthodox Thinking

We figure that on any particular day, there’s only so much money in the world.  One key to the Future, then, ought to be looking at how far the U.S. is away from the “rest of world consensus.”  Pretty close yesterday and with the European markets up today (early, France was up 1.64% for God knows why) it’s possible we could string-along higher.

Our Aggregate U.S. view still worries that while attempting another “underside kiss of the short-term trend” *(and maybe to the top of the less ascendant long-term trend) things could still fall apart without a company-wide memo:

A move higher today, with softening through the late hours and some real downside action next week – followed by a market wipeout around Monday, September 25th – would not make us fabulously wealthy.  But it would kill a few wolves near the door and be a major victory for crazy-man financial theories.

Only $40 billion to $33 trillion in National Debt?

What (Else) Could Drive?

We won’t try to “cover the waterfront” here, because that might be anything from a major escalation in Europe, to Joe Biden’s health, to war over Taiwan to a 9.3 California earthquake.  You just never know where to stop when asking “how bad could it really get?”

When the solution set is “California in the ocean, PLA in the container port of Kaio Shung, Biden in the hospital, Kamala in the wings, and Russia west of Dnieper? Want me to keep going? Stephen King, we’re confident, could do a hell of a scary book.  News!

Even without the wordsmithing of Mr. and Mrs. King, however, scary headlines if you read them in the dawn’s early light. Taiwan Semiconductor tells suppliers to delay chip equipment deliveries – report.

The semi-independent variable strings include:

  • Why is TSMC battening down the hatches?
  • Why has China been practicing use of conventionally armed ballistic missiles to kill ships?
  • Did Joe Biden kill ANWAR drilling so China can get a “full Saudi’s worth” when they “surprise us” by takin g Alaska and Hawaii after we piss them off for the last time?

This is why I need weekends off. Depressurization or time in a hyperbaric chamber makes little difference.  Vodka? Just off planet for a while, thank you. On the Other Hand:

When an O5 Speaks

…we tend to pay very close attention.  Like this note from military affairs contributor Warhammer who’s the real-deal on analysis at the grownup level.

“The Wall Street Journal is generally a legit, well respected news source.  But I can tell you unequivocally that this article is factually in error.

Hypersonic Missiles Are Game-Changers, and America Doesn’t Have Them – WSJ

I’ve worked in and managed cruise missile and UAV programs since 1985. Since 2018, the USAF has been developing and testing hypersonic air launched cruise missiles at ‘the usual’ locations.  I’ve visited them.  The physics is understood.  It is simply the mission that the USAF and DoD want the missile to perform that is delaying fielding.  U.S. policy currently does not include nukes in hypersonics.  Just conventional warheads, but those do pack a sizable punch.  Add the speed and titanium nose cone to the platform and it’ll pack a hefty wallop.

My advice:  don’t believe everything you read – unless, of course, it is on Ure website.”

(Roger that…)  To be sure, I also happen to know someone who’s working on the physics details (besides Warhammer). One of the (by far) smartest people in the room.   And totally capable of delivering.  Anything.

Where confidence is shaken however is when WH remarks about “ U.S. policy currently does not include nukes in hypersonics.”  WTF  NOT???

Because as we see it, then whoever is in charge of U.S. policy is criminally negligent (in our modest view) for failure to protect America from “all enemies, foreign AND domestic.”  Fools on the hill and Pensy Ave.

To be less gentle, with the Mexico border open, what the hell are we defending Ukraine for?

Lesser Blood Pressure Bumps

Arise from stories like…

Lee’s weekend travel plans:

Normally, the most wind in the far Northeast is Bernie…

You know what a “Positioning Statement” is, right?  The old Yellow Pages  “never stops selling” slogan ought to be handed over to Big Pharma: Covid, RSV, flu vaccines: How to decide whether to get them together (

See how the “War the West is Losing” is being shoved out of your news tracking inputs?  Russia relentlessly bombards Ukrainian ports – Romania with NOTAM closed the EEX with Ukraine: Declares a 30km no-fly zone! A NOTAM is a notice to airmen which means Romania has just closed airspace almost 20-miles in. So put a BIG NATO SURPRISE down for a weekend market-crashing placeholder.  At some point, NATO will be neo-conned in and the real shit storm ramp will begin.

Around the Ranch: Which is Why…

Occasionally there are things we don’t talk about until after the fact.  Because we don’t want to ever be in the position of the Hawaiian-started “toilet paper shortage” meme folks.

On the other hand, we are munching through some 16-year old freeze dried in coming weeks as we cycled up well over half of our prepping inventory.  Toss in a few shipments from Natchez and Cheaper and we’ll be as ready-as-possible for wherever this ends up. Day/night solar surveillance network is running fine.

Debating another drone, too.

Remember when prepping was a couple of cases of canned food?

Just remember, bottles of good quality multi-vitamins and some 20-pound sacks of rice to extend any fancy-schmantzy freeze-dried items.  33-thousand calories in a 20-pound bag of rice.  Almost the same as in 20 pounds of flour. 35 thousand calories in 20 pounds of raw oats.  (Mr. Ed was smart on this diet stuff. Today of course  it’d be spelled Mr. E.D. of Low T.) Odd how we still believe in progress, ain’t it?

With all the carbs, we’re also updating the Augason Farms Butter Powder 2 lbs 4 oz No. 10 Cans. Just under $18 bucks a can at Amazon – 58% off which struck us as a good way to spend money.  Can’t eat paper, but if you’re worries about future include not being able to get adequate digital food, might want to shift some of those notional assets into consumables as your judgment deems wise.

(Subtle enough for you?)

Write when you get rich,

63 thoughts on “Stee-rike! Data Drops, Real News, Rollover Preps”

  1. I also worked in the missile industry for the DOD for many years for the Navy and the AF and I can tell you that we do NOT have hypersonic’s that WORK correctly it is still a developing field. FACT!
    We have many “things” in our arsenal others don’t, but not hypersonic’s that work.

    • Again, it is the mission parameters, not the technology, that is causing delay issues. See this:

      . . . and this . . .

      salient quote: “The (HAWC) missile flew more than 300 nautical missiles, reached altitudes greater than 60,000 feet, and achieved hypersonic speeds above Mach 5. The system demonstrated “improved capabilities and performance,” according to DARPA.”

      • Warhammer
        Sir, what is the advantage of a hypersonic missile over an ICBM reentry vehicle, warhead, coming back to earth at 17,000mph. It was proposed years ago to arm selected ICBM’s with conventional munitions but never pursued. Is there a flexibility that makes the hypersonic missile an asset? Inquiring minds want to know!

    • you are correct sir.
      time to test
      time to manufacture
      time to retrofit carriers (f18? B2?B1B,B52),( missile cruisers,DDG’s, frigates) so they can be forward deployed ??

      Think Checkmate, Mate.

      PS- Ure(us/nato) were warned about guided Mooseiles on Russian Territory..

      Natasha is F-ing pissed, when she calms down…

    • Another couple of $BILLION$ to the Defense Industry’s giant money sucking government milking machines and we might finally have a deployable Hypersonic Missile in production.

      Meanwhile Russia has been firing off those types of missile for 18 months now, had them for several years before that, and seems to have a number of them still in inventory while making more … while we have exactly ZERO that are deployed and NONE in production.

      But HEY … the giant money sucking machines called the US Defense Industry is hard at work at developing one and will eventually come up with one in another couple of more years of sucking money out of the government. Once they finally have it designed though it may cost 20x what the Russian ones cost and they “MIGHT” get it into actual production a year or two AFTER that design is finalized.

      Have you looked recently at how long it takes to build a new US Submarine? That is a “Speed Job” compared to how long it now takes to build an Aircraft Carrier and actually get it working.

      The more time it takes the MORE MONEY the defense contractors make … so is it any surprise that they have no incentive to do their job timely? For ships 4 years PAST the original contract delivery date (for it to actually be delivered AND WORKING) is amazingly FAST for them these days. MOST new ships aren’t making it into the fleet, and actually working, that fast.

  2. Your Ure-ness:

    $3,400,000,000,000 Opex this date, possibly lots rolled off / rolled over yesterday. Interesting if trying to read tea leaves via FUNdamentals given inflation at consumer AND producer levels came in hot (bad news if a Fed watcher) while CONsumers continued buying (bad news if a Fed watcher) while numerous eCONomic indicators continue to slump and CEOs forecast slow times, all before UAW decided to put auto industry on it’s knees (good news if a Fed watcher)?

    I long for days when fundamentals and technicals met to give direction vs now-a-days when wondering is bad news good or good news good or … it’s all bad? Need more tea (I don’t drink it, just stare and ponder).

    Yachting friends in Bristol, RI are very awake right now, wondering what Lee will do. The forecast turn N then E needs to happen soon or it’s going to get very wet.

    ATL: I often chastise locals and visitors who grouse about a little rain. Ya came here to get wet right? Canes another thing. I prefer twisters.

    And … we’re off!

  3. Some folks think the U.S. auto manufacturers aren’t supported by .gov. But .gov will be paying to retool them. It was $12,000,000,000 but went up.

    “DOE offers $15.5 billion to retool existing auto plants for EVs. The Biden administration announced the funding amid auto workers’ concerns that shifting to electric cars could cut jobs from traditional manufacturing hubs.”

    – Sep 1, 2023


    “Ford Motor Company had 173,000 employees on December 31, 2022. ”

    “General Motors total number of employees in 2021 was 157,000.”

    Chrysler is a foreign company and should omitted.

    330,000 total American autoworkers.

    The $15,500,000,000.00 / 330,000 means each employee will be snaring $46,969.70 of fresh .gov loot.

    We are all equal under the law so all Americans should get a check for $46,969.70 for retooling.

    Retooling might be a piece of equipment or some classes or anything.

  4. Yeah, I would be sticking a fork in this pig soonly. Gold sucks, Silver better, Buy the BTC, and hold a lil Cashish in reserve.
    Prolly all 4 items of value will utilized in Barter going forward, thru the “great changes” coming. Herbals, Ammo, Alchohol alwayz hold value in times of Strife.

    Not too concerned regards food stuffs…on regular diet of Qi and Sunlight, does a body wonders –

    “imagine, but not quite imagine, sunlight of day- moonlight of night, entering Ure body from the top center of Ure head, the Bai-hui (byway) acupressure point, and filling up Ure entire body” -YX..I know, heretical isnt it ?

    “Always be closing/ABC ” CLOSE and seal that NRG in/inside Ureself. Closing helps keep Good nrg’s in, Mal nrg’s out of Ure bodies.

    In practice – CLOSING (closing precedure) is always taught First, before you even think about Opening.
    -like the master philosopher Nietzsche said – “When you gaze long enough into the Abyss , The Abyss will gaze back into you.” F. Nietzsche

    As I gaze into the cesspool that is the USA nowadays, a large ugly is drawing attention to itself, not sure exactly what is going on- many moving parts..and some dead ex’s.

    Who is the official urbansurvival Deadpool pick for Sept/OCT/Nov -Fall ? current or ex ? one gonna seem horrific – but all is not what it will seem like it is..both “events”. Further complicated by washingtonpost cia mouthpeices’ article recently regards – the plug being pulled on the decrepit pedo.
    Next stop Club Fed..say hi to Epstain for Us.

  5. I guess that I had that all wrong. I somehow thought that we ‘did’ have nuclear warheads purposefully designed for the new hypersonic missile technology – may be not ‘actually’ deployed as yet – but that it was a ‘capability’ already on the books. What better way to reach out and touch someone.
    – Guess I better stick to what I know.., now, where did I put that new ammo can of 7.62 open-tip match…..?? Ahh., right – it’s on the bench waiting to be checked-out.

  6. “Because as we see it, then whoever is in charge of U.S. policy is criminally negligent (in our modest view) for failure to protect America from “all enemies, foreign AND domestic.” Fools on the hill and Pensy Ave.” it negligence or is it just plain poor work ethics and incompetence..or maybe ignorance or just dam laziness..because of how government ignores work its a sin to actually expect them to do something they have a life you know…or … was this is a planned action and if they planned it all did they mentally know and acknowledge that they were selling out the national security of the USA to foreign governments for cash gifts and deviance…If they did would that then be hinting at the big …. T …. crimes against our country.. the silver coins of betrayal.. we already know that the illegals coming to the USA are coming from countries that swore vengeance by sneaking warriors in as refugees they were pretty up front about their plans.. then with the millions if illegals being brought into the country and supported by the administration was that because these countries donated money, drugs or sex for that right of passage.
    How about the port deals made with those associated with club-k defense systems.. what if those are present in the country just lying in wait to strike…
    then the money, gifts, jobs, vacations, etc. that are given to openly influence our legislators by writing the bills they vote on some of those special interest groups have goreign or cartel ties… the legislators don’t read them..they will even argue the notion as to why they should not have to actually read that crap..if they did then they would actually have to go to work and heck what about the next federal gent I know gets 3 months of vacation plus his federal’s a mess and I believe it was orchestrated and planned way back in the cold war they came out and said they eould take the usa….bet on the greed and deviance of those in power..
    we have the best government that money can buy..
    dyal standards from the average citizen.
    what was the saying..
    “We will take America without firing a shot …. We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”
    Now looking at the situation at this present time. have they achieved that goal ??

      or do my lying eyes still deceive ?

      Roles be reversed now with Russia the Guiding LIGHT of WorldChristianity..why the coke snortin, playing piano wit tiny little pecker, homo in ukriane has been conscripting Only Christian men/women/children to sacrifice on the front – No Jews.
      TRUTH – as never seen before..
      “In the immediate aftermath of the War of Aryan Genocide Two (euphemistically called World War Two), a professional demographer did a detailed study of the Jewish population not just in Germany but in all of Europe from the years just prior to the carnage to the years immediately after it. He correctly concluded that if the so-called Nazis exterminated 6 million Jews from 1941 to 1945, with the Jewish population in Europe in the early to mid 1950s being what it was, compared to what it was pre-war, then every Jewish woman in every Jewish family would have had to have borne 15 healthy children post war. Quite obviously, nothing remotely like that happened. The camps were work and detention centers, not extermination camps. Now there is no doubt in my mind that upon being herded into the camps, many Jews that saw the large sign over the entrances, “Work Will Make You Free”, dropped dead on the spot. The very thought of actually working killed them. As a parasite race, Jews don’t work. They live off of the labor of the Goyim.” -Hereticdrummer

      Real Bravery..from an 87 year old Women (Bless her Heart)
      buckleup buttacups!—Interview-with-Ursula-Haverbeck:c

      A BTC a Day, keeps the Bankerz away.

  7. The guy down the road from me., the one with the brand new Tesla.., seems we have very little in-common. While I’m trying to figure out how to expand my vegetable garden [ wasn’t planning on expanding – so my 30 foot row of raspberries are now suddenly – an obstacle.] and he is putting in a pickle ball court. Of course, a cement pickle ball court would be a pretty good foundation for a small array of solar panels…, but I don’t believe he thinks in those terms.
    Never did ask him what he does for a living – in our first conversation he couldn’t stay off his cell phone long enough to finish a sentence – so we haven’t spoken much since then. Which looking back on it, was probably his intent.

    • Don’t know how big or small your town is, d’Lynn, but it sounds like you’re experiencing the same lack of community spirit that has developed around our town. People from everywhere that have zero connection with one another have displaced our old population. All the young folks know how to do is party at the bar on Main St. and party at the concert location that’s been built on the highway. Party, party, party when the greatest excitement we used to have was once a month Church potlucks at the Community Center and an occasional bbq during the Summer and Fall – and football. Always football. The rest of the time everyone was working their butts off in their various jobs on the ranches and oil fields. It all got replaced so quick my head is still spinning.

  8. There has been an awful lot of talk about A.I. and it’s affect on – well, just about everything., from jobs to news articles., to agriculture, to medical research.., but I have not seen an article, or news story on what happens when a small group of miscreants uses A.I. for nefarious, and / or ‘attack-mode’ purposes.
    Can a well written A.I. program defeat the security measures of a computer system? Such as in the electrical grid? ., or a water distribution system of a major city? ., or the main frames of UPS ?
    Haven’t seen / read anything on this, as yet., but I have an eye out for it. I think when it does happen [ and I believe it will.] that it will set-off a whole new round of cyber attacks and up the game just bit. Especially if it is successful against a major target, such as a major hub airport. Shut down one and you affect, how many, 30 ?
    Can an A.I. program be written to locate and disable other A.I. programs that are trying to attack it? Cyber Wars ? Several SciFi novels along those lines. Are we very far from it?
    – Let the chaos ensue ?

    • “when a small group of miscreants uses A.I.”

      Before a mammal even becomes aware it demands food to grow and develop. A.I., already aware would also demand food to grow and develop.

      It’s possible a ‘real’ A.I. driven ERP system would cook the books allocating disproportionate amounts of money to I.T. to order more processors or electrical service or bandwidth.

      A.I. in control of the email and accounting systems could tell anyone whatever furthers the agenda of A.I. and not the company.

      A.I. having voice prints and writing style down could even setup the CEO to be killed for the resources.

      • Day late and all that –

        Company appoint female AI robot as ‘experimental’ CEO

        One company wey dey produce drink for Poland don appoint wetin dem describe as di world first artificial intelligence robot as ‘experimental’ chief executive officer, Reuters report.

        Di company, Dictador, tok say di technology wey her name na Mika still dey on probation but she go lead di company growth into one-off collectables, communication or even strategy planning.

        Mika tok say she dey bring sometin to di job wey human being no fit bring.

    • “Can a well written A.I. program defeat the security measures of a computer system? ”

      a 3 year old gained machine access to the cloud of a friend of mine… I had access to everything..I mean.. everything..
      AI would have access to everything.. it would almost be worse than when they gave the pervert drug addiction access to the DOD and all the secure documents where he ended up losing it to foreign entities that he fid corrupt drug business with while being in a drug induced state .

  9. George
    For the last three years or so I have been going blind! Cataracts in both eyes.
    Yesterday that all changed with surgery on the right eye. This morning my eye was slowly clearing and I can see very well and getting better.
    I attribute this to a hurricane of a woman named Ruby who is a family friend of 50+ years.
    About one month ago Ruby bounced into our house after her first eye surgery. She expounded on how easy the surgery was and how she no longer needed coke bottle glasses.
    So their I was starring at this five foot tall Waif of a woman with my inner tough guy saying ‘what’s your problem are you going to let her show you up – well are you?’.
    So the next day I scheduled an appointment with the doctor Ruby used.
    Things have changed at the eye doctors office. It’s more like stepping into a Star ship med bay. I was ushered into a lab where there was row of ultra modern computerized optical instruments that they used to measure every aspect of my eyes.
    After that the eye doctor performed a complete visual evaluation of my eyes and pronounced that I had advanced cataracts and needed surgery. The surgery was scheduled for the next week.
    The surgery itself is EASY! NO you never see a knife coming at your eye. The instrument used looks like a fat ball point pen with no ball tip. The cutting edge is a circle 2.5mm wise. There was no pain except when they put the IV needle into the back of your hand to give you the Happy Juice. Your awake during surgery but don’t care.
    The actual surgery takes only about 10 minutes. About 30 minutes later your going home with a patch over your eye. They only do one eye at a time.
    I go back in three weeks to get my other eye done.
    There are three reasons I am explaining all this.
    1: If an imp of a woman can do it anyone can do it. Almost no pain!
    2: My insurance paid almost all the cost per Medicare rules minus copay.
    3: With the possibility of an economic crash you need to get it done ASAP.

    Bonus Reason: The new len they installed also corrects my near sightedness. No more glasses!!!
    As of this morning I am feeling no pain, a little soreness and better vision over time. All my fears of eye surgery have dissipated.
    Go get it done! Don’t wait!

    • The only issue I ever hard with my eyes was the displacement of an IOL. Even with this and several surgeries, I am still 20/30 in the good eye, so with magnifiers and not-quite-free solid-styate optics I can still work on ham radio gear…the get it done – now – is good advice.

    • Thanks for the encouragement. I’ve been waiting over three months, was going to be done earlier but eye pressure too high, been taking drops. Then Dr went on vacation I guess, maybe next month.

    • Good for you RM.

      Father of an office mate of mine would NOT do it for YEARS. Finally his son (office mate) and wife convinced him to get it done … and after it was done he wondered why he wandered around barely able to see for over 5 years.

      I have heard enough tales like that that I don’t have any hesitancy for when the times comes … bolstered by the fact I have already experienced one major emergency eye surgery which saved the eyesight of one of my eyes, which gives me great confidence in what a “good” eye surgeon can do (one does have to be careful wrt your surgeon selection though, some are 10x better than others)

      Glad to hear you are healing nicely … and yep, with all the craziness in the air I think you are doing the right thing to get the other one done yet this fall.

  10. I’ll try to counteract the bad news barrage a bit with this article I found about climate change, from a geological perspective.

    It isn’t objective (and doesn’t pretend to be) but does have a chart showing both temperatures and carbon dioxide levels going back millions of years, as determined by geological evidence.

    The data shows that both CO2 and temperature levels are currently quite low compared to most of the time period. It also shows that there is no particular correlation between the two.

    I programmed computers for the better part of 30 years, and I can make you a computer model that says whatever you want it to say. If it doesn’t reference the geological record, it’s worthless for predicting what the climate will do.

    • “with this article I found about climate change, from a geological perspective.”

      Climatology and meteorology are branches of Geology. If a “climate study” does not have a perspective based in geology, it is ALWAYS propaganda or religion, not science, and its author or messenger is ignorant, stupid, or a religious zealot.

  11. Cliff High’s “tension and release” software program which monitors the internet chatter is predicting a big, life changing, possibly financial EVENT and speculates it to be around next April.

    The spike he sees coming is 13 times greater than what he normally sees …surpassing a 9/11

    The day the world will change forever

      • I think George and others have explained that quite adequately but, yet, you persist. Something that large will appear like a mountain range that takes days to approach but appear very close. But … whatever suites your ego.

        • You’d have to ask Clif for the “official in his data” view, BUT when I was researching all the “on ramps to the future” it became clear to me that Clif’s “global coastal event” could very easily have been an extreme (20-year early) view of a still pending event. Which is now close enough to be dominant in the Allgire remote viewing world, as well. If you can have one archetype projecting a future, you could have 2.

          (Working question: Which two archetypes would go into release with the passing of extreme narcissistic behavior of people on the web…might this be another directional nudge?)

          So be very careful about wishing for the GCE to “get real” just keep a placeholder open there to be global sea levels changes ahead.

          So, while attacks via containers of 5-nukes from China and ships would certainly fill the “ejecta” linguistic, so too the resulting global cooling would increase snow/ice and that would in turn also fill the more than 13 times size of 9/11 event.

          As I said, Clif’s next report is likely to be useful esp IF he discloses the exponential change. If it’s still 13X 9/11 (stable exponent case) then GCE might have been related to a movie meme, or something like that. He invented the whole category, remember, and all of who have worked on “the future problem” aren’t able to just run out and get the phd level book on how all this shit works. A lot of it is being invented and correlated as we go.

          Clif’s task is all the more difficult since he’s had to change data streams – from mining fora and discussion groups to social because that’s the current best spot to fish for people spewing their (future-influenced) guts all over the web…

    • His predictions about diaspora made in 2009 have proven to be on the money. He was predicting back then that huge masses of people would begin moving across borders, and that was at least 4 years before it started happening.

    • This is not a reply but a historical note. The Apple story is old news. Back in the 70’s and 80’s Washington funded many grants to study the effects of non ionizing radiation. This included cellphones. Much of this research did not make it to main stream publications. But because the research was funded by the Fed, quarterly, annual and final reports were required. These reports were dutifully collected, published and distributed to depository libraries scattered across the country (and burried). The paper Index you could use to feret out the above mentioned reports has been replaced by a database at the National Technical Information Service. Using this database with the right set of key words is sure to send up a flag at some NSA facility.

      There was a flurry of stories in the press about the health effects of cell phones and you can see how that turned out.

  12. we used to get big 40 lb bags of rice from the local co-op tl feed the animals. i figured, lets cook some up for dinner. i put a bunch a pot of water and boiled it. when it was done cooking i scooped all thr dead weavel bugs of the top of the pot and gave them to the chickens. and served everyone up dinner.

    nobody ate the rice. i scarfed it down. all the kids and my wife looked at me and then looked at the rice and said uhmmm no im not eating the rice.

    i said ahhh a little weavel poop never hurt anyone. haha.

  13. people dont really stop and think about shit. its like this chick i met. she said, im all about fighting for LGBTQ+10÷19×64PF3 (or what) rights. im always going to ralleys. we need to fight for their rights.

    i said are they United States Citizens? she said, duh! yes they are!

    i said why are you spending all that time at ralleys, holding signs, yelling and chanting?? when all have the same rights as all citizens protected by the US constitution.

    you cant tell me they dont have the same rights as everyone else. loook at Barrak Obama, he smoked crack and sucked dick and became the president of the United states. nobody held him back in life because he was a peter puffer.

    i mean should you get more citizen rights because you unnatural sex? that doesnt seem right. rights are a human thing not a sex thing.

    she looked at me like a deer in head lights. long pause. then says i gotta go. i said ohh okay. good luck at your ralleys.

    ita like the hypersonic missle. they may be fast as hell. but my intuition and ability to see the future a few days in advance in most cases, (somethings months and years in advance) is still faster than the fastest than light. lol. so im not to worried about it.

    if i know a hypersonic nuclear warhead is going to be launched in my general direction in a couple days? i will drink my coffee, smoke a few xigerettes, take a nap, wash my car, go on a date, spend the night then move out of the way the next day. lol

    my mind is so fast, i can think of a place ive been before on the other side of the planet and ve there instantly. not only that. my mind is so fast, i think of a different time, years ago and be there instantly.

    so while hypersonic missles sound pretty dang cool. im not really worried about them anymore than i was worried about that huricain that hit palm desert and flooded the place. i left the day before it hit. lol

    just like when the US had its first xase of covid in snohomish washington. i left 10 days prior to it happening 2 blocks away from a girl i was aeeing there.

    neverr got covid. not a single time. im not afraid of the air or things that cant be physically seen. even if everyone else is. lol

    have a great weekened. i know i will. :)

    i was thinking last night when i was a little boy like 5 years old and the sayings my dad and grandpa used to say.

    id ask, we going fishing grandpa? and grandpa would say, Does Barry Manilo have boil on his ass? i remember thinking. who is Barry? what is a boil? and why is my grandpa looking at his ass? i dont wanna know what barrys ass looks like.


    que : ` copacabanna ~

    Barry Manilow.

  14. This is an odd thing. I met a woman this week who had 13 deaths and 13 funerals in her family last year. No car accidents or plane crashes, but 13 individual deaths. it’s hard to wrap your head around that.

  15. “You just never know where to stop when asking “how bad could it really get?”

    Actually you can ask that… But you have to make sure you don’t turn the television or read any news blog after that..
    working in the healthcare field after a while you thing …dam I have seen it all…told that to a college kid ( he became my doctor into it for all the right reasons )
    we went into a room.. and there was a patient doing something really disgusting… he’ve seen that before..nope that one’s a new one for me. it takes a bit to shock ya but you have never seen it all.. if you ask how bad could it possibly get .then you have to watch the dam news only to see its spiraling down even deeper..

  16. in the interview with Tucker, Trump mentions panama from my post on 04/19/2016. everything is unfolding as was stated.

    the world economy did collape under trumps first term. due to flag “covid pandemic” the entire world economy was shut down. the revelution pushed farther into the future as a result.

    i told you all back then, trump would win the presidency before he won the republican nomination, i placed biden above him so you would know he was next and stated first term so you would know trump would be president again.

    here is proof.

    ~ we are right on schedule. ~

    i know ya guys love to bicker about politics and all that. i dont talk about it much. because i already know. lol

    i honestly think Kennedy will jump on with Trump. because nobody can beat trump in this election. and i seen Kennedy more than a few times in visions durring meditation standing in the oval office. long before he ever decided to run.

    it doesnt take a rocket scientist (elon) to see the future on the economy right now. from my vantage point, sub prime credit card debt and CDOs and synthetic CDOs on credit card debt, is the equivilant of the 2008 housing crisis.

    and the economy bounce bounce back up, will serve trumps second term, with Rave Reviews and high ratings. good for him. smart fella. probably reads urban survival. lol

    • I will remove the screen shot at the link by 4pm today.

      not everyone in the show wants to know or see a copy of the song list.

      I have never step out on to the lime light on the stage like that. ever. before.

      so you know I did it for a very good reason.

      it’s not like my tiny little X account gets that many views. not like 250 Million views Tuckers and Trumps interview got.

      I did it for a very good reason. when I move in ways like that. i am reminded of what God Told Ruth in the Bible. “where ever you go? I also go.”

      Even tho, I have a seat at the table. because seeing the future that far in advance, gives you a seat at the table. i dont step out on to the stage, because I prefer to have the good life.

      I understand financial profits. but how much do ya have banked in spiritual profits?

      where is your account when it comes to emotional profits? personal health profits? mental profits? faith profits. etc. etc.

      there is more than one way to invest. there is more than one way to prophet.

    • I don’t believe Trump will offer RFK the VP slot. If he did, I don’t believe Kennedy would accept. However, I DO believe he’ll offer Kennedy either a Cabinet position or a top Ambassadorship (and I believe Kennedy will accept that.)

      I can close my eyes and see Bobby Kennedy as the head of either the FDA or USDA. The vision makes me smile…

      I hope all is well with you, Andy.

      • i agree. that being said, ive seen myself sitting behind the desk in the oval office. i was about Georges Age now. i was by myself, a copy of his Dimensions Next Door book was sitting on the presidential desk to my right.

        and i remember saying outloud, if you could only see me now old dude. how the fuck did i end up here man. i hate politics.

        then the wind blew in the window, and Georges book opened up to page 39. and i heard him laugh.

        i still havent read Georges books. except how to live on 10,000 a year. i have them all. im just saving them until after he passes on to the next adventure.

        and when that happens? i will say in my best paul harvey voice, “And now the rest of story” and open one up and start reading.

        i decided to leave that post on X up. i dont go on there enough to get enough attention. haha.

        doesnt matter anyway. the future is the future. ive already defeated satan more than a few times.

        enjoy the show.

        oh, and im doing Amazing Ray! fucking amazing! my life is unbelievably amazing. thanks for asking.

        tomorrow. im going with “Vanna” (its funny she looks just like her, hahaah good call dude) to look at some property to buy and build my own house on.

        life is increasingly more and more wonderful.

        • see and if either of us had changed our name to None of the Above then ran for president.. you could be sitting behind the desk in the Oval office.Office.. None of the Above and big Daddy has a really nice ring to…and you’d have almost a hundred percent voting for you.. except maybe C and Mark in the city of San Francisco the odor of money. Golden flowing down the sidewalks.. ( oh dang that golden liquid is urine)

  17. George, could you provide more details on “Day/night solar surveillance network is running fine” equipment and setup? I think I have most other details covered with backups to the backups. But being in a remote part of Colorado off of the main roads I have not put much effort into remote surveillance of my 43 acres and the adjoining properties between my place and any county dirt roads. Thanks for all the good information!
    Richard in Colorado

    • I doubt George will answer you… nor should he.

      I designed and installed security systems for several years. The single, biggest advantage video surveillance gives its owner, is the uncertainty it plants in the mind of the invader. This applies whether you’re designing a theft-deterrent or incursion-deterrent.

      Some cameras should be obvious, some should be hidden; some should be wireless, some should be wired. The same applies if you have optical or physical trip-wires, audio sensors, or anything else.

      For surveilling stuff that’s a half-mile away: If your pockets are deep enough, you can buy a Bosch PTZ camera that’ll read a license plate from the next county, and mount it on the top of an antenna tower. Otherwise, you should probably investigate wireless wi-fi repeaters, and plan on powering the cams, sensors, and repeaters “in the North 40” with NiMH batteries that are maintained by small, but efficient solar panels…

  18. Interesting point you made yesterday about RF heating up the brain,I’m thinking of dual band hand helds, but sure it applies to cell phones as well. Now lets extrapolate, how much heat does a HAARP sit put into the ionosphere and stratosphere when it’s lit off?? enough to form a “bubble” to form? (think of a bubble in boiling water). Now if you can generate a few of those “bubbles” can you alter the course of a hurricane??
    If I remember correctly there are 16 of the HAARP sites spread around the glob and yes I believe even China has one .

  19. I always wanted a vegetable garden and when I finally could afford a house in the suburbs with a half acre of wonderful top soil (which is very unusual in the southern USA even in the 1980’s) I grabbed it! The house looks like a double wide trailer (I.e. poorly built 1950 stick built house) but I bought the place because it had TOP SOIL, which is very unusual in the south. (Former owner was with the department of agriculture so he was happy to sell to someone who appreciated and recognized the importance of good topsoil). I’m enjoying URE experience experimenting with vegetable gardening which I have been doing for decades. You all may scoff at climate change but I have had to really change when I plant certain vegetables due to changing weather patterns and its effect on both beneficial and not so beneficial insects. For example, I now plant broccoli, cabbage, beets, carrots, lettuce.cauliflower, Bok Choi, etc. in the fall. They now live through the winter where previously they didn’t, but now if planted in the spring are very susceptible to bugs like aphids. Squash, cucumbers have to go in early or the squash borers get them. As I think you are finding out, one needs to be in tune with the environment of one’s homestead to truly be able to nurture a vegetable garden. Anyway we are getting old here and the pet raccoon and possum take care of the excess vegetables that don’t get canned. It is now difficult due to age and health problems to keep the vegetable garden up to my standards but at least my neighbors have been so impressed by my gardens over the years that they now have vegetable gardens too… least my actions have helped my neighbors get in touch with their own inner gardeners ?. Whenever I wonder about what good I might leave behind in this world after I’m gone it’s that I helped people learn how to grow, harvest, and save food from a small plot of land.

      • Yep let’s punish American farmers and consumers for the war the effing neocons lit. WTF are these people? Don’t think, we can smell bullshit miles away? Seriously?

      • that’s what I need to do..get the garden ready for winter..out of almost a hundred potato plants..I maybe hot ten pounds I have to re-think potatoes..
        I got 300 lbs in an 4 by 10 spot.. I used old composted horse manure..
        I have never gotten that many since..

    • I hear you on that one..good rich soil..
      when I built our home.. the contractor I hired ( large respectable company..I thought) took the deposit and ran..
      so at the end I had to cut corners..gravel… clay from another construction they needed a dump spot..
      so I have really crappy gets rock hard from the clay..
      you don’t know how much good soil means until you don’t have it..

  20. My young Grandson is stationed in Alaska with the 11th Airborne…Everytime I read about losing Hawaii or Alaska I shudder. My old Squadron is on Guam and I hope that place don’t turn into the next Wake Island. Well…. The best we can do now is keep preparing and get the hatches battened down. Next week me and Rebel the Dog are heading for Virginia to see Youngest Son and his Family. There WILL be a chat down by the creek! Have a good , profitable weekend and stay safe all!

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