ShopTalk Sunday: Ure’s Secret “Free Energy Research”

OK, maybe I’m a bit of an adventurer (offshore sailing, transcons in single engine, marrying an ex-Bunny, going to 930 detox, day-trading, writing…and high speed Morse guy…). But there is one thing about me you may not appreciate.

I’ve been pondering Free Energy for 20-years now and actually have both a theory and a possible way to build it.  Along the way, a criticism of the Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, too.

To being, let’s back up to the very beginning – and a 70-page start of a book that I banged out back in 2004 on my old Pentium I.

Statitronics: UreFreeEnergyBook_2004 (70 pages)

Everything from basic home power concepts to static electricity from your roof.

The Work and the Processes

Ok, why would someone approach the matter of free energy in the way I have?  Most of the work in the field has been done by people who (to use an R&D expression) “may have never picked up a soldering iron.”  As you’ll see in the book, my approach was formulated on my life as a “synthesizer” and “collector” of Ideas.

The Art of Invention is a whole world unto itself.  But I am particularly in awe of people like Edison (who glommed onto the idea that sound was vibration and captured the vibrations on wax cylinders) and Tesla (the dude, not the ride).

But I also learned that awareness and additions to knowledge over time are key factors of invention.  One thing that makes American (inventions and code) so great is that we are willing to “invent on the fly.”  Join up an idea from C# and sprinkle in some Java.  Other cultures have evolved different “mental disciplines of invention and that may limit their innovation processes.

One example is Altschuler “And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared” which proselytizes the system of TRIZ – the Russian approach to Invention. Essentially, it says “all things” have 39 (some say 41) “dimensions” that an inventor can work with.  Height, heat, cold, pressure, color, material…the list is extensive and it’s a damn-fine tool to hone an idea down to its preferred embodiment.

The problem of Free Energy that I kept running into was that this would not likely be a singular concept (*like Edison and sound vibrations which were then (TRIZ_like dimensionally-crafted) into a rotating wax cylinder scriber.

At last – after 20-years of “background processing” – I have come to the conclusion that there may be not one, but two paths into actual Free Energy.

The First Free Energy Path

The first path, pioneered by Edwin V. Gray in U.S. Patent 4,595,975 was novel in that the core-concept was to use the B-field of magnetics to tap into free energy.  This B-field work was also of critical importance in the development of charge-lifting devices. US4595975A – Efficient power supply suitable for inductive loads – Google Patents

In particular, the work of Thomas Thompson Brown who was the major brain doner to the Biefield-Brown effect work.

“During the 1920s, Thomas Townsend Brown was experimenting with an x-ray tube known as a “Coolidge tube,” which was invented in 1913 by the American physical chemist William D. Coolidge. Brown found that the Coolidge tube exhibited a net force (a thrust) when it was turned on.”

Which pops out of papers from this period such as the (2003) paper “Force on an Asymmetric Capacitor: by Thomas B. Bahder and Chris Fazi.

While I was aware of, and had done some in-home work on high voltage lift systems in 2004, the results were disappointing to an extent.  Remember, in my book (I’m a conceptualize, model, build, and fill-in the math later guy) being able to fly a crackling high voltage  aluminum pancake capacitor around would not let me “beat the game” when it came to Free Energy to heat and cool the house.

As it turns out, Biefield-Brown was not the only path to “levitation” while the other approach (more elegant to me) is the combination of two concepts (conventional air lift and plasma effects on laminar airflows) which can achieve similar effects to a multiple percent reduction in “effective mass” of aircraft.  Not a lot on the public side about this, though occasionally you’ll catch gulps describing arts like using electric plasmas in lieu of mechanical flight control surfaces in laminar flows. Cite: Leading-edge flow separation control over an airfoil using a symmetrical dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator – ScienceDirect 2019.

By now, it should be clear that the employment of a plasma surface when combined with the spinning mass concept behind Die Glocke (a Nazi research project in WW II to traverse both time and space with rotating masses (such as circular mercury filled turbine pumped pipes) might be pretty damn interesting to attempt.

Notwithstanding, Your government spent a considerable effort in “dead-ending” the public on anything that was “out there” in the area of critical thinking. Which would allow in later times (like now) stories like the German anti-gravity and time device (Die Glocke) to be dismissed as “conspiracy theories.”

And yet, we will have only tantalizing snippets such as this CIA archival note, as to what was revealed and what went into dark projects in the early 1960s.  This is from a “government censoring itself project: – the Sprague Committee. Eisenhower screwed the pooch on Open Govt, as we see it.

“The paper also enumerates a number of specific projects which are calculated to impress world opinion and which, if success- fullY completed, would have a favorable impact on attitudes toward the United States. There, has been disagreement and some criticism of some of the specific projects receeza it* ed as worthy of develop. meeret bee, aus* of their potential. affect on public Opinion. The ones criticized include proposals to work on an anti -gravity project, a project to develop the potentialities of controlled nuclear explosions for peaceful purpose, (the development of harbors. etc.) and project Approved For Release 2003/07/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R001000010022-5 25 Approved For lease 2003/07/30: CIA-RDP86B002 001000010022-5 .d a_a practicality or usefulness of he latter two projects And opposed to consideration of and-gravity research As unrealistic science fiction. The C wnwvitteee will eliminate the anti-gravity project as an illustrative suggestion and may also eliminate references to the other two projects. All of the other projects are listed purely for the purpose of suggeest- of projects on which “Sources ould be concentrated with I effect in the public relations field. They include project 1, ‘ (aimed at putting a man into space or into orbit), the MC BOL ‘ (a project for drilling tl raugh the earth’s crust), a cure for s development of a feasible air car or rocket transpor project for lighting up substantial parts of the atmnoap’ value but may have commercial value), anti-missiles missiles and a nuclear-powered aircraft (which is not thought to haws military course of the Committee’s deliberations included the doveelopmont am), etc. Projects not listed In the report but mentioned during the drugs for repairing radiation damages, particle beams (a disintegrator of eliminating darkness over large parts substantial periods of time. attempted to distinguish between science and technology. He agreed that in technology it is proper to identify speecifiic goals and to effect a concentration of technical effort on specific projects which are determined to be particularly useful froaaa either-* practical or public opinion standpoint. He was opposed to proposals which would result concerned with the degree to which it is practical or desirable establish guidance over the objectives of scientific research. of the National Science y’oundation.”  (Author note: Sometimes I think it served some purpose for back-then early OCR to be archived – puts modern data-hunters off the scent!)

While anti-gravity and time travel are interesting and there are commercial applications, it doesn’t solve the problem set forth in the 2004 part of my book – charging a small VHF ham radio.

Gold Panning with Fluke

We can fly with very high voltages. we can reduce effective mass with leading edge airfoil plasma injections, and we might be able to do more.  Like dimensional travel, but that’s a whole OTHER topic we will arrive at presently.

For me, the art was going to be finding a real path to (useable electrical) power.  And that’s where the multiple forms of electricity come into view. And the specific lack of work at doing what I call correlative research.

Two simple examples of failing to do (or share) correlative research from the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch series include not conducting (or at least showing) a highly detailed telluric currents (electrical) map of the property.  We know Tesla (showman or scientist?) could get “power out of the ground” but has there been a mapping of the earth power gradients both around Skinwalker (general) and “the Mesa” in particular.  If so, I am not aware of it. (Try finding telluric maps around the Pyramids, too…)

The second item would be parallel temperature scanning during experiments when a possible portal is anticipated. If there is/are/were portals to other dimensions, then seems that a nonvisual temperature gradient might also be visible. A bit of this has been shown.

Or, UFO/UPAs could be appearing when it’s “time” to plug metals stakes out on the property.  Crackpot idea here is that when UAPs are present and when not could be the ‘EDGE’ of a dimensional rift.  This would also account for rockets (from “the Triangle”) seeming to disappear briefly.

Of course, you may not understand (or want to know) what’s inside my head. But here comes this Sunday Morning punchline:

The Ferlini-Ure Differential Portal Concept

Credit first to the Ferlini part (which then becomes credit to Richard Nelson who curates (and invented) the Rex Research website which continues despite local hassles from Authority. Brother Nelson captured FerliniLaBarrieraMagnetica.pdf ( an obscure (Italian) tome from 1986.  And Nelson knows how to distill concept into practicum, so you don’t need to be Billy Carson to understand the workings.

“Ferlini’s dimensional portal or as he called it “magnetic barrier” is a real one phase shifting system that allows you to connect the size that we define by convention “Physics” with other dimensions of the holographic multiverse. Ferlini called it a magnetic barrier because basically this is what it is … a magnetic wall that vibrates at a specific frequency and that it constitutes a dimensional gash.

How the portal is made

The construction of the portal at Ferlini is very simple conceptually and does not require circuits electronic pilot … it is based only on four permanent magnets positioned between the four cardinal points. In this representation you can see the portal setup:

The four “U” magnets are arranged at the four cardinal points with alternating poles, the magnets are fixed on sled supports moved by a worm screw so that it is possible to adjust them finely the mutual distance. In the experiment Ferlini used very large steel magnets which they weighed several quintals each … in theory the size of the magnets depends on the size of the area you want to influence and therefore for smaller areas just use smaller magnets and practical. This means that theoretically you don’t need big powers to create a portal in an area small and we deduce it from the same story by Ferlini on the experimentation he did with these U magnets.

The Ure part of my (self-aggrandizingly) named Ferlini-Ure Portal Source is simply my “extension of concept.” Stick a wire in the portal.

Imagine you have four strong horseshoe magnets, and you mount them in such a way as to be able to build the Ferlini portal.

The Ure part is then simply sticking a super-insulated wire into the middle of it.  And the other end into whatever local grounding source you have available.

Mobius Remains

There is another related unfinished bit of research I had on the desk from 2004 (understand why my office is never neat and clean very long?).  That was a NASA piece on what were called Mobius Resistors.

The Mobius is a very special device in our world.  It is the only class of one-sided topologies that exists. The Wiki goes on…

In mathematics, a Möbius stripMöbius band, or Möbius loop[a] is a surface that can be formed by attaching the ends of a strip of paper together with a half-twist. As a mathematical object, it was discovered by Johann Benedict Listing and August Ferdinand Möbius in 1858, but it had already appeared in Roman mosaics from the third century CE. The Möbius strip is a non-orientable surface, meaning that within it one cannot consistently distinguish clockwise from counterclockwise turns. Every non-orientable surface contains a Möbius strip.

As an abstract topological space, the Möbius strip can be embedded into three-dimensional Euclidean space in many different ways: a clockwise half-twist is different from a counterclockwise half-twist, and it can also be embedded with odd numbers of twists greater than one, or with a knotted centerline. Any two embeddings with the same knot for the centerline and the same number and direction of twists are topologically equivalent. All of these embeddings have only one side, but when embedded in other spaces, the Möbius strip may have two sides. It has only a single boundary curve.”

We will save the discussion of Mobius ham radio antennas for another day.

Which has what to do with the proposed Ferlini-Ure (proposed) power source?  Well, if you think of a portal as a distinct “there” then a local Mobius (or topology enclosed within (think a continuous Kozyrev space) would that not create the specific conditions for maximal topological differentiation and thus maximum potential power?

Oh, and did any of the Russians make differential voltage readings – especially interior to exterior – of their Kozyrev mirror surfaces?

See how the fascination has kept me supplied with “damn hard to solve” puzzle pieces for more than 20-years?

Hanging on the wall of my office, all this time, have been three interlocking Mobius strips soldered up out of cut-down copper roof flashing.  One of these days, that $67 two-channel oscilloscope I told you about a while back? Might have to fire it up and turn off outside life for a while. I will have to start methodically measuring that.

Until then, it just hangs on the wall of my office.

Since this is three topological anomalies in close proximity to one another, my thinking was that a fourth might have some time effects as well.  But instead we got to the outer edges of that with complex sound.

OK, a complex wide-spectrum sound and light intersectional matrix.  But that’s another story for another Sunday. But the pre-book of that is still on Amazon.

Someone sound Trevor a voltmeter and a few dozen ground rods?

OK, back to the important ponder (which will only make sense to people skilled in electronics):  Can matter be heterodyned?

Write when you get one working,


41 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Ure’s Secret “Free Energy Research””

  1. Is the voltage and/or current your proposed device will produce going to be AC or DC ? That isn’t clear from your sales pitch. How do you plan to extract usable energy in a form that can be used by consumer electrics? A transformer ? The equivalent of an MPPT source inverter ?
    Not sure how a Mobius strip figures into all this. Unless you are dealing with skin effect from high frequency AC, the Mobius strip is nothing but a flattened loop of wire. The only way to extract energy from a wire loop is AC magnetic transformer coupling, so that means you are expecting AC; however, the single wire to ground sounds very DC. Which direction does the current flow ?
    When will your demonstration project be fab’d, or are you fishing for investors ? Gotta see a at least a lab scale prototype before I bite on the electric snake oil hook.
    A lot of charge goes into the earth ground from nuke plants and solar sources; that is, the earth “ground” isn’t necessarily charge neutral compared to external frames of reference. I am willing to concede that there may be potential energy there to extract from the local electric universe. Actually extracting any energy that requires a magical fully external point of reference would require physics that I am not familiar with. Not from Missouri, but you need to show me such a thing is really possible.

    • I would expect it to be DC, but the initial problem will be building the Ferini portal. Which I’ve ballparked at a $150 project – four 50-pound horseshoe magnets is on my shopping list. the rest (the speculation parts) can wait until there’s actual testing.
      See, that’s what happened in this stuff – people are not “doing the work: and instead go off into the phantasmagorical.
      At least – with John Hutchinson’s work, you could see what the basic blocks were, even ifs the precise frequencies and such didn’t get measured. Was any of it real if not reproducible? Questions dangling all over hell and gone.
      And that’s kind of the point this morning.
      There are theorizers, there are hands on doers like JH, and the real disciplined investigations sometimes miss the obvious. Like where are the Skinwalker ground current studies down to the 4-foot resolution? See, this is the kind of stuff that makes me crazier…
      Sometimes you “survey the field” and come back to it 20 years later and see if there’s new input and discoveries that will change the trajectory of investigation. Make sense?

      • Also, if the thin, wide conductor really is preferred, then the scale up becomes a busbar on insulators.

        • N__ and George
          Consider the heating elements in your stove and oven, your basboard heater, your hot water tank, etc., don’t care what frequency the power is, it can be DC, or any AC or any frequency, totally polyphase. The resistance doesn’t care.
          The only place you need to generate clean, single frequency power is for electronics like the radios, the tvs, and computers and those may be more resistant to the frequencies that I know.
          Art has studied this much more than I have.

  2. Fascinating stuff George. When I was very young, I loved to go to the science centre and be mesmerized by static electricity and magnetic force experiments. Rub the balloon on your hair (when I had hair) and stick it to the wall. Rub a plastic stick on a fibre cloth and then use the stick to roll empty soda cans off the table without touching the can. And yes, you can even bend a small stream of water flowing from the tap after creating static electricity by running a comb through your hair and then bringing the comb close to the water stream. Magnets under the table moving objects on top of the table. That kind of stuff. Check out some “Science Bob” experiments on YouTube. Great for kids.

    It was those childhood experiences that sealed my fascination with science and thinking outside the box. My major changed from electrical to chemistry after first year college. Water experiments became as fascinating to me as electrical experiments.

    Wouldn’t it be great to communicate with who or what flys those large faster than the speed of light objects in our skies? They have obviously solved the problems we are still struggling with here on earth and are a focus of your post today.

  3. antenna…. good thought but don’t do it.. LOL LOL..collecting the electrical ions that are all around us all the time.. well tesla had that idea.. it is easy enough.. he wanted to provide free electricity through the air.. and realized that there was more than enough power in ions floating around the earth all the time.. so they passed a law outlawing it..
    The Sun provides the Earth’s atmosphere with 122 quadrillion watts of radiation daily (122,000,000,000,000,000 watts) sustaining a permanently charged electric field that propagates throughout the atmosphere known as the Earth’s Global Electric Circuit. There is presently a Global Electrical Circuit that surrounds the Earth in a blanket of high voltage electricity in the upper atmosphere… we use and broadcast frequencies of ions through the air in microwaves and television signals.. Tesla had the thought that by covering a roof with copper panels that the free electrons collected could be harvested into batteries..
    I have thought for years to make a tower with graphine wings where the sun could collect on it.. and the air could pass over it.. thus collecting the free ions.. sadly though these things were considered.. and the consideration of those wishing to implement a ion harvesting invention was addressed by congress.. they passed a law saying that you cannot harvest or sell units to collect the free radicals that are all around us every day..
    its like the magnetic generator.. there was a guy that was going to produce one.. home unit.. he would give one to every one that wanted to have one free of charge.. the only requirement was that any excess energy that was prodduced.. would be sold to customers that didn’t have the unit.. he would be the one to get the money it produced..
    It is the same reason why they don’t build solar towers.. or hand out solar grid tie kits to every home owner willing to put them on their homes.. the cost would be less than what they are doing now.. but.. it doesn’t fit the business model..
    keep the grid weak and vulnerable so big buck billy can fill his pocket with numbers LOL
    I got a call from a guy a week ago that realized that I was right years ago.. he was working on a project for the govt and I said.. you need a counter weight.. the weight is the unit that keeps the motion..
    that is what surprised me.. Toyota.. is building an on demand hydrogen car.. fill the tank with water… and they are planning on selling it.. hydrogen is easy enough .. its frequency.. but then I would get involved in a huge discussion on my theory that everything is a frequency.. instead the majority love the use brute force concept rather than the lull it apart..
    in france ??? not sure which country there was a magnet car.. a guy in Texas built a magnet motor.. that he drove around with the plasma fuel cell that a guy from texas drove across the USA with on ten gallons of gas.. texaco challenge back in what fifties before I was born.. they were getting close to a thousand miles to gallon.. published it in their yearly challenge.. the oil sand of canada.. plastic containers.. washington state university is the only college in the us that was allowed to have a pyrolysis unit..
    it took almost forty years for them to allow individual inverters in the USA.. when I put my first panels up there was only one allowed.. it has to do with the business model.. hand out solar grid tie systems.. get gigabytes of power for the cost of a couple megabytes.. greenscaping cities to replace lost crop land.. it just doesn’t fit the business model.. although the club of rome is now backing my greenscaping cities idea.. about time I have been ranting about this crap for decades.. everyone thought I was totally nutz… so what is a child picks a carrot up and eats it or a mom plucks supper out of the garden..

    • my thought is similar to the co2 filters to replace the co2 filtration lost by our harvesting of forests and expansion.. a co 2 filter would still compliment the business model do the job needed but would cut the higher profits that are present now. by green scaling the concrete and asphalt jungles ..this would reduce temperatures created by the huge heat sinks we call cities.. air wells would collect water that is now suspended in the air..
      As an example the pyramid shape can potentially enhance the collection of electromagnetic waves, which could be harnessed for energy and stored in the earth using the geological makeup as the battery. when looking at the placement of pyramid structures it appears as if they were placed in a grid like fashion.we see the same type of placements on our cell towers as an example.. the same with our sub stations.
      there was a story that claims man was created using the animals and making a hybrid creature to mine gold for use on another planet. considering that story line nano gold particles would have been a great unit to filter CO2 .. today we can use simple charged clay particles making a cheap alternative in the filtration of co2. another business model..solving one issue but changing the business model of me..The clay Would need to be activated to enhance its adsorption properties another business model created. This can be done by treating the clay with chemicals like acids or bases, which increase its surface area and create more active sites for CO2 adsorption.
      I have Harper since I was a teenager that solar radiation was the answer.. towers built starting at the furthest point working backwards to the power plants.. handing out grid tie the ultimate answer..some Scandinavian could tries did that to keep up with the constant increased demand for more power. with a great deal of success to.
      the three musketeers concept. similar to community or a religious family.. considering my our expansion of the temples..what a great achievement as great as the pyramids or sphinx.. but is it a monument to a past group with great faith..or a testament to a continued faith.. my guess is it will be monumental temples that will be discovered by some future civilization that will wonder what the beliefs were.. we stand on the precipice of life changing events. where unlike the colonies that still work as the whole for the community..our faith works solely for the individual accomplishments. take health insurance.. there’s a policy that if your in their faith.. the cost of family medical is but a fraction..but you have to be of their faith..while in the LDS community your required to buy the policy in public..the LDS community has medical professionals in every area. college for an LDS student taught by LDS teachers still has an extreme burden financially.. while church could have worked for the members like the colonies everyone would share the benefits of the whole the value of everyone..
      because of this instead of a barn raising everyone is connected to the system that pushes everyone apart.. people are distanced by the business model. if.. the calamitous events we suspect will develops by these people intent on global destruction the whole of the millions of LDS faithful will be dispersed.. and the greatest monuments to our faith will be forgotten relics of the future.
      I believe its to late to change the path to one of community and a faith family. countryside houses churches and towns of what once was great are now relics of past ..In Vedic writings, such as the Rigveda and the Mahabharata, historical wars often reflected on deeper struggles for power and dominance among ancient Indian tribes and kingdoms. These conflicts, including the famous Kurukshetra War of the Mahabharata, became foundational myths, shaping the cultural and religious landscape of the region. Legends and epic tales emerged to explain and glorify these battles, illustrating moral and philosophical lessons while preserving the memory of once-great figures and their struggles for supremacy. the Origin and beliefs were lost to history. we today still don’t know how or why.. we placed everything into a number rather than the whole. energy faith power is individualized for the few.
      I have said a lot that the colonies living as a community based in faith working together for the community will be the one to endure and prosper.
      outsourcing industry was just another attack on the community to benefit only a few..

    • Going from memory here, he had 4 towers up – each around 85 feet, or so. then a big loop antenna around that. And yes, he got plenty of zap juice off that.
      the problem (Pahrump) was that the air was generally very dry – and that’s the problem I ran into here in E. Texas. While there are plots of “loose volts” just like when you walk on the wool carpet, cold dry winter day with insulationg shoe soles, you get the job but which is high voltage. But the combination to do real work (about 7 horsepower steady state for major summer cooling – you need the current, too. And that’s where the Wrdencliffe showman fell down. (*I have all of his patents on DV and have looked at most). If there was something there, other than a novel use of ground currents someone smarter than me would have found it by now. Your taxes are supporting a whole goveernment that’s supposed to be doing great hins for its people…

      • Energy storage… a capacitor… seems to me to be the key missing piece. The tower is the accumulator, but you need to store that charge and bleed it off slowly (current) to be useful. Some tales of Atlantis I have read say that they used a form of ‘salt water capacitor’ for energy storage.

        • I have thought long and hard on this – and with the exception of the semi-moist electrolytics, can’t see much way to make a saltwater capacitor. Also, I concluded that one reason Tesla was “heavy on coils, light son caps” was thhat caps will average an AC voltage over time. And the average of AC voltages over time is zero (with th exception of modern dc offset circuits)

        • here is a paper on it.. just like a small high pressure heat activated electroysis unit.. the use of Zinc as an anode is quite interesting..there were stories about the pyramids being used as both an antenna and a collector of electrical ions and stored in an earth battery .. the discovery of what could be the remains of an earth battery is quite interesting..
          the sand heat and the physical makeup of the terraine gives me the idea that would this be possible.. seen an experiment done where they made up an earth battery.. and it erilly looks like what they discovered beneath the pyramids of Gaza

          I know I have wondered about the idea of projecting electrical energy through the air.. we send other signals.. why would that be so difficult to do.. suns radiation is nothing more that energy being sent .. via wave or is it a particle wave.. the one side collects the energy.. and the other side completes the circuit..

      • “Your taxes are supporting a whole goveernment that’s supposed to be doing great hins for its people…”

        Not true.

        My taxes are supporting a whole government which is supposed to stay the hell out of the way, so its people can do great things.

        Huge difference…

    • Apocalypse Now

      Did they say why, Willard, why they want to terminate my command?

      I was sent on a classified mission, sir.

      It’s no longer classified, is it? Did they tell you?

      They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.

      Are my methods unsound?

      I don’t see any method at all, sir.

      I expected someone like you. What did you expect? Are you an assassin?

      I’m a soldier.

      You’re neither. You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.

    • nothing is for free.. this one is really cool and interesting using old age information and yes it does work.. knew a guy that went to see it.. it is similar to a treadle sewing machine and a treadle lathe.. the power is in the momentum ..
      they say perpetucal motion there isn’t any perpetual motion.. its using the gravitational force and a mechanical energy..
      the guy that had taken a look at this one.. drove up to the shop.. a muffler shop.. guy had it working with a fifty kw generator.. powering two homes.. rather than having a counter weight or some other mechanical power source he had a small motor from a treadmill be the work force of the counter weight.. in a coo coo clock.. there are two counterweights one is for the cooker and signal the other for the clock works..
      on magnetic motors.. there is the same thing.. but using the force of the magnetics.. all motors work with this as the working forces..
      the gentleman that was going to hand them out in the USA went to austrailia.. got on sixty minutes there and showed everyone.. in the USA he had given demonstrations to congress.. and they chased him away.. sadly the same thing happened in austrailia.. last time I had visited with him.. he was heading to new zealand.. the problem is the same as when they wanted to let people use solar.. the business model .. if they cannot profit from it.. they won’t allow it.. its all out there.. and anyone can make it.. the thing is you can’t sell it.. or change the business model..

  4. Seems to me that were all going about this the wrong way. Spinning our wheels needlessly. Its already been figured out ( ask the US Gov ) by the aliens. Proof you say ?

    Black Pyramid in Alaska. Said to put out enough power to light up all of Canada from that one single buried pyramid.

  5. I wonder what the eddy currents of a magnet moving near the surface of a copper Mobius strip look like…

    Remember, if you move The Island, you can’t go back…

  6. George, I’ve been reading most of your stuff since near the beginning of Urban Survival, yet somehow missed(or forgot) the Statitronics thing. I’ll read it carefully after dark, but for now I need to seize the day! For some reason, either your keyboard is failing(again) or something else has moved your keystroke error rate way above your baseline. Of course, that may be OCR errors from embedded stuff. I certainly can’t complain about free and thought provoking content! Living well these days is often done more easily by conserving energy use than by liberating more, though I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of alternative energy. Now I need to get on with using conventional power tools while the sun still shines!

    Heterodyning humans? Perhaps that relates to the idea of etheric, mental, and causal bodies, or are those just harmonics? Perhaps we’re just a subharmonic. What’s the sum? Then again, what difference does it make?

    • The device to heterodyne a human is called a “transporter”

      Surely you couldn’t have missed that? And the multi-frequency tones Senior Gene was hinting to us with?

      • LOL.I do get that same thought from time to time myself of everyone that i have lent a hand to.. its my own children that I have to watch out for…. I have a son in law.. that seems to like some of the things I get.. a couple weeks ago.. he was bragging about his lawn chairs.. and I noticed.. my traeger smoker is in his garage.. which I don’t mind but .. he has laid claim to it his father said he does the same thing to him to.. he has to lock his up…. our buffet tables that we got for thanks giving meal.. all of my lawn chairs.. my charring torches.. and he was telling his friends how he has no worries he has plenty .. so I got thinking.. why not.. if he loves lawn chairs.. hmm they are five bucks a piece now end of season so I bought ten.. and every month I will add ten more.. or what ever I can get.. he should have a hundred of them.. let them swim in it.. LOL LOL I know I have a warped sense of humor.. so I got the wife and myself a couple more lawn chairs.. for us.. oh all our folding chairs to.. they all seemed to vanish .. and the other smaller tables.. my grand son brought my drill home.. that was irritating me.. my tools depending on what they are I have to hide them or they are gone..
        what is funny is he is an accountant.. and they take trips all over the resorts outside the country.. but when it comes to tools or something he totally loves.. the once I worked hard getting through the years is gone..

  7. Mr. Ure,, Thanks as always,, and thought provoking, surely. In a similar vein, (and since it’s Sunday (with free time)) here is an interview (last 2 weeks) by Dark Journalist with Joseph P. Farrel (one of the most brilliant agglomeraters of our time (PHD in Patristics from Oxford)).. It goes from the offing of JFK (why and the timing) to the reason there is no longer a necessity to test nukes above ground. (no reason for an A-bomb to implode for an H-bomb)(no fall-out),, Goes from Ronald Richter (nazi bell)(when he was in Argentina) thru US experiments in the 60’s.. It’s the “Ripple effect”,, and explains the free- energy (zero-point) You are looking for (it’s here and has been here).

    Hold on to Your hat,, it will not disappoint. this is almost 2 hours that answers a lot of questions,, and will make You sad about a world that could have been…..

    Here is the 1st part of the interview, which is more current events (80 minutes),, but worth it too.. (have no idea how much time people have??)

    I try to only post ‘deep dive’ relevant stuff that I think this wonderful group will appreciate.

  8. In Clif High’s recent podcast on the discontinuity (, beginning at point 23:15, he foresees the invention of something like a lightning rod to be placed on a roof that will generate electricity — the transcription wasn’t clear, so I’m not totally sure that’s what he meant. However, what struck me most about this is that, in the 1980’s, a channeled entity (Ramtha) claimed that someone in Japan would eventually create a rod for rooftops that would generate electricity. Sounds like what Clif described! Is there somewhere to place bets on this happening?

  9. “Credit first to the Ferlini part (which then becomes credit to Richard Nelson who curates (and invented) the Rex Research website”

    Not so.

    If you still have Richard’s E-Mail addy, you might ask him if he has his site archived. I would pay for a thumbdrive of its entire contents, since (sigh) the computer upon which I downloaded it is now defunct, and the data lost to me…

    • Buy his “Civilization Restart” DVs – they are great and we have two copies – the reason being when it all blows up, we will know what marketers and the corps kept from the public last time around

    • I sent him a donation to help with his troubles, and also paid for a thumb drive archive of his site, which he now sells. Check the website, read carefully. The thumb drive archive is available there.

      • rexresearch1 is still around but it is only a partial mirror and lacks his index pages and witticisms, and whole sections of the main site.

        George, do you have a known-working E-Mail for him?

  10. re: “FLicKeR”, 2008
    feat: Turn on/off the light!


    May I ramble on for a moment while I find a light switch? Rowing our daily boats, many perhaps act out the nursery rhyme that “life is but a dream”. Meanwhile Writer George jolts us back to Earth asking: “Can matter be heterodyned?”. Hmm, by coinkydoink this month The Picower Institute at MIT has a research recipe outline with 40 hz ingredients at the following link:

    Those Leary of veering in directions psychedelic may certainly avail themselves to search out a Berkeley startup headed by an individual with a genuine Phd and connected backers. Their bespoke 40 hz lightbulb lamp features modern fashion touches and is in phase 2 of FDA testing. It will only set you back a bit under $2000. I don’t recall if that included shipping or an extended (bulb) life warranty. It appears not everything has changed since the Dark Ages as poor and impoverished people don’t appear be shortlisted for life extention in the modern commercial marketplace. Who knows though. Perhaps the Gates & Soros Foundations will grant mercy.

    Rumour may have it that DJ George shared microphone time with a dj “Doctor” of radiowaves although he doesn’t dispense medical advice. However one may wish to connect to the studio for a 40 hz ranchwide soundcheck via a hobbiest’s link below. Please rock the casbah at your own risk and leisure.,v0.5

    • Long-time readers (looks at Jester) will remember when the original Tsia (et al, MIT) work came out we immediatedly explained this could be beneficially applied to everyone via a 40 hz refresh rate on LED screens
      Even today, you need to hunt up on AMD Free-Synch and use something like
      Iristech not only does blue light filtering but also lets you dial in fresh rates.
      For now, the monitor-industrial complex doesn’t support useful refresh rates.
      But because my new 13th gen i7 comes with “iris software” in it, we should know in a week or two – projects in cue – whether this supports 40 Hz.
      Again (said the 100-year toaster book on obsolescence as a business model) there never will be, nor was there ever, a solid reason to “lock” hardware as preset refresh rates. But that’s life on the slaughterhouse ramp, I suppose.
      Back when, Reader Hank drew up a small (single JFET) design for an audio-source set flickering device that could operate our early light crown experiments. Hank, if you could resend the drawing, I will post i for all.
      Oh, and the problem with 40 hz light is that it takes months of use to make a difference so its not like jumping in a Wim Hoff ice bath, or anything…

      • The 40 Hz flicker rate on my light crown actually scared me. Felt like going into an epileptic seizure for me, so I discontinues it’s use. I used a simple, adjustable waveform generator that would put out a square wave and adjustable rate set for 40 Hz. This drove a switching circuit to ‘flicker’ the LED light crown. Will dig my archives and try to find the circuit and send it to you.

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