ShopTalk Sunday: Saw Service, Mixed Media Projects

First, a big thank you for prayers on behalf of ailing Zeus the Cat.  His appetite is back a bit, and between hand feeding of food, some cat kidney pills plus a gentle application of deworming meds, he’s up and about better than a week ago.

Now into the projects of this holiday screwed-up week…

Laser Lesson 101

We have been using our 12-inch Harbor Freight compound miter saw for probably eight or nine years.  Got it on sale for something like $129 on a coupon deal back when.  (Came without a blade at that price.)

Over time, it has gotten a lot of use because with a 12-inch blade, you can chop through a 4-by-4 in a single pass.

One thing had started to bug me in recent years, though:  The laser saw guide had become nearly invisible over time.

So, with a fresh load of CR2032 and LR44 batteries, I figured I’d be set to go.

Off came the retracting blade cover.  Followed by the (reverse threaded) blade nut.  And now, where is that damn laser to replace the batteries in?

Oh-oh.  MWDRM (Men Who Don’t Read Manuals) disease struck.

After a few minutes on the Harbor Freight manual site, care to guess what I found?

That’s right! No battery.  It’s powered by the saw and not the centrifugal switch and batteries most saw lasers were “back in the day.”

Turns out the laser lives over here:

This was a dandy way to blow 20-minutes down a rat hole.  I should have looked for the laser sight line and not made the “Must be a battery change due” conclusion.

Drill Lasers are Worse

Which is usually the right choice.  The following hour was spent looking at how to clean up (and readjust) the laser guide on the old Craftsman drill press.  Drill press lasers are a particular curse on the butt of humanity: A wander through laser alignment makes it clear why.

  • You begin to line the crosshairs up by chucking up a very small drill bit.
  • Now clamp a piece of scrap on the drill press.
  • Adjust the drill press table height setting so the bit point is 3/4 of an inch from the scrap wood with the press quill all the way up.
  • Now, drill a hole (doesn’t have to be deep, just visible) in the scrap.
  • Raise the drill press bit to the resting (up p0sition).
  • Align the x and y axes of the laser to cross exactly at the dot where the drill hole is.
  • Move your scrap to drill a fresh hole.
  • Turn on laser and mark the crossing with a pencil.
  • Now drill the small hole in the new location.

If the new hole is EXACTLY where the pencil mark is, you’ve earned half a beer, though no drinking around power tools.

To use the setting, just remember to SET THE WORKPIECE point so it is EXACTLY 3/4 inch down from the sharp part of the drill bit at the top of quill travel.

The “secret sauce” part is?  The laser will ONLY be aligned where the hole will land when drill up to work contact is 0.75 inch.  This assumes you know a piece of scrap “one-by-six” is only 3/4 of an inch thick.  Just use the same spacer when doing (what passes around here as) precision work.

We’ll skip the detailed parallax discussions.

Joys of Yeggi

A number of people have accused me of being a hopeless tool slut (guilty!) because in addition to most of the major metal and woodworking tools, we also have two 3D printers and a few CNC machines in the box.

But there’s a reason why 3D printing is a godsend in the shop.  Look at this picture and see if you remember my telling you about this a long time ago?

That bright green thingy is hot glued into the dust capture area *(just ahead of the dirty laser department).  It nearly encloses the 12″ blade and reduces loose shop sawdust by perhaps 80-90 percent.

I mention this because few people realize that you can go to any of the 3D printing repositories (like, for example) or the Yeggi .stl file search tool.

Give it a try, sometime.  Here’s a link to that pulls up references to Harbor Freight and you’ll see there are enough goodies to keep your printers going with add-ons and improvements for weeks.  More .STLL files than money to buy the dopamine rush with.

Oh, and since we have an aging (non-DRO)  (digital read out, come on, keep up!) HF Milling machine, check out these printables!

Me?  Eccentric?

What’s the deal with having all these tools, George?”

Workflow, my friend.  Workflow.

Go watch this marvelous video about making a solid copper sledge hammer from what is essentially shop leftovers and admirable personal recycling efforts:

What you’ll see is the graceful mix of workflows to collect old copper (and melt it down into ingots) which happened before the video.

Then you’ll see the role of 3D printing using Fusion360 (I’m more a TinkerCad guy, myself) to print up an insert for the casting process.

All rammed up in a wooden flask (cope and drag are the two halves) made of wood, and then finished with a nice assortment of dandy metal cutting and milling skills.  Mighty envious of this dude’s skills.

Toss in an ability to use Fusion360 to hog out circuit boards on a CNC machine, and then throw in “assortments” of electronics components from Amazon and the world is your oyster!

Or, almost.

I’m on a quest now to find the best (simple – where is AI when we need it, right?) PCB layout system for the hobbyist?  I mean Autodesk Eagle used to be OK, but when I went to update, the update site went deaf, dumb, and blind on me.  So trying Altium, but it’s a way too powerful product for what I really need.

I’ll keep an eye on TinkerCAD and see if something for PCB layout (that will output g-code for CNC) pops there…

But as always, the biggest issue in my shop isn’t finding tools or projects, it’s in getting the workflow down to something reasonable.

In the “dream projects” column, just a PCB tool that would export g-code and handle single-sided FRG copper and work up to 100 parts, or so.  That would handle most of my interests.

No soap on the quest for that yet, but let us know if you have ideas.

If you don’t want to add electronics, maybe a simple visit to Melting metal in a home foundry, backyard metalcasting, will serve you well.  I still have a Lionel Labs casting rig ready to set up and use.  Just a matter of when to get to it.  Because that will mean firing up the printers for moldmaking and the metal shop for finishing and buying propane.

There were some OK, but not GREAT prices on home melting equipment for Black Friday on Amazon.  Looking for a complete kit in the 10-12 KG range but I may settle for a 6 KG rig.  Something like this Gongyi USA rig with a $50 off coupon.  Even so, still about $210.  So, why not roll my own on the Lionel platform?

Thing to keep an eye on is the safety gear and the quality of the crucible handling tongs and such.  If you’re going to be a one-man casting operation, safety is everything.  Some kits come with cheap-looking tongs.  Better cowardly than safe.

Write when you get rich,

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

48 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Saw Service, Mixed Media Projects”

  1. I picked my Craftsman miter saw at a yard sale for $15, the laser contraption had flown to bits. A quick dump and sort of the washer bucket gave up an appropriate spring washer from an old brush cutter head. A platform for my sawhorses was hastily built (most of my larger bench tools go on the plastic sawhorses that have slots for 2-by’s) and I’m in business.

      • Something in me snapped reading about laser what-nots (emphasis not). It’s a poor carpenter who blames his tools. My trusty circular saw was bought circa 1983 and lasers weren’t std issue. Think that saw has eaten through > a dozen blades but … keeps on tickin’ $12 for 40 years. Think it’s paid 4.

        Life a whirl through 4 turkeys, missed stories of Zeus. My 17-18 YO Tom is on life 12 minimum. Best to you, yours. Egor

    • Phew.. I got a bunch of my tools from the trash.. I worked waste management as a big truck hauler.. they throw everything away.. one big lumber company.. scrapped the edge of a pallet of plywood.. no big deal.. the whole pallet still banded tossed out.. its absolutely amazing.. that is why the boss won’t let me go to the dump LOL she is afraid I will drag home more than I went with..
      Hospitals.. they redo a wing.. everything and I mean everything is hauled out to the dump.. the desks the chairs everything.. the desk chair I am sitting on.. came from the bank.. the same thing.. the computers desks chairs copiers etc etc etc.. name it it is gone.. came from the bank when they redid the bank.. you can get the computers to.. but they take the hard drive out and drill holes through them.. the copier fax machine.. I tried to get the boss to let me bring it home.. I could have had a brand new industrial sized copy machine less than a month old LOL my last television.. yup from the trash.. used it ten years.. just had to buy a remote..
      the one item I regret selling was my legacy mill…
      I had this idea that I was going to build my last house as an earth sheltered home.. ( my dream home )
      that is what I wanted to do.. with solar and a large greenhouse.. and cheaper than dirt to maintain.. it is a win win.. anyway I was going to make all the trim.. in the home I wanted to have a sub section for a root seller and utility room.. so I bought a legacy mill when they first started to make them.. a fraction of what they sell for now…..
      I was going to make inside roping four poster bed rails to..

      I was in love with the machine…. Never even took it out of the box.. sold it and only got a fraction of what I paid for it.. So when I tell the boss I want to get a three d metal and platic printer.. she says NO.. LOL…


    Pretty big news this morning….. and will the USA give in and what guarantee’s will we be able to give them that they will believe.. we have broken almost every treaty and agreement that we have ever made..
    “The West should consider how to deal with Russia’s need for guarantees of its security if the Russian president agrees to negotiations to end the war in Ukraine,” the French president said on Saturday.”

    and what more importantly is this is another Afghanistan pull out ..and all the NATO countries put up their strategic reserves pushed their countries budgets to the point of bankruptcy left them freezing in the cold. So many innocent people dead and their homes and towns cities the death and horror they all have had to deal with .. and for what.. a couple hundred jokers that aren’t satisfied with what they have that want more whose families and friends never face the same horrors that they wish to deal out…. we also loose our position on the global aspect of political leadership and influence.. I believe that this will be the beginning of the planet in becoming a multi polar state. which I believe it should have been all along.. we aren’t willing to handle our own issues much less everyone elses.. Wars have never been the answer..

  3. “Oh-oh. MWDRM (Men Who Don’t Read Manuals) disease struck.”

    LOL LOL LOL sounds familiar for me as well LOL LOL
    see I am an american male.. LOL we were born with the ability to understand anything technical without reading the manual….. that is why instructions are printed in other languages and one small page for the women .. and pictures for the men.. LOL LOL LOL LOL..

    • There are some things where reading the manuals just makes it worse! In particular, cheap Chinese diesel heaters have the absolute worst manuals ever. They’re a comedy of horrible(but funny) translations(presumably) of the original Chinese manuals, but they don’t publish the original Chinese in the west, so we can’t do our own translation.

      At least if we hook things together logically and press enough buttons, the thing eventually works! And the price point is good.

      • Except to get a few clues on the software for the control panel, you needed a manual?
        Why,. I’ve never heard such an admission from NM before. Speechless!

  4. Yo G, would like to share my go to salad recipe, over the years I have learned to love salads if made with the proper ingredients. For each serving I use torn romain lettuce, 1/4 of a Bosc pear thinly sliced, 9 or 10 pecan halves broken into smaller pieces, and lastly some crumbled blue cheese, I use danish blue. I prefer Braggs organic vinaigrette. Bon Appetite my friends….

      • better yet .. bread bowls.. yum.. the only way to eat chili…
        6 cups Bread Flour(You can use all-purpose flour too I like bread flour or home ground and sifted.. )
        2 Tbsp Flax Meal/Ground Flax seeds (if you can’t find, you can totally skip it)you can use sesame seed meal to.. just gives it a little crunchy nutty flavor..
        2 Tsp Salt
        4 1/2 Tsp(2 packets) Active Dry Yeast
        2 Tsp Sugar
        2 Cups Warm Water(the temperature should be around 110 to 120 degrees)
        3 Tbsp Olive oil
        In a bowl pour warm water and add sugar and yeast.
        Mix well, cover, and keep it aside for about 5 minutes or until frothy and foamy.
        Mix bread flour, flax meal, and salt in another bowl.
        Now, in a stand mixer’s bowl add flour, and salt mixture.
        Now, slowly add foamy yeast water in the flour mixture.
        Attach the dough hook to the mixer and turn on the mixer to medium-low speed.
        Now, gradually add the remaining yeast mixture until the dough comes together.
        Continue kneading on medium speed for 3 to 4 minutes, or until soft, smooth, and slightly sticky dough forms(If it’s too sticky, add more flour, 1 Tablespoon at a time).
        Now, pour 2 Tbsp olive oil and knead for 2-3 minutes.
        Turn off the mixer and take the dough out of the bowl and form a dough ball.
        Meanwhile, grease the inner pot of the instant pot with oil.
        Transfer the prepared dough into the instant pot and grease with oil(apply oil to avoid drying of the dough).
        Cover it with a glass lid or plate( you can use the lid of the instant pot too) and let the dough rise on yogurt mode for 30 minutes.
        After half an hour open the lid and the dough has doubled in size, punch it down and take it out.
        Roll the dough and divide it into 6 equal parts.
        Divide the dough into 6 equal parts.
        Shape each portion into a round ball.
        Place the dough balls/loaves on a parchment paper-lined baking tray.
        Cover and let rise in a warm place for about 15-20 minutes.
        After 20 minutes, uncover the dough and brush the buns with milk brushing the buns before baking will give a little firmer texture to the bowls.. making the crust a little bit thicker..
        Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
        While preheating the oven, place a pan at the bottom rack of the oven for a water bath.
        Meanwhile, to give the steam to the bread, bring 2-3 cups of water to a boil(steam will help to give a crunchy crust to the bread bowl similar to making home made pretzels.. oh this is the same dough recipe for making pretzels to.. ).
        Place the tray in the oven’s center rack.
        Carefully pour hot water into the pan on the bottom rack and close the oven door.
        Bake bread bowls for 20 to 25 minutes or until it becomes golden brown on the outside I like to brush it with butter on the outside of the hot golden brown bowls…
        Allow bread to cool on a wire rack for 15-20 minutes before slicing into.
        Cut the top off at an angle.. then pull the top out.. and hollow out the bowl.. leaving about a half inch along the inside..
        cube the bread you pulled out.. and put back in the oven to make croutons for the soup.. here you can get creative and brush with butter and season.. before you put it back in the oven or dehydrator to make the croutons..

    • Salads have a recipe? Mine is refrigerator ‘sweepings’. Lettuce, whatever fruits & veggies are available and some vinegar/oil. Anything but Bleu cheese ! :-D

      • But how many people will be able to say “Going for a walk up to the lava flow to burn a STEAK ON IT…

        (gotta have something in the way of real food besides rabbit treats))

  5. “Now into the projects of this holiday screwed-up week…” I know there is a holiday for everything. Watching the bread truck unload day, muffler bearing search day, among others. But I don’t see any holidays for this week. George have you created a new holiday for this week we all need to know about? Glad the fur covered kid is doing better!

    • Dam chuck you mean there’s actually a week that federal employees have to work five days straight…
      whoever heard of such a tragedy…… well next week they have poinsettia day to look forward to.

  6. I was of the same thought as Egor regarding lasers on power tools, specifically handheld saws and such. Until, that is, when the fellow came to the ranch to template out for the new countertops a couple weeks back. When he started unloading a few tripods and Pelican type hard cases I thought WTF? After the gear was set up in the kitchen he first put a laser level in the center of the room that was a little larger than my Bosch, set the level line for the counter tops and switched it on. Holy Crap! I have got to have one of those!!! Then the wife, who is not happy with me since I sent the electrician she called to install ceiling fixtures packing, asks when are you getting someone to put in the new lights? Soon was the answer. The next morning I went to the city and came home with a new 8 ft step ladder and the Dewalt laser level with a tripod, and new photos of some of the grandbabies. I got the evil eye over the ladder but I told her all our old ones are wooden and rickety. You don’t want me to fall, do you? Major evil eye on that one.
    Just wait till she sees what the laser level cost.
    Stay safe. 73

  7. “… just a PCB tool that would export g-code…”

    I use DipTrace for designing circuit boards, but you can use any program that generates Gerber files. Then I use FlatCAM to convert the Gerber files into G-code. The next step uses the software included with my Genmitsu 2018 table top CNC router to read the G-code and move the cutter bit.

    That’s the theory anyway. The last time I tried to make a pcb, I had problems finding the right spindle speed and feed rate to make a good cut in the copper cladding. Frustrated, I loaded a board without copper and had the CNC drill the holes and cut the outline. Finished the assembly with old school point to point wiring on the bottom. It turned out great. has a forum where routing pcbs is discussed. (use the search function)

  8. Hello, thanks as always.. Since it’s maker Sunday,, Maybe you can be a subcontractor for our new B 21,, (maybe you already talked about it).
    Here is a link to the “War Zone” (pretty good site) that gives their take on it:

    here is a link to the roll-out friday nite:
    first 25 minutes are fluff,, then the CEO of N/G talks,, then a navy 4 star (joint chiefs),, then sec def (Austin)(Mr. Vax or get out),, then the unveiling. I watch our defense stuff pretty closely.. (Your tax dollars at work).. here is a letter I immediately sent to my Senator (whom I “mostly” like):
    Dear Senator Moran. Tonight, I watched the roll-out of the B 21 Raider in Palmdale. I noticed You were in attendance, in the front row. What an amazing machine. A true testament to the ingenuity and power of the United States. I follow our Defense Dept. closely, as an interested citizen, and taxpayer. It is our strength that keeps us free. Secretary Austin mentioned deterrence many times during his speech.
    These fantastic machines are projected to initially cost over $500,000,000 each. And the fleet is projected to be up to 100 planes. (of course in addition to development and maintenance costs). That’s a starting point of $50 BILLION . Or, less of our precious tax dollars, than we are spending to kill innocent Ukrainians, and totally ruin their country., under the guise of deterring Russia. Don’t you see the irony of this failed policy????? B 21’s deter Russia (and China). Not depleting our weapons stockpile, after our diplomats lied to Russian for 30 years,,, that we would not expand NATO further eastward than East Germany (after unification). Please Senator, rearrange your priorities,, stop the Ukraine debacle. I hope YOU actually read this. Thank You, Joe (in Kansas)
    (and I am grateful that you were able to finally get justice for our veterans who suffered from those horrendous burn pits.)

    I write ’em,, don’t know if it does any good,, but lets me still use my 1st amendment rights (for a while)

    • JoeNKs, Please share the generic letter you get back, okay?

      Let’s see if there is anything personal in it to you, from him, that remotely recognizes your concerns or points.

      Everything you wrote, hundreds of millions of inquiring minds would also like to know about.

      Let’s see who pads his paycheck by the answer he sells.

  9. I finished phase 2 of my network infrastructure upgrades this week. I replaced most of my old Ethernet cables with cat 8 cables. I also replaced a 10/100 Ethernet surge protector with a newer 10/100/ 1000 model. I upgraded my wireless access point to a new box, and relocated it up high on top of a bookcase. That, along with the upgraded firewall server seem to have perked up my comm benchmarks. The uploads increased more than the downloads. Go figure.
    Phase 3 will be a dedicated UPS for the comm widgets and firewall server. I have already installed a DC UPS on the firewall server, with maybe 4 hours of capacity. It cables in between the power supply and the computer. I am attempting to repurpose a Goal Zero box as a dedicated comm UPS, but I am waiting for a power supply. The porch pirates (or gate pirates in my case) liberated my first delivery. Added new batteries for the gate game camera to the upgrades.
    Is all this work really worth a meager 15% download and 30% upload comm rate increase? Probably not, but my system has all gigabit components now except on one legacy Windows 10 box, and is ready for an upgrade to 5G home internet, when and if it arrives. That, and I had an interesting computer adventure.

  10. The Laser X on my Ryobi drill press is nearly perfect… but not exact. I use it for rough alignment of the piece, and then push the (unpowered) drill in to see where the point will land. It always comes down just a hair in front of the X mark… so I know that is where the drill hole will go. Subsequently I align pieces for that “just inside the X”’ spot.

    Decent software to produce reasonably complex PC boards from a schematic would be a dream. But only if you are planning on multiple copies. I am experimenting with copper foil tape from 1/8” to wider strips for prototyping one-shot construction. Planning for the 1.6 GHz oscillator board construction on perf-board with foil strip interconnects. It is nice to be able to add large-area ground-plane ‘stick-ons’ for the microwave board. If I see a project in a magazine I like, I will always order the PC board usually listed from an available ‘maker’.

    • Well, you are making your buddy pal George one of those 1.6 gig dealies right? I know you’re planning a receiver and UFO hunting project and I want in!!!

      • I understand you already got the little QFH antenna ‘kit’ on a PCB board with wire. Mine had absolutely NO drawings or dimensions to form the wire spiral, which is important. I used #12 solid copper for more diameter & bandwidth. Dimensions I derived from my original construction site for the QFH at:
        I found that forming the spiral on a 1″ Dia. PVC scrap was easy to get it in the ballpark, then twist and adjust to get the dimensions correct.

        Antenna and a 30db preamp are as far as I am on receive. On the ‘exciter’ side the chassis is mounted with power supply and PA module. Imagineering front panel and oscillator board as yet.

      • Right hand polarization is the ‘standard’ used, so that’s what I went with. Could be other, though. Standby whip antenna for determining when/if a signal is detected.

      • Ummm… 1.6 GHz at 1/4 wave is 4.68 cm…. that would be 1.84 inches for the metric-impaired.

  11. More prayers and good wishes for Zeus! I’m glad to know he’s feeling a bit better. Is Sam still getting friendlier and more comfortable around the humans?

  12. Yo G, just spent some time skimming some articles on telegtram and I believe that there is a four pronged attack on the whack jobs that think they run the world. 1. The FTX scandal and the financing of Ukrain and mid term elections. 2. The drop of the twitter files by Elon. TOTAL censorship in collusion with the Brandon admin. 3. The nonstop demonstrations of the Brazilians over a stolen election (possible military intervention?) and lastly 4. Balenciaga and the pedo peddling. Liz Kronkin article here;
    Appears that 3 of these are seriously connected. Wonder if the self organizing collective (SOC) is choreographing ? Also how many of these scuffles are still in the shadows? Inquiring minds want to know….

    • – check out the french billionare married to Salma Hyak – and the co. he owns selling life like pedo mannequins/toys ??? as well as balencaiga.

      this rabbithole tres nasty – NO MERCY, No Questions – scheisse needs to end yesterday. nasty bitch had me fooled..

      talk about forfeit SOULs…

  13. Walmart’s Walton Family Giving Millions to LGBTQ Causes, Including Drag Shows for Children

    High-profile institutions like Disney have been under fire by family groups for years for pro-LGBT policies and activism. But there’s another powerful force that’s now on the radar for many conservative critics – the Walton family and their Walmart Foundation are suddenly getting lots of attention.

    …Makes ME want to shop at Wal-Mart, or not.

    • If TPTB insist on depopulation, they need to focus on animatronic sex robots rather than unnatural attachments. If people are born gay, that’s one thing, but getting hetero folks to switch sides is like getting similar poles of magnets to attract. It won’t happen, or if it does for a moment, something will change and they will spring apart in misery. It’s better to live alone than be with someone of the wrong polarity for you. I suspect that the current sterilization vaccines will do the job more effectively than the economy can manage anyway. I’m still of the opinion that Deagel is on track to be right in 2025.

  14. Katie Hobbs Played a Personal Part in Censoring Election Information, and We Have the Receipt

    In a separate but related case involving a lawsuit filed against President Joe Biden and his administration by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, in which he alleges the Biden administration colluded with Twitter and other Big Tech firms to censor and suppress freedom of speech, a bombshell emerged in the discovery process. That bombshell is an email document that clearly shows communications between then-Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ office and its contacts inside Twitter. Though the document is somewhat heavily redacted, it revealed that Hobbs’ office requested the removal of at least two tweets citing “election-related misinformation.”

    Here’s How They Did it: Real-time Election Fraud

    Database latency — a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!

    A policeman pulls over a speeder. The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store — so the police are on alert.

    No database latency.

    County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.

    American Thinker can be wordy, but it is ALWAYS worth a read. Among others, it is the place I first ran into Victor Davis Hanson, many years ago…

  15. FTX on Steroids: Is “Tether” the Biden World’s Crypto BCCI?

    Earlier this year, Protos shed light on that mystery by reporting that just two companies, Alameda Research and Cumberland Global, were responsible for seeping roughly two-thirds of all Tether into the crypto ecosystem. Did that last sentence set off any alarm bells? It should have. Alameda Research is the quantitative trading firm founded by Sam Bankman-Fried. Bankman-Fried and his partner in crime, Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, allegedly propped up their trading firm by plundering FTX customer accounts.

  16. Report: The Brazilian military stands with Bolsonaro… is prepared to invoke Article 142…

    The Brazilian people have flooded the streets in protest at an allegedly rigged and stolen election. Truckers are blocking all highways. Farmers have blocked all ports from exporting agriculture. Bolsonaro has exhausted his legal options, with his election appeal being rejected by a corrupt, opposition-appointed Chief Supreme Court justice.

    • watch Brazil my preciouses, the shceisse is rolling downhill now..ever so slowly, but downhill angle is in play. Be wanting to move to “higher ground” as scheisse show unravels is a most spectacular fashion..

      Only question in my feeble brain..WHEN DISCLOSURE ?

      4 once it happenZ, the War in Heaven comes home, again..gonna need some assistance..jss

      “…when I get to the bottom, I go back to the top of the slide
      when I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
      till I get to the bottom I see you again..
      You may be lover, but you aint no D_ _. _ _ _ _ _ r.”

      Got Popcornz?

  17. The Question Fools Don’t Ask

    What would you think of a person who never asked the price of anything he or she bought? You would assume the person was inordinately wealthy. But if the person wasn’t, you would dismiss him as a fool, and you would certainly never ask this person for advice about how to spend your money. Yet, for two years, that question—”What is the price?”—was avoided by virtually every political leader in the world as well as the vast majority of epidemiologists and physicians, journalists and editors, college presidents, deans, professors, and K-12 teachers.

  18. Yeah I suppose 109 years of 4×2 evil the FED and the American empire wont go to its death quietly . Don’t care my cats ashes , a piece of fur and paw print are home . Bloke was so dignified , turned up in a black hearse . Put her in her shrine and actually felt good when I come home from the gym . Said how yah going darling . No answer but I felt her presence

  19. lookee lookeee the coalition of the willing evil . markets shaky but hey no problems buy the FTSE UK, OZ 200sheethole futures and short gold . hey why didnt i think of that !!!!!!!!!!!!! yeehhhhaaaa ride em wall street cowboys !!! snort and go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah jimmy crack corn and i dont care .. hey wheres that outstanding distinguished piece of dog turd kevin oleary . mick prik probably countin all his laundered sheetcoin

  20. First, it was Elon Musk’s revelations of Twitter political misdeeds.

    Now comes the BIG BAD revelation:

    Ecohealth has long been suspected of creating the Covid epidemic via a NIH-funded contract to the Wuhan Institute. A former Ecohealth VP has turned whistleblower, and has confirmed that Covid was man-made, and originated at the Wuhan Institute on a Ecohealth contract.

    And, the NIH continues to shower Ecohealth and the Wuhan Institute with money:

    1.088 million Americans dead. So, where is our Stalinist AG in all this? Nuremburg II.

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