ShopTalk Sunday: Fall Garden Time!

Too busy with doctor appointments this week (checkups and a cardiologist follow up) to get much done in the Shop or Hobby Shop this week.  And it looks like things will be in go-slow mode since the next few weekends will be “Setting up for Fall” events.

#1: Plant Fall Garden

Fall into winter garden is a big one. It’s time to get out the seed boxes (this is one of three) where the seeds have been piling up since spring.

You know how that goes.  See something you planted that didn’t do too well?  “Let’s order a different variety (like so-and-so) and give that a try this fall.

In the Peoplenomics ebook “No BS Survival Gardening” I set up a matrix approach to gardening more successfully,

Our “issues to solve” in the fall garden are apparent from a look around the garden room my son and I knocked together last winter.  (Look up “ground screws” in the site search tool and you’ll find it.)  Let’s start here:

Umpteen tomato plants (damn things have gone everywhere) but not a single edible fruit.  I’m going to blame “climate change” for this one.  But (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) the reality is the garden room simply got too hot for things to set fruit.  Tomatoes like the lower 90’s but if they don’t come in early?  When we had weeks on end of 100F temps?  Not so good.

The peppers ended up in the shade of the toms – so no fruit has been set by them, yet.  More grow lights coming.

After breakfast here in a few minutes, I’m devoting a “power hour” to ripping out everything that doesn’t have edibles on it and replanting.

When they have enough sunshine, the toms at the north end of the room are doing well, but the sad fact is…

…the parent plants are on the right wall and it’s just not bright enough with the shade cloth on overhead to dial back the sunshine.  (Sheesh, right?)

And the corn is years from tasseling.  Which won’t stop me from putting a shorter variety on the right wall where there’s 8-feet of “my we’re pretty to look at, but not much else” tomatoes.

In fairness, the carrots were good.  The Bok Choi will have its own fall space, and the Romaine is due for a return engagement.

Troubleshooting technique?  I tend to overdo everything in life.  So, if Square Foot Gardening has six plants in a square foot, I went for 9.  That kind of thing.  The result has been the most robust harvest of thin, scrawny (but very tasty!) celery you’ve ever seen!

Biggest take out from this season (which may have us changing our last name to Donner) is keep the plants spaced out NO CLOSER than the SFG sites recommend.

With the fence around the dirt garden beefed up, no signs of deer jumping in for treats, but we’ll see if any squash set when the weather cools a bit more.

Holdover Projects

Too much go and not enough whoa! this week is my excuse for not finishing the hull sanding on the wooden Chinese Sand Ship model.

Using the “big brother of Dremel” machine, I might as well have just carved the hull out of solid Durham’s Rock Hard Water Putty.  A second (thinner) coat came along Saturday.

I’ve said before that when you’re making a model, there are no rules.  Well, except for the ONE RULE of model making:  It has to look good when finished. If I want (or have an OCD need) to put on three layers of putty and two coats of primer to get it where I want?  Well, that’s between me and the Grim Reaper who keeps mentioning the time, here lately.

Big Fun?

See these two boxes?

The one on the left is a Genmitsu 3018 CNC while the one on the right is a Sainsmart CNC.  One of these days have to get these opened.

BUT!  That meant I needed to finish a second laptop conversion to Linux.  And that (this is like rosary beads; this project linkage stuff never stops) meant ordering a 1 TB SSD because the 500 GB 33-1/3rd -RPM drive just would not pass the patience test.  I tried.  Even with wine.  Nope.

But that meant discovering if you don’t pay the upcharge for faster shipping from Crucial, they use something called “Mail Innovations” which happens not to be as tightly scheduled.  It will get here – the when isn’t as certain.  USPS – left to its own – will lose items faster.  Rumor is the drive will be here Tuesday but we’ll just see about that.

I keep arguing with myself about how to roll out of the WinMac OS world.  Been in them forever.  Since my first Trash-80 was upped with an HP-110C portable in my airline days.  Still keep an eye out for one of those, but no USB so why would I?

I dunno.  Same reason some guys restore classic bamboo fishing rods, I reckon.  Pappy always held that his favorite 9-1/2 foot “single egging” bamboo rod was magic.  And he caught our boat (and motor) weight in fish a couple of years running (salmon and trout which ended up in the Little Chief smokers – remember those?). So maybe the rod matters.

Time to Buy Lumber!

If you are fortunate enough to have “little helpers around” don’t forget to load up on lumber ahead of Labor Day.  Check FinViz here and you’ll see the peak of lumber prices was in February.

Being no fools around here, the idea is that if the lumber gets dropped off this week or next, the tractor and I will have plenty of time to move things around before the weather turns.

If your helpers are going to school, it’s a fine time to teach them the art of stacking (and sticking) lumber properly so it dries true.  The minor allowance kick up (“it’s for school supplies dad!”)  which you were going to be suckered into anyway will at least then have some basis in objective Reality for a change.  Won’t last.

(*Let me poll our board of directors. “Anyone’s kids ever stop asking for money?  Hands?”  None seen.  Motion carries!)

In the Lab This Week

We still haven’t given up completely on the ideas laid out in my book Dimensions Next Door.  Got the digital audio workstation 
installed on my “work computer” this week.  (We use Samplitude Pro in our real recording studio at the house…a lesson in studio design and wiring is coming…)

Using Audacity I pulled a good audio track from the Skinwalker Ranch series on Amazoid Video and then scoped it down to the basic elements of what was heard when the “team” saw the signals in the 1.6 GHz range.

swear I have heard that sound before:  It sounds like free-running oscillators on almost but not quite the same frequency.  Which promptly set off an explosion of ideas centered around the idea of turning an LED array into the frequency determining element in a transmitter of some kind.  With the objective of opening a portal, of course.

That wasted an hour or three of rereading about Gunn Oscillators, tunnel diodes and technology I haven’t even looked at since I landed my first-class commercial radio ticket at age 16.  At that point, tunnel diodes in radars became a “they work or they don’t” item joining capacitors, resistors, inductors, and politicians.

However, stumbling on now to partially burn out an LED to convert it into a negative resistance device?  Well, I passed that along to Hank out on the Big Island because as a retired broadcast TV engineer, he has even less time than me.  And you know the old saying:  If you really want something done, give it to a busy man…”

Which explains the incredible length of the Honey-Do list here.

Which I will be eyeing while considering the major choice of the day:  Do I drink breakfast and to hell with the list?  Or actually get the garden room replanted?

The answer – seriously – is the garden room.  But there was a time for all of us when life operated at about 40 pounds less pressure per cubic day.  Where’d that go?

Next stop is Brisqi to arrange today’s Kanban disaster so I will remember what went wrong when it happens.  Which it inevitably will…

Write when you get rich,

61 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Fall Garden Time!”

  1. Using Linux CNC, It’s based on the Ubuntu distro, I’ve experimented with several distro’s over the years. Only 2 are bullet proof OS’s. Mint, and Zorin. I like Zorin the best and am using Zorin 16 pro. Linux CNC (Emc2) is some work. Mach3 or Mach4 is easier to use,
    You can load Zorin or Mint and swap the drive with almost any computer and it will boot with all of your stuff. Incredible OS’s.

  2. Could the issues with your grow room tomatoes be the same as the Elites say due to overpopulation? Also curious as to what variety you planted. I like the varieties Large Red Cherry and Red Robin for inside areas like yours.
    Good you are finding these things out now rather than when it gets hungry in a couple years.

    Good luck with the Dr visits this week. Stay safe. 73

  3. Tomatoes

    A contributing if not the problem is over fertilizing.

    And perhaps overcrowding. We plant our’s 3′ – 4′ apart. When plants are 1′ high we put on some Miracle Grow for Tomatoes. Once.

    Or some 10-10-10 once in the Spring should be enough for any of your veggies.

    Anything with much N should be avoided.

  4. “Umpteen tomato plants (damn things have gone everywhere) but not a single edible fruit. I’m going to blame “climate change” for this one. ”

    this reminds me of 2012… that year was an odd one.. went out it was almost eighty degrees out the first week of March.. I was turning over the dirt.. and the dirt below was Warm to the touch.. so I laughed and said.. hey.. I am going to plant my garden.. everyone gave me crap about it.. I said why not.. it will freeze.. so I planted half of my garden the first week of March..
    It was the only part of the garden that produced any fruit.. this year has been an odd one to.. it was to cold late and to hot early.. the tomatoes are just now starting to fruit.. the green beans are doing wonderful.. but not one squash or one cucumber to save my soul.. I haven’t checked the no till potatoes..

    Here is a rare oportunity LOL.. don’t hold your breath for another though.. the last time I put in an article from YALE was decades ago.. their library is closed to everyone not in the daddies party school to read or study.. so with great pleasure.. here is a decent article and it doesn’t deal with shotgunning a beer or how to roll a J…. LOL

    Is this a good time to bring up my decades old rants that I think we should be greenscaping our cities and putting in solar towers.. air wells and co2 filters to take the edge off of not having enough tree’s..
    I believe that crops can be grown year round.. NK.. was forced to learn how and are probably the leading authorities on hydroponics.. a lot could be learned if there was open communication..
    the same with China and Taiwan.. I would love to take a tour of those facilities.. I had planned on making a garden to sit outside during the winter to grow a garden and call it my winter garden.. at one point in time.. my grandkids were going to make a high altitude garden system to go on the high flying balloons for NASA challenge.. but I got sick and it never was finished.. my idea was the egg or drawer system.. with one just for plant starting.. then up like a shcool.. to the final harvest section climate controlled.. and when they came out with the no touch bee hive.. that was and still is the cats meow..

    • LOOB,
      I don’t get what the big deal about CO2 gas being the current whipping boy for the climate change nincompoops. It is among the smallest of atmospheric components at less than 0.04% (google). Any greening of this planet is dependent on this gas being present. If one was to try an experiment with CO2 being increased a bit by raising the percentage in a closed environment, (for science of course) the increase in plant growth and harvest quantities would (hopefully) dispel the idiotic push to somehow “trap all of this gas to prevent its effect on the earth”
      If through some wildly unfortunate circumstance, the idiots endorsing the fatal theory of CO2 capture and sequester became successful, world hunger and depopulation would be the result. There have been famines before and while modern agricultural advances have produced higher abundance, the agricultural processes of the past only dealt with populations that were a tiny percentage of today – and folks still starved to death. We have the same problems still even with our technology. Too many people wanting the same resources simultaneously.
      If one plans to eat regularly, they had ought to toss the bad CO2, carbon credit and carbon capture idea into the shitcan of history before it is too late.

  5. “Anyone”s kids ever stop asking for money?” Double chuckle.
    Reminds me of way back when you coined the phrase NBOD.
    “National Bank of Dad”. Thanks George.
    Blessings wished for you and Yours.

      • LOOB, I will send you 30 Loonies(almost half)what you need to get you started, I only want ure 2cents/kilometre investment benefit mailed monthly to me in Chinada.

    • Bonide does work great., so does their Rot Stop. Recommend both. .., and – there is no mention of squash in their literature, or product reviews. But., I am going to give it a try on one plant.

  6. dear sir,
    Its been my experience that tomatoes blossoms won’t set at 90 degrees and above. I live North of you in OK.
    good luck with your fall garden!

  7. Measurement systems are all (ours) based on some root natural phenomenon or other. Measurement systems defined and created by “others” (read: aliens) would likely as not base on something unknown to us or thought unimportant here.

    Moral: Technological things done by “others” might not make a lot of (seemingly) logical sense to us humans.

    In various oddball and disreputable sources, the following audio frequencies have been ear-tagged as “interesting” in a “Meter / Kilogram / Second” measurement units system. (Ours)

    Patterns seen by the eye and mind may not be truly significant.
    Beware the curse of searching for round number values, or “even” numbers, or apparent patterns. Mostly, they distract and confuse.

    All frequencies in Hertz (audio).
    111, 222, 396, 432, 444, 528, 639, 741, 852, 888

    Several studies have been done by taking concert “A” at 440, and re-calibrating to “A” at 444 or 432. The resultant music is… …different. (There’s some stuff about this on YooToob.)
    (I am NOT a musician.)

    Once, long ago I futzed around with a transducer meant to couple audio-rate signals into solid materials, such as steel, and liquids such as water. (Never you mind what it was intended for.) It dealt with issues of “acoustic impedance matching” of signals at some decent power — tens to several hundreds of watts — into test article devices and systems. This transducer was essentially a speaker, with a voice coil designed for the power level, but instead of a paper cone, the business end was a solid aluminum “horn” with a flat face meant to be applied to the work subject. (Think: Vibration studies)

    Futzing around, I applied this thing to a Lally column in my basement tinkeingr shop, and fed my Hewlett=Packard 600 audio oscillator through my Ram Audio Systems 400 watts (a side) strapped amplifier. I “tuned around.”

    I found several potent resonances, and damn near destroyed the house. Maybe this was what Ed Leedskalin was doing… Dunno. I scared myself and went on to other adventures. Out of my depth with this one.


  8. George,

    Enjoy the reporting on your gardening exploits – lots of good observations and reasoning.

    You said your plans called for planting Bok Choy next. My wife, the head gardener, suggested an alternative or addition – Tatsoi.

    Tatsoi, a Korean veggie, is a cool weather plant that has a flavor similar to Bok Choy but can go from seed to harvest in about 28 days. It’s nutrient packed and because of the rapid growth/maturity it’s a good ‘survival food’. Was used by 16th century Chinese herbalists.

    Stay well and healthy.

  9. I had a 3000 sq ft commercial greenhouse years ago that I grow tomatoes in. Just looking at your pictures I think there is a couple thinks you could do. The tomatoes look to be indeterminate they will grow sucker between the leaves and stem remove all sucker, a main stem is all you want. from the roof hang baling twin. Every foot are so of plant tie in a small wire tie looped around main stem loosely to keep plant growing strait up. When plants start to flower blow fans on them for 5 minutes between 12 noon and 1 o’clock for best plant pollination. I got two crops a year in northern Nebraska.

  10. This is a bit off topic, but it’s STS, so why not:

    My daughter has been having massive problems cloning her main OS drive on her business computer from a 1/2 terabyte hard drive to a 2 terabyte SSD. She’s apparently tried several cloning programs with no success trying to get her main drive copied with Windows 10 resident on it. The situation is getting rather critical and she’s even considering a reinstall, but that shouldn’t be necessary and she has a rather complex setup too. I’m wondering what cloning software has been successful for Win 10 drives, so as to keep essentially a bit for bit identity between the drives. All ideas are appreciated. I’ll be looking into this further as it’s affecting her business.

  11. “Mail Innovations” is a USPS hybrid. The package ships via UPS Ground (overseas sometimes uses DHL Express), to your local (or sometimes a regional) Post Office. It is then delivered by USPS Mail Carrier.

    “Since my first Trash-80 was upped with an HP-110C portable in my airline days. Still keep an eye out for one of those, but no USB so why would I?”

    Shame… If’fn you wanted a TRS-80 Model 100 (the original portable journalism/reporter’s computer) I could fix you right up. I’ve got two working specimens I’m eventually going to dump.

      • Floppy?

        Honestly, I think they’re tape input like the Model-1… Or write your own ;-)

        However, ISYN the batteries are still good!!!

      • BTW, I’m probably one of few people you know who has a working 5¼”, 3½”, zip, multiformat tape, and damn’ near any other storage drive or format you can think of (except 8″ although I DO have a few 8″ discs somewhere…) Oh, and probably still have compact cassette tapes with Trash-80, Commodore-64, and TI-99/4a programs & data on them, even though the ‘puters are long-since gone…

      • “You’re as addicted to old cpu’s as I am to old tube type radio gear, Ray.”

        Naw — I’m not even as addicted to confusers as I am old radio gear. I was building & repairing, so I had to take care of my stuff, and I also had to have one of every type media, in case I needed to read a program or driver off some stupid, proprietary bit of kit. (For a while, I had to have a “clone hard drive” for each OS, and a mule just for them, because Microsoft/IBM demanded exclusive access to Track-Zero.)

        When I’d get to a point when a piece of data hardware appeared to really be at EOL, I would restore the best example I had,, then pack that computer down and turn the rest into a scrap steel supply. The reason I have a pristine NexGen with 3″ and 5″ floppies, and (probably) a 2x Plextor CD-ROM optical (which cost more then, than a new computer does, now), is because I restored it after the firewall project, then shelved it… ‘Never know when yer gonna need a computer that runs a native RISC architecture and can boot OSR2.5, Red Hat, or BSD — and is not a CRAY…

  12. Solar Panels become less efficient in hot weather.

    Optimized for 25C., every degree above that drops 0.5% panel output. After a surface temperature scan of your panel on a hot sunny day, you can do the math of how much output you are losing… and whether it might be worthwhile to string those misters out above the panels to keep them cool. I know my 15 year old Chinese 100 watt panels developed micro cracks on the surface after laying in the tropic sun for a few years. Replaced with a used 250W ‘Canadian Solar’ well made panel in good condition… for $0.50/watt.

    “However, stumbling on now to partially burn out an LED to convert it into a negative resistance device?  Well, I passed that along to Hank out on the Big Island because as a retired broadcast TV engineer, he has even less time than me.  And you know the old saying:  If you really want something done, give it to a busy man…”

    ROFL! Jeeze, I used to play with Gunn Oscillators on our 13GHz microwave units. But now days the only ‘negative resistance’ I can remember is a battery…. It keeps the juice flowing. But the ‘Skinwalker’ signal at 1.6 GHz I saw is the first real scientific clue I have seen of this UAP phenomenon (is that redundant?) I think it is a good clue to follow.

    I’ve been busily occupied with ‘Polynesian Paralysis’ while the chain saw and weed hacker were in the shop. Who knew the damn muffler output screens would carbon up and clog if the engine idles too much. “Run ‘em wide open, or shut it off!” Says two engine techs now. Anyway, both units returned yesterday, and there’s a jungle out there trying to take over the yard. My ‘garden room’ is bigger than yours!

  13. “Do have fears about mixing food plant water with anything except first pass collected rain water tho.”

    2-liter soda bottle
    3/4″ PVCx1/2″ MPT adapter
    Silicone to glue the jug’s threaded maw into the adapter
    8-way FPT hydroponics distribution manifold

    After the silicone dries, cut the bottom out of the bottle, screw it into the manifold. Use the pop bottle to distribute plant food. Build one for each different formula of liquid grow-juice.

    Maters like to be fed from below. If you get a 2x (tee), or 3x or 4x PVC wye adapter (like this one: you can cap the ends and drill a few small holes in each “leg,” then use the upright stand-pipe as a feeder/waterer (lotsa water, very little feed…) If you get more tees, you can feed more tomatoes. Do one stand-pipe per no more than four plants, and plant the things two feet apart. Five “Beefsteak” tomatoes should produce more fruit than the two of you can eat, can, and probably give away.

    The comment from “dag” is a good one. For personal or hobby “tomatoing” we use “cages” ( because they do a better job than staking. One of my brothers has three producing Beefsteak plants that’re 9 feet high, in 24″ pots with 8′ cages (I have no idea where he got them — may have made ’em out of farm fence.) I know because I saw them with my own eyes, else I’d not have believed it.

    With that said, “dag” mentioned hanging baling twine. This may be better and easier for you than caging, simply because you have a “ceiling” from which you could suspend twine runs.

    Tomatoes (and melons, BTW) ripen best, on the vine. The more ripe they get, the more-attractive they become to critters, and the more susceptible they become to bug attacks. Grown indoors, neither of these should be of concern to you…

  14. George . I’m really afraid the satanic have taken over the gold market. Gold represents freedom and the egotistical idiot gurus in the gold market can’t see it . Seriously I know you wouldn’t do this . But are clowns calling themselves gold gurus on the take or psyopsed

  15. I got a lot of respect for rick Ackerman . But I can’t understand what he is remotely coming to conclusion on his weekly expose . Bullish ? Bearish ? Long ? Short ? Currency ? Anyway rick with the VIX under 20 for 2 days you will see as will many

  16. To light up the back row, you can always build yourself a mirror:

    Most of these films are semi-reflective (see-through from the dark side, like a security mirror) so it looks like tint from inside the house. They’re also fun to play with. I once installed a reflective film on a staircase, and another on the sloping stairwell ceiling, with (incandescent) rope-lights (‘cuz LED rope lights hadn’t been invented, yet) running up the baseboards. My ex appreciated my stairs even less than she appreciated my computer, which looked like HAL and could hold about a 10th grade pseudo-intelligent group conversation, even to recognizing individual voices and “remembering” the name attached to each voice.

    • we used that reflective mylar on cardboard when I had the kids make folding solar cookers.. just sprayed the cardboard with an adhesive and laid it out..
      when we made the solar oven we used that to.. it was a lot of fun to do.. great project for the kids to learn.. I also used something like that on the solar beer chiller.. LOL.. that was fun..
      a few zip ties.. and it folds up real nice..

      • Ex-wife would get vertigo, just looking at the stairwell! No matter which way you went, it looked like you were walking both up stairs and down stairs at the same time. I had a computer BBS called “The Attic Dungeon” and that stairwell was its only access. It’s amazing the things you can do with a roll of mylar, and too much time on your hands…

  17. This is a very good video that’s just popped up on YT about the business of “farming” from the Aussies’ view which is pretty much identical to what’s going on here. Farmers’ kids don’t want to get their hands dirty with anything but money so Big Money is buying up land to suck the value out of it and leave desolation behind. Later on they get in to a Permaculture discussion.

    (WARNING!) From A Australian FARMER! ~ (MEGA!) Food Shortage ~ No More Farm Land!

  18. It took my dad over 20 years to do so but he built his home. That’s a topic for another day.

    The 2-story house had corrugated metal roofing, and he installed a 1,000 gallon water tank, gutters that drained into the tank, and a 2″ pipe on the ridge (with holes drilled along the length) that dumped water over the roof to cool it off. The trick was dumping water (as opposed to just spraying water). The upstairs was noticeably cooler, and the water returning to the tank still felt cool.

    A couple of years earlier, I had tried cooling rooftop solar panels using water from an inground pool (plumbed in with pool filter system) to spray the panels with an oscillating lawn sprinkler, with a special gutter returning the (now heated) water to the pool. The panels were cooled off but the pool eventually got too hot for swimming.

  19. Polio Is Circulating Through New York’s Sewage System, Infecting The Unvaccinated

    Health officials confirmed Friday that the polio virus was found in New York City’s wastewater, suggesting that the disease is spreading throughout the unvaccinated population. The presence of polio in wastewater in New York City was said to be “alarming but not surprising,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett commented, according to The Associated Press. “The risk to New Yorkers is real but the defense is so simple — get vaccinated against polio,” NYC Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan noted, the AP reported.

  20. Countries ditching U.S. dollar to avoid sanctions

    Since Western countries levied heavy sanctions on Russia in punishment for its invasion of Ukraine, India has increased its imports of Russian coal and natural gas, paying in Chinese yuan, United Arab Emirates dirham, Hong Kong dollar, and euro, Reuters reported Wednesday. Turkey and Iran have also forged agreements with Russia to base bilateral commerce on the Russian ruble, an effort to divest from dependence on the “toxic” U.S. dollar while easing the effect of sanctions on the Russian economy.

  21. Looked at your maters. Not just the heat. They need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight to flower. They need tons of water. They need to be spaced 2 feet apart. Finally, you are correct, too hot. Any of these things prevents flowering. Try setting up a mister. The mist water will cool stuff down. Have it turn on every 20 minutes or so.
    Here’s a guy in Texas.

  22. I just ordered a 1.6GHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator… and a 30db amplifier. Fasten your seat belt.

  23. The wife and grandkid went on a shopping trip this past weekend to Georgetown and Round Rock. First time they’d been to that area. To put it directly – things are kind of tense out there. My sister-in-law was with them and commented on the fact that both pairs of shoes the grandkid bought were black, not thinking for a second about the three Black girls that were in ear shot ahead of them but who evidently didn’t hear the whole conversation. When the girls turned around and gave them “the look” my sister-in-law explained they were talking about shoes which seemed to have diffused the situation. The wife said it’s like everyone is just looking for a reason to go off on someone else around there – just like our little town has become a microcosm of the bigger picture. It may be “small town living” but new people from places like Eastern Texas don’t have a clue as to HOW to live and fit into a small town.

    In another incident what was interpreted as a possible child abduction had occurred at an Ikea store just as they were walking up to it. A Hispanic woman was explaining that she thought the child was lost, a ~10 year old boy, and was trying to help him find his family. (Things that make you go “Hmmmm…”) Everyone had filed out of the store and assembled in their various ethnic groups outside as they approached so they went another direction until later on.

    In all our years of pre-school shopping we usually wind up going to San Antonio and have never encountered this kind of tension. Don’t know why the wife chose this area, perhaps the “factory outlet” stores (that really weren’t) had something to do with it. She said the price of Levi’s was twice the price there than at home so Old Navy got a lot of their business. She was carrying her birthday present – a S&W M&P .38+P and wondered more than once if she was going to have to use it. The grandkid almost stepped on a rattler back on Thursday so I told her before they left to keep an eye out for trouble the same way she looks for that familiar pattern in the grass now. The wife said she stayed attached to the hem of her T-shirt practically the whole time once she saw what was going on out there.

    • “both pairs of shoes the grandkid bought were black, not thinking for a second about the three Black girls that were in ear shot ahead of them but who evidently didn’t hear the whole conversation. When the girls turned around and gave them “the look”

      LOL LOL and the young black lady and her son next door.. fried me up so eggplant and gave me a big hug.. what a difference the area’s make.. LOL LOL LOL

      • Yep, hicks from the sticks come to town. They were all acting like they do here at home and didn’t think anything of it. Never saw the eggshells lying all about.

        I was raised in the “olde ways” being taught to be deathly afraid of anyone with dark skin – reeally dark skin – but then turned around and had a massive crush on a young black girl in high school. Probably scared the hell out of her. Never dated but wound up marrying a Hispanic girl that took the folks a while to get used to. The next major family cat-astrophy that occurred meant Mom needed a shoulder to cry on and my wife was there to fill the bill. Everything was fine after that, LOL. We all CAN get along but it takes time.

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