Since I lived full-time on my 40-foot offshore capable sailboat for nearly a dozen years up and down the West Coast, I should begin with a sailing story.
When I bought the boat (following a legendary expensive divorce), it was a dandy cross between Peter Pan’s adventures and living in Superman’s “Fortress of Solitude.”
Just like flying airplanes out to the limited of their operating envelope, the cold Pacific cannot be bullshitted any more than aerodynamics could. In short, it was a place of healing and self-discovery. Waking up at anchor, coming up on deck with the first cup of coffee from the galley to watch Mt. Rainer roll through several flavors of ice cream (strawberry into orange sherbet most mornings) with feet up on the lazarette…OMG what a life.
We Begin at the Lazarette
Ground dwellers and lubbers usually don’t know that a lazarette is generally a storage locker. The Hunter 40 I lived on had cavernous storage in a couple of areas, Behind the queen berth aft and the aft lazarette in the cockpit. All fiberglass and virtually maintenance-free.
Ahead, port and starboard (larboard and starboard for purists) were a couple of benches made of teak which provided mid-cockpit seating. This was essentially a strong grate made of teak.
Brightwork on a boat consists of anything that requires regular upkeep. Fiberglass, by Ure’s definition, ain’t brightwork. Teak – the shiny kind – and the odd bits of brass around the boat? That was the brightwork.
Now it happened a marvelous woman I was dating (somewhere in these antediluvian times) lived next door to a fellow (Jeff, I seem to recall) who worked for Fisheries Supply in Seattle. 24-karat fellow, a wealth of all things “boatie” and he knew every odd part name and accouterment to keep recreational and commercial boats working their best.
“Cetol,” he said quietly as if it was semi-secret in 1990 and before “It’s made by Sikkens and it’s the best boat teak finish there is. Bar none.”
So I anted up for a can and got to work on my teak. By the way, it’s not free. Even today it’s $51 a quart on Amazon. But if you are using it, plan on spending a full week getting it just perfect. If you get down to raw teak and then four thin coats of Cetol on, you’re brightwork is done for a decade.
At the four- or five-year mark, sitting at the Port of Brownsville, one weekend, I decided to lightly sand (3-beers is lightly for two 4-foot benches) and applied two more thin coats. That was IT. 11-years of well-trimmed and healthy teak with a marvelous look to it. God bless Cetol.
We still keep a can of the stuff around. I’ve got an old wood rocking chair in the greenhouse/lean-to which needs to meet Mr. Sander, one of these first days. Cetol will assure another happy ending.
For the Love of Teak
The use of Cetol on horizontal surfaces must be carefully considered. Because in the case of my boat benches, there was something of a hazard when the teak was wet. Not an uncommon thing in the Pacific Northwest.
This came down to a judgement call. The Cetol looked grand. But one, sailing alone in the rain, I did slip on the smooth finish going forward. A not on the noggin reminded me to mention someday that wet shiny surfaces, no matter how good the Sperry Topsiders are, will still slip and slide. Fortnately, nothing broken.
Teak DECKS should never be varnished or covered with anything but modest oxalic acid solutions and plenty of seawater to rinse. That will take out most (if not all) of the graying that accompanies natural weathering. Seems there are lots of opinions of which very of oxalic is “best”. For a deep discussion of teak head over to How to Clean Teak Furniture Properly – Teak & Deck Professionals (
The before and after pictures are where to focus. A good stiff bristled scrub brush, ample fluids, and a not-too-hot day. Since there will be a lot of “arm strong” involved.
When done (and rinsed) there is nothing better for bare feet than a teak deck underfoot. Alas, the Magic Elf (from our time down in “hurricane alley” (SF) didn’t have teak decks. Which was one reason the boat was affordable.
Fast Forward to Ranch Life
Old salts, and young’un’s like us, still haven’t lost our taste for brightwork. It bit again this week when we were in the kitchen looking at a dark metal air conditioning duct in the floor.
“Gotta go. Looks like shit.”
Off to Amazon and reading reviews only to find that most of the metal grates anymore are designed NOT to be walked on. Kid you now.
So, I ended up buying what looked like a best-available unfinished wood unit. This one, in fact.
OK, I know: “Why didn’t you make it yourself?” Sadly, time. Got to pick and choose target projects carefully and with an eye on the clock.
Step 1: Toss on several coats of sanding sealer. Sanding first…
One thing I learned from the yachties was always use the roughest sandpaper that won’t take thing too far. Since the white oak was reasonable, the first sanding block was 120 (see the stamp?). The final coat prep would be hit with 240. Douse with two layers of sanding sealer:
A bit more sanding after this dried and then on to the final spray coats of hard urethane.
This will go in today, having 72-hours of drying time this week before installation.
Project Follow Up
Guest bathroom project is done. Ceiling patches nothing to write home about, but this IS a bathroom in as pole building, so it ain’t like there’s a ROI on hiring Michaelangelo to apply finish mud and paint.
The paint color was called “teal” and honestly, it could have gone off a bit more to green, truth be told. But returns take time. Sometimes you just work with the materials on hand. I spoke to the help (me) about my sucky color pallet. Elaine was polite. “It’s only a bathroom and if George 2 doesn’t like it, give him a paintbrush.”
Shower curtain goes in, an odd bit of new furniture, new towels…call it good.
The nice thing about having kids/guests come to visit/live is that if gives us a reason to finish projects. I’ve noticed that – left undisturbed – most projects can be put on hold. Sometimes for several years in a row.
We have lost count of how many projects formerly on hold have been finished and closed out in the last month, or two. The Major’s visit was sidelined with a blown out knee. But we plan to be here in the fall.
As Elaine and I were painting away (she’s got a deadeye for trim cut-ins while I can only occasionally find the wall…). I looked into her eyes and uttered what every woman of 80 wants to hear while painting a ceiling.
“Aren’t we supposed to be in a nursing home, or something right now?”
On the grocery run Thursday I had the pleasure of changing a right rear tire on the old Lexus. If you want to keep in condition, try changing a tire in a ditch along a single-track country road sometime. Sandy soil kept letting the jack settle in, so it was a close call getting the new wheel on. Digging out sand bare-handed…all the while that line “Aren’t we supposed to be in a nursing home…” line kept echoing. All the damn way into town…
I added a 10-inch hunk of 2-by-6 to the trunk kit for the next soft soil tire change in sand (AATCS) adventure.
Write when something gets done,
“The nice thing about having kids/guests come to visit/live is that if gives us a reason to finish projects. I’ve noticed that – left undisturbed – most projects can be put on hold. Sometimes for several years in a row.”
Things don’t get finished because of the Law of Seven.
“The Law of Seven also shows the points in the scale where the rate of increase or decrease of frequency of any vibration slows down. Between Mi-Fa and Si-Do are ‘intervals’, where a different, extra energy is required to maintain the original impetus. These ‘intervals’ are responsible for the frequent unpredictability of human aims and endeavours.”
“…having kids/guests come to visit/live…”
This is what provides the “extra energy” to finish the projects.
“Aren’t we supposed to be in a nursing home, or something right now?”
Can’t imagine you, Elaine, Andy, LOOB or many others on this website in a nursing home.
Well BIC, you need to zoom out because each and every one of us is vulnerable to age and many other ills.
In these last 24 months I have been made invalid by a rare neuropathy, to the point I cannot ambulate safely without a walker. This means my farming days are mostly over, as are my days of clambering over drilling rigs. This meant turning on my SS and Medicare, and I am still sorting this out. I went in for an MRI, my 5th this year, and they found a tumor. It weighed 7 lbs, but fortunately it was contained and hadn’t busted out into my peritoneum. God is still good to me.
So all in 24 months my career is over, my pension is necessary and my retirement plans now MUST include possibility of a nuesing home, as my wife may not be able to handle me or could pass before me.
George and Elaine are blessed, but they are two good people who often gift their time and resources to others – bless them both. But some of us are sent down other chutes of life – so please fellow readers, zoom out and imagine and accept the possibility of requiring nursing care in your dotage. Some surprises you can do without.
We are delighted to see you posting again – and if there’s anything we can do (short of holding up the Treasury) keep in touch! Let’s do a book! Ambulatory ain’t everything (said the guy who sold his plane because of his eyes).
Harder than hell, Life.
But tough fellows like OM2 still power their way to the finish line to win the knowledge we chose this e-ride to gleen.
There is an ad on your site for this shirt.
Stay strong, we are all here for a purpose. Folks like yourself, even though you may not realize it, are a source of knowledge and you are appreciated. Best wishes to you and yours.
God bless.
I was working a hundred hours a week.. then my joint issues started.before I realized what hit me.. my body rebelled and I was not able to walk.. for a year I was totally dependent.. to hold a cup of coffee or take a drink.. to hole a fork or a spoon… three years I was in a wheel chair.. then a walker.. now I sport around with a sexy cane..
I fell yesterday.. blind in one eye and peripheral limits on the one good eye.. I fell and freaked my grandson out.. it happens when you least expect it.. and it happens suddenly..
The kids all say don’t worry dad we are here.. when I started to go blind.. I had so many people volunteering to read to me.. one college prof.. said if I gave them a room he would give extra credit to a student to live with us and read to me.. ( nice but the way I read and what I read would drive them stark raving lunnies LOL I read that crap that congress tells everyone they don’t have to read..and spends millions of dollars to have all that crap printed up that they have no intention whatsoever to even cracking the front if they wrote the bills themselves.. they would be much shorter and in a language that an eight grader could read and understand.. LOL LOL LOL sometimes I wonder if any of them even have a clue what is in them or if they can even read.. no rationally sane person would ever consider voting for it.. yet they tell everyone just how wonderful it is LOL )
the thing is we don’t know it happens in an instant..
“now if they wrote the bills themselves.. they would be much shorter and in a language that an eight grader could read and understand..”
That’s one of my precepts of “good government.”
“No bill or piece of legislation should be longer than 28 pages, nor should it ever be written in language and phraseology that a person of average intelligence and education can completely comprehend.
“All bills and pieces of legislation, unless of an emergency nature and drafted during the actual event which spurs the specific event which defines the emergency, should be conspicuously posted for the inspection of all Citizens, for a period of not less than 30 days, to allow for public reading and comment, before any such bill or piece of legislation is signed into law or effect…”
“All bills and pieces of legislation, unless of an emergency nature and drafted during the actual event which spurs the specific event which defines the emergency, should be conspicuously posted for the inspection of all Citizens”
I use to read the bills for shitz and giggles.. you would be surprised at what is in them dam things.. LOL LOL long long long time ago.. I shared what was in one insane bill.. because I just couldn’t believe that crap was in it.. LOL LOL got some nasty feedback on me sharing what I read with others.. and I no longer can go to the thomas library and read any of them from my home computer I get the flag your denied access which is ok.. lets face it if the shizt is so bad that congress doesn’t want to even look at it.. and no one wants to know what is in it.. why should some schmuck in the wastelands waste his time on it anyway.. no one cares.. and no one is going to fix what they do.. the only thing we can do is vote the congressmen that not only don’t care to read that stuff or write it.. that have a poor work history and would be fired if they were a dishwasher at a local restaurant.. out of office.. there isn’t one reason why people that have that poor of attendance and low work ethics should be doing that important of a job.. but then that is my opinion.. no one wants them to leave.. hell they might be afraid that they would get dirty dishes if they went to work washing dishes .. or to heavy of grocery bags.. can’t put watermelons on top of bread and eggs you know.. it just isn’t a good thing.. .. LOL LOL what was funny about it was.. I only shared it with six people.. they don’t want you to know what is hidden in those thousand pages of legal double talk..
Thanks for the reality check O2. Sometimes the rose coloured glasses have to come off. I have been blessed with good health and should realize how quickly it can come to an end. I have watched it happen to 4 close friends. One I travelled the world with was just diagnosed with rapid onset Lewy body dementia. In 5 months we have gone from coherent conversation to no recognition at all from him. Painful to watch.
This site has become my circle of friends and I enjoy the comments from all. The group is as diverse as the one I had 20 years ago.
Thank you for responding to my post and I wish you the very best. Please keep posting.
I empathize with you. My own husband developed a neurological problem that, after 2+ years, still does NOT have a confirmed diagnosis to attribute. The latest we’ve been directed to is a neurological specialist in “movement disorder”. The gist of it is that the brain is firing, the muscles are receiving, but somewhere in the space between is mixing up signals like a casino card dealer. His reactions to physical therapy has puzzled the professionals who deal with neurological patients, too. Meanwhile, he takes 10 different medications and his very good paying job is in limbo with disability is in the works and he’s been learning how to maneuver a wheelchair and getting frustrated by how difficult his life has become. Such debilitations causes stress in ways you cannot imagine till you’ve been in the thick of it. So, yeah, I definitely feel ya and sincerely hope your life improves.
OM2: Good to hear from you. I’m sorry about your issue and ask that you allow it to make you stronger, not break you. If one direction doesn’t seem to work any longer, don’t stop — just change directions and tromp on the go pedal…
OM 2
Many prayers your way. Your insights here have always been well worth reading and I trust you will be able to keep your mind active even if your body is now rebelling for a bit.
All of us older people are forced at some point in time to realize that our health, and that of those we love, can change in an instant at our ages, has happened to several of my friends over the past year – emphasis on SUDDENLY.
One good friend lasted 9 days after his cancer diagnosis … a bit of a traveler who went on walk abouts about 4 to 5 times a year he had just returned from 2 weeks in Ireland with a slight cough … and was gone 12 days later. (actually to my mind not a bad way to do it).
Keep up the spirits and keep your mind curious and active. Would like to see you keep posting here for a long time since you still have a lot of wisdom to impart.
Stephen 2
I too was concerned about Nursing Home care, and how that would affect my retirement care. At 54 I bought long term care for both of us that covers those expenses. Now at 65 and retired I have the Medicare expenses, but I have the long term care at a reasonable expense. My experience… live below your means, have 1 forever wife (LOL), invest wisely, subscribe to Peoplenomics (I started when it was $35/year!), buy long term care sometime in your 50’s, and when your working… be a saver so that in retirement you can be a spender… and not run out of money!
Some good points here. Get one forever wife or lifetime girlfriend, IF you can find and get one in a single lifetime, and if you can keep her. Even George had to risk all twice! These things are not taught in grade or high school, and are far more important than things like understanding Hilbert space for your life happiness.
Definitely live below your means, unless it’s to gain or save even more money, and you actually know what you’re doing. Even then, it’s a risk. When you want to settle down to enjoying wife, then ideally you have no debt at all. Debt arbitrage is a favorite game and can come to a calamitous end if you miss a payment by a day.
I think – depending on life philosophy – medical insurance, including long term “care”, may be a good deal or otherwise. I know those who planned for these things and simply dropped dead from a heart attack or stroke, requiring only final arrangements. My guess is that I may expire from a sudden traumatic event doing something I’m “not supposed” to at my age. So be it – my risk, and my choice. If I get crushed by the medical establishment, I goofed. I’d rather avoid them regardless. If I fall out of an ultralight aircraft due to my own screwup, there will be no need for medical intervention. Others are not comfortable with that approach to life. They should act accordingly. At least, without a wife or minor kids, I can’t embroil anyone else in my potential drama.
Master: Magic Elf,
A year for finishing. I have an exterior paint job half done (the lower half which I am allowed to do without ascending more than a step ladder) but my heart is in the brightwork. Must be a sailor boy thing?
Two of my sailboats, including my race boat MC Scow), have mahogany bits that require periodic sanding, sealing and varnish. I also have (3) exterior cedar handrails at steps which are now rough as a cob, need the full Monty. Soon …
Having benefit of a hired hand today, I’m making sternway on the household flooring project. The GC hasn’t sent anyone (despite my being clear about “trip” and “fall” liability) to remove botched underlayment. Think that’s #1 on the to-do list for the young(er) fella.
Extracting a tractor drawn lawn roller to knock down pole barn truck ruts was #1 to-do but … it’s snowing. Again. Temp has been falling, minor cold wave incoming. This was the first weekend in (4) with _no_ snow in WX model but … here we go. Again.
Write when you get warm,
I have never heard of it.. the kitchen cabinets are at the point where they will need a fishis soon.. I am going to pick up some of this and give it a try..
I have been thinking of making a new counter top to.. the wife says no.. but preventive maintenance is always better than defensive repairs..
Two-part epoxy for the countertops. Food safe type. bubble free AND self leveling are keywords on counters
I took some old flying sectionals (maps) and poured table epoxy over after tacking well with spray adhesive. Great look and conversation starter.
thanks for the tip.. that sounds like what I should do to..
I’ve used both FAA and NOAA sailing charts and both look great. Depends on which one you’ll have more stories around…
Carpenter friend makes counters from cement. Self leveling and he pours on glass so when flipped over and installed has a nice flat surface.
“I took some old flying sectionals (maps) and poured table epoxy over after tacking well with spray adhesive.”
What a great idea! I have 737, 757, 767 and Airbus cockpit (flight deck) panels that I used to study aircraft systems for initial and 9 month check rides. Maps no more… would have to epoxy an iPad that had all the ops manuals installed. But I did have to turn the iPad in to the company before that last paycheck.
3M spray mastic to hold the c/l’s in place while you pour.
Sporty’s has the sectionals.
Approach plates and c/l’s work fine, but the low alti sectionals look best
Get local sectionals even if you never flew where you currently are. There are lots of details to notice that you may never have known about your own area. Just remember to finish cooking while pondering, or else just use this technique on a coffee or other table.
In our case, having ‘kids’ visit (we don’t have any, but borrow some at times) doesn’t work out as we hoped. Ours visited for a weekend and fussed about the absence of a light over the bathroom sink. After they left I took the wall apart and installed a light. They haven’t been back. It’s been nearly 20 years. Now we meet them for lunch halfway between here and Dallas once a year.
Bring a flashlight to lunch as a convo starter.
I’d remind kids it’s one-sided not to remember mon’s and dad’s in life but expect THEY will be remembered in the Will. There’s a big, hard lesson about reality in their somewhere.
Goes to the idea of reaping what one sows…
Mom’s curse…. LOL LOL LOL
Someday.. your going to have a child and he or she is going to be just like you…. LOL LOL LOL
grocery run,,, why not just buy some 1/2 eaten “pizza” and have it delivered
was Trump mocking this web’s S.M.M.A.H. ? with his stop at a pizza place, asking if anyone wanted his half eaten piece of pie slice,,,
lot:0049 asking bid of $9500
scroll down to see the pizza PIECE 1/2 EATEN
children for sale for pedo/satanic use,,, they will contact you, after you make ure bid
scroll up a little
“scroll up a little”
“Not found”
Trump did more to eradicate pedophilia than anyone else in the past 30 years. He is also a junk food junkie. ‘Wonder if there is a message in not finishing his pizza (other than “this sucks…?”)
Attention “Ure’s Hams”
Somebody said soemthing like “wealth of shared knowledge,” or something like that. Yes. Perfectly put.
URE’s hams list as of 3/23/2023
For reference when the balloon goes up.
7.299 LSB day / 3.999 LSB by night.
No NCS / No “HQ.” Locally self-organized.
No “tuning around.” If busy, wait till clear.
Listen at xx:15, and xx:45. Not on the hour, as
that’s when most plan a sked.
1 George (
2 William of the Radio Ranch
3 Random Mike
4 Randy
5 Jim in MO
6 Stephen 2
7 Mikey
8 d’Lynn
9 Ray
10 T
11 Hank in Hawaii
12 Steven B
13 Bc
14 ralph
15 Timmyb
16 Nancy Attaway
17 Fred
18 Egor
19 olfart (et. al.)
20 Mark in TX
21 JD in N AL
22 DBM
23 James Johnson
24 The other Scott
25 Quiet1
26 Jim in MO
27 Hoboken
No callsigns here. Work the recognition
phrase, “business model,” in unobviously.
We’ll all Know.
Any additions? No names or callsigns, please.
(Yet.) (That’ll be optional and for “later.”)
– 73 –
I am sad to say.. I believe that the day is coming much faster than I want it to.. I know I will be tuning in..
My call sign is 3 long puffs from the camp fire, wait 5 minutes then two short ones and then put out the fire before someone calls in another grass fire.
No code Extra in NE Illinois
Attention Urban Survival Shoppers – Bitcoin is on Sale in the Crypto only $27,500 its a steal of a deal. All youse need is some fiat to burn and a hard wallet – like Trezor (I use), Ledger, Jade and the most secure, least user friendly coldcard.
BCN wants to know where youse U gonna be on Wednesday, May 7th ?????
Cause if youse gonna be in the south beach area there is an all things BTC party that night @ Kill Your Idol, 222 Espanola Way, Miami Beach
Yeah Boys & Girls – come rock out with the Bitcoin Allstar Band.
LTNG Ventures -Presents SATOSHI ROCKAMOTO, New Kids on the Blockchain..Come Rock With US.
Also mark Ure crypto calendars for December 7-8 in Las Vegas baby for The UNCONFISCATABLE CONFERENCE, celebrity poker tournament wit 0.03 BTC buyin, and Carnivory Dinner – dont want miss this one.
*Remember what happens in Vegas (G acquires some BTC), stays in Vegas.
*who is LTNG ? See link
? got the orange pill app ?
BCN – ten people sitting at a table playing Texas Hold’em is NOT poker – aarrgggg…,
The misses reminded me., just last week., that the VA told me I would probably be in an Old Soldiers Home by the time I was sixty. That was a decade and a half ago.., can’t imagine it. [ She said that just as I was tapping the last cinder block into place with a rubber mallet, for the new raised vegetable bed. I was pooped ! & probably looked it. ]
– I have wondered of late, what will happen to all the seniors that now live in assisted living and senior retirement homes., etc – when/if the lights go out, or we are tossed into a deep recession?? Hopefully, their nearby communities will help them out.
I skipped raking and shoveling leaves last year as most seemed to blow away but this year it’s taken all week and I’m barely half done. Sweeping the roof was an adventure as I’m not as steady as I used to be at 66 and the joint and muscle aches are worse. Used to be I’d be done with this job in a couple of days but I’ve concluded that I’m not going to kill myself this year to get it off my list. Makes the job a lot more bearable. Thank God for the dump truck as the old trailer I used to use was harder to rake out than to fill.
Hopefully, one of the residents will have a key or lockpicking skills to escape! It’s one thing to be thrown on your own resources. It’s quite another to be forced to depend on others who have their own lives and families as a first responsibility.
refrence: ” (following a legendary expensive divorce), it was a dandy cross between Peter Pan’s adventures and living in Superman’s “Fortress of Solitude.”
Just like flying airplanes out to the limited of their operating envelope, the cold Pacific cannot be bullshitted any more than aerodynamics could. In short, it was a place of healing and self-discovery. Waking up at anchor, coming up on deck with the first cup of coffee from the galley to watch Mt. Rainer roll through several flavors of ice cream (strawberry into orange sherbet most mornings) with feet up on the lazarette…OMG what a life.”
all that. you are telling my story. hahahahh what a great life! I’m having so much fun! unbelievable. I’m sure you read my emails. all that. so cooool!
THE DUDE is good to me. Sooo good.
amazing doors are opening. how freaking awesome!
I really hope it’s not the end of the world. I’m having so much fun!
Cetol? Does it work on Koa? Someone in the family donated an old Koa wood cross, 5ft tall, for Papa’s grave. Junior wants it laser engraved with the family name and dates, and mounted at the grave. Great idea, but I have seen wooden decks in tropical windward rain dissolve in five years. What is the MOST UV and water/mold resistant wood finish you know of? I’m thinking Varathane at this point, but maybe clear epoxy. I’ve seen clear epoxied table tops outdoors that turn very yellow and milky after a few years outdoors. I figure GU with the marine experience should know what best ‘weathers’ a marine & tropic sun environment. Suggestions are welcome.
boiled linseed oil – immersed, soak for 1-2 weeks. this how the wooden signs on appalachian trail are treated…lasts forever, not salt water enviro though, imagine Ure results may vary in salt water enviro..
AMEN…. I love linseed oil.. or tung oil.. both are great finishes..
“The paint color was called “teal” and honestly, it could have gone off a bit more to green, truth be told.”
Behr “Dinner Mint”. A bit lighter, and green.
I like the Teal color as-is.
“I have wondered of late, what will happen to all the seniors that now live in assisted living and senior retirement homes., etc – when/if the lights go out”
The ALCs and nursing homes are legally bound to accept whatever income a resident has (minus an allowance) plus whatever supplemental buckage the government throws in. I would assume when their financial structure causes to go tango uniform, some form or other of government will step in and take over (didn’t we just get rid of “County Homes” a few years ago?) The rip will be: Can the government honestly manage old folks’ homes, feed, clothe, and medicate residents, without slipping cyanide in everyone’s morning coffee…?
they are allowed two hundred for personal goods.. It depends on the home.. most of them start getting after family when their money is about to end.. around the wastelands we have medicaid but medicaid doesn’t pay enough to keep the homes open..It is all in the business model..
one eight hour shift seven days a just shy two grand.. at minimum wage.. three shifts a day.. well you get the idea.. and most medical workers get more than minimum wage.. most have a house keeping staff laundry maintenance a nurse per shift three aids per wing during the day time.. then food.. food prep.. toiletries .. etc etc etc.. then you get the building expenses.. medicaid pays just under the two grand a month at a nursing home.. I believe it is nineteen hundred..
IN a SHTF scenario.. like where the wife worked last.. the owner took all the money refused to pay anything including wages.. the staff took in depends and food they made the meals from what they brought in from home.. the owner walked out with everything then got mulitple millions in covid releif..
the gas station.. I know he isn’t making anything.. works real hard to keep all ten of his employees in a job.. I believe from my quick analyse of his weekly and monthly income that he maybe makes a buck a thousand.. in profit.. maybe not.. I didn’t get to see the list of bills for his building costs..
what was it they said about the dog in boot camp.. they said.. “see that dog running around.. that is a general.. you salute it when ever you see it.. that is the camp commanders kids dog.. you kick at that dog or be mean to that dog and it goes home crying to momma.. momma gets on daddy and it rolls down to me.. by god I am going to make sure you pay for it.. ”
Everyone saluted that dog.. when the shtf.. these places cannot stay afloat.. they will take whatever you have..their homes farms businesses etc etc.. and they will sell them and their belongings to pay for the end of life treatments.. if you cannot pay they are only liable to take a percentage of residents at what the state will pay..
average cost per person is a quarter million a year.. around here self pay is about ten grand or more per month..
People complain about Canadian healthcare.. but in canada.. no one loses their homes or farms.. no one is forced to live in cardboard boxes due to health costs.. pharmaceuticals are with in reason.. the cost of medications here is what hundreds of thousands of percent higher in some cases.. one shot in canada is under twenty dollars in the USA it is fifteen thousand.. my medication was twelve hundred fifty here.. and if I lived in canada it would have been way under a hundred..
Nursing facilities are notoriously short shifted.. ( I use to joke about them getting blow up dolls and hanging them on the wall for aids)
I wish I had a nickle for every shift I worked that it was tag your it..
One crew had a few vents.. a vent went bad and no nurse on staff.. so the aides called ask a nurse LOL LOL to see what to do in an emergency.. LOL LOL..
if it comes to the ceo getting his million dollar a year paycheck or a few dozen aides.. the few dozen aides are gone.. history.. food.. well take a look at the menu’s.. the menus for an assisted living is as cheap as you are going to get for a meal..
for us.. a household of four.. we spend twenty four hundred a month on food.. and if it cost as as much as what a burger and fries or two cups of coffee at starbucks.. and a doughnut.. we would have to double that from twenty four to forty eight.. easily.. one happy meal is just shy what we budget a day..
NO.. in a shtf scenario.. the owners will take the money and run and then they would close them down..
the only bad part about a state run or govt. run va that they run them like a govt. business.. and govt only works half time of a regular working stiff.. with all the vacation and hollidays etc.. personal days they are off half the time.. if they ran them like a business.. then they would be better than what is out there now.. three thirty at a VA medical facility.. you can hear crickets down the hallway..
People use to rush to southern texas in winter because they could go across the border into mexico and get their healthcare done for a fraction of the cost.. enough to pay for the trip south.. now with all the illegals people are not going that way..
One home I worked at.. the hardest job is the job of scheduling.. and the second hardest job is supply… yup you can’t pay enough for me to work either of those jobs..
when the home the wife worked at started to go bad.. they had ran out of depends.. I asked the supply clerk at the home I use to work at.. ( we were getting gas at a gas station) she said.. she catches hell all the time.. someone checks out a bag and either the family can’t pay for them or they forget to check who the supplies went to.. anyway they came up a half million a year short.. on reconciliation of the product.. they can’t afford to eat a half million.. not and pay the ceo his salary.. and good lord knows they get that and the free cruise and the condo in floriday etc.. the business trips.. want to have a great lecture experience.. go to one sponsored by the drug companies.. they line tables up around the physicians lounge.. I never bought a kleenex in years.. or a pen etc.. got the nicest dest calendar from them .. a skeleton for the kids for halloween etc.. they hired chefs from around the world for a three day meeting.. had entertainers and the best shrimp and salad assortment I have ever had.. it was there.. the only one I had a hard time was listening to the guy talk about how one drug affected the molecular makeup of a worm.. that one had me so excited I was dozing..
Yes the lights go out.. the people are on their own.. the CEO that makes the million a year.. or the other top dogs.. they sure and hell are not going to go out there and actually.. what is that word….. OH yeah here it is………WORK…. get their hands dirty.. well not all of them.. my old doctors.. worked with me on the floor when they were going to school.. good kids.. I still like to debate one that is still working.. he is a hoot.. and I love to make him go hit the books..
Mr Raymondo -its all about efficiency my good man, efficiency..which brings us to Soylent Green, which is now known as “cricket flour”…bwahahahahahah
yeah yeah thats what their doing in those new cricket farms – raising crickets, as if the pet industry didnt have enough to go around previously..
“Is people!”
“efficiency..which brings us to Soylent Green, which is now known as “cricket flour”
NO… it is about the……. BUSINESS model…… of stuff big buck billies pockets..
Our Grid could be secured.. but then you would have to go against the business model.. by giving everyone a solar power system that wants one.. and building solar towers.. both of which would secure the grid from catastrophic failure..
Green scaping cities.. there again.. if it is around and people eat it.. they won’t buy it.. that is why a department store throws hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of returns in the garbage.. putting CO2 filters on every street lamp post.. again.. it is against the business model.. promoting mass transit systems.. again the business model.. one of the biggest expenses for the average laborer is insurance and auto expenses..
It doesn’t have a thing to do with efficiency.. it has to do with numbers.. we the people sold our souls for a number.. we crave that number.. it is the most important thing to each and every one of us.. we cannot survive without that number.. the business model..
speaking about the staffing issue.. just was talking to one of the home aides.. they are having issues with staffing.. the owner of the company was abusing the scheduler.. ( well he blamed the scheduler for all the corporate issues.. ) and they are not making it.. at a hundred an hour.. I say time to cut his pay.. LOL.. so they are without anyone doing the job.. the ceo of course doesn’t know how to do it.. he pushes a pencil.. goes to lunches and busy business meetings LOL.. so it is a curiosity if the company will fold… you have to have staff and you have to make money.. not just pile it all on the top dog.. and leave the rest howling in the night..
the hardest job of any nursing facility or care service.. is the scheduler.. the second hardest job is the supply clerks position.. they get blamed for everything.. and get the biggest bunch of crap from everyone..
I told maggie when she was talking to me.. there isn’t enough money that they would pay that would have me in that job.. she was in it two weeks before putting in her notice.. they wanted her to run three areas of the USA..
when I left because of health issues.. I was actively on the schedule for five years.. they just yellowed me out every day..
Happy Birthday, Elaine…
Re: “Caint Siopa, Dé Domhnaigh”
feat. Derry, Ireland
Can we talk shop about the week in review? President Biden spoke at Ulster University, Belfast a couple of weeks back during his third Irish visit while London kept its distance. Mr. Biden was introduced to the audience by the US Ambassador to Ireland. Afterwards Irish msm compared his pre-speech meetings with local Northern Irish politicians as “5 minute speed dating”.
This past week, former President Clinton along with Mrs. Clinton completed their combined 15th or so visit to the Emerald Isle. Mr. Clinton spoke at Ulster University on Tuesday and afterwards crossed the road to raise some brews.
The three day Irish conference was organized by Queens University of which Mrs. Clinton is chancellor. Distinguished attendees who flocked to meet the Clinton’s included an Irish PM, 2 British PMs, the former head of Sinn Fein, the European Commission President along with an EC Vice-President (who is also the Brexit negotiator), and the US economic envoy to Northern Ireland, Joe Kennedy.
The official White House schedule records no official engagements for yesterday or today. Please do enjoy a pleasant week moving forward.
Let’s rejoin DJ Ure in studio with all the latest on celebrity fan mail. Here we go now, from the hit “Derry Girls” series,
The Prodigy –
“Biden spoke at Ulster University, Belfast a couple of weeks back during his third Irish visit while London kept its distance. Mr. Biden was introduced to the audience by the US Ambassador to Ireland.”
I wonder why they didn’t just Keep him or convince him to stay…
M 7.1 – Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
Rumble, rumble. Ring quakes are getting stronger…
42 lessons life taught me
-by Regina Brett
Cleveland Plain Dealer
“To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 42 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I’ve ever written.
My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:
1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short – enjoy it..
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.
9. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
10. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
11. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
12. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
13. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it…
14 Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
15. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
16. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
17. It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.
18. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
19. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
20. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
21. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.??
22. The most important sex organ is the brain.
23. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
24. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘In five years, will this matter?’
25. Always choose life.
26. Forgive but don’t forget.
27. What other people think of you is none of your business.
28. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
29. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
30. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does..
31. Believe in miracles.
32. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
33. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
34. Your children get only one childhood.
35. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
36. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
37. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.
38. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have not what you need.
39. The best is yet to come…
40. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
41. Yield.
42. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.”
that is the best list.. I am going to copy it.. if you don’t mind..
Of course not. It’s Regina Brett’s list, not mine, and I copied it myself, to post here…
“Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.??”
I met a man that was a big member of the billionaire club.. I took care of him when he was at his weakest.. anyway.. the one thing I loved about this guy was he was down to earth.. joked with him all the time.. he had a ring on his finger I could have retired from the sale of.. the cashmere sweaters etc etc… had cottages..( what he called them ) on Jekyll island.. kept trying to talk me into going down there for a vacation.. he had a zoo.. his own zoo.. etc.. cool guy.. but what made me like him.. wasn’t his great personality the fact that the numbers didn’t excite him.. etc.. it was he wore slippers.. fluffy slippers everywhere.. and they were purple LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
long after I took care of him.. he was going to do a business meeting in the wastelands for one of his business activities and he stopped by.. had a couple of cold drinks and helped me hang some garage doors.. it was a nice visit to.. a really great guy..
“22. The most important sex organ is the brain.”
Not likely. The sad part is that the most important sex organ belongs to someone else.
Thaks Ray, I passed it on to all those I care about.