Four War Monte

We call today’s discourse “Thousand Paper Cuts Trading” with good reason.

We begin this fine spring weekend by asking what do Sophia LorenStephen BoydAlec GuinnessJames MasonChristopher PlummerMel Ferrer, and Omar Sharif have in common?  If you guessed “That 1964 blockbuster “The Fall of the Roman Empire” you’d be right.

Which is really our main point this morning: Since to some of us old “geezerly” types, current events are popping right out of the Western Empire playbook.

With paper instead of a genuine coin of the realm.

With Bitcoin at $27,262 at press time, we think the global picture is on the verge of dimming, considerably.

Some navigation into Future discussion ahead in this morning’s extended ChartPack presentation is in order.

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24 thoughts on “Four War Monte”

  1. OMG.. technology..
    Years ago I entered a contest.. remove CO2 from the atmosphere and cool down the earth…. of course.. you all know what I said.. I have been repeating myself for decades.. well lets just say I wasn’t shaving every day at that time..
    anyway I was sitting in my magic chair watching the news.. and some brilliant scientist said.. HEY OLE I think lets fling mirrors into space and reflect the sun back to the sun.. and another one said.. Well Sven I think we should put a cable from the earth to outer space and then run a coffee filter up and down it.. yeah you betcha.. sounds logical to me..
    Well they just announced on the news.. that that is exactly what they are going to do.. hmm makes logical sense to me.. spend billions of dollars on an idiot idea..
    ok.. here is the rant .. build air wells for the deserts and cisterns..
    build solar towers starting at the furthest point from the power plants and work back.. ( for the cost of every single large wind turbine you could put a hundred six MW towers in.. built them at the sub stations.. (be the tree.. the tree needs its roots.. but each leaf produces power to support the roots.. if a twig breaks loose from the tree it can become a mini grid by rooting its own .. )
    green scape the cities.. and on every lamp post put up a solar operated CO2 filtration..
    If you want to remove high altitude CO2 sent up high flying and spray the atmosphere with co2 particulates.. even water would suffice for that..let nature be the filter.. Oh yes.. you would have to turn the water more alkaline.. to increase the scrubbing effect..
    to help CO2
    absorption. First, instead of using neutral water, use and alkaline solution. For example, if you add NaOH
    to your water, the equilibrium will shift toward the carbonate ion, CO32?2NaOH+CO2?Na2CO3+H2O
    This allows orders of magnitude more CO2
    to be absorbed than would possible,…
    Not saying flinging mirrors into space to aim the suns rays back to the sun is a .. what is that word I am thinking.. STUPID.. Idea.. buy hey. he makes more money than some old bottom feeder catfish in the wastelands.. let the brilliant speak and do.. what is a few billions for such a wonderful plan in the first place..
    it takes fourteen trees to filter the co2 from one car.. and seven per person.. we are loosing greenscape at fifty five acres a minute the asphalt jungles raise temperatures by up to twenty degrees.. .. hmm.. good lord.. that wound me up.. seeing them actually going to spend big money on such a stupid thought.. my god.. morons and idiots.. drooling fools.. and they are the ones in control..we are doomed..

    • Why do you hate the planet so much?

      CO2 is not a problem. It is a means for Al Gore to become a trillionaire. We need more of it, not less. If you want to reduce greenhouse gasses, start with water and oxygen — each of them thousands of times more “greenhousey” than carbon dioxide.

      Try this (not actually, but figuratively): Put a plastic bag over your head and cinch it up tight, then leave it there for two minutes and breathe normally. THAT is what we’re doing to the decillions of plants on this planet. Every time some well-meaning, but ignorant “genius” finds another way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, we’re leaving the plastic bag on the plants for a few more seconds.

      Do you get my point?

      As far as the space mirror goes, that showed up in science fiction, probably 90 years ago, not to reflect sunlight away from Earth, but to send more of the sun’s energy TO Earth. Bill Gates has been a proponent of the space mirror for nearly 40 years that I know of, although IIRC was for focusing the mirror TO Earth, before he was for focusing the mirror AWAY from Earth. (That probably had something to do with the scientists being in consensus agreement that we were entering an ice age, and Earth was going to freeze, everywhere above 22° latitude, and the equatorial regions couldn’t support all of us, and everyone was going to freeze and DIE, and…)

      I know you’ve been thinking about ways to remove carbon dioxide for 25 years, but please, just chill. It isn’t an issue.

      We have city-sized piles of [mostly] plastic refuse floating in our oceans, which ARE an issue, and a serious one. Cleaning that stuff up would be of actual benefit to the planet and all its inhabitants, and once a cleanup was begun, results would be both measurable and obvious, which is why nobody’s tackled it. It is much better to dupe people into throwing money into cleaning up something which can’t be cleaned up and is only a problem if someone succeeds, than it is to actually do something which improves the lot of all the flora and fauna under, on, and above the planet.

      • Concur. The Environuts hijacked the movement with their global warming nonsense to make them billions. Sadly our water, our source of life is more polluted than ever and hardly a peep or effort is made to do anything about it. St Greta and Uncle Al are like the Pied Piper leading well-meaning but clueless people astray.

        • It takes actual effort.

          Defining an actual problem then outlining its likely solutions, in order of probability of success, is a much better formula for actually achieving something useful.

          I can remember when “Lake Erie burned.” We can actually drink out of the Cuyahoga River and eat fish taken from Lake Erie now. I can drive through Cleveland without my windshield wipers melting to the glass. It took nearly 40 years to accomplish, but without correctly defining the problem, it might still be one, today…

  2. “exported…. manufacturing capacity to Asia”

    “Britain went to war in 1939 to defend the balance of power in Europe and safeguard Britain’s position in the world.” (U.S./2023/Asia).

    NATO is at war with Russia and Russia still has capacity to feed India’s demand.

    Russian Arms Sales to India Stall on Fears Over US Sanctions

    (Bloomberg) — Russian deliveries of military supplies to India have ground to a halt as the countries struggle to find a payment mechanism that doesn’t violate US sanctions, according to Indian officials with knowledge of the matter.

    “6 nuclear subs leaving port ”

    IMHO nukes are like snipers. You want your snipers spread out and not clumped-up.

  3. old “geezerly”

    This seems a gentler kinder slam than Ole Geezer so I take it on and wear it with pride (v.1). So, one old “geezerly” to another, look around and it’s not grimmer … it’s grim. Excellent copy on at ZeroHedge, at:

    This can’t be good. It _isn’t_ good. What happens when end of the line (figuratively) buying your groceries with BNPL? The Egor canary is how many cars I see driving on doughnut temps. Tires aren’t cheap. I see lots of doughnuts.

    ATL: construction project remains off the tracks. Now Mrs. Egor, home from TX, can take over comm. I’m apoplectic subject to Tourette mania at this point . “sounds (tics) that can’t be easily controlled. For instance, you might repeatedly blink your eyes, shrug your shoulders or blurt out unusual sounds or offensive words”

    Yep. That’s reads about right …
    Write when you get contractors,

    • “The Egor canary is how many cars I see driving on doughnut temps. Tires aren’t cheap. I see lots of doughnuts.”

      Hmmm, me too. I saw one car yesterday that was rolling on 4 donuts.

      For those who don’t know: In snow country, or places where one might actually drive distances, we replace the “donut spare” with a real tire & rim. Accordingly, the junk yards have bazillions of “donut spares,” which are hard to scrap, so they keep them until sold. They sell them for $15 each, most places, give or take a sawbuck, which is a lot cheaper than any used tire, now.

      Seeing someone drive on a donut is no big deal. Seeing someone who’s driving on more than one is an undeniable “economic indicator,” and not of anything good…

  4. Yo Gilligan,

    How is life out on fiat island treating youse?

    I would imagine things will be getting lonelier by the week as USD goes thru her final death throes..
    Delusional headlines this week going to a DOUBLING of US defense budget next year. Death of Empire is right on track – cruising along slowly, so da frogz dont get spooked bout the water temp rising.
    ..end of Rome – they started shaving the coins down until finally there was no more Silver to be had….Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

    Instead nero fiddling while rome burned, we gotz pedojo jerking off while Muhrica continues her slide into the ”

    .. Sayz hear RUS/Mr Pooteen will be delivering head shotz to gbr/nato/eu -globohomo sooner than later.

    Ures’ interesting bear bet on market going into weekend, that took some ballz. “No ballz, no bluechips”..I get it.
    – overall trend is coots friend, so I be hunting individual stocks/companies that are highly indebted and got no revs to speak of like vapor ware companies, to Short the gutz out of.
    Same goes for Woke companies – latest investment thesis on the Go Woke, Go Broke meme. Will the aforementioned co’s be able to “manage/massage” their down trending revenue stories. Gonna find out as I am the proud owner of BUD Puts as of Friday close. Bet hear is Muhricans will be reject tranny fluid from inbev as deviant queerbeers! inbev – budlight slogan – “already tastes like ass, insert to refresh”

    Budlight new flavored beer coming out of closet soon..BIDETLIGHT, the lighter, refreshing taste of ass.

    dont write if you get some..ass that is.

  5. syrup.. corn syrup substitute..
    1/4 cup of water
    1/2 cup sugar
    to begin start the 1/4 cup of water boiling add the 1/2 cup of sugar.. mix then let caramelize.
    once this starts to turn brown ..then you can go to step 2. if it starts to crystallize..before it turns darker you an add a tbsp or two of water..
    once it’s darkened then slowly add the boiling water..mix add the remaining sugar stir till mixed sauce of lemon in to simmer until clear and starting to thicken.. remove lemon and bottle.

    to make sweet molasses syrup.. it’s the same recipe but add 1/4 cup of molasses to the batch ans 1/2 stuck of butter 2 tbs of maple flavor..

    to make molasses..sugar cane cut and aged you can use sugar beets to . chopped add water Boil then drain the sugar juice from the mass.. reduce it .. or cook it down to molasses..

    golden syrup recipe

    1 1/4 cup boiling water
    2 1/2 cups sugar
    1 lemon slice

  6. Third Thursday – results
    $1,000 Buy-in
    – $25 Catered Midnight snack [ Yum !]
    – $50 “Lady Fingers” [ Our Dealer ]
    Take home: $1,524 [ $400 to the Misses – I kept $124.]
    Best moment: I bluffed the Doc out of a $240 pot – he was not pleased. [ I rarely bluff – caught him totally off-guard.]

    • Jeez… the only thing I have to look forward to on a third Thursday is the free food giveaway at the church! That’s OK. I’m a lousy trader and gambler.

  7. oh similar to cane or sugar beets.. you can make sugar from corn stks or sorghum.
    the process is the a child I’m sure you’ve probably had corn gum.. split the stalk the white fluffy inside..sweet chewey. that’s the corn can get something similar from sorghum..
    just like the tree wick the cambium layer of a tree just below the bark..pioneers used that as flour for breads.. they would dry it or slow bake it till it was dry then grind it.
    there are claims that “Pine Bark is used worldwide for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. When used regularly, pine bark may support healthier cardiovascular and circulatory function. Nordic legends say they baked bread using both the inner layer and outer layer that is mostly used for the tannins the outer bark is bitter the inner mild..
    birch bark is sweeter and a syrup can be made from its sap

  8. I noticed the corner gasoline price dropped to $3.45/gal. Vs yesterday’s $3.59. Strengthening buck?

  9. Re: “Four War Monte”
    feat. ‘Find the Lady’


    The front page feel-good news here yesterday pictured a newly sponsored-to-Canada young refugee couple from Ukraine, 26 & 27 years old. They don’t plan to go back there to live and she’s expecting.

    Meanwhile, my back of envelope calculation suggests Mr. Z. has to come up with US$1.278 billion each month right now to pay out Ukrainian pensioners. The pension tax on Ukrainian workers’ top dollar appears to be 22%. I’d suggest patient players may wish to let the dust settle out from the Ukrainian population pyramid mushroom cloud? The War Patriarchy is shooting blanks?

  10. yo, I wasn’t going to say anything but I had the strangest thing happen tonight.

    I went out to smoke, while finishing my second online pilot course to become a commercial pilot.

    and a wolf came up to me. He looked right at me and then came over and licked me. Then the night person at the Hotel saw it, came running out screaming and ran him off. hahahahahahaha.

    then he said and in all my years, ive never seen a wolf lick soneones hand before.

    I said that was a wolf???? I didn’t know it was a wolf. I just thought it was a dog. wolves in Alaska are much bigger.


    he said we are in the mountains man. It’s spring time. The wolves come down here. Don’t let them hang out with ya. then he said look. and there was 2 other ones accross the street.


    I said shit. okay. I just looked it up on line. Definitely a wild wolf, i took a picture of him. Never been licked by a wolf before. Hahahaha

    okay DUDE, finished my pilot studies for the night, get licked by a wolf. cool. hahahah.

    you ever been licked by a wild wolf? I mean I kinda understand now why the bees like me. didn’t know the wolves do as well.

    I wasn’t even scared. I just said hi dog. how are you tonight? hahahahaha.

    • oh i was sitting infront of the front door of the lodge. “To “keep the wolf from the door” means to have enough money or resources to keep from starving or going hungry.

      huh. strange. first bee’s love me, now wolves too.

      and I recently talked to the Hopi elders yesterday. they consider the wolf to be the Powers of the Universe.

      I sent them an email and said, hey i think one of your spirit dudes visited me. a wolf.

      they laughed and said wolf is good medicine. hahaha.

      my life is so strange. hahahaha.

      that is enough out of me. tying to stay on my schedule, drive ore trains until September then off to finish up my commercial pilots license and instrument rating in Arizona.

      eh, from back stage security to big rigs, back to back stage security to giant Tonka Trucks, to giant Ore Trains to flying cargo planes. hahaa. living the dream.

      I figure if the apocalypse kicks in, I’d best be able to get anything that’s big and moves fast to skidaddle.

      and if the apocalypse doesn’t happen. why not fly planes, drive trains, and big tonkas and hang out back stage once and a while.


      see ya!

        • ha. the head dude at the flight center down by mesa Arizona contacted me to get my commercial pilots license, mulit engine and instrument certification. guess what his name is?

          his name is George. hahahaha.

          I take that as a good sign. hahaha. since I know of another pilot named George.

          pretty cool.

          with my being a vetran. it only cost me $2000 out of pocket to get my commercial pilot license, Multi engine, Land. and my instrument certification and 2cd class medical certification. I can get an interest free veterans loan for the rest. with a tiny little payment.

          I already started studying for my private pilots exam and taking the study courses available on line to prepare me to take the written test.

          I’m up here doing the ore trains until late September. because that is when the ore train season ends. nothing much else to do. so why not take all the written pilot license stuff in my spare time.

          drive ore trains in the summer go fly planes in the winter down south. why the hell not.

          I been looking at getting my ATP for a while now. I already know I can pass the Physical even at 52. my mining Physical came back perfect health. no bad cholesterol. no signs of diabetes or any of that crap. heart rate perfect 60pmb and my blood pressure is 60/92.

          it was a dog. I thought it was a dog. talked to a fella at the store. there is whole herd deer here. like 40 of them. and sometimes the wolves follow the deer to town. fella said a guy has 3 dogs like that and they got out last night.

          pretty funny tho.

          who knows man. maybe I will stumble upon a big gold nugget. you never know. my life is definitely not the Norm.

          hahaha. the way i see it. THE DUDE knows the Stuff I don’t.

          I have a plan. DUDE has a plan. I want THE DUDE plan. DUDE has the best plan.

          and all these 22s and eleven 11s and all these signs of prophecy. Ravens landing a foot away from me and looking at me and speaking raven speak to me. and all the other signs of prophecy around me.

          I’m sure they are there for a reason. never seen that many. all coming together. certainly got my attention.

          along with all that stuff I sent you an email about. pretty cool to see all that merging together.

          nor sure what it all means at the moment. but it’s pretty cool to see.

        • @GGeorge

          “We’re kinds of surprised he’s not doing some gold sniping in his spare time”

          It’s Andy.

          If God wants him to have gold, he’ll be out wandering and trip on a rock — only to discover it’s a 20lb ingot…

      • Hopefully the wolf was just socializing, and not doing a taste test.
        Alaskan wolves were brought down to Oklahoma in the nineties or so to repopulate the extinct natives. My late father saw the first wolf he had seen since a kid around the early 2000’s, when the Okie wolves started moving south. The Alaskan wolves are big, and the ones I have seen have been black. My theory is that the ranchers recognize gray wolves and kill them on sight, but think the black ones are dogs. Darwinian selection. I am not concerned about seeing a wolf at a comfortable distance, but having one with buddies stop by for a lick would be disconcerting. I would guess that other guests had been feeding them.

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