Revolutionary Spending!

Dandy article on the G.A. Stewart website today about how the pending NYC truckers action – in response to bad governance – is actually something of a major milestone in Nostradamus forecasts.

“Free City of Liberty Enslaved” is the article.  And it resonates deeply around here.

For a couple of reasons, actually. Pappy always raised us with the idea that if you don’t like what you have, you have two methods of control.  “You can always vote with your feet, or you can vote with your wallet.  Either one will do more than elections and usually more than fighting about it.”  That bit of mid 50’s firehouse wisdom is a real gem to hold dear.

It’s probably why adding more solar panels and working “the tree farm” has become a higher priority than wading into any of the passing financial chicanery.  Life ends at some point, and even if it’s notional crypto, you still can’t take it with you.

Memories, on the other hand – along with education – stuff of dreams and aspirations – learning to become a local understudy of the Almighty (Universe) is really the only worthwhile task, once you have a roof, clothing, and a day or two of calories on hand.

On the Ultra-Make website, today’s episode is Holiday Weekend Shop Notes – Ultra-Make.  I swear, I will have to live another decade just to clear the pending list of things to do around here.

Stock and Bond markets will be closed tomorrow.  But we will have a column anyway – plenty of time to sleep when we’re in the ground, so to speak.  Besides, I enjoy writing.

Behind it, though, is a ton of research – most of it very interesting.  One area of current fascination I’ve been working on with various Bible search tools this weekend is looking for the Technology Behind Religions.  You likely know I wrote the book Dimensions Next Door several years ago.  And we have (now and again) worked on opening a space-time portal out here in the woods.

What you may not know, for example, is that some of the elements of (what sound like) portal descriptions, seem common across multiple religions.  Such that the demon reports out of Skinwalker Ranch and the Ginn or Demons in other religions – maybe angels, too – could just be “in-transit” from dimensions next door.

I’ll give you an example:  Notice how often “smoke” or “odor” or “burnt offerings” (which issue smoke) are mentioned along with incense and so forth.  Those occurrences all likely are pointers to a hidden, but nevertheless real technology that has been lost to time.

I won’t bore you with notions like Moses on Mt. Sinai was getting the Tablets from a landed space being.  BUT I will wonder if the locusts in the bible were the armies of smallish insects or a larger version or terror popping in from dimensions next door?

One of the A.I., insights to this smoke issue (A.I. is a great writer’s too;1) did offer this advice as I was sorting through who (and what) is all the “blowing smoke” about:

“Imagine a world where these tiny motes of dust, so often overlooked, hold the key to hidden dimensions. Picture them swirling in a delicate ballet, catching the light just so, and suddenly—whoosh!—a rift appears. A shimmering gateway to places unknown.

But beware, intrepid traveler! For every portal is a gamble. Will it lead to a sun-kissed meadow with flowers that sing? Or perhaps a shadowy labyrinth where time folds upon itself? The suspended particulates hold the answer, their chaotic dance determining your fate.”

Well, yeah, that is the question, isn’t it?

Vote with your Wallet if you are here, don’t vote with your feet to come here please, until we figure out who we are as a United country of States again. And we (to begin with two of us) are willing to ban mail-in ballots to clean up the abuse in voting that is being used by infiltrators and traitors to end equality and our efforts to “keep people on the level.”

Did we have a problem with “purple finger voting” in Iraq, was it? Yet here it’s wide-open?  Bullshit all around.

Write when I’m older,

40 thoughts on “Revolutionary Spending!”

  1. “you can vote with your wallet.”

    Thank you George! That’s why the world is what it is, excepting other issues ;-); May God bless you all.

  2. “Dandy article on the G.A. Stewart website today about how the pending NYC truckers action – in response to bad governance – is actually something of a major milestone in Nostradamus forecasts.”

    MARTIN ARMSTRONG: Justice Arthur F. Engoron represents the vile, disgusting degree of the completely out-of-control judicial system in New York City.

    I cannot believe the reaction I am hearing worldwide and domestically. Truckers are starting to band together to refuse to transport anything to New York City. If the truckers band together to show the world that New York City will no longer be tolerated, at best, they will have seven days’ worth of food supply before New York begins to slide into chaos.

  3. “Portals”

    My uncle says he saw a portal open up on the wall in his place. He also says he sees ghosts.

    The portal incident – he was sitting there watching TV like many people do. He said on the wall, upper right to the TV a ‘window’ opened and a white man who was in his late 60’s was staring at him. My uncle got up and moved about and the man just watched him for about five minutes then the portal closed.

    Another time he said he saw a ghost. He was sitting on the couch doing sudoku puzzles and a young white girl about 12 y/o walked from the hallway and stood in front of him and was just looking at him. The girl was wearing a powder blue dress so my uncle guesses she was from the time before 1962 because women/girls started wearing pants in 1962. After a few minutes the girl turned around and went back down the hall and hasn’t been seen since.

    Still another ghost. My uncle says he was washing dishes in the kitchen, yada, yada. He got his cup of coffee out of the microwave then walked to the front room to sit down. As he traveled to the couch and turned to sit he was startled by a 50 y/o white man staring at him through the window. My uncle says he sat on the couch and before putting his coffee down he looked at the man and in a stern voice asked, “What do you want?” As soon as the sentence ended the man ran from the window at the speed of a lightening bolt.

    My uncle says he didn’t know any of them and they were all strangers.

    • Ano odd question but key to my research: Was he smoking? See suspended particulates – burnt offerings, smoke, incense all figure into my new grand unified theory I’m piecing together…

    • (“My uncle says he saw a portal open up on the wall in his place. He also says he sees ghosts.”)

      Phew.. I can tell you my secret now OOWS….
      I SEE STUPID PEOPLE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE IN DC. THEY DON’T REALIZE THEY ARE STUPID… they go around every day just as if everything they do is ok…..

    • The thing to ask the person who witnesses this sort of thing is “Could you move while you were witnessing this?” If not, they likely dozed off, and it was a sleep disturbance. Some people are prone to that. If they could move, then it becomes more interesting.

      • n_____,

        “Could you move….”

        I know it sounds crazy. He’s said more than once, “I should never have moved here.” Another ghost he said he saw a month or so back in his place was a nephew who died over a year ago.

        This uncle says he was sitting on the couch doing whatever and his dead nephew walked into the room from the hallway. He was surprised/happy to see the nephew.

        The nephew was just standing in front of him, like 5′-0″ or so away. The nephew reached out his hand as if to shake hands so uncle stood up and as he reached out to shake this nephews hand the nephew dematerialized/disappeared.

        And I asked him if it could have been a dream and says no, he continued on with the day. I think he said he went and got the mail

        I’ve never seen a ghost and don’t buy-in. But he’s serious about it.

        • I saw a rolling black mass once one night, in a rather old, somewhat creepy apartment I lived in for quite a while. Shoved my fist through it and screamed “get the [long string of expletives redacted] out of my apartment”. Didn’t see it again. It looked just like something I have seen since on one of the Ghost chaser shows. Not too long after that, the next door neighbor remarried, and her and the new husband moved into a freshly remodeled former monastic residence. Never brought it up to her.
          I’d give it 50-50 odds as to whether your uncle needs a psychologist or an exorcist. The exorcist would probably be cheaper and more discrete.

      • He is up there in age but his eyes are fine. He had the cataracts surgery about four years ago and his sight tests fine. In dim restaurants he needs readers but other than that no glasses.

        I’m very skeptical. Just before trail-cams became widespread/common I dated a babe and her mom was telling me she saw a Bigfoot. This was out by Croswell, MI – where they lived and saw the Bigfoot.

        As the mom was going on I kept thinking to myself a court would allow her testimony. I don’t if she was trying to trick me or if she wanted attention or was imbalanced…. but everyone went along except for me. I got away from those people. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

        I mentioned in the past I have currently have Cams pointed up and never caught a UFO or anything.

  4. “you can vote with your wallet.”

    This ^ is why, when financial media hyperventilates about CHN putting screws to us in US well … how goes it there if we sign off on purchasing the tsunami of products here? Methinks we have an equal but opposite force mostly overlooked.

    ATL: yesterday featured a roaring fire and webcast old movies while wind roared 25-45 mph and temps went back low 20s. The modulation up/down 30+ degrees is painful. The sorta 1″ of snow has mostly melted in bright sunshine. Bring it!

    Mrs. E is in the windup phase of exuberant nuttiness before hosting a dozen hen + Baby Shower here. Me? I’m still scratching to-dos off an impossible (improbable) punch-list and otherwise … keep head down / look busy.

    Your Ure-ness: so what’s on the menu, on the day?

    Enjoy life, every day, wring out drops you can.
    Every gosh darned day …

  5. Voting with Ure wallet tends to be tough to do when the target is a coastal political regime. I am on the fence as to whether the trucker blacklisting will be of any value or not. Helping migrants to travel to the left coasts certainly has changed the narrative and spin spewing from those locations. So we don’t want bus companies to blacklist the coastal states.
    I can also see where independent truckers might want to be more careful about where they drive in the current environment. Don’t want to risk having the truck nationalized and seized by some demented wild hair local judge in a leftist sh!thole state, then driven away by an unlicensed undocumented driver whose qualification for hand-outs is that he or she plans to vote for the D’s by mail in the next election.

    • Herd manipulation at its best..first they had whole country &world loving and supporting NYC after Zionazi attack on twin towers.

      Now they have you all hating on NYC ?

      Gee I wonder why that is?

      • Who benefits from middle America grabbing it’s collective ankles ? Actions have consequences. Inaction has consequences as well. What’s Ure plan ?

  6. I am elightened an edified by G. A. Stewart’s work.
    Thank you, Sir.

    I have had the belief for many years now that at
    some point “the normals” (and I’ve taken a few tons of Krappe from my Liberal daughter over THAT word usage) would Finally Have Had E-NUFF! And some backlash or renewal or revival of Simple Sanity would break out. I thought it was gonna be 2016. Nada. Then, I thought maybe 2020. Advanced Kraziness set in instead. Now, here we are, and the pot is near to boiling.

    I began to speculate that maybe God WAS “sending a Great Delusion,” and thought maybe it wasn’t just one; but maybe was many-fold — in dimensions and subjects.
    I coud cite a list — but why? Y’all know what I mean.
    Severe Kraziness is everywhere, it seems….

    …and I’ve speclated in these gentle pages of logic and mental stability that maybe we (the sane ones) would have to do a Great American Civil Disobedience. For many years I have listened to a radio program called “ATN — America’s Trucking Network.” (Check 700 AM out of Cincinatti just after midnight EST.) Truckers, man… America’s Last Cowboys, Rugged Individuals, livin’ The Code Of The West more than most. Working long and hard, with not a lot of security — every damn day. Bein’ “pushed” by arbitrary rulemaking jerks in ties who live in cities and drink $8 dollar coffee. You can see and hear the tiny little bubbles forming in the botom of the pot — just before it bursts forth into a Full Rolling Boil.

    New York in a Trucker’s strike? Uninhabitable. In three days: unsurvivable. How does a slow-moving, dull-witted, GovDome Wooley Mammoth even HOPE to establish tranquility, or anything remotely like “normalcy?” It simply couldn’t. Too many Illusions and Deluions.

    Last time I looked, they don’t grow a lot of corn in New York City, and there are no cows to milk. Collapse — fatal collapse — wouldn’t take a week. (If the electrical power was out, even less.)

    “Great will be the fall of it.” (Read that somewhere about 450 years ago…) (Don’t recall exactly where…)

    • Nein, nein, nein

      How truckers gonna block the Ports ? Huge, massive operations…Would Stevedores and whatnotz to agree and go along..really?
      New York has plenty of AG , it’s a big honking state, NYC just a tiny sliver of sub sea level real estate.
      Besides darkrocks” family hq is in upstate NY..need I say more? David jr. owns U all, now you have a genetic brand showing whose “ ranch” you actually belong on.


      • 1) Unless there’s a dozen ships full of food inbound in NY Harbor, this instant, they’re too late.

        2) Stevedores don’t drive trucks. Ships don’t deliver door-to-door.

        A one day boycott won’t even be noticed, but a two day boycott will take two months from which to recover, and every day thereafter will add about 3 weeks to the recovery.

        You need to go back to smoke. Dem Belizian ‘shrooms be takin’ the sharpness outta yer knife…

  7. Big one today…. People begin by Mostly by ignoring it until it was no longer “impending” but was more or less already showing signs of a civilization that is ending .
    It begins when the leadership of that civilization becomes brutal, corrupt and out of favor with the people.
    What started the US was the king taxing people that were in desperate need to survive. And seen the taxes as over whelming then the next stage..
    A Rebellion takes place. If successful, the government is overthrown, executions may take place, and for a dangerous period of time, the rule of law disappears into anarchy. Violent rules the streets, thievery and robbery take over, no one is safe. We saw this long ago in the “Reign of Terror” after the French Revolution, in present day Libya and perhaps one day the US if we continue putting Tyrants and criminals in as leaders. the shock of dual standards.. you are required to live by these laws but we are exempt from them..
    I took care of a woman.. that escaped the camps and the ghetto.. she was a jewish nazi.. her husband was in the top ten percent of the society .. they helped get in Adolph.. when he went after the affluent they were smart and got the hell out of there. they hid in culverts and ditches.. a few of their affluent friends hid them.. and they made it with their three kids to the USA.. we are actually seeing that now..'s%20rich%20who%20want%20more,of%20avoiding%20taxes%2C%20Jeff%20D.
    I believe there is a reason they are leaving.. they see the signs.. have read the history books.. and leaving before it is to late..
    But Anarchy if it actually comes to that is the Vacuum that cannot survive; “Nature abhors a Vacuum”.But what we are seeing now is the people are begging their representitives in DC to actually work for the people.. the DC bubble is telling them that all is well even though the projected statistics is showing that only the top ten percent are in agreement with them.. instead of taking the time to actually adress the problems and at least show the people hey we are here and we do hear you.. they are making the political alignments for a future of politics.. Eventually a new government will rise and take over. If revolutionaries planned the kind of government and society they wanted, as with the US in the late 1770s, civilization will return, either as democracy or dictatorship. If no planning took place, anarchy will rule until someone brings back order and government again, as with France.
    This is where history shows it gets tricky…
    If the original Rebellion fails, the oppressive dictatorship will continue and crack down more than ever; Hong Kong may soon experience exactly this result from the PRC.
    The struggles on the tax payers become to over burdened.
    Ancient nations rise and fall, and rise again, since civilization is cyclic. But Empires that fall usually lost most of their power for all time, as with Greece, Italy, England and Spain.
    If the US is in the stages of a potential civilization reset, the “jury is still out they have their time to make the decisions that the people are requesting..” as to our own future the financial end looks as if a new Argentina or zimbabwe…
    Afterwards humanity would generally react by no longer acting civilized and instead act on their base instincts. People have a lot of different base instincts which can lead to different behaviors, but generally it’s pretty uncivilized.
    Now the thought of.. what if mr speak no evil did let in a trojan horse army.. we have the glover piven strategy that will take us down.. with the wage earners footing the bill.. we have the extended wars.. out on eight fronts and a potential one within the usa borders.. brought in by an administration that is out of touch with the people..
    the hidden threat of a potential army brought in.. the outsourcing of our infrastructure and sending vast amounts of the money that could be used to rebuild our own crumbling infrastructure.. is complex and surprising.. how it is all holding up now is beyond me.. I have assumed it is plastic that is keeping it up.. with the recent increases the past few years of costs of goods and services.. it amazes me that we haven’t failed up to now..
    I personally believe that when it does happen it will happen over night.. the best that the US can expect is the worst depression in modern history.. the wars.. that is just stupid.. we should be pulling back putting those resources to work for the country take some of the burdent off of the taxpayers.. put back on regulated prices.. it actually started with deregulation years ago and then sending manufacturing outside the usa.. IF there is a drought and loss of crops this coming summer.. that is when hell will take off.. drought famine and illness..

  8. But then I am just some poor old imbacile in the wastelands that never made anything of himself.. my opinion is from the bottom looking up.. maybe I am totally out of touch with what is going on.. all I know is it scares the hell out of me.. enough that I am going to get a pepper ball gun.. just in case..

  9. are we free?
    if they interfere in foreign elections, you know damn well the amoral bastards have no problem interfering in the US elections.
    The CIA killed Kennedys, that was a coup to install LBJ,
    so we have been under a coup ever since, all illegal since they cheat,,, Space Force has the goods and is waiting for the command from the CIC,,,(TRUMP, is still CIC from my ignorant view, as they allowed the cheaters to leave the store with stolen goods, the White House,, prior exc orders from the commander gave the military a pause in passing it’s baton, as foreign interference was detected to bring in the resident, a foreign asset)
    Shit is going to get real,,, real fast when the command goes forth, Oh Ya Zippity do dah !
    the rest is just a operation to wake up the sleepy heads, to see how bad shit gets under demons.
    It is more spiritual than people realize, as unseen yet swings power over humans.
    religions are belief systems.
    where knowledge is knowing.
    and the news media is a bunch of liars, leading the sheeple astray,,, cant ya cee?
    a little .177 brought Ronnie R back under control

    it is either that or the human race is toast/slavery,,, who will save the herd? as someone wiped out the last Earthly civilization and here we are, in slavery.

    I have beat opossums and racoons off my front porch before with a pushboom handle, cat food thieves, I now bring the food in at evening and set back out in the morn

    wasp spray I have heard, but not tried, as a repellant for a legal to carry. Every woman should have a can handy if they live an area with a high crime rate, spray the invaders.
    Do ure own research, to know more than I’ve heard.

    • that has another question come to mind…
      We hear about slavery of the past.. we read about the work houses in India and China.. ..
      But is it any different here.. has it ever been any different here.. Like the young lady that works just for the insurance at the local bank.. she has no freedom.. I think of my long hours all those years.. sure I could change slave owners.. but that is all you do.. my wife worked at a place the owner didn’t make a dime.. she made ten dollars a week after health insurance..

  10. Dust and the galactic current sheet…..try watching Suspicious Observers you tube channel. “magnetic disaster incoming”, Feb 2 and “dust dampens electromagnetism” Feb 3.

  11. dont mess with them Jinn dude. there is a reason there is 73 Solomon seals.

    i dated one.
    eye dated won. hmmmm….
    eye dayted won.

    reminds me of I for one.
    when I is the roman numeral one. 141 won for won.
    that is a win win.


    came with all the pleasures a man could desire.

  12. Hmmm… got almost ninety percent of the wage earners and tax payers struggling.. Health insurance and medical costs are out of this world expensive.. the dual standards of law for those in political fields.. and the broadcasting that all Caucasian men and women are white supremist.. defunding the only protection of the most violent crime filled neighborhoods.. Putting more stress of the have not class..
    tried to attack Texas for securing the border.. and seeing half of the whole united states split almost starting a civil war…. Prices and tax’s going through the roof.. cutting the only revenue that those poorest can get.. NOW a Real SLAP in the face…Come on now someone tell me I am still sleeping and Say they aren’t this stupid..

  13. what is extremely amusing about that one .. is ninety percent of the people are informing our politicians that they want to see changes.. now something like free healthcare..
    I remember when my ex wife got same day surgery.. the cost difference for insured and uninsured was a hundred plus times.. you cannot walk into a clinic if you don’t have al the money to pay right then and there.. you have to go to the ER where the initial cost is a grand plus.. ( OK I KNOW I KNOW.. they still don’t have that money.. and p robably won’t.. so the grand plus gets charged back on the clinics doctors.. which doesn’t make sense but it is the business model.. LOL)
    I didn’t have insurance.. ( long story on that one ) and while she was in for same day surgery.. they called me down to ask me how I was going to pay for it..Got the why in the hell did you seek healthcare if you didn’t have the money in the bank to pay for it lecture and they called every half hour day and night telling me what a peice of shit I was for going to the doctor and not making enough money..
    the surgeons bill.. ( and we went to the free clinic) was more than a member of our churches total bill..
    I resurfaced his clinic parking lot in exchange for the surgical skills he had..
    I worked a year in exchange for the hospital bill..Hell year.. 140 plus hours a week..LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
    Then with healthcare being the biggest expense Hell one of the guys in for cancer treatments.. they asked him for a huge good will pre payment amount to even see him LOL LOL LOL.. for the wage and tax payers.. giving them free medical insurance.. a cash card and housing.. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL I wonder what mr.. speak no evil will say about the ten thousand plus people still crossing the border in Arizona New Mexico and California are going to say about this.. LOL LOL LOL
    Its actually kind of funny if you really think about it.. send these people to neighborhoods that are already crime filled.. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL then pay them more to escape Hell than they do the ones paying for it.. LOL LOL LOL LOL one hell of a slap in the face to the ninety percent asking the politicians.. to do their fuzking jobs LOL LOL LOL
    And Next well Can’t Touch this the kid.. is going to be doing his can’t touch this to all the people LOL LOL LOL LOL and the white house spokewoman is going to tell everyone how fuzking great they are doing LOL LOL LOL LOL
    God I hope the can’t touch this kid wears big red baggy pants when he tells everyone on the news.. can’t touch this maybe wiggle his ass a little LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

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