We have been telling you for years: If you are young, don’t expect to retire until at least 68 – and as of this morning it looks like the FRA (full retirement age) could be bumped to 70.
Take a careful read of A bipartisan group of Senators is talking about raising the retirement age on Social Security | Semafor.
The basic problem being worked comes down to this:
Social Security’s “Trust Fund” is a kind of mirage. As Wikipedia notes,
“The Social Security Administration collects payroll taxes and uses the money collected to pay Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits by way of trust funds. When the program runs a surplus, the excess funds increase the value of the Trust Fund. As of 2021, the Trust Fund contained (or alternatively, was owed) $2.908 trillion [4] The Trust Fund is required by law to be invested in non-marketable securities issued and guaranteed by the “full faith and credit” of the federal government. These securities earn a market rate of interest.”
Social Security “trust funds” are not segregated funds, as they are at investment firms. It’s a big pile of money, which is lent to the FedGov which in turn issues debt – essentially to itself.
One reason (and we have told you this before) that Open Borders is so important to the democrat/war party is that new workers jumping the border pay Social Security. It’s unclear whether they will ever collect on it. Bureaucracies dance.
Another problem with Social Security is this (did someone yell “Lousy!”?) administration has failed to insist on public representation in Social Security’s future.
The “shot callers” (Board of Trustees) are all insiders:
Too busy not doing the job; you know how it goes, right?
The core issue – if you have dreams of the Golden Years – is to keep in mind that a prudent person would, just as in working life, plan on living at about 75 percent of take-home and invest the rest. That way, when Social Security changes, you will already have pre-adjusted to the “new economics of change” or whatever gibberish it’s sold as.
From the beginning, Social Security has been a debt transfer system: The retirement of the old is foisted on the young…but as long as there is growth (number of people) and rising wages,, Social Security should be sound.
Still, we’re concerned for our offspring who will likely not be able to hit the FRA which is going “moving target” on us.
And to any young person, we would point out the sweet spot for work is employment with the Federal government where 62 is the full benefit age.
You, pal, aren’t “special” like they are. Read up on their package here and run the numbers.
The federal MRA *(minimum retirement age) is 57 for workers born in 1970 and later. Check out their retirement levels:
To my way of thinking – and I’ve said this before to the boo’s and hisses of federal workers – a lifetime of work ought to “weigh about the same” whether in the FedGov or private greed sectors. Which would then suggest we unify retirements of all federal workers and social security.
Don’t mind me, but I do prompt our children, at every chance, to roll with a government job. More holidays, more benefits, and better annual adjustments – plus (oftentimes) a superior retirement picture. Younger, too.
You? Well, just keep writing the checks.
International Trade – Retail Inventories
Before our next turd du jour, let’s back up to the SoCal Port reports for the month. Because international trade and how much is sitting in our warehouses and distribution centers does impact quality of life (and prices!) eventually:
Out on the coast, here’s how Long Beach rolled in January:
With empty inbound up, this should make for a dandy supply of containers for that Micro Home you’ve been planning. We prefer 9-foot HiCubes for our sketches….uh…where were we?
Oh yeah – Port of Los Angeles:
Harder to see the empty container picture – since they go both ways (so to speak). (I’ve never figured why unloading empties and then reloading empties didn’t just get called a push and a lot less work, but it’s one of the few, simple, climate change things we humans could do differently. But it would take a change in who owns containers and change? Well, that scares the hell out of people even if there is benefit to it.
OK – This morning’s data from Census which fades into the background because the Housing numbers in a few minutes carry a lot more heft:
Not much in the way of data tomorrow, so labor costs and productivity Thursday will likely be the next wall of worry to climb.
News Pourri
Yes, poo-poo, it’s another day of Same Old Shit (SOS):
China doesn’t seem to understand what International Airspace is, very well. Chinese military put on ‘high alert’. U.S. plane flew down the Taiwan Strait and they get pissy. Payback for balloon play, perhaps?
Of course, China’s also pissed because it’s coming out that the Wuhan Covid event was lab-started, so say the intel people publicly (at last). US’ hype of COVID-19 origin-tracing issue will only undermine its own credibility says China’s FM. We refer to the FM as Yeow Ling.
“You see, son, it’s like baseball, this one:” What to watch for as the Supreme Court hears oral arguments on Biden’s student loan debt relief plan “WTF, Dad?” “Only the final score matters and the Court will go off and think about it for a spell.”
But the hype, insincerity, and bullshit? 500+ Students Flood the Supreme Court, Support Student-Debt Relief. News and circuses, pard.
Chicagoans Vote Today. Crime Tops Chicago Voters’ Concerns In Mayoral Election (ibtimes.com) With Lori Lightfoot getting so many things wrong, this will be an interesting test of Woke versus Competence, as we figure it.
“Buddy, can you spare a Model S?” Elon Musk Is Richest Person In The World Again After Tesla Stock Price Surge.
Racist media? We have to take the San Jose Mercury News to task for the story Rapid demise of ‘Dilbert’ no surprise to those watching (mercurynews.com). Our journalistic bone to be picked centers on punctuation, of all things. Here’s the point, and we quote: “Adams, who is white, was an outspoken presence on social media long before describing Black people…” See it? Why isn’t White capitalized? Seem to us when one race is treated differently than another that define racism. Well, except it’s the Bay Area. Where last I heard, the reparations bid was up to $5-million. No one wants to talk about the 23 Ures who died fighting for Black freedom in the Civil War… How about a Model S for good sportsmanship?
Progressive Crypto price. Kinda fun to see it was $23,456 when I looked. And just when we thought the environment-wrecking crypto scam couldn’t get any sillier, here comes Japanese Tech and Finance Giants Launch Japan Metaverse Economic Zone. UFB. (un something believable!!)
ATR: Broiled
First steaks on the new propane broiler last night. Hot diggity damn, they were good. Elaine had her fillet plain, while I wrapped mine in (low sodium) bacon. Hard to get much better than that.
Spring is getting to the East Texas Outback earlier than usual this year. For the year, a bit over 7-inches of rain so far with a bit over 5 a year ago. So, the water part is good. Also looks like the last of the frost has been and went.
For the rest of the country, Winter will be around a few more days: AccuWeather forecasters tracking snowstorm and severe weather for huge swath of U.S. Even with this, however, East Texas will stay in the mid-low 40’s at worst. Maybe two more nights of the diesel heater in the greenhouse/lean-to on the side of the studio. Got a half dozen tomatoes filling in and more Swiss chard to sauté than you can shake a spatula at.
Food run and Peoplenomics writing on the docket here; made my 2-percent for the week Monday so no urgency to trade anymore. Instead, working on the yard, garden, sheetrock, paint, and construction projects loom. At 74, there’s supposed to be a couch around, isn’t there?
My buddy the Major will be coming for a visit in mid-April, too, so always something going on out here. After that, G2 may be back in early May, so we want to have the yard and garden into low maintenance modes (mow and water). He’s still young enough (42) that driving a riding mower is fun. Somewhere in the 70s it does transmogrify.
Write when you get rich,
Yes, here we all are deep into the retirement years or even, at least, just beginning like yours truly as my odometer tripped over another number this month, too. This was running around in my head this morning. Sung by many but this version by America’s perfect troubadour, none better. It was so easy to listen to 20 or 30 years ago. Not any more. Too bad songs of life like this are no longer emoted with today’s vocalists and writers. The prospect of reincarnation lies ahead like waiting for that royal flush I keep trying for in the card games I play with the family in the evenings.
I could only listen to a a bit of it and had to stop it. Too damn much emotion and reminders of the most important things in life I missed forever. I really do want a do-over!
I truly hope that for the rest of us, those things that matter most to each of us happen to a level of saturation. That’s life!
It’s amazing what time does to a song and the listener. (But Glen lives on and thank you God for him and the amazing talent you loaned him!) Like I said 20-30 years ago I could listen to this all day because I was ignorant. Doesn’t matter who you are you always have those regrets and times you just have to back up and punt, leave the waste and wreckage behind and begin again.
I wonder if we’d had the Internet so easily available to all back in the 70s, when I really started my journey in life, would it have saved a lot of wondering and wandering along the way? And this is even though I’ve been a country kid 80% of my life and had more time than most to sit and wonder about things while fishing, hunting and just lolly-gagging by myself out in the sticks – no real insights seemed to light my way except on two occasions when I heard that distinct voice in my head that told me about that wild divergence that was to come in me and my family’s lives. Those two times have come and gone and that quite but very audible voice has never returned. Guess whoever it was that spoke figured I had all the instruction and information I needed. The only thing that could beat it would have been a full-blown NDE. Life’s far from over … I hope … but the speed at which it’s all gone by is still neck-snappingly fierce.
Retirement at 70 – This is a ‘must read’ for the over-the-hill gang.
Death In The Senior Center…
“I turned 70 today. Seventy. Fucking. Years. OLD.”
Besides the devastation of turning 40 long ago which resulted in me totally forgetting what age I was for several years in the latest part of that decade of my life the next impact came when I blew through 60 and got the out-of-the-blue notice that I was to surrender my membership card in the Flat Belly Society I’d belonged to all my life. Hell- I’d done so many sit-ups in my 50s I finally, actually had abs for the first time in my life and then it was like I’d eaten a butt-load of Black Cat firecrackers. It’s so bad now I’m grateful for reflective plumbing in the public restrooms so I can manage things with reasonable efficiency. Forget the fact there’s no butt to hang my pants on, that 25+ year old belt that was originally a 36″ has now stretched through the years of sweaty Summers to something over 40″ with a new hole punched just recently for a little bit of relief. A little bit of change and that 100 year old Mauser .25 I carry in my pocket all the time has been the cause behind me mooning anyone else in the restrooms but I swear its been totally unintentional! I shudder to think what else is coming my way down the road.
Corona us a US Patent
made in the USA
there’s a patent for the vax to.. well actually there are what almost ten patents on that damned thing they have been working on it a while..
worse than anyone could have imagined, outside of UrbanSurv..insiders now KNOW and have seen the ENEMY – our own dammed oligarch run Govmint.
Sad to say, I agree with you. Now they are upping their stealing:
This guy is nothing to look at, but it’s only the audio that matters. It seems that we stole all Russian assets in the USA and gave them to Ukraine. If that doesn’t make us a partisan in the conflict, I’ve no idea what does. This is a step up from civil theft(forfeiture).
Both sides seem to be corrupt, so we should just stay out of it. We should probably withdraw from NATO too.
Tried to tell EVERYONE.
The message was not welcomed.
Traitors amongst us via media, social media, medical establishment, and our own government ensuring the doom of, what was it? 8.5 BILLION?
Where will the 500,000 left alive live?
The Challenge Is that 500,000 of them MUST DIE for the REST OF US to LIVE!!!
I Will Survive:
“Where last I heard, the reparations bid was up to $5-million.”
$5 million per person for 4th, 5th generation post slave era reparations. $500 per night NYC hotel rooms to trash for illegal aliens. $100 billion or more to fight a war for a corrupt nation thousands of miles away. Honest, hard working patriotic citizens of East Palestine fighting for a top up of their $1000 cheque to forget the pain and suffering of a toxic chemical disaster that has destroyed their lives.
Makes perfect sense!!!
I thought it was five million total to be paid out not five million per person.. Phew..
that would be as stupid as the give each illegal alien refugee a half million dollars.. but why just settle for the people that were sold into slavery from their native countries.. why not pay the indian tribes five million dollars per person.. we tried to eliminate them from the planet.. took their holy grounds.. shoved them on land that was almost uninhabitable.. starved them we gave them rotten food and blankets with small pox.. they deserve something for this to..
then we have the chinese that were forced labor treated as if they were sub human killed enslaved and beaten..
oh can’t forget the Irish.. or well the list goes on and on.. why not just give every man woman a child a half million in tax rebates this year.. that would stimulate the economy..
“Metaverse Economic Zone”
Our consciousness buys stuff in this realm (whatever is looking out from behind the eyes).
Consciousness fractals. Japanese Metaverse > Realm (our shared perceptions) > “Heaven” (the next level back) > ?
“500 protestors”
What can’t be paid won’t. Forgive the debt as a ‘mulligan’. It’s not as if these former students are pulling the average railroad workers pay which Biden approved, $160,000 a year in total compensation*.
Boeing got a ‘mulligan’.
Amtrak got a ‘mulligan’.
General Motors got a ‘mulligan’.
Watch Norfolk Southern process their ‘mulligan’.
Capital One ‘mulligan’ and their CC holders were told to keep making payments. And they did. No ‘mulligan’ for the base layer.
Everyone in the American Rescue Act of 2022 got ‘mulligans’.
Canceling the student debt will make the students as joyful as the Teamster pensioners felt when their ‘private’ pension was bailed out last year in the Act.
* “When health care, retirement, and other benefits are considered, the value of rail employees’ total compensation package, which already ranks among the highest in the nation, would average about $160,000 per year. ”
” It’s not as if these former students are pulling the average railroad workers pay”
One gal I know went on to get her Nurse Practitioners license.. she made a quarter more in a wage than what she was already getting.. and accrued a six hundred dollar a month school loan payment.. was it worth it.. for her.. no.. she has more responsibility and at a lower wage..
Now if she had a federal job.. they pay off the debt.. give them the golden goose healthcare and retirement plans and a wage that makes others look like being employed at McDonalds.. Plus all those damned federal holidays and lucritive vacation days they get a year.. hell half the time to work compared to a regular employee.. and if you are forced to work on a federal holiday.. you get plus time off.. LOL
one of the men living in our spare room his kid worked at a federal job.. LOL LOL they let him go.. seemed he got the idea they had so much time off that he didn’t have to go to work at all LOL would take great advantage of the days off.. and then when it was time to go to work.. he would punch in then leave LOL LOL kind of reminds me of my old boss he did that stuff to.. come in then go home..
the job I had when I first got out of the service that I quit because the boss would give lucrative positions to young teenage women if they were willing to blow him.. and my morals said I couldn’t bear that.. quit.. that job by 85 was paying well over a hundred grand a year.. knowing what I know now I wouldn’t have quit..
The smart thing would be to cancel all interest and have perhaps a 20 year payout on the rest. Make the loans dischargable in bankruptcy like everything else. Make the schools liable for uncollectable debt. Drop the federal guarantee for all future loans, starting immediately.
General Motor contracts were cancelled and so can student loan contracts.
It’s all imaginary anyway.
Soon Russia will have to fight back. We’ll be flush to refortify the Eastern Front that day. The “attack” will probably coincide with the debt ceiling chatter.
its their business model..I totally believe that it is set up like that so that people that try to break away from their station in life stay in their station in life..
a child wanting to leave the Hood by getting an education stays in the hood…
A woman I worked with from Africa is the one that got me to see that .. what she told me is that there IF.. you are in one station in society that you had to stay there.. and only learn what they see you fit to know.. the teachers teach the kids beyond their place in society was against the law there. Kind of like the dual standards of law in the USA.. our prisons are full of examples..Here you can get the education.. if you qualify.. but the cost is so high that unless you get loans to go beyond your station.. you cannot do it..
Why do you think that BLM and Antifa or the good reverand targets the poorest neighborhoods.. its just to keep them in that station in life.. they destroy their own neighborhoods.. chase away the police the gangs get it..they control it.. neighborhoods where most of us could never walk a city block and live.. these people are forced to stay where they are.. impoverished and destitute under educated and dependent..
its the same thing with our medical system.. if your rich you can see a doctor if your not.. well we can fit you in in a year..
our elderly rush to the mexican border to live the winters because they cannot afford to pay for their medications in the USA or health care.. heck when I was considering implants.. the old foggies ( dam that brought a tear to my eyes.. I am now at the age of the old foggies LOL) they all suggested I head to Mexico to get it done..
A teacher at George Washington University that I went through photo school with.. he had facial reconstruction in Brazil.. because it was to expensive to have done here.. but one of the people that taught it.. has a clinic in Brazil..
the whole plan is in Adolphs second secret book.. get the people dependent on govt. for their daily resources.. then you have the support of the people to take the wealth of the twenty nine percent that will propel the one percent into the stratosphere of wealth and power.. simple plan.. easy to do.. deregulate essential services and then shove it up..
Wasn’t pedo joe’s boy in on the capitol one bs, or was that another credit card company?
“When health care, retirement, and other benefits are considered, the value of rail employees’ total compensation package, which already ranks among the highest in the nation, would average about $160,000 per year. ”
When my dad died of cancer at age 58, he had worked for Southern Pacific Railroad 32 years and was making about $10,000 a year as a diesel engineer. He had started out on steam locomotives, working with asbestos-covered steam pipes. Between the asbestos and Lucky Strikes, he didn’t stand a chance. I’m sure he’s looking down from heaven now thinking “If only I’d hung on for another 40 years.”
Maybe not..
when engineers made ten grand a year..rent was what fifty dollars a month.. when I made two grand a year… a house on the hill was twenty thousand dollars.. payments was hundred and a quarter..
when we moved in this house..water bill was fifteen dollars a month .. that was in 94 today its skirting two hundred a month groceries was 2.50 a day.. today daily budget is 17 per person.. taxes was 400 today its three grand.. a new car was ten grand..health insurance.. if you had ever been sick you couldn’t get it..today you can but they will gouge you .. for 1 person its close to 24 grand a year.. I was to terrified to see what it would cost me..
the average laborer gets an average increase of 2% wages are a state 10 to 16 an hour now.. TBE manager of the dollar general gets 15 no health benefits on week vaca..
the manager at the gas station 13..no benefits average rent a grand a month..low income is 800..
so maybe not that 160 grand would ave been equal to the ten grand.. they had great insurance great retirement.. most companies don’t even offer that anymore you have social security..
now if they didn’t choose split the retirement funds for mom and dad passed on..mom went without a few years ago I ran across a woman almost 90 whose husband didn’t think ahead..she became destitute and homeless..
As a watcher, I sense that the psychosis sweeping the world, at first biological, then psychological, and finally spiritual has had it’s way with us. Everyone it seems is in thrall to something or someone. Thoughts and energy coalesce. The heart which guides us as a compass is spinning wildly, and we are lost.
It feels as though the Great Bifurcation is drawing ever nearer…………
we are lost because everything we had been taught as a child has been thrown to the wind..
the laws we all accepted are now no longer viable to anyone at the top of the heap.. well we all knew it before it is just more evident now.. they don’t hide the fact..
actions and things we were all taught could never happen are happening before our eyes.. and it scares everyone..
Enjoy your time with The Maj, don’t have to tell you that. From birth, our days are numbered. Got a call last Saturday AM that a good friend had passed away just an hour earlier. My last partner and cohort before I spent the remainder of my working sentence in an office while he retired to a mountaintop in CO. Not surprisingly many didn’t even know he was ill. That kind of guy. It took a bit to sink in but his wife told me I was the first she called. He asked her to tell me he would see me on the flip side. Still working to deal with this huge hole and I miss our almost daily phone talks, text messages, and nasty jokes.
People, get off the damn news bullshit and reconnect with what is important.
I am so sorry to hear that Jim..my condolences..
I lost a good friend of mine.. young guy he wasn’t even fifty yet.. He was trying to work the kind of hours I was working.. it was Easter Saturday and we went out to eat.. He was telling me about what he was doing and I said don’t do it .. look at what it did to me.. I was not doing good at the time.. he said you can do it I can do it.. tuesday morning after he got off.. he and I were talking and he said dam I am tired.. I am going to sleep a few hours this morning..
that afternoon I get a call on his phone..and was going to tease him because it was more than just a couple of hours.. and it was his son.. he died in his sleep had a heart attack..
we use to banter back and forth for hours..
My condolences to you both…
Jim, my condolences to you … and to his surviving family.
We all are living under a Death Sentence, we just don’t know when it will be implemented. Enjoy EVERYONE who is close to you every time you can since you never know when it will be the last time you interact with them.
With a good balance of decent food, watching that we don’t self by infecting ourselves with all these new terrible (for the human body) chemicals that we are now around daily – particularly at work, and take at least some limited time off weekly for rest and reflection (the church historically ORDERED that, but alas it has fallen by the wayside in our modern age), and one has a chance of living as long as one’s genetic disposition allows. Sometimes that is a long life, sometimes one’s genetics say “Time Is UP” even though one is still in their 30’s or 40’s (happend to a guy who worked in the same building I was in – super active, very fit, happy guy with a great family, just fell over dead at 44 from a Widow Maker genetic heart condition while playing a game of tennis)
Life is meant to be LIVED while you can live it. Do the best you can with the hand you are dealt … and Thank the Lord that you were allowed to play in his sandbox for at least a little while.
Condolences, Jim. Just a couple months ago I got a call from a former boss. She was a spectacular powerhouse of a woman who was a sales manager, and later a TV station manager that I worked with at several TV stations over the years. And she was like a second mother to me. She worked till she was 80, doing national sales from a desk at a station in Las Vegas where the family ‘retired’ . After her hubby passed, she moved to the PNW to be near her kids. We always kept in touch. On that call she told me she had aggressive leukemia and they only gave her 30 days to live. She called to say goodbye, and we both struggled to not start bawling. Two days later her daughter called me to say she had passed. She was 88. Probably the most difficult phone calls of my life.
Jim in Mo: Memories are pictures we take with our heart. I’m sure you have a lot of good ones!
My heart goes out to you Jim. I shed a tear every time one of the old ones that made our town the wonderful place it was gets planted 6 feet under. Only a few left now and one just passed 3 weeks ago. The wife was certain I’d start snoring somewhere during his service but the old stories that kept coming were the most enjoyable thing I’ve experienced at a funeral in a looong time. The guy was a character and the family had a lot of tales to tell. I pity the newbies that will never know the camaraderie and friendships that kept this town and outer area knit together over the past century.
“Also looks like the last of the frost has been and went.”
That’s a sucker bet you’d best not make. Average last killing frost in this part of the world is April 15, and it’s wise to keep that in mind when planning/planting a garden outdoors. Don’t ask me how I know…
Bitcoin/BTC – “but it’s one of the few, simple, climate change things we humans could do differently. But it would take a change in who owns” crypto and BTC .
“Well, that scares the hell out of people even if there is”, HUUUUGE, “benefit to it.”
“Put a little Bitcoin in Ure heart…and the world will be a better place”- BCN
Go Al, Go Annie, tell the good citizens how its done -https://youtu.be/S3J_3mcOwdQ
BTC is leaving the station, driving that train high on cocaine..https://youtu.be/CxCfnq7A56M
BTC = SS, and G sorry to say, wont get to play.
New Government Business Stipulations …
That’s interesting
“Open Borders is so important to the democrat/war party is that new workers jumping the border pay Social Security. It’s unclear whether they will ever collect on it. Bureaucracies dance.”
I was told that as well.. but they pay no taxes until they are citizens and not until after they have been here what is it seven years..
Plus they get all the program benefits that were set up for the poorest of our citizens.. without any penalties..
if they want to come work and raise a family here come on ahead.. but come legally abide by our laws pay our taxes and receive no benefits until after you become a citizen and pay a non resident tax..
make it the same way that the rest of us do..
I know many LEGAL aliens and they all pay their taxes as required. After becoming citizens, they do the same thing. Most legal aliens are quite careful to follow the letter of the law.
I can’t speak for illegal aliens – I only knew one and she was deported. She came here legally and screwed up. She had major emotional problems, sadly.
“I know many LEGAL aliens and they all pay their taxes as required. ”
yup..the ones I have known paid it all in to.. then got everything back plus the smount paid in by employers and any other tax relief.. and get access to the federal good Samaritan programs as well..
I believe it’s to show their income status.. I am not sure how many years they get this ..I had heard both 5 and 7
“keep in mind that a prudent person would, just as in working life, plan on living at about 75 percent of take-home and invest the rest. That way, when Social Security changes, you will already have pre-adjusted to the “new economics of change” or whatever gibberish it’s sold as.”
guy I know.. retired.. from a really good paying position.. he had planned and invested 40 percent of his income into funds.. he gets what would have been a pretty lucritive pension.. and for a general laborer it is really nice..
the problem.. the cost of living has gone up.. his rent is two hundred dollars more this year than his SS pension.. the utilities have all gone up.. ( except electric.. they are planning on letting us know that in May) and food.. his insurance went up.. (I don’t know for sure how much his insurance went up but ours went up thirty percent) taxes also went up thirty five percent from last year..) groceries.. well they are saying seven percent.. but hell I doubt any of them shop.. and from those with set incomes.. they took away the EIC tax refund which these people relied on to survive that worked for companies that no longer provide a pension..
the companies that I worked for.. only have pension funds for the top ten percent.. the rest don’t have that to lean on..
a family man with a child getting child care assistance still has to pay three hundred a week per child.. daycare.. low income rent assistance they still have to pay almost eight hundred a month in rent.. and if they receive one it is reduced off of the other..
Food stamps.. sounds like a lot but they figure on seven dollars and fifty cents a day per child and half that per adult.. a family of four will get about a thousand dollars a month in food stamp ( if they can qualify and you really have to be poor to get it ) this sounds like a lot but the average cost for a well balanced diet is fifteen dollars plus a day.. four dollars and seventy five cents per meal and a buck and a quarter per snack.. or for that family of four double what they will get.. so they live on comfort foods lots of bulk foods.. it is what it is..
twenty percent would not cut it.. on an average wage earners wage.. and the average wage earner couldn’t afford to put that much away.. he is in fact living on credit…..
Ure’s #1 thing to buy before investing: A home you own outright in a modest tax district
nein nein nein – not in the metaverse. #1 thing to buy in metaverse is a purple chick with huge tits! YOWZA!
..in da trousa.
Why the nerve of the perv…one eyed purple whater eater?>
As much as the new propane broiler draws my attention.. I cannot get one.. If I get one the wife will have my hide.. she says I have to many grills already…she would flip her cork and maybe even get mad at me..
Take a photo of the one you want and weld up your own!
oh trust me..even if I built it the wife would freak out..I maybe have a few to many grills..lol lol
I have been wanting to build a solar grill like the solar oven i made…. I have the parts for it.. just don’t dare build it.. I built a solar beer chiller a few years ago..great project..but I had to get rid of it..wife wanted to park in the garage .
that icyball was once upon a time mine.. what Dan is missing is I drained the tanks for shipping .. he has to refill it before it will get cold..even being empty he’s getting a temperature drop..
the solar beer chiller worked on the same principle..
The long range forecaster thinks that the MJO will cycle cold in March & April, and apparently some of the long range models are agreeing. Don’t get in a hurry to move out of the greenhouse.
There are still students who work while attending school and avoid debt as much as possible, most are top students. Others attending school live well, drive nicer cars than their professors and rack a lot of debt. Which do you think gets the most benefit from “Let’s Go’s” plan? Which student has the time to hang at a rally? In their defense, they at least understand arithmetic well enough to see possible payoff divided by hours spent demonstrating can be quite lucrative, even if they can’t come up with actual numbers. Obviously, fairness is impossible in student loan forgiveness and yet Bidling keeps pushing the same dim idea with no push back in sight from main stream media.
Get yer gas grills while you can. Biden wants to ban ’em!
“Seem to us when one race is treated differently than another that define racism. Well, except it’s the Bay Area. Where last I heard, the reparations bid was up to $5-million.”
It’s actually up to $5mln PLUS a $90,000 per year guaranteed income, for life.
And when $90K/yr won’t buy a blanket under a bridge us old guys will laugh our heads off.
A man pushed a skateboard across the road in heavy traffic in front of my car last week. I ran over it. I took my car yesterday to be serviced because I was worried about damage. Someone at the garage paid my whole bill. Absolutely amazing. The skateboard didn’t cause a bad accident, my car was undamaged, and someone I didn’t know paid my bill. I feel like Andy this week. Very, very grateful.
No doubt the the skateboard pushing perp was an Urban Survival reader.
Well he gets it half right.
Whatever happened to your sailboat model ?
Some interesting comments about death.
It’s so…unfair, right?
somewhere over the last few days Andy asked me about my car clock. I checked it today. my phone said 2:40 and my car said 2:41 but quickly became 2:42; while my phone still said 2:40.
Ah! “Field of an Immortal” is already around you. Space-time bends to such folks will, they are drawen together, they watch, knowing the packed theater will soon see the Main Feature…