Sliding Down Housing

Despite the upward bias in markets, we again may be the only people who can read, around here.

NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 28, 2023: S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P DJI) today released the latest results for the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices, the leading measure of U.S. home prices. Data released today for December 2022 show that home price gains continued to drop across the United States with declining prices reported in the San Francisco and Seattle markets

So, not very good, eh?

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index, covering all nine U.S. census
divisions, reported a 5.8% annual gain in December, down from 7.6% in the previous month. The 10-
City Composite annual increase came in at 4.4%, down from 6.3% in the previous month. The 20-City
Composite posted a 4.6% year-over-year gain, down from 6.8% in the previous month.
Miami, Tampa, and Atlanta reported the highest year-over-year gains among the 20 cities in December.
Miami led the way with a 15.9% year-over-year price increase, followed by Tampa in second with a
13.9% increase, and Atlanta in third with a 10.4% increase. All 20 cities reported lower prices in the
year ending December 2022 versus the year ending November 2022.

Before seasonal adjustment, the U.S. National Index posted a -0.8% month-over-month decrease in
December, while the 10-City and 20-City Composites posted decreases of -0.8% and -0.9%,
After seasonal adjustment, the U.S. National Index posted a month-over-month decrease of -0.3%, and
the 10-City and 20-City Composites posted decreases of -0.4% and -0.5%, respectively.

We are drawn to the evolving drop in actual prices:

Mentally, try to imagine an even larger drop on a constant dollar basis, because the prices are show as actual present, not correcting for the wild money-printing.

OK, back to real work…


20 thoughts on “Sliding Down Housing”

  1. Various:

    RE: changing SS FRA … it’s deemed less painful than other fixes when contemplating grabbing hold of the 3rd rail. I am also concerned for my kid, my kin, yet think this highly likely (in the end, after much angst and puffery). Retirement? It’s for quitters :0)

    Surprising start today on “fix statements day” which rolls round at end of every month, possibly worth playing? After today, when we have 31 days before this seasonal calls again, will we make an attempt from lower or higher. My guess, from lower.

    ATL: had to call in big guns yesterday. Arrived home from a day in the yoke to find an 18″ cherry across the road (on a 50 degree downslope). Thought about breaking out the chain and attempting to tow (uphill) but called the young helper instead. Stihl.

    Ure 40F forecast makes me smile. That’s warm enough to find short pants. Now acclimated to steady chill we walk around outside at mid 30s and exclaim: it’s pretty nice out. Heavy snow in the forecast model for end of week. Plan to ride it out sans shovel.

    Write when you get warm,

    • yeah man, I woke up and looked out side and it’s dumping beautiful bullshit, aka snow.

      after growing up in Alaska? I’m not a big fan of the snow.

      I went and grabbed my cowboy boots and put them away. hopefully learning from the last time I wore them in the snow and Dislocated my leg from the knee down. popped it back in myself.

      I am absolutely certain, putting it back is more painful than Dislocating it. then I got a flat tire. got out the lugnut wrench and jumped on it to break free the nut, and down I went on the ground. I have a deep respect and appreciation for that much pain. I thought I was going to loose “$243 cookies”. as I laid there on the ground, I smiled.

      my roommate at the time a retired UW professor, came helped me get my tire off. he looked at me and said, that looks painful. I said yes it is. Holy wow! it is. he said I’ve never seen someone smile when in that much pain. I said, yeah well it’s less painful than my last divorce. and I savor all life has to offer in it’s differing temperatures of intensity. hahaha.

      I do not like the snow. hi ho hi ho
      it makes driving slow. hi ho hi ho
      off to work I go. hi ho hi ho

  2. Re: Jaws


    Yet another week here has seen Season 14 of “Million Dollar Listing in Los Angeles” in the television guide turn out to be replaced with an episode of “The Shark Tank”. I think the last Million $ episode that showed up on screens locally may have been “Rate Hikes and Date Nights” from January 26th.

    • LOL … That brought a smile to my face for some perverted reason.

      I used to laugh at California real estate prices … until they hit here. OMG, I can’t believe how much crackerbox houses in even the bad school districts (but a “safe” part, low crime, of those districts) are selling for. Go to the top 4 suburban districts in the metro area and you might as well be in Orange County, $350k houses from 5 years ago are a million!!, OR MORE!!

      OH … and unlike California we have NO Prop 13 real estate tax deal here.

      Your house’s real estate taxes go UP with the rise in the fair market value of the house, so that ol house you bought for $225k that went to $350k 5 years ago and is now worth $1 mil? … you will pay taxes on a $1,000,000 house (about 2.3% to 2.9% PER YEAR depending upon the district (for one city nearby the rates are 4.4% PER YEAR). Yep … you are looking at a YEARLY real estate tax bill to stay in that house that you bought for $225k of $23,000 to $29,000 PER YEAR. Sheesh … I hate California housing prices!!

  3. tap tap tap, spit, slides it right in.

    in a joint Urbansurvival collective effort we have our first prediction as a team.

    November 2cd fuckery revealed.

    Subprime Auto Lender And Used Car Retailer Collapses

    I stihl about the sub prime auto loan collape over at Zero hedge. ****we now have our skateboard and Automobile, Man and Bush intersection coverergence for November 2cd. thanks again to Eleanor for filling in a few blanks, by presenting a dynamic in motion play by play of the echo, *aka effect, revealing the the altered state of a future event *aka cause prior to it manifesting in the stream of time.

    fits nicely, hedge? bush? eh…. same difference.

    well done everyone.

  4. fwiw: the image on the bottom of the skateboard is of a man with a hammer beating on an anvil and scary creatures around him. Halloween type creatures. so we should probably see temporal marker around Halloween to November second.

    as now have more information with regards to another siting of the echo or effect prior to the event or cause from a different facet of perception aka the view from the hedge aka bush.

    now considering all the facets of perception.

    my facet of perception of the effect prior to the cause aka event
    eleanors facet of perception of the effect in dynamic motion prior to the cause aka event
    and the view from the man at the bush or in this case hedges perception of the effect prior to the cause aka event.

    we have all data sets and information totaled up except eleanors street name. which we don’t particularly need. it’s just another piece of the greater picture, which we can see Mostly it relates to sub prime.

    I presume that Eleonor hit the skateboard in the suburbs.

    we have two different distinct vehicles in dynamic motion aka movement towards a future intersection of collision.

    the smaller at its base: a man with a hammer beating on an anvil. aka industry
    the other much larger vehicle is also faster moving dynamic motion is in slang a “grocery getter”. they will collide between October 31st and November Second. as it relates to sub prime. the smaller vehicle collapsing under the weight and velocity of the larger vehicle.

    what that tells me is an industry collapse under weight of being top heavy.

    hmmmmm…… the good news is, the event or cause has been altered. I think that is an advantage. I think altering future high emotional value set events prior them manifesting at predetermined intersections is pretty cool.

    I will let you all draw your own synapses.

    yes sir. what Eleanor experienced George was sort of a hyperchon effect. I agree. even though she didn’t know she was. she most certainly was seeing the future. in real time dynamic motion. and not only that it had been altered

    but Eleanor

    revealed—-> that a man or someone set it in motion.


    • I live in a city of less than 90,000 in a rural area. The street name was Cashe. Hahahaha!

  5. very interested in considering Ure thoughts. since I’m not the only ‘Time Monk’ on this site.

    most of the “time” I just give a final statement of prediction, however as the saying goes….feed a man a fish he is satisfied for a day. teach a man how to fish he will never go hungry. atleast for fish. or phish if you prefer. since I will be working both Shows of Phish when they come to town. lol

    have you ever considered that

    Jesus, a Chef in is own rite, served 5000. using a bunch of fishermen to deliver the meal?

    not to many people considered that at Jesus’s outdoor restaurant where he served His famous 5000 guest Fish and Bread meal, He selected Fishermen to deliver the product.

    I love Jesus’s style. pretty cool.

  6. and hopefully next time, Eleanor can see if her clock in her car or her watch move forward chronologically.

    would be very interesting to note that. even if it was single minute of offset ahead? it would validate my consideration of the topic you presented back in 2009 ish George of forward moving hyperchon effects, not just moving in time backwards. since we do know the stream of time (time line or vein of time) is both wide and moves in two directions as the Canyon Model suggests.

    I think this sort of topic makes most people uneasy. hence her lack of reply.

    most people who actually want to know the future, prefer the future handed to them on a colored post it note.

    i have surveyed this topic, “do you want to know the future?” most do not want to know it. let alone experience it in living dynamic real time effect, prior to its inception or cause.

    I experience it all the “time.” reading the language of creation in the world around me. or as you put it George, ATR, “Around The Ranch”.

    it’s even better now that I can actually see, having new eyes.

    on to the gym and make something of the day, while there is day left to make something.


    there are times I too. prefer it on a post it note. a green one.


  7. ohhhhh duh! a man at a hedge fund Collapses an industry under the weight of it’s debts as it relates to sub prime. between October 31st and November 2cd. in………

    commercial real-estate!


    if it was residential real estate the man would be on the skateboard but he is not now. so it has been shifted to commercial real estate.

    well, -> movement is movement. altering future events is going to be exciting to learn. :)

    I understand, yes sir its still not that much better. but it is cool we can alter the cause prior to its manifesting based on the effects that echo to us before it happens.

    the fact that it can be done. is super cool.

    ahhhhhhh yeah. I can hear it now, “hey man. that suit is you!

    cue: ~ unchained ~

    van Halen

  8. I noticed a house by me got a sale sign this past weekend. I’ll comment when I see the sold sign.

  9. I did receive my tax assessment piece of paper the other day.

    “In Michigan, a property’s taxable value will increase from one year to the next by the rate of inflation or 5%, whichever is less, until ownership of the property is transferred.”

    Yep, my house ‘increased in value” over 5% so my tax is “limit up”, a 5% increase. Every 14.4 years it’s a double.

  10. Amazon faces lawsuit for selling products containing donkey meat

    The Center for Contemporary Equine Studies is suing Amazon for selling products containing donkey meat, despite efforts from advocacy groups to halt the practice. The lawsuit claims the e-commerce giant is illegally selling products that contain “ejiao” — a gelatin made from the skin of donkeys and used in various products like health supplements — in violation of California animal welfare law.

    South Africa has collapsed.

    I STRONGLY suggest people read this op-ed from Zombieland. THIS is where the U.S. is heading, both socially and economically, and it warrants a close eye.


    Bryan Kohberger — the alleged quadruple Idaho murderer — could die by bullet if he’s convicted … that is, assuming a local lawmaker there can get a new bill passed into law. Rep. Bruce Skaug, a Republican state congressman, introduced legislation last week in Idaho’s House — calling on firing squads to be reinstated as a means of execution

    Viral internet rumor claims Fetterman is brain dead

    Another day, another viral internet rumor has sprung up, causing a flurry of speculation about Senator John Fetterman’s increasingly poor health. Former NYC police officer John Cardillo took to Twitter and claimed that his sources informed him that John Fetterman is currently “braindead.”

    Former White House Doctor Has New Warning About Joe Biden: ‘Going to Get People KILLED!’

    On Saturday, Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician under Barack Obama and Donald Trump and who currently serves as the congressman for Texas’s 13th congressional district, took to Twitter with a stern and chilling warning about Biden’s cognitive fitness for office.

  11. Vanguard CEO Abandons ESG Investing Alliance: “Not In The Game Of Politics”

    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has been a hotly debated topic over the last few years. The seemingly unquestioned march towards corporate utopia has met with resistance among those who oppose the idea that government oligarchs should dictate the affairs of private business firms. The long-term effects of the ESG movement are largely ignored by the mainstream.

    Dem Sen. Manchin joins Republican efforts to thwart federal ESG investing rule

    West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin is backing a Republican-led initiative to rollback a Biden administration rule allowing investment managers to consider environmental and social factors when making investments in retirement savings. The Labor Department rule aimed to reverse Trump-era guidelines discouraging Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-based investing practices.

    Now, if only BlackRock would see the light…

  12. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

    Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot has conceded defeat after failing to qualify for the runoff. “Obviously we didn’t win the election today, but I stand here with my head held high,” she said Tuesday night, per NBC News. Chicago mayoral candidates Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson are projected to advance to the April runoff election, according to the New York Times.

    Chicago may have a chance now. IMO the two best (that being a relative term) candidates were the two Latinos, with Vallas being the better of the two. Johnson is no better than Lightfoot and is a “defund the police” dumbocrat. What gets me is Lightfoot bragged in her concession speech about how much she had cut crime in Chicago during her tenure as mayor.


    Maybe these dumbocrats run cities [into the ground] the way they do, because they simply have a complete detachment and disassociation from reality…?

  13. it’s adventure time, 4 me.
    great like Elvis without the tassels…..

    what I need is a…

    hey hey I wanna be a…

    where was I, ooooohhh yes!

    a few things before I go.

    deer WTHS, ( i spelled that right as a sign for you) , have you ever heard of the four Jesuit Priests who survived Hiroshima at ground zero? in foot circle around where they were not a blade of grass was harmed. the entire area around that circle was completely destroyed by “the bomb”.

    why? because they kept their “refer plugged in to the power source.” and it was there not even the knowledge of quantum theory and mechanics a
    plus complex mathmatics could do anything to them.

    why do you think i stay plugged in Mister. lol

    swish! nothing but net!


    ~ life is what you make it. ~

    OK, good talk. be busy about THE DUDES work.

  14. p.s. the red head is quoting you george, and comments to me found on urbansurvival.

    yesterday she says “the weather is bipolar” to me.

    and she has quoted 2 of the former bunny girlfriends and they have also said lines you wrote here on urbansurvival.

    the red quoted the I dream of genie looking former centerfold last week behind the good will.

    she said an exact quote, that the SHG said to me all the time. “you have a wizard ( insert the meaning of eggplant emoji) it’s f*ckng magical. I can feel the energy coming off of it.”

    which is an exact quote and hilarious!

    and the first bunny said to me when she begged me on her knees to get married, “why don’t we get a couple cats, a double wide out in the woods somewhere, do some crazy time travel experiments and have naked martini time at 3pm every day. doesn’t sound like a wonderful life?”

    and it was then I was did the pug dog head tilt. hahahahhahah uhhhhhhhh whaaaat did you just say?

    and then she said please let’s get married. and I said no.

    not because that doesn’t sound like a wonderful life and all. but because because because I have my own path. I look to DUDE to provide that. and DUDE is faithful. everytime.

    it is quite the ponder….. and I know they don’t know each other and are not members here of the ‘Grand Wisom Circle of Old Men and Women.’ for whome I have the distinct honor of participating in. until you are all long and gone.

    because I am the heritage of the sum total of that combined wisdom. for that wisdoms survival into the new aeon.

    part of the reason, even though I’ve said I was leaving atleast a thousand times now, I remain until it is fully conceptualized and can be passed on to those who survive in the future.

    ahhh yes. there is that immortality. ~ the wisdom that spans generations and aeons. ~

    the most valuable treasure, I assure you.

    now If you would. please stop putting thoughts in my “girlnfriends” head. unless…..

    it’s the location of Big bags of money.


    • Ye Gads! Friends on the ham radio net this morning were describing the weather as ‘BiPolar’. Is there a meme going around?

      Synchronicity… for those who observe.

      • hank, you want to hear something more strange than that? I got off work late, stopped by a convenience store to get a snack.

        went in and saw these Red Velvet cookies.

        when I went to go pay for them? I noticed how much money I had in my wallet. and burst out in my best Lunatic laugh, Bwhahahahahahahahahh!

        the lady at the store looked over at the security guard and i said sorry, just a joke between an old friend and me.

        I had exactly $249 in my wallet and I’m buying cookies.

        thanks George for a very wonderful moment. :)

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