A bit of a long woo-woo tale this morning, but incredibly useful in understanding the world. Thus, in addition to a look at Retail Sales just out, the new jobless filings, and a few other headlines, we will spend some interesting time in Ure’s World of Woo-Woo.
First: The Retail Sales
May I have the envelope, please?
In words:
“Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for August 2021, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $618.7 billion, an increase of 0.7 percent (±0.5 percent) from the previous month, and 15.1 percent (±0.7 percent) above August 2020. Total sales for the June 2021 through August 2021 period were up 16.3 percent (±0.5 percent) from the same period a year ago. The June 2021 to July 2021 percent change was revised from down 1.1 percent (± 0.5 percent) to down 1.8 percent (±0.2 percent).
After the number, Dow stock futures came back to even.
Second: The Unemployment Claims
Not too surprising here, given that all the numbers are looking good, at least in the short-term…
Turn on the Newserator
How Deadly is the plandemic? COVID-19 kills Americans at a rate of 1 in 500, data shows.
Milley rock star or traitor? Trump Acting Defense Sec. Miller says he ‘did not’ authorize Milley China calls, says he should resign.
Money just burning a hole in your pocket? From LifeHacker How to Pre-order Your iPhone 13 Before Everyone Else.
The rich are still taking care of congress, it seems. In return? House Democrats’ capital gains tax proposal is better for the super rich than Biden plan. Be surprised.
Environmental insanity still spreading: Scientists Trained Cows Where To Pee. It Could Help The Environment.
And don’t customers matter? What about my Starlink reservation? As SpaceX’s Latest Mission Will Launch Four People Into Orbit.
Woo-Woo: Hierarchy vs. Adjacency
I didn’t sleep especially well Tuesday night.
We’d eaten early and headed for the pillows around 7:30 PM (being an early-rising household).
After a few hours of sleep, I awoke to find myself reviewing “personal source code.” Something that doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I pay attention. Must have been about 10:45.
The “seeing source” process is only accessible when deeply relaxed – right on the verge of transitioning into sleep. A deeply relaxed and meditative state.
While holding just the barest awareness on the back of your eyelids, what looks like a computer screen may appear. A text box in the middle of it. On this, characters come and go. 13 to 20 characters in lines of what can only be described as “looking like computer source code” written in some lost language; familiar but not.
Why this happens has never been clear to me. Perhaps it’s an “optical afterburn” effect. Retinal relaxation? I spend so much time reading and writing on screens that its what my visual cortex does. Sometimes 12-16-hours a day.
Noticed, though, the character set is not English. Nor is it any other major language ever seen in waking. Still, there’s a kind of “knowing” that this is how information is “downloaded to humans.” Are we in a Simulation?
Occasionally, a character that’s runic-looking will go by. Traceable to my ancestry? Linked to our DNA? Mostly it’s an incomprehensible mix of symbols.
A portion of the “letters” hold mathematical concepts. But in a compressed format. It’s like if you took an expression like “2.34 times the square root of 63 divided by 10.2” and turned that into a single character. Like “human math” is single letters, these are sentences encoded in single sigils.
Hard to put into words, but its even worse when non-math is displayed.
Pardon the limitations of waking-state language here, but it’s like on your way to work today, you see an accident including an injured person, smashed car, medics and police. With that comes a feeling of deep sympathy for the victim’s pain and injuries.
In this “source” language, ALL of this may be reduced to three or four runic-looking letters. So evocative and encompassing. Result is a humbling sense of the compression involved.
In the waking-state, we accept legacy thinking, you see. Unable to feed ideas between Realms with useful outcomes. The few who are able are called “creative” yet the function is highly reportorial in nature. Visiting Realms beyond waking is like getting out of prison for a while.
Adventures viewing personal source code is not the story this morning, however. It’s what happened in the Dream Realms Tuesday night – immediately after I drifted to sleep – that was so revelatory.
No idea how long I watched the characters scrolling by. Sensing more than reading their meaning, but only quite shallowly. Not very good at it.
Intending to capture a few and bring them into the Fully Awake World has been a bitch. They are fleeting little buggers. A built-in conundrum protects them from the light of the waking-state of Earthly day. As you concentrate hard-enough to collect a couple, by the time you’ve transitioned over to wakening, they will have scampered off.
Wife Elaine’s got a better sense of how scampering and awareness works. Because she does it with animals in the woods around our place all the time. “Be aware over your left shoulder, there’s a momma deer and a fawn…but don’t look directly at her, or she’ll run…”
Elaine remembers a lesson in one of the (somewhat) odd books by Edward Leedskalnin (the dude who built the Coral Castle) down near Homestead, Florida.
Conventional science thinks it has human vision figured out. Wave/particle theory. Basically, photons hit the back of the eye generating light impulses. These go off to the brain where biological image processing turns them into useful imagery of this realm.
Leedskalnin, though, insists there is a further dimension to this. There is energy exchange.
He believed that your eyes also “send something out.” Illuminating what we see. Projection? Allegory of the Cave? Something like that.
Energy is exchanged he insisted. This “sent energy” explains why, when you’re in a rested (yet fully alert) state that you can “feel eyes on you.”
Elaine’s experienced that with the deer quite often. She’s also been as close as six feet from a large wild owl a few years ago. She was able to ‘get so close‘ because she never looked the animal directly in its eyes. Nothing was sent, nothing intended. Just two beings….being near one-another. No agenda. It was an act of peripheral seeing. Awareness without exchange.
This matter of “how people look” is central to what happened Tuesday night.
Dozing into the Dream state -from staring at the “source code” – had been easy. As awareness of being in a Realm rose, “place” began to firm. I was standing with a sheave of papers. On the paper was more of that unfamiliar code. I was a programmer of some type “over there.”
Momentarily perplexed, I noticed an older man coming my way. The place firmed more resolving as a hall full of computers. Rack after rack. Monstrous place. Like a sci-fi movie only bigger. From the Matrix Resurrections trailer? No…more like a colocation center….
“Damn it, this isn’t working. I can’t find the problem in my code” I complained to this senior gentleman. I knew him to be “the expert.”
Adjusting his spectacles (John Lennon-looking specs), he spent several minutes inspecting what I had composed.
“Aha! I see your problem. You and your code have the typical human failing.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I simply shrugged as I raised an eyebrow, anticipating he would explain.
“People like you – and almost everyone from Earth now – have a flaw that keeps them – and you – from finding God, doing Magic, understanding all sciences, ruling space-time, levitating, bi-locating, and failing to achieve total Creative release….”
He half looked over his specs, glaring at me.
It was a bit daunting. No question. Because whoever this fellow in this particular dream Realm was, he was obviously differentiating himself from me (and you and us as humans). It wasn’t comfortable, but yes, instructive. So I summoned all the courage I could round up and glowered back:
“You want to explain just what that specific failing is?”
“You fail to understand the difference between Hierarchy and Adjacency.”
I’ve never done much in the way of computer programming. Sure, some MS-Basic, and before that some GW-Basic, a few applications using PC-File I later ported to dBase iV, and enough of a smattering of C# and SQL to stumble through application issues. FoxPro. (Just to be clear, writing macros in Excel may be complicated, but it’s not quite programming in the context of what this guy was telling me.)
“What difference is that?”
“You still think and live hierarchically. Procedurally. There’s a starting point, there’s GOSUB equivalencies, so the resulting structures are too tight. It’s limiting you – keeping you from more breakthroughs….Soft, agile, adaptive… is the answer.”
“How do I get past that?”
“Lemme see: The way humans are presently organized is hierarchically. You have “leaders” and you have “Bosses” and you have “Bankers” and spiritual leaders – all kinds of “people who are in charge.” You need to get over that!”
He paused and resumed glowering like I was a terrible simpleton for not realizing all of this long before I started my “coding project” he was reviewing.
“And?” Half a minute ticked by. “AND?”
“And what? You are from a world now entering the most awkward Age. Your world has evolved as far as present because humans used hierarchies as crutches, levers, even as tools.
But look around now. You have relational databases and an Internet. Knowledge is flowing freely. Yet the Controllers don’t want to lose their grip. Yet you can’t yield. You poor fellow, I feel sorry for you. Hard for you to grasp how your treatment of hierarchical structures – literally bowing down before them – has resulted in your imprisonment as a civilization!”
I felt something deep in my stomach. Like the rug upon which most people stand for the entirety of their lives was being pulled out from under me.
“You’re endorsing anarchy?”
“Wrong word. Anarchy is disaster. Thing is that you have to realize there is no UP anymore and there is no DOWN. What there is…is Adjacency. Your file says you like Jazz, right?”
“Sure…huge Atlantic Blue Note, most of Windom Hill and all the music that has flowed from the jazz tradition…Elaine’s into roadhouse blues…”
“You see, but you don’t. Music can be either hierarchical OR Adjacency based. When you have a “conductor” making all the decisions? Hierarchical. But in Jazz, the players claim Adjacency. It’s not anarchy – it’s harmony and yet remains autonomous. Jazz musicians are continuously on the path of discovering the “best note and best beat” for a singular momentary occasion. That’s why the world doesn’t seem to make sense to you…European culture brings machines. African and other cultures preserve Adjacency.”
“Wanna slow down that part a bit? Is that why different cultures view hierarchies differently?”
“Well, look: Everything now is “right next door” -like the deer your wife watches. The world is just not 100-percent hierarchical, anymore. Everything is transitioning to “right next door” Adjacency.
In the meantime there is a terrible struggle underway on your Earth. People are so ATTACHED to their HIERARCHIES that they can’t appreciate the “next doorness” of it all.
The reason young people sometimes seem crazy to you is because you’re old. You still hold to the dominance of hierarchy. The Young aren’t married to it. They’re starting to live in “All Together-Now Land.” That’s why they’re working through race and gender, aging, weather, and environment – even money – all over again. Because they are the first generation in a thousand years able to see in a non-hierarchical way. Digital hunter-gathers and you miss it.
They can’t trust you. Your Hierarchies are quickly becoming obsolete. The young intuitively know that. World’s no longer about gain. The Agar dish is full. Have you learned nothing from your bioweapon experience?”
I knew enough to shut up and think. Made a few mental notes about what was being explained. Hmm. No GOSUB command? Will there be a new form “All-together-Now” command in Quantum Basic?
Long ago, a colleague warned me about a “time when Reality would seem “Swiss-cheesy. Don’t want to be flying your airplane then…”
Limits of linguistics. Yet a huge dimensional problem. What’s come into focus is that Reality is no longerso tightly bounded; not by hierarchical mathematical rule sets, computational rules, or even social, financial, or political rules. Not cheesy, but adjacency fondue? Perhaps so.
Instead (as my notes on waking tried to explain to the waking-state self) we are entering Right Next Door Land. No one is really above us. We accept out of habit and brainwashing. No Biblical reference to “people of high station.” Yet 2Kings 11:8 taught hierarchical subservience to hierarchy for more than 2,000 years. Resulting in deep psychosocial programming in our core state:
“Station yourselves around the king, each of you with weapon in hand. Anyone who approaches your ranks is to be put to death. Stay close to the king wherever he goes.”
Not now. Instead, the World Adjacent is leaking-out all over the place. Angrily at times. (Antifa and BLM), Less so, in other ways; warmer and more collegial. More neighborly, not less. Just depends on which cut through the data you choose. What you see and adopt into your life. Conversely – as important – are the hierarchies you choose to shun as now alien to your core.
Behold the death dance of distant hierarchies. And the resurrection of Adjacent Worlds, full of hope and promise.
But still missing the non-hierarchical language, the non-hierarchical math to supporting computers able to process “all together now” statements. We claim unlimited room to grow.
Earth’s digitally empowered non-hierarchical pseudo-tribes are challenging the failing nation-states. Not with free lunch – always a con. But, by offering regular people a better shake.
If science broadly fails to meet the challenge, hierarchical religions and legacy political structures will fight to the death for control in our lifetimes…
Then I woke up. It was Wednesday.
Life was good. God is still “out there.” So’s magic. Harmony. Discovery. Levitation. Even love. Just adjacent, not Up like it used to be… But I knew more about where to look.
Time to admit salvation of humans will not be found in hierarchies. We’ve pissed-away 2,500 years barking up that obsolete tree. We’re into the declining returns phase. Time for a new adventure. Bet me the answers will be found in ourselves and those adjacencies nearest to us? Not up some insulated and detached legacy-based hierarchy?
Now, when I look at “the news” there is a “fresh element” to it. Of course, Everything is a Business Model. That remains ground Truth.
But when I see idiocy – like military expansionism – like the new Western War Block proposed in “US-UK defense pact to build Australia’s nuclear subs to take on China ‘stab in the back’ for France’ it becomes much crisper when seen as dueling hierarchies fighting over territories.
Then came the report: France issues angry response to nuclear submarine deal between US, UK, Australia. As military affairs contributor warhammer notes:
I understand why France is upset, and if you think about it, if they were to join AUKUS, it would then become FAUKUS. Catchy acronym, if you ask me, but perhaps not one a serious geo-strategic defensive alliance might adopt!”
And most telling about hierarchies of advanced age and dated purposes.
Other stories become focused more sharply. Medical Hierarchy of True Believers with their Jab Demands. Again, a government hierarchy – not medical – demanding compliance.
From the pages of Report from Iron Mountain the context screams: Public health crisis is one option for government to use against the people to force them to remain subservient to their once publicly-owned government.
Once upon a time, voters mattered. But the Coup is done. Big Business. Big Pharma. Military-Industrial. Controllers all.
Jabs have departed medicine. If they hadn’t? Natural immunity would still matter. In place? Top-Down Hierarchical Edicts. When magic doesn’t happen, more edicts, tighter control. They know there’s Adjacency, they just can’t get there. In its place? A bloodlust for power permeates bringing still more spending, more taxes…and all the rest of the daily news by extension.
Yet adjacent to each of us are just other humans. All having their foibles, and thanks to a half century of crime and violence glorification in media, many wanting to “game us” and “take for free” for their own corrupt purposes. Because dyed in the hierarchical mindset, they seek to be at the center of their own controlling universe.
I told a dear friend quite recently that Elaine and I aren’t much on “TV-watching.” We’ve made a conscious effort to watch information over the gratuitous. Most evenings we end channel surfing with knowledge collection on Youtube. A discussion with several Harvard medical school doctors and Sadhguru – an Indian mystic – offered useful new perspectives on being in our consciousness. Which Sadhguru explained is not as tightly “brain bound” as Western medicine believes. (The video’s over here.)
Each day we are blessed with total control of what we wish to “pick up and put in our thinking.” Yet because of work, scheduling, and the intensity of our daily punishment as meted-out by hierarchical compliance demands, few have time to behold the larger patterns.
Because – when you take the time to generalize them – whether while asleep or awake – they reveal where your fence lines are. It circumscribes the walls of your prison.
Since publishing my latest book, it’s become even more clear that one of the main purposes of Life is to explore and learn from it to prepare for whatever comes after. Leaving only one question to be answered daily: “Is what I do today supportive of this larger context?”
By hierarchical design it appears more than 7-billion seekers have chosen to remain in a game where they live as pawns. Whatever.
That’s the real curse of choice, isn’t it?
Off to film another episode of “George’s Wild Adventures through Life…”
Write when you get rich,
Milley/China ~ Why would this surprise anyone when the PTB went along with throwing an election-carrying out a coup? I never cared for Trump but he was the President and he won the election fair & square. That having been said, he was overthrown.
Personally, I wouldn’t trust any of those people in DC to walk my dogs let alone honor their Oaths to our Constitution.
Dog analogy is right on – would not trust them on the jab either for the same reason.
Can anybody confirm this link is true at your place. https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/09/the-jabbed-connect-to-bluetooth.html
Definitely woo woo George
“Noticed, though, the character set is not English. Nor is it any other major language ever seen in waking.”
“thinking in tongues” perhaps? ;)
All Earth languages are codified and can be translated thanks to the phonetic values of the Musidim/Gina-abul syllables found in Sumerian and Akkadian language.
The Sumero-Akkadian syllabary and the fact that it is the very root of different key words in many ancient languages like Arabic, Chinese,Dogon,Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Hebrew,Hopi,Japanese, Latin,Germanic languages and many others.
Sumerian is an agglutinative language that uses pre and post – particles (placed before and after) with invariable nominal or verbal roots.
* Some of these particles function as ideograms or as signs that have diff phonetic values and that serve to note either the vowels, dipthongs, simple syllables or complex ones.
Ancient “gods” never made distinction between the different ideographic values because they they all emanate from the same original dialect from which all their sub-group and subrace idioms were fabricated.
They called this particular language Emesa, literally the Matrix Language.
FORTH code
Which local cpu literati tell us is “Forth is a procedural, stack-oriented programming language and interactive environment designed by Charles H. “Chuck” Moore and first used by other programmers in 1970. … For much of Forth’s existence, the standard technique was to compile to threaded code, which can be interpreted faster than bytecode”
Good post. I recall that all of us Woodstock Boomers started out pretty “adjacent”, as you say. Something happens as you take on responsibilities to others that pushes you towards “hierarchy”. Maybe also the aging process – hardening arteries, dying brain cells, etc.
Stay crazy, party naked!
“hierarchy” exemplifies the fact that people are indeed different, IMHO. Some people are worth more than others on any scale of your choice!!
We try to delude ourselves believing everyone is equal — WHAT A SAD JOKE.
I recognize that I am not equal to most of my fellow beings. That, however, does NOT make me prejudiced ;-). “Hierarchy was dude ordained.”
You may find the teachings of Neville Goddard on YouTube interesting.
He has an effective way of manifesting what you want in your life.
Except MANY health issues, IMHO.
Good Morning George;
This is a very long read, as it’s a personal experience and highly detailed and documentation. Lots of information. The gentleman passed away on September 1, 2021. This is recent.
Many people are walking away from their medical careers, even before the mandates … why? This might answer a lot of that. They see and know what we don’t. Here’s a look.
Stay Healthy
The mind is a complicated device — I’m reflecting most everyday on it’s borderline. We know LITTLE.
Interesting info, George, regarding Ure dream state ‘source code.’ It brought to mind the reported symbols/glyphs alleged to have been seen on the alien looking craft from Roswell and Rendlesham Forest. See:
Rendlesham’s witnesses were clearance holding U.S. military personnel, including the Deptuy Base Commander, Lt Col Holt on night #2, and Security NCO Jim Penniston, who recorded the symbols on the craft in his notebook and touched the vehicle on the 1st night, all adding some legitimacy to that sighting. This ‘not official’ and ‘not scientifically accepted’ YouTube video linked below is of an interesting Penniston interview with Nick Pope, former UK Deputy Defense Minister and frequent Ancient Aliens guest – 61/2 minutes into the video things get interesting with the symbols aspcect; also watch around 9:45 into the video, where Penniston speaks of recieving “a download” as he touched the craft:
As you watch this video in its entirety, keep ‘The Matrix’ in mind as the meaning of thw download is ‘decoded.’
The Kecksburg ‘Acorn’ shaped UFO also reportedly had symbols/glyphs witnessed on it: See:
Them phone booths have solar panels on them. Pretty trippy. Wonder why the put solar panels on phone booths when everyone has a cell phone. Hmmmmmmm. And correction. I never let my tank of gas get below 3/4. Just because I bench press 420 lbs, squat 500 and only weigh 210lbs now. And move with fluid speed I ain’t never been able too, ever in my life. And am getting stronger every day. Doesn’t mean I’m dumb enough to go looking for fights. I’d rather avoid angry, violent, hungry mobs and the line around the block to use the phonebooth. Even if I am wearing my superman underrooves that day. Lol
Pass the mustard, George, it’s good for muscle cramps, and moves mountains. I will take a couple of those medium rare cryptonight paties.
“Pass the mustard, George, it’s good for muscle cramps, and moves mountains. I will take a couple of those medium rare cryptonight paties. Lmao!”
But what if you feel like waking up and your muscles are not there anymore? Luckily it’s only for a short time — but who knows where it might end? No laughing matter getting old. I’d vote for euthanasia >90 ;-(
“Environmental insanity still spreading: Scientists Trained Cows Where To Pee. It Could Help The Environment.”
Now that is a good law to pass…
I said SIT… Bessie.. now roll over….. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL…. Only in Cali….
Next thing you will hear is everyone will have to wear a filter
put potpourri in it.. call it poopourri what is that strawberry cheese cake I smell.. best dam business meeting I have ever been at.. LOL LOL
Lets be totally honest.. we all know a few people that could use those pills.. great christmas gift idea.. perfect for the perfect someone..
Yo Big Smooth,
good stuff today, interesting the eyes and leedskalins observations. The hk types experience the phenomena all the time- train for it.
Mr Mojo Risen wrote a ton on the subject of the eyes in newly released book of his writings and poetry..fascinating.
Fish in a aquarium can easily be moved/manipulated with “eyebeams’. In fact my “advisor” has been wearing plain,no script, eye glasses for over 30 years, to reduce, nullify the nrg effects coming out of his eyes. This greatly reduces the amount and severity of “muggles” having profound “reactions” when in they get near/around the guy.
We call this adjacency thing CHEN = 4 virtues, not a dogma, but attributes of ones true nature – natural sincerity. Greatest virtue = Jen or impersonal Love for all living things. Big time feedback loops with nrg – faster than speed of light information.
*big clue – “All virtues lead to true blessings
Roughness can/will lead to destruction of Ure connection with the spirit realms, 4 the level of gentleness of Ure being is the level of refinement of the Soul..the more gentle & subtle Ure nrg, the closer U is 2 union with the subtle truth of the Universe, or something like that.
Not so easy to “practice” in everyday life – when literally everything is trying to distract and disconnect U from reality – thus 20 min/day in quite contemplation/mediation/blanking the mind while repeating simple mantra. Beware of Smoothness – the more U practice – the “smoother” you will bee.
George and friends. I had an interesting talk with a couple fellas yesterday. I saw them installing something I haven’t seen in a long while. Did you know they are putting in phone booths again?
I mean all over. One has to ponder why we are reinstalling coin, debit and credt card swiping, Phone Booths around all these local cities. You can certainly draw your own conclusion.
When i put these puzel pieces together.
VP Harris: buy Christmas presents now, you may not be able this year.
Solar powered Tripod Surveillance cameras back in every grocery store parking lot.
Fence goes back up arond the Whitehouse
ReInstillation of phone booths.
Massive push on the Vaccine
9 months since the first jab
Delta verriant.
20 people I personally know have the Rona, 100% of them have been vaccinated. Not a single person I know who hasn’t been vaccinated has got the Delta or Rona.
8 Chevy plants shut down due to no chips
Only 3 new Hondas left on the lot at the local dealership.
Only 1 new Caddy at the cady dealership.
Gas prices $4.80 a gallon and climbing daily.
Coffee prices: $18 for 1lb bag of Starbucks if you can find it on the shelf
Bottle 1000 of generic Ibuprofen: $26 at almost every grocery store I seen.
$14.00 for a bottle of DayQuil. Was $6 about a year ago.
Temp labor up 389% in 2 weeks.
You add all that up. What does it tell you? You don’t need to be a seer or a prophet.
Now, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. But I gotta tell ya. It’s always best to have a back up plan.. I’m a welthy as F in many ways.
It takes exactly one tank of fuel in my car to hit the Idaho state line gas station in my car with the cruise control set at 80 mph. I can make it there in 3 hours and 23 minutes. With a stop to pee.. And I fill that tank when it drops to a quarter tank everytime. And I keep a 5 gallon can in the back and a fully loaded .45 with a couple of extra magazines. And I can make it to a ranch out in the woods in 4 hours flat. And not have to stop anywhere. 48 hours if I have to train hop/ walk the rails and away from the people.
Right now. I’m busy a f and happy to be so. So blessed and fortunate.
Will read your woo woo and article in a little bit. I got to get these people to work.
The solar panels would be mostly for lighting — hope that doesn’t mean somebody thinks our grid will go away. Them that phones need their 90vac reference to initiate or receive calls…
You should ditch the Starbucks and get some “8 O’Clock Coffee” and a hand-powered coffee grinder. It’s better coffee for much cheaper, and the grinder can do everything from turning beans into campfire coffee to turning kernels into flour. You could then have Hank steer you into the really good stuff (plantation Kona…)
Damn’ spellcheck. I turn it off because my vocabulary is 4x its vocabulary, but when the power hiccups and reboots, it defaults to “on…”
Kauai Estate coffee is better than Kona, IMO.
Oh and a 11/11 military time. Don’t forget to make a wish. ;) Sometimes they do come true.
Great post today George! Yes, Hierarchy is what the current human race is struggling with these days. The internet has ‘POTENTIALLY’ leveled the playing field, but unfortunately, to use information to its full effect, you first have to believe that you have every right to come to your own conclusions AND act in a way that best suits YOUR needs – not the needs of the people that are ‘perceived’ to be at the top of the ‘Hierarchy’.
So, let’s take the covid con for example. From the earliest days of so called covid, the basic information to detect and understand the con were there on the internet – no shielding or occulting of the information other than the ‘disinformation’ from the MSM. Of course, if you have trained yourself not to look for information in the MSM, life becomes much easier. Many people in my circle of friends and family caught the con right away – the big give away – 24/7 fear porn – just like 9/11. Same broadcast style, same MSM stories and constant obfuscation – wear masks, don’t wear masks, etc. etc.
Here’s the deal – if you feel you need to be an MD or Ph.d to come to your own conclusions about something, then you are already disempowering yourself and suffer from the world of Hierarchy. MD’s don’t always understand or tell the truth – who knew! So, back to covid – what I discovered from my own research is simple: 1) no isolated virus; 2) No valid diagnostic test. So, how could we have a so called Pandemic – also, the homeless were not dropping in the streets.
So, the MSM just went on misleading people and we had chaos – lockdowns, maskings, and dangerous vaccines not given for any specific virus! And this happened because people did not seem empowered to challenge the ‘Hierarchy’ of the Fauchi’s and other phonies of the world. In the end, you are empowered or NOT. You choose to be your own expert or NOT. You live free or be subject to the Hierarchy of scum bags and idiots. Time to choose!
“Hierarchy is what the current human race is struggling with these days. The internet has ‘POTENTIALLY’ leveled the playing field,”
a) because most of them are < smart, IMHO.
b) NO leveling, just a change in priorities.
Good buddy of mine, I’ve known him since H.S., has been in the ICU for five days and counting with the Delta. He has blood clots in his legs and lungs so he’s on blood thinners and he is receiving supplementary O2 via a ventilator. He has NOT had any of the available vaccines.
He does not have ‘delta’ because there is no delta isolation. He could have MANY things that are not viral. My guess – this sounds like someone who has been exposed to people who have had the vaccine. You don’t need to necessarily have had the vaxx – it’s called viral shredding and it occurs to some people who have been in close contact with vaxxers.
Btw, if you don’t believe me about the ‘variant’, go get the peer reviewed study that isolates the covid-19 virus and it’s variants – post here on the forum when you get the study (don’t worry, there will not be).
This is the heart of Hierarchy – believing your own research rather than believing what Anthony Fauchi has decreed.
make sure he is getting baby aspirin for his clots. C0ffee drinking heart surogen buddy says the precription meds and baby aspirin work differently. read in an obscure place one time that baby aspirin are better at disolving covid clots.
Hmmm…self-correcting language/programming?
I’ve been blessed to have seen the runes mentioned here quite a few times. I’ve yet to understand what they’re all about, though they may actually be (source?) code for my reality. I’ve experienced the thing about trying to see them clearly enough to write down and I simply can’t do it! It’s like trying to bring back understandings from an altered state. Perhaps some can do that – I don’t yet have that ability. There’s something about the state that the runes can be seen in that’s welcoming though – a place I feel comfortable, though it’s rather rare to actually see and be in.
I’d not thought in terms of adjacency, though I’d always felt that we were all sovereign beings in our world. I rarely look up to people nor down on them. Most people are equals until proven otherwise and institutions are the same. Titles are unAmerican and not worthy of respect, though the person may well be. This is probably why I’d always had difficulty with medicine and education – they expect respect without earning it. Law is similar – a judge is worthy of the word “sir”, but not “your honor”, though it’s smart to just utter what they want to hear when interacting with the law where possible. No “official” is “the honorable”, and most are dishonorable. “Pompous Cad” is probably a better title.
I’ve studied medicine, and whatever BS being expounded every day about covid is not medicine – it’s politics and coercion. The unanswered question is still “WHY are they so damned insistent on getting a “vaccine” that generally doesn’t work well and has so many obvious bad side effects?”. Another one is “How is being threatened with the loss of a job, education, or kids being given a voluntary choice?”. These questions lead me to believe the worst of our so-called representatives and other offals. On one level it’s simply incompetent medicine and governance, and on another level, it’s very abusive obedience training. It’s deliberately breaking the will of individuals along with their capacity for independent thought. It’s the destruction of the ability of a population to look after themselves.
An Uncle, who used to be one, told me how to tell the Retarded Lawyer at the Lawyer convention: The other Lawyers all call him ‘Your Honor.”
That’s what they all call HIM, too, Al.
they are the first generation in a thousand years able to see in a non-hierarchical way. Digital hunter-gathers and you miss it.
“john lennon looking specticals” , Cue: Imagine,
Sound you went had a visit, See – “inception” George. You have to protect your mind. I highly recommend you build a Vault in it,
F Lennon! you want everyone dating Asians, down at the soup line, wearing toga’s like hare krishna’s?
I understand giving a hand up to the fella who reaches for it and I do that all day long. but I’m not dragging up a nation of pissants who want to sit on their fat ass eating Cheetos, playing Call of Duty on the Xbox, sucking chrome polish while milking the government tit. They weren’t raised playing, Heads up 7 up, 500 up, King of the Mountain, or Smear the Queer. There is still a lot of us who were.
I think “your expert” forgot that the core instinct on this planet is “survival of the fittest”
All that is a delightful ponder, but I will tell you what mister Ure, Put your “expert” in room with 5 other dudes, starve him all of them for 20 days, hand them all box cutters, throw a bologna sandwich in the center of the room and see if he can get them all to get along and share. LOL!!!! you ask him next time you see him? what kind of weed he is smoking and where to get it. because that must be some really good shit. And you ask your expert, if he would fight for that sandwich or just talk we all need to get along because he is full of bologna already. LMAO
“Behold the death dance of distant hierarchies”
GO Tell that to Vanguard, They are the primary share holders of everything from Microsoft, Boeing to BlackRock. A privately owned company. names withheld. George, IF You get Vanguard to give up its Monopoly on every single company on the stock exchange, sell it all and donate all of it to feed the poor George and establish utpia on earth, good will to all men, and sing Kubaya around the camp fire? well, i will personally, come down to Texas and mow your lawn for you with a push blade mower, for free, wearing a panda costume.
No doubt about, the SOC is a great idea. I am for it. We is the first word in the Constitution of the US, not I. and things are going to Change. I never forget that my employees can make or break me. I work for them as much as they work for me. But if any of them comes in my office to establish who the boss is? they be in the bush outside and right fast, come their senses and the next day, if they approach me with respect? i put their ass to work asasp. we have an understanding. I was appointed to this position. I will work my ass off to make sure each and everyone of them make as much money as possible.
i like source code stuff tho. I agree with that. That is good stuff George, but your “expert” in the dream? he is retarded and not living anywhere remotely in the US or reality for that matter. LOL
Cue: Kumbaya ,
a little info to help clear a big misunderstanding up, clean up internet rumors..
Vanguard is OWNED – truly OWNED by the Investors in Vanguard Funds – a true Mutual Fund Company.
Jack Bogle – know as Saint Jack, to the financial astute, set the company up so the share holders would own it. Jack forfeit a personal Fortune doing it that way – like to the tune of mutli billions of dollars he gave up for the Peeps!
DANSKO , nother Chester County business setup by the founders (very cool peeps) to go to the employees when they stepped down..for their peeps.
Your anger bleeds thru Ure prose, must be blinding.
Just a bunch village people sitting around the fire talking….thanks for the fix.
Anger? Blind?!!! Me? Nah. Not even close. I’m the most mello dude you probably would ever met. LMFAO! I don’t take much to seriouse in this life.
You got me all wrong, I’m the peacock and just here for the chips and dip. And that pretty little tan blond over there in the short shorts and hoody and I’m having a really good time.
*since that is the advertising on this page this mornin. And Google advertising is doing it’s best read your mind to give ya what it thinks you are and want. LOL
So what I hear you saying is, those fellas over at Vanguard are all saints.
Nice to see ya run to validate their honor and defend Mr Ure’s post. Put that on the docket! ECU testified on the behalf of Vanguard’s good name.
Well ain’t that some shit. You are usually a negative Nancy on here ECU. Nice change.. I guess there is a little good in the worst of us and a little bad in the best. You are not the exception. Good to know.
off to find a panda costume. LOL!
Sure investors own the fund but who has the power to influence corp boards etc?
Adjacent – Having a common border, ie side by side.
Hierarchy – a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
Utopia vs. Reality – No one can get along folks. Non-Vaxx vs VAXX. BLM vs. Police. Trump vs. Pelosi. Everybody hates or is jealous of everybody. The whiners, “I don’t have money like You do to buy all the man toys like you do.” “I had a terrible childhood…we only had 2 cars & 3 TV’s all on less than 3 acres.” “I grew up in a gated community without a golf course.”
In many Polynesin Island communities, there was no disease before the explorers showed up. If you set up a Utopian Nation, see how long before it is taken from you or Charles Manson shows up & takes over. It is a shame that it has to be this way, but it is human nature. Once puberty sets in, the party is over.
Let establish a Hierarchy for investments — like rate the best stocks for the next 10 years;
Though I care?!
I had a bit of Woo this morning!
When I checked one of my several email accounts I found an email from Amazon.
It stated that a book I recently purchased was an “unauthorized copy”. I was instructed to destroy the book.
The title of the book is:
“Ivermectin A Covid 19 Cure?”
It’s a small book of only 41 pages but packed full of history and citations on clinical studies of the drug.
The author urges people to use the drug based on overwhelming positive findings of these studies.
I find this action by Amazon odd and troubling given the Federal stance on this drug. Can’t let the peasants know the truth!
Amazon is refunding my $20 and I am keeping the book!
I am also waiting on a shipment of Ivermectin for use as a prophylaxis.
I have myself, my lady, my son and his family to safe guard.
For those interested I have found that dosage info in on the internet and is based on body weight. It is a surprisingly small amount. Do your own research so as to be sure you understand all the issues with self administration of this drug.
Also be aware that over four billion doses of this drug have been given to humans world wide. If it is really so bad we would know it by now.
One last though – it’s fairly cheap and you can get it without a prescription if you look hard enough like maybe out of the country.
Indonesia reports a 95% cure rate using Ivermectin therapy.
BTW, the only direct quote I could get on that title was from a speech given by the Indonesian Presidential Chief of Staff, on Kompas, Jakarta’s major news daily and Indonesia’s most noteworthy newspaper/news-site.
Got a scanner…?
Ray, there you go again, serially peddling your sheeple poo, There’s been a 2.5X increase in ivermectin poisoning cases since the sheeple bit the bait….
Yes, ivermectin kills the virus in a petri dish, but guess what sheeple, you are not 100% agar.
sheeple poo: Tell that to the thousands of people in India who have recovered from Covid with Ivermectin. And at least one ‘widely propagandized news story’ about Ivermectin poisoning in Oklahoma was refuted directly by the hospital… after making national news and newspapers. No retractions seen.
Whatever works for you!! Proof that each individual is different in many different aspects. NO prejudice!
Did the man in your dream look like Bernie Sanders? Because his theory of adjacency is at the core of the theory of communism it seems to me.
Hierarchy is ugly sometimes but it’s natural. Just ask the great Mother. In the jungle of living things there are differences of strength, size, knowledge, experience, luck and dare I say it, purpose….just as there is in the human jungle.
Fairness and justice are human constructs. I quite like them, but I know (and life proves this), that we cannot always count on them.
At some level, hierarchy may be distasteful (isn’t meritocracy another word for hierarchy?) but it’s a fact of life in our holographic universe.
Meritocracy needs no force. It stands alone.
Most human hierarchy exists through politics(corporate or otherwise), and acquisition of others’ personal power. We must at all costs retain our personal power and refuse to steal power from others. That’s what America stood for in the beginning and needs to stand for now.
Hierarchy is usually the law of the jungle, with an additional dimension of denial in humans. It’s ugly and violent. We normally should not need it.
Communists more so than capitalists seem to fail recognizing “human differences,” IMHO!
I’ve followed arguments of “the best of both,” and they ignore human differences. Sadly, that they have advanced degrees of education and are teaching. ;-((
As an old Bolshevik ;-)
you should know they don’t “fail to recognize” anything.
The “promise” of communism (under Marx, or otherwise) is “everybody is the same.” The implementation of communism is always a two-class, caste system, with a tiny, permanent ruling class and military elite, then everybody else. The massive underclass has the semblance of “human differences” murdered, beaten, or “re-educated” out of them and they become all the same, with no individuality allowed.
With a free-market system, every individual is able to be as free and different as they choose. Unfortunately, with that freedom comes the need for each individual to accumulate food & shelter, and if one’s freedom doesn’t take into account the need to either produce, or purchase life’s necessities, one starves…
make no mistake, Ure Expert is wrong. This world is ruled by appetites’ and perception. Those are the Rulers of this world. I would estimate that 95 % of this planet is ruled by those two things Jimmy go the new I phone, I have to have have it too. Those who control the appetites’ and perceptions…. rule this world.
You remember the Christmas of the “Cabbage patch Dolls? Good Christian Grandma’s going fistacuff over a doll for their grand babies.
Ya see mr Ure, I studied my own appetites’ in depth the last 2 years. Most people think they worship some sort of Dietiy be it Allah, Jehovah, Christ our Buda etc, etc. However, honestly, most worship is their appetites’. appetited for a salvation, appetite for redemption, appetite for immortality, appetite for reincarnating as something better, appetite for good karma, apatite to get out of a bad parking ticket, apatite for a relationship, apatite for sex, apatite for recognition, apatite for knowledge, apatite for reconciliation, apatite for forgiveness, apatite for health, apatite for success, etc etc etc. everyone is rubbing that lamp and praying to the Genie to grant them their mantras….
most people worship their apatite. that is the king of this world, and its queen perception. most people are so busy comparing their insides to others outsides they have no sense of real value. ya see, one of my greatest abilities Mr Ure, is not seeing the future, it is helping people see what is in them, they cant because they are busy looking at what others have and they do not. not in what they have in them. bringing that to the surface and……. helping them cultivate it. and they call me an Angel for it. LOL
i looked at my relationship with THE DUDE, and I saw that it was based entirely upon my appetites’, not who THE DUDE is. HIS ways and what they really are, not based on my appetite.. and well, I’m not ruled by that anymore.. I’m not ruled by THE DUDE, He is my friend… i respect His position. He not a scape goat for my discomfort or genie in a lamp. I had surrender my false god of appetite. i didn’t know it was what ruled me, until i gave up everything… then when i had nothing????? I saw who my real god was, and saw it for what it really is. it was there. i became a free man.
even Dorthy, the Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion and scarecrow, were all ruled by appetite and peception and never even knew, what ruled them? they already possesed. and that is what i do. help people see what they dont see, they are looking for outside of themselves… but its already in them. call me angel…. or not… im just andy
queen of england die yet? should be soon. been seeing that for a while. a bumble bee told me the other day.
ok that is enough out of me. I got the emerald city to run. so far so good. it looks like “dorthy” will be here soon. good
Andy, that was the best you ever posted!!!
Just a supplemental comment about appetites. In his book “The myth of the Machine” Lewis Milford wrote that appetites had natural limits except two, the appetite for power and the appetite for money. I highly recommend the book.
War hammer,
You buddy has a severe ascorbate deficiency. Probably so low as to be undetectable.
In other words, he has Scurvy.
Of course you can’t get the medical staff to even consider such a simple diagnosis as they can’t make any money from vitamin C, especially as compared to how much they make every time they can claim another person “dropped dead” from COVID.
My hospitalized buddy is 68 and a fitness freak, pumps vitamins and supplements, is Judo black belt, golds several times a week and aside from liking his beer, is extremely health conscious. RE: Scurvy – caused by a lack of vitamin C – the gums are not bleeding, nor does he have the grey to blue skin spots/patches as commonly associated with scurvy. Scurvy does is not known for causing clotting in the lungs and extremities. And as mentioned, he’s a vitamin/supplement believer.
His son was the one who communicated that he was positive for Covid, specifically the Delta. I just asked him via text how they diagnosed him.
He’s had a complete metabolic, hepatic and lipid blood panel tests,, C-reactive protein, and a positive Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) including reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) workup Finally, after day 3 in the ICU, they Docs the lab look for Delta due to him having the more severe symptoms. He’s definitely got covid variant, no mistake about it. The med & lab folks are sure it is Delta. Me? I’m not a med professional, and I don’t play one on TV. So I’ll go with our University of Pittsburgh hospital professionals on this one – where he’s being treated and coincidentally the very place where Dr. Jonas Salk developed the Polio vaccine.
Warhammer. Our local hospital has 10 ICU beds. They are all full, every one with an anti-vaccinated COVID patient. Most of them are in their 30s and 40s and several of them will not make it according to the ICU lead doctor. Each patient takes 7 nurses to care for them. Nurses and doctors are burning out and leaving.
I present this as a fact and not as any statment of vaccination position. I am vaccinated because of a family member who is immune compromised. I made my decision after weighing all the benefits and risks. I accept the fact that others might reach a different conclusion even if they look honestly at both sides of the debate. Somewhere between the extreme reports that people are dropping like flies after they walk out the door from getting vaccinated and no one has ever suffered death from being vaccinated, lies the truth.
This disease from Wuhan, China is doing more to divide and destroy our nations than any army they could have sent. While the nurses and doctors at our hospital are burned out from 16 hour days, seven days a week, treating patients and sending them to the morgue, they are forced to cross picket lines of anti-vaxers every day. The insults hurled at these workers is hard for me to comprehend. What the hell good is that doing?
Be an anti-vaxer if you want and hold protests outside government offices where they make the rules but for God’s sake, leave these hospital workers alone. You may be the one lying in the next available ICU bed if one ever happens to become available again or if there are 7 nurses left to care for you.
Praying for his full recovery.
I’m very sorry to hear about your friend’s condition. Wishing him and you the best….
Just wondering, had he had the jab?
Scurvy has been found in autopsies of victims of the bioweapon. It’s a symptom of the CV attack on the body. of course a lot of useful info is being squelched on the net. Not Medical advise, he will be in our prayers.
Mind blown. Adjacency. Explains so much. Thank you.
Here’s a good one from ZeroHedge:
Sadly, we must push back, and hard. Those who would control us in violation of our own laws need to be put in their place. Good men generally want to be left alone. We’re not being left alone.
Don’t be fooled folks . The markets are in big big trouble . George might draw up some nice charts but they are cooked
Pondering the close and whether to go short another lunch money trade tomorrow…today was good.
[ACH] routing shut down and SCADA activated Simulated Carrington event in 3…2..1.
VPN in place. Mr Ure, what was that IP address again? Color me sardonic. No not really.
George ;
You jst lost the title of hard boiled business guy..Kumbaya? Nope humans do not do that.. Everything is competion from birth onward. Everything is a business model.. We cooperate when it benefits us,we do not when it has low or No benefit..
When humans stop that we will become EXTINCT..
HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. Nice story.. That s your path..Not
“Well, look: Everything now is ‘right next door’… The world is just not 100-percent hierarchical, anymore. Everything is transitioning to ‘right next door’ Adjacency.”
The World was never hierarchical because it had to be that way. It became hierarchical because humans ALLOWED IT to become that way.
Hierarchies are the lazy person’s way to live. You decide for me. You tell me what to do. You tell me what to think. You tell me what my role is. You tell me what your role is. You take the power. I give it to you. Make my life easy. You order, and I follow. Nice and easy. OK, let’s live that way for thousands of years. But this NEVER HAD TO BE THIS WAY.
“By hierarchical design it appears more than 7-billion seekers have chosen to remain in a game where they live as pawns.”
That’s the Money Quote. They choose this every waking moment.
“The Next Door” really isn’t next door. IT’S INSIDE US – ALWAYS.
Why do we have lockdowns? Because we tolerate it and allow it.
Why do we never seem to get out of a rut? Because we never change our thinking or make another of the uncountable choices we could make at any moment.
We are the prison guards. We are the prison. We erect the prison walls. We police the yard and keep others from getting out. We are the prisoners.
You’ll never get out of prison until and unless you first REALLY WANT TO and then LET YOURSELF OUT. No one else can do this for you. There is no door and there is no key. There is no wall and there is no guard other than one’s self. THE DOOR IS ALWAYS WIDE OPEN. It’s all about whether you choose to go through it or not.
Up until now, we know what choice Humanity has made. The question is, will we last long enough to finally make another? The one we should have made from the beginning?
“Result is a humbling sense of the compression involved.”
As a TV broadcast engineer, I had to learn the internal functions of the new digital TV system we started using after the turn of the century. It defied the laws of physics and modulation that I learned growing up as a ham radio operator. First there was all the digital compression of the basic digital TV video. Then you had to modulate about 50 pounds of data into a 6 pound (bandwidth) channel bag. The trellis coding modulation for a 64QAM signal is nothing short of black magic. It still boggles my mind that 1.2 gigabits/second of modulation can be packed into an RF channel only 6 Megahertz wide. That’s a 200 to 1 compression ratio. And it successfully mesmerizes all who watch it.
Doesn’t mesmerize me. The compression artifacts drive me nuts. I’d frankly rather look at something @525 than I would, something which fills my HD screen with blotches that look like applications of a mathematically-impossible amount of Gaussian blur to random regions of the frame every time there’s significant “motion” in a scene. When you see something like that on Me-TV or COMET ya kind of expect it because of how sat or cable bandwidth is allocated, but it’s not a good look for a chase scene on a network station or a ballgame on ESPN. The reason my 4k TV is 11 years old and I have no intention of upgrading to a 5.7 or 8.0 is the bandwidth isn’t really even there for 2k yet.
IIRC QAM is all about noise, and rolls back when (image or transmission — can’t remember) s/n goes below a certain threshold? I dunno how they’d rollback to compensate for compression artifacts, or even if they could, unless a station had a feedback monitor set-up a hundred km out (for DVB) or maybe a thousand miles out for sat or cable.
What an epistle! Today’s polemic could be absolutely indexed being so Peoplenomical in the scope of subject matter. Upon reading it, I had to pause and scratch my head about what day of the week it really is. I swear the fabric of space time was dissolving in front of my eyes.
Yes, 54 years after the Aubrey Edward Singer CBE epic global satellite broadcast, Our World, was launched into the heavens, that Beatles’ bookend “All You Need is Love” cascaded back with dividends in today’s ‘Urban. Imagining Lennon, I took the liberty of placing my humble comment adjacent to down under Comrade Len despite his convictions sometimes expressing upside down.
Meanwhile Zeus watches in hierarchy over George and Elaine on the chesterfield who are fixated in a harmonious television moment. George rotates his homebrew AN35 antenna desperately seeking a nebulous Starlink until at last a contact is made in the final seconds before Mr. Musk’s lift-off celebrating the $99 special funding campaign. Alas before the first stage can light up, an errant meteor shower interrupts George’s source code stream creating a flashback to a Stones mid-60’s Irish performance of Satisfaction with chagrined clergy looking down from the wings. Texan ire is saved by the bell as unbeknownst to those of this reality, gig manager Andy trapped in a matrix within a matrix has overcome connecting rotary dial to fibre optic in his telephone booth. Alas no one can make him out from the background Babel – “Listen, if you can hear us, you’ve reached Palestine. Babylon is just a ghost town now. Maybe dial back your operator in the book, under D for Daniel. Hopefully some Dude can help you”.
do it . that lunch money could turn into a feast fit for a king . yellowdog in even bigger trouble . george just a question is monday some mickey mouse sale day
When I was a full-time RVer, I spent 7 wonderful winters squatting on a piece of public land in southern CA with a wide assortment of normies and crazies. The gathering included people of all types of political, religious, social, moral, educational, and monetary backgrounds. The generally normal RVers lived side-by-side with those who had makeshift “homes” and were drifters, druggies, alcoholics, down-and-outers, or mentally unstable. Since none who lived there owned the land, there was NO hierarchy whatsoever! Not one person had any say over how another lived or where they parked/camped. We could all do as we pleased, and most respected the rights of others. No electric or water facilities were available, so you had to be adaptable and creative to live there. Three clubs (loosely speaking) had daily happy hours and weekly meals. There were also weekly music jams, an art colony, a yearly Prom (crazy story there!), a few religious services, dirt road expeditions that skirted a gunnery range, and many other interesting things going on. Most of us were having a second childhood! Problems occasionally arose, of course, but no more than in any small town. This bizarre place had more of a community feel than anywhere I’ve ever lived.
This is known as “The Last Free Place in America.” It was amazing how so many different types of people could get along fairly well with no one directing them, and probably precisely because no one was directing them. My main take-away from this great experience is that government truly is unnecessary. It IS possible to live a non-hierarchical life.
been to Slab City, and went to a party at night. No problemo.
Hierarchy has infiltrated so many of our unconscious thoughts and actions. Maybe my perspective is a bit different. I believe that I am younger than most here. I’m 40. I know quite a few people around my own age that like me have been rejecting hierarchy and authority since before we had the language to express it. Rejecting the religion of our families, their stated or acted values, and even their ways of raising children. I was raised in an environment where I was told how to think, how to feel, and how to live in minutia. That I must have an authority over me. Even to the point that my lived experiences were said to be not just wrong, but not real. I didn’t want that for my own children.
My own children are all adults now, yes, we started early. They are each their own unique persons. They also look at the world in a different way than older generations. They do not look their noses down at people, but they also could care less for “authority” and “celebrity.” I could go on, but I’m sure y’all get the point.
10 days in pre shadow Mercury in retrograde.
The next 7 days for me are to be vigilant and also focused contemplation.
No sudden moves. 9-27 thru 10-18
I was born in the 1940s, and raised on vacuum tubes and slide rules.
I traded in local stores — food, photography, druggist, barber, hardware.
They were all PLACES with specific PEOPLE inside who knew stuff.
They had stuff I needed, and knew things I needed to know. They had LOCATION, and far more importantly, LOCATION mattered. A druggist in Ohio was of no use to me in Connecticut.
The first day I really understood (I think) The Internet was the day I realized like a thunderclap LOCATION no longer mattered. A small company selling toothed rubber belts for stepper motors could be — ANYWHERE, and it didn’t matter. With today’s speedy shipping, I can have it tomorrow if it’s really that time-sensitive. (Soon, it’ll be a matter of hours or even seconds, considering the potential of 3D printing.)
Every small (or large) business is now… adjacent. Right just one reality-pixel over from me, or from anybody else. It’s a singularity in that sense.
I used to hesitate to do business with companies far away — like Ohio — because in my vacuum tube slide rule 1940s mentality, location DID matter. Then; but not now. No more.
As a member of a hierarchy, location matters greatly — The Boss needs to be close to monitor and crack heads when needed. My place on the ladder of hierarchy limits and directs my freedom of action.
But ADJACENCY… That spells freedom. Liberty in thought and action.
The Internet WAS liberty. Not so much today as then, and they will muck with it some more to bend it to their command and regulate it to enhance their power.
But they will long-term fail.
Singularity of minds freely interacting is too fundamental and enjoyable to lose. Effectively zero distance.
It IS as great a revolution in human affairs as the invention of agriculture.
The smartest of the Power-Mad Controllers from the Hierarchy world dimly begin to understand this, and they know it’s a danger to them.
But they will — they must — fail.
Oh look, IEEE has finally caught up with Ure Urban Survival readers:
Note that the article is really about justifying the funding of a study, and proposes nothing new in the way of substantive mitigation. Maybe IEEE hasn’t caught up with Ure readers after all.
N, thanks for the interesting link there, especially since both Koreas started practising their long range missiles yesterday!,
North Korea DIY (do it yourself), increasing their uranium enrichment:
On an interesting note: I just got called and told none of your staff will have to be Vaccinated or have show proof of a negative Covid test to work the Seahawks game opener as security, and food services!!! Since I staff both now! The opening game would have to be shut down for lack of staff to operate the facilities due to those requirements. *** Pretty interesting that Lumen Field and the Seahawks are basically telling Governor Inslee, we heard your laws, we are going to do the show anyway. We will pay the fine. Go F yourself.
Maybe it was something I said. *shrug.
Welcome to the new real.
Y’all come back now ya here. I gotta get. Been here to long as it is. *Tips hat.
I have found that MONEY talks louder than political mandates. That’s how it works here in Hawaii. With the second covid surge here after Hawaii ‘opened up’ after the initial lockdowns, the authorities are reluctant to mandate any more economic damage. Bring in the hordes with their money! (Nevermind the covid spreaders.)
Good call on the Queen.
Come on — they don’t come any lamer ;-((
Re the code in your dreaams, have you considered a similarity to the Aztec codices?
I have to ask, how does a real nation work based on adjacency? Do we all go camp nude on Bureau of Land Management acres and sing Kumbaya ala the Rainbow People?
I’m not intending to throw cold water on the idea; I’m just not sure how the adjacency concept will work on a macro scale without going off the rails immediately.
How do we deal with self-appointed leaders who just don’t know when to give it up? Psychopaths surround themselves with sociopaths who keep the Plebs in line. There is a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, not to mention that those leader-peoples don’t really know how to work a real job.
Hmmm, how would the French handle this? Actually, the French are still highly hierarchical, so maybe we should ask someone else. Icelanders? Is there a manual on Amazon?
I actually watched a self-appointed “leader” try to assert command and control at a Rainbow Family gathering way back in the 90’s! He was ridiculed, laughed at, and otherwise ignored.
Those with drums just ramped it up and kept on going.
Sadly, idiots will be idiots, and the “bad apples” at Rainbow and Burning Man can create chaos – especially since both events are heavily monitored by the control freak types. You’d think that those of the “heirarchy” would have learned to maintain a light touch, and only when necessary. Of course, they never did.
We are all adjacent to everything and everyone else. Somewhere along the way, we, as a species were sold the idea of our own powerlessness, unworthiness and feeble brains needed an entity to tell us what to do to “gain the kingdom”. And the hierarchy was thus entrained in us.
If you are upset the the gooberment is going to make you get a jab, you have given up adjacency and joined a hierarchy, even if it is simply an opposing one. If you make the same decision based on adjacency, you will live out the effects of your decision, what ever they are. No anger, no blame.
Anarchy is one for one and all for one.
Hierarchy always has to have an evil, a danger, an “other” to demonize. It whips up froth for the “other” and justifies anger and destruction.
I grokked this on reading today’s post, and am ecstatic with the concept. Thank you so very much. And thank that old guy, too.