Foreshocks of Collapse

Looks like the Wave 1 down and Wave 2 rally in the Peoplenomics Aggregate may be done.

Dow and S&P futures are already down in the pre-open…and two news reports indicate structural problems for the financial sector might just be warming up.  One at a time…

Fed Ahead

One of the issues to consider going into the weekend is the Fed meeting next week.  Yes, another rate decision.  But more: the Fed will need to speak about its internal ethics issues.

That’s where Fed regional chiefs have been playing the market.  A market they may have had advance knowledge about.  Elizabeth Warren is on the war path demanding accountability.

Although our short-term view is a possible late-session rally today, J. Powell’s talking points following the “no move” but mumbled “taper talk” should be a Fred Murray-like dance around the point.  Following Fed: Powell orders ethics review after top officials’ multimillion-dollar trades.

Over the second cup, I found myself musing whether a “weekend hit piece” of Fed boss trading might really blow things over next week.  But it’s too early, of course.  Our “Crash Window” d0esn’t really go “full open” until late December.  This is foreplay.

China’s Financial Mess

Another ripple in The Force (of finance) is seen following the Chinese developer Evergrande missing a critical interest payment deadline this week.  See the summary in Investors brace for a great fall in China – Wolf Daily if you’re not already up to speed.

Although China is not planning to bail ’em out, China Adds $14 Billion Cash as Evergrande’s Pain Roils Markets.  Nothing like easy money to firewall a financial problem.  Sort of like “saying Lehman in Mandarin.”

Tomorrow on our high-roller subscriber side (like $40/yr is high-rolling?) we’ll have a limbo discussion.  “How low can you go?”  

A long time back, I took some of the basic Elliott wave moves and put it into a simple spreadsheet.  Basically, if you’re pretty sure about the Wave 1 (down or up) you can infer the following waves which lights up a shorting (or going long) L.Z.  When those levels appear, one simply takes the gains and buys a hamburger.  Or a whole chain.  Not exciting, but there’s enough drama and adrenaline in the world these days for all.

Vax Fax

WE continue to ponder why the mainstream isn’t touting gummies.  Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response (  Guess not enough profit for Big Pharma, perhaps?

All eyes, meantime, are on the Fooled and Drugged Administration – for which the term “captive regulators was invented.  That is, get a job with the FDA then get a sweet ride on the for-profit Big Pharma train after the fact.  Which totally matters as Covid-19, Booster Shots and Vaccine News: Live Updates notices the NY Times.  Conspicuously absent in their story though is the financial context of vaccines as a cash.

We hoped you noticed how the Delta variant became huge news while Joe blew out of Afghanistan?  Democrats struggle to unearth Afghanistan failures without hitting the White House.  So IF the military is to follow orders, who ORDERED Gen. Milley to call his counterparts in China?  Why no arrest, yet?

We see plenty of stories like Biden Has “Great Confidence” in General Milley Amid Release of What Republicans Call “Treasonous” Phone Call with Chinese Government.  We’ll see how this all plays out in next week’s edition of “Self-Interested Liars in Power…Maintaining their Hierarchies…”

Didja see where Jan. 6 Committee seeks Pentagon documents on Milley-China talks?  Maybe there was a real coup attempt – just not what’s being painted?  (Makes my head hurt…)

Biden’s Unarmed (Unvaxed) Invasion

While jabbing-up is the Big Agenda of Slow Biden (and the Kamunist) Texas has closed a half-dozen border crossings into the state out west of San Antonio in the Del Rio area.  Because as many as 12,000 illegals are trying to cross.

Senator Ted Cruz figure’s its just more Joe Biden’s open borders.  But it’s bringing in thousand of unvaccinated people to keep the reinfection levels rising.  Why?  Sen. Ted Cruz reveals what caused the influx of migrants under Texas’ Del Rio bridge.

Biden and his propaganda ministry are reacting to the drone footage Cruz has:  Biden’s FAA places temporary ban on drones flying over bridge packed with illegal immigrants.

You see, the Buyed ’ems are desperate to screw America over in the most genuine ways possible.  Being a Part-107 licensed remote aircraft pilot – and with 50-years of news cynicism under the belt, the sham of a “safety” or “security” move of the Buyed ’ems will be wrapped in “…danger of drone collisions that could fall on people on the ground…”

Yes, boys and girls, it’s more important to bring in 10-thousand more mostly military-aged males, untested for Covid and ship them to unwary cities all over America, than it is to provide news photography of Biden’s Invasion.

We call Biden Bullshit on Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons.   Censorship…thanks Joe Orwell!

Long as we’re passing out T.P. swipes, how about   “Twitter Biden bias in block of Hunter articles was not illegal: FEC member.”   Appoint and ye shall receive?

Ground Newsovers

Move over Tesla:  A new automotive electric start-up Lucid now owns the electric vehicle range record:  An absolute triumph of efficiency, Lucid Air achieves 520 miles of range.

Why did Newsom win?  Well, we don’t claim any special insight (other than being able to connect financial dots.  But we sure found this story in the L.A. Weekly coincidental: Another Round Of California Stimulus Checks To Go Out Sept. 17.  Level’s up “buying votes” though, doesn’t it?  Too early to plan on a Buyed ‘Em ahead of Congressional elections a year from this fall?

The Art of Dividing America:  Biden’s Class Warfare Pitch Is Full of False Charges (

Crypto-Hype:  AMC confirms plan to accept cryptocurrency payments.

Rant:  Voting with Your Wallet

It’s getting harder and harder to invest in particular companies, anymore.

You see, when I look at a stock that comes up on a screener, I don’t just look at what their earnings potential is, where they are in technical wave structures, or breakthrough tech.

Nope – I also look at things like:

  • Does the company have a Crypto strategy?
  • Does the company require vaccinations?
  • Do the company employees benefit fairly with management?
  • Do they spend ANY money lobbying?
  • Do they run required brainwashing sessions for employees on pseudo issues like gender, CRT, and climate?

Anymore, it’s getting hard to find companies to invest in.  Our views are pretty simple on all these.

For example, if the lowest paid employee in a company makes $25,000 a year, does the CEO make more than 15 or 20-times that?  ($500,000)  If not, the company has too wide a spread for us between people and the ownership class.  Failure likely.

Do I invest in companies that make political contributions or run brainwashing outposts?  No…I like companies than actually makes a product or provides an outstanding service and focus on both income today and expansion tomorrow by investing in research…

Point I’m getting to is I apply the same metrics to Government.  Would I invest in America – were it a Corporation (which in crooked ways, it has become through legal sleights of hand)?

Sadly:  No.

While there’s only a very small list of “maybe qualifying countries” (like New Zealand, for example) seems to me like the entire world is quickly evolving into a holding of cash and survival assets is becoming the only rationally defensible investment strategy.

Weekend Planner

ShopTalk Sunday will show you how to patch a wall this weekend.  Doesn’t matter whether it’s exterior siding as in our example, or a simple fist through plasterboard…

Peoplenomics tomorrow will push around some numbers of how the Fall could fall.

And now…off to an early breakfast because there’s a real paucity of news and food in stomach; all happening at the same time…

Dow futures are down $56, but lumber is holding the $600 level.   Consumer sentiment mid-morning.  World can’t end with them numbers.  I might fade a rally at the close…but we’ll have to meditate on that.  Will there be a Fed bombshell this weekend?  Evergrande blow-up ripples? Milley out?

Write when you get rich,

51 thoughts on “Foreshocks of Collapse”

  1. “WE continue to ponder why the mainstream isn’t touting gummies. Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response ( Guess not enough profit for Big Pharma, perhaps?”

    Not to mention all the research and studies done to show that cannabidiol also destroys the outer protective shell on antibiotic resistant strains allowing medications and the immune system the ability to fight them.. or the studies done with different cancers.. It is a Miracle plant in my opinion.. a god given gift.. all so some schmuck could sell some sawdust for toilet paper.. .It totally baffles me.. you would think that common sense would say hey look at the positive factors of this one plant.. then look at the statistical proven gains because of legalized sales..
    opening the gates to almost every aspect of our lives can be positively improved.. Now there are some that use the plant for recreation.. they are already.. and those people are most generally addictive personality traits already.. so why not legalize it study it and let it benefit lives of millions..

      • I wish I could but my .mi/.gov program would kick me out if my anual scan had any cannabis in it. So even though I might benefit from it I can’t take the chance until I am off the “Government Dole.”

        I thought of myself when you said you sometimes wished you had followed your parents into Government Work.
        I thought the same thing when I took on this job about 25 years back. I thought, “Its not only a fed Program, it has a Treaty with other nations enforcing it’s going forward. So, a nice port in the storm to wait our the collapse.” Who know we would be awaiting the collapse 25 years later. I thought it was coming in the 1990’s!
        The only problem with it as a Fed program is it DOES have an end (at least the parts we know about, we don’t know what secret stuff is hidden.) The stuff I’m destroying should all be gone (per the schedule) in Dec. 2023. I turn 70 Jan 2024, so that’s a good curt off date for me!
        And where we do know about things they are dreadfully s l o w.
        We know that on the firing ranges for missiles in Huntsville They took stuff out there and buried it in trenches. So there are miles of trench with leaking old nerve agent weapons waiting do be dug up and ‘treated.” I just can’t get a good date on when they will start.
        We know Op “paperclip” picked up a bunch of our former enemies and took them to Huntsville to be rocket scientists,
        And they made a bunch of the nerve agents in plants at Redstone….
        Did the pick up some of the I.G.Farben gang that made the Xyclon B and transplant teem too?

        Oh wait, (feeling dumb) all present batch gone Dec 2023? Maybe it will be Jan 2024 I guess.

    • This NIH research article indicates that CBD downregulates T cell production in the spleen. That might not be a good thing in the replication phase of cobid. I would think you would want higher T cell production if you are infected. It would be a good thing for the post infection inflammatory response which can get out of control and damage multiple organs.

  2. The charts do not lie……it appears we are quickly devolving this social contract. Supply line disruptions, isles at the local grocery store are getting wider every time I go. And the amount of goods is dropping. Businesses not about to stay open because of lack of workers or materials. This is all starting to sound like a chapter in “The Collapse of Complex Societies ” by J.A. Tainter. To me it feels like the point on a roller coaster right before you go over the top. Fair well my friends it is about to get ugly.

    • “This is all starting to sound like a chapter in “The Collapse of Complex Societies ” by J.A. Tainter.”

      I totally love that book.. actually I have seen the parallels evolving for some time now..
      I truly believe that the only reason we haven’t is because of the shove the money in everyones pocket.. keep the velocity of money moving.. The minute it stalls even a little bit.. it will nose dive.. the death spiral.. Once entered is an extremely hard thing to turn out of.. companies rather than raise prices are cutting hours and people are not willing to pay money to go to work.. transportation.. so increase the fuel.. the cost of travel.. the last power increase.. well everyone should have gotten a four cent raise.. instead they cut hours and kept prices the same.. its like that at all retail .. small mom and pop stores can’t afford it.. so you cut hours.. take our local five and ten store.. the rent of the building.. the cost of supplies.. the cost of wages.. etc.. you have to sell a lot of merchandise to pay it.. average should be for this little store twenty to twenty five grand a week.. they don’t even come close.. so.. do you entice people to work raise wages and give benefits.. no.. you cannot.. and stay afloat.. so it closes the busiest hours of the day.. what they should be doing but think I am nuts.. is if you only have one employee then get the best use of that employee.. bring them in at ten am.. then work till eight or nine.. the store is open for the after work drive at five and the lunch hour.. you miss out on the morning coffee and pastry rush..

      Its the DEATH SPIRAL.. been in it a couple of times.. the feds are kiting the economy.. so far we stole all the funds that were put in holding for Social Security.. gave that cash away and funded wars to keep the economy going.. where we should have in my opinion let the correction happen in the eighties.. and just like then now.. our congress is trying to protect those that contribute to them the most.. The big issue is this time you cannot stick it to the middle class like they did then.. so who do they stick.. well the bill passed a few years ago written and pushed by Ryan was a big deal.. if you read it.. it basically tosses the twenty nine percent of the top thirty under the bus but shields the one percent at the top.. with our interest rate more than what we take in and having to push money in everyones pocket.. well it can’t be done.. just like my wifes employer that is paying people to work there and not realizing that he isn’t making any money to pay them.. Kiting like that can only go on so long before it becomes extremely obvious.. How long.. well the dollar is still strong.. even though there aren’t any funds to back it up.. tulips Oh I mean bit coin is still strong and it is just a wish.. nothing tangible there LOL..

      • Hmmmmm – interesting choice of words to describe da Bitcoinz..Tangible and Wish..

        As in You wish you had some ??

        Can you touch the black check box for crypto ownership on Ure 1099 tax return form ?
        Can you touch the hard wallet containing Ure digital assets ?
        Can you touch Ure bank account/checking account after Depositing proceeds from Ure Bitcoinz transaction?

        I argue that Bitcoin is just as Tangible as the USD – in fact it is more Tangible.

        I know that when I am touching (Bitcoinz) – there are exactly ____ Bitcoins mined to date, and EXACTLY _____ more will be mined in the future – exactly how many.

        How Tangible is USD when you dont know how many there are today/tomorrow/next week..25 trillion/50 trillion/100 trillion/200 trillion – who cares ? – fed, treasury, con gress, wh, toilet paper manufactures…
        Slo Joe ? stupid idiot doesnt even know where or who he is at any given time of day.

        The Emperor (USD) aint got no clothes !

        • The Emperor, you idiot, has an Army, Navy, Air Force, FBI, CIA, the money printing presses, control of food and communizations. Plus a whole lot more.
          Go sober up.

      • “Hmmmmm – interesting choice of words to describe da Bitcoinz..Tangible and Wish..

        As in You wish you had some ??”

        I was told one time that a larger stores survival depends on their xmas and holiday sales.. a doctor as an example.. ( my doctor pays three hundred a square foot for his clinic space.. he has to make a hundred grand a year just for rent.. that doesn’t take into consideration anything else..) a big company is the same thing.. they may put twenty ad’s in the brochure figure in the cost of the brochure and distribution etc.. then have to make up x dollars to pay for the items on the ad.. the minute.. that those spending money quit spending and the velocity of cash drops off.. that is when we are drying up the table..and the noodle cannot continue to move.. If a farmer wants to get better prices for his crops.. then they need to all quit spending on items.. ( that happened to me when the farm crisis was in full swing.. farmers couldn’t spend money on anything.. it about killed the country) what really hurts us is we don’t manufacture.. well we do a little bit but the vast majority of all our goods are imported.. can’t even call the help line without speaking to someone in another country.. digital is just that.. it is a digital dollar.. nothing more nothing less.. if you had copper pennies then you have copper to sell.. a cartoon coin would just be laughed at..

    • You’re on to something here. I followed the trail to Wikipedia and the different collapse scenarios appeared so obvious but only because we are living through them right now.

      Thank you.

      • “collapse scenarios appeared so obvious but only because we are living through them right now.”

        Exactly Joe… it is one thing to sit in our magic chairs or lay on our magic couches and watch the football game .. cold adult beverage in hand and yell at the coach’s for not making the right moves.. Quite another to actually be in the game playing..
        I look at the things I know of and think .. are they all just that stupid.. yet.. in the frontlines of the game of economic survival for a nation.. there are issues that we the people cannot see happening behind the scenes..
        the big one for me.. is we may have a national budget of a couple trillion a year.. but why are we only investing a minute fraction of that on our country and people.. instead we have the house that is in need of repair but putting our money to improve the neighbors mansion.. doesn’t make any sense to me..
        We have to be doing ok though.. we are still dumping cash in the other guys houses so that a few at the very top can get more that they don’t have to pay for.. I am not sure but I do believe we are the only country in the world to do that.. forfeit our own country for anothers.. I love to help give others a hand up that are down.. but.. I only do that with cash that I can afford to loose.. my family and home comes first..

        Bitcoin Nazi.. well nope I truly don’t want any bitcoin… seriously I hate the fact that my bank has gone digital.. it is all digital anymore… when the country hits the runway it is going to be a mess…
        we are living.. the ,emperors new clothes..
        It is a pattern.. goes round and round ..
        well I only added this video because I took that young man fishing a long long time ago LOL nice kid.. he was sick and tired stayed back worn out from going from city to city..needed a rest.. ran into him at a 7-11 late one night. I picked him up early in the morning. he fished I read a book LOL.. best of both worlds

  3. OUCH! some ones got their teats in a wringer, first up Killary’s campaign lawyer from
    PerkinsCoie using a big tech government contractor then pushing FALSE info to the FBI

    next week the Az senate to release it’s findings in an open floor meeting about it’s Maricopa audit

    the Maricopa County Comm getting scared

    in Q post 4686 date 9/13/2020 says
    “WATERGATE x1000
    SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
    Did Kevin set his alarm?

    nothing to see here , this is all just a coincidence

      • Yes George, Ure are correct it was last Jan. that is my point, cause and effect, there is a time lag, also the Q post was from 2020. It called out Kevin by name before his sentencing. Nostradomus type stuff, future seeing? Maybe just hopium on my part, but I have faith. Shit will happen, I am just hoping and pushing for a better result. I do not know, I just think that I know. Don’t we all? Conscience observation creates, two slit experiment, which slit will WE select for our future? I AM CONSCIENCE OBSERVATION, AND THE DEVIL WANTS MY ATTENTION, he uses fear to get and hold it

        a single snow skier at the top of a mountain can start an avalanche, there is a time lag till the force hits the valley below

    • Eggcellent!

      A September to Remember ..

      wonder what/which Distraction Card (Illuminati Card Game) we should play this time around?
      Mini nuke a federal bldg in OKC, ducks in barrel ala black pyramid- las vegas baby, shoot up a closed elementary school ? or maybe just old dirty legacy nuke from remanufactured davey crocket cores(ww2/US/manportable) stockpiled in Houston TX…oh wait already stole those cores. How do U think we took down bldg 7 on 9/11 ? halon tanks & WTC basement atop A/C Unit.
      I know ! there is still one rumored rogue nuke out there from the Kursk. hmmm would leave a Russian signature..

      • “wonder what/which Distraction Card (Illuminati Card Game) we should play this time around?”

        HMMM…What a good question Darth… Let me see from my point of view, it could come from any direction at this point.. economic depression, war, famine, covid etc.. but the easiest one is from within.the whole thing is so horrifically bad that it is really quite funny that we are still treading water… we have been relocating what ten thousand illegal refugees with only ten to fifteen percent of them letting the feds know where they are a day.. this in itself is a staggering force..
        we seen just how fast BLM and ANTIFA spread across the USA to get police defunded and cause a national riot situation.. there are UN troops roaming the country as well.. and then you have the Jade Helm training exercises..

        SO.. what if.. there is an event that draws our military away.. then an internal uprising the US hasn’t seen since the war between the states…. the logical move is to isolate the violence..implement marshal law and then checkmate game over. Then there is the remote chance that we don’t have enough men within the USA to keep that sort of situation under control.. then that is game over as well…You will know if that is the case with the quick relocation outside the USA by our politicians..
        I think from my perspective the cards are all in play.. We let greed march along for way to long.. outsourced our industry.. even our medical.. we are totally dependent on others for our survival. Our infrastructure is in such bad shape that there could be a domino collapse of the whole country over a few random events…
        I actually think it is to late the game pieces are all in play.. we see how bad it is in what little media coverage they have allowed..

    • “Killary’s campaign lawyer from
      PerkinsCoie using a big tech government contractor then pushing FALSE info to the FBI”

      I am sorry those pantsuits are made out of teflon.. and who is it that has been coving up for all these jokers.. Darrell nothing will come of any of it.. they might try to shift the blame to someone else or make up a false narrative saying see we are working on it.. but that is it..

    • Did you see the article where Congress is considering a $13K tax credit for anyone who buys a U.S.-made electric car. The credit is needed to make the U.S. cars competitive with the Asian ones. Now why does it cost the U.S. manufacturers $13K more to produce a car than the Asian companies who have to ship their cars to the U.S.?

  4. From my vantage point, credit for small to medium size (and especially privately-owned) businesses, along with inventories for both raw materials and finished parts and pieces, are all collapsing. We live in a world economy that is being run by MBA’s and lawyers (and their gangs) for the benefit of big finance and their wealthy and political patrons, for whom there have been no rules. Thus the rule about not squeezing blood from a turnip is fast coming back into play globally. These looters are running out of middle class to pillage, and marks to buy their IOU’s. Ironically, the Chinese are leading the pack circling the tubes.

  5. “Being a Part-107 licensed remote aircraft pilot” – Speaking of drones…the neighborhood watch group I belong to had a police drones demonstration at a recent meeting. Their drones were all Chinese made. I searched to see what kind of drones the Chinese offered and came up with this Breitbart article from April 2020:

    My paranoid nature and cynicism kicked off because the police drone pilot had mentioned that there was probably a back door in the software but they didn’t care because the Chinese drone company was giving them such a “good deal” on the drones. What a cheap way to surveil and photograph American cities, especially if you had invasions in mind or we’re looking for property to buy. Many uses for free aerial footage don’cha think?

    • As I have mentioned here several times, the drones are equipped with 3-axis GPS and they phone home both pix and GPS location+POV.

      DJI is both the best and the most-prolific (and under a couple shell companies, 100% PLA-owned.) The police DJIs I’ve seen start in the ~$2400 price range. They generally get “new, every two,” and get to dump their old into the salvage market. The ChiComs are building a helluva thorough and exhaustive map of CONUS (and the EU, BTW.)

      Their latest generation “Mavic Air 2” sports a 48 megapixel steady-shot camera that’ll do full 4k @ 60fps, stay in the air for 34 minutes, and comes in at under $800.

      And you’re right about the surveillance function, but don’t limit yourself. The ChiComs are also mapping Brazil, Columbia, modern citified parts of Africa, and all of the EU & Western Russia…

    • “Their drones were all Chinese made”

      The can of fruit I just opened came from china to.. the can it was in was chinese made.. the soda can’s I bought empty were all made in china.. so it doesn’t surprise me at all..

      • I read on a website from a guy who heard it from a friend in high places that attended a classified briefing 50 years ago that the CHICOM’s are imbedding surveillance electronics in package labels from boxes to cans to bottles. They’re drawing power from the micronuclear piezo effect from the metal cans or finely imbedded microcarbon fibers in the paper or plastic.

        Be a patriot and peel those labels off and reattach them to different bottles and cans. It will royally screw up the CHICOM Intel gathering and cataloging efforts. Instead of RED DAWNING your neighborhood, maybe they’ll invade the one over aways where the pinkos live.

        And stay away from the paper and plastic. Those microcarbon balls are programmed to Gort into transformers.

        Just sayin’.

        And thanks for the window of opportunity. It’s been awhile.

      • “The soda cans I bought all said “Ball” on them, and were made in Colorado…”

        Thanks Ray.. I didn’t realize they made them in the USA
        the can’s I get come from two sources.. one is from a supply house in Canada and the other in Michigan and they obtain the cans from Australia distribution center and the other directly from the manufacturer in china.. I did check with a container company here that use to make them.. they no longer make them but buy them from a source outside the USA.. the price has gone up from twenty cents a can now to over fifty cents a can.. I did think about getting a flanging tool so I could reuse can’s.. just sterilize them and flange them.. then the only thing you would need is the tops.. the other thing was PET drink containers.. they do make a beercan that can be used.. it seals up exactly the same way an aluminum one does.. but I can’t get them yet…


        those are the places I get my can’s.. I buy a lot of stuff from so I get most of them there..
        I was trying to get a flanging machine to reuse aluminum can’s I could only find one.. for a #10 can and I don’t use very many of those at all..
        I would like to try the Clear PET beer can’s..

      • LOOB, have you considered glass bottles? They can be had for less than $1 each and are infinitely reusable as long as the top ring & threads don’t get damaged.

      • “LOOB, have you considered glass bottles? ”

        I did actually.. you can get them for free toat your local drinking establishments…lids were tough.. pepsi free came in a perfect bottle to.. the caps are reusable..
        I started doing aluminum.. because it stores do kegs..
        Bottles have been increasing in costs as well.. wine bottles before covid19 could be purchased for 7.00 now they are close to 14 for 12..
        I use to can food but since I started retort canning I dont.

    • “The drones can “spot things like body temperature and illness.”
      Oh, really? Military grade IR cameras on consumer grade drones? I’d like to have one of those!

      • Yeah, no.

        Whoever wrote the Breitbart piece has never researched drones or quadcopters. You can buy a DJI with IR, with about a 50′ range. Thermal imaging? Ain’ta gonna happen. The drones with the active imaging and long range IR are 100% American-made, down to the board-level components. They also cost between $80k and about $4.5mil apiece, and they DON’T show up in the consumer, or even the salvage channels — EVER!

      • Got any Iranian friends, contacts ? They got a neat knockoff of US Predator Drone – prolly get one cheap – they need USD/EUR..

  6. “WE continue to ponder why the mainstream isn’t touting gummies. Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response ( Guess not enough profit for Big Pharma, perhaps?”

    Regardless, how the kung flu came about or spread, what everyone periodically forgets is that NOW, its official disposition is all about control. There is no logical or sane explanation for nationwide COVID restrictions, but no restrictions for refugees and illegal aliens (haven’t heard refugee numbers. Numbers for the illegals are released weekly by USBP and have ranged between 16% and 20%+ infected, for months) — aliens and refugees that’re getting bused &or flown all over the U.S. and released into the wild. Establishing a pattern of control over the citizenry is the only thing in this process which makes sense.

    “Biden and his propaganda ministry are reacting to the drone footage Cruz has: Biden’s FAA places temporary ban on drones flying over bridge packed with illegal immigrants.

    …the sham of a “safety” or “security” move of the Buyed ’ems will be wrapped in “…danger of drone collisions that could fall on people on the ground…” ”

    One of my drones is a Mavic Mini. It is a kickass $400 toy. However, it does not have “collision avoidance.” I believe every drone above its price-point DOES. The drones which the TV news networks (and USBP) use for surveillance and photographic work start around $2400. They will NOT run into another drone, or an aircraft, or a bridge, or a person, or anything else. They will also not run out of juice and crash. The TFR is pure bullshit, and was spawned because FOXNews dared to show the 10,501 illegal aliens kicked-back under that bridge outside Del Rio.

      • Mostly military aged illegal MALES! We have too many imported males in our country already, and due to the lack of war dieoffs of males, we will keep adding to these numbers. A society with an excess of males classically gets involved in wars. China has this problem, as does Afghanistan. We can count on a similar problem, especially since these particular foreigners have a much more traditional view of sex roles and “honor” than those that were indoctrinated here. Europe has this problem too. It all points toward a massive war to kill off the excess males and destroy infrastructure. This has been the rule throughout history and is truly likely to happen again soon. The wanton waste of the national treasure over the last few decades bodes ill for the outcome. I see it as a parallel to the fall of Rome.

    • “WE continue to ponder why the mainstream isn’t touting gummies. Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response ( Guess not enough profit for Big Pharma, perhaps?”

      A gummy cut in half does the same thing as a 20mg oxy..or atleast those are the results I get..
      The problem is getting those in charge to realize that they are demonizing a miracle plant.. that literally has so many uses that if listed would fill many truckloads of paper..
      Theres some interesting studies on cbd working with antibiotics to kill antibiotic resistant viruses and bacterial infections.. MRSA get ready here it comes.that is if they ever get smart about it.

  7. “Long as we’re passing out T.P. swipes, how about “Twitter Biden bias in block of Hunter articles was not illegal: FEC member.”

    Seriously.. I would to.. If your trying to paint an image that your SUPERMAN.. and the kids keeps painting you bot to look like BEEVIS AND BUTTHEAD…. or herbert the pervert…
    to have a rougue child painting an ugly picture is not a good thing.. Just consider some of the alligations of the child.. and the father.. forgetting the financial misconduct.. it is so bad that it is actually funny.. here they spent four years trying to paint this image of DJT as being a woman hater because he had sex with a legal aged woman that wanted money for her time.. and he patted a few women of legal age on the butt.. was a narcissist and braggart and sometimes said the wrong thing.. compared to what thats some ugly stuff there….
    You sure don’t see Kammy hanging around them or associating herself or her family with them.. I wouldn’t either.. as an old judge the image is so ugly and corrupt that the only thing they can do is keep it hushed up..

    • No, all Kammy did was [allegedly] torpedo a huge pedo priest trial, involving a couple hundred Men of the Cloth and several thousand children, after a meeting with the Archbishop and a couple Vatican reps, in L.A. to [allegedly] “work out some plea deals.”

      The case was open & shut, and handed her on a silver platter by her predecessor. After meeting the Catholic brass, the case was shut down and disassembled to the point it has not yet been able to be resurrected This [allegedly] happened shortly after the magic decimal point in her bank statement [allegedly] marched several places to the right.

      Kammy is [allegedly] no less disgusting than Creeper and his family. At least Hunter is only [allegedly] responsible for a FEW children having the salami [allegedly] slipped to them.

      Search “kamala harris pedo priest” sometime…

      • Sadly…
        Pedophilia and satanism is reported to be very big with people in power..
        Just look how fast it’s all forgotten or covered over by those that are swornto protecting the innocent..
        In the end it’s all about power and money

  8. Check out Dr. Richard Fleming’s site. A treasure trove of information on cobid. This guy knows his genetics, virology and molecular biology cold. The story of the funding and development of this bio-weapon is stranger than fiction! Many grants from the us gov including the chinese batwoman’s research program.

  9. Dunno george . You always make sense. But I just can’t take off the shorts . Evergrande tip of the iceberg. Lot more ice under waterline. Yellow dog in trouble. Yep short

    • Yellow dog’s gonna drop like a rock when a bunch of wealthy Chinese get offered the choice of restitution or blindfold, and have to dump their stashes to save their asses…

  10. Did Big Al forget that Prescott Bush made his family rich (and got shut down by the trading by the enemy act) by selling I. G. Farben the formula for DuPont’s Cyclon B gas?

  11. This is worth 24 minutes of background listening:

    It’s by someone from South Africa who lived in China for 10 years and became an influencer. He married two Chinese wives(not at the same time) and knows the country. He left permanently when he saw the writing on the wall. He discusses an article presented on *state media* regarding China turning hard left and claiming that the USA is insulting and making biowar on them.

    It’s definitely a head’s up!

  12. Dollar General. 2 weeks ago pack of 6 packs with 6 packages in them,$1.00 next week same thing was $2.00, 3weeks later they are 59 cents for 1 pack with 6 crackers in it, I share the packages with my dog, (best Friend). Vodka has stayed the same price all year, but the O.J. mix has gone up, Guess I will just drink and the dog will get her crackers, (smile) Tim

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