We stick to our economic long wave roots this morning. With the market breaking (for a while) below June lows, our “worst case” outlook is (unfortunately!) beginning to firm up..
With it a few headlines, but mainly this is a time when the game of future may be won, or lost, depending on the prepping choices made in the next month or three. Especially if the market blow down continues stepwise in the footsteps of the 1929-37 debacle. So far, it’s tracking.
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In Minneapolis the Powers are putting a “security fence” around U.S. Bank Stadium (football). Probably elsewhere as well. They can hold tens of thousands.
The claim was to keep bad people out.
That makes little sense. I think you have to reverse the thinking; the reason is to keep people in.
Who might they be? Probably not Biden’s open border clans.
More likely those who oppose it or oppose the Gestapo Covid lockups or worthless masking or anything else the government may want to silence and control.
Time to worry.
Does that mean the barbed wire is facing in…?
Hi Dell , good to hear from another from Minn.
Happy Apocalypse Day everybody! And to those lucky enough to be up North far enough to see the auroras they’re heralding the Fall equinox. https://spaceweather.com/ We love our sunsets around here but there’s nothing to compare to an aurora.
“worst case”
We are living the worst case, bags of debt and asset stripped. Americans are stumbling from Rescue Plan to American Rescue Plan.
If you had $100,000 in December 2020 it’s now got the purchasing power of about $70,000. Can that get any worse? Yes it can! Unless you risked the 100K and played each market turn right, which is a job.
Back in olden days young ladies would shave corners off silver dimes and quarters. (That’s why dimes and quarters became round.) When the young ladies became old ladies the ladies dipped into their fingernail sized slices of silver and bought foodies.
Later, .gov stripped the tangible and made the little old ladies (Ida Mae Fuller) dependent on us for foodies. If the bailouts stop, the little old lady is back to eating plaster. (That’s how sticks of chalk were made.)
The only winner is .gov staff managing the circus.
3 of 3 in progress? Please keep your seat in the full upright position and tray table stowed until the ride comes to a complete stop …
Question: when’s the last time it took this long for the NBER to pass judgement on prior 2 negative Qs GDP? Axing for a friend …
Ahem, we run out of Q3 next week. Will defense spending save us from three consecutive negatory quarters? Same ^ friend excuse.
Write when you have barter stuff,
“Write when you have barter stuff”
…Reminds me, I need to lay in a couple cases of booze and cigarettes.
Hilarious moment for the day –
“Joe Biden Wraps His Arm Around Elton John, Then Tells Crowd, “It’s All His Fault We’re Spending $6 Billion on HIV and AIDS this Month” (VIDEO)”
EJ should have punched him right there.
“EJ should have SLAPPED him right there.” There I fixed it for you Bill! Cheers!
LOL! Absolutely.
Or could it be…
the rumors have it that Son HB got some bad snatch and is infected with one of the nasties.. . My curiosity is.. the business model that they have seems to be pretty demanding.. give me this or I hold back that.. did the leaders of these countries realize that nothing would ever come of their actions with our dual standards of law in the USA..so did they make the decision to dole out justice their own way.. either with extra spicy drugs or something rotten down there.. we will never know for sure..
Kurt Schlichter quote of the day: “Everybody who didn’t vote for Trump should take a look at his 401(k) today and be thankful that there are no more mean tweets.”
Expect irrelevant and tendentiously obfuscating Bot posts about “the most sensitive of US classified information” in 5…4…3…2….
Just a thought… right now in Europe 6 out of 10 factories are supposedly closed due to high or lack of natural gas and a huge part of the population cannot pay their energy bills unless they have to choose between energy bills and loan payments to the bank … I think what we will see Sunday is a huge liquidity problem for the banks because of nonpayment on loans throughout Europe. Big banks going to fail. Sunday Monday is when the rubber meets the road or SHTF! Contagion well sweep rest of the banking world next week.
I need to finish reading TGP before posting and aggregate like Ray. Dementia Joe just keeps ’em coming –
” Joe Biden to Woman at DNC Event: “You Gotta Say Hi To Me! We Go Back a Long Way.. She Was 12 and I Was 30, But Anyway” (VIDEO)”
They just don’t want to hide it any more….
Hey! I just thought of a great new Christmas decoration for the tree this year! Bribem, Pelosi, Schemer and all the rest “hanging” on the tree. … Too much?
“Hey! I just thought of a great new Christmas decoration for the tree this year! Bribem, Pelosi, Schemer and all the rest “hanging” on the tree. … Too much?”
I like it!
BTW, when I do a “news dump” I will hit a dozen or three news sites, many foreign and often aggregators themselves, pull 40-140 articles, then speed-read them (or sometimes scan the first two and last paragraphs) to determine which stories people at US/PN with certain interests might find interesting, and which I believe George WILL find interesting, and which might escape his personal news filter.
If you notice, my posts are strictly formatted: I will always post a headline, then a sentence or two from the article itself, then a link to the article, and finally any commentary I wish to inject, on the article’s subject matter. I do this so people have an actual sample of the actual content of the article, so they don’t have to click on a blind link to go offsite, to read somebody else’s blather or view a video, before they decide whether doing so is worthwhile for them.
Now WRT the articles themselves, I’ll cull them down to ~6-20 stories and post them over a several-day period — This is not my website, so it would not be cool for me to clutter it too much. FWIW, I’ve been doing this for a long time, and used to send George frequent E-Mails with this same type of newsbite, years before he had a “comments section.” I don’t know if he appreciates it or not, but he hasn’t booted me out of here, so I consider that tacit consent. Part of being a real news editor is having a good “BS filter” and understanding how stories “play.”
George has a very good BS filter…
Wish I could do that, too, but trying to get out of the house by even 8:30 means I have to keep my news exposure down by quite a bit. Trying to get things done before the heat hits on the ranch used to be a real priority but not so much now so I can spend a little more time online. I just didn’t expect TGP to have two article THAT good in one morning! The way things are going in the World now, though, means there’ll be more to pass along and scare the dickens out of all my Normie friends and family members!
Thanks for the tips.
“Wish I could do that, too, but trying to get out of the house by even 8:30”
Yeah, can’t manage this during warm weather either — so I skip it. You’ll notice I rarely post before 1300? That’s because I’ll get up at “can see” and do stuff ’till noonish, then clean the blood off (if’fn you ain’t bleedin’ you ain’t worked…) have brunch, then veg-out in front of the confuser for an hour or so, to let stuff settle before I go back outside and abuse my body further.
I’ve managed to not kill my exotics this year so I’ll be damned if I let a sneak, early frost do it for me, and temps are forecast to be in the 30s later in the week so…
I’m not in the markets, so I figure there’s going to be no news that’s actionable by me, which isn’t patently obvious (like someone carpetbombing CONUS with nukes) and all kidding aside, I really DO own flash glasses, which I’m not wearing, but have started carrying…
Better be danged quick on the draw with those glasses Ray.
Yo Tex-shady ,
– Ure looking at this Bitcoin thing all wong like.
How long has BTC been in development ?
Know -that it is still “under development” – millions upon millions of hours spent by some of the sharpest developers – coding-testing-improving – strengthening the code(antifragility)..on going – which by the buy IS intrinsic value – 4 goodness sakes
– Dollar will die soonly, deaththroes/rattling cough https://youtu.be/bT8CRi9k4bo – in meantime stories abound re physical Silver and Gold are becoming scarcer by the day, as western bullion vaults are being emptied out..rutrow.
street reportz/final damage report-
*NE/MidAtla mktplc – new 500 gal. “racist” propane tank- above ground, installed and filled wit 420 gal propane – $4458.66 – will be painted in brownish tones/camo. War department killed painting black Cow spots on tank..aka no fun dept.
+ $9750 / 22kw Generac = Total $14,200.. for plan C – peace of mind. One does not question the war department when comes to family security issues in the BCN household. At least not if you ever want take your “unit”out of the “freezer” she stores it in, for a spin.
BCN: honey can have the”unit” to go on the fishing trip with the guys tomorrow?
Mrs BCN: “absolutely NOT, you dont need it to go fishing with or anything else for that matter you big baby”
Piece of mind = heatpump w/emergency oil burner back up. Full tank of heating oil on board – auto refill if stocks avail later. Plan D involves fireplace with insert and one cord seasoned hard wood on site. Actively collecting hardwood logs for splitting/exercise in crisp fall air.
BCN makes like baby and heads out of dodge after Holidaze for the warm thighs of the Caribbean…”Ohh Senor, es eso una banana en su bosillo, me soo hungry
Dont forget – when the dollar loses all its value and we are forced to barter and trade precious metals in some form of exchange – that there will be no cyrpto 4 youse.
You dirty, out of control, cash carrying criminals and Ure dirty ass dollar billz/money..how dirty – hanta virus carrying dirty..vectorz U bee.
Gotta ask Ureself – Am I a “person used to carry out the designs of another, a dupe? Or, more like “something used in the performance of an operation”..a tool ?
**Plan C involves seasoned hard woods & fireplace insert. 1 chord stacked, collecting hard wood logs for splitting, on going.
Sorry. When DARPA confirms BTC as a threat to national security you will WISH – like we advised long ago – you didn’t have a wallet. You’ll be “one of them.”
I have a prediction. (A dream, actually.)
(…and we know how good [piss-poor] MY predictions are.)
Two, actually…
1) Putin will be out of power before 15OCT.
(…and likely, off the planet altogether.)
2) Deutschebank will fail about the same time.
(Actually, I think both will occur sooner, but I’m hedging.)
After these events, the crystal grows dim.
We’ll see what tonight’s dreams may bring —
7.299 / 3.999
Intel gathering
– If it is quiet enough, I can close my eyes and drift back. To any important point in my life., and I can ‘see’ it and sometimes even ‘smell’ it., all over again.
– I can recall, vividly, stepping off the skid of a gunship and setting foot in Laos for the very first time. The jungle was no different than that of Vietnam just 20 klicks to the east.., but it was an invisible line that we were not supposed to cross., yet we did, regularly.
– Four hours later we had crossed over the ridge and were slowly dropping down into the valley below. Something didn’t feel right. Something was wrong. I tucked my six-man team into the brush and we snuggled down into the mud and barely a minute later watched a 12 man special forces team drift through the jungle not a hundred yards in front of us.
– I was pretty pissed off. There was not supposed to be ‘friendlies’ in this area. None. I was assured of that. Yet.., there they were. Very bad intel with worst communication that could have gotten us killed by our own.., and visa versa.
– .., and that is pretty much were we are at this moment.., tucked down into the mud and receiving way too much unverifiable intel. Too many possible scenarios that are stirring up the mud and clouding the water so much we can’t see what’s coming. We are feeling our way along.
– I believe it is time to hunker down, sit quietly and just watch the parade. This week., maybe two, looks rather dubious and uncertain. Even the math is showing two different possibilities.
– Let the weekend roll on by.., and watch from the side-lines.
It’s like I was implying to George with the latest Why Files video on the disinformation schemes around UFOs. The government doesn’t want us to know WHAT to believe and, therefore, be totally disillusioned about everything. No focus, no directing ideology, just deer-in-the-headlights frozen.
Just out of curiosity how would you say “Yoo-hoo” to a bunch of friendlies like that in the jungle and not get shot to Hell?
…We extend a special thanks to DJ “No Bull” George for bearing with the ptb to offer tuneful segue today from the “Party to Insanity”.
Apparently “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” did not make Sir Elton’s setlist yesterday evening at the WH whose event is christened “A Night When Hope and History Rhyme”. According to ABC the gig was paid for by A&E and the History networks. The event title was drawn from The Troubles interpreter Irish poet Seamus Heaney’s play “The Cure at Troy – a version of Sophocles’ Philoctetes”. Attendees were rendered to bliss with:
Your Song
Tiny Dancer
Rocket Man (I think it’s going to be a long, long time)
Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me
Crocodile Rock
I’m Still Standing
…Wow. Nice close. Hmm, let’s see…the last time Sir Elton played the White House was in tandem with Stevie Wonder on Feb. 5, 1998 at the state dinner in honour of the visiting UK PM Tony Blair. President Clinton quoted Alfred Tennyson’s “Locksley Hall”:
“For I dipped in the future, far as the human eye could see, saw the vision of the world and all the wonder that could be”.
As stagehands dim the lights and draw the curtains, let’s rejoin reality and DJ Ure for some post-gig party tunes. But first, here’s the Dancing Bears Act!
Did he sing “don’t let your SON go down on me ” to pedo pete? Asking for a friend.
Wasn”t it “Don’t Let Your Son Go down On Me?”
Are modern-day descendents of the Golden Horde on the march? Images of the Crimean Tatar flag may be in your msm feed at Russian conscription protests?
This evening a newly immigrated Ukrainian from Kherson previously hailing from Simferopol posted to our neighborhood Facebook group. The young mother with 2 elementary school aged children seeks part time employment. She worked in software back in the old country. My curiosity was piqued for the backstory.
After pages and years of feed fluff, it was there. The account began shortly after the Russian annexation of Crimea. “I am a Crimean Tatar!” said the post against a gold triangle of the horde on a blue banner.
Really? One of the souls whose Tatar ancestors were forcibly removed from Crimea en masse following WW2 by Stalin’s claim (now said to be a false allegation) of Tatar conspiracy with the Nazis.
Perhaps Zeus can tell us if this Helen is real or fake?
Thanks George!
Say Hal Turner has some interesting reports. Looking for confirmation…
Something Going on in China; Military Convoy, 80km Long, Headed to Beijing
No confirmation that I can find.., just “repeats”.. The ‘rumor & reason’ for this military convoy is that Xi has been placed under house arrest – no confirmation on this either.
Hmm.. now that is a scary scenario.. Xi has been the one to use diplomacy in the past.. and IF.. Putin sees that somehow the oligarchs influenced someone else to take the ceremonial seat of control.. and do away with Xi.. what would that trigger Putin to do.. with no way to exit this situation.. leaves the Bear in the corner by himself..
I saw it yesterday also G.A. Time to go to the BUNKER for next two weeks.
GAS, beware of darkness (George Harrison)
Hal turner is a Holocaust denier, amongst other things…
Those British soldiers are not armed, but carrying backpacks. Not at all sure what’s up with that unless they’re marching to the armory.
Do you mean self-admitted FBI agent provocateur Hal Turner?
Sorry Stu. As of midnight I found a lot of hits on these two, but every single one eventually led back to Hal Turner.
There are reports of a Chinese convoy moving into Ukraine. There are also reports of a Chinese coup d’etat and reports of a PLA convoy moving many thousands of tanks, APCs, and trucks to the coast opposite Taiwan.
I consider all [to be] unlikely.
(I wouldn’t doubt that the ChiComs might be staging materiel near the shore. I strongly doubt anyone could video or report on the movements. NOTHING leaves the Chinese border without first passing the Party censors…)
I didn’t chase all the “convoy” links, but the ones I did used years-old file-footage of the PLA on the move to Tibet or to Hong Kong to try and convince readers it was current info.
The best I could do WRT London is the ~5800 troops, sailors, and airmen on hand for QEII’s funeral, and many of them being drafted into a massive, post-funeral cleanup.
There’s ‘WAY TOO MUCH NOISE (mis-information, dis-information, non-information, and narcissistic blather) right now to acquire any legitimate news data or information in a lot of places. I don’t know where it’s coming from or exactly why, but I suspect the ChiComs and TicToc are involved…
I heard the Xi rumors yesterday and didn’t post. :( Hopefully they develop.
Hhhmmmm.., if so – does this mean that Putin will have to renegotiate all of his dealings under Pres Xi., with the new Party head and President? Leaving Putin hanging in the wind ??
What’s been lost….so far: https://nypost.com/2022/09/23/americans-have-lost-4-2k-in-income-under-biden-report/?utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_campaign=SocialFlow
Septembers Black Swan?
Starlink: See? All I had to do was suggest you file for ‘eighth continent’ status and Musk would hook you up. He heard. You are welcome. :-)
“White lab coat when working on small surface-mount electronics and so forth.”
Just for a joke, I got a white lab coat with the SBE logo patch and wore it to an SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) meeting once. Much derision among assembled engineers in working clothes of blue jeans and T-shirts. NOBODY wears a lab coat to work on electronics… unless they are in a clean room lab at Intel.
The problem has never been a dearth of raw intel. Scads of it abound. Getting enough human minds on the job to make some useful sense of it — analysts — that has always been the problem.
Tons of stuff comes over the transom on dishes — but all uncooked: un-understood. I suspect A.I. will be a while yet before it can be turned-to. It’s speedy, but quite stupid on the subtleties, and the weak patterns with lots of noise.
Mmmm…the comment threads are a hopping in the witches brew cauldron. Tells are raining down as perhaps a Prince may be informing a King.
Let us not forget that Rome bounced back after being sacked by the Gauls in the 4th century bc. There is an interesting entry pictured in the msm today above the fray between pro and against Putin extremist factions having a set-to at the Palace of Westminster in London. A can of Strongbow stood guard beside the statue of Winston Churchill.
Strongbow, “the strong cider for men”, is a blend of cider and apples. It reputedly takes its name from the Anglo-Norman knight who successfully took over Ireland for England upon the strength of Welsh archers 850 years ago. A maternal great grandmother of his was Anne of Kiev, Queen of France. She is revered by Ukrainian nationalists seeking to reignite the past glory of her European empire a millennia past. Nine years ago next Tuesday the Ukrainian Orthodox church thoughtfully purchased the church in her Royal city of residence circa 1060 ad, in Senlis, France, formerly known as Augustomagus in Roman times.
Speaking of Rome, a fetching “Helen” is seen upon the ramparts of Troy? Who shall be her Agamemnon? We live in interesting times? Let us take measured solace in the meter of The Bard:
“To be or not to be – that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles…
perchance to dream…”
God Save the King.
new mexico electric demand to outpace capacity,
If the coup is real global markets may not open at all Monday.
That’s what ‘asset stripped’ means. If we had our own gold and silver we wouldn’t give a hoot but at this point we are strapped to the bomb.
certainly a bad situation . fans picking up extremes