Quest for Future Assets

Where we ask “What will constitute “value” or “storehouse of value” 20-years from now? Once upon a time, this was such a simple damn question.

But, with the rate of change changing and technology obsoleting whole segments of “work” – we have to raise our heads up once in a while and ask the obvious – but seldom asked – where to park savings so they will appreciate?

It was so simple once:  A good house, a good spouse, and a good job.  Every consider finding any of those, lately?

After a few headlines, war-checks, and the ChartPack.  Which has the Bulls waving flags early…

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73 thoughts on “Quest for Future Assets”

  1. After 30 years of building and managing an industrial distribution company my partners and I were boxed in by an ESOP we had started. Our workforce was aging along with us and the funding obligations grew so large that nothing was left for growth and expansion so, we sold the company. After an obligatory post sale key employee retention period I ‘retired’ and was faced with investment decisions that I perceived to be shakey; my distrust of most investment vehicles became central to a search for a safe haven for my assets and a plan for the future.
    I wanted to preserve my wealth and leave something for my heirs while insuring a comfortable existence in my ‘golden years’ (such a misnomer but that’s another topic). My choice? Use my skills, wealth and knowledge to start another company, employ and train the kids as well as other young people, provide them ownership opportunities and after things are running steadily, reduce my role and pass the baton to the up and comers by selling my interests to them over time. So far we are on track and there is a lot of positive energy in the group and the customer base. Even through Covid we grew 40% YOY and after four years it looks like we’re going to be able to expand this year. Risky? No doubt but the rewards are incredible in both psychic and financial realms.
    This solves some inheritance issues, will provide a comfortable income as long as the business thrives and provides a platform for some good young people to carry on the American free enterprise tradition. Wish us luck.

    • That is an awesome story. I have been considering retiring in a couple of years but I don’t want to quit working just do something different. I may do something along those lines.

      May I ask what business you are in?

      Good luck!

  2. “War Check”
    No shooting to speak of yet, but those landing craft are getting attention as Russian warships move into the Black Sea for what Moscow calls naval drills.”

    It sure does look like a poison pawn trap…what is left unprotected…

    “Remember, though, the travel times now are greatly reduced. Days and fractions of days/.
    Meantime, the reality of tank-killing drones seems forgotten as Massive exercises across Ukraine to work out defense against tank offensive. Repeat after me: Old tactics don’t win new wars.”

    • LOOB, your link to has a bogus tweet showing ships anchored in “the port of Thackerville, OK”. Thackerville is a tiny town on the Red River just north of Dallas, and they couldn’t anchor much more than a rowboat at Thackerville.

      • “ships anchored in “the port of Thackerville, OK”.

        LOL LOL LOL I didn’t notice that @Olfart.. LOL
        The point being is how many container ships that we have around the USA… waiting to be unloaded.. if lets say a half of one percent of the ships had any container systems on them.. we are in serious trouble.. granted we do inspect one to five percent of incoming containers.. do we actually believe that a dock worker has a better set of standards than those in the power of legislation. I doubt that they do.. I know I could be bought.. just medical expenses or insurance.. for a lonely night worker.. night workers have a rotten social life.. some guy meets a nice girl.. willing to grill our at eight am.. or go to a park etc.. .. not to mention the container systems that could have been delivered in the past and re positioned around the USA already…. Hell we don’t even have a clue where all those military aged illegal refugees that were smuggled in by our govt.. and deposited around the country are….
        We sent our military out to every spot on the planet that some schmuck wants to take whatever.. We cannot be in every place at the same time.. the time it takes to travel back to the country to defend it in the event of a military action against the country would take days..
        the world would be a chaotic mess…
        then we take into account the greed factor.. deregulation..outsource industry.. and jobs.. make the hourly paid pay .. why not those with all the greed.. they could easily hire their own armies..Its just more profitable if some kid working at a fast food restaurant pays for it..
        “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
        “Who wishes to fight must first count the cost.”

        and lets be serious.. does anyone really give two cents over some business deal that the kid made or care that he is smoking some of the worst brain rotting drugs…. I personally believe that Not many of us could care less.. in the end it is the business model..
        our leader is anxious for a war.. what does old sun say..

        “The wise warrior avoids the battle.”

        now considering ole sun… we cannot fight the planet.. and the russians and the chinese have signed agreements to have each others back.. not to mention they have signed agreements with how many countries that we have gone in so some schmuck can get more of what he doesn’t need..

        “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”

        “The skillful tactician may be likened to the shuai-jan. Now the shuai-jan is a snake that is found in the Ch’ang mountains. Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head and tail both.”

        with the container weapons system.. it is hard to figure out just where they would be.. we would be chasing ghosts..

        “Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.”

        who in the heck Really cares what business deal they have made.. it would be wise to take a road from JFK and dismantle the missile bases on their borders ..that is what they have been asking all along.. Taking the missile threats away from the border would not weaken our military position.. our missiles can reach any spot on the planet in minutes..

        the only winning move is to

        “For should the enemy strengthen his van, he will weaken his rear; should he strengthen his rear, he will weaken his van; should he strengthen his left, he will weaken his right; should he strengthen his right, he will weaken his left. If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will everywhere be weak. #”

        NOW i am no tactician.. it just seems like its all a Stupid move because of some business deal.. we know there was a lot of controversy over the idea of Nord stream 2

        I just wish more people would stop coveting.. that is all this is to.. someone covets something someone else has.. and listen to the Taoist way of life..
        If everyone did settle down .. heck I would be willing to fly to some places to see the wonders of the world that have always had my curiosity.. the water gardens would be great.. and so would the pyramids.. as of right now.. My images of them come from National Geographic..
        only the future will tell how this all plays out.. I hope it doesn’t.. and some sense comes to those in office..

    • Distractions – 2 nights ago fighter jets out of Israhell prepared an attack Russian military – Latakia, driven off by 2 SU-35’s. Last night they came in for 2 waves of attacks, Russia turned on the air defense/communications jamming equipment. Su-35’s again raised to the alarm, a few missiles got thru to Residential sections off Damascus, but the attack on Latakia was cancelled/thwarted. – the evil that is Israhell crossed soem serious red lines the last 2 nights while thinking Russia would not be be paying attention due the Ukey-pukey thing. pub- Russian Spring

      As long as the Donbass is secure – no problema, the minute they “accidently” attack the Russian populations in the Donbass – ALL bets will be Off.

      Now you got a Mig -31K spotted on Feb 7th landing in Kaliningrad. The K designation stands for Kinzhal capable – which the one in Kaliningrad was Seen carrying. Range on Russia’s most advanced badass hyper sonic missile – its classified but London,Rome, Paris all within range.

  3. Hi George,

    My eyes aren’t what they used to be either so I cheat and put scopes on most of my rifles. I have used most of the popular brands over the years but the one that I have on my AR is made by UTG. I think it is a 4X16X44. Very good scope for the money.

    • After finally getting my M70 Varminter back with the new Krieger barrel I’m debating whether or not to put a Shepherd scope on it. It’s another pile of C-notes but it would be a crowning glory for that rifle – as long as it works as expected. I’ll play with the current Simmons Prohunter until I know whether or not I put the rifle back together correctly. It’s all I’d ever need for hunting but for longer distances the Shepherd scopes made a pretty good hit when they first came out many decades ago.

      • It’s only money. They make more of it everyday. I can’t speak for your gunsmithy, but you get what you pay for in glass (like most things in life IMHO)

  4. “What about farming?”
    “Too many variables. If things go wrong, how many acres of land can one human being – sleep-deprived, malnourished, and without power equipment really produce?”

    there was a young businessman that would stop by from time to time.. He asked me that same question.. I said farmers….the same response came up.. How many could they plant …
    I said.. look to North Korea.. and China…. Remember the Famine there.. we had stopped the supply line.. the people were eating grass.. people starving..
    Kim pushed hydroponics..,tall%20as%20a%20vertical%20forest.

    Now I have been saying that for decades long before We put sanctions on NK and stopped the food supply chain and long before China desided to do this..
    They have turned the tide for food production to supply their people.. What I did tell him.. is in the systems he sells to huge ranchers.. add a beehive to the system..
    With my green bean system.. I get great plants in a very small area.. what I didn’t get was pollination of the plants because there wasn’t but one bumble bee and he showed up late in the spring.. once he got here we had lots of green beans.. but until he showed up.. nothing..

    Years ago a farmer had set aside five acres of land that he rented garden plots out to people that didn’t have room for a garden.. next to mine was a family.. same size lot as mine.. each family took a 4 by 6 peice of it and each planted their own garden.. what they got out of that small area was amazing.. absolutely amazing..
    so like a broken record replaying the same thing.. we need to green scape the cities.. and asphalt jungles of the planet.. so what if a kid picks an apple or some grapes etc.. eats a carrot.. sure your not selling the produce.. but it is the answer..
    One of my biggest dreams is to see the ancient water gardens of China.. or Taiwan.. ( they are doing some really great things there to )
    At least some places are doing that.. it only makes sense.. Our countries business model is to keep control of products.. to insure high profits.. the same with our Grid.. our grid is so vulnerable.. yet.. if the power companies promoted solar power to home owners.. they feel they would loose control.. and it is and always has been all about PROFIT.. not security..

    • “Too many variables. If things go wrong, how many acres of land can one human being – sleep-deprived, malnourished, and without power equipment really produce?”

      Well, every Amish farmer I know, or know of, plants and harvests 80 acres, with a two-horse team…

      • “Well, every Amish farmer I know, or know of, plants and harvests 80 acres, with a two-horse team…”

        The question is.. how many young farmers know how to use a horse pulled plow.. a few years ago.. our spare bedroom had a gentlemant living in it that had farmed during the early part of the nineteen hundreds.. he was in a crowd watching Michael Landon trying to plow a small piece and he started laughing ..the story goes that landon came over and asked him what was so funny.. he said he told him he was using it all wrong.. the equipement he was using was what he farmed with for years… so landon had him teach him how to use it..
        Back when I was a kid.. we pulled weeds.. the kids today.. would freak out if they had to go toss seventy pound bails of hay or sweat their butts off walking bean fields.. castrating bulls.. it would be a learning experience all over..

    • What I find hard to believe, from a agronomy point of view not an economic one, is that Venezuela has people starving. But they DO!!

      Every person in Venezuela that has even a small outdoor patio should be able to grow LOTS of their own food, from potatoes to vegetables. Maybe not all of it, but LOTS!

      In addition with the climate there outside of the cities there is no reason why they couldn’t get two crops a year out of small parcels of land even with just hand tools.

      In the old days in Ireland a farmer could feed a family of 7+ on about 1.5 acres, at least until the potato blight came along, and of course he had no mechanical equipment to speak of, not even draft animals, just his own hands and back.

      As shown by Venezuela Socialism is a killer for individual initiative and production. The Government STEALS the production of food from those who are productive, yep even going into houses and taking the stored food people have raised themselves … thus NOBODY has an incentive to grow much and as a result the entire country goes hungry.

      In a crunch situation I think if you were in an area with decent soil and adequate NATURAL rain 5 acres should feed a family of 4 with little problem (but you would have a steep learning curve), and that would probably be about the most land you could tend withOUT mechanical or animal help. Of course you are NOT going to raise livestock or even chickens on such a small plot’s production, but we are talking SURVIVAL here, not one’s “desired” diet.

  5. Great horney toads G- dude ! Da future is here already…come on down the “hotzone” and see four ureself.

    Bimini is a good place to start, as would Autec on Andros Island – but those boyz & girlz work under Strict NDA’s – so they aint talking..not for very long at least.
    Everybody and their brother be down here looking for shit – Cousteau, CIA/DoD, NOSC, Epstein, Branson – Russian scientist Livitski in waters off western Cuba ?!?! whatwhatwhat – same area the Girlagh(shining wheel/spinning disk) was recovered. Fabled Tuaoi stone (s) 10 ft x 30 ft power generating crystal is one “grail” – personally I am on the active hunt for One
    – of the Hall of Records… (3) Egypt/Atlantis/Yucatan.

    Now if I could just recall where they put those firestones (mini tuaoi’s)…Penn State Museum says “they dont have em” -me thinks they dont know what they have…

    • I like what your doing, most people only believe what they were taught in school and college and much of that is lies pertaining to history. Our REAL history has many things they don’t want known.
      Good hunting.
      I have only hunted for some things in the southwest. it IS amazing what is out there!

    • ECU; I’d like to join you in Bimini.

      Edgar Cayce’s spiritual hunting grounds.

      Last of Atlantis – Above The Waters.

      The fact that ALL of those people/orgs are down there looking for Good SHIP tells you that there is something there; finding it, though, gotta have a lot more than LUCK and MONEY and EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE.

      Gotta have connections – the SPIRITUAL kind.

  6. A neighbor has a native American son in law. His tribe asked him how much he could afford to pay monthly on a mortgage. They just bought a 210,000 house and pay $300 a month. No interest. The neighbor told me that the tribe is buying up all the nicer homes and putting tribal members in them. She didn’t say where the money was coming from exactly, but she thought it was covid funds from the government.

    • YUP…
      I know a couple of families that the tribe did that for to….. Free medical as well as a college tuition…..
      On the tribe.. if your willing to work and excel in society.. they will turn over backwards to help.. those that don’t intend to excel in society .. they don’t invest in..

  7. George
    I find your words quite stirring this morning…..I have spent my life constantly learning new skill sets and tool usage to the point that my wife calls me a “skillset slut”. For once I feel vindicated. Now just to make the cut!

  8. “G2 is doing 8-inch groupings at 100 meters iron sight. I just get the occasional ting! So much for aging eyes. ”

    Tell G2 “Hie thee to an Appleseed Event.” A 2-day session at Appleseed will bring those iron sight groups down to 4″ or less if he applies himself. It will also refresh his interest in the history of the American Revolution. Unfortunately they can’t do much to help aging vision, but you’d benefit from the instruction as well. Their instruction is done at a 25 meter range to save travel time to/from the target line, but the process is solid.

    At 78 yrs of age, a “Known Distance Appleseed” (at Whittington Center) had me hitting the white buffalo steel silhouette at 1,123 yards with iron sights.

    If Waco is too far, keep checking the schedule link to see if something closer pops up.

    • George mentioned shooting 223 green tip ammo out of his ar. Green tips are 556 nato rounds which loaded to higher pressures than 223, headspace is a little different as well. That could definitely account for unacceptable groupings. If your ar is chamberd for 223 shooting 556 isn’t recommended, but if the rifle is chamberd for 556 it’s safe to use 223.

  9. George. Real Virtual Reality should take care of most of our coming problems. Think Elon is probably working on it so my Alfred E Newman days are looking good at this point.

    • Yep. Wouldn’t want any of that artificial virtual reality those scumbags have been selling. Too many transfats, GMO’s, additives and empty calories.
      I’m looking at an Orville Redenbacher box that says “Only Real Ingredients”. Now THAT’S truth in advertising.

  10. Noticed yesterday that Elons people have found a way for the ladies to have multiple organisms with out male help. There goes half your population base

  11. I found this rather interesting., on many levels.
    Valkyrie’s bitcoin miners ETF will start trading on the Nasdaq on Tuesday, the crypto asset manager said.
    The ETF will invest at least 80% of its net assets in companies that get at least half of their revenue or profits from bitcoin mining operations, or from supplying specialized hardware or services to bitcoin miners.

  12. “pretending”

    People love to pretend. GM grifters pretend they are needed. We pretend to overlook the competitive bailouts to them.

    The 911 lawsuit pretenders have been pretending for over 2 decades. 20 years is a long time to pretend. If you’re 80, that’s 25%. Cut 25% of your happy thing off. 25% becomes a lot!

    People pretend Trump was a Swamp Drainer. The last thing Trump did in office was turn the Swamp back on.

    “President Trump rescinded an executive order early Wednesday morning that had limited federal administration officials from lobbying the government or working for foreign countries after they leave their posts, undoing one of the few measures he had instituted to fulfill his 2016 campaign promise to “drain the swamp.””

    “Old tactics don’t win new wars.”

    The thing about old tactics is the centers have moved between Eurocentric places. That could change.

    The last time money centers were outside of Europe, Europe was conquered and laid in ruin. During that time all the organic legacy gods were replaced with foreign ones. That’s the sea change in front of us. King Arthur, where are you??

    • Trump a “Swamp Cleaner” …. omg, I laughed at the time at how ridiculous that was.

      Roger Stone, Trump’s early political advisor was one of the most notorious Swampees in all of DC.

      Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager during part of the 2016 race, was one of Roger Stone’s partners for DECADES and was also one of the most notorious Swampees in all of DC.

      Black, Manfort, & Stone was the MOST PROFITABLE and MOST PROLIFIC small lobbying firm in the entire DC ecosystem!! It was the DC SWAMP personified!!

      BM&S had two arms. One arm did Campaign Consulting … for both Republicans and Democrats.

      For a number of BIG races their campaign consulting firm in fact represented BOTH the Republican and the Democratic candidate!!!, though of course they said that those consulting on one side of a race did not talk about the race to the people DOWNTHE HALL in the SAME OFFICE who were consulting on the opposing side of the race.

      The end result? Once EITHER candidate won THEY were the firm who got them elected!!!

      After the election one then went through a physical door as one went down the hall and were in a separate legal entity that was their “Consulting Business” for lobbying the very people they just got elected to the office!!! (Black, Manafort and Stone maintained offices on BOTH SIDES of that dividing door!!)

      BM&S charged HUGE fees for their “Consulting”, lobbying services. (How Stone and Manafort ended up broke is beyond me since they were each making MILLIONS every year!!)

      OH … and for 2016 guess who was the Prime Consultant for John Kasich who was the last man standing against Trump for the Republican nomination? Charlie Black … their THIRD PARTNER!! LOL

      Trump didn’t DRAIN the swamp. He had NO INTENTION of draining the swamp.

      Trump HIRED the swamp … and Stone and Manafort expected to each make well into 8 figures EACH once Trump was elected, if he was, and would have if they hadn’t been so greedy and crooked (only Charlie Black had any semblence of morals in that group and you notice he has NEVER been indicted for anything and has continued on his merry way making money while both Stone and Black have had FELONY charges leveled against them and have each gone broke).

      Want to learn about the DC SWAMP? The REAL thing?

      You need to look no further than to start pulling away the onion layers that surround Black Manafort & Stone. The swampiest SWAMP of all of DC, and Trump’s go to political firm. (do a bit of research on your own, you will be AMAZED – lots of stuff out there you can dig up),_Manafort,_Stone_and_Kelly

      Trump a “Swamp Cleaner”? Tell me another TALL TALE!!

      • It is refreshing to see that there are readers out there catching on to the reality that Trump is a scumbag. I have been saying this for over 5 years! It was obvious then and hits you like a Mack truck going 100 mph today. I have to question the “come to the realization” latency of many of you out there…but it’s good to see that sensibilities are prevailing

  13. Feb 9th 2017
    – Intel’s chief executive Brian Krzanich announced Wednesday the company will invest $7 billion to build a new factory in Arizona [ Chandler]., with 3,000 new jobs after meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
    Sept. 24, 2021
    – Groundbreaking ceremony on the factories: Fab 52 and Fab 62. The project pricetag is now $20 billion.
    Feb 8th 2022
    – Intel chief states that the new plants should be operational by late 2024., and that Intel is investing one billion dollars in new start-ups., innovations that will facilitate chip manufacturing.

  14. George…you wrote…“Winter can be OK (in Vegas of Miami!) But at Donner Pass in the high Sierra? Not so pleasant, sometimes.”

    It’s all about mindset…Winter in the High Sierra is very profitable for those that live there. Some of the best ski resorts are there. It’s beautiful, peaceful and who wouldn’t want to be there in this winter wonderland? And…there are dozens of Olympians competing in the Olympics this week that trained there. Now winter in the flat, Upper Midwestern plains…yeah…that would suck.

    “Civilization is coming to act on China’s Century, triumph of the Middle Kingdom and all that. Will Menlo Park’s future hold in a China-dominated world?”

    Since about 50% of the buyers of $3-$6 million dollar homes are techies of Asian decent, I think Menlo Park will hold up just fine. The reason the Silicon Valley is so popular destination is not only because the most prestigious jobs and big tech companies are here…it’s because this area has arguably the worlds best weather, scenery and lifestyle. That’s why companies locate and relocate here. Some leave…but more stay. Oracle tried to leave, but when they did an internal survey of whether employees would rather move to Austin or stay in the Bay Area…nearly 90% wanted to stay In the Bay Area…In the two years since that move was announced…only a handful are in Austin.

    Over 10% of the Bay Area is of Chinese decent…A good portion of those are top engineers, scientists and and biotech professionals. Their presence has stepped up our educational standards and the region is much better because of it.

    • There’s a lot to be said for living in an area with a high density of Indian and Chinese scientists and entrepreneurs. Forty years ago I took a new job and had to pick a school district for my then five year old son. There were no good metrics then of school district quality, but I was able to get data on National Merit Scholars and SAT scores and picked the district noticeably higher than the others. Turns out, the teaching was quite mediocre but the competition was fierce because of the Asians and the kid did OK. The secret was a combination of 7 colleges, Bell Labs, and a major chemical R&D outfit in the area that employed large numbers of Indians and Chinese. Those two ethnicities may or may not be smarter than average, but the work ethic and the value placed on education by his Asian classmates helped produce traits in my son that are valuable to this day. His own kids are going to school in a university town in Sweden that is also one of the world’s biotech nucleii. They appear to be ahead in education of their age-mate cousins in the USA–despite Sweden falling in recent years in worldwide achievement test rankings.

  15. Mark,
    California does have so many desirable attributes; amazing weather, beautiful beaches, mountains, deserts and agriculture aside, San Francisco and some SoCal towns are amongst the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s attributes don’t need to be touted to the rest of the world, they are well known and have made California a immigration destination from all corners of the globe.
    Asian influence has been beneficial on many levels and certainly has upped the game in many circumstances. However, the current Asian population is not static, in fact, the percentage of Asian citizens in California is exploding and you will find yourself and your kids in competition with them on many levels before long.
    A close friend from Southern Cal pointed out how certain cities in the south have become birthing havens for Chinese women. Thousands of pregnant Chinese women are taking residence in apartments and townhomes around Santa Monica to deliver new American citizens into the world taking advantage of US ‘Right of the Soil” birthright laws. You may be enjoying the fruits of their presence but this may or may not favor you in the long run. Of course, the state turns a blind eye and welcomes the revenue so there will be no throttling of this tide. I am curious to see how this demographic votes, how they influence the culture and whether they embrace integration or turn into a block that remains culturally and politically linked to their former homeland.

    • The Russian upper middle class and the South American wealthy have been doing this “Anchor Baby” vacationing for a number of years, not for employment opportunities for their kids like the Asians are doing, but for “Bolt Hole” opportunities.

      South Americans have tended to favor South Florida due to Miami being THEIR get away playground and because it is also being the center for US /South American trade so the businessman group is in and out regularly anyway and are familiar with that part of the US (I am NOT talking about Mexicans here, but South Americans). The Russians have been doing it in the big East Coast cities AND in Florida also. There are places in SE Florida where if you walk in you won’t hear any English spoken, just Russian.

      The US has, so far, been a magnet for the highly educated STEM class of people from around the world. As a result we really have drained the world of it’s best and the brightest, as well as it’s most driven of those types, to come here to research, work, and because our country doesn’t have the pay off /bribery problem nor the endless bureaucratic obstacles to starting new businesses that MOST of the rest of the world has, they also come here so that they can start new businesses.

      Will this change as the center of world economic power transitions to China?

      Maybe not as long as the US doesn’t get into a major War since China is so insular wrt foreigners and does NOT want foreign immigration no matter how much brain power or drive the immigrants may bring with them. China really is a very racist society in that regards, there is no comparison between the US and China in that realm.

      I will be dead before we have the answer to that question, but am hopeful that the US cans still attract at least some of that world wide brain power to move here even after China is clearly the worlds leading economic power (by many measures it already is). Of course if the US gets into a major War with Russia or China, or both, that entire dynamic may get derailed since the US will most likely suffer heavy heavy physical damage, possibly leaving parts of the country unihabitable for decades, combined with a massive number of deaths, which in addition to everything else would leave the US’s economy in ruins.

  16. Thoroughly enjoyed this issue of PN, George! It touched on so many things that go through my mind constantly which I try to pass, at least awareness, on to my kith and kin constantly to the point of being an annoyance. Doesn’t matter, though, as Jeff Dunham could have modeled his “Walter” character after me. “I don’t give a damn.”

    When we get to the point of some kind of stability in a world like “The Postman” movie portrayed after we’ve gone through the “This isn’t happening” phase to “Holy S**T, it IS!” phase (which could take longer than you think with the past two years being the prime example) to the outright “Panic” phase (which ought to last quite a while) the thing that worries me more than losing all of our assets to any Great Reset is, on a global scale, who has the most assets and how are they going to use them? It is a virtual certainty that some kind of (previous?) governmental group is going to hold that ace – and it may not be any of OUR government’s agencies that has those assets. Mexico is NOT our friend and Canada may not be either. Will the Socialistic coastal areas decide to “share” our nation’s bread basket (“flyover country”) with China and Russia? Clif seems to think China wants it badly and this area of the country is hated by everyone in power on the Left and Right coasts.

    It will probably be a grinding down of one group overcoming another while we little people do all we can to stay out of the way. The “Jericho” series comes to mind at this point. It’s this scenario that makes me wonder just how mobile people will need to be if the “Clash of the NGO’s” happens to occur right on top of you. As unknowable as that may be one thing that IS knowable is the more you have the more, and sooner, others will eventually want what you have. As a person who has a sizable ranch my constant worry is defending assets you can’t hide very well. We can help a lot of people survive but will/CAN the survival instinct be revived in such a population as we have now? Twenty five years ago I could have held out hope for this. Now? Not so much. I honestly think there will be more people with Stockholm syndrome bouncing from one perception of power to another than freedom lovers.

    In your reference to the gun control article I’ve always wondered what the people who own ARs in Connecticut have done with theirs after the Sandy Hook incident prompted the local law makers to either outlaw them or demand they be registered? From what I’ve gathered the majority of the owners became instant outlaws and I think this will be the main outcome of any other gun, precious metal or other type of asset forfeiture edict our country will ever enact. People here on Urban Survival and elsewhere have worried about PM confiscation by TPTB. I do not. It would have as much success as “Trudope” has had with the truckers up until now. This isn’t the 1930s when the government had everyone buffaloed and we AREN’T Australia. When it happens what you will have at that moment will be what you have and you will find out just exactly who your friends are and are not. As you pointed out, George, the current population levels, as viewed from the creators of the Georgia Guidestones, is a problem that needs to be dealt with – and they’ve been making one attempt after another to do so since they did away with JFK.

  17. Comrades,

    In the same week that French president Macron was dealing high stakes diplomacy with Mr. Putin vis-a-vis Ukraine, France24 reported on the suspected movement of Russian mercenaries, the Wagner Group, into the former French African colony of Mali over Christmas. It would appear that the democratically elected government launched by France suffered a coup in 2020 which was felled by another coup in 2021. Apparently the military colonel presently ruling Mali has survived two assassination attempts. Perhaps Mr. Putin can offer Russian know-how from when Mali was a satellite of the Soviet Union as far as getting things done fsb style?

    The Wagner Group has an interesting write-up in Wikipedia. Ja, Komrade, Reich on!

    So, back to the Ukraine. Let’s see, Germany pretty lukewarm. France, hmmm. Is this Nato escapade down to the being the Joe & Boris show? As Hunter takes Commander for a walk we return to the script editing room…

    Ohhhh…Mrs. Nuland……

  18. What the f did this bitcoin spike do ? Just held your bullsheet markets together and more elite facist $$$. What a fing shower of sheet and we just yada yada yada

  19. Come down to nana Yellens lower east side cook up next to Katz deli. Her new cook up chef direct from Eccles ristorante , Jerome jerk cooking up a storm . Trained under Bernie madoff. Get a used Cadi as well for 3000 trillion . Not inflated just all farked . But hey get your sheetcoin and yellowdog

  20. Trust me soon the psyops yada yada yada crew will kick the van down the road to ides of March bullsheet!!!oh yeah I’ve been around these a holes for 25 years they got a handbook . Oh and don’t go paranoid on me

  21. Investing 20 years out, which avenue to trek.

    Some people, down in the cockle region believe in Nostradamus prophecy. Their investment strategy would be wildly different from someone who believes in a simple economic collapse. A simple economic collapse will most likely result in a new government system. Therefore, like for the GM bailout, contract law will be changed.

    How would a former Mayan invest knowing a population collapse was at hand? Maybe we’re lucky over Mayans in that our leaders recognize a collapse is at hand. They’ve decided to shed the dead-weight before everyone is doomed.

    Maybe a culling is unfolding before our eyes. So far it’s been voluntary. That could change. You have to be mobile in this case.

    • That ‘s “impressive thinking,” Out of work Steve.

      We inundate ourselves with way too many pieces of information while we should be concentrating on the major issue ;-(( IMHO, and perhaps yours?

      I lack the mental strength to go into details — but it should be obvious to anyone with brains to THINK.

  22. Comrades,

    Congratulations to the 18 year old American woman ski boarder – Bay area born, raised, and educated – who just struck gold at Beijing while competing for China.

    Party on, Tokyo Rose!

    And now let us sign off for the evening to tuneful strains from Peng Liyuan, First Lady of China serenading her future father-in-law as well as the leader of the Democratic Republic of North Korea thanks to “The Daily Mail”:

    • you know what your annual, Fed Government property taxes are to live on 40 foot sailboat are?


      and with with current passport, you can live in any country in the world. xyo^55

      4 things George mentioned over and over and over the last uhmmmm 12-13 years is, Life on Beautiful Blond wife, Sailboat, Drive a 911 Porche, and own a plane.

      consistently, over and over and over and over he has mentioned those 4
      as the ingredients of a good life, things more than probably another topic on Urbansurvival, even the web bots.. and goats.

      got it George! A sailboat, A Porsche, A plane and very beautiful, super smart, cosmic wife like E… lane. Ahhhhh yeah…. recipe of sorts, fore ~ tuna ~noodle ~ dish.

      for another diget on the standard test for assessing intelligence,

      Knock knock!


      Que: ~Riders on the Storm ~

      The doors

      Truly, I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate!

      Summus Fortuna!


    • that wrote very abstract…. and choppy… hmmm…. must be something two it. like fitting puzzle pieces while looking at the box. oh the punzzzzz LOL

      lots and lots of thoughts.

      back to my idea notebook. what??? you dont have an idea notebook, that nobody views but you? you should. you really should. time for a review.

      something magical happens when you put pen to paper. thoughts become things.depending on the placement of the pen. ohhh shit more punzzzz


    • Thank you for your post on Xi and Kim. Fascinating that their family connections go back DECADES. An interesting window into China and North Korea.

    • Liyuan is the head emeritus of the Chinese Academy of Art. She is a well-known and highly-accomplished Chinese singer, and an officer in the Chinese army (she’s the Chinese equivalent of Omar Bradley — enlisted as a grunt, worked her way up to General.) Liyuan performed worldwide, including several tours of Ureope and the U.S. When she and her hubby met, he “brown-nosed” singing tips & lessons from her before they started dating.

      She’s also staggeringly beautiful (or was.) She seriously upstaged Michelle when Xi came to town to visit President Obama.

      I like Peng. I’d bet she’s a cold cookie (you don’t get several stars on your army epaulets if you’re an emotional basketcase, except in the U.S. and maybe France) but she is mongo-talented.

      • well played Mr R. Well Played!

        if you would have seen me in my office on sunday, after my crew shit the bed at thunderdome EDM on Friday and saturday nights? If you couldnt hear me? You would have swore, that old dude sure has some great dance moves! if you would have heard me yelling? You would have never thought me a guru. hahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahaha!

        swung the axe on monday, chopped 27 people out of a job in 33 minutes flat. one after another, Hi! Good morning, I just wanted to call you and let you know you are paid and you are also fired. Good luck to your future. Hi good morning mam, i just wanted you to know you are fired, Good luck to you in all you do.

        my assistant in the office accross the hall offering me, watching the carnage, with her head tilted a few inches passed her monitor…. then comes to me with a hot cup of coffee after and saying, would you like more cream sir???? I said wow! how thoughtful, Thank you so much! I think i will go have a smoke and take a moment to think. Hold my calls or take messages for the next hour or so.


        Im really really good at this. really good at this.

        like a boss.

      • oh dont worry Mr R. I hired 37 fresh recruits this week already. we are growing every day. i dont hold anyone to any standard that I dont hold for myself. I even get out there with them, do ticket check, bag check, all that too. i get out there and work right with them. no other manager does that. its always funny when someone coming in the door starts ranting at me as im telling them, im sorry mister, you can not bring in a bottle of jack to the concert, there is beverages available at the bar. then they start yelling at me until someone comes up and says, there is some questions back stage with the band sir. Ok thanks for letting me know, i will be back there in a jiffy to talk to the band in a second. oh where was i, yes, im sorry sir, you can not bring in a bottle of booze, you can take it back to your car and come back in after or we can just dump it out here. your choice. they always look at you and blink blink, oh okay sir, i will take it back to my car. thank you sir. you betcha! I hope you have a wonderful time tonight at the show and make wonderful memories.


        see ya Mr R.. i have empire to build.

  23. i get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy days .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  24. “ROFLMAO!! Just like Walking Buzzard said – ol’ Jo will be just fine,”

    OTFLMAO if that is true.. Kammy has to be going nuts in frustration
    ….. YUP the true signs of a true lifetime politician..the OOPS I FU.. so lets throw Kammy under the bus Shes not black enough LOL.. LOL LOL Can she reverse some of those stupid actions and bring stability….. like move the missiles away from Russian Borders like Putin has been saying.. down size the military and pull back.. make an agreement with Putin and Xi.. or is she forced to see it all move forward because it is all beyond the tipping point..
    .. LOL LOL Like I said before.. In my eyes the Family is nothing more than a FU POS…
    IT JUST GETS BETTER we still have 2 years 355 days left to survive this FUBAR administration..
    Well she wanted the JOB… Now he is essentially telling her BM get the MM’s
    If any of this goes the limit and the courts retaliate with allegations of high crimes in the future.. who gets the blame…. Will the USA still be a country after this.. or will it be a baron wasteland with just a few survivors scraping through the destruction looking for scraps to eat and enough shelter to survive…..

  25. RE: NGA and Local Target lists
    Public announcement last year that NGA was developing a simulation of both geo_ and social infrastructures may apply. Using the DHS Critical Infrastructure list in layers (by categories) as feeder data could easily form a “Target List” for any specified geo area from Eagle Pass TX to Lansing MI, or Spokane WA to Bangor ME. Just thinking on the edge of the box..

    • Naaah…

      HEMP is the way to go. It preserves 100% of the infrastructure but removes nearly 100% of the means for infrastructure communication, and will generate so much makework that people will have to devote 100% of their time to survival (and mostly fail.) It also creates zero radiation “nogo zones.”

      No muss, no fuss, no opposition when the occupation army arrives, and roads, bridges, and structures are already built…

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