Just how crazy – out of its flipping mind – is the Market?
My first calculation today demonstrates this to a tee.
We take the close last Friday in our meta index (the Peoplenomics Aggregate Index) which is based on the silly notion that at any one moment there is only so much money in the world. After that, interlocking leverage and simply made up liabilities.
Last Friday, our Aggregate closed at 39,666.17.
Early futures today (like 5:27 AM Central)? 40,792.13.
Two ways to approach a math problem like this: the simple way is inspection where the Number Doctor comes into the Economic Operating Room and pronounces a gran mal is in progress and we’ll just have to see if the patient lives.
The second way is to haul out the calculator: the market price is up 2.386 percent this week. (Notice I didn’t say value. I specifically differentiate price because that’s what computers are paying one-another now.)
That’s not the scary part. That comes when you remember there are about 250 trading days in a year. At best this is just five of them – and it won’t really be that until the close this afternoon. Which means? There are about 50-such week-long periods in a year.
Have the nitro pill ready. Because when we compound this 2.386 percent gain week 50-times, the annual rate of increase is 405.33 percent. The term “crack-up boom” has been used for years around the net in reference to a hypothecated MCHVE (i.e. a massively correlated hyper volatility event). But we’ve never really seen one before. ‘Cept for the last Depression.
Been There, Done This
What is interesting, in a clinical sense, is that a student of market history will remember that going into the final high on September 3, 1929, the market had put in an amazing series of more than 2-percent weekly gains.
The problem (analytically) is that there is little correspondence between market mechanics of the periods. This is because, for example, Saturday trading was in swing back then. And imbalances resulted in price discovery asymmetries which increased volatility.
Still, there’s a (weak) case that successive higher-highs could persist for a while. But, at the same time, we’re also confronted by being in Elliott Wave chart unknown territory if we continue driving higher than the trend line we crossed above this week.
Now, when we look at our work in differential moving average crossings, we see a hint of a whole new way of looking at Elliott. See if you can figure it out? Answer (or at least suppositions) on Peoplenomics in the ChartPack tomorrow.
The simple answer is that dueling AIs could manage to replicate (if not go one-better) than the manic blowoff of 1929. Really a horrific thought, but remember, if the Fed is talking rate cuts in 2024, there’s got to be some kind of massive decline in the economy to drive comfort with lower rates. Pricking of this Mega-Bubble is high on the suspect list for us.
Or traditional Elliott could prevail (humans are still in the loop somewhere in all this falderal) so we could crater next week.
Meanwhile, enjoy quadruple witching hour – could be one for the record books. Market this week looks to us like it’s even outperforming Bitcoin. A “Rut-roh Scooby” moment if there ever was one.
Daily Data Droppings
Bird in the hand and one in the bush.
The one in the hand is the NY Fed’s Empire State economic metrics just out. The highlights:
“The headline general business conditions index fell twenty-four points to -14.5, continuing to oscillate around -8.6—the average observed over the past year. New orders fell for a third consecutive month, and shipments also declined. Unfilled orders continued to shrink significantly, and delivery times shortened at the fastest pace since well before the pandemic. Inventories moved lower. Employment declined modestly, and the average workweek edged down. The pace of input price increases moderated, while the pace of selling price increases held steady. After reporting a steep drop in the outlook last month, firms were a little more positive in December, but their optimism remained quite subdued.”
The “one in the bush” will be along ahead of the market. Dressed up as the Fed Industrial Production and Cap utilization. Which is always fun to compare with (alleged) GDP because you can infer (if you’re crazy) a drift to a “money economy” of an “actual hard goods” economy out of that slurry.
Meanwhile, the financial press is rolling with the happy talk about no recession: Factbox-Global economy may avoid recession in 2024. “Factbox” huh? Ask me next summer.
War and More
Two things are going on in Ukraine of note. The first, hardly unexpected – is another wave of hypersonic missile attacks: Unprecedented hypersonic attack: Moscow dropped 12 (!) Kh-47M2 Kinzhal against Ukrainian bases – Geran-2 crash in Romania – Démarche from Bucharest. (Read démarche as meaning political complaint in foreign servicese.)
The second – and in our view more dangerous – is the hurry-up by the EU trying to rope Ukraine into membership, which would put Russia at war with the EU. Ukraine’s Zelenskiy hails ‘victory’ after EU decision to open accession talks. Our sense (but it’s only that) is that Russia will go tactical nuclear once EU asserts membership of another country on its border. It will scream to the Russians “The EU is coming for you” and they will not tolerate subsummation by power-crazed bureaucratic socialists from the West. Our read of the trip wire could be wrong, but we fear not. We figure if you were deliberately trying to piss off Russia, it would be hard to top EU agrees to open membership negotiations with Ukraine.
One could postulate the “End is Near” when the cash flows dry up. Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban blocks $55B in European Union aid to Ukraine/
The Other Turkey – not the one from a couple of weeks back – is still in a crucial role in the Gaza mess. Turkey’s Erdogan tells Biden US has responsibility to secure Gaza ceasefire. At the same time, a top Erdogan aide says the leader of Hamas might have been in Turkey during the October 7th invasion. At the same time, Turkey makes it clear that they are a safe-haven for Hamas even now: Turkish official warns of consequences if Israel targets Hamas members inside Turkey.
Meanwhile, a Hamas external terror threat has been broken as Denmark widens terror investigation that coincides with arrests of alleged Hamas members in Germany.
We haven’t mentioned Syria for a few days. But still a key piece of real estate and adjacent to the Leviathan oil and gas deposits. So in play likely forever: Iran-backed attacks on US forces in Syria and Iraq continue.
“The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend” files: Sudden Flux of Hezbollah-Hamas Meetings During Israel’s War in Gaza Stokes Mystery. Coordination underway, something coming?
Egypt Election Results due Monday. They have a presidential contest going on, and with elections out of the way next week, we expect Egypt will take a harder line with Israel on the diaspora from Gaza: Egypt’s President El-Sisi’s reelection expected amid concerns over Gaza war.
Unlike the U.S., China seems to have figured out how to shrink it’s national deficit: China Shrinks Budget Deficit Again in Weak Support for Growth. Think living more within their means is why China’s 10-times older than the U.S. as a country?
While waiting for Taiwan elections to clarify their next move, China’s flexing its military muscles elsewhere in the Westpac: US Allies Scramble Jets To Intercept China and Russia’s Nuclear Bombers.
Meantime, interplanet Janet is playing King Canute with big mean bully China: Chinese modernization: US Treasury Janet Yellen urges China to shift from ‘unfair’ state-driven economic policy. Unfair? In economics? Are we the only ones who realize China is likely not interested in sharing their IGG with ‘Mericans?
Police State Notes
New video coming which focuses on the potential break-up of the USA. Called A24, due in theaters and streaming next year, the trailer is out.
A little over-the-top? Well…ask me after elections next year?
Libraries were not something we ever pictured as being a battle line in America’s journey to sustain freedom, but here you go: Last Rights: The Death Of American Liberty | ZeroHedge. Trust you remember the Cato Institute report from last summer? Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes.
And this is a problem…because? Christian Military Vet Says He Decapitated Satanic Statue In State Capitol.
Saw this one coming: With the arrival of AI re-write robotics, we’re less than surprised to see News media outlets slashed record 2,700 jobs in 2023, with more expected. But that gets us to another angle on the news: When the New York Times lost its way (economist.com).
Also on your “worthwhile things to read for the week” should be A World in Disarray? A Longtime Diplomat Says It’s Worse Than That – WSJ.
Around the Ranch: Looking Ahead
Other than 3 and 6-month bill auctions, Monday looks quiet. Save the Egyptian elections, of course and whatever blows up over the weekend. With Christmas just a bit over a week away, time to click ’em while you can.
Housing starts Tuesday and Current Account numbers Wednesday. GDP, Philly Fed, and Unemployment filings Thursday. Don’t forget to wash the sled Friday as we wrap with personal incomes and durables.
Rain is expected in East Texas today. Figure on me either rolling with a pot roast or another spin of ham and scalloped potatoes.
The Wicktorian Lamp project on ShopTalk Sunday. And tomorrow our usual on Peoplenomics with more detailed charts on how this is all blowing up. I will be in writing trance for one day this weekend pounding out the Personal Ark book version of a modern Library at Alexandria. That kind of thing is always good for the brain.
Depending on the rain timing, I might sneak into town for some 2-by-4’s. Compulsive workaholics can never have too much memory, storage, building materials, eBooks, or music software to engage.
If you’re around, oh, say 5 AM Central time on Saturday, the Texas ham bunch on 3806 (*LSB, naturally) usually finds something to stir up. Good stuff to listen to while working on equipment.
Have a great weekend and OH!!! Give someone a Peoplenomics subscription for Christmas. And we have a number of free subscriptions for 5-month access due to the Christmas season generosity of one of our fine subscribers. If you want one, just drop me a note.
Face-feeding-frenzy time! Bacon, eggs, and a side of warehouse.
Write when you get rich,
“US Allies Scramble Jets….”
The U.S. is telegraphing a false sense of security to the constituents considering Hypersonics are current tech.
Scrambling jets. 1942 tech is supposed to save us.
“October 1, 1942 The first jet was completed mid-1942 and made its first flight that October at what is now known as Edwards Air Force Base, California. The plane was ordered into production one year later, with I-14 and I-16 engines to improve upon the original model, and Bell produced a total of 66 P-59s.”
“It was some eight years ago in September 2015 when reports emerged that China had tested a high-speed drone called the WZ-8 that was designed to reach hypersonic speeds.
That event was a watershed moment for the Pentagon, which had let U.S. hypersonic research-and-development lapse over the decades as it fought the so-called global war on terror.”
Heinkel HR 178 August 27, 1939 https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/ww2/projects/jet-airplanes/planes.html#:~:text=A%20young%20German%20physicist%2C%20Hans,flew%20on%20August%2027%2C%201939.
We were late in the game on jet, too.
My jetprop pals don’t say “Let’s go flying.” They say “Let’s go make smoke…”
Alas, it was a Kraut who developed the first jet engine in 1939, one Hans Von Ohain.
The first experimental jet aircraft flight using Ohain’s new jet engine took place on the Heinkel He 178 on August 27, 1939.
The Messerschmitt Me 262 was the first operational jet fighter,[15] manufactured by Germany during World War II and entering service on 19 April 1944
Penne Pasta… LOL LOL LOL
The boss was talking about Wrapping a gift of a box.. in it a box.. wrapped in it two marbles..
My mini me loves penne pasta.. so we have a tote that has penne pasta just for it.. he came in and wanted some.. so I went to get out a box.. and make him some…
what did I find.. good china old butter containers and cottage cheese containers etc.. the wife had gotten rid of penne pasta and filled it with crap.. so .. since this is a thing of hers and it is all replaceable LOL LOL.. I am going to toss in a box wrap it all up pretty.. with old good china.. and give a box to each of the kids for xmas.. LOL LOL LOL the perfect gift LOL LOL LOL put a couple marbles in it.. LOL LOL LOL….https://pranko.com/collections/prank-packs/products/yourinal
So is a dime’s worth of penne pasta 10 pieces?
LOL LOL LOL LOL actually.. it is about twenty pieces so it has the wrong name.. it should be half penne pasta LOL LOL.. LOL.. you can make a ton of it with one cup of flour… I can always go and make some up.. the funny thing is I dumped the good china and put penne pasta back in it.. LOL.. I love to make pasta but like lefsa.. it is easier to just buy it LOL.. and for just us here.. one cup of flour is more than enough dough for a months worth of pasta….fresh pasta has its limits.. all the kids get a pasta maker.. only one I know makes it.. they all get a vacuum sealer to..
what surprised me.. is you could buy a two pound box of penne pasta for about a buck fifty.. now an eight ounce box is almost three bucks..
just print more money LOL LOL.. phew.. then what would they called .. fifty penne pasta LOL LOL
Well the grand daughter shot down the idea of joining an eco village.. LOL LOL or Amish.. I said.. moving to someplace without the stringent building codes.. and using ecologically sound supplies.. is the way she could get what she wants.. kind of like G2 and his building project.. get it done more reasonable..
she will continue to look at the quarter and half million dollar homes.. but at thirteen dollars an hour.. she will never be able to do it..
for thousands of years rammed earth has been around.. I remember the college kids project.. they had me come to the college and direct the kids in building a straw house.. they built the house in about four hours.. less the sealing of the outside of it.. pretty easy.. the same with post and beam rammed earth etc.. I told her I would give the community A CEB block press.. a whole lot easier than how they built the coliseum in Rome..
Visiting the wifes old uncles farm.. he had used small straw bales to make a shed.. it has since been converted into a bar of sorts.. but as we roamed around the property during a festival they had.. she was showing me everything.. I was impressed with the shed aka bar.. he used mini bales for the walls.. OMG.. what an idea.. one straw bale would make three.. easy.. and the walls were about fifteen inches thick..
so I made a mini baler..
I get that to.. my wife shot down the idea of joining one to LOL I would have been in seventh heaven.. the shraeder valves came in yesterday I had amazon prime points so the cost was free.. .. now I am set.. just the jelly jars LOL and making a platform for them to sit in.. the lamp is going to be lit up for xmas..
I have a real thing with lamps and heaters and candles etc.. since I was a little boy.. my parents when I was like five bought a house that didn’t have any of the modern conveniences.. in the living and dinning room there was a gas lamp.. a pipe that ran along the wall and down by the kitchen doorway.. two sections.. one for water and one for calcium carbide.. my sister and I would fight over who got to put the rocks in it and who got to put the water in it.. so we would have light at the supper table. mom would go around and light them up.. My father eventually had electricity put in. the coal stove remained but the old cook stove went missing and mom got a gas stove..
this is what it looked like.. I actually had one that I sold at an auction for seventy five dollars about two years ago.. wife wanted to park in the garage LOL
If our politicians get their way.. the survivors will all be using them again pretty soon..
anyway since I was a little boy I love lamps and how to make gas fuels etc..
its really easier than most people imagine.. the wife wouldn’t let me have the cook stove put in the kitchen..
she wanted gas stove to LOL LOL
I wished I had gotten the old ceiling lights.. they were in my fathers garage for such a long time.. while I was in the military she got rid of them.. otherwise I would have owned them.. I debated just giving the younger kids a table lamp or wall scone.. I have them.. but then they wouldn’t understand how they work.. I was going to have my rocket heater put in.. but the code here made it so I couldn’t put it in.. no place to put it.. so I gave it to one of my grandkids.. they put it in their place.. and now have warmth in an old farmhouse ..
great unit and really made nice..
You might enjoy reading Ron Brown’s 8-book series on non-electric lighting. They’re available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.
Thanks for bringing him and his books up…I actually have most of his books on Kindle ..
The amish make wonderful lamps.. the table lights are really nice..
I use to have one I kept when I was a little boy.. it was a gift from an old lady.. it was so fascinating.. had a reflector.. basically a can.. that would sit on my dresser.. the one we are making now.. is for my kids that are a lot like myself that have a fascination for it.. I was always amazed.. on amazon you can buy the tops and make a lamp out of just about anything you want..
this one will be a mantle lamp.. high pressure..
every year except this year.. I would go and make crisco candles for the cars.. I didn’t do that this year.. a crisco candle and a can.. and you have a pretty good space heater for a car..
Meanwhile down at our border …. IEDs
just a question.
throwing up this morning. is this part of the Carnivore Diet or just a bug?
There is something called the keto flu
thanks George
Sounds like Morning Sickness, are you craving garlic dill pickles and ice cream ? hahah
One begins to wonder what was going on last time you got “opiated’?
In all seriousness – time of year for the communicable diseases to flourish. Grand daughter in day care provides me new biologic info every week..last week was 24 hr stomach bug- ripped thu 1 grandparent, I was lucky one..just picked up novel cold virus. Wife and Son both got flu/covid this week(both vaxxed) . Granddaughters Daddy(off boat Irishman) got the stomach bug – hilarious poor guy, Baby Momma is healthy and happy like GrandPa.
Gasoline prices are still dropping locally.
I have been spotting a steady stream of gray panthers and nervous young couples at the grocery check-out stocking up. I was behind a quiet and calm but serious mid-seventies couple who bought $175.00 in mostly canned staples at the Winco check-out. This is in contrast to the newbies who are usually nervous, and buy way too much prepared crapola. This is the same thing I was seeing in early 2020 in the month before the big Covid rev 2 lockdown. Deja Vu all over again. Time to go through the pantry and the trailer and get things in order, I suppose.
Wanna reuse your number 10 cans.. you just need the flange tool to re flange ..of course you can buy the big expensive model or put a small hand tool in the drawer..
another must have..
Maybe if she had your pancake recipe she would still be alive today…
DC man, 85, allegedly killed wife because he ‘did not want to eat’ pancakes she made: officials
You have any Youtube videos handy for demonstrating reflanging a #10 can? Source for new lids?
Not sure how much I trust a reused can. Could you use a retort bag inside the #10 for an extra level of protection for dried and freeze-dried dry re-canning?
Censorship, anyone?
G.A. STEWART: For starters, if anyone feels compelled to censor what I write, that simply means that he or she are cowards and part of this “Censorship Thing” that is now taking place across the Internet and social media. Again that is so very This Generation. Narcissists hate debate.
Here’s an example at USA WATCHDOG…
Lon Gilbert 12/14/2023
Mr. Hunter,
What is wrong with my email to you that it needs ‘moderation?? Please explain… ‘email is awaiting moderation’ is a terrible comment to make on a vanilla question like mine!!! It’s an insult, actually. (Now you have some comment to make a snide remark about.
maybe it was my not signing my name fully?! It wasn’t a comment to go to print over; nor did I want it printed as a comment…it was my only way to get a question to you that I saw!! You don’t make it easy to ask questions.
the only reason I still have FB is because that is where the kids post photos.. the last notice on security had me stop even going there.. the notice I read basically said anything you post is theres to do with or sell to whomever they wished.. it is the same with Google and all the others..except startpage.. it is the same with your cell phones to..
Yahoo started all that BS. Back about 2000 or 2001 they went worldwide with “Yahoo Mail” and offered free webspace. Once they had about 50mln users, they changed their TOS to acquire ownership rights for the contents of everyone’s websites and E-Mails. I was heavy into EFF stuff at the time. They (and the cybersecurity community) went ballistic, but Yahoo stuck to its guns.
That said, their shit-move was a caution that every hosting site would likely eventually do the same. The only things of mine they (or anyone else) have hosted since that time are a bunch of throwaway and alternate-identity E-Mail accounts.
It’s a “triple witching” and a staggering $5.4 trillion of options contracts tied to stocks and indexes go off the board on today. This is a record amount of options., fourth-quarter expirations are always notably larger since they incorporate monthly, quarterly, and annual positions, but this one is shattering the old record by an additional trillion dollars. In fact, over 8% of the S&P 500’s market capitalization are set to expire — the largest share ever.
That amount kind of bugged me a little., so, near the close yesterday I closed out all the Call options that I have held since Nov 1st.
I did extremely well as the markets have gone virtually straight up., with no pull-back at all. Since I bought in, the S&P has climbed 570 points., and now sits less than 60 points from an all time high.
There does not seem to be any pressure, at all, for a pull back. The Fed, bonds, The Vix., all seem to be saying “higher – higher”., but when everyone is in agreement – I get a wee bit nervous. So, I am going to sit over here in my usual spot., quietly in the shadows, prop my feet up, sip an adult beverage and see how all of this plays out.
Sorta like “irrational exuberance” Alan Greenspan called it.
Regarding A24’s 2024 release Civil War, it appears that the seeds for anarchy and civil war are being planted, not too subtly either, as this isn’t the first film release lately to drive down that road. I guess if you’re an elite leader, there is a need to dumb it all down for the imbeciles you feel drag down society, and you want to get rid of. What better way than to have infighting between them all? My understanding is that there is an under current of foreign aid to destroy the us in the movie. Not hard to exploit in reality when you consider a hotly contended presidential election for same year as release date.
They want everyone to be concerned about a civil war as a distraction for what they fear the most. REVOLUTION.
Yeah; where it didn’t work me for me, this little preview is GASOLINE and COMMUNICATIONS and ELECTRICITY.
All of that DRAMA could be shut down in 5 seconds or less, anywhere at any time.
Oh, I know, ole Texas has it’s own grid and oil and gas and refineries…AGAIN, SHUT DOWN IN SECONDS…
Secondly, hating on Whitey, again.
Didn’t Dick just announce that they would be offering all of those millions of illegals, refugees, and asylum seekers opportunities in OUR armed services?
Yeah, that’s who is going to be pointing a gun at American citizens, and WE ain’t gonna be able to understand them.
Not gonna waste my time watching some stirring up the POTS of America…RACE, SEX, ASSETS, STATES, PEOPLES, ETC., ETC., ETC.
PASS (Plain Ass Sorry Shit).
Same with OBAMY’s little made for Netflix movie. PASS.
We (me, included) have said for years that “the movie is the message,” and we look with disbelief when The Simpsons miraculously hits on “future events” as they come into view.
Perhaps instead of seeing into the future, Matt Groening sees the direction that other media is programming its viewing audience, and extrapolates the likely result of this programming, to come up with his plots…?
IOW, movies like this are writ to program we proles, so “we know how we should, or are supposed to act,” when the fantasy on the movie screen or TV becomes reality.
i.e. They are an instruction manual…
The movie sounds like the next iteration of the quasi-docu-dramas that appeal to the times they appear in. The last really good one I remember was “After Armageddon”, 2010, that can be seen here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=envGrJA3_UM – I hope in its entirety. It was a drama about an epidemic that wiped out society on the Left coast and was, pretty much, spot on telling about a family’s travel out of LA to a safe enclave of survivors. (The fact that it could have promoted the mindset for Covid is unmistakable) Going back as far as 1987 with “Amerika” with Kristofferson and Urich, and on through the “Red Dawn” and it’s remake movie (“Jericho” in 2006 was different in that the threat was from within) we’ve been conditioned to think, mainly, about threats outside our borders but now the focus has been turned inward with the current dimwit in charge broaching the topic of using our own military against us. There couldn’t have been a more apropos quote to produce such a movie than that statement of Biden. His gloat couldn’t have been more apparent.
Looking forward the answers to the questions that will determine if the predictions of violence on the American population in such a movie as “Civil War” would come true are, 1, would the U.S. military go through with it, and, 2, would other countries stay out of our personal problems at that time? Given the fact that, according to Monkey Werx on YT there have been, this year alone, 100,000 Red Chinese, alone, that have come across our border and several states have given the illegals the opportunity to wear their LEO uniforms, at least in theory if not fact, not to mention VOTE, I’d say the answer to the latter question is a resounding “NO!” in that such interference is already here and working now. As to the first question, the decimation of our most highly trained troops with the Covid farce, regardless of the fact they’re trying to hire some service members back now, and promotion of a place in the military for the lowest common denominator people from the lowest E-1s to the top Secretary posts tells me, at best, the military may spend some time fighting itself before it can defend WE, The People. The amount of time spent getting those people out of the way could spell the difference between a “good guy” win and failure due to fifth column activity.
If “the movie is the message” then we are in trouble and next year’s (s)elections are truly in doubt. It’s so sad that couch potatoes need Pearl Harbor events to motivate them when the “Clear and Present Danger” is right there occurring in front of their faces.
Was this a signal from the world beyond?
The first race at Freehold Raceway today-about 40 miles from Wall Street-was won by LOOKOUT STOKK ZONE.
Not that anyone was noticing but Citicorp is exiting the Municipal Markets where it used to be a mover and shaker….
One of the columns was ‘more doing, less abstracting’ so I decided to borrow a page from the Pallie flee book & go for a long walk, a 21 (+ .7) mile Fibonacci number. No carrying any supplies, just a 20 spot for stores on the way.
At the beginning I was moving briskly, toward the end it was slow turtle power. The walk took about eight hours and I only drank apple juice during to counter lactic acid build-up.
Being out of shape, on the day after this walk the IDF would have killed me because I wouldn’t have be able to keep ahead of them by fleeing any further.
Two days after thighs still burn, calves burn and my shoes weren’t up for the task so achy feet.
The take away is if you think you may flee one day have a good, 95% life left pair of shoes handy and a lot of walking practice ahead of time.
It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be.
What is the average walking speed?
Get an early start, better to walk before they make you run…
“Before They Make Me Run”
The Rolling Stones – Keith Richards (vocals)
[Verse 1]
Worked the bars and sideshows along the twilight zone
Only a crowd can make you feel so alone
And it really hit home
Booze and pills and powders, you can choose your medicine
Well here’s another goodbye to another good friend
So after all is said and done
Got to move while it’s still fun
Let me walk before they make me run
After all is said and done
I got to move, it’s still fun
I’m going to walk before they make me run
Suck it up buttercup..
remember – “the more you run, the more you run” same goes with walking/hiking.
Keep it up OOWS, tis the path of health and longevity Ure now on.
And a Merry Christmas to the Trump loyalists:
Overdue, but still somehow timely. I can’t wait to hear of the sentencing in the sequel case.
“We’re Just Uber Drivers”, Border Patrol Agent Says America Is Being Destroyed
“about 30 percent of the illegal immigrants in the latest wave to the Jacumba camps are from China.”
“Morale among agents, he said, has hit an all-time low.
“It’s rock bottom, by far the worst I’ve ever seen,” the Border Patrol agent said. “A lot of them are leaving. They’re leaving the patrol. They don’t even have a backup plan—no job. They’re just so sick and tired of having their hands tied. Guys are having a hard time even putting on their uniforms. Right now, we’re just Uber drivers. We’re just watching it all happen. We’re watching the destruction of our country.””
Either we start shooting, at the very least, the coyotes bringing the illegals to the border, regardless of what side of the fence they’re on, OR the shooting, bombing and vandalizing of our country will start INside our country.
I just read that article. The Biden admin really f-ed up on this, and the Frontline patrol will all walk away if someone else doesn’t get elected in the big boy’s chair in 2024. I don’t have good feelings about the future of our country.
The way things are going it will fall into the hands of individual citizens to decide how to handle what is coming. We all sit around waiting for someone else to take charge but by that time it’ll be too late. I’d make some serious inquiries about any local militias that are near you. The only response that will make a difference is a coordinated one that adheres to and works with law enforcement to provide the help they will need.
Our Southern border WAS the gates of the Alamo but that barrier has been breached. This is why I really can’t develop any enthusiasm for prepping to stay in one spot and grow veggies. We’re going to be post WWII Europe with everyone going through a mix-master looking for a new place to settle.
“The Biden admin really f-ed up on this”
No they didn’t. The border policy is working exactly as it is supposed to, and doing exactly what it is designed to do.
It is seemingly impossible for the population to believe that some people in our “kind, and benevolent government” are intentionally destroying the United States.
But they are.
I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. Discussing “why” merely consumes brain power which would be better-utilized, figuring out how to stop the treason (if it’s possible to do so) or perpetuate one’s DNA as best they can (if it’s not.)
“Either we start shooting, at the very least, the coyotes bringing the illegals to the border, regardless of what side of the fence they’re on, OR the shooting, bombing and vandalizing of our country will start INside our country.”
During the 50’s, the Border Patrol used to shoot the wetbacks attempting to swim the Rio Grande.
That rio has always been a dangerous place. Even in peaceful times you can have some lunk head taking pot shots at you floating down the river.
We’ve, no, OUR government has so badly mishandled our relationship with Mexico over the decades that this is part of our come uppance for letting it happen. We should have been trying to be more of an inspiration to that country to have the aspirations of our Founders but, instead, we had operatives that promoted the worst of that society’s characteristics. I don’t even pretend to know what all has happened behind the scenes in our State Department but everything I’ve ever heard has been b-a-a-a-d. Everyone I’ve known down there has had a good heart but it’s like the demons of Hell run around out in the open promoting their evil in ways that make Chicago look like Romper Room.