Pounce the Bounce? Referential Linkages, Durables

My, ain’t this a hoot?  Market dropped nearly a thousand Dow points Friday yet managed to put in a bounce Monday going into the close.  As I explained in the Monday column;

“A rally on Housing data tomorrow, for example, is possible.  But by Thursday, someone will cite the time lag in that data set and still some other knucklehead will figure out systemic instability (to borrow from the great work first cited) is really closer than we think.”

Which turned out pretty close to pro forma vs. actual which was summed up in Dow stages big reversal Monday, closing up by more than 200 points (cnbc.com).

The open question now distills to “How Far is Up?”

Forecaster Roulette

If you’re new to this website, our fascination with looking at tea leaves and charts may seem dubious behaviors.

Yet it comes down to simple logic:  If we can out-think, out-guess, and out-forecast the market by a good margin, then it stands to reason we can out-trade the market now and then, as well.

As I have told you many times, if you trade 50-days a year, a simple one percent gain per week compounds to a 64.46 percent gain in a year.  Not counting taxes on that which will vary based on your specific financial situation.

Referential Linkages

The immediate problem on the table?  What kind of push-pull forces are at work and influencing the market direction now?

  • Durables (next headline) are just out.  These give up some insight into coming inflation and how the price/demand curves lay out.
  • Housing (a short second report this morning) will tell us how that “Everyman’s Bastion of Wealth” is faring.  Or, more correctly was since the data is at least two months along toward stale when released.
  • Commodities offer a bit of insight:  The drop of the Gold and Silver pricing indicates possibly that although a big worry, the odds of a Q3 major recession are really calling the shots now.
  • Energy prices have come down and in early trading today, Crude was just under the $100 per barrel benchmark.

If we were terribly clever, we might be able to comprehend the “Great Circularity of Relationships schematically:

Just to give you a few linkages to ponder:

  • If the Fed’s (hidden) M3 is loose (easy money) then…
  • Housing may be priced upwards giving homeowners an inflated sense of wealth.
  • Commodity pricing anticipates this and begins to rise.
  • Consumer Spending follows – and in inflation of M3, Housing and Commodities, will “spend before prices go up.”
  • Stocks and Bonds react knowing higher consumer spending will (should) drive higher earnings.
  • Next Circular Iteration, Fed looks at the whole linked mess and decides whether to raise, lower, or hold “money supplies” at existing levels.  Next Wed.

Of course it becomes obvious: The study of economics is the study of relationship/impact mapping.  But, instead, there is a horrific tendency for the Reductionist Fed Wanks to focus their research on the minutia oof the boundary conditions between investment entities, cobble-up explanatory mathematical gibberish, and do what bias (dressed up in arithmetic drag) drove them to conclude.

If we are going to save the complex world, then, clearly the task will be starting at the “top of the heap” (relationship mapping) and managing specific boundaries.  Whether the Fed DSGE model gets to that level is highly doubtful. Because if you understand all the linkages then economic insights cannot be shared evenly and widely.  Why, if they were, the rich wouldn’t keep getting richer and the poor wouldn’t be “bent over” with such regularity.

Which in a way sets up a most strange Peoplenomics report for tomorrow.  Which concludes that just as economics is constantly exploring for stability in complex linked systems, so too at the “uberklassen macro-level” God is still exploring, too.  Which is for-sure mind-expanding stuff.

Where were we?

Oh yeah…

Durable Goods Data

Got two “jump arrow pushers” changing today. Housing in a few minutes and right now, Durable Goods.  Which, on the decoding diagram is  where commodity prices jump over into Consumer Spending (retail).  It’s a “here’s what may be coming” kind of report…

Couple this with the Housing data – and put it all in a pressure cooker until next Wednesday’s Fed meeting rate decision, and that’s how economic future might map.

But in the whole “relationship mapping” process, money/finance/spending is only ONE relationship set.  Others at higher levels (like War, Peace, Hunger, Freedom) are mapped off on orthogonals which is why we drop into “news” to see what else is blowing on Model World.

(I worry this may be a big “deep” for so early, but if you can make sense of Biden, or peaceful rioters, you’ll believe just about anything, right?)

War Notes

Big One:  Entertaining Nuclear War

Elaine and I watched the older movie “Dawn’s Early Light” again last night.  Never seen it? Behold the Wikipedia entry:

By Dawn’s Early Light (also known as The Grand Tour) is an HBO original movie, first aired in 1990. It is based on the 1983 novel Trinity’s Child, written by William Prochnau. The film is one of the last to depict the events of a fictional World War III before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.”

Dated flick?  Well, not so much.  Because the first nuclear missile fired in the movie is supposedly “non-NATO” – if fired from Turkey, and hit the Russian city of Donetsk.

Point #1 critical to your “relationship mapping” of the present world stew, the 1990 HBO movie target was where?  DONETSK!

“While (now, today, since USSR fell) internationally recognized as in Ukraine, the city is under the de facto administration of the Donetsk People’s Republic, which claims it as its capital city. The population was estimated at 905,364 (2021 est.)[4] in the city core, with over 2 million in the metropolitan area (2011). According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, Donetsk was the fifth-largest city in Ukraine.”

Which is just g-damn prescient for a 32-year old movie.  But, like they say, the message is the movie, right?

Especially when we pop open today’s headlines and read how Russia says Ukraine war could go nuclear if West keeps sending weapons.

Which, of course, the West/NATO has already gotten hip-deep into with the discovery of a massive weapons depot with Western arms: Russia-Ukraine Crisis: Russia says destroyed large weapons depot near Lviv.  So much for clean hands, huh?

We figure escalation is only a matter of time.

Next One: Taiwan will be Round 2 of WW III.

If you’re not reading the South China Morning Post (SCMP) regularly, you’re missing some great “relationship mapping” links.  A mid-level link is seen in how Taiwan aims to learn lessons of Ukraine invasion in annual Han Kuang military drills.

But the one that should rivet (and backup TIH weld) your attention is the story Why an increasingly confident US is baiting Beijing over Taiwan?

The real answer – based on high-level views – is Neocons have sold their spew and are bent on inciting WW III.  Which is the second wave of the Global Population Reduction Program (after Covid) which will roll out even more horrific stuff to comer in order to cover-up the global theft and debauchery of the world’s working people by remnants of the Revolution’s Industrial Ownership Class.

Kill off enough people and no one will dare speak-back when demands are made on the population-reduced planet.

Which sounds, frankly, bat-shit crazy, except the data still supports that flow into Future.

Food Items to Chew On

Third leg of blow-down and coverup or economic crimes looks like Famine:

And while worsening drought in the Horn of Africa heads for famine/die-off, let’s not overlook our home based problem:

While “Slow Joe” and his commissariat do nothing, fertilizer distribution is being impacted by rail car metering decisions made by Union Pacific.

Only some of which can be traced to Ukraine (Food prices predicted to rise with fertilizer costs up 128%).  The rest is anti-energy policies of the Idiot Drooler administration.


In a very useful story out of Ghana, we read in Don’t attribute fertilizer shortage to Russia-Ukraine war how it’s not Ukraine sanctions entirely, it’s also past debts (borrow money to buy fertilizer) catching up.  Again, robbing the future to feed past-present is revealing itself as bad policy.


Think Elon Musk will change any of this “graveyard spiral” spin the world’s in by turning off bots on Twitter?  Yeah…good luck with that.

Off to take a walk and back at the top of the hour for the Housing data.

An hour to the open Dow futures were down 148, but let’s see how happy housing talk rolls.

Write when you get rich,


52 thoughts on “Pounce the Bounce? Referential Linkages, Durables”

  1. Shout out G-Pops ! Thanks for the reminder in yesterdays column…came into Open long Apr. 425 Puts (4/25 expire) over weekend. coot never goes into weekend UnCovered. Sold out a few Friday – balancing the books with “house money”..going into Monday open. Read Ure market ravings(luv it), and remembered my own advice to self…Stop, Lick and ENJOY the “icecream” ! critical piece of advice that.. So I did, and blew out remainder of position. Dude – baskinrobbins dont have enough flavors to cover coots needz & desires.

    It gets betta, I loaded, like looooaaaded up on April 27th Expiry SPY Puts – backed up the truck – sticking with short term expiration’s, as coot no likey deterioration of Time Value.
    Payed for new Huuuugely huge positions with profits from Monday’s battle. So all U all can play along(like watching NASCAR) and see if the coot gets wreaked on latest “wager” /calculated risk.
    Coot is Loooong SPY 350 puts @ $.02 and SPY 405 Puts @ .50 – both expire Wednesday at 4:00pm. Goal is to sell at profit and roll down to next expiration..

    So thanks again, really helps in cutting through personal biases and mental noise.
    By the by – Fidelity Investments is now going accept BITCOIN investments in their Retirement Accounts !!! = 2 Legit 2 Quit.
    or news that Russia has just gone Full Production on the S500 anti hypersonic/antiaircraft. No mention how many of existing S400 systems have been field “flashed”/upgraded…no fly zones ? bwhahahahahahaah

    current US leadership = stone cold idiots, wit christians in action in control of pentagon, one can only imagine the global clusterfuck we are about to find ourselves in… now where to find SPF 5000000?

  2. https://www.rt.com/news/554510-hunter-biden-told-mistress-to-get-hiv-test/

    If you look at the math of this.. WOW…. considering the what twenty seven thousand kids that he had photos and film for his niece his sister, cousin.. and who knows who was in the SM fantasy videos he had on his porn sites before they took them down..
    Not to mention all the women in the adult intertainment industry.. if each one has unprotected sex with lets say six.. WOW the numbers are astronomical..
    There was a young good looking guy I worked with.. all the women in the plant wanted to have sex with him.. he was bi.. I took care of his boyfriend who was HIV active.. the really sad part is .. as bad as that kid is.. he won’t stop..not until he is incapacitated enough to.

    • Yo Loob !? ” I took care of his boyfriend”..I’ll bet you did, BigBoy, Ill bet you did!
      Just for curiositys sake – was the boyfriend the pitcher or the catcher? bwahahaha

      Dam I never saw THAT coming, jeeze dude you Swing too, since we already opened the can of worms… ? Lot of them swinger types down here amongst the ex-pats community (Placencia,Belize). I would be happy to give you an intro – I personally dont go there – but I do find the activity to be joyously funny..

      • I don’t know if he was pitching or catching.. the guys bi lovers boyfriend had broken into a house.. the farmer realized the gun the guy had was his and not loaded.. smacked him and cut his hand.. police brought the guy into the ER… did a blood test.. found out my coworkers boyfriend had hiv..
        Tried to tell the nurses to stay away but they got a thrill out of his masculinity and I swear he did ever woman there..
        Sad to.. a good share of the ladies had spouses at home..

  3. If the neo-cons are running everything and Putin and Xi are so freaking smart, why do the keep taking the bait?
    Not all the world’s problems are the fault of the USA. There are many other actors and interests at play.
    And if the USA economy is such a hollowed-out shell, why is the dollar so strong? Because in the real world, rational economic decisions are based on alternatives, not some Neverland ideal, and right now, we’re looking a LOT better than the alternatives, our oft-discussed problems notwithstanding.

    • Hmm.. are they taking the BAIT… or are we..
      With NAFTA.. the transfer of manufacturing was gradual.. corporations jumped on it.. more profit for the top.. so what about the community and hourly employees..
      Then the big move to deregulated essentials.. insurance rates skyrocketing..fuel prices through the roof and wages kept moderately low..more profit on the bottom line..
      Loan the USA money to fund endless wars.. keeping our economy from a correction..
      Now they are printing numbers to send to a war we shouldn’t be involved in.. using and depleting our strategic reserves. Wages stagnant industry destroyed..and now sending our defense arms to another country..
      Then on top of it threatening our source of industry..
      Selling off our toll roads and our ports. Selling off major corporations and industries within our borders.. and now an administration that is allowing millions and millions of illegals to cross the border from countries that openly threatened revenge and said how they would do it was by sneaking warriors into our country as refugees.. not sure but read that the family businessreceived donation a for thid. even talked about giving each of them a half million Then printed trillions of d ollars that no one has a clue where they went.. a congress out on vacation and not one word from either side…
      So considering this.. who took the bait

      • Good Post LOOB. You nailed it right on the head.

        The EU doesn’t contribute much to NATO especially before Trump. NATO is basically the military force for the EU. Why the hell are we spending Billions defending those idiots that are soon to be taken over by Muslim invaders. They are totally destroying the cultures of each country. Sweden etc.

        The U.S. doesn’t need to be in NATO! Let Europe spend the money defending themselves. We have bailed out their asses and stupid policies in two World Wars.

        Russia would have to conquer the whole European continent before we would have to worry about them “invading” the U.S. And how many boats would have to be involved to invade us? It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. No, the Russian threat is nuclear. And be on the watch for some rogue enemy of the world to set one off soon….so everyone can blame the Russians again.

        All this stuff going on in Ukraine is a distraction from the real problems. Invasion from the border, a broken economy that is being propped up by a Treasury and Fed putting us in a hole we will never dig out of, manufacturing gone in this country, China taking over the whole Pacific, and everyone in the Middle East are not our friends, including the Saudis and Israelis. Their religions come first…as backward and radical as they are.

      • I know, I know. Vlad WANTED to lose all those lives and equipment in Ukraine. It was all just a ruse. He’s far too SMART to get suckered into something.
        Us old-timers remember when Japan was eating our lunch and buying everything that wasn’t nailed down. Then they crashed, triggered by a real estate collapse. Now it’s China’s turn. Oh, that can’t be. They’re too frigging SMART.

      • “Russia would have to conquer the whole European continent before we would have to worry about them “invading” the U.S. ”

        I don’t believe they would have to invade WTHS.
        When they can let a corrupt few buy their way in.. even get official escorts to set them up ..For decades they have said exactly how they planned to attack..then with the adoption of the clubk system and the sale of our vital ports..to those that worship a number we opened the gates for it.. heck in only a half a percent of containers were clubk we are in deep doo doo.. chasing ghosts..
        To busy with their noses shoved up some benefactor oligarchs azz to care about their own country or the people they are supposedto care about..

    • Clueless is as clueless does.

      The dollar is 100 % FAKE,made up/backed by nothing but some beat ass aircraft,missiles and rainbow flag waving soldiers, a manipulated POS.
      Ure not paying attention – Russia broke the dollar with Oil for Rubles, and then backing the Ruble with GOLD. Wait for it……or act accordingly now – ya know like preemptively diversifying your money – across several different forms…as the military & equipment/electronics backing Ure sorry ass script – Sux!

  4. It seems like someone keeps papering over China joe’s bullsh#t to make everything look great. When will people open their eyes and ears to this .

    • Unfortunately… i believe the people’s eyes are open..we have an absent congress all received donations to their favorite funds.. an administration that truly doesn’t seem to care..
      His approval ratings in free fall and some how I think he has the next election in the bag..
      We are on the verge of a nuclear war that will affect everyone..
      What can possibly go wrong right..

  5. Morning George. I’m back home and felling better. Lost 4 pounds in the hospital but don’t recommend it as a weight loss program.

    You have lots of time to think lying in a hospital bed. Thank goodness for my IPad. I normally read quickly over the comments on your website, but spent yesterday reading them slowly and trying to understand the cast of characters here. I learn from all of them. Most are experienced in some discipline and share their experience. A few seem stuck in a bias and can’t get out. And then there’s Len. :-)

    Here is something I would like to share. I spent my life in the field of science. We were trained and I tried to practice good analytics to come to good conclusions. A brief experiment or two was never conclusive and two teat results always gave a single point or a straight line on a graph. Many repeats over a large time with peer review of the results and conclusions was always good science as I was taught.

    I am concerned with the polarized bias that has developed over COVID and the short sighted conclusions many have drawn. This virus is unique and a little over 2 years old. I am convinced it was “engineered” in a lab in Wuhan, partly funded by Fauci’s “gain of function” minions, and purposely or accidentally released onto the global habitants.

    It is hard to draw conclusions with so many conflicting sources of evidence. Why do some get it and are triple vaxed? Why do some unvaxed people not get it? Why do some very healthy people get it and immune compromised people don’t?” One study shows masks to be beneficial, some do not.

    I can tell you every doctor, nurse, technician, porter and janitor in the hospital were masked. These people work in the field of science. I asked several of my medical team if the masks were not mandated, would they still be wearing them? The answer was 100% yes.

    The field of science only seems to get distorted when it gets any where near the field of politics. Guys like Fauci are dangerous scientists because they march to a political drummer in my opinion. I would never take any health advice from a politician. There are other “scientists” around that distort the science because of a bias or some need to get their name in lights as a contrarian. They too, are dangerous.

    I am hoping because George gives full reign of opinion on this site, that we can learn learn to know the difference between science and politics and make good decisions on our own health and that of the ones we love.

    One final comment. Whatever happened to that German guy that took 90 COVID vaccine shots so he could sell false COVID passports? I figure he is either glowing like a Christmas tree or permanently attached to the refrigerator door!

    Thanks to those that gave me a lift in the comments yesterday. It was a scary experience and I appreciate it.

    • A mask is like two telephone poles. An inbound virus is like a knife thrown between those two poles. An outbound virus is like a bolo with hundred foot arms, thrown between them. The mask’s function is to catch phlegm, to make it less-likely that the wearer can contaminate the people they’re around. If it diminishes the chance of catching a virus at all, the diminution is minimal. Anything you can breathe ambient air through, including any mask and some rebreathers, you can inhale a virus through.

      Check out the size of CV-19 and compare it to the space between the permeable fibers on any mask…

      Bear in-mind that hospital personnel historically wear masks to keep themselves from coughing or sneezing into their patients’ open wounds. This was the original theory behind the “surgical mask.” The theory simply carried over into continuing care on the premise that “if it’s good for the doctor, it’s good for me…”

      Unless you have an active germ, bacteria, or virus infestation, a mask is a placebo. It makes folks feel good to wear it though, so it is of some benefit. Please don’t forget though, that it is not a panacea.

      FWIW I had a cardiac issue last fall — not major, but could have become so without prompt attention. I was in the hospital for ~3 days. In that time I had five doctors and every nurse in the cardiac telemetry ward parade through my room.


      Because I was the first patient they’d had in that ward in several YEARS, who was not diabetic.

      I’m pretty sure there’s a lesson to be learned from my experience.

      Glad you’re okay Bob, (I had a feeling you would be.)

      • Thanks Ray and there is a lesson to be learned from your experience. I could not understand when I was in there why I was asked so many times about whether I had diabetes and why they checked my blood sugar levels over and over among 16 dozen other tests and why the food was so bland with no sugar and no salt. Diabetes is one of the top reasons for stroke and cardiac distress.

        As an aside, when I was in the triage staging area, a guy came in weighing about 400 lbs. He told the staff he was having chest pains. They told him to have a seat. Of course, he couldn’t unless they cut out the arm rest between 2 seats. While he was waiting to be taken in, he headed straight for the soft drink vending machine and cranked out a large size full sugar Pepsi Cola.

        I thought to myself, what the heck does a doctor say when he examines this guy. “Sir, I think if you lost a couple of pounds, you might feel better.”

        Glad you made it through your medical adventure too Ray. You are one of the one’s here that I learn from.

      • yup or sneeze into someone elses wound LOL.. yuk.. great reason for sneeze shields on salad bars..
        I always wore a mask.. for dust.. the dust flairs up my allergies big time.. it doesn’t keep out all the dust or pollin but enough to make it worth while for me at least..
        took care of a woman that caught MRSA while in surgery , lost a friend that was a surgical nurse because she was in a hurry and didn’t wash good enough after a surgery.. it was horrible.. we would double gown mask and double glove.. she would rip her intestines out and throw them on the floor.. now with the regulations they are no longer able to put wrist restraints on her to protect her from a delusional self pain medications aren’t as affective because of body chemistry interfering…. Gowns and gloves and masks are not a cure all.. just another layer to go through before your exposed.. back in the eighties.. you didn’t have gloves.. you sterilized equipment for reuse.. glove mandates didn’t really start until 90..the same time that you had to have certifications to do what you had been doing for decades…

      • “a guy came in weighing about 400 lbs. He told the staff he was having chest pains. They told him to have a seat. Of course, he couldn’t unless they cut out the arm rest between 2 seats. ”

        The sad part and yet the most interesting .. is the poor are trained that they only way they should eat is by fast food.. comfort food kids in college eat snack ramin noodles….
        what no one knows is.. is there a medical reason for the weight.. take my daughter.. she is over weight.. but the reason was her brain tumor.. that affected her motor skills and other organs.. and when they discovered it was when her husband was going to murder her .. she got pregnant and he didn’t want a child.. so he decided to murder her.. he would travel to his parents farm once a week.. to help them there.. very prominent and politically aligned.. she was going to get a bottle of milk.. passed the corner.. then when she said hun you missed the corner.. he started to try and knock her out.. telling her how he was going to cut the baby out chop it up burn it while she watched.. the murder her and do the same thing.. to her body.. because of the weather.. he wasn’t able to find a dry spot.. kept going .. three states later she was able to get her bearings enough to get her arm loose and turn the key then jumping from an automobile at eighty miles an hour.. he pulled her clothes off.. she got up and started to run.. a woman seen the whole thing and picked her up as he sped off.. they took her to the nearest hospital one state over.. where they discovered the orange size tumor.. they caught him to.. but because of his families wealth and social class didn’t even give him a ticket.. only to discover that the state had shoved two other incidences similar to hers under the carpet.. he will succeed one day.. laws are different for those of means.. anyway to keep the baby they had to give her a medication that made her gain two pounds a day.. by the time the baby was born she weighed almost seven hundred pounds.. and even now after the removal of the tumor.. she has a great deal of difficulty..
        for the poor.. a well managed diet is hard to do.. you fill up on fillers and sugars.. is what they sell for the poorer shoppers.. a lot of pasta.. rice.. etc..
        which is what freaked me out on my father inlaws daily bowl of oatmeal.. LOL LOL
        that one bowl per day was almost seven hundred dollars a month.. ( I know you think how in the heck can a bowl of oatmeal be that much LOL)
        but a well balanced diet has you spending about four hundred and fifty bucks a month per person.. those at the bottom are given a hundred and seventy for a child and less for an adult in the poverty level … you fill up on bulk.. sugar gives you energy.. so they eat more weight gaining foods to survive..

      • 2 things:

        #1. For a 100 years we’ve known that masks do not prevent a virus infection. Indeed, can make it worse.

        #2. They are called “surgical masks” because they are used in surgery. Like the writer says, to prevent spit falling on the patient. They do not stop a virus.

        Before the Covid tyranny, no other doctors or nurses wore a mask.

      • “in the triage staging area, a guy came in weighing about 400 lbs. He told the staff he was having chest pains. ”

        Another reason is Depression.. people eat comfort foods because they have nothing else.. in life the simple pleasures.. basically.. in life there are only a couple of things that we live for.. SEX and FOOD… comfort foods.. poverty does some pretty strange things for people.. I get razzed a lot because I work very hard to keep a well balanced diet on the menu.. but then I lack in other luxuries.. or what would be considered luxuries.. my car cost me two hundred bucks.. I have put on it a quarter million miles.. it is like that song..
        ( funny story about that song.. the author and band wrote that song about a distant family member that was head of security LOL.. he would come out on stage and give the tribute LOL)
        I have tools.. kitchen tools.. that trip my trigger.. but I have a good selection of lets rebuild tools)
        books.. well my wife made me get rid of a few of mine.. well a lot of mine.. she wanted to park in the garage..
        the deeper that society plunges the bigger the waists.. one of the smartest girls I ever took care of.. came in to loose weight she was just about eight hundred pounds.. loved puzzles.. got her the hardest pussle in the world.. she put it together in two hours.. amazing.. but he weight was because of self worth and depression.. give a child the life lessons..

        Children Learn What They Live
        by Dorothy Law Nolte
        If children live with criticism,

        They learn to condemn.

        If children live with hostility,

        They learn to fight.

        If children live with ridicule,

        They learn to be shy.

        If children live with shame,

        They learn to feel guilty.

        If children live with encouragement,

        They learn confidence.

        If children live with tolerance,

        They learn to be patient.

        If children live with praise,

        They learn to appreciate.

        If children live with acceptance,

        They learn to love.

        If children live with approval,

        They learn to like themselves.

        If children live with honesty,

        They learn truthfulness.

        If children live with security,

        They learn to have faith in themselves and others.

        If children live with friendliness,

        They learn the world is a nice place in which to live.)

        as parents rush off to work.. those that teach them are the local gangs and the peers at school..

      • Yeah, I got finger-pricks every 4 hours for more than a day — It’s like the staff couldn’t believe what they were seeing and had to keep checking, to find the anomaly. I was there for 2 3/4 days and it was not ’till the third calendar day that a nurse told me why I was the center of attention.

        I drink no more than 28oz of soda pop per day, usually sugar-sweetened (low HFCS intake.) I sweeten my coffee with raw, Amish honey (and have for 11 years, now.) If I wanted to eat a pound of chocolate, I would — ‘thing is, as I’ve gotten older, “wants” like this have pretty much gone away.

        Apparently everybody’s diabetic now, which I find interesting. When I was a kid, about 1.5% of Westerners were diabetic (and virtually no one was allergic to milk, gluten, or peanuts — like 1/100s or 1/1000s of a percent or less — ’bout the same as people with autism.)

        I wonder what changed…?

      • What changed Ray IS VACCINATIONS!!! These vaccines have boy/girl DNA, and other chemicals, and ingredients that we do not know of that have caused so many allergies, issues, autism (yes, vaccines have been proven to cause autism) and things we still do not yet know of to come.

        The polio vaccine caused cancer in adults; both my parents died of cancer. NO cancer in their family trees.

        What else changed as has been documented in these esteemed hallowed technical halls is GLYPHOSATE, otherwise traded as ROUNDUP (which has been documented to cause cancer in lab rats and HUMANS), a known irritant of the stomach and de stabilizer killing the good chemistry in the gut (THE GUT which is the SEAT OF THE BRAIN).

        So people in the USA, especially, as EU countries, many have resisted the siren call of Monsanto, now Bayer, from spraying their crops 2 to 3 times a year with this weed and human killer.

        The UK sprays readily, and now I cannot eat the Wheatabix, it tears up my guts, just like General Mills cereals like Cheerios (don’t you know that a lot of gluten allergic people eat these contaminated cereals and have gut issues and think it’s the wheat/grains when it is REALLY GLYPHOSATE?).

        The biggest organic factory in the USA just went up in FLAMES.

        Many food producers have gone up in FLAMES in the last 3 weeks.

        Common sense. Critical thinking. This is what is missing in the good old USA.

        In the OLDEN days people had to make connections. They had to do this to survive. So many people do not even understand making connections (I am not speaking of just talking to someone else, leaps from one idea/information/data to another), someone else TELLS THEM EVERYDAY what to think, what to eat, what to do, what to watch, how to do everything and they never think again for themselves.

        All of you on this site, know one of these people, many of you know MANY.

        I have a family member and I quote: “Lester Holt says…..”

        Yep, try reasoning with someone like that!

        My Parents and Grandparents generation were NOT like that. Thank God I remember them and almost every single word they ever said to me.

        God Bless THE WORLD.

    • I have never had issues with masks. Lacking other details they seemed like something good to try. I believe if they do anything they keep your mind focused on distance and keeping hands out of mouth and eyes. My problem has always been the state having the power to mandate their use. Wear them if you want, but we never granted federal power over our health, even though they have mostly granted themselves that power. Where does that power end, making woman wear burkas because someone says other peoples health might be improved? Force us all to wear hazmat gear? We are adults we have no issue figuring out how much risk we will accept in our activities. Wear them if you want, wear a condom if you want, wear bulletproof clothing if you want, just don’t use the power of the state to make everyone else follow your same risk acceptance profile.

      • Totally agree Joe. Your third sentence is the reason I think masks are necessary in hospitals. I saw a whole lot of very intolerant patients in my 2 days there. They would cough in your face and laugh.

        As far as politicians mandating masks, that was a total fiasco through the past 2 years. Fauci had them spinning on a merry-go-round. No mask, one mask, any mask, no cloth mask, two masks……….

        Life is a whole lot better here now that masks are optional in commercial public facilities and with very few exceptions, one side seems to accept the other without malice.

    • Politics and science have been hopelessly intertwined, at least in the U.S., since the latter 19th century when “science” started having an economic impact on the population with the Industrial Age. OR, I suppose one could argued that it goes back much farther with the likes of Galileo ticking off the Pope. Industrial progress varied in other countries mainly due to the fact the main method of governing around the World 130 years ago was a fine line between monarchy and dictatorships and how much the “top of the pyramid” demanded from their subjects. America being a comparatively freer and open society that welcomed innovation (especially if it made a profit to the right people, hence, “politics”) became the World’s main industrialized nation. This has gone on now to the point I doubt you can find a scientific discipline that isn’t controlled by politics on both the academic level as well as governmental.

      As far as people being “experienced in a discipline” vs. those that are “stuck in a bias” it would be well to note that “discipline” kept doctors from washing their hands between patients, whether it be on the battlefield or the delivery room, well into the 20th century as Germ Theory took some 70 years to be taken seriously even after reasonable studies showed what is obvious today. How many “backyard” scientific innovators like Edison and Tesla worked outside of and established their own disciplines apart from academic, federal and established industrial concerns? As I mentioned a few days ago Bob Lazar put his own hydrogen powered vehicle together over a decade ago and, I assume, is still driving it despite the labels the World applies to him.

      Today’s “Science” is light years beyond that of our parents’ but while “disciplined” people pontificate and bloviate they often ignore the information brought by those outside their fields until credit can be garnered for those WITHIN the field and only if – IF – that information promotes their agenda. Sounds like politics to me. Archaeology is a great example but everything from Physics to Cancer research (a REAL biggie) have examples of discoveries being covered over simply because they came to light at inappropriate times (and which could be NEV-er) for TPTB. And until they CAN be brought into the public light they’re labeled “Conspiracy Theories” or, even worse, “discipline” in a field can and has been enforced by murder depending on who’s toes your stepping on. Thanks to the Internet, though, a lot of people not “officially” trained in some discipline now know the difference between practical and applicable Truth and being led into the slaughter house of the moment. People in power have always appreciated the need to keep The Great Unwashed as uneducated as they possibly can so, censorship by the likes of Twitter, FB and the MSM notwithstanding, I’d say there’s a solid majority of people that KNOW they’re being lied to in the World today – and it sounds like you’re dipping your toes in that pond now.

      Horse paste smoothie? Your choice of flavors. Doesn’t have to be Apple. But, seriously, glad you’re up and around.

    • “Guys like Fauci are dangerous scientists because they march to a political drummer”

      Or.. they worship a number…
      I believe that they allowed china to take it from our storage to their Wuhan labs to study so that it’s release could blamed on china for its release.
      Or that it walked out on someone’s shoe..

      • Brother LooB, reco you go back 6 months to 1 year and pull up 3-4 close up images of dr falsie. Keep pics up on review screen, now pull up 3-4 Current images (last 2 weeks) and Compare & Contrast.

        Notice any subtle differences ? wonder hounduras hes doing?

        Do the same for ka-MAN-ala in about 3 weeks time from today….1st “they” get sick” then they get Replaced….by what exactly Im not sure, but “they” seem to be alive..

        life on our “quarantined” living planet getting stranger by the day. Speaking of Living – think the lack of Fertilizer will be a Gift to Humanity…survivors ? Ferts kill “living soil” – upwards 60% of bennies (bugs that poop in soil) die off after 1st year application..the living library is talking – dare we listen 2 her?

  6. George,

    Just an ole country boy’s take things in the world. While the idiot administration continues to flush the U.S. down the tube with its’ policies, I had a brain fart on some of the happenings in the world.

    Our sanctions of Russia and our proxy war being fought by the Ukrainians are only speeding the process of the rest of the world moving away from the dollar as the reserve currency. The BRICS nations have escalated their timeline for a new currency exchange system which does not include the dollar or the SWIFT system.

    On a related, but different note. The current lock down in Shanghai is a masterful stroke by the Chi-coms. Since 25 million people have little meaning to the CCP in the “long game”, a lock down for Covid is a perfect cover for sanctions of shipments of goods to the U.S. and Europe. Our idiots in D.C. sanctioned China’s buddy Russia and threatened to do the same to China. How better to hide reverse sanctions against the U.S. than through a Covid lock down of a key port city. It hurts our economy worse that theirs and accomplishes the goal of punishing the U.S. for the Russia sanctions. China in the mean time moves products overland and through third country ports to destinations outside of the U.S.

    Just my take on things, but China thinks in terms of 10’s or 100’s of years instead of months. They have roughly 1.2 billion population versus our 350 million. Tell me that China has not thought this through, and determined that domestic consumption in China won’t keep them afloat until the dust settles.

    • So, pray tell, what will be the new reserve currency? And why are markets continuing to bid up the dollar?
      Ah, of course! The inscrutable Chinese. Always the inscrutable Chinese.

      • No. Petro money talks and everything else walks:


        Looks like the EU just surrendered. Vlad is poised to become king of Europe, East and West, dispensing natural gas to his shivering allies. The Ru goal is to displace US from NATO.

        If Macron can get a fusion plant to work, he might become a competitor, but right now, he is just another black shirt pretender in democratic drag.

        Our own Beltway critters are simply instruments of foreign imperialism and totalitarian expansionism with nothing to bring to the table except buzzwords mined by their contract psych consultants, and propaganda mouthed by Hollywood actors. Been that way since Reagan. Meanwhile, the MBA’s loot on behalf of foreign masters, and the country sinks further into class warfare.

        Without US to loot, the Chinese economy will implode, and they will become servants to the Euro king, who won’t tolerate their infiltration tactics.

      • Check the value of the da Ruble this AM – record valuation against Euro/USD.

        But of course you were TOLD – by ,dammit janet smellen -like sulpher, that “you should not infer anything” from the value of the dollar”

        So continue on in what you are doing, Slave, as you been instructed by one of Ure “overseers”…. ahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

      • “So, pray tell, what will be the new reserve currency? ”

        Hmmm.. I always said Peanuts.. that way you could have NUT BUCKS.. a pound of measure..
        Hmmm… dollar going up.. Hmmm.. want to own your very own trillion dollar bill.. go to zimbabwe.. 39 million for a one pound loaf of bread.. sliced to..
        you get more dollars in freefall.. but the dollar buys less.. last weeks simple shopping of regular weekly items.. thirty seven percent more.. from the week before.. want to make some serious return.. if you have twelve cans of whatever and it goes up twenty percent.. you just made a twenty percent return.. the market is going up because people like me are panic buying.. get it spend it while it is still worth something.. but realistically.. if you don’t have it you can’t spend it.. if they can’t make it you can’t get it..
        great show.. on prime.. really puts it all in perspective.. what would you trade for a cup of water.. in the depression of the eighteen hundreds and drought.. a cup of water was worth three ounces of gold..
        a meal and to get laid was ten dollar gold piece..
        in Greece.. a can of tomato soup got you a couple hours with a college girl or mother.. its still like that in Zimbabwe and Argentina .. a happy meal is two weeks wages..
        Now with an unbacked security.. it isn’t worth a pound of flour or wheat or anything all it is is a piece of paper.. Weimer style.. once it goes freefall and a backed currency replaces it.. you give it to the kids to play with.. its all in what you value.. right now.. food and tools and things that you think you will need is what is sending the stock market to the roof.. JMHO

      • to put it in perspective.. when I met my wife.. An RN made four dollars and seventy five cents an hour.. a tech made three dollars an hour..
        What does an RN make here.. they start out at thirty five.. and a tech starts out at twenty this year.. two years ago it was ten bucks an hour.. I never made more than ten fifty an hour.. and that wasn’t that long ago.. a really nice home cost fifty grand a mansion was one hundred and eighty in the best neighborhoods.. My first house was less than six grand.. my second home was seventeen.. rent was fifty dollars a month and electricity was 5.95 water bill when we first moved in was fifteen dollars a month.. today if you don’t use any water whatsoever its a hundred and thirty.. electricity.. dam not sure.. that is my lowest bill but then I have solar.. the rising dollar is just an illusion.. you have more but get less.. its value is only what you perceive it to be since it doesn’t have any backing at all..

      • “Without US to loot, the Chinese economy will implode, and they will become servants to the Euro king,”

        Hmm.. I wonder if it would.. N_____ the Chinese have always been very industrious..
        I visited with a young woman from russia.. the income for living in Russia was a couple hundred a year.. the US.. shove it in the pillow case or write a number on a sheet of paper.. makes you feel real good.. its the velocity of money.. that keeps things rolling.. which is why the stimulus money.. dry up the velocity and it all falls.. after congress tossed the middle class under the bus with the millionaire releif act of 78 double digit inflation hit..Carter wanted to see taxes equalized so everyone paid their fair share.. if the congress of the day had gone along with it.. it would have worked and we wouldn’t be where we are economically today.. then Reagan got in..( I loved him and would vote for him carter or Ford today if they ran.. Trump I thought could turn it around today nope.. congress fought him now its to late in my opinion…. ) he thought that the industrialists were still like the ones when he was young.. and we had trickle down..
        and NAFTA… nafta took the jobs away.. and those that should trickle down shoved it in a mattress or paper etc.. and the velocity fell .. now 76 percent of all laborers get assistance of some kind from the govt..
        Reagan realizing the trickle down was a bad idea started a tax relief and gave out stimulus checks.. and free cheese and the best peanut butter ever LOL.. to help those out.. jobs were not to be had.. today .. working at the local plant is unheard of.. you go to work to flip burgers or sack groceries.. the money shoved into a bag goes to medical.. or insurance.. the local lady teller at the bank makes two dollars a week after insurance daycare and travel expenses.. the insurance is what she values.. my wife pays for insurance..
        and it is getting worse.. our factory cities look like war zones no reconstruction we do that overseas.. an administration that wants to give every illegal a half million.. yet shove the burden on those that cannot affort to exist now.. the wealthy that sells their soul for a number on a sheet of paper.. before the wealthy took a little less profit and the separation was about fifteen percent between classes.. now its don’t talk to me until you make x dollars a week.. or I won’t associate with anyone below me.. they are so blinded by the number they sold their soul for they don’t even see the issues in front of them.. mostly because it doesn’t involve them..
        its all in what you want in life..

  7. “Kill off enough people and no one will dare speak-back when demands are made on the population-reduced planet.”

    Except for those people who glow in the dark and know how to use a sniper rifle. When a person is walking dead, they have no reason to fear death…

    • Won’t be any targets for those glowing riflemen. All the targets will have evacuated to their private islands and/or bunkers to wait out the consequences of their folly.

      • Nein ,nein, nein – by the by – your only as old as you think you are !

        Imagination and Intent ! Imagine that “scheisse” and Intend to Get, Feel and Be Younger..till the day you actually try to Transition out da “matrix.

        “…Without Intentionally facing the DARK/DARKNESS – will be impossible, but hey not like it will be Ure first time trying. Positive note – the Frequency Fence surrounding planet Earth is getting weaker by the day…literally getting “swisscheesey” like = more routes for Escape – big guyz on top be long gone, bigeyed -wraparound shade wearing (retarded) grays have been running the “matrix”..without a masterplan……….

    • Ure’s Truly wrote:

      “The real answer – based on high-level views – is Neocons have sold their spew and are bent on inciting WW III. Which is the second wave of the Global Population Reduction Program (after Covid) which will roll out even more horrific stuff to comer in order to cover-up the global theft and debauchery of the world’s working people by remnants of the Revolution’s Industrial Ownership Class.

      Kill off enough people and no one will dare speak-back when demands are made on the population-reduced planet.”

      And/or…….pave the way for the remaining inhabitants to be ruled by something? Hmmm…… we may have heard that before. Like maybe a New World Order? Order Out of Chaos.

  8. Thanks for the input dell. You said

    “#1. For a 100 years we’ve known that masks do not prevent a virus infection. Indeed, can make it worse.

    #2. They are called “surgical masks” because they are used in surgery. Like the writer says, to prevent spit falling on the patient. They do not stop a virus.

    Here is the most comprehensive scientific study I can find on the use of masks to prevent COVID. It includes 102 references.


    Here is the summary.

    The current research results have shown that COVID?19 is mainly transmitted via droplets in the air. There is a potential risk of airborne transmission in an indoor environment with poor ventilation. The distance of droplet transmission can extend up to 4 m. Based on this data, the recommended social distancing range of 1–2 m (CDC, 2020; WHO, 2020) may not necessarily guarantee the epidemic prevention. Therefore, wearing mask in public is essential as its effectiveness has already been well established by the current studies. For exhalation isolation, both surgical and N95 masks are shown to be effective in reducing the spread of respiratory diseases, but the former is more accessible and comfortable to wear compared to the latter. For inhalation protection, air filtering respirators such as N95 masks can filtrate contaminants, bacteria and other matters from reaching nose and mouth, and are more efficient in virus penetration inhibition than surgical masks.

    Three major filtration mechanisms are identified, namely, interception, inertial impaction and diffusion. While interception takes place for nearby particles, inertial impaction is mainly dominated by some large particles. Diffusion mechanism primarily applies to small particles with diameters around 0.1 ?m. A mask design needs to consider all these mechanisms in order to increase the filtration capacity for all particle sizes. As a result, the air filtering respirators are designed to prevent both airborne transmission and the droplets, and highly recommended for the indoor area especially in the high?risk environment. Based on these studies, all people, regardless of physical conditions and professions, should wear masks at all times in prevention of COVID?19. In this regard, inhalation protection via masks is particularly important in order to reduce the transmission of viruses that are potentially carried by droplets and aerosols. The mask requirement has already been proved to be effective, and recently mandated in all states of the United States (Does Your State Have a Mask Mandate Due to Coronavirus?). Considering limited resources in some regions, the home?made masks are shown to have comparable filtration efficiencies compared to the medical masks. A conclusion can be reached based on the current studies: correctly wearing masks of all kinds, despite their different designs, functions and effectiveness, will to a large degree reduce the overall risks of COVID?19 infection and enhance general protection from coronavirus.”

    dell. if you have a comprehensive study showing masks are of no value in preventing COVID, I would be really interested to read it. I have lots of time on my hands these days.

    And no, I still don’t think masks should be mandated by politicians.

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