New Pathways to Future

What humans have been doing so far has not worked out especially well.  Sure, we have 8-billion people.  Which – and this is a hard one to conceptualize – is 40-times larger than it was in Jesus’ time; people numbered only 200-million back then.

Even so, mankind was even then territorial, fighting wars, and using religious fervor to “out-screw” other religions. Because the main tactic of humans seems to be out-populate, assimilate, or assassinate.  In whatever order is convenient.

Mainly through (crappy, alright) choices, though we have longer spears now, the goals are relatively unchanged.  Put the “other guy’s population in chains” and have them work the fields, pay the taxes, and our birthright to violence has made it so.

It occurs to us, however, that with a modest application of teoriya resheniya izobretatelskikh zadach, TRIZ, we can indeed come up with alternative ways of being in Life that may save us from what is largely a psychosexual penchant for violence.

On the path today? Three items which may be of nearly universal interest.

The first is a new Solar Power paradigm.  See this is a novel cost-reduction strategy for power systems which has not been fully-realized yet.

Then we present a short discussion of changes to our prepping plans – aspects you may not have focused on IF the ugly reality of nuclear weapons use become real. As it is very much threatening to this year. Call this PRP – Personal Recovery Plans.

This is part of our ongoing effort to invent new ideas (like that Music of Markets concept) that could change the way we absorb information.

Then to wrap up, some headwork on what it’s really liked to have new “extra sensory perceptions.”  Not as hard to develop as you might think.  Extended Human Perception may be as simple as training ourselves to “open up” to other sensory channels. And testing our “off buttons” frequently.

OK, so a wide-ranging discussion list this morning. Best get to work after a few headlines and a mess of charts…

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72 thoughts on “New Pathways to Future”

  1. Split thinking:

    The peak of my multiprosessing ability was 20 years ago when I could carry on a mobile CW conversation while driving 65 mph.

  2. (“you may not have focused on IF the ugly reality of nuclear weapons use become real. As it is very much threatening to this year. Call this PRP – Personal Recovery Plans.”)

    Hmm.. depopulation…
    similar to the syphilis experiments years ago.. or the year that African population was innoculated for Polio..what I had read on the CDC site years ago.. ( its down now.. so is the one about how the mad cow disease originated.. a half mile from a biological warfare research facility ) I listened to a lecture from one of the researchers once.. he even gave a video tour of the research facility in his lecture.. interesting.. yet the powers that be say it is false.. they wouldn’t ever do anything like that.. hmm yeah sure you betcha..
    the same thing happened in the USA with the experimental hep vaccine.. the vaccine was given to two hundred homosexual and drug addicted volunteers.. hmm gets better the deeper you dig into it..
    the thing is.. what they don’t realize is.. a virus doesn’t care doesn’t just affect one segment of society.. they may be trying to depopulate and use radio active ways.. but then this is from people that sit behind a desk.. someone does everything they need done.. people will continue to have sex and continue to have sex unprotected.. things will continue to break down.. we seen how pushing industry away from the USA deals with it.. and dumbing down our youth. sure they get more control over the people but they in turn become more dependent on another economy and country to provide it.. my daddy use to say.. be careful what you wish for.. you might just get it.. the other story is of king midas and his golden touch..,and%20treated%20the%20participants%20unfairly.
    (“the Aids pandemic was sparked by an experimental oral polio vaccine (OPV) called CHAT, which was fed to more than a million infants, children and adults in the former Belgian colonies of central Africa between 1957 and 1960. It is now accepted that the immediate ancestor of HIV-1 is the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) of the common chimpanzee. In the late Fifties, polio vaccines were grown in cells from monkey kidneys, but evidence suggests that some batches of the CHAT vaccine fed in Africa were, uniquely, produced in chimp cells.

    By contrast, the hypothesis to which most Aids researchers still subscribe is that the virus was originally acquired by a hunter or market-woman, perhaps with cut hands, who butchered a chimp for bushmeat. When asked ‘Why now?’ (for chimps have been hunted and eaten since time immemorial), the reply of ‘cut hunter’ proponents is that it was probably decolonisation, leading to urbanisation and new sexual interactions, that allowed the newly acquired chimp virus to break free from its rural hearth, to proliferate in an urban environment, and then to spread across Africa.
    On the face of it, the cut-hunter theory seems plausible. On the other hand, the CHAT hypothesis fits the known facts considerably better. For example, it is now known that the CHAT researchers had a chimpanzee camp at Lindi, just outside Stanleyville (now Kisangani) in the then Belgian Congo, and that between 1956 and 1958, some 400 chimpanzees were held there, of which nearly 300 were first used to test the polio vaccine, and then sacrificed. According to a growing number of witnesses, both kidneys and blood were extracted shortly before sacrifice, and were then dispatched in flasks to Philadelphia and to Belgium, the two places where the CHAT vaccine used in Africa was made.

    Then there are the astounding correlations between CHAT vaccination sites and early Aids. Fully 64 per cent of the first Aids cases seen in Africa (up to and including 1980) come from the same towns and villages (all in the former Belgian colonies of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi) where CHAT was fed in the Fifties. Furthermore, every single one of the 46 earliest HIV-positive blood samples from Africa comes from within 140 miles of a CHAT vaccination site.

    • loobstrer, where do think Lyme Disease came from ???????????????

      same .mil evil doers, preying on Civ. population.

      So many operations, so many bad Health results in targeted communities.. like the “Fog” in SF – another wonderful experiment on Human populations with Bacteria..ya know the kindz that make bread bleed, and statues bleed..who was Kurt Blome and what did Frank Olsen see in Germany that caused him to jump?

      the moar ya know..

      • exactly…. over 90 percent of our syphilis std’s can be traced back to the failed experiment..
        reminds me of a really good looking guy that I worked with.. every single and married coworker had sex with his stinky yellow pickup.. he on the other hand was bisexuality he even had sex with the gay crowd..
        one if his regular gay partners was living with and had a boyfriend that had full blown aids..
        consider the path that went..and how many guys jumped the bones of the single women..
        of all those women I only knew of 4 that didn’t take a turn with him..
        for some unknown reason the morons in the moron apocalypse think they are not going to be affected by their actions

    • Loob,
      Thanks for the link to “The Guardian” report. The article’s author Edward Hooper appears to offer a website on the subject updated to current times.

      As an aside, he has a report on there from the end of January that shines lights of inquiry into the origins of covid-19.

      • 5.) CORRECTION;

        take out boys so they don’t become men/Fathers that “CANNOT” form families.

      • re: “new pathways”
        feat: charting territory

        I’m going on a zombie scavenger hunt this weekend. It should be fun!

    • They did it here, vaccinated as many people as they could in the 50’s and 60’s with the polio vaccine that then caused cancer later.

      Both of my parents died of cancer.

      So, don’t you wish NPR had spent the last 35 years educating the public on:

      1) Vaccines are dangerous.
      2) Vaccines kill.
      3) Getting natural immunity to mumps, measles, and the chicken pox is the BEST no vaccinations needed.
      4) In 1998, it was discovered by the CDC that vaccinations DO INDEED CAUSE AUTISM. Yet the illegal/corrupt/murderous CDC carried on promoting them.
      5) Millions of children affected by autism in the USA; another strategic hidden way to take out boys so they don’t become men/Fathers that can form families, and take out women so they can’t be Mothers.
      6) Feminism, transgenderism, communism, socialism, fascism, marxism, zionism, etc., all those ISM’s are designed to destroy this country.
      8) 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB.
      9) We can go on and on and on and on over the multitude of topics that NPR lied about, flat out lied about, continually lied about, left out, continued to leave out by ignoring the elephant in the room.

  3. “$34,603,202,832,010.75”

    Man, remember when 33 trilly was a lot.

    We can’t complain after the meal has been chowed. We had to save General Motors remember, “save the supply chains or else”. The “or else” was we would no longer have cars. We had to save the airlines. We had to bailout the Teamster pension fund. People demand domestic chip companies, domestic chip companies cost lots of money to be competitive. Operation Warp Speed wasn’t free. The Space Force keeps us safe. Add your own. Amtrak, block grants, Israel…. everyone got something. The debt spending tore down the Berlin wall, gave us the Moon landing and got us away from Morse Code onto the Internet.

    “smart stoves”

    Not to be flippant but back in the olden days when the weather was hot people cooked outside (BBQ/brick pizza oven/etc.). When the weather was cold people cooked inside (pies/hams/turkeys).

    The modern time pits AC against oven.

    • It was the central stated teamsters pension plan that was saved. Not all plans. My western states plan is well funded.

    • Water Heater timing

      Back when different amounts were charged for different parts of the day for energy usage (does any power company do that anymore?) programable timers for water heaters were a big thing. Current to the ELECTIC hot water could be set to only come on during that low pricing period. I am sure those timers are still available out there … and those have stood the “test of time” so if you would go that route you would be using a tried and true well tested product.

      Cooking Heat

      As for cooking duing the hot times of day … which today also requires the air-conditioner to run (GREAT invention for increasing power company profits!!) people of old would have a “Summer Kitchen” out of the house somewhere so as to keep the heat of cooking out of the house. Of course in the olden days people cooked a lot more than they do today since they had to bake bread every couple of days, pies were a HUGE thing in the summer (when it was HOT) because of all the fruit available, and baking of meals or part of a meal was a big deal, so keeping the cooking heat out of the house before the days of air conditioners was a HUGE DEAL. Any possibility of setting up a “Summer Kitchen” on your property near the house?

      Doesn’t have to be fancy, just the cheapest stove/oven you could find placed in a summer kitchen area away from the inside of the house would solve the heat from cooking issue.

  4. I have EGG on my face from a previous post … I apologize and make a correction.

    Iran DOES have a nuclear power reactor within Iran at Bushehr that has now been on line for several years. Built by Russia by now it would have gone through several fueling cycles, and depending upon how Russia managed it’s fuel over the years Iran “MAY” have had the opportunity to chemically extract Plutonium before sending the fuel back to Russia for reprocessing.

    Of course in doing that chemical exctraction it would distort the fuel contained in the fuel rods which would be very obvious to whoever received the fuel rods for reprocessing.

    Iran clearly has enough enriched uranium for several bombs. The UN said last week 3, but it could be higher (speculation is 5ish)

    I guess we wait an see what Israel does, probably this weekend, with their attack on Iran. If they use nuclear weapons … then it’s on, which I think is the unspoken worry that the US and other countries have (why the UK and Germany sent their foreign ministers to Israel today)

    If ANY nuclear weapons are used by anybody in ANY regional conflict … the world will change in an instant.

    My final comment: Netanyahu is a wild card … but if “HE” thinks the long term survival of Israel is at stake “HE” WILL USE nuclear weapons.

  5. Mister Ure – here is current Nuclear Reality for Moose & Squirrel and good ole Whats Amatta U.
    “The Russians have offshore in the U.S. a Poseidon torpedo that they planted probably about nine months ago. That’s a 200-megaton tsunami bomb. They have supposedly five planted off the U.S. And that would send a radioactive sea (wave) that would almost reach to Mississippi, but kill almost everyone in the Eastern United States. 1,500 meters tall, 4,500 feet tall, basically taller, I guess. Meters, I think, break down to about 39.22 inches or whatever.

    The Russians put nine of those on the Belgorod, the massive submarine that they’d been working on for 20 years that they deployed about a year ago. These torpedoes are 90 feet long. They have nuclear engines. They have massive nuclear weapons, the largest nuclear weapons. They’re a five-stage thermonuclear weapon.A 50-megaton bomb was set off on an island north of Russia some 60 years ago. And people got burns from that 300 kilometers away and broke windows 500 miles away. This is four times larger than that. And we have them off the East Coast and the West Coast. My concern is that, and this is, I’ve seen the documents on this and I’ve published them on the Intel Drop. If the one that the Russians planted in the Caribbean—and we can’t defuse these or anything, they sit on the bottom forever until activated. We can’t do anything about it.” Uncle Gordy- theIntelDrop

    Dont know what is considered “Rich” to dazed and confused Americans, so…Write when youse got a Portal activated and ready to Go..

    * The Agora – Russian Rocket (conventional rockets work in vacum of Space?) went up on April 12th.
    Plasma engine !
    Thats right it has, this allows it to do 2nd stage.
    Once out of atmosphere, the engine in 2nd stage can run FOREVER. It can head towards Moon at 200,000 MPH, if there was time to accelerate that much. It can reach those speeds going to Mars though. ???

    No not using FUEL, it is powered by Fusion. There is a magnetic coil around the engine that creates a Plasma Donut, which operates a little like warp engine on Enterprise. A rocket engine with a magnetic coil. And it creates a plasma ring that sits under and that continues to expel neutrons and propel spaceship with constant acceleration…China & Russian Moon base coming ? Check.
    Interstellar Travel? Check.

    BB- Natasha, why is Russia 25 years ahead of USA technologically ?
    NB – Because we Graduate 3 Times as many Engineers a year as usa does? stupid americans.

    • Stupid Americans have been dumbed down by Stupid American Leadership (SAL).

      Stupid American Leadership opened the borders in 1965.
      SAL passed Affirmative Action so as to discriminate against the White family in the USA.
      SAL passed abortion so as to kill as many Whites and Blacks as possible.
      SAL took over education and took out Civics, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, etc., (not every school, but many schools), and now even have taken away SAT/ACT’s, and other valuable ways to measure/encourage excellence.
      SAL gave the student loan program to the banks so that most higher education could raise tuition without increasing education standards or graduation rates.
      SAL made sure that we allowed H1B, and other Visas to TAKE the jobs from American citizens. This is really a disgusting agenda which has COLLUDED or COMBINED itself with the poor education of the citizenry to make a self-fulfilling prophecy; stupid Americans can’t do STEM.

      Yeah, stupid Americans, or is that Stupido Americanos?

      Must be on purpose or all those TECH COMPANIES WOULD BE HIRING USA CITIZENS FIRST!!!


      See Globalism wants NO nations, NO citizenship, NO patriotism.

      Stupid Americans, NAFTA is continued to be inflicted and rolled out under your nose thanks to Mayorkas….a Zionista….

      You know what comes AFTER NAFTA in the dictionary???


      Open Borders Baby.

      GLOBALISM WANTS GLOBAL PARTNERS AND GLOBAL CITIZENS, except for stupid Americans, globalism is not really interested in stupid Americans colonizing the globe.

      • (“Must be on purpose or all those TECH COMPANIES WOULD BE HIRING USA CITIZENS FIRST!!!”)

        Years ago I took a course I wanted on subliminals at GWU Georgetown.. nice school .. anyway I was sitting in the library.. they had comfy chairs and tables.. couches etc.. anyway I was reading in the lounge area and a bunch of the other kids were there and a conversation came up.. ( it wasn’t directed at me .. at least I don’t think it was.) the conversation was about the kids that attended the school..
        They will let just about anyone come to our school.. who they were talking about were there was quite a few people going in my income level… With more poor people attending.. how could they maintain the status of being a GWU graduate..if anyone could get the education.. you still see that attitude at YALE.. its the preppies daddy’s school..the one reason why you cannot check out a book from their library.. yea you can get it everywhere else.. but not from the YALE library.. that is only allowed for special people..
        That is what happened to the USA.. before NAFTA and Reagan outsourcing and de-regulation.. everyone had insurance.. you got a part time full time any time job.. you had insurance.. before de-regulation.. Mom stayed home with the kids.. dad worked and you could live on one income.. the status divisions were still there.. like the four dollar and fifty cent dishwasher in turkey.. only the extremely wealthy laboring class in turkey can afford to get it.. everyone else it was a save up until you could save enough to buy one .. then get it..
        I didn’t have a color tv until the nineties.. everything I had was black and white.. ( I actually still prefer black and white.. but that is the old photo buff in me) If you wanted one you had to save up money lots of money to go buy them.. today two hundred dollars and you have one..
        All they did is buy into the greed.. We outsourced industry.. cutting one leg off of the chair.. then we pushed for foreign invasion cutting another of the legs off of the chair.. the chair is barely able to stay up with someone sitting on it.. they have to balance it.. now shoving money and arms to other countries.. involving us in so many wars we can’t turn in any direction without facing some sort of delima.. its over greed.. who benefits .. not the people.. I buy foreign goods.. a diesel parking heater is over fourteen hundred dollars made in the usa.. a hundred bucks made someplace else.. I will go for the hundred dollar one.. a dishwasher made in the usa almost three thousand dollars.. or one made someplace else two hundred to four hundred dollars.. guess which one I will go for.. Now our grain exports our ranches and farms our food production all owned by someplace else.. manned by people from someplace else.. we sold out for greed..its all about the business model

  6. I missed today’s market open. Screaming coming from that back yard diverted my attention. I hustled on out and found my cat face to face with a coyote., howling low and slow.., very eerie -almost surreal. Lips curled back., turned slightly side-ways. Both were down low., eye-to-eye and not moving – the final charge was about to begin.
    Suddenly the coyote realized he was being watched and rapidly turned and faced me.., we locked eyes. His nose was shredded – bleeding profusely – I have never seen such fury in a coyotes eyes before – he was really pissed-off ! My 28 pound rescue cat didn’t seem to have a mark on him – but his eyes were deadly.
    The coyote, realizing that now he was out-manned and out-gunned, spun around and made a blindingly fast exit.., my cat was just as fast and chased him for about twenty feet., then realized that was a stupid move., stopped and sat down., watching him disappear.
    I have no doubt that the coyote would have eventually won that contest., but damn ! He really paid the price for trying. It will be a long time before that nose heals.
    Now that the stand off was over., I called my cats name, he looked back at me, then slowly started walking towards me. Not a mark on him. Amazing.
    Will he be back ? Possibly.
    Do animals hold grudges?
    Do they remember who kicked their ass ?
    Do they plot revenge ?
    Do they waste their time with such thinking ?
    ., or is all of that just a human trait, human attributes ?

    • We have 2 cats who decided to live with us. One – Tuxedo female we call Mama. She just lays around mostly except when anything she knows we don’t want around the bird feeders or birdbaths then she will run them off. She seems to not like snakes or lizards at all and ignores birds. The other all black maIe I call Recon. He seems to have joined up with Starsky and Hutch our Anatolians. I have watched him appear out of nowhere around early evening or just after sunrise and spook around the perimeter of the yard and down the drive after he eats chow. The dogs watch him and somehow know when he is on to something. Yesterday he got up from under my truck and walked towards the drive then stopped with his tail twitching. Almost immediately the boys alerted and took off after I told them di. Turns out we have a new part time mailman. Nervous fella.
      Stay safe. 73

    • lol lol.. when I was a little boy.. we heated with coal..every Saturday dad would go to the coal bin at the elevator and pick up a weeks worth of little sister and I would go time the elevator hadn’t unloaded the coal from the car so dad had to jump up in it and scoop it into wash tubs.. there was a kitten in that sister and I begged dad to let us have the kitten.. dad finally said go ahead and we caught it and took that feisty cat home. it hid for days in the house before getting some food.. we had a little tiny dog tiger.. a small terrier . toddler and tiger.. they were best friends..toddler grew up to be a huge bob cat. that lived to lay on your feet at night..anyway one day toddler was on a branch I was in the swing and two big dogs were attacking tiger ..with tiger racing home as fast as he could crying from being bitten.. I was going to jump out of the swing and rush to save tiger toddler lifted his head and before I could jump out ran to tigers defense killing both big dogs ..then locking tigers wounds in the yard..after that toddler would take off at night and not come home for days.. then didn’t come home at all..
      years later dad told me a farmer had shot toddler afraid it was going to attack his livestock..
      I totally can see that cat getting the best of the coyote. around here the coyotes come to town once in a while..
      not so much this year.. a nurse I know has a love for wolves big friendly as hell but huge animal.. I do believe her wolf has a paw twice as big as my hands..well mannered..but I would hate to be the one that decided to break into her home.. it’s quiet looks like it’s calculating everything you do..
      we have wild minni me was worried that the rabbit in the backyard would he would take it a carrot.. he was 3 .. named it jack.. it got to the point he would go out and call jack and if that rabbit was in earshot would come running..jack ended up to be a Jackie and had a bunch of babies..princess is still around and so is boo.. boo would hid behind a tree and play peek aboo.. princess you can hold boo is a little more elusive..I have a cage that sits open with straw in it so boo can sleep in it..
      people should be more like animals

    • Will he be back? – Not likely

      Do animals hold grudges? – No

      Do they remember who kicked their ass ? – Yes

      Do they plot revenge ? – No

      Do they waste their time with such thinking ? – No

      IF the coyote comes back, it will remember the go-around with the cat and will seek to exact revenge and kill it in a bum-rush. With that said, the wild creature neither bears a grudge nor plots revenge. It merely regurgitates the memory when surroundings prompt, and once done, remembers the incident, and how it transpired.

      Coyote, like wolves, travel in a big circle — generally 25-45 miles in diameter, and accordingly, show up in the same approximate area every 14-32 days. It is more likely that the coyote will remember the incident on its next circuit, and avoid your place because of its “bad medicine,” than it is, that it’ll come around for another “allemande left and a do-si-do” with your kitty, but you should probably be wary, and aware…

      • Ray – I was speaking / asking metaphorically – jokingly..,
        In all the years that I have lived here I have never seen a coyote – anywhere near my property. I’ve had deer walk right pass me heading for the grapes.., had a cougar sit and watch me from the raised vegetable beds – had a pretty good conversation with him.., he just sat there, proud as could be and seem to listen rather intently as I talked to him – went on for at least five minute before he slowly got up and wander off into the woods. Never saw him again.
        This coyote was single. I’m pretty sure he was on his own and not in a pack., and was exploring outside of his usual bounds – just to see “what’s out there.”
        50/50 on whether he’ll be back.

        • Ugh… I’ve seen one in my front yard, several times, and timber wolf within two miles. I have yet to see a big cat around here, and REALLY don’t want to.

          I thought you were being rhetorical, but threw that out there for the citified amongst us.

          The real danger with coyote is when they’re mixed with coy-dogs. The coyote doesn’t like man-smell and will avoid humans that’re more than about age-3 unless it’s starving. The coy-dog either started out domestic and turned, or ran in a pack with one, and has no fear or disdain for humans. I’ve seen pictures of them running urban/suburban neighborhoods in towns like Chicago, Dayton and Indy, which have a lot of private greenspace. They laugh at a 4-foot fence and will kill anything that breathes. The Dayton pix came from a TV news segment, showing the creatures living in sewer tunnels and culverts, or under buildings, and combing the ‘burbs at twilight.

    • Coyotes and big cats are endemic here. Some are dangerous, some are not. With the coyotes, if you can observe their interaction with livestock, you can get an idea if they are a problem or not. If cattle and donkeys ignore them, then they aren’t an issue. I generally don’t permit groups greater than three to hang around. The coyotes eat vermin, which is a useful function.
      Big cats are harder to figure out. A young one marking territory close to your home is potentially very dangerous. We had an Eastern TX panther mom who lived in the neighborhood for a decade or more. She was small, and a dark reddish brown. She would bring a litter of kittens up and let them play in the neighbor’s drive or 15 minutes every year or so to show them off. If you are in brush or an overgrown fence row, and hear one loud throaty “mew”, it is best to back out very carefully. Been there. Also beware of monsters hunting rabbits in the garden at dusk.

  7. This is how I have ‘load balanced’ my solar hot water system. I have the biggest available 80 Gal. Tank for the system. I goosed up the solar storage temp. To the max safely available 180 degrees. The hot water output has a mixing valve to take that down to 140 before going into the house. Hot solar days gets plenty of hot water for two evening showers. Tank storage keeps it hot enough overnight for a morning shave and hair wash. Now for cloudy days, I have the ‘little grey box’ timer that kicks in the electric heater backup in the tank. It will bump the temp up if the tank is below 140 degrees in the afternoon at 4pm. Will keep it there till 10pm when the timer for the backup heater goes off. Again, a tankful of 140 degrees will still be warm enough to use in the morning. Since I shower in the evenings, this is max load time on the hot water.

    The leased PV solar electric is programmed by the company. It ‘sells back’ a nominal 1kwh monthly just to keep the contract alive. It manages the battery charging itself and I get to use all the energy it produces… some time-shifted by the battery. The electric company is planning new metering installs and variable-rate costs by time-of-day usage coming soon. First attempt was utter failure when 6,000 newly installed meters would not ‘talk’ to the system and had to be removed. (Mine was one… that’s how I found out about that fiasco from the meter installer). We shall see how that pans out, and if the leased PV system can be re-programmed to take advantage of cheaper solar day rates when available.

  8. “Son G2 has convinced me a well-aimed small round will save our bacon compared with a poorly down-ranged super hollow point plastic overpriced round.”

    I got a new Gamo pellet gun. At 1350fps it rivals a .22 long rifle. It has an ingenious reloading that drops in a new pellet when you break-barrel cock the thing. The reloader has a 10-pellet magazine you can click quickly into place. I ordered five magazines and 2000 pellet rounds. And most importantly, I am NOT on any gun registry list or background search.

  9. Two things this morning – in the news
    1] The stock market is about to have a hard reset that will take years to recover from.
    2] The stock market is about to enter a very disappointing ten year down cycle.
    I, personally, believe ‘both’ of those statements.

  10. U.K. PM said coming out of meeting in Israel., that the Israeli’s have made their plans for retaliation, but wouldn’t answer any press questions.
    Just moments afterwards the Iran Ayatollah said that the tiniest infraction by Israel and they will launch a massive assault.
    Looks like that stage is set.

  11. Has the N_A taken over as admin of Ure server yet?:(

    The N_A feeds raw, unfiltered intelligence to civilian police agencies, who then stalk political opposition of leftist totalitarians like Slo Joe and his handlers. Kiss civil liberties good-bye. Posse comitatus is dead. This is real SHTF.
    There is no secrecy in voter ballots, no privacy in communications, no privacy in Ure own home. Of course, with Alexa in every room, you had kinda punted on that some time back

  12. Hezbollah just launched missiles and drone into North Israel., wounding 14 IDF soldiers.
    Israel can not wait much longer. If they are going to strike, it has to be very soon. VERY soon.

  13. Two confirmed cases of hunters who ate infected deer meat have contracted Cronic Wasting Disease and have died.
    This is the first ‘proof positive’ that this horrible disease can be transmitted from deer to humans.
    In humans the signs of the disease are rapid onset of confusion and violent aggression.

  14. George re: depopulation – As a long time reader I wanted to share my dream/snapshot from this morning. – As I was about to wake up I saw a complete map of the world followed quickly by same map but now completely overlaid by a seismograph reading all in red with very close, very high & very low spikes. The spikes so close to each other they were almost touching. I then awoke. This snapshot lasted only about 2-3 seconds. FYI yes I do dream a lot but not of the world. This 1 really stood out as you can imagine. No I haven’t been thinking of earthquakes & no I haven’t been on the USGS site in many mths but after this I did look today & yes some popping as you’d expect. Change does seem to be coming.

  15. “Two confirmed cases of hunters who ate infected deer meat have contracted Cronic Wasting Disease and have died.”

    Probably thanks to our friends at Wuhan. TPTB can’t have folks surviving without their .gov handouts, after all.

  16. “We are, he argued, going down that path right now as computers have largely changed emphasis of product delivery from on-screen text to iconography (as in fav.ico files) and seeing as how icons have taken over screen space from everything of a text nature, his point is well-taken.”

    The problem with iconization is it requires an answer key to be properly understood. No one walking the planet today can say with 100% certainty, what any hieroglyph or petroglyph says, or means, or for that matter, the meaning of words or concepts expressed in any antiquated or unmaintained “dead” language.

    As Chris would point out, there are significant differences between ancient and modern Hebrew, and Hebrew is a living language. The reason there aren’t such differences in Latin is it is a dead language, but one which has been curated in its original form, by the Catholic Church and sustained by the dogma of the HRC…

    I’ve been using cellphones since the early-mid 1990s. I can not tell anyone what most of the icons mean, or what they do. They don’t have labels, they don’t have an answer key. Therefore, I have learned through trial & error, what the iconic representations of the few functions I use are, and have memorized them. The others? Not so much…

    • A major problem with icons is that you can’t name them! Yes, you might be able to describe them, but they generally cannot be pronounced, as words can. Many of us who are less visually oriented rely on the sound of something to remember it. This is a major problem with learning non-alphabetic languages such as Chinese, since there’s no natural link between the appearance of a character and the pronunciation.

  17. “Sanctions warfare continues: US and EU eye new sanctions on Iran after attack on Israel. Which is so stupid and transparent as to be absurd. Remember it’s Biden/’bama who is sending Iran cash-money.”

    I heard a newsbite tonight on der radio, which whined because Russia was engaged in a mutual-aid arrangement with North Korea, in violation of UN sanctions. We have sanctioned the shit out of Russia. Additionally, we’ve sent military assistance, in an amount greater than the GDP of 90% of the world’s nations, to Ukraine, in an effort to conquer Russia via a proxy war. We are actively seeking the removal of their Head of State, and are taking steps to bankrupt or break their economy, and…

    Well, sonofagun? We’re doing exactly the same with North Korea and with Iran — ‘cept Iran is Obama’s turf, so any “sanctions” we slap on Iran will be strictly for show, and the Ayatollahs will keep on selling their oil to China, and under the table to nearly all the EU “Member States.” In the meantime, we’re driving these four nations ever-closer together, both politically and economically and we are pissing away any ability we might have at “carrot and stick” diplomacy, ‘cuz we’z about outta sticks, and they-all are gonna be planting their own carrot patches, soonly…

  18. BTW, I also heard bits of FNC’s “The Five” today. What caught my ear was a drive some (present or wannabee) Republican Congresscritter was making, to put shop and home economics classes back in the public schools.

    Everyone on the panel, including the Liberal dude, were strongly in favor, with Jeanine Pirro commenting that these would become skills essential to life, after the EMPs…

    (It was Judge Jeanine’s line which pulled my attention. The above is my best reconstruction of their discussion, up to that point.)

  19. Made the (more than) mile-high drive over the mountain today to the Costco warehouse. The Titan truck is a joy to drive on that highway. Set the cruise control and it handles the hills while I handle the curves. Between the dry dusty air at altitude, and the pollen awaiting me at the home jungles, it does a job on my hay-fever sensitized sinuses. I decided to try some breathe-right nasal strips when I got home. Usually my stuffy nose has me mouth-breathing at night, which drys out my throat and has me waking up gagging several times overnight as I reach for the nearby gatorade. But so far those sticky, spring open strips are doing wonders to open my nose just enough to breathe normally. Looking forward to a good night’s sleep after the all-day driving. We shall see. I might have to stock up on these things.

    • Vheck your a/c unit – may be able to upgrade the cabin air filter to something finer and more allergies appropriate (god, did that sound woke, or what?)

      • A/C!? This is Hawaii. Who uses A/C? Not even in the car!
        I picked a day between passing rain systems. Sunny and a balmy 72 degrees at the 6800ft summit of the drive. But coming down the windward slopes toward Hilo it was rain-fog and 64 degrees.

        • Being a Badger, you’d know there are times when running the A/C and heater at the same time is necessary to keep the windshield clear. With that said (and in your place, I’d never raise a window unless it was raining or snowing), I would make sure the CAF (if it has one) is of the activated charcoal flavor. When you do need to use the truck’s HVAC, you don’t need to risk Legionnaire’s, or some similar pulmonary ick…

        • Thanks for the tip Ray. Will look into the cabin filter. I know the engine air intake filter was replaced, and it had black blotches that looked like black mold… common in this tropical environment. Last thing I need is a case of ‘pulmonary ick’ !

        • “pulmonary ick” – nice wordage – consider it stolen as a template~”

          Looks like it’s already PD.

          Next thing you know, it’ll be a part of “Internet lexicon…”

          I wonder if blackmold shows up under UV?

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