It’s almost like a derivative function. But it’s designed as a pathway for the visually stimulated trader to make graphical observations over time that may improve trading. I know, sounds a little “out there” but you might find otherwise when you see the case.
There’s always the small dose of overnight news flow to inspect, although in this part of summer (quiet) about the closest thing we can get to an earthquake is Japan because the political machinations in the US just don’t cut it for us.
Which then gets us to one of those occasional “woo-woo” notes. And this morning, a short summary of my overnight adventure which came back from the Dream Realms with the title “Sailing the Mountains of Cho.”
We’ll keep it highly focused because “lawnmower surgery” is on tap at the ranch and it’s going to be another hot one. Which happens now and then in deep summer.
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“Which wheels us into how social media is participating in global uprisings: YouTube didn’t pull down UK riots instigator’s video.”
And BLM and Antifa are still free.. didn’t even get a ticket for their terrorists activities.. they even were bragged about as they marched across the USA like Sherman and destroyed billions of dollars worth of vital infrastructure in the most vulnerable neighborhoods, the violence, raping pilaging and destruction the needless deaths…. amazing..
Yet mom and pop that were concerned about their childs safety and voiced it at PTA meetings were embarrassed publicly and put in jail.. just because of their concern on their childs safety..
a lot of parents decided to home schooling in neighborhoods where their school is doing away with the safety of the childs concerns… a lot of churches started schools to.. same reason..
you really should do a teeny bit of research like “BLM prison sentences” or “BLM convictions”. some are still in jail
you really should do a teeny bit of research
Coming from YOU ???
loob,93% of BLM protests peaceful:
BLM protestors arrested at 5X rate of Jan6 protestors:
Home Schooling became prevalent due to Covid, not BLM protests.
(“Can Society Survive the Current Crises?). The answer is some will likely survive the question is will it be in a modern world, or will we all be War Lorded and Mad Max’ed by then?”)
If the studies are correct.. Then either of those would be the positive aspect.. I could reflect on how it could be.. but we all know it already.. did this admin hold the hands of a trojan horse army as they crossed our open borders.. is this the poison pawn trap.. is the bric’s plan to destroy the dollar and all fiat currencies.. which country would win .. what would happen to politicians and their family members.. I was told that the ukrainian army forces had crucified a four year old son of one of the families that didn’t approve of their actions then set him on fire to show they meant what they dictated.. by someone that I play an online game with a long time ago when Obama was in office.. he was disgusted and horrified about it a great deal of people asked putin to come in and clean up the corruption.. in the town square. the list of the activities is huge.. it wasn’t a secret then and it isn’t today… IF what we face is was a red dawn and they won which set of laws would be the ones implemented… I believe that we should be protecting the country and its citizens instead of working for some SH’s pocket book increasing in numbers that doesnt’ even pay taxes here..
(“More blue and rocks in the snowfields, no brown and all slow/blue/ice and dark rocks on the sides.”)
At the cookout fire we had last weekend.. the single mother girlfriend of our neighbor came over the little girl was playing and she found a really nice rock.. and had to show me her pretties..
I said is that your special rock.. she was so excited.. her mom not so much.. I said maybe we should polish it up for you.. and it is in the rock tumbler now.. LOL.. make a little necklace for her.. everyone knows I have done that for all the kids.. each one has their special rock.. the one that speaks to them…
re: “Movement in Models”
feat: Breaking
As you may be aware, a 36 year old Australian university lecturer -Raygun- has stood the new global hip hop Olympic breakdancing sport on its head in Paris. Her daytime cv includes the academic paper “Don’t Worry, it’s Just a Girl!: Negotiating and Challenging Gendered Assumptions in Sydney’s Breakdancing Scene”.
Raygun apparently scored zero points against each of her opponents according to the “Daily Mail” one of whom was a 21 year old Filipina-American. The latter formerly from SoCal and lately of Florida competed under the moniker Logistx. Her lucky break occurred in 2021 when she won the Red Bull BC One World Final.
Let’s get back to the competition and breaking news as China sends its entrant, 671, onto the global stage.
Raygun in action …
Love the narration on that. Lol
I didn’t see that anyone had posted the last Audio Blog by Cliff High so I am posting the title and link below.
He says in that blog that once he finishes with this set of Data Runs he will be doing NO MORE REPORTS.
He gave several reasons, but a key one may be that his wife is in very bad health with all that entails since she is now a several hour drive from where they were living and will per his comments never coming back to that house.
* Cliff High August 4 audio blog: Smackeraled normies! – Watch out for the splash out!
“Globalism as passing”
My take is globalism isn’t going away.
“It is important for us to die because most of the time people don’t change their mind.”
– Elon Musk
What’s consensus on when globalism began? In Western terms time machine back to 1492 when Columbus sailed. He was looking for shorter routes to the Spice Islands, globalism.
When the New Land was founded corporate overhead was low there so the newcomers could out compete the rest of the world. Resources were low low-cost. Just shoot the standing owners who didn’t even have a concept of ownership and sell them abroad.
300 years after being found, 1776, “Just prior to the Revolution, British tax rates stood at between 5-7%, ” 6% average.
Vs today (post 1930’s)
“Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent of wages…” And that’s just SS.
The competitive advantage for the New World ran from 1492 and ended sometime mid 1933’s when big .gov policies were written and implemented.
WW2 standardized world ports and routes for better globalism.
Even going back 100 years +/- globalism was in full swing. Ford was founded in 1903 and “Ford’s overseas expansion began in 1908 in France and was quickly followed by England and Australia in 1909.” Ford’s overlapping automobile technology was being moved on sail ships back then.
One needs only gander at the ^VIX to know angina is in the house. Some powerful forces managed an open and close Monday last and … we have spent the week pretending nothing happened.
The biggest yoke is notional values of the famous money machine “carry trade” are probably meaningless. It’s the spiderweb of derivatives that will get cha. Some got unwound. Someone (or more) was (were) in tribble.
Temptation to look away, see no one behind the curtain is just that, tempting. Nuh uh. Watch the Yen. Watch the TNX. Keep a weather eye. Or assume we fixed something. Anything?
ATL: to-do lists have given way to woo-woo.
I’m 6 bidness days in the saddle.
Next: the other list.
Have a fine weekend alles,
real quick like before i go.
the big picture is emerging.
ya see the Kabalah Hewbrews do not accept Jesus as their Messiah Nor do they accept Muhammed. they actually created Muhammed as the antidote for Christians. i read a book a few years ago written in 1805 about Muhammed, written originally in German. its quite the different take from todays stance on The Muslem Religion.
and quite the different stance that T. Jefferson had in contental congress about the Barby Coast Pirates and the Sultans.
in it it talks about the growing Christianity Problem for the Kablah Jews. Muhammed begins to rise in power, and The Kabalah Jews in secret begin to aide in Muhammads rise to power as a solution to their Christianity problem.
Since Its all about the Blood. it really is. only 2 tribes of people have RH Negative Blood. and if ya have Rh Negative blood? you are either Basque or Hebrew. both told not to intermingle thousands of years ago. now in todays world we know why. because RH Negative Blood fights off RH Positive Blood like its a Virus. that is why that King Of England sent his Basque wife who had i think it was 8 miscarages to go live in a tower.
now the first 3 popes were all Basque. The People of The Mountain. whose a nation without borders, has existed for 20,000 years and nobody not Ghengis Khan, Atilla The Hun, The Roman Empire, Not Not Napolian, Nor Stalin, Nor Hitler Conqured them.
they all have Rh Negative Blood. same with True Hebrews.
now not many people know this but there is only 6% of the entire world population that is Rh Negative.
about 480,000,000 people.
what was it the old Georgia guide stones said??? do not exceed 500,000,000.
When we look at the Big Picture. we see the release of Covid -19 and the usher in of the Vacccine. we see the mass migration of muslems into the christian population.
and now we see the Jewish who neither recognise Jesus or Muhammed as thier Messiah attempting a Blood Scrifice to usher in The Messiah.
that is the big picture.
since we all know that WWI and WWII were blood scrifices for debts paid.
well you understand….
its common kowledge that Moses went to the Mountain. Noah went to the Mountain. Zoroasta came from the Mountain. Jesus went to the Mountain. Muhammed went to the Mountain. as the sag goes, “If the Mountain won’t go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must come to the Mountain.”
All these Went to the Mountain and then came back and changed the world.
even Abraham went to the Mountain.
you dont think its alldo ya?
btw i can not see anything im typing. so i hope it all makes sense. the google pop up add is blocking my view of what i write, no matter if i turn my phone sideways or not.
as im sure they blocking what others are writting as well.
we call that election interferance and if memory serves that is High Treason and punishable by Hanging.
Doesnt seem to me thatglw gives a shit about High Treason.
well, i best get. gym, then
and get laid in the shade.
uhem. Made in the Shade.
both are suitable.
~ It wasnt luck, It was God ~
“btw i can not see anything im typing. so i hope it all makes sense. the google pop up add is blocking my view of what i write, no matter if i turn my phone sideways or not.”
Andy, go here:
download Brave for your phone
use it to surf websites where you might make comments.
End of problem…
pretty dang coincidental actually. almost seems like it was all planned that way. orchastrated by some invisible force. or a group of Rich Kids with access to unlimited resources.
if that is the case, the Rich Kids forgot one tiny fact about this world. The Fact is, this is not their world. This world and everything in it, belongs to Someone else.
whome i call THE DUDE.
Cash called Him The Man.
Que: ~ The Man ~
George, the best line in that entire book about Muhammed, written in 1807, orginially in the German Language, is:
“After All, that last for letters in Kabbalah are Alah. Which means to serve the Kabal.”
such a good song. who knew Cash was a prophet,
‘The wise man will bow down before the throne
And at his feet they’ll cast their golden crowns
When The m
Man comes around”
“Hear the trumpets hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singin’
Multitudes are marchin’ to the big kettledrum
Voices callin’, voices cryin’
Some are born and some are dyin’
It’s alpha and omega’s kingdom come”
Trump and His Holy Ear, the sign of the song, Hear the Trumpets….
let him who hath understanding recognise…
K and C’s phonetically the same thing. of course that is where i got my chicken dinner 2 nights ago.
OK. that is pleanty enough for me.
hope ya all have an amazing August. i already am.
oh and P.S..
if ya havent figured out who the piper is. its Kamala Harris. who smoked pipe all the way to the top.
makes sence since the last 3 letters of her name is also:
ala. the h must be silent.
Kaballah Harris?
oh nothing gets past these old dudes. i know i am one.
you all already know.
Old dudes rule! that is what i love about Urban Survival.
lots of smart people around here.
You have joined the BCN as posts to skip over.
You’re the Dude, I’m Mr. Lebowski.
The view from Fauntleroy Cove is too much bloviating.
Keep your powder dry
May look good to the NYC Bankers and the Bidenistas … but all sorts of indicators things are NOT great in the land of the LET’S FIGHT MORE WARS.
Current example:
From my marketing mailings there are currently FOUR (yes 4) special European week long vacation deals that have popped up in my mailbox over the last 3 weeks or so, all WITH AIRFARE PAID FOR from NYC, and for most some additional cities too. Bridge season trips though some available dates do end up in the winter.
The accommodations almost across the board are 4 Star hotels and all travel during the trip, and transfers, are paid for. OH breakfast is included at all the hotels
#1 Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, and one other city I forget
#2 Eastern Europe: Budapest and two other good cities
#3 Greece: Athens and Santorini
#4 Italy: Rome, Florence, Venice for $999 with an option to add on Milan and Lake Como (3 nights additional) for an additional $250.
I haven’t seen prices like that for that quality of trips since back towards the end of the Great Recession (say about 2012 ish), and as we all know the dollar is worth LESS now in purchasing power due to inflation than it was back then
Travel Agencies overbought for their pre-packaged trips … and are now trying to unload them at huge discounts, probably even taking an actual loss on each of those trips.
Deals for the great destinations in South America have also been popping up too, only place I would go overseas at the moment with the state of the world being what it is, but NOT YET discounted as deeply. So far the best I have seen for Peru, since I want to go to Montu Pitu SO FAR is $1699, once it hits $999 my bags are packed and I am on the jet airplane!! (did hit that level, actually went down to $899, for about two weeks just after their massive floods there that stranded thousands of tourists near the mountain but I didn’t go at that time)
My sister has been doing that for two years now..gets off one vacation cruise and onto the next one.. I did ask her why. her response is it’s cheaper than the cost of living at home.. I am not sure where she is right now another sibling said they thought she was either on a Scandinavian cruise or in Australia.. one two week cruise was so dam cheap that’s trip to McDonald’s was more.
speaking mickey D’s they did away with over half the staff.. they only have the kitchen staff.. put in order kiosks..kind of like a automated vending machine..
S2: Agreed! Just bought 10 day river cruise from Bucharest to Budapest in September for $998. Haven’t seen stuff this cheap in years. Yeah, it’s a risk because the balloon might go up, but heck, it probably won’t and I’m 81 and in need of a little excitement.
I want to be efficient about this, because I want to reach the conclusion as soon as I can; but some background is necessary. (Sorry if this runs long.)
Kathy — my wife of some 40 years — and I, moved from Connecticut, our home of all those years but the last one, to North Carolina for “tax refugee retirement purposes” in September of 2011. (Our IRA and combined Socials were just not enough to stay in tax-expensive, oil-heated Connecticut — almost; but not quite.)
So, we had to move. So, we did.
She and I had a lovely “sundown” session at the end of one fine day, a fine dinner, and we turned in for the night. Daily “sundown” sessions on the deck, with wine; hers white, mine red; and gentle conversation about nothing in particular was our very long-term tradition.
Around midnight, she had a massive CVA, stroke, and passed away in ICU two days later. That sundown session was the last time we talked. I spoke to her quite a bit in the ICU, but there was no visible response. She had a tangled mass of confused blood vessels, that was a ticking time bomb for a sudden blow-out from birth, but almost never had a sick day in her entire life, or any indication of this condition. Here at sundown: gone, essentially, by midnight.
She had enjoyed North Carolina deeply for just about 300 days.
Meanwhile Doug & Eda, our best friends for many decades, had preceded us to North Carolina by about a year, and were also very happy together here in retirement. Doug passed away from nasty cancer about six months after my Kathy did.
Eda and I had been long-time business partners in a film and video, “script to screen,” boutique production company. We had never had an affair, although our peers distantly suspected (and projected) it — we viewed it as a slight career-enhancing image thing, and never did anything to either encourage or dismiss these projections. We did have a certain “magic,” somewhat like the principles in the TV series, “Moonlighting,” but that’s all. Never a realized thing. (That way, it was a more delicious thing by far, than if it HAD been a realized thing. A little mystery is good. Exciting for observers and participants, both.
We had all been very happy in our marriages and lives.
About a year after Doug passed, Eda and I were married under the grape vine in the backyard here in April of 2013. My pitch was a simple one; “You’re lonely, I’m lonely — let’s be lonely together.” We already had a lot of respect and love and honesty between us. Eda passed away of a nasty cancer in August of 2023.
Now, here’s my point:
Don’t EVER miss a chance to hug someone. Don’t EVER miss a chance to just sit and talk and laugh with someone. Share some wine, or just sit and BE. ALL your people are vast treasures, far beyond reckoning. Time is shorter than you think. Don’t waste any.
Over the years, I managed to put a little — and I DO mean a little — base metal bullion aside AG – AU. I live in a mortgage-less house, and I still have a small IRA and a small Social Security — but I’d give it all for one more sundown session and a hug from either one of them — to fill my arms with their Being..
If Heaven exists, then I believe it must be a place of endless and complete love and forgiveness — else, why have one at all?
Don’t waste any time.
Brilliance from the heart. Seconded and passed!
Thank you!
(Try 3806 tomorrow early – should be up by 5:15 Your Time)
I’ll try. Don’t count on it.
Well Said!
We moved from the city to a small, solar powered, house in very rural Okanogan County, Washington. We had three years here when a perfectly normal evening watching DVD’s turned into a horror story for me. One moment watching TV with my wife, then the next running for the phone to call 911. I like to believe that for her it wasn’t much different than falling asleep in front of the TV.
Yesterday evening marked 6 years without her. I always wished that I could l have just one more moment with her.
Around 2 March of this year (5 1/2) years, in the early morning hours I dreamed that I was falling asleep with my arm over her. Then I woke up in the same position with my arm just the same as it was in the dream. It seemed so real that it’s hard to believe it wasn’t. I remember being surprised that it didn’t trigger the overwhelming grief that still hits me, but it was more like I had that moment that I had been wishing for and it was good.
Well said. I shared this with Diana over our morning coffee. We do our best to follow your wisdom. Better guidance cannot be found. Thanks for sharing.
Stay safe. 73
Thank you for sharing, William.
After 3 visits to hospital Emergency in the past 6 months with my love of 60 years and watching her in pain , I understand your message. We shared many years of sunsets together but now watching a very different sunset without the sun.
Treasure every moment you have with those you love.
That is our standard at home wife has had several strokes so far she’s been able to overcome them.. it’s affected her mobility but hasn’t stopped her.. everyone friend or family leaves with a hug and a drive safe and sentiment of how much they mean to us..that way if it’s our last moment of contact..there’s no last regrets..
George, the stratagy of Divide and Conqure. if it didnt work so well, They would have to come up with a new plan.
this morning in meditation i was thinking about when the brittish would line up toe to toe with colonialist. load up their muskets and shoot.
bunch of dudes would fall down dead. then the colonialists would load up their muskets and shoot and a bunch of british dudes would fall down dead. until everyone on both sides was dead, except a few dudes.
they all go drink tea, take a nap, and do it again the next day.
that was really how they used to do war battles. seems crazy now days.
one day a fella figured out, what if we put someone over here on a hill and shoot them from the side while they are all stacked up like that?
and everyone said dont be dumb! that is not how we do combat!
then that fella said fuck the the rules of combat and all these men dying. im going going to set up on this hill and plink them off from over there.
!!!! in that one single moment. The United States was Born.
We had another moment just like that after perl harbor. someone said, what if instead of all this sending ships and men here and there. what if we just dropped a couple giant bombs on them? end the war fast like.
that is dumb! that is not how we do combat!!!
I have faith, This is still a Christian Nation. and we will have another moment, just like that. not a nuke.
an idea.
that changes everything.
a game changer.
time and time again,
one is produced every so often.
Yes! and Yes!
Ya see, Pard….
We ain’t played “Cowboys & Terrorists” quite yet….
..been playing Cowboys & Aliens for a while.
..Cold going Hot is much closer to current reality, than most realize.
‘Cowboys ‘n Terrorists’.
I’m not saying you posters are wrong.
While soldiers no longer lining-up is true trading gold dust for supplies is no longer acceptable. A different method of control has been implemented right under our noses.
The UK is going worldwide with surveillance./free speech. The situation is beginning to look like if we want to participate we’ll have to accept their way.
Musk isn’t contributing to push EVs. G, the host, did the report illustrating there isn’t enough electricity to power the fleet. Further the corporations want the electricity fpr data centers/A.I. so this puts EVs on the back burner.
Musk is brain chips/A.I./X Everything App. This fits the UK world model.
Ohhhh Yes, Almost forgot. the idea! the idea is already present. team trump and team musk, along with A.I. are in the developmental stages of using The Original Nick Tesla and Rife Sound light frequency to create the very first main stream Med Beds. capable of getting rid of cancer, reverse aging, fully restoring kindney and liver functions, reverse the side efdects of the mrna vax. etc. etc.
which as i wrote in the zero report edition I, will even eventually lead to main strea. human cloning between the years of 2038 and 2042 if memory serves. the ability to transfer consciousness into a sorta meta verse then transer it into a cloned human body with the same dna matrice wont develop for couple more decades. i do know which two companys eventually merge to do the digital 3D printing of biological clones and the transfer up to 6th clone in the future. as i wrote back then after 5 imprints transfered consciousness becomes to degraded to be transfered past the 6th time in to a human clone grown from its hosts DNA.
if memory serves this tech leads to the very first clone transfer in “med bed” in Soul South Korea. somewhere between 2038 and 2042. ish.
never the less, the idea is now born into the world. and in its developmental stages, using Nick Teslas Tech and Rife light, sound tech, coupled with A.I and Musks deep pockets.
the idea is already here. the future is now.
see for yourself,
at the link:
you may have to get the Telegram App, you know the one with paper airplane.
then suscribe to ENTHEOS channel.
real world main stream Med Beds using light sound frequencies.. outstanding!
pass me my light crown George.
~ we are right on schedule. ~
oh… Yes! Yes sir. I am feeling my way through it too.
sounding it out in my own life…….
from my own words. eye C or K Cash…
Prophet…. King….
in my imediate future because the sign read, My Future starts today,
eye c cashprofitking.
I sea cashprofiting
I c seee Cash Profiting!
eye see Cash Profiting!
O.K. coool. thanks!
ohhhhhhh duh!
the letter K comes finds its origin in the egyptian symbol of an open hand.
remember the drawing i made of an open hand with the dollar symbol inside a Circle. Circle K.
O K. All Correct!
My open Hand. K. the circle, the elements of Circle K. O.K. means All Correct.
open hand is the symbol of I recieve!
i dont have to figure it out. i only need to recieve!
Yes Sir. I recieve!
today is a good day!
“Trump continues to disappoint, as well. Trump campaign struggles to lay a glove on surging Harris | US elections 2024.”
Wasted time and money. The Dem candidate always rides high until 5 days past the DNC’s Convention.
There’s only so many times Trump can call her “stupid.” Until she makes a position or policy statement, there’s not a lot any republican can do…
truly it doesn’t make a difference..the powers that be have put in billions and ten years of non stop attacks.. the last was from a distance and failed.. the next one I fear will be up close and personal..I doubt he will ever be allowed to sit in the seat again no matter who votes for him
“Interestingly, OPEC+ is planning to increase production/output from October of this year.”
They are anticipating a Trump victory. DJT has said on day-1 he would lift all drilling and exploration restrictions. If he opens our floodgates, oil may go to $20/bbl. They’re just hedging their bets and taking profit while it’s available…
“Cho Oyu means “Turquoise Goddess” in Tibetan. The mountain is the westernmost major peak of the Khumbu sub-section of the Mahalangur Himalaya 20 km west of Mount Everest.”
Based on its composition, Everest was at one time, at the bottom of the ocean.
Did you see something from Earth’s distant past, distant future, or a lateral or parallel dimension…?
The Idea,
here is all the links george to the full body version of a med bed using Nick Tesla and Rife tech. this is really happening.
same kinda stuff as your light crown. in principle.
Real world Med Beds. ya know if Musk putting a shit load of money, and focusing vast A.I. Resourses… it must be legit.
The Idea is Born! The future is now!
ABOVE & BEYOND Your Imagination
Royal Raymond Rife [R] was an electrical engineer and a contemporary of JOHN TRUMP and other innovators who explored the use of LIGHT, VIBRATION, and FREQUENCIES —concepts mentioned in the Bible—to reverse injuries, heal ailments, and revolutionize the medical industry. Once celebrated for his inventions, Rife became a target of the pharmaceutical industry and Rockefeller family once they recognized his potential threat to their profits. Consequently, efforts were made to discredit and destroy his work, a familiar story. He died penniless.
His grand-nephew, Matthew Rife (also an engineer), has revived this technology using Royal’s original documents/research and has enhanced it with modern advancements unavailable to his great-uncle. Today, PolitiFarce and other corrupt organizations have already been deployed to stop Matthew’s progress.
The discussion includes:
* Effortless Healing
* Reversing vaccine damage and myocarditis
* Oscillating cancer cells, expelling them as waste
* Reversing hair loss through new stem cell formation, restoring hair to a youthful appearance and color
* Eliminating lifelong labor injuries and pain
* Healing a broken femur (the largest bone) in days instead of weeks or months
* Healing pets
* The miraculous effects of 528 Hz and 432 Hz (referred to as GOD Frequencies)
Additionally, it is noted that OAK TREE’s Starlink system has so far emitted no detectable radiation or caused physical harm to humans, unlike 4G/5G technologies, which are associated with an increase in cancer and other severe health issues. UNDERSTAND THIS [TICK UPWARD]
If you have any questions or wish to participate in Mr. Rife’s upcoming medical bed designs contact him below
Anna will be focusing heavily on interviews with those standing on the front line of the MEDICAL REVOLUTION in the coming months. Send guest or health/tech suggestions to her below.
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health
The Hidden Messages In Water
The Death Of Cancer (banned by YouTube)
let er rip, potatoe chip!
time to get
Put away the crack, before the crack puts you away” -SM..–Kjn0z8?si=Xh6RrLoCpOBE3_cj
Here is a great recipe … the palace cake of UR…Ancient Sumerian ..
2 cups dates, roughly chopped
1/2 cup raisins/sultanas
180g / 1+1/2 cups flour (wheat, wholegrain, or barley)
500ml / 1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 cup butter (room temperature)
2 eggs (room temperature)
1 – Combine Ingredients
To begin with, pour your flour into a large bowl. On top of this, pour your milk. Mix this into a wet paste, and then add your cottage cheese. Depending on the size of the curds in your cheese, you may need to break them up with a strainer. Either way, mix all this together until it is fairly cohesive.
Heat up your butter and pour into the bowl, mixing it until it is totally combined.
Next, crack your eggs into the bowl, one at a time. Mix each one until it is well combined, and no longer leaving streaks in the mix. Do this to both your eggs.
Finally, pour your raisins or sultanas into the mix, and stir them until they’re well combined. This last step is not explicitly mentioned in the original “recipe”, and it appears that Sumerians may have simply placed the dried fruit into the bottom of a baking tin before pouring in the “plain” batter over the top. So, I’ve changed this slightly to give a better final texture.
2 – Chop Your Dates
Now, stepping away from your batter, go roughly chop some dates. Make sure they’ve been checked for pits, because they’ll hurt if you bite into them. Once they’ve been chopped and de-pitted, put these into a bowl.
3 – Prepare your Baking Tin
Preheat your oven to 175 C / 325 F while you do this next step. Butter a baking tin that can fit your batter. Scatter about half of your chopped dates onto the bottom of the tin, forming a uniform layer.
4 – Bake
Pour your batter into your date-laden tin, making sure that the mix hits every corner and crevice of the tin! Scatter your remaining dates over the top of this, pressing them into the top of the batter a little. Then, place this dish into the middle of your preheated oven for about 45-55 minutes (depending on your oven),. Make sure to rotate the tin in the oven about halfway through, to make sure everything is cooking evenly
5 – Serve Up
Take the tin out of the oven when it’s done, and leave it to cool for at least 10 minutes. Don’t take the cake out of it’s tin until this cooling period has passed! The cake will still be cooking slowly due to residual heat.
When it’s cool, run a paring knife around the wall of your tin, and take out your cake! If you buttered it well, the whole thing should come out cleanly, but if not, don’t worry! It will still taste amazing.
This cake is a delicious and simple sweet treat that anyone could make! You could easily supplement the dates and raisins for other dried fruits (such as figs). Other recreations of the Palace Cakes of Ur suggest that aniseed may have been used to add new notes of flavour, so you could add this to the dates when you’re adding them to the tin! All in all, it’s a simple, light, yet delicious cake that really sends you back to the life of a wealthy Sumerian!
Today I’ve got the Olympics on the TV in the background waiting for the pop.
It wouldn’t take much for a mass casualty event. Have you ever been to an arena/stadium event and noticed the floor/ground being wet. All it would take is sometime to spray loose electricity on that spot.
That was a bust.