Carry Trade Collapse II?

Japan’s Nikkei 225 closed at 35,025.00 overnight. And we would not be surprised to see a bit of rally early this morning ahead of the weekend. But it’s what happens over the weekend that promises to be interesting.

As you know, the Bank of Japan recently raised its interest rate.  Wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to scare the piss out of the JA-Carry-Trade crowd.  The way this had worked was simple.  Bank of Japan lends at, oh, call it a 10th of a percent.  Then raises to what (filters through) as a quarter percent coming.

Large boosters of the Carry-Trade borrow as much as they can and then parcel it out to smaller firms.  Which then take their money and buy conservative U.S. stocks – the kind that pay a dividend.

You ought to be able to see where this is going: The spread (between the low Yen based capital cost and the (mostly reliable) stock dividend income, is as close to ‘printing money’ as you will find, this side of internet scammers in Boardman, Oregon.  (That’s a different story, one for the task force.)

The problem – now that we have been through “wave 1 down” of the higher interest rate on the JA side of the Carry – is what happens at the end of the month.  Because there is a case that Big Players will have to unload even more when the recycling into another month takes place.

One thing, in the meantime, has been the Majors have been dumping things like cryptos and metals in order to raise cash.  We see where Bitcoin dropped under $60,000 but has clawed its way back up today:

For now, there are several Elliott wave counts, but we do seem to be in something of a trend channel where and advance toward the middle may be in play until later in the month.

But that may be determined by the news flows in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Taiwan, with a special eye on Olympic closing ceremonies Sunday.

Gold and silver have been kicked down the same way, because as my consigliere notes, here’s probably a trillion dollars or more in Carry-Trade play blended into the market. Gold futures have fallen from the $2,550 area down to $2,471 on early futures trading today. But the real beat-down was on silver which dropped from closing in on $33 and is just now clawing back from lows around $27.25 to this morning’s $27.66.

The problem – and we spent several minutes trying to game this out during wine time last night – was how do the US market prices play out?

  • My consigliere’s model says the “getting ready for low” could cause US stocks to explode to the upside between now and Labor Day.  He’s got a good case for it.
  • But panic is contagious, as well, so the problem could (and this is my thinking) begin to front-run prices any old time.  And since we are in an Elliott position where a fifth wave down could show up any minute, we don’t plan to long the market, either.

For now, we may take weekend short positions (the war-lite-off bet), but in the end the smartest thing to do – when the streets are full of “financial drunk drivers” is to stay off the street, sit at home, sip scotch, and wait for the slaughterhouse doors to open in the fall.

Speaking of Drivers

One of our foremost analysts sent in a note Thursday warning that…

We’re getting closer…to crazy time: Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual In Front Of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Incidentally, the 5 red heifers being held in readiness there in Israel will be old enough to sacrifice in September of this year. The land for the burnt offering alter has already been purchased on the Mount of Olives. There’s a reason these guys are rehearsing. Just sayin’ “

Meanwhile, the presents from the Land of Milk, Honey, and Oil include this adder: Iran accelerating cyber activity to influence US election, Microsoft says (

Speaking of cyber games (if you don’t read regularly) we found it interesting that an Israeli hacker group takes responsibility for collapse of Wi-Fi in Iran.

Where the clock is still ticking down toward Monday when Tisha b Av begins with reports still echoing that war will come as The Three Weeks winds up Tisha b’Av: ‘Legend of Destruction’.

There has been some concern that Pakistan might step in and aid Iran if the Israelis move first on Iranian nuclear projects, which is being denied as you’d expect. Pakistan will support all efforts to prevent Middle East escalation.

Ukraine also Simmers

Still have our bets on NATO-Russia amping up this fall. And headlines supporting that include Kursk crisis deepens: Ukrainians advance towards E38 highway and create two lines of defense – Russians respond with “Carpet Bombing” . Meanwhile, the notion of a “new and improved NATO is at least entertaining. Rescuing NATO from crisis.

Future Shaping

Sure, Taiwan has plans to increase its defense budget 6 percent next year. But one reason may be to help protect one of its shining assets: Taiwan’s TSMC reports new monthly high of NT$256 billion for July revenue. Move over Nvidia?

Let’s make up more law faring, shall we?  Jack Smith seeks delay in Trump’s election interference case after Supreme Court immunity ruling derailed.  But do remember in the story Judge in Trump’s hush money case delays date for ruling on presidential immunity – ABC News this week, we were told the judge in the hush money case is set to decide next week if he will recuse himself because his daughter worked on Kamala’s campaign in 2020.  This is, oh, what a blender, ain’t it?

And it gets even better: Trump, Harris agree to September 10 debate on ABC, says network. There are so many “firsts” possible it makes my head spin.  Could Trump be the first presidential hopeful to no-show for a debate because he’s in jail?  Or – even more bizarre – could he be locked up after the election?  The “What-Ifs” on this are amazing.

Web-crash lawyering-up has started to show results: Delta Bleeds Money After Tech Disaster, Pursues Legal Claims Against CrowdStrike And Microsoft – Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL).

And membership outfits – like Costco – are cracking down on membership sharing: Costco Fights Membership Sharing in Bid to Add Revenue. Or, you could be like us: no friends means no one to share with.

Then News Flow Gets Weirder

Lemme see: “Keep plastic out of the womb?” Autism in boys linked to common plastic exposure in the womb. I couldn’t bring myself to ask…

Astronaut overtime is still racking up: Boeing’s Starliner astronauts could be stuck in space until 2025, NASA says.

And you are what you watch? TikTok Videos Glamorize Eating Disorders and Harm Women’s Body Image.

At the Ranch: Cooling Down?

While Debby is wetting over the Northeast this weekend, the temps are high in East Text-Us. We nailed 100F Thursday, so the tomatoes are done-for.

Plan this weekend is to rip everything out of the raised beds in there (before and after pix on ShopTalk Sunday) and put in “high temperature tomatoes” since we’ve been seed shopping on the Zon for hot varieties.

On the “Do List” for today, we will assemble a role-around tool holder for the shop.  This is a small unit, but we have become fond of price-sniping and it was only $19-bucks including shipping.  Honestly, I don’t know how they do it.

My new Rustic Furniture-making operation for the fall is shaping up. And the 100-meter rifle range needs a visit this weekend from Mr. Mower. The grass is getting high enough, it’s hard to see the targets and backdrop.

Using the new mini computer (after the motherboard death of the big Dell from a lightning hit) is working smoothly.  May upgrade to an i9 processor unit, but it’s an interesting way to get into modularized computing. The tiny 4 TB USB drives mean you can carry most of your (digital) life around with you everywhere.

Planning Next Week?

Take Monday off – nothing but a Treasury statement in the afternoon., I preferred Clive Cussler fictions, while he was around. Is the new du Brul out yet.

Tuesday has the NFIB report and the PPI, so the market may fade those. But the real biggy promises to be the CPI report Wednesday.  Again, we have different tastes in fiction, but…when in Rome (or is that when roaming?)…

Write when better writers show up,

78 thoughts on “Carry Trade Collapse II?”

  1. From an older person’s point of view, there’s just too much of so-called news in the world, as well as many too many of US on this globe,
    IMHO for the day ;-).
    P.s. We should consider voting in favor of:
    “Soylent Green,” or, whatever the movie title was?

    • It’s always an option, though I don’t recommend it unless you know you have no further work or experience left in this world and are close to the end. It’s very difficult to get a place in line to incarnate in this world. I’ve learned a lot, even in the last year. Good luck with whatever you choose.

      Voting is not the way. Taking action within the bounds of natural law is. Never delegate what’s yours alone to choose.

    • choices,

      Why vote? I would suggest that the count is already in, and the people are knee deep in soylent-green already. Consider that the White House schedule this past week reflected three tasks besides the Daily Briefing being assigned to President Biden. Call His Highness the King of Jordan, call the Governor of Hawaii, and meet the Texas Rangers baseball team. Sorry, I forgot one. Proceed to the Rehoboth Beachhouse (yesterday) for a long weekend.

      Thank goodness the free world is not facing imminent peril, and is quite capable of running itself. Remain calm and carry on!

    • Excuse me for blowing off steam. It’s far from me insulting our CREATOR, because for me, I’ve had it too good for a very long time. I will not spoil it at my end. However, at some point in time every one
      will need a little hand holding ;-(..
      Back to reading old posts from now on so I will keep my thoughts (that have no answer) to myself.
      Thank you for listening to me !

  2. “There’s a reason these guys are rehearsing.”

    The theory is Voodoo only works on people who believe in Voodoo. The Red Heifer stuff only ties in to Abrahamic religions. As example are Hindus and other non-Abrahamic religions currently on Armageddon watch or deity return, taking notice of the Red Heifers? There’s a way we can start to test this but it’s somewhat pricey.

    An Internet coven of witches exist who will cast spells for cash. Link below. For around $500.00 these seven witches will team-up and cast a super spell.

    We saw Melanie friend-zoned Trump and see Kam’s marriage is a sham making Trump and Kam hooking up possible but because of their positions not probable.

    We could pass the cup and collect enough to have the witches cast a super Love spell on Trump for Kam and on Kam for Trump and see what happens. Both Trump and Kam would be unaware of the spells. If those two start hooking-up this could be a first step to proving witches exist so by default deities exist. And because of their unawareness this could also prove non-Abrahamic religions can be impacted by deities unknown/unaware to their cultures.

    We are a Coven of 7 Witches who have dedicated our lives to the study and casting of Witchcraft Spells.

    Yes, this does sound loony but so is blowing up the ME so a designated chosen can have offshore gas deposits.

  3. I wonder if Israel has a Plan B. If instead of the Messiah coming, the Demons rise up out of the Euphrates River when they slaughter the cows.

    Heck, anything’s possible, right?

    My guess, absolutely nothing will happen. Just more slaughter. – Anxious to see PETA and Vegans response.

  4. (“One of our foremost analysts sent in a note Thursday warning that… We’re getting closer…to crazy time”)

    I know a few people that Plastic is at the end for them.. People have been using credit cards to maintain their quality of life.. but between the average cost of living and the reduction of income.. they have needed to use plastic to provide the basics..

    All of these basically say the same thing.. rather than cut the spending.. people are what..panic buying to provide for the events they see coming.. and to keep the quality of life..
    Having been knocked down a few times.. I can see how that will affect the vast majority of civilization has not had that happen to them.. I know my kids sure don’t have a clue..

    the people I know can’t even imagine it happening to them.. my children as a prime example are the only ones to take advantage of me are instead using dad for the little things.. that they would rather not go buy..

    but prices are inflating faster than anything.. I went in and was looking at a candy bar that four years ago cost seventy nine cents.. the same candy bar today is two dollars and seventy nine cents.. little debbies that were a quarter .. then went up to fifty cents about fifteen years ago and stayed there until the biden administration are now two dollars a piece.. they went up that much..
    rather than decide not to buy it.. people have plastic..the administration of Reagans time.. realized that the trickle down doesn’t trickle.. they shove it in a jar and bury it.. so to keep the economy moving they used stimulus checks.. keep the velocity of cash moving.. today rather than a stimulus they use plastic.. Handing out money like it was no tomorrow on illegals that should not be able to get those benefits until they are citizens and pay in the required amount that american taxpayers are required to.. will in fact prove the cloward piven strategy..

  5. (“Then News Flow Gets Weirder
    Lemme see: “Keep plastic out of the womb?” Autism in boys linked to common plastic exposure in the womb. I couldn’t bring myself to ask…”)

    Now that is interesting.. when the kids were little they had plastic play food.. and would pretend.. somewhere someplace.. somehow.. there was a curiosity and is that because of what we consume as food…. could we use it in food production to promote the business model of I WANT MORE… follow the money.. its always about the business model.. that is why we outsource our industry import our foods.. its always about the business model ..,range%20of%20adverse%20health%20effects.

    then how many nuke their food in a microwave.. makes me remember the potato chips.. the plastic no calorie oil..

    • LOOTB, will you get paid, for US clicking on the many links that you post with your opinions ?? ;-)

      • lol lol I could only wish upon a star that happened..I just love to read and I don’t go by one article. which is why I posted the concerns that were addressed by several different avenues if information sharing articles..some liberal some conservative .
        the story about the chip shitz that one was for fun over past life experiences.. I remember fearing about a gas bubble back then. OMG quick..find a ditch.. what should have been a silent fluffy could easily become a underwear changing shart lol..

      • I have to admit..reminiscing about the effects of olestra brought back humorous memories about the FLU OF 92..
        those if us that worked the floors and survived..out both sides no laundry service everyone pitched in.. many came to man the wings even though we were sick wearing those big blue adult diapers just in was hell.. afterwards we went and had t-shirts printed up we survived the flu of 92…
        during that time I was having an extremely tough shift . my coworker one of the three bubba’s made the comment .and used the g a q words ( good and quiet ) I thought where the hell have you been.. I was going to run down and man the laundry..yup we had to do the laundry to just to keep up.. and instead I went call cording.. push the button in one room..then moved to another room…she was having a hell of a half hour.. then she caught me.. we still laugh about that..
        memories about the swish of blue plastic as you did rounds. lol lol someday I should share the chewing gum story lol lol..oh God why not now..
        there was a patient that had hundreds of packages of gum.. juicy fruit … he got up and would pee in the drawer with the gum in it.. I had to clean up the mess and threw it all out.. well in those days you only got a coffee break if you smoked if you didnt smoke you manned the floor. ( I don’t smoke but would say I’m going to smoke and have my coffee ) so I come back from my smoke break and all the nurses were busy chewing gum.. I casually asked..what kind of gum are you chewing …juicy fruit… and where did you get this juicy fruit gum.. oh so and so gave us all some.. I said you remember the mess I just cleaned up.. well he dug that out if the trash and shared it with the nurses..
        the unwritten rule of nursing .. unless its from family only snacks that are individually wrapped. accept them graciously if not..
        the other is probably one of the oldest S.T.P. ( stabilize and transport patient) unless they have a D.N.R. order or comfort cares.. if they are code don’t make any million dollar decisions get them in the hands if the people making the money to decide the million dollar prognosis.
        two ladies I knew were the medical authority..a patient was making the complaints that anyone would send them in.. they went to the administration and the boss said no the patient is faking it. the patient died . the companies malpractice insurance threw them under the bus..they are the facilities insurance not their private insurance. both had to lose their licence.. sell their homes and have to pay the parents of the patient seven million dollars..never be able to work in the field and lost everything they had.
        the reason..why did they let a clerk typist make the professional judgemental decision when they were the medical authority at the time..STP… never let a pencil pusher decide..send them in if there’s nothing to it. oh well it’s better to be safe than sorry.. if the pencil pusher says no after you made the arrangements for transport. then they take in the million dollar liability..
        I had a doctor ask me why I brought so.eone in..stp ..he had never heard if the one thing taught to everyone. you can send him home but if you do it and they expire you made that decision.

    • This is interesting. When I grew up, toys were made of wood and metal, or you made your own. For the last few decades, almost all toys are made exclusively from plastics, no doubt with BPA, except for high stress things like axles. Kids are glued to cartoons that essentially teach them to pressure their parents to buy new and more expensive plastic toys. With few exceptions, mothers are especially susceptible to this kind of pressure.

      • when I grew up.. a toy was a button and a string.. never tell mom I am bored.. she had you so busy you didn’t know what you were going to do.. I made the comment once.. I wanted to make some moccasins from tandy kit..
        I came home from school she had sent dad to the butchers and there was a whole cow hide.. and the pattern.. LOL LOL Dad’s knife sharpening bench became my fleshing bench.. ( years later one of my day labor jobs was fleshing road kill.. that experience did come in handy)
        what a job and never again did I tell mom I was bored.
        for xmas.. we got one toy one piece of clothing and something for school.. the kids all got one family gift..
        I try to keep the kids going just like my parents did us..they hate to say I wonder how.. LOL..
        I see what my kids do.. for the holidays and think my god how do you keep up that level of expense.. what if the time comes that you don’t have it to spend on them..
        One of the kids lives next door to us.. it has its good points and its bad points.. both of which are the same thing.. to close of a proximity.. both make good money.. both can’t see how rotten this present administration is.. they take fabulous vacations abroad and do things I have never done.. but.. If I get something.. that the son in law thinks is cool it vanishes from my house.. he borrows it and never returns it.. my children are the only ones that have taken advantage of the way I am..
        so I do have a rather odd sense of humor.. we always had a few lawn chairs to bring out for guests or if we go to one of the grandkids activities etc.. we had folding chairs to bring out along with some nice tables to put up for Thanksgiving.. and when I grill out or do the sous vide.. I have a torch real nice torch.. all of that vanished.. and we were sitting out at the weekend fire and the neighbors were there.. and he made this odd comment.. I have plenty of chairs.. while the cookout there were the tables and the torch.. then talked about the upcoming trip to one of the major cities and possible one to another country resort..
        the smart ass in me came out.. big time.. ok you want lawn chairs.. they are on summer discontinued.. at five bucks a piece.. so I told the wife.. hey.. the kids love chairs LOL…. why don’t we give them some.. LOL LOL the plan was to bring five or ten in a month…. he would have a hundred chairs by spring..
        I thought that part of me had been over with.. now my 8 year old grandson.. he is the mini me tool slut..he comes right out and asks me.. papa I need.. can I get one.. absolutely.. during their fort building.. he asked to use my screw gun. I said I think your daddy borrowed it.. of course he did and my mini me brought it back after he was done.. I have my screw gun back..
        my thought was.. when it becomes obvious that I will need someone to supervise my care.. I decided I will bring in and give over my home to them.. do what you want with it.. then I can stay in my own room they own the house.. and its theirs until the day I need to be twenty four hour nursing care.. the kids hate that.. the son in law wanted to take over .. he says you need a better management because I was letting homeless people live in our spare bedrooms that would other wise be sleeping under the bridge or in some dumpster…. excuse me..I do that because I care.. they have value even though you don’t think they have value.. I do it logically just don’t go get anyone.. I go through social workers interview them see their medical needs etc.. its pretty organized.. and I have fifty years of experience working with people with needs.. and I have been in the position they are in.. been there done that.. if I could do something to give them a hand up.. then it is done..

        • “when I grew up.. a toy was a button and a string..”

          I’d forgotten — I had many hours of fun. You could make the button walk, and do a number of yo-yo-style tricks. I had 3 brothers who were Yo-Yo champions, but I was never even allowed to look at their competition Yo-Yos, so until I could afford to buy my own, the button was a passable alternative…

  6. RE: the Red Heifer – this could get interesting really quick – tradition says 9 of the special bovines have been sacrificed since the time of Moses. The rabbi Maimonides (1135—1204) taught that the tenth red heifer would be sacrificed by the Messiah Himself. The late, popular rabbi Yitzak Kaduri, and many Kabbalist rabbis, expect Netanyahu to physically meet with the Messiah. “It is very important that your love of Israel continue until the Moshiach comes because you are going stay in office and are going to meet him,” Rabbi Ben Tov said to Netanyahu. “You are the one who will give him the keys to this office.”
    “The plot thickens, like my gravy.”
    ~ Raj, ‘The Big Bang Theory’

    • Yes, I’ve been keeping an eye on this, too. Frankly, I’m not sure what to think about it. Is it just posturing? Are they legit trying to game this whole thing into existence? Does the Messiah need an office?

      • Jesus didn’t turn over the tables over outsidr rhe temple.

        Netanyahu is nothing more vaper in the wind. here today and gone tomorrow. In the long run, His office means nothing.

        The Messiah is Eternal.

        Micha 5:4

        “And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.”

        if you read 5:5,

        you will see the consensus of sum, commenters as they “feel their way” via dialog
        though Mich 5:4 and 5:5.

        for it mentions 7 Sheppards. not 7 witches. the numbers are present so inuitivly it is being sounded out….

        “Search your Feelings”, Yoda

        with regards to Japan,
        They call The Rising Sun
        And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy….


        Remember: Even the greatest Samuri that ever lived is only seppuku without honor.

        it takes is a few consecutive pen strokes to change that.

      • Red Bull the energy drink – was founded in Austria by Dietrich Mateschitz in 1984. its sign is found within every store.

        all things being Realtive.

        Good day Sir.

        ~ It wasn’t luck, It was God. ~

      • contrary to popular understanding, Switzerland is not part of the EU.

        Austria is 2,632.2 km From Portugul
        Austria is 2,191.6 km from Finland
        Austria is 2,426.14 km from the Boarder or Turkey.

        Austria, the inventer of Red Bull, by measure of distance, is logistically, the Heart of the E.U.

        and in israel they are saying, we must sacrifice the red heifer. The EU has only been around for 30 years. its heifer with the heart of a bull.

        now cows and bulls are two differnt things. the common thing they both share is,

        All EU Passports are red. blood red.

      • its an old thing i learned with Clif Highs work and Nostracodes, shifts in language contexts and word fequency analysis.

        its only one perception of the future. it has been my experiance the more perceptual points of view one has the more clarity of the actions today, represnt a specific scene found in the future.


        everything from tarot to heifer sacrifices is energy.

        like the example above, you can clearly see sum in the comment section sounding out, or feeling their way through Micha 5,4 and 5,5.

        its no different…. with the red hiefer sacrifice. it will produce the trajectory of the next scene, to emerge.

        its all energy in motion. lol

        that is what movies are. they are still pictures, cycled at 60 to 80 frames per second.

        i watched now ya see me two last night.

        as “the eye” said in the movie,

        seeing is believing.

        since “he future starts today”

        what i know is,

        it wasnt luck, it was God.

      • that is right Major, what is the life force of any nation? but the movement of its people through its veins and arterys. and ya dont move through the eu, without a passport.

        all things being relative.

        the big picture…..

        anways, where was I? oh Yes! living and enjoying my life. I best ge5 busy being about it.

    • Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 1,124

      In Nostradamus’ Quatrain V-14, The New Herod flees the collapse of Israel. This will most likely occur between July 23rd, 2024 and August 22nd,, 2024.

      Since 2010, I have written that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was The New Herod, and here we are thirteen-years later.

      Israel will fall once again near The 9th of Av. For 2024, this begins at sundown on August 12th. This is the Nostradamus’ prophecy that ties the fall of Israel to the period around The 9th of Av.

    • Also, there’s speculation, in certain quarters, that Netanyahu is the Messiah (in camouflage. ;-)) !

      • Hmm.. the stories I have read on Jesus..he preached peace love and tolerance. walked the earth homeless in a robe and sandals..poor in most peoples eyes.. I definitely don’t see a comparison between Jesus and Netanyahu..

        In the older religious readings my opinion was forged..that the original reason for what became sacrifices wasn’t for sacrifice..but after the creation of man and man leaving the garden was to show the creator that man could provide the necessary foods for their survival. Man was the one to pervert the original Meaning..
        but that’s just my opinion from what I’ve read..
        the reason I never see TBE cow I have in the if I seen it or cared for would pass on from old age..
        our veterinarian kids me about that..the older mini me was laughing his dad talking about hunting and he says grandpa stopped so a rabbit and babies could cross the road.. or the day I picked a big snapping turtle up and carried it across the road so someone wouldn’t hit lol

      • Bebe could be a reincarnation of David or Solomon. He would be considered a “prince of war.” He could NOT be an incarnation of The Messiah, in any form or by any stretch.

        A time for war,
        A time for peace…

    • Only problem is the Israelis will hand the keys to the antichrist, not Jesus. They will build the 3rd Temple and the antichrist will demand the world’s worship from there.

  7. George Advisory: You still have the Reader Advisory on the right hand side of the page suggesting that STS moved to Ultramake! Just FYI.

    I realize that sometimes things fall through the cracks.

    • tampon tim is a great derogatory name to call someone if you’re an old white male. all the women i’ve spoken with support the idea, teachers too. it’s no different than TP. looks like another out of touch maga fail.

      • (“all the women i’ve spoken with support the idea, teachers too.”)

        lol lol OTFLMAO…
        hmm I wonder what 9 or 10 year old boy would use a tampon for in the boys bathroom… lol lol
        any old male of any race or religion would I believe remember back to their youth remember how they were and be against it. can you imagine flushing a dozen or more if those to watch the pipes get a janitor we had to even remind women and girls not to flush them..
        everyone ( except me of course and obviously tampon Tim) did stupid crap as kids. derogatory or not that was probably the stupidest thing anyone of authority could even think of doing..

      • when I ran the crew management hated the air freshener on the wall..they thought..we could save money by putting magic mushroom deodorant instead.. after having to hire plumbers to dig those out of the drains a few times they had us hang the hanging locked room deodorants back up..
        they insisted we put up to rollers that only allowed three sheets of tp.. no there is a reason between the age old debate off the top or off the bottom dispense.. the three square dispenser had people smearing the walls with their poop lol lol..been there done that

      • oh. that was ADULT women that smeared poop on the walls to.. in the women’s toilet there were more defamatory remarks on the woman’s toilet walls than the men’s to..
        so a grown woman’s perspective on giving 9 and 10 year old boys tampons has absolutely no bearing on what young boys should get.. my grandson close to that age discovered that dog drool on his arm he wasn’t bitten by a he was going to tell his mother to smear it all over herself..
        my mistake was I showed kids that age how to melt stone with the sun.. both boys and girls.. after I discovered what the kids took that information and ran with it.. I was terrified and realized how absolutely stupid it was for me to show them that..I did an about face and had them freezing water with the sun as a result..
        the fact that he didn’t learn from that huge mistake is enough to persuade me to not vote for him

    • It’s hard to believe that Great Britain, who introduce the modern concept of freedom and civil rights, has fallen so far as to exalt illegal foreigners rioting in the streets!
      God help the USA, since we seem to be next in line with that horrible female candidate.

  8. 10-Cent Beers…

    Jim Grant: Ten years of ultra-­low rates, beginning in 2008, proved that money grew on trees. From Silicon Valley to Washington, D.C., from venture capital to private equity to cryptocurrency to private credit and the public debt, there was money for very nearly anything and everything.

    In the monetary vein, I think of the chaotic scenes at Cleveland’s Municipal Stadium, home of the old American League Indians, on the night of June 4, 1974. To draw fans into the cavernous ballpark, Indians’ management staged a ten-cent beer promotion. Before many innings had passed, spectators were wandering out on the field to introduce themselves to the players. The full moon didn’t help, but the underlying problem—the remote cause of the seven emergency-­room visits and nine arrests—was the mispricing of a substance nearly as intoxicating as artificially cheap credit.

    • (“10-Cent Beers…”)

      that totally reminds me I need to sterilize the bottles and wash them.. its time for the slo / buffalo berry wine to be bottled…
      a friend sends me a few pounds of Slo’s every year from the UK.. so I used a combination of Slo’s and buffalo berries in this batch..
      I am trying to decide the second batch.. I had thought a replication of conditum paradoxum an ancient Roman or go for the oldest recipe a wine / grain mead mix.. or go the ancient cacao wine and of course I have people wanting pear.. time to get out the dart board or wait and see which one the boss asks for..

  9. Great link regarding BPA and autism. I’d think that a study could be done comparing autism rates in younger folks between EU and USA, since EU banned BPA in many products. It won’t be valid for anyone conceived prior to the EU BPA ban. It’s not the whole story since there’s a major genetic component involved. Rates of autism in females are vastly under-reported due to their greater inter-hemispheric connections via the female corpus callosum and consequent greater social focus and masking. Regardless, there’s no benefit to contact with BPA and we really do need to find safer economic alternatives.

  10. Something broke last Friday-Monday in Japan; despite all the intervention by the BOJ, things aren’t ‘back to normal’. How do I know this? I work in a commodity based industry in the PNW and where I live, there is an export yard down the hill where this commodity is stored and shipped, primarily to markets in Asia and especially to the “J” market.
    I had an occasion earlier this week to visit this yard and it was a ghost town; equipment parked, none of the regular hustle and bustle that yards like this generate throughout the PNW. This is the middle of summer, generally a time when the activity is ramped up into overtime due to good weather.
    Being that the industry I work in is usually a bell-weather indicator of an oncoming recession, all I can say is lookout, it’s either here or will be shortly. Asia is far from being fixed….

  11. The Merchan of Vengeance does not have Trump’s sentencing scheduled until Sept.18th,so he’ll be at the debate.The Bay Area Blowhard won’t be askin’:”Where you at?”

  12. I am pretty easy going, but on a few critical things in life I stand firm as a rock.

    YES … I am a “MAN”.
    Not a woman pretending to be a Man, not a Man protending to be a Woman

    Yes … I am old.
    Not as old as some, but not as young as some

    So you see, I am a person of FIRM CONVICTIONS!

    And one of those few FIRM CONVICTIONS I have is:
    YOU can NOT borrow my Costco Card!!

    Nobody is getting a $1.50 all beef weiner at Costco on my card BUT ME!!

  13. Yo G,

    me thinks youse dont have to wait for the weekend for things to get interesting..

    Reports are leaking out regards 2 US warships(Cole& Mason) severely damaged in gulf of Oman, with many US casualties.
    Also report of least 70 US & israHeli ” special operators” getting waxed in Yemen in past 48 hrs…tipped off by Iranian intel, they setup an ambush and the rest as they say is history.

    All the global unrest is mere childs play for the top o pyramid “godhead” mofo who rules over all the hived nogoodniks. Yes they appear to untrained Humans as Angelics. As all untrained Humans have had their minds broken up into pieces/sections since childhood. Humans have it all – if only peeps minds were whole and focused.

    Dont know any better, easier to cop out and ride with the
    make believe. More emotional attachments you have – the easier it is to break Ure mind..and I mean BREAK.

    • I knew about the problems in Yemen, but I haven’t seen anything about damage to Naval assets. Good job finding that.

      • Ditto, and FWIW the massacred were “independent contractors,” not Israeli, American, British, or French soldiers. They were tracked via Russian satellite and after insertion, the Russians called Iran, which passed the coordinates on to the Houthis.

        Note the lack of blood? Those men were killed elsewhere, then moved to the place at which they were photographed. I dunno if that means the photos were staged or the Houthis didn’t want to give away intel on their battlefield maneuvers, but my guess is, “both.”

        The short “X” video from Douglas McGregor is 2:19 and definitely worth a listen.

        Bear in-mind TheIntelDrop is a pro-socialist and anti-Semitic website based in Iceland and run by commie and Scandinavian Nazi oneworlders. With that said, note that I did not identify it as a “propaganda site.” There’s propaganda a-plenty, but amongst the pro-Nazi and anti-Israel garbage there is also a small, but significant amount of actual information present.

        It is worthy of a bookmark, but unless you’re the BCN, never post anything from TID until you’ve double-checked it with a known-source, and understand if you link back to an article, you WILL end up on a “White supremacist list” at one or more of our alphabet Agencies. TID is much worse than Hal Turner, with respect to how it’s viewed by the DHS-types…

        • This is some duplicitous Scheisse raymondo –

          “independent contractors” ARE – Temporally Assigned Duty.

          -come on down to Delaware and put eyes on the caskets returning from over there at Dover fab..

          Just lost another “teammate” from Dev Grp this past week. Swan at YMCA with him, High School Swim Team, went to 4yr college and ocs prior to BUDS..not bullets, not bombs or missles..Cancer …from benzine exposure ?
          DHS is IsraHelli . As is most of current administration .
          Truth to power -no fight..No Respect.

    • Just a reminder, they all volonteered ;-((.
      Just say NO and follow your conscience.
      There are no re-education camps in the
      US of A as of now — far as I’m informed.

      • 4 the feeble minded ignoramouses- a taste -

  14. Starlink is now online for 98% of the Americas (99.4% of CONUS) and Mr. Musk is running a sale.

    The basic system is $299 through October 6th and is available as a turnkey package from Starlink, or from Home Depot (which is where I saw this…)

    Home access is a flat $120/mo and business access starts at $140/mo. Top tier business access is kinda spendy, but it lets you install unlimited high speed systems, so each of your Gulfstreams and your yacht can be fitted with 6Tb/sec Internet access…

    • George: You DO realize one of Starlink’s lower tier Business Plans would enable you to run a server. You could configure everything exactly the way you wanted, and significantly cut your expenses…

  15. last thing, my birthday is in 10 days. i will be 256 cat years old. A quater of a Mega bite.

    if n ya wanna get me anything??? Cash is always the right size and right color.

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