Markets to Fall on George’s Birthday

Seriously – three-day bithday weekend around here so what’s not to love?

Well, except we’re holding onto hopes that Messrs. Buyed ’em and Putin will hold off on the fireworks.  Thanks, Bubbas, don’t want to put Ya’ll out, or anything.

Trouble Lurks, However

Trouble swirling on all sides, however, may interrupt the power and next week’s publishing schedule.  Be sure to check back tomorrow because we will probably roll out static IP access – at least for – because of the high risk of Internet attacks and all the suffering that might entail.  This includes on our To Do List:

  • Refill all the 55-gallon potable water barrels.  Four or five of them.
  • Run to the store where (besides party favors like a mini keg of brewski) Ure will top off the freezers.
  • After the store run, doing a final funds transfer to re-zero all the plastics which get zeroed every day, or two, anyway.
  • Top off the battery bank (*16 big golf carts) and…
  • Recheck the SWRs on all the antennas in the event we end up (as Wm of the Radio Ranch schools) on 7299 LSB on the :15s and :45s. Top and bottom of the hour on the Maritime Mobile Service net on 14.300 USB. Plus copy the CW runs from W1AW over the weekend… both code and digital bulletins…

This is not to say we’re terribly worried, BUT we have multiple reasons to at least be at the top of our prepping game…

In-Theater:  Pushing the Issues

The most significant developments overnight (and why all the prep-think) is that we are now in the nonlinear part of the escalation curve.  JFO area update: 60 ceasefire violations, 1 soldier and 2 civilians wounded (  Also from Ukraine’s government press: No pullback of Russian troops from Ukraine border – Reznikov (

Attempting to look at both sides, the Moscow Times coverage has been a reasonable proxy for the Russian side.  They served up four stories overnight, all of which are trouble incarnate.

  • First, NATO has as much as said that if Russia recognizes the Russian occupied lands from 2014, it will be game on.  So today Kremlin Holds All the Cards as Russia-Backed Separatists Demand Recognition.  The Ukrainians beg to differ.
  • Secondly, while I appreciate readers have likely thought (since we called it last November) that I’d gone over to the “doom-porn” side even mentioning the possibility of nuclear escalation at least to the NSNW level, we see that now as totally justified look-ahead planning.  Since right now, Putin to Oversee Russian Ballistic Missile Drills.  If events “mushroom” out of control, a “city-trade” and a momentary step back from the all-out exchange brink comes into view.
  • Then there’s the little matter of the Baltic States.  My consigliere has been worried as hell about this:  “Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, once ruled from Moscow, have been members of both NATO and the European Union since 2004, and have long sought more NATO involvement and that’s only a very short distance from St. Petersburg.”  We haven’t understood the Russian enclave out west of Vilnius, Lithuania.  But look at a map some time and its abundantly clear NATO is trying to keep Russia contained up there.  Which is why when this thing really “lights up” the war will likely go as much north as west to clean up the geography a bit and reconnect with Russia’s detached output west of Lithuania.
  • Of course, up until now, it didn’t matter, but an indicator that we’re now early in the nonlinear part is seen in Shellfire as Putin Turns Up Heat on Ukraine and West – The Moscow Times.

But wait!  There’s more (with a nod to the late pitchman Billy Mays).

War: Scapegoat and Distraction

Venn diagram time, class.  Consider the “interest spheres” and think how well war would fit:

  • Russia wants to clear up its borders, reunite Russian speakers, and keep selling natural gas to Europe, especially at high prices, which will sneak around Western sanctions because Europe gernerally and Germany especially likes its comforts.
  • On the NATO side, having already achieved the 2004 thrust into the Baltics, they’d like an excuse to close-up the Russian enclave west, turn off Nord Stream (Severny potok) and deny Russia energy sales.
  • Which Russia is countering by increasing arms into Syria because there’s the Leviathan petroleum basin to develop offshore, while the Dnieper basin in Ukraine has allure.
  • When, in the midst of building conflict, we see Nord Stream “spring a leak”. The “wink-wink, nudge-nudge” will be of course this will be done by a Western mini-sub drone.
  • This is when the world sees the shot-clock on Russia deploying its mini subs to begin electronically isolating the West by cutting key undersea cables in return.
  • Right after this isolation begins, the U.S. would logically invoke a “space accident” which, my, or my, becomes EMP over Russia.
  • Which then leads to a Russian counter and down comes a lot of the US power grid.  (The Texas grid is off on its own, remember).
  • The US, furious, might launch a single ICBM with MIRVs – most of them are equipped with 8 warheads in the 90 KT range).
  • Russia then retaliates and we lose one of our Boomer Bases for the Los Angeles class Trident subs.

It’s at this point, we all step back from the brink.  Which could explain why the U.S. sits out a good portion of WW III while Russia and China divide up the Rest of World among themselves.

There is a ton of foreplay to all this.  G.A. (Stu) Stewart has done a good job not only of collating it in PREPARING FOR ARMAGEDDON, but also in his book NOSTRADAMUS AND THE THIRD AGE OF MARS: THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF WORLD WAR III which you can get on Amazon and still have time to read before…well….before.

Alchemical Arts Note

Stu’s book is a dandy – as are his updates on his website.  And they make really good reading if you have an older copy (circa 1981) or Rene Noorbergen’s book Invitation to a Holocaust: Nostradamus Forecasts.

The reason I look at both is that by nature, I’m something of a “systems integrator.”  Which is to say, I’ve hung around with enough different ways of sensing future (before it shows up) that I’ve developed something of a “sense” of how the Future slowly comes into focus.

If you’re new around here (flee while you can!) the way future shows up is really defined by the Laws of Physics which we are only now beginning to understand.  It’s all though old-time religions but the science to it all didn’t become clear until the Many Worlds’ Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in general and Schrodinger’s work on expectations of the Observer is what really creates the Future.  Ask his Cat for details.

Most people can’t generalize well (leads to thinking outside the box and that in turn makes people independent and unmanageable by the Powers that Bank).  But most of Future arrives because there’s a highly complex VOTING PROCESS underway as anywhere from one to a billion people negotiate the arriving future.

At a stroke, this explains why prayer really does work, by witches form up Covens (more voters) and why Prayer GROUPS can prevail over them, and so on.  It’s both mind-boggling complicated but also essentially simple.  Few want to grapple it, though:  Because for religions the Whole Truth of Physics would strip them of power.  Ditto on the witchery side, and it’s also really damaging to power structures like Politics because that whole field is rife with expectation-setting and manipulation of future.

A further level of complexity in how this “simple” Reality works, is that adjacent expected outcomes figure into things, as well.  So, you pray Aunt Millie doesn’t have a heart attack, but there’s a lot of dark juju around her so maybe you “expect her into a long Life” on the health side, but the bad juju leaks as the transmission falls out of every car she ever touches from that point on.

See, it’s a lot like LUCK in this regard.  That’s a topic every investor needs to understand.  Because (again) it’s just a mathematical distribution, but how the runs of luck roll will impact your personal wealth more than anything.  And there’s voting involved…

Regrettably, there are a few tools and practices which can twist (and pervert) the normal one soul, one vote behind this, which is when we wander off to drink some ayahuasca and mull on things.  This is very powerful and dangerous knowledge, but at the end of the day, one learns a martial art sounding “Way” of being where the most is accomplished by doing the least.

Dangerous knowledge; Life and world changing.  Unless you’re really drawn to this kind of work, maybe kicking back and going along for the ride if Life is the easiest course.

More on Peoplenomics this weekend.

Markets and Mayhem

Yes, it was a fine day on the short side of markets Thursday.  Ure’s little play money account in the paper chase increased nicely.  My short position entry was Executed @ $39.44 and the exit Executed @ $40.513334.   2.746% for less than 2-hours of exposure.

This morning, we’re looking at this, based on the early futures:

Lower right, there, you can see how we may go up and pop to above the lower trend channel.  In fact, we’d actually like to see a move well above it by mid-session or so.  Because it’s an interesting proposition over a three-day weekend with “war in the air” to expect a rally next week.

Clint Eastwood investing time:  “Are yah feeling lucky today, Punk?  Well, are yah?”

One way to get a sense of things – later on, after Europe closes – is when I look at a comparison of how the U.S. Aggregate is doing (red line below) versus the World Aggregate (blue line).

As you can see, the US has crossed over (above) the Rest of World, but that leaves us scratching our heads wondering “What is this telling us?

In fact, we won’t know for sure until after the European close and going into the final half-hour, or so, of US trading.  The weekends are when we figure inter-market knowledge signaling is most clear:  Money has to land somewhere for the weekend, even if it’s hot money going into sweep accounts.

We roll those die after lunch.

Distractions:  Dear Me!

 Dear President Xi:  The Olympics don’t matter.  Stories like Russian trio of skaters face uncertain futures after drama are meaningless media pseudo-drama. MMPD.

Dear Wal-Mart and Amazon:  I don’t come to your online venues buy Black-White politics.  WTF is with all the racial ads?  Where’s the equality for other races?  No, I don’t shop for sexual preference online, either.  Have you lost your minds or just your sense of business?

Dear Hillary:  Don’t be so sure:  Hillary Clinton mocks Trump at New York Democratic Convention – New York Daily News (  You may be unaware Durham says ‘no basis’ to strike ‘factual background’ from filing, denies intent to ‘politicize’ Sussmann case (

Dear Janet Yellen:  Lay off the happy-talk bullshit.  Reading in High US inflation ‘not acceptable’ but recovery on track: Yellen to AFP, sounds like you don’t do the grocery shopping.

Dear TruDope:  Call a proctologist: Canadian police start arresting protesters in Ottawa.  You just keep becoming a larger a–hole.

Parting Shots

The Washington State Legislature is voting this morning on a 10-round magazine ban and making up un-Constitutional Second Amendment-busting “laws” as the communist insurgency there continues.

My buddy The Major sent them a note yesterday that explains the mess:””

I’m reaching out to you respectfully asking that you give thoughtful consideration of the terms in SSB 5078, S AMD 989  Section 2, Line (27) (in Terms and Definitions), specifically, how Senator Liias uses the term “Semiautomatic Assault Rifle”. Most experts believe the term is a “non sequitur” and false term.

The term “Assault Rifle” is a Military term, NOT a Civilian or Popular term. The U.S. Army defines Assault Rifles as “short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges. “Selective-Fire” is the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, “fully automatic”, and/or burst mode.

The AR-15 rifle DOES NOT have the capability of firing fully automatic and/or in burst mode and is, therefore, NOT an “Assault Rifle”. Even the Encyclopedia Britannica defines an assault rifle as a “military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.” The AR-15 does not have that capability!

The abbreviation “AR” in the AR-15 rifle, stands for the American gun manufacturer name, ArmaLite, who in 1956 developed this weapon. The term AR-15, therefore, refers to the “ArmaLite Rifle”, NOT an “Assault Rifle”.

Manipulating the definitions of certain words to induce emotional support for a political point of view, is a key objective in such profoundly seminal books as Huxley’s “Brave New World” and Orwell’s “1984” and “Animal Farm”. Even Marshall McLuhan’s book “The Medium is the Massage”, further supports these insidious tactics.

In all historical Communist takeovers of countries, a key essential requirement has always been present: to disarm the populace (destroying our 2nd Amendment) so that the Citizens cannot defend themselves, thus allowing tyranny to reign. This destroys personal freedom that is the bedrock and foundation upon which the United States of America rests. Anyone who disagrees with these facts is either clearly uninformed or is not telling the truth. All public, duly elected governmental officials took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I’m counting on you to carry out that sacred duty.”

Sacred duty?  Left-wing uprisers? I have little faith that free lunch socialists will act to preserve Freedom.

It’s just not what they do.  And a damn shame that is.

Write when you get rich,

74 thoughts on “Markets to Fall on George’s Birthday”

  1. And the absurdities up North continue –
    “Why Does Trudeau’s Protest Prohibition Order Exempt Refugees, Immigrants, & Ethnic Minorities?”

    Given the way things are developing it looks like Kelly’s and High’s prediction about something going down tomorrow may be more accurate than usual. Forget about the “global coastal event”, EVERYBODY has at one time or another posited that something critical may break on a weekend when we can’t do anything about it. Perfect time for it as the banks close up in Canada.

    • The “global coastal event”, if there is to be one, was the Pacific volcano eruption.

      The volcano eruption was seen from space.
      Waves from the volcano reached Australia and New Zealand causing surges and flooding and the Bay Area causing surges and flooding.

      Are there any two further points across the Pacific?

      Even “Altimeters in Detroit, Flint and other sites across the state felt effects of the South Pacific volcano.”

      That’s a global event.

      • But in terms of SIZE – remember Clif’s linguistics work is all about general LIFE IMPACTING events.
        Unless you happen to cast nets in lagoons, this was not a general life-changer.
        On the other hand, by comparison – something which I seem to recall as being similar in impact and carry values – the GCE should be on the scale of “sun disease” – which we see (10-years later) to be Corona Virus and all the bullshit with that.

        One of the technical difficulties with such outlooks is it’s like looking at a stand of trees.

        A really BIG tree standing 75 feet away – and 81 feet high (*e.g. 75 feet up from ground level) looks about the same as a 10 foot away 16 foot high tree.

        This has always been one of the “scaling issues” – I worked a bit (with Grady (*hat tip) on coming up with a set of implied time indicators as word frequency plots, but while “next week” and “next Tuesday” are fairly precise (I was looking for good enough time markets and exits from big cities) the general linguistics – while very accurate – were not as temporally useful as word frequency.

        I’ve written some on this both here and on the PN site, but until we can all set down our toolsets long enough to look at a wide-spectrum integration (e.g. predictive linguistics, ancient seer’s (Nosty), dreams/RV’ing, word frequency, big data sets (google and so on) then the resolution of such efforts will be big on generalities, but will not yield the moment when we should all kiss out butts good-bye. or run like hell.

        Even when you get a long-term hit (a third of the Earth’s waters bittered) few will correlate that to a Biblical prediction of a Fukushima style event purely on religious grounds.

        The problem has become over the last 20-years, more of an ego centric sole-seers issue rather than being cast by all as a systems integration problem.

        Until we can really put aside ALL of the egoism that comes with pride of invention, skate on peer review, not focus on timing, which is a necessary aspect of ACTIONABLE intel, then we’re stuck on the slopes of Babel II with a crumbling foundation running the clock out on us.

      • I think what Clif was seeing was probably a pole flip roll-over and back again of the planet. Things couldn’t get much more ‘life-changing’ than that looking down our probable time line. Then there’s also the recurring micro-nova event that may either come along with it or be the cause of it. We’re all descendants of survivors but, unfortunately, we continue to carrying the genes that produce the wrong-headed idiocy that is playing itself out today if we, as a group, reconstitute a civilization that lasts long enough. Talk about “original sin”!

  2. George,

    Thank you. Critical to Lithuania and Estonia, and frankly Northern Europe, is the Suwalki Gap is. This is key to Russia keeping the corridor to Kaliningrad open. There for; look out Poland. This is why Belarus is central to Russia being as forward deployed as possible.

    This is why you will also find U.S. Army RC-12 Hurons orbiting that corner of the world. They are sniffing out comms.

    Early on, Putin will have to make decisions about Kaliningrad, and that introduces NATO into the equation. U.S. Airborne forces in Poland are tripwire forces to introduce NATO.

    I detailed this last year in an Update, when things were heading to where they are right now. I removed the password. I have some nice visual graphics that will explain the situation perfectly.

    Yes, I have the 1981 edition of Rene Noorbergen’s book, “Nostradamus Predicts The End of The World”. I agree with about two-thirds of his view on Europe’s conquest. He only uses the Quatrains, and not the Presages, and he completely ignores The Epistle To Henry, The Preface To César, and The Sixains.

    There is valuable information in those, including confirmation of the dating code.

    Again many thanks, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and good luck to all!

    • “George’s Birthday” is a reference to George Washington birthday, which is on Tuesday, Feb 22, but is technically celebrated on President’s Day National holiday on Monday, February 21.

  3. George,

    Happy Birthday for which ever day it actually is! LOL
    Your article/posting is SPOT ON of which it always is!
    I am shocked that ANYONE would accuse YOU of doom-porn, Facts are facts and anyone who does NOT see that and accuse you of doom porn is proving that the brainwashing is paying off for the left.
    That brings to mind the now famous saying for those infected with the ignorant brain bug.
    “Stupid is as Stupid does”
    Enjoy you B-day and the wknd.

  4. BOOM THE CRACKING SOUND YOU HEAR IS THOSE WALLS ARE STARTING TO TUMBLE DOWN…. THE DOLLAR OR STOCK MARKET? What is going to crash first, the dollar, the stock market, or the U.S. government when it must pay higher interest rates on Trillions in debt? This country is on the verge of becoming another Venezuela.

    Look at the airlines…they have cancelled 1000s of flights and continue to do so, yet they are supposed to remain profitable, and buy planes from Boeing. Southwest Airlines CEO bragged and laughed during an interview during the plandemic lockdown that they had Billions in cash in the banks, but that they were able to secure billions in PPP loans from the government. What a punk! Since the Globalists can no longer shut down businesses with their Covid lies, they are going to create permanent no fly lists as being proposed by Delta Airlines to keep you close to home. If you piss a flight attendant off who is in a bad mood because they just got dumped by her (or his) boyfriend, you could be banned for life. Shut up ducks wear your oxygen starving masks, and take their abuse!

    The little Mom and Pop businesses that needed the money to stay in business were left out in the cold because all the Big Boys were getting loans even though they had Billions in the banks. It’s all about the big boys and the big boy banks.

    There are rumors of Wars in Ukraine and Taiwan while everyone is forgetting the real blow up that could happen in the Middle East SOON-Israhell and Iran, False Flags coming to provoke Russia or blame them for starting a war, or give Israel a reason to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran.

    Plandemics are not finished with hemorrhagic viruses coming next to keep the public scared and under control. The common cold and flu are given fancy names like Omicron and Delta to create fear in the populace and to sell worthless injections not approved through trials with no legal liability possible against the drug companies. Little kids are told they must wear masks in school to keep them scared and take away their innocence, just like we were told to practice getting under desks in school to protect us from the atomic bombs of the Russian boogey men.

    Hospitals and docs are paid extra money to kill people by using ventilators and Remdesivir, while withholding proven cheap treatments. To hell with the Hippocratic Oath. We can print money is their new religion. Ethics be damned!

    Biden is stating that Americans in Ukraine cannot return to the U.S. without proof of Covid vaccines. But the idiot says come on in with any and all diseases, you NON-U.S. Citizens through our Southern Border.

    There is $9+ Trillion in phony money created by the private Fed and $6 Trillion in deficit spending by Demoncrats. Mom and Pop businesses are gone forever, and stock market numbers do not even approach a close valuation to historical PE ratios or dividend yields when the country was doing good. Biden’s crooked ways continue…he just gave hundreds of billions of American money and grants to fund a solar farm in India. How the hell does that lower energy costs in this country? Think Hunter sells more art? The Bidens are not even worried about such things anymore.

    We are in a hell of a mess, but a lying media is paid billions in ad revenues to lie about everything from Corona viruses (Health company drug ads pay the networks $Billions) to supposed Human Based Climate Change (car companies electric car ads pay the networks $Billions) which is a total crock of Bullshit.

    Hyperinflation is coming like a runaway freight train, food shortages are already popping up, oil prices have doubled and are heading over $100 which will affect prices of everything. Another lie-Inflation only ran 6.8% last year according to D.C. Anyone that believes that inflation was only 6.8% is living in a cave. A Prime Rib Roast is now $353 at Costco. Last year those Prime Ribs cost $125. Gasoline is up over 100%…$1.35 when Trump was in office to $3.09 in West Texas where the crude comes from because of the Idiot in the White House.

    Healthcare costs, premiums, and utilization have gone through the roof. All food prices are up, but protein prices are going into the mid-double digits compared to 1 year ago.

    It was just announced that the Southwest U.S. is in the worst drought in 1200 years. Food, if available, will be so expensive with higher fuel prices to grow the crops, higher equipment prices, seed and fertilizer prices going up if you can get them, and transportation costs going through the roof to transport raw and finished food products so high that most people will not be able to afford beef or other proteins.

    Auto prices are up double digits if you can find one. Shrinkflation is happening on everything from candy bars to coffee. Rents and house prices are up double digits.

    Different CPI indexes used are a fraud. You want to see how statistics are misused, try figuring out all the different CPI indexes and how they use weighting to cook the books. They base them on “typical” and leave out components that really affect individual families. They change baseline data to fit their narratives. A lower CPI=a lower COLA increase for seniors Social Security payments.

    Seniors that had banked money for their retirement based upon past recommendations to be conservative and shift money at retirement into fixed income yields have been ROYALLY SCREWED OVER. $1mm paying interest of 6% per year would have provided $5,000 per month in interest income. At current interest rates Seniors are lucky to get $400-$800 per month. With increasing fuel, utilities, food, and insurance prices Seniors are screwed with a measly 5.9% Social Security COLA increase, which was partially offset by higher Part B premiums.

    It is hard to believe that there are such evil people that would allow seniors to suffer like that. These are the seniors that fought for freedom in many countries in many wars, raised families, made America the #1 power in the world by building cities, manufacturing, and businesses. Yet evil people in government that never had a real job in their lives, like to act like they are doing good for and care about the people, while their legislation, deals, insider trading, and lobbyist perks behind the scenes are there just to pad their own pockets.

    3 more years of Commie Leftists selling us out in D.C., state and city government will put the icing on the cake. November is our last chance unless they steal elections again!!! Evil has been set loose on the people of the world, but especially on America by Soros, Obama, Biden, Klaus Schwab, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission et al. And don’t forget about commie leftists that are everywhere in the media constantly feeding distorted lies about this country.

    Unfortunately, I listened to NBC news for the first time in 7 years while waiting for the Olympics to come on. That old worn-out liberal Andrea Mitchell was trotted out to pitch a piece about how the Russians will suffer if they invade Ukraine. What a crock of shit. We are not a strong country anymore like in the days of “Speak softly and carry a big stick” Teddy Roosevelt! Now we have a big mouth, tough talking wimp in the White House that doesn’t carry a big stick. He left $95 Billion of them in Afghanistan for his Chinese buddies. The Russians are not scared of U.S. puff and bluff bullshit anymore. They get their food other places than the U.S., they don’t need our military products, they don’t need our rigged markets, they don’t need jack from the U.S. or Europe. Made in America is history!!! Do they think blocking Russia from the SWIFT system will hurt Russia? Might hurt some Oligarchs that didn’t get ALL of their money out of the banks in time. Wait until Russia turns off the gas and freezes the Europeans. Before numb nuts in the White House came in, we had liquified natural gas plants being built all over the Gulf Coast to ship gas to plants that were being built on the coasts of Europe. The idiot in chief has cancelled them with his pen and regulatory policies.

    All the globalists from retired Admiral Mike Mullins, to numerous Under Secretary’s of Bullshit were tagged to pitch the same line of crap Andrea Mitchell was pitching on the NBC broadcast. Talk about Propaganda!! Everyone of them spouted, “Russia will suffer consequences”. It sounded like a broken record. All of them had one thing in common…they are shills for the Council on Foreign Relations! They are all warmongers in disguise! There’s BIG money in Wars. Networks get more viewers. War machine companies get richer. And it used to pull a country out of a depression because we had manufacturing in this country which would kickstart high paying jobs, not jobs at fast food joints. Our manufacturing has all been moved to China by greedy bastards like Mr. Wonderful. Are all the car companies going to manufacture diesel vehicles to fight war or is the Senile Commander in Chief planning on having electric tanks that they plug in under nightly under ‘we gotta re-charge our batteries truces’? Uneducated lunatics are now in charge in D.C., and/or they are completely controlled by Commie China. Flip a coin-Neither one is good for our country, but both are unfortunately true!

      • If it’s a flat screen, keep it. TVs make excellent monitors for security systems and computers. Any compatibility issues can usually get handled by a cable or interface box from Amazon. I use these things all the time.

    • Hey ! West Texas ! I wake up nearly every morning with a slight smile. Why you ask? I am amazed and damn happy that I am still here. Baffling that I beat the odds – but I did. This morning I had just finished a breakfast of sausage gravy over homemade butter-float biscuits, side of crisp bacon, V8 juice [ with a handful of pills] and coffee.., opened my note book.., and read your comment/post. It was a good morning – but, now I have this overwhelming urge to load-up even more magazines with 7.62 love. Not your fault., I know that.., but …, damn ! This really sucks !

    • Hoss, I’m still concerned about you. Keeping everything bottled up like that can’t be good for you. Sometimes you just have to let fly with what you’re really thinking, consequences be damned.
      Always look on the bright side of life….
      … and be sure to protect your precious bodily fluids.
      BIRDS AREN’T REAL! Spread the word.

  5. While I certainly hope not, the Major may have just hung a target on his back by sending his well stated note to TPTB.

    These people roll out language that to those educated in the subject of firearms makes them look like ignorant buffoons while at the same time stroking the egos of those “takers” who simply sit with their hands out for their daily gimme’s to affect election outcomes. How anyone can stand to sit and watch CSPAN or any other government activity and not wonder how in the Holy Hell do these people get elected? And since they do what does that tell us about the people voting. This leads one to ask if votes are actually counted…… or manipulated.

    I started locking the gate again.

    • “While I certainly hope not, the Major may have just hung a target on his back by sending his well stated note to TPTB. ”

      …Seems entirely likely. The idea that the legislators don’t know what an assault rifle is, or what “AR” stands for, is ludicrous.

      Of course they know.

      They count on the populace to NOT know.

      The agenda is to separate Americans from their guns. The process is to get them to willingly surrender them. The means is a combination of financial pain and propaganda.

      It’ll work, too, on anyone who’s under 40 who lacks a military background and has never seen violence. After a few generations of snagging those “under-40” types, the few remaining will be of no consequence.

      Hopefully, the majority of the Major’s collection is in another State, by now…

    • If I remember correctly, The People don’t get to put someone up for election. The Parties just give us stupid choices to choose from. Voters are just cheerleaders, while the big money casts the real votes.

      Then ya got this new mapping thing and redistributing thing going on which just gives up pee-on something else to entertain ourselves with while it destroys more election integrity.

      It’s all just a shit show.

      • Well. YOU, at least, are starting to appreciate why I describe our “political parties” as private corporations, used as funding sources…

        Town nearest me has four political parties in all General Elections:

        Establishment Democrats
        Independent Democrats
        Establishment Republicans
        Independent Republicans

        (Yes, that means there are two “Republicans” running for Treasurer, against two “Democrats;” two “Democrats” running for Surveyor against two “Republicans,” etc.)

        The “Establishment candidates” get the DNC/RNC money. For the last 26 years (as long as the local schism has existed) the Independent candidates have gotten my vote — they’re usually much less corrupt and assuredly more local-centric candidates, and the independents who win (about 50% of Dems, 40% of Repubs) know the only reason they beat out an Establishment candidate in a General Election is because their neighbors funded their campaigns and supported them.

    • Left Hand Path = Sacred Feminine

      Patriarchy v Matriarchy since Humanity was first grown/put on Earth. Follow patriarchal societies to deserts of the World – wherever Patriarchal reigns, ruin follows..

  6. George, neither the U.S. nor NATO allies would detonate an EMP ‘before’ Russia unleashed some type of nuke or mass-area EMP. Never happen. Period. You’ll have to trust me on this one.

    What is FAR more probably is the use of EMP warheads on land, sea and air launched cruise missiles. Armies can deploy EMP mortar rounds too. These more conventional weapons limit damage to smaller, more specific geographic areas and do not trash other low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, many of which are commercial and non-EMP hardened. Both sides are reported to have these devices in their arsenals.

    Also, in the U.S., battlefield and airborne laser technology is much farther along than most folks realize. Just sayin’ (but that’s all I’m sayin’ about this capability).

    The U.S. and our major NATO allies, along with Japan, New Zealand, Australia and S. Korea (oh hell, let’s throw in Taiwan too) are not the ‘sitting ducks’ the media paints them out to be. Twenty years ago U.S. friendly folks were intensely collaborating on cyber defense AND cyber attack tactics and strategies of a CLASSIFIED nature (wink wink, cough cough). Putin and Xi should know this, as it has been adequately (and intentionally) telegraphed.

    Sadly, land grabs like the Crimea (under Obama) and now Afghanistan and E. Ukraine (under JoeBama) are easy when the President/Commander-in-Chief uses only harsh words, otherwise turning a blind eye to naked (not literally – that would be weird) aggression.

    I expect Putin (most likely via his ‘false flag’ proxy) to launch a Queen’s Gambit move. What follows the Western/NATO counter could be unexpected by Western planners and politicians alike. I also have no doubt lies and deception will play major roles on both sides, as they always do.

  7. “Run to the store where (besides party favors like a mini keg of brewski) Ure will top off the freezers.”

    I did that.. price was almost double what it was to fill in the first place.. everything has gone up..
    I can’t top off the batteries.. my battery bank had to be removed last summer and I unfortunately don’t have the funds to get new ones.. I did think about getting a loan for it.. especially if it happens the way I see it happening.. IF that all comes down the pike .. maybe batteries won’t be needed..
    I see a jihad caliphate unfolding from within our borders by the Army that JB’s administration smuggled across the border.. ( I seriously wonder was this an oops or serious miss calculation or were they actually recruited to do that through financial gain? we will never know for sure.)

  8. A war with Russia means we all band together as Americans to thwart the Commies & with a twist of false patriotism hand over the rest of our freedoms to Biden. See why they want war. It is good for business & socialism.

  9. “In all historical Communist takeovers of countries, a key essential requirement has always been present: to disarm the populace (destroying our 2nd Amendment) so that the Citizens cannot defend themselves, thus allowing tyranny to reign. This destroys personal freedom that is the bedrock and foundation upon which the United States of America rests. Anyone who disagrees with these facts is either clearly uninformed”

    The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that “Where rights (liberty) secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no legislation which would abrogate (abolish) them.” (Miranda v Arizona) ~ Unless they (statist) seek & secure, through the Amendment process, the authority to “infringe” on the government restriction posed by the 2nd Amendment, any laws restricting, limiting, regulating or taxing owning/using firearms are, quite simply, unConstitutional.

    • Law enforcement and judicial authorities from beat cops and circuit court judges to the FBI and Federal judges have arbitrarily violated damn’ near everything in the Bill of Rights:

      1) We have two State religions: Global climate change and racial “equity.”
      “Freedom of Religion” went away when the PTB began arresting people for attempting to have church services.
      “Freedom of Speech or Assembly” AYFKM? Speak out against rioting fascists or communists, or form a counterassembly.
      Press Freedom only exists in a closed space, or when the “Press” acts as a propaganda outlet for the communists.
      We DO still have the Right to Petition, but no guarantee that the exercise of this Right won’t get a person added to a list for “future persecution.”

      2) We lost the 2nd Amendment in 1933, when the government enacted limits & limitations on our Right to Bear, and the USSC upheld those abridgements.

      3) We still have the 3rd Amendment.

      4, 5, 6) Seriously? Ever hear of “warrantless forfeitures” or Kevin Mitnick, or the political prisoners in the D.C. lockup?

      7) Is hanging by a thread, after Palin vs. N.Y.Times

      8, 9) We still have, more or less.

      10) Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha…ha!

      Our Rights, enumerated but not limited to those in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights are noted as “God-given Rights.” This IN NO WAY means people won’t abridge, limit, or even eliminate these Rights. It merely notes that they exist.

      BTW in a number of countries, citizens and residents no longer have a Right to self-defense, not even in their own homes and to save their own, or their families’ lives.

  10. Lots of thoughts here! Australia was the first test case for jackbooted thugs to enforce the worthless debilitating if not lethal injection mandates. Then came Canada and they’re still fighting for their freedom. Anyone with a brain can see that there will be crushing threats to our individuality in the near future, unless we’re simply marked for extermination as a viable nation.

    Even as a kid, I thought for myself and got into trouble for sharing my ideas. I still recommend thinking from first principles. For some it’s hard, and for the few, it’s natural.

    We need to stop talking about the “democratic party”! There is none! There’s nothing democratic about the Biden and Clinton party. The media, including the Daily News quoted above, loves to use this term. I hear it constantly on the radio, even on so-called right wing stations. They are officially the “Democrat Party”, though I can think of a few alternate spellings that would be more accurate.

    Our governess, Mrs. Grisham, apparently got involved in the midnight dealmaking with the legislators here, and in a bid for attention, she flung off her face mask and declared the end of the mask mandate. That was a surprise to all, though few outside the major cities were wearing them anyway.

    I like the phrase quoted above: “The Medium is the Massage”. It definitely rubs me the right way.

    • That’s because they all get their “news” from the same sources.

      How many wire services are there? We see four in the U.S.: AP, AFP, Reuters, and UPI (yes, they still exist.) Most countries (Russia, China, etc.) have State wires, so does al Jazeera, and there’s also DW, and the BBC.

      EVERYBODY in the entire world gets their “news” from these wire services, the vast majority from AP. Bear in-mind RT is not TASS. Russia Today mostly mirrors U.S.-stuff from AP and Reuters. Xinhua is not CCNN. Their stuff is more-propagandized than RT’s, but it’s still rewritten American wire service crap. The real meat at these sites is found by going to the native language side and having it translated out (go to and check it out, sometime.)

      Your Greek site is as good as any, and better than most. It IS going to have a bias because if the Rus go to fighting amid and amongst, Northern Greece is in-range…

    • they actually have one at the gas station for sale.. LOL LOL if it wasn’t to much I would buy it for a keepsake.. sort of like the bottles for perfume..

    • Made by a person who’s a fan of the animé series “Gunslinger Girl.” It’s nearly 15 years old, and huge to this day in the Slavic & Cyrillic-alphabet countries. I see it pop up all the time on Hungarian and Czech sites… Heck, the first cosplay I ever saw was an online livestream of Hungarian tweeny girls at a Budapest comic con, wearing frilly dresses and carrying cello cases and AKs…

  11. Programming note:

    The communications office for parliament advises that the planned 0700 to midnight MP debate in the House on the Emergency Act has been postponed until tomorrow.

    And now, back to downtown Ottawa as police forces move in on the protestors…

  12. Get a copy of “FLDIGI” sound-based digital radio software.
    All you need is a radio with a BFO, and a couple of clip leads
    on the speaker to feed the PC. If that sentence mystifies you,
    then, never mind. (It’s very, very easy stuff.) You don’t need
    a license to receive the information. FLDIGI is free.

    The American Radio Relay League broadcasts voice, Morse
    code, and digital data (in three modes), over the HQ station,
    W1AW in Newington on many different frequencies and times.

    Goto and find the W1AW schedule, and print it.
    They pump out mostly boring Krappe most of the time, BUT
    they do have ties to FEMA and will be a useful outlet for
    information in SHTF (really). (The boring Krappe is useful
    for proof of performance. It’s tech worth having in-hand.)

    7.295 by day 3.999 by night, on the 15s and the 45s.
    Regionally self organized: no “head shed.”

  13. Proverbs 27:12 KJV “the prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself but the simple/naive pass on and are punished/pay the penalty (translation differs).”
    Words to prep by.

  14. Ukraine just admitted that their report on Russia pulling back troops was wrong., and it was all a ruse by Moscow.
    – I seriously believe that all politicians should be required to learn chess before they are allowed to take office. The vast majority of these idiots have no clue as to how to play the international game of politics and war.

      • “Chess? Hell, learning basic reading skills would be a refreshing change. ”

        READING SKILLS.. dam I would be happy if they could actually read the crap..I had wondered if the bills were put in an easier to understand coloring book fashion . then actually work more than 200 hours a year.. it has to be tough when they have to dust off the desk chairs before they sit down..

    • This will not change until or when the battle comes to our home soil. Generations of wounded, dead, and those who come back missing parts of themselves haven’t done it. Not until the fight is for the survival of our country will it ever be taken for anything other than a business model. Narcos to the south, kneelers to the north. The battlefield is a changing.

    • Congrats – U have sussed out a big clue in mr globo’s playbook – bank runs. Just follow the “freedom convoys” to financial freeze outs and bank runs. We are being played, big time – get Ure hands on Ure “funds” while still you can.. ; )

      Getting wiser to why peeps living in countries wit runaway inflation hoard coins ? As the digi dollars flying off of the FED decimal moving mouse clicks obscuring our sense of reason and well being – keeping in mind – NOTHING has been RIGHT about OUR money since ole dick tricky dicked over the Gold backed Money supply at the behest of “redchilds” in 1971.
      Look at the charts – its all fake, just like Inventory of Gold bars in Fort Knox and Fed bank NYC – all leased out or gone..we can thank big bobby reich & billary for that heist. Almost colors elections 2016&2020 as mob warz.

  15. Sometimes this place sounds like the balcony of The Muppet Show.
    Fellow geezers and geezerettes: Once you’ve done what you can do in your little corner of this universe, LET IT GO.
    Continuing to fret over events that you can’t influence and shaking your fist at all the “theys” that you think run this world get you nothing but stress and an early grave.
    I’ve spent my life in fear of enemies and catastrophes, real and imagined. Y2K and 2012 finished it for me. I’m done with the drama.
    Channeling St. George Carlin for more details.

  16. Just another warning to us all. Congress is in session, or will be soon. There’s another threat to our freedom online under the guise of clamping down on child porn(CP), that’s been renamed to CSAM to confuse the issue. The problem is a hugely unpopular bill called “EARN IT”, which is essentially an anti-encryption bill. CP has very little to do with the real issue of trying to outlaw encryption, or at least make it a major factor in weighing against any alleged perpetrator. I have no personal interest in CP at all, but I do care about encryption. Gentlemen don’t read each others’ mail, and our modern communications and commerce systems would fail immediately without it. Crypto currency and NFT’s require it, as does any blockchain enabled system. Sadly, the vast majority of legislators are unable to even begin to comprehend the ramifications of this. EFF is totally against it and it’s been defeated in the past, but it seems to be getting legs while most folks have never even heard of it. These idiots have shut down free legitimate communication via FOSTA/SESTA and have endangered legitimate(adult) sex workers. Outlawing encryption, however that’s interpreted, will put the burden of proof for any alleged infraction on an individual or entity using encryption for any purpose. I’ve not read the text of this bill, but it does need careful scrutiny. Good luck getting any legislator to change his/her/its vote.

    • There’s a bunch of CSAMs — took me a minute to find it: “child sexual abusive material…”

      Dunno what the punishment is, but I’d bet every “progressive” school board in CONUS could be slapped with CSAM charges, and its members incarcerated for disseminating.

      The real function of this crap: “Encryption” is done with algos created by the CIA. Blockchain is its own system.

      Back in the late ’90s Phil Zimmerman was charged with treason, remember? Zimmerman is the creator of PGP. At the time he released v2.3, it was estimated that every computer in the world, working in tandem, would brute-force crack a PGP-encrypted message in ~4 quadrillion years. Zimmerman went on an overseas speaking junket. While gone, he was charged, then picked-up when his plane hit US turf. About this time, PGP 2.6.2 was released. Shortly thereafter, a new version of PGP was released and all charges against Zimmerman were dropped. The “safety” of v2.6.2 has always been in-question. The “safety” of every version hence has never been in-question.

      As George likes to remind us:

      Governments don’t like competition.

      The CIA has no “back door” to blockchain technology. The function of all this crap is to get it one, or eliminate blockchain. You’ll still be able to use your built-in RSA “encryption” to communicate over the Web with your bank…

  17. Mr Editor,

    breaking news !
    It seems you have a closet stock picker in Ure readership. This secretive individual comes off as highly intelligent tech kinda guy, but I suspect he is also a Chef on a side gig somewhere as linked video clearly demonstrates
    His stock picking skills are certainly on par with his popcorn popping skills.

    Conagra -CAG gave it to us at $35.00 per shs. Coot jump all ove rthe March 37 Calls @ .33 Trading today in the $.40 -$.50 range – a 30% increase requiring coot to either Sell some of his position or double down. You guessed it right – I upped my position 33% .

    You rock Raymoundo! thanx for the fish! uhn I mean thanks for the idea/tip..alwayz thank the Source .

  18. Happy Birthday George. May you have another wonderful 73 Years!! (if we avoid War there is the POTENTIAL that will happen!!)


  19. May you enjoy a blessed 34th anniversary of your 39th birthday! (That’s a Jack Benny reference for those too young to know.)

  20. Comrades,

    I had cause to search for March 5, 2022. Responses included advice that the date was 27 days ago. Hmm, AI comedy night? Today is not April Fool’s Day?

    Next, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty of Substack is meeting up in Cali on March 5th with a group set to form a truck convoy to Washington, DC, leaving on the 6th. He’s promoted on Twitter by renwoxing (trans. “let me go”) of “The New Federal State of China”. The latter appears to be driven by Steve Bannon and Chinese fugitive billionaire Guo Wenghui who allegedly declared bankruptcy yesterday in New York after dispatching his yacht to the Bahamas.

    Hold the borscht, I’m nuking popcorn.

    Happy birthday weekend, George!

  21. gunna be an exciting week for patriots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gurus getting big business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  22. Did somebody talk about a wave 5 on the charts? Nikkei Asia advises Hong Kong covid cases of around 100 in early February became 3000+ new cases on Friday, and 7000+ expected new cases on Saturday. The entire 7+ million population of Hong Kong is to be tested over one week in March. Food supply chains are stretched. Chief Executive Lam promises to invoke emergency powers…

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