Markets Mutter: Wars Delayed Until Fall?

This week, Ure did something very uncharacteristic:  He lost $98 in a stock trade.  Which normally would be very bad news, but in this case, the Markets were telling us “times have changed.” As a result, we are pleased to report (barring the airborne seizure of Taiwan – something of a wildcard even now) that “Life on Earth is likely until Fall 2023.”

Maybe that doesn’t cause your heart to burst with joy (and vacation plans), but it sure has elevated the mood locally.  (Or, was that some delta-8 CBD?)

Before We Start…

A couple of baseline economic notes:

Philly Fed Manufacturing Index is out.

“Current Indicators Remain Negative
The diffusion index for current general activity rose from a reading of -31.3 last month to -10.4 this month (see Chart), its ninth consecutive negative reading. Nearly 35 percent of the firms reported decreases (unchanged from last month), exceeding the 25 percent reporting increases (up from 3 percent); 41 percent of the firms reported no change in current activity (down from 59 percent last month). The indexes for new orders and shipments both increased for the second consecutive month but remained negative. The index for current new orders rose 14 points to -8.9, and the current shipments index edged up 3 points to -4.7.”

Weekly unemployment filings improved, too:

By the Way…

Been meaning to mention the UI Filing report also has a dandy semi-local barometer of business conditions if you want to follow local mood swings:

Data cropped for easier reading of the larger fonts…

Stop, Look, Listen!

Stop. And consider the following:

  • Markets never crash from “the top.”  Yesterday was a dandy rally.
  • We’ve yammered on for nearly a year about how the post-Covid market, decline from the November 8, 2021 high, had taken nearly a full year to bottom out.
  • Therefore, it could easily take another year for Wave 2 to complete.
  • As my consigliere explained to a long-ago Long Wave Economics gathering in the heyday of the web:  “Sentiment at the top of Wave 2s is often as optimistic as the actual top.”  By this metric, we may still have a little ways to go.
  • The capper?  Peoplenomics subscribers are familiar with our “Trading Box” tool.  Because they visually remind us how some of the basic Elliott Wave Rules lay out in the present market.  Where the sneak attacks may come from.


In the lower right of the chart, you can see clear-as-day we are “making a run for it” – and something we proposed literally months ago on the Subscriber side is coming to pass.  The Big Fake-Out.  Where many very smart and clever traders might have been convinced that “Wave 2 was finished” which drove expectations of a sudden, bitter end.

That simply hasn’t happened, though.

Instead, based on early futures today, we can almost see our Aggregate Index popping to a new high – somewhere over the top of the right-hand Trading Box and – given how Elliott waves work, we could continue higher over Summer targeting the last week or two of August into the first week of September,

Which gets us to the point raised by Reader DogTau (a too-subtle for most masking of him being a DogTur in real-life) who is wondering this:

“Do the charts get affected by changes to the population? I’m sure you’ve seen the articles suggesting that the population may have dropped 10% in the past couple years. Most economies/greed depends heavily upon a rising population. But if we factor in population drop, could the economy actually be doing swell?”

Sadly, this is as complex and ugly a multivariate problem as you will find.  Consider, just for one example, that if population dropped 10 percent, you can’t make an economic generalization because of demographic sensitivity of markets.

The people who died of Covid were – in the main – debt loads on the general economy.  Seniors and the infirm weigh differently in their economic impacts.  One group (young and healthy) generalizes as “Tax Generators” for government.  While the other (old, infirm, and foot-in-the-grave) are “Tax Consumers.”

And it gets worse from there.  Specifically, because our next multivar delight is the impact of inflation and how both it (in the Galbraith “general levels of prices” view – with some interesting elucidation in (PDF) The Theory of Price Control: John Kenneth Galbraith’s Contribution. ( along with the gender-reshaping operation now underway.  Combined, inflation prospects, the relative cost of money, and the number of childless unions drive the answer requested.

Markets don’t care, either: Fact is, there’s a credible argument that’s been around over a century that holds “Markets are Always Perfectly Priced.”  Because we’re not fools, we too have come around to this line of thinking.

This leads to our unabashed view that with rare exceptions (Buffett, Munger, and Musk) most people don’t know how to assess intrinsic value.  Therefore, you’ll make more “actual, take-home money” using the stock market as your own private “PPGC.”  [Which means your own portable, personal gambling casino.]

Since beginning to speculate purely as a gambler, my results have improved dramatically.  Year-to-date we’re up about 18 percent.  We’re not even five months in. Let’s say I don’t gamble any more this month.  3.6 percent per month is the “run rate” and that pushes out 52.8 percent a year.

Go back in our C0mments section and you’ll find reader D’Lynn has nailed the 300% range for an annual return.  (He has a special poker game tonight – but that’s where he learned, in part, as we have, that “Market’s ain’t “investing” once you leave Buy ‘n Hold land.

Then there’s system inflation’s impact on Charts I seem to remember Bob Prechter of Elliott Wave International, as holding that inflation doesn’t matter.  The market will “make its waves.”  Once you master Elliott and trend channels, plus get serious gambling decision-making under control, the rest becomes easy, except for the Wash Sale Rules.  But for the past 10-years, we’ve relegated that to software…

The short answer comes down to this:  Population change does matter initially but only so long as Reality Remains Intact.

Reality, presently, is broken.

Budget Psychodrama

Markets are Muttering, we think, that as soon as Sloppy Joe and the Mac Daddy hammer out a budget deal, the market will zoom above the lower right minimal Trading Box.  To be followed by an overwrought summer of slowly climbing toward Labor Day.  Factbox: Biden, McCarthy debt ceiling deal – what’s in, what’s out | Reuters

Until, oh…Monday-Tuesday-ish, maybe… we don’t expect a budget deal.  Because we have “toad on the road” Biden embarks on abbreviated overseas trip as debt ceiling deadline looms.  Even the cryptos may get a further repreive as Bitcoin Price (BTC) Rebounds Amid Optimism on Debt-Ceiling ( Happy-talk, all around.

Meanwhile, Mr. Giveaway Gruesome and his reparations charade (no money, jokes on the people) is facing his own dénouement: New California budget means a $6 billion cut, and future uncertainty, for climate spending (

It’s just so much of the same-old crap today, my eyes are watering from the stench of it.  Small sniffs only, for the balance of today’s report.

Idiocy Contagion

While we patiently pray for Washington DC to get some useable “gain of function” we’re sad to report nothing’s in sight.  House Republicans Now Own George Santos – WhoWhatWhy. We may not be able to balance a budget, fix education, or get traction toward peace.  But, by God, we can elect idiots to office – along with crooks.

Speaking of which!  IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden investigation removed from probe, his attorneys say – CBS News and CIA threatened with subpoena for records on letter discrediting Hunter Biden laptop. One of America’s problems is that just because something is a “law” doesn’t mean non-enforcement will ever be found out, right Boyz?

The Daily Nigerian “gets it” compared with corporate-controlled American media:  U.S state of Montana bans TikTok — Daily Nigerian.

But the most useful story of the day may well be:Take-Two Hints at 2024 Release for Grand Theft Auto 6 | PCMag.” Best personal “driver ed” programs we’ve ever taken.

Around the Ranch

A reader on a ranch up north of us a ways was remarking recently on how much clover is coming up (good!).  Which got us to studying the data at Tyler Texas Weather a little bit.  Since it’s been just freaking ideal damn weather so far this year.

The average temperature this month is 72.  And for the year, we’re up to 20.06 inches.

Last May was a different deal:  Average tempt 75.3 and the rainfall at 17.43.  Yessir, if this is “climate change” – bring it!

Planning ahead for the weekend, highs of 79 and 80 with lower sixties overnight mean some long-delayed deck work on the BBQ deck will be handled.

If you haven’t figured out how to use “sweat equity” to your advantage, it’s the easiest way we can think of to minimize auto repair and home maintenance costs.

Write when you get rich,

45 thoughts on “Markets Mutter: Wars Delayed Until Fall?”

  1. “doesn’t cause your heart to burst with joy (and vacation plans), but it sure has elevated the mood locally. (Or, was that some delta-8 CBD?)”

    And to think vacations starting at fifty nine dollars a person.. in sunny Kyiv LOL LOL LOL I am sure sloe wants all of those investigators that they fired that was looking into the corrupt perv wanting to go over to kyiv a free flight to

  2. “Budget Psychodrama
    Markets are Muttering, we think, that as soon as Sloppy Joe and the Mac Daddy hammer out a budget deal, the market will zoom above the lower right minimal Trading Box. ”

    the kids were giving me guff about that… they think that my personal outlook is swayed.. ( that I am dog barking mad) that nothing is going to happen with this ukraine thing.. and the USA is stable.. that Brandon is doing a great job…. etc..
    the part most aren’t considering.. is.. if you have a dollar in the bank drawing two percent interest.. and groceries doubled.. in a year.. didn’t you just lose money.. the dollar doesn’t buy that much more.. your money in a shoe box or jar the bank or buried in the back yard.. has to double to..
    that is what happened in weimar.. the story my father told me he was told about that.. was the story of two guys.. one put his inheritance in the bank.. the second one partied like there was no tomorrow.. then the wemar hit.. the one with it in the bank needed a wheel barrow to get a loaf of bread.. the other had a basement full of wine bottles and there was a bottle shortage..
    which brings up aluminum cans.. look in the soda isle.. some products are missing.. I asked the sales man he said that there is a shortage of cans because of that some of their products have been reduced so they can use the cans for products that turn over faster.. simple logic.. cookies.. I have a snack tray.. fill it once a week.. I put in the same thing every time..
    amazon doesn’t even offer to sell the lunch box packs anymore.. for forty eight cookies it was forty eight dollars from NYC and shipping.. you had to order them from NYC.. lately they quit selling the peanut butter snack packs to.. and in one store.. they took the spot out for them to they can’t get them.. you can’t get them online.. you can order them from Mexico though and get them cheaper.. the price of a fifteen ounce package doubled to..
    so just considering that.. every time a price goes up.. you lose money on your investments..
    People are spending like hell now just because they have the fear that if they don’t do it now.. they won’t be able to do it later.. the best outcome we can expect from this administration is a depression worse than any depression in modern history.. the worst is we see missiles dropped within out borders and we get to experience the horrors of war..
    the poverty and horror… that none of us can imagine..

  3. World War Fed..

    Battle lines being drawn around the world, with MSM already id’d as an enemy of the people. Been looking for small “sparks” that ignite larger conflagrations, such that media and pols will not be able to walk to down the street in their own hometowns this summer of R&R (revenge and retribution).
    .. Sorass and co be “swinging” come Fall 23. I dont think peeps will be so civilized as to throw up gallows just to hang a couple of foul demonic types.. just rip em open and leave em for the carrion eaters..waste not want not!

    Who cares bout debt ceiling in USA pop? Just ask ukraine to give back a couple hundred billion $/ShortTermLoan, till DC gets their collective shit together. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    Currently the best business model out there, leading to massive financial gains (unaudited&untaxed) is Killing Christians! Whether israHELL/nazi ukraine or nato nazi’s – KILLING Christians is the easiest way to get paid, and paid, and paid – w/US taxpayer largess.

    USA/Nazi sympathizers – CONGRATULATIONS – You are the hands down the dumbest people on Earth, and the rest of the world be making a mockery of your collective idiocy. We elected-allowed this brain dead classhole to take the WH and the presidency.


    Sun is “zooming in”, and Mother Earth seems to be pregnant and uncomfortable, again…she is gonna pop, one way or another. -

    Got BTC in Ure possession? If not – you dont own anything and R half way to WEF nirvana -congrats!

  4. George, I just wanted to let you know that my garden is growing this year. I put my pots with new soil in a kiddy pool filled with water and surrounded the pool with a puppy fence. The ants didn’t eat the seeds because of the water in the pool and the fence kept out whatever critter ate the seeds in the front yard pot. I planted the last week of May instead of April 7 and avoided the May freeze. My yard guy can’t accidently run over the young plants either. I am hopeful that we might have some vegetables this year. I’m not sure if the pool idea came from a contributor on your site. if so, thank you very much.

  5. ” House Republicans Now Own George Santos – WhoWhatWhy. We may not be able to balance a budget, fix education, or get traction toward peace. But, by God, we can elect idiots to office – along with crooks.”

    OTFLMAO….Seriously.. have you EVER Noticed the shit heads they put up for the people to vote for LOL LOL LOL LOL the good ones that might be able to make a difference.. are kicked out of the running right away.. we cannot have anyone that has some ethics or morals in there.. god what would we do with someone like that in a power of position.. instead .. and santos.. I can hear it now.. what did he do wrong so he Lied a little bit the merits of a good politician .. not like he had an illegal server or was taking bribes for his family.. no one that was against him or going to give testimony died from suicide or muggings.. he didn’t open the borders so the country could be overran ..there was a network news blurp .. about the audacity that republican governors were sending bus loads of illegals to the areas.. away from their state .. they didin’t have the means to take care of them and were being over ran with illegals.. ( I believe they only sent a few to those areas to)
    anyone opposed and put in the position of investigation.. is being fired.. hmm sounds familiar to..

  6. There has been so much dollar doomed, de-dollarization talk for the last month or so, you have to wonder…

    Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital, known for The Dollar Milkshake Theory, was recently asked about all the negativity on the dollar. He said regarding the dollar bashing, he asks himself…

    Why I am hearing this, and why am I hearing it now?”

    Euro down to 1.078

    • It’s simple, really
      The dollar will remain dominant because most countries ‘just don’t want to own their own currency.’

      • I believe that as we go deeper into insulting China .. they will just stop.. we already see huge delays in product availability.. if they just stop we are sunk..
        Or they increase want it.. pay the price..
        I purchased a few laundry systems.. one as a backup one as a working system. paid less than a hundred dollars for them.. free shipping two years ago.. now look what the price is..
        and that is on sale.. three times the money…
        I love those.. still use detergent but very little detergent is needed.. I actually believe that my thinking that it needs detergent is just a mind thing..
        that very same system under a hundred.. I have several units that were for water fountains.. great systems… all I need for them is the vortex tube.. those stayed on the water fountains.. those of course were free..
        burrito’s.. we had smothered burritos the other night.. a meal we all like here.. the problem.. they have doubled in price..

        • I’d never heard of water ozonators, aka “laundry systems”. Certainly something to think about, though it seems like a fairly easy DIY electronics project.

        • Oh Mike they are awesome.. I have been a big fan of Ozone for years and years.. had them installed on water fountains to help with the maintenance.. when I worked as maintenance.. water fountains had a big issue of algae.. yes algae.. that would build up in the tank .. we were always doing maintenance the things didn’t work very well.. so.. in went the ozone .. and timer system.. to give it time to degas.. they paid for themselves in a years time.. easily.. laundry ozone units are absolutely wonderful..

          great company.. super nice people.. drop Holly an email and let her know what you are looking for.. laundry or water fountains etc.. that is her email..

          She is super nice..and will go to the limit to get you what you need.. shipping from them is damned cheap to and is usually within just a couple days.. I can get stuff from them faster than if I ordered something from two towns over..
          When I worked day labor one of the jobs was cleaning airlines.. after it was all cleaned and the fridge cleared and cleaned.. we would sit an ozone machine in there then go on to the next plane.. for a half hour.. I have two of those machines.. disinfect the room then move over.. I have had several more through the years but give them away to other people with allergies etc.. we do a room every week .. ozone it let it degas then enter.. never use it while in the room..

          you can get them cheaper to.. but this is the 6000 Mg..the smaller units are ok.. you just have to leave it going a little bit longer.. some have a set timer.. some don’t.. the one I use the most doesn’t.. the backup unit has the timer.. set it and forget it.. always degas before you enter the room.. the reason is.. ozone attacks bacteria and viruses and the human body is a walking bacteria factory and lung tissue is extremely delicate..

        • It is an easy electronics project.. the big issue is.. you can’t buy the parts cheaper than you can get the unit..

        • Oh Mike.. Holly will beat the hell out of amazon prices to LOL… I think .. a hundred a piece… I use to pay fifty bucks.. then for a long time they were like seventy LOL… during covid.. you couldn’t get them.. Let the Brandon administration keep insulting china and you won’t be able to buy them at any price LOL
          they say you don’t need any detergent.. although we still use detergent.. Just not sure if it is like the old car wash sales.. when I worked part time making cleaning detergents.. we had a really really great cleaner.. ( you still buy the diluted kind at the store.) anyway.. the salesman came in the coffee room and said.. dam I just can’t get the ( carwash franchise ) to try the cleaner because there wasn’t enough suds.. LOL LOL LOL LOL so one of the chemists there.. said go in to give them a trial than put a little bit of this in it.. he handed him a foaming agent.. LOL so the salesman went back.. then told us the story.. yes he went I said look how great this is.. and put one drop in the machine then as the franchise rep.. went to see he dumped the whole bottle of foaming agent in the machine.. suds.. so they got the sale.. and added more foaming agent.. a couple months later the guy called and said no more suds.. the foam was running out the front door of the carwash’s.. LOL LOL LOL.. so I don’t know if it is just that we use detergent to see the suds or what.. LOL LOL

        • in the hospital.. we used ozone units to… clean something and the ozone generator has a foam ball on the end.. then turn it on.. I have that to..
          when I worked day labor way back.. I mean way back.. the USA military sprayed some powder in the air above our city.. to see how it would venture with the winds.. anyway my job was cleaning the purging tent.. they would land go in.. dirty strip hose off go through a UV ( UV ozone unit) then oxygen then shower dry off UV and dress clean.. I wasn’t ever told what it was but sting.. dam that crap stung like hell when you touched it..

  7. George,
    re: “Markets never crash from “the top.”

    This time the market environment is decidedly different.

    Since Sept 2022 the Federal Reserve is no longer buying debt and is actually selling about 95 billion dollars month of the 9 trillion that it has ‘bought’ (with nothing) and has accumulated on-its-books, most over the last 14 years. The Fed is now allowing the market to bid for that monthly debt added to the continuous coming-do tranches of roll-over debt from its 31.8 trillion balance.

    1 month treasury’s completed a 20 April 3/8/7/5 day inverse fractal (higher interest rates) yesterday with the start of a ‘crash’ second fractal (higher interest rates) today. Currently 1 month treasury’s are 3.5% up today trading at 5.6 percent.

    All that Fed has to is nothing … and allow the market with its decreased M1 and M2 money supply for the first time since the 1930’s to compete for the 31.8 trillion coming due roll over debt and the Fed’s 95 billion monthly on-the-book’s debt liquidation.

    Interest rates should sky rocket over the next 6 trading days and (global) equity composites’ crash completing a Nikkei 16 March 2023 5/12/13/7 day fractal series and a Wilshire 13 March 2023 10/23/23 day fractal series.

    Observe the debt market closely.

    • Didn’t the Fed ask the big banks for help with a bailout after the Great Crash of ’29 and was refused? I don’t remember the specifics as I write this, but it sounds similar to what you are describing. The emperor has no clothes, there is no wizard behind the big green curtain, nothing minus nothing equals nothing…

  8. The NASDAQ has had a good rally so far this year.., it is up 19%., and billions are being poured into any stock that has a connection to A.I. I have found it very difficult to bet the NASDAQ index as it is just too damn “tech-heavy” – and with all the billions setting on the sidelines, ready to bounce on any tech stock and ignore the fundamentals – makes it a real challenge to shave a few percentage points onto my side of the win column.
    It should prove interesting when an A.I. driven fiasco pops up. What will the NASDAQ big-boys do then?
    In the mean time, I am still trying to figure out the E-Wave pattern for the index.

    • …A.I. driven fiasco…

      Splitting calculations down to the smallest of percentages in real time requires a computer. I believe supercomputers with advanced algorithms have been running Wall Street for some time. We’re trying to play the game by winning surplus money after making a play. I wonder what the quants are doing and what their goals really are… Is it winner take all, or a game of give and take that deliberately drives “market opportunities” that can be shaven as the pendulum swings. All the market news is now cliched opinion or gobbleygook, indicating to me that nobody really knows what is going on.

    • …A.I. driven fiasco…

      Splitting calculations down to the smallest of percentages in real time requires a computer. I believe supercomputers with advanced algorithms have been running Wall Street for some time. We’re trying to play the game by winning surplus money after making a play. I wonder what the quants are doing and what their goals really are… Is it winner take all, or a game of give and take that deliberately drives “market opportunities” that can be shaven as the pendulum swings? All the market news is now cliched opinion or gobbleygook, indicating to me that nobody really knows what is going on.

  9. I was listening to Art Bell ‘Somewhere in Time’ on the radio last Saturday.

    The people in that time, 1999 are very concerned about Y2K and societal collapse. Nobody could get a word in edgewise. “Gary North says”.

    Gary North died last year. Society is still standing.

    There is another radio personality, Brother Stair claiming imminent attack by Iran. He’ll never see Iran attack because he’s dead too. The attack was to happen during 1998. “God’s judgement for the Clinton debauchery.”

    • Right Steve. Picking exact dates and times for imminent disaster is still a fool’s game. Reminds me of my favourite sign.

      “The world ends tomorrow unless postponed by rain.”

  10. Housing inventory is going to remain low., for quite a while. It’s going to take an extremely good reason for someone to sell their home they financed at 3%, or even less, and buy another home at today’s rates. National average right now is 6.98% [ Bankrate].

  11. Nvidia was up a little over 5% today. No reason. No news. No reports. Just billions being thrown into the A.I. ring.
    Is this the beginning of a whole new tech bubble?

  12. Ran across this guy on YT who has a lot of interesting things to say about dental repair through nutrition. He’s a vegetarian, of some flavor, and had serious problems with cavities from college to mid-30s, I think, when he began his self-treatment to ward off tooth decay. One dentist said it’s just genetics and you’ll be this way until you have dentures but after a lot of study he hit upon a system of nutrition that works for him. In his studies he found a dental doctor that had traveled the World looking into the diets of people who had a “native” diet and those among them that had adopted a “Western” diet. The comparison was stark. Native diets preserved teeth and their supporting bone structure while those with the Western diets often had many gaps and misalignment problems to deal with. Proper levels of Vitamin D3 are required to aid in the vitamin/mineral uptake as well and many other details that escape me now. Tongue scraping was also important he found early on.

    It does make me wonder, though, as it’s been ages since a dentist ever said “A- HA!” and announced the prospects of an enhanced paycheck for himself and his hygienists. And, believe me, the dentist I have now has a LOT of incentive to do so with the multiple bay set-up and new X-ray machines he seems to collect now. I even have one tooth they said was dead but they’re going to leave it alone until it causes problems. All this and a life-long sweet tooth as well. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    His solution starts about 20 minutes in after he goes through his personal history.

    • Chances are you brush your teeth every morning. You probably floss, and you might even use mouth wash. Dental hygiene is flourishing, with a multimillion dollar economy behind it. We have straighter teeth, whiter teeth, more beautiful, shimmery teeth. But it turns out that we actually have less healthy teeth than our ancestors. In fact, archaeologists say that prehistoric humans had much better teeth than we do today.

      It all started with farming, says Alan Cooper, the director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA. His study suggests that the shift from meat, nuts and vegetables to grains and sugars has wreaked havoc in our mouths by changing the kinds of bacteria we find there. NPR writes:

      • Actually it’s once before bedtime otherwise the morning breath warps the mirror over the sink in the morning. Flossing … mmmm, yeah, some. Bottom incisors get the most attention because they build up plaque faster than any of them. I have a bad habit of chewing on the inside of my cheek when I’m working on something tedious and this can carry over for days or weeks before I can break myself of it. Listerine helps for a while and heals me up pretty fast. The lining of the mouth heals so quickly it’s amazing.

        I’ve always just figured my oversized adult Neanderthal teeth just had too much enamel for the acids to get to before I brushed at night. I do keep to my vitamin supplements. Been a while since I took the extra D3s, though. Concentrating on the B’s to keep my butt going all day. Good to know that we can actually heal our teeth over time. There used to be a few articles going around about stimulating the growth of new teeth (with stemcells?) but I haven’t seen anything about that in quite a while.

    • An interesting video Bill. Mouth and gut microbiome are becoming increasingly studied and shown to be hugely impactful in good health. He does mention the importance of Vitamin D3 supplementation and I concur. Of all the supplements I take (now at 10,000 units a day), this is the last one I would stop taking.

      Dr. Campbell had an excellent video on this a few days ago. The statistics on health benefits of this low cost supplement are staggering. Worth a watch.

  13. George, I’m not sure if you can post this or not , It is an article written about CRYPTO that really stirs the pot.
    Prefface by Jay
    Came across the article below. What will this do to precious metals?

    The likely hood of what you read below happening in Calif., OR., WA., NY., Mass., NJ. or Conn. is pretty damn remote. BUT there are other states where this is a distinct possibility. Think ID., WY., UT., OK., TK.,MT., SD., ND., MO., TN., KY., FL., (and AZ. ???) for starters.

    Of course that would beg the question , what would they use for money?? Well the constitution is pretty explicit on that, Article 1 section 10 , paragraph 1. In fact several of the above states have already written legislation making some form of gold or silver legal tender in that state. The government will then have to confiscate all privately held gold and silver???. Now we know why the IRS needs 87,000 armed IRS agents. You can’t confiscate the gold or silver held by individuals in this country with only 3,900 armed IRS agents. (And the first place they will start to look is at all the records and shipping slips of all those companies advertising to sell you precious metals. )

    As long as we are quoting the constitution lets look at Article 1, section 8 , paragraph 5, which gives the Federal Govt. the authority to COIN money and regulate the value thereof. Crypto is a damn distance from coining money (so is paper money for that matter.)

    I do not know if the governor has yet signed this bill (If it really exists?) but it appears to be veto proof.

    I do not know if this article is accurate so as always do your own due diligence. JAY

    “Dear Reader,

    The original title of the bill introduced in April was “No Cryptocurrency Payments to State.”

    At face value, one wouldn’t be faulted for assuming that the bill was part of the antagonistic, anti-crypto stance of the last two years in the U.S. But that’s not at all what the legislation was about.

    Introduced by North Carolina’s House of Representatives, the bill was written to prohibit the state’s agencies from accepting payments in any form of central bank digital currency (CBDC). It went further by also banning any participation in any pilot testing of a CBDC in North Carolina.

    The generic sound of “No Cryptocurrency Payments to State” must have been an issue, because early this month, the name was changed to “No Central Bank Digital Currency Payments to State.”

    Nice. Crystal clear, and consistent with the intended purpose of the legislation.

    Better yet, days ago it was just passed by the state’s House of Representatives…. 118-0. When’s the last time we’ve seen 118 politicians agree on something?

    Balance of article is here:

    • I’m not too worried about gold and silver confiscation. Since we don’t have any.

      The conservatives would LIKE to believe in 87000 armed IRS agents, but that likely won’t happen, either.

      What we do think may be in play is – as we have suggested from the outset of crypto crazy – is that the FedGov will NOT allow a transition for “all debts private and public” to be paid with other than money. CBDC IS money – in a manner of speaking, though made-up for sure and only spray painted as nominally “real.”

      I agree confiscation is neither practice nor function. That said, if the government said “turn in your gold at spot plus $50, and then people didn’t comply? Issues, you bet.

      The problem Cruz, et al see, is that once the camel’s nose is let “in the tent” with crypto, then it’s a matter of who will keep the Fed from “going Satoshi” and simply printing up enough money for the richtards to buy out the US Government.

      The power of money is the power of life itself.

  14. Re: The Marionette
    feat. a string ensemble


    The Oman Ministry of Information reported the delivery yesterday of the Ukrainian president to the lavender carpet at Jeddah via a French government aeroplane. Onward transportation from airport to the Arab Summit was perhaps a magic carpet-like ride in a V-12 powered luxury automobile.

    Meanwhile the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has tweeted “a warm welcome” to her newly arrived visitor, Mrs. E. Truss, former UK PM. An accompanying picture portrays the esteemed visitor kneeling to stroke a dog of disparate breeding clothed of a garment somewhat similar in shade to a Ukrainian flag while the President squats beside the pair on her haunches. It’s an epic royal flush.

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