We’ll “set the table” today with a report just out from the National Federation of Independent Business which issues a monthly “Small Business Optimism Index.”
Well, except it’s not too optimistic just now: Here’s the top of the press release.
“WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 12, 2021) — The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index decreased one point in September to 99.1. Three of the 10 Index components improved, five declined, and two were unchanged.
“Small business owners are doing their best to meet the needs of customers, but are unable to hire workers or receive the needed supplies and inventories,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “The outlook for economic policy is not encouraging to owners, as lawmakers shift to talks about tax increases and additional regulations.”
Key findings include:
- The NFIB Uncertainty Index increased five points to 74.
- Owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months decreased five points to a net negative 33%.
- Fifty-one percent of owners reported job openings that could not be filled, a 48-year record high for the third consecutive month.
- A net 42% of owners reported raising compensation, a 48-year record high.
As reported in NFIB’s monthly jobs report, a record 51% of small business owners (seasonally adjusted) reported job openings they could not fill in the current period, up one point from August. A net 42% of owners (seasonally adjusted) reported raising compensation, up one point from August and a 48-year record high reading.”
Markets Uncertain
In our popular “Comments” section, people around here seem to fall into two camps. I’m in the pragmatic camp (We need a larger Wave II to complete the present rally off recent lows. Which would feed the idea of a “turnaround Tuesday.”
Other readers – notably open to things like cryptocurrencies – like to think the rally is over and it will instead turn into a “Terrible Tuesday.”
A look at our Aggregate Index lays out the two expectation sets.
The colored boxes are what I use to highlight the MAJOR waves. So the gray on left is the Wave I, the green is Wave II while the red on right will be a coming Wave III down.
The “which day will it turn into?” debate centers on the lone diagonal red (rally high) that was set around mid-session Monday. The market dropped to the close, however. So in classical charting, you would only show the potential Wave II high on shorter-term charts.
There is a good chance (no, this is not trading advice; we’re talking gambling here) that the market could turn powerfully higher for a day or two and then be ready for the larger Wave III down to get organized into the end of the month.
Technicalities Matter
There is another reason why we don’t think the Bull of the Wave II is done – and might be interested in a rally from here.
There are, understand, a lot of “Nervous Nelly’s” and “Terrified Timothy’s” who may have gone out earlier (think September during Wave 1 Down) and bought a bunch of October put options as portfolio insurance.
A check of the CBOE 2021 Options Calendar here, reveals that Thursday will be the last day of Index trading ahead of this Friday’s equities option expiration.
Seasoned options players would have gone for the November strikes if they were really looking to hedge. But, then we go down a “Black Sholes” model discussion about time premium and return on risk. Or, we await mid-morning when our parabolic SARs may give us a green light to get cautiously long.
Not that it matters. I’ll be either working on the Peoplenomics report for tomorrow or working on the kitchen tiling project.
Sheep Feed
Popcorn Day in the newsroom. Lots of kernels, but not a whole lot of substance to any of it. Another reason to expect a rally. Like taking money from cowardly options players wasn’t enough incentive?
Jamie Dimon has good sense, in our view. Because he agrees with us? Yessir, absolutely: JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon says bitcoin is ‘worthless’ (cnbc.com). Even if you like the block chain idea (picture a “special copy machine that can only make ONE copy” of something), there is still absolutely ZERO REASON for any global government adopting blockchain to give “free convertibility” to the private sector “secret numbers” crowd.
Forbes had an article a couple of weeks back that should send chills up the back of crypto players: More Offshore Account Prosecutions For Secret Accounts Seeking Heavy Prison Time. Like I’ve said since day one (and we’ve never owned a “wallet”) the whole crypto game is a substitute for the drug cartels and off-shore wheeler-dealers who skated on taxes before Swiss numbered accounts became problematic. Always a money market for crooks…
Greg Abbott’s right again: Our Texas Governor (besides trying to secure the border over Sleepy Joe’s wretched efforts to keep it free-flowing) has done something else right: Texas governor orders ban on employee vaccine mandates: Latest COVID-19 updates. Again, we have held since Day 1 that this is a healthcare issue. Not political. Joe Biden should STFU and Anthony Fauci should be in jail for lying to Congress about his role in Gain of Function research.
Another reason we like Abbott as at least a VP pick: Dems hit back against Texas elections law with flood of lawsuits minutes after Abbott signs it. No, damn Dramacrats, people without IDs are NOT American citizens and can’t vote. What the hell planet you from?
Yes – Elections Have Become Crooked
Military affairs contributor warhammer has some strong views on this:
“Atlanta election workers were caught shredding hundreds of voter application forms.
Fulton County election workers fired, accused of shredding voter applications.
An isolated incident? As time passes from last year’s general election, evidence is slowly but steadily growing that America has systemic corruption of the entire voting process, from registration to vote tabulation, starting at local levels.
Is this a recent development? From Joe Kennedy allegedly buying the election for JFK in 1960 to Biden’s victory last year, the election processes in highly contentious areas often fail to pass the smell test. Only the late 19th and early 20th Century elections appear to have been more sullied and suspect.
But this is precisely the template for how democracy falls. ‘Helpful’ community volunteers infiltrate the system, shredding applications and ‘helping’ the elderly and infirmed to vote by assisting them with filling out their ballots, collecting mail-in ballots, and then kindly mailing them (or not). Next under the microscope is the vote tabulation process, from reporting of manual ballots cast and voting machine tallies to wide area vote aggregation via customized computer software. And we mustn’t count out old time vote buying – paying folks to cast their vote for a certain party or individual candidate, perhaps doing so at many various locations using provisional ballots and false names. This systemic corruption will be hard to fix and certainly will not be cured by 2022 or 2024 – if ever.
Local fraud systemically coordinated (buy community organizers?) over a state or national level will produce results. It makes one wonder if our once vaunted and valued democracy is now little more than an orchestrated sham meant to placate the masses while more nefarious powers that be steer the ship of state to a destiny determined by and fully benefiting them, and them alone.
As the old Communist saying goes: “We don’t need to win the election. We just need to count the votes…”
They Really ARE Special
But the Rich never get punished, do they? Having their own set of Rules. Latest example of what the HR books call “positional power” comes as Prince Andrew investigation dropped by British Metropolitan Police as N.Y. lawsuit continues. Back when I was a GS-12 equiv. as a 19-yo O-4 equivalent at a far away place up north, one of the enlisted muttered “R.H.I.P, ‘wave.” That name (‘wave”) was the Air Force nickname for the microwave tech rep on site. R.H.I.P means “Rank Has Its Privileges.” Usually, an F-bomb was also an “included adjacency.”
Meanwhile, back here at Abbott for President HQ, we’re not seeing much more than the slow dawning of the “woke” that the vax has been a scam. Read “COVID-19 Is A ‘Planned Bioweapon’ By The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Report Reveals” which contexts this much better than 90 percent of the mainstream media. Ad budget arm twisting?
Son G2 continues to recover nicely from his positive anti-body test. When I asked him as someone who’s been running Covid clinics for as long as the virus has been around., I asked him: “Do you think you’re having two shots contributed to the quick recovery?” His answer? “Yeah, about that….” Followed by remarks about he hasn’t seen any actual data to that effect. But tellingly “…we’re not doing “breakthrough tests, anymore…just too common…” Which the lying mainstream is still claiming…
Vax by Southwest? Pilot rebuffs Biden’s vax mandate amid Southwest turmoil: ‘We have all the control’. Be interesting to see how the Dallas court rules on the SWPA suit. People who don’t fly – and don’t know a lot of pilots – often fail to appreciate two things about them. First is they tend to be a moderately conservative group. Secondly? Pilots get that way – having nerves of steel in tough situations – by coming to terms with Reality. “You can’t bullshit the airspeed indicator or altimeter.”
Ivory-tower types never have to “get real” like that. They can live in lah-lah land. Peer review by other grant suck-ups in one thing. Peer review by the face of a mountain at 420 knots is quite another.
Too early for Real War? We’re now leaning toward Labor Day next year, but that doesn’t stop the pre Party Meeting staging. China says it held beach landing drills in Fujian province opposite Taiwan. Our sources tell us we can expect Xi to get a “mandate” from the party congress but that there are reasons to hold till fall 2022 to run with it.
Back to tile cutting. Be on the lookout for unexpected good news to fuel a rally.
Write when you get rich,
here we go georgey!!!!!!!!!!!! you got us again you and the spin the wheel patriot boyz . ahh well little bit for us and big lashings for jimmy booyah and the creeps !!!!!!!!! as so good the land of the free the home of the facists!!! long every tuesday and booyah !!!!!!!!!! get your mchappy meal and money for peoplenomics !! any relation to chief patriot prechters socioeconomics ? ahh so good the old touring cruise liner firejuice sipping zig zag up down fella . but lets face it !! always up now . to the elliot wave robin !!!
oh-oh – futures pointing up Len…maybe my Wave II finale is coming…
Arkad lived by principle George. As do I, said Andy
“That which one man knoweth can be taught to others.” And you have taught me well. It started with “how to live on $10,000 a year.”
Which I do. Even now.
For my investment is into others is life into their lives, their empowerment and joy. And my investments, invests into others who invest into others who invest into others. And Long is my life, my return is great and live humbly below my means.
And some say my friend. That I am the wealthiest man that ever lived.
I bid you good day.
Truly! I am Blesssd and Highly Fortunate, it is my hope that you are as well.
Cue: For those about to rock!
Nope – the slope of hope has broken down, like everything else.
– slomo for now but the front running crowd cant hold their fire much longer – Down Bubble .
Hope everyone had a “Happy Pick A Side Day”
“were sorry, but that product is out of stock and there is no reliable data for when it will be back in stock” “out of stock” “on back order” “notify restock”
G-Dude – De- Institutionalization is a hap hap happening right here, right now. “The Breakdown” is baked in the cake. Worse case depending on time line taken – troops in streets of every major city = martial law..hunger games indeed.
Watch those precious BTC’s (see El Salvador) tick up in price with each tick Down in USD value! “weeeeeee, this investing stuff is easy”-MG
Next time you look at Ure account balances – keep in back of mind the Bowie tune Ashes To Ashes…”Ashes to ashes, funk to funky,
We know major Tom’s a junkie
Strung out in heavens high
Hitting an all time low..” -DB
Good on ya all keeping up wit da propaganda- brainwashing = “breakthrough” my ass -each one is a FAILURE .
Real vaccine looks a lot like Novavax tree bark based vax, same South American tree/bark in the widely successful SHINGRIX vax for the extremely painful herpes zoster VIRUS rash (shingles).
Anti viral – already Tested, Trialed and Proven Safe & Effective. Getting my second dose this week (59yr), after paying for and receiving Pneumonia Vax 18 years ago during SARS attack. Alive and kicking https://youtu.be/5GsbCeyDx8Q
Good column as usual George. Any way to figure out who it is that comes by early every day and gives you the one down vote before they read the column?
Trolls. But you can’t fix stupid. Truth to trolls just pisses ’em off royally.
I don’t know why people act like someone getting COVID who is vaxxed is proof of anything. Nobody has said the vaxx prevents all infection. All along they’ve said it’s not a regular vaxx. But sitting here playing word games seems to be the sport of armchair doctors who act smug when they can point out a fantasy they believe is not supported by reality. Bizarre, solipsism? Narcissism for sure.
Regarding voter ID. I have to get a Real ID drivers license to fly. Why are civil rights groups not protesting Real ID? It’s a major hassle compared to getting a regular DL. Surely it’s racist or something to ask people to prove who they are before they can fly, if it is super racist to even ask for an ID to begin with!
Because doing that might drag illegals into the fight. ACLU doesn’t want that fight.
Both raw Covid data and data analysis have become so political that all should be suspect. If you have had at least a mild case, and maybe a jab or two, you have done what you can do to protect yourself. That scratchy throat you get every nine months is your booster.
“Fulton County election workers fired, accused of shredding voter applications.”
Fired?! That’s all they were was FIRED??!!! They should have been drawn, quartered and BURNED. Incarcerated at the least.
That foamed my coffee as I was drinking it for sure.
Agreed – but the reason people are so fumed and confused is that we no longer have functional governments – especially courts.
The Federal Government has become a joke with Biden broadcasting from some ‘green screen’ background. So, where is Biden (physically – we know where he is mentally)? Is Biden really a ‘President’ or just told to act out a role to keep the sheeple under wraps.
So, I am about to drop an awfully big truth bomb here: ‘There ain’t no functional Federal government, only a few criminals are in charge, and the state governments could go the same way very quickly.
The real fun begins when people come to the realization – they are on their own and a functional Federal Government just walked away! Yes, there will be people in DC ‘working’ by some measure, but no real functional value as we have become to think of a government fulfilling!
there is a term for what is occurring currently in the WORLD.. De- Institutionalization .
Its a real phenom, studies ect on the subject.
It dont matta whether or not the last presidential election was Stolen – it matters not, because at least 30 % of US poulation believes it was stolen.
Fed Govt -. lost All Trust of the peeps, Media – same , Scientists/Virologists/ MD’s – lost it.
Another brick in the “wall” has just been pulverized..
Abbott will save us, for sure this time.
COVID went full circle back to planned Chinese bio-weapon. First, that means everyone should rush out and get one of the life-giving Warp Speed Vaxx’es into their bodies right now. You’d be crazy not to do it. Crazy.
Second, c’mon.
Right on Steve. My wife received her 2nd Moderna VAXX shot today with no side affects so far. Much smarter than buying pills from India where there is absolute zero quality control. Enjoy the parasites.
“Much smarter than buying pills from India where there is absolute zero quality control. ”
You have absolutely NO proof to back up that statement! India’s Pharmaceutical labs are FDA inspected and certified, and supply many mainstream drugs to the USA market… with FDA approval.
Your hate is showing.
Actually India’s pharmaceuticals do have quality control… a lot of it.
I thought you were a former reporter? On the shredded voter applications… Fulton County workers shredded 300 voter registration records. The county has roughly 800,000 voters on its rolls. The applications in question had no party affiliation because Georgia voters do not register by party.
So, if that’s the case, how do we know it wasn’t conservative leaning election workers shredding the docs…and…if they don’t register by party, then it’s a crap shoot as to the party affiliation of the shredded applications. And to further complicate things…Fulton County’s overwhelmingly Democrat and over 72% voted for Biden…Of those 300 unaffiliated applications, basic math states that of 3 out of 4 of those that were shredded were Democrat applications. So much for idiotic conspiracy theories. Folks, There was no fraud. Trump was an idiot and more than 80 million people were just a hell of a lot smarter. And that’s an understatement. Occums Razor states that the 74 million that were stupid enough to vote for Trump were falsified and tampered votes. I refuse to believe that that many people were that brainwashed to allow one of the dumbest politicians in world history to be even in the running for President. Then again…there was January 6…stupid will be stupid.
January 6 – yep, razor wire was stupid. Remember when dissent was honored?
Oh – that was when the Left was doing it…silly me.
George, you (and others) are noticeably hostile to any facts pertaining to Biden’s win. (Get over it and get a life, your anger and hatred will ultimately destroy you) As to China supposedly exporting the virus to cause harm, they could drop a few suitcases of fentanyl and kill all of the U.S. and Europe in 15 seconds. Why bother with a virus; it takes a long time and the unvaxxed die at a 12x greater rate than the vaxxed.
chart showing the higher death rate of unvaxxed:
‘Stop the Stealers’ lost $6 million trying to prove Trump won Arizona.
Cyber Ninjas (company that was paid by private funds to audit AZ) couldn’t find a win for Trump!
Dear Chameleon, your Herr Gerbel MSM only repeats the part about the ballot count and FAILS to include how many Monoply ballots were in the count, mixed in with the true ballots. Would you accept monoply money for payments due? Report the WHOLE story about the audit, please
Why are votes in the Domonion machines held in suspension, from the time the machine receives them to when the machine releases the count to the public,,,, so they can figure how many votes they need to fake in order to win, Why does it take 3 days after the election to produce the results,, the fix takes time.
TRUMP WON by so many votes that they had to implement the best election fraud to date, to claim their fake victory, Joe told US
You lying truth twisting MSM will not save you this time, the sheeple are waking up
I told my mom and dad, if I find out they voted for Biden, that I will not visit their graves again
You just implicated yourself as part of the problem with our country with that statement. Shame on you. I have never been more embarrassed.
Huh? Pardon me, but what part of what statement?
I think you may be referring to the totally outrageous – over the top – theatrics of razor wire for 6-months. AOC’s inflammatory bullshit and treasonous social media behavior. Which I labeled as I saw it.
I’m part of the problem?
Help a brother out?
Can I have special legal protections if I mobilize hate, pleeze?
Did you miss the whistleblower testimony? Another’s in the pipeline: https://nypost.com/2021/10/12/second-facebook-whistleblower-willing-to-testify/
“I refuse to believe that that many people were that brainwashed to allow one of the dumbest politicians in world history to be even in the running for President.”
Holy crap Mark. Surely you are talking about Biden (Brandon). He has certainly attained this merit badge in spades over the past 8 months. Has the guy done even one goddam thing right? I doubt he could recite the Lord’s prayer if it was not on a teleprompter. His list of fumbling bumbling embarrasing press briefings is beyond the pale. Not falling for the 4th time after 3 stumbles going up the stairs to Air Force One in a gale force wind was probably his biggest accomplishment to date.
When republicans start going into public bathrooms to video members of congress taking a sh*t like Libtards do, maybe we will start listening to you.
Mark could you please explain to me how 80 million people were so high they voted for stupid. My 88 year old grandmother had alzheimer’s for ten years and was alot easyer to understand then biden.
Was your 88 year old grandma with “alzheimers” allowed to vote?
“Of those 300 unaffiliated applications, basic math states that”
Basic math states that 300 of them were criminally disposed, that a crime was committed, and that the perpetrators should be held in legal judgement for the crimes they committed.
WTF Mark? Not everything around which an election revolves need be political.
Sometimes, rather than Right or Left, something is simply Right or Wrong…
If you want to make it political, first explain to me, this:
In a typical U.S. Presidential Election, 58%-63% of eligible voters actually do so.
Of the 151.8 million people eligible to vote (151,822,622 = 100%) in the 2020 General Election, (by YOUR numbers) 154 million voted.
Whether those 2.1mln votes went for Biden, Trump, or someone else, they were illegally cast, by people who intentionally defrauded the system. Shouldn’t those people be subject to judgement through our criminal justice system?
I don’t see an answer to my question from yesterday, Mark. For your convenience I’ll ask again…since you’re a real estate expert, what’s the market overall going to look like when 1/2 the population has died off from the jab(s)? Better think about it because it’s coming. Watch this guy:
West coast,
That question and link is so out of this world idiotic, I had to intravenously inject Lions Mane and other nooptics just to recapture the lost brain cells when I watched it.
Fulton County covering Atlanta is run exclusively by democrats and like most large cities has no accountability to their tax payers and no fear of losing power. Living here in GA, it is always a sh_t show during every election with Fulton county having issue after issue that no other counties experience. They also are always unable to count their votes in a timely manner unlike every other county. I believe it is probably related to laziness, there was probably some issue with the application and the folks just took the easy way out to dispose of the application vs following up with the applicant to correct. But every election board should be following every rule during these times to attempt to build trust with the voters. Like it or not these officials need to go out of their way to be open and ensure all rules are properly followed, not try to hide from the voters. It is good these slackers were quickly fired, hopefully we see more of this where if rules are stretched people are publicly dealt with.
Please do us all a favor and enroll in a 12-step program for your hate addiction.
I was listening in on a regular morning conversation on 75 meter SSB (ham radio) as I sipped my dawn cup of hot courage stimulus juice. (See, we hams have quite a large number of these regular “nets” or roundtable conversations of several guys at great length as one of the things we do.)
One of the guys in this morning’s group is a long-haul trucker. His rig (a big half-million dollar Freightliner) is parked. Broken. Needs an expensive part. Dealer says they can’t get it — at least temporarily. The trucker tried other sources, but none could help.
He speculated that it’s probably on one of those container ships currently lined up off the California coast, awaiting wharf space to unload. There are quite a few, reports are.
The thing is, he probably isn’t alone. And whatever he regularly carries isn’t getting carried — even if it is available. He’s one of those lucky truckers with a regular run. He’s on the road for a few days, and then off a few days, making the same run. He said the company he trucks for isn’t able to replace him — because, no offense, they’ve tried.
Apparently whatever the product line is, isn’t super-critical to anybody, so management has decided to just wait a while, hunker down, reduce the pace of operations, and give things a chance to self-correct and recover.
People (voters) don’t begin to understand the myriad ways all these cramps add up to societal freeze-up and seize-up.
And recovery is going to be slow, expensive, and surprisingly erratic and unpredictable and probably spotty.
At some point a system-wide re-boot of all the interdependent systems will become next to impossible.
There are “straws in the wind.” Let he who has ears, hear.
When I was a young troop in the Army and stationed in Greece (woe was I), I had an old hand-me-down Ford Pinto as my get around hooptie. It was in country for about 15 years and was being held together by a local mechanic who knew how to fix things, not just replace parts. Being an early economy car, the Pinto was easy to fix. After the Pinto expired, I discovered that in the early 80’s, a Mercedes Benz ECM was interchangable with a Ford ECM if you knew what you were doing with it.
Many years later when I was in Bosnia, the Americans were excited when the Russian battalion arrived to join the expeditionary force. We wanted to see “the enemy” up close. Besides the fact the soldiers looked like Ahnold except they were two feet taller and had blue eyes (Dolph Lundgren?) (NOT!), we were amazed at how primitive their personnel carriers were put together. When asked, we were told each squad had a “mechanic” whose job was to fix the transport if it broke down. And they rarely broke down.
Now fast forward to today where a farmer cannot pull a wagon because the company says he doesn’t own the software (electronic system) that makes the tractor work.
High tech will be the end of us.
“the soldiers looked like Ahnold”
You know JOE.. when I was young I wanted to look just like him I coveted his very image and imagined myself with those rippling muscles… ..
I worked out.. ran benched did aerobics etc. all trying to look eighteen again…
What I didn’t know Joe.. was that He was going to look just like ME.
The lesson I learned was I shouldn’t covet something someone else has.. be yourself and enjoy your life…. LOL LOL
https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+arnold+schwarzenegger+today&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiLlqnti8bzAhUMLs0KHU67APYQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=arnold+schwarzenegger+today&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgDMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgQIABAYOgcIABCxAxBDOgQIABBDOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOggIABCABBCxAzoECAAQHlD4ogZY1sMGYMXcBmgAcAB4AIABUogB2gOSAQE2mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=IyNmYcv4FYzctAbO9oKwDw&bih=757&biw=1600#imgrc=gf37kIL8-lsDyM .. LOL LOL LOL
the resemblance to my physical appearance is uncanny LOL LOL LOL the now picture that is.. LOL LOL LOL LOL
We ear you; this is my analogy:
Used to be we were only as strong as our weakest link (in the chain).
Now, they are pulling healthy and strong links right out of the chain.
As these break points start to fester and spread, it won’t be a ‘recovery’ that brings them back as these break points took generations to build, and once broken, cannot be rebuilt quickly if at all.
So, let’s think back to another time when the BIG BOATS were sitting off of Gulf of Mexico, OIL TANKERS, and they sat there so the political class could pull their political will, remember the oil embargo of the ’70’s???
So, here we are another embargo, those ships sitting there.
Of course our military could unload them and transport them, IF our people are too sick.
Of course our political class could change their edicts and get the people back to work, if they they wanted to.
It isn’t going to happen; it is a crises that is going to be used so that it won’t go to waste.
Q: How long will they hold those ships out there?
A: As long as it takes.
I’m confused. Are you praising Abbott and the Texas government for telling PRIVATE businesses what rules they can/cannot enforce? Would you be equally happy if Abbott told them they HAVE to enforce vaccine mandates, since that is the same thing (gov’t telling private businesses what they should or should not do?)
You should be fuming about the governors of any state interfering with private business decisions. Whether or not you support what they are saying/doing should be immaterial. But no one seems to cares about the bigger picture of government overreach as long as it is “their team” that is winning.
You answered your own question: You are confused. Gov saying no to mandates of any kind is the right call.
Thanks George, I read this as “If a private business wants to create/enforce a vaccine mandate, the government is saying they can’t.”
I fully support a business if they think doing so is in their best interests and let the market decide if is it a successful strategy. I agree that the Gov should be saying no to gov’t-imposed mandates. But if a private business wants to do so on their own, I still believe the gov’t should stay out of it.
Gov Abbott is against any entity! not people who own there business
copied from google:
“What defines a legal entity?
Meaning of legal entity in English
a company or organization that has legal rights and responsibilities, for example the right to make contracts and the responsibility to pay debts: All companies whose affairs are regulated by the Corporation Act are legal entities.7 days ago”
the Declaration of Independence was against a corporation, The Crown, who denied US a say in how we run our affairs. We the People have rights over corporations, but the corporations have been fighting back,, War of 1812, Feral Reserve Act, forced up on US by corrupt politicians
the fascists use corporations to govern people like cattle ranchers use BARB wire fences control bovines
when you become aware of how much the corporations control your life and freedom of choice, you get damn pissed off
Our medical industry is such a strawman, contolling what meds and treatments we can get and use. They claim it is for our benefit, but in reality it is to obtain max profits. Have you tried to get some ivermectin. It is a safe and proven effective drug used on humans for Quite some time. The corp. owned labs just have not run test on it for use with Covid, because they already know it works but have denial ability when they say no test have been done
Our representatives have loyalty to those corps that purchase their election/selections. We truly have an election crisis on our hands.
We are at WAR but CONgress will not declare it, because it would declaring war against themselves
I am not a lawyer and it has been a long time since I stay in a Holiday Inn Express. I am a Motel 6 guy, Tom Bodett, we keep the light on
Is everyone nuts or what? Look at what we’re talking about here… Twisting people’s arms behind their back in order to force them to take a proven dangerous injection is real damn close to Nazi Germany and we all know how that ended, which is why the Nuremberg tribunals were held and the evil swung from the gallows. Co-coercion to force a citizen to take an injection against his/her/it’s will is NOT allowed under Nuremberg.
We can’t be the country that abides that and still be America. The governor knows and respects this which is why his decision to not allow that in TX is something to celebrate. I sure the hell hope it spreads, and quickly before we cross a line we can’t return from.
Records of whether or not an individual has taken any vaccine of any sort is a private medical record. A district court judge can subpoena a medical record. A cashier at a burger joint cannot refuse to serve you because you refuse to give up confidential medical records, because that is clearly extortion. Further, any mouthy politico who thinks they can legalize this sort of extortion by hand waving due process out the window in a press conference needs to be put under scrutiny for criminal misuse of office. As Ray has pointed out in this thread, it isn’t right vs left; this issue is right vs wrong.
I might be on your side if government didn’t make all sorts of rules they enforce on business. I agree they should not, but businesses are told they have to build handicap accessible facilities, cannot allow smoking, cannot employ children. I wonder if you might be as agreeable if companies also will not employee people who have a BMI above a certain amount? Maybe refuse to employ anyone over 55? Maybe a company will not hire anyone that has had an abortion? Maybe a company fires anyone claiming LGBT status? Most of these laws are to ensure equal treatment. How do square that with not employing those that make a private medical decision about a vaccination. I would rather the free market sort this out, but I cannot recall you commenting on government overreach on business employment practices in the past. I assume you believe if we want to work for another person, we are expected to have no medical privacy.
People are nuts. Today I was talking to an “informed” Florida person. She explained big tech doesn’t own YouTube, Fox News owns YouTube.
That’s how doomed we are.
YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform owned by Google. It was launched in February 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim.
Who is the real owner of Google?
Larry Page
Larry Page
Alma mater University of Michigan (BS) Stanford University (MS)
Occupation Computer scientist Internet entrepreneur
Known for Co-founding Google Co-founding Alphabet Inc. Co-creator
Who is Fox Corporation owned by?
Murdoch family
Fox Corporation/Owners
The company is incorporated in Delaware. It is owned by the Murdoch family via a family trust with 39.6% ownership share; Rupert Murdoch is chairman, while his son Lachlan Murdoch is executive chairman and CEO. Fox Corp. deals primarily in the television broadcast, news, and sports broadcasting industries.
Yes, and they all have their GATE KEEPERS, behind the scenes, AND in front of the scenes, every step of the way, to enforce continuity of THE SAME content.
Other wise known as brainwashing and propaganda.
Digest at your peril.
Can you stick your upvote unit at the bottom of the column? That way I can read it before voting, and the trolls would have to find it and they are too lazy LOL
I heard this employer vaccine mandate has no teeth. Biden has never signed an EO for it nor has OSHA created a policy for non government employers with over 100 employees. Anybody else heard that? It’s all just to intimidate people into submitting to getting the jab.
I concur. Corporations are complying to an unwritten ‘mandate’.
Yes. Winnah winnah chicken dinner!
Sadly, ya’ll are mistaken, mandate or not, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND ALL SUB CONTRACTORS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS MANDATE AND THEY ARE CARRYING ON WITH THE PARAMETERS; and writing it all up as they go.
I have a family member who is trying to resist the MISLABELED vaccination (SHOT) and get an exemption; however, he is being fought tooth and nail, and IF THIS ALL CONTINUES TO GO FORWARD (WHICH, BELIEVE ME, IT IS MOVING FORWARD), he will have to quit a company where he has worked for over 25 years AND HE IS IN A KEY IRREPLACEABLE POSITION, WHICH has far-reaching ramifications for ALL AMERICANS’ SAFETY.
Now, less you think that these poor non-vaccinated have an OUT with regards to medical or religious exemptions, see this:
That my friend FRT sadly …. is a misconception.. unless he is the owner…EVERY Position is REPLACEABLE…. the father of my daughters best friend though he was in an irreplaceable position and they dumped him.. of course he found a position at half the salary..
My wife had worked decades at her position.. then during the yearly witch hunt she was gone.. so was everyone with less than thirty years in..
the thing I have always taught the kids.. NEVER think that your so important that you won’t ever be left.. no job is a campground..
My friend that designed and overseen the building and operations of deep sea drilling platforms… thought the same thing.. he was irreplaceable.. ended up getting the one two punch.. and homeless living in our spare bedroom.. several very pretty degree’s and decades of dedication.. gone..
Well, here’s another longtime favorite getting nudged by the (experts?) …. Aspirin
“KamAllah” was right about steak! I bet “they” do something to the wild animals so they can’t be eaten by people.
“Beef is not going to be super climate friendly,” Danish Crown Chief Executive Officer Jais Valeur said in an interview with Danish newspaper Berlingske. “It will be a luxury product that we eat when we want to treat ourselves.”
Some Bacon is already a bit of a delicacy. Sure, you can get the cheap stuff at 5 bucks per pound, which I have no problem with but, there is one brand that stands out that gives me sticker shock. Saw it for $11.59 at one store, then saw it for $17.00 per pound at the bigger chain store grocery. Must be a very pampered pig they’re raising or that brand had a real ego problem. Go look around when you go grocery shopping … you’ll see it. Wow.
Yo PB,
kindly suggest taking a looksee at Dakota Pure – very clean, very tastey, kinda pricey. thing is U know exactly where Ure meat comes from, who is raising it, how it is raised. in the ECU household we all agree that Bison burgers/meat is 3X more palatable/easy on the “innards” compared to beef – and Not nearly as greasy..
Or when there s nothing to hunt, you don t need that 30-30?
I can live without beef or meat. There so many ways to prepare vegetables these days that meat is more like a condiment or side dish, not the main course. I would miss turkey though.
Simple fix for our elections:
We have a “Voting Day,” not a “Voting Week” or a “Voting Month.” Voting DAY needs to be reinstated.
“Election Day” should be a national holiday, with 24/7 employers (like stores) statutorily-compelled to provide a workday window in which employees can make it through their polls.
There should be NO mail-in ballots under any circumstances, other than (requested) absentee. Absentee ballots must be postmarked before midnight on Election Day and received before tallies are certified.
A positive (photo, iris, thumbprint, etc.) Voter ID must be required.
Paper ballots — no computer, anywhere, touches a vote-count.
Ballot boxes must be under partisan watch by at least one member of every concerned party, 100% of the time.
If somebody goes potty and there’s no partisan replacement, the ballot box goes in the incinerator. If somebody trashes their ballot, it is destroyed in front of every poll-watcher, before a new ballot is furnished to the voter.
And lastly, indelible ultraviolet ink. — A black light for every poll. Every voter gets their hand Smurfed. A purple hand in the polling line is conclusive evidence of felony intent to commit voter fraud.
This system works in every shithole country on the planet. Since we’re headed in that direction, it has become the system which needs to be employed, here. Let the ballot box stuffers and ballot shredders go forth and Tammany Hall people’s knees & skulls. At least that was honest voter interference and suppression…
Just a friendly Heads-Up.
In 2019 we missed all the signs coming out of China about the forthcoming pandemic. We didn’t get our first alert out to members till early January of 2020 to start preparing. We are trying to make SURE we don’t make that mistake again. China is clearly “Preparing” for another MAJOR OUTBREAK of something in the coming weeks. They are rapidly building Isolation Centers and Quarantine Rooms, (83,000 just in Fujian Province alone)
Received this from a “prepper-oriented” LDS mailing list of which I’m a subscriber.
Take it as you wish — I will say this place can get a little excited, but doesn’t generally do fear porn…
“Received this from a “prepper-oriented” LDS mailing list of which I’m a subscriber.”
LOL I wonder if we aren’t in that same group Ray.. I got the same notice… LOL what a small world..
Wowwwww what happened at the close . Now that’s show biz folks !!!!
Hey Man – what kinda cockamamie voting system U gotz here Mr Mexas ?
Here in the US of A – the home of late great democracy – the voting system is the epidemy of Trust and Security – where Mail In Ballots rule the day(totally secure), and electronic manipulation of Vote totals is an EVERYDAY occurrence, and where you are encouraged to Vote early and often – WTF George !?
One stinken Vote ? That is Un – American ,c’mon man – hows that drooling dolt in the wh ever gonna put together the SECOND greatest vote stealing organization in the world, when folks like U restrict/block double entry/spend – Exactly like a Bitcoin – U dirtydog, still
No Bitcoin 4 U!
“an orchestrated sham meant to placate the masses while more nefarious powers that be steer the ship of state to a destiny determined by and fully benefiting them, and them alone.”
Not to mention.. FEAR…. take Walmart starting wage now is seventeen plus dollars an hour.. they had to.. rent expenses went to ten dollars clear.. daycare went up.. so has everything else.. the small mom and pop shops.. can’t compete.. even the bigger shops can’t compete..from my perspective the spendable portion of the paycheck is on a slippery slope..
although there are those that are dancing because they are being shot into the stratosphere with profits.. that to is a rubber band in my mind.. the only way to keep it moving is dump more water on the table.. so the general population and hourly wage earners WON’T say a thing over the general corruption.. My thought is the memories of the 2008 bailouts has some sour feelings with the general hourly wage earner..
so when Joe Kamala go for the money of the twenty nine percent.. these very same people that were left with a sour taste in their mouth won’t say a thing.. even though the more general thought is that those going for the money are only doing it for self gain.. the wage earner ended up taking it in the shorts.. then with covid.. thirty percent were left to be evicted.. and thirty percent were using plastic to float along.. general costs of necessities are flying up and wages have stagnated..
even with a twenty dollar starting wage.. it isn’t enough and our older employees were forced to float out of the work force leaving the younger without the experienced men and women to pass on what they knew.. of course that is just my opinion.. the only option they have is pour more water on it.. hope they can retool and start regaining some of the manufacturing back home before its to late..
The market went down and these blokes are so poisoned they tell you it should have gone up and it WILL go up now . If you think that I think your stupid you are Farken stupid . Go Elliot yourself . More I think way bullsheet . On the take big time these blokes . Wear a condom when you see jimmy
Wall of worry ??? Ahhhhhhaaaa . Slope of hope !!!!!
Ahhhhaaaa now I know why georgey is so long excited!!!! Gold he’s farking the usd with his mates !!! Hey georgey I’m short your sheet and llllloooonnnggg the greatest gold stock in the world !!!! Hava nagila brother !!!! Georgey Elliot !!!!!!!
Look at that spike George in gold !!! Looks like a howdy doody boy meeting a hooker in El Paso !!!
Giddy up here goes the Dow !!!!
Hi George…I actually stopped following your thoughts/ideas for about a year now. But I do stop by once-in-a-while to see what is going on. Not missing anything I can tell you.
Based on the comments above, I can see many of your readers, your son & probably you too, have taken the ‘vaccine’. I can’t stress enough how stupid you’ve all actually proven yourselves to be.
I though you were leaders, instead you’ve proven to be sheeple (Blind followers). You’re part of the problem not part of the solution…IDIOTS!!!
Good Luck with your health over the next year:)
You need to learn to read and stop making angry assumptions.
Neither Elaine or I are vaxxed.
My son is vaxxed because it’s a requirement of his health department and fire dept. jobs.
You’re welcome to go away and stay a non-reader longer. Too many thinking people around here for your kind of hate. We have little tolerance for fools and “judgy” people who can’t follow what’s written here.
“My son is vaxxed because it’s a requirement of his health department and fire dept. jobs.”
Yeah same here.. unless we wanted to try and go another year without an income it was the only other option..