As Ukraine ramps up, we share another couple of chapters of an upcoming book on Lifeboat Homes – homes that help you survive. Pictures from the Depression era frame things plus we dig into the cost/benefit numbers as we move towards transitioning to environment-friendly living.
Along the way, we have some PPI numbers and the usual economic outlooks.
Plus, there’s the little matter of the Dow which earlier was trying to continue a modest rally started late in the Tuesday session.
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Self-driving cars: $100 billion bet gone wrong?
c/c++ 911?
There goes their dream of locking you in and driving to the nearest FEMA camp, never to be seen again!
I think the risk of ‘force majeure’ is in the v wave down. America still has pension plans to dilute. Once those go, and they will, that’s the ‘force majeure’, baby. Even in 1929 it wasn’t until years later ‘force majeure’ was declared with the gold call.
But we could look at the Trump Rain as ‘force majeure’ already happening for the American debtors. Without the PPP and all of it, the American debtors may have declared ‘force majeure’ and stopped paying back there. .gov kept them in the game.
Assuming we’re in the ii down. We’ll want to prepare for ‘force majeure’ during the iv. We’ll have to play it by ear but gold and cash might be best. We’re in the (I) so there’s time. In the II we’ll have E-Depression tokens instead of cardboards.
“atmospheric heaters”
Assume for a moment atmospheric heaters are real and weather is being manipulated by machines. Power will be lost/rationed during the post-Nuclear exchange and weather will return to ‘normal’. Whatever normal is for weather. Probably a lot more lightening.
At face value, this is nice but, I’m thinking there’s something there …
Biden, on Western swing, to declare national monument in Colorado
Biden signed a proclamation establishing the Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument to protect the 53,804-acre (21,770-hectare) area during a ceremony at the site.
“When you think about the natural beauty of Colorado… pristine rivers, alpine lakes,” Biden said.
Biden also announced that he is blocking new mining claims and mineral leases on approximately 225,000 acres (91,050 hectares) in the Thompson Divide area of western Colorado
When da Prez or the DoI declares a National (anything), always ask what’s under the ground in that place. This is outside Leadville — so-named because of the many tons of lead mined there — not named for the many tons of silver mined there, or the many tons of uranium which are FTMP yet to be mined.
Yellowstone and a few of the other early parks/monuments may have been different, but if’fn you look at the politics and the geology, since WW-II every Federal land grab has had an ulterior motive.
Yes Sir, there’s never just a patriotic reason to “protect” a piece of land. And with all the lead there, I have to wonder if there’s a bunker there too.
Why is a Treasury savings account safer than a regular savings account?
Because commercial banks can, and do, go bankrupt and close… with your money inside. The US Treasury is…nominally… the issuer of currency. If US Treasury closes, so does the dollar and the whole country close. The US Treasury “should” survive in the event of a massive interbank failure.
My bank account is with the only “National” bank in Hawaii… a member of the Federal Reserve. It’s as close as I could get to the money source. My bank has a modest public presence, but it is the FedReserve source of money it supplies to ALL the other banks in the state. It also participates in some huge international money transfers behind the scenes. You would never guess it from their modest, third rate public presence.
Treasuries are given the same $250k FDIC insurance as a savings account, although there may be more red tape/paperwork involved, should your ‘custodial’ bank go under…,up%20to%20the%20%24250%2C000%20limit.
As of now, my son and a ASE certified buddy are rebuilding/restoring small engines for sideline cash. They have easily made a couple grand from weedeaters they pulled out of trash bins, and probably the same with mowers. I just donated an outboard motor to them….
I see refurbing old cars in the future – because prices never go down and complexity seems to follow the same rule. And you’re right – lots of knowledge is already lost because of ECU in cars and trucks.
You and I both know, progress is made with incremental change – and hybrids MAY be an answer. But for HGod sake this Cali bullshit is nuts.
I think hybrids got potential. But remember that straight ICE with turbo can easily pull 70MPG – just NOT in America. I’ve driven all sorts of turbo high MPG cars – they simply are not allowed in America…
Cali and EPA BS are nuts – then you have the auto dealer franchises that literally buy out who they need to keep good vehicles out of the country.
I think the next century is going to require repealing a lot of laws, or else starting over – which one will not concern me but my kids.
Was shopping for doilies, window treatments, and such with my wife in town this morning. She decided to stop at a Hallmark store. I don’t go in those. While waiting a fellow pulls up in a slick ’70 El Camino SS with a for sale sign. The SS badge was missing from the side but he told me it was a 429. As I started slobbering and before I could get to “How much?” the Wife comes out and says “No more project cars.” “I’ve got the shop space all ready for it.”. Arms crossed and the right knee switching back and forth means not only No but Hell No. Got his contact info at least.
Refurbing old cars is the way to go.
I’m already noticing that the number of Franken cars on the road has been increasing lately. Id expect more blue doors and fenders on silver cars as things continue to devolve.
If they don’t wind up in Mexico. I see several Mexican convoys on the highways each week, each vehicle towing another. Sometimes there are two or three vehicles on a trailer, all headed south. They often pull into our Wally World parking lot for a break.
“lots of knowledge is already lost because of ECU in cars and trucks.”
…And lots more because the crop of “ASE Technicians” rolling out of trade schools now cannot solve a problem that their handheld OBD diagnostic tool can’t diagnose. I dropped in on my wrench earlier for a break-in oil change and he was lamenting that he could not get good mechanics any more, and it was impossible to find real ones, at any price. The kids want more pay for no work, the oldsters are dying out.
This is some serious horseshit this AM – Kemosabe…$100K new hybrid ??? Batteries and Ethel ..troglodytes..
Where the F___ is my George Jetson “hover craft”, its dam near year 2023 ?! Again – AYFKM ?
Still with ICE and carburetor getting under 50 mpg -again..AYFKM ?
Burning fossil fuels for “NRG” – AYFKM
Where the F___ is my Internal Organ Replacement Price Sheet & Order Form?
At 60 years of age – already got fused big toe & ankle “retightened”..with pending cervical disk replacement sugary in very near future..
Reptiles and Humans share exact same 3 genes that regenerate limbs and what not in the reptiles. Someone(under Orders from “above”) rearranged our Human gene sequence (s) so as not be able to REGENERATE and thus live loong loong that is just no good for Ure Slave populations – long term memory and what notz.
Seems something is totally F-ed Up, either Timeline or Me..
No worries making money stock market – 3-d gun printing business in jungles CentalAmerica is going full tilt boogiie – new Glock “chip” line is selling as fast we can print em..30 rd clip in 2.5 seconds..gangbangerz just luv these lil chips – cant hit scheisse, but scares the bejesus out em..spray and pray , with zero muzzle discipline. All customerz pay in cyrpto – crypto comes in – we convert 60% to Gold& Silver phyz, HODL the net balance.
33DGUnnerz LLC – easiest , cheapest and fastest – just drop us a line, a inexpensive gun Ure sure to find.
I’m taking your advice, sort of. I’m getting two cavities filled this week on Friday. My copayment is 290.00. (My dental benefits for 2022 are running out. It would be almost 600.00 if I didn’t have any).
I could wait until the first week of January 2023 where the co payment would be 29.00. But, cavities don’t get better by themselves and if you don’t have your health……
I’m worried about two things: the war in Ukraine, hyper inflation.
Hyper-inflation may, or may not happen. There is a good chance that it will., but it will take a catalyst to set it off., and it’s that catalyst., that “event” that worries me.
Money money is on food or energy
Dentists want me to have more than one cap installed, Price areond here is $1600 each; another location $1350 each. Retired dentist friend
told me that the lab cost to produce the actual porcelain (looking) cap
is $ 150. I should have gone to Dental school!
Dental and vision insurance helps, and is reasonably priced compared to major medical.
I’ve never understood dental and vision “insurance”! If you pay cash, it should be cheapest, and if you need a lot of work done, it should be possible to negotiate the cheapest fair price. The idea of getting “insurance” so you pay less just makes no sense. Does anyone understand this? It’s possible to go to Mexico for good work at a low price. I’m thinking about it. Most American dentists want to do too much work and price themselves out of the market. The idea is to do the minimum to meet your dental goals.
Have to wonder how much has been replicated in a Petri dish and (maybe) is being rearranged 12 years later.
Just a thought.
Haven’t walked down the main street of my home town for many years. I used to worry about second hand smoke but after today, have to worry about second hand toke. Could have been arrested while driving home, Wow!
“I used to worry about second hand smoke but after today, have to worry about second hand toke. Could have been arrested while driving home, Wow!”
I hate getting drunk.. can tell you in all my years .. the last time I was was in the eighties.. I was building cabinets and because we built a home out of cardboard and it was done so good.. for a display at the national home shows.. the plant bought us a keg.. it was a hot day and one of the girls made sloppy joes.. dam good ones to.. and the kids knowing I don’t get drunk kept sliding me cold drinks.. dam if I wasn’t drunk.. if the boss and I go out and I plan on having drinks.. there is a room involved .. no driving.. any drinking is at home.. and anyone drinking here will be given a place to sleep..
You bet’cha! ANY inner-city, and the areas around college campuses are like that. When I was a kid it had a pleasant herbal smell, now it smells like skunk bane and I’m guessing the higher the T, the more stuff around the participants smells like it was on the south side of a pissed-off skunk that was facing north…
Soundz like U been wandering around the RGEa garage/shop late at night..
4 some “strange reason” there is usually a pissed-off Skunk southside the garage shop – who usually be facing north towards the trash receptacles top of driveway.
Dam contact high gets me everytime, everytime..
In the early 60s we moved to a new house & the folks sprung for a new console TV with the fancy woodwork for living room furniture. It was still B&W. My folks didn’t get a color TV until us kids bought them a small Sony Trinitron for the kitchen counter where they watched most TV while snacking or smoking. That was 1970 when I graduated HS.
“…keep an eye on the high cost of early adoption.”
My first hard disk drive for my Apple ][e was a 16 Megabyte monster that set me back $2500. Circa 1984.
When I started my automated welding system company in 83, my first capital expense was $2500 for a ‘Portable’ microcomputer. The 40-pound Kaypro2 came with a Cp/m operating system, a 5 1/4″ floppy drive, 9″ green monitor, Perfect Writer software, & a Webster Spelling Checker floppy. As an engineer, I usually had access to a secretary to correct and type my rough draft writing. Because I’m a terrible speller, I would spend excessive time looking up words to avoid having the secretary correct them. The Webster program increased my writing productivity by 300%, & I’ve never used a secretary since then.
The KayPro2 made 4 trips from LA to Scotland, as hand carried baggage. We used it to program and debug the software for the first successful underwater automatic pipewelding systems.
I bought a 2nd floppy drive for my Apple IIc and as I recall paid about $500. Same price for the 1200 baud modem. No Internet yet in 1984 but you could dial up a mainframe. I used Genie quite a bit back then. That was when H&R Block had dial-in info. All this was subscription as I recall.
As in Electric Cars Hank? Totally agree.
I didn’t get a color tv until 1990 well maybe 89 and it was rent to own.. LOL… what is funny is I still prefer bw LOL.. at three dollars an hour you couldn’t afford a color tv then.. how I got mine was the company I worked with.. had a program for the managers and elite customers .. where you could get it.. they would purchase it and then take the rent out of your paycheck.. ( it wasn’t intended for a guy making three dollars an hour.. at ten bucks a payday LOL at cost LOL) when they found out that a laborer hourly wage earner was getting it through what was meant for supervisors and wealthy customers.. they shut the program down all together..
I believe that the high side.. the one thing that would be the best of the worst is if all we have to deal with is a horrific depression worse case in the history of mankind.. from my perspective that is the best case future scenario..
I was having a conversation this morning with one my friends and business associates about the state of the world. We agreed that there is much afoot that we largely can’t do much about except spectate. You can prep and prepare, but if it came to it, you can’t predict where flaming debris will land. Perhaps squarely on your head.
As things unfold and new shit comes to light (quoting the other dude) one thing that we both are glad that we don’t have to worry about is that we stuck to our guns under intense pressure (threats to our jobs, family pressure, etc) and chose NOT to accept any experimental medications. Fear based decisions are often ones that cannot be undone.
Came out yesterday Pfizer didn’t even test their jab for non-transmission of Covid. But that didn’t stop them from lying that the jab would protect those around you.
Tried to close my Paypal account this morning. They don’t make it easy. Took me about 1 1/2 hours but I think I got it done. There is a lot of complaints about this. Don’t want to complain too much, might be hit with their $2,500 misinformation fee.
Started in the process earlier today but then got distracted by real work. Definitely on the list to do this week since “IF” PP wrote it up it you KNOW it was approved all up and down the Chain of Command and had passed muster with the Legal Department.
PayPal’s STEALING your money because of your Political Beliefs may be on hold for now … but now that it is implanted in their WOKE minds over at PP you know it WILL be back in one form or another, AND SOON.
NOPE … I don’t want any WOKE corporation TAKING my money because of my political beliefs. That is just out and out THEFT imo and I don’t care what their 12 page “Agreement”, that nobody ever reads, says.
Wouldn’t it be simpler just to cancel the credit card linked to PayPal and not use PayPal anymore? I never linked it to a bank account, only a credit card but maybe I’m unusual.
Hmmmm. One of the two Nordstream 2 pipes is functional after all? Mr. Putin is willing to send gas through it to Germany. “The ball is in the EU’s court…” says Mr. Putin according to Deutche Welle. The German government has refused the offer.
Oh well, carry on. Back to the war.
what did ya’all buy, the scare, iodine or profit from the scare, Amgen?
Nasty got Amgen
There must be a gov contract for NPlate, Nancy is buying with my slave tax dollars. The House gives the money and legislation to buy.
I already had and have had for several years as a medicine, Lugol’s,
Got cavities in ya teeth, this can ease the pain
And I told ya so,,, Durham is bring on the heat,, did the FIBers lie about the Steele dossiar,,, yes they did,,, they KNEW Danchenko was lying,,, hang on to your ass Killary, this shit is coming to roost in a movie theater near you,,, who is Dolan? this guy
Ukraine? has the Corporate Banker’s government told US the Truth about any war since they got their Feral Reserve Act showed down out throats?
War is a racket = war is a criminal conspiracy
: a fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity, ie:Webster
Durham boats are coming to win (for) US,
they’re coming to win (for) US,,, I got to go sing, happy songs,, my voice sounds worse’r than a RINO fart, but the ‘MAN’ does not care, he gave me this voice. I sing happy songs to my yard cats in the morn, they come running,,, must be the Purina.
weak men are peaceful by force,,, strong men are peaceful by choice.
mass murders are not conducted by men with conceal carry permits, but are often stopped by them, that is why most happen in gun free zones,,, where is ‘c’ to fact check me, I AM sure she some left wing publication to Quote. and blame some poor little black girl Candice.
does New Zealand allow the citizens to carry?,,,
Increased violent crime when concealed carry has lax regulations:
Yes New Z tightened up their gun laws after the 51 Muslims killed in mosque:
look up the ‘down under’ for your firearm facts:
The current electric cars in the current organization we are in won’t work. What can/will change.
When gasoline pops to $x a gallon or more the suburbs collapse. Then we are repacked like cans of tuna on a $WMT shelf into cities. Self driving electrics make sense in tuna world because there are less cars in total.. The French guy said, “The age of abundance is over.” Suburbs are abundance. Suburban lifestyle was a 1940’s ad campaign. Recall the “No way like the American way” billboard.
The Interstates are starting to be called “city to city corridors”. That’s where the build out is beginning. It’s possible the area outside the cities/corridors turn to lawless. Inverse 1945 Detroit, if you will.
Station Data for Alternative Fuel Corridors
“if an absolute worst-case happens and the NATO nuclear demonstration next week runs off the rails into an actual nuclear exchange, it’s a fair bet the markets may close. So, with this in mind, the winnings may not be available.”
I believe that if the worst case scenario does happen.. that no one will care if there is a stock market.. most industries will be gone for ever.. and people will be living the naked and afraid life on their own.. Note.. cody lundin moved his aboriginal survival school to higher ground.. and his courses are filling up fast..
News of massive slowing of shipboard container traffic gets a confirmation today:
Look for a retail route stateside, as even more pocketbooks slam shut.
I was driving through a nearby lower-tier suburban bedroom community last Saturday. The number of homes with garage sales was simply unbelievable. Each street I passed had multiple homes with large garage sales underway. A significant percentage of the homes appeared to be Hispanic. I asked several people as to their interpretation, and the consensus was that it was a sign of bad times.
The warning signs and portents of the accelerating slowdown are becoming more difficult to sweep under and paper over. So what new lie or diversion can we expect to see next? Midterms are nigh.
Monkey’s pictures in his latest video of the idled container ships off Hong Kong is unbelievable. Consumerism in the U.S. has been delivered a decisive blow to the head – and pocket book.
the book is great …. love it
Beleive this Farken dikhead . I’d give. Him the 4×2 but he is touchy . Probably playin president musk flute now
Go to the ranch . Bit of eye candy , Fark the nukes , plenty of piss and dodgy music !!! And wake up and the Dow is green . Bit of drugs to probably. How wrong I was
Eh the bullsheet will keep yah goin
Shove his aggregate sheet up his fat ass . Sarkers . One day !!! Mistletoff !!! Woosh with the nukes. Fat prik
Wall Street Journal – “Inflation Pushes Social Security COLA to 8.7% in 2023, Highest Increase in Four Decades.”