LANWAPR: Luck, Assets, Net Worth and Prospects

We need to focus on Luck, once in a while.  Any discussion of Personal Finance that doesn’t include heavy weighting to Luck is absent a solid foundation.  Should be obvious to anyone who understands statistics and the long, deep schism between Religious and Reductionism.

More importantly is the matter of how event in physics are driving the world toward some earth-shaking revelations.  But these will come slowly.  Mass consciousness takes a while to “change then regain new momentum.”

Today we start this series of nerdographs about the MWI and a society-wide move towards the Ultimate Reconciliation Event.  (Suspicion of how that abbreviates?  You have gained 3-IQ points.)

Before that discussion, however, there are matters of the new Jobs data from ADP just out.  Then a few headlines – yes, war still lurks in our future – and then the Charts.  which for now are trying to break out of a real slump notched in January.

Strong coffee and a crisp view of things ahead is our first stop.

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

80 thoughts on “LANWAPR: Luck, Assets, Net Worth and Prospects”

  1. Moving towards the URE! That’s fresh, George.

    Meanwhile, Putin deftly plays to the home sheeple and like-minded despots with his latest accusation that the “the U.S. is trying to draw Russia into war.”

    His subliminal message to subjects and ideological friendlies like AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar is “prepare for mother Russia to defend the homeland.”

    • Wait until the $ Collapse. Build up the border to prevent incursions. That’s how Occam the Chess Master would play it.

      • Won’t need it. If the studies are correct and 98 percent of the human population is gone..a wall or fence won’t be needed..

    • POTUS approves deployment of thousands of add’l U.S. military forces to eastern Europe amid rising threat from Russia. Will begin within days.

      I just got that message..
      When it happened in the sixties when we built a missile base a few miles from the Kremlin ..JFK had the sense to back away..
      Biden is definitely not JFK and sending more in is only widening the chasm. The poison pawn trap.. people I know are being called to active duty..

      • None of the usual websites have info on Ukraine. Washington is panicking about the Russian troop carriers crossing the Black Sea heading to the Southern most port of Russia. Unusual amount of Military Passenger jets leaving a commercial airport in the Mid-Atlantic .

  2. “like an aerogel being foamed into Existences” I’d bet we’ve all foamed stuff into existences knocking the tops off a few brewskis! Cheers George! Buuurp!

  3. Well, Hershey’s is doing its part in shucking employees that won’t get The Jab –
    “Hershey Tells Unvaccinated Employees To Hit The Highway” – But, after weeks-long invasive questioning of your personal life as to why you wouldn’t get The Jab, if you sign this NDA we’ll give you about 2 months pay otherwise no NDA, no job, no separation pay. So how much of that lousy Jobs Report is a result of job separation due to being AWAKE?

    A question to anyone that may be close to the ports of entry to Canada or otherwise have knowledge of the situation at hand – are there alternative ports that truckers with perishable goods on board can use or are all the ports effectively shut down? Certainly LIVE cargo would be especially harmed caught in the middle of all that.
    “150 Meat Trucks Stranded At US-Canada Border As Protests Continue”

    • Here is the big backfire that the beer leakers neglected to noodle while gaming this in the thunk tank. Big Boss told me to get out of isolation and back into the office with a deadly beer flu variant floating about the air. Now I’m sick. Now I’m suing for disability, or, worse, my family is suing wrongful death. Just a theory. I dont think there will be any unsympathetic jury pools out there on this one. Again.. Just a crazy theory…

      • Not sure if you’re just afraid of the “kooties” the ‘Rona might bring or what. In (MANY) years past I’ve had worse cases of the regular flu than any of the 3 infections I’ve contracted during this PLANdemic including the original back in March of ’20. Just toughed that one out because it was before we knew about Ivermectin and HCQ and the medical establishment was starting to act weird about it all. The last 2 were taken care of handily by the horse paste in a matter of hours. The granddaughter that had it and gave it to me a few weeks ago had the exact same symptoms as the other two grandkids (6 and 9, for God’s sake, who HAD been vaxxxed!) and it really didn’t slow her or the other two down at all. 2 days of fever of about 101+/- and a few aches. Now that we’ve had more than enough time to incubate something …. ANYthing, we may have picked up while running around in DFW maskless a few weeks ago I’d have to say even the latest version of the ‘Rona is a one and done event.

        I simply do NOT understand the fear factor that people are still exhibiting at this stage of the game if that is where you were going with this. Everyone reacts differently to this bug but there are cheap and easily acquired medications that knock it out with no problem unless you really refuse to think for yourself. The only thing I can think of is that each sequential version that is, shall we say, “released” into the wild somewhere in the World is an “update” to something they’re building in us that is some kind of TSR program set to be activated at some future date. I mean, heck, after everything else we’ve found out about Fauci and everyone else trying to crash everything in the World how could you NOT put it past them to do something like this?

  4. I don’t mean to offend anybody by harping — but I’m about to harp, hoping it may help you. OK?

    Ok. (So, if harping grates on you, move on now, and call me crazy.)

    One thing I’ve learned in a couple of decades in volunteer emergency services work is this: Sometimes emergencies arrive with NO warning at all, and sometimes you get some useful warning. Hurricanes and storms often come with a couple of days warning to make your last-minute adjustments to your prepping posture.

    But often “it” strikes with zero warning. You’re sitting there, quietly minding your own business, and the lights suddenly go out — fill in your own nightmare reasons here. It’s too comprehensive to list off.

    The point is, you have that, “Oh, Poop!” moment and however you’re comported, there you are, time has run out, and you’re now stuck with the situation as you get a pinchy feeling in your gut as to shudda-wudda-couldda. (See if you can conjure that for a moment, and let it serve as a motivator.)

    Bang! You said something the Lords of Twitter or Facebook don’t like, and your voice is cut off. You are silenced. Pounding on the keyboard won’t help, and there’s nobody to telephone and appeal or holler at. No one is on the bridge.

    Bang! One day, ICANN and the central internet pathways have BigGov filters snap in, and your sources of information are suddenly tightly constricted. “Crimespeech” and “Crimethink” are now How Things Are — and you’re constrained. One guy — you –can’t do a thing about it that will have an effect, and connecting with others is suddenly difficult in the extreme or just impossible.

    Urbansurvival is 404, and there you are.

    The window is still open, but is inching closed a bit every day.

    What to do? It’s well beyond my paygrade to advise in detail, and the subject for lots of discussion. Another day, perhaps.

    My purpose today is just to suggest that you (virtually) grok that pit-of-your-gut moment and use it as a motivator to do what you can do Right Now.

    – 73 – (Really.)

    • Duly noted and very well stated. Every day as I leave the house I think about all of the systems in various stages of completion and have a bit of that ‘pit of the stomach’ feeling then I get caught up in daily activities and forget about the fragility of our infrastructure. Time to prioritize and execute is definitely at hand. Thanks!

    • The thing is when the trap finally snaps shut and they shut the Internet down and/or the power grid (our Texas gov said he couldn’t be sure the grid was going to stay up with the coming 2 day cold snap … or so I heard) there will be a LOT of other stuff going on. If you see white helmets marching in the streets going door-to-door asking all kinds of questions and hauling some people off things will become verrrrry “local” for a long time. For the World to suddenly go as quiet as a 1950s evening would create so much chaos you probably wouldn’t care that much about what is going on 50 to 100 miles away. THAT much quiet would freak most Gen-Xers and younger right the heck out and being rural may be the only thing that would give you any kind of a buffer time to bring up any preps that you may have set aside for such as that!

      • I made a trip to the woods of west-central Michigan in November, probably 20 years ago. Where I stopped, people weren’t. No TV, no Internet, no cell — no anything.

        It was so incredibly quiet that my ears hurt. It took several hours for the silence to seep in, and for me to become one with it. Not until then did I realize how noisy even “country living” is, if one is suburban enough to even perceive the afterglow of a town or city.

        IMO if the lights go out, everyone under 50 will freak so badly their brains will be nonfunctional for several weeks.

    • WotRR: Thanks for the really good reminder.

      For example, my cell provider, consumer cellular limits my ability to add people to a group text. I am limited at 10, actually 9 others, as I am #10.

      Spam can send me 20 30 40….no problem. Others can send me larger groups than 10, but I cannot reply.

      So, think about that in case you are down to a cell phone for communications or a cell phone/internet/home phone, and all of that goes out.

      How will you communicate?

      Like Stew said, where will you meet?

      Even simple things like, do you have candles or a flashlight/back up generator, and do you know how to use it? (Ask me and my mechanic husband how important that 5 year old, in a box generator, became last winter with below freezing temps and no electric, AND we both caught the stomach flu so were very sick getting out in the extremely cold weather, in the dark, with one holding the flashlight, as well as we were trying to keep a business’ and house’s pipes from freezing. The generator would not start, battery was dead, so we jumped it, but what if you do not have a way to jump that generator, or the strength to pull the cord?)

      A few months ago, a friend showed me this, Portable Stove, which we purchased. I will now have one nice butane burner to go with me anywhere for coffee, tea, oatmeal, Maltomeal, soup, chili, anything one burner and one pan or as many pans as I want to turn out a meal in no time flat. It also warms up my space.

      They sell them in the Asian stores also. Plana Portable Gas Stove.

      Mine is the top one in this review. One canister lasted me 8 to 10 meals. I purchased 24 canisters of butane also.

      But Coleman stoves are good, too, if you can connect them to a large portable propane tank.

      Here’s one that is dual use (just as an example):

      So, after last February’s experience, I am going to focus on keeping it simple:

      1) water for everything;
      2) ability to heat food/beverages/water;
      3) food, including pet food;
      4) heat;
      5) LIGHT.
      6) Protecting pipes.
      7) Generator.
      8) Fill up vehicles with gas

      This is a cold weather, all electric/possible water, too, grid down, prep.

      Your situational prepper’s test may vary.

    • “I don’t mean to offend anybody by harping”

      Sure won’t offend me.. I harp all the time.

    • Yeah explain China… locking down everything, CV19 concentration camps, test everything, vaccinate everything, shut down ports of entry,shut down whole cities, and yet they still tonz o Covert19 infections every week – Always a new Outbreak, always a new variant. No spectators Olympics, yet still 1/3 of population is getting infected/reinfected..yeah yeah 2.5 years on, yeah yeah, splain how lockdowns be working in red Chynah.

    • China is way ahead of the USA with “residence cards” that must be up to date and shown on request to the police and hotels. If you want to move or have a foreigner stay at your place, it must be approved by the local chief of police and/or block leader. There’s literally nowhere to hide except possibly under a rock, and certainly no way to move around in society without being tracked and traced by your phone and face.

      We’re catching up though! Physical address has become a primary data point that needs to be proven when you get or renew a license. Even a passport doesn’t require that. We’re deploying facial recognition more through stores such as Home Despot and Wall Mart. They datamine and correlate with CC info and purchase history. I have every reason to believe that this info is shared with data aggregators for mutual benefit. The same thing is probably true in the medical industry, regardless of HIPPA. It’s definitely true for the insurance companies and banks, both of which are long term evaluators of risk.

  5. Still chasing the “dream’ – man I love you engineer types, forever trying to figure out how shit worx and improve upon it, then write it up. Love it!

    A lil tale from futures past..
    -after having bot & built 2nd home in Bayleaze ( gated comm w/security) on lagoon front property wit dock – I obviously needed=wanted a boat. I dream up shit, and I chase that shit till “caught”. Repeatedly told throughout life -dreaming was for fools and a waste.
    Found a picture of dream boat (GradyWhite Canyon center console 30ft), cut it out, posted on wall next to work desk. Spent over 2 years looking for used boat, and recently found one right up peninsula from moi. I go and look at boat while owner is stateside, the boat was meticulously kept, the fittings I could see,(under wrap/cover) were greased and clean. I knew in first 2 minutes this boat was kept in immaculate condition. When I got the owners contact info – a light went off – dude had/has a German surname..of course!

    I bot the boat & sent the $$$ before even meeting the owner in person or running engine (Suzuki 90 fourcycle). I got more extra parts, tools, prop (s), and equipment than I have ever seen in my life. Even got custom steel plates attached heavy ass chain – goes in between motor shaft and stern mounts and is bolted into dock pylon. Case of motor mount bolts (various sizes), custom made parts, multiple Lowrance units, emergency bag with another spare prop and prop wrench, emergency hand held bilge pump-just connect to battery. This boat turns out to be a 20 year old Mexican penga (high bow skiff) with honeycomb fiberglass floor. Turns out owner is Mechanical Engineer and German decent – the very best “previous owners”. I got fail safes for fail safes – this guy was the bombdotcom!Hell I got paper copies of every email he ever sent regards Boat, Service, Parts. Reciepts for every service and part ever paid for, and copies of emails sent de-briefing every single service.
    Love these kinda guys – make your shit fool/fail proof, kindly explain do’s and dont’s, and smile kindly when you bring the shit back abused and busted..but it worked when you needed it to..those kinda guys – Priceless.

    You can find/feel the “flow” when U be “in tune” with the Qi.
    Just like the saying “As Above, Same as Below” think we gotz warz and rumor of warz down here?!?!?!? oh my goodness!
    The Qi is both Internal and External…meridians, channels.. – stands to reason that if you can work with Ure Internal Qi, it automatically worx with the External “force”.
    Like front row parking spaces mysteriously opening up for you… Synchronicity is Ures for the working – aint nuttin worthwhile that bee free, nuttin Honey.

    • Same way I bought my first sailboat. Saw one where you could tell the owner was ANAL about maintenance and keeping it PERFECT. Asking price was WAY above what I could afford to spend. Looked at it once and dismissed buying it, too expensive. MULTIPLES of what I could afford.

      Was back at the borkerage where it was listed on my way back from Chicago on Memorial Day 4 months later and only broker working at the brokerage that day (can’t imagine why older guys with families weren’t at work on Memorial Day lol) was a young nice guy, liked to race on sailboats and knew everybody who was anybody on the water for 40 miles in every direction. I just wanted to see if anything new had come in but the broker I had been working with just wasn’t there that day.

      Well the young guy said he had the boat for me … nice small open ocean sailboat that had been to South America a couple of times and was now back in the Great Lakes. Then he told me the boat … I just looked at him and told him I couldn’t afford it.

      The young broker looked at me and literally said “No Problem” “I know the owner and he WILL SELL IT TO YOU for what you can afford if I recommend it”. Turns out the owner was a richer than God real estate developer who was more interested in selling the boat to a young penniless person who would enjoy it like he had versus getting even a nickle out of it, which the broker knew since he had known him for 20 of his 35 years.

      Bought the boat without ever meeting the owner or talking to him, the broker did all the talking and I got it for the price I could afford (not much).

      Anyway that boat came with stuff I didn’t even know existed … more stuff just “appeared” at the brokerage office, more and more, finally the day I was in to finish the paperwork I told the broker I was going to have to get a HUGE dock box to put all this extra stuff in that was now sitting in the corner of the Marina’s large warehouse and voila … the now previous owner walked in, we shook hands, and he said … “OH by the way, there is a HUGE dock box up at the Yatch Club you can have if you want it for all this stuff, just go pick it up – but you will need a good size truck to do that”.

      Great guy, meticulous as hell wrt the boat. In perfect condition. Ended up he was more THRILLED to be selling it to me at just a few pennies on the blue book value, or asking price, than I was to be buying it because I was just the kind of young person he wanted to have the boat.

      Best way imo to buy a boat. One that has been meticulously cared for by someone who is almost anal when it comes to caring for stuff, and that comes with all of those little items that add up to many many thousands of dollars if you have to go buy them.

      Good for you on you boat purchase … and yep, if you find out the seller is one of those types of people no need to even do a full inspection, you will know in just a couple of minutes of looking at it what kind of condition the boat, or say an airplane, or anything for that matter, will be in once you dig in.

    • ECU and Stephen 2, these are the stories that don’t make the news. The beautiful prayers answered/intent realized/goodness comes back to you/ synchronisities/Qi/Karma/whatever you want to call it stories that really make the world go round.

      I’ve had many in my life, and sometimes, on a quiet day, I try to go back to my earliest memory and think of every single one and remember it.

      These aren’t always material items, they can be moments when our lives were saved or changed by someone/something/??.

      Thanks for sharing.

  6. Some quick thoughts:

    The Olympics don’t matter. Remember that the 2008 Georgia war occurred during the Olympics.

    Everybody is thinking that Putin would do nothing to mess up the Olympics, but what if Putin can convince China that Russia is the victim in all this?

    • “what if Putin can convince China that Russia is the victim in all this?”

      Hmm..let me see if I got the situation understood .. we are talking about the Ukraine a country where the majority of the people took a vote then asked Putin for his help..he didn’t move in or mass soldiers on the border.. NATO and the USA start testing Russias border with military drills . Then Mass equipment and assemble a missile base five hundred miles from the Kremlin.
      Oil drilling platforms were moved in.
      Then Putin began to stage men and military equipment on their border close to the missile base with nuclear warheads …. their response was and still is.. remove the missiles and back off we dont care about Ukraine.
      If I remember right that is when The USA and NATO decided to move more equipment and men in striking distance .Basically Thumbing their nose at Russia..
      I don’t know how anyone could see this as a potential threat..What can possibly happen.

  7. Hi, George,

    Thanks for a thought provoking column. Speaking of leaving Germany before the Jewish people were rounded up, history tells us that Dr. and Mrs. Enrico Fermi left Italy just in time. Mrs. Fermi was Jewish. Dr. Fermi was to travel to Stockholm and receive the Nobel Prize in physics, and his wife was to accompany him. Dr. Fermi was alerted that his wife was to be rounded up and taken to a concentration camp after they returned to Italy. If they had taken a lot of luggage with them, it would have appeared to the Italian authorities that they were fleeing the country. So, he purchased a full length mink coat for his wife and had money and jewels concealed in the lining. The couple then carried very light luggage to Sweden. After the ceremony, the couple fled to the United States, ended up in Chicago, where Dr. Fermi performed the famous chain reaction, and then traveled to the new town of Los Alamos. Thanks.

    • I think that was the point of my consigliere – it isn’t one’s specific religion that turns adherence to a known-=bad future into disaster; it’s NOT ACTING (as Fermi and his Mrs did) that seals fates.
      I’m sure that’s why the Ecuador Expat still reminds me now and then: Still not to late to hit the exits.
      But that time is coming and probably worldwide.

      • So, where is Ure new promised land? What stops the new promised land from becoming Jonestown rev X or Chicago 2022?

      • I think you can still enter Mexico unvaxxed(not sure) as an American citizen, but you can’t do so by air. Beyond that, I have no idea. The rules seem to change every week. Moving anything of value internationally other than crypto is quite dicey since border crossings have detectors for most everything. Many banks overseas require “proof of origin” for any deposited wealth. Most people have lots of stuff and even valuable stuff, but no acceptable proof of origin, regardless of its legitimacy.

        The biggest concern is where one might go. Once you leave the USA, Ure a foreigner unless you have a second citizenship. Permanent residency is helpful, but it’s no match for citizenship – especially in time of war or unrest. If you have no wealth, Ure a refugee. NEVER become a refugee!

        There was a couple who wanted to be left alone in peace, so with a great deal of effort, they moved to the Falkland Islands. A relatively short time after that, the Falklands war began. Food for thought.

        Currently we’re living with the devil we know, though that’s changing fast. I’d say that fluent understanding of the local language and ability to speak it is fundamental to a successful adaption to a new country. Reading and writing it is helpful too. Few in the latter half of life can master that, especially if it’s a level 4 or 5. Congrats to those who can.

      • Had a friend go down to Mexico about a month ago. Yes, you do have to be vaxxxed to enter the country. Unfortunately he contracted Covid while he was down there just about the time he and his girlfriend were about to leave so they had to stay until his tests said it was gone. Finding a place to stay outside of the reservations he made was “fun” but the upside to it all was that he could get the meds that worked like Ivermectin and HCQ. He never said what he took and may not have taken anything, just waited it out, but he’s back now. Just another instance of “The Jab don’t work any more”.

      • Bill I went into mexico when the pandemic started, the federali at the border said, The boarder is closed. there is a pandemic. i said, well the salsa at the store is bad my friend. im here to get good taco’s. he shrugged and waved me though.

        on the way back, the US boarder agent said, how the hell did you get into mexico, there is a pandemic! So i told him what I told the federali. he says. of FFS, you got drugs on you? I said, i cant say for certain, there may be a kilo of bolivian and 9 fruite pickers stuffed up my ass dude. you may have to dig really hard to find them tho. he laughed and said carry on. and there is a freaking pandemic going on. no more going accross the boarder for tacos. you hear? i smiled and said yes sir, thanks and drove back into the US.

        True story.

      • When my uncle used to take us across the border back in the 60s and 70s he’d just lay his wallet on the counter as a sign that whatever the “mordida” is today I’ll pay. He always slipped the Mexican LEOs inspecting the car a few bills, too. The Texas/Mexico border has always been a wild place. He’d go down to banks in Chihuahua and buy the 50 peso gold coins, too, and have my aunt carry them back in her purse. Never got caught. I think she sold them when they got a divorce but it was some time before we were allowed to have gold up here in the States. It was a fun time for sure.

    • Looks like an easy and fun build, if you can find a scrap of large diameter pipe, like 8″ steel well casing. The rest should be found in everyone’s junk pile. Note – all the dimensions are in centimeters, not inches.

      • I know isn’t it pretty cool mike.. .. I want to make one.. my first thought was it was like the swiss camp log.. I love the idea that it works where you can adjust the flame.. I have several camp stoves.. from military winter multi fuel.. to rocket stoves.. ( its tough being a tool slut) and I make stoves like alcohol pressure stoves similar to what coleman camp stoves are.. my favorite is the kelly kettle and the turkish samovar camp stove. it isn’t as good as my coffee pot collection.. I do have a couple..
        I have a love of kitchen tools.. my wife freaks when I get more LOL…

  8. Comrades,

    Don’t despair, it’s not our fault collectively if the 1% can’t properly run their rigged game. Solitaire, anyone?

    I am pleased to advise that I am lucky #13 on the waitlist at my library for a new book coming out this month. The title is “Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Change Your World” by David Robson.

    No harm in trying to get on the right side of Lady Luck. Pointing the way, the book cover features an arrow design.

      • “the rinos will step up and give their vote for his choice.”

        ??????? Seriously.. do they have to vote.. or just have a good printing press to print off a bunch…
        Yup this one came from sammy slow in our military over in Turkey.. you know who he is.. the distinguished looking military youth missing his front tooth big nose and freckles.. walks with a hunch and marches like a turtle..

  9. “let’s see if you can connect some dots.”

    I believe that everyone here can connect the dots.. the one that can’t is the one in front of the button and sending over more troops and missiles.. to park on the Russian Border..
    I believe we are so screwed.. I was just talking to someone that luckily is past the recall date.. they were terrified that they were going to be recalled to Ukraine..

  10. Zhu Yi or Beverly Zhu will be competing for CHINA on February 17th and 19th near the end of the Olympics. She has been built up in the Chinese Media as the biggest Chinese face in this Olympics, even though she was born and raised in California.

    For PR purposes I imagine China wants the games to continue THROUGH her scheduled competitions for this HOME turf Olympics.

    Xi is very senstitive to PR and Propaganda … and Zhu Yi’s competing for China is a HUGE Propaganda coup for Xi and China since she has returned to the HOME country of her parents to compete for “IT”, NOT the country where she was born and raised.

    This is VERY VERY important for China wrt to it’s world wide Ex-Patriot Community to show that THEY TOO are part of China, the China of the FUTURE. In many respects this is possibly the Most Important single thing for China about these Olympics … to bring it’s world wide Ex-Patriot Community into the fold of believing in China and that THEIR loyalty lies WITH CHINA and not the nation where they currently live or were even born.

    The 1000 Talents Program has been a key feature of China’s development and this event and Zhu Yi ties into that program’s goals closely which in turn ties Chinese Ex-Patriots TO CHINA, even those who were born elsewhere and were NOT brought up in China.

    Xi wants Putin to WAIT until after the Olympics. Too much is at stake for China and it’s long term future wrt to the PR effects of the Olympics and more importantly the Future Allegiance of it’s large Ex Pat community going forward in time.

    Remember … WAR is just Politics by another means. War does NOT override Politics, but is actually subservient to it.

    For China the Politics of this Olympics and the potential of bringing it’s worldwide Ex Pat community into it’s fold is more important, MUCH MORE important, than War for achieving IT’S goals at this point in time.

  11. “…home in the woods, and time spent intently watching Future becomes vastly more important that living life for the biggest bank balance.”

    Seems my entire working life I have been aware that I would live to see the great collapse and world war to come. It was just a mater of time. My life focus has always been to prepare and survive the collapse, and knowing it could come at any time. I’m lucky! I made it through my working career with enough to settle in and wait for the rest of the world to go hell in a hand basket. And I’ve got plenty of popcorn to watch the show.

    “As I see the arrows to future – many of them – what’s the point in accumulation?  Just getting to the fricking other side is likely to be ALL that matters.  After that?  We’ll see.”

    He’s been reading my mind! Or maybe I’ve been reading his?

  12. Meanwhile back at the ranch while you all wait around for the rides , sheetcoin was at the express down elevator going to the horn guy . Yep still shaking here boss

    • t some point, Len, a few people besides Urban readers will grok that
      1) no internet means not cryptos
      2) war with Ukraine will spread over borders of digital realms
      4) then China will reunite with Taiwan (ahem) long before any new Intel plants stateside come online

      Yep, shitz juss ginning to happen

      • Okay Mr Wizard – care to enlighten the rest of the World how the Galactic Hyper-Space “Information Superhighway” operates ? Under which “Utility” does the power to operate come from? The “power” never goes out, ever, Why?

        Fin War is whats for Dinner.

        – No Nat Gas, Oil pipelines turned off, No Rare Earths, Gold ? what Gold..All US Gold is Leased-Out -just ask billary and rubin, guess they will have to dig up the grand canyon..again. What? yerp – see historic pics of John D on recon mission there. Chynah/Russia neo SWIFT system. You did see the f-35 drop into south china sea video – dont even need to see em to disable em….duh-oooh! Food – who has been stockpiling foodstuffs for 2 years on now? Will we be EMpeeing ourselves shortly? Is that an asteroid or a spacecruiser “warwagon” – hello dream ctr..

        Dont look El-Salvador – U will likey what U see Mr Wizard..Bitcoinz Galore – the new Bond women.

    • I’m still waiting for decent and affordable graphics cards to be available again – for monitors, not hashes! Just when the crypto craze “might” be winding down, the prospect of “no more chips” rears its ugly head.

      I suppose there’s no point in complaining about the waves in the ocean.

      The scary thing is that we all seem to be somewhat understanding and sliding toward this Len variation of English!

      • Define “Decent…”

        When I started building computers I used 16k graphics cards. When they came out I switched to the “decent” 64k cards with the four rows of 14-pin DIP sockets, because they were cutting edge, and upgradable to 256k (if any customer was rich enough to spring for $60 x 24 (sockets) and a color monitor. Surprisingly, in the IBM-PC days there were a lot of people who’d drop $6k on a computer without blinking an eye…

  13. Well george . I only visit 1 site on the net . Urban survival . Some great guys and gals here . Even the sheetcoiners are interesting . That’s you coots . Got some rock rose thanks

  14. Rejection of the Jewish refugees onboard the St Louis was the basis for U.S. becoming the country that in the future would accept more refugees than any other country (FDR had to adhere to the ‘politically correct xenophobia of his time’, later becoming ‘the stain’ that had to be removed!):

    The U.S. had to change it’s refugee policy after rejecting the St Louis:

    • “Rejection of the Jewish refugees onboard the St Louis was the basis for U.S.”

      And to think that today.. it is all about the coin.. who can afford to give the best donations and to whom.. hell they will even send planes for you and move you all over set you up in govt jobs and want to give you a half million to boot. give you the grand WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE of the usa.. nope you don’t have to pay taxes.. forget about taxes.. that is why we have citizens LOL free medical free dental free housing free college.. the land of opportunity..

  15. On luck:
    “Luck favors the prepared mind” always struck me as missing something. Luck and risk being two sides of the same coin; without a willingness to take risks one may miss the opportunity of good fortune. Life without risk is like zucchini casserole, bland, mildly pleasing but not very satisfying. I taught my children and those who would listen to live by Roosevelt’s ‘Man in the Arena’ quote from his speech Citizenship in a Republic.
    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat“
    If you aren’t willing to place a bet, don’t expect to win as you stated so eloquently George. Losing is often more fulfilling than winning; maybe doesn’t feel so good at the time but ten, twenty or more years later it will likely be viewed with fondness and clarity.
    Calculating risk / reward ratio is difficult and subjective and can lead to analysis paralysis, sometimes believing in yourself and your ability to make adjustments on the fly can take you places never imagined, not always good but, that’s where luck comes in.

    • Mark… those are old Video’s and when they were brought up that almost sixty percent voted more than average and the total ballots was more than how many voters.. they criticized her.. there were videos of them bring in in suit cases full of ballots in the dark of night by people not even allowed to be in the ballot counting area’s.. they should just put a printing press in there be done with it..

  16. So, I wonder if all the Texas windmills will keep on milling in a major ice storm? And if the wind mills don’t whirl, will the Texas grid go down? And if the sync on the Texas grid is lost, and it’s each and every generating entity is left fending for itself, will a HEMP weapon cause less damage? Behind every dark cloud is an opportunity for dumb luck and dark humor to prevail.

  17. “Turns out a lot stayed behind – not because they didn’t know how evil Hitler would become – but because it seemed an impossible task. No, there was just no way to break out of the mindset and to act on a Future everyone was hoping would not arise. ”

    I call this “building walls.” People “build walls” in their minds — create scenarios which are impossible to surmount, then use their creation, rather than reality, to justify a belief in their inability to solve a certain problem or achieve a certain goal, or even to try. My kids do this, as well as virtually everyone in their age or peer group. It is beyond my ken…

    • It’s a point often repeated by my friend down in South known as the Ecuador ExPat.
      He bailed – gosh, 11-years ago. And it’s been a good trade-off for him: Life in Villa Cabumba (sp error high, lol) is great, he’s no bills, local friends, and has immersed in the new lingo and culture and is on a roll for happily ever aftering.
      Many times, he has encouraged our modest readership to look to the probable future and see it for what it is. But the KEY THING ISD ACTION.
      He’s a man who walks his Vision. As are we, sited between the bull’s eyes of Chinese and Russian targeting teams.
      Both of us (he there, me here) are astounded that people live in D.C. Bangor, WA and other such bulls eye’s. At some point there is always a time when the unthinkable weapons are used.
      The nukes
      The bio’s – recent trial run is wrapping up
      The Cyber machinery

      I threw out 6-lineal feet of books yesterday. So much of it has been transient knowledge of future. Watts Wacker’s 500-year Delta, Fourth Turning, The Collapse of Every, End of the Line.
      Good futuring, but seems to be passing now.
      So our efforts have turned to the “recovery plan” for the After.

      The building walls is information siloing and even people who don’t read Peoplenomics need to study
      It didn’t just apply to Jews in pre-war Germany, it applied in Cambodia, Ruwanda, whever there’s genocide and very bad future, there are always signs and portents in advance.

      It is both in Luck and the diligent exercise of mental acuity where our Salvation, or Dead End comes from Appointments in Samarra, aside.

      • “encouraged our modest readership to look to the probable future and see it for what it is. But the KEY THING ISD ACTION.”

        For me.. the action wouldn’t be any issues.. IT’s MONEY… you can’t get very far on what I have.. and like many that think I will head there then get situated.. ( think Mark;s SAN FRANCISCO) you get there with the thoughts of everything being stable only to discover.. you have to shizt on the sidewalks or if it isn’t private enough for you.. in the isles of the local merchants.. LOL and if you are making a reasonable income where you are.. you discover the most you can afford is a bunkbed or a cardboard shanty at shanty town and you go from being able to support yourself to having to depend on Food Stamps to buy Ramin Noodles…. I would love to move up by BIC totally love the idea of living around tree’s and good fishing etc.. the cost for medical is way better than here.. and the wait length is comparable to what we have now.
        the same thing happens to women or men that are in an abusive know what you have.. the idea of moving to an area where it could be much worse is scary..

  18. “BLM and Antifa (just guessing) have a lot different vision of America’s future ”

    Speaking of…

    Schools across America implement BLM Week of Action that calls for ‘disruption of Western nuclear family’

    The week of action started on Monday in several schools from Washington state to Massachusetts, bringing to classrooms the activist-based curriculum that preaches controversial ideas.

    • And so, race war Lite in America begins. Even big corps like Amazon have been sucked in with sliuppery slope thinking like “Support Black Owned Business.”
      But they do not identify WHICH goods to buy, because that’d be…we… racists would it?
      Unclear of thought, the latter-day Bolshevism rolls forward.

      • “And so, race war Lite in America begins. ”

        Considering that thought Last night… there was a town hall meeting with Brandon on television .. and it didn’t go well.. when the questions started.. the people started to question his Ethics and Morals and got angry…. and basically saying his actions are the stupidest crap they have ever seen..
        Shortly after that.. there was a Black man and the question of BLM and Antifa going back to the city streets came up on another program and the gentleman said.. they are not for the black community.. he was upset at what they are doing..
        HMMM…I find that all very interesting. . the President was able to stop BLM and Antifa in one day after being elected.. now all of a sudden.. the people are questioning him.. and The BLM and Antifa are back… will they march into the cities and toss fire bombs at the defunded police stations and cars again.. or maybe destroy a few neighborhoods.. rape rob and destroy who knows for sure.. the thing is.. how bad they get seems to depend on how bad they want JB to be accepted and adored.. maybe he can wave that magic wand and get them to stop again….

      • I buy American whenever the option is viable. That is a sufficient-enough purchase bias for me. I support whichever business does the best job of product quality & availability, on-time / on-budget delivery, and general reliability, regardless the ratio of melanin to tannin in a seller’s epidermis.

        I refuse to be forced into being racist.

  19. 5 medium onions
    1 large potato
    2 eggs
    2 tablespoons of wheat flour (40 grams)
    2 tablespoons of cornmeal (40 grams)
    1 pinch of parsley
    1 teaspoon each of salt, thyme, black pepper, cumin and chili flakes
    Mix together then make patties and fry in butter..
    I will try this one mixing hamburger with it to

  20. Comrades,

    It is rather striking that so many of the truckers protesting in Ottawa shown on television by the media are White with an occasional Black seen on camera. My understanding is that at least 60% of Toronto truck drivers are Indo-Canadian. Maybe it’s similar in other regions? I haven’t seen any recognizable Indo-Canadians at the Ottawa protest.

    The Ottawa police chief has begun suggesting military assistance may be required to secure Parliament Hill from the protesters, and that securing the entire city of Ottawa could require up to 50,000 officers which he does not have. Considering that Montreal has been under a 2200 to 0500 covid
    curfew for weeks as the PM would know as near to his home riding, will such recent precedent expand? The “Freedom Convoy” could be having the “freedom” trimmed from its moniker by the start of next week?

    • “The “Freedom Convoy” could be having the “freedom” trimmed from its moniker by the start of next week?”

      Perhaps. If done correctly, the “Freedom Convoy” would completely occupy every road, street, and highway both in, and within a number of miles of Ottawa and Gatineau. Whether it could clog up the west side of Montreal I don’t know, but it could certainly stop road traffic between the two.

      Park your truck, take the keys.

      It would take months to remove the trucks, and a huge piece of real estate on which to hold them.

      A blockade won’t slow Turdough down — he’s done got hisself a heliochopter, but it will turn Ottawa into the snake that eats its own tail, because the Citizens will run out of food and not be able to leave. Whether Justine and the CBC can turn sentiment against the truckers, I don’t know, but a million and a half pissed Ottawans ought to be able to get his attention, even if 30,000 50,000 100,000 a whole bunch of truckers can’t…

  21. I was going to leave a comment…

    but I didn’t feel lucky.

    However, I am thankful for the opportunity to leave a comment.

    At least I showed up…that’s 90%.

    I don’t recall what the other 10% is…I’m hoping it’s sleep.

  22. George, this is unvetted and I trust your news BS detector more than mine:

    Trigger warning since this guy has probably used opiates in his past. If it passes the smell test, you might want to discuss it with G2. I saw awful things as bad as this done deliberately while in medical school, and that’s one of many reasons that I stayed away from the field. I honestly think that there’s as much corruption there as there is in politics. I have no intention of ever going to a hospital, regardless of circumstances, though if you’re unconscious on the road you probably don’t get a say in it. Any good legal thoughts on how to avoid involuntary hospitalization and any involvement with EMS beyond the obvious are always appreciated.

    • It boggles my feeble brain that in this day and time there is THIS much EE-VIL in the World – and done by regular people, too! “THEY”. ARE. TRYING. TO. KILL. OFF. AS. MANY. OF. US. AS. THEY. CAN!! NAZI Germany would be proud.

  23. WRT: some Jews got out of Germany early.

    A while back me and two friends were discussing future events, in the context of “how do you know when it’s time to leave?”

    guy 1 says: “I guess that depends on whether you are a pessimist or an optimist.”

    guy 2, who is Jewish, says: “The optimists went to the gas chambers.”

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