Just When You Thought…

It was strange enough?  Nope. A number of lookahead items on our threat board have us considering just how crazy this spring could become.

Due to the Easter weekend, we will keep it very real because in our 18 charts today, there’s a future coming into focus.

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63 thoughts on “Just When You Thought…”

  1. (“A.I. is a growing concern, yes, of course. But did you know the House GOP Imposes Strict Ban On Microsoft’s Copilot AI Chatbot For Congressional Staffers “)

    Now this is a silly question.. WHY?
    Is using Ai going to put some lawyer for a lobbyist firm from writing the bills and paperwork.. it isn’t as if the members of Congress are actually interested in any of it. they sure as hell don’t write that crap. I totally believe that is why the lobbyists writing the crap does it extensively so they can hide crap right in front of the members of congress .. they don’t read any of that crap how would they know…
    the only ones getting use out of the capital are the staffers..


    the more confusing the lobbyists make it.. I remember a senator.. I had a question .. and asked him about it.. it was a flaw in the system that was as bold and obvious as you could get it.. as to when child support was accepted.. not the date you pay it.. blah blah blah.. the day the federal worker punches it in.. anyway.. it was a long time ago.. and things were nuts.. one day I get this letter and here you will find your answer in these documents.. about ten thousand pages of shit.. I read every single one of those.. and no.. the answer wasn’t in them they didn’t have a thing to do with my original answer.. that is what the legislation writers are doing.. you dump that much crap on anyone.. they are thinking about the next day off..the next federal holiday .. not what is buried in a ton of crap..
    that is how I know sending a letter to congress over any issue will get results.. they only wait for the next day off.. it isn’t like anyone is there in DC now..
    So what would Ai generated answers or paper work do.. that isn’t being done already..

    • should be a rule, you cany vote unless you read the entire bill, all 2000 pages.
      so sick of pork barrell politics. oftin reminds me of manny of the original grevences of the english colonys of america.
      last week i turned in 26 pages of tax documents. ( and i am a simple person )..
      have high hopes for A.I. that it can do my taxes. god help anyone works part time for a church , farmers , tax exempt acktive duty combat pay , and im not an oldster , but i notice tax rules for seniors that make me go crosseyed….sry drifting… A.I. yes scairy stuff , but i see some amasing real world bennifits. Affordable accesable law is one of them , can only dream of an AI powered DMV.
      sry 4 the rant. ,Happy Easter

      • I would suggest that all bills must be read ALOUD in each house of congress at least once, preferably three times at a normal reading speed by the initiator of such bills. That’s no effort for a one page bill. If it’s any longer, there better be a good reason. This would force at least the initiator to read the bill and perhaps get sufficiently fatigued that he would remove the extraneous crap. Anyone wishing to vote on the bill would have to endure the entire reading, or their vote would be ignored. Since “ignorance of the law is no excuse”, we should at least be sure that those idiots making such laws actually have to be aware of them.

        Incorporating anything “by reference” should be illegal.

        • NM Mike: a Capital idea! I employ the one page rule often and prefer our Representatives sit, listen and vote. And if they can’t settle _X_ then stay and vote until they have consensus. Order in pizza … vote, move on to the next thing. There are a _lot_ of things. Or, just do the other thing. :0/ Egor

        • Limit all pieces of legislation to under 30 pages, and post every bill for public examination and comment, for a minimum of 30 days, before voting commences.

        • oh and no tabling any thing.. it comes in front if congress they discuss it read it then vote on it.

        • (:post every bill for public examination and comment, for a minimum of 30 days, before voting”)

          they are… at the Thomas libary.. I actually was told that it wasn’t wise to share the contents of the bills with anyone. if they really want to know they can read them for themselves..
          since then I am no longer able to log onto the library without approval.
          what’s funny is I any shared the contents with six people that never even read my email..

      • Rand Paul attempted to get the read the bills act passed. he basically was laughed off the floor of congress..
        it’s like the healthcare bill..I made it through 600 pages..my guess is the true bill when all the refer to clauses that the actual bill maybe fifty thousand pages..just about every line is refer to page blah blah blah.. of this will complicate it in compliance to the balls swaying…
        and it’s all yes /no you are allowed to get but your limited to.
        congress should be made to punch a timeclock work Monday through Friday. if they miss then docked pay and have their medical coverage the same as Medicare coverage. they should write the bills.. my guess is that wiuld change the wording and length. each bill should be written so a high school graduate can read and understand it.
        any money gifts or vacations etc. given to the states that the congressman represents for them the states to use for their budget and tax relief.
        how many billions was spent on congressman..

  2. yes have twenty thousand people write a short letter to each and every member of congress each day.. would get results fast.. the congressman doesn’t want to see it.. it would create thousands of jobs and shut the beltway down.. it wouldn’t matter where the lobbyists are sending the congressmen or what they are paying them or what gift they are getting.. do that until they actually make a change or address the issue would become priority number one.. just to keep the flow of status moving positively..
    I had a realitive that sent me a joke.. but the joke on me and him was he had a virus that would replicate the mail sent.. and you couldn’t mass delete it.. each one had to be deleted.. there were several thousand of the same message.. it took me days to delete all of them.. now imagine that as paper and pen mail..Lets face it.. seen any workers in the beltway that hustle while they work.. NOT likely LOL LOL so what would take one Texas farmboy to do.. would take a minimum of twenty beltway government workers to do how many are just like the rest thinking about the next holiday and federal days off .. LOL LOL there would be thousands of jobs created.. and no one afraid that their windows were going to be busted out or their homes and businesses burned to the ground..

    • possibly, on a selective basis, writing letters work.
      or, are we eventually IDed as complainers, or bots?
      we have lost control of the Collective Mind. Sigh …


      • Yes what would be the deciding factor is.. VOLUME.. Congress doesn’t read a dam thing.. they have a staff so that when they are out of the office on some fact finding mission or their days off holidays etc.. the office staffs job is to do the reading..
        We all know how that works out.. the staff says yeah sure.. but when the cat is out of the office.. LOL.. well we know what the staff does for something to keep them busy..
        I remember the shock I had.. I had to deliver papers to an office there.. did.. then thought hey CONGRESS is in session…so I thought I would stop and watch the firey discussions on the bills on the floor.. so I went up to the balcony and sat patiently waiting.. there was a janitor in the middle of the room and five people sitting at the head of the place.. shuffling papers.. I sat there for hours.. that was our congress in a firey session.. they were not there..
        the send a letter is just volume.. the staff no more and reads that crap than the senators do.. the people writing the bills do that on purpose.. a MAD MAGAZINE way back in the sixties had an article for kids to get better grades.. LOL the idea was to make the reports so long and drawn out and to use as many complicated terms as to convince the teacher that rather than look all that crap up they just pass it.. that is what they are doing.. such as the health bill.. there are so many refer to segments in it that you would be spending a year just to read the whole bill.. we had a congressman that read the farm bill and voted against it..( one of the few in congress that voted for the read the bills act) the reason they gave.. if you actually read the dam thing you wouldn’t vote for it either..
        They need to be made to do exactly what is taught to all of our kids in schools.. to WRITE the bill.. then everyone READ the bill and cross out offensive add in what both sides agree on then vote from their beliefs.. yea or nea doesn’t make a difference.. and to give any bill a deadline.. for over fifty years people argued back and forth the Row Wade issue on abortion it was the dead horse campaign platform.. drad that dam thing around the campaign trail.. then table it till the next election..
        by sending lets say twenty thousand to each member of congress you would have the city shut down with trucks.. the staff at the capital doesn’t work now.. seeing semi loads of letters would stop them in their tracks.. government workers have to have commitees and sub committees and study groups and academic studies.. HELL they spend FIFTY million dollars to have a study done to see if they might need a little brighter lamp on their desk.. give me a Fuzking break.. so by sending a letter.. the odds of ole busy beatle being in the office is slim to none.. I know our congressmen are at home doing nothing.. the pilot to the lobbyist private jet that the obbying firms pay for to keep them happy helps his little woman at her little shop.. getting paid by the lobbyist group.. what he told me once upon a time when we had coffee was it was the best job he ever had .. doesn’t really have to do anything except take the private jet up once in a while to get flight hours in..
        by dividing up the funds that they give the congressmen as their pay..in gifts.. well give that to the state.. Hell California wouldn’t have a deficit budget anymore.. LOL of course the congressmen and women wouldn’t be happy about that.. but hey its the breaks..
        if they write the dam thing hell.. they only know how to make political speech.. they couldn’t write a legislation and if they did.. they would be much shorter maybe a hundred words and easier for everyone to read and understand..

  3. “Web site search results were limited”

    Google “donate to Biden” and note the rank result.
    Google “donate to Trump” and notice the rank.

    All of America is corrupt.

    “corporate financial bullying of non-compliant media”

    There is a local Detroit media personality, Bankole Thompson along with others who had talk shows on a local radio station. They would point out the corruption in Detroit/Michigan politics. The billionaire bought the radio station and turned it into an all sports station eliminating these local talk shows.

    The corruption is making the nuclear war happen. Newton’s third, Adam Smith’s invisible hand, Karma, Yin/Yang, Jesus is fed-up. Add your own.

    I posted the Barclay’s assessment of the 6 dead costing between $350,000,000 and $700,000,000 in ‘wrongful death’. What happened to the 1x annual salary company paid life insurance that paid double if the insured dies on the clock? At most the six should cost a total of $3,000,000 +/-. Instead the cost could be almost 3/4ths of a billion. Their CEO got the pool and we get the tab.

    The company saved a bunch of money and will be bailed out. The majority will go along because of “what if it was us” thinking. Of course the out of work folks should be kept whole, “what if it was us”.

    Same with the pension bailouts. “But look how much they get”. They being the ‘fat cats’.

    Inflation as far as the eye can see. One slice of bread for $20.00 is better than no bread. The media has shown us starving children from all over the world all of our lives. That’s the alternative.

    • you only have so far to go as watch the three monkeys tell congress to kiss their ass on public television..to realize that the amount of power that is there is overwhelming ..
      Yet a woman in Oklahoma gets nailed by the FBI for posting something on FBI..

      that one was a year ago..
      Nez Nation just showed up recently..
      the amount of power that is being shown is amazing..
      that is absolute power..

        • My view on the tragic attack on israel is the criminals that did the horrific attack on Israel needed to be brought to justice. Tgat is so.ething that the leaders and authorities in those countries needed to address. when BLM and Antifa was destroying our cities we didnt have other countries come here to clean up the mess in fact those criminals and terrorist actions are still free.. on the other side is its not right to genocide a whole race of people over what a few criminals did.
          which is as equally evil and violent.we should not be involved. Israel has one of the most secure borders in the world. the USA has the most open borders.
          while we are involved in everything all over the planet we leave our own citizens vulnerable for just as equally evil attacks by those sworn vengeance against us.
          take care of America first is my thought .. our infrastructureis crumbling our grid is extremely vulnerable we have water pipelines unfinished because we are to busy policing the planet..

        • wakey wakey missy c, your link is duplicate info of Loob’s Nez’s video link, yes, yes.
          it is about a ‘deep state’ FBI ignoring our US Constitutional rights of Freedom of speech
          it is the 2nd amendment .
          Just like Jan 6th when the FBI planted rioters in a peaceful crowd to make US look bad, just like the FBI planned and initiated the Michigan gov assassination plot,,, I am glad to see you starting to ‘see’

          it is not a Muslim, Jew or Christian story,, it is big government abusing the citizens of the Republic established by our US Constitution.
          It just happens to be a Muslin woman,,, this time,,, who is next in line for an uninvited FBI group to show up UN announced.

          As for me I like to stay focused on the pedos running the show, get rid of the baby fuckers and watch the world become a better place.
          Just a gentle reminder, that it was Ashley her self, who wrote about showers with pedo Joe and Hunter put those photos on his own laptop.
          P Diddy the pedo now in the news following a raid on his homes was a Joe supporter and anti-Trump.
          birds of a feather, flock liddle kidz together,,, where o where is pencil neck
          liddle adam shitz

          the clock is ticking,,, who is next after P Diddy?
          more Royals? Every day I thank God when I see another pedo go down, they ruin or at least harm every life they touch, I have seen what it does to people, one pedo can damage into the next several generations,,,
          millstones is Gods recommendation,,
          Mark 9:42
          And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

          Happy Easter @c

          it is punny how Hollyweird and DC politicians hang together so much
          having a party while the NYPD buried one of their own, Trump attended, while the dems partied

        • In the past, when I have posted something that irked officialdom, I have gotten a visitor cruising by my gate at 70 mph in a 40 mph zone when I go out, to get my attention.
          I can usually spot someone shadowing me, so they usually laugh and leave when they see they are on my radar. A drive-by followed by a public breakfast visit would indicate I have broached something verboten, and I have received my caution. This has only happened a couple of times, but I know when to take a hint. Perhaps some of those crusaders and anti-crusaders haven’t figured out how to take a hint.

        • (“In the past, when I have posted something that irked officialdom, I have gotten a visitor”)

          I believe that is what happened to the woman in Oklahoma..

      • Stop looking for “fair” from any GovDome entity. You will not find it. It may not have always been quite so much that way once; but not lately,

        • That’s why we need Saul for frivolous lawsuits/class actions. Everyday I can notice a frivolous lawsuit/opportunity for a class action. It’s the way the system works and we should take advantage. We saw the one against the Burger King Whopper, it’s that simple and not completely without merit.

          “A U.S. judge has rejected Burger King’s bid to dismiss a lawsuit claiming that it cheated hungry customers by making its Whopper sandwich appear larger than it actually is.

          U.S. District Judge Roy Altman in Miami said Burger King must defend against a claim that its depiction of Whoppers on in-store menu boards mislead reasonable customers, amounting to a breach of contract.”

          Big Burger had a chance to settle out of court and change but they chose to go to the mats.

    • OwS, perhaps the company has been proactive and generous in supporting the various levels of politicians in their district. A little $ spent in advance can save a lot after the fact.

    • I did that search.. I was amazed to.. California was one if the lowest contributing states with contributions from industries while Texas firms were larger contributers than those in California the we love Biden country..

  4. Well I had a question come up.. about pancake soup.. ( spaetzle) basically noodles.. in a soup broth.. when the older grandkids were little and we had a crew around here of over a dozen a day.. we made pasta..
    So this year.. for their xmas gifts.. I am going to give them each a cheap pasta press.. there isn’t anything better than home made pasta.. the thing with the big outfits is the size.. my favorite one is a small nordicware meag grinder pasta maker.. well the one I got for them for xmas isn’t a grinder its just the press..
    simple gadget.. a nice one.. I have just about all the different pasta makers..cheap meal.. get a lot out of a cup of flour..
    a cup of flour..
    one egg.. ( beat it in a bowl first)
    one to two tbsp oil.
    ½ tsp of salt..
    mix into a dough.. put in press and squeeze it out.. pancake spaetzle is a little different.. the dough is a stiff pancake dough.. there is a couple of easy recipes.. I haven’t made it in a long time.. the wife was making the dumpling noodles..for chicken and dumplings..
    A great person to watch is on you tube. Orsararecipes.. yum although I hold off on the oh yeah baby pepper..
    I have taken spaghetti spice ground up a tbsp and add that to the flour. on this new channel we are watching one guy layers pasta dough to get rainbow pasta..I am totally going to try that.. he used tomato powder..so can a guy make American flag ravioli???
    Traditional German Spaetzle:
    2 cups all-purpose flour (you can also use whole wheat flour)
    1 ½ teaspoons salt
    0.12 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg (optional, not traditional but adds flavor I never add nutmeg never.. I do put a little onion powder or garlic powder)
    4 large eggs
    ½ cup water (or milk, plus more as needed)
    Butter (for serving)
    In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, and nutmeg.
    Add the eggs and water (or milk) to the dry ingredients, creating a thick pancake batter consistency.
    Let the batter rest in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or longer.
    Bring a pot of salted water to a gentle boil.
    Use a spaetzle maker (or a colander with large holes) to drop small pieces of batter into the simmering water.
    Scoop out the spaetzle with a slotted spoon when they float to the top.
    Serve with melted butter and enjoy! These chewy egg noodles pair well with gravies, sauces, or even melted cheese and crispy fried onions1.
    Easy Spaetzle Recipe:
    2 cups all-purpose flour
    3 teaspoons salt
    3 eggs
    ? cup water (almost 1/3 cup in measurement)
    Mix the dry ingredients (flour and salt) in a bowl.
    Whisk the eggs until well beaten, then add the water and blend together.
    Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and pour the egg mixture into it.
    Mix until a soft dough/paste forms.
    Use a spaetzle maker or a colander with large holes to drop the dough into simmering water.
    Once the spaetzle float to the surface, scoop them out.

      • the best recipe is the 1 recipe for pasta..
        1 cup flour
        1 egg ( you can use 2)
        1 tbsp oil ( olive oil the best)
        1 tsp salt
        ( variations is 1 tsp Garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder your the boss on flavor)
        I have a dough pad that I put on the counter.. put the flour in the center and put a dip in the center.. wish the egg in a bowl place it and the oil in the center and mix the dough by hand.. mix it well so it’s nice and smooth..split it in thirds.. before putting it in the press brush each with oil then squeeze out whatever noodle you want..or you can make ravioli or Chinese dumplings
        one of my favorites is thumb pasta..

        pasta grannies is my second favorite.. enjoy. let the ladies teach you how..


  5. GeorgeNess: in times of exponential movements, when the hair on back or neck bristles, get small. Not Steve Martin small. Positionally small. Or hedged. Or, ride the Tiger.

    Me? Exhausted. We hosted a party of eight, cocktails at the Boathouse, dinner, two tables of card players (mostly jabbering vs overly serious table play). My Exec decision of the night was divide by sexes. Perfekt.

    It begins. The lake community senses Spring.

    ATL: always eating the elephant, one bite at a time.


    New migratory birds of every kind are on the water and in the air. 20.5 YO TomCat is alive. The chipmunks are back! Toys. Hope one runs into his grasp :0/


    • “New migratory birds of every kind are on the water and in the air.”

      We had some confused geese fly over today. Headed east.

      Oh, well… it is springtime in NE Texas, so plenty to be confused about.

      • olfart:

        I stand at waters edge and point …
        Go that way –> but, they are wayward.
        The Crested Ducks are feasting on minnows.

        Enjoy the day,

        • My wife went out on the patio yesterday, came back in saying she was just accosted by a hummingbird.
          Probably one that rode in on the back of the geese we saw the day before.

  6. Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole-
    2 pounds ground beef
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    ½ teaspoon onion powder
    1 pound cooked bacon, cut into pieces
    8 eggs
    1 cup heavy whipping cream
    ½ teaspoon salt
    ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 (12 ounce) package shredded Cheddar cheese, divided
    DirectionsInstructions Checklist
    Step 1
    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
    Step 2
    Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook and stir beef with garlic and onion powder until browned and crumbly, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain and discard grease.
    Step 3
    Spread beef onto the bottom of a 9×13-inch casserole pan. Stir in bacon pieces.
    Step 4
    Whisk eggs, heavy cream, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl until well combined. Stir in 8 ounces Cheddar cheese.
    Step 5
    Pour egg mixture over the beef and bacon. Top with the remaining 4 ounces cheese.
    Step 6
    Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown on top, 30 to 35 minutes.

  7. re: “Café Terrace at Night”
    feat: Vincent van Gogh


    Hunting season is open? Sun shines on astroturfers as the Universe appears to offer coinkydoinks galore. Today Western msm reports on the favorable outcome of an early morning hostage taking at a cafe in the quiet Dutch town of Ede where “first news” of the situation “began at 5:42 am”. However the publicly available P2000 emergency system offers a nuanced account of events. The 5:42 am call appears to have been a non-emergency inquiry. The first 112 emergency call was not until 6:35 am.



    Another strange piece of the jigsaw puzzle shows up in the live blog feed of the Dutch national broadcaster NOS at 10:41 am. The owner of the cafe next door to the eventual hostage site cafe location reports the unusual event of his staff being stopped and searched by police at 5:15am.


    The ancient town of Edie is neighbors with a Dutch national park whose land was donated to the State in 1939 by a German industrialist woman along with her extensive van Gogh art collection. Her St. Hubertus Hunting Lodge on the grounds was named after the patron saint of hunters and ethical hunting who is considered one of the Four Holy Marshals. Apparently St. Hubert received a vision from God late in the 8th century. According to Wikipedia, the International Order of St. Hubertus founded in 1695 under the Hapsburg empire was named after him. It seems by coincidence that at least two and perhaps four members of the order were present on the Texas hunting trip in 2016 when Justice Scalia was discovered deceased one morning having passed away sometime during the preceding night.

    • Folks,

      The inmates were left in charge of the Western asylums last week? There was a late Friday night report out from China’s “CGTN” praising “Mr. Xi’s warm welcome to US CEOs”. It pertained to the China Development Forum 2024 held in Beijing March 24-25. Busy Mr. Xi didn’t meet with the CEOs of importance until the 27th. Interestingly a number of the conference website’s english pages have been erased already. At least one of the roll call lists remains accessible.



      What was Mr. Biden doing while the world’s elite enjoyed Chinese hospitality? The public White House schedule tells the story. Monday was a trip to Baltimore and Raleigh. Tuesday featured lunch with the vice-president. The daily briefing was received on Wednesday…

    • AKA demoncrat owned and operated Pedo-Ranch. Guess the “murderers” put that demon mask on dead body of chronic pedophile Scalia..who the obongo admin had just acquired the pedo info/”intel” on.
      Met A. Scalia, E. Meese and L. Summers at young republican event at University late 80’s…all three had a “shadow” about them, hard to describe feeling at the time.
      Nothing that has come to light regards any of those 3 has surprised, or ANY member hubertus hunting lodge –

      Souless PEDOPHILES!

  8. Hi
    Can you tell me , are you shirt over the weekend,
    and what sticks are you shorting most of
    the time.


  9. George, I miss Shop Talk Sunday a lot! Though most of my work is away from the shop and outside, it’s still an interesting break with new info. You obviously need to prioritize your own time and goals, and I respect that. I’d suggest two things:

    Set up a dummy STS for Sunday with no content, or just a starter line. You can call it Sleepy Time Sunday, and it will accumulate interesting comments. It will essentially write itself. It will also naturally separate comments relevant to Saturday from those appropriate to Sunday.

    Consider Tool Time Tuesday where the focus can be on making stuff and playing with your tools. For some reason, outsourcing to UltraMake isn’t quite working to encourage animated discussion.

    Those are my ideas. I hope you and Elaine have a great Resurrection Day together!

    Every time I think of that term, it reminds me of Cylon Number 8.

    • I have a fried with a matched pair German Shepards – male & female, brother and sister. The male is named ‘Number Eight., the female is named ‘Sharon’.

    • “Those are my ideas. I hope you and Elaine have a great Resurrection Day together!”

      NM MIKE, great idea worth considering, IMHO;

  10. Shop Talk Sunday

    Somebody should take over and submit their shop situ.

    I’ll take a turn (but not today). Out to waters edge.

    Have a fine day alles,

  11. I don’t know why I read it., it was an article naming the top twenty ‘dirtiest’ cities in America. If these cities were scaled down to a single large apartment complex, they would be evacuated and closed as a heath hazard., by each city’s own health standards. But since no one is going to condemn an entire city and force its residence to evac., it is largely overlooked / ignored / appeased.
    The criteria was gleaned from 20 different sources complied to make an overall picture of the city.., pollution, waste, city water, garbage., etc.
    Of those top 20 cities., ten of them are in one state. California. [ one in Texas, one in New Jersey, one in Louisiana., etc., etc.]
    Why are ten out of twenty, 50% in California ? I had an idea and did a little easy research. Those ten cities have the largest population of illegal immigrants., in California. Those ten cities have the largest population of homeless., in California.. Those ten cities have the largest unemployment rates., in California. And, all ten cities have Democrat controlled local governments. [ Mayor, City Council and Police force.]
    Draw your own conclusions.
    I for one, do not believe in coincidence., especially when it comes to math.

  12. More on eye fixes here as the Ultra-Make comments are closed. I have similar eye issues to George i.e. replaced IOC, troublesome iris, dry eyes. I can see 20/20-20/30 most of the time, but it takes work and glare is a persistent issue. The eye doc prescribed Alrex and Prolensa and Restaysis — all three have gone generic in the last year. I also use a gel heat mask 10 minutes a day. I don’t have the wake-up issue, probably because I use 5% sodium chloride ophthalmic OINTMENT (not drops) at bedtime. The brand name is Muro128, but I use a generic ointment made by Rugby. My primary glasses are photochromic progressives, but I also have 60% (cloudy days) and 80% sunglasses (bright days) as well as flip-ups. I can not see my car speedometer with sunglasses on, but the fix was easy: a GPS speedometer velcroed to the top of the steering column. The one I bought from Amazon three years ago does not seem to be available, but there are several models available from $10 to $40. I had to return the first one because it was not bright enough but second one has served me well.

  13. obd, here’s a gentle reminder on Don’s $170 million bond due in another week or so…
    ‘here’s why the Kushners are unlikely to help pay Trump’s bond’:

    Why Republicans are fixated on pedophilia (hint: anything to distract from Trump’s wrongdoings):

    GAS, GU & others: The 3 brothers at the marine city already happened in the late 1700’s:

    • Good Morning @c
      TDS in full bloom my dear ‘c’
      1st video is by forbes a anti Trump publication starts off ,,,
      “here is why the Kurshners are unlikely ,,,”
      did you catch that lead in @ c?,,, are ‘unlikely’ is not a definative statement , it is a sheepeople leading phrase that has you gut hooked because you HATE Trump
      how will poor ole Donald pay this political bond? listen as he tells ya. less than 60 sec short video

      2nd verse,,, “Trump’s wrong doings? political attacks, made up accusation by liars, as the court proceedings only live in bias courts under Sorass supported attorneys
      this is from your 2nd link source,,,

      “We’re changing what’s politically possible. Indivisible is part of the powerful progressive movement reaction to Trump, fighting the racist, misogynistic, plutocratic, and authoritarian agenda trumpeted by Trump and the GOP congress. Don’t take our word for it; Indivisible has been featured on the Rachel Maddow Show multiple times, as well as in the New York Times and in pretty much every other major news outlet in the country.”

      WOW you got Madcow’s support, she is going going gone, ‘Indivisible’ is nothing but a viral anti-Trump group that only exist to attack Trump and provide cover for the perverts,,, yes we Trump voters are against trannies grooming children ,, why do they need to go into schools and perform for CHILDREN, it is because they are baby fuckers,,, hang on c the show is just starting, there will be much gnashing of teeth
      I do not care what two consenting perverted adults do to each other in private, but leave the children alone PERIOD
      Why do you not answer my Questions about Ashley Biden’s showers?
      AND HERE YOU ARE DEFENDING THAT PERVERSION,,, have you no morals against this sin, this crime
      The perverts attack Trump to preserve guard their sins, because they FEAR JUSTICE. GITMO is named
      “Camp Justice”
      ‘Q’ was right when he called the movies,,,
      “Guardians of the Pedophiles”
      “Panic in DC”

      @c I am not accusing you of being a pedo, but you do cover for them pervs
      Run, you baby fuckin prevs, run for your lives as criminals
      hate JUSTICE, and the best part is you don’t see the P Diddy investigation coming from Trump as he is not in office .
      did you read Andy’s post on ‘X’ about Noah and Faith?
      It is starting to rain on the pedos my dear. They are being exposed, so to speak,,, do you have an Ark?
      I saw a clip of Helen the DeGenerate getting into her car,,, she needed shielding from reporters just asking Questions about her and P Diddy,,, why did her TV set look like the Epstein pedo temple?

      Wait for it, as P Diddy is connected to JayZ and JayZ is connected to Obummer,,, pedo Train,,, tick tock baby pervs
      Today we have a 6 min video touching a few things about P Diddy and the perv stuff with back ground music by Juice,,, enjoy

  14. dinner! hahahahha!

    people say how does this stuff happen to you all the time? well, i walk close with THE DUDE! that is how.

    Freaked me out. hahahaha.

    happy Easter!

    • “people say how does this stuff happen to you all the time? well, i walk close with THE DUDE! that is how. Freaked me out. hahahaha.”

      Andy, now you don’t have to walk with
      THE DUDE because he’s inside of you. ;-)
      Did it taste any different? hahahaha.
      An Easter Miracle du jour!

      • I haven’t ate it yet. but I’m down at the lake and there is a thousands of ducks. more than I have ever seen in my life on the lake.

        it’s funny I didn’t want to come back to the mountain. but I do things as a man of integrity. I been here a year on the 7th of April. I have already moved. I had to come back to give notice to my old job.

        I have a whole new thing and it’s a long drive back here. I know that THE DUDE honors men of integrity. it’s a big deal to HIM. it’s big deal to me.

        so I drove back and that pheasant flew in my window and hit it’s head on the dash and fell on the floor. I was thinking about THE DUDES provision right before it happened.

        then when I got back to the mountain and came out to my spot on the lake there is thousands of malard ducks out here. and so many fish jumping. I never seen so many ducks. ever.

        it’s mating season.

        I look forward to the new chapter. I’m only back on the mountain for 3 days.

        I tell ya Choices. I went to my old church yesterday for Easter. it’s been so long since I have been around that many people. it was weird. in the last year, on the mountain most of the time it’s just THE DUDE and me and all wild life, deer, elk, fish, eagles, hawks, geese, cows and bulls, mountain lions, fox’s, bunnies, ravens and moose. etc. etc.

        I felt so awkward being around that many people.

        wow. all these Ducks swimming in the same direction. thousands of them. so awesome.

        yes. THE DUDE is in me and all around me. as it is in Heaven so it is on Earth.

        I was on that Dog Poets sites for a while. he seems cool. you know the petri dish and Smoke and mirrors.

        I won’t be back to his sites.

        I’m doing something new now. all this stuff just started falling into place. I have no idea how I can afford it all. bran new bed, brand new place, brand new Job, brand new washer and dryer, new couch. all that stuff just fell in my lap last few days. on a Big horse ranch way far away from here.

        all i said was. I been here a year DUDE. I’m ready for a change. some place I can plant roots.

        2 days later. new house, new job, I said well I need a bed. another friend said I got a new bed for ya and you can have this brand washer and dryer. my parents bought it right before they passed away.

        and just like that. the entire scene changed. in 2 days.

        pretty cool.

      • yes. and thank you. all is well. I’m doing very well.

        it amazing me how fast the scene can change.

        i went from the mountain to the beach in a very short period of time.

        everything around me changed so fast. everything from where I go to where I live to what I do to what I wear to who I hang out with. altitude, humidity, weather patterns, what I drive, where i sleep, shower, pray and meditate, what i eat, where i fish, from the time wake up and go to bed times changed, everything changed in a very very short period of time. even have a new coffee pot and a new cup. the entire scene changed. even met a new woman.

        all in matter of two days.

        I’m only back Here for 3 days to give my notice. I have a week’s vacation stacked. I’m going to give my 2 weeks notice tomorrow and use the week for a week of it. work 3 days then. this place has been good to me. I don’t just bounce and burn bridges. ever. I always leave on good terms.

        ya know its like a while back
        I called an old boss I hadn’t talked to in 9 years. as soon as he heard my voice, he aid Andy!!!!!!! come to work! hired me and i was working the next day. driving a brand new $300,000 kenworth.

        hadn’t talked to him in 9 years. and as soon as he heard my voice. I was working.

        THE DUDE honors that sorta integrity.

        so I drove all the way back (even though I didn’t want to) to make sure they know and I know,

        I am who I say I am.

        on to the new chapter.

        lickety split!

        pretty cool.

      • and THE DUDE said,

        “Behold, I make all things new.”

        that is what came to mind after I wrote that.

        ha! true!

        okay…. cool! thanks!

  15. everyone says, the odds!!!!!


    i was doing 80mph on the interstate through oregon with my windows down. the pheasant flew in my passenger window, cracked its neck on the dash and fell on my passenger car floor.



    ya know??


    • … the pheasant is THE DUDE was trying getting close to YOU ;-) hahhaahhahahaha April FOOL

      • I think the pheasant means winner winner.


        I saw my old Paster at church on Easter Sunday. when I walked in. he stopped what he was doing and ran over and gave me a hug, laughed said the prodigal son returns!

        I laughed and said thank you! I been up on the mountain for a year.

        he said many a Man of God has been called to the Mountain and when they came back, they had a new shine to them. hahhahahaha

        I laughed and said. it’s been a trip. that is fortune! hahahaha.

    • ha! right after I posted that this red tail hawk swooped down to try to take one of the ducks off the lake. such is life.

      and 300 or so ducks came flying out of the water and swarmed the hawk and he flew off empty handed. just swarmed him and the hawk fell in the lake and then flew out of there as fast as it could with 200 ducks chasing it. hahahahahahahha

      once it was away from all of the other ducks. they flew back to the lake.

      fuck around and find out!


      the fuck out of Here!


      I never seen that many ducks come flying out of the water to save another duck from a hawk.

      wow. that was pretty wild.

      anyway. best get busy being about it.

      for the ducks,

      que: ~ Some kinda wonderful ~

      gand funk railroad.

  16. ranchers wife said cook it up for dinner tommorow after skinning it and hanging it on the wall.

    lots of lessons. if you can’t keep pace, don’t be sticking your beak in my business or you might break your fucking neck and find yourself on the dinner dinner plate and mounted on the wall.


    bird in hand. yes sir. I like that One! 100%

    sure is a pretty one.

    hope all is well.

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