I said all of what I had to say (about mis-direction over actual Jobs data) in our Thursday column. As we expected, the Big Bouncy Thursday was a reasonable call. Which brings us to this morning’s coverage of the Bureau of Labor Statistics “offishul” jobs report.
To make this easy for you to follow, we will give you two headline numbers to ponder.
#1: The database number of the total people working in America in December (which was 161.183 million) and the number posted a few minutes ago in the database. Which was 161.152-million.
Which means another 31-thousand fewer working! (Of course they made up new population numbers, so no one can follow how that really plays…)
Here’s what’s in the database:
This means the Total Number of People Working (TPWorking) was lower by 31k while…
#2: The second number is “What Govt. is Selling.” We find this by looking at the press release to see what the tone-setter is.
“Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 353,000 in January, and the unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in professional and business services, health care, retail trade, and social assistance. Employment declined in the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industry.”
Is there a difference? (Um…) Which gets us to the real, genuine, by-God important part. Why?
Personally, I suspect because a bunch of us Old Farts have been around long enough (well over 27-thousand days now, for me) during which you begin to notice a few things.
Like where’s all this “Progress” we’re supposed to be having? Understand that to a simpleton (like me) there is a difference between Progress and merely additional Monetization’s,
That’s why we get upset with Calif0rnia-level stupidity. Everyone is EQUAL yet there goes California trying to make more people (in an Orwellian way) more equal than others. That’s not genuine progress. That’s a genuine monetization.
And so it goes across a wide range of human events. Gender choice (and doctors who are performing it are being sued) is not Progress. It’s a Monetization which, when done before a child is grown up, is a deranged form of child abuse.
We could go on and on. But we live in a Reality Gap World. Where I can, on the one hand, be the most pacifistic, laid-back person in the world. Yet, at the same time be one of the most radical and dangerous. Because every now and then I will mention tools. Like Brad Blanton’s book “Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth.”
Two Blanton quotes snitched from the web to mind when I see things (like the job numbers) not adding up.
“According to Hugh Thomas, author of ‘A History of the World’, the greatest medical advance in history has been garbage collection. The greatest psychological advance in history is just around the corner and will also have to do with cleaning up. Cleaning up lies and “coming out of the closet” is getting more attention these days. Some day we will look back on these years of suffocation in bullsh*t in the same way we look back on all the years people lived in, and died from, their garbage.”
Which – if that’s a little to erudite for you – can be reduced to?
“Politeness and diplomacy are responsible for more suffering and death than all the crimes of passion in history. Fuck politeness. Fuck diplomacy. Tell the truth.”
The problem (in this “Blantonesque“) view is that it’s a grand framework to understand what’s really going on when the news headlines aren’t making sense.
People are lying. All over the place. What is passed off as “the News” is just the lies to paper-over a lot of Truths we don’t want to deal with. In other words, bullshitting ourselves.
- Yes, people still are working to pay taxes.
- Yes, there’s no substantial change in “work hours” since the 40-hour workweek.
- But yes, it now takes two incomes to support a family…so we’re back to 80-hours….
And that’s all because we do not, as Citizens in a (supposedly) free country, don’t stand up to bullshit. Still, no one is more “special” than anyone else. Million angels dancing on the head of a pin, sort of thing. Extensibly then, “special people” are liars. We are all exactly equal. Or, one of us is lying.
Far be it from us to change it, though.
Monetary Marksmanship
Money is a lot like women. If you desperately want them, they will bolt. Same goes with Money. Desperation is the last way to get more money.
So, when a reader posted a comment Thursday. “...looks like your predictions voodoo charts don’t work so far…” I felt compelled to snip off my trading platform my entry price before yesterday’s open.
I might have sounded a bit snooty when I said “watch it at the close” and sure enough – the trade came out OK.
Now the important part (in the radical honesty vein): I did not hold through to the close. In fact, I was out before lunch. In fact, out before mid-morning coffee.
Why? Well, that’s the point. I’ve discovered this quirk about myself. If you have a little savings, no bills, 29-acres on which everything is paid for, plus you’re married to a delightful ex club bunny…wtf do you care about “more money” for?
With 75 rolling under the keel this month, being the “richest man in the cemetery” is about the most useless thing you could possibly work on.
Which is why writing about finance and even tossing in the odd handful of real-life results matters more than “making a bundle.”
For now, I’m personally focused on “Monetary Marksmanship” not “piling in money.”
The Voo-Doo View
For the reader – skeptical of our (voo-doo) charts, though, let’s see where we are. Which means pondering whether yesterday was the world’s shortest Wave ((iv)) of (v) of either a 2 or larger V.
Which is why we could continue higher today – we still have that trading box to fill. In my (delusional, so we never offer advice) view of things, the GRAND setup would be a continuation higher today and maybe into mid next week to fill the trading box.
Then (wait for it…) WHAM!
The WHAM! should roughly coincide with G.A. Stewart’s “First Blow of Steel.” At which time, our work “Nexting” (discussed earlier this week on the subscriber side (Peoplenomics.com) will be a hell of a lot more important than a few more dollars in an unworkable banking system. But we all make choices…
For now, dropping the obvious winning trade and getting out to work on aisle 3 of our solar arrays, seemed a lot more useful. Because when that’s done, we’ll be in position to add a 1.3 kw solar subsystem to power the swamp cooler which is going into the Chillerponics.com greenhouse project. Noodles on that are chewing up the wetware between the ears. More on this Sunday on our Ultra-Make.com site.
Truth on “The Wires”
Do nothing (or close) but take credit for it Dept. Ohio politicians react to Biden visiting East Palestine: ‘Too little too late’.
Slow Joe’s still waiting and talking, not doing. Which leads us to expect a run to highs in the market today ahead of weekend war making. US said to back strikes on Iran targets in Iraq, Syria as Gaza truce hopes rise. Which laid out the perfect set=up for Irand to leverage as they will cast the U.S. and the baddies in what’s to come: Iran won’t start a war but will respond to bullies, President Ebrahim Raisi says.
Can the CIA be trusted? Former CIA officer gets 40 years for ‘largest data breach’ in US history. This is one case they found. But are there others? Inquiring minds want to…
Still a month out from “Sleeper Tuesday” which will somehow be called super for reasons we can’t figure; It’s down to Trump v. Haley in Minnesota on Super Tuesday. What are her chances here? Who cares?
Not exactly “secret” What Biden *really* says about Trump behind closed doors.
Joe Biden’s policies (strongly supporting Israel) may be coming home to roost: Biden visits Michigan as Arab-American anger over Gaza threatens to cost him state | The Times of Israel. Toss in the border botch and one might think he’s about to talk himself out of a job. But wait! Remember, American’s ain’t that bright: Quinnipiac Poll: Biden Up 6 Points on Trump.
Gun-grabbers launch labeling libel? Why the Rightwing Silence on New Mexico? – The Future of Freedom Foundation (fff.org). Trying to bait the Constitutionalists, is she?
Where Did “Warming” Go?
Cold as hell this winter in East Texas, though warming a bit for now. What’s ahead? Well, the latest NOAA Solar Cycle Progression numbers have us wondering whether this cycle simply peaked early, or if it will be a double-topper?
January came in at 163.99. In the longer-term view this is about a third of all-time peak solar outputs (by spots measured):
Still, lots of time to run on this, but one thing to keep in mind is that major solar flares seem to cluster on the backside of cycle peaks and that’s when – over the next few years – we can begin thinking in terms of earth-directed worries.
Around The Ranch: Adventure Lives
Great conversation with long-time reader Andy as I was getting dinner ready last night. Andy’s about to take off on another one of his Life Adventures. Like my son, another dyed-in-the-wool adventurer, there are some people in Life who just can’t “sit still and enjoy things.”
Not sure if such wanderlust is in the genes, or what. But a lot of people don’t seem to have much of it. These are the people who want nothing more than stability in their lives. They read about hopping a freight to going hoboing, or taking off on a sailboat, building their own home, business, or whatever. But they just never seem to get around to actually doing it.
I used to hold such people in distain. Almost contempt. Yet after a lot of study, it’s all very necessary. Because “adventure” people – and those who have either near-death experiences (like Andy) or people who are addicted to being on death’s doorstep (like my firefighter/EMT ultra skydiver/base jumping son) seem to need more of the “hands on – in the face of Life” for reasons not clear.
See, Life is like a big movie set. The hints are everywhere but most prominent in Life Review Experiences and the NDE (near death experiences) that pop up in the Literature.
There was and interesting paper (Olson and Dulaney, 1993) that summarized some research this way:
“When 145 senior citizens living independently in the community were surveyed for incidence of near-death experiences (NDEs), 46 of the seniors believed they had had a “close call” with death. Twelve of those reported that they had had an unusual experience during their close call and were subsequently interviewed. Their stories were evaluated using research criteria to document sufficient number of characteristics of an NDE for inclusion in research data and if that set of characteristics of the NDE included a life review component. They were also compared to a non-NDE group on the Life Satisfaction Index, to determine if life review in the context of an NDE helped older people feel more satisfied with life. There was no correlation, because surprisingly, although older people do have NDEs at least as often as other groups, the life review does not seem to be a part of it. So the reasons for scores on the LSI-A are not attributable to the life review. Reasons for this finding are discussed.”
Sorry, debating whether $41.50 for the complete article is worth it. But the appreciation that most people who read this site tend to be adventurers, and people in Elaine’s life and mine lean that way as well…why is that?
If you have any ideas, feel free to pass them along.
For now, been wondering very loosely how society goes about “choice styling.” As a passed on trait, the idea is that a child’s level of choicing (not gender!!!) is what propels were they will go in Life. As so, why doesn’t the modern education system focus more on teaching decision-making (choicing) skills at the elementary levels?
The answer – and we may not like it – is that governments and large institutions like stability. If everyone in America turned into a truth-telling adventurer, would the Nation hold together? With unsecured borders and rising taxes, supporting wars in other countries? Deep lake to ponder – which is fine since the weekend is here and we ought to be able to carve out some thinking time for useful questions like this.
Off to find an online version of the Life Satisfaction Index-A (LIS-A).
Write when you get rich (or it’s Monday and I forgot to notice)
The Texas warm is up here. Today hits plus 46F here when the average is 14. Two days ago the southern tip of the province of Saskatchewan hit 70F. Many thanks!
Wow – next thing you know it will be summer – third week in July is it?
I took a bet on your warm spell and ordered my vanilla orchid cuttings from Florida. One batch is 3-day priority mail which should be fine. One is ‘Ground Advantage’ (only in price) and these tend to stall at the west coast, waiting for the next boat, and could take a month to get here as I have experienced. Hope for no heavy freeze enroute for that one.
back when I was growing orchids I used a product called Superthrive. Its a concentrated nutrient liquid. My orchids really seemed to like it. There should should be an orchid supplier in your neck of the woods that carries it. Also I don’t know if plant viruses are a problem with vanilla orchids as they are in other varieties but you might want to read up. All the growers I knew quarantined new plants. Growing orchids isn’t a hobby its a disease. Have fun.
My Mom’s secret weapon:
Hyponex powder used to be an American product. Mom had a 10oz “Tab” bottle (remember Coke/Sprite/Tab commercials from the 1950s and ’60s?) with a plastic cap which had a couple-dozen straight pin sized holes in it (intended to moisten laundry when the iron dried it out too fast and the wrinkles wouldn’t iron out, I think.) She would dissolve a level 1/8tsp of Hyponex powder in a bottle full of tap water and sprinkle anything which wasn’t growing to her satisfaction, once every couple weeks. Everything grew well, and that bottle would last for many months.
I bought a 200g box some years ago. I still have most of it. Because it is applied so lightly, it lasts nearly forever…
“They read about hopping a freight to going hoboing, or taking off on a sailboat, building their own home, business, or whatever. But they just never seem to get around to actually doing it.”
“Sitting On Top Of The World” – Cream
Going down to the freight yard, yeh, yeh, yeh
Gonna catch me a freight train
Gonna leave this town, yeh, yeh, yeh
Work done got too hard
She’s gone, but I don’t worry
Cause I’m sittin’ on top of the world…
Funny how everything can turn into a debate.
“the greatest medical advance in history has been garbage collection.”
I once read the great advancement was hand washing and that’s why there are so many Chinese. They discovered the practice first.
Sometime around 500BC in China “…. the etiquette of a gentleman demanded that he wash his hands five times a day, take a bath every fifth day and wash his hair every third day.”
“it now takes two incomes to support a family…so we’re back to 80-hours….”
That started in the 1970’s, groundwork laid in the 1950’s.
Look to PBGC. They proudly started the bailouts/Socialism schemes under Ford – Ford, a Republican not even an elected president.
“PBGC issued its first pension check for $140.75 on February 28, 1975, to a participant in the International City Bank of New Orleans Employees Retirement Plan. ”
I checked to see who from that bank went to jail for fraud or malfeasance for looting the pension plan and it was nobody. That means .gov opened the cash register for everyone. I don’t know how to check to see when General Motors as example stopped funding their pension plans but the funding stoppage probably started around the time executive pay took-off.
“From 1978 to 2020, CEO pay based on realized compensation grew by 1,322%, far outstripping S&P stock market growth (817%) and top 0.1% earnings .”
Specifically something happened at General Motors, post-war.
“From 1946 until the 1958 reorganization, the presidents of GM, first Charles E. Wilson (1946- 1953), and Harlow Curtice (1953-1958), were also the chief executive officers (Business Week 1958).”
“In 1948, Curtice became executive vice president of GM, and succeeded to the presidency in 1953 when GM president Charles Wilson became Secretary of Defense.”
By 1962 it was apparent so-called pension systems didn’t work.
“Studebaker started to underfund its employees’ pension plan, which meant the plan’s assets were insufficient to cover the promised pension benefits for all employees. As a result, thousands of employees and retirees lost a substantial part of their retirement benefits when Studebaker filed for bankruptcy in 1963.”
OoW Steve:
I grew up in South Bend, IN, home to the Studebaker Wagon and Carriage plant, later an auto Co. Many in the community never rebounded from that closure. One fella I knew had the misfortune of later working at another area manufacturer which … went belly up. He was a two time loser irt: lost pensions.
ATL: there is a big yellow ball in the sky today. It’s hard to look at and has melted the last of the ice pack (though we still have loads of knee high snow piles). What is this thing? We likes it!
Write when you vest,
It’s been the rainiest winter I’ve ever seen. We had snow on the ground for about 1 week so far, the rest rain.
I’m in MI and for some reason these people love basements. The terrain is flat and no place for the water to go and…. there are two types of basements, the basements that leak and those that are about to leak. Mine now leaks. Tomorrow I’ll drill out the leaky spot and fill it with hydraulic concrete then hope for the best.
You’re right and Studebaker is an example of how/why the U.S. transitioned into socialism. Nobody turns down the check.
Back to PBGC – the moment .gov underwrote the pension plans for the manufacturing base .gov got to dictate terms. That’s there too:
“First enacted by Congress in 1975, the purpose of CAFE is to reduce energy consumption by increasing the fuel economy of cars and light trucks.”
Such an impressive building!
The first two times I went to Tire Rack, they were located in the office area of the Studebaker works.
“If you have a little savings, no bills, 29-acres on which everything is paid for, plus you’re married to a delightful ex club bunny…wtf do you care about “more money” for?”
Entertainment, maybe? There are a lot fun things I would do with a bigger budget.
Android 14 was rolled out for the cell phone 2 days ago. Upgrade went OK. Most of the new stuff is under the hood. Look is about the same. There are some gesture control feature upgrades I will never use.
I have a new Linux disc I am going to install on the laptop. I use a USB disk reader to do installs. Seems to go smoother that way. $7 or so for a new operating system and a lot of good apps is a real bargain.
Where do you get the USB disk reader?
try microcenter.com
Bought it several years back. The closest thing I see on the ZON today is this:
Now you talk about great minds running in the same ruts. I clicked the link and guess what?
Purchased another variation 1 time
Last purchased Dec 10, 2023 | Style: Drive | Color: Black | View item
“If you have a little savings, no bills, 29-acres on which everything is paid for, plus you’re married to a delightful ex club bunny…wtf do you care about “more money” for?”
Hmm.. I believe its what we have been taught that that is what is important.. in the end no one leaves with anything.. the last few years of your life.. you have to have funds to pay for the nursing care.. in the USA if you can’t pay they do crazy stuff to you..
Its not just there.. its quite common here they just refuse to see you.. they send you to the ER where they can diagnose you .. then send you home.. they don’t have to treat you unless it is life threatoning.. you pay or go home.. NOW if your RICH… you can get all the medical treatment you want and even see a real doctor LOL LOL the business model…
If it comes to is, refer to the Peoplenomics Report – “The Case for Senior Crime.”
Don’t know if I left that up or not, but if you commit a serious crime, get sentenced to jail, you get three hots and a cot, plenty of young people to talk to, medical and dental – and best of all? Doesn’t come off the kids inheritance!
People can be remarkably uncreative at times.
The Case for Senior Crime is one of my inappropriate, but worth thinking about, solutions.
Hot tip: Banks are where the money is, Daddy-G.
There and casinos, copy…
It would be a good idea, but for the idea that American prisons are all single sex. I have no idea what would happen if you identified as opposite your biological sex.
For some of us, staying home, and acting on end of life decisions alone while we still can is a sane option. It just needs to be done after deep meditation and recognition that we know nothing of the consequences either way.
Dying at home may often be far more comfortable(and cheaper) than allowing the medical system access to ourselves. There’s no judgement here at all, just a need for radical personal responsibility if one is to remain autonomous.
not anymore I believe that they adopted the business model just like court costs and lawyer fees..
(“Hot tip: Banks are where the money is, Daddy-G.”)
LOL Banks are the symbols of having cash but in reality they have it in NUMBERS… but not physical.. they loan it out..its all paper… you take a look at your fine print.. it will say that they have x number of days to come up with the physical goods.. LOL LOL you can take the paper and transfer it.. but no coins..
When I sold my first home ( to pay off a hospital bill .. the insurance company went bellie up and left the people to pay.. ) my ex wife now wanted her half..she told the banker.. she wanted it in cash.. LOL LOL LOL LOL I thought he was going to have a heart attack ..the vault didn’t have that much in it.. Now a Grocery store.. or department store.. before plastic.. would turn on average two hundred fifty dollars a minute in the early eighties.. today.. with inflation.. I am sure it is a lot bigger than that.. the difference between then and now is plastic.. people live on plastic..
A local convenience store and gas station.. that has twelve employees including the boss.. on an average busy day…takes in just about five hundred dollars a day..fuel sales about three thousand ..of that.. less than a hundred of those sales is profit..if everyone is making .. oh lets get bold here.. minimum wages.. how much money did the store make.. LOL LOL six coolers.. one ice machine one pizza oven and the lights cameras.. security service.. outdoor lights and is open sixteen hours a day..taxes on the building..
I believe that is why the one big box store.. ( now bankrupt and closed) that I ran the maintenance department for.. had the motto ninety and out.. low income employees subsidized by govt for wages.. ninety days then they have to quit.. make it miserable enough for them so that they will quit on their own..
anyway I am rambling on and on again.. a grocery store or department store will get three plus armored car visits a day.. a bank.. one.
We live in a time of.. koyaanisqatsi, or imbalance.. I get a tickle out of .. how much Biden hates trump.. says hes a sick man..
But rarely do you hear of the things that he has done … to help his fellow man.. Members and workers at all of his resorts feel as if he is there available to them if they need his help.. everyone geta a meal.. no one goes home hungry.. given houses away fixed elevators in hospitals in poor neighborhoods.. bout supplies.. brought water to Idaho when there was a horrific spill.. he has given houses to dissabled and had a private ject take a small african american boy to get a lifesaving surgery.. then paid for all the expenses..
Now does he have a crappy personality narcissistic absolutely.. bragging rights.. amen he sure does have bragging rights.. and while Joe is saying he needs congress to write a bill so he can do something.. he did it while being attacked and criticized twenty four seven for four years.. even now he is under constant attack..
One family had a farm that was going to be reposessed.. the father to save the farm believed if he killed himself that the insurance money would save his family.. the insurance company like all insurance companies didn’t pay out…trump stepped in and saved their farm for them and gave sincere condolances.. stopped a motorcade to visit with firefighters and tell them how much he appreciated their work and efforts.. give me a break..
The one I liked was during his inauguration ball.. he went around and thanked everyone on the staff for doing a good job.. sat down with them and asked them what they thought.. who does that and whos ever even heard of anyone doing that.. was what one seasoned political reporter said on MSM no less..
He excused himself for interrupting a cleaning women’s work as he went by.. calling her by name.. Heck I don’t think JB knows his name half of the time.. these are just a few..
I am going to assume its like Tires.. I cannot tell you how many sets of tires I have given people throughout the years that truly needed them.. or gallons of gas.. he has failed been at the bottom.. knows the feeling its part of his black book of lifes experiences.. but like the phoenix he has risen and rebuilt.. for all his faults .. he has his strengths.. so my guess is I can overlook his faults.. gotta say I sure have my faults to…
I’m with you Loob. This happened to me earlier last year in 2023. It answered the question of “Are you betted off now than 4 years ago.” Also, a good illustration of how the FedGov screws us with their “inflation” calc that excludes food and energy.
I was in Wallyworld after work and walked by the meat locker, where there were several of the bright yellow tags. I saw on that looked interesting and picked up a nice NY Strip for about $15.99. This was about April or May 2023.
I took it home to stick in the small deep freeze in my Apartment. There looking up at me was another NY Strip with a yellow tag. (Well, I need to eat this first, I said, and picked it up.)
This one was dated late November of 2022.
It weighed the same as the newer one.
It was marked down to $9.95.
So, in the Space of 6 months, the price of almost identical steaks went from around $10 to $16!
I am a well-paid engineer living away from home on a project, so I don’t need to scrimp on the food budget. But looking at that markup made me feel for all those families out there with two-three kids, a mortgage, a car payment or two, and surprise bill (Set of tires? Brake Job?) at the end of the month. That guy, and his wife, deserve a nice steak once a month or so, and a night out. Inflation may be down, but it is the few months of hyper-inflation, in the things not counted, that kill the budgets of the young people out there. Then it is not inflation, but PRICES that get the attention, and cause the pain. The inflation (rate) may go down, but the prices are up and stay there.
Unless we get a run of Deflation, and that can be even worse.
yes they do deserve a night out.. working the hallways in the job I had .. cost of living and not wanting to be a burden on society. I worked multiple jobs. you don’t have to be an accountant or anything to realize how much it takes to pay for an apartment.
the men living north of Richmond don’t have a clue..
they live in a bubble.. if it doesn’t affect them they don’t know can’t even remotely imagine how it is..
(“They read about hopping a freight to going hoboing, or taking off on a sailboat, building their own home, business, or whatever.”)
I believe that Andy has faith and he has insight.. what he lacks is the commitment to be a stable resource in caring for those that rely on him of being the shaman he wishes he was..
this was my song between jobs.. kept moving from one job to the next….when I was in the military they had a trial program.. deep rest.. you rest deep twenty minute intervals.. anyway they did it for three months then quit it.. when I got out of the military.. hard times hit me upside the noggin.. with real world responsibilities..I took out my egg timer and didn’t stop till I was forced to..
For Andy.. I am slightly envious.. No responsibilities.. no roots.. no one say daddy I need your help.. I am hungry.. money.. its only what you need in your pocket.. a cup of coffee a meal. women still tossing themselves at him.. but that i am almost willing to bet is starting to quiet down.. a friend of my daughters all of the men she has had have been the exciting lifestyle men .. on the move.. they all depended on her to pay the bills take the responsibility to provide.. eventually they learn they need substance.. to provide.. All shamans and prophets have their flocks.. they have the responsibility to provide not only wisdom of the father but material guidance so a tribe or group can survive.. Like any leader.. the need is there by the people they lead spiritually..
When Family really became obvious to me was when I got sick.. then in like a lightning flash its totally obvious what is important.. family faith and friends..
If they slow down then real world responsibilities come around being a nomad keeps them free to do what they want.. when they want.. at some point the real world will hit them.. what are the predictions..
Its like my church.. The predictions are that MO. will be the new Jerusalem .. what everyone forgot is to prepare MO for the influx of people.. they have built temples all around the earth.. but not one sleeping room. promote prepping for the storm.. but seriously they only have enough for a couple of weeks at the most…One of our leaders tried to get them to understand .. but what Monson said went over their heads.For the Girls I tell them.. when they see a guy that trips their triggers..
1 R emain calm
2. U nderstand the type of man they are attracted to
3. N avigate themselves into a different direction.
they can find a lump to lay on their couch anytime .. find someone that has some substance and is willing to take on the responsibilities of the real world .. provide the needs for them or work with them through their times of despair.. give them spiritual guidance is not enough. they need a positive role model..the security to know that if they get sick their personal shaman will be there to help them stand up be their strength when they are weak.. help heal them..not run away on a new adventure.. considering the small minds that are involved with this to.. what does the fadding away do for a childs emotional security.. a childe only wants to know they are loved and needed and will be there for them..
Of course all of that is only my opinion.. I have been abandoned a lot during the worst times of my life.. I can relate to that feeling..
If I could relive my life, Andy has lived a pattern I’d buy into. Sadly, that option is not available. I’ve had the adventures but never understood the fundamentals of attraction as he does. I still scratch my head trying to understand his way of being.
The song is both overwhelming and heartbreaking. I could only listen to it once.
BTW, my daughter found her boyfriend, now husband, on her own. She introduced him to me after they had an established relationship and asked for my approval(much appreciated). We met and spent a day working together and it worked out. Years later, I realize that she made a much better choice than I could have made for her regardless of how hard I tried. She knew what she wanted and they’re happy together. God willing, that will continue for life.
Some kids need advice and mentoring, but that mentor can only be someone that knows what he is doing. I can do that in the technical realm sometimes, but not the social one. Late in my own life, I realize that I never knew that mentors could make a useful difference when I was young enough to take advantage of such a possibility.
(“fundamentals of attraction as he does”)
???? is it understanding the fundamentals?
or is it percentage.. about 15 % of women are dissatisfied caught in a dead end marriage or an abusive one.. so is it that he truly understands human relationships or is he just a master at the cold call sales pitch. my brother was a master salesman he once said in less than a minute he had to know what the prospect wanted.. wine and dine them or get them laid..or just hand it to them..ask them how are they doing.
one gentleman I know asked every single woman he met for a blowjob..young old married it didn’t make a difference. he would pose it like a joking around. one day he asked the husband if he minded if his wife gave him a quick blow job..then laughed well what about your daughter.. I was in shock..I told him that’s disgusting he laughed and said he was only kidding..the funny part is.. he was the luckiest man I ever met..had more sex than anyone I’ve ever met.
Andy has a wonderful spiritual connection and faith with a charismatic personality..along with the bold muscular build.. well we must be meant for each other let’s connect and find out. rugged strength ..the primal instincts of female are to find a mate with great strength the survival of the species.. along with his calm spiritual awakening.
but as you get older the odds are less.. each year the gap gets bigger.
my daughter’s best friend is finding this out. she just traveled across the country to find the magic man.. even though every guy shes ever had was a nomad free spirit.
now I do have to admit it would be mighty nice to have no commitments. no worries every penny you make is yours to play with do what you want travel were you want.. life is grand..it’s real life commitments that the women want. the term the good guys finish last has always been true. you want the mate that will stick with you through the good times bad times..besides building a relationship you build character as well..
companies don’t really want someone for a long term commitment that has a problem with commitment.
Sales is the penultimate skill for success in society, and that includes easy success with women. Andy has it in spades. Much of sales is about being charismatic, gregarious, humorous, and having open, expressive body language. There’s also a ‘vibe’ thing I don’t understand at all. Conversely, success in buying is about being inscrutable and impossible to read. The skillsets are very different. It’s very difficult to act expressively unless you’re either naturally open or a consummate actor.
“Of course all of that is only my opinion.. I have been abandoned a lot during the worst times of my life.. I can relate to that feeling..”
Me too. Nobody cares. Everyone and everything is fake.
Almost everyone that is…
the sad part is when the times get tough..it’s like a mass Exodus. I lucked out with my wife now..she wouldn’t ever do that.. when I fell thirty feet got busted up real well..the doctor wanted to put me in the hospital..I said no my wife could keep an eye on me..she ran and I had to crawl for food and water. what it did though is I keep heat and eats at floor level now..even tjough my wife now would never do that to me.. life experiences..lessons learned
Holy Scheisse Lu, did you see the clown replacement at Pentagon yesterday ? Take a Good look at the new and improved sec austin. Compare side by side any picture of the evil clown POS, with new evil clown POS.
Close, but No Guitar…warned here about the Caucasian daggers…”pampered prince” of the Pentagon avoided direct action his entire career, goes to war zone as big mahoff, and gets vaporized.
See ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya..
When this disclosure thing rolls out this year, watch for the Blame of all heinous shit be laid at the feet of “ rouge military “ units ..out of control.
Which is exactly why the rogue” bs will be rolled out -To control the narrative.
ALL the dark shitz types the mil-gov have been in agreements with are BAD” ET,s ..None of the good” free will types be engaged physically on surface of planet or underground..the good ones that is. Planting ideas and scenes in creative people’s minds..sure the movie is the message deal, but that is about the extent of their interventions.
Unless of course you have learned or are actively learning mental engagement….looking as closely and deeply into another’s eyes..until you “dissolve” Ure self into the others mind. This is a 2 way street, just like The operations of the Qi of Qigong or as ancients called it the natural source. The opposite side of Prana = Niama or in my practice simply referred to as External Qi…doing spooky actions at great distances..
? What is the Great Dao ? I can tell you with 100% certainty that it Is Always Darkest Before the Great Dao.
It’s why you all be hear…to witness
Just another Ground Hog Day in the markets George … it will all play out in a way to fool the most …. how its done …. enjoy the weekend
If it was supersonic it would have hit.
So where did all our money go?
Some depleted U238 ammo is cheaper than lobbing a missle to intercept. Just sayin, Vulcan Phalanx works as advertized.
Arguably, it’s then NUCLEAR conflict, however. Amounts are differents, but a rad at speed or in a herd equals the same amount of dead when you put a pencil to it.
Didn’t the USA and UK and nato determine that spent uranium shells and missiles don’t count as a nuclear attack…..
I’m quite sure several sailors shite their britches when the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Carney resorted to close-in Phalanx CIWS (Sea-wiz) with under two seconds to impact. Hope no one was in dress whites!
How well does it handle multiple “ bogies “ swarming the ship? Think swarmed drones prestrikingtarget, softening defenses and clouding the view of battlespace as multiples anti ship missiles zero in on uss fuckt.
Bazillions of dollars in taxpayer largesse ,enriching themselves & my portfolio, as the useless munitions proven obsolete against muzzie militias and their Guerilla tactics..
Hundreds of thousands of lives lost in Mesopotamia, trashganistan, bazillions of dollars into Kazerian mafias pockets, and the stupid slave population of USA cheers the holocausters on Go Joe ! Go Bibi!
Kill those fucking hamas terrorists.
WHO REALLY is the Terrorist in the World today ?
Sick fucks deserve what is coming, unwitting satan/elohim worshipers all .
Ignorance is not, nor has ever been an Excuse.
Good one today, George. Was a quiet rebel in the 60’s, built a nice boat and sailed under the Gate in 75, vowing to be on the road forever. Bad navigation (before GPS) put me on the bottom in NZ, went from a warm bunk with a hot woman next to me, to thinking ‘this might be it’ as we jumped in freezing water, very close to the nose holes, and somehow survived clinging to sharp rocks, almost naked and very cold. Never has a single day gone by after that when I didn’t see it as a gift. Was I dead and gone? Too close to call. But evermore thankful for each breath.
Life after that was the normal jumble of good and bad, marriages, kids, divorce, broke again, but always ready for the next big thing. Had a successful career in an odd sport, world traveled with ease to every place there was good wind and waves. Thirty years of that and then… wtf… let’s build another boat and get on the road again. So you are probably right about that NDE thing at whatever level.
Now some woo… the dream world is getting intense. Three sleeps ago I was having a fierce battle again with the dark people and woke and told the wife all about it, she even conversed with me. Then i went back to dreaming, had another cool trip in that void, and when I woke up I asked her about it, what did she remember when I talked to her. She said I never did that, so a dream within a dream, a waking impression. That’s a ‘level’ spoken of by Carlos. Then came the one the next night where I was with old friends, one a powerful athletic guy who I supported in competition (now sort of broken and stumbling) and an old girlfriend who was on the sinking boat with me. More dark threats, easily eliminated by my powerful friend, then we began searching together through sand and ashes, somewhere like burned out Lahaina where I lived before. I clearly saw both my hands, watched them sift the dirt and find silver coins, even a 5 ouncer, and little solidified rivers of gold that broke when picked up. I saw them and held them in my hands, then gave them to someone else and then woke up. Seeing your hands in dreams is a huge step in managing your time in that world.
I am now taking steps to program my dreams before sleep in order to bring good things into the waking life.
Thanks for all you do. It’s important other people can benefit from weird experiences of others.
Nearing 78 here. Ready for the rest of the voyage.
Marvelous story. Keep us youngsters looped in each step of the way, please?
i even met Terence Kemp McKenna while frying balls on 3 hits of spinning pyramid acid, on capital hill (seattle) the summer of 1994.
he kept calling me zero. hey zero! feeding me ginko babola. he said it would expand my mind.
we all ended up in a VW van driving down to Alki Beach and doing nitrous ballons. fuck i was so high that night. hahaha
true story
you might not envy my life. maybe ya do. but you have your own life to live. i still 65 more years to live.
now i gotta get. heading down to the grand canyon with some shamman, beat the drum, bath in the river and grow my beard long for a while. let the world spin on its axis as it does.
win 4 life.
Throughout human history, true leaders are proven to be decision makers. They tend to see sift thru the chaff and reduce key issues on most things, proverbially speaking, to 2`black or white. Leaders are able to mobilize people to get things done. Think: G. Washington; FDR; Churchill. Mobilization of the masses requires convincing people that their time and effort are worth giving to whatever the said cause might be. Building consensus is important, but successful leaders can cut thru the B.S. like a hot knife thru butter and convince the sheeple that ‘A’ is wrong and ‘B,’ while not right, is better than ‘A.’ Leaders by nature are extroverted and opinionated. I would ask Ure readers to look honestly at Trump and Biden, their careers, their politics, their presidencies, and honestly ask themselves “who is better for the nation” as our leader, not “who best handles fringe causes which tend to fracture national unity.” True leaders strive for the well being and security of “ALL” citizens and legal immigrants.
Great description of a “Leader.” I absolutely agree.
With that said, we have to realize there are no leaders. What we have now is something like a group of people atop some corporation who sit unbeknownst to us, behind a closed door calling the shots. It’s no longer a one man show.
Agenda, agenda, agenda.
what we have sure looks like Keaystone cops..
what was it that McGregor said about the generals today.. they are short a few pages in their little black books of life experiences..
Adventurous life
– Years ago, when I was just a couple of days away from single-handling a sail boat from Sausalito California to Maui and back my ex-girl friend stopped by – quite unexpectedly. She was my “ex” because she had to make a decision on whether to stay together and deal with my chosen occupation, or not. She chose ‘not’. She just couldn’t deal with the violence. Understandable. Never blamed her for that.
– She stood on the dock and asked me “You have never sailed that far below, why was I risking my life like this? ” Then, seeing the look in my eyes, she smiled. “You never even thought that you are risking your life., have you? It never even occurred to you.”
– She was right. It never crossed my mind. I have never thought that way. Never had that thought.
– So.., I don’t think in terms of “cheating death” for a grand adventure. That specter seems to ‘not’ be a part of the equation. I wonder if that is true for others who take on an adventure, a full flung charge into the unknown? Death is not part of their thinking. And, is that a mental aberration? A missing part of the ‘thought process’.?
Don’t think. Just do.
I think that “mental aberration is natural in a 20 something male. After that, it takes conscious resolve to keep it there. Having a family changes priorities, but continuing to face potential annihilation does keep you younger in spirit, and possibly in body too.
You can’t go if you don’t know that the voyage is not the destination. Being ‘out there’ is just plain 180 from dirt life and you go because of that. So be it if the storm or your lack of preparation or skill gets you, but, damn it, you are doing it. Look at Moitessier, who lost at least four boats, or Bob Griffiths, or Peter Tangvald, and you know there is something about the sea and sailors that is a bit not from here. We’re possibly the true sane ones.
and no, her names not jenny.
im not forest gump. but i can relate. haha.
Im Just Andy.
a friend said, Is there ya havent done? i said ohhh win the powerball jackpot.
she said, that is probably next.
i laughed and said
i do.
867 5309?
With the unicorn and faeries Jobs Report blowing past all estimates, there is no way ‘The Fed’ will even consider lowering rates., not with an economy heating up like the jobs report indicates.
So., why are the stock markets having a stellar morning? Shouldn’t they be selling., paying down all the false-hopes they priced into the market on ‘The Fed’ cutting rates, like cutting them next month ?
So many government agencies are doing head-fakes it is making me dizzy. Think i’ll just sit over here in the shadows and wait for the last hour of trading. Maybe., just maybe – that will “give me a sign”.
You and me too brother. if the Dow pops 300 into the close the trading box may fill and come next week…???
I did make a couple of trades Friday., weekly maintenance on my LEAPS., but that is “forward fishing” and not trading this particular market. The close on Friday told me nothing of consequence – though right at the end there was a lot selling in S&P., but not enough.
I do have a feeling that I should have taken a short position and held over the weekend – but alas, I did not. My “Carnac The Magnificent” – all for one index chart is not impressing me very much to make any kind of move. It still seems to be a waiting game.
.., and I have to say – I am getting really tired of waiting on the side-lines !
As long as everybody plays the game, only an outlier can tumble the cards. Eventually, that outlier will come, but in the meantime, nobody wants to be the one at which everyone will point their fingers, for the next hundred years.
It’s not that economists, FP’s, and others in the biz can’t see it or don’t know what’s going on. They’re simply playing chicken, and every single one of ’em believes (s)he can call the ledge and bail out, before the crash comes…
Seems like the military is getting ready for some action. I’ve seen more fighter jets in the last 5 days than I have in the last 10 years flying over my house. 26-F35s, 12-F22s, 16- F18s, 12-F16s, 4-F15s and 6 euro fighters or Typhoons I couldn’t tell. Granted I live within 30 miles of Miramar, Pendleton and March AF base but a normal week I’ll see 3 or 4 and they are usually singles but this week they have been in groups of 3s, 4s. Things might get busy before March.
There is a big fight coming, prepare yourselves.
If we get in a shooting war, we’re going to come up against somebody we can’t beat (like China) or somebody nuclear who can’t stave off annihilation without nuking us (Russia).
We’ve got to somehow last another 51 weeks without the committee running the White House pushing the button, and then we’ve got to hope the Election is honest enough that Trump gets back in. That’s two huge variables that’re completely dependent on a cowardly senile blowhard not losing his cool…
Not even counting IF.. our present administration ushered in an enemy army posing as refugees..
Speaking of cheating death, I’ve made 6 trips up and down a 20′ extension ladder to work on the underside of my homegrown water tower this morning. Luckily, the number of trips down equals the number of trips up. But my wife insisted on being there (maybe to scrape up my remains in the tractor bucket), so I put her to work. She handled the other end of the rope to help me pull 3 2X12s up to replace the platform under the tank. Even at 76, she’s darn handy to have around!
ZeroHedge has a nice read today …
Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History
Meanwhile, Florida sends National Guard to help Texas …
And Illinois is deploying National Guardsmen to the Middle East … in case you missed it ….
Also meanwhile, the Biden Administration is putting an end to Trout Fishing is areas of West Virginia …
And the Houthi’s have a new song and video out now …
Just another day in paradise, I guess
With 75 rolling under the keel this month, being the “richest man in the cemetery” is about the most useless thing you could possibly work on.
I think Carl Weathers would agree with you.
NEW YORK — Carl Weathers, a former NFL linebacker who became a Hollywood action-movie and comedy star in playing nemesis-turned-ally Apollo Creed in the “Rocky” movies, fighting alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Predator” and teaching golf in “Happy Gilmore,” has died. He was 76.
Matt Luber, his manager, said Weathers died Thursday. His family issued a statement saying he died “peacefully in his sleep.”
George, I’m sending you what you were thinking about by email. I hope it’s helpful.
The Media (and all of its legions) does not tell the truth.
As I have mentioned here before, a good way to catch a young person’s attention (or your lazy minded politically brainwashed spouse/friend/relative/co-worker, etc.,) and to demonstrate this simple but very important fact so as to POP their bubble of believing lies is to show them 2 easily found videos.
One is Dan Rather, on 11/25/1963, lying to the nation after seeing the Zapruder tape, which was 3 days after the assassination of President Kennedy on 11/22/1963.
Then, watch the actual Zapruder Tape, comparing what he said with your own eyes. Remember, he got to see it TWELVE years before it was released to the public.
Here is the Dan Rather clip, I can spot at least 4 or 5 lies, can you?
Here is the Zapruder tape, where you can see, with your own eyes, the LIES, however I would argue, that this one version has been edited, which should also be easy to spot, and if anyone on here had spent EVEN ONE DAY of their life reading as much as possible about the Kennedy assassination, you would know what I mean. ONE day is not too much to ask of anyone to analyze a situation.
These are FACTS; but how many people do you know who are even interested in THE FACTS, and can then assess those facts and make determinations and decisions from them?
Did you know who released the Zapruder tape for the public, the first time??
Then watch part of that original clip/program here:
Do you notice that the film has not been sped up yet?
Now, how important is it to strive for and to know the Truth?
Very; like your life depended on it?
Get busy.
Wanna be a leader? Start with you, and the FACTS and then get busy.
But, you better practice your discernment.
Because if you will stand for nothing, you will fall for everything.
That’s the Truth.
I have held a deep seated “dislike” for Dan Rather for many a year – it was proven that roughly a third of his reporting from Vietnam was faked – what he was saying and showing was contrived and made-up for sensationalism and media bonus points. He was my very first mass media pundit that I knew was lying through his teeth to the public just to better his own personal standing.
– I hate that subhuman.
“Do you believe in the American Dream? Apollo Creed does.”
re: “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”
feat: ‘Monetary Marks – manship’
Nice piece of shooting today. London’s “Daily Mail” offers coverage of Connecticut’s announcement to start paying off in 2024 its eligible citizens’ accumulated health bills. The article initially states that a foundation is expediting the payments. Reading further reveals that the money appears to be originating from President Biden’s Covid-19 rescue package of April, 2021. Looking through the State of Connecticut’s planned expenditure of its $2.7 billion allocation, it would appear $1.5 billion still remains to be spent by the first half of 2025. In fact, Governor Lamont’s own designated stipend from the federal largesse, all overseen by the US Treasury Department, is being held unused until the first half of 2025.
Let’s hope all the casino visitors haven’t folded their hands, and left the roller-coaster ride for the parking lot shuttle bus. Folks, next round blinds are up; get your chips at the cashier counter!
Money, money, money!!!
that signals the promis of the 5th world.
if you look at the prophecy stone the cross is represents the top line, (the swiss flag,) the circle represents the 5th world. see the windmills on the lower line. the rainbow is the symbol of the end of the 4th world and marks the choice.
the 5th world had been chosen.
that means the world and all its in habitants will not perrish at the end of 4th world.
that is the signal the elders have been waiting for.
btw that rock is not a hand held tablet. its a 30 Ton Rock.
I may be in the wrong place here with my wrong interpretation but it was not about money, IMHO; But about a certain decision made at that point ;-( .
Pleasant weekend to everyone.
“Do nothing (or close) but take credit for it Dept. Ohio politicians react to Biden visiting East Palestine: ‘Too little too late’.”
I’d bet a nickel he implores them to make peace with the Israelis…
” US said to back strikes on Iran targets in Iraq, Syria as Gaza truce hopes rise. ”
Question: What’re three American lives and a couple dozen wounded sojers worth?
Answer: A few piles of obsolete munitions.
IOW President Houseplant done found hisself an aspirin factory to bomb (after getting Khamenei’s permission, of course…)
“Iran won’t start a war but will respond to bullies, President Ebrahim Raisi says.”
What a “nothing” statement. Raisi has no power; he is strictly a figurehead. His voice is more tepid than that of any figurehead monarch in Ureup. Khamenei is marja al-mutlaq, which in “Shiaspeak” translates roughly to “absolute dictator” and places him above all the Ayatollahs, combined.
“Quinnipiac Poll: Biden Up 6 Points on Trump.”
Don’t hold yer breath. Quinnipiac needs endowments, too.
The uniparty will do ANYTHING to futz-up the Election. Trump is up on Biden in every “swing” State except Wisconsin, and is up double on Haley in her home State of SC.
Yet: “the Quinnipiac survey found former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley leading Biden 47% to 42% in a hypothetical two-person contest.”
“Polls” is like “statistics.” The only one that’s important is the one on November 5th. Time will tell if it is accurate. In the meantime, I’ll wait…
“The answer – and we may not like it – is that governments and large institutions like stability. If everyone in America turned into a truth-telling adventurer, would the Nation hold together?”
Of course.
What would NOT hold together is the “Washington power structure” the uniparty has constructed since the Dems forced the gavel out of McCarthy’s hands. When Congress stopped “chasing commies,” doing so became a political taboo, thus giving the socialists the wedge they needed to force their way into the Democratic Party and, once there, for the fascistic Dems to “roll off” into neocons, and corrupt the Republican Party.
THIS is why Trump is so important. He’s neither Repug nor Demon, conservative nor liberal, and he’s not a politician. He has the power and the wherewithal to tear down the communist, fascist playground our scummy politicians have carefully constructed since the early 1950s, and restore some semblance of both freedom and free-market economics. This is why they fear him so much.
Their plans require that the American People be utterly dependent upon government. This is why the “news” that “home gardening” and “victory gardens” were worse for the environment than driving 20 minutes to the store and back, and needed to be outlawed, hit the cycle, yesterday.
Trump was unable to bring the uniparty to heel in his first term. Unless something really bad happens, he will have his second term. I hope he does better in his second term.
Trump is like any successful exec. He doesn’t bother “knowing stuff.” That’s not his job. Instead, he employs people who “know stuff” and depends on their counsel to make his decisions, because “decisions” is HIS job.
When he became da Prez, he was a political virgin and assumed the people he inserted into his Administration would give him “good counsel” because the few people he DID know who were “D.C.-level” politicians recommended them. The reason he made his kids a part of his inner circle was he discovered he could trust none of the “D.C.-insiders” and had to have a few people around in whom he could trust. He lucked out with Sanders. Flynn was a great choice, but he knew all the dirt which is why his kid was framed and used to force him to confess to crimes of which he was not guilty. The “Establishment” had to get rid of him before he could bring Trump up to speed.
I strongly suspect when Mr. Trump gets back in the Oval, he will make much better-informed choices for the personnel in his Administration than he did the first time around, and he won’t have John McCain stabbing him in the back…
[Google] search term:
“When 145 senior citizens living independently in the community were surveyed for incidence of near-death experiences”
To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors.
THE DUDE didnt save ya from the Ocean to drown ya in a bathtub.
as i sit here down at the ocean and cross it off my list of things to do.
i met a fella from Dubai yesterday. wearing a very nice watch. we were chit chatting. he traveled the world and the united states is the only place he has ever been where the planes in make clouds in the sky.
i said oh the chemtrails. he said oh that is what they are i think i heard of them before. he said yeah i didnt see them in china when i was there for a year, never seen them in dubai where im from. never seen them anywhere but here in the United States.
i said no shit. that is odd.
dear LOOB. i have kids. they are all grown. i have 4 kids. and ive raised over 15 that werent even mine. i have been married twice and owned 7 different houses in my life. i have 2 union pensions when i retire stacked. and even then, God has my retirement provided.
ive lived in california, Alasla, washington, idaho, wyoming. all over. i have lived in the mountains. i have lived at the beach. i have lived in the desert. i have lived in placed of minus 40 degrees outside. i have lived in 128 degrees outside.
i have hung out with Jews, Caothilics, Baptist Christians, Morman Latter Day Saints, Devout Mulsems, Budahsts Monks, Indian Traditionlaists and Hoop Dancers, Shaman and granola eating mystic new age hippies.
ive hung out with the Uber Elite Rich. Old money, Royalty, Super Stars movie people, Legendary Rock Stars like The Eagles and Paul McCartney and Elton John to Beach Shaman and i have hung out with Hells Angels, Mob hit men, Bandidos and homeless begars while i served soup at the Gospil Mission.
i even sat next to John Gottie in the fancy resturant at the Bonitta Springs Dog track outside Naples, Florida and ate gator once. when we got to the resturant our table was full and i couldnt fit in it. john gotti and his friends were at the table next to us , john being john he had everyone move over and said oh let that boy sit next to me. i will buy ya dinner. he shook mu hand and said John. k said Andy. and i sat at his table.
i didnt even know who he was until after we left. lol
ive even talked to Hillary Clinton when her husband just became president on a cell phone because i called my buddys mom who is the “York Family” and she was having tea with her. she answered the phone. she considers me a son. and said oh im having tea with the first lady. would ya like to say hi. i said you didnt have to answer the phone. i just was letting ya know we are takikg the ciggerett boat to the bridge resturant. i said sure and i spoke with hillary clinton for about 2 minutes. back in the day.
did you know i sat next to barack obama at a bar in the chicago airport before he became a senitor. he bought me a beer. i was in my navy uniform.
ive been to Dubai. Singapore, seen the egyptian pyramids, valley of the kings and Queens, Put my hand on the wailing wall in jeruselem, banged a sweedish swimsuit model on the beach of Palma de Mallorca spain, watched the Formula One in Monico France, placed my hand on stone hindge, got mugged in an alley while high as fuck on extacy in manchester england. laughing the whole time i was fighting 10 men trying to rob me. i climbed the largest myan pyramid in chichen itza,
and i spent the last 15 years hanging around urban survival.
and sooo sooo much much more. i even ran a christian outreach in my 20s for a few years.
i dated and had sex with 6 foot tall womem and even had sex with a midget once. and all the sizes inbetween
hahaaha. ive slept with white chicks, indians, eskimos, hispanic, black, brown, asians, jewish women and even hindi indian girls.
famouse women, models, playboy centerfolds, runway models, and hardly known country girls. city chicks, hippy chicks, wall street power chicks, holy spirit filled christian chicks. and even banged a few satanic dark women.
always cracks me up when a woman says Im a Dark witch. and as im banging against the head board and pulling her hair she is screaming, “Ohhh Jesus! Ohhhh Jesus! Ohhhhh God!”
done all the moved of kamasutra and tantric sex.
fat women, fit women, skinny woman. curvy women
blondes, red heads, brunettes, pink haired, blue and bright orange.
gentlemen prefer blondes.
i have really lived life. that is what its about.
dont worry. Loob,
i will settle down again. soon.
where ever i go, im always provided for.
i found the spot for me, a beautiful woman and i will grow some roots there.
in all my life and all my travels, one thing remains. God is Good! All the time, God is Good.
THE DUDE Abides.
Well Andy, when I read this, a song by Hank Snow kept going through my through my head.
i guess when it comes down?
Im probably THE DUDE in disquise.
shhhhh dont tell anyone.
last stop, then on my way.