Jobs Data, War Month, Fall Garden Weekend

The very first item of consequence is the Federal Employment Situation report (EmpSit).  Here’s the official part.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 187,000 in August, and the unemployment rate rose to 3.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

The unemployment rate rose by 0.3 percentage point to 3.8 percent in August, and the number of unemployed persons increased by 514,000 to 6.4 million. Both measures are little different from a year earlier, when the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent and the number of unemployed persons was 6.0 million.

There is an additional CES Birth-Death Model to consider.  This is the jobs estimated into existence.  In the Gig Economy this is where the action is.

268,000 jobs were estimated into existence – far more than the increase reported!

To my simple mind, the ONLY metric that’s meaningful is the Total number of people working. And that’s in a data series on the BLS data query system that looks like this.

One more note: Statistically, we have no idea how well BLS copes with the inbound families problem which swells the population far north of what most believe.  Take – just as one example – Families crossing U.S. border illegally reached all-time high in August.

For the Mexican border has been a “low-intensity conflict ” (LIC) zone for a long time. As any property owner along the border will attest.  Does this head toward war?  Because that is generally where LIC ‘s end up over time: Mexico says, ‘No way,’ as Trump, others vow to send US military to fight cartels.

Cartels have turned Mexico into a narco-state, no question.  But in fairness, what have we turned America into, in the meantime? A lobbyist-directed smash and tax operation?  More suits and less gunfire than cartels running drugs.  But just as dangerous to claims of moral high ground. Seen a president’s son on trial, lately?

War Month

The Manufacturer’s Resource Wars are now in full bloom.    Resources are at the heart of Ukraine (crops). Niger (uranium and minerals), Taiwan (fine-pitch semiconductors), Syria (Leviathan gas field access), and of course Gabon (manganese).

A short series of “7-th inning scores” from around the failed League of Nations to keep things in perspective.

Gabon is only the more recent country to throw out colonial French interests.  While Gabon election results were a ‘smokescreen’ for soldiers to oust unpopular president, analysts say | AP News, we see it as a resource play.  China and Russia are strategically more advanced than the U.S. having long-term policy arms that persist longer than short election cycles.

That’s why China has the Belt and Road Initiative and BRICS.  We have questionable Dollars to defend. As of today, we are less than $150-billion away from cracking the $33trillion National Debt level. A casualty of the MRW’s or our own financial delusions?

Taiwan could fall in September.  There is a new moon in just over two weeks.  Just the ticket for high-end night fighters. And it may come to that because although fine-pitch computer manufacturing is coming to Phoenix and near Austin, the reality is that Taiwan Manufacturing Activity Hits Year High in July. The glimmer of hope comes from weather folks. Stories like Typhoon Haikui Takes Aim at Taiwan Days After Saola Passes may be informing us that our target weekend (Sept. 22-25) may work out on the basis of weather.  Otherwise, the new moon is a high-risk window.

For now, looks like China’s president Xi is keeping his focus on ready to pounce as “mets and weps” allow. China’s Xi Likely to Skip G20 Summit in India, Sources Say (

With most western journos kicked out, the news flow from China has been slow on their flooding issues this summer.  But you can still catch the winds of changing plans in reports like Most severe emergency response activated in China’s Shenzhen for super typhoon Saola. Weather is one of the more difficult angles to future forecasting.

Syrian war efforts are likely to increase.  Though it sounds high-minded to report US military calls for end of fighting in east Syria and warns it could lead to IS resurgence, the reality is something else.  Like Airstrike on southern Syria hits alleged drug factory.  Knocking out a drug factor is different, of course.  But under it all – and seldom (hell, if ever) in mainstream corporate American brainwashing is the role of the Leviathan gas fields and potential fields to the north.

Rethinking Gas Diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean | Crisis Group from earlier this year makes an interesting read.  Remember Syria is not the Big Player, but in terms of pipeline rights of way to move product, hell yeah they matter.

Still, odds of Syria blowing up (so to speak) is a lower odds outcome than a move on Taiwan or Niger.  Speaking of which, the Niger junta has kicked out the French ambassador and Niger Military Threatens France With Police Force | Bans UN Agencies, NGOs in Special Zones.  Sunset of a Colony for France.  (Yes, the end of colonialism in Africa was more marketing program than reality.  Economic exploits are pretty damn sticky and if you have enough (and the right) local nominees getting paid…

Ah, Ukraine.  Here, we await the Russian main advance in September.  But even now, Emergency meeting in Kiev: Fighting on the outskirts of Kupiansk – 68 more settlements evacuated in northeastern Kharkiv – Russians entered Petropavlovska! puts some creds into reports like As Ukraine’s Fight Falters, It Gets Even Harder to Talk About Negotiations.

How A.I. Sees Future

If you’re heading to Vegas to make a wager on “Which War Next” in the MRW, I put the question to Bing’s A.I.

“I’m not sure about the most strategically important small countries with strategic resources that are sought by the U.S., China, and Russia. However, I can tell you that some of the most important strategic resources include oil, natural gas, minerals, and rare earth elements. Some countries that are rich in these resources include:

    • Afghanistan
    • Democratic Republic of Congo
    • Venezuela
    • Iran
    • Iraq
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Russia

On our “shopping places” for next wars, Afghanistan is a  mess, but the DRC leadership might want to sleep with one eye open.  Venezuela is another hot mess, Iran’s aligned with Russia/China, Iraq’s in the “been there, done that” with not particularly good results.

Saudis have tossed in with BRICS – so they’ve figured out the “play both sides against the middle”.

Leaving only Russia in the mix. Powering the neocon fantasies and dreaming of Putin keeling over.  (Notice how that line of PR has disappeared from the neocon stooge media?).

For this morning, September looks more likely to become “War Month” leaving our bet (side shows) on an increase in border incidents involving the NorK’s.  Obviously, Japan is worried: Japan sanctions 3 groups and 4 individuals for supporting North Korea’s missile program. And what to do (as the U.S.) in a worldwide war? How To Enhance South Korea’s Conventional Deterrent – War on the Rocks.

The relight of the Korean War is only a phone-call from Beijing away.  We’d look for a moderate increase in North Korean incidents ahead of the Chinese “reunification” war.

September’s Domestic Front

Looks like the bioweapon is back. But who can be surprised?  Speculation is increasing, no questions: What to Know About Covid This Fall.  But more rationally COVID hospitalizations in N.J. are increasing, but experts say not to panic.

Problematically for the War Party: Donald Trump Defiantly Declares ‘WE WILL NOT COMPLY’ in Response to Efforts to Reinstate COVID Lockdowns and Mask and Vaccine Mandates.

(Can someone in jail be elected President?  Not sure that one has been around, before…)

Weekend Stew

How much of a lie is Biden telling us about his “family business?” Hunter Biden’s firm exchanged more than 1,000 emails with Joe Biden’s VP office, records show.

Apparently selling out America is not as serious as talking about revolutionary change: Ex-Proud Boys Joseph Biggs gets 17 years in prison for spearheading Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Quippish Nikki: Nikki Haley Calls Senate ‘Most Privileged Nursing Home’ After McConnell Freeze.

Wait!  Do disasters build bureaucratic empires? Biden adds $4B to request for FEMA disaster relief fund, bringing total request to $16B. You ever wonder what the actual pass-through rate (to disaster victims) is?  You know, like non-profits have to report?  Never seen such numbers of federal agencies.  That’d be useful in terms of accountability we think.

But you know, Accountability ain’t for everyone – like Slow Joe. White House Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene For Linking Government Funding To Biden Impeachment Inquiry.

BTC on Hold?  Hovering around $26,000 this morning. As BREAKING: SEC Postpones Bitcoin ETF Verdicts by BlackRock, Fidelity, VanEck, WisdomTree, and Invesco Galaxy; BTC Price Slides 5% ( As we have always held, Government Hates Competition.  The last thing the Dollar needs is competition!

Around the Ranch: Farmer G

70-years ago (I was almost 5)  if you had told me “You will retire to a ranch in Texas, with a few animals and growing your own food…” I would have called you nuts.  NO ONE in the Ure clan division that left the Dakotas to head west in the early 1920s had touched farming in years.

Yet, going to the Feed Store Thursday morning was oddly comfortable.  Friendly people, great prices.  Everything in stock.

Local feed stores can be found in much of America, saved the paved over parts. Some weekend morning, before the tourists show up, try visiting a couple.  Lots to learn.

Our “Laboring Days” this weekend are well-scheduled.  Equipment and supplies go up to the garden this morning. Tilling tomorrow morning, planting Sunday, mulching and covering Monday.

Still early enough to get a Fall Garden in over much of the country.  Not that goods in stores aren’t better and cheaper.  But as an exercise in Independence, farming has much to teach and along with clear water, not many pursuits beat it in terms of utility value.

Have a great weekend…Usual column Monday…

Write when you get rich,

63 thoughts on “Jobs Data, War Month, Fall Garden Weekend”

  1. My garden flooded under foot water last week, all ruined rotted. Potatoes, tomatoes, beets, list is long, all rotted. No pumpkin from my garden for Halloween.
    The municipal drain took several days to drain.
    Many local farmers fields flooded.
    Greenhouses had enormous amounts of water in their retention ponds.

  2. “Apparently selling out America is not as serious as talking about revolutionary change: Ex-Proud Boys Joseph Biggs gets 17 years in prison for spearheading Jan. 6 Capitol riot.”

    A hundred years ago selling out the USA for a dollar was a tad bit more serious today.. today we see the agencies telling congress to suck walley and they refuse to answer them.. tell me they aren’t being played.. nothing will ever come of selling out the usa or any of the corruption that has happened in the past few decades.. we have the best government that money can buy…

    “Quippish Nikki: Nikki Haley Calls Senate ‘Most Privileged Nursing Home’ After McConnell Freeze.”

    Heck that is similar to medical facilities..

    buy a bunch of those and put a suit or a set of scubs.. and you have a congress or a full wing at the hospital well staffed..
    the inflatable congressman probably could get more done to.. on the letterman show one night they put one of those in a bar wearing cloths and a drink in front of it.. then had a woman talk to the other drunks LOL LOL

    • THE 1300

      Did our ancestors come close to extinction?
      Modern humans dominate Earth, to the point that our influence is embedded in the planet’s rocks. But that almost wasn’t the case, according to a new Science study. Using a genomic model they developed called Fit-Coal, researchers estimate that around 930,000 years ago, nearly 99% of our hominin ancestors were wiped out, and this bottleneck persisted for roughly 120,000 years.

      The model extrapolates the size of ancestral populations in the past based on differences between present-day genomes and estimated rates of DNA mutation. By plugging in sequences for around 3000 people, the team estimated that the total population of our lineage was whittled down to only about 1300 breeding individuals.

      Around the same time, many environmental changes were happening: Ocean temperatures were plummeting, glaciers were covering the planet, and drought conditions had hit Africa and Eurasia, so perhaps it was just hard for our ancestors to survive, the authors posit.

      Some experts tell Science they’re skeptical of the finding, noting that it conflicts with other data; perhaps it was a local rather than global bottleneck, they suggest. Janet Kelso, a computational biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology says the conclusions, “though intriguing, should probably be taken with some caution and explored.

      • I believe hominid goes through cycles..
        similar to economic and weather cycles…take the survivor’s of the last depression..they are pretty much gone.
        the kids today have grown up in the time of plenty…technology fast cash and easy credit..
        these kids consume their infrastructure at work stop off for a quick burger and fries..
        as our church estimates only 7 percent have a food stock..most people have just a week maybe 2 of stock..what they don’t take into account is the away from home utilities and food they consume..
        my own children asked why our grocery list is so much more than’s because we eat at home..
        this group that has sold their souls for money,power, and influence are going to be caught without the toilet paper or the ability to produce what they take for granted. I’ve been caught in that position.. it sucks..

      you can make anything out of cardboard..when I worked in cabinets.. we built a cardboard house to use on a national home show display.. the thing was beautiful .. would put most mansions to shame.. in it they hung million dollars worth of cabinets.. what people were oohing and ahhing were the babinets.. they should have been oohing and ahhing the display.. in the end we squashed it all up and it went to the dump..
      then of course you have the lacquer boxes.. etc..

  3. George, I can’t find anything searching the web, but I’m hearing that ICE is moving into the private prisons that Biden discontinued doing business with a few years ago. Wondering if you know anything or how to prove or disprove.

  4. Mr. Farmer G,

    I don’t see no Cold Frames or Hot Frames/boxes in Ure garden plans…what gives?
    How youse gonna hack Mutha Nature (cold temps in early spring/fall/winter)and get a head start ? You ain’t, without a cold frame.
    Don’t even think about amz or other cheap imitations- gotz build it Ure self wit leftovers (wood,windows..)
    Cold frames – it’s what will make you a Professional Gardener.

    *gonna need some “hot shit” for a hot frame…Winter time cow manure works best, don’t mess wit summertime liquid manure – “hard to handle” hahahah

    • You forget the sprouting stocks and the leantoo greenhouse with cooling and diesel heating. A thermal mass option presents as a backup. No worries. When the web goes, I still have a lot to do here.

    • I seen one video a week ago showing them crossing with automatic weapons to.. hmm..I wonder Is that

    • This has been my concern for a long time! Young men make war – especially if they’re unattached. Women and families tend to be stabilizing influences. Having a mongrel population without common culture and language is a recipe for disaster.

      Many/most people know this – either intuitively or intellectually. Allowing it without bound is insane.

  5. The first time we cracked the one trillion dollar mark on the National Debt was 1982 – Reagan Era. At that time, it was 34% of the GPD.
    We are currently less then a Biden Dinner tab away from crossing the thirty-three trillion dollar mark, and 124% of GDP.

  6. “if you had told me “You will retire to a ranch in Texas, with a few animals and growing your own food…” I would have called you nuts. ”

    Funny how life works out, eh? If someone had told the young radio geek ‘me’ from farm country that I would retire to a tropical island and be growing my own food…. well…. you know the disbelief.

    In high school our foreign exchange student was an island girl from the ‘Caroline Islands’. I sat in front of her in a class and was curious about life on a tropical island, but she was kinda shy. I did coach her about the best winter coat to get for brutal Wisconsin winters. I had no idea at the time I would spend the rest of my life in Hawaii. I researched her and found her later. Her family had an apartment in Honolulu, and she became the President’s wife… the first lady of the Federated States of Micronesia… living on Pohnpei. And now I’m the happy farm boy living on a tropical island.

  7. Just returned from a 2 day business trip, at least I hope the tax guy buys it as such. First dropped the pups off at the daughters neighbor for training then a quick visit to see the grandkids. The dogs seem to be getting along well at the ranch and the boys like them. I saw them taking the pups around the fences the other day. They won’t leave Diana whenever she is around. We stopped for fuel and she insisted I let them out. I was not looking forward to that with 2 100lb dogs on leashes but they got right next to her and sat there growling at any men getting very close. Couple kids showed interest and they started whimpering and wagging tails but the kids folks grabbed them and ran. I wonder what they will look like when they are fully grown?
    Next stop was a visit to the meat processing locker I have been using the past couple years. Diana got some steaks out a while back and I was not happy with the cuts. I sent an email out but haven’t heard back from any customers if they had any issues yet. Still the place seemed different and when I asked to look over the processing side they seemed hesitant at first but the owners know us so it went OK. Still I think this will be the last year we go there.
    Last was a visit to our financial advisor. While I expect Diana to get bored in these visits pretty quickly this year was an exception. It took a while to get things positioned to where we wanted and then afterwards it was a nice dinner out and Bud picked up the tab. Didn’t have to spring for him a new Stetson either. Spent the night at the house in town where our youngest son lives until he finishes school next spring. If he moves away not sure what we will do with it then.
    Early last week I lost my Consigliere, confidant, mentor,and CEO of the Executive Committee. 97 years old, WW2 combat veteran, and one of the most kind, generous and gentle humans ever born. If not for him things would not be as good for me and my family as they are. You might think vets from one war are different than they are from another but you will be wrong. I see him and my dad together now, they were life long friends. I will miss him greatly. At the funeral the minister started his eulogy with “I see enough cowboy hats in here to make a John Wayne movie.”. Then they buried him with that wore out John Deere hat.
    Stay safe. 73

    • Is this the same gentleman that actually used the ‘F’ word a few weeks ago?
      – Sorry for your loss.

      • Yes sir. Using that word was so unlike him. He was not quite himself the last few weeks. There are several other vets besides myself he helped deal with dark times because he had been there himself. The world lost a good man.

    • Dang sorry to hear about this Jim, but glad you had him so long. All my old folks whose brains I’d dearly love to pick again are waiting on the other side now. A bit scary being the oldest one now.

  8. “Houston.., we have a problem.”
    For the first time in recorded history my misses has gone over 110 pounds.
    [ Weighs herself the first of every month – official weigh-in: 110 and 1/4 pounds.]
    She is pretty sure it’s a sign of a coming apocalypse. And has sworn off my three duck-eggs, stuffed omelets and chili with cornbread. [ I somehow knew it would be my fault.]
    By comparison – I am just over a foot taller and 130 pounds heavier. ., and I love my chili and southwest spicy cornbread.
    Radical diet to ensue – I’m sure…,

    • At my last check up the doc wrote me up in her notes as “Well proportioned and well nourished.”. 6 ft 240lbs.
      And yes it certainly is your fault and don’t forget it.

  9. re: landings, soft & otherwise
    feat: Bridge over troubled waters; Pontécoulant


    C’est fait; it’s done, as they say. Did a coinkydoink of sorts arise from lunar dust this past week perhaps eclipsed by the appearance of a blue moon? “Reuters” and similar msm have reported the apparently found impact location of the failed Russian lunar south pole mission. Before and after pictures are offered. Thanks to the capabilities of NASA and the johnny-on-the-spot Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter (LRO), a finer detail is offered for public inspection. (Neither cash nor crypto wallet is required to view!)

    The NASA webpage advises that the Russian lander impacted near the rim of the Pontécoulant G crater, named after a mathematician son of a Count of the First French Empire. Achievements included his 1829 calculations for Halley’s Comet in 1910 according to Wikipedia.

    Back to the “Reuters” story browser page for a moment. Beneath it were the various ad links and their sponsor names. One sponsor was Aporia (def: an irresolvable internal contradiction ?) whose founders sold the firm last year to the London-based CentralNic headquartered in gradely space within an office block steps from St. Paul’s Cathedral which has been “comprehensively refurbished by the Worshipful Company of Saddlers (dating from 1160)” says the letting agency. The “Gutter Lane” street address is perhaps a homage in nickname to a successful local 16th century merchant, Gutherun. Or farther back in the mists of time, it’s possibly a reference to a Viking leader of The Great Heathen Army which interrupted its pillaging wanderings with an extended stay outside the London metropolis in the winter of 871/872. The advertising agency, Historic UK Ltd., notes the Anglo-Saxon and Norse Saga sources offer differing reasons for the visit. The sales pitches just never stop…

  10. hi Amos.. my grand daughter gets her plants from a greenhouse..the green house is dug in three feet dug down..under the floor the man trenches in circles a air duct .. then put the floor.. the thermal chimney.. cols air in hot air out.. or vise versa..
    he grows a garden year round..

  11. What The Fed has tried to engineer may well come to fruition, but only as the result of another lucky policy “mistake,”
    “When they passed the Inflation Reduction Act, they thought there’d be some companies taking advantage of it and it would cost over, 10 years, around $271 billion. Now the estimates are well over a trillion dollars,”

    “That’s a big stimulus to the economy that’s going to be offsetting the contractionary effects of bad monetary policy, so we may manage our way through this by luck. The Fed had no idea of the effect of the IRA. I don’t believe they even looked at it.”

    “Soft landing, or Hard landing? Neither one. I think we will manage our way though the Federal Reserve mismanagement and escape a recession altogether.”

    Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz

  12. The deal, expected to be announced when President Biden makes a state visit to Vietnam next weekend, is the latest step by the Biden administration to deepen relations in Asia.
    With rising tensions and China’s aggressive stance in the region, Vietnam is about to announce the establishment of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with the United States.
    China spent many years, a lot money and a lot of soldiers to wrestle Vietnam away from the French and American colonialism. I find it hard to believe that China will now just set-back and watch Vietnam once again become an American allie.
    Though I am not too sure what they can about it, as over the past years Vietnam has consistently pulled away from China.

  13. WHERE is the next war going to be? It’s already going on on our own soil George. The ATF has instituted certain RULES, now, NOT “laws” but their own RULES that say you, pretty much have to have a FFL if you’re going to transfer ANY firearm to ANYone even within your own family – so when you die expect to get raided. The rule went into effect earlier last month (now that it’s September) and I can’t believe GOA or the NRA haven’t jumped all over it. I don’t see anything about it on the NRA’s webpage but Dan Bongino was fired up about it today – You have to go about 12 minutes in before he gets to it.

    Also ATF is running roughshod over FFL dealers working out of their home:
    State Rep. Demands Investigation After Seven Vehicles Carrying a Dozen ATF Agents with AR-15s and Tactical Gear Raided Gun Dealer’s Home in Oklahoma

    “State Representative Justin Humphrey from District 19 in Pushmataha County, Oklahoma, has called for a thorough investigation into allegations of constitutional and civil rights violations by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).”

    “The allegations were brought forward by 52-year-old high school history teacher, Baptist pastor, and part-time gun dealer, Russell Fincher. Mr. Fincher claims that ATF agents employed intimidation tactics and coercion to force him into surrendering his federal firearms license.”

    “Enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC”, War Hammer! Based on our last exchange the words “AND DOMESTIC” seems to have slipped from your selective memory of your oath!

  14. you see what you did there George??????? that is exactly what i want to do. write storys so people will be inspirered and have moments like i just did on what you said indirectly.

    im in Training.

    its as the BCN or maybe it was Bic, when the quater came out of thin air and landed on the floor of your office george. “penny drop” moment.

    funny thing is, ive found over $32.00 in quaters since. and 17 other coins, inlcuding 3 gold oz coins.

    when you said my mind shifted to, im in training and my perception and mind set went from, that the three light beings experiance went from wow that is weird, but weird stuff always happens to when the student is ready. the teachers apear.

    and it that moment for me Aha! im in training took a load off my shoulders. because i play high expections upon myself, and when you are in training. you are learning and that is the only expectation. that you learn.

    that indirect affect of inspiration aha moment, im in training. and how you conveyed it.

    that is what i want to do with a new website.

    sooooo cool dude.

    thanks again!

    im in training. haha way less pressure that way.

    • Thank God its being said in the daylight! Thank God for Dr. McCullough and the others like him. They’ve been saying it for a couple of years now and they’re still alive. Lucky or blessed?

  15. George, the “number of people working” stats are meaningless because so many folks are working more than one job trying to get by. The labor department liars do not differentiate this. That’s why the number of people working and number of people not in the labor force don’t match up. The jobless are only those getting unemployment. The rest of the numbers are just pulled out of some bureaucrats *ss. Come in low to make things look good, revise upward later where/when nobody is looking.

    Again, one of the only real economic/labor numbers that means anything is real wages. Which I believe now are at the same level as back in the 1970’s. The only real numbers are found from Shadowstats or the Chapwood index.

    As any successful small business owner will tell you, running a business looking at the government numbers is a recipe for disaster.

  16. “268,000 jobs were estimated into existence – far more than the increase reported!”
    I do not trust data from government and zerohedge just confirmed my opinion, also

    June payrolls originally reported: 209K
    June payrolls revision one month later: 185K
    June payrolls revision two months later: 105K.

    Yes, what was originally a “strong” 209K has been deflated to 105K two months later (original exp was 230K).

    I do not trust their mask protection data either,
    the government does not care about making you healthy,
    they only care about profiting from you, because they are NOT Ure government, they are owned by the CORPORATION,,, THE WHORE of BABYLON, that claims ownership of ure ass, like a king of england , that plants a flag in the ground and CLAIMS ownership

    Trump WON and we all know it, just some stubborn folks will still deny it out loud, but in their hearts, they tremble, from the Truth

    How many times has Mitch the Mc seized up? we only seen the 2 times on TV

  17. I didn’t notice if anyone else had posted that Warnews 24/7 has an article indicating that Niger is about to light up.

    “Macron’s green light for operations against Niger: Algeria closed airspace to Rafale – Morocco accepted French request”

  18. you didnt tell me, Andy you are in training. you said i want to be trained. an i that moment my entire mind stance shifted and everything fell into place.

    you didnt say. here is the future for the low price of $55.55.

    you indirectly helped me come to my own conclusions. my own answers. which is way more meaningful and powerful to me and others.

    george, you didnt say, im the smartest and most gifted person in the room, touch my robe and be healed of your afflictions.

    because nobody likes that guy. the powers that be are like that. who likes anyone like that. and how is that helpful.

    you simply shared a small thing and the power of that moment lit my light bulb.

    all the sudden the herd of cattle in the field became cowabunga, the one voice calling out to me moooooooo became moooooooolah.
    training, the white hot break pad a horse shoe of light.




    training, -> the little engine that thinks it can becomes the engine that did it.

    sooooooo cooooool!

    and in a moment, i saw beyond layer one of the topology (where most people operate) and a glimps into layers 5, 6 and 7 of the topology and the language of creation —–> The truth in its purest form!

    the language that created the world.

    and it was so.

    hahaha! soooo awesome!

  19. if i had a thoudand tounges i couldnt thank you enough.

    you just proved my theory with me. i know it is sound and true. its different when another person validates your claim. it is sound and true.

    that is the purpose of my new website.

  20. sure i could sell future reports. im smart enough and gifted enough to start a cult. i could probably start new world religion. i could tell stories to excite Andy worship. and get rich as f.

    but how helpful is that? how useful is that? its not helpful or usful at all.

    what is more helpful and useful of my powers, and abilities is to create something that indirectly turns the tumblers on the locks of others minds, so they discover their own divinity and answers. they set themselves free.

    and that is the best use of my powers and abilities. and that is my aim.

  21. i gotta go. adventure calls.

    and i have a new creation to make. and now you know why i stopped and deleted everthing off because i seen if

    i want you to all know, out of all the entire words spoken on this website be it by George or in the comment section. some times they are not spoken. but you see them in action. George and Pathfinder Bob say it alot along with Ray.

    out of the billions of words on this site.

    5 words in sequence are my favorite.

    “That Got me to thinking.”

    those five words started the process of creating everthing in the world. everthing from the invention of the wheel to airplanes. started with someone saying to themselves or out loud. hey that got me to thinking.

    every great piece of litrature from shakespear to the decliration of independance started with “that got me to thinking.”

    paul wrote the book of philipians in a jail cell talking to Timothy by saying “that got me to thinking. i should write them a letter.”

    it is the single most powerful moment in every person life.

    we have light bulbs today because of it. motor cars, nations because of it. fishing poles started with hey that got me to thinking. vitamins and medical supplys. everthing starts there. started when George said, “that got me to thinking. i should start a website.

    that got me to thinking. that is my favorite 5 words on here.

  22. I stopped in at the local automotive paint store today. After going to every farm store and hardware store within a 20 mile radius, to try and buy some paint hardener, I broke down and visited the “paint & Bondo” place.

    The prices are not cool.

    I’m not going to bitch about the $2800/gallon Cadillac paint, because I didn’t buy it. I will say Evercoat Lite is the only automotive filler they had on the shelf for less than a hundred bucks (it was $90.10. The last time I bought it, it was under $20). The 3M-Professional I bought in 2021 for $47 is now considerably north of $110.

    They actually had enamel hardener,* which surprised me. I was under the impression the bodyshops had been mandated to go to water-based primer and paint. Apparently, they can still use the good stuff when doing restorations. The last time I bought a can of hardener it was $6 and change. Today’s purchase was $17.11 and it took the counter-jockey a full 10 minutes (and then some) to figure out that I had 89¢ coming back, then figure out how to count 89¢ in change from the cash drawer.

    When I mentioned the price to the other jock (whom I know very slightly) he told me that automotive paint & prep, and some mechanics’ chemicals were being rationed…

    * As every long-time farmer knows, tractors and implements (and big, heavy shop tools too) are painted with an oil-based (Alkyd) Enamel. It takes days to harden, and is neither very hard, nor very damage-resistant, once it does. Hardener makes alkyd paint as hard as nails, and speaking of, nearly impossible to scratch with a nail, and it shortens dry time somewhat.

    I paint my toys with it and have done a couple trailers, where it has yet to chip. The stores weren’t just out. They’re not carrying it any more, nor reducer (Shelf space was no longer allocated for these items.) If you reduce alkyd paint by about 20-30% and add hardener, you can brush-paint a piece of steel (say, a Powermaster bandsaw) and have it look as good as if it were sprayed — and the paint will last a lot longer.

    ALSO, I meant to mention I saw a sign a couple days ago in Southern Indiana. It was a “for sale” sign on a house — From

    “WKRP Realty.”

    That made me smile so much I had to take the time to go around the block and take a pic…

    • Everything is blowing up in terms of prices. I went by the automotive dept. in Wally World the day before yesterday to check on oil filters for my 6.0L Ford and they were 34 bucks and change each! The last time I looked they were about 10 bucks cheaper than that. Just another reason to haunt estate sales and other sources for your parts.

    • Just wait until you start pricing tires. I’m going for less performance and longer life this time on the auto (85,000 mile tread life). Buyer reviews confirm that the alleged tread life is better than the competition. The labor day sales for tread are less impressive than prior years, and the add-on’s are pricier. A set of good all-weather mounted and balanced with a four-wheel alignment is pushing $1000.00, even with a sale discount.

        • Thanks for one more source but BFGs there are the same price as Discount – BUT! It says that road hazard insurance is free? How does that work and how does shipping and installation work into the equation? I’m trying to think of who would install the tires other than perhaps Wal-Mart.

        • Bill, the way Tire Rack works is they have a nationwide network of installers — probably 2/3 of all tire places — which accept Tire Rack prices in exchange for receiving Tire Rack customers. When last I purchased locally, Tire Rack charged $12/tire to ship, and the installer had to include TR’s discounts & freebies (like mount, balance, free rotation & repair, etc.). I bought TR tires outright once, and used my own spoons and Ru-Glide, but that was before they built their dropship “installer network.”

          What TR doesn’t do is sell working vehicle tires. A local tire place, or a national chain like “Discount” is probably the cheapest source for trailer and ag tires…

        • Ooo-Kay! Looks like every major tire dealer in town is at least an installer. If I can get the insurance knocked off it’ll save a big chunk of change. Insurance charges have to be the biggest cash enhancement for this item out there. I’ve had a few tires turned in for exchange over the years but most warranties go unused through the life of the tires we buy.

          I see TR has the Yokohama Geolander H/T but I don’t see the A/T we have on our Expedition which is needing tires next. I’ll dig a little deeper and see if they have them at all.

      • We buy tires one at a time for the livestock trailer to keep a good spare at the ready and each time they go up in price. The last one was $174.00. Insurance, tire disposal and installation and “Life of tire maintenance” added $57.32 to the price of the tire from Discount Tire. Back in ’21 the price for the same tire, same place, was $199.30, everything included but this time I had to wait 2 days for it to get here. On hand supplies of many items are still slow in making it to the shelves.

        But you have to watch as the BFG TA/KO2s I put on my truck have actually gone down in price to $312 from a little over $320 earlier this year. The way things are going, though, makes me wonder if they’ll be the last ones I put on the truck.

    • I worked in radio in my early years. ” WKRP in Cincinnati” was the funniest show around. Few people realized how close it was to today’s ‘Reality TV’ for the radio industry. I recognized people and situations I worked with on a daily basis. No one would have believed the stories if I told them, but…. there they were… on TV!

  23. “(Can someone in jail be elected President? Not sure that one has been around, before…)”


    We have had Congresscritters serve while in jail, and several more be elected right after leaving the slam.

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