It’s April 17, 1930, AND It’s July 11, 1914 – Trigger Pad Sounds

Recognize the Dates?

The first date is easy.  It’s when the stock market blowdown in October of 1929 was initially OVER.  The market had peaked September 3, 1929.  Like ours did in this longwave economic cycle on November 8, 2021.

The markets fell – worried about future prospects – until finally staging a good rally.  This was their Wave 2 in Elliott terms.  Lasted all the way to April 17 of the next year, 1930. Then things collapsed in a heap.  From the Wave 2 high, the Depression lead-in’s rally dropped from an equivalent in our Aggregate Index of 23,970.59 all the way down to 3,409.06.

Yes, you read that correctly.  From the top of their Wave 2, the bottom didn’t show up until July 7th of 1932.  By then, the Vicious Cycle was becoming common-speak in economics.  Called the dismal science for events just such as this.  But yes, more than two-years of declines from the top of Wave 2.

Is the Modern Case Better?

Arguably it’s worse.  Much Worse.  Here’s how the current longwave picture of things looks around here pulled out to a 4-year view scaling:

Wave 2 evolution using an Aggregate multimarket index.
You may be moved to ask: “Why was 1929 so fast and the 2021 blowdown so slow in comparison?” The answer has to do with technology. In the 1920s market quotes came in once-a-day with the delivery of the print newspapers era. In modern times, we have constant quote systems. The result is the real market-wrecking asymmetry of information doesn’t have time to germinate and wreak havoc. Markets will still as my late mentor Robin Landry explained “Make their numbers” but the process (and slope of declines) will seem less extreme. But the market will still “get where it’s going…”

With the market still (barely) holding onto the remnants of Wave 2, we thought the dumping of a billion fresh dollars on the long side might have moved things a skosh higher Monday.

The Chartist’s bottom line is that absent a blow-off to fresh All-Time highs, the markets will likely drop to the vicinity of:

Wave V Possibilities:
Minimum (1=5)15,391.92
Possible (1*1.5)9,495.38
Maybe (1* 1.618)8,103.80

Yes, the models are gloomy!  But you won’t have time to think about it. Because, as astute reader Stephen pointed out in recent comment, the real problem is the second date.

Today is also: July 11, 1914

Let’s do more date math about “remaining days.”  Archduke Ferdinand was shot and killed Jun 28, 1914.

The U.S. dicked around and debated until entering WW 1 on April 6, 1917. Just under 3-years’ worth.

“Surely, we can’t last from today nearly 3-years out before the nukes start going off, can we?”

Not very keen on “pattern recognition” are you?  To review, we are going to fight over every resource rich piece of real estate on Earth.  It will be the bloodiest event in World History.  There’s a reason we’ve been sequestered on a ranch deep in the woods getting ready for 20-years.  Once you “get” the how, when, and why of present day’s historical rhyme, our prepping will make more sense.  So will the 100-meter rifle range out back.

Sequencing War

Not hooked up on the mixing console in our mini 16-track studio here is a devised called a “trigger pad.” Think of it as a “drum pad for your fingers.”

It’s designed to be preprogrammed with .WAV snips and loops and what-have-you. A tap of a yellow pad might issue forth an acapella “Oooh!: vocal while a red pad might give you a snare drum hit.  Following?  Great musicians (like Stevie Wonder) use “pads” because they really add a dimension for the performer/artist.

You OK, Ure?”

Never better; go with me here.

Now the U.S. – used to “calling the tune” for everyone since we got nukes first and won WW 2, has something that’s the Foreign Policy equivalent of a trigger pad.


The buttons on government’s trigger pad aren’t simple solid colors.  They all have several colors.

The Ukraine pad looked like their Flag colors.

We’re still in the afterglow of Niger.  Another flag.

As the “trigger pads” (OK, flags) go off, you ought to begin to recognize the riff.  Unless you’re tone deaf to the Key of Life AND to allegorical thought.

To the Mixing window, then?

The Crooked Musicians

I know – “How can musicians be crooked?”

Well, when they “Command people to dance” and it turns out they’re lying sacks of shit…yeah, then.

As in Pfizer buckles under pressure during heated hearing, admits the unthinkable about the jab… – Revolver News. Spoiler Alert!  Special People in Power didn’t get the same shots as people who believed the Official Story.

This wouldn’t be so bad except there is one more longwave cycle in play – and it has to do with war on American CONUS lands.  Peoplenomics tomorrow.  The one concept making the rounds in conspiracy circles (with damn good reason) if what if another vaccine is out there which is a binary agent impacting only people who were vaxed the first time around?  Hell of a movie plot, no?   Sorry in advance for the nightmares.

Let’s push from the Grim now and move onto the data piles.

NFIB Small Biz Optimism

Sometimes a press release says it best:

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 8, 2023) – The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index increased 0.9 of a point in July to 91.9, marking the 19th consecutive month below the 49-year average of 98. Twenty-one percent of owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem in operating their business, down three points from June.

“With small business owners’ views about future sales growth and business conditions dismal, owners want to hire and make money now from solid consumer spending,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Inflation has eased slightly on Main Street, but difficulty hiring remains a top business concern.”

Key findings include:

    • Owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months improved 10 points from June to a net negative 30%, 31 percentage points better than last June’s reading of a net negative 61%. This is the highest reading since August 2021 but historically very negative.
    • Forty-two percent of owners reported job openings that were hard to fill, unchanged from June but remaining historically very high.
    • The net percent of owners raising average selling prices decreased four points to a net 25% seasonally adjusted, still a very inflationary level but trending down. This is the lowest reading since January 2021.
    • The net percent of owners who expect real sales to be higher improved two points from June to a net negative 12%, a very pessimistic perspective.”

International Trade

This one (Census/Commerce) is also useful.

U.S. Trade deficit for July
This is one of those numbers where going down is where we want to see things. Means we are not as reliant on other countries – and buoys hopes our dollar still might be saved. Well, OK, maybe in a movie then…

Be sure to watch the API (oil/energy) stocks report after the close.  We’ll see what the next excuse is from Uncle Joe not to refill our Strategic Petroleum Reserves which were squandered by the War Party.  With plans to keep us weak into the future, too: How DOE Delaying Replenishing Strategic Petroleum Reserve Will Impact Prices.  The answer for the economically illiterate: It will keep prices low and to the degree it does that, it runs counter to the Fed policy of trying to choke down inflation.  BUT we bet there’s no one in the Fed who’s got a bratty/druggy kid slipping dough into the family, either.

Anything Normal Going On?

Wanna be distracted from the title roll into WW3, do yah?  Here you go…a studio lesson on trigger pads…

Tap on that Trigger Pad for me:  At least 12 injured in blast at grain warehouse in NW Türkiye | Daily Sabah  Boom…sort of like the kick drum?

Double-tap the Ukraine pad:  Ukraine launched Scalp-EG cruise for the first time and opened Pandora’s box: Ukrainian base on fire – Three waves of attacks with 70 missiles and drones!  Meanwhile (ready for the second tap?) Russian military death toll in Ukraine climbs to 250,800.  With a nod to Sara Jevo.

The U.S. Uranium Con

A moment ago, we mentioned how Slo wasn’t refilling the SPR, right?  Is this guy trying to sink America?  Mining firms reject Biden plan for Grand Canyon monument | Fortune.  Because what is there is?  U-R-A-N-I-U-M !!!  Can America survive not just Biden but DOE at the same time?  Let’s call Beijing and ask how they did it…

In disgust, back into the studio…

Where the next trigger pads we’re going to hit will be the Niger pads.  This first pad is a sour note, though:  Explainer: What’s behind the Niger coup? | Global development because it’s a whole Niger story NOT mentioning URANIUM and pretending to explain things…NOT!  If you miss the Uranium, you’ve missed the whole point.

Our second Niger pad-tap is also off-key:  Niger coup: Wagner taking advantage of instability – Antony Blinken.  Um, bubba! You do know that it’s kinda rich for us to Go All Holy while supplying arms one place and pretending THEY are taking advantage?  Is there some pretend Rule Book in your head we don’t know about – besides Uranium?  Hep a brother out….

Last chance for an honest note on Niger?  With 7 percent of the World’s uranium reserves: Don’t be fooled – Niger is Putin’s African war on the West.  The military clearly knows what it’s doing (despite the Obama housecleaning a few years back) and what their modeling shows is way different than the PTTVBS (prime time tee vee bullshit if the coffee hasn’t hit).

Low Rollers

Not all headlines get to join in WW3 carriage.  Here are some “innocents” to ponder:

Born-again Free Speech:  Musk offers to help workers punished for posts on his social media platform: ‘No limit’. Seems to know more about America and the Constitution than most of America’s corporate owners in D.C.

Bubbling furiously away:  Home prices hit record highs in nearly two-thirds of major markets. Which means the Fed will raise and the economy will collapse on Slo.  But does he see it?  Nope: Biden revs up economy pitch after week of silence on Trump.  Remember the name of the economic pitchman of the Weimar?  It would sound hauntingly familiar.

That “Fitch” in your get-along may get worse: Moody’s Cuts US Banks on Mounting Funding Costs, Office Risk.

Around the Ranch: So Long, Rain Showers

We haven’t had rain here for a long time.  And you can see it in our part of Texas:

Last week's drought map.
As you can see, Texas is looking mighty dry and with showers popping into the forecast one day, only to disappear the next, we wonder if there’s a hot line from southern tourism offices to the Weather Service…

The columns are never late around here, but for the next couple of weeks may remain somewhat early in posting.  Prime time to get anything done here is from sunrise to not-later-than-10 AM.

Workstations Work!

Some weeks back (months?) I did a piece in our ShopTalk Sunday columns about how I was reorganizing my life (on the ranch) into a series of “workstations.”

What I mean by this is there’s a “welding station” for example. With 220v power, a Klutch welding table and your choice of stick, MIG, TIG, or oxy.  The idea being that if they are not set up all the time when you need them, you can spend half your day before a small weld just lining everything up, running power, and clearing the top of the welding table. Because ANY horizontal surface is a shelf when you’re on some other project.

ONE of the workstations was a car-wash bay.  So you could keep the cheap pressure washer ready for immediate use.  Carry the hose barb over, screw it on, turn on water and flip a switch.

Timed it:  From out of the office at 6:57 AM to all the trash collected and put in the 65-gallon wheelie out to the street (a block and a half, round trip) plus hooking up and actually doing a reasonable pressure washer job on the farm pick-up truck and washing up after?  Time to spare ahead of the 7:30 AM (local) Trade data,

Yessir.  Dedicated workstations are the answer.  A little hard to accomplish in a studio apartment, maybe, but there’s the idea for you… (Cages are for hamsters…not humans being.)

Write when it cools off,

40 thoughts on “It’s April 17, 1930, AND It’s July 11, 1914 – Trigger Pad Sounds”

  1. “…what if another vaccine is out there which is a binary agent impacting only people who were vaxed the first time around? ”

    What if the vax #1 prepped you for a 2nd level virus? Viral spreading is much easier than convincing/forcing people to get another shot.

      • If I were a VIP and the jab I got was different, I think I would be first in line wanting an explanation.

    • I was trying to tell people that same thing shortly after the push for the “vaccine” started.

      They all seemed to think I was crazy or they just didn’t want to hear it.

      • “Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors. People who were capable of such personality, courage, and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity.

        They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states, and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination, and social exclusion.

        And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones. Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money… but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal, and humiliation but they kept going.

        Never before in humanity has there been such a ‘casting’, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed. That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts, and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow at night.”

        Author: Unknown

  2. The Pfizer situation appears to be systemic across industry, allowing preferential treatment for certain special classes of folks. A tangentially related example is how the TSA’s CLEAR ‘fast entry’ process, which is run by a private company that charges a fee for high-end users to totally bypass security, has not just been bypassed, but seriously compromised. It appears training, accountability and consistency are seriously for program execution is sorely lacking. As a result, “A passenger used a boarding pass found in the trash. CLEAR escorted them through airport security.”

    According to the above article, one individual was found trying to bring a gun with bullets onto his flight. Let’s see – illegally bypassing security with a loaded gun. Nothing bad could possibly happen, right?

    • Interesting note about CLEAR being compromised. I have been a CLEAR customer since 2016 and every single time I have had to do the routine biometric check (retinal or fingerprint) with xref to boarding pass.

      Honestly, for as many reports of guns and knives making their way through regular TSA lanes, I am not too concerned about CLEAR. I will take a retinal scan over a TSA agent eyeballing a state ID and boarding pass any day.

  3. “Alert! Special People in Power didn’t get the same shots as people who believed the Official Story.”

    Some time before C19 there was another “flu” going around and a vaccine was introduced. (Been so much of that, I can’t remember which (illness) it was or what country (I think, Germany) where the people found out the elected officials weren’t getting the same shot the people were getting, and they were pissed off. – you know, brief mention in the news and then disappearing headlines. I can’t find that article anywhere.

    C19 and Vaccine injury and death, hasn’t exactly been to scale with Officialdom, as it has in the general population. Guess politicians get the good shit while the peasants got the full dose. Yes, there’s a difference between saline and graphene.

    Sometimes I think, if everyone gave up their right to live and followed the Science and got the jab, we could avoid WWIII. But, not too many people want to go down without a fight … specially when the “scale” only tilts one way. It’s just not fare. No “equality” in that.

    Black Lives Matter, because they were the democrats base vote. Fortunately they are wising up and speaking out now because they see the reality. Nobody likes being o token or pawn … unless you’re a Kamala type who doesn’t mind being in a position because of her gender and skin tone. Money and power are just carrots on a stick for some people. And needless to say, our recent batch of white people are all about free money and standing for a fictitious cause. None of them know what “science” really is. They just follow the carrot.

    There’s a difference between the American Corporation and the United States. – Duality at it’s finest. Something no one seemed to know about. We the people are given Miriam Webster dictionaries, while the reality lies in Blacks Dictionary.

    You can either grow carrots or chase them. Only a fox knows how to negotiate the rabbit holes.

    Where’s the Safe Place? That’s up to God and the Dude might surprise some folks.

  4. Still starting work at 0400 here even though we have had unbelievably cool and wet weather here for the past couple of weeks. Know it won’t last. Usually have the morning break for chow and coffee around 0900. Afternoons inside do get a little boring even in the shop where it can get as hot and humid as outside. Looking for another fridge for Vet supplies. Old one is just not doing very well anymore. It’s older them me I think. It’ll move to the other side of the shop to store paint and welding rods when I find another one. Stay safe. 73

  5. I recall reading an article that pretty much said the kill shots were essentially spread out on either an 30,30,30 basis or 25,25,25,25 basis so as not to get a rapid kill off and it was arranged by vial number. So if you didn’t get it on the first go round you would on the 1st to 3rd booster.

  6. An American(nato) general has been killed in a missile strike in ukraine, along with three Australian soldiers. But we don’t have boots on the ground.

      • The Russians rocket-bombed a (hotel, I think) wherein were a bunch of SpcOps from UKR, NATO, and Australia (mostly Americans), killing many. The death toll was in the 70s IIRC, but they were scattered amongst 8-9 different nationalities…

  7. Morgan Stanley., Bank of America and a couple other ‘analysts’ stated yesterday that the predicted recession won’t take place until late next year., “..,if at all.” . It seems all of the big money pushers are backing off on their predictions and have kick the recession can down the road, by a couple of miles.
    The data, that is available to us peons, says we should already be in a recession., and with higher interest rates and credit card debt topping a record $1 trillion dollars, the consumer spending frenzy of this past year is going to slow and most likely slow dramatically., as one third of credit card debt holders are barely paying the minimum amount and pandemic savings are gone.., and I do not believe that inflation has run its course. With climbing fuel prices and horrific Biden-economics, The Fed is going to raise rates again – we are no where near the 2% target
    Dwindling money supply, record credit debt, credit crunch in banking, rising fuel prices, downgrade of federal and banking debt, a bond market as wonky as I have ever seen it, – it’s a long list.., I’ll stop there.
    .., however., we have made it this far., without anything major happening – could we possibly continue – for another year?
    I don’t see how……………….,

    • d’Lynn
      August 8, 2023 at 11:44

      …”It seems all of the big money pushers are backing off on their predictions and have kick the recession can down the road, by a couple of miles.
      The data, that is available to us peons, says we should already be in a recession., and with higher interest rates and credit card debt topping a record $1 trillion dollars, the consumer spending frenzy of this past year is going to slow and most likely slow dramatically., as one third of credit card debt holders are barely paying the minimum amount and pandemic savings are gone.., and I do not believe that inflation has run its course. With climbing fuel prices and horrific Biden-economics, The Fed is going to raise rates again – we are no where near the 2% target
      Dwindling money supply, record credit debt, credit crunch in banking, rising fuel prices, downgrade of federal and banking debt, a bond market as wonky as I have ever seen it, – it’s a long list.., I’ll stop there.”…
      Anything worth owning -to produce someone else’s income string will be purchased by those big banks and corporations just before the economy finishes crashing. Leaving the peons with dollars that won’t be worth a dime, yet anything still producing something worth owning WILL already be owned and somehow produce that all-important income string as YOUR dollars are spent while sinking to near useless and you have to sell any possession you still have to put something on the table for dinner. Remember when toilet paper supplies crapped out? Think we’re all done with that? Get ready.
      The ‘NORMALCY BIAS is working for the big shots and it lulls the little people to obey. This is Fine…right??

  8. I find it rather unsettling that Russia has lost that many military personnel.., and it kicked-in the next logical question: How many Ukrainian military personnel have been lost?
    – I can not find the answer. A report three months ago from NATO stated 14,000.., really ?? I simply do not believe that number.
    Each ‘new war’ is different than the last. Modern warfare is much different than it was in WWll.., or Vietnam.., military technology has always leap-frogged ahead of past tactics and strategy.
    I hope that NATO and Europe take a seriously look at these numbers – and that it scares them – and not thump their chests in victory. They haven’t won – they have simply set-the-stage for what is to come – and it is coming right to their collective door-steps.

  9. Massachusetts governor declares state of emergency due to surge of migrants. Though technically not a Sanctuary State, 11 of the largest cities have declared themselves Sanctuary Cities. But now that illegal ‘immigrants’ surge and problems they bring with them have finally come to roost in their backyard – they are crying out for Federal assistance. “This is a national crisis.” The governor pleaded into the microphone.
    – Interesting that it only becomes a problem when ‘your’ systems gets over run with illegals. The NY City mayor is going to build several “Tent Cities” for 2,000 illegals that have jammed the city resources to a near halt. Three guesses on what those tent cities become. [ Just how many porta-potties do you need for 2,000 “migrants” ?? Garbage collection ? ., and how do the tax payers feel about their money going to this endeavor??., and their parks being turned into third world bedrooms.??]

    • What can we do? We are not in charge. Go to a city council meeting. Citizens get two minutes in front of council and then are shown the door or arrested.

      More pension bailouts. Over time consumers paid extra high prices to fund the Tops Markets pension but the pensions weren’t funded. Now we are all taxed to save people nobody here ever met. Thanks, Tops Markets. And you too, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1.

      Tops Markets employees in Upstate NY to receive $764M pension fund bailout

      Washington – The federal government will pay $764 million to help restore a pension fund for 19,000 union workers in Upstate New York, most of whom are employed or are retired from the Tops Markets grocery store chain.

  10. “Not very keen on “pattern recognition” are you?”

    “Patterns of Force” is the twenty-first episode of the second season of the American science-fiction television series Star Trek.

    In the episode, the crew of the Enterprise tracks down a Federation observer on a planet dominated by a “Naziesque” regime.

    A Look at Patterns of Force (Star Trek) – YouTube

  11. Yes American Dog – July 27th is recognized as start date for Pan African war.

    This why miss piggys’ evil dark twin,the mannish women -“Noodles”, was in capital of Niger yesterday. “They” have lost all control – total chaos this current regime, total.
    She was told to “stick it” where Sun dont shine..

    Terrified of PMC Wagner they are, after seeing my Comrades in Arms “hotwaxing” another couple hundred us/nato “rainbow” officers, in hotel next to train station last night in Pokrovsk (former Krasnoarmeisk).

    *Cue more training accidents for cover stories, more “fibbies” home visits

    Lets sing it Brothers & Sisters ..”boom boom boom, bang bang bang.. – how how how..

    Can U smell yet ?

  12. Here’s another pad for you:
    “Nuland In Niger, Warns Coup Leaders Against Forging Ties With Russia’s Wagner”

    Where ’Toria goes, trouble flows.

    Yesterday was one of your ‘early work’ days for me. Went in to the village Ace hardware (4 miles) as soon as they opened to get a Torx-15 driver for the deeply recessed holes on the electric hedge trimmer. Persuaded the rusty screws out of the plastic housing and found the wire had broken off at the motor connection… likely from years of vibration. Two decades ago I bought this thing at swap meet for $2. Certainly got my money’s worth out of it, but I’m not ready to give it up yet. Soldered the joint and screwed it all back together and done before 10am heatwave. Rest of day spent inside A/C & ‘puttering’.

    • “Bear in mind that an unknown number of PMC Wagner forces are already there, and are at least “advising” the leaders.”
      – Of all the possible government employees to send – she would not have even made my list. Ridiculous ! – Hmm., was that the message Biden was sending?

    • …And some people still ride my ass for deriding Vichy Nuland. That ghoul is personally responsible for over a million deaths, and (literally) God only knows how many more will die because of her mouth and diplomatic scheming, before time or a Tribunal send her to Hell.

  13. “You may be moved to ask Why was 1929 so fast and the 2021 blowdown so slow in comparison The answer has to do with technology”

    hmm a d I was going to say …PLASTIC….

    wages didn’t really increase..everyone I know is using plastic.. and a buy it while you still can attitude.

  14. Monkey made a disturbing announcement in his latest video. He says there are confirmed reports of Wagner Group people in Mexico just South of our border. Advisers … maybe? To the Cartels? Or does AMLO have dreams of re-annexing our SW? Is there a real difference between the Cartels and AMLO?

    Monkey also shows the survey flights to have slowed to a crawl which, he says, indicates that they are pulling the intel together in order to create a “containment battlefield”. The next 12 months are going to be bumpy which is what we’ve, well, most of us here, have been talking about for a while now. The Dims and RINOs are going to turn our country upside down and inside out before the elections next year. Every DAMNED one of them is a traitor in my book.

    • the Big …… T …… word crime.. well my curiosity is how long will it take before the agencies that are playing butt buddies and covering over their crimes can swing the narrative that it is russian propaganda .. and all trumps fault..
      OR…. will they lay the whole blame on the heads of the agencies that are playing see no evil hear no evil and say no evil of the crime family.. white powder in a room that has an member of the family that is well known for his addictions staying in.. give me a break.. the stuff didn’t get disposed of just gave it back to the kid and made it look as if no one ever seen it.. now.. did the member of the secret service that found it get fired.. that seems to be a trend.. what will happen to those that covered over the sins of those they admire.. will they be the ones to be fired.. or held accountable..instead of the guilty.. it will be interesting.. they will go down in history of the world as our time passes and our country crumbles.. big changes will the story of their lies to help those avoid those be written in history even when we know how they don’t respect them for their compliance…. how will these people be remembered.. as good citizens that kept the integrity of their jobs to protect the people from scum like that.. or as the one covering over their actions and the scum of the earth…. the judas far those that have gone the distance and stuck up for their moral and ethics have been fired and discredited.. people like Julian have been arrested and those on their way to give testimony all committing suicide. even members of their own security teams .. . what a strange world we live in today..
      Hey the story isn’t strange it happens to politicians all the time..
      politicians sell out for the number all the time.. heck I can’t tell you what I would do if people threw money on my porch either.. heck I probably would be a better democrat LOL LOL.. give me a vacation and pay off my bills.. it changes a man.. give in to the desires they have..
      it isn’t a secret what was important to anyone about the big guys desires…. the desires are well known stories even chapters in the kids book… we hear about the gifts and vacations the fine wines and expensive meals.. the brothels of the lobbyists.. the exploits of politicians all the time.. the selected few.. money and influence corrupts.. power is the ultimate corruption..

  15. re: 7/11
    feat. brain freeze


    Hope everyone is chilling. Thanks to Editor George for publishing step-off-the-cliff charts as President Biden tours the Grand Canyon. It was a breath of hot air to read that the visit coincides with a wind power announcement. Shovels are going into the ground in 2023 to build a 500+ mile wind power transmission line, SunZia.

    The President’s praise of the SunZia project’s American power company appears perhaps odd. As near as I can make out, that American power company drawing praise sold the SunZia transmission line in question a year ago to another energy company which sure looks as if it may be owned 100% by the federal Canada Pension Plan. The second power line, RioSol retained by the Americans, won’t begin construction until 2025.

  16. “Our second Niger pad-tap is also off-key: Niger coup: Wagner taking advantage of instability – Antony Blinken. Um, bubba! You do know that it’s kinda rich for us to Go All Holy while supplying arms one place and pretending THEY are taking advantage?”

    this is kind of a shit or get off the pot moment.. when Nord stream blew up mysteriously.. it put all the NATO countries in a deep freeze..
    crops are lost and niger has a vast amount of raw resources.
    if NATO is unable to secure that region I believe there will be a great deal of suffering..worse than last winter..
    now in the poison pawn trap..the move to secure Niger also weakens many fronts.. opens the doors for many things. such as Hannibal defeating a stronger army. he gathered tribes that had been attacked and user them to surround the Roman army.. if you notice that is kind of what’s happening here..
    if you check the ISW study on who has signed agreements for military security from Russia and china.. well what I see is the list of countries that we have bullied and stripped of resources to enrich a few fat cats..
    Its the poison pawn trap.. we sucked into protection of the pawn. opened our borders to illegals .. from countries that came out and said that was how they would attack from within.
    and out sourced our industries dumbed down our youth..
    was it a Trojan horse..split us put an army inside the borders.. then destroy the dollar pound and euro..

  17. WAR

    A timetable for WW-1’s events … so we can all follow the “echo” of the start of WW-1 with the Niger event.

    (the Russia /Ukainian War imo is just the “Precursor War”, a necessary event prior to the MAIN event getting started so it’s start date is only of general timing significance though it does relate to the dating of when Japan invaded China on July 27, 1937.

    From July 27, 1937 until Japan attacked the US was just a bit over 52 months, though the US was directly fighting Japan in China via surrogates – ie: advisors and the Flying Tigers fighter squadron which was paid for by the US and staffed with US personel as well as providing guns and ammunition – during most of that period (ditto USSR early involvement in that War against Japan).


    June 28, 1914
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.

    July 28, 1914
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I.

    August 2-7, 1914
    Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium. France invades Alsace. British forces arrive in France. Nations allied against Germany were eventually to include Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Rhodesia, Romania, Greece, France, Belgium, United States, Canada, Serbia, India, Portugal, Montenegro, and Poland.

    August 10, 1914
    Austria-Hungary invades Russia.

    September 9, 1914
    Allied forces halt German advance into France during First Battle of the Marne.

    February 18, 1915
    Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain.

    April 25, 1915
    Allied forces land on the Gallipoli Peninsula of the Ottoman Empire.

    May 7, 1915
    German submarine sinks the passenger liner Lusitania during crossing from New York to Liverpool, England, killing 128 Americans.

    May 23, 1915
    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.

    February 21, 1916
    Germany begins the attack on Verdun.

    May 31, 1916
    Naval Battle of Jutland takes place between British and German fleets.

    July 1, 1916
    Allied offensive begins the Battle of the Somme.

    December 18, 1916
    Battle of Verdun ends with 550,000 French and 450,000 German casualties.

    February 1, 1917
    Germany returns to unrestricted submarine warfare halted after the sinking of the Lusitania.

    February 3, 1917
    United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.

    April 6, 1917
    The United States declares war on Germany.

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