Inflation Numbers: Bad, But… Buy a Sharpie Time

Our Daily News-to-Use Consumer Tips first.

Amazon has a 47% off deal today on broad (chisel tip) black SharpiesFour pack under $5 bucks.


We get the odd box from Amazon and elsewhere around here.  So we have taken (when not burning trash) (burn ban is about due, thanks to fire risk out here in the sticks) to make sure with a Sharpie the address is illegible. “Free offers” and “bank card” offers are shredded.

Why?  If we get into economic Depression next year, driven by the soaring inflation (we’ll do CPI in a sec – hang in there…) people will take to cruising garbage dumps.

Last thing we want to a trail of address labels pointing back this-away.

Second Tip:   No matter how bad the economic news becomes over the next year, remember that once you get through the “corruption level” of government, most government workers do mean well and are generally stand-up people.

So, crazy as it sounds, we do have some optimism.  Especially when pieces lik For the love of God, stop fantasizing about a war between US citizens and their military popped up last week.

One of the “operating systems” of humans is simply this:  You become what you think about most.  Ask Andy.  It’s how we materialize future.  We all have a vote (as in woo-woo quantum physics terms) we do as a mass – a society –  largely chart our futures based on group expectation.  This is a critical “one team, one fight” issue if things are to get better.

Now, let’s get back to chasing the bag, shall we?

Head-and-Shoulder Breaks

Yes, this is potentially even more important than the CPI figures (next).

Reason is that when the market falls far enough and fast enough, inflation may drive an actual increase in consumption as people go back to “buy now because it will cost more if we wait…”

Look at the lower right of this chart (based on early futures ahead of CPI):

Down Futures down 250 now after CPI so the break down is sharpening toward our long-circled LZ.

See the black circle?  See the white horizontal arrow?  There are not to many hard and fast rules about such, but in technical analysis the arrow would be the neckline with the price action over the last week, or so, forming a left shoulder (rally mode), pullback, head of the formation (rally), then another pullback, followed by the right shoulder formation.

The top of this right shoulder was Tuesday when our Aggregate Index did the right shoulder at 34,891.77 on a closing basis.

We may see a rally back to the neckline, but the outcomes for head and shoulders tops is cautionary for Bulls.

Short-term in the pre-open, the Gold was down, which means (*being geared to it) the Dollar was UP, which means it takes fewer of the higher valued dollars  (vis the Euro) to “buy an index.”  Look for gold to turn around.

Which we will experience shortly, though Thursday trading for Bulls might as well have been sponsored by ( I can’t say it…).   We can only offer trading condolences and regret we no longer have a right shoulder for the Bulls to cry on.

OK, Consumer Prices

Just out from the Labor Department though you may be experiencing credit card burn already.

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.0 percent in May on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months the all items index increased 8.6 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Drilling down into it:

The price of gasoline, sayeth Triple A, was $4.986 this morning.  A year ago, it was running $3.073.  Which means the real (based on wide price-sampling) inflation rate for gasoline was up 62.25 percent.

We would expect the Federal numbers to be a little off this: But they’re reporting 48.7.  Sorry, not buying in.  One difference is the BLS likely uses a context switcher (people would switch pumps to save dough) while the Triple A numbers of raw pump prices.

The Triple A prices are logically a month ahead of the bureaucracy.  However, study BLS figures comparing them with the very robust Triple A numbers.

This is such an intriguing topic; it might be the basis of a whole quarter in post-grad about comparative aspects of data sets.

(631 Advanced Lying was the course catalog listing for the class, going from memory.)

Notwithstanding us not taking our meds today, the Market reaction was initially positive.  So, we shall see.  Big rally today, carry into Monday and then disappointment on the Fed?

Remember, they will be looking at prices LESS FOOD AND ENERGY which is economics carried to absurdity.  God Save the Illusion!


Circus Day!  Capitol riot panel blames Trump for 1/6 ‘attempted coup’. Reason the famine driving party (dems, sanctions, war-cheering) needs this to be such a Big Deal Mind Grind (BDMG) is that they haven’t done shit for America’s problems and this is their faux issue for the fall.  “Vote against that fellow from last time again this year…”  Utter bullshit, but it sells.  Low IQ voters, please watch…

On the other hand, while Trump has issues we agreed with, the mercurial developer mentality isn’t a big plus:  Trump’s Response to ‘Hang Mike Pence’ Chants Revealed (  (I’m disappointed Ben Carson didn’t make it because he was (and remains for history) the smartest guy in the pack.

“Pass de duchy, Janet:”  Janet Yellen Rejects Idea Corporate Greed Is to Blame for Inflation.

Fear Mongering Vax-demic 2:  Sure, you and I know this is spread by male-male sexually…uh…  But dip the rest of the sheep quick Will monkeypox spread as fast as COVID? | The Hill

So, is there a really, really big gay male population in Spain, or something? Spain to begin monkeypox vaccination of close contacts.

End of Fake News?  Maybe, at some partisan, mind-grinder level is The biggest U.S. newspaper chain wants less opinion in its pages.  Want to get back to us when there’s actually been a change?

China restraint noticed:  We are honestly surprised that China is not likely to take Taiwan until late summer when the weather will be more favorable over Formosa.  But getting this war front tuned-up in advance? China Ties at ‘Lowest Moment’ Since 1972, US Ambassador Says.

Day whatever in Ukraine: Ukrainian defenders repel seven enemy attacks in Donetsk, Luhansk regions (

“Drivemonic Possession” we’re thinking: Teslas with Autopilot a step closer to recall after wrecks | AP News

ATR: Garden Room Heat

Thanks to some thinking time and reader suggestions, Ure has a 10 by 20 hunk of 50-percent shade cloth going up on the garden room clear roof panels n ext week.

Saturday morning’s “while it’s still cool” in the shop project will be making up a wood frame for two 735 CFM exhaust fans.  Which will go (sounds like baseball here) “High and outside” which should put 1,470 CFM of air change per minute into the cooling.

Now, we know our little Hessaire swamp cooler (*MC35 series).  It is spec’ed to cool 950 square feet.  But it’s just holding outside air temp, which means I need to move more cooled/but/still hot moist air out.

The cooler itself is rated (on high) 3,100 CFM.

Since the greenhouse is roughly 10 X 20 and about 11.5 feet high, we see the interior space is 2,300 C/F which means with the new fans on, we should get an air change ever couple of minutes, or so.

You might think an air change once every 1.5646 minutes.  But this simply informs up you didn’t take the Introduction to Computational Hydrodynamics course. Or Aerodynamic Principles, either.  Or you’d already be committed for trying to calculate laminar flow break points around larger tomato plant stalks.

The answer is six.

Electric Lawnmower Review

Bought one these inexpensive SunJoe models.  It’s only 14″ wide – which if you buy it for fence lines is a problem, depending on your fence.  Because the housing means you can get close but not over the middle of the fence.  So I ended up with this almost picket fence of grass.  Like an inch, or so.

On the other hand, it works dandy and reduces the edge work considerably!  Not too noisy and the pick-up bag worked great.  The surprising thing was the motor has a current monitor. When you get into high grass, the increase in motor current is noticed in software and the controlled voltage goes up to the motor.  That’s pretty neat.

On the highest setting (and low speed) the mower is perfect for a couple of driveway spots where grass is popping through pea gravel.  No gravel pickup but the grass is shorn.  With the big Craftsman riding mower (54″) such trimming would result in all the gravel being displaced into the next county.

In in a collapse case, 14 inches isn’t much mowing but keeping critters away from the house in such times would be a concern to plan ahead for.

I don’t know anyone else who keeps a year ahead on pest traps or exterior foundation pesticide…but you’re either serious about prepping, or not.

Got some Sharpie work to do now along with cutting up cardboard and shredding….

“Build Your Own Hobby Shop” on ShopTalk Sunday.  Which is on what  day?

Write when you get rich,

(Hey!  If I write enough funny columns can I be president of an Eastern Ure-a-pee’in country? )

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

79 thoughts on “Inflation Numbers: Bad, But… Buy a Sharpie Time”

  1. An update on the ECHO eForce 56v battery. Bought the ECHO eForce 56v 18-inch chain saw recently for $299 (includes 5.0 Ah battery and charger). I like it, and get at least 4 hours of work off of one battery. Placed an order for a spare battery ($199) with Home Depot the other day. Was just informed the batteries have been on back order since February, and no estimate of when they’ll be in.

    Considering buying a second chain saw just for the battery. My wife has finally stopped asking why I need so many screwdrivers and assorted pliers, but she may not be on board with a spare chainsaw.

    • Elaine has 2 tool drawers, a pantry tool holder, a regular tool box for crafting, and a two-part Stanley Roll-around and Still she borrows tools from the shop.
      My deal with E used to be “Let me buy this tool and I will buy an appliance for the kitchen”
      Now, we’re out of room in the kitchen. She doesn’t want ANY kitchen gear. But a bit of shop space (mainly drawers) remain to be filled….
      Get two chainsaws. Like my buddy the Italian electrician said “Life’s a short!”

    • Plus one on the Echo chainsaw. My wife just raised the suggestion of a second battery for it yesterday in light of the work I’ve done with it this week. I’ve been cutting some 24″ diameter logs, and it has done well EXCEPT for a hit-or-miss oiler. The oiler didn’t work straight out of the box, so I took it to the nearest authorized repair station 30 miles away. They took it apart and didn’t find the problem, but it worked when they put it back together. I put it to work cutting big wood, and yesterday I noticed the oiler was not working again. Time to charge the battery anyway. I’ve found this saw cuts in the ballpark with my old Poulan consumer-grade 18″ saw, but not even in the same zip code as my Husky 455 Rancher. No real surprise there.

      Thanks for the initial suggestion to buy this saw.

    • I agree with the second chain saw! For only 1/3 more in price, you get an extra saw and charger. Chain saws are high maintenance, even the electric ones. Chains wear, stretch, dull, and are generally high output, high maintenance items. You can sharpen, tighten, and otherwise maintain these things at night, but during the peak work hours, you want to just keep going. If anything happens to a saw, just go for the next one, and if the battery goes dead on the current saw and the chain’s dull on the other, just swap batteries. The flexibility of having redundant units is worth the small incremental cost.

      My personal pet peeve is the ridiculous variety of batteries, voltages, and battery holders between tools and manufacturers. Bauer may not be the best, but at least it’s good enough and uses the same batteries for my go-to cordless tools.

      • “My personal pet peeve is the ridiculous variety of batteries, voltages, and battery holders between tools and manufacturers.”

        It’s all in the business model…
        AED’s that rarely if ever gets used. they change the case just enough so that the old batteries won’t work.. and stop manufacturing the batteries.. you can still get the batteries but only from special manufacturers..
        I have always hoped they would make rechargeable batteries..instead they put a count down chip.. they put those in some other products as well.. we had a television that had one in.. toss it out buy new.. washers and dryers.. use to be maintenence friendly now you have to have a technician do what a regular homeowner use to do.. speed queen is the only one that still has the old designs.
        It’s similar to our grid..we keep all our eggs in one basket.. it’s the business model..profits ,control..

    • Echo makes eForce blowers, mowers, and string and hedge trimmers. They’re also running a sales promotion until the end of the month…

  2. Hope your tests came out good.
    Like to hear your in depth review on the sunjoe mower for quality and durability. Been looking at replacing the aged Mantis tiller I use around the greenhouse and garden for small jobs and the 12 inch sunjoe electric cultivators keep popping up. $100 bucks is a good price but will it stand up as the Mantis has for about 20 years.
    On the cardboard issue, try using it in the garden. Flatten and lay it out in the garden Labels side down, and cover it with mulch grass clippings, ground up leaves, chicken crap, soil etc. Smothers the weeds and the worms love it. I leave 12″ gaps where the rows will go hence the small cultivator.
    Need to build higher raised beds too, this bending over is a pain in the ass.

    • Heh, heh…

      I fail to understand all the hullabaloo regarding “resource officers.” My High School was in neither a “bad neighborhood” nor a ghetto. Its clientele were from lower middle-class to solid middle-class families. It had no history of shootings, stabbings, or theft, but got police resource officers in about 1975 (as did the rest of the schools) — because it seemed like a good idea to the local school board.

      • It’s the one size fits all model..
        I built a potato canon with the grandson for science and physics class.. everyone was out shooting it including the resource officers..
        MOM was who took it away..
        The reason is the plan to increase profits and remove mature adult guidance from the homes and neighborhoods..
        Why would you push to de-fund police protection in extremely vulnerable areas.. use the unfortunate death of someone with a criminal past that has just committed a crime as the reason for it.. then move illegal refugees from countries that hate the usa by the hundreds of thousands to these already highly stressed vulnerable area’s..
        None of it makes any sense.. except control and influence of the poorest..profit for the wealthy control of the poor..leading to what..

      • “Why would you push to de-fund police protection in extremely vulnerable areas.. then move illegal refugees from countries that hate the usa by the hundreds of thousands to these already highly stressed vulnerable area’s..”

        You have read Hitler and Marx, and studied the Soviets on some level.

        You know exactly why.

        Someone wants a million man army in the U.S. An army that’s unfriendly and would have no issue with killing Americans, and an army that’s pre-positioned behind “our lines” (in quotes because we don’t really have “lines,” since we don’t have a border) so it can do the maximum damage with the minimum of effort.

        Over 80% of us are soft, lazy, and spoiled. These are the ones who’d lie quiet and “take it” if they were raped. That million man army is here to deal with the other 20% of us, and the purchase of our courts and prosecutors is to ensure any of the 20% who fight back are locked away forever.

  3. Hi George,

    Once again you mention Amazon in one of your articles. I know you are a big fan. I am not. I think they are bad for the economy and quite frankly bad for the country as a whole.

    I do know that you usually make your decisions based on data so I would be curious to know if you have data that backs up your decision to order from Amazon vs buying direct from sellers or local etc.

    • Yeah, actually, I do. Amazon allows me to:
      1. Order
      2. Get predictable quality and delivery (often in small towns, out of stock is common)
      3. Wider selection – this one ought to be obvious
      4. We do not buy food or farm gear online, save the usual filters and hydraulic fluid
      5. Time means a lot – it’s 53 minutes, not including parking and hiking time for local Remember our nearest gas station is 14 miles from here – gas means something plus wear and tear

      These are just a few of the tradeoffs, which also include a generous and sometimes used return and refund policy and so forth.

      • I’m waiting for the free shipping to get cut back, probably minimum orders will be put in place to get it.

      • For what it’s worth…I’m with Scott, I try to avoid using Amazon.
        Almost all the items that are available on Amazon can be found on E-Bay. Usually at a slightly cheaper price. Lots of times the shipping is free as well. No need to have a minimum of 25 dollars to get free shipping. I rarely have any negative issues with E-Bay purchases.

      • I don’t care for Amazon, either, and us them as a last resort. My first ‘go to’ is eBay where you can do great comparison shopping and delivery options.

      • “I’m waiting for the free shipping to get cut back,”

        That may be coming @the other Scott.. they did take it away from others areas already. It may revolve around profit margins..
        A brick and mortar store has to not only mark up price to maintain the store but pay wages.. Amazon is a drop shipping company..they just guarantee product and price now they use their own shipping which they take from the product markup.
        A manufacturer in our location.. realized that single parents missed mire time .. in researching it..discovered that if a child’s sick or school closing they had to stay home.. it was cheaper to hire a couple extra employees t o provide daycare and buying service than it was to pay for overtime or stand in help..he offered it for free most charge daycare at reduced rates..

        • What most people don’t realize is that Amazon is the biggest robotics outfit in the world. They do a ton of inventory picking by machine – way faster, cheaper, and no union issues like those human things.
          Last I checked, Amazon was also the third largest air cargo outfit in the world, too…

    • Hmm.. I am a fan.. I can buy canned apricots on amazon.. I cannot at the grocery store.. I get free shipping and a wide selection..

    • Amazon, Ebay, and sometimes others provide stuff you can’t buy in a retail store. Sometimes suppliers for specialty items like HVAC will refuse to sell to unlicensed individuals or companies. The large marketplace companies have few such limitations. Craigslist is a go-to place for many things of course, but driving around and haggling is less useful given the price of fuel.

      Supplies like lumber and steel obviously need to be bought locally. It’s sad that I had to bite the bullet and buy expensive OSB a month ago and it dropped 25% since. On the other hand, I got a month’s worth of work done that needed to be finished before the monsoons.

      I’ll buy locally if I can do so reasonably.

      • “Supplies like lumber and steel obviously need to be bought locally.”

        I always buy locally if I can..
        When I worked at a cabinet shop..
        During.plant shutdown one year I was in charge of destroying old papers..
        The wood they used came from other countries..a 4 by 8 sheet of hardwood veneered ply was with shipping 75 cents a the local the price was 50 dollars for the same thing..
        Of course like most things it’s about quantity..the more you buy of a product the lower the price..

    • Amazon is an extremely important resource. After unsuccessfully locating an item locally, I use them to determine the accurate commercial or industrial name for a part or item, and for names of manufacturers. I then source whatever I’m looking for, both at the manufacturer or distributor, and from other retailers. If a source has a good honesty and shipping record and can get within 5% of Amazon, I buy from them. If not, I grab my nose and contribute to Jeff Bezos’ retirement fund.

      My local sources will generally beat Amazon by 5-30%, but only on stuff they have on the shelf. If they don’t have it in stock, Amazon will rock their world, and beat their parts delivery by, sometimes two weeks or more.

      Everything has a place and a purpose…

  4. You know what reminded me of Navagator Pete,

    I was out on the deck having a smoke I noticed this little snail with a big shell on his back. He is just doing his best to make it accross the patio. Stretch wayyyy out with his little snail body then hold on like hell and pull his huge shell with him up to where he was. Then streeeetch his body out then grip down and pull his big shell up to him. Trying to get accross the patio.

    Completely unaware of the Giants also out on the patio having a coffee, a smoke and telling jokes.

    Seemed like an honest little snail. Just had a really big shell. Aka home. And all his little snail furniture and amenities were in there. He had a snail mansion on his back. I marveled at his tenacity and drive to pull that big shell with him. I even said hello Mister that is a really big shell on you. Way bigger than you.

    Then all the sudden one of the giants having a camel cigarette and a cup of coffee went to put his smoke out and unknowingly squished the little honest snail with a really bit shell on his back. I was heart broken George. It almost made me cry. I said dude, you squished that fuckin snail! He was trying so hard to get accrose the patio to stake his claim over there in that fern. Traveling by night because it was safe to do so.

    The camel smoker says awee man. Dang. I didn’t even see him there. Well it’s only a snail. Then laughed.

    Then another Giant came out and the light bulb was flickering and he squished the little snail to oblivion with his shoe not noticing the carnage of the camel smoking Giant who squished him first trying to fix the flickering light bulb.

    I imagine to a snail the light bulb was a big as the sun.

    It all reminded me of that Twighlight zone episode. About Navagator Pete. Thinking he was God to the little people skipped taking the life boat home to earth and he got squished.

    And whole bunch of other stuff. Like that big house I bought for $183k now worth over $800k. The big 5 bedroom house I used to own. That I so happen to look up and see what it was worth yesterday.

    Then camel smoking Giant said to the flicker fixer Giant. You squished that snai dude!!! Not acknowledging he squished the little honest fella first. And the flicker fixer Giant said, awee man. Oh well it was an honest mistake. Then he says, i spose we are all snails trying to make it accross the patio of life. He sure has a big shell on him. I said yeah he did. If he would have had a smaller shell. He probably would have made it to the fern over there without getting squished. I’m pretty sure that is where he was headed. You can see his tacks.

    And I thought when THE DUDE speaks, HE really speaks.

    The language of creation speaks volumes at times. It’s always metaphorical and a living moving dynamic. The snail and his burdens or belongings and the flickering light, the camel Giant, the Flicker fixer and me. All out on a patio…..perspective. ya know?

    It also reminded me of that old scripture. “When you see the thing that shouldn’t be standing in the place it should be, don’t even go back in the house to retrieve your tunic, run to the mountains and don’t look back.” Or something like that.

    Off to do my side hustle for the day. Eveyone should have atleast a few of those these days. Since we got rained out for driving haul truck. I got a few good side hustles always available to keep the income flow in my direction.

    Truly I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate! It is my hope you are as well. If you don’t know THE DUDE? I pray you meet HIM today.

    • This will blow away everything you think about. Someone in the secret space program was in a deep underground base that was controlled by reptilian aliens. He asked one of the reptilians, “why do you treat people here on earth so badly.” The alien replied “this is not your planet. It’s our planet, we have been here a million years. About 250,000 years ago another race showed up on earth and dropped off a bunch of humans and put them to work (as slaves) mining gold for their use. You started to spread. We simply added you to our menu along with the rest of the animals on earth!”

      Another time someone asked an off planet reptilian, “why do you come so far to kidnap humans as a food source? Why don’t you farm them on your home planet?” The answer…”we do!”

      So much for your big dude.

      • Sad fact o matter is Earth is a Game farm for “them”. They relish the Chase, the Fear, more of a violent-sexual-arousal kinda vibe for “lizzies”..sick nasties w/powerful neurally engaged minds. top o the pyramid so to speak…

      • Ya Argatha. We talked about that several times. There is hints about it in several movies. Like Cloud Atlas where there is a scene about the pure bloods being promised that once they finish their gig at the restaurant they go to be free. But what happens is they go to get whacked and turn into food for the other pure bloods.

        The slestacks and the land of the lost. And the time machine movie and the molaks who live under ground.

        There is also a video I saw of a mouse treading water and it drowns after 5 minutes. The doctors receistate it and it put it back in the water and it treads water for another 60 hours. Doing what seemed impossible only lasting 5 minutes prior.

        And the tunnel under the Colorado airport and the stories down there I read.

        If you really want to read some wild shit. There is thread about escaping the matrix through Dark web on GLP. Its barried and I won’t link it. There posts in there that talk about humans being in boxes, and our bodies here are like in the movie avatar. Except, they don’t use us for fuel, they use us for food. These entities feed of emotions such as fear. It is by far the darkest thread on glp and would greatly stear many away from poking around on deep web. There is a few things I have read on that thread that made me cringe and not much makes me cringe.

        I have also studied the loosh farm presentation. The movie Jupiter ascending alures to much of the same theme as the matrix.

        Ahh the archons and the machine elves.

        All that can be very interesting stuff.

        I will tell you one thing I understand because I have spoke to the luciferian bloodline elite a few times in my life. They always are very interested in my NDE’s. They also do not have all the answers. There is now 3 different blood types on the planet. Just like pure blood puppies have more value. So do RH negative. Which has reptile blood. But even then, the Cosmic family is most important than the bloodlines.

        There is one thing both the reptiles under the earth and those who came from the heavens fear. It’s a prophecy of The return of the Maker. What I know of the prophecy which predates the Aeons. See gnostic texts, is there is a single thread that runs through the entire creation. This is a single being. This one being is the oldest being to ever exist. It incarnates in different forms throughout the entire multiverse. It has run the course of every possible trajectory conceivable. If the multiverse was a tree, this single being has made every path. The Luciferin call him Lucifer. The Christians call him Christ. He is not of this world but this world would not exist without him. He is the sum total of all the prophecies that have ever been written. Neither death nor life can overtake him because he is both. If they actually destroyed him? They would never existed. That is the Divine Paradox.

        The bloodlines have been searching for this one being for Aeons. Because only by this one being will they even be liberated.

        And I know about the clone factories and all that too.

        There is an ancient story I read about a city located in Antarctica long before the dawn of antiquity.

        The gnostics wrote about him. He is the symbol of the swastika. The Hopi prophecy is about him. Some think the cross with a circle is the celtic cross. Within it it holds the symbol of the 4 corners. But that symbol is much older. Much much older. It is found all over the entire planet. Long before the internet. Same as the swastika. This being. One person is from Orion. And one day he will be known.

        Even the reptilian unde the earth are created beings. Everything that has being in material form can be destroyed. That is a governing law of this plane of existence.

        They hide under earth for a reason. They don’t come to the surface for a reason.

        And all that could be bullshit.

        One day this being will return. And when he does? They fear that day. Because that being has run ever course of life that has ever existed. Incarnated in every form that ever existed to know its creation. They are afraid of that being. That is my friend is, THE DUDE.

        I have said many times. This creation is not the only creation there is. This is one of many different creations. And I will remind you. And I have told the elite, I’ve only said about 10% of what I remember from my NDEs.

        One thing about experiencing death so many times and coming back to life is, it loosens its grip on you. It also makes you tuff.

        See, if they are this is there planet. And we are just food for them. They must not be very benevolent and that advanced. Because they still need food to eat. Last I checked when I had my NDE’s? There was no all you can eat salad bar and no bathrooms. You don’t need to eat there. There is no sense of hunger. Or emptiness to fill.

        I’ve gone through the tunnel of light several times. I have also went other ways after I hovered over my body. Once to the middle star of Orion. Those beings are super friendly and you just want to do what they say. You feel compelled to go with them through the tunnel of light. But I note to myself that the next time I experienced an NDE, I’d say fuck that tunnel and go a different direction. They weren’t so friendly after I took off a different direction. Trust me dude. They are fast. But they won’t go past a barrier and once I got past that barrier heading in the direction of Orion I could see the expression of “Oh shit” on their face.

        IF those fucking reptilians under the earth are real? They are hiding for a reason from the outside world and they don’t seem to fuck with me. And im not to concerned with them. And as I read the world around me, the language of creation? Which is getting way easier for me to understand. I’m definitely not afraid.

        If you watched that video I posted of Navagator Pete. He thought he was a God too. Then he got squished by some other astronauts that showed up much bigger.

        Glad I don’t have any winged plumed serpent statues. And I’m certainly not thinking I’m God. Wonder if the reptilians think they are. God.

        Long story short.

        there is a reckoning coming. They know it too. This side or the other. There will be a reckoning. It’s better if it is on this side for them. Has nothing to do with how powerful i am. I’m just THE DUDE’S friend that is all. Little finite me. No threat at all. I’m certainly not the one they should be concerned about. Hahah if they ever pay me any mind. Haha

        Good talk.

    • Humans, once they convince themselves they are connect to a higher power, vastly overrate their importance in the scheme of things.

      • EE:

        Actually, connecting to a higher power reminds us of how little, but not insignificant, we really are, just a speck of sand in the grand scheme of things, but valuable, individual, and yes, important, however, that doesn’t make us OverRate ourselves; we belong here, we have a right to be here…..(Desiderata), and it’s really a humble mission from birth to death, and the Great Beyond.

        And LOVE and LIFE are what fills my sail on this voyage of discovery.

        Desiderata: Original Text

        This is the original text from the book where Desiderata was first published.

        Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

        Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

        Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

        Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

        Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

        Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

        Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

        Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

        Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

        And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

        by Max Ehrmann ©1927

      • Well im going to give you an example. Ohh about 2010 I had a chance meeting with uhnmm what was his name. Oh John Leer. That is who it was.

        He said believing in Jesus was no different than believing in the great wholy pumpkin. He had met some Reptilian Aliens and they showed him the whole thing was made up deal. The whole savior and christ thing. Told me the same stuff you said. This world is run by these reptiles that have been here for millions of years and we are all just free range cattle. There intelligence and technology was millions of years more adavce than us. We are dumb Primates comparatively.

        I said I will talk to THE DUDE and there will be two 7.0 or greater earthquakes tomorrow to prove that the reptile aliens are full of shit. And you tell the reptile Aliens to stop those quakes from happening. If they Made up the whole thing and Jesus the christ is bullshit. And to prove the Reptiles are running the show.

        Mr Leer said you are on. You God damn fool!

        The next day there was a 7.2 EQ in Indonesia and a 7.4 if memory serves in Argentena.
        There is a record of the whole dialog over on a little know conspiracy forum.

        So linked the Quakes after they happend in a reply and said I may be a God damn fool? But your reptile Aliens can’t stop the word of God and are full of shit. That or you are sir.

        I would like you Mr Leer to relay one last message to the reptile Aliens. FYI:

        DAD is back and HE isn’t really happy about how shits been run here on this planet.

        Mr Leer, didn’t say anything after that to me.

        I forgot about that until I was in the shower singing to the shampoo bottles. Lol

        Now, I’d like to enjoy my summer. Have some fun and enjoy life for a while. Exchange pleasantries and help some lost people. We could talk for hours about this stuff.

        I gotta get tho. Good talking to you. Nice to see ya again. Don’t make the same mistake Mr Leer made. And the Reptiles if they are not some bullshit story.

        Because i will tell you without a shadow of a doubt. Those 2 earthquake were real. And THE FORCE that created them? Even MORE REAl. I just call HIM ~ THE DUDE. ~

        Way more real than the bullshit Mr Leer was talking about. Or the fuckin lizards down below.

        You know how ya kill a snake? You grab them by the tail and snap them like a wet towel. Pops their head right off. Pretty trippy.

        See ya man.

        *tips hat.

  5. ” inflation may drive an actual increase in consumption as people go back to “buy now because it will cost more if we wait…”

    BREAD…. there is one that I buy regularly.. nice loaf.. 24oz.. I pick two of them up.. they looked the same.. but seemed a little smaller.. looked at it again.. fourteen ounces.. for the same price.. essentially doubling the price of the bread.. the daughter opened a can of what ever she was opening.. same size can.. but.. it was only two thirds full..
    my sibling is paying over fifteen thouand a month more for fuel for his truck.. these costs have to be passed on.. sending patients to the ER rather than seeing them in the clinic is the same thing.. a clinic visit use to be under ten.. now my copay is fifty.. and an ER visit is over a thousand dollars.. if you don’t have a thousand.. then the price of those visiting are passed down to the clinic doctors in Rent.. so he or she basically sent them to the er so they can pay more out of pocket LOL LOL LOL.. Nothing is free..

    • Actual COST of medical treatment in the USA is 85% of what they charge. The rest is added graft to enrich a few at the expense of the public.

      A recent visitor to Ecuador had a full mouth scan for $25, and then 4 fillings for $40 each. Crowns are less than $200. Removal of amalgams, $60each.

      Breast removal for cancer treatment, under $1,000.

      When wife and I had COVID, doctor home visit and pharmaceuticals for treatment, $43. COVID gone after 3 days of ivermectin, at $1.33 per dose. Plus zinc and B-12.

      CAT scan of wife’s back, $150.

      Local hospital is FREE for Minor injuries/illness and treatment for stabilization. Ambulance to the city 35 minutes away, FREE.

      Catastrophic health insurance $5,000 deductible, $175 per month for senior couple. Bank offers health insurance, max pay per year $750, cost $5 per month. We self insured the first 10 years we were in Ecuador.

      • Further evidence USA health system is broken: my wife broke two bones in her ankle in Sweden in April. ER visit that included xray, CT scan, doctor’s fee, cast and crutches came to $532. Had she been a Swede there would have been no charge. Each visit to our local podiatrist since then includes cast change, xray, and office visit fee. Each is billed at about $1000 but of course Medicare is accepted and pays a fraction of that. Pity the poor blokes without insurance! We rented a knee scooter for $54/month before checking Amazon where they can be bought for less than $100.

        I wouldn’t be so irate if we were really the healthiest place on earth, but usually we rank well down the list in life expectancies and high on the lists of chronic conditions prevalence.

      • Yo! Ex pat. According to the Emerald tablet. All material structure is able to be restructured. Even material beings such as the Vrill.

        It’s like the Grey’s and the mantis. Any being in material form can be destroyed. Because that is the law of material reality. Anything that eats can also go without food. I never forget. All creations are creations. No matter how smart they are. No matter how great there technology? They are creations.

        You know the saying Mister. If a man eats a Lion. A Lion he becomes. If a reptile eats a man. A man he becomes. So of they truly are gobbling up humans down there. The more human they become.

      • they wanted to do surgery on me.. and the insurance company would send me brochures for hospitals all over the world .. that they would be willing to pay one hundred percent of the cost..
        a guy in a nearby city went to get heart surgery… including the trip and everything he got it all done for ten thousand in india.. and if he had been from there it would have been less..
        an inhaler at the local pharmacy is 600 but if we were to travel to canada or mexico.. we could pick them up for under twenty dollars.. one of my medications a few years ago was 1250.00 but if I went to the canadian pharmacy the cost was under two hundred name brand and way under a hundred generic.. congress passed legislation that made them close the pharmacy…

      • “congress passed legislation that made them close the pharmacy…”

        And Trump passed an EO which dictated Americans could purchase meds and medical devices for the lowest price found anywhere in the world.

        And on the first day, Biden rescinded it…

    • “And on the first day, Biden rescinded it…”

      So that’s why many of the things I bought on alibaba vanished.. I could buy them for a fraction of the cost of even the deductible.. now it’s tough to locate them.. c-pap masks were under 2 dollars now fifteen from just a few places.. and many other medical equipment components..

      • Don’t you remember the insulin? Its price had jumped to north of $350 (I’m not diabetic, so don’t know if that was per dose, per week, per month, or what.) The last 3-4 months of Trump’s Presidency, it was at $35. As soon as Biden got in, it went back up…

  6. “Now, we know our little Hessaire swamp cooler (*MC35 series). It is spec’ed to cool 950 square feet. But it’s just holding outside air temp, which means I need to move more cooled/but/still hot moist air out.”

    you need to cool down the evaporative water… to lower the wet bowl temperature..
    this guy is really good at explaining the principle..
    Romans used thermal tubes for their villa’s..
    a gent uses this for his huge green house.. using thermal tubes.. the way he did it it was cheap.. you can do the same thing with the water to lower the wetbowl temp.. by using a loop and a small pump..
    now that is about the cheapest method to cool that water down.. pre cool the water being used.. keep a recirculation pump going and the water will be coming into the air conditioner in a continuous loop keeping the water resevoir water cooler to get a lower webowl temp.

      the pump around the pads is about the most expensive part.. then the radiator fan..
      you can get a radiator fan for around twenty.. the whole purpose is to lower your wet bowl temperature down to fifty nine.. if you put a chiller on the line.. then you can even lower it down to just above freezing..
      one of my projects is to build an indirect water airconditioner.. using a themo chiller block..
      to lower the wetbowl temp.. since your still going to use moist air you could even vent in the air from the blue cube water cooling tower..

  7. Well., Consumer Sentiment hit a record low in June., inflation is highest since 1981., the Dow is down over 740 pts. Looks like the big money is already pricing-in the Federal Reserve rate hike for next week.

    • I was talking to a real estate person last night for a bit. She says, “when the housing boom of 2021 happened around here, it seems everyone went and got their license. We have like 10,000 agents in King County right now. You know how many listings there are as of yesterday? I said how many? She said, a little over 300. And nobody is buying. Eveyone is holding on to their money because of inflation and everyone is talking about another housing collapse. Why buy a house for 1.2 million if the economy collapses and everyone does what they did before which is sell to get out from under foreclosure and you can buy a house for penny’s on the dollar when dollars aren’t worth shit anymore when gas is $10 a gallon. If you time it right? You might be able to buy a nice house for price of 10,000 gallons gas.

      I’m always grateful. At the game night/ SOC meeting. I thought it was really ironic between the snail squish and all the talk about the economy we played the game Jenga. And nobody noticed how the game of Jenga was related to everything they were all talking about. And the snail, the Camel Jockey smoking Giant, The light bulb flickering (light bulbs are a symbol of ideas, ingenuity, industry, the Sun, electrical power, clarity, perception, perceptive quality in dark times, sight and site among a great many other things)

      Like i said a million times to people who say, “God never talks to me. I’ve never heard him.” I always say, THE DUDE is always talking!!! HE speaks volumes all the time. Most people just don’t listen.

      The whole premise of Jenga is moving stuff from the base to the top without out toppling the tower of babble. Uhem the blocks. There is so many metaphors or “facets” there, the economy, social structures, personal and national debt, inflation, etc etc. etc

      And the snail and his over sized burdens, personal debt, inflated housing prices, national debt, image debt as in trying to impress all the other snails with his giant home etc etc. Etc.

      even after all this time studying the language of creation, I still have to take a step back be quiet and think of all that is being said. And probably still can’t grasp it all. And I really am paying attention. Constantly seeking to improve my conscious contact, expand my consciousness, increase my decernment and awareness. Besides love other people and THE DUDE, do acts of good will and kindness that is my number one thing. Not money and chasing women.

      A young fella was bragging to me a few days back. Look dude. I got 650 likes on tinder. I’m slaying it. I looked said good for you man. That is a whole lot of opportunities for pre meditated child support. I say have 4 babies, pay child support on them all for a dozen years. That is a super good life lesson you won’t forget. Lot of wisdom there for you. He just looked at me like a pug dog does when you talk to it. Moving it’s head side to side not understanding a damn word you just said. Hahahah.


      See that is why I don’t spend much time on the net. Because everything around me is telling me all I need to know. All the time. All the time. I pretty much only go on Urbansurvival, zero hedge, and a few others time to time. And once in a blue moon I scan the web and see what I see. And Most of the time when I do a web survey like that. It only confirms what I saw in the language of creation around me. Doesn’t tell me anything that wasn’t already said to me in dynamic living energy.

      Still no matter what. Every day of life is a gift and a great opertunity for a deeper understanding of one’s own nature, wisdom and to be of service. You never know who your talking to and you never know the person you helped up, may be your savior later down the road. That much is certain.

      Later LOB. Good to read your thoughts today. Thanks man.

    • I looked on CNN money stock market. The only CNN I ever look at to see where the DOW is and where the Asian markets are heading.

      Notice all the ad about, “do you need money now? Let us help you Access your home equity to get cash today!’ Followed by another ad, “you can refinance your house with $0 out of pocket. We can make it happen” and another “have you considered a reverse mortgage? Call today.”

      There is a reason they call advertising executives “mad men”. It’s not because they are pissed off.

      I hope everyone reading these words I write right now, Finds a Giant bag of money today.

      So I will be read them twice, twice.


      Cue: ~ get lucky ~

      Daft Punk.

      • I’ve always wondered why people exchange their unsecured debt for debt secured by their house or houses. It seems pretty dumb.

        It’s generally a good idea to pay your debts and a better one to avoid them in the beginning, but in case of financial reversal, unnecessary securing of debts using your house makes no sense at all.

      • Around here, if you find a Giant bag of money, it is a dead drop, and if the intended recipients find you with it, you are dropped dead, with no coming back.

        The individuals who take the easy credit are called debt slaves. When slavery with whips and chains was abolished in this country, the oligarchs came up with a voluntary form of slavery to keep the plebs in line. If you take the money, then the scumbags own you. The best slave is that one whose ego prevents he or she from seeing their own plight.

        I have not played a lotto quick pick in years. Maybe I’ll try my luck today. It sounds safer than prospecting for narco geo loot.

        Joe Camel and his controlling puppet masters are evil incarnate. The snail got off easy compared to the excruciatingly slow death I have seen Joe Camel inflict on his followers in denial. A more accurate moniker is Joe Death; don’t give Joe any free advertising.

        I ran across a new clothing line:

        I’m thinking the shirt I bought from them off Amazon might be some kind of totem or somethin.

        Have a good week, Andy.

      • “Around here, if you find a Giant bag of money, it is a dead drop, and if the intended recipients find you with it, you are dropped dead, with no coming back. ”

        Around here, they use diapers, and dead-drop both the drugs (cocaine, I think) and the cash, in the ditches, like litter. My life is worth too much to me, to snoop further…

  8. G-

    govmint statistics are “funny”, now you funny too!

    What a joke, a woke joke, but a joke nonetheless.
    Do you all not remember last month, last year, the years preceding ??? gRome kerPOWell print baby print..every week for how long? – when did the guru of Mogambo leave the commentary scene???

    Wheeeeeee – having fun yet ?

    Being shrinkflated AGAIN by the corporate facists – rat bastards.

    How much per Gal. Diesel ?
    Got water ? wanna bet ? Talk to the coot in August – all the millions of mouths that drink from the lake Meade&Powell reservoirs. Warned to “Watch the Water” it go away this summer – can you say Evaporation. Hey maybe the folks at JPL will give Permission – for Ice Resource – Water Rescue operation out of the Antartic..yeah yeah we can tow icebergs to where water is needed in the middle of the f-ing Desert (s).
    All these historical rhymes going off – but no worries the W/SW – surely they got new technology to turn dirt and sand into H2O.

    Mas Problemas – the Libertards have positioned the USA into a nice, non-gendered pretty little hellhole – we should all be thankful to be on the receiving end of all their “brilliant” policies =(evil scheisse).
    As the late great Pres. RRrayguns once quiped; “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, its just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    Wondrous feelings abound today as the coot watchs his Shortz ring the register, as well Gold finally getting loose on news Saudis’/ChiComs & Ruskies been dealing Gold4Oil and Oil4Gold. Betcha they wish they/ds hadnt sold all that Gold in ft Knox (replaced wit fake). Silver & Gold – carries greater value in the spiritual- another reason for holding Phyz.

    Smoke em if you got em !

  9. Battery operated stuff is great !! Only problem I’ve had is, the batteries only charge to full capacity for a year or so … then they dwindle down pretty fast from there. – happens with rechargeable batteries that are suppose to be rechargeable some 2000 times and, with some power tools I’ve bought.

    Keep in mind, the newer the battery is (manufacture date – not the purchase date) the longer it will last. Also, run them full dead, then recharge them.

    Replacing rechargeable batteries is getting more and more expensive as time passes.

    Learned from experience.

    • When SHTF, you can always crack open that battery pack solder some wire leads to it and connect it to your backup xx-VDC power supply as applicable.

    • “Replacing rechargeable batteries is getting more and more expensive as time passes.”

      yes they are @Pathfinder Bob… I bought a bunch of these.. almost ten years ago.. to operate night lights..

      I have charged them so many times.. and still get a great charge now.. totally love them.. I bought the more expensive name brand ones as well.. I don’t get near the use out of them..

    • A big box of Chinese protected 14500s, 16550s, and 18650s, bought in bulk (while that can still be done.) Assuming a 5% failure rate, the good’uns will save both money and possibly your posterior…

  10. anyone with heart or bp issues needs to take 2 cayenne capsules/day. crystal hot sauce works too.
    for toothache crush a clove of garlic and apply, it
    works amazingly well. clove oil is good too but not as powerful.

  11. It was encouraging to see I’m not the only one who makes sure his address never gets into the trash. I go through every piece of mail (junk or otherwise) and rip out the address and shred it. When the shredder’s full I burn the contents in an old charcoal grill out back. Especially annoying are those who keep repeating my info on just about every sheet of paper in the envelope. Then there are those who put cards in the mix so you can’t just shred the whole thing….which I rarely do anyway since I’d be filling up the shredder every few minutes.

    I’ve received a couple of alerts from my credit monitoring service that my phone number is on the dark web. Oddly enough, it’s also in the phone book. Not much use for starting accounts, since the issuers don’t like land lines…..can’t flood those with spam texts.

    • I gave up on shredders years ago. They simply don’t have the capacity. Everything I don’t wish to keep that comes in the mail goes into the woodstove or the burn barrel. If the latter, I make absolutely sure it burns hot to a fine ash, at least.

      There have never been burn bans for woodstoves where I live. Generally, if a burn device is in a building or vehicle, it’s legal to burn stuff in it any day of the year. Cities have their own rules, but I’m not there.

    • And to think…everything is available to anyone .. at the courthouse.. or .. a credit check..
      A policeman can look up your information in seconds have anything they would want to know..
      Trash.. I never shredded until I worked at the dump..regularly there are people that pick random households and go through their their mail.. the know when the wife has her menstrual periods or even if you have sex..
      How do you think the ten thousand junk mail companies got your information or how those nuisance junk callers get the numbers.. it’s all for sale.. and some are bought so that others can pose as you and buy things with your credit..

      • “How do you think the ten thousand junk mail companies got your information”

        They buy mailing lists which someone compiles, both from picked trash and from (“safe” or “anonymous” — NOT) metadata. It amuses me when I get stuff, especially letters (‘cuz even bulk rate ain’t cheap), addressed to previous residents, since I’ve owned this house for nearly 40 years. I hope the mailbastards are paying $7/name for those lists…

  12. I hope your Sunjoe mower lasts. I have the little electric Sunjoe ‘chipper’ that you also have. Turns out it only works on dry wood twigs. Tropical wet woods turn to green paste inside and clog up the chipper, so it has not been of much use to me. Got it out of storage to try to sell or give it away, and found now it does not work at all. Cheap DC motor with a rectifier block… brushes on the motor are probably intermittent. Anyway, it is toast… not worth fixing. Going into the trash.

    • Since we’ve both been in broadcasting, some newsroom humor might help.
      Have you tried running a few liberals through it? Few Covid masks?

    • I have the sun joe tiller.. really nice.. I got the sunjoe lawn mower.. it worked good one year.. the next it needed two batteries.. and the cost of the batteries was more than the lawn mower..

      A friend has one of these from home depot.. wow.. nice .. you can snap plastic blades on it to.. go through a pretty heavy stand of weeds.. no problem and get close to what ever to..

    • Yeah, I saw that…those knees and that thigh definitely look human to me… now I know they got trail cams out there, I think at least every person going by there oughta dress up and walk on bye the bye bye….

      Wear your wherethewolf mask as well.


      • Lol lol lol.. a friend decided I should have an apple ipad.. he cleaned one back to factory specs and sent it.. my little grandson somehow logged onto the cloud..where this ipad was still listed under the original owner.. anyway everything was file was called photo…

        I was dropping the photo of this guy in the file.. he was deleting it so I would drop it in again..
        Later after he realized the danger of the cloud.. I said dam I thought you’d get a clue when you kept deleting the guys photo.. what I sent him the picture..that’s the pervert… every time I dropped that photo in the file his doorbell would go off…lol lol lol he had the police searching for him lol lol lol

  13. they wanted to do surgery on me.. and the insurance company would send me brochures for hospitals all over the world .. that they would be willing to pay one hundred percent of the cost..
    a guy in a nearby city went to get heart surgery… including the trip and everything he got it all done for ten thousand in india.. and if he had been from there it would have been less..
    an inhaler at the local pharmacy is 600 but if we were to travel to canada or mexico.. we could pick them up for under twenty dollars.. one of my medications a few years ago was 1250.00 but if I went to the canadian pharmacy the cost was under two hundred name brand and way under a hundred generic.. congress passed legislation that made them close the pharmacy…

  14. Someone is a fan of mine. That is three days in a row, i saw someone I knew walking out of a store who didn’t see me but I saw them. When I read that in the language of creation I know someone else is watching me.

    So I waves to them when I left the store. Haha. I see you watching me. Creation is always telling me stuff. And like I said. I don’t always say what eye see or read.

  15. 0.19 … “Putin’s Tax on both food and gas” … the reason we have inflation? I thought there were sanctions in place?

    Gee, cats just jump out of the bag, huh?

  16. BBC Coventry published a report that President Zelensky today addressed members of the Ukrainian Students Union at 8 UK universities while wearing a black shirt. Ten students were able to ask the president a question. The BBC report zoomed in on a Ukrainian international student of global studies at The University of Coventry.

    While Coventry is in the Midlands, the selected student questioner was actually at the satellite campus of the university which is located in a distressed area in the East London borough of Barking and Dagenham. According to the UK Office for National Statistics the borough had the second largest increase in non-White British ethnicity between 2001 and 2011 going from 19.5% to 51.5% of the population. In the same 2011 census it had the largest 0-19 year school age demographic of 21.5% in the nation as well as the highest fecundity rate of 2.58.

    Well from the BBC’s “This is London” intro, today the “Daily Mail” takes us to Paris Hilton’s podcast “This is Paris”.

    Apparently Paris ‘casted through the exhaustion of the day after DJing at Britney Spear’s wedding gala last night. Third time lucky for Ms. Spears and it seems a previous ex was hauled off to jail for an attempted gatecrash at the event. Paris explained she was forced to decline a DJ opportunity for President Biden at the Summit of the Americas yesterday evening because of the Britney nuptial schedule . I don’t know who else after Paris that the White House turned to for tunes. You’d think being in LA there would be some musically-inclined folk available on short notice without Potus having to break The Fed?

    Can you imagine DJ Ure turning down a Summit of the Americas gig and maybe comp dinners for DeeJ and a Guest? Hell No!! Move over Paris “I don’t really think, I just walk”.

    In fact here’s DJ Ure now with a SoA set list opener hit feat. none other than Ms. Spears:
    “Slumber Party”.

  17. Tell George II, he ain’t missing anything in Seattle. I just had to wait a half hour to get in the bank in down town because some crazy guy was fighting two medics infront of the bank.
    The dude tried to jump in my car and said If you knock one time on my window I will beat the fuck out of you just for being an asshole to the medics and for shutting down the bank.

    I got out of my car and he looked right at me and knew I meant buisness and he took off running. Then I looked at the medics tipped my hat and said. I know your on duty but I’m not. They laughed and said thanks man. Got in their ambulance and drove off.

    This is a shape of things to come. He ain’t missing shit up here. Tell him to stay put.



  18. There is no statement of remarks to be given yet on the White House schedule page for Mr. Biden’s DNC fundraiser set to commence in an hour. Did anyone receive an invite to the $35000 per ticket event at the palatial Beverley Park home of the multi-billionaire Power Ranger franchise couple? Apparently LA commuters are looking forward to tomorrow when this week’s episode of BidenJam traffic detours comes to an end. Where are the Zords when you need them?

  19. The funny thing is should we continue to own property with lawns – you should probably be buying a push mower or for bigger operations a 2 handle scythe……. just sayin

    • I have both. Neither is all it’s cracked up to be, and the push-mower is more trouble than it’s worth, unless you have a putting-green for a lawn. They simply don’t handle unevenness, at all…

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