Ice: After Action Report

Fine tuning of prepping is in the works following the major ice storm in East Texas this past week. Today, a discussion of what we got right and what we got wrong.  Very interesting “school” the universe provides!

Plus, in our ChartPack, that alternate count of the (Elliott) wave structure from a few weeks back has decided to “turn real” which means we are likely in the final topping process of Wave 2 right now.

Plus a few headlines for giggles and grins.  Though it occurs to us that Joe Biden hasn’t had a presidency so much as he’s been administering the Tribulations.

Balloons and Ukrainian party favors, anyone?

This report will be updated over the course of Saturday morning as power is still sketchy.

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48 thoughts on “Ice: After Action Report”

  1. All that biomass laying about shouts wood gas, a handy but laborious item once the fossil fuels are used up. Rather easy project for your average handy-bastard-tool-slut. Hopefully the new gas genny has a bowl drain, now absent on a lot of small engines. Buy a new carb NOW, if they can’t sell you one, return the whole thing. Mine stay pickled with diesel or kero; the lines and tank grommets replaced every 5 years or so whether used or not.

  2. Glad to see Ure back at it and fully energized again. I’ll get to the report later, but I wanted to share this video I just found. It has to do with using sound/vibrations to aid in the movement of heavy objects. I’m wasn’t much of fan of the idea, BUT this technique has some merit and is plainly demonstrated in the video.

  3. Your photos are in their own way beautiful. Glad you are coming through as well as you have. Just please be careful with the chainsaw. My favorite Stihl chainsaw for small jobs has sidelined me for the foreseeable future.
    Wife is starting her subtle hints about moving closer to town again…..
    Stay safe. 73

  4. Good work living the dream during a power outage. It doesn’t sound like you had the “recharging station” out there for the neighbors to recharge their devices?

    “Seems when power goes, so do the landlines. :”

    Little Bush made the subtle “3rd party” data collection rule. As that rule was being eased-in POTS lines were still protected by the “GD piece of paper”. In order to data collect POTS calls POTS lines were redesigned to traverse the Internet. I don’t think there’s anymore local phone companies they moved to the wire, which is now fiber so they went into the light.

    Checks are private too. Then electronic checks (to allow 3rd party data collecting?) came about.

    “Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) process, a merchant or other party (such as a utility company) can change your paper check into an electronic “debit” that is paid from your checking account.”

    I’m sure you already know all that.

    • this be perzactly why Ure about to be Given CBDC’s. The control will be complete at that point..No, savers will be punished for not spending..

      but all you alllz already knew that was coming soonly this year, so just a friendly reminder.

      Right when you get some Bitcoin.

      * trial balloon – shoot down, how you prove infectious disease spreading down wind week(s) later came from it ? Turn about for Cov19?

  5. ” It’s likely the pain we all experience financially will be of the same magnitude. It’s just the “numbers will look better” due to a higher implied rate of inflation!
    Not to put too fine a point on it, but it’s like the difference between being run over by a Kenworth rather than an F-150 pickup truck. Dead either way, right?”

    LOL LOL LOL I always said the day I won the lottery won’t be when I can go and do some good with it.. but when its value will be just enough to buy a loaf of bread or a happy meal LOL LOL LOL…
    what with bread at forty million a one pound loaf in zimbabwe or a happy meal at what ten grand in argentina .. it won’t be long..
    I loved the story of the guy and his wheel barrow.. he was going to get a loaf of bread.. had a wheel barrow full of money.. went in came out.. someone had stolen his wheel barrow and left the money.. LOL
    during the depression in the early 1800’s in the USA a pound of coffee was a pound of gold.. to get a cup of water was three ounces of gold.. ten ounces to get a bath a meal and get laid in california..
    IF you were the only one that had ten pounds of flour to be had anywhere.. and someone came to you with ten ounces of gold.. which would you do to sell it to him.. would you give him the whole ten pounds for the ten ounces.. or would you give him half or just one pound.. big thought there isn’t it.. if you had a million dollars in BC and the grid is down.. what good is it.. you can’t even wipe with it..
    or give it to the kids to play with..
    one reason why people stuffed money in mattresses and everything.. because it wasn’t any good once the banks closed.. the ones I talked to that had been wealthy said one day I was on top of the world the next day.. I only had a sheet of paper.. and nothing to show for any of it..
    money.. its ok if its moving and valued another thing if it is stagnant and nothing is working.
    People would give me guff when they asked me what I would do if I won the lottery.. heck what good would it be to sit someplace and do nothing.. when I could still be stress free from monetary worrys and still strike lightning down of people that truly needed a lightning strike cancer patients as one oh my god.. give them the funds to get the needed treatments.. or a simple wig ( I already do that one.. and the grandkids donate their long hair to locks of love) ..a meal for someone hungry.. how much do you really need.. how much money is enough to be enough to live stress free. once it is only worth a happy meal then its to late….But then that is why I will never win the lottery.. you could buy a hundred dollars a day back to the birth of christ and still have a seventy six percent chance to loose.. LOL LOL LOL

  6. “Lessons Learned
    The solar worked great. One failure was George – who didn’t think through that he should have done more aggressive load-shedding earlier in order to keep systems up.”

    that is exactly how I see the events in my life that caused me drama .. the down times were learning lessons.. a test to see what I had not looked at.. as potential future threats..
    learn and adjust.. which is why I am suggesting the rocket heater as a backup..
    I have gotten that.. and am now getting the components for the chimney..
    then the solar backup..
    I have been telling the kids and my friends that they should invest in this..and I designed a solar panel mount for the grandkids living in apartment complexes..
    the only issue is making them I have to compensate for Y axess adjustments.. Not a biggie but in the event of you have to make it on a fly its better to get it done before..
    and a ground mount for those living in their homes.. the reason you can sweep off a ground mount if your panels are covered with snow and ice.. you cannot.. and plenty of battery backup.. a small gen and extra fuel to recharge the batteries.. ( which is what I convince the boss we need to do is get a backup system.. the solar paid for itself in five years at ten dollars a watt.. the backup will only be for backup power)
    with the rocket heater you would have had a good couple weeks of heat from the branches dropped..

  7. From the subscribers side today: ” Though it occurs to us that Joe Biden hasn’t had a presidency so much as he’s been administering the Tribulations.” George, I think that’s one the most accurate and profound sentences you’ve ever posted on paper!

  8. Chinese balloon is headed here (vicinity of Fort Bragg & Pope AFB) this coming week. My bet is it (“They,” actually) is a RADAR / Photo recon ultra-low ‘orbit’ platform with steerability, long-term loiter, and VHF-UHF receivers. Probably a wideband satellite connection to phone home. Some estimates are the dangling package is maybe north of 200 pounds.
    Can one make a nice EMP electronically, or does it require a nook?
    (Knock out America’s biggest inland infantry staging base as a prelude, maybe?) Yeah, most online MIL equipment is hardened, but a lot of personal support gear — cars, telephones, radios, etc – is not. EMP — even a smallish one — would be a very big pain in the butt…

    • those balloons are pretty impressive.. one in the air can gather all the video and electronic transmissions for what five hundred mile radius.. and the camera on the balloon is pretty impressive itself.. uses the image stacking.. amazing technology..
      Back when the wall came down russia was going to sell their satellite imagry.. at that time they could get a six foot square.. count the hairs on the top of your head.. I seen one.. ( before modern windows..) where they got the parking lot of where I parked my car.. I tried to get the mil speck image from someone I knew in that department to see if I could get my license plate on it.. but they could only show me what was public domain but winked at me when I asked if it could read numbers the size of those on a license plate.. ( I am betting they have it though. I remember when it first came out that they got the lettering on the presidents golf ball in mid flight. Now consider for a moment the treasure of Oak Island.. the imagry they had where they penetrated the earth from space to see if there were any tunnels.. and spy gadgetry from another country.. and the dumb’s makes you think they maybe know exactly where everything is at now.. ) I get a chuckle out of alexa listening.. one of the future family members has that name.. go to ask her a question and the ebook reader answers for her LOL LOL LOL I get a chuckle out of it.. she gives me an odd look when I start laughing.. I do believe the balloons are a little more than three school bus lengths though.. and heck it wasn’t that high.. the ones that the USA has goes up what just below space at ninety miles high.. you can’t see them .. the chinese was what ten miles up.. that is usually weather balloon height.. so is it a spy balloon or is it a weather balloon.. could be either.. china says it was a weather balloon that got off course..

    • I read somewhere an explosive EMP device can be made. The gist of it is they create a very strong magnetic field then implode the winding with explosives at the coil saturation; the resulting energy is then released as an EMP.

    • ….additional, plus a Handy Bastarde Tip —

      as of this writing, 4:08 pm, the frequently hysterical and often erroneous “press” “reports” the balloon was shot down just off the SC coast — WITH A SIDEWINDER MISSILE from a fighter based at Langly. A Sidewinder… Well that’s just peachy. That should nicely blow the bits to hell and small debris. (Making it hard to learn much of use from the wreckage.)

      Item Two, a Tip:
      I mentioned it here once before, but it bears repeating. It seems that many / most modems and network boxes can be powered off a 12 volt battery. They almost all have some weird-ass voltage requirement molded into the plastic or on the label near the power input connector. “19 volts AC,” being one such. Even so, I have never found one yet that wouldn’t work fine on 12 volts DC.
      But! It’s always worked for me. Reasons may be all these things have half-assed, half-cocked internal power conditioning AFTER the power input connector. This could be diode bridges, filter caps, regulators, etcetera’ AND the designers want to be assured of enough boltage to run the damn thing with a little extra headspace.
      If it says FIVE volts, I wouldn’t give it 12 — there ARE limits, but a little under-voltage is OK among friends. Seems the worst that could happen is erratic performance –but, I’ve never seen that.

      I hand select a 12 bolt wall wart that delivers 13.2 bolts DC as close as I can find, and put it directly on a small 12-bolt gel-cell battery of maybe 5 amp-hour capacity or so. Then I wire the box to that. Uninterruptable. (Think of the battery as a gigantic capacitor.)

      There are some very minor extra complications, but if you’re still reading this, you probably know what they all are.

      Point is: It’s Simple and it Just Works.

      – 73 –

      • I haven’t paid attention yet, but FOXnews had an exclusive on the video. I saw a piece of it while bouncing between Texas Metal and the basketball games. I didn’t see the shot itself, but it pierced the gasbag, not the electronics pack, and did not explode.

        The gasbag vented a cloud of something, and the unit dispensed a bunch of shimmering bits (looked like chaff, probably wasn’t) for about 10 seconds as it was initially dropping.

        I’m still betting it was an actual weather balloon. The Chinese have played the intrigue game a lot longer than we. I’d also bet that Creepy Joe got permission from Xi before he allowed the military to relieve it of airspace…

        BTW, why didn’t we shoot down the 17 Chinese “weather balloons” which had previously “gone off-course” and cruised the United States?

        Oh, yeah. Because they weren’t spotted by a civilian, their presence remained “classified…”

    • “Can one make a nice EMP electronically”


      How much money ya got and how big is yer local substation?

      Goog EE (Electrical Engineering) forums for “EMP.”

      There are a number of EE geeks who’ve built EMP devices — mostly for the DoD but some for themselves.

      The EMP gun Hardison built in the TV show “Leverage” is a fairy tale — so’s the EMP “shunt” used in the redux of the movie “Ocean’s 11.”

      An electrical EMP device designed to kill cars looks like a U-magnet or an open transformer and its “core” is what the car drives through to get its electronics fried. It is about as big as a car and its effects are extremely localized… Oh, and the operation takes a LOT of power (like many megawatts for several seconds). If’fn you go back 20-30 years and read the nerd exploits on those EE-boards you realize some of these nutjobs have substation-sized transformers in their garages, and have slugged their local power companies in ways that’re likely felonies, today. IIRC “American Pickers” has picked at least one of these nerds, and I believe they’ve picked two or three.

      What the nuke provides is the few seconds of nearly limitless power required to create an EMP which is still at killshot-level after traversing a couple thousand miles of Earth’s atmosphere.

      The reason I criticize anyone who claims to be an “expert” on electromagnetic pulse weapons is in spite of testing, experimenting, and running various numbers, NOBODY can KNOW for sure, if their EMP clamping is capable of suppressing the specific frequency, duration, and intensity of the EMP profile of a nuke, or of a purpose-built HEMP device (U-235 atom bombs make the best, and most-efficient EMP bombs. By shaping the fissile masses, lots of interesting effects can be made to happen, unnoticed, as everyone is preoccupied with the -=BANG=-

      We make guesses. The EEs probably fill chalkboards with calculations. Our (and everyone else’s) DoD has physicists and mathematicians who likely fill their own chalkboards with equations.

      I say again: Despite all that, NOBODY can KNOW, for certain…

      *** And yes, I did think about building my own EMP device at one time. It is not a very cost-efficient use of that damn’ stuff we can only spend once, so the urge eventually passed.

  9. Congrats on your FAST reconnection to the land of first world infrastructure dependency!! LOL

    Yep … a typical serious ice storm, at least how they are around here when they happen. One good thing you know after one goes through is that the “weak link” trees etc., had now been “PRUNED”, by mother nature, and what remains are the solid and healthy ones.

    Also a good short term experience in order to see where your preparations are lacking and where you need to “beef up” your redundancies.

    Two days ago LOOB posted a link to a VENTED non-powered propane heater that to me looked like a fabulous back up unit, or cabin /small house unit. Some people have problems with the UNvented units such as you have which is why I am mentioning it again. For more info go back a couple of days and look for his link. (was about $1200 with a thermostat add on as I recall)

    One further question: If things go south and you can no longer get propane do you have a heating and cooking option available? Here I am hosed on the heat front though I did buy a small “solo stove” for my backpacking which I could use. (LOOB also posted a link to a rocket wood stove that has gotten rave reviews since it came out a couple of years ago … my older son put in a newer model SMALL wood burner with a reburner exhaust system which like the rocket stove concept virtually DOUBLES the amount of heat output one gets out of the wood stove – but they are hard to throttle due to the nature of needing to keep the exhaust gasses HOT so the secondary combustion can occur)

    Enjoy your 70 degrees this week!! (here once an ice storm goes through it gets super cold, NOT super warm like you are getting)

    • I bought one of those rocket heaters.. dam impressive.. well made.. I visited with the gentleman building them.. he doesn’t make a lot on them.. he is doing it because he fears what I fear is coming.. great heater.. I have six pipes yet to buy before I can get my grandson to put it up.. the pellet stove I have now is impressive itself but only a three inch pipe.. the rocket heater uses six inch..
      the solar power system is top notch.. I know someone that bought from them.. battery backup has ten thousand cycle recharge.. and the price is low.. for a complete system.. twenty grand sounds like a lot.. but in the event you have nothing.. its a drop in the bucket.. to keep your freezers running and your lights on..

    • I put a reburner on my pellet stove so I could burn coal in it.. great item.. and the exhaust is clean.. burns up all the toxic fumes everyone is so worried about.. and if your close to coal.. it is fifty bucks a ton..
      now the rocket heater.. I did ask about coal in it.. it is like the pellet stove you would have to mix it.. coal burns dam hot.. and when they tested coal in it.. the top warped because the temp was way over a thousand degrees in the rocket tube… so it would have to be mixed.. I tried my damdest to get some manufacturer to make a coal dust and saw dust mix pellet.. both are trash components.. but they make enough on the saw dust that they didn’t want to truck in coal dust.. to bad.. super nice heat from stuff that is thrown away.. the rocket heater you can use just about anything I got the pellet hopper.. with it..

    • I’m very happy with my unvented heaters. Yes, you have to be a bit more careful with them, especially at higher elevations, but they’re not sending much of their heat up a stack. A CO detector is recommended, and I personally would like an pO2 meter if there was one available cheaply.

      With properly prepared wood, the woodstove is the ideal main source of heat. This would be even more true if I lived in a massive pine forest like east Texas, but wood isn’t the problem. Cutting, splitting, and dealing with the wood is.

    • I truly wish my kids could see what I see coming at us like a freight train.. unfortunately they don’t and the boss doesn’t want me to invest in more solar equipment she has some valid points on the cost and investment and our age.. and the possibility of IF.. is just an IF and for over a hundred years nothing has happened in the usa except for BLM and Antifa destroying cities.. and poor neighborhoods.. that she doesn’t think we could pay for it… even though I tell her.. yes but.. IF.. it does evolve to that level.. then it would be priceless.. here are those links again..

      • Is it overkill.. probably.. NO man knows the day and time that this will implode or even if it will implode.. one thing to also remember is.. we go to war.. we don’t maintain our infrastructure.. we spend money to destroy other people countries and way of life not maintain and build our own.. we as a nation have the business model of want more any cost.. which is why our country is so fragile now.. congress has squandered the resources and materials the wealth of our nation to destroy so some one else from another country can stuff his pockets..
        My personal fears may be like the voices of my children saying I am just paranoid at the possibilities and not giving those in power enough credit to handle what is going on.. then I look at the borders.. and say there take a gander at that..

        • LOOB you are NOT paranoid.

          I know you like history … so just look at history and look for the longest period of time that THREE competing national states of approximate equal power have gone withOUT engaging in a serious War!! Go back to pre-Rome even. WAR is hardwired into humankind. It is part of our DNA whether we want it to be there or not.

          After one looks at that history if one is an actuary one would say … “Well the mortality tables are catching up with everyone and the countries involved!!”

          I would say more, since I have actually done a couple of studies on the matter, but I think you will catch my drift now go do your own hour long research on the issue, and you will probably see the same thing I see.

          Intellectually I put that time dynamic and the “running out of time” dynamic down to the increasing HUBRIS on the part of the ruling class once long periods go without a major War.

          That feeling of Hubris grows over time until it finally reaches the point that they think “HEY, WE are invincible” … because it has been so long since the country /ruling class has PERSONALLY been seriously tested /threatened with personal death (and deaths of their families) via almost losing, or losing, a War.

          Louis IVX before he was beheaded but after the native were restless is quoted as saying “I have been too fond of War”, which is another way of saying he spent France into bankruptcy and then seeing the personal consequences realized that wasn’t such a grand idea since HIS HEAD was what the peasants wanted GONE because THEY were tired of dying in and paying for HIS wars (unfortunately for the French ruling class the peasants didn’t stop with the King’s head … but went after ALL of their heads)

          The HUBRIS of our ruling class (US) has now reached a point where …. I’ll leave it at that. Draw your own conclusions, but imo Father Death is waiting anxiously in the wings, glancing at his timepiece with increasing frequency.

        • “the point that they think “HEY, WE are invincible”

          I totally get you @Stephen 2 and it makes me really sad just imagine how much good mankind could do if they devoted the same amount of money energy and time to develop things to help mankind survive that they do to destroy mankind..violence in the streets hatred road rage.. god its so sad…. I totally believe that is why China flew that balloon so low.. they wanted us to find it.. because we are at the point where we assume that we are invincible and they wanted to gently remind us that they are just as powerful as we are..

        • the reason I believe the balloon was a gentle reminder and not a threat @Stephen 2 is.. through this whole thing with Ukraine..
          Xi has been the voice of lets sit down as adults and discuss this..
          the way I see it from what I have read and seen on tv.. that the whole thing could have been avoided in the beginning.. all we had to do was move our missles back away from the russian border.. and guarantee that NATO would stop their eastward movements and ukraine would never become a member of NATO..
          If you notice in the news.. there isn’t anything coming out of china.. nothing.. tid bits here and there.. the information dropped off when Xi suggested that everyone calm down..and we sent our ships and missiles closer to their borders as well besides spitting in their face with Nancy’s visit when they only requested we be gentlemen about it….I do not believe He is interested in destroying the earth and mankind. At one point in time there was a story where he got together with Putin and they discussed Nuclear and Xi suggested not to bring that into the picture.. neither is Putin what good is Ukraine if you cannot live there…. Ukraine is an all out war now with us moving in Tanks that use radio active inner armor that could be taken as a first use of nuclear as a dirty bomb.. when nato came out and said hey no low level isn’t considered the very afternoon that note came out.. there were stories in the news well that is good to know now we know we can explode missiles over Germany with low level since it is acceptable to NATO…. you don’t see news stories that show little kids out swinging on their swings as the tanks roll by anymore. and then after that story came out about the acceptability of low level radio active materials being used as an armor plating being in those tanks…. we see the balloon flying over the usa hot in the news… the war will have to conclude at this point we pushed it to the limit where I doubt that Putin or anyone will ever trust us again…. through the past few years the treaties that both China and Russia have made with smaller countries that we have been .. well not so nice with trying to change their cultures to ours.. shows an alliance if this continues to escalate.. the smaller countries or weaker ones..cannot go toe to toe with the big powers… but if we keep pushing the poison pawn trap into motion..I believe that the whole world will ignite at one time.. a mass what is that old military term Cluster Fuzck.. and who better than to let Kim in NK start it.. and he is just itching to after the powers that be wanted to have him removed from office and went to persuade his uncle and brother people he actually liked to be involved in it or be the ones to be supreme ruler when he was gone….
          With all of that happening and our thoughts on our invincibility that we cannot be defeated..I believe that Xi just wanted to give everyone a last gentle non threatening reminder that they have the same technologies that we do.. in fact they build our technologies for us.. so my thought is that is why they flew the balloon low enough to be detected and observed just as a gentle reminder that hey we are not invincible and maybe we should calm down and quit trying to escalate this cluster fuzck war dance we are on and discuss things and make allowances.. …. Normally those balloons fly so high that you cannot see them with the naked eye.. at ten miles up and the average focal length the eye can see at what is it thirty seven miles maximum.. that balloon was definitely in observation range.. Ukraine is gone.. at this point.. we need to back away.. give them the distance to feel safe.. and by goodness keep our word when we make an agreement.. or treaty..
          put some of this nervous energy into doing good rather than war and destruction.. hey there is an island that is bigger than texas in the ocean of plastic waste.. why not go clean that up.. reharvest it for the oil in it.. what a positive thing the fish will love us for it.. and we get the oil products..

  10. I read years ago that the U.S. had a cruise type middle that would put out an EMP save as it traveled.

  11. We are finishing the Wave 2 Up.
    The stock market rally will peak in the next 2 weeks, or so before stalling out and the combination of a hawkish Fed and a resurgence in inflation suggests a hard economic landing is still in the cards.
    – Remember – historically, the stock market has never crashed ‘before’ a recession.
    1] Recession
    2] Bad Economic Numbers
    3] Market Sell-Off

  12. You can make a small, local EMP generator out of a high voltage power supply and large capacitor bank… with high amperage (buss bar) interconnects. Discharge lotsa Joules thru a very thin wire, preferably at the focal point of a dish to aim it a bit. When the flash-wire vaporized in that lightning bolt discharge, you will have your local EMP. Don’t do this near any solid-state gear.

    • and .. be prepared.. if you ever decided to try to build one and run out to buy a super efficient fast discharge capacitor or group of super efficient fast discharge capacitors .. you… WILL.. get company from some not very friendly folks there is only one use for those type of caps….Why not make a container garden instead.. it is really fun to make and you can eat a fresh salad in no time…Or make some wine.. then invite the people to your back yard for a wine tasting … make some good cheese and get some great crackers.. some salami or other snack meat..Pickles.. dam now I have to go get myself a sandwich..

  13. Back in the 60s Rocketdyne was experimenting with explosive forming of large metal components. They couldn’t get the repeatability they needed for the required precision using chemical explosives. The Manufacturing Development group tried an experiment using high energy electronic discharge. They charged a multi-farad capacitor bank to its maximum rated voltage. Then, they discharged it using a bank of high current ignitrons into a 5-pound roll of solder. The first time they tried it in the lab, the explosion achieved the desired forming effect. It also blew out all the windows in the 4-story building. They used the process to form components for the Satern 5 engines. They could get the desired amount of forming by firing the ignitron firing time when the charge voltage reached a threshold. And, the results were very repeatable.
    In the 70s, I worked for Howard Lesher in a small welding automation company. He was heading that group and almost got fired over damage caused bu that first test.

    • LOL that is why you would have men show up quickly if you ever ordered super efficient fast discharge cap’s LOL LOL LOL
      Seriously no one should be building crap like that though.. we should be putting our energy and talents to building good things to help mankind.. not things of destruction.. My own personal thoughts on that.. if we put as much time money and energy into doing good.. there wouldn’t be any time to do evil and we all would be living in Utopia..
      OH the last book I read..( the prisoner of paradise ) of yours was top notch by the way loved it..Keep em coming..

  14. so what brand and size of ventless propane heater did you get?

    how many sq ft is it heating?

    dj of the 70’s trivia. 3 dog night refers to how cold the night was, or how many dogs the Australian bushmen needed to keep warm.

    a small tent with rugs over it for insulation, and inside the house for wind protection can act as an igloo, the more breathers inside the better. or also a small tent inside a large tent can insulate.

    There’s no place on your website to unsubscribe from automatic emails, so I had to block you as a sender.

    • ” the more breathers inside the better. or also a small tent inside a large tent can insulate.”

      I probably would freeze to death if that is the case….
      First … IF I ever told all the single ladies in the neighborhood that they should all come crawl into bed to keep each other warm.. the first that would happen is the Boss would be objecting to it.. and then I would say something stupid like but honey bring out your california girl bikini beach blondes have more fun..(she just gets irritable when I say stuff like that)…. then all the single ladies would laugh hysterically.. dam I know that they just wouldn’t realize that all I want would be to save their lives from the cruel death from freezing..

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