Housing Inflation Continues

More evidence the Fed was right on HFL – higher for longer:

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index, covering all nine U.S. census divisions, reported a 4.8% annual change in October, up from a 4% change in the previous month. The 10-City Composite showed an increase of 5.7%, up from a 4.8% increase in the previous month. The 20-City Composite posted a year-over-year increase of 4.9%, up from a 3.9% increase in the previous month.

Detroit reported the highest year-over-year gain among the 20 cities with an 8.1% increase in October, followed again by San Diego with a 7.2% increase. Portland fell 0.6% and remained the only city reporting lower prices in October versus a year ago.

On a closer-in view of things:

Before seasonal adjustment, the U.S. National Index and10-City Composite, posted 0.2% month-over-month increases in October, while the 20-City composite posted 0.1% increase. After seasonal adjustment, the U.S. National Index, the 10-City and 20-City Composites each posted month-over-month increases of 0.6%.

“U.S. home prices accelerated at their fastest annual rate of the year in October”, says Brian D. Luke, Head of Commodities, Real & Digital assets at S&P DJI. Our National Composite rose by 0.2% in October, marking nine consecutive monthly gains and the strongest national growth rate since 2022.” “Detroit kept pace as the fastest growing market for the second month in a row, registering an 8.1% annual gain. San Diego maintained the second spot with 7.2% annual gains, following by New York with a 7.1% gain.”

Now, let a load of the actual prices and tell us our discussions of hyperinflation to keep this POS economy afloat were wrong:

So, at the absolute tippy-top of the Housing Bubble you could buy a house for what? $185k, call it?  Which today would be (squints to see it) about $311k?

Which means is just over a decade a 68% gain on prices of the same general asset in the wake of a “Never gonna let something like this (housing bubble) happen again!” event.

Think government or corrupt money interests loading debt into our once convertible currency are to be trusted?

Nope.  Road to nukes to blow up the evidence, but there’s the foreplay, up close, personal, and in Ure face.

No growth economy (save for the open border growth which is about it).

Meanwhile, slap the 96-hour timer to see if Russian reprisals are a bitch as Huge blow for Putin and Russia as Ukraine destroys another warship in Black Sea. Bet me?

Write when….honesty appears in Finance?


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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/

38 thoughts on “Housing Inflation Continues”

  1. “Detroit reported the highest year-over-year gain among the 20 cities with an 8.1% increase in October,”

    The only event that happened in Detroit was the big auto worker raise. Now the 1st year of loot has been priced in to RE and the loot hasn’t been earned yet.

    That’s how quickly the currency priced the new debt into the economy.

    “The 2023 to 2026 data is based on the tentative agreements between the UAW and Ford, GM and Stellantis which include a 25% wage increase over the life of the contracts and 11% over the first year.”

    – Oct 31, 2023

    • Is anyone at all still buying new cars – EV or ICE?

      How will these employees earn anything without work to do?

      Of course, a war would allow for production of military vehicles……

      • I was looking at new cars and found MSRP on the entry level Camry, Hybrid is $31,590 (/60 months = 526.5/mo or $6,380/yr).

        Vs finding a used Lincoln with a seller willing to negotiate. The Lincoln is modern w/ABS/TPMS/Traction Control, etc.

        The Lincoln is light on steering wheel controls and lacks electronics so will need a new head unit for the AUX/phone ports. The lacking USB charging ports are made up by cigarette lighters everywhere so a few adapters makes it OK.

        1992 Lincoln Town Car Executive Series Low Miles!! – $7,500 (Troy)


        This cream puff would be nice for $4,500. If it lasts one year trouble free.

        • OOW Steve.
          I can tell you from Little Big Al’s Experience that some cars new electronics are their downfall. I would take old fashioned push buttons over touch screen items any day.
          Remember the days of Blackout Screens in older Cell Phones. I would prefer my AC controls were not on such a screen in 100 degree summer Alabama.

        • Damn! I paid $1100 for my ’93 (but that was B.O. — Before Obama, and his buyback…)

          Free markets, at work?

      • Fleet purchases, mostly by local/state/federal government entities.

        Also by car rental agencies, which are purchasing zero EVs…

        • watch out for those that say fleet car.. car lots buy cars at an auction inside the state they live in. supposedly there’s a law that says damages over x amount are reported..but that law is only the bargaining position for the car dealerships. they con you down in price then move it to another state where they don’t have to report it.my daughter bought a 6 month old car that was supposedly a fleet car low miles..in a week she had issues with the radiator.. she asked me to take it into the shop so they wouldn’t take advantage of her. I thought she .aybe hit a rock in trading on her job.. no it was from that bad accident..what accident.. the car looked beautiful cosmetically..but it was all messed up. luckily I took care of the father of a famous trial lawyer.. he said he couldn’t take the case but would help guide me..the car lots have all arbitrary lawyers on contract. we fount the only one no under contract just out of school. the thing was a good looking death trap.. it had been totaled out not once but twice in 6 months in a big city in another state. the car dealership paid 50.00 fir the car at auction and 500.00 delivery fee..
          now any used car I get goes to the mechanic. then to a transmission guy and a body shop..the 200 dollar cost for them to look it over is worth every penny..if the deerskin refuses to allow you to do that walk away.
          learned lessons are the hardest but the best..

  2. “Road to nukes to blow up the evidence, but there’s the foreplay, up close, personal, and in Ure face.”

    Beginning of the end?

    Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation,
    G. A. Stewart, 2013, Page 460

    I recently came upon the work of Terence McKenna. McKenna was an ethnobotantist and philosopher known for his exploration of psychoactive drugs used by indigenous cultures around the world. He came to believe that the human species was moving toward a Great Attractor in time. He called it The Eschaton; it is the point when The End Times begin.

    Essentially, to Immanentize the Eschaton is to bring about heaven on Earth even if it means slogging it down the hard road of The Apocalypse.


      • BULSHIT!
        This has been fullfilled already..longtime ago.
        We already have Heaven on Earth = WAR. Thats it .

        “As Above, So Below” as it says in Ure book of alien (elohim) worship/cult.

        No olddudes dressed in white telling you have more work to do in Ure life time, no angels, no st peter..its all one big production to keep us STUPIDER beasts – now a days its all done with AI , the death traps that is.

        Keep going to the Irresistible Light, keep getting Ure scheisse(Soul) ZAPPED.

        No Body hear has MEMORY or RECALL from ANYTHING prior to their Childhood – Nobody – NOTHING .

        What is Qi, if not as someone said here – Life ?

        A = ENERGY..VERY Intelligent Energy. Thus Qi Gong translates “energy work” – this is the hole of it.

    • time speeds up, and events become Choppy and closer together (less time inbetween or moments of relief) as we approach the complex attractor. at some point time is non existant for a period.

      some ancient tribes dont have clocks. their is only now.

      B.C. becomes A.D. the year 0 inbetween is not noted on either calander.

      not sure if that helps but i hope it does.

      now i have consider things. do i stay or do i go. do i go back the mountain which is the harder path at first or do i go to the desert, drop a God button with a bunch of shamman and beat my drum around the fire? or do i go to the sunset strip, and stay in a free place to live in Bell Air for the next 5 months and hope it all works out. lol

      options. not trading. life paths. leeps of faith.

      only have to decide by the 3rd of janruary.

      and because im being delayed 2 days. more will be revealed. lol

      best of luck JC

      and everyone else.

      including me.

  3. You may not want to print this, I understand. I recall that president Trump wanted us to get out of Nato and if that happened nuland/kagan (I hate Russia, you must too) couldn t have her war with Russia. Trump could not be elected. Thousands of young men would still be alive or not suffering a soldiers life if he had been.Therefore anyone that voted for the final result should,when they look in a mirror, realize a burden of lost , broken lives. “War is a racket”

  4. Is it just me or was there a time when there were a lot more people than there seems to be now?

    I remember when shopping malls were crowded with well dressed shoppers who were shopping, window shoppers who were getting a feel for what they were going to shop for on payday and, people who just wanted to get out of the house and walk around. Malls were decorated elaborately to draw people in. Same with strip malls and pretty much every store on any block, every holiday and every season. Sidewalks and curbs were swept clean. Anyone else have memories of this?

    Retail use to look for and provide (quality) items. Now, ya get what ever is dropped off the boat and then the truck … or doesn’t come at all. – And folks use to insist on comparing quality of brands with their own senses. Now, folks order on line and hope for the best and often just settle for what arrives.

    We hear about “infrastructure” but it’s really just fixing potholes basically. Same ones as last year. – why aren’t roads and bridges getting wider? I mean hell, if there really are so many more people on the planet. Gotta make room for them, right?

    We would also need more housing built and other buildings as well, like schools and such.

    Where are all these people?

    I’m not falling for, “they’re home on their phone.” – I think GMO foods and synthetic (medicine?) have been taking their toll. It’s become harder to get pure foods at reasonable prices, if at all sometimes. And the worst foods are cheaper and take center stage on the shelves … unless the shelves are empty, which is often the case. And synthetic medicine is legally prescribed while healthy alternatives are damn near illegal.

    Those who bitch about such things are often referred to as a “Karen” – interesting that if you say, “Don’t be a Karen” in a southern Appalachian accent it sounds more like, “Don’t be a Care’in “ which is a whole different meaning. I think a lot of folks subconsciously got played with by that. – we ain’t spoke’ to care. Just follow along, read the (news?) and shut up.

    Ever since George Floyd complained that he couldn’t breathe, we’ve had viruses that make it difficult to breathe. Hell, even dogs are getting some kind of coughing illness. What’s up with that?

    As we go into the New Year, I hope we’ve learned enough to look at things with opened eyes and our minds stay sharp. – Never know what’s next. Reality is not what is presented, it’s the illusion.

      • When dealing with a Narcissist and their illusion, one needs to know how to handle reality correctly. Even in a Matrix, they cannot be wished away easily, if at all.

    • Sum ting wong wit food in USA – all the Males are losing their hair on their heads..wit many compensating with full taliban/zztop like beards.
      Whats that ? A little Tush ?

      Absolutely! https://youtu.be/kxOOC2Wf1rQ?si=rjx7uAW8p93LqBmu (Tush starts 5:16)

      “just looking”

      In EU (and any other country) where GMO is verboten, as is all nasty poisons the “greased(screwed/blued&tatooed) FDA has approved, Males suffer not the Disappearing Hair Disease.


      • around here.. no bees to speak of.. I went to the bee man.. he runs bees all over the USA anyway I asked him if he would drop a couple hives near my home town in the wastelands.. he said.. absolutely not..
        GMO seeds kill his bees.. I can buy a couple of hives and bees and he would be happy to take care of them.. but he won’t put his bees in danger.. they are his lifes business.. the explanation he gave is the gmo sees seem to be fused with the tobacco plant and the nicotine in the plant kills his bees..
        I tried to get my little FFA members to take on bees but they didn’t so no bees.. I buy mason bees or bumble bees to put out.. every year..

    • Malls are for people with money to spend. I haven’t been in a mall in several years. I go to local grocery stores, and DIY and repair places, but otherwise, I shop online for sales. Local restaurants are not busy either. People are just staying home.

  5. Airbourn cjd and novel tse ..from mutant protein vaxx created bioweapon..??? House insurance quadrupled likely just starting and “associations are useless saboteurs…??????

    • It wasn’t a ‘robot’.., it was a robotic assembly arm and the tech just got in the wrong place at the just the right time. Sorry., but nothing to do with A.I.

  6. Re: mall crowds… I went to a major department store in a mall last Friday to buy the one thing I always buy for my wife at Christmas, a bottle of Chanel No. 5. In years past (prior to 2020) I’ve had to wait in line at the perfume counter. Friday there were clerks standing around talking to each other while the few shoppers wandered aimlessly. Normally that close to Christmas the mall would have been packed.

    • you hear how much business is being done and the economy is good.. yet parking lots are mostly empty this year.. there werent the crowds that there has been in years past..how long can a brick and mortar building stay open without sales..

    • I avoid shopping during holidays like the plague. The biggest crowd I parked in line for was today… day after Christmas. The ‘dump’ (transfer station, actually) was closed Christmas day, so today when I went with the Christmas trash, there was a lineup of trucks on the country road about 1/4 mile long, waiting to get in to dump their trash!

  7. The OUR WAY cookbook…
    I dug out the our way cook book.. instantly seen a couple of recipes that I want to make LOL
    but there isn’t any author.. just the list of who was running the organization at the time.. the last printing was in 1966 the first printing was in I believe 1928 my copy of it is the last printing of the cook book.. in the wastelands the welcome wagon was still active along with the stanley house.. up until 83 or 84 where they would visit all the new coming residents.. give them a brush from the fuller brush company and a cook book along with some goodies that were home made.. and some ash trays and soap holders from the stanley corporation..
    the cover has the warren welcome wagon..
    the recipe I am going to try.. ice cream muffins..
    2 cups of flour
    3 cups of vanilla ice cream
    beat until smooth then fill your muffin cups and bake at 425 degrees for twenty to twenty five minutes..
    its gotta be good.. has vanilla ice cream in it LOL

  8. Oh.. speaking of old books.. there were a few that the pioneers took with them on the wagon trains.. for years you could pick these up at the country courthouse.. today nothing.. but here is a link to a website that has pdf of some of them..
    the university in IOWA use to have all of them for download.. all from the 1800’s it was a treasure trove .. now Canada has some and Alaska has a ton of books that are no longer being made up.. all free for downloads..

  9. “So, at the absolute tippy-top of the Housing Bubble you could buy a house for what? $185k, call it? Which today would be (squints to see it) about $311k?”

    I totally love someone that sees life through rose colored glasses LOL LOL LOL
    Now those are tiny homes or basically shed and garage prices.. thirty years ago you could build the same thing for about three thousand dollars..
    whats not in those prices is the necessary interior and infrastructure etc.. cost for a modest seven hundred square foot is a quarter million.. a clerk at a store has to clear twenty five dollars an hour to make the payments..
    the three hundred thousand dollar home .. well maybe there but here the average home is running a half mil.. in a nice neighborhood.. to get one in a drug infested neighborhood your looking at a hundred and fifty to four hundred thousand.. someone asked me about apartments.. low income apartments is a thousand to two thousand dollars a month.. my grand daughter is in low income housing and her monthly rent is 2500.00 a month plus all utilities … the average wage around here is twelve dollars an hour.. the assistant manager at the gas station makes thirteen dollars an hour.. home healthcare workers make fifteen and they pay for all trips .. ( they can’t keep help.. at just a couple of hours a day.. they can’t afford to drive anywhere..) the vast majority of the housing that is being built in a nearby city is almost a million dollars.. banks are now loaning money for eighty and hundred year loans.. you just rent the place you live in..
    then if you consider.. the average estimated loan payment runs about ten dollars a thousand per month.. slightly less.. depending on interest rates.. did they sell your loan to china.. that is a big question.. many of the countries banks are selling the loans to china, saudi arabia etc.. that can boot you out of your home with a thirty day notice..

  10. George
    to give credit where credit is due, I look at the CS graph and if I hold my ruler straight, it looks like we got back to 2007 price in 2017.
    The slope resulting in the now ridiculous price rise began (ahem) in 2021.
    Just sayin’.

  11. hmmmm.

    everything that was on X acccount has been deleted. it is uninstalled and i dont think i will be back on it.

    its been weird in the city. people are different since i was last here. and almost everyone who i know is vaccinated, gives me the cold shoulder. even long time friends.

    was supposed to leave tonight. but i got delayed 2 days.

    i have new options that were not presented 2 days ago. still, the mountain has been a refuge. aint nobody going hungry there. its in the options list.

    if the big one hits. you know i wasnt there.

    saw some very interesting signs lately. very interesting.

    a good time to sit and think. just because one path looks easier, doesnt mean its the best path. often times i choose the hard path. because fuck it. im not a puss. haha.

    until we meet again.

    • “its been weird in the city. people are different since i was last here. and almost everyone who i know is vaccinated, gives me the cold shoulder. even long time friends.”

      It’s like the “Invasion Of The Body Snatcher” films.
      ‘They’, sense or suspect that you’re not one of ‘them’.

    • re: Personal SetUp
      feat. So Good


      X marks the spot. The product placement was outstanding. Safe travels.

  12. i mean $10,000 cash and $1000 a week for the next 4 and a half months to not work is a pretty damn good offer. to leave tbe mountain and head south.

    that is one option that came out of the blue today. totally legit.

    i can return to the Mountain, and eat like a king no matter matter what happens with the economy or famin or wat anything. All i have to do is stay at the mountain. i can live there till the day i die if i want.

    and 2 other options showed up and alot of wild signs that say, keep a loooow profile.

    and i was supposed to leave today then events and circumstances beyond my control kept me here 2 more days. when that happens? i know its for a very good reason.

    either way, i will head out on thursday at midnight. one direction or the other…. and i dont think i will return again to this area. which is sad. i have alot of family here.

    lots to consider.

  13. Substitute your New Years Eve left over egg nog (complete with alcohol) for the ice cream and it is also a winner! Makes awesome pancakes if thrown in to make the batter!

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