Fourth of July was expected to be a BTC bloodbath, by some. However, as of early this morning, we’re still in the “Running of the Shorts.”
Since I woke up early (hobby and office work here) I’ve seen BTC climb from just barely over $19,000 to just a bit under $20,000. For the life of me, I can’t understand how anyone could attach the word investment to something whose purchasing power rolls around 5-percent in a day.
Holiday Gearing Notes
Going into Monday will be interesting as all get-out.
- Summer is when (oftentimes) we get a rally into the third or fourth week of August. Which then piddles away in early to mid-September, and then crisis is on for the Fall. Not saying this will happen, but not saying it can’t, either.
- Markets globally are open: In Europe early the British market was up 1.6 percent while France was up just over 1 percent. Germany was making a run at gaining half a percent. We have to view at least some of this froth as follow-on to the US running of shorts into the US close Friday.
- Gearing relationships – if our markets were open today (they’re not) would see the price of stocks up considerably because the dollar has dropped a fair bit. When the Buck can’t by as much, the International Casino of Money figures it will take more Dollars to buy the same underlying value. Which is why the dollar going down is often a motivator for the Dow and other Americ an indexes to climb. Don’t worry – the underlying value of companies doesn’t change that quickly.
- Gold rules, though. Gold’s price was down early – but again – Gold has it’s place but at the (crooked) Global Market Casino, the Big Players are still accumulating gold. Russia recently hinted at pegging the Ruble to Gold and that could start a (bad pun alert!) Gold Rush.
The problem last week – that “The world’s richest nations are banning gold imports from Russia – WHDH 7News” may look like serious business. But Gold is definitely “in play” around this whole Ukraine mess. By banning Russian gold imports, the West can drive up the value of its own gold stores.
And except for the fact that true ownership of gold is hard to establish (let alone solidly audit Ft. Knox). Gold, you see, has become easy to manipulate because of “paper gold.”
Let’s say I have a “lone gold coin.” I don’t really want to spend it, so I lease it to you. Being the crook you are, you then “lease your lease” to three or four more suckers and the first thing you know, the reported price of gold is only incidental to the paper chase going on. Not unlike the leveraging of cryptos in that other big financial con.
Over the long-term, gold is gold, but paper claims are just, like the dollar: a way to manipulate events for paper profits that continue (quite remarkably) to still trade for useful goods like Jack Daniels.
Slow Joe’s Dilemma
The big problem for the West is how to unwind the financial mess we have gotten ourselves into. Vlad Putin was very clever by demanding gold for some portion of their oil and gas exports.
But what the West is doing now is trying to tell Putin: You won’t be able to spend it! This comes through in headlines like New Zealand to ban Russia gold imports | RNZ News.
Damnedest silliness ever seen: Telling a sovereign nation where THEY can sell product. But this is not a reasonable nor equitable world. The Whole West is gang-banging Russia. Which will likely have the last laugh since we are moving into a period when Ukraine grain will feed into a global shortfall this coming winter and food prices are then likely to rocket.
Gasoline is already too high for a healthy economy, but the odds of a “flash inflation” followed by sinking into a secondary stall of the economy and negative interest rates withing two-years is what my PhD DSP scientist Jas Jain is thinking here lately. He recently sent me this to gnaw on:
“Socrates Foresaw Trump Presidency and America’s Political Problems at the Present
This commentary is NOT about Trump, but about democracy and the democratic politics, a natural consequence. We have no writings by Socrates, but Dialogues written by Plato, some as firsthand witness and some secondhand reported to him. Plato disliked democracy and so did Aristotle because they gained firsthand knowledge of fatal flaws inherent in a democracy and they had read the history prior to their own firsthand knowledge.
Just to briefly mention the present, the Roe vs. Wade ruling now would have had a probability of less than 5% but for Trump being elected in 2016. It was a result of many deals Trump made before and after the election. The most important deal he made was with Justice Kennedy, who agreed to retire early if he got all that he wanted from Trump, including something for his son, but more importantly, that Trump would appoint Kavanaugh to fill his seat. The rest is history.
Here is what Plato reports about Socrates’ thoughts:
“All goes wrong when, starved for lack of anything good in their lives, men turn to public affairs hoping to snatch from thence the happiness they hunger for. They set about fighting for power, and this internecine conflict ruins them and their country.”
The modern form of democracy is a result of capitalist economic system, emanating from Western Europe, i.e., the West, whereby the govt is primarily in the business of promoting the interests of the capitalists, including making wars! At the expense of the rest, especially the future economic prospect and lives for the rest. The future of “the rest” in democracies has been mortgaged.
Enjoy the democracy while it lasts!
Which was followed Friday with this additional (cheery) note:
“As recession is a certainty. And it is the recession, followed by depression, that will control the inflation, not the hapless Federal Reserve. And we will have deflation in 2023 or 2024! Position accordingly.”
The Fed problem just keeps getting worse as the can gets kicked down the road by successive administrations regardless of party.
The current US Gross Domestic Product is $20.94 trillion. The Federal Debt to the penny is $30,568,582,029,058.95 in the Treasury’s latest update.
We are in the position where we now owe to bondholders (including China and the Fed) about one third more than every worker in America produces in a year.
It’s Actually Worse than THAT
There are two problems no one likes to think about:
First is that the Debt to the Penny is a false number. Because that’s how much the government paperhangers have put out there (driven by a crooked Congress more interested in placating lazy constituents than balancing the books of America)
The number does not include debt service. It just assumes that if someone had enough global money of some sort, then the $30.5 trillion MIGHT zero the balances. Except that it won’t, and it can’t.
For one, no one has that much money. But the main reason is that there is all that unpaid interest compounding. That debt service somewhere between triples and quadruples the National Debt from published values.
The Second reason is more insidious: In the calculation of GDP we take all the money turned over in America. In other words, the service industries and the ultra-liberal educators’ wages and investments. Primary jobs and primary production. But by the time you go out three or four ripples into the tertiary economy? Well, no.
Need a third reason? OK – the GDP is dollarized. The inflation rate makes it look like the GDP is going up – when on a unit’s basis, the economy sucks. You see it in Port Traffic and in the weekly numbers from the Association of American Railroads.
“For the first 25 weeks of 2022, U.S. railroads reported cumulative volume of 5,759,356 carloads, down 0.1 percent from the same point last year; and 6,613,002 intermodal units, down 6.3 percent from last year. Total combined U.S. traffic for the first 25 weeks of 2022 was 12,372,358 carloads and intermodal units, a decrease of 3.5 percent compared to last year.
North American rail volume for the week ending June 25, 2022, on 12 reporting U.S., Canadian and Mexican railroads totaled 324,963 carloads, down 3.8 percent compared with the same week last year, and 348,426 intermodal units, down 5.4 percent compared with last year. Total combined weekly rail traffic in North America was 673,389 carloads and intermodal units, down 4.6 percent. North American rail volume for the first 25 weeks of 2022 was 16,872,272 carloads and intermodal units, down 3.7 percent compared with 2021.”
Ure likes counting boxes of Wheaties and carloads of coal. Not the confabulated econo-mystic’s idea of what’s what.
My bad.
But Not Surprising?
When you see the larger context stories like Record-Low 38% Extremely Proud to Be American ( begin to make sense.
But for now, I’m going to make breakfast.
Write when you get rich,
So record low 38% extremely proud to be American. Well that makes us quite an elite group. And one not to be Fucked with I might add.
Happy 4th. Stay safe. 73
It’s sad to see what has happened to America in recent years. Watching the decline of pretty much, everything.
Listening to the sounds of fireworks going off in the neighborhood, use to conjure up the exuberance of our independence but lately, it gives me an uneasy feeling that all the sounds are more like the sounds of war, not joy. Celebration seems to have turned to emotional confrontation. I think I have a better understanding of what a soldier who has endured war with PTSD feels when they hear to booms. Very unsettling.
We are a sovereign nation in word but obviously, not in reality. Too many negative changes. Too much confusion. The power that was once mighty, is being shorted out and the lights are flickering.
It’s sad that our President blames another president of a completely different country on the other side of the world, for our problems. Without measures taken to avoid such (problems) and keep our country strong-er, it appears Putin has more control over the United States than the present President and his Administration. – so much for sovereignty. So much for Independence.
Old Glory flies proudly in front of my house. It represents our past achievements and the hope that our country can endure these times and rise back up like a Phoenix rising from ashes. They say, “time heals everything” but it’s more what we do with that time, rather than just letting time pass by.
People seem to forget what it means to be an American. Too many people who aren’t even happy with themselves want everyone else to be unhappy too … in the name of Freedom. They do have that liberty. But those who know what America really was, also have the liberty to stand their ground … to keep what remains and hopefully rebuild it back to its former glory. To what this Independence Day really means.
The real threat is not coming from a war on the other side of the world. It’s the negative actions and inactions here, that is doing the damage.
Sorry, if I seem to be ranting.
Not ranting – reporting
How many times must it be said. We live in a representative Republic, not a democracy. Our founding fathers despised the idea of a democracy which they defined as: five wolves and three sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
“The real threat is not coming from a war on the other side of the world. It’s the negative actions and inactions here, that is doing the damage.”
You’re not ranting Bob. You’re expressing a frustration most of us feel as we watch the “Liberal World Order” being constructed. The conspiracy theories are becoming conspiracy facts.
The next 4 or 5 months before the mid-terms are critical. Soros and the gang surely have a plan in place to ensure they retain power. Will it be another COVID lockdown with mail-in ballots and 2000 (or more) mules again? Will it be an emergency war with Russia declaration?Martin Armstrong has a theory that Biden will declare that all the illegals that he is transporting around the country to Red states are eligible to vote. That would certainly create chaos.
Happy 4th to all my American family and friends. We do remember what America and Liberty really was.
Biden has done a good job of appearing to be near-senile while very deliberately and effectively destroying the country. Definitely an Obama third term, with the gloves off, though I do think the Armstrong idea of “deeming” the illegal aliens to be voters might be well beyond the pale.
Quite honestly, this so-called president reminds me of Mr. Hitler without the charm.
“Martin Armstrong has a theory that Biden will declare that all the illegals that he is transporting around the country to Red states are eligible to vote. That would certainly create chaos.”
The Executive lacks that authority. Our Congress determines citizenship along starkly delineated Constitutional guidelines, but each State separately determines the requirements for voting within its boundaries. IMO there would be an actual insurrection or rebellion if Biden (or any Prez) tried to overtly gut the INS provisions in the Constitution and override our codified Immigration and Naturalization processes…
Joe M; so nice to include an article that is so, shall we sway, misleading, and yet leaving in things that are misleading….papering over, shall we say, the real problems of WW1 and 2. But, there, the victors write the fairy tales, after all.
well said.
“the sounds of fireworks going off in the neighborhood, use to conjure up the exuberance of our independence but lately, it gives me an uneasy feeling that all the sounds are more like the sounds of war,”
The sense was a more somber one this year.. see the fireworks was amazing.. but.. I believe people are fearing the war of war to hit our soil.. the views of the fireworks.. and the great possibility that this time.. instead of us taking war to them like we always have.. it will come here and touch our shores for a change.. the puppeteers are not stupid.. they never involve where they lay their heads down.. this time we pushed the envelope to far.. with the wrong two countries..
china not only makes our war machine.. and all our domestic products.. but they also have a very large military of themselves and after converting container ships for military use.. now have one of the biggest navies in the world..
the real scary part is who we are helping is the very same groups that we fought against in ww2
“drive up the value of its own gold”
According to Wiki and the other sources the U.S. holds the most gold @ about 8,133 tons.
This is from “”
“If you dreamed of making the white picket fence a reality, a new house would’ve cost approximately $6,296–about $77,339 today. In 1920, to rent an apartment in New York City cost $60 per month.” says gold was worth a rich $20.67 per ounce in 1920. Silver of course had a worth of one dollar. “Silver dollars”.
A 1920 house cost of $6,296 =’ed 305 +/- ounces of gold.
2022, “According to Federal Reserve Economic Data, the median price of houses sold in 2022 is $428,700. The average sales price in the same period is higher, at $507,800.”
Today Kitco has gold @ 1.8K +/- per ounce.
A new 2022 houses is 238 ounces of gold.
Even if you rent.
2022 “In New York City, Section 8 covers one-bedroom apartments priced at $1,945 per month”
1.1 ounces of gold for rent in 2022 Vs three + ounces in 1920.
The $ buys more gold than it ever did.
As I noted on PN Saturday, gold has been the smallest loser (barely losing) YTD while stocks (need I?) andf B TC?
Other than rural sustainable real estate, see anything else worth buying?
We have to figure out where we are in the process. I think we’re finally in the $ debt liquidation phase. Ure sixth sense picked up something with “accumulated and distributed depreciation”. A global accounting event. But is it the big “global reconciliation”?
Back during the 2008 housing debacle the economy went into a mini-liquidation phase. At that time I was talking to a WW2 Vet about the collapse. He said government will find a way and everything will resume. Recall before 2008 there was never wholesale bailouts like “TARP” and the rest. Indeed, a way was found and everything did resume.
If we’re in liquidation stay in $’s for now. To over-weight in $s is to short the markets/don’t buy stuff.
When my uncle 1st started working a Detroit factory gig back there around 1950 he said his annual salary would buy 2.5 Chevy Impalas.
According to Edmunds, “A new 2022 Chevrolet Impala starts at $40,730.”
The modern factory gig in Detroit @ Fiat starts at $18/hr. Not even one Chevy Impala.
IF minimum wage had kept up with inflation and benefit realocations.. with just the inflation the dollar what was it would be shooting sixty dollars today per hour.. if you calculate the re-allocation of benefits.. it would be much higher.. two years ago minimum wage would have been just shy forty.. but since numb nutz has taken over.. prices are soaring and the dollar loosing.. the wage earners.. new hires get more per hour.. the old workers are still making the same as they were.. starting wage here is twelve.. rent is half of that or better alone ..
IF you are on mount olympus already this is not an issue to be concerned about.. BUT.. like the tree falling.. it does have to have an affect in the future ripples of the economy.. its just slower going.. during a recession.. the first place you notice it is at the grocery store.. the reason people can juggle that expense and they hate to change the luxuries that they have become accustomed to…. after they get to the point where they cannot see a way out.. they start buying groceries again and cut our the un necessary items.. we seen some of that in brick and mortar sales during covid shut down.. I am betting if we don’t go hog nuts wild in a war .. that there will be another stimulous or two to push that dam noodle along the table a little more.. heck he still has two and a quarter years left.. can we survive the present administration..
“IF minimum wage had kept up with inflation and benefit realocations.. with just the inflation the dollar what was it would be shooting sixty dollars today per hour.”
And a loaf of bread would be $25
and a gallon of gas would be $40
and “minimum wage” recipients would be paying (on average) 46% of their earnings to the government in taxes and receiving zero EIC and other largess, and would therefore be much worse off.
Bought a brand new 1962 Chevy Impala for $2,000 in the fall of 1961. Red and White – oh so pretty. My teacher’s salary was almost $5,000 a year.
” a loaf of bread would be 25 dollars and a gallon of gas would be 40″
????? I think it is an illusion that it isn’t already @Ray.. back in the seventies.. twenty loaves of bread for a buck.. a months worth of groceries for a family was seventy five.. no one was on assistance and everyone had insurance.. those that didn’t had country and state federal medical assistance..
a doctors visit was five dollars..
even up to two thousand and four a loaf of bread was below a dollar for the cheap stuff a dollar for the good stuff with lots of flour in it..
today over seventy six percent are on a federal program of one sort or other.. food stamps rent assistance daycare assistance eic tax credit that dumps from one to ten thousand in someones pocket.. every year..
last year I knew several that received over seven grand … because of their income wage limits..
my first house payment was a five year loan at two percent payment of what was it forty five dollars.. electricity was five dollars.. and water bill was ffless than ten.. even up till two thousand and four our water bill in winter was thirty dollars a month in summer around twenty.. now it is one hundred and fifty plus a month in winter and summer.. well that depends on what you water in the garden..
so that nickle or ten cent loaf of bread has gone up eighty times since the seventies and that is for the cheaper loaves of bread.. daycare.. phew.. that is an income all its own to afford daycare.. and bosses do not understand the times when you have to miss because of daycare.. it isn’t their problem..
so the illusion is that prices have been kept low.. with income.. average rent now is around a grand if you have credit and living in the lower class higher crime area’s of the cities.. and about two grand if you live in a newer well patrolled area.. plus utilities.. in the eighties women were forced to go to work to help the family exist.. today many are doing what I did and working several jobs to make a living.. those that don’t are on federal programs..
there are no longer four classes.. today there are the haves and the have not’s.. and it is designed to keep you in constant need.. industrty has been relocated and our communities are slowly crumbling.. one look at detroit of the steel mill cities will tell you that.. once tool and die workers now sacking groceries.. or flipping burgers..
so my guess is it is an illusion to keep you thinking that things are not as bad as they are.. if we took away the food stamps.. alone.. we would see long lines for the soup kitchens.. even now the percentage of people visiting.. ( and half of them children) is skyrocketing.. by implementation of the food stamp program.. it took the long lines away.. by making federal programs it has suppressed the visuals..
similar to the deficit.. NOW I do have a question on that..
The dollar isn’t even real.. it is real but it isn’t.. all you get is a piece of fine linen paper.. it isn’t backed by anything at all.. an illusion.. that we all have to live by.. similar to BC the only difference is you can play pocket pool with the coins.. so .. could the people wanting to keep us all under control.. just make it all go away.. no debt if they erase it.. we seen the effects of double money analyzation .. where any salesman can make you believe you can afford a new car.. it is easy.. bill C did it to make everyone believe we had a surplus instead of a deficit.. all while driving the debt deeper.. reminiscent of a star trek episode..
LOOB, so from what I can read….the government, in full knowledge, as they were selling out our country, especially since NAFTA, just created and continued more programs to keep the masses quiet as the ground was shifting under their feet from rock to sand. A 75% dependency rate? 25% working without any benefits/help, and still more come to add to the dependency rate?
Even if this wasn’t said exactly like we have been told; there’s a message here for everyone:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”
“Socrates Foresaw Trump Presidency and America’s Political Problems at the Present” Are you referring to Socrates the dust bunny or the Socrates AI over at Armstrong Economics?
None of the above
Would care to enlighten us George? Enquiring minds would like to know please!
“Would care to enlighten us George? Enquiring minds would like to know please!”
Wow… I still believe that the ancients should be required reading every year @Chuck K..
What was it that was said.. I am not sure but believe it was Plato.. what was the downfall of civilization.. the greed of those leading and the people they lead accepting what they do…
LOOB shared some items, I wanted to share this which I found from something he posted:
So, now, you all know why they don’t educate us.
Near Death Experiences?
Remote Viewing?
Spirit Walkers?
Gosh nothing NEW under the SUN at ALL.
Here it is laid out neatly; pick a life, suffer/learn/live, then pass onto the next.
And here we live in a plethora of testament to near death experiencers coming back to tell us of beyond the land of death, and we act like we are the first to know!!!
I wonder if the ole Doctor knew?
“LIfe After Life,” by Dr. Raymond Moody.
Yes he did
I have been running a retail store for 25 years in a small resort/vacation town. This year’s 4th of July weekend sales and traffic are the lowest ever. I checked receipts from the ’21 and ’20 during Covid and this year was down 50%. The recession is here.
“The Whole West is gang-banging Russia.” No duh. Provoked or not, he invaded a freaking country. No sympathy for a gang-banger being gang-banged.
The Fed’s goal of wringing excess trillions out of the economy has been accomplished by the crypto and stock meltdowns. Poof! It’s gone.
As a wise man once said, a recession is when you lose your job; a depression is when I lose mine.
Half right AG
1. Russia invaded after 7 years of Ukraine turning off water to the contested and mostly Russian speaking region. Ukraine eff’ed with Putin till they got a war.
2. the Fed goal is to get the crap off their balance sheet – and the meltdowns have not moved assets of the Fed balance sheet. Sorry
After Depression is meltdown – which is when your children lose their jobs and prospects. We are headed that way
The factory jobs with livable pay and benefits for the new additions to the workforce have largely disappeared over the last couple of decades, replaced with carton stacking and unstacking in distribution warehouses for the benefit of offshore masters. I think Out of Work Steve is correct: liquidation phase of the stealth depression is at hand. The cryptos and stock market are just a taste of what’s to come. Except the liquidations aren’t going to be stealth: the homeless, the anger, and the leftist feeding frenzy are going to be in your face and your front yard, even in the piney woods.
the Whole west or the Whore west, Babylon/NATO/EU
the IMF put Ukraine into debter state with the Nato/CIA/McStain/ over throw of the Ukraine gov government and installed a puppet controlled regime, that was using the NAZI/AZOV to kill Russians in eastern Ukraine. The legitimate government rejected the IMF indebtedness, thus the need to bring them into submission.
“In December 2013, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov noted “the extremely harsh conditions” of a renewed IMF loan presented by the Fund on 20 November of that year. The conditions, which included steep budget cuts and a 40-percent increase in natural-gas bills, were the last argument supporting the Ukrainian government’s decision to suspend preparations to sign the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement on 21 November 2013.[11][12][13] The decision to postpone signing the agreement led to the Euromaidan protests.[14][nb 1] On 7 December 2013, the IMF clarified that it was not insisting on a 40-percent single-stage increase in natural-gas tariffs; the Fund recommended a gradual increase to an economically-justified level, with compensation to the poor in the form of increased social assistance.[21] On 10 December 2013, Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych said: “We will certainly resume the IMF negotiations. If there are conditions that suit us, we will take that path”.[22] However, Yanukovych repeated that the IMF conditions were unacceptable: “I had a conversation with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who told me that the issue of the IMF loan has almost been solved, but I told him that if the conditions remained … we did not need such loans”.[22] In December 2013, Ukraine again applied to the IMF for about $20 billion to meet the costs associated with signing the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement.[23]
In February 2014, Yanukovych and Azarov were overthrown and replaced by the first Yatsenyuk government.”
the Ukraines were fixing to get a loan with Russia with much friendlier terms,, but you know it is all fair in, love and stealing your country/war.
George Sorass helped put rioters into their streets just like he has here, BLM/antifa type shit but with AZOV Nazis with guns. No Name McStain and L. Graham have been videoed promoting the NAZIs and funding them with our money. Now drunk Nancy and slow Joe are sending more of our money down that sewer pipe.
“Welcome back President Trump” scares the living shit out of the demons,, I can hear them scream ,,EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Debt = slavery,, I own your ass,, fuck up and I will send men with guns to straighten your ass out, signed the soulless bankers of the world order
Liberal World Order=LWO,, reversed = OWL, what was that satanic ceremony in the California redwoods, cremation of care?
ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE !!! Take the gold from them that they stole from US,,, Franklin D Roosevelt says that is OK to do what you want.
Restore the US Constitutional banking and printing of money
A little visit from the One who fashioned a whip and drove the money changers from the Temple is needed.
“Take the gold from them that they stole from US”
That’s adorable…
You still believe Fort Knox and the FRBofNY are not warehousing bars of gold-plated tungsten.
Why is Ron Paul is a retired congresscritter?
Because if he’d not stopped pushing for an audit of our “gold holdings” he’d be a dead congresscritter…
Happy fourth of July you to.. totally forgot today was trash man day.. phew talk about rushing to get it out before he picked it up.. the kids went nuts for fireworks.. I for one don’t buy them.. but dang I do love to watch the fountains..
One surprise for me.. the best friend of my daughters mother came.. my goodness never knew who her mom was.. heck we chewed up the same floors for a couple of decades so it was old home night.. I am going to drop off a bottle of wine for her to enjoy.. all in all it was a nice evening
Hope you anti abortionist are happy that a ten year old is going to add to the gene pool. This should learn her not to engage in such behavior.
Maybe the child rapist will end up in jail. Unless it’s an Illegal ,or a well tanned person, just saying.
“Hope you anti abortionist are happy that a ten year old is going to add to the gene pool.”
How’s this going to happen?
“By banning Russian gold imports, the West can drive up the value of its own gold stores.”
???????…. SO…….Just how much gold does the USA have.. they have forbidden any inspection of fort knox vaults.. and wasn’t there an issue here a few years ago when Germany insisted they get the gold we were holding for them back from our gold reserves.. and discovered that many of the ingots that we gave them were nothing more than gold plated steel ingots.
and since our dollar isn’t backed by anything does there really need to be a gold reserve.. they should be storing peanuts or tulip bulbs in the vaults.. then we could have nut bucks or tulip mania…. LOL LOL
“stick the legal citizens for the bill while riding communist agitprop up the food chain. Whee!”
Just another day in paradise as they spin the web of the emporers new clothes
“Being the crook you are, you then “lease your lease” to three or four more suckers and the first thing you know, ”
LOL LOL the gas bill.. long story short.. my wife moved out of a place in 1980.. the people moving in called the utility companies up claiming to be her and had the utilities turned back on.. (YUP no questions asked.. because talking to someone on the phone your talking to someone states away and since they didn’t know the person calling turned them back on.. a real pet peeve of mine..)
anyway.. it was tossed out of court.. after a few court hearings when she proved that she was not a resident there.. then they garnished her wages.. see the company sent the people that really owed the bill but penciled her name in at the bottom at an address she had never lived at or even been to.. the post office sent the letter back and we didn’t show up for the hearing.. we had to pay the dam bill.. now you are probably wondering how I put the gold to that..
I worked with a woman that did the same thing to some other unsuspecting schmuck .. let me call her trash.. but she went out and bought a car.. got a loan on the car.. then took our a high interest title loan.. then sold the car to someone else.. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL..
which all plays into that story line…lease the lease of the leaser.. LOL LOL.. the more that comes out about what we do the uglier it gets LOL.. we really need a group leading this country that is willing to do the right thing… for the people for a change not just their bottom line..
After reviewing 17 countries across a 180-year time span, Atkeson and Kehoe found 65 out of 73 deflation episodes with no economic downturn, while 21 out of 29 depressions had no deflation.
Two caveats here, though. One: Government and Consumer debt are at unprecedented levels. More than even the Japanese in the 1990’s., and they still haven’t recovered and probably never will see their glory days again. Two: We are already in an economic downturn.
Deflation Forerunner
When M2 Velocity is declining it reflects an underlying weakness in the economy and declining velocity is usually a forerunner before a deflationary period. Since it’s peak in 1995 / 1996 at nearly 2.2x, the velocity has dropped by roughly 47% – to a multi-generational low.
Economist Irving Fisher developed an entire theory for economic depressions based on debt deflation. Fisher argued that the liquidation of debts after a negative economic shock can induce a larger reduction in the supply of credit in the economy, which can lead to deflation which in turn puts even more pressure on debtors, leading to even more liquidations and thus spiraling into a depression. ., and boy, is there a lot of debt out there.
Yes most of it borrowed at eight percent interest to LOL.. that is a couple of bucks.. is it compounded daily.. what is the daily interest rate on that ..
I have also heard this referred to as credit deflation, and this process is independent of consumer price inflation or deflation. The worst case scenario is runaway debt (or credit if you like) deflation coupled with consumer hyperinflation. We are seeing that now. Massive debt liquidation at all levels ensues. This is the nowhere to hide scenario.
I’ve read that US debt is actually closer to 90 trillion, with unfunded liabilities sitting at around 169 trillion.
Unfunded liabilities, PLUS the service on those liabilities, was estimated to be in excess of $200 trillion, 10 years ago.
Remember, candidate Trump got castigated so severely by his election staff for mentioning the words “inflate” and “repudiate” on the campaign trail, that he only mentioned them once. I doubt one had to go to the Wharton School to see the mess we’re in, coming.
Just saying…
“I doubt one had to go to the Wharton School to see the mess we’re in, coming.”
Yes.. and I believe that everyone knows but is digging their heads in the sand about the actual mess we are in..
IF and old man in the middle of the wastelands knows .. and those that cross his path in life know.. everyone knows.. the bozo’s at the top that actually think they are fooling anyone by their misleading actions are the ones that are fooling themselves.. this stuff is the subject of coffee house conversation since the eighties.. I believe that is one reason why DJT was voted in.. everyone is sick and tired of having some clueless idiot that has lived their whole life on the corrupt feed troughs of DC that don’t live in the real world but some fantasy realm of rainbows and butterflies..
what is eight percent of two hundred trillion per year.. what was it a few years ago already we had entered the never been seen before years where our tax revenue was no where near what our interest payments were.. DJT had a plan that surprised me and could have pulled the USA back from the brink.. instead we have numb nutz and his spendy ways.. in the wastelands we call that a HIGH MAINTENANCE person.. he still could pull off the death spiral.. but that would mean putting back all the price regulations that was taken off on a lot of stuff..
Why on the planet would we want to drive the price of gold up? The US doesn’t own any gold – it’s just like bidding bitcoin up it has no value – I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if an actual outside audit showed there isn’t any – prolly stolen while Canada got rid of all of there’s – flown to Iran and in the hands of Obama etel………. Bitcoin was invented to bankrupt people and divert the money that would go to gold and silver into a pipe dream …. own nothing and be happy – FEMA camps here we come….
Thinking about the LHC I don’t know if “tomorrow” July 5th means the Swiss July 5th or DC July 5th.
Pelosi and Musk recently saw the Pope. Perhaps they are colluding on CERN bringing in the inter-dimensional being invasion. Not from space. From the portal.
Musk will make it so we see/communicate with them.
Pelosi will legalize them.
The Pope will legitimize them.
Or some variation. But sometimes a super collider is just a super collider and not a portal maker.
LHC Run 3: physics at record energy starts tomorrow
The Large Hadron Collider is ready to once again start delivering proton collisions to experiments, this time at an unprecedented energy of 13.6 TeV, marking the start of the accelerator’s third run of data taking for physics
I don’t think we have to wait a year or so to a depression – things are moving much, much faster than we think.
Watch the EU – when it falls into chaos – it’s coming here (US) very soon afterward 6-8 weeks max. Why – because you cannot separate the banking systems -no real fire walls on trillions of dollars of derivatives!
as the tree falls.. it picks up speed as it heads over..
The leveraged crypto companies who ALSO loaned money so people could buy MORE crypto (which they held that bought crypto as collateral) are in a HUGE world of hurt. Sorta like banks going into 1929 BEFORE the FDIC.
Once they liquidate the borrower’s collateral so as to TRY to pay back the loan, and the amount they get for it does NOT cover the amount borrowed, well the lender then has to dig into it’s own reserves to make up the shortfall. Alas in the crypto world those so called “Reserves” are also mostly crypto which have ALSO gone down by 2/3, OR MORE!!
Alas Crypto Companies are in trouble, BIG TIME TROUBLE, since many of them decided to also become Crypto Banks. So far only a few have collapsed but if you had your crypto holdings on deposit with them … well TOO BAD, you might as well kiss 1/2 it, maybe ALL of it, GOOD BYE!!
So far only the very worst of the rat infested companies have admitted to problems, but you can be sure there are more out there that are insolvent who are praying and hoping something turns up before they have to admit it so they don’t have to formally go broke too!
Watch out in Crypto Land. There is more and more acceptance of Crypto … but the companies at the core of it’s trading are very undercapitalized at best, and in most cases were mostly under capitalized before the sell off even began and with Crypto values having declined by 2/3 during this sell off the solvency for many is questionable.
Where is the price bottom for crypto? I have no idea but I am sure it won’t be seen until a few more of the BIG crypto companies bite the dust!
George. I will remind you and Dr. Jain, The entire play by the US Government this winter is law 27. That is almost it’s go to for everything at election time and especially in times of crisis.
Law 27. From the book ~ The 48 Laws or Power. ~
Law 27. Play on People’s Need to Believe
Summary: People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power. “
As I have said, humans require religion. If we don’t have one, we will turn something into one, hence the religious fervor attached to “global warming” / “global climate change” and my wry jab at the climate freaks when I accuse them of praying at the “Gorical of Al.”
The last couple years I have noticed a few of the more-aware conservative talkers referring to GW/GCC as a religion, but none have thought it through to find the root cause. They attack the beliefs instead of attacking the reason for the existence of those beliefs, thus pissing off the “true believers” and steeling their resolve to “believe” even more fervently.
To certain segments of society “cryptocurrency” is a religion — so is “politics.” My Mom (she of the treatises from many religions) used to tell me: “There are many paths to God.” ‘Thing is, every one begins with an individual and ends with God. If it doesn’t, by definition, it is not a path…
(Dammit, I forgot the “close bold” tag…)
Raytheon Unveils New Rent-Seeking Missile
America’s formidable military arsenal became even more so this week, as Raytheon Technologies revealed a brand-new rent-seeking missile.
The rent-seeking missile represents a revolutionary breakthrough in stealth technology, capable of blowing up the budget of an entire country before its taxpayers even notice something is wrong.
“People used to point and laugh when Congress would buy dozens of worthless tanks just to prop up General Dynamics,” said Senator and fanatical war hawk Lindsey Graham. “With this new missile, we’ll bankrupt our country before China can even blink.”
As befits its cutting-edge nature….
Entire article may be read here:
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL I love it @Ray… just think what they could do IF… they did things to help mankind.. secure the grid.. repair and replace broken infrastructure.. Greenscaped.. built air wells for the dry area’s.. the list is endless.. instead we bankrupt and destroy.. what sense is there in that.. families broken hurt and sad.. phew..
1.) O’Bama promised to fix it; even passed money towards it and called it shovel ready jobs. No noticeable improvement in our infrastructure.
2.) Trump told everyone how 3rd world we were, roads, airports, bridges, and how almost impossible, due to regulations, it was to get an infrastructure anything off the ground, ex: a bridge.
3). Biden dangles the carrot and gives all of that US infrastructure money to Ukraine. FREE. Has anyone heard of the repayment structure yet? I mean is the FED allowing 22% interest charges on that borrowed fiat money like on most people’s credit cards in the USA? How about those private bank school loans with interest rates upward of 18%?
4). Or is it going to be like what Bush the 2nd said and didn’t do; he said all the sales of Iraq oil would pay for the WAR….and it never did, not one penny.
It’s kinda, sorta, possibly, maybe, amazingly, ultimately, impossibly, horribly, unbelievably how our elected leaders CONTINUE TO LIE TO US ALL. YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR.