Focus on The Ides and Oddballs

As we wrap up February next week, The Ides of March loom large. Not that Julius Caesar will be assassinated again, but the World could be on a hard boil by then as global events remind us of an old Talking Heads song – “Lifetime Piling Up.

The good news, such as it can be when so many of the G.A. Stewart Nostradamus pieces are falling into place, is that many of our deepest questions about “Who was behind the Dump Trump” move has come into the open due to an amazing Tucker Carlson interview with Michael Benz in the past week.

A link to that – it’s worth every minute of the full hour to watch – is included.  Since we have entered the Post Constitution period. When self-righteous “defenders of America” are breaking the country on the pretext of “saving it.”

Against this outlandish (criminal) usurpation of power from the electorate, we also look in on that “free money to play stocks” deal run by the Bank of Japan that lit off another moonshot in the markets this week.

But will it all hang together, or are we at another one of those Beware the Ides of March deals?

Two cups and onward.

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109 thoughts on “Focus on The Ides and Oddballs”

    • wow..
      I see Chaos coming.. there is nothing any of us can do about it..our politicians are all more concerned about their political alignments and days off than doing what the people are begging them to do..
      an administration that is to stupid to even listen to their own generals warnings and their own threat analysis centers.. its so scary.. that none of them have taken the time to do any historical reading whatsoever to get an idea of what happens..
      I am actually shocked to..I doubt seriously that the supreme court would intervene in NY basically trying to force out all the corporate entities.. Lately you see multi billionaires coming out calling NY a loser state.. the sad part is.. he is right.Now will businesses leave the state..I would but then I am just an old loon in the wastelands..
      the message is clear.. oppose us in our political policies and we will destroy you..

    • the last time the supreme court went against the political alliance all their personal data was put out and they were target number 1 placing them and their families in jeopardy.. FEAR… would you want to make a decision against the all powerful wicked..
      that is why no one opposed Adolph.. they were afraid to.. anyone that went against him was targeted So the people in Germany even though they opposed what Adolph was doing remained quiet.. FEAR ..In addition to singling out Jews for complete annihilation, the Nazis targeted for discrimination and persecution, anyone they believed threatened their ideal of a ‘pure Aryan race’.
      This is what we are seeing in NYC and the party of lets destroy them. One woman that was a member of the NAZI party and escaped the ghetto because she was a nazi jew.. would wake up sometimes when we were checking on her.. instantly she thought we were nazis coming to get her from her nightmare dreams.. and we would have to call her kids to calm her down.. it was scary seeing that total fear..

      • April 20th, Hitler’s birthday.

        Martin Armstrong: We have a Double Directional Change in April coinciding with the major ECM turning point of April 20th, 2024. There is no way Ukraine will defeat Russia. Indeed, behind the curtain, that has been known from day one. Ukraine has been used to weaken Russian forces for the ultimate confrontation with NATO.

        G. A. STEWART: Yes, Nostradamus also predicted the advent of an international cabal of Satan worshipers; he called them The Pagan Sect of New Infidels, and he associated that name with Nazi occultism. Another set of days Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect uses for killing is April 19th and April 20th, the last day being Adolf Hitler’s birthday.

        • “Ukraine has been used to weaken Russian forces for the ultimate confrontation with NATO.”

          see now I believe that Ukraine and all their corrupted industries were used as a pawn.
          those in the ultra wealthy seen their corrupted business ventures ending and wasn’t about to allow that to happen.
          it was well known to be the number one child trafficking country. the number 3 human trafficking country.. over 30 illegal blows trade labs researching biologicals, the number1 money laundering country that from someone projected estimates was laundering 37 trillion dollars a year..
          the vast majority of the citizens there had asked Putin to intervene.. he was reluctant and NATO kept expanding towards the borders.. heck he almost begged everyone to back away..
          instead we moved more in the rest we have been seeing for a couple years now.
          what has transpired is classic art of war stuff.. we are separated on 8 fronts an administration that has been allowing people from countries that threatened our country of attack from within. A family business that made port deals with those that build and distribute club-k missile and robotic defense..using up our strategic reserves weakening the USA’s ability to defend itself ..and now reports that they are going to fast track illegal refugees by allowing these military aged illegals into our own military and that says we would even provide the arms and ammunition to them..
          even if this never goes to war..we and our currency is being destroyed.. the Glover piven act.. alone is destroying our country. handing out what ten thousand dollar cash cards and two thousand a month free medical and dental..that is just a story I heard I did tell the wife we should fly to nyc.. told my niece take her and the kids to NYC and pretend they can’t talk California doing that now.. I haven’t heard.. its the poison pawn trap..let us destroy ourselves..if the balloon is forced up..then take us from within..its all in the art of war..

    • Bic, that article is one of the poorest, stupidly written inaccurate innane articles I have read in a long time.

      Its premises are lies, it repeats the word democracy 20 times, we are a Republic..It’s a perfect example of chaotic idiotic writing.

      Pure unadulterated chaotic dribble.

  1. “We Must Hang Together Or Surely We Shall Hang Separately” — Ben (reportedly)

    Society seems at some stage of gathering nastiness amid angst. Full moon anyone?

    A sizzling 19F with unexpected popup snowstorm last night. Back to white.

    Best to all,

  2. I woke up this morning thinking about what to do with the poems and essays I wrote when I was meditating 4 to 6 hours a day in my 50s. I thought I might send them to Quakers in Philadelphia to hold onto.

    Then I read Andy’s posts of yesterday about being where we are supposed to be. No matter what happens this year the God I experienced while meditating will be with us. God loves and needs us as much as we need God.

    I agree that we need to hold on to our higher ideals and not get sucked into dark negatively. The world needs happiness and love. I know I sound naive but it’s too easy to get sucked into a dark hole of negative thoughts and then just freeze because it seems hopeless. Prepare, sure, but enjoy whatever light you find in your life.

    • Hi, Eleanor,

      A LOT of people are thinking like you.

      He calls this Surviving the New World ODOR.

      Absolutely, GOD IS REAL and all of our aspirations to be the best we could be and to help others as we help ourselves (love, help, treat). IS THE IDEAL AND IT HELPS US REMEMBER/DISCOVER/BEHAVE OR IMITATE GODLY BEHAVIORS.

      The very behaviors that the communists want to ERASE from our memories and lives.

      You did it, Nancy, in YOUR life; THEY did not win; all the rest is ADVENTURE.

      We gotta live through it, however.

      A dear friend, was standing up in the kitchen at 5:30 a.m. yesterday, and fell over with a cardiac arrest. Is in ICU now.

      Another dear friend, died of lung cancer that spread, last week.

      So, we neither know the day or the hour of our own demise, so LET US LIVE UNTIL THEN.!!!

    • thank you Nancy.

      ya know, i met alot of people. i just sent a screen shot to geroge of part of my conversation with Elon. now, alot of people would change all their plans and throw anyone and everyone under the buss for a chance to speak directly with the richest man in the world.

      but catching a couple ducks with the ranchers wife who is making the bomb ass lasagna, ive ever ate. seems more important to me.

      Elons not making me super yummy lasagna for dinner. and them coyotes out by the lake aint eating duck for dinner.

      its like that super old dude that runns around here in the comment section time to time goes by, ~ Choices ~

      im not impressed by big money and fame and all that.

      i have seen thousands of predictions of the end of the world. and it hasnt happend yet. honestly, if the WEF guys give it a go now, this soon after the pandemic fiasco and all the lies about the vaccine like “you cant get covid or give it to anyone else if you get vaccinated” which qas q bald face lie. and all the shaming that went with not conforming to a bald face lie that went along with it.

      if they try to do that shit again too sooon? the entire world population which far out numbers them, would systematically hunt each and every single one of them down and wipe them off the face of the earth.

      becasuse the one thing the pandemic created is, nobody trusts a damn word that comes out of their mouth. not a damn word. and if anything. i mean anything happens. the population of the planet know exactly who is responcible for it and will hunt them down to the ends of the earth.

      you think the people pulling the strings on the biden camp want to do something stupid like shut down the power grid? on an election year? thay would make J6 look like a dress rehersal.

      there would be a mob of a million men with AR15s knocking on the white house front door. and all the national guard and army and marines with them. especially after biden called the transvesties the bravest people he knew and insulted every man and woman in uniform.

      all the power elite have done in the last 3 years is set them selves up for a good hanging.

      the time has never been riper to start a pitch fork and torch buisness. when their is blood in the streets? buy!

      no matter what. if you really know The Creator? and you know it, through and through. deep in your bones. your whole life, you have been provided for and that doesnt stop.

      and if God cares enough to place me at the same spot for 10 months praying and meditating to save a male and female ducks??? well, im sure He has good stuff and good plans for me.

      same as you. 100%

      • Actually…even though it would be fascinating to speak with Elon.. its not something that trips my would if he gave a lecture I attended and what he talked about spurred my interest..I have met quite a few that way.. Ama I met him before he became famous science advisor..he was just a teacher when I visited with him..we use to visit a lot..
        the last time I visited with him was 2011 right after he sent me a copy of his book..

    • uhem. Eleanor.

      not sure why i have Nancy on my brain.


      well, enough of the yada yada yada.

      i was foreman a few days back for the day. i drove around in a brand new 3/4 Ton White RAM, 4 door Cummings 4X4. ->>> $100,000 Truck. up in the mines, in enoch valley

      I am the King of The Mountain! Got a c
      Crown and ~ everything ~ now!

      after all, i am the door fore man. hahahahaha. ->>> mining the future.

      you couldnt imagine a morr faccinating story. let alone one aa true as true could be.

      best get busy being about it.


    Taking the cake everyday ! Holy guacamole Jeffe, what chu be smoking out there on the perimeter?

    RE: UDOW -6 month chart shows a high of 82(recent) and a low of 59 (bout 6 month ago) for a GAIN of 39% !!! (82-59=23/59=39 friggin percent UP.
    SDOW -6 month chart shows a high of 24 and a low of 16, for a negative 33% LOSS. (24-16=8/24= 33%)

    Why don’t you TRUST my maths ? Why did you need to VERIFY? Why pray tell ?

    Jeffe can you please provide readership with an idea of what you be smoking, this time ?

    Higher 4 longer, it’s the only way that makes any have seen how “The Cull” is going lately ?

    Human Trafficking – the most lucrative business in Milky Way, MOST Lucrative.

    Everybody must…Smoke em if ya got em ! If not your portfolio be full of Holes, presactly like wef, eu, dc, full of “holes”.

    Ass Holes .

  4. dual citizenship in CONgress is a BIG problem. It is like the dualers are wives that have two husbands, and they have a favorite and it ain’t US as they take money from one husband and deposit in the other husband’s bank account,,,,,,, we need to divorce them cheating bitches and then delivery justice for stealing and lying.
    don’t skip a rope

  5. You wrote…“Still, the anti-White actions seem to be increasing in number. Microsoft ADMITS They Are Paying White People LESS, This Is ILLEGAL.”

    The narrative goes both ways. This is a very misleading headline. It’s not that they are paying White people less, they are paying Asian people more. I see it all over the Bay Area. The best and brightest are usually Asian born or first gen engineers from MIT, Stanford, Cal-Berkeley and Cal-Tech. They are 95% of my clients. They have cash and they want homes. And with AI initiatives bringing a tsunami of new talent to the Silicon Valley, the only new hires I see are Indian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese engineers. The “white” people I see being hired are Russian or Persian. the rest are a small percentage of American white and black people.

    • Wow, Mark, the truth is they are NOT hiring the WHITES with the degrees and abilities. That’s what DIE is all about.

      You don’t know that?

      Many times we have offered proof. The fortune 100/500 are NOT hiring Whites in the percentages of the population, they are hiring ANYTHING but White.

      That’s the TRUTH.

      Also, for decades, Harvard, Yale, Rice, UT, John Hopkins, Columbia, you name it, those top top schools have discriminated against WHITES, and therefore, the WHITE RACE is not going to be represented percentage wise in the Doctors/Lawyers/Accountants/Researchers/Engineers/IT, etc., etc., etc., due to a PURPOSEFUL DISCRIMINATION against them.

      WE are talking WHITE CAUCASIANS, not Jews who call themselves White. Whoopi Goldberg (not born Jewish) made the BIG mistake of calling what happened in WW2 as Whites fighting Whites. The JEW media, hollyweird, ACLU, and many other entities went after her because she called Jews Whites….the Jews said they are NOT WHITES, but they pass as Whites in college admissions as there is NO category for Jews.

      So, Mark, Mr. Smarty, Successful Real Estate seller to anyone – that’s right, that’s what has been going on.

      Now, your pilots, engineers, doctors, lawyers, researchers, etc., etc., etc., will not look like you. Whites are soon to be a minority in the USA, as Biden so brazenly bragged about in the last few years.

      18 million have come across in the last 3 years, that’s 18 million people whom English is not their first language.

      That’s 18 million people who will receive everything the WHITE race never got. FREE EVERYTHING including the BEST education that those schools can provide under their new mandates, ANYONE BUT WHITES.

      Your saying the best and brightest are Asian born is such a joke. I HAVE 3 WHITE ENGINEERS IN MY FAMILY, and not one of them got any help from any college in this nation.

      Think of all the SMART WHITES that are facing multi-culturalism in their education from kindergarten to high-school, being held back by a sub-standard low status quo education system, while people like you hark on all those smart Asians and everyone but CAUCASIANS.



      • This is bigger than skin color, and the peoples who are being hurt the worst are the ones who have bit on the phony narratives and swallowed the hook, line and sinker.

        Corporate HR sociopaths systematically screen candidate names and toss resumes with western or northern European surnames in the trash. This bars a large segment of the US population from fair competition for better jobs, not just light skinned candidates. The reason why you only see employers hiring only certain ethnicities is racial and ethnic cleansing, not better credentials. Never stooped to trotting out dubious origin claims to get special consideration, but at one time I threatened to have my name changed to Patel just so I could get an interview.

        There are professional jobs out there with smaller companies, but pay and benefits are not equivalent to what the corporate brown shirts pay. Small domestic manufacturers are still a good place to look for professional jobs, without having to live like a vagrant. You wear a lot of hats in that environment.

        I recently heard complaints that flight crews are now in the crosshairs for ethnic and racial cleansing. Can’t wait to hear that all the realtors have to make phony racial and ethnic claims to get a license and a job, just like the progressive lawyers have been doing for years. That which goes around comes around.

      • Who picks your vegatables? Who works in Construction? Fast Food? Walmart and Tyson have been sued in the past for hiring illegals. While yer gripin’ bout the border, why not encourage use of E-Verify?

        Data table of illegals work by State:

        TX likes hiring underage illegals for Meat Industry:

        • The issue of illegals is not the same as ethnic and racial blacklisting. I would say that the majority of illegals I have known are now legal, have decent jobs, and are welcome members of the community. I have had illegal supervision in professional work environments. All of your knowledge of the subject matter is fourth, fifth and sixth hand progressive propaganda rubbish.

        • (” I would say that the majority of illegals I have known are now legal, have decent jobs, and are welcome members of the community. “)

          I am with you N…. it isn’t about the real refugees that come here to be responsible american citizens.. its the come here leagally.. be vetted.. those that are not coming legally there is a percentage of those that every threat assessment agency in the USA and the UK.. is saying caution.. what was the last figure I read.. it doesn’t matter.. if they are correct in their assessments.. then there is a sizable army that has walked across the border assisted by our own administration.. then those that do get vetted and come here to work.. they should be paying the same taxes and expenses we do.. no guaranteed jobs.. no cash cards.. no monthly installments that are more than what a tax payer gets.. and they should have the exact same qualifications.. you don’t get federal funds until you have been a taxpayer for forty quarters.. then until they get their citizenship.. and a taxpayer.. none of the emergency good samaritan funds.. those emergency services was meant for those in catastophic life situations.. I can tell you for an american citizen that has been a worker.. those services do not exist.. I only got them once.. and that was the end of the seventies.. early eighties.. the year we went without an income..we did not qualify because we owned a car and a home.. we could sell either of them even if it was the bank that owns it.. and live off of the profits of it..


    “Natasha, we must expose the evilness of Empire.”

    Russia once again opens the “books” for the Light to shine upon. So one more time to Prove, once again, how much “they” love Human Beings. Hope you can enjoy the knowledge being shared in above link to TRUTH.

    *Only one in 90 OG “ books “ does any word get translated to god. That one being the KJv..which was translated by 12 ???s.

    If you could read Aramaic, you would know this, and you would also KNOW (gnosis?) that All those “books” are how to to deal with the elohim. Meaning the more you know, the more you know you don’t know. Talking about tall tales, where be Babe the Blue Ox?

    If you got an Ox, suggest “You Paint It Blue”-JH. ; )

    • After reading the above Intel Drop, it confirms some first hand witness accounts I have of 911, In short, I knew a TV engineer who worked shifts at the transmitters at the top of WTC. After an earlier attempt to take down the tower with a basement bomb, the TV engineers plan was to get out to the roof and strap on to the TV antenna pole. The roof cap of the tower was 25ft thick concrete, and they envisioned that if the tower collapsed they could ride the concrete slab and pole down atop the debris below. If you watch the video of 911 you can see that the TV antenna pole sinks down into the core of the building, showing that it was blown out from below. Remember… 25ft thick concrete slab that the pole was mounted to. The TV engineer that was on duty at the top floor transmitters was one of the last bodies found… at the very bottom of the debris pile of the building. Apparently his body fell all the way down the blown-out core before the rest of the building collapsed on top of him.
      It certainly doesn’t fit the narrative we are supposed to believe.

      • (“If you watch the video of 911 you can see that the TV antenna pole sinks down into the core of the building,”)

        that is interesting.. or is it that the slab went down the elevator shafts.. I am not sure how the twin towers was designed or built.. but..
        this last summer.. I was watching them build a building at the VA healthcare system here in the wastelands.. it was crap.. the stuff on the building was not substantial enough to hold the weight.. the roofing was pure crap.. the structural material was light guage steel.. non supportive steel… it had me puzzled.. who in the world would use that crap to build a building that is being built by the money printer himself.. I walked all over it.. I just couldn’t believe they would allow some piece of crap like that being built..
        so.. knowing that my son in law was an engineer on one of the last buildings they made and was down in the big city either building a bridge or something.. I asked him took photos of the crap they were using..
        Here is what he told me.. Modern building sometimes uses the cheaper material on the shell.. the strength of the building is actually in the center so that the building can flex…. and holds it up around the the other is just a cover similar to an umbrella.. he had said I should take some more photos and he would explain it tome…. which made a lot of sense when I started to really think about it…. they must have seen me wandering around the construction site.. the next time I went it was all fenced off..
        My grandson in law he builds mansions.. yup the kind that they get in the seven digits.. they were using quarter inch cardboard for sheeting because the cost of plywood had gone up to much.. the rich people buying them wouldn’t be able to afford the homes with the ply on it… it is just the sheeting..

      • so as the building collapsed and the structural supports of the top and all the floors gave way the top rode down the center spreading the main supports as it went.. which if that is how they made the twin towers.. that would make sense..
        I loved the video showing the other building that went down that wasn’t anywhere near the twin towers..

    • when you spill your coffee getting into the car but your determined to have a good day anyway. hahahahaaha

      i was talking with a very gifted psychic last night who does cold cases files for the FBI.

      she says, you know when i get stuck in life? i just jump to a different personal time line and move forward.

      i said whaaaat? she said yeah. there is nothing in the rules that says i need to maintain this personal time line. im an infinite soul. at any moment i can jump into a new personal time line.

      she said let me ask you this. have you ever went to bed at night and thought, this world is fucking stupid. then woke up the next day and everything had a different shine to it and everything seemed new? i said i sure have.

      she said, then you just jumped into a new personal time line. the funny thing is everyone around you knows nothing different.

      she said i got told no for working at the FBI as a psyhic one day. even though my abilities as a psychic were tested and found 100% accurate. she said i know its my calling to catch serial killers who got away.

      so when i went to bed the night they told me no. i decided before i went to sleep id jump to my personal time line to where they said yes.

      i went to sleep. woke up in the morning grabbed my coffee and went to check my denial email from yesterday again. and the email now read, we look forward to bringing you aboard. i had got the job! when the day before i went to bed the night before it read, sorry we are not hiring at this time.

      i had jumped personal time lines.

      and now i work cold case files for the fbi. already solved two of them.

      im living and doing my dream job. i live in the house i wanted. i drive the car i wanted. etc etc. i just jump from the cant personal time line to the can, do and did personal time line.

      so i did it last night. and when i woke up the forcast of snow this morning and all day. changed and its sunny and not a cloud in the sky. yesterdays forcast was for a large snow storm. today its sunny and clear skys. i looked at it before i went to bed.

      ha, coooool. i didnt know i could do that.

      the funny things is. nobody on this time line knows any different. they all dont know last nights forecast was for a foot of snow today before i went to sleep.

      JC said no Andy.

      i still say Rich Me. because i have the power over my own destiny.

      its like when George said, “That is a big loss.”

      i said no, rich me. and the next day i hit $500 on a scratcher.

      i choose Rich me. thank you very much.

      have a happy day. i already am.

      • Andy,
        One trusts you had your ducks in order recently on Feb. 11 th for wishing a Happy Birthday to the Emperor of Tenno (Heaven) otherwise known as Japan in the Western realms. By coincidence, a former classmate of His Majesty’s father, Yoko Ono, also celebrated another year on the clock in recent days.

        After President Biden promised to raise the tax on billionaires from 8% to 25% to gales of laughter at last week’s fundraisers with billionaires, let’s turn to DJ George to keep the party mood turned up with a ditty from the Plastic Ono Band –
        “Give Peace a Chance”.

      • (“when you spill your coffee getting into the car but your determined to have a good day anyway. hahahahaaha)

        I had a favorite coffee cup… dam I would get someplace and it looked as if I needed a bib.. did I drool that much coffee or spill it..
        it took the longest time before I noticed what the problem was..the kids poked a tiny little hole in it so just one drop would fallout onto my shirt in minute drops lol lol
        I kind of remember some boys that did something similar when young..all the old guys would compare how much rain they would get in their rain guages..
        we would go down and listen to these guys debate how much rain they got..
        I never get upset over spilled coffee..

  7. “hang together, or….”

    We read… “Google Staff REVOLT….” and the Microsoft pay discrepancy.

    Google staff took the money building the monster. Over at MS, old-time sharecroppers knew 30% less cheddar is still 70% more than flying a sign at the off-ramp.

    We can go through the tenets of Communism, Marxism, Socialism… Nobody is going to turn away the money.

    “Depressions are about destroying savings?”

    I still don’t get it.

    Anyone who had a share or ‘saved’ in pre-BK General Motors shares had a claim against General Motors’ means of production. .gov canceled the claims. The built-up ‘savings’ was stolen.

    We read about the Boeing fix for the ‘misdrilled holes’. Enlarge the holes and use enlarged fasteners. Does this change the structural integrity of the pressurized bulkhead? That’s a different department.

    If Boeing rightfully went through the BK process maybe we posters here could chip-in and by the enterprise and make a go of it. Instead and do to fiat our purchasing power is stolen and given to them.

    There’s many cliches. Bailing Boeing is insanity (do the same thing over and…). Even keeping the same staff in place because ‘they’re the experts’. Yeah. Together through fiat our purchasing power/savings is being stolen and separately fellow citizens cheer for it.

    Maybe I’m wrong.

    Note: hell yeah I would take the money. Everyone wants to style in a $100,000 truck.

    • “hell yeah I would take the money. Everyone wants to style in a $100,000 truck.”

      what a novel idea. thank you.

      i think im going to jackson hole tonight to see about a girl.

      • While you are there rubbing elbows please find me a ‘Better Call Saul’ style lawyer/a frivolous lawsuit lawyer.

        I’m still boycotting the NWO, which is really just an inconvenience for me, by shopping in person and using filthy cash.

        Before I go to the store I’ll cruise the online ads/website making mental notes of what I want to pick-up.

        Sometimes I get to the store only to find some of the products aren’t on the shelf. I concede perhaps I somehow made a mistake and forget the purchase but double check when I get home to see the products are indeed listed as in stock. (I don’t carry my phone as another anti-NWO gesture which is just another inconvenience for me, so I can’t check inventory from the aisle.)

        This is reproducible.

        A few days later I’ll look at the website again and see the desired product(s) are indicated as being in stock. I head to the store and again find the products aren’t in stock. At this point the store had enough time to update the website or replenish the merchandise from the stockroom.

        Since they haven’t done either I think they are using deceptive practices against consumers. Maybe they do this as a strategy to get in-store foot traffic or for shoppers to come in and buy more profitable substitute/impulse items but that’s not of my concern. I maintain the store is deceiving me and everyone else when they do not maintain accuracy on the website.

        I’m not trying to be a bully but I would like to sue Big Box. I’m asking if they indicate an item as being in stock and if it’s not in stock at the very least they should pay us mileage for the wasted trip. Update the website or pay for inaccuracies! Alternatively, take down the website all together.

        Since I think I’m the first person to sue for this new consumer protection against deceptive web practices the store should give me an extra $10,000,000, or more the lawyer can decide, to teach them a lesson.


        • ????? that totally depends Steve.. a lot of store chains are doing the multi order.. they will order a case but it is divided among several stores.. they do that and cut hours to keep the brick and mortar open…Its like the one can method.. you put your stock on the shelf at home.. lets say you eat five cans of beans every week.. so you buy six.. then when five more are gone you buy six more.. pretty soon you have a fully stocked pantry.. and it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg.. its just one can.. Many chains are doing the same thing.. except if they normally sell three cans.. then the stock is split between four stores per flat.. otherwise they end up just like someone trying to build a fully stocked pantry.. spending a huge amount of money.. with rising costs and rising utilities and taxes.. wages etc.. they cannot afford to do it.. a local store here.. unless they are getting one hell of a break on electricity and taxes.. the rent on the building is almost seven grand a month.. leased from the main company.. they have six employees and a store manager.. twelve coolers.. you have to sell one hell of a lot of milk and bread to make the costs and still make a profit..each isle has at least three and sometimes four loss leaders.. It use to be essential items.. now essential have to haves are going up and the luxury stuff is the loss leader

        • LOOB,

          Oh, sure. I know what you mean. Sometimes the website will rightfully show items as out of stock at specific locations and offer check nearby stores. If they know sometimes, they know all times. This is why I think it’s deceptive practices.

          From a wider angle view, the merchant has to use their problem solving skills to fix this issue, not me. I need one jury member to have experienced the same “in stock but not in stock” issue and the store will pay.

          Or the store settles out of court.

          Again, maintaining the website is their problem or they can take the website down completely. That’s on them.

      • (“hell yeah I would take the money. Everyone wants to style in a $100,000 truck.”

        what a novel idea. thank you.)

        see for that kind of money..instead of a truck..why not legs to let someone stand and walk could give two the gift of mobility and usefulness once again..and possibly three..
        exoskeleton is 40 for one in multiple order I’m sure one could get a discount. make it three.. that lost their faith found once again to become a useful person in society..
        I can drive any old piece of junk..but to see the paralyzed walk again an know that you were one to assist now..that’s an epic adventure…

        • That’s my Horses name, WhiskeyDyck.

          He is a standard Belizian bred, looks just like every other horse down here in the jungles of Central America, short, stocky and sturdy, like a big ass Pony. Horses be cheap down down here, something goes wrong, sick or broken…no vet bills, just get another

          ““I’m a cowboy” , “All the Right reasons!”

  8. hmm fuels of the future…
    alcohol from lawn clippings.. you can use acid hydrolysis to break it down then neutralize the brew to 7 neutral.. or use an enzyme to break the grass to its sugars then fermentation and distillation..
    then there’s conversions if algae into oil . oil extraction from grains

        • Now that is cool.. I hadn’t heard of that method.. there isn’t any fuel shortage there never has been.. fuel is everywhere.. and you can make it at home easily.. there is an island of plastic in the ocean tha tis bigger than the state of texas.. every person tosses out about a gallon of fuel.. in third world countries you can buy a small counter top system to break down your trash into fuels..
          the big problem is.. the business model.. you really won’t see any of these being utilized until the business model changes.. I have been harping and ranting and raving for decades on solar towers.. hand out solar grid tie systems to any home owner or business nower willing to have one installed.. ( its cheaper to and would strengthen the grid and our national security) but it doesn’t fit the business model neither does air wells or putting co2 filters on every street light to compensate for urban expansion.. green scaping to compensate for the loss of farmland.. etc.. none of that will ever even be contemplated until the business model changes.. I would love to win the lottery to put up a solar tower.. oversee it.. three half circles verticle.. but do it Archimedes style.. then have a center solar array with a walk way in between center cat walks.. for wiring and maintenance.. instead of a three mw wind turbine.. you would have a twelve Mw solar tower for a fraction of the cost..
          the same with oil sands.. etc.. there isn’t any fuel crises.. there is a crises of the business model and administration..

    • re: Dutch Ovens
      feat: Dr. Kibner’s Glove Reveal


      Yes, it’s not a bad idea to curate your X account from time to time. I’ve realized that one my “Canadian” connections tweets solely inflammatory, right-wing, anti-government of Canada thoughts. Curiously that account follows only one X account, Arcadis, the Dutch-headquartered multi-national dating to 1888. It’s largest shareholder employee-owned foundation boasts the slogan “Founded to Safeguard Continuity”.

      A February 4, 1998 report by the “Jewish Telegraphic Agency” advises of the company’s refusal to a Holocaust survivor request. The complainant had sought damages of $12,500 for unpaid forced labour rendered to the company in the Netherlands prior transfer to Nazi concentration camps.

      • re: Death Moon
        feat: “Babalon Working”


        Welcome to a portal of coincidences. The X account offers its location as zip 91011 coinciding with La Cañada(Canyon)Flintridge Ca. It would appear that the Google car did not drive down Flanders Lane Pvt. The LA suburb is situated below the region’s oldest flood control dam, Devil’s Gate. It seems that the first liquid-fuel rocket motor test by a future founder of the nearby JPL took place in the vicinity on Halloween, 1936.

    • “its a screen shot of me telling Elon, im busy i dont want to video chat. true story.”

      WOW, what a guy our Andy is ?!! (Me smirking !!)

  9. but that doesnt mean the world couldnt go to shit by “other means”.

    what i know and seeen many times in visions hanging out there in the abstract potential is. we are one bad event away from igniting the largest Christian Revival the world has ever seen. everyone comes to Jesus.

    its right there. sitting out there. waiting for one false flag event.

    so i kinda hope Bill Gates and his friends does something stupid.

    because like i said before. the last time the Christians went to war? they wiped out the entire population continent of south amerrica and set up taco teusday.

    that is the Great White Giant sleeping. if they poke that Giant with so much as a tooth pick.

    well, fuck around and find out!

    ask the japs how it went. they will tell ya. we poke the Great White Giant once, they decimated us and 50 years later we were still making quality cars and electronics for them.

    speaking of the japs. Minamoto Yoritomo from the smallest clan emerged victorious and set up a new military government in 1192, led by the shogun or supreme military commander by defeating largest military clan whose (coincedently) banner matched the Mircosoft symbol.

    the smallest defeated the largest. pretty interesting the largest military clan with the most esperianced samuri in war had the same exact banner symbol as microsoft with its 4 boxes. same colors and everything.

    Minamoto Yoritomo banner had a cherry blossom on it.

    anyway, have a wonderful day. once again the realm and world i live in is unlimited good.

    i hope you find your way there too.

    • When I was in my coma, a voice spoke to me and said that the United States needs to return to God.

      Right there with you.

  10. you ever read about the japanese shogun. and how the smallest clan defeated every clan to setablish rule for 700 years.

    even the budast sameri were like, duuuude. wtf.

    that Minamoto Yoritomo would catch all the spies from the other clans and when the armies got out on the battle field and lined up to do battle. right before the battle. Minamoto Yoritomo set out these giant pots on bonfires and would boil their spies and anyone else they captured before the battle alive right infront of the opposing army that was far superior in numbers.

    scare the shit out of them. and alot of the other army would run accross the field qnd join his crew.

    even the budast sameri would say duuuude. i just remmeber i left a candle burning at the temple. i gotta go check on it.

    and here we are. now.


    life is good. is it not? i was down at the lake, praying and meditating and i didnt see one mexican from accross the boarder. it was just peaceful, sunny day. good coffee, a big stack of books and clean air. couple fish jumping. peaceful easy living.

    that is the real world. not what is on the porpaganda machines all acrross the net all begging for ones attention to rob them of every ounce of sanity and serenity with the click of a button.

    i say fuck them! and fuck that!

    im happy.

  11. I just got this recipe..I haven’t tried it yet but wow it sounds good…

    1 pack Sliced Genoa Salami
    6 slices Sliced ham
    1 pack Sliced mozzarella
    1 lb Ground pork
    1 pack of sliced Swiss cheese
    1/4 cup diced Green pepper
    1/4 cup diced Red bell pepper
    2 tbsp Stone ground mustard
    2-3 tbsp Tomato paste
    1 tsp Garlic powder
    Kosher Salt
    Coarse Black Pepper
    Blackstone Bootleg Burger Seasoning
    3-4 tbsp Worcestershire
    Yellow Mustard
    Dill pickle slices
    1 can Coca Cola
    Cuban bread
    add ground pork to the griddle and chop and cook until done. About halfway through the cook, add a little olive oil to the griddle and 1/4 cup of red and green bell peppers to cook down. Once the pork has browned, add 2-3 tbsp stone ground mustard, 1 tsp garlic powder, 3 tbsp Worcestershire, 1-2 tsp Bootleg Burger seasoning, a pinch of kosher salt, coarse black pepper, and 3-4 ounces of Coca Cola. Mix well with the bell peppers. Add more tomato paste if needed. As the Coca Cola reduces, it will thicken to the desired “sloppy” consistency. Slide the mixture off the hot zone to the cool zone.
    To assemble, cut about 10 inches of Cuban bread and slice it in half. On each side, add yellow mustard and sliced Swiss. On one side, add dill pickles, sliced ham, and salami. Take both slices to the griddle, top the salami with the pork sloppy Joe mixture, and finish with the other half of the bread. Ensure the area where the pork was cooked is scraped and cleaned off, add a little more olive oil, place the sandwich on the oil, and press down with a Blackstone Bacon Press. Cook until you see a golden exterior on the bottom of the sandwich, then flip. Cook until toasted well on both sides, and the cheese is melted.
    To plate, slice it lengthwise or into smaller portions for guests and enjoy!

  12. oh i almost forgot to mention.

    JC and G.A. Stewart may or may not be aware of The Black Knight Satilite. which if one is to reasearch was originally discovered in the 1800s. and teslas himself discovered it, and that it emitted pulsar frequencies. long before the first but there was ever an earth satilite sent into orbit.

    now, is alot of discounting effort by nasa and google of The Black Knight Satilite on the net.

    it is rummored to be one of 8 floating around the globe dated 13,000 years old. some say its Anukie satilight from back in the day etc. etc.

    nobody knows forsure.

    when i look at trend of Taylor Swift standing on the black cube. aka The Kaaba, and Madonas recent concert imagry that follows suit.

    it reminds me of The Black Knight Satilalite. i studdied the subject years ago. and it has reserfaced in the mind last couple weeks durring meditation.

    now the latest rummer is, it became active recently and a crew brought it down to earth.

    which corisponds with Elons black box with the X on it.

    but it could be nothing at all.

    i just find it intererting that all these data points and surrounding imagery being displayed through many differernt venues corisponds to The Black Knight Satilite.

    and how after not giving it too much thought for a decade or so, it resurfaced more than a few times in deep contemplative mediation, seemingly all on its own. the first time durring meditation it arose within my vision, i discounted it. and the feeling within me was, Black Knight Satilite??? how odd that should present itself. and i tossed it away as nothing.

    until it came into focus again. and i did a mental search of other similar imagery around the net and thought ohhhhhh. there is alot of supporting data pointing toward it in motion. noticably in motion.

    now, not many are even aware of The Black Knight Satilite.

    it is my understanding if memory serves, The Black Knight Satilite is rumored to be 13,000 years old, of exterterestrial origin and mostly remained a has always remained in sleep mode with the exception of a single pulsar frequency emitting from it. like has always remained in sleep mode with the exception of a single pulsar frequency emitting from it. like an space version ocean buoy sending a signal becon into space.

    the impression i have now in meditation, and all the latesy imagery supporting and data groups is, The Black Knight Satilite is now active.

    and it corisponds with identically with the The Kaaba image, and rituals.

    ~ All that is interesting ~

    like i said. i dont let that stuff rent to much space in my mind. albiet it is quite faccinating?

    im busy living my best life. and what is infront of me? looks all good.

    13 has always been lucky for me too George.

    Rich Me! whooh!

    • They say its space debris..
      but I read an article a couple years ago that a strange signal was being monitored coming from it..

  13. This is getting interesting:

    Is this one of those new timeline jumps or something ? Next thing you know peace and prosperity might break out, but then, maybe not. Is this SF or Fantasy ?
    Of course, the gentleman who has been talking the New Timeline Deal did neglect to mention he had been dating a Jinn affiliate. Somehow the New Timeline Deal starts sounding a bit more precarious. Stubs, Bill Gibson called ’em. A new Amazon Prime series in the making, back in Time Prime. Sleep tight, and don’t let the sand worms bite.

    • you never saw that playboy bunny i dated. she looked just like a Jinn. splitting image of I dream of Genie with double D’s.

      here, look again.

      she looks like all the female images of a jinn ive ever seen.

      she smelled sooooo good
      like cotton candy and sunshine naturally. i kid you not. her smell was sooo intoxicating. like a euphoric drug.

      i used to lay in bed after she woke up before me and huff her pillow. her smell was sooo unbelivably intoxicating.

      one day i was looking for a pen inside some drawers and found a little bowl of diamond rings. like 30 of them in there. some 3 carrot diamond solitars. i said what are these. she grabbed them and said never you mind about those. i said what are they? she said engagment rings guys gave me.

      i said you have whole bowl of engangement rings??? Some of them looked like $25,000 to $35,000 engagement rings.

      but she had never been married.

      hmmmmmm… its a trap.


      she could crack a walnut with that ass. 100%

      so hot! unbelievably beautiful.

      had an original first print Red Book from Carl Jung in a glass case. i looked it. soo cool.

      she is the girl i thought my buddy was sleeping with while we were together, and i was going to you know, go over and you know, just shoot him in the leg. not kill him. but he would get the point, dont be scewing my lady.

      then on the way over i decided id asked him and he said, oh.. id never do that man. im not sleeping with your woman.

      so i took him at his word.

      4 months later he shot himself in the leg cleaning his gun

      and i thought hmmmmmmmmmmm….. that is interesting. very interesting.

      i barely made it out of that situation alive, and since then i swore off dating anymore jinn.

      true story

    • come to think of it, that friend i have that is a psychic for the FBI cold case files and told me about the personal time line jump. she kinda looks like a jinn too. a red headed jinn.

      she says the stuff my ex says.

      hmmmmmm. never occrued to me. they dont age like normal people. both of them. absolutely stunning in person. breathtaking beauriful. i noticed that too.

      you would never guess their age.

      well its damn good thing i havent slept with her too.


      yet. hahahahah.

      well, lets hope we all learned something today on urbansurival.

      if anything,

      Andy life is a shining example of THE DUDE saving his ass inspite of himself.



    • I think it was Hannity, who asked Tulsi if she’d serve in a Trump Administration a few days ago. Thus firing up the “Tulsi for VP” meme. Gabbard said 8-9 months ago that she would be willing to serve in a Trump administration, in whatever capacity he asked — So did RFK.

      I expect to see both in his Administration, but neither installed in residence at The Observatory.

      One of the precepts of contemporary American journalism is:

      “In the absence of substance, the news media will report rumor. In the absence of rumor, they will report conjecture. In the absence of conjecture, they will invent a storyline, then report their invention…”

  14. yes George. the story of pandoras box. the Rand Corperation, J.A.S.O.N. Scientists, even the capsil that Zod and his 2 coherts who were cast from krypton for treason in Superman the Comics and Movies, and miared of other imagery, taylor swift and her little black box, X on the black box fromerly known as twitter, the Kabba etc etc all pointing toooooo——> The Black Knight Satilite. becoming active with the landscape of humanity.

    even Ure revent mention of the Jinn. and Solomons 73 seals. 72 Jim. 5he 73rd seal rules them all. but nobody knows which one seal rules all the jin.

    enoch mentiones in his book. the 72 who were trustes to be rulers of the world. the rams or Ox who were sent to rule who were all cruel to humanity.

    all that points to The Black Knight Satilite.


    it said that before the 4th world was. those escaped the 3rd world escaped an evil that was so great it bent time and space. even distort reality at the molecular level
    and that evil was cast into an “iron casket” to be locked away from the 4th world. it could not be unlocked from inside. but it could be unlocked from the outside. maybe A.I. is picking away at the lock.

    i had often wondered if the encruption on Bitcoin was a set up to see if they could get the masses to pick the unbreakable lock on something else. tell them all-> its money, and they will crack that 256 mb encryption key for us. and unleash the Complex Attacrtor as Terrance Kemp McKenna put it in his I-ching database time wave zero, from its kabba box.

    hmmmmm. quite the ponder.

    sure is a strange coincedence of cercomstantial dynamic imagery all grouping together supporting The Black Knight Satilite movement upon the Chess board.

    even a 2005 mini cooper parked outside of a 7/11 said so. written on right there on the side of it. saw it personally myself.

    as my oldest sons who is training to work for ->>> the NSA, hand bool reads, on page 4. “There is no such thing as coincedence.”

    hmmm. The Black Knight Satilite?

    go figure.

  15. why before they openend that thing up? its be a good idea id one was Rich as F, to invest in building an underground bunker to hide in. just incase whatever it is that comes out is pissed as hell, doesnt give a flying fuck, and cant be controled.


    be good idea to have a good stash of cheetos, hot pockets and hours of doctor who on video tape to ride things out.

    who knows? sure is alot of arrows pointing that way and it is sure facinating stuff.


    well, what do ya do?

    im out the door to go to see about a burger and a cute girl.


  16. “But we are also impressed with how the mis and dis crowd has been “pre-tacking Benz” by playing “pin the label on the thinker” in pejorative stories like Michael Benz, a conservative crusader against online censorship, appears to have a secret history as an alt-right persona.”

    He DOES have a secret history — as the top cybersecurity wonk at the State Department under Trump.

    “For now, we’re waiting for a Benz book, which the Weapons of Mass Deletion website promises will be out this fall.”


    It was scheduled to be released, LAST FALL. Benz has not been able to find a publisher who’ll touch the manuscript. He may have to tap one of the publishers in the “nook,” in London, to get it into print.

  17. “That’s a lot of unfounded speculation, but we think all the government disclosures about turning external color revolution tools loose against the internal US population will blow-up on the would-be manipulators.”

    Sorry, George. You need to get out more. Your gallery here has spoiled you.

    The degree of voluntary ignorance and stupidity in the real world defies both logic and description. I can assure you John and Jane Q Public and Jane’s unmarried brother Joe Sixpack (who now lives in John’s basement) will never hear a single word about this, and if any of them do they will quickly change the channel…

  18. and none of that Black Knight Satilite stuff could even remotely come to anything.

    and i wondered. if there was really an evil bastard relased from the box?

    what if im the only one who could stop it?

    but because the powers that be fucked with me so much and stopped me from moving to arizona ran there packet sniffers so far up my ass on everything i did they could calorie count the peanut atoms in my farts.
    that i decided instead to just sit under a maple tree with a butterfly and watch them all run scared, freaking out.
    and did nothing to help them after they had their, you know,
    oh shit!!!! moment.

    i just went to the store. A Cherekee Jeep pulls in and parks in front of me. on the back window is an image of Superman with his cape flowing. except instead of the letter S in his symbol it has the capital Letter A.

    and one word written below it.


    GOLD DO?

    its custom job.

    so i asked. why does your superman have a letter A? what does the A stand for?

    the lady looks at me and says, Andy.

    i said do i know you? she said i dont think so. i said my names is Andy. she laughs and says, that is what the letter A stands for. The real supermans name is Andy.

    i said oh. okay cool. and laughed. she smiled and walked in the store.

    i drove and got an ice creme from the Artic Circle and decided to stay home for the night. watch a movie and relax.

    on the way home, i looked and didnt see a single phone booth to change in.



    if you spend too much time looking at the news? you will lose all your faith in humanity. that is the point.

    i think life is good. everything is going to be just peachy and im not concerned about it. at all.

  19. Shampoo bars

    Are you in search of a natural shampoo that actually leaves your hair feeling clean,
    10 oz Olive Oil?
    10 oz Coconut Oil?
    10 oz Tallow
    ?6 oz Castor Oil?
    13.7 oz water
    ?5.1 oz lye
    ?1 tbsp Essential oils (optional)
    Measure out all 4 of your oils and place in a medium saucepan.
    Melt olive oil, coconut oil, tallow, and castor oil over med-low heat until melted.
    While the oils are melting, measure out water in a food grade plastic bucket or stainless-steel bowl (avoid glass because the heat produced in the lye reaction could cause cracks in the glass).
    Measure out lye.
    Once the oils are melted, allow to cool to 100°F. We like to put the saucepan in the fridge to speed this up.
    While the oils are cooling mix lye solution. We always do this outside while wearing protective goggles and gloves. Slowly pour the lye into the water (never the water into the lye). Stir continuously with a stainless-steel spoon (not wooden).
    After the water/lye solution is gently but completely mixed, set aside for 10 minutes to cool.
    Slowly pour the lye solution into the oils and blend with an immersion blender until a vanilla pudding consistency is formed. Don’t over blend.
    Add in essential oils and briefly mix in.
    Pour into soap mold. You can cover with wax paper and flat object on top if desired overnight.
    24 hours later, remove soap from the mold and slice into 8 bars. We do this by cutting in half, then cutting the halves into quarters, and finally into eighths. Set on a cookie rack with a towel over it for 4 weeks before using. This will allow the soap to harden and be firm enough to

    • Water and lye measures are critical, oils not so much. Oil temps are fairly important though. I’d recommend distilled water, and to not use the lye solution until its temperature has dropped to ambient. I broke down and bought soap-bar molds because I waited too long once, to cut the bars, and the result was not very aesthetically pleasing.

      LOOB, do you do candles, too? I started with candles, because one Christmas I could not buy bayberry candles at any price, then discovered candlemaking and soapmaking were complimentary crafts which used many of the same materials…

      • yes I’s been a while since I made some..I did lard candles then crisco candles for the cars.. lard candles were a little odd.. took a lot longer to..

      • I have done a lot of things pottery making is another rewarding craft..
        I want to try primitive pottery making ..
        my father inlaw was big for concrete.. at the end of his project he would mak a weight by pouring what was left in an ice cream bucket..he had hundreds of them. one year at a picnic I said I’m going to get dad a small concrete cow mold.. omg I found out right away that wouldn’t be a wise idea..

  20. oh its an acronym. the ranchers wife told me.

    G is for Great, (that describes you.)
    O is for Organized, (you always know where things are.)
    L is for Lofty, (your ambitions are high!)
    D is for Diamond, (the brilliance you shine.)
    O is for outlook. (pleasing to all)

    according the “Cherekee” Chero Key

    Andy is the name of the Real Superman and He is G.O.L.D.O.

    well there ya go. now, we all know. makes complete sense.

    • I was looking at twenty four panels for just under six hundred dollars.. trying to talk the wife into letting me get them.. LOL so far no luck.. free shipping to LOL LOL..

  21. 02/25/24, Time: 941am, tempriture 27 degrees F, odomimeter reads 124144, trip, 522.6.

    woke up this morning smiling and permiating with gratitude. leeped out if bed, started dancing, pushed the button on the coffee maker, ran outside started my car to warm it up, washed my face in the sink, brushed my teeth, put on some warm confy sweat pants, made my bed, went over to the black drapes on the window, said Let there be a million dollars! and whiped them open and let the sunshine in, stood there for a couple minutes, with my eyes closed and a big smile and felt it on my face.

    now, down at the lake with the snow capped mountains all around. facingng exactly 30 degrees North east, sun is at, clear skies, sun is at 120 SE, 2 geese sitting on the lake at 90 degress east. carp jumping on the north west corner of the lake in the reeds. an estimated 70% of the lake still covered in ice.

    A big stack of spiritual books in the passenger seat, 2 packs of marlboros, a yellow towel from the gym, a flashlight that looks like the handle of a light saber, a notebook with the cover on it of an abstract beach, both red and green ball point pens laying next to it and a ladys gold earing i found on the ground by the dollar store shaped like a drop of water, that has all the suits diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs engraved on it
    Lady Lucks earing???

    Drinking strongly made Folgers regular roast with some Hazelnut creamer in it, out of a white mug with a lightning bolt sticker on it i found on the ground.

    on the clock in the car i placed the other lightning bolt sticker, a star sticker and a Buck Deer with a 7 point rack on it that i also found on my travels.

    read 3 pages from 3 different meditation books, softly said, Thanks DUDE, top of the morning to YOU, sir.

    just lit an Eagle Red 20, 100 cigerette, took a big gulp of coffee and am now on urbansurvival.

    feeling peaceful. here and now.

    on the topic of 13,

    when i was 13 years old in Alaska in 1983, one of my uncles was a Hells Angel. i was at my cousins house on a spring day, the snow had mostly melted and it was sunny outside, much like today.
    we were in the garage with my uncle. He was going through some old boxes of stuff and throwing things out.

    He opened one box, than sat down on metal folding chair and looked up and cloesed his eyes and said, ahhhh orange sunshine. they dont make it like that anymore. then looked into the box.

    my cousin said what is orange sunshine. he looked over and said the best acid. real LSD. he said it probably no good anymore. its been out in this box for a long time. then he through the box in the back of the truck to go to the dump and went in the house.

    my cousin looked at me and i looked at him. he said LSD? i said Acid! he climbed up there and grabbed it out of the box, it was in a clear baggy. 3 hits each.

    he stuffed it in his pocket then stoped and then went out back and stuck it in the cab of a toy tonka truck to stash it.

    we went to the dump in the truck and came home with my uncle. made some sandwhiches. and said hey we are going out to our fort in the woods. my uncle said, i got to ride to town. if you arr spending the night out at the fort, leave me a note so i dont have to come out there and find ya.

    he road off on his harley. my cousin ran out and grabbed the acid, we wrote a note, stole a pack of smokes from his box, camel bare ass, a lighter, grabbed a bunch of old fire works, some Jolt Sodas from the fridge and a playboy from under his bed, some paper and some pens, wrote a note sleeping at the fort, and took off to the fort.

    we got out to the fort,


    i assure you, the Lsd was still good. 3 hits each.

    we didnt know what to expect. we truned on the radio and right at the moment it started kicking in. wildwood weed started playing on the radio. as the song goes ~ take a trip and never leave the farm ~

    we lit up a camel bar ass cigerette and cracked a jolt soda, and as i was looking at the playboy centerfold she came alive and started naked dancing on the page. freaked me out.

    so i sat down with a pen and paper and wrote at the top of the page, ~ The Future ~ and started drawing.

    i filled the entire page with hand drawn pictures.

    as i sit here, i and think back of all i drew that day, on my first trip. it was filled corner to corner of images. ships, and mountains, cars, trucks, money symbols, ladies, and palm trees, super heros, evil henchmen, and tons and tons of symbols i just ~ seen~ even stacks of gold bricks, i outlined on the page with a blue ink, bic pen.

    i rememeber thinking, wow! everyone should take acid. this is amazing.


    i wondered what ever happend to that paper. all the kids at school when i told them i tried acid and showed them my drawing of ~ The Future ~ looked at it and said whoooaaa how cool!

    maybe all the world really needs right now is,

    a pack of ,camel bare ass smokes, a lighter, a bunch of old fire works, some Jolt Sodas, a playboy magazine, some paper and some pens, a boom box, 3 hits of orange sushine lsd and a trip out to the fort in the woods.

    good catching up. all is well, in my world.


    Que: ~ Wildwood Weed ~

    Jim Stafferd

    • double barrel 4 way orange sunshine,,, that was some kick ass LSD,,, way back in the early 70s, other brother Darrell experimented some. on the way home from Boulder Colo at night the two guys in the front seat turned into metal humanoids one gold and one silver that was before I went to the nothing and nowhere black void, there only was my awareness, (I AM) of conscienceness, as I thought to myself,,
      “OK GOD, come out from where ever you are,” and then the light gradually came back to my ability to see,,, the transition from light to dark and the upon asking for God it transition back began as tiny dots of dark in a geometric pattern occupying my entire field of vision and the dots grew larger and larger till all was black, there was no sound, no body of mine to feel, no hearing no light or sight, just nothing, but my thoughts
      the reverse began as tiny specks of light in a pattern which grew larger and larger till they covered the entire field of view
      ya,,, that was many decades ago, I was 18, and it was not for the weak minded
      I have no regrets of taking the psychedelics in my youth, but have no desire to do so again.

      • “double barrel 4 way orange sunshine,,, that was some kick ass LSD,,, way back in the early 70’s”

        Yes, it was.

      • wow! that is wonderful. thank you for sharing. very cool. very cool.

        and i Totally get it.

        i have a couple Shamman buddies who all call me “Zero” down in Arizona. one has a GIANT peyote bud, He affectionately named ~ THE GOD BUTTON ~

        He has been saving for me to come down and get the rest of the Shamman and do a drum circle around the bonfire in arizona.

        i told him. im willing to come and dress up like David Lee Roth on the Cover of his first solo album ‘Eat ‘Em and Smile’, dance around the fire, chant and beat the drum…..

        but i dont know if uhhh i want to eat THE GOD BUTTON. hahahahaha.

        im already kinda trippin all the time. im not sure i need to eat THE GOD BUTTON. God Button (echo) God Button (echo) *special effects.


        but you know im still on the mountain. so that all has to wait until a way presents itself.

  22. my roomate, the ranchers wife, said she yesterday she thought i died the night before because i never sleep that late.

    i said ohhh i wont die for a very long time. if i ever die. and laughed. she laughed and said how do you know? i said well The Good Lord has me in the Palm of His hand and laid out my path. We have lots of stuff to do before its said and done.

    she said oh? i said yeah, like saving tumbling cheerleaders and male and femal ducks. we are changing things and making a bright beautiful future for everyone. even the heathens.

    she smiled.

    then i said, i fell asleep with my Bible last night and woke up with a Quater laying on the pillow next to me again. not sure how it got there. but its was laying right on the pillow next to me.

    she said whats the quarter about. i said well, in video games its good for another free life.

    she said how many quarters have ya found on your pillow in the morning. i said ohh a dozen or more. i think the Angels leave them for me.

    she smiled and said, ive never met anyone like you. i laughed and said ya, im a little different.

    no urban survival today George? hmmmmm.

    well, the fish are jumping. i think im going to grab my pole and go see about a Bass or two.

    id rather be out here fishing thinking about God than sitting in a Church thinking about fishing.

    life is good.

  23. ahhh its sunday. no urban survival today. glad ure not dead and shit. its all on ~ the making ~ sight.

    good and good.

  24. Received an email yesterday. My bourbon is ready ! A guy near here makes his own whiskey and bourbon. His bourbon is aged in five gallon, thick oak kegs with wrought iron banding – great looking kegs. One of them stored has my number burned onto the face.., and as of March First it will be ten years old – the date at which he will release them. [He has twenty, fivers’ that are over twenty years old., and a few that are over twenty five.]
    In December I visited and had a couple doubles of the ten year aged – and it was fantastic.
    So.., sometime after the First, I will pick up my mini keg and probably place an order for another one. [ Some people don’t pick-up their order and after a year from notification, he sells them.]
    I am happy

    • that would be wonderful to make.. sadly I make just wine and beer.. but wow.. would it be fun to make some of the good stuff.. just to see if I could do it..
      I do make wine so it tastes like the good stuff.. just no kick to it.. you have to have a special permit to do it.. I am bottling the wine tonight.. chocolate rasberry.. got a day I don’t have to go anywhere with..

      • Yep – he told me that he went through two years of paper-work hell and that he is not sure he would have done it if he had known ahead of time the incredible hassle it all was. He doesn’t market / advertise as he doesn’t want to produce that much – just people he knows and some “word-of-mouth”.

        • yes I will make wines that taste like liquors but it’s not worth the hassle. I have a couple stills but will only use them for making essential oils..

  25. dear person talking about a frivalous law suit,

    i personnaly have never sued anyone. i have a strong policy of not suing anyone. never have and i have had a few opertunities to do so.

    i let THE DUDE settle all accounts under the principle of ~ it will come to me anyway in other form. ~

    if anything i am reminded, at some point, they will eventually shoot themselves in the leg.


    it was super good catching up.

    Ka- Ching!


  26. i was just talking to my friend cindy. who always reminds me of Cinderella.

    she says, maybe you should stop messing around and do a new website.

    i told her it kinda trips me out people like Elon Musk message me and say hi. when im not on there that often. she said ~ The Law of Attraction ~ states emphatically you are of the same level of magnetic field as Elon Musk. if you werent? Elon wouldnt be drawn to you. and you wouldnt be drawn to him.

    your time is coming Andy. your going to do great!

    i said i heard that before. and laughed.

    she said im curious about one thing Andy? i said ask away!

    she said, did you seek Elon out? i said no. i met him in an elevator by chance back stage at the eagles show after chatting with Joe Walsh. then 3 years later after Elon bought twitter and named it X, i commented on one of his posts and He meesaged me. i didnt message him first.

    she said, well sir, there ya go.

    when i got on X, Elon had messaged me, The Law of Attraction.


    i think they are in cahoots together.

  27. Dear person who stopped me from moving to Arizina an hour after my conversation with my good buddy George Ure. That Job paid $3200 a week. $800 a week of that was tax free perdium.

    that is alot of money, and i was going to start a new website, set up a studio and do a pod cast with some of it. and buy a new Ram Truck.

    the meter is still rolling, we are now entering into week 7 since you stopped me from taking that job on the wind mill farm in tuscon.

    if i knew who you were? youd be wearing a new set of fancy custom braces and sipping your dinner through a straw for a long while.

    nothing is hidden from THE DUDE, and THE DUDE knows the stuff i dont.

    in God we trust, everyone else is suspect. espcially the fella in the mirror.

    like i said, THE DUDE will settle the account. it will come to me in other form.

    and its just a matter of time, eventually you will…. . you know. it will happen.

    have a wonderful week.

    no further comment until that accont is settled.



    • “if i knew who you were? youd be wearing a new set of fancy custom braces and sipping your dinner through a straw for a long while.”

      Why would you be so resentful when THE DUDE supposedly looks out for US ? You are, indeed, entertaining, but too confused in an old man’s opinion Andy. Well, carry on (superman ?)

  28. I wish you would stop including the prior days comments with the current comments. I read the prior days comments for new additions before I read the current days column. It’s now taking a lot more time that I could use on other tasks.

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