Comments We Like & Some Woo-Woo

From G.A. Stewart, whose has been scoring so many hits on how the Future rolls out lately:


Honestly, I am praying that I have gotten it all totally wrong. I would be very happy to be the biggest fool on the planet as we watch March and April pass by without a major world-shaking event. I wouldn’t even mind you cursing me out for spending your hard-earned dollars on another “Doom Scare.”

You are absolutely right; some of those 1,321 Nostradamus’ puzzle pieces have fallen perfectly into place. It is too hard to ignore.

Sweden sends a brochure to all of its citizens to prepare for war and a national emergency.

The Elyria, Ohio Fire Department is warning people about April 8th, 2024 and the total solar eclipse, which also comes with Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. Has somebody been reading my 2023 book?

You are also spot on the mark with your overall approach to what’s going to go down. When it breaks, 99% of the cattle will be in the pen, including myself.

Your analogy reminds me of a line from Quatrain VIII-54, “By the Spanish a second occurrence [of the] slaughterhouse bench.” Of those 1,321 puzzle pieces that I have identified as Nostradamus’ prophecies, that particular line predicts what will come after Phase I of World War III and “The False Peace.”

Once this all goes down, by my calculations, it will be a long road until 2038.

What does that mean? All the stores in America will be closing for the next decade. If you don’t have what you need now, most likely, you will never get it… And it is going to be really hard to find the gate out of that pen.

“If you’re not “out of the corral by now, the Slaughterhouse Clock keeps on running. If you don’t believe in “Bible, bullets, beans, and busy” – thinking that “protected classes and special people” will be protected, you need a shot of “Reality Rehab.”

The Global Elite are going to take it down to the bone. The questions that I have revolve around how limited a “Limited Nuclear War” will be.

This is why everything written in the Alternative Media is inconsequential. There will not be a Donald J. Trump second Presidency, there is no Q, except government agents pretending to be Q, Bitcoin will evaporate when the electrons stop flowing, Alex Jones and others are going off the air, and people will start disappearing in the night…

The model of the future resembles the history of Third World Dictatorships, complete with death squads now armed with the latest technology. And all of us will be denied any technology.

I see a tough three-plus years under “The False Peace”, it will be straight out of the Book of Revelation, but in the end the Global Elite will lose their support staff. It’s all in the demographics; that’s why the Global Elite will need a “Large Kill Factor.” Clearly, they have no problem with genocide.

Everybody is completely wrong about this being a communistic plan. It’s actually Platonic. I’ve just finished reading the “Timaeus”, and Plato believed in a society run by the intellectual elite and policed by mercenary armies. And that’s what we see behind the immigrant crisis in the United States and Western Europe, and in the hubris of Klaus Schwab and his minions at the World Economic Forum.

By the way, George, I’ve gotten some very nice emails from many of your readers in the last few weeks. People see it coming now, so again, my deepest thanks for pointing out my work.

Prophecy is all about the non-physical becoming physical, and people should always keep that in mind. It shows we mortals that there are other laws at work in this universe.”

As another reader (Andy) often remarks, as he gets “peek-a-boos” into Future at times:  “Everything is right on schedule.

We are “on the ride” only designing what’s seen from our little cars on the tracks laid out by higher levels over longer timeframes by some confused spiritual marionettes.

A Quickie on Personal Woo-Woo

You remember, maybe? My “personal number” that seems to have meaning in my life is the number “13.”  My first commercial radio license begins “PG13….”  And in broadcasting my first DJ gig (1969) in a major market was on 1380 AM and that was followed by 13-years doing news on 1300 AM. First solo flight as a pilot was on runway 13-L at KBFI.  (Magnetic variation made it 14-L years later.)

I knew I would live to at least 65, since from a family of 5 – 13 times that is what? 13 past the family number dials in 78…

Today, for a while, my Lunch Money Day Trading account was up $130.13.  But I may “let it ride” for the next 13-days.

Because you remember that load of 10 more solar panels coming in today?

Which should arrive (bet me?) before 14:00? lol.  Kinda thinking 13:13 or a palindrome 13:31, rofl.

Write when the world gets less predictable.

64 thoughts on “Comments We Like & Some Woo-Woo”

    • Every year I sweat the middle of march..
      But if you listen to what Ai gave it predicts the middle of November.. alois Irlamair says when the leaves turn and white appears on the leaves.. so who knows.. then there are the other predictors to..

    • a freindly suggjestion. some times ya just have to take a step back and give it a rest a while. let it simmer.

      i do that and do that often.

      it has been my experiance that stuff in the future you and G.A are looking at? it has a tendancy to lead one into the mental and emotional realm of “poor me, we’re dooomed, i cant do anything, the elite are going do bad shit”.

      ya know,

      Faith in God, (Whomever and However you understand Him to be, ) and The m
      Miraculous Demonstations done by Him, (whome i call THE DUDE) are truths as old as time itself.

      soooooooo… i find it best to remember,

      Rich me!

      • “poor me, we’re dooomed, i cant do anything, the elite are going do bad shit”.

        No Andy, I don’t feel that way.
        Actually, I find it all, as Mr. Spock would say…

        No Andy

      • No poor me here.. I learned years ago that the experiences I have had.. are learning modules.. there is an old academic study that was done.. and the concept was passed down from generation to generation.. that a person learns through experience..
        The Experimental Learning theory was born… studies on the concepts.. the practices etc.
        Even with a college degree.. you study for a subject.. learn the basic principles.. but you don’t acquire the skills and expertise until you actually do the job..Where the coloring page on the wall comes in is the basic principles,theories and concepts are taught.. I use to want to be a Histologist.. yup On the job training and a subject that totally impressed me and excited me.. but they changed the requirements and OJT was no longer accepted you had to spend a great deal of money to go get the training of the basic principles..
        All of the life experiences I have had allowed me the options to learn which I am very grateful for.. without them I would be clueless to do any of the things I know how to do now… Everyone has to have a life experience of how to deal with the life they have experienced someone that lives in a mansion has a totally different mental outlook of life in comparison to someone that lives in a dumpster behind the television station..The observations I have are based from the lesson modules I have been dealt. what I see coming in based on what my life experiences has been.
        take my son in law.. he has never been dealt any of those lesson modules.. His life has been surrounded by prosperity. He cannot see what I see as immanent coming this way ..his whole belief is based on his life experiences and to him everything is an illusion and it could be that nothing is going to happen the power is always going to be on and operating..his idea of getting ready for the food shortage is having a weeks worth on the shelf.. there are theories that if there was a food shortage for three months.. but that isn’t how any of it ever plays out..even if there was a war and civilization was nearly demolished there would be supplies for a few short years.. Our leaders and media limit the amount of information passed out to the people disinformation.. since all the news is controlled by one will only see one side until it flips.the stock market.. looks good.. prosperity galore.. but how much of that prosperity is invented to persuade the public to believe all is well in atlantis…
        Similar to the diary of the farmer that went to Russia to teach the farmers there how to grow larger crops similar to those grown in the USA.. the Czar had total control over the media.. the people only heard rumors of discontent and potential upheaval .. it wasn’t until the day they were coming in from the fields and seen the Bolshevik army marching in with infants skewered on the ends of their bayonets that they knew that it was time to go that it all had become more than just the rumor..It was the same in every other failed civilization.. and since what we are seeing now is the same thing.. that will more than likely be how it will be this time around as well . since history seems to repeat itself over and over. Which I find interesting to.. the people that survived holocausts and depressions.. all had the same tendencies to not want that to happen again..My parents.. both went through the great depression.. when they moved out of the house they had more than I knew they had.. they had money in sock drawers and books etc..because the banks failed and the only thing anyone had was what was in their possession.. the numbers at the bank.. worthless.Where those in the position of authority should be taking note.. is the statements of being cautious by the heads of their military.. the own academic advisors and college professors..
        Why pay millions of dollars to have a study done if you aren’t even going to read and contemplate the findings made..

        then you get to the foreseers and their predictions.. they hit dam close.. Stu’s work should terrify you as it does I read it and see it all laying out as predicted.. that is some horrifying stuff if you ask me.. then Read Adolphs second secret book and you see it being pushed by the political partys.. another horrifying situation.. which will be dominant..
        the USA is on 8 Potential war fronts.. we are borrowing unheard of amounts of cash to give to a country that was well known to not have any morals or ethics.. we are allowing in tens of thousands a day into our country from countries that swore vengence to the country by doing exactly that.. come in with the real refugees.. the outsourcing of our industry and the dumbing down of our children.. and all of this has been predicted..hundreds if not thousands of years ago.

        a study was done to see how many generations it would take to gain total control of the people.. the study discovered if you could pass our misinformation and limit education that three generations would be adequate to gain control.. the television is one of the worst.. since they control everything you see and hear.. family that is separated.. with the outsourcing of industry not only did the youth forget how to manufacture.. it forced MOM to go to work and DAD to work multiple jobs.. leaving the children to the television and its teachings.. and to game boards and the local raise them.. then we question why so much violence.. have you watched television lately..
        the same with dad and mom on the drive a five news.. the main reason why my son in law cannot see it coming.. he only gets the news on the drive at five.. and all is well in Atlantis..
        the legend of the fall…
        (“But they became greedy, petty, and “morally bankrupt,” and the gods “became angry because the people had lost their way and turned to immoral pursuits,” Orser says. As punishment, he says, the gods sent “one terrible night of fire and earthquakes” that caused Atlantis to sink into the sea.”)

  1. Just like Taylor Swift, though she’s a Sagittarian.

    Taylor was born on the 13th and has 13 woven through her entire life.

    Perhaps 13 is charmed. Just wondering.

  2. My hometown TV station, where I learned intense ‘do-it-yourself’ broadcast TV, was channel 13. Much later in life in Honolulu, with the advent of DTV, I finally put the old RCA monster channel 13 to sleep for the final time. Alpha & Omega, beginning and end.

    • all of the bad omens.. deal around real events.. like a black cat walking in front of you is bad luck..
      YUP at night you cannot see a black cat ..
      waling under a ladder..
      well that one doesn’t even need to be explained LOL..
      breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck..
      it took seven years to save enough to buy another one..
      friday the thirteenth.. was when the templar knights were round up and executed..

  3. I saw something that caught my eye the other night:

    Not in production yet. I’m getting hints from other directions that I should be scaling down for an extended dry spell with resupply issues.

    The Garberg blade came in. Got the CS Blackblade with the survival sheath which has a firesteel and sharpener built in. Came very sharp. I wanted a lightweight knife with an ambidextrous sheath which functions for both forward and reverse grip, and sharp. Scored on all. I have other heavier and very capable knives, but none with so much functionality in such a compact light package.
    Truthfully, I got about as much use out of a CS Kershaw camp knife as anything else I have owned, until I ran it through the burn barrel accidently, then let what was left sit out in the rain covered with ash for a year.

    I put a folding bow saw and five aggressive extra blades on order. Again, I have capable saws both manual and powered; I am looking for maximum cutting potential with low weight, and no need for continuous resupply.

    I think that my current contingency plans need to be reevaluated and adjustments in priorities made. The need to be agile but technology independent is reentering the picture.

    • Hitchhiker Camper appears to be made out of poor mans fiberglass. Easy to do yourself and for about a third the price. youtube it.

        • If you can stuff one of those in a backpack and carry it cross-country, you’re a better man than I…

          My idea of roughing it is a top-shelf Bowie or Marine Ka-Bar style belt knife, a Council axe, a pocket full of Kevlar thread & cord, a Life-Straw, a pair of woodlands moccasins in my other pocket, an appropriate type of outerwear, and a damnfine pair of high-top boots on my feet. A sack of jerky and pinole and a mess kit would be nice, but they’re not necessary.

  4. oh hey, i thought i heard my name this morning.

    i like it here. i think im going to stay here on the mountain. there is no lack of food here. all the stores could close and we would still eat good.

    ya know where i go down to the lake and meditat3 every day.i b3en going down there for ohhhhh 10 months now. i just pick a spot and that is the place i go, pray, meditate, read, write and contemplate stuff. every day.

    anyway, someone r3leased a couple domestic ducks down there. a Male and a Female. the domestic ducks cant fly. so the ranchers wife and i went down there and caught them and brought them home. put them in a pen to keep them safe until all the other animals get used to them and figure out they are now family. Good Egg Laying Malards.

    it reminds me of wh3n i was living on Alki Beach and went to the same spot to pray and meditate for a long while
    same spot, every day for months. i never missed a day.

    then one day i didnt want to go. i was tired and i was late backstage at some show. i made coffee. then went back to bed. that soft voice, go to your spot and meditate. its important. then i got in the shower. back in bed. that soft voice speaking to me, get your lazy but up and go pray and meditate, its what you do and who you are. its as much as breathing and eating.

    so i finally get dressed and drive down to my spot.

    as soon as i parked, opened up my first book. that fella came up and asked me to give him a ride down the beach to the public bathroom because he dropped his car keys and wallet in there.

    we get down there and as we both are walking in the bathroom to look for his keys and wall3t a fella comes out and says Hey! good thing you showed up when ya did. i just found your car keys and wallet on the floor. he had them in his hand and handed them to him.

    the timing of that, ya know?

    same with the ducks. im always right where im supposed to be. doing what im supposed to be doing. how could i not be? its how my life is. everthing is always provided when i need it.

    God placed me in the exact moment at the exact place i needed to be to rescue two ducks.

    22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! ~

    ya know the funny thing is, Elon is asked me to video chat on X. i said i cant im busy. im rescuing some domestic ducks at the lake. someone dropped them off. domestic ducks cant fly. so we are going to go get them.

    then Elon gets kinda pissy with me. said i was being disrespectful. he is a busy man and super important. and lots of people would give their left nut to video chat with him. i said well im not trying to be disrespectful. im busy doing cowboy stuff. We all have a life to live, I have a good on3.

    so i sent him a picture of the ducks after we got them. he sent me back a rocket emoji.

    i imagine elon musk doesnt get brushed off by many.


    not sure about all that end of the world stuff guys.

    yes sir, right tool for the right job.

    let me put on my new thinking cap and see what comes to me.

  5. i see sum.

    for the ducks, im right on schedule. we are all right on schedule.

    that same dynamic that is working in my life? it has to be working in everyones elses. wether or not they are aware of it or see it is irrelavant. its working. i see it working around other people who are oblivious to it. ive even pointed it out to a few and they say oh. anways. and go on about some other thing they were thinking about.

    idk, its like this.

    everyone around me, including the rancher, his wife, all the kids all got the ronna last couple days. now,
    they arent vaccinated the ranchers wife says we all got ronna. you might wanna get tested.

    i said oh im sorry you are sick. i feel great. really good. i have a physical with a family doctor today. just because its good to have a regular doctor. start with a good check up.

    i went to the doctor today, I got an X-ray on my chest, blood work, covid test, all that. Doctor says, you dont have covid. your lungs look perfect, you are as healthy as a race horse.

    i said ok, cool. thanks.

    everyone else gets sick. im healthy and strong. and went to wyoming for the day, got my new thinking cap, chatted with elon, came back and rescued some ducks.

    fed them good and now they are all safe and well provided for.

    so, idk. i see alot and then some.

    but im not worried about it anymore than i was worried about getting the corrona virus. i went to wyoming and got a different kinda crown today. A Kings Crown. haha.

    Cowboy up!

    • Made a few minor changes in diet and exercise, and my blood pressure suddenly lined out and looks better than it has in years. Stamina is improving.
      Reassessing the current living arrangement and contingency preps is therapeutic. Counting the blessings helps some times. Change is in the air. Knowing where you are, and keeping tabs on trends and resources is good form. Like JC quipped, it is all fascinating, Jim.

  6. i think it all comes down to what you are about in life.

    i did the daily grind, white picket fence, happy wife is a happy life gig. couple times. i liked that very much so. like to do that again.

    i done alot of things. so many different things.

    for me,

    the one big thig consistancy is living out the scriptures in dynamic expression. that is the constant. full filling them.

    i remember zeta talk, and planet X, y2k, the myan long count, the law of one, web bots with predictions of $500 oz of silver and the global coastal event, time wave zero, and patient zero, the elite illuminati insider in 2005 (that if ya go to the old glp thread now it says Elite 0) and timetraveler_0 aka John Titor, project blue beam and the grey aliens and lizard aliens at area 51, the underground tunnels in antartica and the walmart tunnels to secret underground facilities, etc etc. etc. studied all the world known and mostly unknown religions and spiritual practices from zoroster to hermes to aberiginie to budism to ive read the entire talmud in arimaic.

    the world could end and i will be still here doing what im doing. because that is what i do. the world ending has no bearing on me being me and doing what i do.

    like standing in an old well filled with dry dirt (where the oldest tribe in north and south america considers the point of creation) as the living water and a living representation of the symbol of monad (ig you were to see it as a bird above would) while the rest of the world hides at home with cases of toilet paper watching their TV.

    or taking the stone i showed the elders who said they didnt know what it was and walking the divine laberinth and placing it in the center on top of a rock painted like a turtle. “the stone that was rejected became the cap stone. ”

    and driving an ore train surrounded by the number 11 on an infnitity shaped path, like a compass or cog in a living dynamic expression of a Merkabah with lions den east, and herd of cattle west (ox) a man facing south and an eagles nest facing north.

    in the valley of enoch.

    or like today, rescuing 2 domestic ducks that someone didnt want for pets anymore and dropped them off at the same spot i had been praying and meditating for 10 months. fullfilling the scripture,

    “Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!”

    it was ravens, it was ducks but the same principle applies.

    and those are but a few examples. i have lived out hudreds upon hundreds, if not thousands and thousands more than just those examples.

    so, i dont really quite give two shit what the bad guys are doing much any more.

    im busy about doing what im doing. and im not even trying. 8ts just happening as i live out my life.

    do i go to the same spot on the 4 year anniversery of 04/08 when the eclipse happens and stand again in the dirt well, at the point of creation as the living water??? in my best blue kachina suit? and dance in the court yard??? then the comet comes.

    i have all that stuff. i have full blue kachina dance suit. true story.

    but im not worried about it. if its to be, i will happen.

    as it is, when i told george on the phone my plans an hour later my entire plans went poof. i did everything on my list to go. everything was in order. george asked me on the phone what i was doing and where was i going. and reluctingly told him.

    and an hour later those entire plans went poof. and im still here on the mountain. true story. the job went away, the contact went away, the place to stay and the means to get there all went poof gone in an hour after george and my conversation and nothing has resurfaced since.

    im not blaiming george. but that is exactly what happend.

    so i decided. id keep things to myself going forward. because i was really looking forward to moving.

    and well. if i am supposed to be there? i will be there. right now, i spoooossssee
    ….. im getting my ducks in a row. 2 by 2.


    plus im growing in new ways. and i like to keep all that between THE DUDE and me.

    THE DUDE and I are doing mind bending miraculouse demonstrations. just ask the ducks. we saved them from the coyotes.

      • oh i know im being watched and others are snooping.

        then i remember that is the same world, where the tide pod challenge was invented.

        so im not to worried about it.

        things are changing that is forsure.

        i woke up this morning, the sun is out, all my chores are done and i feel like a million bucks.

        Life is good!

  7. quite possibly,

    my favorite experiances in fufilling “scriptures” are

    saving the cheerleader from tumbeling off a 4 story balcony at the All Star national cheerleader chapionships. “save the cheer leader and save the world” Hero’s.

    Her giving me a magic wand and a hug. same exact magic wand that Ginda the good witch has in the original wizard of oz.

    the very next day at an amazon big wig convention running into a exact splitting image of glinda the good witch, a lady who moved to seattle that day from detroit, and giving her the magic wand.

    then the very next day heading back stage at a jazz concert i get a red head that looks like a porciline running up to me wearing purple crocks begs me to fetch her red heels from her car so she can go on stage. so i do and she gives me a big kiss on the cheek, puts them on and runs out from behind the curtain and on to the stage.

    all in sequence of a 3 day period in seattle. which is nicknamed The Emerald City. same as the wizard of oz.

    all that is true. real world dynamics. pretty cool. i just lived it out, no real consciouse effort or planning. ~ Right on schedule ~

    that and when i was sitting outside in a lawn chair, under a large maple tree, in quiet contemplation meditation . a giant monarch butterfky flutters over and lands on my knee. the butter fly sitting there resting. it was a bright sunny beautiful day.

    kids are out in the street riding bicycles and playing. people mowing their yards. and im just sitting under that large maple tree , still, quiet and at perfect serentity.

    then all the sudden the sky turned black. The day turned Dark as night. the wind picked up, it started raining and hailing. the huge flashes of lightning and booming thunder. the thunder so loud it shook the windows on the house next to me. so much so the lady of the ranch thought they were all going to break.

    everyone ran in their houses. its just dumping rain. the wind blowing everything everywhere.

    i didnt move. i stayed and sat in the same spot, in my lawn chair, under the big maple tree. the huge moarch butterfly sat still,.resting on my knee. i was in perfect serenenity. While the world raged around me and day turned to night and everyone ran inside for cover. i stayed in perfect serenity.

    then the sun broke through the clouds. the wind and rain stopped and everything went back to being a normal sunny day. i reached over lit up a smoke. the huge monarch butterfly fluttered away.

    the lady at the ranch came out and said wow! what a storm! i thought all the windows on the house were going to break. i looked out the window and i saw everyone running in their homes. then i saw you sitting under the tree. you looked so peaceful. smiling and glowing like an angel. you had a butterfly on your knee.

    she said. look. look at you! i said what. she said everything is soaking wet but you dont have a single drop on you. im soaked from the rain. but you dont have a sing.drop on you.

    i just laughed and said yeah. pretty trippy.

    *now the very next day when i went outside. a heart shapped leaf had grown up under my lawn chair. the same heart shapped leaf from a plant that only grows in south america. and not anywhere around these parts.

    when i saw it. i wonderded if Buda when he found nirvanna sitting under a tree? had such a storm and butterfly too.

    quite possibly out of the hundreds and thousands of scriptures i have lived out, my 2 favorite.

    so….. im absolutley certain. no matter what the bad guys are planning or if its just happenstance cataclysm judgement day in the near future???? *shrugs.

    i will be doing exactly what im supposed to be doing at the exact moment, exactly where im supposed to be doing it. and i will be equipted with everything i need.

    because that is the world i live in.

    may you find your way there as well.

    • “Do unto. Others”
      I get it fulfilling of ones life’s journey….my failures were those I missed and could have made the difference..

  8. p.s. the experiance under the tree, when was still and at perfect serenity where the Day turned black as night and the world stormed and raged around me, reminded me of

    psalm 46:10.

    “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

    its one thing to read it in a book or see it on a movie. its a totally differnt dim3tion to experiance these things in living dymanic form and motion i assure you.

    okay that is enough for me for a good while.


  9. For those of you who want to read the thoughts of one of the top leaders of China, Wang Huning wrote a book about the US after he visited the US for 6 months in 1988, “America against America”. It is a book much like what Alexis de Tocqueville’s wrote with his “Democracy in America” (1835), after his visit to the US in the early 1830’s.

    Both books were written by total outsiders to whom the United States experiment was very strange compared to the societies they came from, thus they both were able to see America in a very differently nuanced light than what those of us who were born and raised here would see. Hunings main observations and comments have so far withstood the test of time (35 years so far) as to the US and it’s internal contradictions (imo).

    Why this is important, although his book is now three decades old, is that since he wrote that book Wang Huning has become the CCP’s Chief of Ideology and Propaganda … AND … he is one of seven members of the Communist Party’s ruling body.

    Little noticed in the US, unlike de Tocqueville’s book when it came out, Huning’s “Democracy in America” is possibly just as important a group of observations of the current contemporary (ala 1990) United States’s internal contradictions as de Tocqueville’s was when it came out, possibly even more so by the fact that Huning has now risen to become one of the seven members of the CCP’s ruling body and it’s Chief of Ideology.

    (you don’t have to agree with what an observer writes … but when that observer ends up being the top person in charge of Ideology and Propaganda of your principal opponent on the world stage it is imo worthwhile to see what they were, and probably still are, thinking)

  10. March is always a busy month around here. Both of us celebrate our birthdays – the misses, by the way is on 313., we both turn 75.., we have our anniversary., our annual Spring barbecue party with the Trade Group – we consider it the actual beginning of the New Year – Pagans at heart, I guess. This year it is going to be a whole pig, slow roasted over an open pit with charcoal and mesquite.., he has already dug the pit., and received a truck-load of mesquite [ getting my Trade Goods in order.] Also a quiet anniversary from an incident that happened in Vietnam. [Which is a solo event – involving nothing more than me sitting out at the koi pond with a bottle a great bourbon.] Several other “dates to remember”.. Busy month.
    .., and – what is looking like a rather busy month world wide that may just over-shadow all the others. If it messes up our annual Spring Barbecue I am going to be ticked-off., but there is not a whole lot I can do about it – as someone posted the other day : “A man can only do so much.”
    – “Stay Frosty !”

    • Omg ..such short novice what time does have a fork will travel have to be there lol lol lol just kidding .. sounds like a blast though..

      • It ‘IS’ a great time. Good people involved. Some of the conversations are ‘epic’. Hopefully the event won’t be over-shadowed. Though it is a celebration of Spring for just my small Trade Group and their families – I would invite you HFWT [ Have folk – Will Travel ]

        • During the spring summer and fall we have backyard fire pits..its always a nice time.. if you fire up the grill all the neighborhood shows up.we always toss extra for the officer watching traffic..
          the kids are usually playing ..last week I happened to see an outdoor projection set for almost nothing including the stands.. so I picked it up for the kids. we can set it up on the deck and the kids can have a movie night..
          with the smell of spring in the air I keep thinking about that. the single mother from the city that brought her kids here were out. everyone was skittish of being outside and others coming around. I went to the mailbox..told her that they are welcome to any outdoor smorgasbord that we have. just bring your forks and spoons or use the plastic we have..
          come as you are get together..
          lately everyone has been wanting my new wine..I have been so busy driving to doctors appointments for the gent living our spare room I just haven’t had time to bottle it yet.. chocolate raspberry..

      • My wife went to a Luau.. in Hawaii.. she had a wonderful time.. I was unable to go with that was over thirty years ago.. there was a roasted pineapple dish she ranted and raved over.. but I have never been able to find a recipe for it..
        Our backyard fire pits are kind of like that.. the smoker comes out.. food goes on.. neighbors show up bearing additions to the cookout.. the old folks get in their comfy chairs a fire is started and we stare at the fire.. sometimes the kids will have music playing.. the boss and I love to dance in the moonlight if the mood is right.. there is btoche ball and lawn darts.. and the ladder ball games going on..some of the most precious moments around.. on other days the other neighbor does the same thing.. and we wander over to their homes.. it isn’t like the days when the street would be blocked off and tables set up.. kids playing catch in the street.. those are epic times.. now the street stays open.. but it is about as close as you can get.. community..

    • Oh have a happy birthday to you and the little lady..I hope your cookout is a great one.

  11. Hi, George,

    Happy Birthday to us March born folks. I will be 73 on March 5. Being in my seventies has become interesting, for sure. Looking forward to more good years. Glad that I have been living in these times where many health issues are very fixable.

  12. Saw a photograph this morning during my news search. It was of a man’s wrist watch that sold at auction for just over $31,000. It was melted – if you look hard through the melted and discolored crystal face, you can see the hands frozen in time at 8:16 [ AM ] It was found in the ruble of Hiroshima by a British soldier a few days after the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. According to the ‘experts’ that time is within 30 seconds of the blast.
    A small, ordinary piece of everyday technology that happened to recorded one of the most important moments in the history of mankind.
    The photo of that melted watch has stuck with me.
    I wonder what small, everyday object will record the next “important moment” in our history?
    We could have been so much more……….,

  13. Someone just purchased $1.8 billion dollars’ worth of Bitcoin – at the $51,000 mark. The largest recorded purchase ever. Currently at $51,110.00
    No one knows if it was an individual, a corporate entity, or a government.
    Rumors abound. Whoever it was has deep pockets and a lot of faith.

  14. Oh my god… I usually lend a hand up whenever I can..
    A few years ago they thought I had pancreatic cancer. without telling the oncologist I made a decision to take sweet wormwood capsules after reading extensive research papers that were done in studying it..
    when I thought oh he’ll its over now..not wanting to be a burden on the wife or family I had bought a power chair..never had to use it..
    then last fall..I was in a local restaurant and seen this young girl in a wheelchair working harder than anyone with legs..
    after visiting with her I found out she was paralyzed from the neck down..still had use of her hands but was in a freak accident that took her mobility.
    not wanting to be a burden and eventually become a motivational speaker to others that have lost their independence differ through the horrors of war or an accident.
    I asked her if she had considered a power chair she had..and someday when she could afford it she was planning on buying one..
    would t you know I had I gave it to her .. called the phoenix exo skeleton company and visited with the designer of the phoenix..
    he had the exact same injury so I tried to get her an exoskeleton.. sadly there aren’t any grants in the wastelands and I hit dead ends on every helping that butterfly to fly is out..forty thousand might as well be a million.
    anyway that was months ago I haven’t seen her since I’ve been busy helping the gent living in our spare room get the treatments he deserves from his sacrifices for our country..
    then about an hour ago..I discover she is good friends with my neighbours daughter.. what are the odds of that happening and her crossing my path again..

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