Fake Money Plagues as Lazyverse Arises

The market is set to continue its slide today ahead of the inflation report as CPI will be center stage tomorrow.

In fact, as of 6AM today, our Elliott and trend channel view of the market looks like this from November 8th of last year right up until this morning:

Pick a Fake Money!

There are several to choose from.  But, around here, our favorite virtual whipping post is Bitcoin.

This morning, BTCs were down in the mid 19-thousands again – and in our outlook, headed (eventually) down to the $8,000 range, or lower.

Still, admitting they’ve been suckers for digital tulips here in mid-financial mania – people will look for an excuse.  And this gets us to the electric car whiz:

Let’s Blame Musk!

Not us, personally.  It’s just we’ve told you that electric cars are a tax-dodger’s delight (subsidies, no federal gas tax bite) and that only hybrids work in big states like Texas.  It’s just that in his rush to bid for Twitter, Musk also sold off a bunch of stock while the audience weas distracted elsewhere.  Which may have consequences.

David Faber: Elon Musk Could Go to Jail Over Twitter Dispute (mediaite.com)

While it plays well, the reality is Musk already knows there is a two-tiered justice system in America and anyone with significant net worth (a billion or more) has a whole other planet to live on.  Wasn’t anyone paying attention to the lessons of Epstein and how few of the child sex perves – including big names – have really be brought to justice?

But that gets me to our other data point on Two Societies coexisting under differ laws.  Seen in…

Joe Biden’s Hooker Problem

No, not hooker problem…directly.  No sir, we’re talking about the story now playing that claims “Hunter Biden spent $30k on prostitutes within FIVE MONTHS, documents reveal | Daily Mail Online.

Joe’s problem is the linkage to son Cunter’s (hmm…is that a typo?) alleged misdeeds.

And then – logical forensic accounting students might well ask “Did Pops get some?”  See, that COULD put the President in the position of being on the receiving end of IGG – Just Us Dept.-ese for ill-gotten gains.

Why, this is all such a fine “honey pot” operation that even the Mossad could envy…  Which then wheels us to the Biden trip to Saudi lands…

Should mention the Other Biden’s gaffe, though:  Jill Biden Slammed for Comparing Latinos to Tacos in Speech.  Media rings the taco bell?

Saudi Trip Misdirection

We’re assuming by now that most people have figured out that Joe Biden’s farcical “sanctions” on Russia by turning off energy was just a way to screw Americans at the pump and allow high-rolling, deep pocket energy traders, to add another level of profits by moving oil around on paper and creating price gouging?  Or do we give too much credit for having brain cells?

The official sheep food was already breaking down this week as even Politico was admitting Biden’s Saudi trip won’t help gas prices.

But the real deal from our standpoint is an upcoming Israeli attack on Iran.  And events have shoved the U.S. and Israel into a position where strategic interests are aligning.

Israel, of course, wants to strike the Iran nuclear sites – since Iran has threatened to nuke the Israel’s not-at-all-secret Dimona site. And to wipe the rest of Israel off the map.  Given such bullying, of course, striking a first blow – a real knock-out – makes sense.

But the new story – being wheeled into the press feeds today – is that White House: Iran set to deliver armed drones to Russia | AP News.  What’s interesting is that the source of this “information” is not clear.  Only that the “U.S. has information” which to us may be code for “What the Mossad tells us is…”

Since NATO is on the verge of losing not only Ukraine, but a big slice of eastern Europe as Russia rolls west, we now have the OTHER Fake Money angle glaring out of this headline:

Biden is busily buying his way into Saudi good graces unleashing the Dept. of Just Us on the PGA Golf Tour.  PGA Tour facing Justice Department probe over spat with LIV Golf League.  The LIV league is Saudi-owned.  See why the price to own the Oval is so high?

Raw, naked power and not even a two-stroke penalty.  YET.

Europe’s Fake Money

The euro and the US dollar are at parity for first time in 20 years | CNN Business.

Nope.  This doesn’t mean we are any better off than before.  It’s just that as we have been telling you since the bureaucratic insurgency stole national autonomy from many countries in Europe, the whole mess would end in the shitcan of history sooner or later.  Because “one fake money” doesn’t drive out the good, hard work or some countries and somehow magically balance it with bullshit, laziness, and sloth of other countries.

Sometimes it takes a while.  I told readers “Stay out of Cryptos”  2011.  Well, took more than a decade to fleece the coin people and the process will continue for another three to five years.

But it’s like that with contagious financial manias.  You know tulips were introduced into Holland in 1593 and they didn’t really burn out as a mania until 1637. 44-years, is it?

The Web debuted on August 6, 1991.  So – at least on paper – the notion of a digital currency MIGHT have persisted through 2035 in the modern rhyme.  Except that when we get into the global war to come (2025-2026) there may be no more computer networks (at least for a while) that that looks like a better dart toss at an end date, to us.

Tulip diseases do happen.

Media Hates Trump

Most UrbanSurvival readers will remember, I’m sure the report from 2020: Who Really Runs The Drudge Report? – Tablet Magazine.

The end of Drudge as a voice of conservatism – and dare we suggest financial responsibility in America? – came to an end somewhere in here, by our reckoning.

Which explains the splash page today on Drudge:  a picture and link to Half of G.O.P. Voters Ready to Leave Trump Behind, Poll Finds – DNyuz.

The mainstream media is going through an inflection point right now:  Idiotic Woke is bumping into real life. Stories like Rise of the anti-woke weirdos – The Spectator World drive the confusion.

EV Stupidity

But so do Woke Issues which birth half-cocked BS solutions.  Like, oh, let’s create gas lines like California cities ban new gas stations in battle to combat climate change (yahoo.com).

Where the (incredibly stupid, single-dimension thinkers who are supposedly) woke get things wrong is in promotion pure EV Technology, they gloss over stark evidence that the grid is already failing!    Texas grid survives sweltering day, but heat is still on ERCOT.  We are looking for 104F again here at the ranch again, today.

Woke, virtue-signaling narcistic spoiled brats are a curse on Modern America.

Which gets us down to the “meat and potatoes” of today’s lament.

Lazy America is Screwed

My consigliere’s vacation over the Fourth was the cherry-on-top for us:

“For the week leading up to the 4th I took a vacation road trip north to the Great Lakes State of Michigan, up to where the rich keep their summer “cottages”  (spending $5 to $10 million on a “cottage” that you can use for maybe 10 weeks a year seems to me to be close to the ultimate in “conspicuous consumption” – oh and the airport in the little town of 2500 near where we were staying had so many business jets parked at it that it looked like they were nearly out of ramp space for parking them – the other even smaller airport down the road had BIG business jets in it that I didn’t know could even fit into it due to it’s really short runway)

Anyway, on our DRIVE up and back (sadly no jet for us) through the middle of the state, as well as in the area where we hung out, EVERY manufacturing plant had HUGE billboards along the highway saying they were hiring.  There is still LOTS of manufacturing in Michigan … and EVERYWHERE … in fact EVERY PLANT … had help wanted signs.  Many in Ohio did too but nothing like Michigan.

As manufacturing reshores to the US it is looking to me like US manufacturing employment is going to hold up much better “IF” we actually descend into a recession than would be normal.  Companies are going to be loath to lay off manufacturing employees with a downtick in the economy because of the severe problems they will have in RESTAFFING once the economy picks back up. Now central office staff for those companies may not be so fortunate … if they have to slice their head counts it may be those office workers who take the ax this time around versus the blue-collar people on the manufacturing floor who are the typical ones laid off.

With Covid, Honda, which has two plants as well as its North American Headquarters just down the road from here, did NOT lay off any of their manufacturing employees even though at the height of the slowdown they were only running their two plants here 2-days to sometimes 3-days a week.  The other days they had them come in some and push a broom around and doing other stuff to do a deep clean in their buildings, but for at least one day a week they told them to just stay home, and they would be paid as if they came to work – is that the model manufacturers will go to now during recessions so as to hold onto their good manufacturing employees?)

Anyway … no statistics to back up what I saw as I drove down the roads of part of what is left of manufacturing in the US, but I thought it interesting just the same.  Sure didn’t look like a typical manufacturing recession from this trip, looked more like a BOOM TIME situation.   (OH … not relevant but I noted that during our entire 9-days in Michigan we only saw TWO electric cars, both Teslas.  One down south just outside of Ann Arbor and ONE up north in that super rich “cottage” area (can you call an 8,000sf house a cottage?  up there they do LOL).

Of course, it being Michigan there were almost no Japanese or even German cars there either, only saw about 10 Priuses total during the entire trip once we crossed the Ohio/Michigan border (that is what we drove up LOL!! – it IS a nearly 500-mile trip each way, same distance as NYC from here and the 50mpg made it easy on the billfold!!)”

Let’s think this through:  Is George’s consigliere a genius at reporting personal data insights?  Well, the June Small Business outlook from the NFIB said pretty much the same thing:

NFIB May Jobs Report: Over Half of Small Businesses Have Unfilled Job Openings

According to NFIB’s monthly jobs report, the labor shortage continues to be a challenge for small businesses with 51% (seasonally adjusted) of owners reporting job openings they could not fill in the current period, up four points from April and matching the 48-year record high set in September. Twenty-three percent of owners reported labor quality was their top business problem, second to inflation. Twelve percent of owners cited labor costs as their top business problem.”

Which gets us to an interesting question:  Have the Covid lockdowns and the “free money” from government been a deliberate action to turn America into a lazy, hustle-free country where people now expect more than they contribute?

Hard question and I don’t like the “answer set” that has come out of noodling on it so far.

My best guess is Americans are now so busy on their phones- and have become so detached from physical reality – that they have become phonebies – cellular zombies.  They are happily creating The Lazyverse.

And I don’t think that ends well.

Write when you get rich,


87 thoughts on “Fake Money Plagues as Lazyverse Arises”

    • Hal Turner: In the video, they tell New Yorkers to get inside. Good advice . . . if there’s anything left standing to actually get inside of!

      Then, in the height of utter stupidity, they tell New Yorkers “If you were outside when the blast hit, take off all clothes, shower and shampoo to wash the radiation off immediately.” THERE WON’T BE ANY RUNNING WATER. The water mains will all be ruptured from the blast and the electric that powers the water pumps will all be off for miles.

      But wait, there’s more . . . idiocy . . . . they tell New Yorkers “stay tuned to local media and don’t go outside until authorities tell you it’s safe.” THERE WON’T BE ANY LOCAL MEDIA. It will all be blown up. All the TV and radio transmitters will be wiped out!


      • I know, right? I guess the protocol is for folks 100 miles away who didn’t get vaporized.

      • Yeah. But while the C5’s and C130’s are dropping transistor radios P-8’s and E-7A’s will be circling overhead and broadcasting instructions.

      • Bob- That’s 100 miles upwind.

        Eleanor- If you have detailed references for decontamination procedures, then please share.

        JC – effects are dependent on who attacks and with what. Obviously, issuing such a pamphlet is political theater

  1. “Not us, personally. It’s just we’ve told you that electric cars are a tax-dodger’s delight (subsidies, no federal gas tax bite)”

    There wasn’t… until this year.. then they calculated what the average driver pays and added it to your yearly tax bite.. LOL

  2. “lazy”

    I don’t think people are lazy. People aren’t getting a fair share.

    I mentioned how my uncle received 2.5 Impalas his first year of employment back in 1950 while today’s new hire doesn’t get even one Impala.

    Back then my uncle was also promised a pension, which he receives. The people who promised him the pension have probably been dead for over 50 years – my uncle has been collecting for 40 years. The people who made the promises were 5 generations ago. And the kicker is they didn’t make good on the promises because after they died those schemes were bailed out with TARP and all the nonsense.

    Chase our tails in the field for what? Back in 1930 if you worked a day in the field the meal at the end was 100% yours while now most of the meal is taken through collateral schemes and used to feed multitudes. Work all day and get a half eaten apple.

    • Today, DIY is the only way! Youtube and the internet to the rescue. Most services can be dispensed with and people can save a fortune. The key is that when you work for yourself and don’t engage in money or trade, it’s tax free(for now). Yes, there’s sales tax, but there’s much less in other taxes. That’s one reason that the governments are losing money – there’s no incentive to work for others. Working 8 hours a day on your own stuff has a similar effect to working 12 hours for others, if you can even get a job. Yes, you need money for some things, but not all that many. Driving a reliable, paid for 25 year old car is no problem, and if it needs maintenance, you just do it. Same for your house – DIY plumbing, electric, plaster, painting, roofing, etc. Doing all that means you don’t need a gym membership.

    • Good point. You see, the boomers who are looking in the rear view mirror as they move into the future still think that if you can get a job that you will receive a wage that you can actually live on, not just survive (or not). Just run the minimum wage thru the inflation calculator, which most boomers are to busy tsk tsking to do.

      Back before COVID, it was found that 10% of the homeless were working full time but still not able to afford housing in their cities.

      Manufacturing is not coming back to the USA, ever, because the overhead per worker is simply too high, nobody in the USA can afford products made in the USA. As a matter of fact, Americans simply cannot afford quality products any more. They bitch about “cheap” Chinese products. The Chinese build products to their customers specifications including quality. There is no demand for quality in the USA markets. Do you think the wealthy Chinese have $25 toasters and $30 blenders in their homes? Can you afford a $130 toaster that will last you for 30 years?

      When Apple began manufacturing the iPad, they needed a factory with 3,000 engineers and 100k workers. The Chinese built the factory, staffed it and began production in one year, eventually creating employment for over 1 million people from that product. When Tim Cook was asked why Apple did not manufacture in the USA he said that it would have been impossible to assemble a staff of engineers like that in the USA, much less build a factory because of zoning and environmental laws. I might add that years later, because of USA “slave labor” comments about Apple, the workers were very angry when Apple mandated a maximum of 60 hours per week. They wanted more overtime.

      I was mentored by a retired VP from General Motors. He said the cost to GM in 1980 for each worker on the factory floor was $100k!

      In 1974 I re-enlisted for a $25k bonus. In 2009 my son was offered $90k for reenlistment. It would have taken $124k to match my bonus.

      • ” nobody in the USA can afford products made in the USA. As a matter of fact, Americans simply cannot afford quality products any more.”

        Not true, and a good chunk of my income is Social Insecurity. The trick is to search out NSNs – the USG military acquisition numbers – because they indicate a high-quality product that’s being made in the USA from predominantly American parts or materials. This is why my machete is made by Ontario Knife Company, my axe (and wedges) by Council, and my EDC knife by Buck.

        “In 1974 I re-enlisted for a $25k bonus. In 2009 my son was offered $90k for reenlistment. It would have taken $124k to match my bonus.”

        You’re half right. The “inflation calculators” are all disinformation-biased toward the government. In real life it takes between 9x and 14x as many FRNs to buy something today as it did in 1974 (except for PMs, which have been artificially depressed.)

  3. “Media rings the taco bell?”

    Dam… now you did it.. lol I wanna visit my favorite Mexican restaurant lol. They make the best tortillas ever fresh.. and the salsa ..

    Speaking of cooking..
    Potato friendship bread starter..
    1 medium Potato
    1 tbsp. Of flour
    1 cup of water
    1/2 cup of sugar (or honey)
    2.5 tsp yeast ( 1 packet)
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt..
    Peal and cook the Potato in the one cup of water..blend or mash.. let sit till it gets to room temp.. then mix in the rest of the ingredients cover and let it sit.. 3 days..then remove a cup and replace a cup of the cooked potatoes flour and water and half cup of sugar…. refrigerate once it gets active..
    Or you can keep it on the counter lol…
    If you use Potato flakes then 3 tbsp. Of Potato flakes
    To bake remove one cup for your bread recioe.. if you don’t have yeast.. then collect the wild yeast.. either with quarter cup of raisins in the Potato mix .. soak raisins in half cup of water.. put that water in the starter..or you can lightly cover it with a mesh and let the teast in the air collect in it. Like with vinegar making. The issue there is taste

  4. Regarding Europe’s fake money, anyone who converted their euros into gold coins five years ago is doing ok.

    2017 – €1070 oz
    2022 – €1720 oz

    • Or could have bought some rental property or some stocks, gains in just generic index funds nearly matches those gold gains over that time frame (60% vs 53%). Or maybe invested in themselves in improving their skills and getting different work that pays more. Having money sitting around not working, is not normally a good long term strategy. Not sure how you buy or sell your gold but normally a decent commission to buy and then store and then sales fees. Rarely these days are you transferring gold between individuals.

      • Maybe the game is over. They have us chasing our tails, and for what? Fake money is ruining everything, but does anyone notice other than George?

      • That’s a serious difficulty with PM’s. High fees on both ends. Buy or sell within the family at spot, or an agreed upon cash price.

  5. It absolutely amazes me that we have droughts and people suffer through them the way they (believe they have to). They do, because arguments are good for politics and for fleecing peoples wallets and rights.



    Guess it’s better politically to stir the shit instead of taking it out to the trash.

    California prides itself of finding every little thing that causes cancer and loves to put labels on products to claim that fact … but when it comes to really taking care of their residents, they suck at that.

    One would think California putting everything under a microscope to find the most minute trace of a carcinogen, they might look deeper into other problems that plague the people. Hell, they should be great innovators, but we’re talking about politicians, not regular folks who give a damn.

    Over and over again, I read about the chaos and suffering of the drought … and over and over again, one word comes to mind …

    It’s too easy … and obviously doesn’t fit the agenda.

    • Desalination is energy intensive and the resulting concentrated brine can also cause a lot of damage when put back into the ocean. Can repair leaking pipes, stop outdoor broadcast watering, limit greening the desert, limit growth in areas with limited water resources.
      Certainly better then people going thirsty but, it is no magic bullet (desalination), but easy solutions are not available during times of drought.

      • Israel and Saudi Arabia have been running desalination for decades. There is no environmental downside. Just more USA BS.

      • That’s a very good article. I understand the issues you mentioned but, I am pleased to read ….

        “Worldwide about 300 million people get some freshwater from more than 17,000 desalination plants in 150 countries. Middle East countries have dominated that market out of necessity and energy availability, but with threats of freshwater shortages spreading around the world, others are rapidly joining their ranks. Industry capacity is growing about 8 percent per year, according to Randy Truby, comptroller and past president of the International Desalination Association, an industry group, with “bursts of activity” in places such as Australia and Singapore.“

        Thanks for the link JoeDish !!

  6. My grandson is in college. His tuition is free but he needs to take a campus job to pay for his room and board. He is doing the minimum amount of work necessary to remain on campus. Last semester he dropped all his courses except for one 1 credit course and he was allowed to remain in campus housing. At the age of 20 his parents weren’t informed.

    My daughter says this seems to be a common theme. College students are depressed and unmotivated. Some blame it on the Covid lockdowns.

    On another note… we went on vacation just before the 4th of July. I took cash with me to pay for the hotels. On returning home it was difficult to cash a $100 bill even when I spent $50 or $60. I was told they didn’t have the cash or there was alot of counterfeit bills. Amazing that you can no longer use $100 bills to buy groceries.

    • Your daughter is right, but it is everybody, not just college students. We became socially isolated and the work at home movement only made it worse. As a society, the online workplace is a runaway train and we’re turning Japanese with workaholism. It’s only a matter of time before people start snapping.

      As for the currency, remember when it was an inconvenience to shop in places that were cash only? Now I see signs for electronic transactions only. Talk about whiplash.

    • They won’t touch a fifty or a hundred here. Even if your bill is fifty or a hundred..

      The kids I know have cut hours to afford to pay for college and living expenses. Young ladies look for someone more affluent or older that is in a position to help with tuition, living expenses , or books..
      Rather than some college boy that only has enough for a burger fries and a sixpack..

      • Cheers LooB – looks like “they” did you another “good turn”.


        Arming and fighting along side 4th reich NAZI regime is not enough, Shooting,Killing, Torturing own POW’s AND their own Ukey Troops.. fleeing their posts, still not, bringing evil to the front door of Christian Orthodoxy Church?

        So much for Free Health Care in America – drydream

        $1.7 Billion in HealthCare -monthly. Maybe breakoff a small piece for LooB and Co.??

        That be some greedy ass mofo’s be representing US in DC..jus saying.


      • I have heard it said that YOU are obligated to pay for a purchase. However, the seller/vendor/retailer is not obligated to accept a payment from you (“…Legal Tender for all debts, public and private…”) If the seller refuses to accept your legal tender, whether it be a sack of pennies or a $100 bill, simply take your items and walk out. If’fn you’re feeling especially honest, stand around the parking lot until the police arrive (you may have to call them, yourself) and explain the seller refused to accept payment in legal tender. ‘Better make damn’ sure your Bennies are not counterfeit, first, though… *

        * I’ve never tried this, because I’ve never been refused. However, I’ve heard tell of it working, secondhand, from several people, and firsthand from a nephew so…

        YMMV and this is not legal advise so I ain’t postin’ yer bail…

    • I blame a lot of college students’ problems on their being forced to get injected with the vaxx. Every university I know of is still demanding injections and boosters every few months, and they’re keeping validated records in a database. It’s anyone’s guess as to who gets access to that. All boosters in the USA are mRNA only. Most advanced education today is just obedience school, and even the professional education could be done far better and more efficiently than it is.

      Lastly, there’s NO FUN in schools today! Since covid, the campuses are largely deserted. Whether or not the students are sequestered in their rooms or at home, they’re not congregating.

  7. Dollar Euro parity……that reminds me… Back in College 5 of us lived in a converted barn. First thing in the morning wearable shirts played the same kind of game. Which one was the freshest of dirtiest.

    • “wearable shirts played the same kind of game. Which one was the freshest of dirtiest.”

      I seen a guy sniff his clothes lol..
      I said just buy t-shirts with pickets inside and out.. no tags ..then you can reverse it .. laundry half as often lol lol lol at 2 dollars a load you could save 600 to a thousand dollars a year depending on how often you wash clothes..or if you go to a laundromat to do clothes..
      Lol lol lol

  8. I’m pretty sure digital currency is coming, but it will be State-approved/regulated digital currency. Crypto was allowed to run wild to get all the bugs worked out of the system, and the time is fast approaching when governments around the world will be adopting their own digital money systems, and everyone goes cashless. It makes sense, especially in the US, with its own fake paper currency- no more printing, and much better traceability.

    • I started thinking about what I would need to do if we went cashless and realized the answer was “not much”. Deposit the loose cash and piggy banks and make sure the dc/cc wasn’t near expiration. I remember when Europe converted to the euro; it took everyone about a week to recalibrate and update price tags, etc. I imagine it wouldn’t be hard to go global other than deciding what the new coin of the realm would be.

    • The problem with government digital is they can track every cent and what it was spent on, right down to the product. Then, if they don’t approve, they can shut off your access to funds completely.

      Not a good thing in a country where if you are declared a domestic terrorist, anybody that buys you a hamburger or let’s you sleep on their couch is committing a federal crime.

      • And all the sporting good stores will be unable to take cash for anything any more or without some kind of record of who gave it to them. Photo, finger prints … blood sample.

        One person I’ve watched on video said a family member tried to make a down payment for a house with cash from their personal safe along with some PMs but the real estate company said they wouldn’t deal with anything other than funds coming from a banking institution. That way the funds can be verified that they didn’t come from some nefarious activity.

        Our lives haven’t been our own for some time and TPTB are making it official before our eyes.

    • Theory on “crypto collapse”. Russia was using it to circumvent sanctions. TPTB unloaded their holdings contributing to collapse, hurting one of Russia’s work around.

  9. “Did Pops get some?” 

    In essence Was daddy a cuckold?
    What an interesting question…Only daddy and son will know for sure.
    For 30000.00.. shew but then it was free easy money..

    • Loob,

      Reminds me of the Ralph Waldo Emerson translated ditty of the apple not rolling far from the tree. The former vp’s public denials of wrongdoing against a 1993 Senate intern remain online. If her claims are true, CERN turning on the internet wasn’t the only digital event of the time. Part of the defense apparently is a lack of accessible record of the alleged events. What’s that saying? If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it really happen?

  10. Around here there are lots of jobs. Part time, no benefits, and flexible schedule means bend – er – I mean flexible to meet their needs on a moments notice. People will work if you give them a fair deal.

    • that is the way it is here to.. no benefits.. those jobs are for the what ten percent full time .. and even there they quit offering health insurance.. and no retirement.. employers my whole life told me.. your retirement is your social security.. and if I had invested just the half that I paid I could have had a fifty million dollar retirement package.. just using savings bonds.. if I could have invested both parts.. a little over a hundred million..
      so when I hear the crap people say.. that those on social security are leaches on society.. I cringe.. because we paid in to it..congress miss use of money paid in for wars and destruction in other parts of the world is not where anyone wanted their retirement money invested..

    • Welcome to Jimmy Carter Land (redux.)

      In 1980 I was working two PT jobs @minimum, one @minimum+.20, playing music, going to school, and fixing old British sportscars. My day started at 0600 and ended at 0030 and I had to locate my classes in-between the jobs, which wasn’t easy because the local welding instructor didn’t teach his trade in multiple one-hour blocks. I got zero days off and couldn’t afford to get sick (so I didn’t.) I saw my GF at church and the Sunday dinner following, at my various jobs, and in the between jobs “float” when I wasn’t pissing off my welding instructor. BTW I was taking welding at this time, to learn a trade in case I needed a fallback vocation, because the economy was so incredibly shitty and the only openings for computer programmers within hundreds of miles were teaching positions, which I categorically refused, even then.

  11. Belated Happy 7-11 Day!!

    It must have been a brain freeze which caused lack of mention on yesterday’s day of note. My bad. However this morning’s local headlines brought icy and glacial commentary to the front pages.

    A sitting member of the legislature, the Health Minister no less, was being pilloried for having posted selfies as she drew precious refreshment from the “Frog Water Watermelon Lime Slurpee” spigot. Media editors salivating at a sugar-high juxtaposed this with soundbytes from the Premier and nurses union head meeting about a “crisis in the heath care system”.

    I shall endeavor to sample the beverage above and measure its heat resistance. Perhaps Loob will have a freezerful of tasty frosty fare alternates for those residing in distant melt waters away from the conveniences of civilization.

    • WTHell !

      Watermelon Lime ! sign me up,

      -right after I finish smoking this blunt..

      cool green color -check
      watermelon – check
      lime- check
      icee cold Slurpee -check

      ? Jester – do they have the colorful little candies that float in the slurpee – ala Homer Simpson (skittles)

      man I might to pay a visit Summer ehhh, always wanted to to take trans continental canadian rail trip with the Honey and No kidlettes.

  12. Bitcoin from 2011 (10$) to today 19K$. I don’t encourage folks who are risk adverse to mess with crypto. But the I told you so, doesn’t hold up so well looking at this short timeline you highlighted. If folks didn’t sell some of the crypto and divest into other items, then shame on them. I have said before I don’t look at bitcoin as an investment, just like I don’t look at dollars as an investment. It is a currency, a digital store of value, and can be used to trade worldwide and governments currently have no mechanism to debase it. It is worth whatever people are willing to trade it as is every other item humans use to trade.

    • True dat .

      pls dont forget BTC is a TECHNOLOGY first and foremost.
      can not think of more sound advice than “sell some” & “divest”. As BCM likes to parrot – You must always – in every investment scenario “Stop & Lick the Dam Ice Cream”

  13. “Media Hates Trump.”
    Nah. The media has “creator’s remorse”, like Dr. Frankenstein. The media created Trump’s persona with all of its fawning over “The Donald” starting back in the 70’s. Thanks a bunch, Rona Barrett, et al.

  14. Does it not seem odd that we hire the sorriest thuggy type people to run our national government.

  15. “just a way to screw Americans at the pump and allow high-rolling, deep pocket energy traders, to add another level of profits by moving oil around on paper”

    Lol lol.. the story I got a chuckle over was… saudi arabia buying Russian oil.. the virtual slap in the face as Biden went to the saudis to ask for more oil..
    Lol.. similar to the car they had made out of silver then incrusted with diamonds..
    Want more oil..sure we will sell you more oil..from Russia… now in Israel. To pledge our support.. brings up the old theory of a poison pawn trap..divide and conquer..split us in so many directions that the country lays exposed and then if any of those illegal refugees that he’s had smuggled over from hostile countries are some warriors that were posing as refugees like they said they would do..then we are vulnerable from within our own borders….and if any of the club k defense systems were snuck in..well just how much
    more bizarre can it possibly get every day..
    And implementation of a plan for an economy from a guy that hasn’t ever had to work a real job and from all indications has little or no concept at of how people survive or the concept of money..if you have it thrown at you you can’t possibly have that in your tool box to reflect back on.. well I’m done ranting the sheer stupidity of it all what I see overwhelms me..

  16. Buy gold and quality gold stocks . The ultimate solution approaches . Where did those 25 years go .

    • Len daquino,

      Young folk like tennis player Nick Kyrgios know where the gold is with even his runner-up Wimbledon singles outcome worth £1,051,000 up 16.7% from last year. By comparison the runner-up, whose name I don’t know, in the Wimbledon wheelchair singles event was awarded £26,000 up 8.3% from 2021. Let’s see if msm becomes woke up to this difference.

      Anyhow following his trophy presentation at Centre Court by Princess Kate under shade of a dress code violating red His Airness ballcap, Mr. Kyrgios was reported by “The Daily Mail” to have partied until 3:00 am at the strict-dress-code “Wyld” nightclub in Mayfair. The environmentally conscious, decadent 80’s decor, German-owned club rests on the site of the former Drama Park Lane and advertises “hedonism with heart” to its demographic.

      Let us savour these hearty days of the Western Empire with a peak through the window at Windsor Castle again with the Daily Mail. The Queen in the company of Prince Charles presented the George Cross, second only in standing to the Victoria Cross, to nurse Main Matron Ms. Parsons, first-batch recipient of the covid-19 vaccine in the UK. “Oh, you’re still alive?” joked the Queen…

      God save the Queen!

  17. This Ukraine thing is America’s new Vietnam war . You fellas just don’t wake up . All those camel jockeys advising you come from a low iq civilisation that only know war , hate , and a dash of paranoia to get by . Yep no intellects there just manic depressive neurotic long noses . And once again don’t get paranoid on me

  18. The founding fathers warned you all . Those guys were smart . Hard gold bulls . I love gold . I love RRL andNCM. Supersonic and juggernaut

  19. The USD chart looks like bitcon before it’s journey home . I know the FED uses it as a treasury , ask the fat cow , don’t be paranoid. And if you permanently short something when it releases its energy like a giant coiled spring the opposite force is devastating. Brace yourselves. Do I care. No. Goldbaby. Ninja RRL and monster big guy NCM

  20. There are to major agendas in play in the world today. The first is population reduction bu multiple means as quickly as Possible. Second is to disillusion the human race with national governments.

    We have all seen the national governments around the world do incredibly stupid things in the last couple of decades. This is happening so when times get really hard, a global government will look like the cleanest dirty shirt in the basket, and desperate people will be willing to try it.

    If you see suboptimal or just plain stupid things happening, and you cannot see how they fit into these agendas, then you are using the wrong information sources, and they are succeeding in implementing these agendas. Propaganda and mind control.

    • True, but as of today, 100% of Constitutionalists and conservative voters and 97% of ALL Republicans will pull the lever for Trump if the Repugs nominate him, as will over 70% of independents, 60% of Hispanics, and 50% of Blacks, and those numbers are not likely to fall significantly in the near future.

      I would prefer DeSantis over Trump, simply because the communist war machine hasn’t eviscerated him yet (they will, if it looks like he will become the nominee.) Trump is infinitely better than Biden and possibly better than anyone else at actually executing the job of “President,” but DeSantis ain’t bad. I don’t believe it is possible for the Dems to cheat to the level they would need to, to re-elect Creepy Joe over The Donald.

  21. Iran and Turkey are former super powers. Perhaps NATO/Russia is a proxy war between the two.

    Part of the ‘rebuilding’ when you consider such things as Libyan Desert glass, the Turkish caves people lived in way back when. The rock-cut architecture over there may have been artifacts from their civilization destroyed during their later wars, melted with high power rays along with everything else.

    I don’t know how to make a pencil and wouldn’t have time to crush berries into inks. I’d be eating the berries while the others run around trying to catch & eat slow children. Knowledge will be lost during the big hide.

  22. I sometimes collect pretty pieces of paper for no reason at all. In 2002, I obtained two 500 Euro bills, only because the 500 Euro bill had replaced a Ben Franklin in highest value denomination bill in circulation. My total price at the time was around $800 US. In 2009, my now ex took our collection of Series 1990 and 1996 Ben Franklins and deposited them into her bank account (possibly triggering a red flag somewhere at a bank). She did leave me the two pretty pieces of European paper, which I sold in 2011 in exchange for thirteen modern Ben Franklins.

    Funny, I used to spend my time collecting pieces of paper with pictures of dead presidents. Now I’m busy trying to convert those pieces of paper into useful stuff before they completely lose value.

  23. “Hunter Biden spent $30k on prostitutes within FIVE MONTHS”

    ‘Must’ve been of the “$20 crack whore” variety. I met three high class hookers in 1980. Their rental arrangements ranged from $12,000 for an 8hr “high-profile escort (including amenities)” to $30,000 for 24 hours of “anything goes” (and YES, I DID ASK, and was surprised that none were embarrassed…) They were incredibly, staggeringly, unbelievably beautiful, and I have no idea who owned the limo from which they ascended, to patronize the cstore I was working at, whilst discovering bottom-rung musical gigs didn’t cover rent unless you worked at least three menial jobs besides…

  24. ‘Sounds like your consigliere vaca’d in the Petosky area. When I’ve been there, along with the planes at the airports there were a ridiculous number of limousines, both owned and rentals. (I don’t think there are 6000 permanent residents in Petosky, and a lot less in Charlevoix) — gorgeous country and like northwest NY it’s hard to go anywhere without tripping over a winery, but when I see snooty rich folk, I try to locate myself elsewhere and every time I’ve been through that corner of Michigan it’s been full of ’em.

    • Tell them rich folks that Copper Harbor is a nice winter resort town! That will bury them in snow for the winter. Yeah, my mom was a ‘youper’.

      • Never been.

        I’ve been to Houghton several times though — I consider it a toss-up between Houghton and Traverse City, but one of them is possibly the nicest, most character-rich small city in CONUS. Traverse City is more pretty and polished, but ya don’t mess with Youpers ’cause anyone who relishes life under 20 feet of snow is so rough they wear out their clothes from the inside out.

  25. “Have the Covid lockdowns and the “free money” from government been a deliberate action to turn America into a lazy, hustle-free country where people now expect more than they contribute?”

    Whether by intent or accident, I’d certainly think that was one result. Man (and every other animal) is lazy. Animals tend to expel energy which is exactly sufficient to accomplish their goal. When the necessary energy to eat or reproduce approaches zero, it ain’t just the muscles that atrophy.

    My favorite greasy spoon is hiring a new waitress every two days, and has been for months now. Two days is how long they last, once they realize there’s more to waiting tables than dropping off plates and collecting tips. Hell, my son had to teach his employees how to mop the floor and wash dishes, and that was before COVID…

  26. Someone said. Why would you kick a hornets nest. Well for one. Bees love me and don’t sting me. Like ever. For 2 THE DUDE said to. HE said it was HIS fight. Not mine. My part was only to kick the nest. HE wants to reveal HIS will to them or something. I guess.

    You know only 2 women have ever given me flowers. One is my ex the bunny who is Mia right now. Oh I’m sure she is finding her way. I’m not worried about her. She ran a mile in Mary Jane’s (physically really ran) to pick my favorite flower and ran back to give it to me on my birthday. Just to make me feel special. One only 3 people who ever done anything for me besides my mother on my birthday. Favorite flower? The #1 export of the Ukraine. The sunflower.

    I was talking to THE DUDE as I always am. HE said, you know how them other girls may have got you flowers. But my wife THE DUDESS. SHE grew ya a whole city of them, staring from to dead cherry trees. Why? Because SHE really loves you Andy. SHE is very protective of you.

    And I did note that SHE did resurrect those 2 cherry blossom trees on Valentines day. What a gift. Valentine in Latin means I am strong, healthy.

    I know. My last two girlfriend’s had that as their middle name.

    So to whome it may concern, because i know you are reading my words. The ones who were hopping mad? Well, we needed to know how you would react. So THE DUDE, could see for HIMSELF. I’m not fighting with you.

    I’m living my best life. Wether I like it or not.

    So, I’m not to concerned with you. As much as THE DUDE is.

    I can’t even make a mistake that HE hasn’t already accounted for and uses for HIS advantage.

    It won’t matter this winter anyway. There be lots of other things to worry about.

    Until then, let’s enjoy this beautiful hot summer. And DUDESS, let it rain in Oklahoma and Texas for the Farmers. Not too much. Just enough to cool things down and take care of their crops.

    Thanks DUDESS. I appreciate your fondness and kindness to little me.

    See ya George and everyone. I have an appointment on the mountain. :)

  27. https://warnews247.gr/ektakto-rosia-briskomaste-sto-cheilos-amesis-enoplis-syrraxis-me-ipa-dialythike-rosiki-vasi-apo-himars-7-nekroi-40-travmaties-vid/

    My biggest question…….. WILL MANKIND SURVIVE TWO YEARS OF THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION? on one side we suffer through famine and drought the destruction of the dollar.. on the other.. life as we all know it is changed forever..

    OH chicken is going to go through the roof.. I was told by someone in marketing that they were notified to stock up.. and if I want or need any chicken I had better buy some now.. another large chicken processing plant and farm was destroyed..needless to say I am going to pick up my winter supply of chicken ..

  28. I’m sorry! Were you guys discussing important political and financial points the could save me?

    Please repeat that, I was busy surfing on my phone!

  29. It’s happening faster than I thought. Shit! Clif may be right about the August food riots.

    From your neck of the woods.

    Train unions vote 95% in favor of a nation wide strike. Jeez, wonder what that will do to food and gas shortages.

    I didn’t think about it until I got switched again to haul rock out of the Quary because a Train ran off the tracks, emergency rail repair. So I looked. And sure as shit. They are shutting down entire rail system. Say, isn’t that owned by the Oracle of Omaha?

    Wasn’t he the one who talked shit about bitcoin?

    From your neck of the woods George. US rail Unions vote 95% in favor of strike on July 18th.

    That will shut the whole system wobbling on a crutch down



    • Clif was saying the 13th, today, to the 17th are going to be a time when significant things happen. Don’t know what … yet.

    • Food riots currently happening in Kosovo/Albania/Macedonia (the area between Turkey and the *stans which used to be Soviet turf), and of course in Sri Lanka. In the latter they’re complaining because they haven’t any food, in the former, they might just be complaining about the price of food (not sure, didn’t read.) Point is, they’re riots, and they are food-related…

  30. I do know that if there is any kind of extended strike. The US government can pull us off our construction trucking and send us to move freight under the Federal emergency act.

    Maybe we will be hauling groceries if the trains stop running. I do drive a brand new 2022 kenworth. I’m sure they will pay whatever it take to keep all that food from rotting on the docks while all the stores run out of food and right quick in a “just in time delivery system” with no rail roads running.

    I really really want to go to Fiji and surf dude. But I may get stuck here. Even though, 95% of my friends said do it! Go to Fiji and don’t look back. Don’t let anything stop you. I need the funds first. Which I’m getting now. But when shit hits the fan here? I need atleast a years worth of funds to figure out the next thing I’m going to do.

    And the idea of being stuck in a foreign country, while my home country is struggling when I’m very very very good at moving personnel, logistics and intuitively fix problems, especially security issues. Well that doesn’t sit that well with me. It’s not that I’m all that and a bag of chips. People listen to me and follow my lead. For some reason.

    Can we put the whole thing off until may next year. I really want to go surfing for 6 months and enjoy my life for a while. Not organize, recruit and problem solve and run large crews at resolving these things.

    I told someone the other day.


    I keep getting these damn forks in the path and I just want to relax a bit. I been working my ass off since I was 12.

    Hmmmmmmm….. what was that line from the series “wheel of time?” Oh yeah. The Wheel of time doesn’t care what you want. It cares what you do. It doest care what you are. It cares what you do with what is inside of you.

    Something like that.

    Well, you all have had lots of time to prepare. 12/22/22 I believe is the start of what is know as “the 7 year tribulation”

    Confirmation today. We are at the end of the era. Or Aeon if you prefer. All endings and beginnings are the same with Aeons. Substantial change of landscape and functionality of life. Massive restructuring. Not a shift in paradigm. The destruction of many paradigms and the rising of there replacement.

    Its not like we haven’t done this before. And as i said at another venue I occasionally go, the culmination of all the enlightenment, wisdom and technology of Atlantis (which was far superior to our current state) was wiped away like it was nothing.

    Alot of people wanted this. Or said they did. But they will pray one day things were as they are today. It is not a very easy thing to navigate, this transition. Not for me or anyone. Not even for the super rich or the super wise.

    I know I will make it through. Only becauseof THE DUDE and HIS plan for my life. Which i question at times. I hope you all do too. Because i don’t think many will. Not many at all.

    Im mostly sad for those who have no idea. Those who are confused and those who are baffled by the bullshit on TV. And want to blame someone or something that is just a scapegoat for what is really happening.

    • Noah built an Ark. And there is rumors that there is an ark. And everyone aware asks me where is the safest place to be.

      I don’t know. If I knew where the safest place to be was. I’d tell evryone. And I can’t tell anyone what is best for them individually. Let your consciousness decide. Let it lead you and guide you.

      Some say Hawaii is the safest place. Some say Australia. Some say Mt Shasta. Some say Mongolia. Some say Tibet. Some say the grand canyon, because it swallowed up the flood when it happened. Like a mote of saftey.

      I do know about the tunnels and unground facilities, the Walmart tunnels etc etc. But they could be a trap. So I don’t know what to tell anyone. I’m not sure where I’m going. And i have atleast 10 different plans and I may go some place entirely different at a moments notice. And not know until the day it is for me to go.

      So I don’t know what to tell you other than. I wish it was different. I wish everything would just work out and evryone would get along and be happy. And they will those who make it through to the other side. Because just be grateful to be alive another day.

      Well, what do you do. You do what you do. And hope it’s the right thing. Faith. Pass me the mustard George. I need extra. Faith the size of a mustard seed to move this mountain I am. Since my last name means stone mountain.

      • All things considered, the safest place to be is probably near the SE coast of Africa, provided one has enough money to buy insulation from the politicians and warlords. Canada’s NW Territories would also be good, simply because they’re “Wild West,” an order of magnitude rougher & colder than most of Alaska, and even RCMP rarely goes there, and most of Patagonia.

        Essentially the only “safe places” are those where civilization and people aren’t, and simply living is extremely difficult because of the local climate. ‘Lessen, of course, you could find a real life “Gilligan’s Island” — an uncharted tropical island with timber and a fresh water supply, and an adequate agrifood source (good luck with this. If you find one, I expect an E-Mail with coords…)

  31. Zombie Apocalypse: Ghana Prepares for Possible First-Ever Marburg Virus Outbreak — Causing a ‘Ghost-like’ Appearance

    Ghana is preparing for a possible outbreak after the infectious and deadly Marburg virus was detected in the country for the first time, according to the United Nation’s news release. “Preliminary findings of two Marburg virus cases have prompted Ghana to prepare for a potential outbreak of the disease,” the UN said in a statement. “If confirmed, these would the first such infections recorded in the country, and only the second in West Africa.” The extremely contagious virus has been dubbed the next big pandemic threat by the WHO, which describes it as “epidemic-prone,” according to Daily Mail.


  32. The disturbing history of Dr. John Money, pro-pedophile sexologist who coined term “gender identity”…

    Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” Like many sexologists, Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality which, when practiced “properly,” led to the child suffering no harm. In fact, Money’s theories on pedophilia were so sympathetic that, to this day, his work is prominently featured on the website of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)


  33. Biden’s Energy Dept Drag Queen Gets Top Secret ‘Q Clearance’ Alongside Six-Figure Government Salary.

    A high-level hire at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, whose past as a drag queen and defender of underage gay prostitution sites has stirred controversy, is earning a salary in the top one percent of all government employees, according to documents obtained exclusively by The National Pulse.


  34. I do know that some of the elite I have met, have been preparing for this for a while. The wealthy elite. The ones not in the lime light. I do know that a few of them when I was living in Palm Desert California where 1/4 of the nation’s wealth vacations between October and May, have hidden ranches fully stocked as hide outs and I do know where a few of those are. I know a few of them, the smart ones are not on social media and when I called one recently and it said this number is no longer in service, that is the tell. They made way to their “bug out ranch” . Two of them have extended offers to me when I was there to go with. And the tell is, “this phone number is no longer in service”

    I also know where an old missle silo is, that was revamped as home in case of an emergency. Nothing there but an old run farm house and the door to get in is in a barn. It’s out in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. I saw the plans and all that on a computer screen left up in a very wealthy person’s house when I went to use the bathroom and went in the wrong room. Fully stocked with a swimming pool inside. I didn’t know at the time you could by a old missile silo. I never been there before. But I’m certain I could find it. I’m really good at finding stuff. And locating people. Especially if I know their energy signature.

    War is coming up alot. War is coming. Non nuclear. And big power outage in Austin Texas. I do not see a nuclear war. I know others do. And trust me I always have a feeler out there on that. But I see no indication of any nuclear threat. At all.

    Hmmmmmm what to do. What to do. Show me the way DUDE!

    Show me the way.

    OK, I have to get. Really need to understand what THE DUDE will is for me to do. Since we accelerating faster than I had assessed.

  35. Currently everyone is ignoring the situation with Russia. They are portraying it as contained to the Ukraine. It is not contained to the Ukraine. The Kaliningrad rail corridor is being blockaded by Lithuania. Technically it is an act of war, not that anybody cares.

    Henry Kissinger recently is alleged to have stated that the West will be at war with Russia by mid August. I have searched for the actual quote but could not find it. I know many consider Kissinger to be part of the fossil record, but if he actually said that a War between Russia NATO and the USA is likely by August you should consider it to be an high probability.

    I am getting worried about the possibility of an expanded war. Could a nuclear conflict be limited to Europe at this point in time? If Russia decides to force open the corridor, it can be done with conventional forces but that would cut off Latvia Lithuania and Estonia from NATO and the EU. Can Russia hold the corridor without nuclear weapons?

    • “Can Russia hold the corridor without nuclear weapons?”


      The problem is, NATO would pour resources into that corridor, creating a de facto world war, and the first side to lose significant ground would loose the nukes.

      BTW, LOOB says China is making our stuff. This is not completely true. WE make our rockets, cannon rounds, and bullets, but China makes the chips which make many of the rockets “smart,” and the ChiComs manufacture 100% of the world’s commercially-available fulminate of mercury. [Breaking Bad notwithstanding], fulminate of mercury is the explosive used in ALL bullet primers from .17 Remington through all our self-contained (shell-cased) cannon rounds. It is also incredibly explosive and incredibly unstable, and the Chinese munitions/fireworks experts are the only people on the planet who really are expert at handling the stuff.

      ‘Point is: No primers = no bullets, and no chips = glorified Mighty Mouse missiles. Do you know who China’s bestest military materiel trading partner and friend would likely be, if Lithuania got hot? It might take half of Russia’s wheat and caviar and all of their oil production, but I’ll bet Putin could work out a deal with Xi which would run NATO out of ammo…

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