Opening line of our ChartPack Saturday summed it all up:
“We think there’s a good chance that the market will continue to sell off next week and a knockdown could show up as early as Monday.”
Well, here we is, and here it goes: With the NASDAQ preopen down more than 900 points.
As we should explain, under “normal” Elliott wave views, the market surpassed – and therefore a case existed – to move well up from here. However, the most important of markets – and the one with the highest Ebbinghaus Correlation is the NASDAQ and that finally looks to be “giving up the ghost” in the early slog. About damn time, too.. My long expiration put operations could stand the bump.
If you haven’t followed our Ebbinghaus work, it’s simple. You only need to understand that the “human forgetfulness factor” is likely a major (but non-news) driver of market prices.
The core application, which follows, is turning a stock average into a (SolidWorks-like) model, by using multiple moving averages to “imply the surface.” Once you get this far in your thinking, you can spot areas where there’s an irregular (too large) gap between different moving averages and market actual pricing. In fact, there’s a lot more too it, but we’ll save that for the Peoplenomics side.
Notwithstanding, however, we “called the gap” in this view –
This is not to say the “end of the world is near” but we can make out a viable (modified) Elliott count that I’m sure Bob Prechter’s readers will be hearing a lot more about. What I’d expect him to offer (I’m wrong all the time, so no promises) is that we have a developing case for the left third of the chart to constitute a Macro 5 completion. Then a we saw (in the second third of the chart around the middle) a regular five wave decline which lasted to the right quarter of the chart.
In macro terms, a Big-ass Wave 1 down.
Then the Trump Rally – which could constitute the Wave 2 Up. Which is not a “regular looking” wave, but there are many factors (commoditization of stocks, influence of ETF blocks, crypto influences, and more) that may have finished the transition from “old Elliott” rules to a “new FOM (flavor of the month) to where Equties are now acting like Commodity markets, where such aberrations in Wave magnitudes occur with some frequency.
Now, as long at the market rallies (without closing at new lows) then there’s a case for another run slightly higher than the recent highs. BUT, the “grim reaper” in all this is a move powerfully down =- and under the 85-Day moving average, would set up a “Women and children to the lifeboats” this spring. Because it would be a second 85-DMA fail and the huge, gaping downsize looms for the Spring. Could be a grim one, especially because at the Fed meeting this week, we not only see no rate drop – which has been the jet fuel for Delirious Class. We see a strong case that the Fed might actually raise rates.
We trust Fed boss Jerome Powell has already dusted off his resume because the Trump HR folks would not be happy with Powell doing the “responsible thing.” After (as we told you at the time) the Fed lowered rates, when they shouldn’t have, in order to drive the Biden-Harris economic fairytale.
Now, we’re at the end of that book. And we see Trump’s major moves (moving Keystone ahead, just to name one) as impacting the democrats money machine, which is aided by an Omaha Sage who makes bundles off rail-hauling oil.
It’s complicated (makes my head hurt and requires many words to lay the whole shitterree out). So it’s just a lot easier for an old man (I’ll be 76 next month) to just virtualize market topology, spot gaps, and buy puts. Leaves more time to wear my Radio Detective hat. And yes, the SR-400 transceiver is purring along now, save for a weak vacuum tube called a 12DK6 which seems to have outperformed Cryptos in price appreciation, lol. Can I adapt a 12BZ6? What other sharp-to remote cut-off Pentode tubes would….
Um, wait! Did I just lose focus?
Anyway, mark today as the possible end of the AI bubble: “Dow futures tumble 300 points, Nasdaq futures lose 4% as Nvidia leads AI stock decline…” Whatever.
Chicago Fed National Activity Indicator:
“The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) increased to +0.15 in December from –0.01 in November. Two of the four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index increased from November, and two categories made positive contributions in December. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, increased to –0.13 in December from –0.26 in November.
The CFNAI Diffusion Index, which is also a three-month moving average, increased to –0.15 in December from –0.28 in November. Forty-four of the 85 individual indicators made positive contributions to the CFNAI in December, while 41 made negative contributions. Fifty-four indicators improved from November to December, while 30 indicators deteriorated and one was unchanged. Of the indicators that improved, 17 made negative contributions.”
(Negativbe contributions is our favorite economic bullshit word.)
Tomorrow the Fed meeting begins. Rate decision Wednesday. Market is setting up for a “Sell the rumor” today. I would expect some bullish stooge to be along late tomorrow before the close, and then the market to collapse when the Fed doesn’t give out free fentanyl on rates. Look for smoking foils all over the Street.
[Angry George – Reader Sidebar [AG-RS]: Acuity is totally f**king MIA. You can tell complexity is beginning to strangle humans when the writing tools corrected my spelling of fentanyl three sentences back. I was prompted to use “Tall Man Lettering.” OK, I’ll bite: WTF is “tall man lettering?” Here’s how AI sees it: “Tall man lettering (TML) is a typographic technique that uses capitalization to differentiate between similar-looking drug names. It’s also known as mixed-case lettering…” Well, NO. Just frigging NO. When used in the “generic” Chineseum smuggled in from Drugico, no caps! Geez…mental midgetism is contagious. Apparently to communicate with children (anyone under fiddy) capitalization is out and “tall man lettering” is in. Unless you’re gender-insecure, in which case refer to TWL (tall woman lettering) or TPL (tal person lettering) and now we get full circle back to Capitalization. FMTT what BS, huh? The “smell chequer” won’t even let me add the lower case to the dick-shunnary. Crazy…can we do shots this morning? No, not mRNA, I’m talking aquavit…]
Hand Me the Foil, Light Up Some Headlines
How stupid is the world? Some examples of Obvious, Finally.
GAZA Real Estate Plunder. Yeah, we’ve been saying (a couple of years) that this whole GAZA thing is really about Israel getting it’s mitts on the offshore Gaza version of the Leviathan energy basin. God, I can’t count the number of people who said “Ure nuts!” But here we go: Ure’s right again (just like I was with no mRNA shots): Trump floats plan to ‘just clean out’ Gaza, expel Palestinians. Which will give effective control to Israel and thus keep the Gaza waterfront and (more valuable) access to offshore energy out of “unfriendly” hands… Oh, and need bigger bombs to “move things along?” Trump OK’s the US sale of 2,000 pound bombs to Israel, something Joe handlers halted. And did you see where Trump’s idea to send Gazans to Egypt and Jordan falls flat with Arab allies? Gee, aren’t we surprised? Let’s see: throw out Palestinians and get the waterfront, oil, and…um…
Strong policy statement that makes sense: Secretary Marco Rubio on X: “President Trump has made it clear that under his administration, America will no longer be lied to nor taken advantage of. It is the responsibility of each nation to take back their citizens who are illegally present in the United States in a serious and expeditious manner.” / X
Also on X a summary: Eric Matheny ?? on X: “Trump is governing like a man who has been shot, indicted, investigated, and impeached and has no fucks left to give. It’s glorious.” / X
Yes, he’s a Dick: Woke Senator Goes On MSNBC To Demand Government Employees Defy Trump On DEI.
Say, here’s a great way to get back at liberal media: Pharma Spends Billions On Drug Ads, Fears Trump Administration Will Try To Ban Them. Less ad money means more newsroom layoffs, Karma’s such a bitch, huh? Truth is drug ad costs get rolled into drug prices anyway, so it is like a cost reducer to limit drug marketing. Say, why not end it?
Liking JD more and more: JD Vance Roasts CBS Host for Moaning About Refusing Afghan Refugees: ‘I Don’t Really Care, Margaret’.
Good Visual Capitalist map here: Mapped: The Living Wage for a Family of Four, by State. Texas rolls at about half of Kalifornia. And that’s before fire bills.
At the Ranch: Next Book Plans
Hit me in the shower this morning: My next book (with a first chapter coming on Peoplenomics in a week, or so) hit me like a lightning bolt:
“People as Products.”
Why, it’s every bit as good as our “fonding axiom” around here (“Everything’s a Business Model…”)
As I was thinking about it, there’s no book like it. So I will be fixing that. Makes the art of personal development and self-improvement so much easier when you start from a solid base. Marketing concepts, engineering, sales…it will all be in there…
Meanwhile, a shout-out to DogTau for the dandy review of my book “Doctor Between Your Ears” – my longevity book:
“Ure has compiled an excellent array of information on longevity enhancement. And this will also help live that longer life with better vigor. Practical advice that has scientific foundation. This physician encourages you to buy this book.”
Another of my recent books, “The 100-Yer Toaster“ (which is about how obsolesence which collides with conservation and resource depletion) also just scored a 5-star review from someone…
The next book, People As Products, promises to be equally good. And – truth be known – a lot of fun to write. Because I serialized these, as weekly chapters on the website. So odd-ball ways of looking at financial markets and some gen-u-ine intellectual stuff…worth $40-bucks a year, a few people think.
By the way, Peoplenomics (which began as the UrbanSurvival Inside Report) launched in 2001 with an annual subscription charge of $40-bucks. By inflation calculations we should be charging $75-bucks now. But, we don’t. Because this is not about getting “rich” – it’s more like my “community service” work in life…. Karmic work-release?
Ready to Plate! Good article which will be showing up on our table today: You’re 2 Ingredients Away From The Easiest Steak Marinade Of Your Life. OJ and soy sauce, huh? We’ll toss in some ginger, too…
Diet progress: Blood work next week, so down 4-pounds already. Trying not to be put up for drilling rights with my high cholesterol… genetic thing.
Radio Detective: Besides the SR-400 this weekend, my radio operating position is back to letting me pick from several ham radios. I know – Pappy used to ask when I was a kid (billions and billions of years ago…) “Why do you need more than ONE ham radio? You can only talk on one at a time….”
Yeah, that’s true, I suppose. But there’s a certain auditory liberation when you can play, oh, the TenTec Omni VII side-by-side against the Kenwood TS-590S, for example. Or the SR-400 and the Icom M710 marine SSB…
Under some (certain, specialized) conditions, each has their place in my “personal radio armory.”
I guess if I was doing just one it would be the Omni VII – which is way more pleasant-sounding than the Kenwood.. In fairness, the Kenwood has a smaller speaker, so it’s a lot more, um, muffled sounding. In fact (and this is a surprise) the SR-400 is also a lot more pleasing to the ear – both good ones have big speakers.
And so, in life, the “ears have come full-circle” first. See, when the Major and I were growing up (age 11 or 12) our adventures into electronics began by taking an “all-American five (tube)” radio and readjusting it so we could listen in on tugboats on Seattle’s Elliott Bay, back when marine radios were on the low HF band. Back then, the emergency frequency (still in use today) was 2182 KHz, not that far up the dial from radio stations at 1550 KHz. The golden screwdriver kids were born.
After we got the tugboats dialed in, next we took the speakers out of the radios and put them in flue tiles. Great non-resonant enclosures and it improved the sound a bit. The Major went off into building Heathkit audio gear for a while, as I focused on antennas.
But, here we both are – out toward the finish line in life – and we both still have extremely good taste in radio gear and the “sound” is what matters.
While I may give in to “selling off the collection” and revert to a single Icom 7300 (or 74-something) and a single linear amplifier when I “grow up” the key takeaway is speaker size and quality can do as much for radio “enjoyability” as all the DSP filters in the world.
It’s easier to use a high-end set of earphones (Sennheiser’s are good). But when comes to speakers, that’s like the early lessons of vinyl records and high-end audiophile. A cheap amp (I still keep a Lafayette LA-424 in working shape) but it’s the cartridge and needle (and great speakers) that gave all those albums of years-long-gone such phenomenal sound…
OK, enough rambling… keto cooking for breakfast…tell the pig and chicken’s I’m on the way…
Write when you get rich,
“OK, enough rambling… keto cooking for breakfast…tell the pig and chicken’s I’m on the way…”
Stymie: Did you ever know ham and eggs could talk?
Lol lol ..did you know how many don’t realize you can balance an egg on end..the fat end is not so hard I finally did it a few years ago on the butt end.. the grand daughter was in college and her professor told her it couldn’t be she called and had me balance one for her teacher to see…lol lol lol
when I was young a good bar trick was writing with one hand and drawing with the other at the same time..I want to tell you that is the hardest one..doubt I can do it now.. you cannot think about what your all
On the Equinoxs – balancing an Egg is childs play…
yes it is.. that’s what always surprised me was just how many couldnt.. my favorite was resuscitation of a fly lol lol catch one then in ice water hold it beneath until it appears dead.. then lay it gently on the someone ten dollars you can resuscitate it.. they won’t ever bet that so work your way down to a nickle or quarter.. then cover the fly with salt.. as the disbelief gains then up the bet..I’ve gotten the bet up to a hundred before.. about the tome your up to the big monet the fly will start to move crack out of the salt lol lol…you gotta be gentle with it you accidentally crush or hurt it.. it’s lose..
Rick Ackerman on Bitcoin.
Worth a listen.
..and now for a completely different take on Ure morning Status of the Apparatus..Seems Noooks bee on the menu this week in NYC.
Can you say, “Whoops” ?
Ya know dark scheisse be afoot when the Fumbling Bumbling Idiots are drilling Nook Incident Response in NY this week.
What ever could be possible, will be so, once these E vile dakr fkrs are done wit PREYING on the INNOCENT US citizens in and around NY metro area.
We are at WAR – so whenever a “Training Exercise” comes up inside CONUS – Look the Fuck Out! as Youse and Ures could be next.
The orange jesuz bee luving the People soo much he exempted israHELL from foreign aide shutoff, after all the only good Palestinian Women or Child is FUCKING DEAD ONE . Aint that Right, tRUMPERS?
re: Slaying the Blue Monster
feat: red pill elixir
The Blue Monster at President Trump’s Doral National Miami hosted the PGA for 54 years. A public White House schedule listing advises that the President will attend a dinner and reception of the Republican House GOP confab which starts this evening at the Doral Resort. On the menu will be evisceration and reallocation of (a couple of trillion$ ?) Democrat budgeted spending amounts. One imagines little will be heard from place setting butter knives with so much at stake.
As an aside, the Doral facility mortgage appears to be held by an online banker. Federal investigation into its alleged money laundering apparently ceased during the mandate of the first Trump Administration.
There is gas to be drilled and Hotels to be built – women and children are just getting in the way of progress – Trump is owned – what’s new – oh a new digital AI prison that’s all folks …….
what ever ya do clawsy, don’t look at what started it all in that area, but you go ahead bad mouth Trump about it.
you and ‘killem all will’ refuse a lifeboat because it is painted orange.
the place was already going to war/hell before President Trump.
Balfour Declaration
do you or the above babbler have a solution? or just bitching cause your team lost, ya couch coach
Ebbinghaus ?
seems Columbia remembered, “hey them pieces of shit are ours, we’ll send a plane for em”, FAFO, that is just in Trump’s first week
Thank God we get 4 yrs of it,,, Israel is on the list, we just haven’t told them yet, cause they control most of CONgress.
Shit is going to take a liddle time to clean it all up
I quit voting in elections eons ago – Trump for those that continue to vote had no viable alternative. Be careful to whom you apply deity status to – especially when they are supportive of regimes that massacre 25,000 women and children in the name of defense. Maybe if Florida were carpet bombed and when the citizenry came back, they were told to move to Mexico. Politically I’m conservative in leaning but I reserve the right to be an equal opportunity hater. We can discuss further when the non-war Prez is at war and AI has you imprisoned and tells you what to take for what ails you……
well clawsy, I quit voting long ago, I seen the corruption that has infested government. I had given up hope, I did NOT vote in 2016, but after Trump became president , I saw all the evil liddle fuckers go after him with a vengenence, I started to pay attention.
We need to fix US first, and you are all up in arms over palisitians, who are ruled by Hamas, which is an inserted replacement for the PLO, Mossad is the backdoor to Hamas, which was created to displace/replace the PLO which Mossad did not control,,, why do think the Israeli defense was left down and the Oct 6 partiers were shot by aircraft that the Hamas does not have, it is one big shit show ,,,and as others have noted, noboby wants to let the Palistinians in their neighboring countries of Muslims either
why do you attack the one who stands for you? even got shot at, nicked him.
in jr life saving I learned a drowing person will drown you also if they get ahold of you
the middle east is a fucked up area, always has been
both sides have bad issues,, but it’s Trump’s fault, it appears he is Net’s buddy, but he is fearful of Trump.
he is not a deity to me, but I see has internal fortitude to do what others fail to do as President.
Patten was not so nice, but when ya need a man to lead in war, you need a warrior
I see Trump’s padded gloves coming off,,, rope-a-dope was 1.0 term,,, Trump 2.0 has the deep staters running in FEAR
but go ahead and stew in your reserve to hate, it won’t move yourself forward
As J D said I simply don’t care what you think or what you think of me …….
(“Trump is owned”)
How much does it cost to own a billionaire?
billions are spent to have complete access to our congress.. cartels and big businesses.. they hire whole teams of lobbyists to write thousand page bills then get some schmuck to put it before congress to be voted on..all without ever reading the dam thing.. it’s a no Brainerd to legalize marijuana. legalizing it pulls the rug out from the multi billion dollar drug peddling business..
we seen the last administration trying to outlaw gas appliances to reduce CO2.. not ever considering hemp ( aka marijuana) eats twice as much co2 than trees.. 1 acre burns up what 9 tons of CO2..
California crazy fires.. yet hemp..separate the fibers then use the wood..called shives and hurts to make construction materials..all reenishable the fibers then can be used in insulation batting or foam or clothing..people that will use the flowers for recreation will tax it..Legalizing recreational cannabis at the state level does not increase substance use disorders or use of other illicit drugs among adults and, in fact, may reduce alcohol-related problems, according to new CU Boulder research.
what does happen is people that were more alcohol use convert from using alcohol they still drink but more reduced usage.. alcohol related accidents and violent crime shows a great percentage reduction as well.. so alcohol industry is more than likely against its legalization.
I stead of trees..grow marijuana.. oil from the seeds clothing construction materials .educations and thousands of other beneficial products..
creditors and donors own trump, same as anyone else. trump could not qualify for a security clearance because of excessive indebtedness, especially indebtedness to foreigners and foreign banks. it ain’t good for the leader of any country to have such a wide swath of financial interests. no one will ever know if trump does it for himself, his businesses or the
we just don’t know yet whose bread he’s going to butter in return.
So, let God sort them out is the meme of the day….. not to be cliche…..
My best stock market trade ever! Bought one put Friday 4 PM for $9.00 and sold Monday 9:30 AM for $449.00. Also one at $11.00 and sold for $138.00. Lunch is on me!!
Congrats !
Tall Man Lettering life story.
I stepped away from public sector employment mainly to make Diana happy back in the late 80’s after she tearfully told me how unhappy she was with her fear for my safety every day when I left to go to work. My first week on the new corporate job had me questioning if I would be able to handle the somewhat silly rules and worse the politics. On day 3, week 1 I spent working my way around the company communication system called the Tube. At my previous gig we still were completing reports and log sheets on paper that were turned into be transcribed unless nobody was available at the time so then you were expected to bang them out on an old MIL hence in the early days of email I was still flying under Capslock rules. Late in the afternoon I received a Tube message from a person, first name was Karen ISYN, who went a couple paragraphs scolding me for using Tall Man Letters in my messages explaining how she felt like I was shouting. In my defense I was going under the impression she was kidding so I answered her message with “WELL, EXCUSE ME. The resulting shitstorm further galvanized my feeling that I may have made a bad decision taking this gig and even discussed it with Diana at length that evening. The next day I found myself in a meeting with her, my boss and her boss. I was advised that she was a Senor HR manager or some nonsense. Most of the meeting was my boss wiping the floor with her boss in the most calm and flowery language I have ever heard. She presented me with a brand new copy of the Greg Reference Manual which I left laying on the table and went back to my office to be briefed on how folks perceived HR at the company. Kind of like the Gestapo. Finally at the end of the day I noticed an interoffice mail envelope from my new friend Karen in my mail bin. In it was the Gregg book with a note saying, “You forgot something. “. I wrote NO I DIDN’T on the note and sent it and the book back to her.
Never heard about it again.
In a really strange way (think wo-woo) this was really a “foundational moment” in how the Ages of Humans come and go around the galatic ecluiptic.
Go listen to Clif’s work on Power today and how it shifts.
Go look up the DeepSeek on the Chinese advance in AI and suddenly, a gradient will appear.
People go batshit crazy in their self importance roles and over time that works up through the ground clutter of life. Untila a watershed moment (like Trump election 2 when Hildebitch lost control etc) and that, we have a massive change-state.
Clif is exactly right on how language changes before contemporary events, but you have lived through such a change and than you for sharing with other students of future because the migration is just at the edge of the herd now.
Who will survive 25? Zager and Evans know..
Got Blockchain?
Well.., according to that duo – no one does.
Clif’s cast — about 15 min – audio
Hard to listen to in spots — “hard” as in unpleasant. Even so, I suggest persisting to the end, regardless. He does have an interesting point, even if inflammatory.
If it pisses you off, don’t look to me for balm.
Chew on it.
In closing he says…
“Endeavor to survive, 2025.”
now I have to listen lol…
a friend just called he’s all concerned over the tarifs..but what are they going to tariff retsil..or the wholesale costs. like the dishwasher that I bought a year ago for 400.00. retail on it in the country they build it is 4.50 us.. all the parts are made in china.. shipped to California then here. wholesale for them to even think of making a dime has to have the cost wholesale many thousands of units at a buck.. similar to the pallet of empty cans I got last winter..I bought one case.. a case here is 209.00 wholesale from the manufacturer is 12 and a hundred shipping..because shipping and tarrifs were the same for one case or a pallet the manufacturer upped the order to a whole pallet for the same money..I have a lifetime supply of cans..
I got mp3 players for the kids one year a penny a piece..the exact same player was over a hundred.. I get the concern over the tarrif but will it be 1/4 of a cent ir will it be twenty five dollars that will be passed on..
way back the cabinet shop was getting the beautiful hardwood sheets for .50 cents a sheet delivered and at the same time if I bought it at the lumberjack it was 50 dollars huge difference between retail and wholesale..
I buy bottle plugs.. for the little kids collecting plant leaves etc. I pay a buck a piece for them. if I wanted to pay wholesale you have to buy 50 thousand units of them but wholesale is 150.00 from the manufacturer a whole pallet. 50,000 is the minimum order..I was going to show the kids how one of those can be made into just about anything the want injection molded..250 degrees and hit it with a burst of air in the mold. now if the companies buying the wholesale and charging the terrific on the retail costs. they just won’t sell many. if they a sort the nickle or penny and make a nickle or penny less in profits. then the tariff won’t affect the consumer only upper level profits.
he’s under the impression that retail will be what the tariff will be on not wholesale.
I just remember the auto part manufacturer whose employees were making .25 cents an hour they asked for a dollar an hour..the auto manufacturer Gave them an ultimatum that if their emoyees were going to blackmail them for one dollar an hour wages..they would have them manufactured in china..then they vlised that plant and opened another in china..
When he coughed the second time he blew out my earbuds.
my wife has a sweatshirt that says…
xalm down Karen! It’s just allergies…
lol lol lol
I can relate to how your loving eife felt about you being in a job that could be dangerous… my grandson older mini me is going to school in a big city..he manages a bar to.. he was telling me about some of the creeps that have come in and threatened him and the other workers..
I totally understand Diana’s fear and concerns..his fiancee s sisters husband works in police… on new years eve he sent a photo of a bust they had… you know.. I wouldn’t have known what it was if I was working law didn’t look like anything at all to me..I would have told them to drive safe and have a good night.
re: DeepSeek
feat: grasshopper
I was feeling a bit inquisitive over the weekend, and made inquiry of the ‘DeepSeek’ app. “Please describe President Xi.”
answer: “…., let’s talk about something else.”
I hear it’s really good.. all of Ai scares me.. even if it only can answer questions it still has access to both the good web and the dark web.. does the Ai program have ethics and moral written into the programming? or does it have a dual standard of ethics similar to our DOJ it’s one thing if you do it another if someone in another social class does it.
Bought some Frankincense and it arrived this week. The incense sticks are lovely. I opened up one tube and pulled out a stick. it’s lying on the kitchen table and the kitchen smells like flowers and something mellow. I will light it up later while doing kitchen chores so I can pay attention to the burning stick. I love this site. I’m always buying stuff I never thought about buying but end up loving.
Don’t understand the online facebook hate about the EFHW. I belong to a couple amateur radio groups and this poor new ham asked about what antenna to put up. Someone suggested a dipole, G5RV, the usual. As soon as someone mentioned an EFHW you would have thought the world came to an end. Pompous posts from people, One claiming to be smarter than us all (he actually said that in so many words) and had his thumbs under his suspender straps claiming that HE was an electronics engineer and gave some high sounding reason that an end fed can’t possibly work. Yes, I know that this is a lossy, inefficient antenna by its very nature but darn, I don’t use an antenna tuner on any band except 10, have had phone conversations into ZL land on a hundred watts, Antarctica on FT8, regularly break pile ups on 20 against guys that I know are running 400+ watts. Its good for NVIS, and SWL. Quiet, too. I basically told this new ham that the the end fed was like a bumblebee, it isn’t supposed to be able to fly, but it does.
If you are busting pile ups I’d bet the ant runs north south. Dipoholics only believe int he broadside fairy tale. Anyone with half a brain and EZNEC can model third harmonic and on 20, where it the pattern, you say?
It’s all about losses and grounds at some level. Yes, the EFHW is end fed, but it is a `1/2 wave and so is a dipole, so one you get energy into the antenna they do work… WmoRR uses one with good results. I like high-end 450 ohm ladder line and a variety of tuners (MatchBox and Ventronics plus an MFJ roller…) but people with strong opinions don’t understand the Universe is full of contradiction and that’s really the fun part.
You are correct, George. Inverted L. 17 feet up, the rest is horizontal running North-South.
Kinda like ‘propagation prediction’ is part science, part magic, all totally impossible. Local group went out for a POTA (Parks On The Air) activation at the Volcano. On this day a CME was impacting the planet, with a severe geomagnetic storm, Kp index of 9 ! Conventional wisdom said there would be NO propagation that afternoon.
On 10 meters the group made several hundred contacts on an EFHW antenna from Hawaii to: Midwest, East Coast, Central America, & South America.
Having watched the Arab countries deny access for the Palestinians to their countries, you might be wondering why they don’t want their Muslim brothers in their countries. The answer lays in history, and is well worth the read. Jordan kicked over 300,000 of them out years ago, as did other countries, all due to the utter destruction that they bring with them. Google and wiki gloss all of this over as best they can. Israel made the huge mistake of giving the area to them in the first place, and continue to believe that things would get better. The USA would never have allowed that kind of crap to happen to it, but everyone figured Israel should just bend over and take it. Giving the west bank and Jordan back was just as stupid. What you win in war, you keep. Just ask Germany, which Poland took a large part of in WW2.
phew…..Religions…. not allowing their Muslim brothers to cross over and settle.. the 26 tribes of Islam each with a different interpretation of the same holy writings…
This approach is often rooted in the desire to maintain the Palestinian people’s connection to their homeland and to avoid diluting their struggle for the right to return to Palestine.
Additionally, some Arab countries argue that granting full integration or citizenship to Palestinians could be seen as undermining their claim to the right of return, which remains a key issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Political alliances, domestic concerns, and international pressures also play a role in shaping these policies along with the varying religious interpretations of the same religious writings and interpretations of meaning of our historical forefathers.
You said:
How many different interpretations of the holy Quran are there between the different tribes of Israel
ChatGPT said:
The Quran is a central text of Islam, and its interpretations vary among Islamic scholars, schools of thought, and cultural contexts. However, it is not traditionally interpreted based on the tribes of Israel, as the Quran is not specific to the tribal structure of the Israelites. The tribes of Israel are primarily a concept rooted in the Jewish and Christian traditions.
In Islamic theology, interpretations of the Quran, called tafsir, are shaped by differences in Islamic schools of thought (e.g., Sunni, Shia, Sufi, etc.), historical contexts, linguistic analyses, and individual scholars’ perspectives. These interpretations address the meanings of verses, their application, and their relevance.
If you’re referring to how Jewish tribes or historical interactions might be mentioned in the Quran, that is a separate topic, as the Quran does reference the Israelites (Banu Isra’il) in historical and spiritual contexts. Let me know if you’d like more clarification or details!
You said:
Why does the interpretation by the different tribes keep them separated
ChatGPT said:
The separation among religious or tribal groups is not directly caused by the interpretation of the Quran but is often the result of historical, cultural, political, and social factors. In the context of the tribes of Israel or other communities mentioned in the Quran, the differences in interpretation reflect varying beliefs, traditions, and identities that have developed over time. Here are some key reasons why interpretations can contribute to maintaining divisions:
Different communities and tribes have distinct cultural and historical experiences that shape their understanding of religious texts. These unique contexts lead to diverse interpretations and practices.
Religious groups, including tribes, often emphasize interpretations that reinforce their unique identity and boundaries. This can lead to a sense of exclusivity, where one group views its interpretation as superior or more authentic than others.Throughout history, religious interpretations have often been influenced by political agendas. Competing interpretations can reflect struggles for authority and power, leading to divisions between groups. Variations in how groups interpret key theological concepts, such as prophecy, salvation, or the role of scripture, can result in disagreements that persist over generations. what’s good for one is not good for the other.
chat gpt is a great one to the 2500 various religions and the 2500 pagan religions …
even though there are so many all stemming from the same historical writings.. man inserted his wants in his interpretation…
Jordan has taken in 730k refugees, please correct your false statements, none have been kicked out.
Israel illegal occupations:
‘The very existence of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories violates international humanitarian law and is a war crime. Despite multiple UN resolutions, Israel has continued to appropriate Palestinian land and support at least 600,000 settlers living in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Until 2005, more than 9,000 Israeli settlers were illegally residing in Gaza.’
tiktoks banned but this chinese ai app can be downloaded onto everything. ok
I just went to TikTok on a browser. It was moronic and I felt like I was losing brain cells. Still, it worked without installing anything.
IMHO, nobody in their right mind would go to a site using an app unless there is a clear need to do so and your trust of the app is absolute. Even Ebay keeps trying to convince me to buy using their app and they’ll give me a discount. I’ve never seen apps advertising themselves as open source, though perhaps there is one that does. I don’t trust any of them. I have Brave and one other app on my cell, both of which are disabled unless I need to use one or the other. The built in apps are all disabled – especially Facebook. I’d delete them too if possible but those dumb apps are why the phone was so cheap. It’s secured as best I can without excessive effort and only used as necessary – mostly for taking pictures. It’s certainly easier than carrying a camera and can be used to record lectures as necessary. It’s much better to use a relatively secure PC with an obscure OS than any phone.
Windows 11 and probably most phones use client side scanning. It sounds innocuous but it isn’t. If phones get scanned(for the camera images, keystrokes and screen every few seconds, that shows many people’s whole lifestyle. The images don’t need to be kept en masse – a relatively simple AI on the server end can reduce all but the rare image to text.
People truly have no idea of the global spy state.
I have a great clip which will explain quickly why Arab nations refuse to take Palestinians in. Well worth the two minutes.
Hmm..because their interpretation of Quran revolves around the more radical elements.. similar to the Torah and the radical elements of that Judaism.
How berry studious of youse G-pops, putting the work in before the ole bloodwork is drawn and measured. Kinda like how I used to “study” for PissTests when on active duty. : )
Got CLA’s ratio right in Ure Fishoil ? See Flameout at Biotest/T-Nation for a kick ass alternative to Ure weakling fishoil supp. Taking that shit at night, right before bedtime is equivalent to a “blood” workout every night – scheisse works that good.
On a more serious note have you seen the research on Hayberries, no wait Tayberries ? no…oh yeah I got it now Shortcakes, STRAWBERRIES!
Yeah yeah thats the ticket Strawberries –
How about dem berries !? Taste great and moar so on ze top of some Shortcake wit whipped cream on top – Whipped Cream
..Charlie knows.
There now are several strawberry greenhouse operations near me. Year round production, great.
Here’s an example grower site,
DeepSeek – just experienced a cyber-attack – nearly closing down new registrations. Moments later they reported stopping one of the most sophisticated cyber-attacks they have ever seen but managed to stop it before it entered the system.
Looks like someone does not like DeepSeek very much and wants to add an air of danger and vulnerability to the program too it’s customers.
If DeepSeek can be muddled-with…, who’s next?
“Why do you need more than ONE ham radio? You can only talk on one at a time….”
Pappy was absolutely right. I love my IC-7300.
“While I may give in to “selling off the collection” and revert to a single Icom 7300 (or 74-something) and a single linear amplifier when I “grow up” the key takeaway is speaker size and quality can do as much for radio “enjoyability” as all the DSP filters in the world.”
Amen! I have argued since the last century with audio-pills about whether tubes or transistors ‘sound better’. My early work career selling stereo systems at Radio Shack taught me one thing: It’s all about the speaker!! Along that line, I bought the external speaker for the IC-7300. Larger and front-firing compared to the tiny one in the radio box, it does sound much better. But it had a lot of empty space inside. I found a long, narrow 14volt, 25amp switching supply that would fit in that space, and so installed a ‘backup’ power supply for the radio into that speaker box, in case I take the rig ‘TDY’.
Incidently, you may get yet a third chance to bid on the dead IC-910. Latest kid bid it up just over $200 and now is not paying either. Tomorrow the sale gets cancelled and relisted. This bidder is in the Philippines, and I cannot ship USPS ground advantage there (as offered for free), so he would have to pay shipping for more than he bid for the radio. Gotta revise my offer to emphasize USA ONLY sales and shipping…. and don’t bid if you don’t intend to pay.
“Human Forgtfulness Factor,” and “Normalcy Bias” might be related.
“We don’t get earthquakes around here much anymore.” (Actual words of a friend from California.)
I’ve always favored the 5763. Rugged and dependable. pin-outs probably different from 12DK6. Wonder why Halli didn’t use the 5763.
People = Product?
I’ve always liked this simile: “We are the aphids. We suck the sap.
Periodically, an ant will come by and stroke our back. In response, we exudle a small droplet of sugary dew, which the ant enjoys, and then moves on.”
Best explanation of taxation and government employees I ever saw.
I never use built-in speakers. I always use an extenal speaker, often a small wooden-cased inexpensive one like the Radio Shack “Minimus 0.3.” (Street price today is around $15. WELL worth it.)
Don’t over-pay! About 12 to 15 dollars is the right price. I have accumulated a milk carton full of them — maybe 30 pieces. Perfect for ham radios, scanners, and so forth. Makes listening MUCH nicer.
Try using two, wired in parallel, one on each side flanking the radio. Heaven.
Clif had another post today.
If this one comes to pass,no one here will be too much concerned about money.
I’m hoping that this is merely a sign of his depressed state instead of what is to come:Roving bands of Whites dismembering illegals and Muslims,then surrounding synagogues?
Is this what Neptune in Aries is going to bring?
Idea of the week — sell California to buy Greenland.
I spent a couple of hours on the [Ebbinghaus/Ure quasi-semi-almost] Theory. Set up two years of market data from NASDAQ – and have been crunching and playing with it – couple of hours yesterday and a couple today.
That much data into one continuous chart does look really good – as someone here stated a very nice bio-rhythm – look/feel.
I played with Fibonacci – to no avail. Just didn’t line-up.., I do hesitate to eliminate it completely though – as “Fib” has never been a lock on such a broad data chart like this one.
A couple of my own specialty math formulas do nothing – no sync at all. May take a complete custom one – which I am not ready to dive into – right now. [ ., and I will need at least ten to twelve years of data to play with.]
My next thought is to apply Elliott Wave – especially the 42 day count., in blocks. But that’s for another day.
I have no explanation for the widening gap on the far right of the chart. Nothing I can apply seems to make a match – or explain it. It is of interest., as it is ‘unique’ looking in comparison to the entire chart – but why? None of the series separates quite like that.
More to come – when I hit on something relevant., or even ‘interesting’.
Washington State has had record revenue for the past two years. Gobs of cash rolled in.
Washington State now has a $12 billion dollar budget shortfall.
Main reason? Ex-Governor Insley giving hundreds of millions to combat homelessness and ‘some’ to the over-dose crisis – all in Seattle.
Homeless numbers are up 38% in Seattle for 2024.
Now the entire State is going to pay for this utterly reckless and disgusting fiscal mismanagement.
Governor Insley did not run for a forth term – as he was hoping to get in on the Harris administration., which obviously fell-through.
We now have an even worse social liberal governor., who has already sued the Trump administration., twice.
…, damn !
” But here we go: Ure’s right again (just like I was with no mRNA shots): Trump floats plan to ‘just clean out’ Gaza, expel Palestinians. Which will give effective control to Israel and thus keep the Gaza waterfront and (more valuable) access to offshore energy out of “unfriendly” hands…”
Trump’s plan is to temporarily relocate the Palestinians, completely R&R that 5×28? mile strip, build all-new, then relocate the Palestinians back to it. Even the writeup at THE NEW ARAB (certainly no bias there…) to which George linked, says as much, to someone who actually reads the whole article. the waters off Gaza hold approximately 3% of the Leviathan’s energy. Israel already holds nearly 90% of that energy off its own shores.
Taking Gaza because it is strategically stupid not to, would be a perfectly reasonable reason to send the “Palestinians” back from whence they came (which is Jordan and Lebanon, IIRC, except for the ones purged from all the other Arab States, because they were incorrigible and irremediable criminals.) Taking Gaza because there’s a few billion in petrochemicals in the waters off its shore (when Israel and Egypt both have many times that amount in their pockets already, from their present offshore holdings) is ludicrous, and makes no sense.
Until Israel proves me wrong, I will assume that, being outnumbered 300:1 and surrounded by fanatics who want them all dead, they are simply acting out of self-preservation.
“Yes, he’s a Dick: Woke Senator Goes On MSNBC To Demand Government Employees Defy Trump On DEI.”
Dick Durbin is a slug, and a huge reason for the problems Illinois seems to continually face. Were I Pam Bondi, I would have no problem whatsoever, slamming his sorry ass into the thorny side of the Leavenworth or Terre Haute FCI (or maybe Marion) and leaving it there to rot for 20 years. He could share a cellblock with that billionaire reprobate Cook County forced the rest of the State to accept as “governor,” and the gang-loving excuse for a Chicago “mayor…”
I am SO TIRED of pompous asses trying to throw their weight around by using an insolent “You wouldn’t dare…”
To repeat the quote George posted above:
“Eric Matheny ?? on X: “Trump is governing like a man who has been shot, indicted, investigated, and impeached and has no fucks left to give…”
which I also heard from Megyn Kelly, this afternoon.
Hell hath no fury like a Never Trumper, reformed…
“Say, here’s a great way to get back at liberal media: Pharma Spends Billions On Drug Ads, Fears Trump Administration Will Try To Ban Them.”
I was [forced watching] the tube today and thought exactly this…
Except I’d also like to see ads for ambulance-chasers and hygiene products banned.
Old Gold and Pall Mall ads didn’t make me want to smoke (although the Tareyton ads made me want to have the “rather fight than switch” gal grab my mainmast.) But they were entertaining, and rode the escapism wave which RTV was so good at, until the screen writers and script editors started concentrating on social and political messaging instead of emotional escape. Nobody explained K.I.S.S. to them and the result is this year’s “Best Actress” Oscar is probably going to a person with a penis.
Lol lo!.. the inservices… dam fun to..pharmaceutical companies go all out..I could run in right now..head down to the library at the hospital next to the physicians lounge.. and there will be no less than three pharmacy reps..with tables full of crap to hand out…
I went to an inservice three day inservice..there was a top chef from every country.. A co medium a band dance food dam the best shrimp I ever charge came and some room for the food this is just cocktail hour.. some doctors get a kickback from drug companies…
the USA hands over what just shy a hundred billion a year for research. the citizens funded every new drug brought out in the last decade and longer..
of the estimated 4 trillion in damages caused by cataclysmic events insurance industry paid an estimated 1.1 trillion ( that’s a lot more than I suspected that they paid out on) the rest was left for the government or the individual to pay off
how do you fix that.. the fix could and would be as cataclysmic as the events.. right now cataclysmic medical expenses are passed on to other insured and hospitals. the hospitals and doctors are forced to raise costs.. construction industry the same thing and debts of the policy holders also go up..
well enough gripping lol.. what I see is a monster of a mess..
The IRS opened for 2024 business today. Wait times for revenuers to accept a return were running as low as 12 minutes, if you owed’em. Time for accounts payable (to them) to debit the sponsoring financial transaction institution was straight-line transit time at the speed of light. Wham, bam thank ya Sam.