Crash Alert (Not Doom Porn: BUT It’s Time to Worry)

Breaking:  Retail Craters

Axiomatically:  Everything’s a Business Model.  Including America.

Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for December 2021, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $626.8 billion, a decrease of 1.9 percent (±0.5 percent) from the previous month, but 16.9 percent (±0.9 percent) above December 2020.

Total sales for the 12 months of 2021 were up 19.3 percent (±0.5 percent) from 2020. Total sales for the October 2021 through December 2021 period were up 17.1 percent (±0.7 percent) from the same period a year ago. The October 2021 to November 2021 percent change was revised from up 0.3 percent (±0.5 percent)* to up 0.2 percent (±0.3 percent)*.
Retail trade sales were down 2.1 percent (±0.4 percent) from November 2021, but up 14.4 percent (±0.7 percent) above last year. Gasoline stations were up 41.0 percent (±1.6 percent) from December 2020,
while food services and drinking places were up 41.3 percent (±4.0 percent) from last year.

Time to be very defensive and debt-averse.

Look Out Below!

We have more troublespots than Biden has memory lapses.

  • The Market is in the most vulnerable position I’ve ever seen
  • British data says Omicron protection is very low (<20%) in short order.
  • Ukraine is on a short fuse.
  • America is still inhabited by idiots (except us, of course).

The good news is we’ll likely make it through the week, OK.  After Sunday? All bets are off

Fed and Markets

The stock market is in a terrible pickle.  The Fed has to raise rates.  Likely at the March meeting.

But, says a long-term financial great, Powell and company are getting it all wrong with their “gradualism” approach to markets.  Kaufman, 1970s Wall Street Dr. Doom, Blasts Powell on Inflation – Bloomberg.

For now, the market is selling off in slow waves.  And has been since the all-but-a-few-seconds – November 8 high.   If you understand Elliott waves, this will scream that we are poised to enter the “third of a third” potential massive downside move ahead of War and possibly Pandemic 2, the sequel:

A short explanation of Elliott is here.

The problem with gradualism is, as Kaufman implies that if you give a business 3-6 months to brace for higher prices, they will adapt, and inflation will not be broken.

The halls of the democrats are already in trouble for 2022 elections just 10-months off.  Slow Buy’ed em will not risk decisive action because for now (which every street corner radical knows) the high inflation rate will drive up minimum wages and the North American Bolsheviks love nothing more than taking credit for higher lower-class wages they funded through debt.  While fostering the Big Lie of free lunch.

Also, a concern:  Bitcoin was back down to the $42 thousand area.  When it drops below 40,000, the bottom could fall out.  Remember, crashes don’t develop at the top.  First you put in a bottom and THEN the markets crash.

We will run specific wave count objectives on the Peoplenomics subscriber side tomorrow.

For now?  Cash or sidelines, depending on your IQ and ability to notice being about to be run over by a train wreck…

Vax Misdirection

Went through the latest UK Health Ministry stats this morning and several things to be aware of.  Here’s a data snip:

First, please notice odds of getting Covid are more than twice as high, in some cases if you got the disease.

Also (yellow highlights):  The odds of Elaine or me dying of CV19 are looking far too drifty not to be manipulations.  The vaccine used to increase odds against dying by less than 3 to 1.  However, as you can see, the odds are now up in the 8 to 1 range.  The problem is if the disease is “petering out” that (statistically) shouldn’t be happening.

Omicron Protected?

Ha.  Not if you’re not in the booster line: Turn out that if you have been a while since “being shot at” the protection level of vaccines against omi is less than 20%.

Look at the word “misleading” in the chart.  By the letter “D.”  When you zoom-in on the original document, you’ll see that after 25 weeks essentially no protection.  So much for another marketing fairytale.

Covid Alt. History

Just in passing, since everyone has heard about the “Stuidy Finds” that Could marijuana prevent COVID? Cannabis compounds stop virus from entering human cells,  we really have to fault BOTH CROOKED political parties for missing the opportunity of a lifetime:

If the Covid compounds do work, couldn’t we have transitioned to a green cannabis economy and wipe out the disease by toking up reg’lar-like?

Seems like this was such a good policy option.  Yet, somehow, we’re not surprised:  Government gets so little right in the long run.

Fighting Naziism was good, give you that.  But, substituting paper for gold, grain, alcohol and labor (i.e. the tangibles)?  Not so hot.

Ukraine – “Soft War” Begins

Seems to us the WBSM (Western bull-shit media) is doing its best to keep us all in the dark about how serious Russia is about wresting the buffer east of the Dnieper River from NATO/EU influence.

Fortunately for me (I have a fish & chips dinner bet with a daughter) events are playing out – more or less – as we’ve been predicting.

The talks in Geneva have fallen apart and today we’re reading Ukraine hit by cyberattack, Russia moves more troops after talks hit ‘dead end’.  This, naturally, would be a one-week out logical move.

Therefore, we will expect the Russians to begin moving in their special operators on Sunday night.  War could then follow Monday.

Reasons are mounting for Putin to move.  While there will be skiff of snow in Kiev through Saturday, the weather will hit a cold snap in the forecast by Sunday when high temps in Kiev will plunge to below freezing.  Then, in the week following, the weather will be “advantage Russia.”

We therefore expect today to see hot commentary from Russia along the lines of “Well, we tried to avoid this, but….

For this morning, the peacenik crowd can hope something improves next week: Russia demands US, NATO response next week on Ukraine | NATO News.  However, the U.S. is throwing down the gauntlet (saying we will support NATO).

Already, however, the Biden administration has capitulated since the Globalists are already seeing what’s ahead.  U.S. Plans U.N. Security Council Fight if Russia Invades Ukraine.

For the long-time news analyst, this looks like expectation-setting, We the little people aren’t supposed to see it coming, and when it does, despite the hype and such, the Biden administration is already planning its fallback moves which is like flagging the Russians to “Come on now…”

So far, my fish & chips bet looks like a sure thing.

Land of Idiots

Sure you saw the story this morning: Corruption in Baltimore is leaking.  As the democrat Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is facing criminal charges. Here’s what could happen next.  What we’re trying to figure out is how George Soros – big money man behind ultra libs in the courts – avoids getting tarnished in this.  Even the Heritage Foundation outs his involvement in Meet Marilyn Mosby, the Rogue Prosecutor Wreaking Havoc in Baltimore.

At least someone calls out the crooks as Ted Cruz may introduce his own bill to ban Pelosi-style stock trading in Congress.

ATR: Manual of Survival Gardening

Pass the MSG!

It’s OK.  Yes, America can survive what’s coming.  But it could be ugly.

Therefore, we’re putting together yet-another book.  The working title should give you some ideas about what will be in it.  But we’ll condense as much information as we can.  This will be serialized on Peoplenomics and will be released as a ebook and maybe .PDF later.

While getting market moves right is a useful benefit of Peoplenomics, our interests are much broader than filthy lucre.  We’d like to live longer, eat better, and be able to hold off a squad-level attack, just to mention a few topics that that matter greatly.

Getting the wiring and plumbing ready for the new grow room.  More on ShopTalk Sunday.

One of our readers said we should enable emojis on the comment section.  I find words better than emoji’s but is there a compelling reason?  Your thoughts invited.

Write when you get rich,

118 thoughts on “Crash Alert (Not Doom Porn: BUT It’s Time to Worry)”

  1. Opinions are like backsides everyone has a different one. Here’s mine! If you can’t freaken annunciate what are you doing here? Thumb’s down on emojis! Oh wait, isn’t there an emojis for that?

    • “If you can’t freaken annunciate what are you doing here? ”

      That is true Chuck… but whenever Brandon and Sons activities are discussed.. it’s easier to post a photo rather than give a verbal description of their activities..
      Although.. I wonder if even showing an emoji would be allowable.. bend over baby daddy has a present for you.. you smell like your 18

    • Thanks for letting us know about your backside. :)

      Emojis are powerful. A picture carries more words than words do, remember that one? ;)

      So before you get too cocky, remember emojis come from text. ¯\_(?)_/¯

      Get ready Chuck, you brought the thunder, here’s the boom.

      ??? ? ?( °?° )? ? ???

      • Isn’t the 1st. amendment a wonderful thing Phil! It’s been almost 24 hrs. and George should have closed the polls by now. Looks like 2 yes votes and the rest no votes for (&^_#*^. That has to mean something in emoji? One of our yes voters even posted his IQ for us 18. I wonder if we have hanging emojis er chads if George will do a recount? It’s nice that those of us that have been here more than 5 minutes can poke fun at each other and not get our shorts in a wad! Cheers :-) !

  2. Wow! Kaufman’s still alive? I remember when he could move markets just by burping.
    Interesting set of government stats if you believe ’em.
    Looks like the Ruskie strategists have pretty much pissed away any element of surprise.
    So, Vlad goes on holiday to another country and has to fill out a customs questionnaire. He answers thus:
    Name: “Vladimir Putin”
    Country of Origin: “Russia”
    Occupation: “No, just visiting”
    I’m here all week. Try the veal.

  3. Emoji’s. No thanks. I like to think of the comments as a high and mighty forum where these embellishments would be unnecessary. I get as much, sometimes more information and entertainment here as I do from George’s well written pros. Too many little smiley faces, hands flipping the bird or “GASP” turds would just clutter things up.

    • “I get as much, sometimes more information and entertainment here as I do from George’s well written pros.”
      That’s why I even read older comments — as long as they are available, thank YOU!
      Emoji’s. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass, either way. ;-)

      • (… which was followed by “Less than” VBSEG “Greater than”)

        Note to self: WordPress deletes anything which could be an *.HTML command.

  4. Let’s us look at:

    The Market is in the most vulnerable position I’ve ever seen – Maybe – the ‘market’ should have wiped out years ago. I wouldn’t be so sure. There always seems to be another mile left in the ponzi.

    British data says Omicron protection is very low (<20%) in short order. – Omnicron like the entire covid thing is a scam. Yes, unhealthy people get colds and flus, and some of them die if unhealthy enough. Let's move on from this psyop.

    Ukraine is on a short fuse. – The US military is very weak and will not engage Russia in it's own back yard – no more than Russia would invade Cuba.

    America is still inhabited by idiots (except us, of course). COMPLETELY AGREE. That's why we have the covid con – because idiots bought into the con and the 'vaccine.'

    • “The US military is very weak and will not engage Russia in it’s own back yard….”
      Good! No American should die for Ukraine or Kazakhstan. Aren’t they where most of the malicious hackers and ransom wear shakedown artists reside? If they want to die for their countries, I’ll contribute a buck or two. Russia mired in unwinnable wars should be fun to watch.

  5. Emojis?? Seriously?

    One of the reasons I enjoy the site is the feedback. Emojis are even less clear in transferring an idea than words….

  6. Lots happening and nothing looking good, here is something you should have in your arsenal.
    This “IS” the most comprehensive book ever written covering anything and everything on how to live in the country. written by Carla Emery she spent her entire life writing and updating this book. you can find it very reasonably priced on many used book sites.
    “The Encyclopedia of country living”
    I have no affiliation with this other than I have them myself. and between my wife and myself we have used it many times and I was raised in the country in my younger days.

  7. Made test calls last night 3.999 (Thursday) at 9:15 and 9:45.
    No results. (Not surprising.) Will try 7.299 at 3:15 and 3:45 today (Friday).
    Expecting big ice storm here Sunday. May be down a couple
    of days.

    – 73 –

      • There is a reason I don’t use ‘digitally interconnected’ ham radio repeaters. When the internet connections go down… you got nuthin’.

    • Maybe I should get an antenna up? I hear those things help when you are trying to listen … and even more so if you are trying to talk. Is that true?


      Gave my modified all frequency transmit 857D to my son since I wasn’t using it, in fact never used it (also had the nice Inrad filters for it which I gave him – uninstalled) … and now he has NEVER used it :-( Maybe I should ask for it back? Might be nice for the camper …

      These days my radio work is limited to CB in the car when I travel long distances … though the reality is my Midland 15 watt GMRS vehicle radio gets 3x -5x the distance of AM CB without all the static issues (need to use a GREAT antenna though). LOVE the distance capability of SSB CB for non licensed communications … but almost nobody has or uses SSB CB (except my son – we can do 18-20 miles car to car most of the time. I really think that they should convert the CB band to digital voice and make it 200+ frequencies versus the 40 they have now – should get GREAT distance if they went to digital voice, better than SSB – but since people now use cell phones for car to car, or car to home, communications instead of radios that is probably never happening.

      “IF ” I ever get back on the air (Ham bands) I will check in and see if anybody is around

      • Nobody on 27 mhz anymore. The only reason I have a cb in the truck is that it is a Uniden Beartracker and has a scanner built in. Not ssb, but there is very little of that anyway. ch 36, 37, 38, I think. I am also on GMRS but no activity there, either. On 40 meters there is almost always someone to talk to.
        So, that’s why I like DMR, I can chose what State or Country I want to talk to.

    • I’m interested, but have no clue where to begin…”I know noth-eegn!” Don’t have a ham radio, know nothing about them or an antennae.

  8. Both NATO and Russia are talking but no one is listening. NATO diplomats keep focusing on Ukraine. It seems as though the Russian government has a different agenda than just invading Ukraine. NATO seems to want any conflict to be limited to Ukraine. But Russia seems to be more concerned about missiles and nuclear weapons that can reach Moscow in 6 minutes. I fear that any war might be much larger than a couple of Ukrainian regions.

    It feels like we are living in the Netflix movie Don’t Look Up. But I’m more optimistic in that I think any shooting war will be limited to Europe and brief. I’m hoping that it will stop there. I’m hopeful that this war will not involve many civilian casualties. Unlike various doom porn analysts I just don’t think that global thermonuclear war is on the cards.

    • Maybe it’s just moi – buy I do wish someone would recall a 70., or 80-year-old cold war correspondent back into newsroom. Damn., that was poorly written.

      • ” I fear that any war might be much larger than a couple of Ukrainian regions”

        We are really naive in the assumption that we are untouchable.. through endless wars our country has been very fortunate to have avoided the death and destruction on our native soil.. from what I am reading..those in power are still assuming that it’s the same.
        What’s being missed.. is all these smaller countries where we have brought death and destruction to..just so some people can steal their raw resources. Has signed agreements.. many signed up for the pay to play Brandon administration. Giving the POS money for connections.. while we maneuver missiles and military might to their borders.. they’ve been positioning themselves.. brandon and sweet kammy purebred have been smuggling in millions.. china has a warm water port fifty miles off of Florida. Our industry is dismantled and supply chain broken by design..

    • Hmmmm – so the Bidenistas are predicting a Russian sponsored false-flag in Eastern Ukraine to provide justification for a Russian invasion.

      “Vlery interesting”, as Arte Johnson, in his finest German accent, would say on “Laugh-In” (knowing about this reference will date you), while dressed as a WWII German soldier and pedaling around on a tricycle.

      I suspect it’s more likely the neo-con/ neo-liberal warmongers at the State Department (think Victoria Nuland) are “projecting” their own false-flag plans onto the Russkies.

      The Obama, er-r-r I mean Biden administration is spoiling for a war so lots of things get broken and lots of people killed so as to usher in the Great Reset and a totalitarian world government.

      Just f___in’ peachy!

    • Warhammer,

      Thank you for the food for thought. The CNN article makes for an interesting read of shapes of things to come. Just in time for wildcard weekend, each side appears to have a playbook for moulding population mindsets.

      May I mention items of passing interest before the clay sets and the bough breaks? Both lead CNN writers share a curriculum vitae past setting at “Politico”. Not that the future necessarily reprises the past, but in recent times “Politico” was bought up by the German publishing conglomerate Alex Springer SE founded in 1946 some say with more than a little help from smart friends. Alex Springer SE has stated that it expects its staff to adhere to its principles which include a “free-market economy, Israel’s right to exist, and a united Europe”. Wikipedia shows its largest shareholder, the New York-based KKR global investment company, as owner. However after the late Mr. Springer left this realm, the majority of voting shares of his company came to be acquired by his childrens’ nanny and fifth wife, Friede Springer.

      Alright everyone, here’s a soothing afternoon number to help settle jangley nerves-

      Hushaby baby
      ?On the tree top;
      When the wind blows
      ?The cradle will rock;
      When the bough breaks
      ?The cradle will fall,
      Down tumbles baby,
      ?The cradle and all.

    • That’s sad.. the photo of putin is one where he looks regretfor being forced into this situation… Putin has done everything to try and avoid what’s coming.
      We just keep pushing him to it forcing the inevitable..
      When I’ll clutch my ankles is when he asks his citizens to seek the bunkers.

    • Not buying it. I’m leaning toward Famous Mikey’s comment.

      Back about the Ides, Thoroughly Modern Millie had Lamontagne suggest to Adm. Burke that he send a bunch of SpcOp “instructors” and “observers” into Kievistan.

      This was done.

      Ukraine has a company-sized bunch of very highly trained and very specialized special forces now, about whom few people know.

      I do not believe they are a counterstrike force.

      Until this popped up, I had no idea why or how they could be used as a first-strike unit. Now I do. Given the senile and oft-delusional bully in the WH, this could get scary FAST, but not in the way for which the American media is laying the groundwork.

      One shouldn’t have to double-space this for the savvy reader to see what lies between the lines.

      I would like to humbly suggest that people latch onto a Kiev daily now (or one in Constanta.) It will be pure propaganda, but might prewarn us if somebody has just gotten stupid in the Black Sea region…

  9. Well, my wife went in to sit with the son’s little girl since she’s down with the ‘Rona (Omicron, no doubt) and neither he nor his wife can take off after the littlest one had it earlier this week. BOTH little girls got The Jab a couple of weeks ago but still got the ‘Rona. Unbelievable. It sure could be worse since they’re so young and getting the vaxxx.

    Schools are shutting down due to the number of absentee students and faculty members. Heck, it’s WINTER. This stuff happens all the time but Sheeple have so little memory left after they’ve got multiple jabs.

  10. “What we’re trying to figure out is how George Soros – big money man behind ultra libs in the courts – avoids getting tarnished in this. ”

    That is a huge question that I have often pondered for decades..
    We all know that the idiots in office that spend less than a month in DC working less hours than a part time dishwasher.. are all being manipulated.. We see how big money influences them even have the DOJ running the gauntlet for the Corruption crew to keep it all buried and looking legit.. YET.. the same money men play both sides of the coin.. they manipulate our political leaders here.. but they also manipulate the political leaders in other countries.. keeping the drama off of them the real problems.. The ONLY one that has said hey I know its you.. and have your backyard covered is KIM in NK… the rest are plenty happy to shuffle the blame off of those truly evil doing their dirty deeds to the people that are being manipulated.. WHY… wouldn’t it be easier to slow the driver of the car down than to blame the car.. How can they do they do that with such ease.. Send out BLM and Antifa world wide spending hundreds of millions of dollars to cause havoc and destruction.. start big fights and wars.. yet they don’t get caught in the corner..
    Look at Brandon and family.. LOL LOL LOL.. now that is just stupid I don’t think that there is anyone that doesn’t believe the whole brandon enterprises is nothing more than a elaborate ponzi scheme to bilk the American people our of money and hide their activities.. In the Wastelands they are all considered WPOS.

  11. Talk of more wall around the White House

    Strange Days ? (@_SocialEntropy_) Tweeted:
    Video of walls around the White House

    Interesting design, huh?

    Watching Biden in front of a fake screen that looks like the Oval Office, has been a bit unnerving. Why not just work from the room itself? – spends lots of time away … so maybe the Biden’s are remodeling ? Many other Presidents have made personal changes

    Maybe getting a top of the line metaverse system installed. All the bells and whistles.

    Ya know, knowing some people lived in a house, it’s kinda hard to live there after they move out. Just sayin.

    I’m anxious for the First Lady to eventually give us a tour. :)

    • “Watching Biden in front of a fake screen that looks like the Oval Office, has been a bit unnerving.”

      Either his handlers have convinced him he’s the VP, but could become Prez at any time and he should rehearse (not very likely), or the spooks are reworking the real Oval Office.

      I think Occam wins this round…

      • While Seattle was a fun visit years back, I now have Pahoa Fish & Chips just a few miles up the road from me. Fresh wild caught Ahi (tuna), Ono, Mahimahi, Salmon, and Cod. Criss cut seasoned fries.
        Out in the jungles of Hawaii… who’d a thunk?

    • Better yet, who remembers who the heck Arthur Treacher was, especially pre-Mervyn?
      No emojis!?! You’re gonna piss off the kids. And remember, they’re the ones that will be choosing your nursing home and influencing your end-of-life care.

    • Funny you ask, I managed one back in the day in the early 1980’s. Unfortunately bad management from the top, a model which never really appealed to the young who are the bread and butter of fast food. And nearly no advertising spelled its end. Still miss their fish……

  12. My spidey sense says we are being fooled by another sight of hand with this whole Russia / Ukraine show. Where is China in the news; locked down for Omicron or quietly placing new pieces on the board? The port lockdowns are very ominous IMHO and the shockwave will not diminish with distance.

    Somethings going on and the press is telling us all to look the other way.

    • I think China is helping Russia by shutting down supply lines. This will keep the war brief. No resupply.

      • Exactly.. it took six days for china to march across Vietnam.. the big question is will china do that here? Or did they make arrangements to let the army that Brandon and kammy purebred have their jihad against America from the inside while we are busy everywhere else..
        If your everywhere then your everywhere weak .
        Or would they just opt to shut the grid down..let nature do the hard stuff..

  13. man o man o shevitz! Gdog,

    peeps be lil slo on the uptake ..nue nukes. There be no more fallout – they burn so hot as to destroy ALL residual radiation – see 9-11, beruit bali,yemin,torabora,iran.
    The problem with NYC/9-11 was putting water on the dam burning granite – effect of rising steam was the cause&carrier of the poisonous rads – See radiation sickness/Cancers in 1st responders – and dont bother with Ure evil lies regards some chemical scheisse making em all sick …

    Bwahahaha – only the coot knows what greed lurks in the heart o Man.

    It is A B.F.WAR – and It has been in going on in ‘Heaven’ for what seems like forever…as 99 ho’ng se’ de balloons go floating by..

    Ure is a business model, each and everyone of Us is someones’/things’ business model..U just dont get Paid, ever.

    Saigon – fail, Kabul – fail, Bahgdad – sure slo’s got this, no problema.

    Best part of this whole fugazi shooting match – wont even be using nukes weapons = old ,dirty busted and broke=lets go brandon!
    NRG weapons = new, shiny..blindingly so. scheisse will be literally dropping out da sky..with “no joy”.

    just like this filthy pig of deepstate govt, filthy pig of a fed bank, filthy pig of a congress, filthy pig of a president&vice..

    – but it is the Year of the SnowTiger? – guessing here Snow Tigers just luv eating Porkz???

    Sold ! coot has been and currently is a Seller..SoldSoldSold! Will keep selling until there is nothing left to Sell in this cluster pig of a market.

    Commodities You can actually hold in Ure hands – Long gold/silver, Nat Gas, Uranium, Oil – and Food. You all did see Russian crop #’s this year ? Weak, light..China closing Ports/quarantined..

    Sell the Rip, Sell the Dip, hard.

    * 1st rule book of angels/grays – Hide, and run/fall back into defensive position/shield/protect Ure thoughts. Like double tapping zombies, can never be too safe. Besides, easier to eliminate when surprise is on Ure side..

    jA – Good Thoughtz frm otherz bot da Coot. thats it! that simple. Cheers!

  14. Ban Antsy Peelousey’s stock trades? We just got an app that allows everyone to mirror her trades so we can all buy in. Don’t stop it now LOL.

  15. My inbox got tickled by this, this morning:

    “Several rockets hit Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, including US embassy, and wound two civilians

    which happened yesterday, and made the news, nowhere.

    But it inspired me to search.

    Which turned up this:

    “Series of rocket attacks target military bases near Baghdad airport, western Iraq –military

    from January 5th.

    Now, what’s so special about this Reuters piece? Go look at it. They recovered one of the rockets, still on the launcher, and posted a pic.

    Why is there slack in the cable?
    When did the Iranians start identifying and documenting their munitions in English?

    I’ve never studied munitions, but that thing looks to me like a round from an 8″ deck gun, from the British Navy, not a rocket.

    Please, .MIL-types, edjumicate me…

    • That’s not a rocket, that’s a 240MM artillery shell. Notice near the top it has ‘HE’ printed on it? That’s the abbreviation for ‘high explosive’. Also, notice that there’s nothing at the top…it’s open. That’s where the fuse goes…no fuse, no boom. UNLESS you cram plastic explosive of some type down its throat that you can detonate remotely. That’s how some IED’s are made.

      It’s possible that EOD disarmed it for a photo op, but I seriously doubt it. They probably found it that way.

      Definitely not a rocket and another reason not to trust anything in the media.

      • Thank you, sir. That was what I’d guessed. I’m still trying to guess why the set-up photo [exists], unless somebody wanted to show how easy it’d be to build a rocket launcher…

    • “News Media” have departed the journalistic integrity building, likely never to return. Even semi-reputable sources will screw up a story with a photo taken from archives that they think might look similar to what the story is describing. Most of them wouldn’t know a Katyusha rocket from a “rocket” ice cream treat (ice cream on a stick shoved up a tube).

  16. “Russia demands US, NATO response next week on Ukraine | NATO News. However, the U.S. is throwing down the gauntlet (saying we will support NATO).”

    Of course we will support NATO — it’s our “baby.”

    I kinda wonder what’s going on in that part of the world, which I can’t get to. Russia has been content to supply the Rus-kranians with arms & support for the past several…

    Something has changed over the past few months. What is it and is Vichy involved? Unless Vlad acquired a terminal ailment, I simply don’t see the Russians “breaking form” and becoming belligerent without cause…

  17. “U.S. Plans U.N. Security Council Fight if Russia Invades Ukraine.”

    Lessee, who’s on the UNSC besides us? Oh yeah, Russia. What does the UNSC need before it can do ANYTHING? That’s right, a unanimous consensus. I wonder what the chances are, that the Russian or Chinese Delegation will vote to sanction or attack Russia?

    i.e. Either a “wag the dog” or a theatrical exercise in futility, and not even worth noting…

      • Yeah, too many of ’em, George, and that bothers me.

        I recognize the possibility we could be in a “news hole” where “news” sources are inventing stuff or “taking creative license” clear to the horizon to get views or clicks, but that doesn’t feel right in this case, either.

        I spent an hour this morning on, something I never do because it is about the only site on the Internet which will lower one’s IQ faster than MSNBC — Just wanted to see where stuff was spinning and had no idea how bad things had gotten. I’m guessing between 18-19 out of every 20 topics you discuss here would get a body banished there, for “wrongthink.” I witnessed a hard-left spin on everything, and WRT Ukraine, Russia’s apparently employing the same dirty tricks it ran with before it conquered Crimea.

        This is what scares me the most. I’m not afraid of the skies raining nukes or Xi’s 100 million man army waltzing across the West Coast — I’m afraid the nutjobs in D.C. are going to get us into a war where we are, demonstrably, “the bad guys.” I don’t want to be the German civvy, marched into Auschwitz to witness what my government has been up to, and to bury its dead, because my neighbors have their heads buried in sand up to their asses, and I don’t want to get nuked, and the bombing be JUSTIFIED…

  18. The S&P500 & Dow just broke below their 30 day MA.., and my Aggregate Index and the Nasdaq are solidly below their 85 Day MA. and the Small Cap Russell 2000, is now 300 points below their Nov high and below their 85Day MA. ., and to help inflation – Crude Oil is up over 2%, breaking 84$ a barrel., and the 10YR is up over 3%
    – One single options trade this morning.., made 18.2% though.., so I’m happy.

  19. Back in the 70s we surfed H.B. peir every morning before school and smoked a doobie on the way to school, we had a saying back then ” a joint a day keeps the doctor away ” didn’t know we were preventing the vid.

    Don’t read you everyday and you might have covered this already but I would love to hear your thoughts on NFTs.

    Rather see likes and dislikes on comments than emojis….

  20. Those ‘Cannabis Compounds’ that prevent Covid are a pair of cannabinoid acids that need to be extracted from the plant. They are, unfortunately, destroyed by heat, so ‘toking up’ is not an effective answer. You gotta read the whole report carefully.

    Definition of “Doom Porn’: Anything negative outside the narrow minded status quo.

    Staffing shortages in island hospitals as they bring in FEMA nurses and technicians. Hospitals are full and overloaded with incoming patients. Supply chain shortages also due to inter island shipping now on an ‘interrupted’ basis. Shoppers are going nuts in Hilo town, making the rounds looking for essentials at several stores now, instead of just one. Shelf stocks are hit-or-miss.

    Personal Ohana ‘family bubbles’ have been compromised. All it takes is one visitor, or one kid coming home from school with a scratchy throat, and now the ‘safe bubble’ has become a Covid cluster infection in the whole house. I’m hunkered down with a brother caring for elder Papa and letting NO ONE near. “Don’t Share The Air!”

    And I vote NO on the emojis. Learn English and WRITE, people.

    • I don’t understand the motives in these crimes. Robbing or looting a store, sure, I get it. But looting a UPS truck or a rail car? Too much like playing the lottery. I wonder if part of the motivation is boredom? A new game similar to that old urban legend of driving without headlights on and then targeting the poor guy who flashes headlights to alert them?

      Saw an article on CNN about carriers wanting FAA permission to carry anti-missile tech… Maybe armed guards is a new growth industry.

      • “I don’t understand the motives in these crimes. Robbing or looting a store, sure, I get it. But looting a UPS truck or a rail car?”

        Why shoot a preschooler just because he wandered into a store in the wrong neighborhood.. why shoot a child on his way to school.. non of it makes any sense to me.. When an officer stops why run.. why fight and struggle.. he was stopped because he had a turn signal out.. then on top of it.. all of it happened in high crime area’s.. well you will notice that unless your the owner of a certain hard drive … he can get buy with all of it and not get his ass kicked..

        When BLM and Antifa went out on the crus aide to loot and plunder rape and maim poor neighborhoods.. they did it with the message to defund the police that all Caucasians were white supremist.. the money factor was people running around paying cash money to instigate these actions. there were what.. four or five instances where an officer commited a crime..blow that up and make it look like it is a commonality… watch any news coverage and you will see people with televisions and chairs etc.. what I never quite got.. was the ones instigating all the destruction and violence.. instigated it all in the poorer neighborhoods with high crime got the herd mentality and away they ran… businesses won’t go back there why should the local market reopen if the people in the neighborhood looted his business raped his wife and daughter destroyed and burned down the company.. I had one try to jusitify that action without any luck.. insurance companies won’t pay for the destruction because it is an act of war…. the people are left defenseless against the high crime forced to drive many miles to get their goods and subjected to the criminals running the neighborhoods. Why should an officer go into an area to protect a group of people…
        with a broken supply line and looting semi’s and train cars etc.. it just sends us deeper into the spiral of supply line issues..
        Back in the eighties this was a big deal and even today truckers park three or four hours outside of high crime cities.. because of it.. many truckers took armed guards and even today many truckers carry protection. Police back then wouldn’t go into a neighborhood and if a trucker got caught he would be locked in to gates of a warehouse.. the warehouses had their own army of patrolmen.. I think the design was to disrupt supply lines keep shortages and seek higher prices.. Porch pirates… is a big deal.. sales of locked containers is a big deal..

    • 1930’s Germany. First take the Reichstag, then take the Presidency (and everything else that can be consolidated), then sell it to the people. Sigh.

  21. I paid my property taxes today just in case there is bank holiday between now and the due date.

    The Treasurer stamped the piece of paper ‘paid’. I asked if the stamp meant anything. It doesn’t. This Treasurer engaged scenarios.

    Fake paid stamp – the computer would have to match.
    Encrypted network. They rely on back-up.
    Destruction of entire computer system- offsite back-up.
    Destruction of the offsite back-up. The city would rely on a canceled check from the bank.
    I paid in cash. The Treasurer explained the transaction is being recorded on video and archived. If all the above happened and I was on the video that matched the stamp on the piece of paper I presented, that may work.

    By now the transaction was over, I left.

  22. Oh, and BTW, no emojis.

    We oldsters don’t often need them, and when we do, we know how to type the real thing. We also know how to type tags. Perhaps these are skillz the young’uns should learn? {BEG}

    Icons suck…

  23. Glad I got out of the trade., and sat back.., the market really turned around in the last hour. Complete turn around.

  24. A great rigging day . Perfection . Fear and lift . Great last hour for facism . Martin Luther king day Monday I think

    • Collectively speaking the long weekend gardeners have unearthed fertile grounds in their commentary. Tuning forks reading the San Francisco Human Be-In this weekend in 1967? Let’s look at the charts of yesterday.

      Tomorrow 55 years ago, McCartney opened The Daily Mail to read a situation update about a socialite friend’s high speed sports car crash in London a month prior while under influences. Along with a little help from his friend Lennon, “A Day in the Life” was born.

      So now we hear that a mentally ill Sunni Muslim man from Blackburn, UK, managed to fly across the pond and somehow clear US immigration at JFK. Perhaps taking sanctuary in homeless shelters he made his way to Texas and became armed. A confrontation occurred at a synagogue.

      No sooner had all four hostages found release perhaps by negotiation or otherwise, than the special federal police team service flown in from their Va. hq to assist were apparently able to fatally subdue the intruder. There’s no need for a Ruby Tuesday on this playlist.

      Meanwhile, the American president noted to the press that he had not been able to reach victimized parties “on his way up” (to Phillie) to box food at a hunger organization. However he remains “focused” and promises to offer further details of the hostage taking at his media briefing next Wednesday.

      Vice President Harris tweeted on a White House Briefing Room template a detailed thanks to the various levels of security involved in the operation. As well a statement was made decrying antisemitism and hate.

  25. Hi. So…. how do I say this… I was told tonight, it’s time to come into Power Andy. Did you know a little over 5 Aeons ago, long before Atlantis the name for the belt of Orion was Andy. I shit you not. I didn’t believe it at first. But someone showed me something tonight a word written in language I have never seen in my life with the belt of Orion next to it and I knew what it meant. They said do you know what this word means? Do you know what these stars are called now. I said yeah, that is Orion and that word is my first name. He said who told you that? I said I never seen this before. Never seen this language but I know that is my first name. He said it is. This language goes back long before antiquity. We have tested you well over 100,000 times to be sure. Some answers there was no right or wrong answer but only the person who is the person we been looking for would answer the way you did.

    Some of the tests were made to see if you would make the perfect mistake to answer it. And you scored 100% its time to step into your power. I nah dude I’m just Andy. Then showed me the word again and stop talking about yourself like you are some item at the store that anyone can purchase. We have shown that word and those stars to select thousands upon thousands over last 5 Aons and not a single person knew what it said. But you did. It’s time to step into your power. And to do so, you will have to cut ties with some who are holding you back. I said im good at saying good bye. They said we aide you in that.

    They said alot of things and answered alot of questions I ask but not in the open to anyone. Nobody knows those questions but me.

    They said I have so many people and things pulling on me my energy is like a ping pong table. You are being drained by thousands of attachments. We will cut them for you. I said some of these people I really like and care about. He said it’s time to come into your power. Your journey is about to begin. I asked them some things. They answered. They are really jedi. No joke. They are definitely not evil. They operate way above good and evil concepts. So I asked to say good bye. They said who am I to argue with the belt of Andy and laughed. So weird. A star constellation named after me. Huh? Why wasn’t I told about this earlier.

    So, it’s been great. I’m stepping into my power now. One hell of a crazy last 12-15 years. I’m about to level up 6 levels is what I was told just by them severing everything that drains me of my power.

    Funny when he says look around you. Look at all the people around you. Great and small. All look to you for acceptance, security, safety, Guidance. The rich and the poor all scared by this silly thing they call a pandemic and everyone around you looks to you for assurance. No matter what walk of like, culture or religion. And you still tjink your “just andy”? Mmmm?

    I said ya. Because i know THE DUDE. They said, that is funny because when we look to see THE DUDE, we see you.

    Time to step into your power. Nobody has stood where you stood in 5 Aeons. Nobody knows to stand there but you did. We will teach you all you forgot. Reading creation is one thing weilding it is another. So they will teach me it. Said it is my divine right. I have to cut ties which they will aid in, to restore me to my full power.

    Sigh.. this feels heavy. But I know it’s good. Pretty amazing stuff.

    Truly I am Blessed Bs Highly Fortunate! It is my hope, you are as well.

  26. So, REMEMBER, or LEARN that it is our sold out leaders that have taken us into ALL of our wars for the last centuries. These wars were instigated against all efforts to STOP them.

    Here is something to LEARN:

    READ IT AND LEARN AND THEN WEEP as History is getting ready to repeat itself!

    From the article: “On the eve of his suicide, Hitler dictated his final testament to his secretary, Traudl Junge, who died in 2002. You might ask yourself: Why wasn’t this important historical document ever shown in your history books or on TV documentaries? — ANSWER: Because it would “red pill” too many people into a higher state of curiosity.

    “In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength, and my health in these three decades.”

    “It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests.”

    “Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.”

    “I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe’s Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means.”




    The Banksters and their Government friends (elites, globalists, owners of systems and people) collude as they gang up on their next victim. I just do not think, though, that the average American and millions of illegals, refugees, and newly minted visitors HATE RUSSIA like the press riled up the American people ahead of WW1 and especially in WW2 against the German people.

    Maybe the press has riled them up overseas.

    • Every great war is focused on a great scapegoat. Blacks have been there (CivWar) and Jews had their turn (WW2) and our concern rises that the next group to be demonized/victimized will be either anti-vax or seniors. You know, there’s a theme in history.

      Wars are run by the rich in virtually all cases. And to steal wealth from whoever the victim class is in a particular setting…

    • Don’t know if you’ve ever watched any of James Corbett’s videos but he has several that cover the conspiracy that started WWI and the Big Oil interests that shove world politics around. I don’t remember him mentioning any Jewish influence, it’s been a few years since I watched them, but there was certainly a coalition of the powerful that manipulated everyone into kinetic conflict in both wars.

      The WWI Conspiracy

      How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World

      • Bill, oh, Bill, I have to laugh, not at you, but your post.

        Bolsheviks, ever heard of em?

        Yeah, there is your Jewish influence, fella.

        I’ll say it again, IF we do not KNOW and LEARN our history, we will be doomed to watch it replay out again. Why change the script writers?

    • What a coinky-doink. The realhistorychan website appears to be using one of the same google servers that was published to the public domain of the FBI’s Project Trojan Shield. TJ was wound up last summer with the global apprehension of alleged criminals using the project’s An0m handsets.

      Gizmodo reported last Thursday that 100 to 110 An0m handsets were delivered in the USA during the project life with presently unknown final destinations.

      Please review your fourth amendment rights?

    • Interesting but no cigar for real time looks. Dotted line becomes solid before 160 MPH that close to ground. YMMV

      • I only made it up to 130mph in a junk bmw station wagon rental. But, I was happy we didn’t have to pay tolls driving from Berlin to Switzerland or a surcharge for leaving the car in Switzerland. Freaked out though when the waitress in Switzerland looked just like my sister.

    • I lived in Rhineland Valley, Germany for five years. The German autobahns were great highways to drive on but there were no “small” accidents. Always fatal and for obvious reasons. The traffic jams were called stahls and were measured in hours, not miles (kilometers). No speed limits. I remember the first rule of taking the highway was always to stay in the right lane regardless of your speed and pass in the middle lane. The left lane was for the maniacs like those in the video. You could be driving along at 80 mph with nothing in front of you or in your rear view mirror and a second later there’s a high-end BMW or Mercedes on your bumper flashing their headlights at you like an emergency vehicle. They NEVER passed on the right. Both companies have sedans specifically for European highways. U.S. roads are too slow for them. Also, God help you and your weak bladder if you miss your exit. They are typically about 50 miles apart.

      I also loved Germany because you could theoretically take the train anywhere in the country if you had the time for all of the transfers.

      A lot of people don’t know that the German autobahn system was created by Adolph Hitler and President Eisenhower brought the idea home with him from WW II to create the U.S. interstate system.

    • I’d like to also see how fast the fuel gauge went the opposite direction when they were doing that. Guess they had to notify the cops they were doing the run, too. Beautiful car!

  27. Earthlings,

    So, one German, two Russians, and four Americans meet up in the International Space Station and…

    Thursday reflects the most recent update on NASA’s ISS Daily Summary Report. Mention was made of American crew assisting with fitting light attachments to Russian spacesuits. This would be in regards to “Russian segment extra-vehicular activity #51” scheduled for next Wednesday, January 19th.

    It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, Mr. Rogers.

    • destined for more beautification indeed, 4 Noddles(mannishwomen)/”state” has outrageously insulted EUR/RUS…once again&again….

      Spring Clean up has already started in Syria – Motha Russia cleansing Syria of the “oily” slime that is Israhell/CIA”blackbush”Ops”

      Sadly great Woe to the sitting duck US troops (& their Families back Home) “stationed” next to Syrian Oils fields, protecting Syrian Oil from the Syrian people ever USING it or Selling it…Yeah tRUMPO was truly an Honest, Good Guy…and George Ure is a famous BITCOIN Whale! bwahahahahahahah

      Evil Scheisse IS… USA USA USA USA ! Ure TAX Dollars hard @ work around the globe 24/7

      No Peace 4 Evil – eternal strife – We EARNED IT = Great Satan -ists.

      ?Now where is my horse, Sir Mounts Alot

  28. Dictated in the bunker, flaired-up by Goebbels. Best quote:
    “Paranoid megalomania means never having to say your sorry.”

    • “Paranoid megalomania means never having to say your sorry.”

      No possibility to do so after you’ve killed your wife,
      6 children, and yourself. ;-(((

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