China Just Won
The Day DeepSeek Turned Tech and Wall Street Upside Down – WSJ.
And worse? DeepSeek may not be alone: Chinese AI DeepSeek rattled the industry. We would not be surprised, for example, if China’s already got government cloaked models working out long-range policy guidance to assure CCP world dominance.
Could an A.I.-generated low risk play be aimed at NATO? Sweden Captures Ship Suspected of ‘Sabotage’ in Undersea Fiber Optic Cable Rupture. All gets pretty damn interesting to model!
So, what did Ure mean “China’s Won”? Didn’t you see?? Exclusive-Images Show China Building Huge Fusion Research Facility, Analysts Say. And their fusion program has now sustained fusion for more than 16-minutes…. Thanks Dems for making the U.S, #2…
Fresh Data: Durable Goods Numbers
Just out: DECEMBER 2024 $276.1 billion -2.2%
Now What?
America is in the middle of a policy nightmare – not Donald Trump’s creation. Democrats own most of this. It’s a simple (not unexpected) “bipolar result.”
There are two parts to this. We’ll have A.I. assemble it for us. First, Trump is orchestrating ICE raids to root out illegal immigrants. Good. We’ve got laws and we’re rediscovering we have borders.
But, any overshoot (i.e. deportations of honest working people) has impacts. Yet, at the same time (and as any Developer mindset drives), Trump wants interest rates to remain low.
Using A.I. to Sort Out Policy
“Explain in detail what the deportation of illegal immigrants to the U.S. will do to long-term inflation prospects for the U.S. Then, estimate the amount and direction of the FOMC decision Wednesday.”
ChatGPT said:
The deportation of illegal immigrants could have nuanced implications for long-term U.S. inflation prospects, depending on its scale and how the economy responds. Here’s an in-depth breakdown:
1. Effects on Labor Supply and Wages
Labor Market Tightening: Deporting a significant portion of illegal immigrants would likely reduce the labor pool, especially in industries that depend heavily on undocumented workers (e.g., agriculture, construction, hospitality). A smaller labor force could lead to upward wage pressures as businesses compete for a shrinking supply of workers.
Sectoral Wage Inflation: Industries with high reliance on undocumented workers may face acute labor shortages, forcing companies to pay more competitive wages or automate operations. This could raise costs and ultimately push up consumer prices in those sectors.
Broader Wage Impacts: While wage increases in some industries could be absorbed by productivity gains, persistent shortages may lead to broader wage inflation, especially if employers pass higher costs onto consumers.
2. Productivity and Economic Output
Decline in Productivity: Undocumented workers often take on labor-intensive jobs that citizens may not fill. Deportation could lead to operational inefficiencies and lower output, particularly in industries with razor-thin margins like farming or food processing.
Potential for Price Increases: Reduced productivity and supply-chain bottlenecks could lead to higher prices for goods and services in affected industries.
3. Government Spending and Fiscal Policy
Enforcement and Deportation Costs: Large-scale deportation campaigns are expensive, potentially increasing federal spending. These costs may strain budgets and lead to higher deficits unless offset by cuts elsewhere or increased revenue.
Reduced Tax Revenues: Many undocumented workers pay taxes (via payroll deductions or sales tax), despite being ineligible for most government benefits. Their removal could lead to a decline in tax revenue, exacerbating fiscal imbalances and limiting the government’s ability to manage inflation.
4. Housing Market Impacts
Lower Demand for Housing: Deportations could reduce demand for rental units, particularly in areas with large immigrant populations. This might dampen rent inflation in certain regions, though this effect is unlikely to be significant enough to impact national inflation trends.
5. Demand-Side Effects
Consumer Spending Decline: Undocumented workers contribute to consumer spending, especially in local economies. Their removal could reduce overall demand, partially offsetting inflationary pressures from labor market tightening.
Sectoral Demand Effects: Industries catering to immigrant communities, such as ethnic grocery stores or remittance services, may see declines, potentially leading to localized deflationary effects.
Net Impact on Long-Term Inflation
The overall effect depends on the balance between supply-side inflationary pressures (from labor shortages and higher wages) and demand-side deflationary pressures (from reduced consumption and lower housing demand). However, given the U.S. economy’s heavy reliance on immigrant labor in key sectors, deportations are more likely to exert upward pressure on inflation in the long term.
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Decision
The FOMC’s decision on Wednesday will hinge on several factors, including recent inflation trends, labor market data, and global economic conditions. Here’s a projection:
Current Inflation Trends: Core inflation has remained relatively sticky, and wage growth remains elevated. The Fed may interpret this as requiring further vigilance.
Labor Market Strength: Persistent tightness in the labor market could push the Fed to maintain restrictive monetary policy.
Growth Risks: Slowing global growth and domestic demand might argue for caution, particularly if the Fed believes previous hikes are still filtering through the economy.
Projection: (Ure adds underlining)
Rate Decision: A pause in rate hikes seems the most probable outcome, given signs of slowing inflation and the lagged effects of prior rate increases. However, the tone is likely to remain hawkish, emphasizing readiness for future hikes if inflation reaccelerates.
Market Reaction: The Fed’s decision to pause could lead to a slight decline in bond yields and provide a boost to equity markets, but a hawkish tone might temper investor enthusiasm.”
America’s Spending Hangover
There are two ways to look at the supporting inflation data – both are academically rewarding. Because in the the St. Louis Fed chart, we can see quite clearly the change in financial regimen (slope of the inflation rate changed) in 2020. But what gets credit for the change in slope?
Candidates include free-spending Bidenistas, the COVID money dump, the end of Trump (1), or a market decision to acknowledge an uptick in long-term inflation prospects due to the bottom earlier of interest rates? From there, compounding took off. Partisans, physicians, and principals raise your hands…
There’s actual data behind this chart, too:
Sadly, the FOMC tomorrow will not have in-hand the absolute current all Items (less food and energy). We the (wee) peeps won’t get that until February 12th.
What we can do is study Market data and look for additional inferences as to what’s going on.
Darts: The Tuesday Toss
As our Ebbinghaus-Ure Correlation showed, the correlation between the stock decline pattern and the memory retention pattern (Ebbinghaus) is 0.985, indicating a very strong positive relationship between the two. What was most surprising, however, was that the correlation was strongest for the NASDAQ – which is an unexpected result.
Remember that
o DJIA: r=0.982r = 0.982r=0.982
o S&P 500: r=0.983r = 0.983r=0.983
o NASDAQ: r=0.987r = 0.987r=0.987
o The NASDAQ Composite has the strongest correlation with the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, suggesting its behavior most closely mirroring memory decay patterns.
From all this, we can make an “educated guess” at what the market COULD look like for the balance of time to the Fed announcement tomorrow. Zoomed out, just left of center, we see the December 16th high in the NASDAQ. Five regular waves down from there until January 23rd. There is some (growing) probability that this was an intermediate Wave 2 peak. Which sets up intermediate Wave 3 down…so that’s what we COULD be in now. Though, I don’t offer financial advice, right? Higher close today possible to likely…
If it is, the opening rally today could be a minor 2 up (of the larger 3’s I down, kicked off by DeepSeek). In which case – a hard down Thursday and/or into Friday/the weekend with a bounce early next week (which would be the minor 4 after the big nasty intermediate 3 of 3 is finished. A wave 5 down, prior to February options (the 21st) could also be imagined.
Or, we could just look at this:
If you really squint, you should be able to see we’re just about half way down from the (like top of the 2 up rally) on our way to below our long-term short/long demarcation, the 85-day moving average. We’d expect to be there by, oh, Monday or so.
The minor rally from this morning should (depending on how “regular” anything is, anymore) be up, a mid-term decline, and then the last of the fools coming in long ahead of the Fed. Which, with the nudge from A.I. hints are no change and disappointment spreading like an oil slick Thursday-Friday. At which point, the “widows and orphans money” could step into the lifeboats that they should be wandering toward now.
You Know the Top Is In When…
Son G2 called me from work Tuesday. It was a conference call and a buddy of his was on the line with us. “Mr Ure, (senior), you should buy MicroStrategy right away. It’s going to the moon…” or words to that effect.
Um. No, thanks, pass. MSTR hit its (so far) high just before Thanksgiving. ($473). They are investing in Bitcoin and most of the “old hands” around here see a good chance that BTCs will be “called” (confiscated) by the government when things get really rough for the economy. It will be used to keep government solvent – again, echoes of 1929.
I’m not saying it couldn’t go on up, but the old and wizened observer remembers that shoe shine boys were anxious to pass around their stock tips at the peak of the 1929 Bubble. I got a stock tip!!!
This one ain’t much different, seems.
In case you don’t read this site (fount of all wisdom, usually) you may have missed a lot of Big Picture Puzzle Pieces over the years. Depressions are a regularly occurring economic fact of life. And except for who’s in which “musical chair” they all work out very much the same.
Trump’s Reaction is Clear
The headlines spell out what any (financially competent) exec would do: Staunch the flow of red ink. So…
White House pauses federal grant, loan other assistance programs.
And roll spending into creating military-related jobs: Trump signs executive order to build American Iron Dome.
Democrats, meantime, are struggling with personal honesty as The Democrats’ RFK Dilemma outs crooked-thinking on the Hill. As the Babylon Bee satires: Democrats Once Again Concerned About Who Will Pick Their Crops, we catch the headline Wall Street Journal opposes nomination of RFK Jr. to be HHS Secretary.
Say,, you don’t suppose a billionaire would put a ton of money into Big Pharma do you? But COULD such a long term wealth strategy explain BUSTED: Fake Signatures Expose Anti-RFK Jr. Petition, Brought To You By Bill Gates?
In the long-term, Trump is also base-building to transition America into something like a “sales tax” to9 replace the income tax. Because the way to avoid tariffs is to buy local products.. Art Of The Deal: Trading The Income Tax For Tariffs.
At the Ranch: Writing Trance Time
Tuesday is take out the trash day…so off for a walk in the woods to cool the brain down.
And then back into a “writing trance” ahead of Peoplenomics tomorrow…
Back with the Case Shiller numbers at 8:10 AM Central…so click back…
Write when you get rich,
Micro Strategy..SchmicroRatagy!
Dude G – should you decide to wade into the shark infested waters that be the Crypo related plays on the NASDAQ – do Ure self a favor and research Semler Scientific and how they are managing their Treasury holdings conundrum. I do believe they are doing it better..but that is just my opinion – and like an Ass HOLE – everyones’ got one.
Best Advice I have for Crypto..if you are going to Jump in – please use Caution and always keep in mind SAFETY 1st..That means SELF CUSTODY – NEVER share or Give Ure personal Keys to anyone . Cold Storage = A Hard a Trezor, which can be purchased at I got no skin in Trezor game, just best of class, imho.
This is the hardest point to get across for all the arrogant “electronic techs/radiomen” out there. SO looking forward to hearing horror stories regards dumbass mofo’s eating direct connect 120 V or larger to Ure nut sacks. Who needs Cialis when you can just grab a hot lead with Ure bare f-ing hands ?
Ure RM guys really do set the bar high around here..
The Flying Lizards – “Money”
The best things in life are free…
But you can give them to the birds and bees…
I want money! That’s what I want!
(“if China’s already got government cloaked models working out long-range policy guidance to assure CCP world dominance.”)
hmm.. was that a bump at our best politicians that money can buy?
the lobbying industry!
they have billions spent on just about anything from special interest groups , countries, cartels just about anyone that wants something can hire a team of lawyers to write a few thousand pages of double talk and bury it in at a price.
the noodle on the table.. accountability to the citizens.. I wonder how many truly appreciate the situation that Trump is facing.. I always gave the cooked noodle on a table. you have water on the table the noodle will float on it and you can easily push that noodle across the table …to much water flowing on the table The noodle absorbs it and will swell and eventually fall apart.. take to much water And it rips apart..
the forces in control obviously took a great deal of time contemplating that noodle..or you could use a canoe in a stream..
my ex wife… 40 years ago we bought a microwave oven.. the cost was almost a thousand dollars… she’s still using that microwave oven.. the last tv repair shop closed in I believe 95 or 96 ..A pallet of cans.. for 12 bucks And the sales rep told me don’t be concerned we still made money…
the cost of living has slowly outpaced wages. getting reliable medical care is a gamble all depending on how much water you have available. employers now only value the very few at the top the laborer isn’t any longer a valued member of a work family..he’s disposable for the next Cheaper ..our politicians don’t read the crap..they don’t write the crap.. they don’t debate and negotiate..shoot if they showed up every work day tues wednesday and thursday every week they still would o ly worl less than six months..the lawyers drafting the bills write the many thousand page multi referaled bills to confuse and overwhelm the legislators. they don’t have time even if they worked and showed up for work to do the job. so deregulation of essentials and out sourcing killed the dollar.we out source so the companies can reap more profits. the once lifetime purchase now a throw away..we no longer repair we replace techology.. in the late eighties a cellphone and thirty minutes of talk time was 250.00 A month in the early to middle nineties it was a hundred for thirty forty dollars a month per phone ten year old cell phones sell at Wal-Mart for ..I think I paid 29 dollars for mine.. all designed so that we throw it away.. fast money give the illusion of wealth like bitcoin..the new popular fart in a rock originally design designed to hide dark web money paths..
Trump has a huge job..the damage done during the last administration’s activities huge..he still has to Give the illusion of prosperity to the investors.. give the illusion of value to the working class..
bring back the lifetime purchase rebuild American industrial superiority and..keep the noodle moving without crumbling or pulling apart.
how do you do that..inflation and dilution of the dollars spending capabilities.. this year I have seen more people cutting back then ever. groceries are three times more than four years ago..
yesterday I sent off the Xmas packages.. took the wife to the clinic for a blood test (50.00) and picked up 7 items at Sams club. 89.00 and change.. on the way home we stopped at a favorite place to get lunch.. forever the place has always been packed at meal times busy place.we sent was us.. two people during the busiest time of the day.. when we left as meal time was ending there was a total of five customers .. 10 employees….I would have liked to run in at supper time.. the lunch crowd has historically been the senior citizens and a few workers that come in for lunch .. just guessing but my thought is.. I’m not the only one that did Dracula style budget cuts. my inbox of junk mail and offers of products that I have glanced at at drastically reduced cuts in price.
how do you fix this.. my friend that’s concerned about the tariffs and prices. he’s probably right.. retailers will put the increase on the retail costs rather than the wholesale to increase profits..if the consumer realized that the wholesale gap and retail gap is as huge as it is.
I truly don’t have a clue how he can fix this..
heres hoping the turkey diner selling weekday meals for dozens of years sustains.
It will……..IF…….. they can keep the noodle moving ……
the dollar , pound, euro, and all fiat currencies is made up….
lol lol lol its a F@#king number lol lol just like BitCoin..we see value in it only because that’s what they say has value.. your goods and services are not as valuable as that number.. lookie see I will pop up this image and it is my purse see when I open it all those numbers…lol lol
its when the numbers don’t add up as much as the required numbers to give away..
similar to insurance of any kind.. need to go into the hospital..spend this much numbers and we will pay this amount of numbers.. isn’t that nice.. only to discover that they have clauses or they just say no you can’t have those numbers.. like any cataclysmic event..
during the Weimar the numbers didn’t add up it took millions of numbers to buy a loaf of bread.
that’s where we are.. during the depression we had soup lines..we still have them..the difference is now they hand out cards with electronic numbers on them. business’s that only recognise the top ten percent of the staff send their employees out to get that card or services to equalize their incomes letting the burger palace next door pay that difference..
let johnny huckleberry pay the difference.. but if the card didn’t exist the lines would be several times longer and it 76 or 78 percent of the population that’s getting goods and services just to keep the noodle moving…
stop that noodle and the numbers cease to exist..
that’s what makes trumps job so hard..he has to reduce the numbers that are accumulating faster than I can count to keep it valued , keep the people safe from harm from all the millions of potential enemy elite soldiers…keep the countries that the money seekers shipped jobs and our financial support to happy to continue supplying our life saving goods, inspire them to reinvest in our local economies and keep the noodle moving. once the velocity of cash slows or stops..its over everyone loses..
some say gold yum yum.. but look back again at was only a social class separator..a pretty metal.. used for decoration ..
Its unique value was due to its rarity.. gemstone because of the. belief in thier ability to manifest certain feelings or knowledge known as chakra.. which is actually older and was held more valuable since antiquity.
I believe that the reason for that is because data can be stored on crystal storage blocks..civilization has grown and fallen so many times.. that a memory of their importance through camp fire stories is what gave them power or value..I personally love rose quartz..and I carry one..
Past presidents seen this and would give out stimulus numbers..just to keep the noodle moving..
when I read a story Where trump and musk were considering digital coins.. that would be something ..they can pop in any dumb number they wanted.. but they would have to toss aside the oligarchy fart parpers…leaving every fiat currency globally worthless..
its like the money game of the seventies and early eighties.. a ponzi scheme..
those shoving numbers in a jar or box singing more more more..
just stops it.. we need the social class separation..that gives those at the bottom a goal level.. keeping it locked in a jar or box vault just decreases its velocity
REVOLUTION would be Ure answer..
No it wouldn’t.. brother fighting brother for a juicy oligarch fart lol
its always about the business model.. always
Experimentally bought a few K worth of crypto back in 2020. Researched the projects, found some were actual companies that also had stock on NYSE. They were experimenting new ways to generate capital. I purchased Cosmo (ATOM) and fractional Bitcoin, on Coinbase. I was also paranoid about keeping bitcoin in Coinbase. Seems Democrats at the time wanted to tax bitcoin each year like it was new income. Keeping it in a hard “Ledger” wallet seemed like the ticket. I bought a Ledger wallet USB and after watching many videos on how to move it, I moved it. It disappeared, I waited and waited, left laptop on all night and all next day with my Ledger eagerly awaiting and nothing. Three months later, I noticed a flag on my Ledger Wallet on laptop. My bitcoin finally appeared in my laptop Ledger Wallet. With great in trepidation and A puckering, am wanting to transfer it back to Coinbase since they finally got the Tax issues sorted out. Old win 10 laptop also at issue with win 11 taking over and 2 weeks to make transfer again. Note Bitcoin now 3x what it was when I bought.
Why is the daily report background after the chatgpt insert? It makes daily report difficult to read.
No changes seen on any of our browers – send a screen shot after you do a clean boot….
(“Trump is also base-building to transition America into something like a “sales tax” to9 replace the income tax. Because the way to avoid tariffs is to buy local products.. Art Of The Deal: Trading The Income Tax For Tariffs.”)
you know thinking about that that’s not a really bad idea…
Bar stool economics.. right now everyone pays that’s why the one employer human resources rep in a fortune five hundred company said in his sales pitch for a low level wage earner position.. you will qualify for food stamps.. let the community make up the difference in pay. I have said tax I coming goods and services and give tax breaks to co.pansies that hire citizens and manufacture locally.
crops.. the concern there is wages..they can hire migrant workers for nothing benefits lower than minimum wages and no age limits.we normally pay seven to ten grand a year in income taxes just about as much in social security wage taxes..reducing the income tax we would not have had to make those draconian budget cuts.. I forget what last year .. this year I believe our income tax will be closer to five grand since the wife retired and our Medicare costs for the two another five grand roughly the lower in cost supplements what another 2400.00 maybe more because i got a policy for dental civerage of the teeth cleanings and we still have the deductibles and the higher priced pharmaceutical costs..which is why the elderly head to the borders..
how do you fix it..
Chat GBT doesn’t seem to understand the difference between legal immigrating workers, and criminals. The yearly workers will still be coming in for the jobs they always do. The illegals that the US has been tossing money to, are the only thing to be gone. Once again, who programs the AI, gets the response they want.
In the model you are assembling today, do not forget to include the business model of the “weird sex” business embeds in all industry.
These are mostly young middle age 40-somethings with lots of education in skills like “gender studies.”
They produce nothing useful but strife, and spend heavily at Target and TJ Max. They make in the range of $200K/yr.
These ladies have no marketable skills if the requirement to employ them goes away.
They will lose a job and not get another on the level they have now unless they have a backup skill in management or bookkeeping of something. They will not be spending or paying tax going forward.
This will be a big disinflationary input.
Something to consider.
(“do not forget to include the business model of the “weird sex”)
I thought Hunter didn’t have to pay taxes!
I think JFK jr.would be perfect for the job. right now its the business model..
that’s why they don’t want him in.. the for profit even the non profit hospital systems pay huge incentives to get and entice professional recruitment.
Insurance companies that show value and high profits from their ability to refuse services..the elderly that worked and paid their whole lives having to travel to the border so they can buy their necessary pharmaceuticals that are not above their ability to pay. long term care facilities that constantly work short shifts so that management can still receive their bonuses and big raises (” federal hospitals and clinics are the only fully sraffed..their problem doesn’t have anything to do with their professional abikities..the issue I see there is they run it like a government office with golden goose liberties.. my doctor seriously only has to work what one two days a week if he organized his vacation schedule according to the mandated holiday schedule.. move over congress we can be as productive as you are”).. some long term care and assisted living are forced to sell every few years because by accepting those that are on lower income levels and abiding by mandated federal guidelines cannot afford to operate..
this is an astronomically huge issue much less everything do you fix it ..
remdesiver at 8,00p a dose for you…,?????dead much..?
Soylent Green
Caroline Kennedy slams rfk jr , call him a predator
JFKjr is dead. I think you mean RFKjr.
Oops yup …my bad lol
Jim Cramer [you know who that is.., right?] “If you want to own Bitcoin., then buy Bitcoin – not a holding company.”
jim kramer of the vaxx forcing profits and the pump and dump 65% losers????
Whatever Cramer says… fade him. You will always do better with the opposite of what he says.
I agree – 99% of the time.., however, in this one statement I agree with him.
Only Portfolio to beat the Inverse Kramer Portfolio was the Peloser portfolio in 2024..
Gee, must be quite the challenge to beat the Market when You Fucking CHEAT 100% of the Time.
That stupid PIG of a Female (SOW) epitomizes ALL that is wrong with Politics..ALL. SaaS(StupidarrogantassSow)..a Female version of Obiden the Dirty.
* read SOUL less.
– 9 big bank analysts have MicroStrategy listed as: “Strong Buy”.
MicroStrategy implemented its Bitcoin strategy in the third quarter of 2020, becoming the first established listed company to add digital currency to its balance sheet. It’s current EPS is a negative $2.11
[ Quarterly Report – due out in February.]
MicroStrategy is not what they were. They are betting billions to become a BitCoin power-house. They are about to issue a guaranteed 8% ROI on a new stock roll-out.
This will make MicroStrategy the first corporation to issue a stock [ a piece of paper ] based solely on an intangible asset., that has no real, intrinsic value.
[ That sounds an awful lot like the “Tulip Frenzy”., doesn’t it? ]
Financial genius ? Possibly. Financial Ponzi ? Probably.
Hold the elevator! Microstrategy is proposing to increase share issuance by thirtyfold? What are they going to build with $3+ trillion?
It looks like last August’s ten for one stock split is helping some of the board members get a few bills paid. Public SEC Form 4’s for ceo Phong Le allege his shares sold during 2024 brought in $37 million.
Now I’m seeing an early May three day splashy educational retreat offered in Orlando headlined by the company. A homepage image portrays a Biden Administration era State Department employee holding court at centre stage. That being said, the government rate for attendees would appear to reflect a 50% discount from the best current winter rate and two-thirds off the last minute walk up rate (if tickets are still available).
so ask Deepseek the same question…
Nvidia lost close to $600 Billion [ that’s with a “B” ] in market value in it’s route from the DeepSeek revelation.., and option/puts traders raked in close to $60 billion. [ I was tempted.., I really was…,]
Those numbers are incredible. The market is throwing around tens of billions like it’s “chump-change”.
One news story moved over a trillion dollars in market value – in one afternoon. [Yahoo Finance ]
Imagine if you would what those numbers would read if [ or when?] an international disaster happens. And just how fast it ‘would’ happen. You [ an individual investor.] would not be able to get in., or out of a trade – probably for a couple of days.., even with all the computer power available.
Probably just me., but I find these number rather disconcerting and a possible portent to a disaster sitting in the wings., waiting to strike.
To me., this shows just how over-blown and over-valued the market has become. And that never., ever., ends well.
Yep. ‘Paper Profits’ become vapor when you are locked out of the market. I don’t trade paper anymore. I stack physical. I’ve been a ‘margin call loser’ once in my life. Never again.
What !!??!! You mean all my financial investment training has now been invalidated:
Say it ain’t so; this has just gotta be some kind of a dip. Wait, maybe it’s a Sheeple dip for equity brokees:
And maybe token buyers are next. Can’t wait to see some news footage of BCN lining up for his dip.
Missed the news feed did You?
No worries – BCN was frontrunning the deepseek drop – could not buy Call options fast enough on NVDA (high Premiums persist) and couple others.
Started TAKING PROPHETS yesterday towards close.
– I will be slamming Sell To Close orders all morning long. Sounds of ray guns/lasers playing in my head as hit the Execute Button..pewpewpewpepwpewpew..kinda like Space Invaders games..pewpewpewpew.
What does a crazed gambler like myself do with trading prophets (when I can get em) Buy moar fat dividend Oil Company a paying 12% (domestic) – this is what I call “smoking” TEYields”. If unfamilar with concept of Tax Equivalency in Investments – should prolly get moar Learning prior to jumping in..or not.
*lil burd was back with moar chirps regards presidential commission on crypto..Word has it that OG work is on SHITCOINS/MEME COINS for nation reserve = bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Shitcoinsz – oh man is comedy already reaching new heights..Comedic Genius this guy tyRanus Ignoramus!
Who let the Dogs ? –
WASHINGTON ? Humanity is at its closest yet to destroying itself, according to Tuesday’s reset of the ominous “Doomsday Clock.” The symbolic clock now reads 89 seconds to midnight after advancing one second since last year’s reset.
It is now the closest to midnight since the introduction of the clock in 1947. It is updated by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which organizes the assessment of how close we are to a self-inflicted end of humanity.
Humanity is at its closest yet to destroying itself, according to Tuesday’s reset of the ominous “Doomsday Clock.”
…and the rationale of the BAS? Or have they become completely propaganda-driven and worthless, too?
Sorry, with Soros out of the White House and our escape from the dead zone between Election and Inauguration, I’m seeing no justification. Maybe BAS won’t adjust the time until the Leftist-communists and neocons have been purged from our State Department?
“root out illegal immigrant”
In simple terms there’s about 1,454 days until the next inauguration.
The Googler tells me:
“There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Many have been in the country for many years.”
– 4 days ago
So…. If all the illegals stop coming in today. 47 divided by Pi carry the two multiply by 4…. that’s about 7,565 illegals that must be deported per day.
Or does .gov play the semantics game. That one has an H1, the other has this or that, this one squeezed out an anchor.
Like mentioned in the past, once Jim beam has been dumped into the champagne there’s no turning back.
President Zelensky has returned from his daytrip yesterday to Poland greeting the presidents of France and Poland. An indoor tête-a-tête was held on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Russian troops.
Today a Ghandi-bespectacled President Z. posted an introspective selfie from the office seated beside his telephone. Readers were advised a call was undertaken with the PM of Israel which apparently included a shout-out to an American President. (I don’t know if the number has changed since the new Admin moved in?)
Meanwhile the official White House schedule reflects President Trump being in the midst of a full duty day in the Oval Office.
The fake news noise (above120 dBA) is designed to cause hearing loss and physical pain to scare you to death so you wet your pants and vote Democratic.
“Trump US Dome”
The recent drones/orbs was probably a test. of the future system that Trump will have us build & deploy.
Third time is a charm… I hope. One more chance for George to buy a lightning-struck Icom IC-910H for repairs. Last kid bid it up to $204.50 before not paying. Put in your stink bids now.
For those who missed it…
Border crossings seem to be down a little
The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER
I have just asked Elon Musk and @SpaceX to “go get” the 2 brave astronauts who have been virtually abandoned in space by the Biden Administration.
Today, it was my great honor to sign an Executive Order banning the chemical castration and medical mutilation of innocent children in the United States of America.
Dear U.S. Senators,
Bobby may play nice; I won’t.
I f*ing love this gal. If only I were 20 years younger and wealthy…
I really want to see her in the Trump Administration, but the more I think about it, the more I believe California may need her more.
Various United Way chapters are the recipient of $1,065,071,236 worth of government grants, with an additional 78MM in indirect taxpayer money.
That’s a lot of people getting paid to be a middleman.
This is a graph of donations between United Way chapters.
Yes. You read that right. These are entirely United Way chapters donating to each other, and. I had to cap it.
…And this is why I NEVER give to The United Way.