Broken Country Fix-It Plans

Why. our headline today almost sounds like one of our ShopTalk Sunday reports, doesn’t it?  Except the task at hand is much larger:  How do we still “save America” and continue the rational assent of the Western World?

The task is mighty daunting:  We’re going into a risky war-kindling weekend in the Winds of War section.  Then, our charts look like crap – Markets are on the verge of bust.  But even before such nitty-gritty, we have to cope with ADP Employment numbers just out.

Which will be followed tomorrow with the Challenger Job Cuts report and Friday’s forced optimism in the Employment Situation report.  Remember, what matters on this one is the 2019 levels of employment.

Because we do not expect the total number of people working to exceed the high-water marks set in late 2019 and February of 2020 – ahead of lock-down disease.

As usual, we hope it will be a mind-expanding romp.  As we broach how to pop the enabler of economic collapse spawned by runaway government: The D.C. Bubble.

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84 thoughts on “Broken Country Fix-It Plans”

  1. The D.C. Bubble … created by the duality of government that was intended to be a Republic … for which the Flag stands.

    Psychological warfare of 2 parties, only causes fights, at any party I’ve ever attended.

    When everything is challenged with a contradiction, the truth becomes obscure and often lost in the rhetoric. True Wisdom is lost and leadership runs amuck.

  2. Yo Jorge, with all the doom and gloom in our lives, might I suggest we take a few minutes and listen to Jose Iturbi and 18 piano prodigies from the movie Anchors Aweigh. Hungarian Rhapsody #2. Enjoy my friends:
    Nice representation of human abilities and spirit…..

    • “Yo Jorge, with all the doom and gloom in our lives”

      Exactly… can you imagine what this world would be like..IF…. we spent as much or devoted as much time and energy that we do for destruction and mayhem on the things needed to solve the severe issues that need to be addressed that mankind has been ignoring so that a few morons can have more of what they don’t need..

  3. This is a preview of what is coming this winter:

    Over-reliance on natural gas and shutdown of nuclear and coal-fired power options has put the Europeans over that proverbial barrel. This will take out most of the small businesses with shop fronts, leaving only mail-order with cold warehouses. There aren’t enough trees to burn to make up the difference in woodstoves.
    In this country, vast tracts of virgin forests we’re leveled to provide fuel for the early industrial revolution. With current population levels, the technology of the 1800’s can’t support basic energy needs. The level of severity of this situation is high.

    • US & Canada sending millions ton wood pellets to EUrope to help replace coal usage. 2018 Europe consumed 27 million tons for residential heating, cooking and power generation. Canada 2018 sent 7 million ton. Amounts increasing.

      • Coal is more energy dense! No reason not to burn it in an emergency. Wood is desirable only if it’s plentiful and local. Whatever fuel is used, burn as efficiently as possible.

      • So the Green European solution to Euro Green energy policy is to burn North American forests? I would tend to dispute the Green science of replacing hard anthracite coal with wood pellets as an environmental measure. While forests are renewable, every time we become dependent on biomass for residential fuel in urban centers, the forests start disappearing faster than they are regrown. It was the shift to fossil fuel and nuclear that saved American timber from extinction. I suppose we can replace the forests with Green engineered composite wind power farms and only do business after dark when the winds blow. Is this a great Green country or what?

      • “Coal is more energy dense! ”

        Exactly @NM Mike… the big issue is the new electronic features of the new furnaces.. the heat generated by coal alone will be enough to cause the cirucuit boards to now function properly.. but by taking… the throw away coal dust.. and wood pulp either junk mail.. or again throw away saw dust.. this can be converted to a very goo fuel pellet.. three parts of saw dust or wood pulp.. ( ground up newpaper or junk a powder) then mixed and pellatized.. you get a very efficient fuel .. NOW… the toxic chemicals from coal.. Sulfur Dioxide is probably the most toxic.. acid rain.. lung issues etc.. which is what has the hole world saying down with coal for use.. BUT.. with a little minor conversions.. an exhaust reburner.. will take care of the majority of the toxic fumes .. you can do the same thing with wood stoves to.. rocket stove.. or an exhaust scrubber.. ( more expensive but just as good) IN the old FEMA handbook for rebooting society they have wood gas generator.. I made one.. on theirs they used a wet scrubber.. ( basically a bubbler.. } on mine I used a dry scrubber.. then reused the dry packing to remake more gas.. hmm.. not such a bad idea is it..
        coal is a great product.. and the idea of taking all that junk mail and turning it into fuel is an awesome idea.. my father use to get old phone books.. LOL as good as a log.. but denser.. he had to toss a lot on top of it or on the bottom of it.. LOL..

      • another thing is.. every year there is almost ninety million tons of waste junk paper thrown away.. almost eighty percent of a persons trash is plastic paper or foam.. all of this can cheaply and easily be converted to fuel pellets…. the plastic foam etc. ( oil products) can be reconverted back to oil.. then reprocessed into the various products we use.. IN third world countries they sell small systems that people can buy for their counter tops.. a slow cooker with a pressure cooker and bubbler.. basically.. they are not allowed in the USA.. similar you cannot buy the instant cold can’s of beer in the USA.. (I tried to get a twelve pack to ship to my brother in IRAQ for his birthday one year.. but couldn’t buy them because I was an american..) the only plastic conversion unit I know of in the USA is at the university of washington state..
        there isn’t any fuel shortage.. there isn’t any gas shortage.. It just doesn’t fit the business model that we have today.. today the business model is make more for the richest.. three hundred people.. the poor suffer with poor water, poverty and food shortages.. the good lord gives us all what we need..

    • “In this country, vast tracts of virgin forests we’re leveled to provide fuel for the early industrial revolution.”

      And now, we’re leveling the 2nd and 3rd growth forests to supply “biomass” for our scam bio-energy converters (maybe the only thing Fat Bastard has gotten right since he crawled out of the Flint, Michigan sewer…)

      • My father heated with wood..
        What his view on it was that Greed takes over .. where there should be a managed wood lot growth..
        it was his pet peeve.. that men that clear cut forests and don’t manage their wood lots make a lot of money at one time but find it isn’t sustainable.. which is why at one point redwood was one of the cheapest.. but because of poor woodlot management it is now one of the most expensive..

    • The power just came back on here in the Inland Empire of SoCal after a 2 hour “pause”. At least it came back on 2 hours sooner than their projections. But this is the 2nd big outage in two weeks.
      Realistically, since they can’t keep power availability in the five 9’s range, wtf are they thinking about outlawing the internal combustion engine? We have idiots in charge at all levels of government.

      • Sure – we also caught a “don’t use energy from the grid note” the other day in Calif.
        Who the F*ck are these people pushing more load onto a grid that is already in the twilight of failure zone?
        Crazy! Hybrids DO make sense – you can put the cheapest energy into them.
        But this Disktatorial greenies shit is nuts. Said the tree farmer with 30 (and soon 40) panels.

      • @George

        “pushing more load onto a grid that is already in the twilight of failure zone”

        Which is my point in saying EVs are not ready for primetime.

  4. “How do we still “save America” and continue the rational assent of the Western World?”

    Hmm.. well the last print a thon that the prez did.. to give away to some other place… was going to cost the US wage earners, their children and grandchildren five million an hour for three years… ( like elaborate how a mcdonalds employee making fifteen dollars an hour is even remotely going to pay the five million in thirty years.. not five million an hour for three years.. ) this same money could have been used to .. (FIX NYC’s Aquifer line that provides water to the whole city of New York.. ) Or fix the decades old gas lines that are on the virge of failing.. instead we do what we always do give it away so some schmuck can keep his ilegal and corrupt enterprises operating that doesn’t need the money.. or to give them control over some resource and their people…. I believe that this administration has flipped the cycle over..
    Now I am a mormon.. and had had a discussion with a friend where we were discussing how corrupt everything has been flipped and everyone seems to think it is good..
    He said it is prophesized in the bible and book of mormon.. that the day will come where good will be called evil and the bad will be called good.. ( that is also prophesized in many other area’s to.. )
    we see a pedophile that had thousands of examples and corruption that is so hard to ignore on so many levels of dipravity that it is shocking.. . Yet if you watch MSM he is the next christ and you will hear all the good things he has.. lives in a twenty five million dollar mansion gets special protection and they probably even provide him with his depraved desires..
    I do not believe that we can do a thing about any of it…at this point and the level of damage this administration has done already and with full support of everyone in Congress.. and the world is swirling down the vortex of doom.. everyone feels it.. you can see it..
    I believe we are beyond the point of no return..

    • Agreed, there is no ‘saving’ there is only “Forward” Obama election slogan 2012.

      “the level of damage this administration has done”

      It’s all psychology.

      The problem as I see measuring administrations is the lacking metrics.

      Some folk might say the absolute #1 worst president is George W. Bush. George W. Bush never caught the Evil Do’ers that knocked down a major New York City building complex. Because of that one act America lost flex/street cred. Even the Russians are back to pushing Americans away from their borders because of that one act.

      Some folk might say the absolute #1 best president is George W. Bush. George W. Bush rescinded economic law and bailed out the auto industry also saving the supply chain. Because of that one act many Americans kept their jobs and they never missed a meal due to supply chain failure.

      Some folks think Bush was in on knocking down the complex…. We all lost purchasing power of existing $s due to the auto industry bailout and drive Toyota anyway.

      Too much illusion.

      • “Some folk might say the absolute #1 worst president is”

        All of them…. the only one that did anything for the common man was DJT… and look what that got him….

  5. “NEXT week (remember Monday is a holiday) ”

    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.. they had better be pretty snappy on that one.. LOL LOL LOL LOL they are only at work two days in september.. you know how it is.. busiest people ever LOL LOL

  6. Yo Mr Editor,

    #5 be pure genius!

    Golden advice – perfect solution, #5 instituted recently (1.5 -2yrs ago) in Garifuna coastal village – Bayleaze. The transformation has been remarkable – cleaned up, brightened up, trash cans -that are actually used, Women owned businesses, oh my!
    Lazy, day drinking, do nothing Males have and are having their asses handed to them, and they are slowly sobering up to the reality of their pitiful existances.. The Woman earn & gotz the money now – they got none, and the their kids clearly getting smarter.
    By the natural Source – the twilight of the classic toxic male archetype.

    thanks for Solutions, and not just bitches, keeps things positive, something I be continually educated on. thx again.

  7. . “When money comes in at the top, each time it goes down a level, a little comes off, and a little more comes off……..” I concluded from this that when it got to the kids I was trying to help, there was nothing left!”

    several years ago now.. I was touched by what was going on.. I live in an area that does international shipping of grain all the time.. my thought was to send a few ton’s of the poor mans potato.. ( Pearl Millet) to some remote village.. having worked with a woman from one of those villages.. ( she said they are staged.. and information cannot be transferred out of your social class.. which I believe is the same ting here.. only the chosen ones can glean an education and make it.. the rest are burdened down with debts to keep them at their level in society)
    anyway I went to get this to them.. only to have them tell me to save my money.. the people in charge take those resources and if they can re sells it back.. and the people do not get it.. that need it the most.. ( sounds like the USA doesn’t it.. the ones that need it the most are not going to see any of it) I thought .. the tools.. give a man a fishing pole and teach him how to fish.. he will fish..

    of all of them.. this one is about the most honest and actually does some good..
    those needing it the most don’t get it.. and if they are not taught how to use the filters ..they become chairs..

    • I think that is why I push the grandpa garage spearmints.. to show the kids.. that you can get clean water.. you can make bricks from dirt.. or you can garden in small places.. I try to keep it simple.. not to complex but get them to question .. what if.. I am no college professor or have any type of teaching degree.. I am an OLD NOBODY in the middle of the wastelands of the USA… I read a page here or there.. and question.. my parents passion was gardening.. and is one of mine to.. I do have the best water filter in our state.. ( I designed it myself )
      I love this thing..
      I use to want to be in the jobcorps.. just so I could show others what little bit I know.. or help others fix what was broken through showing them.. it never happened and now at my age will never happen.. I can only teach those few around me..

  8. None of these solutions can be voted into action – not with the swamp in the Northeast controlling both narrative and subject matter.

    Rats don’t leave the ship until the water has flooded where they are – so expecting the leeches and politicians to exit due to something outside their bubble is foolish.

    These issues are endemic to human nature, which outside of God, is ALWAYS selfish. People put themselves first, as long as they believe this is the only life one gets to live. One must live for something better in order to overcome inherent selfishness of our natures.

    We lost a lot following science as God – the wreckage is strewn all around us at this point. Faith healing would have caused far less harm than “the science” we were told to inject ourselves with these last few years. The root problem for all of this can literally be reduced to selfishness at all levels by all types of people.

    Energy situation is nothing new – I have long lived as a crier out in the wilderness – watching as “science will save us” does nothing to alter the physics of oil on our planet. But nothing can happen if those with power/money/control remain selfish. Thus we are looking at the next generation being a slide downward in energy consumption, and the following one down to a 1910-ish level or thereabouts – where we were before oil and the ICE came into common use. Our chance to fix this went out when Reagan, ever looking backwards, took the solar panels down on the WhiteHouse…

    These things are why I have tried to ready my children and theirs with solutions from our own history – because government has reached saturation in it’s criminality and thus will become irrelevant due to one or two black swan events; because there is no ‘rolling back’ of the oil dilemma via electric batteries or “green” hydrogen; because there cannot be faith in government when they purvey outright lies and misinformation. I believe the country is destined to be split into smaller units, as accountability will become necessary as the fiscal noose tightens – and the current federal government has zero accountability and cannot survive even rudimentary fiscal examination. I think that this (fiscal accountability) is the wedge that will split things into smaller and more manageable units.

    I believe the best thing one can do now is help the younger generations with resources and knowledge. So much disinfo, misinfo and lies are in circulation that just providing an anchor for those with less life experience is often a big help.

    I got a lot of experience – it’s much better to give it away than to let it die with me…

    • There are some really cool points you make – our total agreement on the accountability disaster, for sure.

      But the part that MAY be actionable in the courts (lol) is that government is asset stripping itself. The ass clown gov of PA today talking about giving money away when his state is $70 billion in l/t debt. Gruesome Newsom is playing the same angle.
      Thing is, that give away money never seems to be voted on by we the people – i’ts just the “developer-minded bureaucrats and political hacks, robbing from one pocket to pay off the other. A good law firm could find something illegal about it, pretty sure.
      Notwithstanding all this – you and your son doing your fam farm – and G2 coming back this fall to build him minimalist digs here – is exactly what it’s all about. We no have solved the world’s problems while here on this go-round ourselves, but we’re leaving from mentally ready, ass-kicking world-changers behind.

      • AMEN ….
        G you and Oilman2 make some pretty straight forward profound statements…

        • Not only is he smart as an oil patch guy about energy and life, but his plum wine with some accelerator is dandy, too. Rare qualities – very solid dude and that’s going some ways…

      • “Oh the future ahead is broken and red
        But I’m trying to leave something behind.”
        Sean Rowe – ‘Trying to Leave Something Behind’
        [ 2016 ]

      • Its funny how money is refered to as energy. Fiat is as valuable as the paper its printed on if its not flowing and being exchanged for goods and services. The process of giving away fiat in ever insanely increasing amounts thinking that this somehow creates this value for the economy wholistically is now beyond saturation. When all of the aforementioned grift and selfies are at peak production, the real economy, and the incentive to innovate suffers from entropy in direct proportion.

        The problem expressed in $1 bills is 100 times larger than depicted.. and growing in log normal fashion.

      • “but his plum wine with some accelerator is dandy, too. Rare qualities”

        when the mead of RA is done.. I am making some plumb wine.. a friend in sussex England sent me a few pounds of SLOE’s.. for my home made sloe ginn… LOL LOL sloe’s are nothing more than tiny plumbs.. I am anxious to try it.. love the home made sloe gin…

      • “Its funny how money is refered to as energy.”

        It is @steevo… but it is like burning a phone book.. burns real slow.. you want it to burn faster you have to fluff it up….

      • speaking about money being energy.. LOL LOL LOL
        the neighbor has a dead tree.. it should be cut down.. I sit out and listen to clair delune and look at the dead tree.. them trimming around it etc.. it is a trippy looking tree to.. what I have been thinking.. is a future grandpa child project…

        all I need is a cherry picker to get to the top.. then glue the bills on the branches LOL LOL.. get some with biden on the front.. biden bills.. the money tree LOL LOL LOL LOL the landlord doesn’t come around for a couple months at a time.. it would take a day to glue the bills on.. then watch the fun…..

    • OM2,

      Excellent articulation of some very salient points. You’ve got it figured out. My thinking about how the future will look is very similar to yours.

  9. Hyperinflation is an evil government’s way of paying of old debts with “new” inflated, and worth less money.

    AND the sumbitches who would have to vote on legal and prudent solutions to anything are the very self-same sumbitches who BENEFIT from a thoroughly corrupt system.

    Only a French style revolution can eliminate the elites who so benefit. Rinse & repeat periodically. That’s the only fix I see for things as they are now headed. Sadly.

    The “Tree Of Liberty….” Etcetera

    7.299 LSB by day: 3.999 LSB by night.
    When the balloon goes up. No NCS.
    No “tuning around” camp smack on-channel accurately, and wait out any QSO or QRM. Call on the fifteens and the forty-fives.

      • Lower Side Band is the general standard for both bands for a long time. There is some occasional activity on 7.295 AM, but it isn’t a lot. Since AM has both upper and lower sidebands, there is an interference potential; but it isn’t a huge big deal, and it’s the main reason for not “tuning around” and possibly missing each other. Just wait it out.

        3.999 has some guys on there from time to time, but, again, they have conversations for while, and then vacate.


        • Is this the part where I explain that the tradition of LSB on 160, 80, and 40 meters, but USB on 20 meters and up came from the earliest days of SSB? When a single very stable VFO could be used on 5-5.5 MHz with a 9 MHz filter system to give 3.8 mhz on lsb and its mirror when heterodyned higher up in the 14 mhz 20 meter band?
          Wm are we the only ones who read Lew McCoy’s work? OK, Hank, too, then…

      • “Lower Side Band is the general standard for both bands for a long time.”

        My bad…

        I thought you originally said:

        3.999 LSB by night
        7.299 USB by day

        What you actually said is:

        “If you’re a ham (or listen-capable), please remember this:
        3.999 LSB by night — especially past midnight.
        7.299 LSB by day — The AM guys on 7.295 won’t like this, but few have 12-volt radios, and even fewer have emergency power. They won’t be a factor.”

  10. Very interesting post today. Thank you to the “Well Seasoned Warrior” Scientist/Technologist. Rarely do you see a presentation so on point illustrating the problems while at the same time leads the reader in the right direction to find the solutions. Well done Sir.

    Stay safe. 73

  11. “CCP Meeting is to start Oct 16. 2022”
    Did Xi force the CCP meeting up to ensure his position and third term., proving he is ‘Leader Supreme’?
    Did Xi ‘s silent opponents move the date forward to try and cut off Xi ?
    How does this change the invasion status of Taiwan ?
    Was this done to change the reunification time-line?
    What happens to Xi if he loses his bid for a third term ?
    If he does get pushed aside.., who is next in line? Better? Worse?
    How many generals and politicians die before the meeting?
    Will this change / alter their warming relationship with Russia?
    “Inquiring minds want to know.”
    I believe we will know most, if not all of this ‘before’ the Oct 16th meeting.

  12. Neo_Feudalism plain and simple. Middle class being destroyed, small businesses taken out. Biggs keep getting bigger. There was a slow motion secret coup-de-tat in our government. State and corporate powers have merged and you know what that means. Hint: starts with the leter F. Mandates, orders and edicts are the new form of governance. Legislators are owned.

    Science has been totally corrupted. Almost all science research is funded the biggs which also own the regulators. Big corporations now own the science. Science journals make it very difficult to publish papers that disagree with the establishment narrative.

    Isn’t it interesting how we’re having all this massive inflation yet the velocity of money is at record lows? Could it be that all the trillions of new dollars created are only going to the few not the many? That does not sound like a fair and stable economy.

    It’s always been this way in history with a brief interruption of democracy in a few places like the USA. Now the neo-feudalism is back and will be complete with the issuance of the CBDC (central bank digital currency). These tokens could have expiration dates and possibly fluctuating value and be linked to a social score. Maybe it’s still not too late for the people to stop this.

    • We must stop that or we’ll have to use something else as money. Expiring money is just scrip, and I’ll never have a decent social credit score. It’s anathema to freedom.

      DIY science! Read the Rxiv preprint sites. Read widely and often. Think for yourself from first principles. It may get you in trouble, but at least you’re living your own life.

  13. Re: Broken Country Fix-It Plans

    George and Contributors,

    Thank you for another practical PN episode template fixing world problems one drop at a time.

    Perhaps others have also today received Mr. Gate’s “Notes” which outline his strategies to most quickly resolve Wordle puzzles. The game is owned by the NYT Co. whose class A voting have remained in the same American family originally from Bavaria since 1896.

    Well, that’s “all the news that’s fit to print” today. Let’s do it again tomorrow.


  14. Easy way to fix what ails (OUR?) country:

    List all members of Congress (A)
    List non inherited wealthiest in our society (B)

    Replace list (A) with (B) to do a public service
    by meeting 1 day of the month to exchange ideas.

    Outlaw deficit financing for whatever reason!!!!!

  15. Re: Financializing Government

    The Pennsylvania virus seems to be mutating. Quebec apparently will be giving $500 to anyone earning less than $100k. Here in Manitoba, a just-announced handout has been made. Seniors on less than $40k will receive $300. Families earning less than $175k AND with 1 child at home get $250. Those with 2 children at home get $450.

    I qualify for a $0.00 handout. My pro-rate on the $87 million bill total is in the mail?

  16. The water chemist’s article is excellent! His suggested solution to Africa’s water problem — “Release and empower the women and educate the children” — would be the solution to other 3rd-world problems also. In particular, it could solve the overpopulation problem (if there really is one). The reproduction rate of 1st-world countries is below the replacement rate, which can be attributed to the fact that 1st-world women acquired the right to do something with their lives other than breed. Traditionally, only men had a wide range of occupations, but when given the chance to likewise have choices, women [mostly western] opted to either have no children or have fewer children, thereby giving themselves the time and energy to devote to using their other talents. Some consider this selfish of them, but it makes no sense that half of humanity should not be allowed to make use of their non-breeding skills, while the other half is free to develop and experiment with multiple skills, often multiple times in their lives.

    The depopulationists/globalists must be total hypocrites to not see, or pretend not to see, that empowering women is the best and most ethical solution. A good education for children would also be required, provided that it includes educating both boys and girls in a way that allows both to understand and appreciate that the female of the species is capable of more than breeding. Instead, the depopulation crowd resorts to criminal and immoral methods to curb population growth, such as covertly sterilizing African girls and releasing killer diseases and vaccines. What they really want is control, and empowering women is contrary to that agenda. One of my darker thoughts on this matter is that their envisioned role for women is as robotic incubators and sex slaves, leaving all of them in an even worse position than some are in right now.

    End of “rant of the day.”

  17. another thing that helps tomatoes with fruiting is to cut their water. not all of it, just water them less. If they are constantly wet and happy, they will just keep growing foliage. gotta stress ’em out a bit.

    • “The Climate Change Denial Myth is busted !!”

      Climate change has always been a regular cycle.. the big issue isn’t if there is climate change.. we have known that there has for over a hundred years.. well lets go back even further.. to the days when the sahara dessert was green and lush.. or egypt and the fall of the empire etc.. the last ice age.. it is real.. the big changes that can be made.. ( not for our lifetimes but for our childrends) is to greenscape our cities.. quit going for profit and go for security of the grid.. by building a power tree.. solar towers starting at the furthest point from the power plants and working back.. then put leaves on the tree by offering a freeze to price increases to any homes willing to put up small solar..
      BIG wind.. sure they are impressive as heck to see a big wind turbine in a mobile home on top of a huge tower.. but the changes that need to be made in infrastructure etc.. could get over nine thousand percent more power output by taking the same money and putting a small solar on every home in the state and save money.. where they want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars and then keep it all clustered the furthest points away from the places that it will fail.. so small wind.. what scandinavian country did that.. they didn”t have room for more coal fired power plants.. so they put small solar and small wind on any home that wanted one.. the cost was less and they stabilized their power grid..
      more for less.. the solar power .. dam I want to see one built in my lifetime.. the way I see it.. the energy is there.. we are just waiting money on nothing..
      concrete and asphalt.. the big debate is.. IS MAN THE CAUSE AND WE SHOULD TAX THAT MAN for his carbon use.. excuse me.. everything has a cause and affect.. man is part of the equation so yes he does have some affect.. but he is not the cause of the regular cycle.. his presence just speeds it up a little bit.. and the fact that making the changes that will affect those fifty to a hundred years down the line are not a factor in the present business model..
      I am reading a book right now about the fall of the egyption empire.. good book read it before.. just a re read of a good book.. that I have on a NEW ebook reader.. oh my god.. I can not express how grateful I am for that unexpected gift.. heck I didn’t even download any of the books on my dead ebook reader yet and alexa took over and downloaded a few over five thousand I have sitting in the cloud on my libraries.( well they are not all downloaded but access to them has been put on the system to open and read) . amazing piece of equipment.. and I can download right from the LOC to with it right now I use a victor reader for the LOC books.. this will make it so much easier… phew.. what a blessing I cannot ever express my gratitude for this xmas in august… and getting a lot of use out of that .. amazing..

      • Oh.. a carbon tax is not needed it is just another factor to the greed business model of the few in power.. and printing more money is a waste of time and energy.. heck they didn’t do anything with the first six years of budget they printed up and the IRS is still six months behind on processing returns.. for last year.. you still can’t ge ahold of anyone in social security.. covid 19 you know.. and congress is out on recess.. In my opinion the only rock they have is between their ears..

    • Not so fast @c

      It is not very good science to pick a couple of dates like 2014 and 2022 to say the climate change denial is busted. The above article is very long and few will read it all but it is an excellent data driven analysis on the real science of global climate change for hundreds of years. The only common thread is the huge ball of fire 93 million miles away from earth that has been here since day 1.

      Most of us would agree that moving toward a world less dependent on fossil fuels is a good thing for many reasons. Like George, I think hybrid vehicles are a good stepping stone. What California is mandating however in the next few years is suicide. Forging ahead with eyes wide shut.

      One final point, I am going to sit up and take a little more interest in man made climate change when the elite masters quit flying around the world in their private jets telling the working class to buy a $60,000 EV to save the planet.

    • here is one of my favorite newspapers.. love those guys…
      have known quite a few that live on the ice.. well temporarily anyway.. they go down do their work then come home before winter sets in..
      I can tell you from visiting with the researchers first hand.. that they have the same opinion that I do for the most part.. it is a natural cycle.. we as humans just have to adapt and the present business model doesn’t allow it.. they want whats most important of all…pieces of paper.. and numbers on a screen ..
      Now the big question.. what did they find in the ice…. they won’t tell me LOL LOL LOL.. I have my suspicions though..

  18. LOL… well my grandson is so proud.. at recess.. (not the kind that congress takes.. ) he found some pretty rocks.. had to show them to me.. LOL LOL.. so for his mom and dad we are going to toss them in the tumble stones and get them all polished up nice.. then make a keychain and a necklace..
    LOL.. He keeps asking me how my rose quartz got polished.. so it is time.. grandpa’s garage is back in business.. got them working on the planter to send to George to show the idea of mine for hydroponics..
    the only thing is.. I don’t have the clear bags so I will use disposable cups.. the idea is to keep each separate.. yet together.. on the juvinile stage of growth.. use but clear and with a quarter turn twist lock.. then an expansion spring to instert with the end piece for the light bar.. the bags can be compacted back up and reused.. but will give them isolation..
    and quick connect hose fittings for the nutrient line.. I will just have a plug in it so that a water bottle with a quarter inch hole in it can feed the plants..
    the light bar is simple and easy.. my idea is one that slips over the top.. and also works as a setting for the next row of plants.. a garden big enough to feed a small family should be able to fit in a space four foot by five foot..
    I originally got this idea for the small space plants from a vietnamese family.. I had rented a garden spot.. and have since the seventies thought about greenscaping.. anyway .. I rented this big garden spot.. and a group of vietnamese families rented the spot next to me.. each family had a four foot by four foot space.. and what they grew on that small square was by all people phenominal… I have experimented with a three foot by three foot space and can get seventy two plants out of that small area.. anyway I am digressing into my age old rant of greenscaping cities..

  19. Re: so vlad they have this time together.

    “The Daily Mail” has noted aging eco-warrior Leonard DiCaprio has parted ways with his just-turned 25 years old arm candy gf in time to appear on a luxury St. Tropez yacht with a 22 year old “Russian model”, Maria Beregova of reticent lineage. Please reset the 3 year clock counter. This new young lady had completed a divorce agreement with her Monaco domiciled spouse who was a grandson of the Libyan dictator Ghadafi. It’s unknown whether his brother remains married to the daughter of a former Putin insider, but now more commonly pigeonholed as the Ukraine’s 24th richest person. Anyhow Ms. Beregova appears to curate an Instagram account allowing the peasantry to follow her gracing private jet travel and opulent accommodations. If ever there should be little DiCaprios springing from such blissful liason, the Godfather’s name has been unspoken.

    Alright, that’s all the time we have for the Hollywood royalty watch, but do stay beside the wireless. DJ Ure is sending a Fab Four shoutout to titanic relics in the south of France with
    “When I’m 64”.

  20. “Benchmarks – like “any program delivering less than 70 percent of aid to end users” is immediately terminated. ”

    Good luck with that. Everyone who’s not done the research would be unpleasantly surprised at how few “charitable organizations” deliver more than 70% of their intake to their alleged beneficiaries (and how many deliver less than 20%).

    • And this gets presactly to my point, Ray. There should be a “progressive tax” on sham non-progits (thinking Clinton Foundation, lol). To where tax avoidance is only available is 70% of income is outgo as promised/represented.

      Too many times, the non-profits turn from delivery of services to a fund-raising organization – which was not the intent. My back of the envelope says 70 percent of non-profits do not pass through even 50 percent – which would give that 8-million new IRS agents something real to do. No foundations, not relatives employed by any of them and a few other simple rules to clean out the trash.

    • I knew a guy that took donations for charitable organizations.. what he had to kick out.. was one one hundredth of a cent per dollar.. for every two hundred bucks.. he donated two cents..
      well that is my two cents worth.. LOL.. the ones that I do donate to.. is the salvation army..
      there are others that claim .. not a penny to any of the big ones.. and the one that everyone loved had the ceo and exects buying planes and condo’s..

      • I did Salvation Army until they went woke. The Salvation Army’s donations passthrough was 97% the last time I researched it (~10 years ago) and it was one of only 3-4 charities which were above 90%.

      • My bestie was affiliated with the local PAL Club for a number of years. Among other things, he did outside fundraising for them. One year, he hired a service to do phone solicitations. He told me the PAL Club got 10% of the proceeds, the other 90% being “overhead” for the telemarketers and their supervisory hierarchy. After a huge “WTF?” from me, he explained that the service he went with was the only one which promised a passthrough of more than 3%.

        I have never given a damn’ dime to a phone solicitor, since.

  21. “all governmental entities should be subject to “Recall Elections.”

    A repeal of the 17th Amendment would be a good start. The reason Senators were appointed by each State’s legislature was the Senate was designed to be the representative of each State’s Legislature, not each State’s population. When Senators were appointed by Legislature, they were actually subject to instant recall at any time.

  22. I meandered by $WMT today and the 24oz cans of beef are now 10 cents more valuable than last week. $9.98 up from $9.88.

    Hocus-pocus is expensive.

    Recall the beginning of Summer liquidation sales. And about 3 weeks ago gasoline prices bottoming. Beef ‘sales’ right now because the American herd is being scalped.

    Looking at the German hyperinflation chart as a guide we may have just passed Summer 1920.

    We’re lucky to be alive during this historic event.

    From Wiki:

  23. “Would it be good to bring back industrial and Agricultural teaching in American schools, too?”

    To do this, a regulatory authority (unfortunately, probably the government) would have to limit liability claims against schools and teachers. One of the main reasons I hear for schools disposing of their automotive / metal / wood / electric shop equipment and discontinuing the shop classes is the obscene amount of money a school must pay for liability insurance to cover their butts in case a machine capable of killing, dismembering, or disfiguring a student, actually does.

  24. “As evident in our reader’s remarks, as well, the problems arise when people are set apart from the people they (at least in theory) report to.”

    What has made Trump so incredibly popular amongst the blue collar crowd is he had to be one of them, before he could be the magnate. I know he hasn’t driven a dozer or crane, or a dump truck in over 40 years, but he DID do so at one time, and it shows.

    You can take the most starry-eyed freshman Congressman, and within 5-6 terms, (s)he will have forgotten every experience they’ve ever had, except the ones which might be used to garner votes. Celebrities are the same. One reason everyone loves Dolly Parton is she’s one of very few celebs who remembers what, and where she’s from.

    • “What has made Trump so incredibly popular amongst the blue collar crowd is he had to be one of them, before he could be the magnate. ”

      AMEN… and during his inaugural ball.. he went around and thanked everyone working the floor.. he asked their opinion.. one announcer on the MSM news network said who had ever heard of something like that ever happening. Usually the help is considered the help..
      when I read about his companies.. I read stories about him buying homes for veterans ( on the down low ) and giving children a ride to get life saving surgeries done.. and then paying the bills.. and accomodations.. and how every single employee felt he was there for them if they needed an ear.. that was and is unheard of in the business of me alone world.. their insurance offered the best you can get..
      all real old school treatments of the workers that is rarely seen today .. the one negative I read.. with a disgruntled employee. when he found out about it.. the executive staff was removed from their positions.. the guy went back to work for him.. etc.. every employee gets a meal.. ( he was hungry at one point)
      is he a braggart.. you betcha.. is he a narcissist.. yup again.. but he has a heart and the concern was for the people..
      Now from what I read and all the indicators of another administration is that if it isn’t f@@kable then it isn’t worth the time and energy to deal with it.

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