Betting on Future Weekend: A Wager Window Wander

As gamblers and adventurers, most of us go through Life with a storyline and plot holding our course for us.  While the id and ego fill-in with a heroic personality.  Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes not.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the relationship between Humans and Physics.  The latter is where pseudo-randomness occurs while the former is trying to “understand it all.”  Which gives rise to Religions, Superstitions, Cults, and Charlatans.  Plus, or minus, a soft world government orchestrating God-knows-what besides taxes, movement restriction, and pedophilia.

The Gambler’s Dilemma

Decades ago, in the midst of a world-class divorce which cost me a million – I stumbled into a simple coping mechanism.  I’d pretend that every day when I woke up, I was being escorted onto the scariest ever E Ticket Ride at Disney.  Something that would make Space Mountain look tame.

Because Life is a lot like that.  We’re “on for the ride” – have no idea where we get off, and to some degree (50 percent?) the outcome is only partially under our control.

I’ve begun to wonder of late whether exerting control greater than 50 percent constitutes a “winning Life” when the LRE (*life review experience, commonly reported by near-death experiencers) in The End, shows up.  We all get to find out. Judge for yourself.

Which has what to do with economics, markets, and squeezing a good life out of Turd Planet?

Here, too, we’re stumbling into walls a lot.  But metaphors and allegories are useful as hell.  Everything to Parables to Masonic plays and Plato in the cave with Glaucon.

The role of such psychological supports is they are onboard directional indicators.  They serve like the “continuation algos” in GPS.  That will – for a short time, anyway, keep us “on course” when “signal” has been lost.  Values matter hugely.

Signal Recovery

Humans lose their way every night.  When you go to sleep, you can’t prove that the waking world you woke up in the next day is the same that you dozed off from the night before.  Yet, on waking, we go through ritual and discovery to help reassure ourselves that – identical to GPS – we are still in the same (general) location, and we can keep-on keeping on into the New Day ahead.

Which is where this morning’s metaphor springs from.  As long as the specific Bets placed in previous waking days look about the same, we will go through another well-bounded day being “role fillers” and “cued Actors” in the Cosmic drama of Universe.

The very limited role of UrbanSurvival in all this is to point out specific features on today’s E Ticket Ride and raise questions or point out important details and scenes that may be missed in the careening ride through Life.

Good with that?

Surveying The Park

For our Amusement: We can make useful plans by simply taking a look at the Reality Park we’re sharing.  In this one:

  • Our Economy is still in the economic ICU because of corruption and Covid; we hope you see the differential gradients.
  • Worse is that Covid began The Great Quitting.  Where people by the millions have renounced commuting in favor of work from home and in the process have destroyed commercial real estate.
  • Serial arrests and trials of all manner (arising from both crooked “Parties”) tell us our choicing of Leadership sucks.
  • And markets inform us that most of our financial decisions are based on financial absurdity.

This last is laughable to the extreme.  Imagine, if you can, a time traveler going back to 1946 – right after World War II and proclaiming “In the Future we will invest in money itself.”  Get the straight jacket.  Investments can (or, at least shouldn’t be) piled on top of one another to compound gains.  Why, that’d be a Ponzi scheme.  Yet here we are in present – swimming in ’em.

Just delightful, ain’t it?

Now, into the Casino

The “machines” with the highest payoffs this weekend include the following:

  1. Taiwan:  Weather in that part of the world is good for invasion this month.  And look at the news flow related to it:  The Trouble With Taiwan – is worth a read.  The Hill has been wondering Is war in Taiwan inevitable? It depends on whom you ask… And here come the partisans, driven forward by government agendas and God knows what else: Former NBA star Howard stirs Chinese anger by calling Taiwan a country | Reuters.  The Payoff Table on this one is high.  Win and we may contain our successor Global Empire Builder for a while longer.  Lose and we collapse supply chains, set up massive shortages but long-term return to our resilient roots.  How you “score the jackpot” here depends on your Age.
  2. Ukraine:  The payoff table on this one is high, too.  If the West wins, the European Union – a kind of globalist good-old-boy club – will have an opportunity to wrangle more countries into its ranks.  This increases revenue which, in turn, makes the EU look like something other than the yesterday’s news and global power that it really is.  Russia looks at the war as existentialist in nature, so Vlad Putin has set up a line of trip wires and red lines not to cross or he will go nuclear.  Tensions are high as Ukraine promotes Remembering first fallen US volunteer fighter buried in Ukraine ( which tells Russia (and argues for world opinion) that any U.S. forces in-theater are volunteers, not “officially warring.”  Putin, though, says launching of depleted uranium into his country will unbind his restraint on use of fissile materials coming West.  While the wheels of this machine spin into the weekend, the Arms Shipments are speeding up.  With predictable blow-back: Russia Threatens to Destroy U.K. for Giving Ukraine Storm Shadow Missiles (  Fact is, a lot of arms are going “elsewhere” (which should scare hell out of Israel because violent Middle Eastern groups are on the “getting” end.  However, Ukraine’s selling the “We’re doing our best” in Ukraine’s Dogged Effort to Get Weapons to the Battlefield, Not the Black Market.  All guns and money, though: US ambassador accuses South Africa of providing Russia weapons, ammo ( And the wheels go round-and-round, into the weekend.  Meantime, though, the drums beat for “War!” Russia denies reports of Ukraine breakthrough ahead of counteroffensive.  Countdown to tactical is still on and even more so since we’ve had radiation sensors in for a month now to see which reactor birthed fire when its unleashed.
  3. Commercial Real Estate is Dead.  Co-victims of Covid will be the banks, insurance companies, and other long-term players who will be stiffed as insolvency must – eventually – come to light.  But the wheels haven’t stopped yet, so train-spotting is the day game on this one:  Where the Highest Levels of CRE Distress Are Right Now | GlobeSt. Along with another “spotter report” in Which cities have the emptiest office buildings? It’s not New York or San Francisco… Our Houston Bureau reports (spoiler alert) that places like Houston and Dallas are hardest hit.  But that’s as much to do with the Buy’ed ’em foxtrot-uniform energy polices striking the heartland.  The Wall Street Journal is leading the chorus whistling in the graveyard on this: Stop Equating the Latest Bank Failures to the 2008 Crisis.  Strangely, my consigliere actually agrees.  “The REAL comparison will be to the early late 80’s into 1990s banking debacle.  Which wiped out most of the banks in Texas, and virtually ALL the S&Ls.  People just don’t read their economic history on the late S&L Collapse.”  No doubt, he will be correct.  That’s why he gets a monumental retainer.
  4. Corruption Goes Partisan:  Speaking of which, my consigliere will NOT be volunteering his expertise pro bono to the Santos case. “Yes I’m admitted to the Federal Bar but not a case I’d touch.”   That’s the wheel-spinner where Rep. George Santos Skewered As ‘A Disgrace’ In Democratic Challenger Ad.He’s a poster child for the rest on the Hill, panned our advisor. We trust the GOP ad with Hunter Biden on the rotisserie will be along momentarily.  Huddled around this machine we see the World Liar Finals playing out, too: Ex-CIA Director John Brennan testifies before House weaponization panel (  Inspecting the machine’s cartoonlike face, we notice it looks like a crowd of Pinocchio’s.

We could go on all day with this line of contexting.  Point is, living life is always a gamble – usually a good one.  But, this weekend, we have a lot that can go wrong ahead of Monday.  If there’s a lesson from gambling, it all comes down to “Don’t.”

OK, So You Don’t Listen…

Some balance of trade minutia was just dropped.  Don’t mean a hill of beans.  The wheels will keep spinning:

“Prices for U.S. imports increased 0.4 percent in April following a 0.8-percent decline in March, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Higher fuel prices drove the advance in April. The price index for U.S. exports rose 0.2 percent in April, after declining 0.6 percent the previous month.


U.S. import prices advanced 0.4 percent in April, the first monthly increase since December 2022. Despite the April rise, the price index for U.S. imports declined over the past year, falling 4.8 percent on a 12-month basis for the second consecutive month. Those were the largest over-the-year drops since the index decreased 6.3 percent in May 2020.


U.S. export prices increased 0.2 percent in April, after declining 0.6 percent the previous month. Higher prices for nonagricultural exports and agricultural exports in April each contributed to the overall advance. The price index for U.S. exports fell 5.9 percent from April 2022 to April 2023, the largest over-the-year drop since a 6.7-percent decline in May 2020.

Could you have worked for a Big Six accounting firm?  Imported prices are going up at an annualized 4.9 percent rate.  While export revenues were going up at a rate of 2.42 percent.  Want to tell us how that works out over time, Einstein?

Meanwhile, the BTC level was down into the $26,350 area when we looked.  We’ll spend today in Science Lab watching to see if Lower BTC drives > Lower tangibles like the PGM group which in turn should drive > markets into the shitter by the close.  A good time will be had by all.

Delusionally: BTC Bulls Need Progress on the US Debt Ceiling to Deliver $28,500 (  But wait, says someone in our crowd of “wandering gamblers.” “Isn’t Bitcoin supposed to be INDEPENDENT of Federal monetary screw-ups?”  Well, yes and no.  You need to understand how intermarket arbitrage works and that’s not on the tour this morning.

Still, we can hint at $23,000 (or lower) by the close Monday.  But that, too, would be another wager.  And our wagers are purely for entertainment.

Cutting Room Floor

Some things are outside (but just a bit) of our Gambler’s World in Crisis framework.  Not too far out, though:

Democrats (*and other communists) are holding Social Security hostage, exactly as predicted here.  As if our opinion of Chucky Schemer couldn’t go lower, we noticed Sen. Chuck Schumer warns of “social security shutdown” if U.S. defaults on debt.  Makes us upchuck.

Our “Earthquake Tireds” data and comment quest was right.  In addition to the 7.6 in Tonga (right in the predictive window) we may have just seen a foreshock as 5.5 magnitude earthquake in Northern California knocks out CHP 911 dispatch ( Surely, you ain’t surprised? (“And don’t call me Shirley…”)

The Second Mexican-American War resumes today, With Joe Biden Officiating as Title 42 restrictions end and the Invasion resumes. What is Title 42? US Covid-19 asylum policy explained.  We have already lost this border war – one reason we told friends long ago “You don’t want to buy property within 500 miles of the border, no matter what.

Are we the only ones who remember 26-time Epstein traveler Bill Clinton screwed the country and border back in his term? The President’s News Conference With President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico.  Where NAFTA and Border 21 were advertised in advance? Where the Mexican prez (at the time) said:

“We have spoken about our border, and we agreed to work to make it clean and safe and to make it an opportunity for productive activities and well-being. This is the intention of the Frontera Veinte-Uno program or the Border 21 program between our nations.”

Democrats, in intervening years, have pretty well shoved Border 21 down the memory hole. But websites like echo the warning of “botched borders over time” to all who will listen/read.  Which is damn few children since the Greatest Generation has mostly checked out as these half-assed pansies of Wokeness and Correctitude showed up dancing the Marxist jig. Turning once Fortress America into the United States of Victims.  (“Now, where’s my money?”)

Naw – maybe that’s enough “hard reality” for one week. Except to say anyone stupid enough to confuse “equity” scamming with “Equality” shouldn’t be a citizen.

More on the Peoplenomics side tomorrow.  Enjoy the casino and have a few free drinks.  Dulls the pain of our failing Reality.

Write when you get rich,

66 thoughts on “Betting on Future Weekend: A Wager Window Wander”

  1. The Ride:

    It’s Friday so we (the Royal We) lean towards the upside. But every market day is a carnival with only E-ticket rides. Buckle up, keep your seat in the full upright position with the tray table stowed. Big books are already in Hamptons traffic, small fish run small specs trying to be a hero but, they have limits imposed. Then, SoC (sell on close) to square books -or- ride the tiger?

    SPX is in channel 4050 to 4195. A break, if any, will likely be due to an extraneous event. All eyes remain on PACW though the power brokers want you to miss the fells huddled behind the curtain. The KRE is still bleeding and there’s understanding this won’t end soon. Thanks JayPow! Note: this is the pain part spoken aloud. Enjoy (not).

    I continue watching the Egor (TM) tire-indicator. Bought tires lately? Injest DiGel in advance. I run a big SUV and buy pairs. Young kid says $641. Me: I don’t need 6. Him: that’s for 2. Me: sigh, OK. People are running on the emergency doughnut (meant to get you to the tire store, no more). Look around in parking lots and on the road. Bad tires are hard cheese.

    And, we’re off!

  2. Years ago, back in Connecticut, we used to routinely buy a big (gallon) glass jug of something like cheap chianti, which was named, “Roma,” and was Italian “Vin Ordinaire.” VERY “ordinaire,” as it was — but pretty damn good for a daily resveratrol boost, plus some “warm & fuzzy” goodfeel. It was amazingly cheap — somewhere around three dollars for the big jug. We loved it.

    When we moved (retired) to North Carolina some ten years ago, we could not find it here, but we kept calm and carried on.

    The other day you (G) mentioned Paisano, and Lo and behold , we found some, now armed with the name. If it isn’t the Same Thing, it’s very, very damn close.

    Intel well worth the price of a subscription all by itself.

    Precious knowledge.

    (Borders, Nuclear War, EMP, Pestilence, Gun Confiscation, Financial Ruin, Civil War, Election Fraud — all ephemeral distractions. Gimme my Dago Red, and I’m a happy guy.)

    Screw it all. Everybody have a good weekend.

    – 73 –

    • You guys got dem dago tires down there in NC, as well ?

      You know the ones, when flat they go wopwopwop. : )

        • well I saw that moutain lion the other night. about 20 feet from me. a guy who had a run in with it before quit his job the next day. scared the hell out of him. it’s a BIG one. about 170 to 180lbs, about 7 to 8 feet long. that is a Big Kitty.

          fellas at work said we’re ya scared? I said I kinda want to fight it. they said you want to fight the mountain Lion?

          wait for it….wait for it…

          I said yeah. I kinda do. I’ve never fought a mountain Lion before but I have choked a few cougars.

          (rim shot!)

      • Anyone (and everyone) who knows me, knows how I stand on issues such as you slyly imply. All others can go piss up a rope.

        I am T*I*R*E*D of this BULLSHIT, and will brook no more of it with a weak and apologetic smile.

        Apply somewhere for a sense of humor while there’s still time. (…and don’t cite me as a reference.)

    • Ever drink “Spanada”. Big bottle with a old galleon. Hell, could’ve been a gallon!
      We’re about 80 miles N of the CA/MX border and are on watch for additional wetbacks. Here’s hoping they won’t come in this direction since it leads to “el deserta”.

    • My fav is when Don Juan teaches him “not doing”. Amazingly, I’ve VERY good at that!!! Fleetwood Mac’s “Hypnotized” is great while reading that book!
      Hey George, have you ever thought about doing something like CFP’s “Champagne Room” on weekends? You and Elaine could host it, kinda like a 1 hour version. Might be a fun experiment! You could tie in your HAM abilities!

  3. To ahead pedo joe , shut off social security and welfare. The 13% will burn it to the ground, just saying.

    • Turn off Benefits and get Take the pledge?

      (Go for it…I haven’t registered the domain yet)

      Screw it – I just registered “” and

      Ya’ll in with me on this?

      • NOW you need a Twit and a Truth account, to popularize that website with the political-types…

  4. Well., they changed the name of Ft Benning., and about to change the name of Ft Bragg.., Ft Hood was also renamed, along with Ft Lee.
    Spent a few long & hard months at Benning and then Bragg. I guess the times, they are a changin’. For the better ?

        • Max Klinger (Jamie Farr), frequently cross-dressed as a prop-comedy device.

          Fixed that for you.

          M*A*S*H was a sitcom, not a war movie or series. Scripts are not real life. The only thing authentic about Klinger is that Jamie Farr really was born in Toledo.

    • Used to be the mere uttering of an installation’s name invoked a deep emotional response because of the memories we gained living and working there. Or of the Navy veterans who wear ballcaps with the names of their favorite sea duty ships.

      Now, for political correctness, the government is washing away the memories of its veterans everywhere. Not good.

      Wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes a rally call in ’24.

        • Love it!

          In the good old olden days of yore, when I clicked on a link here – it popped up to another tab, now it writes over your website; is that something you can control or is it my responsibility?

      • If’fn I were a 17yo talking to a recruiting sergeant, I would have serious fear & loathing about signing on the dotted line, only to be sent away to Camp George Floyd…

  5. Re: Ukraine Contra
    feat. wheat amongst chaff


    “Deutche Welle” published a report which shines a bit of light on the Black Sea Grain Deal from a Ukrainian farmers’ perspective. The Ukraine farmers’ efforts to claw back the Grain Deal middlemen cut via an Eastern Europe farmers market ‘stand’ appears to have failed. Players at the big table have other ideas.

    Let’s join DJ George turning up the heat on a great weekend ahead. Sit back, relax, and let the dough rise. Sonic bread is in the oven for the masses as DJG brings us around the Dark Side of the Moon for a 50th anniversary week look at that Pink Floyd gem –

  6. “US Debt Ceiling”

    I was listening to one of the radios guys a few nights ago. But maybe weeks as time flies. He was complaining about inflation then went into being pro bank bailout. No use trying to call in. Just a reminder as to why I rarely listen.

    • There is nothing wrong with the banks. They failed because of a lack of foresight by the government to see the effects of its policies. Uncle Sam created the problem. Uncle Sam is trying to fix the problem. Unfortunately, the damage is done.

      Maybe the solution is for all the billionaire companies and people who are flush with cash (dark pools) reinvesting their (stagnant) hoards of money into the financial sector, creating reserves at banks that can be used to back up the T notes… It’s probably what the mega banks are doing (drug deals and mafia terms).

  7. Ye of little Faith,

    Why so glum Chum, BTC is in a Short term Low..key terms- Short term.

    I expec the bottom to be in on Sunday/Monday at around $25,000 – $24,500, if we havent bottomed already. I would be a buyer at this level..buybuybuybuy..

    ..Threatening to wipe Taiwan of the face of the Earth does not seem to be a good base for further market the contrary.

    Chances of the US military actually hitting a chip factory with a missile is slim to NONE.

    The us military is a fucking DISGRACE.

    I disavow my service history currently – a total and complete DISGRACE.

    I would rather the Jan 6th protestors fight for USA than current “woke” joke forces.

    Seems currently there are quite a few strong candidates here on board UrbSurv that would be guaranteed positions inside this Idiocracy. All you all anti bitcoiners got what it takes to succeed in this administration – 2 brain cells is lost and the other one is out looking for the first..

    Yeah I know – risky being a truth teller in an age of deception and deceptacons.. Speaking of truth tellers – the King hisself is debating alex epstein on fossil fuels at univ Colo. on Oct 21, 2019- prior to covert19. They talk vaxxes during this debate as well, with our next President being anti vax…very interesting, enjoy-

    Got Viratracide ?

    • Being one of the number of guys who had a tiny, distant, derrivative, secondary, and near-insignificant role in developing certain articles, I assure you if we ever had the desire and the belly to put 500 pounds of high explosive into ANYBODY’S bedroom window, ANYWHERE on the planet, that we could do so within a quite short time after a Real Decision.

      • FOS WRR, FOS – we never been able to do that with current missile tech, let alone fins on bombs, while a neat trick Russians adapted recently to clear out old bomb inventory. Still aint accurate enough for window targeting when opposing forces are as strong as Ruskies EWS. Iraq was a mirage, Trashganistan a dirty joke, the kraine w/Azov’s – that is TheReal deal hardened fighters – WAR.

        See Trump launching on Syria during state dinner wit Xi .. didnt hit shit.

        But dont take my word for the failing military, failing tech..

        Guess havent seen the vids & reports of Russians turning/redirecting HIMARS projectiles back onto the nazi’s yet?

        13 years to replace scheisse that dont work as advertised/paid for. At least not working very well in ukraine. US miltary/nato might as well just drop bags of money on top of those terrible Russian orcs.


        Having the character of a traitor; disloyal synonym: faithless.Constituting treason.Guilty of treason; treacherous; perfidious; faithless.

  8. The ads here are getting weird. Something from Temu looks like a sex doll, but when I click on it, I get a message that the site can’t be reached. I’m not used to seeing ads at all, but perhaps that’s what’s selling these days.

  9. Question for the “more informed”:

    So when a new recruit goes off to Basic Training these days are the dresses and (clunky style) high heels an “Option” … or are they “Mandatory”?

    (I have to assume that the same clothing offered to the female recruits is now offered to the male recruits, at least as an “option”)

    • That’s adorable… You think the Services are still able to recruit soldiers & sailors.

      Would YOU sign up to go fight for Creepy Joe Bribem and Thoroughly Modern Milley?

    • Have you ever seen a male walk in high heel shoes? Break out the stilettos, the Chinese army (all males in army boots) will die of laughter. No need to shoot at them.

  10. EQ Watch Alert for those in Feather River and Sacramento River Valley

    Yesterday afternoon a 5.5 EQ hit UNDER Lake Almanor, which is up the Feather River from Oroville Lake and Dam. Then another large one, 5.2, hit under Lake Almanor in the middle of the night. BOTH of those quakes were very shallow, about 1 mile underground. A fair number of aftershocks have been occuring since those two quakes.

    The importance of this is NOT the size of the quake but “IF” they have affected the structural integrity of the early 1900’s dam which olds back Lake Almanor (it is high up in the Sierra’s at about 4500′) and the risk of a yet BIGGER quake hitting in that same area. Lake Almanor is currently holding back almost 1 million acre feet of water and is 6′ below it’s “full” level (where it holds about 1.15+- million acre feet of water. (a similar size quake to the 5.5+- hit under the dam back in the 1980’s, I believe it was, and everything was fine)

    The BIG question is really are those FORESHOCKS … or were they the MAIN shocks?

    Downstream, down the very narrow Feather River Gorge, is Oroville Dam (tallest dam in North America) and Lake which currently only has about 300,000 acre feet of water storage left available (full pool is about 3.5 millin acre feet). A full failure of the the Almanor dam complex would overwhelm the nearly full Oroville Lake (dam and dike system) and could cause the failure of at least the dike portion of that complex resulting in a couple of million acre feet of water spilling very suddenly in a non controlled release down into the Sacramento River valley.

    In 2017 when the Oroville Lake dike nearly failed (lake was full) downstream towns had to be evacuated on short notice in the middle of the night … and it was a “cluster fuck” to say the least.

    There is NO indication that the Lake Almanor Dam and Dike system are in any way currently compromised by the quakes of the last 24 hours, BUT if a BIGGIE quake “would” hit that dam and dike system then anyone downstream on either the Feather River or the upper and middle sections of the Sacramento River should pay close attention as to the situation as it develops.,-121.73126&extent=40.61812,-120.19318

    • Updated depth from USGS: both quakes were down at the 5.5+- km range, NOT the 1.5+- km range first reported.

      Hopefully this EQ map from the USGS stays centered on Lake Almanor so you can follow the updated quakes and aftershocks. The actual quake list will update everytime you hit the original link … but if you moved the map and hit refresh it will refresh at the new location you moved the map to – (if I understand how this particular map link works):,-121.22349&extent=40.30912,-120.98145

    • Please write and let us know when the water drains out from the lake bottom. that. will be a SNTF moment within 48 hours off doing so.

  11. “Huddled around this machine we see the World Liar Finals playing out, too: Ex-CIA Director John Brennan testifies before House weaponization panel ”

    Lessee, a communist bureaucrat and one of the original Trump-haters — The dude principally-responsible for weaponizing both the FBI and CIA, first against the Senate Intelligence Committee, then later against (candidate) Donald Trump in 2015. D’you suppose Jordan actually learned anything from him…?

  12. When the S&L collapse happened in the late 80’s my father and I had a argument about bailing the Banks out. I was against it he ask why for no rim are reason I said because when I turn 68 it will all collapse around my feet. I bought grounded out in the middle of known were eight years lather, built my house and stated to prepare. Some of my siblings still think I am nuts. The one thing I truly never understood is why every time we were close to collapse we bailed it out. Only to make it worse in the long run. By the way I will turn 68 the end of July 2023 this year.

    • No offence intended but a phrase used to address like-minded friends was “Daggy Boy” back in Australia;1970s. Kind of meant you were on top of situation.
      Have Followed similar to your path in gratitude for my parents that saw the BS in the 60s&70s. I 68 same month this year. Bugging out now.
      Cudos and good luck to your luck Daggy Boy.

  13. George – I just received an email saying that my first post on Urban Survival has been approved. .., ahh, I have posted long before this one. Is your robot out of whack ?

  14. Check what you read.., often. Two stories in my news feed this morning talked about “gold surging in the face of the on-coming recession”.
    – Gold is down $3.90 an ounce.., silver is down over one percent.

  15. The county tax assessors have fired their main salvo at taxpayers and are now under siege. About 1000 angry property owners showed up at an appraisers’ meeting (which is something around here) to try and explain things but only 90 were allowed into the building. Strangely, though, the mayor’s home, a million-plu$ abode, had her taxes go down. Real head scratcher there. The main thing is the land, itself, is what has been boosted while the “improvements” column has mostly remained almost the same. 20% to 30% increases in values are not unusual to see this year. Once the new rates are applied the pain begins and now we’re going to have to protest just about every single portion of our properties. Going to get to know the appraisers really well this year after we have the rest of the houses inspected and documented since the appraisers never actually lay eye on any of them. That hovel of a ranch house we have out there just turned into the Taj Mahal according to those who have eyes but have never seen outside of Google Earth. Worked out really well last year so I hope lightning will strike twice in the same spot.

    • My ag land appraisal almost doubled last year, while the exemption for the homestead went up. Square footage is what gets you on the home appraisal. I have a very small home, which limits the damage. My overall bill decreased somewhat. The appraisal went up some this year, but the real damage was done last year.
      With all the showers we are having, a lot of clover germinated, and the pastures have perked up from the added nitrogen. I will make a few bucks, on paper, but I keep the land for now.

  16. It is a rare, very rare thing to get to see. I have, as many others before me, witnessed spiritual energy over a dying person, and felt the spirit leave the body of a dying person.

    If you can still see this video, at the 1:11 to 1:18 section, you will see the human spirit lift off, and then return to the body inside of the truck.


  17. “Democrats (*and other communists) are holding Social Security hostage, exactly as predicted here. As if our opinion of Chucky Schemer couldn’t go lower, we noticed Sen. Chuck Schumer warns of “social security shutdown” if U.S. defaults on debt. Makes us upchuck.”

    If I were McCarthy, I’d go proactive and shut down everything except SocSec (and Medicare), Military (and ATC, USBP, ICE, etc), VA, debt service, and pensions, and make a huge deal about those being the only things the US Government is obligated to pay. I’m actually not even sure the government is obligated to “maintain the Post roads” any more, since the USPS has been a private company since the 1970s…

  18. Biden kind of reminds me of the Pet Rock. Remember those? You can buy ’em.., you own ’em., sure not worth much and don’t do a damn thing but sit there.

  19. Some one in the US Department of Agriculture is still pushing for all home owners to register their vegetable gardens with the government, or face fines and confiscation. Just baffles the hell out of me that someone would actually think like that.., but then, I am not a liberal / socialist / communist – so I have no real understanding of that mind-set. The illuminated future that they see., is a delusional horror in my eyes.
    .., damn !

  20. “… most of us go through Life with a storyline and plot holding our course for us.”

    Most of us go through Life with a storyline and plot fed to us by OTHERS. It’s when we realize that only you are driving the bus and you hold the power do you find your way out of the infamous Dark Cave. (And the Damned Dark Staters HATE that).

    “Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the relationship between Humans and Physics.”

    Humans are as Quantum as the nearly totally-empty atoms that comprise the movie screen of Life that we foolishly might believe is Reality. But one can spend their entire life hoping that Their Movie is Reality but a movie is always just a movie… even when you refuse to ever stand up and walk out of that theater.

    “I’ve begun to wonder of late whether exerting control greater than 50 percent constitutes a ‘winning Life’ when the LRE (*life review experience, commonly reported by near-death experiencers) in The End, shows up. We all get to find out. Judge for yourself.”

    We have a lot more than 50 percent control. Maybe not 100… but a lot closer to 100 than 50. Why? The Outside (World) is the Inside World (in our heads). In fact, quantum physics has proven that there is NO ‘Outside World’ at all. It all happens inside the dark corners of our brain… at the direction of our soul and spirit. We create the movie in our heads and – once again — can foolishly think that Our Movie is Reality.

    “When you go to sleep, you can’t prove that the waking world you woke up in the next day is the same that you dozed off from the night before.”

    The world you experience is not that same ONE SECOND after you experience it. Everything in the sub-atomic world is flashing in-and-out of existence constantly.

    “For our Amusement: We can make useful plans by simply taking a look at the Reality Park we’re sharing.”

    That is all our supposed Outside World is good for. Amusement. It ain’t real, just like that movie thing again.

    But when we Get To The Other Side we have a good laugh at how wrong we were by treating our current existence as so damn serious. ‘It’s just a Movie…’

    But… some Movies are more enjoyable than others. And you get to be your own Critic… after already being your own Actor, Writer, and Director. And you get to hand out the awards… or not.

    • Synchronicity! I’ve been working on writing my own life script lately, so your comment fits right in. I’d add that we can probably “write” ourselves into a life on a parallel earth–a fun, enjoyable life that doesn’t include the sickos, perverts, and criminals who presently dominate life on this earth.

      • Most people write their own limitations into their own Life Script… and then they live within those confining walls. And they spend their lives blaming others for imposing limitations on them when it was their own self that did it. And they never realize that they themselves erected their prison walls and that they alone can tear them down by writing a New Script.

        As you indicate, there are unlimited Worlds that we can write ourselves in to. That is part of the Quantum nature of humanity… unlimited potentials that collapse down to one perceived Script upon our Observation of it. But one we can also change at will.

        A favorite quote I have come across is for one to ‘Live Fearlessly’ as your authentic self. Best wishes on your courageous quest to create a New Script and Life Dimension.

        • I have spent the majority of my life, trying to convince people the insurmountable walls in their lives are the ones they themselves constructed, in their own minds. From school chums to friends, to, later, my own children — no one listens, no one hears…

  21. thank you.

    okay in a strange series of events.

    earlier today I found myself at the ATM taking out a bunch of cash. and I didn’t know why. then when I got to work.

    I heard that ambulance sound again. this is the third time I heard it. but this time it was REALLY LOUD. really loud. I looked over and a D10 is rolling by me. as it got closer the ambulance sirens got louder and louder. I can barely think they were so loud.

    and that D10 doesn’t have an ambulance siren on it.

    then we go into the saftey meeting and the Forman sta r s talking about if you get tired. it’s okay to park your rig for a while. then goes on about how we had an empty train hit a full train a few years back. at the end of the saftey meeting he says over and over death is immanent. death is immanent.

    I got switched back and forth between ore train #9 and #11.

    and out of the blue I get a phone call tonight from some one i met at the stadiums. hey man where are you? I said driving Ore trains in the valley of Enoch. hey we are doing a show here. come hang out. you can sleep on one of the tour busses if you want.

    in the middle of the phone call he stops and says hold on. hey Noah put that over there. yeah. Noah. over there. thanks man.

    okay. see you tomorrow dude. be good to see ya. I’ve got an all access free pass for you. with your name on it.

    remember the example pass that was at the state basketball championships and hand my Name on it.

    so today, after work, I’m hauling ass out of town to a show miles away and take a nap on a tour bus. which I had no plans of doing when I woke up.

    remember that image of giant sleeping in the dirt with miners with what was Chinese hats and now is cowboy hats.

    I wonder if that is here.

    there is a live volcano under us here. someone was pointing to two peaks and says you know those are active volcanoes that erupted a thousand years ago. they were supposed to erupt again 300 years ago. if they go up. everyone is screwed. that is why this is a valley. we are all on top of their ash from the last time they went off.

    then I open my can of coke and it sprays everywhere like exploded. the other guy laughed. and said like your can of coke.

    one of my little girlfriends messages me, “This is the last of the st Thomas more days… end of an era”

    when i went on Facebook for a brief second. somebody posted,

    now that! that was an earthquake! that is what you call the earthquake of earthquakes.

    I said what are you talking about. oh I don’t know why I posted that. I think my but posted on Facebook. my phone was in my pocket.

    huh. ya don’t say.

    who knows. but I will not be here this weekend. I will be miles away and I had no plans to leave this weekend until later today.

    I will be miles and miles away.

    when I asked if anyone else wanted to go from work. I am the only one not working tomorrow. everyone else is working. weird. the whole thing is a very hmmmmmm moment.

    who knows. could be something really big. or could be nothing. definitely has my attention.

  22. it could mean there will be a size 10 EQ, and massive devastation.




    ore I’m it could mean I’m going to come into a bunch of money and get laid by a hot chick.

    or both.

    ohhhhh how funny. all access badge state basketball championships, ANDY.

    last week I saw the Moon inside the Big Dipper.

    idk. I’m always in the right place at the right time. always.

  23. for me, after my not as expensive as your divorce was but all is all. lol

    I decided I was going to do what I wanted to do. not what everyone else wants to do. what I wanted to do for fun. and Persue God like never before in my life. like the air I breath.

    so far George, that has paid out really really well. really well for me. paid way better than I ever dreamed possible.

  24. you know what I mean George. everyone tells you. you should do this. you should do that. after my divorce, you should get a mediocre looking woman, buy another house and keep grinding at the same job.

    society tells you. commute to work, work, commute home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed. do that 5 days a week, BBQ on the weekend and maybe get a hobby. go to church on Sunday. that is normal. conventional life style.

    I didn’t want to do that. I already did it. it’s not for me.

    I said DUDE, I want to really live. HE said O.K. help people when I put you in a position to help them. and I will take you places you never knew was possible. see things most nobody ever sees. I said deal.

    you know I talk to a friend the other day. she said you are were? I said Star Valley Wyoming. she said you were just in Alaska. the time before that when we talked you were heading back stage at Motley Crue. The time before that you were just at a hippy commune in the Shata Mountains. I can’t keep track of you. hahhaah. I said yeah man. you are not supposed too.

    society tells me, it’s $4200 for single front row seat at the Elton John show. you have to make X amount of dollars to afford that.

    DUDE says, how about you stand front row and I will make them pay you $260 to go to the show? sounds good to me DUDE. let’s go to the Elton John Show. and I did. and I got paid.

    ->> I look at all that stuff going on in the world like the political crap and all that stuff. as “not my circus and not my monkeys”

    because all that political crap, economic doom crap and all that other stuff like transgender shit has no bearing on what I’m doing with my life. it really doesn’t. doesn’t produce one cloud upon the unbelievable beautiful sunset I saw last night. golden sunset. so beautiful. nor does it take away from the herd of Elk that crossed infront of my Ore train nor does it take away one color of the rainbow I saw on the mountain tonight.

    so it’s not my monkeys and it’s not my circus. really.

    someone told once me. you can’t go drive trains, date super models and playboy centerfolds, fly planes and race Lamborghini’s on the race track.

    I said no, you can’t do that.

    I can. and I am doing those things.

    another person said to me (actually alot of people have said this to me) what are you Rich??????? you are doing cool stuff. you must me rich! I got tired of trying to explane it so now,

    I always say, yes! yes! I am.
    I’m super Rich.

    have a wonderful weekend. I know I will. hopefully we don’t have a big EQ. I’d rather it was the or

    • “Society tells you, commute to work, work, commute home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed. do that 5 days a week, BBQ on the weekend and maybe get a hobby. go to church on Sunday. that is normal. conventional life style. I didn’t want to do that. I already did it. it’s not for me.”

      When I got my first real job in NYC, on the first day I was driving from the suburbs toward Manhattan in bumper to bumper traffic, and I thought to myself…

      This is life? This is what people do every day? Ugh.

      Yes Andy

    • Star Valley, Wyo… For the 4th of July in 1978 me and my buddies flew 2 Cessna’s from Orange Cty Airport SNA to the Star Valley. We stayed in the only hotel right on main street on the 2nd floor. Watched the 4th of July parade from the front window… down main street, turn around and retrace the same route. It actually was a good parade!

      Then off to the river to do some fishing. I had never tried fly fishing before, and was given a long bamboo fishing pole. Whipping the line back and forth in graceful arcs over my head was cool to watch. “Hey Scrambles… looks like you got the hang of it!” As I turned my head to answer I lost concentration of the fly rod, and the fly came and smacked me in the head. Lucky for me the straw hat took the hook. I caught something big that day, but the fly line never touched the river water.

      Youth wasted on the young.

  25. EQ random thoughts.

    3.9 and 2.8 “Other Events” registered today along the Aleutian Ridge/Alaskan Peninsula. Volcanic mountain chain runs along the ridge.

    Bermuda sits on the husk of an ancient volcano. 2 EQs of magnitude 4.3 and 4.5 recorded in past few weeks (largest since 2011).

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